
nhandlerstas__: Any way to update the theme without ssh access to the machine? I keep getting an error on upload through the admin cp that the Destination folder already exists01:11
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stasnhandler: sorry, I don't have access to the machines, dunno who is in charge of them03:19
nhandlerstas: Well, this is for the Fridge. I can get my hands on someone with ssh access if necessary. I was just wondering if there was a way to perform the update entirely via the admin cp03:20
stasnhandler: the changed files are style.css functions.php and js/ubuntu-loco.js03:21
stasin wp-admin if you can edit those files, you're done03:21
nhandlerstas: Yep. That will work. Thanks03:21
stasbut, there's an image file, which i don't know how can we update it without some upload access03:23
nhandlerstas: Alright. It doesn't look like I can update the .js file through the admin cp either. I'll do it via ssh tomorrow I guess03:27
nhandlerThanks for your help03:27
AlanBellok, so what is the story with the wiki? is there a new theme to test?08:25
=== stas is now known as Guest96083
guest12_hi! any website devs online?14:51
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guest12_ping any dev with access to ubuntu.com15:30
dakerguest12_, newz2000 is your man15:31
guest12_ping newz200015:31
newz2000hey guest12_15:31
guest12_hey can i get some input on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website/+bug/65916015:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 659160 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu.com is reffering to Chromium as Google Chromium (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]15:31
newz2000guest12_: I'll talk to the man who made that wording.15:32
guest12_ok thanks15:32
newz2000I think that originally it was going to say "Chromium" but we changed to "Google Chrome" because it was more recognizable15:32
guest12_well we don't have Google Chrome in the partner repo AFAIK15:33
newz2000no, thre is software on that page not listed in partner repos. That's why it says "supported"15:33
newz2000(minecraft is an example)15:33
guest12_so I think the best wording would be : Chromium, an open source version of Google Chrome15:33
guest12_yes but we also don't have Google Chromium in the repos15:34
newz2000I will bring it to his attention. I'll bet we re-word it a bit. Thanks.15:36
newz2000why would anyone want their page to have blurry text?16:29
newz20005px blur radius on paragraph text !?!?16:29
yailinewz2000: because it's easy16:32
newz2000Back in the day I helped a company design a CMS and we did not give people a wysiwyg editor by choice16:32
newz2000because the boss, a designer, said if we give them the ability to use 53 colors on one page they WILL!16:33
FarmfieldAnybody into the wordpress theme?18:37
newz2000Farmfield: stas and nhandler are the wp guys I think18:58
=== cjohnston_ is now known as cjohnston
nhandlernewz2000: I haven't done anything with the WP theme. I'm just updating the version installed on the Fridge21:02
newz2000ah, ok21:02
newz2000ok, updated web guidelines sent to themailing list.23:00
newz2000I'm so exhausted, I'm not confident they're coherant, so if they sound idiotic, someone cover for me please23:01
newz2000I will be away from my computer tomorrow. I'm going to a pumpkin patch with my family. :-)23:02
newz2000(it's autumn here)23:02
dakernewz2000, the template is awesome23:19
newz2000I agree23:19
dakernewz2000, maybe we should make a unified package for *-light-theme based on this one .23:22
newz2000Yes, I think this is the way of the future23:27
* daker hugs newz2000 23:31
* newz2000 thanks daker23:31
newz2000btw, give Alejandra a high five when you see her next. I just explained the problem and she and Yaili came up with that23:32
newz2000(though I do think explaining the problem well helped a lot) ;-)23:32
* newz2000 goes too23:33

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