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bilalakhtarOh a netsplit!09:03
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thorwilmpt: what do you think about http://www.foopics.com/showfull/c7e1ce704b9de523e51ec5d4a356900312:50
JanCBorchardtthorwil: do you know http://picasaweb.google.com/100804433705878937883/Mockups# – what about them?12:52
thorwilJanCBorchardt: yes, i know them. associates the transport controls more with the track, less with the player. smaller targets, further away from the menu icon12:54
mptthorwil, it reduces the number of visible columns, which is good. The playback control layout is consistent with Rhythmbox and VLC, but inconsistent with Banshee, Totem, Decibel, and Exaile.12:56
thorwilJanCBorchardt: my actual thoughts are http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2010/08/06/ayatana-sound-menu-2/ but here i tried to change only was has chances of being accepted12:56
thorwilmpt: it follows that the control layout is inconsistent between those you listed ...12:57
mptJanCBorchardt, ah, I was trying to find those mockups yesterday12:57
mptthorwil, yes :-)12:57
JanCBorchardtthorwil: ah right, now I remember reading your post12:57
mptadd Listen to the second list12:57
JanCBorchardtmpt, me too ;)12:57
thorwilmpt: there's a DIN/ISO-somthing norm about transport control layout12:58
JanCBorchardtweehu, it‘s aday :)12:58
mptthorwil, seriously?12:58
adayJanCBorchardt: hey :)12:59
thorwilmpt: yes. i might be able to dig  it up, but then again, in a case like this, making play/pause mots easily accessible beats much everything else, i'd say12:59
thorwilwhich is one reason i placed them above track info13:00
adayso what's happening?13:00
mptall righty then13:00
mptIs anyone else here going to UDS?13:01
mptah, of course13:01
thorwili was on the standby-list, so not that of course ;)13:01
mptOf course as in, I should have known that13:02
mptSo there are a few UX-related sessions registered so far13:02
mpthttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-design-n-ayatana-update <- that one's about us13:03
mpthttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-design-n-design-in-open-source <- so is that13:03
mpthttps://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-design-n-community <- that one's about us too13:04
mptProbably there are more coming13:05
godbykOops. Andchat didn't tell me anyone was talking in here. Sorry I'm late.13:06
mpthi godbyk13:06
thorwilbroken link: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-design-n-china13:06
godbykhey, mpt13:06
JanCBorchardtthorwil: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/design-n-china13:06
JanCBorchardtmpt: thanks!13:06
mptI think aday might like to call for help with the HIG now :-)13:06
JanCBorchardtwhat about remote participation? I will not be in Florida13:07
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adaybefore that - i want to ask - which of those sessions are most relevant for gnomey folks?13:08
mptJanCBorchardt, there will almost certainly be streaming audio and IRC for each room. I don't see any details on that at the moment, but subscribe to <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UDS-N> if you haven't already13:08
adayin particular - is the fonts session particularly related to the ubuntu font, or is it more generic than that?13:09
wersmpt, cool. thanks13:09
mptaday, probably the design-n-community and design-in-open-source ones13:09
godbykI won't be at UDS (I'm a poor grad student and wasn't sponsored), but hope to attend some of the sessions remotely again.13:09
mptaday, the font one is about using different fonts and styles in different places, so it may affect GTK.13:09
adaympt: thanks13:09
adayi'll maybe send a mail round to advertise those13:10
JanCBorchardtandreasn: ping ;)13:10
adayso, about the hig - we're trying to get the hig effort back up and running again13:11
JanCBorchardtgodbyk: same here ;)13:11
adayi'm organising a meeting of the interested parties to plan what needs to be done13:11
andreasnJanCBorchardt, sorry, busy requesting a fdo account :)13:11
adayso if anybody is interested in that, let me know when you're available13:12
