
Nisstyre65sarge1221: there should be some kind of init script you can put that in, idk how ubuntu 10 does it tbh00:00
liquidmesonSayo, when your in the live cd, try running in a terminal, sudo grub-install /dev/sdb and then sudo update-grub00:00
Sayoliquidmeson: oh sorry missed that last one, i did, this is the output i get: "/usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?)"00:00
Nisstyre65you could always put it in root's crontab sarge122100:00
nertilhow to update my wireles stick drivers?00:00
nertilhow to update my wireles stick drivers?00:00
jsec!repeat | nertil00:00
ubottunertil: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:00
debbiedomcod: I was trying to find xmodmap commands that worked for myself and didn't notice you.00:01
dtohi. i have a problem. i tried to boot the realtime kernel and it doesn't go into X00:01
debbieI'll try yours, thanks00:01
dtoit leaves me at a prompt00:01
dtoi mean, login prompt.00:01
Nisstyre65dto: did you try running startx ?00:01
Sayoliquidmeson: that's really the main issue i'm running into00:01
RabidGoblinmagicianlord:  games mostly.  fceu (NES emulator), Soldier of Fortune II, Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory00:01
liquidmesonSayo, you could always try starting from scratch :? install windows &then install ubuntu on top....00:01
wiseylinxeh ye skipton yorkshire00:01
Spofer[ubuntu newbie] I'm having problems with apt-get - I can't install basically anything. Where can i find documentation about the apt-get tool (I don't have man and can't install it)00:01
liquidmesonSayo, try running sudo grub-install /dev/sda instead00:01
sarge1221Can you explain how to use crontab? I have heard of it being mentioned and I'm using the program called scheduled tasks.00:01
RabidGoblinmagicianlord:  with pretty ambiguous errors as:  "Error opening a sound device."00:02
dtoNisstyre65: just did now. says it failed to load the nvidia driver. i think i know why:00:02
jsecSpofer: what's the issue?00:02
debbiedomcod: it works, thanks.  I think this is a little tidier, but is really the same thing: xmodmap -e "keycode 122 ="; xmodmap -e "keycode 123 =";00:02
Nisstyre65sarge1221: great explanation here http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Crontab00:02
Sayoliquidmeson: ahhh i did that an hour ago, wrecked my usb live install :/00:02
magicianlordRabidGoblin: alsa sometimes conflicts and mutes programs that are running simultaneously. you may know this. also, maybe a required module is not installed this time, such as mpg123.00:02
Spoferjsec: I'm getting "dpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure)" on everything00:02
Nisstyre65sarge1221: obviously it's already installed on ubuntu00:02
dtoNisstyre65: i tried to install nvidia-common while running the realtime kernel00:02
dtoNisstyre65: because i remember compiling it before00:03
Nisstyre65dto: not sure what that is (realtime kernel)00:03
StaRetjiFolks, I need urgent help. My ubuntu installed on usb stick stopped booting. I've backup image of the stick and saved it on new stick, the same thing happens. USB stick reboots PC just after the bios logo appears. I've booted another system and mounted the stick, all files are there. I suspect boot record is broke somehow. Can someone help me restore it. Corrupted stick is mounted in /mnt00:03
domcoddebbie: nice :)00:03
dtoNisstyre65: linux-rt00:03
Nisstyre65dto: nah you won't have to compile it00:03
liquidmesonSayo, oops :p weird tho, sda should be the first drive in you system, what that might mean is that when you install NBR you installed it to your usb drive instead of installing it to the internal hard drive00:03
sarge1221thanks Nisstyre6400:03
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dtoNisstyre65: anyway the problem i'm having now is that i cannot boot into x even with the normal kernel00:03
dtoeven after reinstalling nvidia-kernel00:04
dtoi think i might be missing some kernel source? it complained about that for the linux-rt00:04
RabidGoblinmagicianlord: yeah, i've tried them multiple times making sure nothing else was using sound.  i'll check out the mpg123 thing00:04
debbiedomcod: thanks so much.  now I can go watch House and not have to worry about what my belly is doing.00:04
Sayoliquidmeson: nah, this morning i was checking my email from within my normal, on-my-internal-drive install of UNR00:04
debbieI'll come back and let you all know what happened.  thanks again!  :)00:04
magicianlordRabidGoblin: it's a fault of alsa. it sucks00:04
liquidmesonSayo, so you don't know what you did to mess it up?00:04
jsecSpofer: what happens if you try re-installing tzdata?00:04
Sayoliquidmeson: really, all that happened was i deleted my grub install by mistake, i just can't get it to reinstall :/00:04
liquidmesonSayo, how do you do that?00:05
Sayoliquidmeson: what00:05
liquidmesonSayo, delete grub on accident?00:05
Spoferjsec: Actually the problem started with man-db (--configure), and reinstalling it made it uninstalled....00:05
Sayoliquidmeson: how do i reinstall grub?00:05
dliSayo, grub-install /dev/sda (if it's sda)00:05
Spoferjsec: but i'll try, just a sec00:05
Sayoliquidmeson: oh, no, i had 5 partitions this morning. a windows install, 3 Ubuntu installations and a swap install00:06
liquidmesonSayo, ok okay...00:06
StaRetjiFolks, I need urgent help. My maverick installed on usb stick stopped booting. I've backup image of the stick and saved it on new stick, the same thing happens. USB stick reboots PC just after the bios logo appears. I've booted another system and mounted the stick, all files are there. I suspect boot record is broken somehow. Can someone help me restore it. Corrupted stick is mounted in /mnt . How can I update grub, or at least how can I find out which gru00:06
Sayoliquidmeson: I deleted two failed ubuntu partitions, one of which apparently had grub on it, because now I boot to nothing lol :P00:06
Sayodli: /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).00:06
SpoferSorry, how can you reinstall with command line apt-get00:06
mickster04StaRetji: if you can get all the data off, just reinstall it?00:06
indioHi. I upgraded my system to Maverick Meerkat and I lost sound in OpenOffice.org presentations.00:07
StaRetjimickster04: The thing is, it is not only data, it is my HTPC, with lots of setting and tweaks :/00:07
dliSayo, do you use a boot partition?00:07
liquidmesonSayo, I would do a fresh install of windows if possible followed by installing ubuntu over it. backups of course :/00:07
StaRetjimickster04: thx for reply00:07
jzittAh, OK, here's the bug filing for what I'm experiencing: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-place-applications/+bug/63522300:07
liquidmesonSayo, wipe everything in windows00:08
Sayoliquidmeson: if only class allowed such a luxury as time00:08
AzendaleStaRetji: How you tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#Recover%20Grub%202%20via%20LiveCD ?00:08
mickster04StaRetji: i would recommend looking at reinstalling grub...that might do your fix...also settings should be in /home/user no?00:08
Sayodli: a seperate partition devoted to holding a bootloader?00:08
Jordan_USayo: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide00:08
liquidmesonSayo, in the windows install....ah yes...my reason for getting a ssd00:08
Sayodli: if that's the case, then no00:08
Spoferjsec: Apparently you  can't remove tzdata. It's uninstalls almost every package on ubuntu00:08
AzendaleStaRetji: if any of the instructions are confusing, just ask00:09
patonewbe here needs some desperate help00:09
StaRetjiAzendale: thx for the info, I already booted another ubuntu and mounter currputed stick00:09
mickster04!ask | pato:00:09
ubottupato:: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:09
Sayobrb all, need a cigg00:09
patothank you! I just updated my ubunut 10.04 via apt-get00:09
jsecSpofer: right, there's a ton of packages that are dependent on it. Hang on...00:09
patobut I had installed a custom megaraid sas driver00:09
patonow the computer wont boot00:09
AzendaleStaRetji: So start at the sudo mount --bind steps00:10
patois there a way to recompile the kernel with the driver?00:10
Spoferjsec: Isn't is cool that you need to type in "Yes, do as I say!"?00:10
dliSayo, I saw this error, but forgot the solution00:10
ubuntuanyone know about running linux on a smartphone?00:10
jsecSpofer: huh?00:10
Nisstyre65ubuntu: /join #openmoko00:11
Spoferjsec: When you apt-get remove tzdata you need to confirm by typing in "Yes, do as I say!"00:11
dliSayo, do you use standard ubuntu kernel to boot?00:11
sarge1221For sake of good advice which cron type is normally advised? I'm looking for one that possibly doesn't allow for individual accounts to set up there own crontabs but rather a universal one.00:11
liquidmesonubuntu, what smartphone? they are all different?00:11
Nisstyre65openmoko is the best one if you want total freedom00:11
Nisstyre65the hardware is open source00:11
dliSpofer, I think you can do "apt-get remove dpkg"00:11
LjLwait, why remove dpkg?00:12
StaRetjiAzendale: so far so good, fingers crossed00:12
LWSDesignssame here why are you removing dpkg00:13
Spoferdli, but how can i install packages after that?00:13
AzendaleStaRetji: Ok, good luck!00:13
dliLjL, when you have to type, "Yes, do as I say"00:13
LjLSpofer: you can't00:13
liquidmesonSpofer, if your looking for a world clock application the software center has one.00:13
Spoferdli, LjL, oh got it :)00:13
IdleOnedli: and how does removing dpkg answer his question?00:13
nepascan anyone show me how to share an internet connection in ubuntu for cell phone?00:13
jsecSpofer: sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata00:14
Spoferliquidmeson, Thanks, I'm trying to solve a different problem. I'm getting error with tzdata when installing stuff00:14
Spoferjsec: trying, thanks00:14
LWSDesignsnepas you can use firestarter to share your connection over blue tooth00:14
raevolhey all i am getting no sound out of most of my programs in meerkat, anyone seen a fix for this?00:14
dlinepas, how do your phone connect to ubuntu?00:14
Spoferjsec: tzdata is broken or not fully installed00:14
dliSpofer, sudo apt-get -f install00:15
jsecSpofer: k that's what I thought. One second.00:15
dliSpofer, or, sudo dpkg --configure -a00:15
domcodpato: since a package update clobbered your customization (a common mistake), can't you simply to the same customization again?00:15
Spoferdli, Thanks, what does it do?00:15
domcodpato: *do the same00:15
nepasLWSDesigns, dli: I want to connect to the internet via wifi on my cell phone00:16
dliSpofer, to recover from broken/interrupted apt actions00:16
IdleOneSpofer: apt-get -f install will try to fix any broken packages and dpkg --configure -a will try to configure any packages that need configuring00:16
SpoferOk thanks everyone I'm trying that now00:16
dlinepas, but wifi on phone can not connect to your wifi-AP?00:17
LWSDesignsnepas if i'm understanding you correctly a router would work or multiple nics with firestarter in your ubuntu pc00:17
patodomcod: I guess I can try to boot in recovery mode and copy the rebuilt kernel image over00:17
patoif the system allows it00:17
nepasLWSDesigns, dli: and my laptop connect to the internet via cable.00:17
SayoJordan_U: thanks for the guide bro00:18
liquidmesonnepas, click on the wifi icon, then click create wifi network00:18
Jordan_USayo: You're welcome.00:18
Spoferdli, jsec: ok first error on both is "/etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 10"00:18
magicianlordwhat's the name of the next Ubuntu?00:18
Spoferdli, jsec: then "Failed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic.postinst line 1003."00:19
teknodHas anyone else experienced trouble installing 10.10?00:19
lifeboundYes me00:19
nepasliquidmeson: what else?00:19
magicianlordteknod: what is your malfunction00:19
lifeboundi Expected trouble00:19
nepasliquidmeson: I try it, but it does not work00:19
teknodI'm trying to install it along side another version and windows. It is taking forever to partition.00:19
liquidmesonnepas, well type in a name choose no security, might take a while for your cell phone to see00:19
magicianlordteknod: are you resizing?00:19
edgarhi, I have problems with the screen resolution in Ubuntu 10.10, can somebody help me?00:20
lifeboundHey I dual booted my Ubuntu with windows, but my windows was corrupted how do i delete my windows so ubuntu takes the space00:20
SayoJordan_U: haha oh man no joke that is actually exactly what i was looking for dude awesssommeee :D00:20
nepasliquidmeson: yes, I set it no password, but it does not still working00:20
=== lifebound is now known as LifeBound
magicianlordedgar: what is your gpu and can you use the monitor settins to change it?00:20
liquidmesonnepas, maybe your cell phone only supports 802.11g and your laptop is 802.11b, in other words your laptop is old00:20
nepasliquidmeson: I dont know why00:20
edgarno, i cant00:20
magicianlordhas anyone had trouble with cell phone signals interfering with wifi connection on ubuntu?00:21
dliLifeBound, just delete the windows partition in gparted00:21
LifeBoundHow do i get gprated00:21
nepasliquidmeson: but another laptop can't connect either00:21
LifeBoundor is it the text thing when i start up the c omputer00:21
dlimagicianlord, I got the interference from microwave00:21
dliLifeBound, sudo apt-get install gparted00:22
magicianlorddli: ok man00:22
Spoferdli, jsec: what do you think?00:22
magicianlorddli: how far away was your microwave from the computer?00:22
StaRetjiAzendale: Dude, thank you so much for the link and mickster04 also. You guys are great!!! It works :)00:22
dliSpofer, usually, it's kind of grub related error, not difficult to fix00:22
AzendaleStaRetji: Your welcome. I'm glad it worked.00:22
StaRetjiAzendale: it took 5 minutes to boot. How can I force fsck. It booted 30 seconds before.00:23
StaRetjiIt booted in 30 second before00:23
Spoferdli, grub? how can you tell?00:23
nemchikfun pastie i just made http://pastie.org/1219533 automatically does a bunch of recommended stuff for a fresh install (of course this is setup to my liking and designed for ubuntu maverick mainly but it could be easily used on other systems)00:23
dliSpofer, can you run : sudo update-grub00:23
Sayohalp: ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo chroot /mnt00:23
Sayochroot: failed to run command `/bin/bash': No such file or directory00:23
Spoferdli, yes, thanks00:24
Sayoif i get a failure to use chroot, am i seriously screwed?00:24
liquidmesonnepas, help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing might be something in there that could help but it looks dusty00:24
Spoferit worked, but it seems i have double entries for the linux (I'm dual booting with windows 7)00:24
AzendaleStaRetji: Maybe it will boot better now that you have run a fsck?00:24
dojohnsohey all, i was running 10.04 on a dual boot system with win7 (primarily use ubuntu now), and last night via the system update manager, i upgraded to 10.10. but now when it boots up and i choose Ubuntu as the OS to load, it gets to a grub command line and nothing else. it used to show a list of kernals to load up. any ideas why? i don't have my machine with me now, just curious00:24
IdleOneSpofer: those are different kernel versions00:24
IdleOneSpofer: it's normal to have a few in there00:25
SpoferIdleOne, yes, you're right. thanks00:25
phoenix_hello i need some help00:25
StaRetjiAzendale: I haven't run fsck, can't remember the command, it was something reboot -F something. This is my dmesg http://paste.ubuntu.com/512741/ it shows a lot of warnings which I don't quite understand. Thx for helping so far, it's really appreciated.00:26
IdleOneask away phoenix_, someone will help if they can00:26
magicianlorddojohnso: most likely a grub issue not pointing to the right partition with ubuntu on it00:26
phoenix_it seems that when i try to play a game in firefox some of the keys don't work. such as asdf and a few others.00:26
nepaslet me make it clearer. I have a laptop with a cable internet network connection. I want to share that connection with my cell phone (or another computer) via wifi because there is no wifi here. How can I do that?00:26
phoenix_i recently downloaded ubuntu, and i had the same problem with mint00:26
Spoferdli, I've ran update-grub, and the dpkg --configure -a still fails00:26
IdleOneSpofer: fails how?00:27
StaRetjiEXT4-fs (sda1): INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem00:27
Spoferdli, same error, first few lines (sorry for flood): run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common 2.6.32-25-generic /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.32-25-generic00:27
Spoferrun-parts: /etc/kernel/postinst.d/nvidia-common exited with return code 1000:27
SpoferFailed to process /etc/kernel/postinst.d at /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-image-2.6.32-25-generic.postinst line 1003.00:27
uLinuxhow can I stop cups from boot?00:27
Sayohey anyone know how to force umount something if it's "busy"?00:27
dojohnsomagicianlord: any idea what i can do to fix it? or check that?00:28
indioHi. Does Ubuntu installer livecd bring OpenOffice.org?00:28
StaRetjiIs mounted filesystem with ordered data mode good for USB stick, or it should be mounted differently.00:28
domcodphoenix_: you've found a flash game that works in windows but doesn't work in linux?00:28
edgarSomebody knows how to fix the problem of the screen resolution in Ubuntu 10.10? My graphic card is Intel 82845G... HELP ME PLEASE!!00:28
IdleOneSpofer: hmm above my head, sorry00:28
jsecSpofer: do you have an nvidia card?00:28
dliSpofer, aha, nvidia00:28
phoenix_domcod yes00:28
edgarSomebody knows how to fix the problem of the screen resolution in Ubuntu 10.10? My graphic card is Intel 82845G... HELP ME PLEASE!!00:28
andaimy iPod says NO MUSIC tho all the tracks are on there and gtkpod supposedly just restored everything with checksums00:28
uLinuxedgar: what problem?00:28
kitcheSayo: umount -f00:28
atudeHow do I ignore dependency checks with apt-get?00:28
IdleOne!repeat | edgar00:28
ubottuedgar: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:28
dliSpofer, I don't touch nvidia, traumatized00:28
phoenix_it's on every game i play00:28
raevolhi all, i have no sound on meerkat, could anyone help?00:29
AzendaleStaRetji: I don't know alot about mounting and filesystems00:29
chek0vany other laptop owners with nvidia mobile notice screen brightness controls stopped working?00:29
Sayokitche: thanks!00:29
domcodphoenix_: this is very odd. i thought flash was a robust cross-platform industry standard. can't help you though.00:29
magicianlorddojohnso: not offhand, but there is a way to fix grub. keep on asking here and google fixing grub 10.10. i need to go in a few00:29
StaRetjiAzendale: ok mate, thx once again for the help :)00:29
AzendaleStaRetji: If I was to give you advice on running fsck, it would be from me reading man fsck.ext400:29
SpoferIdleOne, jsec, dli: Think so, I'm checking. brb00:29
phoenix_too bad. could somebody at least check if a game called disputed galaxy works? log in as a geust and try pressing a00:30
dojohnsomagicianlord: great thank you!00:30
uLinuxcups.conf "start on (filesystem"00:31
magicianlordsure thing00:31
phoenix_hey could somebody tell me the name of the help channel,00:32
KFPHi there. I can't find the terminal command that lets me find all files or directories that have otherwise the same name, except different case?00:33
SpoferIdleOne, jsec, dli: Nope. I have an inter graphic card. 5700MHD-AMT00:33
SpoferIdleOne, jsec, dli: It's a T41000:33
KFPFor example /xyz/foo   vs.    xyz/Foo00:33
SpoferIdleOne, jsec, dli: sorry intel00:33
vvujaone little problem00:33
vvujawi-fi card00:33
indioHi. I upgraded my system to Maverick Meerkat and I lost sound in OpenOffice.org presentations. Any ideas?00:33
jsecSpofer: ok, so there's no harm in trying this then. apt-get purge nvidia-common, then apt-get install nvidia-comon00:33
vvujadrops wi-fi connections at the time00:33
Spoferjsec, ok, trying00:34
vvujaIntel Corporation Wireless WiFi Link 510000:34
vvujathere is Wireless AP00:34
vvujaand Ubuntu drops wi-fi connections from time to time00:34
SamWeasleyHello, everyone. I jumped from Karmic to Maverick and I'm with an issue about AAC. I used a script to convert videeos to my PSP handheld console so I could see it. On Karmic Koala, it worked okay, but either in Lucid Lynx and Maverick Meerkat it didn't work. Any suggestiões?00:34
liquidmesonvvuja, its probably the router nothin wrong with ubuntu00:34
vvujaliquidmeson: there is no router00:34
Spoferjsec, the purge returned an error: Setting up tzdata (2010m-0ubuntu0.10.04) ...00:35
Spoferdpkg: error processing tzdata (--configure):00:35
Spofer subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1000:35
vvujaliquidmeson: only AP00:35
jsecSpofer: :(00:35
vvujaliquidmeson: I found the bug report00:35
AzendaleStaRetji: It looks like fsck.ext4 -f -p /dev/sda1 might be what you need. However, that would have to be while the filesystem is unmounted, so maybe from another system or somehow early in the boot? Of course, it might not still be /dev/sda1 if you are booted into another install/livecd00:35
mengesbliquidmeson: I have a near same issue, except that it seems that ubuntu won't connect to an ad-hoc SSID00:35
dtoi fixed it everyone, thanks :)00:35
Spoferjsec, tell me about it :)00:35
dtoi had an old version of the driver.00:35
=== rockets_ is now known as rockets
scott_inoSamWeasley, what actual apps were the scripts utilizing, avidemux has a psp video output00:35
atudepastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?00:36
vvujaok thanks00:36
rocketsHow do we add an icon to the Launcher in ubuntu netbook edition? I can remove things, but can't add.00:36
vvujaliquidmeson: it says in bug report that network-manager should be uninstalled and installed wicd (whatever that is)00:36
atudepastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?00:36
IdleOnejsec: there was a trick about deleting the postinst script and then running dpkg --configure -a but i don't know if would apply in Spofer's case00:36
vvujaliquidmeson: via Synoptic Package Manager00:36
SamWeasleyscott_ino - mencoder on command line. I'm uploading on a pastebin my script00:36
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
SamWeasleyscott_ino - but it uses faac00:37
SamWeasleyPS: I'm with medibuntu and partner packages active00:37
jsecIdleOne: I have no idea. I'm out of ideas.00:37
Nethey all00:37
liquidmesonmengesb, I had a similar problem with my school, had to complain to get them to fix there stuff00:37
IdleOnejsec: yeah I don't want to tell him to try and not be sure about it. the person who told me about it isn't online right now either00:37
SpoferIdleOne, jsec: Thanks for all your help. I've found this thread earlier with my first case, the man-db (--configure). But no solution on thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148263100:38
liquidmesonvvuja, synaptic pm is in under system > admin in the top left menu00:38
dliSpofer, remove nvidia then:)00:38
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?00:38
IdleOneSpofer: if you can live with this error for a little bit and wait for jrib to come online he should be able to figure this out for you.00:38
scott_inoSamWeasley, does using avidemux work? perhaps we can get the code that it's using as i believe that just uses mencoder as well00:38
stargazer #ubuntu-br00:38
SpoferIdleOne, I'm living with it for a few weeks now. Is he online a lot?00:39
EsatHow to clipboard a window with menu commands?00:39
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IdleOneSpofer: yeah but times vary00:39
Spoferdli, we tried - same error as before (tzdata) :)00:39
uLinuxHow can I stop cups from boot?!00:39
IdleOneSpofer: may I PM you?00:40
SpoferIdleOne, sure00:40
StaRetjiAzendale: I've found out that shutdown -rF now will force fsck on reboot00:40
EsatHow to clipboard a window with menu commands?00:41
SamWeasleyscott_ino - I'll post the mencoder  line00:41
scott_inoSamWeasley, k00:41
geist_anyone try to install Wired ?00:41
mengesbHelp: issue with trying to connect to an ad-hoc network, all my attempts say that I can't connect; can't set operating mode: ad-hoc00:42
SamWeasleyscott_ino - mencoder  -alang ${LANGUAGE} -sws 9 -vf scale=480:272,harddup,unsharp=l3x3:0.7,expand=480:272 -oac faac -faacopts br=${AUDIO_BITRATE}:mpeg=4:object=2:raw -channels 2 -srate 48000 -ovc x264 -x264encopts bitrate=${AVG_BITRATE}:global_header:partitions=all:trellis=1:pass=1:vbv_maxrate=${VIDEO_MAX_BITRATE}:vbv_bufsize=2000:level_idc=30:me=umh:subq=6 -of lavf -lavfopts format=psp -o...00:42
arkyI'm reading freenode via my control panel. How do I sign off (other than just closing the window)?00:42
StaRetjiAzendale: however, even after running fsck boot time is still about 4 minutes comparing to 30seconds. It's seems that between this line:  EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)00:42
StaRetji and the line: udev[435]: starting version 163 is gap of 3 minutes00:42
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?00:42
EsatHow to clipboard a window with menu commands?00:43
mengesbEsat: use screen capture00:43
=== alexb_ is now known as a1exb
Esatmengesb, i use PrtSc key on keyboard, but it just copy window,00:44
jesse_IM here00:45
SamWeasleyscott_ino - sorry, I crashed00:45
Esatmengesb, i want to copy command which inside menu00:45
scott_inoSamWeasley, do you get an error?00:45
mengesbEsat: gnome-screenshot00:45
scott_inoSamWeasley, I should say... when i run that it tells me that mencode wasn't compiled with libfaac00:46
scott_inodo you have the standard package or your own?00:46
phoenix_hey somebody try a flash game and see if you can make the following keys work: a, s, d, f00:46
rocketsIs there a way to pin apps to the sidebar in the netbook release of 10.10? E.g. I was able to remove Firefox by right clicking on it, but see no way to add chrome.00:46
AzendaleStaRetji: Hmm, I don't have any clue why it's taking so long then. Hopefully someone else can help you00:46
SamWeasleyscott_ino... Just a minute. I'm finishing I try and I'll send you the output... Could I DM it to you? Standard from Medibuntu00:46
rocketsChrome is installed, I just can't seem to pin it to the sidebar.00:46
scott_inoSamWeasley, yeah00:46
IanrI am using ubuntu 10.10 netbook live CD (off of a USB stick).  Every time it starts it asks me if I want to try/install.  Is there a way so that it just goes right to the desktop without asking me eaech time00:47
Esatmengesb, for example there ais a windows which has a few menus like File, View, Tools, vb. , i want to copy a menu'S content00:47
liquidmesonphoenix_, if you start chrome you should be able to right click an pin it. Start it by searching in the top left00:47
rocketsliquidmeson, you're talking about the netboox remix right? I'm trying to do that. I can't pin anything.00:47
liquidmesoni'm talking about the new unity ubuntu :(00:48
LoJuRuIanr, you would need to edit the image on the USB stick.00:48
rocketsliquidmeson, right. thats what im using. The option has actually appeared now though! It'd be nice if there was a way to reorder the icons though . . .00:48
IanrLoJuRu: I'm in persist mode00:48
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?00:48
=== MaD-ZaT is now known as net_
liquidmesonrockets, you can reorder them, drag the icon strait out and move it00:49
rocketsliquidmeson, ah nice!00:49
liquidmesonrockets, if you drag it tooo far away the icon will be deleted !00:49
Alberto_EspanyaGood morning from Spain00:49
Alberto_EspanyaI need some help00:49
=== alexb_ is now known as a1exb
rocketsliquidmeson, ohnoes!00:49
rocketsliquidmeson, although a little slow and a little buggy, I'm loving unity.00:50
rocketsI can only imagine it getting even better for 11.0400:50
Maahesatude: open up synaptic package manager, look up those packages, do a force version00:50
SamWeasleyscott_ino - sent00:50
Alberto_EspanyaI'm trying to make my Ubuntu 10.10 to work properly, and to do so I need to route PulseAudio through Jack, is there any easy way to do this or should I go back to Windows? :-(00:50
liquidmesonrockets, mee tooo :D defiantly buggy00:50
CoinBRI compiled a old GTK+ version, but my php-gtk still reading the new. How can I recompile the php-gtk forcing it to read the new (old) GTK+ version?00:50
Alberto_EspanyaI need to record instruments with Ardour, which uses Jack.00:50
oss_soshi all, i've read the many bugs related to the lack of OSS modules under maverick, has anyone a solution in here?00:50
rocketsliquidmeson, but well designed overall. Sidebar needs autohide though. . .00:51
liquidmesonrockets, can't wait until tabs touch the very top, ex. in chrome for 11.0400:51
Maahesif you no longer have the old ubuntu repos in your sources.list you may have to add them back, if these were from different sources (alternately you could just download the packages individually atude00:51
rocketsliquidmeson, ah, 11.04 is adding support for non-standard window decorations?00:51
rocketsliquidmeson, wouldn't tabs touching the top cover battery indicator, etc.?00:51
atudeMaahes: I have no idea what's there and what's not... problem is, all of these circular predependencies that make no sense00:52
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liquidmesonrockets, at least i remember mark saying something similar, i'll hold him to it. The top right would fade over it some how....00:52
atudeMaahes: how should I go about adhearing your suggestion?00:52
rocketsliquidmeson, Mark as in Mark Shuttleworth?00:52
liquidmesonrockets, yep00:52
rocketsliquidmeson, Is he a friend of yours, or he said it in some public statement?00:53
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Sayosup everyone, i have failed yet again00:53
liquidmesonrockets, i wish i knew him better, it was just from a mailing list :p00:53
Maahesatude: go into synaptic package manager, look up the package, force it to the old version from synaptic's menu (I forget which one)00:53
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oss_sosmaverick with no /dev/dsp is crippled00:53
rocketsliquidmeson, psh, I was going to ask you to ask him if he could lend me some money :-P00:53
atudeMaahes: I'll give that a try00:53
Esatmengesb, i want to copy command which inside menu00:53
Sayowhen running mount /dev/sdb5 to /mnt, terminal just sits there, it's not doing ANYTHING :| two restarts and i can't get it to budge00:53
geist_can anyone help with a noob question ?00:53
Jordan_Uoss_sos: Why do you want a /dev/dsp?00:53
MaahesSayo: ....have you looked at your fstab?00:54
oss_sosJordan_U: cause there are few applications that used it, is that not a good reason?00:54
SayoMaahes: i'd love to, you know the command to do that off hand?00:54
rocketsliquidmeson, have you found any chrome themes that are a good match for the 10.10/unity theme?00:54
liquidmesonSayo, sudo mkdir /mnt/test and then mount to that folder, ie. sudo mount /dev/sdb5 /mnt/test00:54
Jordan_Uoss_sos: Have you tried running those applications with "padsp" or "aoss"?00:54
MaD-ZaThey all00:55
Sayoliquidmeson: so "/mnt" in the filesystem is just the activly mounted device?00:55
MaahesSayo: its a configuration file in /etc/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fstab00:55
Maahesso you'd nano /etc/fstab00:55
liquidmesonrockets, well i don't really user the clean themes i just use the designer ones, vincent at the moment from the google themes00:55
chek0valso does anyone know if the nvidia beta drivers will be updated via a regular release, or will that have to be done manually?00:55
nepasdli: I use firestarter and share wifi connect with my call phone, but it's just local, not go out the internet! eth0 is internet, wlan0 is local. How do I set it internet?00:56
Sayoliquidmeson: still hangs. said "killed" the first time i tried it, has hung every time since then i attempt to mount it00:56
liquidmesonrockets, vince*00:56
MaahesSayo: you may have a fucked up fstab00:56
Sayowell, fstab is 3 lines long00:56
Sayoshould i print it here?00:57
MaahesSayo: pastebin.com00:57
rocketsliquidmeson, this theme seems like a great match, if you're interested: http://j.mp/bbMiW700:57
nepasdli: are you here?00:57
jesse_OK so my friend is having issues installing Ubuntu 10.10. He cant manage to Boot from the disk00:57
rocketsjesse_, he needs to recalibrate the flux capacitor.00:57
jesse_the text on his splash is all messed up00:57
liquidmesonrockets, thanks but I like the artwork.00:58
jesse_and rockets00:58
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lifeboundI need too resize my ubuntu partition in Gparted but it wont let me how do i resize it00:58
SayoMaahes: http://pastebin.com/aMDLjp3K00:58
jesse_YOUR A JENIOUS00:58
jesse_no but seriously00:58
uLinux"Hostname localhost resolves to 2 IPs." how can I fix this?00:58
rocketssudo dpkg-reconfigure flux_capacitor SOLVES ALL PROBLEMS.00:58
AzendaleuLinux: Can you pastebin you /etc/hosts file?00:58
Jordan_Ulifebound: You need to boot from a LiveCD / USB00:58
uLinuxAzendale: wait a second00:59
Sayobut Maahes, you should understand, i'm inside of a usb live stick trying to repair GRUB2 in my MBR, so that's the fstab of the live disk i'm assuming00:59
jesse_he CANT get into ubun tu at ALL'00:59
jesse_no sudo -.-00:59
rocketsjesse_, I know man, I'm messing with you.00:59
sin_taxI'm trying to install 10.10 x64 from a flash drive and it is hanging immediately after it gives the first line or two 'Linux loader by so and so et al' ... Any ideas?00:59
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jesse_i know i know but i need a real answer00:59
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shirleytoolejesse: what's your problem?00:59
rocketsjesse_, sorry, I only have fake answers.00:59
kgunpowderWhere can I go to learn the more than just basics of Ubuntu?01:00
sin_taxI used universal USB installer and the 10.10 x64 iso from the website01:00
Jordan_USayo: Can you pastebin the output of "dmesg" after trying mount?01:00
Jordan_U!manual | kgunpowder01:00
ubottukgunpowder: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/01:00
jesse_well... my friend cant boot into any Ubuntu desktop. hes trying to boot into a live CD so he can install but all he gets are jumbled codes on his splash01:00
liquidmesonSayo, with the amount of time your spending i'd just go for a reinstall, assuming you got stuff backed up01:00
SayoJordan_U: well it hangs after i attempt mount01:00
Sayoliquidmeson: can't :/01:01
uLinuxAzendale: alnet01:01
jesse_It also said something about a missing file or something or another and he made sure to burn and download the file properly01:01
Jordan_USayo: The entire screen? You can't do anything at all after running mount?01:01
uLinuxAzendale: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=2MpSZ5aR01:01
SayoJordan_U: nothin. terminal just sits there blinking the cursour01:01
Sayoand it's just when i mount my linux install at /dev/sdb501:01
jesse_i think my friend is having the same problem as Sayo01:02
Jordan_USayo: And you can't open another terminal after that?01:02
Ceno3xHi, is anyone here having problems with nvidia and hdmi audio?01:02
SayoJordan_U: I can01:02
Jordan_USayo: Then please do, then pastebin the output of "dmesg".01:02
atudeMaahes: the packages don't seem to exist anymore01:02
Jordan_USayo: That will hopefully tell us why mount is hanging.01:02
atudethis is absolutely rediculous01:03
SayoJordan_U: ugh i know this sounds so noob, but I can't copy the whole thing, it extends past the scroll limit01:03
nepasmy phone can connect to my laptop via wifi. But it can't access to the internet, just local. How do I set it for accessing the internet. My laptop connect to the internet via eth0.01:03
jpmorganhi, why does the 10.10 iso require "overburn" to fit? is this normal?01:03
KB1JWQjpmorgan: Distro's getting bigger.01:03
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: How large is your blank CD? It needs to be 700 meg.01:03
jpmorgani think 650mb - i dont think they come much bigger??01:04
SayoJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/5Dsm2y9h01:05
uLinuxAzendale: * http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Y9ntcXfw01:05
jpmorganim trying to burn it now but if it makes a01:05
jpmorganbad CD then what?01:05
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dlijpmorgan, burn with verification01:05
sin_taxanyone have anything bad to say about unetbootin before I try it instead of universal usb installer?01:05
AzendaleuLinux: It is probably because both and ::1 are given for localhost in the file. If you look at http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-networking-3/warning-hostname-localhost-resolves-to-2-ips-using-127-0-0-1-a-812950/ it sounds like it's ok to ignore. Is it causing you problems?01:05
dlisin_tax, unetbootin is good01:05
uLinuxAzendale: the ::1 is ipv6 which i disabled01:06
jpmorganwill do dli01:06
uLinuxusing grub01:06
uLinuxjpmorgan: burn at low speed, and use verify01:06
sin_taxWhat is 10.10 hdmedia?01:06
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?01:06
SayoJordan_U: this all started after i just umounted /dev/sdb5 10 minutes ago using the -f flag i think, or -l01:06
jpmorganproblem is the machine im putting 10.10 on doesnt have a dvd reader. ok thanks for suggestions01:06
SeRVeR01hey all , everytime i run my pc i got to readjust my monitor resolution to 1280x1024 every time it goes back to 1027x768 I use Ubuntu 10.1001:06
Jordan_U!minimal | jpmorgan01:07
ubottujpmorgan: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD01:07
adilalpmanhi all01:07
liquidmesonsin_tax, make sure you choose the iso stored localy instead of redownloading it again through the application01:07
AzendaleuLinux: In that case, I'm guessing removing localhost from the ::1 line should do the trick. (You would need to open the file with root permissions, ie gksudo gedit /etc/hosts)01:07
adilalpmani have a problem about ubuntu one option in ubuntu's gnome01:07
sin_taxliquidmeson, that's what I'm doing, thanks01:07
uLinuxAzendale: ye sudo nano01:08
adilalpmani have registered for an account from http://one.ubuntu.com but i cant add it to ubuntu one in ubuntu 10.1001:08
uLinuxAzendale: i have to restart networking?01:08
jpmorganyah i just grabbed the download from http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download - i would think a hard 650mb ceiling might be a good idea for a widely distributed iso01:08
AzendaleuLinux: When every I've messed with /etc/hosts I didn't unless I changed the hostname (then things worked, but thought they were on a different computer)01:09
SayoJordan_U: was that enough in that file, or is it missing too much?01:09
Centurion210hello everyone... is it possible to install ubu 10.10 to a usb hardrive from windows ? or do i have to do it by a livecd ?01:09
Alberto_EspanyaI'm trying to make my Ubuntu 10.10 to work properly, and to do so I need to route PulseAudio through Jack, is there any easy way to do this or should I go back to Windows? :-(01:10
uLinuxAzendale: solved :)01:10
jpmorganlol "BURN PROCESS FAILED"01:10
uLinuxjpmorgan: what program are you using01:10
jpmorgani guess i will build an older ubuntu01:10
sin_taxOK, my MD5 hash is correct - Anyone else had trouble with Universal USB Installer freezing before installing 10.10 (x64)?01:10
Jordan_USayo: Reboot then run "sudo fsck -y /dev/sda5"01:10
jpmorgani am using nero but the infrarecorder also reported it was too large an image01:10
Sayook one second01:10
uLinuxAzendale: i commented out all the ipv6 liens01:11
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: Most blank CDs are 700 meg.01:11
uLinuxsorry *lines01:11
W43372the theme for my GUI is all black with white text and for some reason my mail in evolution shows up as white text on a white page. How do fix?01:11
SayoJordan_U: heard, brb01:11
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: You can also make a bootable USB to install from.01:11
jpmorganthe target machine has no usb or dvd01:11
jpmorganso i will have to find another writeable cd and a smaller image to make01:12
AzendaleSaRy: I got the firefox to work by upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 (I was having trouble starting firefox because of an already running error, even though it wasn't running)01:12
jesse_quick question guys01:12
jpmorgani think i will just go with my last iso . perhaps i can upgrade it after its up and running01:12
jesse_other then regular wine, i need a really good program for running Steam and older games01:12
UbuntuNoobwhenever i start up my laptop, i cant connect to any networs even with a direct connection and when i click on the wifi icon it says networking disabled any ideas on how to fix this01:12
