
nhandlerakgraner: Great. Did you see my comment about it missing a form to explain the 'Other' option for the last question?00:00
akgranernope I can add it right quick00:30
akgranernhandler, changed00:32
nhandlerakgraner: Cool00:32
akgraner107 people have responded00:32
nhandlerakgraner: Do you have ssh access to the ubuntu-news machine?03:20
akgranerI do - but I haven't used it03:24
akgranerother than to just log in to make sure it worked03:24
akgranernhandler, do you need access?03:25
nhandlerakgraner: In order to finish the theme update, I'll either need access or someone to upload some files for me03:25
akgranernhandler, I'll add your name to the email  - you should have it tomorrow morning03:26
* nhandler hugs akgraner03:26
akgranernhandler, the ssh key on your LP account is the correct one?03:27
nhandlerakgraner: That will work03:27
akgranerok thanks03:28
alouriegood morning08:43
popeyakgraner: we mentioned the new fridge on the podcast..13:30
akgranerpopey, awesome!13:32
akgranerthank you!13:32
akgranerso I just checked the survey - 112 people have responded13:32
akgranerthe results in line with what I was thinking needed to be changed  - We'll live it open for another week and start drafting an improvement plan for the -n cycle if that sounds ok with everyone13:34
akgranerdang it  - it's Thursday all ready - UGH13:34
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston

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