adayi'm hoping to try and decide on the format and priority content at that meeting13:12
JanCBorchardtandreasn: Ayatana meeting now, just so you know :)13:12
godbykaday: what meeting are you organizing?13:12
wersgodbyk, for the GNOME HIG13:12
adaygodbyk: human interface guidelines 3.013:12
andreasnyes, I know, trying to do 10 things at the same time :)13:12
andreasnsorry for that13:13
godbykAh, gotcha. Yeah, I'd love to attend if I can.13:13
adaysorry, i should have given more background - we're re-writing the HIG :)13:13
godbykaday: I've looked at the pattern library that was started.  I like the idea.13:13
andreasnJanCBorchardt, was it something specific you wanted to ask me?13:13
JanCBorchardtandreasn: no13:14
adaygodbyk: cool. comments and feedback are welcome13:14
andreasnanyway, I'm with you in both soul and flesh now :)13:14
adaywe're going to need help with writing and editing, so if anybody wants to have a go at writing a pattern that would be great13:15
wersand let's figure out how we're going to do it13:16
adaywers: yes, that's the first step13:16
adaywhich we'll hopefully be sorting out soon13:16
adayi'll be updating the gnome usability list - so watch that space if you're interested13:17
JanCBorchardtgodbyk: remote participation for UDS: http://uds.ubuntu.com/participate/remote/13:17
thorwilwhat has been the format for the HIG so far? docbook?13:17
godbykthanks, JanCBorchardt13:18
adaythorwil: depends what you mean by format... but yes, i think it's docbook13:18
adaywe still need to decide on format, so any comments there would be good13:18
wersso that's one action item13:19
werseveryone think of what the format should be13:20
adaypossibilities include: wiki, CMS, mallard...13:20
werslet's report back next week or maybe on the HIG meeting13:20
adaywers: good idea13:20
godbykbtw, did everyone here get their ayatana-ux membership expiration date extended?13:21
mptI extended everyone's this morning13:21
mptexcept people who are leaving anyway13:21
wersI'm not sure if I got the extension13:21
godbykmpt: ah, cool. just checking.13:21
wersnext week, let's have a secretary to write down the minutes then send the minutes to the list and/or post on the wiki13:23
* thorwil is reminded of the supermarket where they would take the meat out of the packaging, turn it around to make it look fresh again, repackage and relable. regarding expiration date13:23
wersit's time to be efficient13:23
thorwilif only i had enough time to be efficient :)13:23
wersI  can be the first secretary. let's take turns13:23
godbykwers: that's easy enough.  though lately, nothing much has been happening at many of the meetings. it's easy to read the 3-4 line exchanges in the logs. :)13:23
wersgodbyk, let's fix that by having a clearly defined agenda13:24
godbykwers: also a good idea.13:24
wersand set the agenda ahead of time13:25
werslet's see now what next week's agenda will be. I found one. it's to report back our thoughts on the HIG13:25
godbykis there anything we should do in preparation for UDS?13:26
mptAdding ideas to the whiteboards of those blueprints would be useful, I think13:26
godbykwers: did you catch mpt's agenda item?13:27
wersgodbyk, nope. what was it?13:27
godbyk<mpt> Adding ideas to the whiteboards of those blueprints would be useful, I think13:27
mptThat wasn't an agenda item, I was just answering godbyk's question13:28
wersooh. ok13:28
JanCBorchardtdoes anyone of you not have access to the ayatana-ux repo on gitorious yet?13:28
mptgodbyk, did you ever get time to write up a user testing template?13:28
mptscript template, I mean13:28
godbykmpt: A user testing template?13:28
mptWe talked about doing that a couple of months back.13:29
godbykoh boy.13:29
godbykI'm going to guess 'no', then. :-)13:29
mptIs it something you'd like to do?13:29
godbykSure.  What kind of user testing?13:29
godbyk(Most of the scripty stuff I have to deal with is related to bureaucratic IRB things like informed consent.)13:30
mptThe sort where you ask someone to try doing something in Ubuntu, and sit and watch them without saying anything13:30
mpt(try doing something specific, I mean)13:30