racionalistHello :)01:12
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: Did you see my message about the minimal CD?01:13
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: The last iso is also 700 meg :)01:13
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: They all have been for as long as I can remember.01:13
jpmorganyah i cant even find any more blank CDs, that was my last one.01:13
jesse_you guys r useless -.-01:13
jesse_thanks alot01:13
jpmorgani did see the minimal CD thanks01:13
liquidmesonCenturion210 your going to need the livecd01:13
ka1serrunning steam on ubuntu? that would be great01:13
ka1serprobably virtual machine is the only option01:13
Centurion210well i thought so. thanks liquidmeson!01:13
racionalistNo way natively :)01:13
Jordan_Ujpmorgan: You're welcome.01:14
jesse_again, your enthusiasm is too impressive -.-01:14
sin_taxka1ser, it works with Wine01:14
jesse_ok look01:14
jesse_Wine, Cedega, Crossover Games01:14
jesse_anything else? -.-01:14
ka1serhmm are you serious?01:14
racionalistWine is good for simple applications01:14
johannes_is there a way to check, if turbo core works properly?01:15
sin_taxIsn't there a proect called playonlinux or something that is a sort of wrapper for wine?01:15
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?01:15
adilalpmancany anybody read me?01:16
jpmorganaha found 10.0401:16
splatplayonlinux installs straight from synaptic on ubuntu... But how well it works is a mystery to me..01:16
sin_taxatude, I am a newb but have you tried apt-get -f install?01:16
xanguano one can adilalpman01:16
adilalpmani cant use (setting up) my ubuntu one regitered account to ubuntu one program in ubuntu 10.1001:17
rocketsUnity crashes and restarts for me about every 30 minutes . . .01:17
adilalpmani clicked ubuntu one logo beetween clock01:17
adilalpmanbut nothing opened and happaned01:17
adilalpmanand i try right click01:17
adilalpmanbut it was same01:17
adilalpmanhow can i use my ubuntu one account in ubuntu 10.10?01:18
liquidmesonjesse_, your best sitting tight in this forum, http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1173683 windows games on linux almost never work well01:18
adilalpmanespecially hoe can i add and start to use?01:18
W43372what does this command do: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/status01:18
adilalpmanis it to mo W3372?01:19
adilalpmanto me?01:19
W43372what does this command do: sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/status01:20
liquidmesonW43372, something bad01:20
IdleOneW43372: it will delete that file01:20
IdleOnenot sure you want to do that01:20
W43372and what is that file?01:21
adilalpmancany anybody help me please :S01:21
nepasHow do I connect to the internet on my cell phone througn my ubuntu laptop?01:21
virtuanyone knows how to convert .pst file (outlook 2007 backup) to thunderbird format in linux?01:21
W43372idleone: what is that file?01:21
liquidmesonW43372, type in less /var/lib/dpkg/status to see what it is01:21
IdleOneW43372: I don't know to be honest. So I wouldn't delete it01:21
UbuntuNoobany fixes?01:22
W43372idleone: I don't know what it is, someone on here just told me to run that command.01:23
SeRVeR01hey all , everytime i run my pc i got to readjust my monitor resolution to 1280x1024 every time it goes back to 1027x768 I use Ubuntu 10.1001:23
liquidmesonadilalpman, system> preferences> ubuntu one01:23
Alberto_EspanyaI'm trying to make my Ubuntu 10.10 to work properly, and to do so I need to route PulseAudio through Jack, is there any easy way to do this or should I go back to Windows? :-(01:23
IdleOneW43372: don't. looks like it reports if packages are installed or not01:23
Alberto_EspanyaI need to record instruments with Ardour, which uses Jack.01:23
W43372idleone: I already did!01:24
IdleOneW43372: heh01:24
IdleOneso why bother asking after the fact01:24
nepasW43372: oh, you met him? So do I01:24
nepasW43372: He told me run that command too01:25
lumakii want to make changes to a deb-src package, i've prepared my patches, but how do integrate them and build it?01:25
IdleOneW43372: nepas who was it?01:25
W43372well, gee. It's so nice to know that this is still a place I can come to for help.01:25
nepasIdleOne: He is shirleytoole01:26
liquidmesonlumaki, cool! there should be a read me in there on how to build,,... typically ./config && make && sudo make install         then you can test01:26
W43372all of the advice I've ever gotten from this IRC has always been helpful01:26
ka1serAlberto_Espanya: I use Ardour without problems01:27
W43372I logged on tonight asking a simple UI question and I probably just screwed something up.01:27
ka1seroh he is gone...01:27
liquidmesonlumaki, may i ask what your workin on?01:27
Bogus8I have a raid 5 setup (software) and mdadm is missing a dev id when looking at the --details of /dev/md0  Here are the results http://pastebin.ca/1961431  No, the copy/paste didn't get truncated, what should be /dev/sda1 just doesn't show up.01:28
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Bogus8Should I be concerned or is this some how "normal"?01:28
nepasHow do I connect to the internet on my cell phone througn my ubuntu laptop?01:28
IdleOneW43372: do mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status01:29
IdleOnehopefully that will fix it but no garantees01:29
uLinuxbah Network Manager keeps changing hosts file01:29
W43372Idleone: What's that going to break? I just found out that last command made me lose the update and package manager01:29
adilalpmanhi again01:30
IdleOneW43372: mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status-old is a backup file. renaming it will hopefully put things back in order01:30
adilalpmani am on ubuntu nw01:30
W43372idleone: I hope so01:30
adilalpmanand i go to system prefrences and click ubuntu one but nothin was opened01:30
kawfish___is it possible to mute laptop speakers without muting headphones?01:30
W43372idleone: do mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status01:31
jzittHi, all. I found out that it won't be possible to see Wine applications under Unity (There a bug on this, but it's postponed until the next release). I installed ubuntu-desktop. How do I switch to it from Unity? There's nothing apparent on the login screen.01:31
W43372idleone: eldonkr@ekr-mobile:~$ mv /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status01:31
W43372mv: cannot move `/var/lib/dpkg/status-old' to `/var/lib/dpkg/status': Permission denied01:31
fiberHello.  I used to use slimserver to stream music from my home linux box to my work computers (so I could listen to my collection when i'm out of the house).  I was wondering if anyone knew of a more modern approach?  I would like something that can stream the music and has controls over what is playing, play lists and the ability to search through the music.01:31
IdleOneadd sudo W4337201:31
RudyValenciaHi, I sometimes get crashes when I use b43 on my laptop for its WiFi, why?01:31
W43372idleone: now what?01:32
IdleOneW43372: sudo apt-get update01:32
liquidmesonadilalpman, try alt-f2 ubuntuone-preferences01:32
ka1serb43 is a somewhat reverse-enginnered driver... you might try a specific driver for your wifi card01:33
IdleOneW43372: if no errors I think you should be ok01:33
RudyValenciaka1ser: what do you mean, try a specific driver?01:33
Bogus8I have a raid 5 setup (software) and mdadm is missing a dev id when looking at the --details of /dev/md0  Here are the results http://pastebin.ca/1961431  No, the copy/paste didn't get truncated, what should be /dev/sda1 just doesn't show up.01:33
Bogus8Should I be concerned or is this some how "normal"?01:33
liquidmesonadilalpman, or go to applications> accessories > terminal and type ubuntuone-preferences01:33
adilalpmani tried01:33
W43372IdleOne: No errors01:33
RudyValenciaka1ser: my laptop's WiFi card is one of the supported models01:33
adilalpmanbut nothing was happaned to01:33
adilalpmanwith alt+f201:33
invisime1just installed maverick on my buddy's compaq laptop. activated the most recent nvidia drivers, rebooted, and now the screen shows 6 screens all on the one. and the resolution is really skewed.01:34
W43372IdleOne: Thanks, now about my UI issue?01:34
adilalpmani try console01:34
adilalpman1 min01:34
liquidmesonadilalpman, try in the terminal01:34
FloodBot1adilalpman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
Andys^anyone know how to stop "kslowd" taking up all my CPU time?01:34
rlankfokillall kslowd01:34
crimsun...you can't.  It's a kernel thread.01:34
Andys^rlakfo: lol01:34
Andys^its only since 10.1001:34
ka1serRudyValencia: what model?01:34
Andys^it makes the system go so slow the mouse pointer stops01:34
verbal__ thelinuxlink.net01:34
W4337210.10? There's a new distro already?01:35
=== invisime1 is now known as invisime
RudyValenciaka1ser: BCM4306, vendor 14E4 dev 4320 subsys 03011468 rev 301:35
rlankfoW43372: new version01:35
IdleOneW43372: not sure what issues you are having with UI but may I suggest not running any commands without knowing what they do from now on :)01:35
invisimeW43372: every 6 months. :-)01:35
W43372Lucid hasn't even been out for very long01:35
liquidmesonW43372, awesome huh?01:35
* RudyValencia is gonna try it01:35
W43372IdleOne: My UI is white text on black. Except in evolution when it loads my mail the message shows up as white on white and I can't read it unless I highlight everything.01:36
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adilalpmani get error01:36
IdleOneW43372: sounds like you need to fix some settings in your theme01:37
adilalpmani am pasting it to paste.ubuntu.com now01:37
adilalpmanwait pls01:37
W43372IdleOne: I'll fiddle around with it, I never thought of that. I just chose 'get more themes' and tooled around on that website that comes up01:37
Tomcat025Is there a way short of reinstalling Maverick to get my desktop settings, display settings et all to default?01:37
Tomcat025et al*01:38
RudyValenciaok I'm on the WiFi currently01:38
adilalpmanliquidmeson : pls check http://paste.ubuntu.com/512781/01:38
Jooder492what is the diffrence between ubuntu server and ubuntu 10.10?01:38
Tomcat025server typically has no gui01:39
Tomcat025for one01:39
sayoJordan_U, bro thank you01:39
RudyValenciaServer version is optimized for servers01:39
W43372IdleOne: /shrug I just switched back to the one I was using prior. The one I had wouldn't let me change my colors.01:39
W43372Thanks everybody01:39
sayoJordan_U, worked like a charm, any idea why i had to fix the disk?01:39
liquidmesonadilalpman, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/46739701:39
Jooder492ok.  i was trying to setup a home server and i couldnt get the server one to work :/  i was hoping i wasnt missing much01:39
oss_sosJordan_U:  tx for the padsp tip01:40
maruqhi guys, I keep noticing load is really high on 10.0401:40
maruqkeep getting:  System information disabled due to load higher than 101:40
liquidmesonadilalpman, are you running the new 10.10?01:40
RudyValenciaah, working okay so far01:40
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RudyValenciadownloading file at the top speed01:40
edugonchHello, does somebody know why phppgmyadmin is not working in 10.10 please01:40
RudyValenciaI'll be back in a bit01:40
maruqshows up as roughly 1.20 in Ganglia01:41
W43372Wait, one more question. My laptop only has a half gig of RAM and I'm running Karmic. Is it expected that 77% of RAM is being used up by programs even when I'm not doing anything or is something screwy going on?01:41
adilalpmanliquidmeson:i installed 1.2 days ago01:41
froodleI updated to 10.10 from 10.04, and I noticed the applications menu nested some things differently.  E.g. the games menu had submenus for different genres.  After reboot it went back to previous theme.  How do I change it manually?01:41
froodle(XFCE, btw)01:41
JodaZW43372, propably, you might want to try one of the lighter netbook flavoured *buntus01:42
adilalpmanliquidmeson:i cant unserdtand that webpage, how can i use it01:42
i_is_brokejose__:  fail01:42
jose__yup ... totally fail01:42
jose__i'm just trying irssi01:43
adilalpmanliquidmeson:can i im u?01:43
DulakW43372: linux in general uses free ram for buffers to make things faster.  Drop to a terminal and type 'free'  you should see a line with buffers, that's free ram used to cache and make things faster01:43
jzittHmm. According to what people are saying when I find references in search, there should be something in the logon screen to let me choose between Unity and ubuntu-desktop. I'm just not seeing it. Wonder where it would be.01:43
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W43372Jodaz: I'll take that into consideration. I'm trying to hold out until my next round of student loans after the new year to get a new machine01:43
liquidmesonadilalpman, you can pm me in a new window in irc?01:43
W43372Dulak: Right now it says seventy-two percent in use by progs and sixteen percent as cache01:44
W43372Eitherway, thanks for the assistance tonight. I've got homework.01:45
DulakW43372: that's about right for 512m of ram01:45
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RudyValenciaoddly, sometimes my WiFi is not stable on b43 drivers.01:45
jose__somebody is watvhing the rescue of the chilean miners?01:45
RudyValencianow it seems to be working properly01:45
ka1serRudyValencia: thats good to hear01:45
jose__*is anybody watching the rescue of the chilean miners?01:46
Seeker`!ot | jose__01:46
ubottujose__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:46
RudyValenciaI'm downloading the ISO 10.0401:46
RudyValencia*the ISO of 10.04 desktop01:46
jose__Now is comming the last one!01:46
ka1seryou can check http://wiki.debian.org/bcm43xx in case you keep getting issues... seems like b43 and NDISwrapper are your only options... b43legacy is for rev 2.01:47
jose__RudyValencia! .. there is anocher version01:47
fraggedHey guys, looking to download ubuntu netbook edition, but looking for a direct link as I'm downloading it to a remote system http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download source doesnt show me one though01:47
ka1seryeah 10.10 was released in 10/10/10 =)01:47
RudyValenciajose__: I prefer LTS versions so I don't have to upgrade every six months lol01:47
ptimbancayahello everyone, how do i install google earth on 10.10?01:47
mae_taehello people, im trying to install ubuntu 10.04 in our sunfire machine, but it seems that it freeze, is it not the ubuntu is not compatible with the machine?01:47
IdleOnefragged: http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso01:48
uLinuxei "sudo chattr +i /etc/hosts" fixed my problem01:48
fraggedIdleOne, cheers01:49
fraggedIdleOne, while your at it, you wouldnt have a MD5/SHA1 to test it with would you?01:49
ka1serI find it hard to believe it is not compatible with your machine01:49
fraggedI'm half downloading it for need, half downloading it to test a new wireless internet connection01:49
fraggedTa :)01:50
RudyValenciamy connection is steady as a rock01:50
IdleOneno problem01:50
joseVIVA CHILE CTM! :D01:51
IdleOnejose: Please stay on topic. if you wish to chat join #ubuntu-offtopic01:51
jzittSo the references say that I should "choose in GDM" whether I want Unity or the standard desktop. I'm assuming that the screen on which I log in is GDM, but the option still isn't there. Might I be logging in through something other than GDM?01:53
UbuntuNoobfor some reason whenever i start my computer, under NetworkManager.state , NetworkingEnabled=false. How can i change this to be true on startup?01:54
mattgyverjzitt, i believe its referring to selecting Unity as the session you wish to launch from the gdm01:54
uLinuxmy keyboard bind alt + print is not working. how can i fix this01:54
mattgyverjzitt, at the bottom you should have a panel that has a sessions select box01:55
jzittmattgyver: OK, I'll give it another look. Gonna log out and see if it's there, then log back in and return.01:55
shaficCan someone tell me how I launch a Java *.jar file?01:56
mattgyvershafic, i think its java -jar file.jar01:56
mattgyvershafic, yeah it is01:56
ka1serthat is correct mattgyver01:57
shaficmattgyver ka1ser: wonderful, thank you01:57
mattgyveruLinux, take a peek in Preferences>Keyboard shortcuts and see if you can fix it there, not sure anything else really01:57
uLinuxmattgyver: already did :(01:58
uLinuxmattgyver: maybe it's a keyboard layout problem01:59
nikolawhat is a command to make output like for example i type: xinput without option and argument  it gives me all options for "xinput", what is the command to make same result for command like ls01:59
invisimecan someone point me in the direction of a good wireless troubleshooting document?01:59
uLinuxmattgyver: because i press alt + print i just dont work01:59
rocketsHas anybody been able to get Chrome's built in PDF plugin working? I still get the missing plugin error :(01:59
mattgyverrockets, I havent messed with that but Just print to file and select pdf02:00
rocketsMatBoy, that's not at all what I'm talking about.02:00
rocketserm mattgyver ^02:00
jzittmattgyver: At the bottom of the logon screen I saw an icon for Universal Access settings, the time and date, and an icon for Shutdown Options. What do I do to choose the different desktop?02:00
mattgyverjzitt, you should have a sessions selection too but its possible it only appears if you have more than one desktop environment installed02:01
mattgyverjzitt, can you link me to the reference you were looking at previously?02:01
uLinuxmattgyver: if there is a error where what log should i check?02:01
mattgyvernikola, man <package> or info <package> should give you detailed information for packages if thats what your trying to figure out02:02
jzittmattgyver: Nothing on going *from* Unity *to* ubuntu-desktop, but several the other way, such as http://www.ubuntugeek.com/new-unity-release-ready-for-testing-in-ubuntu-10-1010-04.html02:03
shaunouLinux: alt+printscreen not working is a known bug, see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+source/metacity/+bug/64279202:03
Dulakjzitt: logout, choose gnome as the session instead of unity, you are no longer using unity02:04
shaunothe short version is that the sysrq functionality in the keyboard is eating it before it gets to X (may be specific to some layouts, oddly)02:04
jzittDulak: the question is: How do I choose gnome as the seeion instead of Unity?02:04
uLinuxshauno: ty02:04
Dulakjzitt: from the session dropdown box on the login page02:04
Guest82593hi guys someone have driver for video sis mirage?02:05
RudyValenciaOK, my system crashed. I have a trace in syslog.02:05
RudyValencia(b43 wireless crashed as I expected)02:05
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jzittDulak: As far as I can tell, there is no session dropdown box on the login page.02:05
Guest82593someone there?02:05
nikolamattgyver, i find info and man too long for some short info i need.i want as simple as possible list of all options for specific command , similar to one when you give a command that require options, and if you dont give option, it gives short list of options that go with that commansd, similar if you just type xinput02:05
westmijzitt, should be there02:05
Dulakjzitt: click your login name, at the bottom you should see a sessions button or dropdown box appear02:06
RudyValenciaka1ser: what do I do now that I'm back after b43 crashing02:06
Guest94654I can't see a the whole message in a window.  Here's part of it though... "It is impossible to install or remove any software.  Us the package manager synaptic or run sudo apt-get install" and then I can't see anymore02:06
Dulakjzitt: it only shows up once you select a user, since it is user specific02:06
mattgyvernikola, yeah ive never seen a program to do quite that, some commands if you execute them it will give you just the options but not all02:06
jzittDulak: Are you saying that the sutton appears only after I click on my name?02:06
K-RichCan anyone tell me how to get ANSI emulation to work for telnet BBSes. I'02:07
jzittOK, logging out to try it.02:07
Dulakjzitt: yes it's a user specific setting02:07
K-Richi got color, but the characters are not right, even after trying an ASCII character TTF02:07
hopeless8009is there still support for 10.4 LTS02:08
sacarlsonRudyValencia: did you look at this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=104489802:08
yhwho can tell me how to use the xchar in 10.1002:08
xanguahopeless8009: for 3 years desktop02:08
MarkSSWhy is it whenever I try to remove openssh_client it won't remove it?02:08
RudyValenciasacarlson: that's what b43-fwcutter installed - those two packages02:09
westmidid ya use synaptic?02:09
IdleOneMarkSS: the package name is openssh-client02:09
IdleOnenot an underscore02:09
RudyValenciawestmi: me?02:09
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silbak04if you guys would like you can check out my blog on here silbak04.blogspot.com02:10
RudyValenciaThe problem is gone if I use ndiswrapper02:10
UbuntuNoobcan someone help to resolve my issue02:10
BugeyeDhi all. can anyone describe how rhythmbox knows whether to display the 'record to cd' button when a playlist is selected?02:10
bjvIs there an Xorg tool, or wrapper that will modify an X app - so the mouse cursor cannot leave the app? maybe until a modifer key is pressed02:11
K-RichCan anyone tell me how to get ANSI emulation to work for telnet BBSes. i got color, but the characters are not right, even after trying an ASCII character TTF02:11
sacarlsonRudyValencia: did you make it all the way to step 3b?02:11
K-Richusing gnome-terminal02:11
nikolaUbuntuNoob, you should just ask02:11
RudyValenciaI let it do the installation itslef02:11
UbuntuNoobi have. on startup, my laptop has network manager turned off02:12
bjvi'd like to run this game in a window - but control is difficult w/ the cursor running out02:12
bjvi'd like to capture the cursor to within one window02:13
sacarlsonRudyValencia: if you could get synaptic or apt-get do it itself they wouldn't have wrote that artical02:13
westmiUbuntuNoob, did ya do all your updates?02:13
UbuntuNoobif i go to gksu gedit /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state, NetworkingEnabled=false. every time, i have to turn it to true, save it, and reboot for it to take effect, and it only lasts for one power up02:13
RudyValenciaso how do I do it again the right way?02:13
RudyValenciajust follow the directions?02:14
UbuntuNoobdoing so now02:14
jzittDulak: Thanks, that worked. None of the pages that I searched aid that the setting appears only after you select the user, which is one logical way to do it, but only obvious in retrospect.02:17
finalbloggerto all02:17
RudyValenciaWell I'll try this again02:17
finalbloggercan anyone help me02:17
finalbloggeri m looking for an ebook on ubuntu 10.10 for free02:18
finalbloggerany links guys?02:18
Dulakjzitt: np took me a couple tries to see it myself02:18
uLinuxim trying to stop CUPS from startup with no success.02:18
liquidmeson_finalblogger, http://www.amazon.com/The-Official-Ubuntu-Book-ebook/dp/B003V4ATD002:19
jzittOk, now to actually start getting some work done :-). Thanks!02:19
nikolatldp.org finalblogger02:19
finalbloggerthanks liquid but i aksed for free:)02:19
RudyValencia-I'm watching syslog from another terminal while downloading the Ubuntu ISO02:20
nikolafinalblogger, there on that link you have a lot free learning books, i am atm reading introduction to linux. pdf02:20
finalbloggerthanks buddy02:20
liquidmeson_finalblogger, http://ubuntu-manual.org/ also has a pdf if your ereader can read em02:20
mattgyveruLinux, do you need to kill it just once, or on every boot?02:21
uLinuxmattgyver: every02:21
finalbloggerthanks liquid02:22
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyVlaencia
uLinuxmattgyver: i tried "sudo rcconf" "sudo update-rc.d -f cups remove"02:22
=== RudyVlaencia is now known as RudyValencia
ChogyDanuLinux: why are you trying to disable cups?02:22
RudyValencialet's see if our issue is resolved02:22
mgmuscarii want to cross-compile toward arm - what packages do i need to do this?02:22
uLinuxChogyDan: cause i dont need it02:23
mattgyveruLinux, someone may need to correct me if im wrong but I think you can remove from /etc/rc2.d/ your cups init script, its probably something like S50cups02:23
KageHey, I installed Kubuntu from a DVD and it seems that the DVD contained packages for every language known to man02:23
Sicklercan someone shine some light on libdvdcss, is it legal in the u.s? is this just on linux or all OS's02:23
KageI am upgrading from 10.04 to 10.1002:23
KageIs there a way I can choose to redownload 500 language packs?02:23
mattgyverwell, removing the symlink that is, not the script itself02:23
Kageor something02:23
mgmuscarii specifically want libc02:23
ka1sercodesourcery toolchains is a good one mgmuscari =)02:23
liquidmeson_mgmuscari, http://www.ailis.de/~k/archives/19-ARM-cross-compiling-howto.html02:24
VisualAssassinhow do i change the backgrounds on the other workspaces without it changing all of them?02:24
ChogyDanmattgyver: uLinux: it is /etc/init/cups.conf I believe02:24
uLinuxmattgyver: K00cups02:24
mgmuscarika1ser: thanks... any idea what the package name for the arm version of libc is?02:24
ka1sermattgyver I think it is better to remove it with update-rc.d02:24
Sicklercan someone shine some light on libdvdcss, is it legal in the u.s? is this just on linux or all OS's... I am asking bc I am unsure if I should install02:24
glauceI cant install software from kubuntu dvd, when the system is installed in hdd.02:24
mgmuscarika1ser: i'm actually already using devkitpro - but i need to get at some of the libc stuff that isn't included in it (specifically sys/select.h, maybe some others...)02:25
mattgyverChogyDan, thats the conf file though, im specifically talking about the init script that is fired off on boot which points to /init.d/cups02:25
sacarlsonSickler: the software is legal but what you do with it might not be.  you can copy your own personal dvd disks like famaly video. just not copywrited stuf02:25
ChogyDanSickler: it is illegal to play DVDs in the US without paying a license fee02:25
liquidmeson_mgmuscari, this might be better, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108705702:26
sacarlsonChogyDan: you mean if I create a DVD and make it gnu (free) people in usa still have to pay a licencse fee?02:26
mgmuscariliquidmeson_: thanks02:27
mgmuscarii just came across dietlibc02:27
mgmuscariwhich looks like it can target arm02:27
mgmuscarii'm going to try linking against it02:27
ChogyDansacarlson: nah, only if the encoding is hollywood encrypted02:27
Sicklersacarlson: ChogyDan: not concerned with copy, ripping, pirating. Thats not my cup of tea. But if i play a netflex movie on my computer with or a new simpsons dvd i bought.... these are clear of legal dilemmas02:27
ChogyDansacarlson: encryption*02:27
finalbloggerok guys one more question..i want to see Social Network (movie) for free...any links02:28
linux_is_my_herohow do i get adobe flash player 10 for chromium?02:28
ubottupiracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o02:28
sacarlsonChogyDan: you might be right about that.  maybe there is other methods of encryption you could use like divx02:28
mgmuscarilol for a second i thought that piracy message was directed at the guy looking for flash player02:28
phoenix_hello heres my problem. When playing flash games certain keyes don't work, such as the asdfg. Please helped i have installed two different linuxes with the same result02:28
finalbloggeri am scared02:28
sacarlsonChogyDan: divx still plays in my dvd player02:29
invisimeI am trying to help my friend's wireless card work on meerkat.02:29
invisimelshw -C network shows the device as disabled.02:29
liquidmeson_finalblogger, http://vodo.net/ even better02:29
invisimehowever, the connectivity icon in the tray indicates that the hardware button is turned on.02:29
bcessahi there, I've a little prob here, I know that using the sticky bit on a directory (g+s) cause every file and dir created inside of it inherit the parent group, question: is there something like that but for the user? I mean, making the files and dirs inherit the user stuff?02:29
phoenix_so im new and nobody even helps :'(02:30
invisimethe troubleshooting guide leads me in circles at this point.02:30
ka1sermgmuscari just give codesourcery a try... we use it at TI all the time without problems... it has libc and everything02:30
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finalbloggerleme see02:30
mattgyverlinux_is_my_hero, enable partner repo in System>Administration>Software Sources>Other Software and then install flashplugin-nonfree02:30
invisimeshe's using an AR5001 Wireless Network Adapter (from Atheros).02:30
seismicmikehey guys, today in the middle of the afternoon, Google Chrome just decided to stop working. It died and then when I tried to start it back up, it would open a window and immediately close it. After repeated attempts and attempted re-installs it doesn't even open a window at all now. I checked the error logs and I'm getting a bunch of these: "chrome[9674]: segfault at aed3ebf2 ip ad92ccec sp bf949e80 error 6 in IcedTeaP02:31
seismicmikelugin.so[ad925000+2e000]". I'd say it's a bug in the current version of chrome except I've tried both unstable and stable and I hadn't updated chrome when this started. It's weird. Searching google didn't turn up anything useful. Anyone else have this problem? Anyone know what could cause it? How to fix it? Thanks.02:31
mattgyverlinux_is_my_hero, you can always install from adboe's site, i think it fires apt which walks you through the same thing too02:31
ne7workhello all please someone tell me from where can I learning php on very good level. :)02:31
uLinuxmattgyver: there is a /etc/init/cups.conf maybe i can use that?02:31
glaucewhere the files are stored on ubuntu dvd?02:32
mattgyveruLinux, yeah if it has an option to disable on startup you could i guess, im not sure02:32
uLinuxmattgyver: it says "start on (filesystem"02:32
uLinuxi'll try "never"02:33
ChogyDanuLinux: just comment out that start on lines02:33
uLinuxwith # right02:33
sacarlsoninvisime: I'm not sure but that might use the same driver that this article has a solution for http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=982808......This02:33
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ChogyDanuLinux: ya02:33
uLinuxChogyDan: check http://pastebin.com/6af7uHvT02:35
sacarlsonne7work: php like any other language for me I like to look at example code.  each time I hit something I can't do in it I google it.02:35
keith2Well, new install of Ubuntu 10.10 looks to be going well, no problems02:35
liquidmeson_keith2, well thats lame, we can't exactly help you with that now can we....02:36
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sacarlsonne7work: languages are all similar so depending on what languages you already know that would depend02:36
RudyValenciaOK it crashed again.02:37
alpha232All Hail routing gods.. I have a server with two uplinks, I need to ensure that traffic coming in, returns back on the same interface.02:37
RudyValenciaI was trying to copy a file from a local Samba share when it panicked02:37
ka1serRudyValencia: thats sad to read02:37
RudyValenciaWhat do I do02:37
LinuxGuy2009I just created a repository disc with APTonCD that contains the four main desktop environments, and I tried "sudo apt-cdrom add" and it fails. Ive done this in Debian stable and it works fine so I know what Im doing. Is this an APTonCD bug or a core system bug.02:37
seismicmikeoh wait... might have answered my own question..... I uninstalled the icedtea plugin and now it's working.... anyone know what the icedtea plugin is and why it would cause this?02:38
RudyValenciaWhat do I do? Switch to ndiswrapper?02:38
mattgyverseismicmike, icedtea i think is basically an open source java plugin02:38
ka1serRudyValencia: you can try it and if it works fine for you then I don't see why you can not use it02:39
plumhey guys02:39
ChogyDanLinuxGuy2009: I think I've seen that bug before02:39
RudyValenciaIt works with ndiswrapper AFAIK02:39
RudyValencialast time I tried it did02:39
seismicmikehmmmm, maybe that was recently updated..... no... I did a grep "icedtea" /var/log/apt/history.log and the only entries are from when I just removed it.02:39
RudyValenciahow do I report the error to Ubuntu?02:40
seismicmikeseems quite odd to me that it would start in the middle of the afternoon......02:40
plumI can't see my Applications dropdown. i've just updated to 10.10.02:40
plumI have CompizConfig installed, if that helps with my problem :s02:40
plumCan someone help me with this?02:40
ka1seryou might want to check also you have no other wireless driver running which might cause conflict...02:40
RudyValenciaI don't02:40
ka1seralso, that you are running latest version of b4302:40
RudyValenciab43 is part of the kernel02:40
RudyValenciaand I'm using 2.6.32-25 (the latest Lucid kernel)02:41
ka1serand what is the error you are getting?02:41
brick_hi, if I already installed "Ubuntu Restricted 'blabla'" Do I need to install "KUbuntu Restricted" also?02:41
liquidmeson_alpha232, sudo iftop -i eth0 and eth1 in another terminal02:41
brick_hi, if I already installed "Ubuntu Restricted 'blabla'" Do I need to install "KUbuntu Restricted" also? Service Packs..02:41
seismicmikeplum, first thing I'd do is right click on the desktop and click "Change Desktop Background" then go to Visual Effects and set it to None02:41
RudyValenciaka1ser: I'll pastebin02:41
finalbloggerguys when i boot my laptop it gives me so many options although i just have Ubuntu 10.10 and Windows 7 ..how to get rid of all that?02:41
tacomasteri have a question i have some .wmv video files but when i click on the sliding bar trying to go to a certin point in the video it just restarts the video if this common or is there something wrong?02:41
eros_boa noite pessoal02:41
eros_alguem pode me ajudar?02:42
seismicmikethat will at least establish a baseline that will allow you to open your menu. From there try to re-enable your compiz features and see if that takes care of it02:42
seismicmikethis is assuming you're on gnome.02:42
liquidmeson_finalblogger, system> admin> janitor02:42
finalbloggerthanks buddy02:42
eros_gostaria de  saber02:43
liquidmeson_tacomaster, nothing wrong, just ubuntu hates (windows media video) wmv, the application vlc in software center might work better02:43
tacomasterliquidmeson_: ok ty02:43
eros_porque tipo eu usava um soft no windows e agora que migrei para o ubuntu02:43
eros_não consigo achar o equivalente02:43
finalbloggernoo i m talking abt the menu list at the time of boot02:44
finalbloggernot an installed software02:44
mattgyverfinalblogger, if your sure you dont need them; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 check out section 702:44
finalbloggeri just need two options02:44
LinuxGuy2009Well thats it for me and Ubuntu. Sick of simple things breaking or just not working. Debian works and its way more reliable.02:44
AegNuddelis that Portuguese?02:44
finalbloggerubuntu 10.10 and windows 702:44
finalbloggerthats all02:44
liquidmeson_finalblogger, yep i know your extra kernels that show up in the boot loader will appear in the janitor02:44
glauceeros_: esse e o canal internacional. va pro ubuntu-br02:44
glauceAegNuddel: yep02:44
Privacy0i am having trouble installing money manager ex on ubuntu 10.10 x64.02:45
royalkcan comeone tel me how to configure the boot loader, i cant seem to find menu.lst?02:45
eros_ok vlw02:45
Gnea!grub2 | royalk02:45
ubotturoyalk: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub202:45
Gnearoyalk: grub2 doesn't use menu.lst, it uses grub.cfg02:45
liquidmeson_royalk, /etc/default/grub.cfg02:46
AegNuddelhmm I guess linuxguy2009 was just being a bit of a distro snob02:46
AegNuddelIf that's the right term02:46
liquidmeson_royalk, /etc/default/grub *02:46
GneaAegNuddel: I won't be missing him.02:46
froodleI updated to 10.10 from 10.04, and I noticed the applications menu nested some things differently.  E.g. the games menu had submenus for different genres.  After reboot it went back to previous theme.  How do I change it manually? (XFCE)02:46
* AegNuddel finds ubuntu works fine for most things02:46
plumseismicmike: i just disabled all animations and still can't see my Applications dropdown02:47
brick_hi, if I already installed "Ubuntu Restricted 'blabla'" Do I need to install "KUbuntu Restricted" also? Service Packs..02:47
royalkthanks guys02:47
mweichert_Hi... I'm trying to understand more about threads. If I pass a variable to a thread, can it modify the value of that variable in such that it takes effect in the 'parent' thread?02:47
liquidmeson_froodle, right click on the menu and say edit02:47
Gneamweichert_: what?02:47
phoenix_er where is the help channel02:47
brick_here phoenix_02:47
Gneaphoenix_: you're in it02:47
brick_hi, if I already installed "Ubuntu Restricted 'blabla'" Do I need to install "KUbuntu Restricted" also? Service Packs..02:47
dizkoI use a USB KVM for KB/Mouse, it quit working in 10.10, don't see it at all with lsusb.   Anyone have a suggestion on a next step in troubleshooting?02:48
phoenix_Well i could use some help. when you got all of this sorted out02:48
mattgyverbrick_, id say if it all works dont worry about it though theres probably some value in it02:48
froodleliquidmeson_, Right-clicking does nothing.02:48
brick_ok thanks mattgyver02:48
brick_I'll dl both.02:48
Privacy0how do i queue up to submit a request in here?02:48
hmcagreetings, dont want kubuntu-desktop but still want kde02:48
AegNuddelbrick_, no.  Kubuntu is based on Ubuntu, but is not the same, so you do not need the Kubuntu package02:48
Gneadizko, when did it quit working? when you used it? or did you turn the system on and kept it on the ubuntu system?02:48
brick_Thank you AegNuddel and mattgyver for your responses02:49
dizkoi tried booting with it, with it set to the ubuntu machine since power-on02:49
brick_much appreciated .02:49
AegNuddelyou are welcome02:49
dizkoit stops working when the kernel loads02:49
liquidmeson_froodle, when you right click on the applications on the top right?02:49
* AegNuddel impresses herself realizing that she has actually answered a few questions in here02:49
mweichert_Gnea, I want to pass an instance variable to a new thread, called 'x', ... I'm wondering that if I change the instance variable in that thread 'x' if outside of that thread, the instance variable will have the value that was set thread 'x'?02:49
Gneadizko, so what stops working? all I/O so a blank screen or what?02:49
plumcan someone help me see my Applications dropdown? it's not "dropping down" like the rest of my dropdowns - Places, and System are just fine02:49
liquidmeson_froodle, top left...  -_-02:50
dizkoim not using it for video, just kb/mouse.  kb/mouse become unresponsive and i dont see any indication of their detection in the log02:50
kn1017!ops THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! kn1017 Sarim head_v iFDH __Snooker__ AlbertoP lee__ funky_karun_ jwulf marienz mue__ lkthomas Loneclock Jadder mweichert_ strugart_ A|pHA_six3 dizko royalk hmca brendan- zipp0 bobthemilkman DeaCon Privacy0 matts45acp greene _bugz_ dashua brick_ rickmasta noth plum montxo Some_Person Wojo m00se02:50
Gneamweichert_, k, this is a general ubuntu help channel, not a programming help channel - are you trying to do that in C?02:50
phoenix_k my problem is whenever i try to play a flash game such as disputed galaxy on my linux, some keys don't work, such as asdfg and enter. i have downloaded two different types of linux. i use windows office usb keyboard connected to a keyboard port adapter02:50
wasnikhi guys my network manager all of a sudden stopped detecting wireless networks. please help02:50
mweichert_Gnea: sorry, I thought I had joined the ruby-lang channel... my bad02:51
phoenix_wasnik try to take apart your computer and make sure your wireless card is in all the way02:51
* AegNuddel coughs *Microsoft proprietary issues*02:51
dliwasnik, probably, wifi driver issue. does it work again after reboot?02:51
Thetimhello guys...i need some help here, i've tried to put Aero Snap to work on my ubuntu, but it didnt work.. any ideas?02:51
^DEMOSS^wasnik ше шы тщкьфд ))) ше-шы Гигтег ))02:51
A|pHA_six3that dude is 133702:51
phoenix_aegnuddle what02:51
liquidmeson_phoenix_, assuming the keys work in other games such as http://games.adultswim.com/robot-unicorn-attack-twitchy-online-game.html it is probably a problem with the game website02:52
^DEMOSS^wasnik it is normal - it is ubuntu ))02:52
