
aragood morning all!08:01
sulumargoood morning ara08:12
aramorning sulumar08:14
aramorning jibel, primes2h08:14
primes2hHey ara!08:15
jibelgood morning all08:21
sulumarmorning jibel08:21
jibelmorning sulumar!08:22
alouriegood morningh08:42
sulumarmorning alourie08:53
alouriehi sulumar09:03
sulumarnoy much talking11:25
=== pedro__ is now known as pedro_
alourieara: did you have a chance to put qa.u.c to lp branch?12:55
jibelHello all, if you're looking for something to test today, there are fresh updates needing testing in maverick-proposed:13:09
jibelalsa-lib, app-install-data-partner, cluster-glue, gcalctool, lxdm, silc-client, software-center, ubuntu-sso-client, vm-builder,xfce4-indicator-plugin13:09
jibelAnd much more at http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/pending-sru.html13:09
=== skaet_afk is now known as skaet
araalourie, not yet, did you have the chance to work with the theme branch?14:08
alourieara: yes, I have :-) I even have nice default wp with it :-)14:33
=== xfaf is now known as zul
alourieara: so, to continue, I will need the site too :-)15:00
araalourie, sure thing, I will try to do it today15:03
alourieara: no hurry, do it when you can :-). Anyway I won't be able to work on it until Sunday15:26
araalourie, lp:~ubuntu-qa-website-devel/ubuntu-qa-website/wp_content15:51
alourieara: thank you15:57
araalourie, np16:04
alourieara: how do I push it into my demo site?16:15
alouriejust link wp-content to it?16:15
araalourie, you have to import the content16:17
araalourie, from the wordpress dashboard -> Tools -> Import16:17
alourieara: ok16:21
alourieara: all I see is one file. Is it true? the content is the pages.xml?16:22
araalourie, yes, the rest is syndicated from other blogs16:24
alourieara: and the topbar links?16:27
araalourie, they are generated automatically with the theme. It is the list of pages without parent16:39
=== xfaf is now known as zul

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