godbykSo you want some boilerplate 'we're testing the software, not you..' intro type stuff?13:31
godbykGotcha.  Yeah, I can whip up some of that.13:32
mptThank you.13:32
adaygodbyk: dunno whether this is useful: http://live.gnome.org/Pongo/Tutorial13:32
adayi wrote it a while ago... it's not particularly complete13:32
mptThen maybe next week we can discuss how to get people running tests of their own.13:33
godbykaday: cool.13:33
mpt(Canonical's Charline Poirier is busily running a user test of Unity right now.)13:33
godbykmpt: Yeah, it'd be great if we could get people running some of their own tests.13:33
godbykFor a lot of usability testing, you don't need huge sample sizes, etc.13:33
mptAnything else?13:34
godbyknothing's coming to mind.13:36
mptok, thanks everyone13:37
godbykthanks, mpt!13:37
adaysee you next week :)13:38
werstried to write minutes for today. we can use this as a template https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ayatana-UX/Minutes/2010101413:39
mptthorwil, is <http://www.foopics.com/showfull/c7e1ce704b9de523e51ec5d4a3569003> yours, or is it from someone else?13:40
thorwilmpt: mine13:40
mptok, I'm linking to it from the spec13:41
wersI know I missed a lot for today's minutes. feel free to edit the page13:41
thorwilmpt: cool. i will not other bringing it up on the list, then13:41
thorwilbother, even13:41
JanCBorchardtgodbyk: mpt: letting people run their own tests is great. Any way I could help?13:42
godbykIt'd be useful to get some feedback from developers on the idea.13:42
godbykWhat questions do they have about usability testing that we can answer?13:42
godbykWhat information/resources do they need to be able to run their own tests?13:43
JanCBorchardtlike what questions to they have, what problems do _they_ see for them (like decisions)13:43
mptexcellent idea13:43
godbykIn general, how can we help them?13:43
godbykJust writing some generic intro text and tossing it out there won't do much.13:44
mptThe developers would be the users of this process, so research them like any other user research13:44
thorwiltowards a software life-cycle model with integrated globally distributed testing ^^13:44
JanCBorchardtyep, intro text is not the important thing, besides it is already there13:45
godbykYou could also explore the general impressions that developers have about usability testing. What do they think of it? Are they interested in learning how to do it?13:45
godbykaday's pongo testing wiki page is pretty good, really.13:45
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JanCBorchardtgodbyk: when you say "what info do they need to be able to run their own tests?" do you mean developers?13:46
godbykJanCBorchardt: yes.13:46
JanCBorchardtgodbyk: I would definitely _not_ advise having developers test their own apps13:46
JanCBorchardtthey need to be educated about UX and design stuff, but they should not do the tests13:47
JanCBorchardtIt is crucial for testing that you are not biased.13:47
JanCBorchardttesting should definitely be organized by us, as I see it.13:48
godbykI agree about the bias and -- while it's certainly not optimal -- I think that almost any usability testing is better than none at all.13:49
thorwilinner circle user/contributors of projects might be in a good position to do testing13:49
thorwilbeing not immersed in implementation, but having a good link to developers13:49
thorwilenough enthusiasm and good knowledge of the project13:50
godbykfor the most part, you just have to try to keep your mouth shut, not grab the mouse away from the user, and try to avoid strangling them. :)13:50
godbykbeing slightly masochistic helps, too.13:51
thorwilisn't the really hard part drawing conclusions, getting to solutions, anyway?13:51
godbykFor really fine-tuned detail stuff, it's more difficult to analyze the results.  But for the big problems.. well, they'll be apparent after you've seen a few people trying to use your software and stumbling in the same places.13:53
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JanCBorchardtgodbyk, thorwil: sorry I am answering late – just be sure I read and agree with your replies. :)15:35
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