phoenix_how do i cough02:52
phoenix_um it doesn't work with any. couuld somebody test it out02:52
froodleliquidmeson_, Right-clicking on "Applications" gives me the following options: "Xfce Menu" (grayed out), Properties, Move, Remove, Add New Items..., Customize Panel.02:52
mattgyverhmca, it looks like the kde-core package is gonna have the least fat to get kde going, still a few things though02:52
AegNuddelphoenix_, you have the Windows keyboard... I know I play robot unicorn all the time02:52
wasnikdli, demoss, phoenix_ even after reebooting the problem persists02:53
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to get my wireless to work using p54pci, and it's working to a degree, but it's having some connection issues. It takes forever to connect to sites, then usually loads stuff okay, and it sometimes loses its connection to the router. Anyone have any ideas?02:53
RudyValenciahere's the issue: http://pastebin.com/ep2cLnrb02:53
Gneadizko, well, not using all 3 sort of impacts things a bit..... who makes the kvm?02:53
mattgyverhmca, take a look at this; http://www.debianadmin.com/install-kde-desktop-in-ubuntu.html02:53
wasnikalso the card is detected however networks r not02:53
A|pHA_six3anybody get an ip addy on kn1017 ?02:53
dizkognea: i dont see why the video would matter.  its a belkin kvm.  ive used it for awhile, worked fine in 10.0402:53
phoenix_um yes. um, aegnuddel, could you try out disputed galaxy try to press D then enter. see if a little chat thing comes up on the bottom02:53
rwwA|pHA_six3: He's been k-lined, so no need.02:54
^DEMOSS^Canonical has many problem at the last relese/ They do  many errors.... 3d driver on installation progress.... new unstable package.... Ohhh02:54
Privacy0i get the following error when trying to install Money Manager Ex on Ubuntu 10.10 x64: An unhandlable error occured -- There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry."02:54
Gneadizko, oh dear... a belkin.... throw that garbage away and get an iogear or something else....02:54
Privacy0Any suggestions as to what might be wrong?02:54
Gneadizko, no, I'm serious, belkin kvms suck02:54
phoenix_coughs *hello*02:54
dizkognea: well it works fine, seems like ubuntu 10.10 is what needs to go in the garbage, this is one of several things which stopped working ;)02:54
uLinuxanother prob omg.. "sudo: unable to resolve host localhost.localdomain"02:54
phoenix_how do i do the cough thingy.02:55
liquidmeson_froodle, alt-f2 alacarte02:55
RudyValenciaka1ser: http://pastebin.com/ep2cLnrb02:55
Gneadizko, no, belkin has made faulty kvms for years, it's a well-known fact02:55
^DEMOSS^Anybody say me network or channel were i can speek on SIP\RTP    -  videoconference whith 5 members02:55
AegNuddelI don't get it02:55
^DEMOSS^i wanna do a server on linux02:55
phoenix_how do i cough like *cough cough*02:55
Thetimdoes anybody knows Aero Snap02:55
dizkognea: that may be the case, but this isnt the kvm's fault as it works fine in the previous release of ubuntu as well was with windows02:55
AegNuddelDespite my best efforts the game has been hacked again and user accounts have been deleted again. I am reviewing the situation.02:56
Gneadizko, but then, if it was working on an LTS release and broke on a release deisgned for breaking things in mind..02:56
AegNuddellooks like things are messed up in game02:56
phoenix_yeah thats not the problem it works with my windows just fine02:56
liquidmeson_froodle, or xfce4-menueditor02:56
AegNuddeltype /me coughs02:56
Kage2It would be awesome if I could see packages that I have requested to be installed so I don't have to shift though 2000 dependencys02:56
* phoenix_ coughs hello02:56
dizkognea: im just trying to find out if there is some method of troubleshooting / debugging i might undertake which could help me identify what is the issue02:56
* chris_ coughs silently 02:56
Gneadizko, with belkin, I'm not sure, it's just had a history of not working right with linux02:57
dizkothat what i cant proceed to troubleshoot the various other things which stopped working ;)02:57
Pilif12pWhat's the best way to update perl?02:57
phoenix_aegnuddel could you logg into the game as a guest and try the buttons02:57
froodleliquidmeson_, k, it's open.  I see the submenus on the left, but there's no option to force the Applications menu to sort them.02:57
techbreakhow to update grub? which version of grub is lates?02:57
GneaPilif12p, the same way you update any other installed package on the system02:57
phoenix_i feel like taking my computer and smashing it on the ground then using my soldering iron and taking out every solder in my computer right now...02:58
hmcamattgyver: thankx02:58
* phoenix_ mad02:58
tsoloxcan 10.04 be installed on a Sunfire X4200?02:58
mgmuscarii need to install the arm version of dietlibc, but when i install the dietlibc package, it only includes the libraries that are compiled for x86_64.... how can i get the arm libraries?? btw, trying to build dietlibc from scratch fails due to certain memory security settings in ubuntu02:58
Gneaphoenix_, awesome, gonna build a new tower out of it?02:58
dizkotsolox: good lord why =(02:58
liquidmeson_froodle, yah its manual :/ you could try looking in the home folder and deleting some of the .gconf folders to reset settings02:58
uLinuxif i type hostname shows "localhost.localdomain" but in "/etc/hostname" is the one i want..02:59
liquidmeson_froodle, i'm assuming you've been upgrading since ubuntu alpha or something02:59
^DEMOSS^i am true russian lol-man )) i wanna do on a linux many interesting free project for EDU )))02:59
AegNuddelI tried02:59
phoenix_Gnea could you go onto disputed galaxy and log in as guest then try to press S then enter02:59
xrfangI periodically get "GPU Hung" error (system freeze, and switch to console see that message), using kubuntu 10.10. is there any reported cases & solutions? thanks02:59
A|pHA_six3rww: wanted to have some fun ;)02:59
froodleliquidmeson_, lol, I've been using it for a while, yeah.02:59
tsoloxdizko: trying to install, it hang on the language selection part.02:59
phoenix_oo.... did it do anything02:59
AegNuddelphoenix_, I tried...but no luck02:59
^DEMOSS^FREE free free )) free fo all )02:59
Gneaphoenix_, never played it02:59
wasnikhi guys my network manager all of a sudden stopped detecting wireless networks. please help03:00
dizkotsolox: run solaris.03:00
phoenix_k. wierd it does it on every game... and it works fine with windows....03:00
^DEMOSS^OMFG  phoenix_03:00
phoenix_OMFG ^DEMOSS^ what03:00
liquidmeson_phoenix_, do you know if your x32 or 64?03:01
^DEMOSS^newer speek  about windows on that channel - never say - - IT is working on Windows..... We lives in LINUX world03:01
phoenix_-.- i feel like nobody knows what im going through right now... i feel alone, unable to chat with my fellow friends on my game03:01
phoenix_um i think im 64 let me check how do i check03:01
^DEMOSS^Lnux and Windows - it is  shit and SUN03:01
uLinuxanother problem.. in language support i've selected English and Portuguese but only shows english and chinese!03:01
Gneaphoenix_, calm down, I'm looking into it03:01
phoenix_thx gnea... this may take some time and i don't think anybody knows y03:02
mattgyverwasnik, its a shot in the dark but can you pastebin your /etc/NetworkManager/nm-system-settings.conf?03:02
Pilif12plet me rephrase that03:02
AegNuddelthat does not work for me03:02
JoeCoolMobileI have a prolem03:02
Gneaphoenix_, is it a steam game?03:02
Pilif12pcan i update to the latest version without doing it by source03:02
AegNuddeljust weird03:02
liquidmeson_phoenix_, in terminal type uname -a look for 6403:02
^DEMOSS^phoenix_  never say THAT word here !!!03:03
JoeCoolMobileWhen I updated to 1010 I can only boot into a text only interface03:03
rwwPilif12p: Please feel free to ignore ^DEMOSS^, they're being a little overenthusiastic.03:03
rwwsorry, mistab03:03
rwwphoenix_: ^^^03:03
linux_is_my_herohow do i install my flash plugin?03:03
phoenix_Gnea, um steam game??03:03
mattgyverlinux_is_my_hero, did my previous instructions?03:03
tsoloxif an ubuntu install hangs on the language selection part, what's the next step to do?03:04
mattgyverlinux_is_my_hero, did you try*03:04
phoenix_Does THAT word start with a w03:04
linux_is_my_heromattgyver: it didn't work.03:04
Gneaphoenix_, nevermind03:04
linux_is_my_heromattgyver: it says it is already installed03:04
^DEMOSS^rww ok ))03:04
mattgyverlinux_is_my_hero, what browser are you using?03:04
dizkoGnea: the built-in synaptics pointing devices on my notebook work in the live installer, but don't show up at all after install.  are those also considered to be unworthy of continued support with ubuntu ?03:04
linux_is_my_heromattgyver: chromium03:04
mattgyverlinux_is_my_hero, by chance is it working in firefox?03:04
linux_is_my_heromattgyver: i don't even have firefox anymore03:05
liquidmeson_for flash in 64ubuntu http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/install-64bit-flash-from-a-ppa-or-deb/03:05
AegNuddelnever say THAT word?  What word?03:05
Privacy0i feel like taking drugs03:05
^DEMOSS^i have one quetion..... why all use  ubuntu and repair more canonical sh*t if you can use Debian and do not have problem ??03:06
ka1serRudyValencia: you might want to check this: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=58696703:06
phoenix_ok this is what came up when i typed uname -a      phoenix@Hal:~$ uname -a03:06
phoenix_Linux Hal 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux03:06
liquidmeson_^DEMOSS^, more polish03:06
hmcamattgyver: going for kde-full on my natty03:06
mattgyver^DEMOSS^, Because ubuntu is based on unstable and is cutting edge?03:06
^DEMOSS^Yes - Unstable03:06
rww^DEMOSS^: Please don't use cusswords, even obfuscated ones. Additionally, drop the attitude.03:06
=== phoenix_ is now known as R0B0G3N3S1S
R0B0G3N3S1Skkk here i am03:07
Gneadizko, hard to say, but the main Ubuntu releases are moving in a direction away from older hardware03:07
R0B0G3N3S1SI'm back03:07
^DEMOSS^cusswords = bad words ? or tipe as Debian and other ?03:07
rww^DEMOSS^: bad words03:07
Seeker`^DEMOSS^: This is getting offtopic for here03:07
dizkoits a brand new device03:07
^DEMOSS^ok - thnx03:07
mattgyver^DEMOSS^, you pay a little more to sit first class ;)03:08
* R0B0G3N3S1S coughs *BS*03:08
gurjeetI have wasted 2 CDs and an equal number of hours on this. I downloaded the 10.10 64 bit and after burning the MD5 of /casper/filesystem.squashfs does not match. The MD5 of the iso matches that on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes . This is ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso03:08
=== m00se is now known as TheGodFather
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, never heard of this game before, looks kinda cool actually... do you play it in a browser?03:08
=== TheGodFather is now known as m00se
Seeker`R0B0G3N3S1S: what?03:08
^DEMOSS^mattgyver ?? rephrase that03:08
R0B0G3N3S1Syes i do play it in a browser gnea03:08
=== kelvin is now known as Guest95648
ka1sersee ya03:08
^DEMOSS^mattgyver i am russian system administrator ) but in this night i have more fun in my work ))03:09
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, I wish my ubuntu installation didn't get hosed earlier, I'd confirm that it works or not... it's working fine in xp :/03:09
^DEMOSS^and i like this channel.... if i can - i help pple here and in ubuntu-ru03:10
gurjeetI have wasted 2 CDs and an equal number of hours on this. I downloaded the 10.10 64 bit and after burning, the MD5 of /casper/filesystem.squashfs does not match. The MD5 of the iso matches that on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes . This is ubuntu-10.10-desktop-amd64.iso03:10
gurjeet^DEMOSS^: help me then ;)03:10
mattgyver^DEMOSS^, the point i was trying to make is that theres a price you pay for everything that is good :)03:10
R0B0G3N3S1Syeah same with me but my friggin xp hardrive went dead03:11
linux_is_my_heroliquidmeson_: THANKS! :-) it worked03:11
^DEMOSS^if you have not valid MD5 - you must reload torrent file whith iso - and bern new CD or DVD- RW disk03:11
linux_is_my_herooh no, not windows...03:12
linux_is_my_herowhat are you going to do?03:12
R0B0G3N3S1Sit is ubuntu hey everybody how do i report a problem03:12
mikeruhey, due to a bug in maverick's installation program it wiped out my friend's laptop harddrive03:12
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots03:12
mikeruhe doesn't want to recover the stuff anymore (thanks WZX)03:12
mikerubut he wants to install windows 703:12
bobthemilkmanOkay, here's my problem. I want to mount a USB drive over the LAN using sshfs to my local filesystem. However, it appears as though I require root access to view that folder.  My ssh account is in the sudoers file on that computer. How can I do this?03:12
AHemlocksLieI'm having some trouble with my wifi using p54pci. Anyone have any experience/ideas in this area?03:12
^DEMOSS^why rw ??? - becouse they have good and fat layer03:12
liquidmeson_gurjeet, cd /media/cdrom0 && md5sum -c md5sum.txt  in a terminal03:12
mikeruhow do I install 7 without installing again ubuntu03:12
^DEMOSS^and if you have trouble whith that - you may rewrite bad iso03:13
PryMaLmikeru: do you mena win 7?03:13
gurjeetliquidmeson_: Thats what is failing... it says: md5sum: ./casper/filesystem.squashfs: Input/output error03:13
mikeruPryMaL, exactly03:13
liquidmeson_gurjeet, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM03:13
test34demossed: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:14
PryMaLmikeru: virtualbox-ose is your friend!03:14
mikeruPryMaL, noes!03:14
R0B0G3N3S1Sok idk what the package is that the bug is in... would it be root??03:14
mikeruhe wants not virtualization03:14
liquidmeson_dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=1 count=732766208 | md5sum where count = iso size03:14
mikeruhe wants dual-booting03:14
* AegNuddel cries at the thought of W703:14
^DEMOSS^gurjeet reload iso and bern it on new CD-DVD-RW disk03:14
AegNuddelthat OS stinks... I HAVE tried it03:14
nanotaboadahello everyone, may someone help me with compiz?03:14
gurjeetliquidmeson_: I am following those exact instructions. md5sum -c md5sum.txt | grep -v "OK$"03:14
PryMaLI have to run winblows @ work :|03:14
R0B0G3N3S1S........ ..... ...... ..... ...... i feel abandoned03:14
lewis1711hmm I am noticing very slow visual responses in ubuntu 10.10. I am using the fglrx driver. Anybody have any clue on how to diagnose this? I did not have the same problem using fglrx/catalyst in arch03:15
liquidmeson_gurjeet, dd if=/dev/cdrom bs=1 count=732766208 | md5sum   instead...where count = iso size03:15
^DEMOSS^AegNuddel That OS is for FUN ))03:15
R0B0G3N3S1Swindblows sux03:15
R0B0G3N3S1Sgooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooodddddddddddddddddddddd im gonna reinstall windows03:15
gurjeetliquidmeson_: let me try that too.03:15
R0B0G3N3S1Sgood bye03:15
^DEMOSS^install debian03:15
AegNuddel^DEMOSS^, your idea of fun must be different from mine03:15
lewis1711infact it's slow in general. right now gnome-system-monitor consumes 550mhz03:15
R0B0G3N3S1Swindblows installation started03:15
liquidmeson_R0B0G3N3S1S, imokaywiththis.jpg03:15
rigvedhi everyone03:15
^DEMOSS^AegNuddel use debian03:15
R0B0G3N3S1Sliquidmeson... thayt failed03:16
manu__anyone here who can help me with setting boot records?03:16
nanotaboadaI've distro upgraded to Meerkat, enabled Compiz PPA, after rebooting my compositing is gone :(03:16
R0B0G3N3S1Sblaahabalahh lflaf afndlkaj03:16
R0B0G3N3S1Sgoo byd03:16
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, this game looks okay.... but it doesn't do anything03:16
rigvedi have installed QEMU on my Ubuntu 10.04 and I have downloaded the Linux- source code03:16
R0B0G3N3S1Sgnea you have to do missions03:16
^DEMOSS^When you have more  things and knowloges about Linux - you may go to repair Ubuntu and build new good distro03:16
R0B0G3N3S1Sthen you can go and kick some other ppls arsses03:16
mikeruAegNuddel, it's a dark necessity03:16
AHemlocksLiewindows 7 isn't too bad, but I had some stability issues. I also pirated it, though, so you sorta get what you pay for >_>03:17
AegNuddel^DEMOSS^, why?  IMO You're a troll, recommending other OSes in an Ubuntu channel03:17
rigvedhow to i install this Linux- to a virtual machine in QEMU03:17
^DEMOSS^i an not troll03:17
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, I selected a mission, it highlights a square, but I can't do anything. i look at the controls howto, they don't work. it's the game that's broken, not ubuntu.03:17
mikeruQEMU? people still use that?03:17
RudyValenciaOK I see what's wrong03:17
AegNuddelAHemlocksLie, even if you do pay, you WILL have the issues03:17
RudyValenciaapparently my WiFi and Ethernet on this laptop conflict.03:17
nanotaboadacan anyone help me reinstalling Compiz?03:17
^DEMOSS^AegNuddel i use debian on server and ubuntu in my ASUS k60IC03:17
rigvedmikeru: what should i use instead?03:17
GneaAegNuddel, some OS's are better for some functions better than others03:17
manu__how do i set the boot record under the terminal03:17
R0B0G3N3S1Sdid you try to click on the arrows then click on the windows and then click on the arrows.. cause it works for me to move03:17
RudyValencia*sigh* I guess I have to dig up a WiFi Cardbus card.03:17
william_wow are we busy tonight.  i have a client that has downloaded a tar.gz an azurelea something  how is that installed via aptitude03:18
rigvedmikeru: virtualbox...?03:18
RudyValenciaI hate having to use a card but eh03:18
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, there are no arrows, just little triangles03:18
mikerurigved, AFAIK VirtualBox is faster03:18
liquidmeson_william_, for tar.gz files you have to extract them to a folder03:18
mikeruand much better. I mean, QEMU doesn't even have a GUI03:18
manu__can anyone tell me how to set boot records under linux?03:18
AegNuddelGnea, ok sure, but for my purposes I have found Winblows inadequate.03:18
^DEMOSS^AegNuddel see how working debian - i can say, that if you wanna work and relax - use debian.... Wanna get fun and repair errors  for every update - use Ubuntu03:18
rigvedmikeru: ok, i have that too03:18
mikerusure, it may have some frontends, but those just wrap around the command line interface and suck03:18
gurjeetliquidmeson_: All those methods are just different ways of verifying MD5, so I guess if 1 fails we can assume the disk is actually bad.. isn't it?03:19
PryMaLmanu__: you looking for your boot sequence? ie grub.03:19
liquidmeson_william_, then look for a install help file03:19
R0B0G3N3S1Sno direction pad????? on your keyboard03:19
rigvedmikeru: but i do not know to install Linux- into a virtual machine crated under VirtualBox03:19
mikerurigved, as for installing that specific kernel version...03:19
GneaAegNuddel, yeah, I'm just using it in the interim until I get ubuntu working again... schoolwork tends to take priority hehe03:19
R0B0G3N3S1Sgnea on your keyboard03:19
PryMaLmikeru: best thign I have found with virtualbox is that you can allow or NOT allow the VM to have control of certain hardware03:19
liquidmeson_gurjeet, the last method is the best method and the other methods won't work03:19
mikeruPryMaL, virtualbox is teh best03:19
manu__@przmal i have windows 7 on sda1 and unluck set boot record to sda303:20
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, yeah, they don't do anything. nothing happens on the screen.03:20
manu__need windows for work :(03:20
AegNuddelsee him trry and talk to me now03:20
william_liquidmeson: which i did extract so is it the install help file that will give instructions or that is what I aptitude install03:20
R0B0G3N3S1Sit does for me... did you click the game screem>< this bums me out03:20
PryMaLmanu__: so you want to dual boot? ie. windows OR linux?03:20
AegNuddeltalk down to me, get the treatment you deseve.03:20
manu__sorry for wrong spelling keyboard is set wierd03:20
AHemlocksLieaegnuddel: maybe, but I think there's something wrong with the hardware in that comp. I think it's the power supply's too weak, so the added graphics polish ups the load on the graphics card, which ups the load on the supply, so poof, power cycle03:20
gurjeetliquidmeson_: you mean `md5sum -c md5sums.txt` is not reliable?03:21
liquidmeson_gurjeet, even if it fails you could always try installing anyway, or you could make a live usb instead of live cd! instructions on the ubuntu.com site03:21
rigvedmikeru: ok...but is there some option under virtualbox which allow me to install the basic linux-
liquidmeson_gurjeet, well... that should work... :(03:21
mikerurigved, what's the use of a kernel without userland?03:21
A|pHA_six3really hates using live dvds03:21
AegNuddelAHemlocksLie, what computer?  I don't know anything about that game and this is the first time I have even looked at it03:21
lewis1711how can I check what cpu scaling ubuntu is using for my processor? is there a file it's located in?03:22
liquidmeson_william_, there are a few ways to install stuff, the best way is to search for it in the ubuntu software center03:22
rigvedmikeru: i want to understand kernel programming, so i want to test it under a virtual machine03:22
manu__@PryMal should be the mbr03:22
R0B0G3N3S1Snooooooooooooooooooooooooo i loved the game... now it's single player03:22
AHemlocksLieanyone have experience with getting laptop wireless card Netgear WG511 to work?03:22
mikerurigved, you need a way to interface with the kernel03:22
AHemlocksLieI have the windows drivers, but ndiswrapper refuses to function, so I got p54pci to work, and it does to a degree, but I'm getting a lot of connection issues03:22
AHemlocksLieaaand judging by how quiet it is, I'm having more of those issues now03:22
liquidmeson_william_, tar.gz files are old school install from scratch, if you can find a .deb file it is the same as a .exe on windows aka easy03:22
william_liquidmeson: and where is that found.  we did the add remove and it did not pick up the app03:22
retryI just updated from 9.10 to 10.4 (lts)...the old kernel works the new kernel boots up with no display.  What could be the problem?03:23
mikerurigved, now, if you already have a distro installed, AFAIK you just compile the kernel inside it and install it03:23
manu__I want to boot windows on sda1 current record is sda303:23
GneaR0B0G3N3S1S, seriously, none of the keys on mykeyboard are doing anything to the game to make it react03:23
liquidmeson_william_, what are you installing, if i might ask?03:23
rigvedmikeru, yes and but also a way to test new things without hurting my system03:23
manu__@PryMal:I want to boot windows on sda1 current record is sda303:23
william_liquidmeson: would the deb be in the extracted files03:23
AHemlocksLieaegnuddel: my desktop PC, it's been through a couple upgrades, and my last graphics card caused some real instability issues. Windows 7 just made them worse, I Think because of how they polished everything up to make it all pretty and therefore more demanding on the graphics card03:23
R0B0G3N3S1Syeah he took out multiplayer... no more server, damn hackers.03:23
mikerurigved, I'm confused @_@03:23
william_liquidmeson: vuze is the install whatever that is03:23
R0B0G3N3S1Sit's gone gb for now gotta take a showewr03:23
mikerurigved, anyway, I'm not a kernel expert03:23
AegNuddelAHemlocksLie, oh!  I see!  Makes sense to me.  M$ is all skin-deep...03:24
liquidmeson_william_, if you open the software center search for azureus03:24
liquidmeson_william_, that is the same thing as vuzu03:25
rigvedmikeru, that ok03:25
JoeCoolMobileHow can I get out of text only mode?03:25
AHemlocksLieaegnuddel: yeah, if I actually tried to play a GAME? the AUDACITY03:25
AegNuddelAHemlocksLie, yeah...I guess that would be hard03:25
AHemlocksLieyeah, took me forever to figure it out, but someone finally suggested that was likely the problem03:26
kayrosalguem aqui fala portugues03:26
william_liquidmeson: thank you i have installed from debian server before but not from a third party tar.gz and the software center would be found where03:26
rigved i want to make changes to the linux kernel and test this new kernel in a safe environment without effecting my environment03:26
mattgyverJoeCoolMobile, not to sound funny, how did you get into it? normal boot, or did you switch ttys with crtl+alt+f?03:26
AHemlocksLiemakes perfect sense in retrospect, really, but it never occurred to me that my power supply, of all things, would be causing the problems03:26
=== adrian is now known as Guest34744
JoeCoolMobilemattgyver, updated to MM, restarted.03:26
JoeCoolMobilecan't boot into th GUI03:27
AHemlocksLieokay, is anyone in anyway good at fixing wifi issues? I gotta get this figured out03:27
liquidmeson_william_, I would suggest updating your system, it is probably out of date, this can be done from System> admin> update manager03:27
tieinvJoeCoolMobile,   Ctrl+Alt+F703:27
mattgyverJoeCoolMobile, try issuing a 'sudo telinit 2' and see if it gets you in03:27
KM0201AHemlocksLie: still working on this? any progress03:27
liquidmeson_william_, software center should appear in the top left under applications03:27
JoeCoolMobilemattgyver, nothing03:27
AHemlocksLiekm0201, someone suggested I use p54pci, and it's working to a degree, but it's really unstable wifi. Usually takes a minute or two to connect to stuff, then whether it's gonna be fast or slow is a coin toss, and it sometimes likes to drop all together03:28
manu__@PryMal> Do you now how to do it?03:28
william_liquidmeson: ok thanks I will take this info to work tomorrow and will be able to help the client better03:28
KM0201AHemlocksLie: hmm.03:28
AHemlocksLiekm0201 so I just dropped the ndiswrapper problem for a new one03:28
william_liquidmeson: have a good night03:28
manu__How do I move the boot record from sda3 to sda1?03:29
AHemlocksLiekm0201 really, I think ndiswrapper is my best bet, but nobody can help me fix that, so I dunno if I can really do much with that03:29
mattgyverJoeCoolMobile, if tieinv's suggestion doesnt work reboot and hold shift, and see if you have multiple grub entries, dont select a rescue mode03:29
liquidmeson_william_, good luck03:29
KM0201AHemlocksLie: yeah.. i really don't understand the problem w/ ndiswrapper03:29
AHemlocksLiekm0201 maybe if I could get it to compile right and install from that, but I can't get that to happen, so I'm outta luck there03:29
KM0201AHemlocksLie: why do you think you'd n eed to compile it, vs using the version in the repos?03:30
Guest34744alguien habla español?03:30
ActionParsnip!es | Guest3474403:30
ubottuGuest34744: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:30
AHemlocksLiekm0201 I have no idea, but I'm willing to try anything at this point03:30
KM0201!es | guest34703:30
ubottuguest347: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.03:30
rigvedi want to make changes to the linux kernel and test this new kernel in a safe environment without effecting my environment03:30
JoeCoolMobilemattgyver, why not03:30
rigvedhow do i install the basic linux- kernel to virtualbox?03:31
AmaroWhy unity's global menu works fine but indicator-app-menu is so glitchy?03:31
mattgyverJoeCoolMobile, sorry my thought kinda ended there lol, select a different entry that does not say rescue mode, you can use rescue mode but it wont start x03:31
AHemlocksLiekm0201 it finds a half dozen errors in one of the source files, but that can't be right because they'd have fixed it by now and it wouldn't be all over the internet saying to use it03:31
JoeCoolMobiletieinv, did something but its on a b?anl line03:31
AHemlocksLiekm0201 and even if they wouldn't have fixed it, my second point still stands, people wouldn't say use it03:31
JoeCoolMobilemattgyver, none of the different entried do anything dfferent.03:31
mattgyverJoeCoolMobile, ok03:32
KM0201AHemlocksLie: ok, so you tried to compile ndiswrapper, and then installed ndisgtk from the repos, which then apparently installed the version of ndiswrapper, from the repos.03:32
manu__can anyone help me?03:32
KM0201manu__: ask your question03:33
dan5790How do I list files in a directory from the command line?03:33
ActionParsnipdan5790: ls03:33
KM0201ls /directory03:33
emmanuelhi, quick question03:33
manu__How do I move the boot record from sda3 to sda1?03:33
emmanuelhow can run fsck03:33
AHemlocksLiekm0201 yeah. Before I installed Ubuntu, while in Windows, I researched a bit and built a setup pack, which was ndiswrapper to compile from source and the windows drivers to use with it. When that wouldn't compile, someone suggested using ndisgtk, which grabbed ndiswapper-common and -utils-1.9 at installation03:33
ActionParsnip!fsck | emmanuel03:33
ubottuemmanuel: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:33
glithcdubuntu 10.04, how do i get bluetooth working?03:33
ActionParsnip!bluetooth | glithcd03:34
ubottuglithcd: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup03:34
AHemlocksLiekm0201 that, however, didn't have an ndiswrapper.ko file until I ran depmod -a, I believe it was, at which point it changed to module ndiswrapper not found03:34
JoeCoolMobilemattgyver, still stuck03:34
emmanuelthanks a lot03:34
emmanuelthat's a quick answer03:34
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:34
liquidmeson_manu__, the sda3 is just a name, give us more info. ex, i need more space for my windows install or windows dosen't show in the menu03:34
AHemlocksLiekm0201 and no amount of asking in IRC, googling, or forum combing has done anything to resolve the inability to find the ndiswrapper module03:35
AHemlocksLiekm0201 which really doesn't make sense to me, considering that ndiswrapper works as a command at the command prompt, making me inclined to believe it's there03:35
manu__I unlucky set the boot record to sda3, windows boot loader and windows are installed under sda1. I want to boot windows again03:35
KM0201AHemlocksLie: i wish i had a good answer.03:36
manu__at the moment it is booting on empty partition sda3 ... can't find a boot loader, since there isn't one03:36
liquidmeson_manu__, applications >accessories > terminal, type in: sudo update-grub03:36
soulwarpHow to I post large amounts of code as a link?03:36
AHemlocksLiekm0201 and even after blacklisting prism54, it's still showing (alternat driver: prism54) when I run ndiswrapper -l, which is mind boggling, and not even modprobe -r prism54 or rmmod prism54 can change that03:36
KM0201!paste | soulwarp03:36
ubottusoulwarp: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.03:36
manu__i only have a boot linux03:37
soulwarpKM0201, thank you03:37
manu__don't have grup03:37
manu__i need to do it on the terminal03:37
liquidmeson_manu__, are windows and ubuntu in the same computer03:37
razz1how to set up transmission to connect to trackers via proxy? any guide available?03:37
AHemlocksLiekm0201 what if it's a problem with my ndiswrapper.ko? that was missing initially, perhaps it's pointing something in the wrong direction03:37
KM0201manu__: you probably have grub, it's just skipping it because it's only detected 1 OS... Linux requires grub to load the kernel...03:37
manu__no upuntu is on usb stick03:37
manu__had it lucky with me03:38
manu__I DONT HAVE GRUP03:38
liquidmeson_menu__, if you pull out the usb stick it should go back to windows03:38
Sickleri just moved to xubuntu from ubuntu and i am finding that i miss a lot of the natulius shortcuts (like F3 to get a split window) is there a way I can get these into thunar or to which over to natilus03:38
soulwarpI'm having trouble mounting a Sony DVD+RW disc. I insert it and does not mount. Here is my /etc/fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/512833/03:39
manu__Linux is running on dev/usba103:39
bobthemilkmansoulwarp: Is it blank?03:40
manu__I know a lot about systems, linux windows and mac the only thing is i never changed the mbr on linux shell03:40
mark2010how can i enable automatic sending email from evolution while evolution is closed i.e right click file, sento email ?03:40
liquidmeson_manu__, so when you turn on the computer you see ubuntu, it works good?03:40
manu__I don't even have a gnome enviroment03:40
manu__no when i turn it on off again it says there is nothing to boot on the partition .... mbr cannot be found03:41
manu__hdd is visible and mountable unter shell03:41
soulwarpbobthemilkman, The person who gave me the disc says it works on her Windows. It was recorded on her camera.03:41
manu__it looks as working03:41
pibarnasit is impossible to install software from dvd source in (k)?ubuntu. there's a bug.03:41
bikcmpHi all, are there any good applications for syncing your ipod with ubuntu?03:41
manu__the boot record is set to the wrong partition on sda03:41
bikcmp(I have the ipod touch 4)03:41
liquidmeson_manu__, what windows was on there before? 7 xp, vista?03:41
manu__windows 703:42
nathanieljohnsonno bikcmp03:42
bikcmpnathanieljohnson: no? dang03:42
liquidmeson_manu__, put in the 7 disk and look for a repair option03:42
manu__I don't have the installer cd03:42
soulwarpbobthemilkman, My theory is her windows used some kind of compression not common with linux UDF auto mounting03:42
manu__i m in canada and all my stuff is in germany03:42
KM0201bikcmp: i believe the touch, you have to jailbreak in order to make it work w/ Linux..03:42
bikcmpKM0201: it is jailbroken.03:42
soulwarpbobthemilkman, but the disc was made using her camera...03:42
KM0201!ipod | bikcmp03:42
ubottubikcmp: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod03:42
bikcmpthanks :)03:43
liquidmeson_manu__, http://www.sysresccd.org/Main_Page03:43
manu__liquidmeson_: I nither have a cd nor a second usb stick nor a burner03:44
emmanuelhi i try sudo shutdown -F -r now to force fsck to check the disk for bad sector03:46
liquidmeson_manu__, so if you don't have the windows disk then there is no way to have ONLY windows on the laptop.. I would recomend using the usb stick and booting ubuntu03:46
emmanuelbut it did not check03:46
emmanuelanything wrong i did03:46
KeithWeissharI'm having a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 64-bit on my high-end PC.  It takes a long time to boot and get to the desktop.  It also takes a long time to install and the install stalls in the download package and installing system phase.  It also takes a long time to switch to console after pressing ctrl-alt-f1.  I have an EVGA X58 3X SLI motherboard, Geforce GTX 470 video card. Realtek LAN and Audio, NVIDIA HDMI Audio on the video c03:46
manu__I m on ubuntu right now03:46
leftistSeveAs still around here?03:47
KeithWeissharDid not have any issue with 10.04.  Problem started with the new 10.10 CD.03:47
manu__liquidmeson and i need to set the active partition to 103:47
liquidmeson_manu__, when you open the installer do you see windows?03:47
hxcjonnysniperi can connect to my wired network but i cant open the internet. need help real bad. i have been trying to fix this for weeks. no ones yet to help me. plz help!!!!!!!!!!103:47
manu__i don't have a installer. It is a live linux i used for showing some people linux03:47
manu__i don't have a installer. It is a live linux i used for showing some people linux liquidmeson03:48
h00k!hi | Starn03:48
h00kbah, I forget that factoid is gone.03:48
liquidmeson_manu__, the ubuntu live usb should have a installer on the desktop03:48
Sickleri just moved to xubuntu from ubuntu and i am finding that i miss a lot of the natulius shortcuts (like F3 to get a split window) is there a way I can get these into thunar or to which over to natilus03:48
pavanhello everyone03:48
hxcjonnysniperi can connect to my wired network but i cant open the internet. need help real bad. i have been trying to fix this for weeks. no ones yet to help me. plz help!!!!!!!!!!03:49
h00khxcjonnysniper: When you say you can't open the internet, meaning you can't get a browser to open?03:49
manu__what does this help m03:49
Starni ran into an major issue upgrading 10.04 to 10.10.. it Crashed at about 80% and now i can not boot into ubuntu i just get some command line grub. can someone help me? do i have to redo ubuntu installation like everything lost?03:49
pavanI have installed remastersys from soft center, but it haven't created any shortcut, how to run it, does it need any other supporting packages?03:49
KM0201hxcjonnysniper: probably stating the obvious, but i assume other devices on the network have internet access?03:49
h00kStarn: You might be able to recover grub, let me find the factoid03:49
manu__liquidmeson_, i need windows 7 again .... and this is installed on sda103:50
hxcjonnysniperh00k: i can get the browser open but it wont load anything at all.03:50
emmanuelubottu: i did not check for filesystem check during reboot03:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:50
Starnthanks h00k. i'm not to great with grub or command line stuff.03:50
h00k!grubrepair | Starn03:50
ubottuStarn: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.03:50
h00kStarn: follow the RestoreGrub wiki03:50
manu__can i not set the active partion of a hard disc with fdisk?03:50
h00khxcjonnysniper: Are you sure your network is set up proper? Does it work with other machines?03:51
KeithWeissharThe Live CD boot pauses at the welcome to ubuntu console prompt and then i get a gui-less background and then later it then asks if i want to try ubuntu or install ubuntu,  if I select try buntu, it pauses and then goes to blank screen, pauses and then goes to gui-less background, pauses and then the desktop03:51
RudyValenciaWhy doesn't Ubuntu include the patch from Debian to fix b43 crashing due to the 3c59x in my lappy?03:51
Crash1hdcan anyone explain what this does? sed -r 's/^\?[ ]+//'03:51
Starnok h00k i hope this fixes the issue i have. i dislike command line grub thingy03:51
RudyValencia(per http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=586967)03:51
h00kStarn: good luck03:51
hxcjonnysniperh00k: yeah it works with other machines. and i can get on the internet on this laptop but only through wireless.03:51
pavanhello anybody can help regarding remastersys03:51
liquidmeson_manu__, before windows starts there is a loader (windows boot strap or grub) it seems your missing the windows boot strap and no grub... so you have to install grub since you have no windows cd03:51
KeithWeissharCould it have something to do with my hardware?  There is no problem running Ubuntu 10.10 in VirtualBox.03:52
h00khxcjonnysniper: Is your network card getting an IP address?03:52
h00khxcjonnysniper: do you know where to check? okay03:52
h00khxcjonnysniper: Go to System -> Administration -> Network Tools03:52
KeithWeisshardoes anyone else have the same mobo and vidcard?03:53
liquidmeson_manuu, grub can start windows, in the terminal try typing sudo grub-install /dev/sda03:53
hxcjonnysniperh00k: okay what now?03:53
liquidmeson_manuu__, grub can start windows, in the terminal try typing sudo grub-install /dev/sda03:53
h00khxcjonnysniper: on that first tab, 'Devices' pick your ethernet card (eth0)03:53
h00kdoes it show an IP address?03:53
h00khxcjonnysniper: ^03:53
KM0201KeithWeisshar: does it eventually get to the desktop?.. that sounds pretty normal to me...03:53
hxcjonnysniperh00k: okay ipv4 says it
h00khxcjonnysniper: It sounds like you're not getting an IP address. Do you know if your network card is functioning properly?03:54
manu__liquidmeson_, it is a hp notebook, i changed the boot order to usb, harddrive, ... to get online somehow ... we linux has a kind of bootloader, but i don't really know which bootloader03:54
hxcjonnysniperh00k:yeah it is. i ran a ping on it and it was fine wired and wireless.03:55
manu__i cannot install anything to the usb stick, i tryed alreadz03:55
KeithWeissharit takes about five minutes to get to the desktop03:55
AegNuddelWith Ubuntu, is it better to use a USB Wireless card or a PCI one?03:55
manu__i would need to install the easypeasy linux first on a harddrive which i don't want03:56
h00khxcjonnysniper: you won't be able to ping out if it's not getting an IP address03:56
KeithWeissharit takes between 5 to 10 minutes to fully load the desktop03:56
liquidmesonmanu__, when your in the usb live try running that command03:57
hxcjonnysniperh00k: well under wired network it used to have auto eth0. it doesnt even have that now.03:57
Sickleri lost my touch sensitive button functions from moving from gnome to xfce (ubuntu to xubuntu) how do i fix this03:57
liquidmesonmanu__, that doesn't install to usb that installs to hard drive03:57
JoeCoolMobilemattgyver, I fianlly got MM workng after a weeks worth of work and recompilinh the kernel from source03:57
manu__it doesn't I tryed!03:58
keith2I'm trying to switch to Linux on a dinosaur of a computer. An old Compaq 500 Mhz 512MB RAM w/80GB HDD. I installed Xubuntu, everyone went fine, but when I open system monitor, my CPU usage shows 97-100%. Is there a better distro to run on such an old computer, or can I free up some resources somehow?03:58
liquidmesonmanu__, what does it say?03:58
manu__and i don't want to overwrite my windows either03:58
h00khxcjonnysniper: does your network card have a link light on it? There should be a light that stays on, and one that flashes on-and-off with activity03:58
liquidmesonkeith2, lubuntu its brand new :D03:58
AHemlocksLieanyone here familiar with ndiswrapper problems? when I try to modprobe ndiswrapper, I get FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not foudn03:58
KM0201lubuntu would be my choice, but hae you looked in the processes, to see what is causing the resource spike?03:58
BugeyeDanyone know how to achieve an oem install of the netbook edition?03:59
hxcjonnysniperh00k: i dont have a network card. im trying to get a wired connection.03:59
manu__liquidmeson, cannot find /03:59
h00khxcjonnysniper: right, I mean where the network cable plugs in, you should have lights there03:59
keith2I will check it out. Not yet on the processes but even if I start a simple game like quad system resources max out03:59
hxcjonnysniperh00k: it is lit up green. not blinking. or anything. just green.04:00
manu__liquidmeson which makes sence since it is read only ... the image is but to the usb stick like a read only cd04:00
h00khxcjonnysniper: So, you have a link, but it's not giving you an IP. Can you right click on the network applet -> edit connections04:01
manu__liquidmeson the bootloader is neither lilo nor grup04:01
hxcjonnysniperh00k: okay did it.04:01
LewocoOne of my runlevel 2 scripts is prevents my system from booting. Is there any way to make Ubuntu start in runlevel 1?04:01
JoeCoolMobileI kind of installed both netbook and desktop versions and its flickering insanely04:01
h00khxcjonnysniper: Under 'Wired' you should see 'Auto eth0,' does that exist?04:01
randomseedI want a networked laser printer for home network that Linux, Leopard, XP and Windows 7 can Access. Anyone know of a printer for me?04:01
ActionParsnip!hcl | randomseed04:02
ubotturandomseed: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:02
h00khxcjonnysniper: Click it -> Edit04:02
ActionParsniprandomseed: my advice is an HP, HP love linux04:02
h00khxcjonnysniper: it should have your device MAC, and MTU 'automatic'04:02
AHemlocksLiedoes anyone know why compiling ndiswrapper from source might fail?04:02
h00khxcjonnysniper: and Connect automatically should be checked04:03
randomseedActionParsnip, thanks! I will check that out04:03
Sickleri lost my touch sensitive button functions from moving from gnome to xfce (ubuntu to xubuntu) how do i fix this04:03
h00khxcjonnysniper: go over to IPv4 settings, make sure 'Method' is set to Automatic (DHCP)04:03
soulwarpAHemlocksLie, you should be able to just install04:03
h00k!info ndiswrapper | AHemlocksLie04:03
ubottuAHemlocksLie: Package ndiswrapper does not exist in maverick04:04
soulwarpAHemlocksLie, then again it's been a while since I installed it04:04
hxcjonnysniperh00k:and ipv6 on ignore.04:04
h00k!ndiswrapper | AHemlocksLie04:04
ubottuAHemlocksLie: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs04:04
h00khxcjonnysniper: Well then. Hm.04:05
syntax_ubuntu Br04:06
emmanuelhow to repair disk bad sector?04:06
h00k!br | syntax_04:06
ubottusyntax_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:06
ActionParsnipemmanuel: you don't. the drive is dying and you should buy a new one04:06
SnowflameRight.  Question that I hope is humiliatingly easy.  The new Ubuntu installer is complaining I don't have 2.4 GB free.  Checking back in Windows 7, I have the entirety of my second Hard Drive as "Unallocated."  There is no option to format, merely to add a volume.  This is correct, right?  But it still doesn't like it.04:06
h00khxcjonnysniper: I'd say re-ask the channel to see if someone else can help, also include more details like you have link light, no activity light, no IP, etc04:07
emmanuelwill fsck will not do it?04:07
KM0201Snowflame: how big is the unallocated space04:07
emmanuelor at least remedy it?04:07
ActionParsnipSnowflame: use custom partitioning to make 10Gb for /, 1xRAM amount for swap and the rest for /home04:07
Sickleri lost my touch sensitive button functions from moving from gnome to xfce (ubuntu to xubuntu) how do i fix this04:08
SnowflameIt's a 1TB drive.04:08
hxcjonnysniperh00k:appreciate it. im going to fucking delete this shit fuck ubuntu!04:08
h00khxcjonnysniper: please watch your language.04:08
SnowflameOkay, so I should just format it myself from a shell?04:08
ActionParsniphxcjonnysniper: keep the language PG please04:08
KeithWeissharis ubuntu 10.10 buggy04:08
hxcjonnysniperh00k:yeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh boyyyyyyyyyy04:08
KM0201Snowflame: but how much did you unallocate for Linux?.. i'm guessing you don't want to give Linux 800gb?(assuming Windows is using 200gb)04:08
hxcjonnysniper10.10 sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:08
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: half, but its release, its a bit immature yet04:08
SnowflameI have two 1 TB drives.  The intent was to give Linux all of this drive.04:08
KeithWeisshari'm havingn a problem getting it installed and running04:09
emmanuelif someone does like ubuntu, you better get off here04:09
emmanuel*does not like04:09
SnowflameCurrently within Windows it looks like System (100 MB), C: (931 GB), and "Unallocated."04:09
ActionParsnipSnowflame: if you use my advice you will be fine, all the partitions will be primary and the / and /home partitions will be ext404:09
KeithWeisshari didn't have any issue with the previous version04:09
KeithWeissharwhat's wrong with ubuntu 10.1004:09
SnowflameAnyway, worst comes to worst, I'll just use your advice, Parsnip.04:10
KM0201KeithWeisshar: well, nothing's wrong w/ it, whats the problem?04:10
KM0201i'm not sure i'd make a 800gb /home.. but that's just my thinking.04:10
gilanialiTo set up disk space limits for users, i should go through the tutorials for Quota or is there something better?04:10
SnowflameWhen I installed Ubuntu 8.10 for dual-boot it did all the partitioning for me but I suppose I shouldn't be scared as I did hand-parition a Debian build back in the day.  Just spoiled nowadays.04:10
Cairo|how do i specify what driver to configure whith "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg"?04:10
ActionParsnipSnowflame: it means you can reinstall without deleting your home ;). Also makes backups easier04:11
KM0201Snowflame: if you've partitioned for linux before, you should have no problem.04:11
Sickleri lost my touch sensitive button functions from moving from gnome to xfce (ubuntu to xubuntu) how do i fix this04:11
KeithWeissharunable to complete installation04:13
KM0201KeithWeisshar: well that's not really telling much.. why?04:13
lucentKeithWeisshar: ready the fire extinguisher!04:13
lucentis it glowing bright red and shouting in Klingon?04:13
KeithWeissharstalls in installating system phase after downloading packages, i have both install updates and install third party packages ticked04:14
Phr3ak_hi there!04:15
lucentif one of those servers is unreachable, it might fail that way04:15
KM0201KeithWeisshar: 32 or 64bit, and have you considered the alternate install cd?04:15
KeithWeissharthe install stalls with progress bar about 80% of screen04:15
AHemlocksLiesoulwarp, sorry, afk'd a sec. I installed ndisgtk, which installed ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9, but it's apparently still not gonna work. ndiswrapper still works as a command line command, though, which confuses me a little04:15
syntax_can someone help me install a webcam on Ubuntu 10.04 Z-Star Microelectronics Corp. ZC0303 Webcam04:15
KeithWeisshar64-bit, have not used alternate cd04:15
KeithWeissharonly have desktop cd04:15
lucentsyntax_: not a bad question, but I am afraid.04:15
KM0201!webcam | syntax_04:15
ubottusyntax_: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:15
KeithWeissharis the new desktop installer buggy04:16
KM0201syntax_: just prepare for fail...04:16
KM0201KeithWeisshar: no, it's actually quite good.04:16
KeithWeissharshould i disable install updates and 3rd party packages duriing installation04:16
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: its up to you04:16
KM0201KeithWeisshar: you can try... i assume the machine is connected to the internet during install?04:16
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ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: you'll just download them once you get logged in first time04:17
KeithWeissharis there a known issue with certain hardware configuration such as the gtx 470 video card04:17
KeithWeissharthe noveau driver doesn't support the gtx 470 video card04:17
ActionParsnipKeithWeisshar: the proprietary nvidia driver doesn't fly with the xorg version in maverick yet04:18
KM0201KeithWeisshar: you might have better luck w/ the alt. install cd...04:18
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, 256 or current does04:18
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KeithWeissharshould i get the dvd version04:18
KeithWeisshardoes the dvd version have both live and alternate04:18
ActionParsnipZykoticK9: sweet, i've seen folks in here reporting issues04:18
ZweiI'm running the latest version of Ubuntu, how do I access an external hard drive from a terminal? - It's already mounted, automatically.04:18
KM0201KeithWeisshar: i don' tthink so... just download the alt. install cd, and try it.. have you installed ubuntu before?04:19
ZykoticK9ActionParsnip, 256 has been working since beta i believe04:19
c0nv1ctZwei: type `mount` to see where it is mounted, navigate there with `cd`04:19
ZykoticK9Zwei, "cd ~/.gvfs" if it's automatically mounted04:21
ZweiZykoticK9: there's nothing in .gvfs04:21
ZykoticK9Zwei, then check the output of "mount"04:22
ErtainHello everyone.  I'm currently trying out the Maverick Meerkat liveCD.  Does anyone know how to change the video drivers?04:22
zetheroo1upgrade to 10.10 has been one of the smoothest, if not THE smoothest, upgrade ever for me :)04:23
FezzlerI want to record my guitar.  Which audio capture devices work with Ubuntu?04:23
ZykoticK9Ertain, if you are using the LiveCD you are very limited when it comes to graphics card drivers, to need to do a real install to install "real" drivers04:23
ZykoticK9Ertain, s/to/you04:23
Diverdudeit seems android will give ipods/iphones a well deserved set-back! Finally mac is beeing punished for beeing way worse than microsoft when it comes to closed platforms!04:24
ZykoticK9!ot | Diverdude04:24
ubottuDiverdude: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:24
ErtainThanks, Zykotick9.04:24
AegNuddelgo android!04:25
Zweithanks ZykoticK9, c0nv1ct, how do I get to ext4? mount gives this: http://codepad.org/UmFiJr7L04:25
h00kPlease keep the conversation on topic in here04:25
Zweithere is no sda5 under /dev/ and I don't know where is ext404:25
c0nv1ctZwei: look in /media/04:25
c0nv1ctZwei: /media/40301D5B301D596C04:26
ZykoticK9Zwei, ya, check /media/40301D5B301D596C04:26
Zweic0nv1ct, ZykoticK9: Thanks guys!04:26
Zweiso what does the /dev/sdb1 mean?04:27
c0nv1ctZwei: first partition of second hdd04:27
ZykoticK9Zwei, sdb sd means SCSI drive and and b means second04:27
liquidmesonor sata!04:27
brad__I need to send clocksource=jiffies to the kernel at boot, but I don't know how with grub 2. Could someone explain where I'd stick this?04:27
ZykoticK9liquidmeson, or ide ;)04:27
c0nv1ctor sas :P04:28
liquidmesonide show up different?04:28
ZykoticK9liquidmeson, or floppy ;) :)04:28
ZykoticK9liquidmeson, not anymore04:28
ZykoticK9liquidmeson, everything shows up as scsi emulation these days04:28
emmanuel_i know ubuntu is smart enough not to write on bad sector, right?04:28
ZykoticK9emmanuel, actually "bad sectors" is a hardware not a software issue, so not necessarily04:29
liquidmesonemmanuel_, you can check the status of your drive from system> admin >disk utility04:30
emmanuel_i check it04:30
quiescensif it knows its a bad sector it will avoid it04:30
quiescensor it can be made to avoid it anyway04:30
emmanuel_that when i know the disk has bad sector04:30
huxI'm trying to verify that ubuntu server (any recent version) will work 'well' with a Dell 1950PE server -- specifically with the PERC5 raid card -- the ubuntu hardware compatibility website seems horribily outdated -- am I looking in the wrong place?04:30
ZykoticK9ext's ability not to fragment FTW (/OT)04:30
freakabcdhi all04:31
ActionParsnip!hcl | hux04:31
ubottuhux: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection04:31
freakabcdWhat is the difference between ubuntu desktop and ubuntu server edition?04:31
macofreakabcd: well, server doesnt have a desktop, to start with...04:31
ZykoticK9freakabcd, server has no gui - basically only difference.  it's easier for people to install services on desktop, then a gui on server!04:31
freakabcduh, ok.. so basically desktop without X and associated libs/apps ?04:32
huxActionParsnip: yeah thats what I'm looking at and it doesn't have very current information about Dell server hardware04:32
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ActionParsniphux: http://webapps.ubuntu.com/certification/04:33
freakabcdok, i'll simply get the desktop iso04:33
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SnowflameHmph.  Well this is frustrating.  For those tuning in now, I'm trying to convince Ubuntu that there's a whole 1 TB hard drive waiting for it, but it can't find it.  The auto-installer complains about not enough space with no elaboration or options.04:33
SnowflameAttempting to use fsck or Gparted also seems to fail.04:33
gilanialiI just installed quota using apt-get but when i type 'quota' it returns empty04:34
SnowflameI end up with just "fsck from util-linux-ng 2.17.2" which I suspect means that it isn't installed by default on the CD.04:34
cmdrkSnowflame: Try fdisk -l04:34
huxActionParsnip: thank you!04:34
ActionParsniphux: it doesnt directly list the server but if you find a server with the same perc chip it should give indications04:34
SnowflameI get nothin off that.04:34
SnowflameWhich makes sense because Ubuntu's GUI based stuff sees no disk drives either.04:35
huxI found the server directly on there -- i want to double check the PERC card specifically though04:35
cmdrkSnowflame: seems like the drive isn't detected in BIOS then. have you double checked that?04:35
ZykoticK9gilaniali, on a system without quota it would return "The program 'quota' is currently not installed." best of luck.04:35
Snowflame(Disk Utility claims no one is home as well.)04:35
SnowflameI will, but Windows can see it just fine.04:35
SnowflameSo I doubt that.04:35
SnowflameBecause if it was a BIOS problem then Windows shouldn't be able to find it either.04:35
ZykoticK9Snowflame, try not to use enter so much - use 1 line to describe you problem.  see factoid !enter04:36
SnowflameI also tried formatting the hard drive from within Windows.04:36
gilanialiZykoticK9: i do know its installed, which quota returns the location04:36
SnowflameNo change.  And duly noted, Zkyotic.04:36
liquidmesonhux, https://10.cloud.ubuntu.com/04:36
gilanialibut why isnt it returning something when i try to invoke it04:36
ZykoticK9gilaniali, i've never used quota - just wanted to inform you that you "part" way there04:36
freakabcdi want to install the 64-bit version.04:36
huxliquidmeson: Thanks, but I already have the physically server - or rather I'm acquiring it this week04:37
ZykoticK9freakabcd, so install the 64bit version?04:37
ActionParsnipfreakabcd: go for it then :)04:37
ZykoticK9freakabcd, it's what i use (haven't done 10.10 on desktop yet)04:37
DiverdudeIs it possible to set up ubuntu in such a way that it can be remote-controlled using ipod? For example for browsing videos and music and starting the videos/music on the server?04:37
SnowflameAlso, does anyone know if it's normal to not see any hda# or sda# when ls in /dev ?  It's not what I'd expect but might explain the missing hard drives.04:37
Snowflame(This is off a CD-boot of 10.10 amd64 in case it's relevant, though I doubt that.)04:38
liquidmesondiverdude, ipod :p not unless your great with electronics :p with an iphone or android however it is possible04:38
Crash1hddoes anyone know of a good svn script that I can add to a cron to check for new files every 20 mins or so and then adds and commits them or deletes them accordingly (I have one but its not working right)04:39
pnunnHas anyone other than me ended up with a stuck raid device in a 10.04 install?  I've just had an install fail, now I can't remove the device.04:39
Diverdudeliquidmeson, how is it possible with iphone?04:40
Diverdudeliquidmeson, is there some app which may be used for that04:40
ActionParsnippnunn: hard of soft raid?04:40
Diverdudeliquidmeson, i was thinking something like installing somesort of media center on my ubuntu machine and then some sort of remote control app on my iphone....is that possible?04:41
liquidmesondiverdude, https://one.ubuntu.com/mobile/04:41
n0xHi, I have Ubuntu 10.10 and i wanna change the "brownish" default cube color by editing BackgroundColor=#xxxxxx04:42
n0xand GraphicalThemedColor=#xxxxxx that use to be locate in gdm.conf.  Does any one can help?04:42
GryllidaHello! How do I enable color prompt, as mentioned by the $color_prompt variable in line 52 of ~/.bashrc? How do I turn the colors on?04:42
Diverdudeliquidmeson, its a commercial product?04:42
liquidmesondiverdude, all the more pro04:42
tyoc213Hi there, in a persistent USB run via virtual box, the default user is ubuntu, but it dont let me run synaptic, or use sudo in the terminal.... is there a way to install things in this persistent environment?04:42
EnigmaticCoderIs recent terminal output recorded? If so, how can I access it?04:43
Fing3rzhey umm how would I get my sound working on Ubuntu 10.10 ?04:43
Gryllidatyoc213: what message do you get when you try to run sudo in the terminal?04:43
GryllidaFing3rz: There is not inough info to answer yet, please be more specific04:43
ZykoticK9tyoc213, are you using "sudo" when you try?04:43
GryllidaEnigmaticCoder: nano ~/.bash_history04:43
tyoc213Gryllida sudo: unable to resolve host ubuntu... and no valid sudoers sources found04:44
Gryllidatyoc213: what line is this a response to?04:44
A|pHA_six3root fs encryption software ?04:44
tyoc213synapotic with the path system administration should be launched with gksu IIRC04:44
n0xhow can i change that "brownish" default color the 3D cube  as?04:44
huxThanks again ActionParsnip. I believe I'll be good with my new hardware and Ubuntu04:44
tyoc213line 004:44
redrocketSound problem here. No system sounds. VLC not working.  Reinstalled alsa-base  and linux-image-xxx. reboot. nothing. working fine 3 days ago. image upate blamo04:44
redrocketforcing me to sing to myself04:45
Gryllidatyoc213: what line do you type to get that input?04:45
tyoc213Gryllida, I guess the sudoers file is empty04:45
tyoc213Gryllida, sudo ls04:45
Fing3rzGryllida: I have a nvidia geforce 6150se video/sound card. The video drivers are installed and working perfect, but not the sound.04:45
* Gryllida is now known as give-details-please-but-i-do-not-know-anything-about-linux-really04:46
redrockethar har04:46
Gryllida(In short, wait for someone else to respond)04:46
redrocketI take the same approach in #women04:46
AHemlocksLieis anyone in here familiar with patching source? I think I finally found the root of my ndiswrapper compiling problems, found a .patch file to fix it, and now I need to apply the patch04:47
Enigmati1CoderIs there a way to view recent terminal output? I just asked this a second ago and was told nano ./bash_history, That gave terminal input04:47
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tensorpuddingGryllida: you need to add color escape codes to the $PS1 variable04:47
GryllidaEnigmati1Coder: Ah, then I'm afraid no, you have to rerun the commands04:48
* tyoc213 want to know if someone use persistent USB run via VirtualBox and has used synaptic or any other privileged command04:48
macoAHemlocksLie: what do you need to patch?04:48
AHemlocksLiemaco: ndiswrapper, the latest version isn't compatible with kernel 2.6.35 from what I've been lead to believe04:48
tensorpuddingGryllida: for instance, if you want to make a certain part of it red, you need to wrap it like "\e[0;31m (stuff) \e[m"04:49
Gryllidatensorpudding: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/512869/ is what I see in ~/.bashrc ; I am wondering how to turn colors on04:49
macoAHemlocksLie: oh goody. is there a bug for this on launchpad?04:49
tensorpuddingGryllida: you could add a line "color_prompt=yes" right before that04:50
AHemlocksLiemaco: I've no idea. I showed someone the output of my failed compiling, and they said it looked like kernel mismatch, so someone else hunted down the patch for me04:50
AHemlocksLiemaco: but they weren't familiar with the exact commands to apply it, so I dunno how to fully fix it04:50
ZykoticK9Gryllida, the command Enigmatil... was looking for was "history"04:51
macoAHemlocksLie: lets take this to #ubuntu-bugs so we dont clog the support channel04:51
ubuN3wb3hi all<<< how to patch the wlan driver??04:54
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Guest53511hw r u all04:54
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:54
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ubuN3wb3i tried with the bash04:54
ZykoticK9am I crazy?  wasn't there a factoid !hi?04:55
Guest53511i have a problem when i play my youtube video it ask me to click to play but after click it crashes mozilla firefox04:55
rwwZykoticK9: it was removed04:55
ZykoticK9rww, thanks04:55
Guest53511how to fix flashplayer04:55
Sicklercan i install xubuntu themes into ubuntu04:56
Gryllida!Hi | ZykoticK904:56
ZykoticK9Sickler, if you have xfce installed, yes.  if not, no.04:56
xk0beda1Hi I just used Wubi to install Ubuntu on my W7 comp and I have 6gb of ram... In Ubuntu its only showing 2 gb though and it generally feels a bit sluggish (im guessing because of the ram issue) and I'd also like to try and make ubuntu look a bit more like KDE but im not having any luck04:57
Gryllida!Hi is Welcome to the Official Ubuntu Support Channel! Ask your questions, help others. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines . Enjoy your stay!04:57
=== Vexer is now known as Vekser
ubuN3wb3driverpatching::::::    wget http://patchesXXXX...... whats the next step???04:58
tensorpuddingubuN3wb3: you want to pactch kernel drivers? why?04:58
ZykoticK9xk0beda1, to address more then 4GB of memory you need the 64bit version (yes PAE can address more, but not for any one program!)04:58
Gryllida!kde | xk0beda104:59
ubottuxk0beda1: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.04:59
bnjmnhow can i remove the mail icon from the indicator applet?04:59
tensorpuddingubuN3wb3: using patches you find on the internet is a pain, because you'll need the sources to the version of the kernel that you're patching04:59
Gryllidabnjmn: I have same question ( I was able to remove it only along with volume control)04:59
tensorpuddingubuN3wb3: which are almost surely not going to match the version in the ubuntu repositories04:59
bnjmnit has a mail icon and a sound icon, i like sound control there, but i just want the mail thing to disappear04:59
ubuN3wb3i have the source04:59
ZykoticK9bnjmn, http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/remove-mail-icon-leave-volume-control05:00
bnjmnGryllida: huh... yeah, i like volume control there..05:00
tensorpuddingubuN3wb3: the patch is probably applied using patch05:00
xk0beda1I did download the 64 bit version05:00
bnjmnZykoticK9: thanks a lot05:00
tensorpuddingubuN3wb3: assuming that it's a diff patch05:00
Gryllidabnjmn: yeah, I haev same question, didn't find it; have been using ubuntu for 4 months, and still no idea on it05:00
bnjmnGryllida: well ZykoticK9 just provided the answer :) thanks again ZykoticK905:00
tensorpuddingubuN3wb3: then you have to compile the kernel, and probably run a script to grub2 to update the kernels list so you can attempt to boot it05:00
ZykoticK9bnjmn, :)05:01
ubuN3wb3i think i dit this steps05:01
GryllidaZykoticK9: 'sudo apt-get remove indicator-messages' <- do indicator messages *only* include the mail indicator? And is this package installed only on Ubuntu by default05:01
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ZykoticK9Gryllida, i "believe" yes to both questions.05:02
Fing3rzhow would I get a MCP61 High Definition Audio sound card working?05:02
eroickHello, with a fresh ubuntu server install, I boot up  but get no login prompt. After the kernel messages the screen goes blank and then says "Starting NTP server ntpd    [ OK  ]." If i press CTRL-ALT-F1, I get back to tty1 with all of the kernel messages and a login prompt. Is there a reason that I'm not automatically presented with the login prompt? tty1.conf is stock and starts getty... Any ideas?05:02
bnjmnit removed the mail indicator for me... i just had mail and sound though... i had to restart the indicator-applet (remove / add) as well05:02
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=== prophet is now known as prophit
bnjmni bet it includes mail, chat, and that unity thing whatever it is05:03
xk0beda1also it doesn't detect up to 4 like you said its just 2 which is mind blowing at least for me since that makes no sense at all05:03
maquisokay, trying to follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades for my desktop.  It's currently running Lucid, so I opened up UpdateManager and clicked Check.  All it said was "Your system is up-to-date".  I didn't get a box offering to let me upgrade05:03
ZykoticK9eroick, i'd recommend repeating the same question in #ubuntu-server05:03
izinucseroick: if nobody here knows check in #ubuntu-server05:03
lapawhere is the chinese ?05:03
gilanialii ran edquota username and it opened an editor for me to edit the values05:03
tensorpuddinglapa: in #ubuntu-cn05:03
gilanialibut what do the soft and hard limits refer to it? Mb, Gb?05:03
eroickZykoticK9, izinucs, will do. thanks.05:03
maquisoh wait... might've just found it05:04
h00k!cn | lapa05:04
ubottulapa: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk05:04
SicklerI am looking to personalize a distro in vmplayer to produce an install cd, is there a way / program i can use or this05:04
maquisin case anyone else asks about this, you have to fix your settings to say that you want all releases...05:05
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?05:05
xk0beda1so.... guys..... I installed a 64 bit ubuntu and its only giving me 2gb out of 6.05:05
h00k!remaster | Sickler05:05
ubottuSickler: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility05:05
maquisis there a way to pass that on to someone with rights to edit the documentation?05:05
Sicklerh00k: thanks05:05
izinucsxk0beda1: how many memory sticks do you have05:05
ZykoticK9maquis, by default LTS will only upgrade to LTS (working as designed really)05:06
xk0beda13 sticks 2 gb each05:06
Jordan_Umaquis: It's a wiki, you can fix it yourself.05:06
maquisJordan_U: Ah... I thought I would need special perms, so I didn't try...  :)05:06
izinucsxk0beda1: have you run memtest?05:06
Jordan_Umaquis: Also, that is mentioned on that page: "Change the Release Upgrade drop down to "Normal Releases" and close the application05:06
xk0beda1on ubuntu? no I have not ill look up how to do that05:06
Fing3rzhow would I get a MCP61 High Definition Audio sound card working?05:07
izinucsxk0beda1: usually the option is on boot in the grub menu05:07
xk0beda1alright. but mem test that sounds to me like it'll test my memory, which works on windows, is that correct or will it just configure something in ubuntu?05:07
xk0beda1that is if it finds a problem which it should05:07
izinucsxk0beda1: it tests your ram for issues..05:08
Jordan_Uxk0beda1: What is the output of "free -m"?05:08
maquisJordan_U: really?  I apparently missed that05:09
maquisboy... i must be blind05:09
derylah hah! its NOT specifically kdm causing me issues. its the fglrx driver IN COMBO with kdm. kdm doesn't completely reset X on logout, and the fglrx driver isn't completely reinitialized so the screen corrupts. if I don't run the fglrx module I don't have the problem.05:09
xk0beda1I logged back in windows so I can't do that right now.. and yea like I said it'll test my ram for issues but obviosuly there are none with my ram if it works on w7 no ? its just a problem with ubuntu detecting?05:09
izinucsxk0beda1: special motherboard settings?05:10
izinucsaka bios settings?05:10
derylIf you take your screen on logging out of X, and make the bottom 1/2 black, then make the top half full of ---------- (make these solid lines not dotted) the space of a normal scanline on the screen, it looks like someone took the scrreen and scrunched it up05:10
xk0beda1Ooooh yes actually I have to change my ram timings05:10
xk0beda1or else windows doesn't boot up, I forgot about that05:11
xk0beda1it was 8-8-18 and I think I have it at 8-8-21 now05:11
izinucsxk0beda1: you overclocking?05:11
freakabcdi want to install the 64-bit version, but the download page says if you need full support for 32-bit code, use just the x86 images05:11
xk0beda1yea my mobo has a dummy OC so I have that on05:11
freakabcdwhay is this? i thought 32-bit binaries execute cleanly on a 64-bit system05:11
derylfreakabcd ~ well the only other thing you can do is install the lib32-compat libraries05:11
Jordan_Uxk0beda1: Good to hear that linux deals with the issue more gracefully than windows :)05:11
freakabcdderyl, yeah. and that takes care of 32-bit binaries05:12
freakabcdso why the recommendation that for "full support of 32-bit use x86 images" ?05:12
ZykoticK9freakabcd, install ia32-libs, AND check out the program getlibs for 32bit support on 64bit OS05:12
xk0beda1yea that's nice to know it still lets me use it.. so is running that mem test gonna fix it or what can I do05:12
KilowattPardon the cut-in, but the code red is wearing off and I have A question before my typing loses all intelligibility: I'm trying to put Maverick on my laptop and I manage to boot it from the USB drive I've mounted and installed it on, but when I go to the main GUI and attempt to run the trial mode to see if it even works, I get hit with "/casper/vmlinuz: file not found"- it also does this for the install. Is this a known issue? If so05:12
Jordan_Ufreakabcd: It's a controversial decision, most of the community disagrees with that statement.05:12
freakabcdare there 32-bit binaries that don;t work properly on 64-bit even with all the compatibility libs, etc. ?05:12
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freakabcdJordan_U, ah, ok.05:13
Jordan_Ufreakabcd: No, there aren't.05:13
quiescensthe most likely issue is any kernel level drivers that might not have a 64-bit version05:13
Jordan_Ufreakabcd: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-website-content/+bug/58594005:13
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, I like the current "32bit recommended" a LOT more then the "64bit NOT recommended" it was before05:13
Guest28960i have a problem05:13
xk0beda1uh so yea how do I make it so that linux detects my ram timings05:13
izinucsthat's why we're all here05:13
xk0beda1im here because I think you guys are all awesome, actually05:14
derylfreakabcd ~ hehe i guess zykotick9 and jordan_u pretty much answered it05:14
ZykoticK9freakabcd, Jordan_U re:are there 32bit programs that don't work? --- yes there are SOME, but very few05:14
derylnoticed as I was typing05:14
Jordan_UZykoticK9: Can you name one that will not work even in a 32 bit chroot?05:14
izinucsfreakabcd: Citrix doesn't have a 64bit client05:14
Guest28960well i just installed ubuntu 5.1 to my imb t22 and it will not pick up my wireless card05:14
xk0beda1change ram timings on ubuntu to what I have on w7. how to do this05:15
izinucsGuest28960: DOH! ... 5.1 .. really?  get something newer05:15
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, doh - i've never gone the 32bit chroot method - so no I can't say that.  What I can say is a couple of 32bit emulators do NOT work with the 64bit ia32libs method.05:15
ZykoticK9Jordan_U, :)05:15
Jordan_UGuest28960: There has never been a 5.1 release of Ubuntu, only 5.04 and 5.10. Both of those releases have not been supported for a long time now though.05:15
izinucsxk0beda1: there's also ##linux .. sometimes it helps05:16
Guest28960yea i have 5.1005:16
Guest28960but i say 5.1 for short05:16
izinucsGuest28960: that would be breezy badger.. 5 years old05:16
xk0beda1this place is so aweosme though05:16
Jordan_UGuest28960: Please install a supported release of Ubuntu then, like 10.04 or 10.10.05:16
izinucsGuest28960: it's no longer supported05:16
KilowattI'm trying to put Maverick on my laptop and I manage to boot it from the USB drive I've mounted and installed it on, but when I go to the main GUI and attempt to run the trial mode to see if it even works, I get hit with "/casper/vmlinuz: file not found"- it also does this for the install. Is this a known issue? If so, is there a place I can find a fix?05:17
Guest28960but when i instal the updates it laggs05:17
XP1    what's the simplest way to create a keyboard shortcut that runs something?05:17
brad__What should I do if /dev/dsp is missing?05:18
izinucsGuest28960: there are no updates.. the repos for 5.10 are long gone.. your system can't find the repos05:18
Jordan_Ubrad__: Use padsp or aoss.05:18
Jordan_Ubrad__: That has been a popular question recently for some reason :)05:18
ZykoticK9XP1, System / Preferences / Keyboard Shortcuts05:18
Guest28960im talkin bout the new releses of ubuntu05:18
izinucsKilowatt: could be an issue with how the live distro was put on the usb.. might try a cd05:18
tyoc213What is the difference between desktop and server? I mean I can run and addapt a desktop to run servers and so on, so what is the "real" difference?05:19
KilowattAlas, I'm hosed CD-Wise.05:19
brad__Jordan_U, thanks :)05:19
ZykoticK9tyoc213, now a days - almost nothing!05:19
tyoc213the only thing I see different is the iso size...05:19
tyoc213but I dont know what is the difference :S05:20
ZykoticK9tyoc213, server "shouldn't" have a GUI installed05:20
tensorpuddingtyoc213: Ubuntu desktop runs a lot of stuff that a server doesn't need.05:20
Guest28960well whats the best ubuntu i can install for my ibm t22 laptop05:20
lapahow to use myeclipse in ubuntu?05:20
anubhavtyoc213: reliablity05:20
tyoc213ZykoticK9, like I know it has the interface05:20
Jordan_UGuest28960: Could you try to be more clear. Are you using an obsolete version of Ubuntu because recent versions run too slowly on your hardware? If so then you should instead look at Xubuntu or Lubuntu which are lightweight yet fully up to date and supported.05:20
ZykoticK9tyoc213, tensorpudding has a point as well05:20
izinucsGuest28960: 10.04 is supported for the next 3 years.. I have it on my t4205:20
ZykoticK9tyoc213, by default servers is CLI (no-GUI) only05:20
tyoc213I see05:21
anubhavtyoc213: do you mean the diffrence between server and desktop Hardware?05:21
Guest28960but the spec are alot different05:21
tensorpuddingtyoc213: Also, most people create servers which have to be locked-down and hardened for security purposes, and desktop Ubuntu probably would need a lot of work to get tere05:21
tyoc213no... there are out there real srevers that even let you hot plug ;)05:21
ZykoticK9tyoc213, my point, was that it "should" stay that way.  Your right, you can install services on desktop JUST fine ;)05:21
Jordan_Utyoc213: The only difference is in the packages installed by default. Any "desktop" install can be completely transformed to use the same packages as the "server" install, and visa-versa05:21
tensorpuddingtyoc213: and in my humble opinion, Ubuntu isn't really what I'd use for a server.05:22
* Jordan_U notes that wikipedia is hosted on Ubuntu servers05:22
tyoc213OK, I think I get the main points, thanks people :)05:22
ZykoticK9tensorpudding, google would disagree ;) </ot>05:22
freakabcdJordan_U, so which packages do i need after my 64-bit install? ia32libs, lib32-compat, ...? i ask because i don;t know the names of these packages05:23
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/byR017b6 <-- how do I fix this?05:23
buddhihow to connect usb modem in ubuntu05:23
ZykoticK9tyoc213, ia32-libs05:23
xk0beda1 change ram timings on ubuntu to what I have on w7. how to do this05:24
izinucsatude: did you run .. sudo apt-get -f install .. like it suggested?05:24
freakabcdxk0beda1, thats really not an ubuntu question.. #kernel, #kernelnewbies, #linux, etc. can most likely help you with that05:24
Guest28960what the best relesed ubuntu out is good for the ibm t2205:24
Jordan_Ufreakabcd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479005:25
tensorpuddingxk0beda1: fairly sure that RAM timings are handled in the BIOS05:25
tensorpuddingxk0beda1: I am fairly sure you can't change that stuff while the computer is running05:25
buddhii am having several problems after installin ubuntu in my dell inspiron 1410 laptop so plzzz i need help05:25
pnunnWhats with this stuffed up distribution!! Why the hell doesn't the desktop partitioner have raid in it?05:25
xk0beda1right, but I have it changed in w7 bios. so is there a separate bios for linux that I need to change it in?05:25
tensorpuddingxk0beda1: well, maybe not05:25
tensorpuddingxk0beda1: there is only one BIOS05:25
xk0beda1sorry it's the firm time im trying to use linux05:25
xk0beda1okay so what can I do05:25
tensorpuddingxk0beda1: if you set it in the BIOS, it should work irrespective of the OS05:26
ZykoticK9freakabcd, sorry my last post was suppose to be to you.  ia32-libs first then getlibs (as Jordan_U suggested) for specific packages05:27
izinucsxk0beda1: there's also #ubuntu-offtopic if you wanna give that a try05:27
xk0beda1so what can be another reason for it seeing 2gb05:28
atudeizinucs: yes, I get the same exact error05:28
freakabcdZykoticK9, yeah i saw the message. thanks05:28
xk0beda1il try that05:28
atudeizinucs: keep in mind, it stuck in this circular predependency checl05:28
freakabcdtensorpudding, "Removed on-fly memory timings change (unstable)" Enhancements in v2.00 for memtest :)05:28
izinucsatude: how about .. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade05:28
freakabcdso it appears that long ago they got rid of such functionality. but most certainly is possible while system is online05:29
atudeizinucs: same thing.. actually, returns some error complaining about libc6 being unpacked already05:30
atudeizinucs: otherwise, same exact thing05:30
izinucsatude: weird.. do you have a separate /home partition?05:30
atudeizinucs: no05:30
izinucsatude: there's a command someone else will have to give you the right syntax for.. but it's something like sudo dpkg -i --reconfigure05:31
maquishmmm... my upgrade to maverick just failed with "'E:Couldn't configure pre-depend x11-common for x11-xkb-utils, probably a dependency cycle.'"  Anyone know anything about this?05:31
AegNuddelyeah my sis can't even GET to it to upgrade05:32
ZykoticK9atude, you might want to try the general (if you haven't already) apt fix of "sudo apt-get -f install"05:32
Crash1hdanyone know how I can make this code work with spaces? http://www.pastie.org/1219958 <-- for example if I have a folder called "new folder" it trys to svn add new and svn add folder not svn add "new folder"05:32
izinucsZykoticK9: suggested earlier.. same issue for him05:32
ZykoticK9izinucs, k - sorry, i wasn't really following the issue, just read the last message.  my bad.05:33
izinucsZykoticK9: no worries.. jump right in05:33
DEMNVTHi all05:36
DEMNVTDo USB devices only show up in lsusb if they have a driver loaded or something? Or should I be able to see any USB device?05:36
izinucsDEMNVT: depends on the device. what is it?05:36
DEMNVTTrying to get a Powerware UPS to work with nut but the bloody thing doesn't show up using lsusb on any ubuntu system05:36
atudeZykoticK9: yeah, izinucs already suggested that, and it doesn't do any good05:36
DEMNVTeven though it shows on Windows fine as soon as I connect it05:36
DEMNVTdriving me nuts :(05:37
DEMNVTparden the pun :p05:37
ZykoticK9atude, ya, i got that impress, sorry i don't have anything else to suggest.  good luck man.05:37
izinucsDEMNVT: after plugging it in open a terminal and type dmesg.. at the end it should give you a mount point05:37
MTec007hello, I have a wifi card that is fully capable of N speeds and a router to go with it, but under linux it will not connect to N speeds, but only 54mbps instead. i found this post that pertains to my card but no solution was offered. linux has the driver, rt2860 but it wont connect to my b/g/N router at all but WILL connect to a b/g router, and i have also tried loading the windows driver for it through ndiswrapper. with ndiswrapper05:37
MTec007 it will connect to my b/g/n router but only at 54mbps. any insight? http://goo.gl/xl6105:37
DEMNVTizinucs: that was actually what I was going to try next. Thanks for confirming05:38
DEMNVTwill tailing /var/log/messages also be helpful?05:38
izinucsDEMNVT: not sure05:38
DEMNVTI've seen posts from others with the same UPS and it does show stuff in lsusb... so I must be missing something I think05:38
DEMNVTizinucs: Ok. thanks.. will check dmesg05:39
eroickwith a fresh ubuntu server install, I'm being sent to tty7 (or whatever CTRL-ALT-F7) is. is there a way to change this?05:39
=== james is now known as Guest36255
Guest36255Hello, everyone05:41
ExploiterHow can i move all my files name songs1.mp3 to songs100.mp4 to /songs what command to move all files whos name starts with songs (not format) ??05:41
hellslingerdoes anyone know how I can get back the ability to hit Ctrl Alt F{1,6} and get a terminal login?05:41
ZykoticK9eroick, i'd try reasking the same question in #ubuntu-server05:42
=== jsurfer_ is now known as jsurfer
ExploiterHow can i move all my files name songs1.mp3 to songs100.mp4 to /songs what command to move all files whos name starts with songs (not format) ??05:42
ZykoticK9Exploiter, "mv songs* /songs"05:42
izinucsExploiter: mv /path/to/songs* /path/to/songs/05:43
Exploiterok let me try05:43
MTec007ZykoticK9, izinucs that wont match the 1 through 100 though05:43
ZykoticK9MTec007, i'm guess that was only an example - it moves everything starting with "songs"05:43
toonacidJust came to quickly say, updated my server to 10.10, and it worked great, after fixing config files, and some maintencance. :) Also, desktop upgrades always seem to fail lol. I had to reinstall my desktop many times over before it worked right. But.. Fresh install is better anyhow. :) 10.10 is really nice, besides a few bugs here and there (like my jumpy mouse :( )05:44
ZykoticK9MTec007, s/guess/guessing05:44
Exploitererror: cannot move fiel to subdirector itself..05:44
MTec007ZykoticK9, unfortunatly i cant remember the correct command to do so..05:44
ZykoticK9Exploiter, does "pwd" currently say "/songs"?05:44
Exploiternop,, in directory of songs.mp*05:45
Exploiter"/songs" is in same dir05:45
LGSilvahello. Im using ubuntu 10.10 on a dell mini 9 netbook. how can I see a list of detected hardware?05:45
toonacidOh, by the way, anyone using KDE in 10.10, have you noticed, while using Firefox, that the screen "sticks" to what it showed before, and it doesn't update the display. I've had it happen in quite a few apps. It's got to be one of the worst bugs afaik, worse than my mouse. Any ideas?05:45
ZykoticK9MTec007, the bash number would require a [0-100] but i couldn't tell you the proper placeholder's either, so mine might fail ;)05:46
toonacidLGSilva: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40206505:46
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LGSilvathank you toonacid05:47
bobthemilkmanIs there any way to properly test the connection between two computers?  Allegedly this network is supposed to be 1000gbps, so I'd like to confirm that.05:47
Jordan_UExploiter: mv songs*.mp3 songs/05:47
bobthemilkmanObviously most download/upload tests will be limited by write speed, is there any better way to check?05:47
MTec007Exploiter, mv /path/to/songs[1-100].mp* mv /path/to/songs/ should be right05:47
MTec007Exploiter, mv /path/to/songs[1-100].mp* /path/to/songs/ should be right05:47
Exploiterok worked, it moves all files to my root05:48
lucenthey, what are the correct permissions for directory entity /var/lock ?05:48
Exploiteri should had use /parth/to/songs05:48
lucentI'm seeing it's root.root 177705:48
mattcodeshow do I set a shortkey to min/max tweekdeck?05:48
MTec007Exploiter, you can still move them though05:48
Jordan_UExploiter: What is the the exact command you used? I'm guessing you had an extra space.05:48
ZykoticK9lucent, "drwxrwxrwt 4 root root 80 2010-10-13 07:52 /var/lock/"05:48
ppqlucent: same here - drwxrwxrwt  2 root root   40 2010-10-14 06:22 .05:48
lucentZykoticK9: thanks, and ppq thank you05:48
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman,  download the file to either /dev/shm (ram) or /dev/null (bit bucket)05:49
dan5790Is ubuntu 10.04 supposed to install xchat by default? I'm sure it did before.....05:49
Exploitermv song* /songs05:49
lucentI think JAVA program not having access to serial port device /dev/ttyUSB0 is a strange problem for me05:49
izinucsdan5790: nope05:49
tottiqdan5790, nope05:49
dan5790ok ty05:49
ZykoticK9dan5790, no - xchat NOT default05:49
Jordan_Udan5790: No, now there's just empathy by default.05:49
ppqdan5790: no, xchat isn't installed by default05:49
lucentI'm trying to use 'arduino' ide which is a java program, I used to be able to access /dev/ttyUSB0 without any problem, and permissions are not the issue because I've tried as root ... so now I'm confused05:49
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
toonacidlucent: Mine shows drwxrwxrwt  4 root     root       80 2010-10-13 21:09 lock05:50
dan5790Which package installs the proper xchat and not the gnome skinned one? I seemingly cant access any features lol05:50
lucentnow I'm pretty sure it's not a locking issue05:50
MTec007hello, I have a wifi card that is fully capable of N speeds and a router to go with it, but under linux it will not connect to N speeds, but only 54mbps instead. i found this post that pertains to my card but no solution was offered. linux has the driver, rt2860 but it wont connect to my b/g/N router at all but WILL connect to a b/g router, and i have also tried loading the windows driver for it through ndiswrapper. with ndiswrapper05:50
MTec007 it will connect to my b/g/n router but only at 54mbps. any insight? http://goo.gl/xl6105:50
Jordan_Udan5790: "xchat"05:50
fearthepenguinlucent,  are you sure its on usb0?  time dmesg and see what usb port the arduino bound to05:50
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lucentfearthepenguin: Yes, I do see some errors though05:51
meeone of my shortcuts doesnt work. every time i click it it loads and then does nothing05:51
lucent"[83232.612858] mct_u232 ttyUSB0: usb_submit_urb(read bulk) failed pipe 0x40410480 err -22"05:51
lucentmany of these ^05:51
fearthepenguinlucent, looks like the ftdi chip might be having issues.  this a generic arduino or a clone?05:51
ZykoticK9mee, more details please.  what is the shortcut?  what command is it running?  is it a terminal script?05:51
mee<ZykoticK9> its a shortcut for a game in wine05:52
lucentfearthepenguin: the fdti chip is in my adapter and not on the arduino board, is that what you mean?05:52
ZykoticK9mee, ahh is the command a single line?  can you paste it in the channel, or pastebin?05:52
fearthepenguinlucent:  if its a generic aduino, it will have an ftdi chip on the board. do you have a mini or something else?05:52
meeenv WINEPREFIX="/home/rinehart/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Counter Strike Source\Counter-Strike Source.exe"05:53
lucentfearthepenguin: mine has a serial RS-232 port, it's a clone... I've used that before05:53
lucentfearthepenguin: the problem is my usb <-> serial converter device which is its own device and not an arduino component :)05:54
ZykoticK9mee, try: env WINEPREFIX="/home/rinehart/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Counter/ Strike/ Source\Counter-Strike/ Source.exe"05:54
fearthepenguinlucent:  got it.  unplug the arduino from the adapter, unplug the usb adapter and plug it back in and see if you still get those errors in dmesg05:54
ZykoticK9mee, try: env WINEPREFIX="/home/rinehart/.wine" wine "C:\Program/ Files\Counter/ Strike/ Source\Counter-Strike/ Source.exe"05:54
lucentfearthepenguin: ah, okay05:54
dizkoGnea: still around?  fixed my issue =) =)05:54
fearthepenguinlucent: yeah, it sounds like your ftdi adapter may be on the fritz, but trying to eliminate the arduino connected to it from the equation.05:54
Exploiterjodan_u please help05:54
ZykoticK9mee, sorry - the 2nd one, missied the Program/ Files the first time05:54
Exploitermv songs* songs/ not working05:54
Exploitercannot move dire to its subdire05:55
MTec007Exploiter, mv /path/to/songs[1-100].mp* /path/to/songs/ should be right05:55
=== blacklightmoon is now known as moon
bobthemilkmanfearthepenguin: I'm actually on a WinXP machine, but I was hoping to run a test through an SSH to my linux server.  Is there any easy way to do this without having to reboot to my windows machine to linux? :S05:55
lucentfearthepenguin: see dmesg output http://paste.ubuntu.com/512890/05:55
mee<ZykoticK9> nope still doesnt work05:55
=== moon is now known as blacklightmoon
Some_PersonIs there any way to make everything on my screen appear slightly smaller so that my netbook's screen can show more stuff at a time? I have a lot of dialogs cut off by the gnome-panel05:56
ZykoticK9mee, try that command in a terminal window.  does it work?05:56
ExploiterMtec007 still same, cannot move XX to a subdirectory of itself05:56
corpsehola necesito ayuda.05:56
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fearthepenguinbobthemilkman:  the linux machine is up yes?05:56
ZykoticK9!es | corpse05:56
ubottucorpse: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:56
bobthemilkmanYeah, I'm SSHed into it right now.05:56
mee<ZykoticK9> no05:57
ZykoticK9mee, what is the error/output?05:57
macoExploiter: thats ok. itll still move everything *else*05:57
lucentfearthepenguin: my hardware is bought from http://www.pfranc.com/usb/usb.shtml05:57
macoExploiter: if you do "ls" you'll see it moved all the individual files05:57
cartesTabmow:  You here?05:57
lucentI know it worked in the same physical configuration, with an older kernel from Lucid05:57
mee<ZykoticK9> there is none05:57
Exploitermaco :| i m really stupid, yes you are right.. haha05:58
fearthepenguinlucent: err 21 is "hardware didn't respond"  if I remember correctly. Do you have any other machine you can test that adapter on?05:58
ZykoticK9mee, what about: WINEPREFIX="/home/rinehart/.wine" wine "C:\Program Files\Counter Strike Source\Counter-Strike Source.exe"05:58
ZykoticK9mee, sorry you need to add the \s05:58
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman: you could use wget to fetch a file from a connected host and just output to /dev/shm .  You just want to test your download rate right?05:59
lucentfearthepenguin: no, I can try with older kernel, or dual-boot into microsoft OS to verify the hardware... but I'm very certain the hardware is functional and this is a driver or java problem05:59
bobthemilkmanfearthepenguin: That will be bottlenecked by the file read speed.05:59
gymophettI know this sounds stupid. But is there like, a weight loss program application thing for Ubuntu? :P05:59
bobthemilkmanI think I might do something like scp IP:`yes` /dev/null06:00
hasek79how do i get this usb head set to work its headphones with a mic so i can talk but i dont know if i need a plugin or to set something up. i dont know if its working06:00
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman: source the file from /dev/shm and download it to /dev/null06:00
bobthemilkmanWhat's the name of that RAMdrive FS they have these days... tmpfs?06:00
bobthemilkmansource the file?06:01
meeits not working but even if i dont use the shortcut it still doesnt work06:01
lucenthasek79: if it's working then you will be able to see it as a recording device in System | Preferences | Sound06:01
fearthepenguinlucent: could try inserting the mct_u232 module with debug enabled.  rmmod mct_u232; modprobe mct_u232 debug=106:01
hasek79no there is no signal is there something i need to do?06:02
deadroothello all06:02
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman:   yeah tmpfs is ram and is what /dev/shm is.   if you put your file in /dev/shm and then download it to /dev/null, you have cut the disk out totally06:02
deadrootnewbie here06:02
bobthemilkmanI see!06:03
RudyValenciaHi, I'm having trouble with wireless on my laptop. b43 crashes because of a conflict with 3c59x, and ndiswrapper fails to yield any networks like it should06:03
eroickwhen I ssh into my box, i can login successfully but I don't get a shell. locally, i can see that the user has logged in from a remote IP and is running a shell. ssh -vvv produces nothing of interest... any ideas? I've tried switching between bash/dash for default shell...06:03
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman:  of course you wont have a file left in /dev/null being  the bit bucket, but you will have eliminated the disk06:03
lucentfearthepenguin: An error has occurred in the Pastebin software. Please notify the administrators.06:03
bobthemilkmanSo on the server, I can sudo cp TESTFILE /dev/shm, and then on this machine scp IP:/dev/shm /dev/shm?06:03
bobthemilkmanOr /dev/null, either or.06:04
RudyValenciaWhat can I do? I want working WiFi...06:04
mrbookcan't get ubuntu to full screen06:04
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fearthepenguinbobthemilkman: yes that would be all network IO except for caching  that could occur06:04
deadrooti'm using putty to access a ubuntu server, and i needed to use 'screen' to continue the execution of a twenty four hour build when i inevitably have to close the putty program06:04
fearthepenguinlucent:  hehehe06:04
deadrootis it possible at all to resume the view of the screen from another putty session?06:04
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman:  no real way to eliminate that though06:05
RudyValenciadeadroot: screen -r06:05
lucentfearthepenguin: okay, so we will do it again... ttp://pastebin.com/Cn8KcKzy06:05
deadrootRudyValencia: thank you06:05
brad__I can't create a new account on launchpad to report a bug. It won't send me a confirmation code.. just an email saying I might have forgotten my password?06:05
mrbookHelp - i can't full screen06:05
shaheeneryI can't seem to get my hard drive to mount read and write even though the fstab seems to be good06:05
RudyValenciaI've never had problems with my WiFi via ndiswrapper before06:05
bobthemilkmanfearthepenguin: Well, the server's currently nowhere near its 8GB of RAM usage, so I think it'll be okay.06:05
RudyValenciabut b43 conflicts with 3c59x due to a Debian bug06:06
zhengshiDoes LibreOffice have a PPA?06:06
RudyValencia(I don't like Debian beacuse they're missing a lot of the Ubuntu stuff)06:06
RudyValenciayes there is06:06
ZykoticK9deadroot, use <ctrl><a><d> to disconnect from a screen session, then the "screen -r" to reconnect06:06
amalloyer, sorry. how can i get the Welcome to Ubuntu banner not to display when i ssh in? i've tried moving /var/run/motd, but it still prints. do i have to reboot or something?06:08
fearthepenguinbobthemilkman:  yeah you should be covered06:08
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fearthepenguinlucent: this a belkin device?06:08
bobthemilkmanI'm gonna go ahead and assume that even on a 1gbps network, the memory thoroughput is much faster :306:08
cartesHi all06:08
shaheeneryhere is my fstab line for my drive:   http://pastie.org/122000906:08
ZykoticK9bobthemilkman, by orders of magnitude06:08
cartesany Ubuntu Mirror Managers in here?06:09
bobthemilkmanThat's what I thought.06:09
lucentfearthepenguin: I mentioned, it is a "Purple USB" serial converter, 'U232-P9(2.4)' from pfranc distributor http://www.pfranc.com/usb/usb.shtml06:09
lucentworks great except now with the Maverick kernel 2.6.35-22-generic06:09
fearthepenguinlucent: ah right.  I ask because I do see some really old issues with the belkin adapter using that chip06:09
fearthepenguinlucent: but nothing recent06:09
fearthepenguinlucent: I'd try to revert to the older kernel and insmod it debug and see what happens06:10
Omen_20Is there any way to get Banshee in the sound menu like Rhythmbox?06:10
lucentfearthepenguin: okay.06:10
fearthepenguinlucent: it feels like a hardware issue, but stranger things have happened in regressions06:10
lucentfearthepenguin: I'm noticing more problems than benefits on my hardware, with the new kernel. Hey, this is progress, right?06:10
deadrooti'm getting: "There is no screen to be resumed."06:11
fearthepenguinlucent: it's always progress for someone06:11
ZykoticK9Omen_20, IF you don't get an answer here, you might want to try repeating in #kubuntu  Best of luck.06:11
lucentit ate my firewire storage with data corruption, backups too, now serial device ... when will the hurting stop?06:11
ZykoticK9Omen_20, oh sorry - it isn't a kubuntu issue!  my bad.06:11
fearthepenguinlucent:  yike !06:12
enavhi... i want to know how to make webpages shortcuts with firefox.... i did it on 9.04 just drag and dropping the webaddres to the desktop... but now this action is not the same and create local web copies instead of web shortcuts06:13
Omen_20ZykoticK9, I found my answer. Just a simple plugin install. Thanks06:13
carlotolinerowhen i update to 10.10 my compiz seems not working06:14
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pankajmwireless is disabled in network manager applet , and mobile broadband also doesn't appear , i was able to successfully connect using a mobile broadband connection, rfkill list all shows hard block as yes ?06:15
deadroothmm... i seem to have fixed my problem via some kludge or it fixed itself when running 'screen -d -r'06:16
deadrootthanks again RudyValencia. it's what i wanted. :)06:17
SikthJust installed Ubuntu karmic along side Fedora. Grub doesn't see fedora anymore, ideas?06:17
ZykoticK9Omen_20, nice!  and thank you - it's good to know banshee can be integrated06:18
homecableSikth why install to linuxes for06:18
homecablelinux is linux06:18
carlotolinerowhy my compiz not working after i upddated into 10.1006:18
carlotolineroany ideas06:19
fearthepenguincarlotolinero,  open a terminal,  type compiz --replace .  any errors?06:19
homecableread the err logs06:19
shaheeneryOMG I can't get my mounting file permissions / samba stuff all working together06:20
Sikthhomecable, because there are subtle differences between them, just using the Fedora live disc I was confused on things06:20
pankajmmy wireless is disable in network manager .. any resons?06:20
hatake_kakashipankajm, right click on network manager and click enable wireless06:20
davfI'm using 10.04 and evolution and evolution --express look the same. Thanks for the help in advance06:21
pankajmnot possible , its greyed out06:21
carlotolinerofearthepenguin thank you06:21
carlotolineroits working now and no errors06:22
fearthepenguincarlotolinero, no problem.06:22
pankajmhatake_kakashi: i tried rfkill list all , it shows wlan0 -- soft block no , hard block yes06:22
hatake_kakashipankajm, is wireless enabled in bios? what about pressing the wifi button?06:22
pankajmit works perfectly in windows xp in dual boot , btw i m only worried about mobile broadband , it was working once , now i cant see it in the applet's list06:23
shaheeneryanyone ever seen a time when   "sudo chmod 777 file.txt" doesn't error out, but doesn't give write privilages?06:24
pankajmhatake_kakashi: but it is still inside the mobile-broadband tab..06:24
hatake_kakashipankajm, I'd check dmesg output, you might have installed a standard kernel06:24
carlotolinerofearthepenguin hey man06:24
hatake_kakashipankajm, err I meant non-standard kernel06:24
pankajmhatake_kakashi: yeah , its the ubuntu 10.04 kernel06:25
zhengshiCan I play video file when Transmission is downloading it?06:25
ZykoticK9shaheenery, FYI you can't apply linux/unix permission to a samba share06:25
pankajmhatake_kakashi: i m on xp , which software can i use to read the ext4 files?06:25
hatake_kakashipankajm, recall what you did last to make it not work.. the wireless broadband afaik is usually handled by the driver known as option06:25
hatake_kakashipankajm, I don't think there are any.. had you been on ext3 you can get ext2ifs06:26
zhengshiRT @pankajm:  i m on xp , which software can i use to read the ext4 files?06:26
earthmeLonHow do I add new mime types to my server?  I have video files showing up as application/octet-stream and would like to learn how to add their mime types06:26
shaheeneryZykoticK9: I'm trying to set the directory to share to 777 so I can create a samba share where users can read/write06:26
ZykoticK9shaheenery, well 777 should give read/write/execute to everyone?!06:26
pankajmhatake_kakashi: now it seems i cant detect my 3g usb modem as a modem , when i try to make a new connection , it doesn't detect it as it used to..06:27
ZykoticK9shaheenery, are you testing across Samba?  i'm sure it's a samba vs. folder permission issue then.06:27
hatake_kakashipankajm, was it detected as a flash drive? some wireless broadband modems allow you to also store or retrieve drivers from the stick itself, if so you need usb-modeswitch06:27
TarantulafudgeHow can I install older releases of software?06:28
shaheenerywhen I "mount" the drive I can't write to it...when I "sudo mount" the drive I can't start a samba share06:28
shaheeneryno, I"m not testing across samba06:28
pankajmhatake_kakashi: yeah it has storage which is detected06:28
shaheeneryI am simpy in the directory in terminal06:28
pankajmi have also got those packages06:28
ZykoticK9shaheenery, seems like you have a few things going on.  are you trying to share an entire drive?  or just a folder on a drive?06:29
pankajmhatake_kakashi: i will try it and see , btw it worked without them...06:29
hatake_kakashipankajm, have you actually tried switching it back to modem mode?06:29
Sicklerwhere are the background images in xfce stored06:29
shaheeneryjust a folder06:29
shaheeneryhttp://pastie.org/1220009  this is my fstab line06:29
ZykoticK9shaheenery, and this folder can you post the ouput of "ls -ld /path/to/folder"?06:29
hatake_kakashipankajm, well it would be more ideal if you recalled what you did last to mess things up like that :) no wireless internet and no wireless broadband06:29
pankajmhatake_kakashi: modem_ode?06:30
hatake_kakashipankajm, yes modem mode, usb-modeswitch has that capability06:30
pankajmhatake_kakashi: thanks for that info , i ll try that06:30
davfanyone know where the config files are for evolution to start clean?06:31
shaheeneryshaheenery@mallow:~$ ls -ld /media/crazy_bear/CrazyBear/06:31
shaheenerydrwxr-xr-x 14 shaheenery shaheenery 32768 2010-10-14 01:17 /media/crazy_bear/CrazyBear/06:31
ZykoticK9shaheenery, because you are trying to mount into /media i'm gonna have to leave you issue for someone else.  best of luck man.06:32
shaheeneryNo, problem, but why is that?06:32
ZykoticK9shaheenery, i don't know the implications of /media - so i gotta bail06:32
hatake_kakashishaheenery, are you trying to mount a directory to another directory?06:32
zhengshiHow to enable IPv6 function in Transmission?06:32
soroushhello guys, how i can see my hardware info in ubutnu?06:33
lucentfearthepenguin: I've booted 2.6.32-24-generic on the same hardware configuration and the serial converter _is_ working06:33
bazhangsoroush, sudo lshw06:33
Sicklerwhere are the background images in xfce stored, they arent all in /usr/share/background as i would espect06:33
ZykoticK9shaheenery, personally i mount my drives outside of /media - and leave it for the automatic stuff.  good luck man.06:33
shaheeneryjust trying to mount my external hard drive so I can share a folder on it using samba06:33
hatake_kakashishaheenery, why not create a directory under /mnt as root and mount it there?06:34
Name141how long ago did 10.10 release?06:35
macoName141: sunday06:36
bazhangName141, 4 days06:36
Name141oh, must need a new server selection then06:36
Name141yeah now it's downloading.06:37
soroushi wanna to get my vga (nvidia) info for download driver,how i can it?06:38
bazhangsoroush, check in hardware drivers06:38
shaheeneryhatake_kakashi: same as mounting it in media, it can't change the folder permisisons to create it as a samba share06:38
soroushi do it06:38
soroushbut i dont found vga info06:39
soroushthis is for my labtop06:39
shaheenery"Nautilus needs to add some permissions to your folder "CrazyBear" in order to share it....blah blah....Do you want Nautilus to add these permissions?  when I choose "add the permissions automatically"  I get an error box "could not change the permissions of folder "CrazyBear"06:40
hatake_kakashishaheenery, not really, afaik HAL deals with mounting storage devices into /media and if you have a directory there with the same name as the one HAL is planning to mount it as (i.e. disk for example) HAL will create a new directory and mount the storage device there.. which is why it will get messy and thus not ideal.06:40
hatake_kakashishaheenery, you'll need root permissions to do it.. I don't know of the graphical way, I deal with it via command line06:41
hatake_kakashiagain its not ideal to go around changing stuff inside /media, one bad mistake and you may end up with a messy setup06:41
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/27A5MEKf <-- how do I fix this?06:41
A|pHA_six3hatake_kakashi: what is the command for that06:42
shaheeneryWell yeah, putting it there wasn't MY idea that's where it put it by default06:42
hatake_kakashiA|pHA_six3, chown and maybe chmod.. afaik root can only mount devices though in theory one could `hack' it to make it so that users can also mount it06:42
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A|pHA_six3hatake_kakashi: gotcha just like to know everything about HAL and root permissions06:43
hatake_kakashishaheenery, if you're going to mount it manually I suggest you to mount it inside /mnt instead.. there's no fancy automounting happening in /mnt and so you won't have a messy setup06:43
shaheenerybut even when it's under /mnt  and I try to chmod 777 a file  it doesn't give write privilages to user06:44
^DEMOSS^ЧО ЗА НЕВЕДОМОЕ МИФИЧЕСКОЕ ДЕРЬМО ?  ubuntu 10/10 not loded !!06:44
^DEMOSS^ЧО ЗА НЕВЕДОМОЕ МИФИЧЕСКОЕ ДЕРЬМО ?  ubuntu 10/10 not loded !!06:44
charlymsubuntu and veoh?06:44
zhengshiWhat's this?06:44
hatake_kakashiA|pHA_six3, or I could be wrong it might also be udev that handles it.. and most power tools are only reserved for super user06:44
bazhang^DEMOSS^, #ubuntu-ru06:44
^DEMOSS^=) sorry06:44
^DEMOSS^ok i go ubuntu-ru06:44
A|pHA_six3hatake_kakashi: love su permissions ;)06:44
ranjanHi all06:45
UNIm95shit happens : http://www.conceivablytech.com/3421/business/microsoft-patents-gpu-accelerated-video-encoding/06:45
ranjancan i share my host machines pci modem to virtualbox?06:45
hatake_kakashishaheenery, maybe you need to mount it with option for user to add/remove files, etc06:45
hatake_kakashiranjan, no06:45
ranjanhatake_kakashi: why is it so?06:45
bazhangUNIm95, wrong channel06:45
UNIm95bazhang no it is right channel06:46
hatake_kakashiranjan, its because there's no proper and stable support for PCI passthrough/hotswapping.. however its best to ask this in virtualbox support channel06:46
bazhangUNIm95, its offtopic. so no its not06:46
UNIm95bazhang we would also pay for it06:46
chu_My mirror has updated, now I can join the cool people in 10.1006:46
ranjanhatake_kakashi: ok thank u.06:46
bazhangUNIm95, #ubuntu-offtopic06:46
atudeI'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/27A5MEKf <-- how do I fix this?06:47
A|pHA_six3atude: squashfs loop ?06:47
A|pHA_six3atude: wrong channel oppps06:48
Omen_20Shotwell's upload feature is useless if it cant see your Facebook albums06:49
gigglefighthello. looking for a gnome environment that's stable on a 128mb ram older computer.06:49
UNIm95bazhang: ubuntu use GPU-Accelerated Video Encoding   via vlc totem and mplayer06:49
bazhangUNIm95, no one asked about that. dont paste link here.06:50
zhengshiThe GNOME Foundation is looking for developers to enhance the developer06:50
zhengshiexperience of using GTK+ to port and create applications on MeeGo06:50
zhengshiHandset devices.06:50
gigglefightxubuntu, was pretty hard on it; the computer was slow when I installed xubuntu on it.06:50
chu_gigglefight: Probably won't find a GNOME environment that's stable with 128mb. I06:50
UNIm95bazhang ok it is your choise06:50
bazhang!ot | zhengshi06:50
ubottuzhengshi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:50
zhengshiWhen can I install Ubuntu on my mobile phone ? :D06:50
tioxgigglefight, while it's not Gnome, the XFCE or XLDE environments should fit the low memory bill.06:50
bazhangzhengshi, you cant. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat NOT here06:51
chu_gigglefight: I'm under the impression XFCE requires 256mb to run well. Perhaps one of the *Box's (OpenBox, Fluxbox) would fit your needs?06:51
A|pHA_six3zhengshi : soon06:51
tioxWell, what about Lubuntu?06:51
LewocoHow do I enable netbios name resolution for programs like 'ping'? I tried adding 'wins' to the hosts line in nsswitch.conf but this didn't help.06:51
lucentatude: are you using synaptic?06:51
bullgard4Why does Maverick message: "s2disk snapshooting system" when I resume-from-disk? Isn't this nonsense?06:51
lucentatude: I think synaptic or aptitude can resolve these conflicts06:51
gigglefightthanks chu. I've tried lubuntu... :( it wasn't loading. i may reburn the disk.06:51
lucentatude: apt-get will *not*06:52
A|pHA_six3Lewoco: samba ?06:52
gigglefightlaters. will look into lubuntu and box.06:52
tioxI came here to ask what "Sticky Windows" are and how they could be applied to my windowing habits.06:52
LewocoA|pHA_six3, Yeah, I've already got samba and nmblookup can resolve names. Just stuff like ping doesn't work.06:52
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tioxUse habits, how I use windows etc.06:53
=== Sickler is now known as jjs3
atudelucent: apt-get06:53
A|pHA_six3Lewoco: ping does not work at all or just name resolution ?06:53
jjs3http://imagebin.org/118427 can someone help be solve this colour problem06:53
LewocoA|pHA_six3, Just name resolution06:53
atudelucent: oh, how should I resolve the problem with aptitude/synaptic?06:53
lucentatude: if you have aptitude installed, just do "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade"06:54
LWSDesignslucent apt-get -f install to fix dependencies06:54
lucenthave had bad luck with 'apt-get -f install' never again!06:54
tioxWhat problem?06:54
A|pHA_six3Lewoco: hmm yea I dunno but that is a good question06:54
tioxjjs3, what problem?06:54
hatake_kakashiI'd advise against dist-upgrading..  it's hardly ever clean and you'll get issues06:54
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lucentthat's true, though safe-upgrade won't do what we want either06:55
jjs3tiox, the colors are not the same which usually doesnt happen, is it possible to change the indicator applet color to match the panel, i notice its only with some themes it will do this06:55
tioxUh... huh?06:56
hatake_kakashiclean install is by far the most ideal, sure it'll take time to setup and all however you won't have any issues here and there just because of dist-upgrade06:56
ruumhey guys I am currently running ubuntu 10.406:56
tioxOOH I see.06:56
jjs3tiox, theres two colors in that panel, two shades of gray, it stands out too much to me and i want to make them the same06:56
ruumhow do I get the whole OS updated06:56
atudelucent: wtf.. I had it installed but apt-get must of uninstalled it during dist upgrade..06:56
ruumfrom 10.4 to 10.10 ?06:57
tioxIs this a color you defined?06:57
atudelucent: so I cant install it now06:57
lucentatude: aptitude is not installed by default as of Maverick, true story06:57
lucentatude: if you can get to a UI, then run synaptic06:57
tioxOn 10.4 up it's a graident of grey.06:57
tioxPart of the Ambiance system theme.06:57
atudelucent: what do I do in synaptic? I was in there and could not progress much06:57
LWSDesignsyea and if memory is correct aptitude package installs are not recorded by the system manager06:57
lucentoh well06:57
atudelucent: I just get the same errors with apt-get06:57
tioxIn fact, try that -- Change the theme and see if the color difference affects other themes.06:57
lucentatude: I'm thinking you might be stuck without a lot of work06:58
SmailTell me! What is VLAN???!!!06:58
lucentstuck, without an answer unless you do a lot of work06:58
lucentreinstall time?06:58
ruumvLAN dude is called virtual lan06:58
hatake_kakashiSmail, virtual LAN, information is available on wikipedia06:58
jjs3tiox: nope, just when to customize theme and it seems to do that to quite a couple, one has the applet orange while the panel is white, i dont get it06:58
ruumand lan stands for local area network06:58
earthmeLonI am having a very hard time figuring out how to add mime types to my magic db.  Anybody here familiar with mime types ?06:58
ruumits mainly used in swithes and routers06:59
atudelucent: there's no way to just force a package to install? I'm finding that almost 100% unlikely and unrealistic.. To remove my data is too much work06:59
ruumdoes that answer your question smail ?06:59
lucentatude: you can set its selection status manually using 'dpkg'06:59
LWSDesignsin other words you can have one dhcp server setup for multiple subnets with vlans06:59
atudelucent: what do you mean?06:59
lucentatude: I only know where to point you to find out yourself, I have no interest to do this homework for you sorry06:59
ruumso can anyone answer my question06:59
tioxAlright, I learned what sticky windows are.07:00
ruumis it possible to update the whole OS?07:00
bazhang!upgrade > ruum07:00
ubotturuum, please see my private message07:00
tioxAlso jjs3, I don't know.07:00
atudelucent: I'm not requesting you do any "homework".. if you know of a solution, feel free to let me know, otherwise just say you don't....07:00
atudelucent: thanks though07:00
caoyuangulangecho data07:00
tioxI never encountered this problem. Maybe removing the applet, then adding it back in again in the hopes it refreshes the colors?07:00
lucentatude: I know only that it has something to do with selection statuses, and I have no interest to find out what those are really, so good luck to you :)07:01
atudelucent: selection status.. thanks :O07:01
ubuntu__how do I get the ip of my local printer?07:01
jjs3tiox: tried but no luck07:02
tioxAgain, not a problem I can quite investigate... what programs add these applets?07:02
lucentatude: selection status is shown in output of 'dpkg -l' like ii means install-desired and installed,  I think.   Somehow you can manually set the status of what is desired07:02
RudyValenciaOK, I'm trying to get WiFi working on my lappy (Dell Inspiron 8200).07:03
tioxOr if they're already there, what applets?07:03
lucentthat's whoosh way over what I care to learn about right now, I don't mean to be rude though07:03
soroushhow i can protect folders and file in ububtu ? same hide or lock/07:03
hatake_kakashiubuntu__, check under router's web UI?07:03
lucentsoroush: nothing easy to do07:03
RudyValenciab43 (the WiFi driver) conflicts with 3c59x (the Ethernet driver) and causes a crash07:03
Ryen!truecrypt | soroush07:04
ubottusoroush: Truecrypt is a free open-source on-the-fly disk encryption software.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TruecryptHiddenVolume07:04
lucentsoroush: there's an encrypted home folder, or Private folder that requires password, but nothing per-folder arbitrarily07:04
RudyValenciaand I can't get ndiswrapper to work07:04
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, tried linux-backports?07:04
ubuntu__hatake_kakashi, thanks. i forgot to turn the printer on though <_<07:04
RudyValenciaBackports? No.07:04
jjs3tiox: indicator applet and indicator applet session07:04
RudyValenciaI don't like backports.07:04
deadroothello all again :)07:05
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, tried compat-wireless/wireless-testing instead? :)07:05
RudyValenciawhat's that?07:05
tioxIt seems like it's a pre-defined background?07:05
=== Schoentoon_ is now known as Schoentoon
shaheeneryanyone ever had the problem of not being able to chmod a file?07:05
deadrooti have another problem. my shell script needs to set some environment variables. but after the script has executed, the variables are still not set. does anybody have any idea what is going on?07:05
jjs3tiox: yes07:05
tioxI try changing the color and the image backgrounds stick.07:05
RudyValenciaI don't like modifying my system beyond that provided by Ubuntu07:06
hatake_kakashiits a whole bunch of wireless drivers from later (or earlier) kernel version for one to compile, install and use with their kernel07:06
shaheenerySorry anyone ever had the problem of not being able to "sudo chmod" a file?07:06
RudyValenciaWhy isn't ndiswrapper working? It used to work before, on 10.04 too (which is what I use)07:06
hatake_kakashishaheenery, unusual, not that I've had that issue07:06
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, you might want to make sure b43 is fully unloaded and maybe its deps.. then blacklist b4307:07
deadrootshaheenery: does the file exist?07:07
LWSDesignsshaheenery sure its not a symbolic link07:07
tioxjjs3, this issue only happens to me when using Ambiance or Radiance.07:07
RudyValenciaI tried removing b43 and ssb07:07
shaheeneryI "sudo mounted" the drive in /mnt and not /media07:07
shaheenerynot a regular user can't use it07:07
iceswordwhat's the latest version of ubuntu?07:07
RudyValenciathe WiFi card still won't use ndiswrapper07:07
tioxAnd what the hell were Canonical thinking letting this error slip?07:07
shaheeneryI want to chmod so anyone can read / write07:07
hatake_kakashishaheenery, its the mount options, you have to mount it giving permissions to user07:07
tioxPredefined backgrounds for applets are no good... sounds like a Gnome setting.07:08
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, you tried.. and so b43 is not in lsmod neither is ssb?07:08
shaheeneryi specified "rw" and "user" in fstab07:08
jjs3tiox: yea i would kinda be bumbed if i couldnt use a theme bc of this, and i try changing the windows color and the applet color changes with it07:08
hatake_kakashishaheenery, try users07:08
RudyValenciassb still loads despite being blacklisted07:08
tioxAnyone have an idea on where the settings for ambiance/radiance applet background is?07:08
Broadyhey guys - looks like libmozjs-dev was removed in lucid - any idea how i can get spidermonkey now?07:09
tioxHappens on New Wave too.07:09
hatake_kakashissb is probably loaded because of b43 being loaded.. so b43 needs to be blacklisted not just ssb07:09
tioxBut on any of the older Gnome themes, there's no problem.07:09
RudyValenciahatake_kakashi: both are blacklisted07:09
tioxWho the hell thought having pre-defined applet backgrounds was alright?!07:10
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, and are they still loaded?07:10
RudyValenciab43, b43legacy, bcm43xx, and ssb are all blacklisted07:10
deadrooti have another problem. my shell script needs to set some environment variables. but after the script has executed, the variables are still not set. does anybody have any idea what is going on?07:10
hatake_kakashimaybe you didn't configure blacklist properly or its not in the right location07:10
jjs3tiox: its quite annoying right?07:11
tioxHell yeah it is!07:11
warsi'm wars07:11
jjs31468 other people, no idea haha07:11
tioxI found this problem before, but I shrugged. Now I'm getting angry.07:11
hatake_kakashideadroot, think you need to export those variables but check with #bash or whichever shell you are using07:11
hatake_kakashiI'm not on gnome and I'm not using the latest version so I can't assist07:12
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shaheeneryhatake_kakashi:  no users does the same thing07:12
RudyValenciahatake_kakashi: I put them in as I usually do07:12
tioxhatake_kakashi, use Raidance or Ambiance and change the background color.07:13
RudyValencia(the blacklist lines)07:13
deadrootthe script is supposed to export the variables. everything worked fine when running in my virtualbox fresh copy of ubuntu 9.04, but things are breaking in the old production server that's also using ubuntu 9.0407:13
tioxOops, nvm.07:13
hatake_kakashishaheenery, is the device mounted as ntfs? I think ntfs has issues even if you did specify mounting as users, you need to mount it under your id and group id specifying that in the mount07:13
RudyValenciablacklist b43, blacklist b43legacy, blacklist bcm43xx, blacklist ssb (each on separate lines, no commas07:13
tioxI has an idea. Is there an area where the themes are stores?07:14
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, weird, but does manually unloading of drivers work?07:14
shaheeneryhatake: no, it's not NTFS07:14
deadrootwould 'screen' have any effect on export?07:14
hatake_kakashishaheenery, is it FAT32?07:14
tioxI am thinking it's a special entry in a theme file's text that invokes the background on applets.07:14
RudyValenciahatake_kakashi: lemme reboot and see what happens07:14
deadrootno, screen isn't a reason. the same behaviour outside of screen07:15
jjs3tiox: yea gksu nautilus /usr/share/themes07:15
deadrootand i can set the variables manually07:16
=== Guest39546 is now known as Wraithulek
deadrootbut the script just can't seem to set the variables :(07:16
shaheeneryhatake: yes W95 FAT3207:17
RudyValenciaI'm back07:17
shaheeneryis what sudo fdisk -l says07:17
RudyValenciastill no WiFi07:17
RudyValencialsmod lists ssb as loaded but not used07:18
RudyValenciait's still loading07:18
tioxSome odd reason, /usr/share/themes/ambiance/ambiance can't be opened.07:18
Jordan_Udeadroot: An application can't change the environment variables of its parent process.07:18
tioxWhat type of file are these unopenable files?07:18
Jordan_Udeadroot: What are you actually trying to do?07:18
jjs3tiox: could u be using the theme07:19
Jordan_Udeadroot: And how?07:19
deadrootrunning a "setenvironment.sh" file that is supposed to set environment variables07:19
deadrootworks fine on my virtualbox install07:19
Jordan_Udeadroot: "run" it how?07:19
deadroot"-bash-3.2$ ./setenvironment.sh"07:20
Jordan_Udeadroot: That can't possibly work.07:20
deadrootwhy not?07:20
Jordan_Udeadroot: You need to source the script, not execute it as a separate process.07:20
Jordan_Udeadroot: An application cannot change the environment variables of its parent process.07:21
Jordan_Udeadroot: "source ./setenvironment.sh"07:21
deadrootthat is strange...07:21
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, hmm weird, I suppose one could hack up a script to automatically remove ssb on reboots/bootup07:21
bullgard4Why does Maverick message: "s2disk snapshooting system" when I resume-from-disk? Isn't this nonsense?07:22
deadrootokay, my script is indeed using 'source ./setenvironment.sh'07:22
RudyValenciaI manually removed both ndiswrapper and ssb and then modprobe ndiswrapper07:22
RudyValenciaand even that doesn't work07:22
tioxNot relevant, but here's a weird bit:07:22
tiox# Style to set the toolbar to use a flat style. This is because the "New" button in07:22
tiox# Evolution is not drawn transparent. So if there is a gradient in the background it will07:22
tiox# look really wrong.07:22
tiox# See http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=446953.07:22
FloodBot1tiox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:22
tioxThat's in the gtkrc file, BTW07:23
deadrootit shold have worked fine, but later on, the build script ran erroneously. the symptom is the same as the environment var not being set. i'll try again and see what happens this time. thanks Jordan_U07:23
RudyValenciaI don't want to break my usual habit of using LTS releases but I'm tempted to try 10.1007:23
deadrootmy current change will be to 'sudo screen'07:23
hatake_kakashiRudyValencia, that's what linux-backports are for07:23
WraithulekI have broken NTFS Partition, i can't resize it with gParted. When I want to mount it's error: Error mounting: mount exited with exit code 12: Failed to read last sector (266245181): Invalid argument07:23
RudyValenciaIs there a way to get a newer kernel?07:24
hatake_kakashiif not a newer kernel may fix the issue07:24
jjs3tiox: may i pm u07:24
tioxRudy: There are some changes if you are using the default theme.07:24
hatake_kakashino its not ideal but its possible07:24
bullgard4How often is popularity-contest called?07:24
RudyValencianewer than linux-image-2.6.32-25?07:24
tioxActive buttons and stufff will appear more orange. The scrollbar up/down buttons now have rounded ends to accommodate the rounded scrollbar And progress meters are less rounded.07:25
hatake_kakashialot newer if you enabled 10.10 release but again its not ideal07:25
RudyValenciaso I can't have a newer version than 2.6.32-25?07:25
hatake_kakashiI meant 10.10 release repo07:25
jjs3tiox: i have a work around for that color issue07:25
deadrootokay, i've started yet another build run07:25
hatake_kakashino, you can submit a bug and hope/pray07:25
hatake_kakashiwell you've already done that :)07:25
RudyValenciaI think I'll just go back to XP despite it being slow07:26
tioxjjs3: What have you found?07:26
deadrootas mentioned before i'm using putty to do the runs. and as it may take more than twenty four hours, i'm using screen to do it.07:26
tioxAwww Rudy, don't do that to us. :P07:26
RudyValenciaI still use Ubuntu on my server though07:26
RudyValenciaand that's not gonna change07:26
lucentwin32 putty + screen = disaster07:26
tioxGood man.07:26
lucentnever figured out why that was though07:26
RudyValenciaand I can use it on my desktop alongside Win707:26
deadrootmy concern now is that whenever i use screen, then exit putty, then try to reattach via another putty window, it says that 'There is no screen to be resumed.''07:26
jjs3tiox, sudo apt-get install gcolor2 , take a sample of what color you want the panel to be, right click panel->properties-> background-> choose solid color _. and enter in your color code that gcolor gives you07:27
DEMNVTshould the standard 'mail' command be available in Ubuntu from terminal?07:27
lucentdeadroot: oh did you detach or hit [X] on the win32 window ?07:27
deadrooti hit the [x]07:27
lucentbad monkey zombie! baaad07:27
lucentyou terminated screen by doing that07:27
deadrootno, the screen is still running07:27
jjs3tiox: oh and turn the opaque all the way to the right07:28
deadrootbut it says it is attached07:28
lucentwell, it doesn't like [x] so use ctrl+a then ctrl+d07:28
sresuHow can I use crosshurd package? !info crosshurd07:28
jjs3like i said its a work around and not a fix07:28
sresu!info crosshurd07:28
ubottucrosshurd (source: crosshurd): Install a Debian system. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.7.37 (maverick), package size 20 kB, installed size 172 kB07:28
lucentI think I'm eating some bad pasta sauce, my stomach is making weird noises and my screen is getting wavy07:28
tioxWell, it still shouldn't require that!07:28
jjs3tiox: I know, we should submit the bug07:28
lucentis there any way I can tell from the command line if my screen really is wavy, or if I should just go to the emergency room?07:28
tioxYou do it.07:29
jjs3tiox: haha ok07:29
macolucent: look somewhere other than the screen and see if that's wavy too07:29
tioxDoesn't effect me plenty because I like the default theme.07:29
tioxBut link me, I'll back you up.07:29
lucentmaco: can you type that in a non-wavy font? ;)07:29
* lucent runs away from IRC07:29
jjs3tiox: how do i do that? (link you)07:29
tioxSubmit the bug and link me to the page it's on.07:30
deadroot1sorry, got disconnected07:30
tioxCopy the URL and paste.07:30
deadroot1lucent: okay, i'll try that. thanks.07:30
=== deadroot1 is now known as deadroot
txomonhello, i found a ubuntu upgrade bug07:31
deadrootlucent: thanks. works like a charm. :)07:32
OpenSourcedNickI'm trying to merge directories and from what I've seen until now the tools are right down Pathetic. anyone has some advice ?07:32
txomonin the netbook version, when u try to upgrade, ther is a missing package07:32
lucentdeadroot: some programs (like irssi) are smart enough to dettach themselves when asked to07:32
deadrootthanks for the tip07:32
lucentdeadroot: that's called "screen-awareness" but you know, the other ten million programs out there have no clue and you must get into a ctrl-a-d habit07:32
txomonhttp://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/netbook-meta/ubuntu-netbook_2.035_i386.deb  not found says07:33
deadrootokay will do07:33
carlotolineroi got bug on opening a compiz. about glXDestroyPixmap / GLX 1.3 is not supported.. any ideas??07:34
lucentdeadroot: another pro tip for you, typing ~. in an ssh session will kill that ssh session07:34
lucentdeadroot: useful if the program you're running remotely barfs, or the connection is disrupted07:34
lucenttyping successive ~'s I think will go deeper into the rabbit hole07:34
lucenti.e. ~~. to kill 2-deep ssh session07:34
RudyValenciaI think I'm going to reinstall on this machien07:35
RudyValenciaprobably just get 10.10 and install it07:35
max_buenos dias alguien que hable  spanish ?07:35
soreaucarlotolinero: That is not a bug, it's a harmless warning you can ignore07:36
lucentRudyValencia: be sure to burn a CD, the usb flash process is not quite working in my experience07:36
RudyValenciaI'm gonna download it via bittorrent07:36
deadrootlucent: thanks again. ^_^;;07:36
RudyValenciabrb moving to another PC07:36
RudyValenciamy USB flash disk didn't show07:37
jeyIs there a way to tell apt to always install -dev and -doc versions of packages?07:37
carlotolinerosoreau: sorry thought this is counted as a bug. so everytime i open my laptop i must always type Compiz at the terminal? tnx07:38
lucentjey: not that I am aware of, never heard of it07:38
lucentjey: you could write a script that searches your installed package list for not-installed versions of the package that are -dev and -doc07:38
jeytime to write a script then07:38
macocarlotolinero: it doesnt start automatically if you set it in software sources?07:38
jeylucent: will do, thanks07:38
lucentjey: alternately, you can use apt-get build-dep packagename to install the dependancy packages needed to build a particular program07:39
lucentthink that might be what you want07:39
lorphI untarred some elf executable files, and now they won't run saying "No such file or directory" does anyone know what's wrong?07:39
atudeHow do I change my Apt preferences?07:40
carlotolineromaco i already install it there i just updated awahile ago and this happened07:40
tioxcarlotolinero: Or you can make a new launcher with compiz as the command and have it as a startup application...07:40
hatake_kakashilorph, you need to append ./ after giving it execute permissions07:40
carlotolinerotiox how can i do that. sorry newbie here07:40
tioxWell, what are you trying to do?07:41
tioxWhat do you speak of?07:41
tioxI'm a noob myself, but I know some things.07:41
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lorphhatake_kakashi: I did07:41
hatake_kakashilorph, I meant ./foo07:41
lorphhatake_kakashi: when I untarred it, it already had chmod +x permissions, so I did it again07:41
Smailhow to reset your password GRUB???!!!07:42
lorphand I am running it with the ./ syntax07:42
tioxI see.07:42
ubuntu nmmz07:42
lucentSmail: troll somewhere else.07:42
carlotolinerohehe iknow how to set things and appear in the startup. but why does it not runs automatiaclly after i updated today07:42
hatake_kakashilorph, go into the directory of the untarred bins and try that07:42
tioxI don't know.07:42
lorphhatake_kakashi: already tried it, same problem07:42
tioxIt still runs for me after the update.07:42
tioxThen again, different PC.07:43
lorphhatake_kakashi: I tried moving the file to another directory and renaming it, does untarring mess up executables07:43
earthmeLonI am having trouble with mime-types:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=996974407:43
carlotolineroyeah i guess so. using Hp mini though07:43
tioxBut still, if you cannot resolve this issue so compiz loads without a nudge from a startup launcher, then... I don't know.07:43
hatake_kakashilorph, weird, maybe I'd try compiling the source code and running the compiled one after compiling07:44
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omeshhow to configure Samba07:44
lucentOh, hi mark.  I DID NOT.  I DID NOT HIT HER.07:44
hatake_kakashi!samba | omesh07:45
ubottuomesh: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.07:45
Smail<lucent>do not understand!07:45
txomonso anyone does know any solution to the problem i encountered¿?07:45
txomonin the netbook version, when u try to upgrade, ther is a missing package07:45
bullgard4Why does Maverick message: "s2disk snapshooting system" when I resume-from-disk? Isn't this nonsense?07:45
txomonhttp://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/n/netbook-meta/ubuntu-netbook_2.035_i386.deb not found says07:46
macotxomon: run "sudo apt-get update" first07:46
hatake_kakashitxomon, probably try doing update before upgrade07:46
lucenttxomon: it's either (A) your local mirror is missing the file  (B) dependency problem07:46
macotxomon: a new version has probably been released, replacing the old one it's looking for07:46
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lucentchange mirrors, and apt-get update07:47
soroushhi again, how i can compile cpp file in ubuntu?07:47
hatake_kakashi!compile | soroush07:47
Smail<lucent>what is Troll??07:47
ubottusoroush: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:47
hatake_kakashi!troll| Smail07:48
ubottuSmail: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel07:48
soroushi have simple cpp file07:48
=== deadroot1 is now known as deadroot
soroushand i wanna run it in linux07:48
lucentsoroush: that's off-topic for the channel, but if you'd like I'll talk about it in privmsg07:48
Jordan_Usoroush: g++ foo.cpp07:48
soroushwhere i can found g++?07:49
G1BS0N!troll | Smail07:49
ubottuSmail: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel07:49
glithcdSo I decided to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 today but then this happened. http://pastebin.com/LprKySMf   Please help!!07:49
deadroothmm... does anybody know if gcc 4.1.3 will be backported to ubuntu 10.10?07:49
lucentglithcd: ouch07:49
Jordan_Usoroush: sudo apt-get install g++07:50
glithcdlucent, is that really bad?07:50
lucentit's just hurting my brain to think about why it's happening07:50
lucentso yeah it's really bad and painful for me to look at X(07:50
glithcdlucent, do you think it's fixable?07:50
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lucentuh... well I can fix anything with an explosive target and a .2207:51
G1BS0Nlucent: is there a story with x07:51
Jordan_Uglithcd: How did you try to upgrade?07:51
lucentmaybe you want it to be working after it's "fixed" though and that's gotta take a minute to ponder about it07:51
glithcdJordan_U, I did it with update manager07:51
lucentalso, why are you running a PAE kernel?07:52
glithcdlucent, to see my 8 gigs of ram without using 64 bit07:52
tensorpuddingdeadroot: backported? that's an old version of gcc isn't it?07:52
Jordan_Uglithcd: Did you get any error message from update-manager?07:52
glithcdJordan_U, Yes a few07:52
lucentglithcd: oh okay, makes sense07:52
glithcdJordan_U, is there a log for update manager?07:52
deadrootmaybe my use of the word is wrong. but will gcc 4.1 be supported? i know it is pretty old, but the program i'm building depends on 4.1's behaviour07:53
lucent"why is grub-probe reporting back badly?" is my question07:53
tensorpuddingdeadroot: the version in 10.10 is 4.407:53
lucentdeadroot: you can install older versions, I think07:53
deadrooti'm aware of that, but the program will not successfully build on 4.407:53
deadrootso i have to compile 4.1 from source?07:53
lucentno, I mean you can apt-get install gcc-4.107:53
lucentthe executable will be named gcc-4.107:54
glithcdlucent, well it wanted me to upgrade grub so I did but I told it to keep my local files instead of upgrading to the maintainer version07:54
lucenthow you make that work I leave as an exercise for you :)07:54
tensorpuddingdeadroot: it should be possible to have multiple back versions of gcc07:54
deadrootit's not listed. first thing i tried when testing 10.1007:54
tensorpuddingdeadroot: i think there is a 4.1 package07:54
Jordan_Uglithcd: multiple logs in /var/log/dist-upgrade/07:54
lucentglithcd: err... why didn't you use maintainer version?07:54
tensorpuddingdeadroot: and it would be located as gcc-4.1, so you'd need to modify CC and CXX in your build scripts07:54
deadrootmaybe it was recently changed then. i tried uncommenting everything in the apt/sources.list and nothing07:55
glithcdlucent, I wanted to keep my grub the way I edited it07:55
hDyis there a place that I can have applications startup after the initial desktop loads? I know I could put it in the startup application list but it loads to soon there07:55
lucentdeadroot: use the software sources manager, if you can07:55
=== Molly is now known as Guest27975
Guest27975Ahhhh, having extreme problems in 10.10. ZynaddsubFX no longer works! I can't get a single sound out of it and it's slow as heck! xD07:55
lucentGuest27975: is jackd set up correctly?07:55
deadrootno, CC and CXX was not sufficient. i had to relink gcc and g++ to 4.1 for the build to succeed. i would otherwise get buffer overflow errors when running the resulting server application07:55
txomonlucent | maco | hatake_kakashi look this http://imagebin.org/11843207:56
Guest27975lucent: in Lucid, I didn't need JACK - I just used Zyn by itself, not with anything else or any sound running in the background07:56
deadrootbecause somehow, it used both 4.1 and 4.3 (probably for some of the different dependent packages within the source)07:56
tensorpuddingdeadroot: pretty sure that the alternatives system handles that07:56
deadrootokay, i'll look into that later07:56
lucentGuest27975: okay, here's a hint, use jackd07:56
andaiHi! My iPod says "No Songs" when i turn it on07:56
tensorpuddingdeadroot: software that depends on a specific version of a specific compiler is not maintainable07:56
Jordan_Udeadroot: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo sh -ex /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig" ?07:56
deadrootJordan_U: do you really mean me?07:57
andaitho all the files are on it, every player except iTunes can read it fine, and Banshee spent about an hour "rebuilding the database" (..so where is it?)07:57
Jordan_Udeadroot: No, sorry.07:57
txomonlucent: did u see the link?07:57
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txomonmaco:  did u see the link? http://imagebin.org/11843207:57
Jordan_Uglithcd: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo sh -ex /usr/sbin/grub-mkconfig" ?07:57
=== Guest93635 is now known as brunot
lucenttxomon: ah, yes.  I think your mirror is bad, I told you, try to use a different mirror and to apt-get update before the upgrade07:58
brunothi here07:58
txomonlucent: tell me another mirror, cos thats the mirror I have...07:58
carlotolinerohow to edit your dual boot? seems that 3 kernels and 3 recovery showing up07:58
glithcdJordan_U, sure07:58
deadroottensorpudding: yes. it is quite a pain, but i'm not up to the task of fixing 100MB of *.tar.gz worth of code07:58
Guest27975lucent: but I don't want to lol - if it worked with Jack in Lucid, why would it stop? I mean, do I have to use jack? i didn't before :O07:58
brunotanyone having sound issues with 10.10 ?07:59
Guest27975lucent: * worked WITHOUT my bad xD07:59
lucentGuest27975: 'lol'.07:59
UpdatingAvailablCould please someone help me? I'm installing Ubuntu 10.10 using the alternate CD. The installation hangs on "Updating the list of available packages...07:59
lucentgood luck trying to make that work in anything other than jack. 'lol'.07:59
tensorpuddingdeadroot: if it really requires that you use a specific version of gcc in one spot, and a specific version of gcc in another, you're likely to have trouble08:00
Guest27975lucent: So, in 10.10, I have to use Jack, is what you're saying.08:00
carlotolineroi have issues on 10.10 unity08:00
tensorpuddingyou could try compiling the different parts with different gcc versions, but i have no idea if you'll be able to link them08:00
sebsebseb!details | brunot08:00
ubottubrunot: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."08:00
carlotolineroabout compiz.. cant start automatically08:00
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: right yeah08:00
lucentGuest27975: the only other non-jack toolkit that has active development is PortAudio in conjunction with Mixxx, and even that is falling to pieces.  Use JACK, is what I'm suggesting.08:01
deadroottensorpudding: no. it needs to use 4.1 all the way through. i believe it was some third-party package within the code base that somehow ignored CC and CXX08:01
carlotolineroi always type Compiz on the terminal :)08:01
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: Compiz does not work with Unity08:01
glithcdJordan_U, Here you are: http://pastebin.com/mBJ6DLMn08:01
tensorpuddingdeadroot: okay08:01
Guest27975Lucent: ah, okay. and that will solve the speed issue, as well? because its beyond laggy - didn't seem to do that before08:01
deadrooti had to relink g++ and gcc to fix that, instead of depending on CC and CXX08:01
bugSSSwith the help of a team, you can view all open ports on your PC???08:01
tensorpuddingdeadroot: it's possible that the part that is broken by 4.3 is something which could be easily changed, like some sort of deprecated code08:01
lorphhatake_kakashi: agh I found out, I didn't have lib32z1 installed to run x86 programs :(08:01
brunotdetails: audio was working perfect on 10.04. After the upgrade to 10.10: sound does not play on internal speakers, I can only hear throught headset with bad quality. And also can hear through HDMI08:02
lucentGuest27975: I understand your concern, and JACK is not always the easiest thing to set up, but please go learn it and be happier for it with all your serious audio needs :)08:02
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: its not compatible with mutter08:02
brunotI was and am still using pulseaudio + alsa08:02
bugSSSwith the help of a team, you can view all open ports on your PC???08:02
carlotolinerobut can i still run it? what do you suggest?08:03
lucentbrunot: mixer interfaces may have changed between ALSA versions included in the new kernel for 10.10 release... so, I think that's annoying but you have to play with the mixer settings08:03
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: no not with Unity08:03
Jordan_Uglithcd: "sudo chmod -x /etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme.save"08:03
Guest27975lucent: Listen, I know Jack, it's great and I all, I just hate using it. I came on because Zyn worked *without Jack before, and that was my inquiry. Why would it suddenly need Jack in 10.10 whereas in 10.04 it didn't? That's the question I'm getting at. (And I don't mean to sound blunt. xD)08:03
Wraithulekwhen i want add chmod08:03
Wraithulekit error08:03
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: with the normal desktop version or  KDE  or LXDE or XFCE, and so on, sure08:03
Wraithulekbash: /media/Wszystko/DiabloInstall/D2-1.12A-enUS/Installer.exe: Permission denied08:03
brunotlucent: I played with everything avail in the mixer...08:03
deadroottensorpudding: perhaps, but i lack the knowledge and experience to identify if it is such a case08:04
lucentbrunot: oh, 'advanced' things in alsamixer, even?08:04
lucentor gnome-alsamixer08:04
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: ok so your on a net book?08:04
brunotlucent: what do you mean by "advanced" ?08:04
deadrootabout two months ago, i had not really experienced working with any *nix08:04
carlotolinerosebsebseb: yes08:04
glithcdJordan_U, chmod: cannot access `/etc/grub.d/05_debian_theme.sav': No such file or directory glithcd@glithcd-laptop:~$08:04
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: you may want to try out Lubuntu/LXDE its nice, and more lite waight than Xubuntu/XFCE  also you can run compiz in it08:05
lucentbrunot: there are simple mixer controls, but then there are also advanced mixer controls.  I think 'gnome-alsamixer' program shows you advanced mixer controls if you'd like08:05
Jordan_Uglithcd: You forgot the 'e' at the end.08:05
=== Selac246 is now known as Selac
sebsebseb!lubuntu | carlotolinero08:05
ubottucarlotolinero: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu08:05
glithcdJordan_U, ok the command went through08:05
glithcdJordan_U, Should that be it?08:05
lucentbrunot: 'gnome-alsamixer' Edit | Sound Card Properties   and check everything?08:05
Jordan_Uglithcd: Yes, now try "sudo apt-get -f install".08:05
brunotlucent: yes I did all that08:06
txomonlucent:  how can i report that my mirror is bad¿?08:06
bullgard4Why does Maverick message: "s2disk snapshooting system" when I resume-from-disk? Isn't this nonsense?08:06
carlotolinerosebsebseb: can i save space in that? coz im on my laptop mini :)08:06
lucenttxomon: I don't think that is reportable problem, it's bad... so like it is raining outside, well, maybe it won't be raining later :)08:06
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: sure it won't take up that much space,  and you get good basic apps08:06
brunotlucent: not sure it might help, but I tried to boot from the 10.04 live CD (64 bits): audio works fine. I looked all the alsamixer settings08:07
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: by default with it08:07
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Why do you think it's nonsense?08:07
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: however if you  then want stuff that didn't come with it, can still install that or most of it08:07
=== Wraith is now known as Wraithulek
txomonlucent: ok... ah! I can update from central server!08:07
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: I mean you run Gnome and KDE apps for example inside Lubuntu/LXDE08:07
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: can run08:07
lucenttxomon: "main" Canonical server should always be correct08:07
brunotlucent: then booted on 10.10 live CD (32 & 64 bits), and also cheched the alsamixer settings: they were the same, and no audio08:07
cnwesleywangdoes anynody know how to install ubuntu 10.04 server on IBM x3850m2?08:07
zulfineed some hrlp08:08
lucentbrunot: I don't know if the mixer interface changed, or if there is now a regression for your device08:08
glithcdJordan_U, Thanks, it seems to be installing linux-image2.6.35 just fine now.08:08
sebsebseb!ask | zulfi08:08
ubottuzulfi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:08
bullgard4Jordan_U: Because the compute does not need to. It already has a sapshot. Otherwise the computer cold not resum-from-disk.08:08
lucentbrunot: I'm very simple what I know about Linux Kernel, not much for programming08:08
carlotolinerosebsebseb: ok thats why im having problems with unity. hehe i ddnt know that compiz theres is not compatible08:08
carlotolinerosebsebseb:thanks pal08:08
Jordan_Uglithcd: You're welcome.08:08
lucentbrunot: it would be helpful if I could guide you to dump the ALSA driver registers for inspection, but I do not know how08:08
glithcdJordan_U, A reboot should be all I need now.08:08
cnwesleywangI count not install neither 32bit version nor 64bit version.08:09
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: Compiz isn't compatible with Gnome Shell either, which is nice,  currently has a development version, but Ubuntu should be using that by default with the rest of Gnome  3 next year :)08:09
=== deadroot1 is now known as deadroot
brunotlucent: thanks a lot for your help ! Do you know if there is someone knowing more about audio and interested in finding/fixing bugs ?08:09
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: both Unity and Gnome Shell use mutter08:09
cnwesleywangand I do not want change to RHEL or centos, I want keep both my dev and deploy environment  on same os: ubuntu.08:09
Jordan_Ubullgard4: Part of the "s2disk snapshotting *system*" is the code to resume from disk. At least that would make sense to me.08:10
atudeHow do I change my Apt preferences?08:10
cnwesleywanganybody helps me.08:10
sebsebsebcnwesleywang: anyway ok your welcome :)08:10
sebsebsebcarlotolinero: ^08:10
brunotlucent: I think I saw many different groups ont irc for different topics, but none regarding sound/audio08:10
lucentbrunot: there is an ALSA user's mailing list, but no forum or IRC will help you with this08:10
Jordan_Ubullgard4: NVM, it's late and I failed at reading comprehention.08:10
lucentbrunot: sound device programmers are not likely to hang out on IRC answering questions, that is what I see08:11
cnwesleywangI installed ubuntu 10.04 server version on 3850M2 it stopped after choose language.08:11
bullgard4Jordan_U: Right. Thank you.08:11
lucentbrunot: it is a good thing that you are able to boot 10.04 livecd and your sound is working, that will be useful in your process to find out which registers are set that make it work for you08:11
brunotlucent: ok, would you mind giving me a link to get the mailing list address & rules to use it, if you know it ?08:11
xfroghow do I set my notifications to reflect new mail. I always have to manually click the taskbar where the mail icon is to see if I have any new mail. I was under the impression that it would be automatic08:11
cnwesleywangand for ubuntu 10.04 server amd64 version it says that can not found any hard disk.08:11
lucentbrunot: links would be at alsa-project.org website, so I will look there too08:12
brunotlucent: looking right now08:12
cnwesleywangI prefer install 32bit version for that's our dev environment.08:12
lucentbrunot: http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/alsa-user08:13
brunotlucent: there seem to be a lot if things on this, including details to debug, etc... So I will try 1st, before annoying anybody08:13
zulfiam trying to install splinter cell conviction, and its saying i need to install DirectX for the game to run, but i have wine to work with it, and every time i try to install the DirectX its says...An internal system error occurred. Please refer to DXError.log and DirectX.log in your windows folder to determine problem, and am like  saying to my self i dont use bumb windows, so anyone in this room can see what am talking about?08:13
zhengshiWhat program can record time spent on using each program in system?08:14
lucentbrunot: I am sure that the important fact is that you can make it work with (Ubuntu 10.04 livecd) and that it is not working with (Ubuntu 10.10 livecd), because now you can reproduce the issue easily08:14
cnwesleywangno one have installed ubuntu server on IBM x3850 ever?08:15
zulfihow is there a way to install Directx08:15
brunotyep. I would suppose it is a low level issue08:15
lucentzulfi: there is not.08:15
zulfioh i see08:15
lucentzulfi: ##windows ?08:15
andycczulfi, I don't think DirectX works on Linux.08:15
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lucentzulfi: are you a programmer writing a game08:15
Jordan_U!appdb | zulfi08:16
ubottuzulfi: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help08:16
zulfinot really just a kid trying to play one of my good game on ubuntu 10.1008:16
atudeI must have a really rare problem or this community has no idea how ubuntu works...08:16
zulfibut it seems like it wont play with out the Direstx crap!08:16
deadrootbye guys. thanks for teaching me ^_^08:17
Junkbothas anybody had success installing Unity/UNE (Maverick) on the dell mini 10 (intel gma500)08:17
brunotatude: or they don't answer obvious questions for which you can find the answer by clicking the 1st link google gives you if you type it there08:18
atudebrunot: I thought about that, but apparently that's not the way to go..08:19
brunotatude: maybe 2nd link then ? ;)08:20
brunotatude: jk :)08:20
Jordan_Uatude: What "Apt preferences" are you trying to change?08:20
atudebrunot: no... I guess you didn't see any of my questions, so it'd make sense for you to not know what i'm talking about08:20
atudebrunot: google is unable to help fix 10.10 update issues08:21
atudebrunot: think there's probably a bug somewhere, and should probably report it08:21
brunotatude: just saw 1: "how to change the apt preferences".08:21
zulfiit sucks that they don't make windows games compatible for ubuntu 100$. what quishtions me why wont they make it like that?08:21
zulfii meant 100%08:21
atudebrunot: I'm stuck in a dependency loop due to update manager aborting its release update for some stupid reason, the result when trying to fix my system, pastebin.com/27A5MEKf <-- how do I fix this?08:22
Jordan_U!ot | zulfi08:22
ubottuzulfi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:22
sebsebseb 08:22
cnwesleywanghow to install ubuntu on IBM x3850?08:22
brunotatude: lol, yeah now I understand why you're here :)08:22
atudebrunot: going though with many things, I've determined that changing my configs could help, or break everything08:22
Jordan_Uatude: Next time add "http://" to your links, it makes then easier to go to for us lazy voluteers :)08:22
Jordan_Uatude: Is that the complete output? Does apt freeze there or exit?08:22
brunotzulfi: you can try an app named "crossover"08:23
atudeJordan_U: exits08:23
Jordan_Uatude: What command did you run that gave that output?08:24
atudeJordan_U: just about anything apt-get  will give me that output08:24
lucentatude: fastest resolution may be a backup, then clean re-install and restore your data08:25
lucentatude: just suggesting maybe that would save you time.08:25
atudeJordan_U: specifically though, -f -s --reinstall dist-upgrade08:25
atudelucent: I'd rather learn to fix the issue rather than not learn to fix the issue08:25
plumhey guys08:25
plumhi guys08:25
mattcodesI have tweetdeck in the err. systray.. (top right), what the keyboard shortcut to bring to screen as it doesnt show in alt+tab like minimized programs?08:25
Jordan_Uatude: What about "sudo dpkg --configure -a"?08:26
plumi'm looking at grep swap /etc/fstab08:26
Sandkingi wanted to test some lighter desktop environment - what would be better choice - xfce or fluxbox?08:26
atudeJordan_U: just errors out08:26
atudeJordan_U: too many errors08:26
lucentatude: yeah, I agree, but it sounds like you have hit a landmine08:26
Jordan_Uatude: Could you pastebin those errors?08:26
plumhow do i tell if my swap is in use, or if i should remove it?08:26
atudeJordan_U: sec08:26
plum# swap was on /dev/sdb6 during installation08:26
plumUUID=ccd0fd9f-62b9-457a-8558-8a2255f4937b  none         swap  sw                 0  008:26
plum# swap was on /dev/sdb7 during installation08:26
plumUUID=15be132a-7da5-4459-8693-845323963dc9  none         swap  sw                 0  008:26
FloodBot1plum: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:26
plumahh ok, sorry08:26
lucentmattcodes: don't know, think that's not possivle08:27
lucenttypo... argh08:28
plum^ looking at that, is it safe to remove my swap partitions since they were used only (to my knowledge) in installation?08:28
mattcodesdamn, was hoping to do a day without the mouse08:28
mattcodesfound it ctrl+alt+tab08:28
ortsvorsteherplum, swap is used all time while your os is running. i wouldnt remove swap.08:29
lucentmattcodes: oh, does that work for your app? I thought it selected the top level objects (panels, etc.) only?08:29
mattcodesit works for tweetdeck08:30
mattcodesother stuff like dropbox08:30
mattcodescant see08:30
plumortsvorsteher: but i have two swap partitions (one from an install that didn't work, i believe)08:30
plumi'm trying to figure out if i should remove one or both, if one or both is not being used08:30
plumthat log doesn't show if it's being used...? i don't know how to interpret them08:30
brunotgonna read the alsa site, ttyl08:31
ortsvorsteherplum, just try out which swap partition isnt used, remove this one.08:31
brunotlucent: thanks for your help & support !08:31
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
plumortsvorsteher: i don't know which one is used & which one isn't,, i tried swapon -s and couldn't understand it08:31
earthmeLonIs anybody here familiar with mime-types and troubleshooting why file is unable to determine mime-type of items in the magic db?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=996978908:31
plumThey both say under 'Used': 008:32
chu_Sandking: Are you using a laptop?08:32
Sandkingchu_: yes, netbook to be precise08:33
atudeJordan_U: I"m having problem logging that since it's just writing to the tty08:33
macsimhi, my laptop doesn't boot on kernel 2.6.35-22 but it works on 2.6.32-25 is it a know issue ?08:33
Sandkingchu_: i remember i tried some distro which was really minimalistic but can't remember how it was called08:33
ortsvorsteherplum, /dev/sdb6 is your first swap device, /dev/sdb7 is with prior 2 a second swap device08:34
Sandkingquite news, designed with netbooks in mind08:34
sakohey guys what are the repositories with the newer packages?08:34
chu_Sandking: Do you mind using the terminal?08:34
ortsvorsteherplum, may you try to read "man swapoff" and turn off swap on /dev/sdb708:34
plumortsvorsteher: are either of them not in use then...? cause if it says under 'Used' 0, i interpret that as "not being used"...08:35
Sandkingchu_: wel, i use it from time to time to do simple stuff, but i'd like to have gui desktop08:35
Jordan_Uatude: sudo dpgk --configure -a > /tmp/dpkg_configure_log 2>&108:35
plumortsvorsteher: i can turn swap off from gui in gparted though, right?08:35
atudeJordan_U: ah, there we go08:35
Sandkingchu_: why did you ask?08:36
ortsvorsteherplum, if i make swapon -s on my machine, it shows me also the 0 on my swap device. it doesnt seems to to show that swap is not used.08:36
Sorayahi guya08:36
plumah, okay. how much space is your swap partition, ortsvorsteher ? is it around 700mb?08:36
ortsvorsteherplum, i never tried to turn off swap in gparted. i take a look at man page08:36
plumhmmmm, okay08:36
chu_Sandking: Well, it just depends. For instance, connecting to wireless isn't as automatic in fluxbox as it is in say gnome, or even xfce, just requires a bit of fiddling.08:36
Sorayamy flash drive wont open on windows08:36
ortsvorsteherplum, my swap partition is 11GB.08:37
Sorayado i need to write a autorun.text file08:37
plumoh wow08:37
plumi see08:37
Sorayai formated using ubuntu08:37
chu_Sandking: If you don't mind getting dirty (so to speak), I strongly recommend fluxbox, but I don't know to what extent you are prepared to play around.08:37
plumso why would i have two swap partitions if yours has one? i think that would be unnecessary08:37
andaiwhat management tool / music player can i use to rebuild my iPod's database?08:38
atudeJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/CHB5H6ac08:38
Sorayaand now i cant seet dispay on my computer on windows and i use to move files around08:38
Sandkingchu_: thx, i'll try it then08:38
andaibanshee did it, and found everything, but it didn't really make it so that my iPod knows there's stuff on it08:38
ortsvorsteherplum, yes, one swap partition would be enough. how much memory your system has?08:38
plummy system has 4gb08:39
tgywawhat is the short cut to use a previosly used command ... instead of typing agian ... on Ubuntu?08:39
chu_tgywa: !! I think08:39
Gneatgywa, up-arrow, or history08:39
ortsvorsteherplum, i would take minimum 4GB of swap space than, normally you take 1,5 times memory.08:39
caemirSaluton ⚘08:40
bullgard4Why does Maverick message: "s2disk snapshooting system" when I resume-from-disk? Isn't this nonsense?08:40
tgywaGnea, I always use history command and up arrow ... but for eg ... when u use history, you may need copy the command to use it ...08:40
plumortsvorsteher: i'm lacking that space at the moment... should i just delete one of the swaps and grow the other one with the space i gain from the deleted swap partition?08:40
Gneatgywa: look for the number, then do !number.08:41
Jordan_Uatude: Could you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy libc6" and "apt-cache policy libc6-amd64" ?08:41
atudeJordan_U: please hold08:41
sakohey guys what are the repositories with the newer packages?08:42
ortsvorsteherplum, may you read at first !swap and follow the link ubottu gives you.08:42
ortsvorsteher!swap | plum08:42
ubottuplum: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info08:42
kthakoreI can seem to change my wifi mode from anything but Managed or Ad-Hoc08:42
tensorpuddingsako: what do you mean by newer packages?08:42
sakoi need the newer version of a package im wondering if there is something like "testing"08:43
atudeJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/jECup8x108:43
tgywachu_, Gnea ... many thanks ... for being there to help others ... I got it ... !mail ... to get commands related to mail string08:43
kthakorehow do I use a non Ad-hoc mode for my wifi in ubuntu? THe network manager is not working. iwconfig is only allowing me to do Managed or Ad-Hoc08:43
Gneatgywa: cheers08:44
Gneakthakore: can you connect via wired at all?08:44
=== lowkey is now known as lowk3y
bullgard4sako: There is something like "tsting". But you better grab a package form a Maverick repository.08:52
bullgard4sako: There is something like "tsting". But you better grab a package from a Maverick repository.08:53
kthakoreGnea: Wired sure.08:53
kthakoreGnea: but I need wireless mode08:53
zhengshiIs there a video player support BitTorrent?08:53
kthakoreGnea: my school is not allowing me to use Ad-hoc modes to connect08:53
Phylockzhengshi: why would you have that ??08:53
tensorpuddingzhengshi: something like miro?08:53
plumortsvorsteher: i'm gonna read up on that. thanks!08:53
ortsvorsteherhave fun plum :)08:53
tasHi everyone, can anyone tell me how I can edit permissions for a Partition? so I don't have to move an .exe file to my desktop to change its permission to be executable?08:53
kthakoreGnea: from man iwconfig I can't use Repeater or Auto08:53
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
tensorpuddingzhengshi: http://www.getmiro.com/08:53
zhengshiI am in IPv6 environment.. I think the speed is enough to play 1080p video in real time08:53
zhengshiI will try it08:53
Jordan_Uatude: Part of the problem may be that you have the maverick proposed repository enabled, but since you've already started installing packages from -proposed removing it now probably won't help much (you need proposed packages now to resolve dependancies).08:53
atudeJordan_U: how should I go about doing that?08:53
tasHi everyone, can anyone tell me how I can edit permissions for a Partition? so I don't have to move an .exe file to my desktop to change its permission to be executable?08:53
Jordan_Uatude: What is the output of "sudo apt-get install libc6-amd64" ?08:53
atudeJordan_U: sec08:53
=== |Slasher| is now known as Slasher`
tasHi everyone, can anyone tell me how I can edit permissions for a Partition? so I don't have to move an .exe file to my desktop to change its permission to be executable?08:53
atudeJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/Wa5fNtEh08:53
Jordan_Utas: What version of Ubuntu are you using?08:53
Jordan_Uatude: Sorry, you might need to be giving the output of a lot of commands. Can you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy libc-dev-bin" ?08:54
atudeJordan_U: don't worry, one sec :p08:54
Jordan_Uatude: And "libc-bin" while you're at it.08:54
tgywaHow do I search for a word in JED editor ...eg for nono editor is use "<CTRL> + w08:54
tgywaHow do I search for a word in JED editor ...eg for nono editor is use "<CTRL> + w ?08:54
tasjordan_u, 10.1008:54
atudeJordan_U: sure08:54
atudeJordan_U: http://pastebin.com/K2PuWsYG08:54
tasCan anyone please also tell me, how auto type someone's user/nick ? cuz I have forgotten.08:54
plumortsvorsteher: i tried running the 'free' command and it constantly says there is 0 swap being used08:54
sebsebseb!tab | tas08:54
ubottutas: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.08:54
plumeven when i start both gimp and OpenOffice08:54
Gneakthakore: okay, that isn't the answer to the question that I asked08:55
ortsvorsteherplum, i never removed swap, i only know this document.08:55
XGummiBareXomg finnaly can anybody help me?08:55
tasubottu, tab doesn't see to work, and shows me some kinda comands :S08:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:55
GneaXGummiBareX: only if you tell us your problem08:56
XGummiBareXokay umm first08:56
plumortsvorsteher: i haven't removed it either... but it looks like mine is not being used... can you check yours to see if it changes?08:56
sebsebsebtas: ubottu is a female bot  computer program08:56
sebsebseb!gender | tas08:56
ubottutas: yes, I can confirm I am a female bot :)08:56
=== XGummiBareX is now known as Coolslai
atudeubottu: this is the internet, that cannot be true08:56
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit08:56
Coolslaiokay well im trying to install ubuntu to Vbox, i havent ever done this b4 can u tell me what to do?08:56
* Gnea holds on tight08:56
bazhangCoolslai, what host08:57
CoolslaiI have Win XP SP308:57
GneaCoolslai: make sure you have the iso downloaded08:57
bazhangCoolslai, install vbox, load the ubuntu iso08:57
Coolslaiwhere do i get an iso DL?08:57
GneaCoolslai: same place you usually get ubuntu from08:58
Coolslaiyeah but i dont see a place where it says iso DL08:58
Coolslaiive never used ubuntu btw08:58
Coolslaii have no idea wat im doin08:58
Gneajust go to download it08:58
Gneait's always an iso08:58
Coolslaii got a win RAR08:58
bazhangalso try #vbox08:58
Gneathat won't do08:58
Coolslaiwell it DLed as a RAR file08:59
GneaCoolslai: the .iso is a cd image, just download it and plug it into vbox. there should be documentation for vbox to make it happen.08:59
GneaCoolslai: well then it did something wrong08:59
_rubenwinrar tends to recognize .iso files as archives08:59
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:00
Coolslaiwell what should i do to fix it?09:00
Gneaare you sure it's broken?09:00
Coolslaiim sure09:01
Coolslaiits DLed as a RAR file09:01
Coolslaiif u want i can have u TV me09:01
Coolslaiif u know what that is09:01
GneaI know what it is, and I'd prefer not to.09:01
Coolslaioh okay... ugh... i need this done... >.<09:01
Gneait shouldn't save as a .rar it should save as a .iso09:01
Gneaso, 'save as' not 'open with', obviously09:01
Coolslaii saved it09:02
GneaCoolslai: be calm, patient and take the time, and it will get done. we're not getting paid here, so you'll need the patience.09:02
Coolslaiidk why its RAR though09:02
Gneaokay, try to rename it to a .iso file09:03
locky_keaneyhey can some one give me a hand, im very desperate and a massive noob. just installed ubuntu to run xbmc on my htpc after windows stuffed up and i got some problems and questions. such as that all my data is on NTFS formatted drives and i need them to access xbmc so all my shows and movies are there, and to allow sharing on them so the whole house can stream and add remove things09:03
Coolslaistill looks like a rar file09:03
locky_keaneymake sense?09:03
Gneaand if you haven't already, /join #vbox09:03
Coolslaii have09:04
GneaCoolslai: that makes no sense at all, it should just be an .iso file09:04
Coolslaiidk... it downloadded into a WinRAR file09:04
lhavelundGnea: try running him through running file on it to determine the mimetype.09:04
Gnealhavelund: he's in windows.09:05
lhavelundOh, right.09:05
vega-he probably has some half-a.. download manager that interferes or whatever09:05
Coolslaino i dont09:05
GneaCoolslai: well, did you get vbox installed?09:05
Gneaso run it09:05
Coolslainow what?09:05
Gneawhat do you need this for anyhow?09:06
locky_keaneycan anyone help?09:06
kai696Yes, usually someone can help09:06
Coolslaiim going to wipe this hard drive and save the stuff i need, and im debating on downloading a modded version of win7 (Win8) or chosing ubuntu... i h ave heard ubuntu is better than windows...09:07
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
KM0201man, whats w/ the netsplits09:07
GneaCoolslai: please repeat?09:07
Coolslaiim going to wipe this hard drive and save the stuff i need, and im debating on downloading a modded version of win7 (Win8) or chosing ubuntu... i h ave heard ubuntu is better than windows...09:07
kai696Coolslai, depends what you are using your computer for09:08
KM0201Coolslai, well, it depends on what you do...09:08
GneaCoolslai: well, the right tool for the right job, can't go wrong there09:08
Coolslaii use it for a shit load of things09:08
bazhangCoolslai, language09:08
kai696don't expect to insert the latest disk of Grand Theft Auto and expect everything to run ssmoothly09:08
GneaCoolslai: we also don't swear in here09:08
kai696Coolslai, i wouldn't recommend it, especially if it's your fist linux distro09:08
=== spidla_ is now known as spidla
kai696Have it to play around with before you totally switch over09:09
GneaCoolslai: well, you'll need to ask #vbox about setting up a new session and getting that part running09:09
Coolslaiwell i use it for gaming, coding, internet, school, and media...09:09
Coolslaipretty much everything09:09
GneaCoolslai: okay, then ubuntu should work just fine, with some modifications and adjustments here and there09:09
kai696anyways, I'm trying to install grub from a live-disk that no longer has ubuntu partitioned on it, I don't know how to repair the MBR from a windows side of things, but i'm having trouble installing the actual grub itself to my box. (mounted Sda1 already)09:09
Coolslaialright, but do you know how i can cetup this iso file thing?09:10
Coolslaiits so cofuzzling09:10
kai696Coolslai, "gaming" on ubuntu has gotten better but it'09:10
KM0201Coolslai, gaming might be your only issue... I would start w/ a dual boot setup,  rather than immediately nuking Windows09:10
GneaCoolslai: first of all, you need to get vbox running, which is what #vbox is for09:10
kai696s still a task and a half note that you probably won't have support for the games windows might have had before09:10
GneaKM0201: depending on what games he wants to play09:10
Coolslaii was thinking sual boot, but i wanted oto know which i should use as my master09:10
Gneaubuntu has plenty of decent games, some of them aren't mainstream09:10
KM0201Gnea, true... but Wine/Gaming.. is far from perfect for Windows games...09:11
kai696Gnea :P they are amazing to be honest.09:11
GneaCoolslai: whichever you're comfortable with09:11
Coolslaiwat u mean i need vbox running?09:11
KM0201Gnea, i agree.. i love Urban Terror...09:11
GneaKM0201: I was refering more to native linux games09:11
kai696Coolslai, Virutal Box09:11
binchelwhat's this09:11
Coolslaii have it installed and running fine... i just need i tsetup09:11
kai696binchel, I'm not sure, what IS this ?09:11
Gneakai696: yeah, I enjoy some now and then09:11
Coolslaii have it installed and running fine... i just need i tsetup09:11
kai696coolslai, burn ISO to disk using image burner (PowerISO, Nero, so on)09:12
Gnea!ubuntu | binchel09:12
ubottubinchel: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com09:12
Coolslaii have nero i think09:12
Coolslaiwbut i dont have the iso09:12
GneaCoolslai: for now, you're better off getting vbox to work09:12
kai696Would anyone have a moment look over my delima ?? ( can repost is needed )09:12
Gneakai696: do it09:13
Coolslaii download and its WinRar09:13
icarus-cCoolslai, that's because winrar associate with .iso file09:13
kai696Coolslaianyways, I'm trying to install grub from a live-disk that no longer has ubuntu partitioned on it, I don't know how to repair the MBR from a windows side of things, but i'm having trouble installing the actual grub itself to my box. (mounted Sda1 already)09:13
GneaCoolslai: okay, let's try this again - go to the ubuntu site, and when it asks you what you want to do with it, you say "save as..."09:13
icarus-cCoolslai, forget winrar and just burn it with a image burning software09:13
icarus-c*burn to disc09:13
kai696Coolslai: ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download09:13
kai696Gnea my post was part of a Coolslai reply haha sorry it is reposted however09:14
Coolslaiwat do i save it as? winRAr file or "all files"09:14
icarus-cCoolslai, for your own good, change Windows file explorer preferences to not to hide known filename extension09:14
icarus-cCoolslai, those you get from http://ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download  are ISO   (disc image)09:15
Gneakai696: wait, you say you DON'T know how to use fixmbr in windows? :)09:15
kai696Coolslai : Winrar has the ability to take over ISO files so if it shows and a winRAR icon it doesn't mean it IS winRAR format09:15
zipp0hello everyone, now i begin install Ubuntu 10.10, but i'm thinking how about partitions. /boot, /home, /tmp, /usr, /var, /, ...09:15
kai696:P well not without a disc, Gnea09:15
GneaCoolslai: all files09:15
zipp0my hdd space is 200GB09:15
Coolslaiwell thats wa happened09:15
icarus-cCoolslai, WinRar is involved here because when you install WinRar, you tell it to be the default application to handle ISO too09:15
zipp0anyone help me to fix it,plz !09:15
icarus-cCoolslai, but winrar could only extract ISO,  not burning to disc09:15
seidosanybody know what version of alsa comes with maverick?09:15
kai696zipp0, What's the problem?09:15
Coolslaiokaty, so in short what should i do? re download? or what?09:16
vega-zipp0: forget partitioning into a million pieces.. 20gb for /, rest /home09:16
Gneazipp0: those are directories, not partitions... shouldn't need to split them up that drastically... /home on its own is usually good enough09:16
icarus-czipp0, since you have asked such quesiton, you could forget those /tmp, /usr, /var... part.   just like 15GB  / (rootfs)  and the rest for /home09:16
icarus-czipp0, plus SWAP09:16
vega-zipp0: assuming this is a desktop09:16
Gneazipp0: meh, I'd say 80gb for /, rest for /home09:16
kai696Gnea any solution to my problem ??09:16
vega-yeah swap of course09:16
icarus-cGnea, 80GB for / ?!09:16
vega-80? what for?09:17
Gneaicarus-c: /var09:17
vega-almost half his drive09:17
icarus-cGnea, clean it up a bit man09:17
icarus-cjust ~10GB here09:17
zipp0i use 2GB for swap09:17
icarus-c i mean the whole /09:17
popey10GB here for / too09:17
binchelis there any Chinese here?09:17
Gneaicarus-c: heh, you don't use sql much I take it09:17
vega-10-20 is more than enough to have room for upgrading etc.09:17
zipp080GB for / ? i think it's too large09:17
icarus-cbinchel, yes. but we don't speak chinese on this channel09:17
ecitbinchel: ^_^09:17
GneaCoolslai: yes, just save it as an .iso file09:17
icarus-cbinchel, for chinese , /join  #ubuntu-cn09:17
kaconazdar pelo09:18
icarus-cCoolslai, you don't have to redownload.... it is just WinRar registers itself as the default application to handle ISO09:18
CoolslaiGnea icarus-c kai696 : okay, so in short what should i do? re download? or what?09:18
kai696Coolslai, go to PM window09:18
kai696 @ everyone I'm trying to install grub from a live-disk that no longer has ubuntu partitioned on it, I don't know how to repair the MBR from a windows side of things, but i'm having trouble installing the actual grub itself to my box. (mounted Sda1 already)09:18
GneaCoolslai: did you see how I said to "save it as an .iso file"? yes, that means re-download it09:18
binchelredo the os09:18
icarus-cCoolslai, seriously, set not to hide file name extension in explorer,  it helps09:18
Coolslaiohbut wat d o i do bout RAR?09:18
GneaCoolslai: kill it09:19
icarus-cCoolslai, screw winrar09:19
zipp0but for the last time, i mean the time i'll install ubuntu 11.04, i don't want to backup data to another hdd09:19
ecitCoolslai: unrar it, run wubi.exe~09:19
icarus-cunrar an iso ?...09:19
ravibnneed help with repo for installing xen 4.009:19
zipp0so, how can i store all of my data on a "stable directory"09:19
icarus-czipp0, stable directory?09:20
Gneakai696: honestly, I'd just use a livecd on a cd or usb stick, boot that and follow directions for getting grub working again09:20
vega-zipp0: that's just what a separate /home partition is for, to be able to upgrade nicely09:20
Coolslaiecit: how do i un Rar it?09:20
zipp0icarus-c: i mean, i don't want to move/backup my data to another devices to reinstall newest ubuntu09:20
vega-zipp0: upgrade won't touch /home09:20
icarus-czipp0, just keep /home on another partition , that well no matter how you screw up the OS  (/ rootfs)  it wouldn't affect your user data09:20
kai696Gnea i'm not sure what you mean, I'm here because there aren't step-by-step instructions :P09:21
ecitCoolslai: just like a normal rar file..09:21
Gneakai696: are you using grub 1 or grub2?09:21
popeyzipp0: you don't need to have /home on a separate partition to reinstall and not lose the contents of /home09:21
Coolslaiecit: oh u mean extract it?09:21
icarus-cCoolslai, kai696 you don't "unrar" an ISO... but extract it.   WinRar could extract ISO, yes/09:21
popeyzipp0: recent versions of Ubuntu have been able to reinstall over the top09:21
ecitCoolslai: eh , yes!09:21
Coolslailol okay09:21
ravibnneed help with repo for installing xen 4.0 or latest on 10.10 desktop ?09:21
icarus-cCoolslai, do you want to burn to disc or what?09:21
kai696icarus-c, I know ? I never stated different09:21
Coolslaiyeah i do09:22
zipp0vega-: icarus-c: i think it's good for me :D But, if i won't upgrade, i'll reinstall over the older version ubuntu, that data will be ok?09:22
Coolslaibut i have no spare discs...09:22
icarus-cCoolslai, use USB drive then09:22
GneaCoolslai: don't worry, for vbox you don't need a real cd, just point it at the iso09:22
kai696Gnea i'm not using anything, this box WAS duel-booting, but I nuked the ubuntu partition from windows management09:22
popeyzipp0: if you choose to manually partition during install of 11.04 and _dont_ tick the 'format' option it will reinstall over the top and keep your /home data09:22
zipp0popey: ah, really, thanks for that information :D09:22
vega-zipp0: yes it will, you just specify your old /home when reinstalling (remembering not to click "format")09:22
Gneakai696: well that's a fine how-ya-do lol09:22
kai696Gnea: And I know, my own stupid idea haha09:22
icarus-czipp0, look..... all your data should sit in /home,  if not, blame yourself for that.   therefore,  no matter how many times you format  /  rootfs,  your /home on another partition is untouched09:23
popeyicarus-c: uhm, mysql data doesn't sit in /home09:23
=== kaco is now known as Kaco
popeyicarus-c: so its unfair to blame someone when their data isnt in /home09:23
icarus-cpopey, that is another story right?09:23
CoolslaiI am extracting it now.... i start wubi, then what?09:23
kai696Gnea: but anyways, I'd like to get my computer to be able to boot again so I either need to reinstall windows MBR from live CD or install grub from live-cd, either way I am strictly working only with linux09:23
CoolslaiI am extracting it now.... i start wubi, then what?09:23
popeyicarus-c: no, not really09:23
ravibnneed help with repo for installing xen 4.0 or latest on 10.10 desktop09:23
zipp0icarus-c: ok, i got it, thanks a lot :D09:23
Gneakai696: okay, so what version of ubuntu are you trying to work with?09:24
ecitCoolslai: like install a normal softwore, you can install ubuntu in windows09:24
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen09:24
kai696Gnea: 8.0409:24
Coolslaibut can i switch between windows and ubuntu?09:24
kai696Hardy Heron09:24
Gneakai696: okay, then you're using grub109:24
Gnea!grub | kai69609:25
ubottukai696: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.09:25
Gneakai696: see the restoregrub link :)09:25
icarus-cCoolslai, you could dual boot09:25
kai696 ! note, it's not able to restore as the partition is no longer there09:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:25
ecitCoolslai: after install, reboot , you will see a menu for select os. have fan09:25
Exploiterhow can i open director name 'new folder' as it have space in it???09:25
GneaCoolslai: yes09:25
kai696@ Gnea09:25
ZeiPI'm getting this when trying to launch gnome-do: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/TDErDVkP . All the other mono software are broken too... What could cause this?09:25
kai696I've been reading a few forums and that is why I am here09:25
icarus-cExploiter, cd "new folder"  OR  cd new\ folder09:25
wanttoknow\join ubuntu-cn09:26
Gneakai696: you're missing the point. you said you wanted to reinstall grub, this will get you to reinstall grub.09:26
kai696I want to reinstall grub WITHOUT having a linux partition09:26
Coolslaiokay, so lemme get tis straight, install ubuntu like regular, then restart my computer, and just pick which OS i wanna start?09:26
Gneakai696: I didn't say anything about reinstalling ubuntu.09:26
Coolslaiokay, so lemme get tis straight, install ubuntu like regular, then restart my computer, and just pick which OS i wanna start?09:26
Gneakai696: yes, I know, so boot the livecd and do it.09:26
Exploitericarus is this syntax corret? = cd /usr/"new folder"/file1/09:26
ecitCoolslai: yes it is09:26
kai696Gnea I'm on the live cd :P but i'm having trouble haha that is why I am here mate09:26
Gneakai696: you need to have a small linux partition there for the grub files, it is inevitable09:27
icarus-cExploiter, eh... good quesiton, i've never done that.  but  cd  "/usr/new folder/file1/"09:27
Coolslaiwill i have to do permission s... to view all my files and stuff....09:27
icarus-cExploiter, are you really making a folder in /usr/ ?09:27
Exploiterok thanks !!09:27
razz1what are the ports that need to be open for transmission to work properly?09:27
GneaCoolslai: worry about permissions later09:27
Exploiterjust example09:27
icarus-crazz1, depends on your setting09:27
GneaCoolslai: just get it working first09:27
ecitCoolslai: You could operate windows's files in ubuntu09:27
kai696ecit: not natively09:28
icarus-cwhy not?..09:28
icarus-cand what do you mean by natively?09:28
kai696ie: .exe files won't open without WINE09:28
ecitkai696: often be~09:28
kai696(software not included with the ubuntu install)09:28
icarus-ckai696, you could be a good lawyer...09:28
kai696icarus-c if only I wasn't in computer **09:29
icarus-cyou could challenge the word "operate"  /__\09:29
greameri was at my friends house.  we drank out.  we made decisions the day after that we should drink again next week.09:29
kai696Damn right I could09:29
ecitok ok09:29
Coolslaiwtf is it download the iso torrent for on wubi?09:29
razz1icarus-c: like, I am using UFW, already added a rule for incoming connections port. But when I run nmap, it does not seem to be open09:30
Gneagreamer: this has what to do with ubuntu?09:30
bazhanggreamer, wrong channel09:30
icarus-cCoolslai, tell wubi to use the iso you just downloaded (which is itself)09:30
raphaWhat is the proper way to write a language like Arabic under Ubuntu 10.10?09:30
icarus-crazz1, what about your router/firewall09:30
greamerit's a friends house.  he has a laptop that i needed to check out before drinking.  thought you should know.09:30
bazhanggreamer, stop that09:30
Coolslaiugh... ill just wait 2 hours... >.< ill be back in a about 2 hrs09:31
Gneagreamer: I know a door you could check out09:31
kai696Greamer have you been drinking tonight?09:31
razz1icarus-c: no router, using mobile broadband, directly connected to net09:31
greamernext week.  fo shew.09:31
icarus-crazz1, well probably mobile broadband would block incomming connections09:31
icarus-crazz1, but not sure. ask your ISP09:31
kai696icarus-c does transmission have encription ?? I thought it did09:32
kai696if so shouldn't be a problem to download torrents09:32
icarus-ckai696, the point is about ISP blocks all incoming connection09:32
icarus-cif you disable ufw (firewall),  and you still can't get incoming connections in transmission or whatever.  i suppose ISP is blocking it09:33
icarus-cit refers to all incoming connections09:34
kai696icarus-c I'm a lawer and I say objection ! ... under no reasonable grounds.09:34
icarus-cnot just about BT detection and block it..09:34
icarus-cbut any incomming connection09:34
icarus-cthink of a NAT network without port forwarding09:34
icarus-c"python -m SimpleHTTPServer "  then use machine from another network to access  http://<your_ip>:8000/09:35
icarus-ceh wait09:36
icarus-cforget it09:36
razz1icarus-c: I get incoming connections, but the speed do not go above 10kb? used the google tool to check if my ISP was blocking torrents, came up negative. any other reason why speeds are so low09:36
icarus-cwell that suggest your ISP is not blocking incoming connections09:37
kai696I love you icarus-c09:38
razz1icarus-c: kai696: can you think of any reasons? i am at a loss09:39
icarus-cno peers? :P09:39
Gnearazz1: who's your isp?09:39
razz1gnea: vodafone09:39
kai696razz1: no idea to be honest. if he's on a network then maybe modifying inc ports is probablyhis only solution if the ISP is not blocking inc09:39
Gnearazz1: maybe the transmissions on the other end(s) are slow?09:39
razz1Gnea: one thing I have noticed is when I test the incoming port in transmission, it always says closed? not sure why? even without firewall09:40
bullgard4Why does Maverick message: "s2disk snapshooting system" when I resume-from-disk? Isn't this nonsense?09:42
kai696bullgard4 snap-shot from wake ? that's odd lol09:42
Gnearazz1: http://www.torrent-invites.com/bittorrent-discussion/70693-vodafone-prohibits-p2p-use-broadband-customers.html09:42
razz1Gnea: any other good client for ubuntu, I used to use utorrent in windows.09:43
bullgard4kai696: "wake" is an ambiguous term. It has several different meanings.09:43
Gnearazz1: dunno, I'm at uni now so torrent is pretty much off-limits09:43
icarus-cuni is lovely09:44
kai696resume-from-disk, assuming disk is "sleep" you're waking it09:44
kai696it's not ambiguous when common sense is applied09:44
bullgard4kai696: Thank you for commenting.09:44
Tokumeiisnt deluge any good and similar to mutorrent for windows?09:45
Gneawell, one can have common sense and not know how to apply it09:45
kai696Gnea: lol09:45
Tokumeirazz1, you can also run mutorrent with wine, it's supported09:45
Gneakai696: wouldn't you agree? how many normal, decent everyday people have you met that go absolutely back to the stone age when they don't re-apply common sense to the problem?09:46
razz1Tokumei: thanks, actually I can run it in windows VM but wanted to know if there were any alternative to run natively in ubuntu09:47
kai696Gnea: I'm not getting into this on the grounds that I'll get myself pissed off at stupid people that make no sense... too many now a days09:47
Gneakai696: but even they're a step up from the ones that just want to sit there and blame you for everything bad that's happened to them :)09:48
raphaHow can I write Arabic in Ubuntu 10.10?09:48
kai696gnea: LOL09:48
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية09:48
kai696rapha: System>Administration>Language Support09:48
Gnearapha: I'm pretty sure they can help you in there with that09:48
raphahopefully they speak english there ... thanks Gnea09:48
Gnearapha: good luck09:48
raphakai696: already installed it :)09:48
kai696!arabic Rapha09:49
ubottuFor Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : للحصول على الدعم باللغة العربية09:49
* Gnea passes the summer sausage and cheese to kai696 09:50
kai696lol I'm not sure IRC action commands so I won't give it a go,09:50
Gnea /me does something09:50
* kai696 is not sure why Gnea is passing him summer sausage and cheese, but gladly accepts, and eats. haha 09:51
* sdl_init 09:51
Gneabecause it's an awesome snack at 4am09:52
kai696anyways, there's this attractive female that works at the Esso down the street that I'm going to sexually harrass for the next little while, or until Gparted finishes it's operation. for those curious about my install windows MBR from ubuntu live disk looks like the fix was sudo apt-get ms-sys09:52
icarus-crapha, i think  ibus/scim support arabic input.09:53
SpoferHi all, I have a weird dpkg problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/512983/09:53
Gneakai696: awesome09:53
kai696Gnea: I am, Aren't I09:53
Gneawell, you can be full of yourself or full of sausage and cheese lol09:54
kai696hahahaha byee mate09:54
icarus-crapha, and maybe you need to change keyboard layout too09:55
icarus-crapha, aha!  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGY3Bhce2CU09:55
icarus-ceasier than i thought09:55
icarus-cecho "hello" | write root09:58
willhow are u09:59
Fikret_TRThanku im fine are u09:59
=== Inferus is now known as Guest57572
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Jordan_Uatude: I warned you it was a dangerous command. Now look what you did to the channel :)10:00
atudeJordan_U: >_>10:00
Jordan_Uatude: Try "sudo dpkg --configure libc6 -o  APT::Immediate-Configure=0".10:01
atudeJordan_U: yeah, same error10:01
Jordan_Uatude: Try "sudo apt-get -f install -o APT::Immediate-Configure=0" again then. You should see more output than before.10:02
=== Freejack is now known as Guest52569
Rickardo1How do I flush the postfix send que without starting the service?10:02
q1wi managed to install tor and privoxy10:03
lucentRickardo1: this is covered in the manual page 'sendmail flush'10:03
willwhats goin on10:03
q1wnow i shoul configure my browser to use it right?10:03
atudeJordan_U: yes much more.. looks like there's some awk in there10:03
Rolandanyone knows how to make ser2net connect to another computer? not listen for a connection10:03
Tokumeirazz1, deluge is a native client. transmission is the default bittorrent client in ubuntu and it's my favorite bittorrent client on os x10:04
joshuakeyI'm using desktop version, 10.10 on my netbook, but want to try remix. anybody can help me?10:05
SpoferHi all, I have a weird dpkg problem - http://paste.ubuntu.com/512983/10:05
guckihi. i messed up my files in initramfs-tools while writing some boot scripts. now i wonder how i can the whole folder get regenerated? which package do i have to install. i tried a lot, but none brought me back the original files (i moved /etc/initramfs-tools to a temp location so the new package should think it's nothing there and so install everything new)10:05
twermund@joshuakey on your login screen you can select different desktop sessions, chose one that is not Ubuntu Netbook Edition, because that is Unity10:05
lucentRoland: any connection, really10:05
th1hi can anyone help me to get sound in Java on ubuntu 10.10?10:06
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th1the java apps work but there is no sound output10:06
lucentRoland: you want to emulate a serial character device that transmits network data?10:06
joshuakeythanks, i'll try.twermund.10:06
razz1Tokumei: I just installed utorrent in windows VM and it works just fine with speeds hitting the max, I still cannot figure out why transmission is having issues?10:06
lucentrazz1: which filesystem?10:07
q1whow to configure my system in order to use tor?10:07
Jordan_Uatude: Pastebin?10:07
lucentq1w: #tor10:07
q1wlucent nice10:07
lucenttor is not an Ubuntu issue.10:07
atudeJordan_U: sorry, server I was using went down10:07
Rolandlucent, no, the local computer must connect to a remote computers ip_addr:port and send/receive data from local computers serial port to remotes tcp/ip port10:07
atudeJordan_U: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512989/10:08
lucentRoland: oh okay use 'telnet'10:08
th1razz1, is it because the windows client uses upnp to punch an incoming hole in your router and Transmission doesn't10:08
razz1lucent: ext410:08
TanvirIn which directory ubuntu keeps it's default background images?10:08
razz1th1: there is no router, connected directly to net10:08
lucentrazz1: ext4 is bad news for bittorrent client behaviors, suggest using ext3 as your filesystem to sanity check10:08
Rolandlucent, how do I redirect data from serial port to telnet?10:09
lucentRoland: don't know about that10:09
lucentRoland: if ser2net can do it then it will be detailed in the example config file10:09
th1Roland, do you want incoming telnet session to connect to your local serial port?10:09
Rolandth1, no it must be outgoing connection10:10
Jordan_Uatude: What is the output of "sudo locale-gen --purge; echo $?" ?10:10
kai696Hey all, for some reason Gparted is taking one heck of a long time to expand my SDA1 volume... (hours upon hours), anyone know why this might be ?10:10
Rolandth1, the computer with the serial port connects to a remote computer and shares the serial port10:10
kai696(fast enough computer, really shouldn't take that long. 4gb ram 2.6ghz)10:10
joshuakey@twermund I log out and check but there is no session menu, just my log in id. I use desktop version 10.10. Should I install ubuntu-remix?10:10
th1Roland, what is running on the remote computer?10:11
atudeJordan_U: cat: /var/lib/locales/supported.d/ies4linux- Is a director10:11
Maddethkai696: how much data you got on it? and if it was a windows partition did you defrag before?10:11
joshuakeybut i could not find in synaptic package.10:11
Rolandth1, a random application which runs a socket server10:11
Fikret_TRWhen will start ubuntu in Education event?10:11
=== Guest52569 is now known as Freejack`
Maddethkai696: wait.. just expanding?10:12
kai696Maddeth: running live DVD of ubuntu 8.04m disk size 250GB expanding to 500GB..10:12
th1Roland, ser2net maybe?10:12
kai696the expansion is a windows partition, yes10:12
th1but that takes incoming connection10:12
Jordan_Uatude: That may be the root of all your problems. (may).10:12
twermund@joshuakey if you type in your username and then press enter you should see a bar pop up asking you to choose a session10:12
atudeJordan_U: that's good to know, in ways...10:12
Rolandth1, ser2net expects someone to connect to it, not the other way round10:12
atudeJordan_U: let use proceed, heavily armed10:12
Maddethkai696: the space that it is being expanded into, is it free or being moved?10:13
kai696unallocated space to ntfs10:13
TanvirHello, In which directory ubuntu keeps it's default background images?10:13
kai696(ie, existing NTFS @ 250GB; another 250 unallocated (Deleted partition))10:13
Jordan_Uatude: Try running the ie4linux uninstall script. Or if you can't find one then move that directory into your home directory (so that it's out of the way but can be restored if needed).10:13
Maddethkai696: hmm, not sure why it is taking so long then, how long has it been running, and what is it doing at the moment?10:14
kai696@ Tanvir /usr/share/backgrounds10:14
demetris_am looking for some help10:14
kai6962 hour estimated finish time. been running for 30 mintues now10:14
TanvirThanks kai69610:14
bullgard4Tanvir: Read 'man gdm'. I am not sure if Ubuntu's manual is detailed enough but Sun's is.10:14
kai696Demetris_ What is the problem ?10:15
demetris_nvidia drivers10:15
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demetris_xorg config10:15
demetris_cant stay put10:15
kai696reconfigures itself?10:15
demetris_i install by gnome10:15
demetris_no go10:15
demetris_i manually install same sh*t10:15
kai696please watch language10:15
Maddethkai696: not sure why it is taking so long10:16
kai696Maddeth: me either :P10:16
atudeJordan_U: wow, progress............10:16
coz_demetris_,  would you walk me through how you installed the nvidia drivers  in one sentence10:16
demetris_after restart says xorg has not configured10:16
atudeJordan_U: stuff is actually installing10:16
kai696Demetris_ check query10:16
Jordan_Uatude: :)10:16
demetris_i sudo nvidia-xconfig10:16
atudeJordan_U: I'm probably being tricked though, so hang tight10:16
demetris_it re installs but same thing10:17
kai696I sent you a link in query (PM) please go there10:17
th1Roland, use ncat from the nmap package with -e option to run cu10:17
newbie|2Help!! after an update my ubuntu (10.10) freeze at loading the Gnome desktop. I have gnome-shell as startup application. What can i do??10:17
coz_demetris_,  did you manually install another nvidia driver?10:17
Jordan_Uatude: Please file a bug report against ie4linux. Even if this doesn't fix everything I'm pretty sure it's a pretty serious bug in ie4linux.10:17
atudeJordan_U: what do I do?10:18
Tanvirkai696, I can't copy-pest image there.10:18
TanvirHow can I do that?10:18
kai696Tanvir you need to terminal move the image10:19
kai696newbie|2 https://bugs.launchpad.net/do/+bug/40626610:19
demetris_sudo apt-get dkms build-essential -> invalid operation kdms10:19
atudeJordan_U: I guess I mean, what do I say? I'm not exactly sure what information to entail10:19
demetris_how i fix this?10:19
Rolandth1, can ncat send/recv data both ways?10:19
kai696Tanvir :Type "man mv" at the command line to learn about moving files.10:19
lunavoraxhello everyone !10:19
Tanvirkai696, okay.10:19
lunavoraxWill kernel 2.6.35 be available as an update for ubuntu 10.04 ?10:20
kieran-weehi can anyone help me.? when im running ubuntu it connects for like 3 mins then disconnects?10:20
kai696Kieran-wee, what do you mean "disconnects"? Are you running wireless ?10:20
Jordan_Uatude: I'm not completely sure either, and it's too late for me to think right now (2 AM) so maybe I can help you write a bug report tomorrow?10:20
kieran-weeno kai696 im using a 3 dongle.10:21
newbie|2kai696: i can't see any solution there. it's Incomplete....so?? :/10:21
kieran-weemy 13 year old brother gets this problem on his computer to.10:21
=== Mossyfunk|Away is now known as Mossyfunk
atudeJordan_U: sure.. I'm in the same timezone :p10:21
Rolandth1, can ncat send/recv data at the same time*10:21
nebula_Desktop effects could not be enabled10:21
Jordan_Uatude: :)10:22
atudeJordan_U: the dude who maintains (or doesnt?) doesn't seem to have a bug tracker of any type10:22
kaptan_11I use Ubuntu 10.04.1. When i write to terminal "sudo firefox" it opens the firefox with the default users config settings. But when i write "sudo nautilus" it open the nautilus with new config settings. Which is the directory when i use an application with "sudo" ?10:22
atudeJordan_U: so a personal email would probably suffice, no?10:22
Tanvirkai696, there is so much texts, I don't know which section I need to read.10:22
TanvirWhat will be the command to move?10:22
kai696newbie|2 <-Can you please upgrade to GNOME Do 0.8.2 and let us know if this still occurs?  (Or even better, compile source from bzr trunk!)10:22
atudeJordan_U: shouldn't I send it to someone who maintains the package for ubuntu though?10:22
kai696kieran-wee http://www.technicalathma.com/2010/09/installing-3g-dongle-on-ubuntu/10:23
newbie|2kai696: i can't see my desktop! it freezes the gnome....so how can i upgrade an app?10:23
kieran-weekai696 i cant read that well :(10:23
th1Roland, yes, like this: ncat -t  -e "/usr/bin/cu -p ttyS0" HOST PORT10:24
Jordan_Uatude: There is no package for Ubuntu (at least not in the standard repositories).10:24
atudeJordan_U: ah...... >_>10:24
gauravbutolaplz help, I cant uncheck "Manage Windows Without Launcher" of the docky.10:24
kai696EVERYONE: please don't be lazy, were here to point you in the right direction, this should be a learning experience for you as well10:24
kieran-weekai696 but with that it wont let me click on mobile connections.10:25
kieran-weeits a blank tab on it10:25
kai696Tavir :$  sudo mv /Library/StartupItems/Broadbandoptimizer/ ~/Desktop <-- this is an expample of moving broadbandoptimizer to your desktop10:25
kai696change it for moving images10:25
kai696Kieran-wee one moment10:25
kaptan_11I use Ubuntu 10.04.1. When i write to terminal "sudo firefox" it opens the firefox with the default users config settings. But when i write "sudo nautilus" it open the nautilus with new config settings. Which is the directory of config files when i use an application with "sudo" ?10:25
kai696Kieran-wee : copy and paste this http://www.technicalathma.com/2010/09/installing-3g-dongle-on-ubuntu/10:27
kai696(don't just click on it)10:27
atudeJordan_U: why would that directory have caused so many problems?10:27
orpheuhi everyone. can someone help me settings the font types to default?10:27
icerootkai696: 1. never run firefox as root, 2. use gksudo10:27
icerootkai696: sorry wrong nick10:27
yillkidCan I ask Cmake question in here? too few people in CMAKE IRC ..10:27
icerootkaptan_11: 1. never run firefox as root, 2. use gksudo for nautilus10:27
orpheuI've installed fontmatrix and this for some reason, messed around with my configurations...10:27
kieran-weekai696 im on that website but what im trying to explain is when i go on ubuntu it wont let me click on the mobile connections tab10:27
elyobHi, have a device plugged into /dev/ttyUSB0 which I have to quite often remove and reinsert due to an overflow (am reading via head command).  Is there any way I can emulate this reinsert via command line?10:28
Jordan_Uatude: Because it caused locale-gen to fail, which caused the libc6 configure script to fail, and pretty much *every* package depends on libc6.10:28
icerootkaptan_11: and the directory you are asking is /root/10:28
kai696Kieran-wee I am sorry I wasn't able to find another solution for you :( keep looking though10:28
kaptan_11iceroot: i know i dont have to open firefox with sudo but i want to learn so im trying something. anyway i try gksudo nautilus and it opens with a new user config users settings (i mean it is like reseting).10:28
atudeJordan_U: wjat does locale-gen have to do with the mix? I see as everything is updating, locale-gen is being ran10:29
icerootkaptan_11: you are running it as root with the config of root10:29
kaptan_11iceroot: ah ok. thank you!10:29
icerootkaptan_11: every user had its own config, saved in his home-directory10:29
Jordan_Uatude: When there is a libc upgrade locale-gen needs to be run. locale-gen is now working because that directory has been removed.10:29
newbie|2kai696: any solution?10:30
kaptan_11iceroot: i understand . and why "sudo firefox" opens with my user-home files ? and not root users files ?10:30
Jordan_Ukaptan_11: You should *never* run "sudo firefox">10:30
kaptan_11 Jordan_U: i know i just triyng something to leartn.10:31
kaptan_11 Jordan_U: tahnk you!10:31
th1can anyone help me how to get Java's sound working in 10.10?10:31
kai696Sorry newbie|2 hadn't noticed your post, one sec10:31
liuyqi do not know you say10:32
gui_amsn doesn't run under 10.10 :-(10:32
orpheusolved my problem. Needed to remove '~/.fonts.conf' (http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1533270&page=1)10:32
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liuyq  有会说的吗10:32
Jordan_U!cn | liuyq10:33
ubottuliuyq: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:33
kaptan_11iceroot: i understand . and why "sudo firefox" opens with my user-home files ? and not root users files ? there is a problem on my system ?10:33
liuyq   可是我不知道怎么进阿  我默认的就是这个阿10:33
kai696Newbie|2 query(PM)10:34
elyobHi, have a device plugged into /dev/ttyUSB0 which I have to quite often remove and reinsert due to an overflow (am reading via head command).  Is there any way I can emulate this reinsert via command line?10:34
atudeliuyq: :)10:34
liuyq呵呵 你好 你能听明白阿10:35
SingAlongcan i use scp to copy to copy files from my remote server to my computer?10:35
kai696Liuyq: English only10:35
Nagilum_SingAlong: sure10:35
SingAlongNagilum_: isnt it possible via ssh?10:35
liuyqi can not sepak english10:35
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rwwliuyq: then /join #ubuntu-cn10:35
kai696Then go to the chinese channel10:35
Nagilum_SingAlong: scp is basically ssh10:35
Jordan_Uliuyq: /join #ubuntu-cn10:35
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atudeliuyq:/join #ubuntu-cn 或者, 祝你好運!10:35
kaptan_11iceroot anyway thank you!10:36
atudeliuyq: 没有人能帮助你在这里。没有人能阅读中文,请把我们的建议。10:37
Rolandth1, any alternatives for /bin/cu?10:39
hoareHi Guys. I have a problem: I made some settings about laptop-mode and power settings a few days ago. Now, there is no "suspend" "hibernate" options under poweroff menu. They have disappeared. How can I restore my settings.10:40
Nagilum_Roland: minicom?10:40
TanvirThanks kai69610:40
kai696Tavir did it work ?10:40
TanvirBut at first it didn't appear on the background menu10:40
stilia-johnyi had gnome shell 3 and i remove it complete and now when i am trying to enable compiz it show me a message "compiz desktop effect could not be enabled " any help10:40
Tanvirkai696, Maybe I need to clear that folder cache, right?10:41
RolandNagilum_, I need something for an embedded device10:41
unick manc10:41
kai696I'm honestly not sure, never delt with background images before, I like the current ones :010:41
soreaustilia-johny: ask in #compiz10:41
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stilia-johnythanks ...10:41
Tanvirkai696, What is the command to clear a folder cache?10:42
TanvirDo you know?10:42
Nagilum_Roland: then cu seems like a good choice10:42
hoareanyone knows how to restore "suspend" option? I made some laptop-mode settings and I want to reset them.10:42
Tanvirkai696, I used that command to clear the .fonts cache.10:42
TanvirBut I forgot. :(10:42
Nagilum_Roland: what exactly do you want to do?10:42
RolandNagilum_, the local computer must connect to a remote computers ip_addr:port and send/receive data from local computers serial port to remotes tcp/ip port10:43
Nagilum_Roland: ah, sounds like a case for slip10:43
Nagilum_Roland: see slattach10:43
hoarehmm obviously no one knows the solution :/10:44
kai696Not sure Tanvir,10:44
kai696Hoare, we might all be busy, query me your problem10:44
Tanvirkai696, okay. Thank you very much for your help.10:44
kai696Sorry I couldn't be more assistance, Tanvir10:44
kai696/server irc.gnome.org:#gnome-shell10:44
hkmsomeboddy who know use aria2 pls?10:45
RolandNagilum_, I think the slattach creates the connection over serial port,10:45
SaRyhoare, did you checked your bois Under " power management setting.10:46
hkmi need to know how to continue an download?10:46
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Nagilum_Roland: isn't that what you asked for?10:46
RolandNagilum_, serial port's data needs to be sent over ethernet10:46
Nagilum_Roland: what type of connection do you have?10:46
hoareSaRy: what is "bois"?10:46
hoareSaRy: all my settings about "suspend" has gone. ie. on batt. power if lid closes it was suspending, however it is now empty and only option is shutdown.10:47
hoareI lost those settings.10:47
Nagilum_Roland: if you have tcp/ip you can use nc/netcat to pipe data over the network10:47
hoareI edited many files under /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/ however I uninstalled laptop-mode and disabled now, however suspend still doesnt exist10:48
SingAlongis "scp -r remote@remote.com:/some/remote/path localDir"  right to copy the entire dir from /some/remote/path to localDir?10:49
hoareCan anyone send me files under /etc/laptop-mode/conf.d/ by zipping?10:49
llutzSingAlong: yes10:49
SaRyhoare, so those settings are gone from " System>>Preferences>>Power management.10:50
SpoferHello all, i have this weird problem with dpkg - I Can't install anything10:50
elyobHi, have a device plugged into /dev/ttyUSB0 which I have to quite often remove and reinsert due to an overflow (am reading via head command).  Is there any way I can emulate this reinsert via command line?10:51
Spoferi'm getting an on error tzdata (--configure)10:51
hoareSaRy: there are no suspend option in that window, too.10:51
SaRySpofer, try dpkg --configure -a in terminal.10:51
Nagilum_hoare: http://cakebox.homeunix.net/~nagilum/laptop-mode-conf.d.tgz10:51
hoareNagilum_: thanks. are  you using 10.10?10:52
SpoferSaRy, I've tried that and apt-get -f install, both failed10:52
Nagilum_hoare: yes10:52
SpoferSaRy, I've written it all here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/512983/10:52
bt4 /join ubuntu-pl10:52
joshuakeydoes anybody can help me with how to change desktop to remix on 10.10?10:53
joshuakeyI upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 desktop version on my netbook. now i wanna try remix.10:54
hoareNagilum_: thanks for help. I will restart now and see.10:54
RNZ_hi all10:55
SaRyhoare, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingGNOMEPowerManager10:56
SaRySpofer, Okay.10:56
Gneawoo, got my ubuntu back!10:57
hoareI replaced conf.d/ settings of laptop-mode however there is still no "suspend"or "hibernate"10:57
xfroghow do I set my notifications to reflect new mail. I always have to manually click the taskbar where the mail icon is to see if I have any new mail. I was under the impression that it would be automatic10:58
RNZ_How can use socat? I need loop unixsocket for virtualbox, example socat unix-client:/mypath/pipe1 unix-sendto:/mypath/pipe110:58
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RNZ_have error - 2010/10/14 13:41:30 socat[17786] E sendto(4, 0x80cce50, 1, 0, AF=1 "/mypath/pipe1", 27): Protocol wrong type for socket10:59
Aemaethcongrats, Gnea11:00
sebsebsebGnea: Got your Ubuntu back????11:01
nebulaHelp ,me11:01
nebulahow do I play my 5.1 channel only two channels with my ubuntu 10:10 sound card c-media 873811:01
Gneasebsebseb: yes.11:01
sebsebsebGnea: re install?11:02
Gneasebsebseb: nope.11:02
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions11:02
Gneadata shift :)11:02
Gneanebula: read this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65292311:04
Aemaethi got portal to work on my machine, helps when you read the manual, but it has a lot of weird graphics glitches11:04
mawstNo glitches for me, just not enough ram.11:05
hoare_guys my "sudo pm-suspend" works but it does not exist in shutdown menu and power management settings. how can I restore it?11:05
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »11:05
Aemaethmawst, i guess it's my video card dragging me down then, i'm always jealous of those nvidia drivers they get to have11:07
Maniac`hi all11:08
Maniac`how do I change WiFi radio standard in Ubuntu?11:08
Maniac`iwconfig shows: wlan0     IEEE 802.11a11:08
jattuse iwconfig11:09
Maniac`but device has chip 802.11 a,b,g11:09
mawstYeah I've never been much for ATI.11:09
ae86-drifterokay, so i did the upgrade to 10.10, and kept my home partition, but when i boot up, it says there is 0 byte free, but really there is about 13 GB free... also it says it is owned by root in the properties11:11
ae86-drifteri chown user -R /home/user, and it still is the same.11:12
bobodanhello community ... can someone help me with a DNS Problem? Especialy the zone file O_o11:12
atudeEverytime GDM starts, the preferences window that allows you to change the theme opens... how do I stop this from happening?11:13
hiChinahello,what is the hotkey of showing desk in linux?11:14
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al_ektrohi again...11:14
noob-tuxi need to install vmware...how can i do that?11:14
al_ektrois there a way to run the command ps on a remote machine but to get a return value locally?11:14
Adam1213some times when i print it prints text in random spots + prints over the original text - only started having these issue with 10.10 - i don't get these issues if i first print to postscript first - any ideas ? - its a network printer (I am using 64 bit)11:15
hiChinaask google11:15
al_ektroi want to check if there is a process running11:15
mawstYou could install virtualbox instead, rather easily I might add, noob-tux11:15
deadrooti have a simple question. i'm trying to log the timestamps when my scripts do a particular task. i have been using "date | tee -a ~/log". is there a better way to do this? and with some more information, like "Step 123: [date]" instead of just "[date]"11:15
=== administrator is now known as Guest42
al_ektrolike "ps |pgrep PROCESSNAME"11:15
mawstal_ektro, yeah if you ssh in11:15
Guest42what's this?11:15
Guest42i cant understand11:15
al_ektromawst: but can i get the return value of ps back onto the local console?11:15
sebsebseb!vmware | noob-tux11:16
ubottunoob-tux: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware11:16
al_ektromawst: i need it for a script11:16
sebsebseb!virtualbox | noob-tux11:16
ubottunoob-tux: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:16
GneaGuest42: what language do you understand?11:16
al_ektromawst: ssh was clear =)11:16
Maniac`# iwconfig wlan0 freq 2.4G11:16
Maniac`Error for wireless request "Set Frequency" (8B04) :11:16
sebsebsebnoob-tux: both virtualbox versions are free as in price, but the open source one is as in freedom as well :)11:16
sebsebseb!freedom | noob-tux11:16
ubottunoob-tux: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing11:16
Maniac`jatt, iwconfig doesn't work :/11:16
ariefbayuhello there11:17
noob-tuxsebsebseb: im having problem installing bt4 on vbox....that's why i might try vmware on it might works fine11:17
ariefbayuI've question. With the release of ubuntu 10.10, there's new font style. Now, I can't (don't want ATM) upgrade to 10.10. So, is there any way for me to install this font on 10.04?11:17
sebsebsebnoob-tux: bt4 is a security pentration distro, so quite pointless to virtual machine it, and you probably shoudn't really be using it in the first place11:18
akssps011I was upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10. when the packages were installed I chose to replace update-manager(options were keep and replace). After that msg appeared that "update manager not responding" and the distribution upgrade needs to be terminated. I restarted the PC and now I cannot boot into ubuntu anymore11:18
noob-tuxsebsebseb: in vbox mostly i override all the repos i've used in bt4....doin update in my main ubuntu gives lots of problems....11:18
irvkenhow do i convert an ogg file to something i can put on you tube?11:18
hoareoh dudes. my "sudo pm-suspend" runs however, Suspend does not appear on shutdown menu. how can I restore it any ideas?11:18
akssps011Is there a way out ?11:18
arkyDoes anyone fully test driven FreeBSD in Gnome? Is it as easy to operate as Ubuntu "non-terminal" users?11:18
sebsebsebnoob-tux: bt4 is not meant to be used as a desktop OS11:18
hoareI have ruined some power and laptop-mode settings and cant restore them11:19
sebsebsebarky: no FreeBSD will be more complacted to use than Ubuntu, you can virtual machine try it inside Ubuntu, with enough RAM and what not11:19
noob-tuxsebsebseb: i aint using it for my own interest or any lame h4x0r thingy....i'm doin this for my college presentation....part of my thesis works....if i have the right to say no and get diploma i wouldnt give time on doing bt in the first place11:20
akssps011I can't even see the GRUB. The computer restarts when I try to boot in to ubuntu11:20
ariefbayuirvken, youtube don't accept ogg?11:20
akssps011Anyone to help ?11:20
ambient_skyHia ll11:20
jmazaredowhen i add user in linux, where do the system copies it from?11:20
Nagilum_akssps011: boot from CD and reinstall grub11:20
jmazaredothe default layout11:20
sebsebsebnoob-tux: right well a lot of these courses teach stupid stuff, but sure use it some how then11:21
noob-tuxsebsebseb: that's why i'm installing bt on a virtual machine and after that i'll delete it all...11:21
ambient_skyIs there anybody expirienced with X crash on Acer notebooks with dual monitors in some apps?11:21
ambient_skyfor example nagios status map11:21
Nagilum_akssps011: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows11:21
arkysebsebseb: thanks...and you have used FreeBSD with Gnome extensively?11:21
sebsebsebarky: no11:21
noob-tuxsebsebseb: if only i could punch my instructor and free from an assault charges i'll do it without hesitations11:21
sebsebsebnoob-tux: well its good  your doing something with a LInux distro11:22
sebsebsebnoob-tux: but the problem with backtrack11:22
akssps011Nagilum_: ok..looking11:22
sebsebsebnoob-tux: is that a lot of the newbies,  think its ok to use it as a desktop OS, when it is not11:22
sebsebsebnoob-tux: since its based on Ubuntu, that also means sometimes they come in here asking about it11:22
Nagilum_robtone: heute ein schritt vor, morgen zwei zurück11:22
Nagilum_ups, ECHAN11:22
arkyAnyone else fully test driven FreeBSD in Gnome? Is it as easy to operate as Ubuntu "non-terminal" users?11:23
sebsebseb!backtrack | noob-tux11:23
ubottunoob-tux: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)11:23
deadrootnvrm. found my answer. thanks :)11:23
akssps011Nagilum_: My problem is this: Iwas upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10. when the packages were installed I chose to replace update-manager(options were keep and replace). After that msg appeared that "update manager not responding" and the distribution upgrade needs to be terminated. I restarted the PC and now I cannot boot into ubuntu anymore11:23
sebsebsebarky: #bsd  #freebsd or something I guess11:23
sebsebsebnoob-tux: also there are better distros, you could learn security stuff from11:23
jmazaredowhen i add user using the command line where does the system gets its default layout for creating users?11:23
irvkenariefbayu you tube don't allow ogg format11:25
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noob-tuxsebsebseb: the only thing i loved about #bt4 is that they don't tolerate noobs! if u want to learn bt read stuffs rather asking basic things..... :) and they're so strict! so probably newbies got pissed and admins got the right to Kick or Ban them hehehehe11:25
sebsebsebnoob-tux: well their fault for basing it on Ubuntu11:25
racionalistHello :)11:26
sebsebsebnoob-tux: you get noobs, if you base such a distro, on a noob distro11:26
racionalistHad someone problems with indicator-sound ? :D11:26
racionalistAnd one thing... Empathy sucks :D11:26
Karen_mempathy does suck11:27
sebsebsebracionalist: Pidgin :)11:27
racionalistI know.11:27
hoareGuys "suspend" (sleep) option is missing from my shutdown menu. how can I restore it?11:27
veturiI'm missing the whole shutdown menu, anyone got clue why is that?11:27
sebsebsebelyob: on the top right?  or in system?11:28
racionalistTotem sucks too :D11:28
sebsebsebelyob: really meant to be shutting down from the system menu still :)  ,but Ubuntu decided to do their own thing instead by default11:28
HurgaQ: 10.4 with iso8859-15 locale. Desktop sessions are not reliable (sometimes work, sometimes all I get is an empty desktop). Are locales other than UTF-8 still supported?11:28
deenahi i want to install ubuntu 10.10 in my desktop11:29
sebsebsebveturi: uh not sure why I messed elyob when replying to you, see above11:29
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deenawhichh iso is suitable? what about ubuntu-10.10-am64.iso?11:29
sebsebsebdeena: do you have a 64bit proccessor?11:30
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greenmang0deena: what's the arch of your system?11:30
arkyfreebsd_fan have you used freebsd w/ gnome?11:30
deenamine AMD X2 phenomon processor11:30
sebsebsebdeena: ok 64bit then11:30
sidh__how to change button size in gtk11:30
sebsebsebdeena: also good idea to check ISO before uinsg11:30
sebsebseb!md5sum | deena11:30
ubottudeena: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows11:30
sebsebseb!hashes | deena11:30
ubottudeena: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.11:30
dylan__Hi. i just installed ubuntu 10.10 and i can't enable desktop effects .  when i try it says "searching for available drivers" then  "desktop effects could not be enabled"11:31
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deena32 best or 62 best/11:31
sebsebsebdeena: before using11:31
sebsebsebdeena: check that its a good download, before burning contents to CD11:31
deena64 bit ubuntu will be good?11:31
Sebbencan i get some help? please... can i use windows games if i install ubuntu?11:31
JoeMaverickSett!wine | Sebben11:31
ubottuSebben: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu11:31
Sebbenyes or no?11:32
sebsebsebdeena: 64bit  Ubuntu should work on your computer,  if it will be good for you or not and the computer,  thats something else,  but can get an idea for that one when booting from the Live CD and trying11:32
JoeMaverickSettSebben: i wouldn't say yes or no.so you gotto see for yourself.11:32
skumaraanyone noticed this? if you playing a song in rhytmbox, and if you want to watch a short clip in youtube via firefox, u cannot pause rhytmbox and play youtube. There will be no sound! You need to exit rhytmbox and than play you tube!11:33
TanvirI just install Irssi irc client, but can't find it. How to open it?11:34
sebsebsebdeena: many to choose from not even this site has them all http://www.distrowatch.com  ,but yes Ubuntu is useually ok to start with11:34
rwwTanvir: open a terminal, type "irssi"11:34
AemaethTanvir, open a terminal and type irssi <server>11:34
Aemaethrww, <311:34
Tanvirirssi doesn't have graphical interface?11:35
JoeMaverickSettTanvir: open a teminal by going to Application > Accessories > Terminal, and as everyone suggested type irssi11:35
rwwTanvir: no11:35
JoeMaverickSettTanvir: nope.11:35
AemaethTanvir, no, i think it's what you use when you don't want a gui...11:35
JoeMaverickSettTanvir: if you want GUI, try xchat. :)11:35
kaiserleoxchat nutz ich auch11:36
sebsebseb!de | kaiserleo11:36
ubottukaiserleo: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:36
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, but why is the windows xchat $20? or is it like mirc where you never really have to pay? a windows user was asking11:36
kaiserleoi use xchat11:36
dylan__Hi. i just installed ubuntu 10.10 and i can't enable desktop effects .  when i try it says "searching for available drivers" then  "desktop effects could not be enabled"  can anyone help me?11:37
JoeMaverickSettAemaeth: i don't know xchat on windows. i think it's like mIRC where you can choose to use the free trial, but I'm not sure though.11:37
zonyldylan__: DId you change video cards on that installation ever?11:37
noob-tuxJoeMaverickSett is right...xchat = mirc11:37
TanvirThere is a problem with xchat and chatzilla, they don't let 15/20 channel at a time. In Windows, mIRC does allow that.11:37
dylan__i just installed it last night then only thing ive done on this is install xchat and google chrome11:38
Benkinoobysomeone knows a pdf-viewer as powerfull as okular?11:38
noob-tuxTanvir then use mirc on ubuntu install it thru wine11:38
TanvirWine support mIRC?11:38
ariefbayuI've question. With the release of ubuntu 10.10, there's new font style. Now, I can't (don't want ATM) upgrade to 10.10. So, is there any way for me to install this font on 10.04?11:39
AemaethTanvir, wine supports CounterStrike11:39
JoeMaverickSettariefbayu: yes. let me pull that up for ya, hang on.11:39
TanvirAemaeth, sorry?11:39
JoeMaverickSettariefbayu: here it is. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/10/public-ubuntu-font-family-ppa-for.html11:40
AemaethTanvir, it's a graphics intensive first person shooter, so it might handle mIRC11:40
ronnyis there a way to tell ubuntu via dhcp 'there is a local package repo cache'?11:40
ariefbayuJoeMaverickSett, Awesome, thx!11:40
JoeMaverickSettariefbayu: i'm using 10.04 and yeah it works.so, cheers! hope you enjoy using Ubuntu. :)11:40
tashello, I have two problem, 1. My bluetooth device won't run. 2. I can't set up my yahoo mail in the mail client provided in ubuntu 10.1011:41
noob-tux Tanvir: to be sure go to wine page....u might get infos...but i think Aemaeth is right....try to think of a 3D application game running in wine! compare to mirc!? ;)11:41
tasp my yahoo mail in the mail client provided in ubuntu 10.10 anyone help me? please.11:41
JoeMaverickSetttas: for number 2, could you tell me what POP server and SMTP server are you using?11:41
Aemaethtas, 2. yahoo is kind of evil they want americans to pay, there's an austrailian man who says it's free overseas11:41
ariefbayuJoeMaverickSett, I do enjoy it. Been using it since 6.??11:41
TanvirOkay, thank you all. Bye.11:41
obiyodahow do I get openssl to grab all the certificate in /etc/ssl/certs my directory is pretty much empty11:41
JoeMaverickSetttas: you have to enable the POP3 connection in yahoo options first.11:41
tasJoeMaverickSett, let me see sir.11:42
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, o rly?11:42
JoeMaverickSettariefbayu: cool! rock on then...! \m/11:42
deenatrying download 64 bit version as i have 4 GB RAM11:42
JoeMaverickSettAemaeth: i could do that in claws mail. so, yeah. :)11:42
deenaHope it will be faster comparing to 32 bit version11:42
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, but in pop options it says "Upgrade now"11:43
JoeMaverickSettAemaeth: never seen that before. :/11:43
tasJoeMaverickSett, can you please tell me where to see the pop3 option in yahoo mail?11:43
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, what country are you in?11:43
dylan__Hi. i just installed ubuntu 10.10 and i can't enable desktop effects .  when i try it says "searching for available drivers" then  "desktop effects could not be enabled"  can anyone help me? ... anyone?11:43
JoeMaverickSetttas: log into yahoo mail, on the right-top corner there is options > more options then you will see POP3.11:44
JoeMaverickSettAemaeth: i'm currently in malaysia.so, not sure how it rolls on the other side. i'm just trying to help tas. see whether it works or not. :)11:44
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, see, that's what i'm saying, in USA we have to pay :(11:44
tasJoeMaverickSett, it says upgrade now to  download mail to your mail client...11:45
tasJoeMaverickSett, I am not in USA right now...11:45
JoeMaverickSetttas: ah, seems unlucky for ya, mate. :/11:45
tasJoeMaverickSett, No problem. Thanks.11:46
tasJoeMaverickSett, any help with bluetooth?11:46
Aemaethtas, what ISP do you have :311:46
JoeMaverickSetttas: are you running dualboot?11:46
WXZI installed GDM11:46
tasAemaeth, PTCL....11:46
tasJoeMaverickSett, yes. windows 7 and ubuntu1011:46
Maniac`how to suspend wireless device ??11:46
WXZand now all I get is the ubuntu dot screen11:46
JoeMaverickSetttas: did you switch off bluetooth in your win7?11:47
Maniac`don't see specific command in help list11:47
JoeMaverickSetttas: last time i did, ubuntu can't open it if it is. :(11:47
tasJoeMaverickSett, I did not have a peripheral device in my windows711:47
Maniac`I can't configure wireless device cause it says:11:47
Maniac`# iw dev wlan0 set freq 241011:47
Maniac`command failed: Device or resource busy (-16)11:47
FloodBot3Maniac`: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:48
tasJoeMaverickSett, it was working yesterday, it showe me my phone, but I had to close it, now it wont work, shows a big TURN ON BLUETOOTH button...11:48
obiyodaHow do I get all the certificates into /etc/ssl/certs?11:48
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, since i have ATT it lets me pop!  i never checked that account11:48
obiyodaI think there is a command to download all the standard CA files but I can't find it.11:48
AemaethJoeMaverickSett, but on my regular @yahoo.com it won't let me, only @att.net11:48
JoeMaverickSetttas: hmm, i tried to guess the option. are you sure you didn't switch of the bluetooth device on win7?11:49
nunojpgon the graphic interface, file properties window, there is a tab for notes. Can I read that notes on the command line?11:49
JoeMaverickSetttas: device as in *driver* option. sorry for that.11:49
tasJoeMaverickSett, oh, no I didn't its on.11:50
JoeMaverickSetttas: oh, then you should ask the 1st question again. i'm abit noob on those matter. but i'll try to find a solution. :)11:51
Aemaethtas, how do you know it's on?11:51
tasJoeMaverickSett, My bluetooth, won't work, (when I click right click on the icon in tray) it says "turn off bluetooth"11:51
piousminion2How do I get my IM in empathy to pop up instead of just seeing a green mail icon on the top panel?11:52
tasJoeMaverickSett, Aemaeth, when I open preferences then I get a big button telling me TURN ON BLUETOOTH.11:52
Aemaethhey, tas, idk if this will help, but you could try blueman  i think it's just sudo apt-get install blueman11:52
tasAemaeth ok let me try.11:53
JoeMaverickSetttas: i was talking about win7. when you shut down did you turn off the driver? no?11:53
JoeMaverickSetttas: or your issue is not regarding to that.11:53
philip__Anyone can help me with the case that when i install ubuntu 10.10 with the nvidia drivers from ubuntu repo and i install virtualbox. when i start virtualbox the x server reboots.11:53
tasJoeMaverickSett, bluetooth is ON in windows711:54
JoeMaverickSetttas: oh, okie.11:54
JoeMaverickSetttas: what's your pc model and stuff?11:55
tasJoeMaverickSett, Intel?11:56
nebulaafter upgrade to 10.10 compiz will not start help me ....11:56
philip__no one ??? :(11:56
tasAemaeth, blueman says, the bt is turned off, and I need to turn it on, when I click on turn on button given in blueman, it gives time out...11:56
Aemaethnebula, define not start?11:56
=== eugen_ is now known as Guest48520
Aemaethtas, sorry then :( hopefully someone knows bt here11:57
JoeMaverickSetttas: try going over this post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1464302 i'm outta ideas.11:57
pie_timedoes anyone know any torrent programs that can be configured to dynamically limit your upload speed?11:57
tasAemaeth, JoeMaverickSett thanks anyways :)11:57
nebulaAemaeth,  "Desktop effects could not be enabled"11:57
Aemaethall effects?11:58
ajsiehow do you simulate the UP key in the command line?11:58
seidosnebula, does glxgears run?11:58
venilsuryaHey, I'm trying to install xautoclick11:59
philip__Really no one knows why virtualbox crashes the x server in combination with the closed source nvidia driver ?11:59
venilsuryaI'm getting errors.11:59
venilsuryaCan anyone help?11:59
cixawhat portable media players are compatible with ubuntu?11:59
zonylnebula: What vid card do you have now?11:59
seidoscixa, depends what you mean by 'compatible'.  i hear the devices that act like simple massage storage devices work best.12:00
piousminion2How do I get my IMs in empathy to pop up on the screen instead of them just changing the email icon on the top panel from white to green?12:00
Guest48520@philip__ : I have seen this also. Try VBoxSDL to start the VM, this fixed it for me12:00
venilsuryaCan someone help me with installing xautoclick?12:00
philip__i am going to try that. tnx Guest4852012:01
Aemaethseidos, haha, yeah, screw itunes when i can just use it like a flash stick12:01
nebulaseidos,  zonyl  >>> compiz after update to latest version just shown me that12:01
nebula"Desktop effects could not be enabled"12:01
nebula my video card 6600 geforce   and at 10:04 he had a gun12:01
cixaseidos: do you have any recommendations?12:02
=== denny- is now known as denny
seidosAemaeth, i actually like file systems...they do a good job of organizing stuff :)12:02
zonylnebula: I had an issue during upgrade where the old nvidia driver from 10.04 got in the way.  I removed nvidia-current and selected x-servers-all to be re-installed12:03
nebulaseidos,  glxgears  work !12:03
seidoscixa, uh, well...uh.  no, i don't own a massage storage device music player that doesn't work best with itunes, unfortunately.12:03
nebulazonyl,  ok !12:03
zonylzonyl: problem manifested the same way you are describing. Ill bet if you look at the xorg log you will see it complain about GLX12:03
seidosis pricegrabber.com still a good site to check for prices?12:04
jrib!ot | seidos12:04
ubottuseidos: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:04
SaRypiousminion2, !see bug 44926012:04
piousminion2I swear none of the messages in this channel have anything to do with one another. It's like 200 bots just googling for "ubuntu" and posting a random quote from the results. lol12:05
seidosah, well, it was for cixa.12:05
seidoscixa, you can try browsing pricegrabber.com's selection.  someone mentioned a version they bought that they liked, but i don't recall the make and model.12:05
ajsiehow do i use the "history" command to fire the latest command?12:06
=== Klapo_ is now known as Klapo
piousminion2The lack of response proves my point better than I could have imagined. rofl   Later ubuntards.12:06
jribpiousminion2: this is not the way to get support...12:07
=== carlotolinero is now known as Kaoruchan
jrib!guidelines > piousminion212:07
ubottupiousminion2, please see my private message12:07
piousminion2Who said I needed support?12:07
Aemaethpiousminion2, you can buy support at ...12:07
jribpiousminion2: this channel in *only* for ubuntu support.  If that's not what you are looking for, then you are in the wrong channel12:07
peto_what is better to tint screen redish at night: f.lux or RedShift?12:08
seidoscixa, i think you want one with "flash memory".  i'm not sure if there is a hard drive version available that asks as a simple mass storage device12:08
SaRylol .. i don't see anyone getting paid here, it's all Volunteers baby :D12:08
Aemaethi was mocking google ads12:08
bazhangSaRy, stay on topic please12:08
Aemaethyou can buy ANYTHING ON EBAY apparently12:08
peto_what is better to tint screen redish at night: f.lux or RedShift?  Or perhaps other?  I'm having problems installing them in 10.1012:09
SaRybazhang, sure.12:09
piousminion2jrib: It's also for trolling ubuntards, but that's a story for another day.  I'm having an issue with empathy and for some reason I assumed such an easy answer would be readily answered.  I suppose I was wrong.12:09
Kaoruchanits been 4hrs.. upgrading my 10.04 to 10.1012:09
jribpiousminion2: read the guidelines ubottu sent you12:10
AemaethKaoruchan, you won't be happy when it fails :(12:10
cnwesleywangCan anybody help me to install ubuntu 10.04.1 to an IBM x3850 m2?12:10
KaoruchanAenaeth:why? :O12:10
piousminion2jrib: I was good all the way up to "don't be annoying", damn.  lol12:11
jribubuntu: stop please12:11
jribpiousminion2: yeah, that's an important one for you to note...12:11
sniperjohas anyone here got any experience with MANET / mesh networks ?12:11
jribsniperjo: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:11
i2v8anhi, does anyone know where I can find documentation for keyboard shortcuts in the unity shell?12:12
tgywaHow can I make a custom PHP 5.2. package on Ubuntu 10.04 ?12:12
cnwesleywangI try to instal amd64bit version on x3850 but is says no hard disk detected.12:12
Kaoruchanubuntu: hahaha12:12
piousminion2Does anyone know how to get IMs in empathy to pop up on the screen instead of them just changing the email icon on the top panel from white to green?12:12
jribtgywa: why?12:12
sniperjojrib: ok, but its not exactly a widly known topic12:12
jribsniperjo: do you just care that people know something about it or are you going to ask the person that says "yes" a new question?  If you just ask your question to begin with, everyone wins12:13
piousminion2sniperjo: Is it specific to ubuntu?12:13
cnwesleywangShould I pay for this12:13
sniperjopiousminion2: it is at the moment12:14
tgywajrib, I have web customer using both(PHP 5.2 & PHP 5.3).12:14
jribtgywa: I don't know the best way to have multiple versions of php12:15
WXZI've got gnome-core12:15
WXZhow do I make it look pretty though?12:16
tgywajrib, if I can make a package ... first .. then I will choose ...12:16
piousminion2Why is it recent versions of ubuntu try so hard to look like MacOSX?12:17
jribtgywa: you can make a package, but that probably won't help you run both versions simeltaneously12:17
jribpiousminion2: stick to support please12:17
StuckMojook, so is maverick released or not?12:17
bazhangpiousminion2, #ubuntu-offtopic please12:17
jribStuckMojo: yes12:17
bazhangStuckMojo, yes12:17
StuckMojoon the release notes page it says beta12:17
tgywajrib ... don't worry about that ... at them moment I am running both using fcgid .. the question now is how to make a package ...12:18
StuckMojoand update-manager gives this: This is still a RELEASE-CANDIDATE release.12:18
jrib!packaging > tgywa12:18
ubottutgywa, please see my private message12:18
piousminion2I am sticking to support.  I'm a user and I'd like to know why ubuntu is the way it is.  Will you not support an ubuntu user in this?12:18
jribtgywa: but packages already exist12:18
jrib!source > tgywa12:18
StuckMojoso these are just oversights? it's no longer beta or RC ?12:18
bazhangpiousminion2, its chat. and opinion. this is not the channel for it12:18
jribpiousminion2: you're getting close to the line... in case you were wondering12:18
Aemaethpiousminion2, not when youre more curious bout osx12:18
piousminion2I don't care about OSX, I'm just curious why all the stock gnome defaults have been changed to match it.12:19
jribpiousminion2: it's not on-topic here.  Move on.12:19
Aemaethcan make it anything you want and you have complaints, have fun being stuck with limits in your system12:19
minimecpiousminion2: The other way people would say 'Why Linux is still looking as WinXP'? This is a choice of the Window-Manager you use. Gnome would more be MacOS like, KDE would more be like the Windows family.12:20
piousminion2jrib: You said support is on-topic.  I'm not debating or berating, but inquiring.  That is most certainly support relayed.12:20
jribpiousminion2: it's not, we just told you it's not support.12:20
FlynsarmyIn maverick bookmarked FTP urls open in FF instead of nautilus. how do i fix?12:20
piousminion2minimec: I bed to differ. Linux is a kernel and it looks nothing like XP's kernel.12:21
minimecpiousminion2: That's what we are talking about. Window Managers,not kernels... ;)12:21
StuckMojognome is mac os like?12:21
StuckMojosince when?12:21
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AemaethStuckMojo, i'm in the same boat12:22
StuckMojolooks just as much like windows as kde as far as im concerned12:22
bazhangAemaeth, StuckMojo #ubuntu-offtopic please12:22
StuckMojoopenbox/fluxbox/blackbox those look different12:22
Aemaethdoes mac have more than that dock? i heard they took away taskbars in the last feature12:22
FlynsarmyAre FTP bookmarks under the 'Places' menu opening in the browser instead of nautilus in maverick for anyone else? Or anyone even able to confirm that its NOT for them?12:23
StuckMojobazhang: ok, real question then: this is wrong, yes? "= Welcome to the Ubuntu 'Maverick Meerkat' development release =" and "This is still a RELEASE-CANDIDATE release."12:23
bazhangStuckMojo, check www.ubuntu.com12:23
StuckMojobazhang: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes12:24
StuckMojoThe Ubuntu team is pleased to announce the release of Ubuntu 10.10 beta featuring ....12:24
StuckMojonote the "beta" there12:25
bazhangStuckMojo, not updated then. its final12:25
FloodBot3StuckMojo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:25
elyobHi, have a device plugged into /dev/ttyUSB0 which I have to quite often remove and reinsert due to an overflow (am reading via head command).  Is there any way I can emulate this reinsert via command line?12:25
StuckMojook just making sure. one occurance is easy to ignore. two different places made me wonder12:25
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elyobAny suggestions on how to diagnose a head command overflow on a USB Serial device read (/dev/ttyUSB0) .. ta12:26
Pr3nt1c3I've noticed the clock in the panel, when I add other timezones... pop's out to the top of the screen, hence fails in allowing me to view other timezones, or edit new timezones12:26
Pr3nt1c3how do I re-attatch the clock to the pane???12:27
Pr3nt1c3panel even???12:27
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FlynsarmyPr3nt1c3: right click on the panel - add to panel - clock12:27
Pr3nt1c3the clock is already there12:28
Pr3nt1c3it's how it responds to 'adding new timezones / locations'12:28
andyvyPr3nt1c3: it adds a new clock to your desktop?12:28
tgywajrib, so can't I a custom package?12:28
StuckMojo"No longer supported by Canonical" means exactly that, right? said packages are still in ubuntu?12:28
jribtgywa: you can...12:28
Spider_Fredhi I installed awesome but when I run it, I use really to much pcu, whats wrong?12:28
FlynsarmyAre FTP bookmarks under the 'Places' menu opening in the browser instead of nautilus in maverick for anyone else? Or anyone even able to confirm that its NOT for them?12:28
augustlthere's a file I can delete to reset what Ubunu know about the network/hardware it's on. Where is that file? I can't remember..12:28
StuckMojoor does it mean they've been dropped from the distro altogether in the new version?12:28
bazhangStuckMojo, in the notes?12:29
tgywajrib, how can I make?12:29
StuckMojobazhang: in the "Do you want to start the upgrade"12:29
Pr3nt1c3I just removed, and re-added it... it still jumps up at least 300px from panel, instead of attatching to panel12:29
jribtgywa: read the documentation ubottu sent you12:29
Pr3nt1c3how do I fix this?12:29
tgywajrib, how can I make? a package from a compiled and working PHP 5.2?12:29
StuckMojoit lists that, and packages that'll be removed, and upgraded, etc.12:29
Pr3nt1c3when I click on the 'clock' that is12:29
jribtgywa: but like I said, these packages already exist, just modify one of them12:30
bazhangStuckMojo, got  an example?12:30
StuckMojoFlynsarmy: i think you just have to go into your preferences and look at the "preferred applications"12:30
StuckMojobazhang: f-spot12:30
kai696Hey there, trying to get sudo apt-get install ms-sys but it cannot find it ?12:30
StuckMojobazhang: traceroute12:30
bazhangStuckMojo, yeah, replaced by shotwell12:30
Pr3nt1c3it's very weird12:30
kai696live-cd mount ubuntu 8,04 (hardy heron) ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install ms-sys12:30
kai696Reading package lists... Done12:30
kai696Building dependency tree12:30
kai696Reading state information... Done12:30
kai696E: Couldn't find package ms-sys12:30
FloodBot3kai696: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:30
StuckMojobazhang: gone from the distro, or just not installed by default and supported by canonical?12:31
Pr3nt1c3it used to pop-up directly from panel, not detached12:31
augustlfount the file. /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules12:31
StuckMojobazhang: duh. i can answer this myself12:31
FlynsarmyStuckMojo: system - prefs - preferred applications. There's none for FTP in there12:31
StuckMojobazhang: by searching packages.ubuntu.com12:31
bazhangkai696, thats a windows file12:31
StuckMojobazhang: sorry12:31
FloodBot3StuckMojo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:31
minimeckai696: LAst version was in 'dapper' ;) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ms-sys&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names12:31
bazhangkai696, what are you trying to do12:31
fake51hiya, having a problem with Thunderbird in Ubuntu, wondering if anyone's come across it. Basically, the popups on new email don't correctly report what I receive, it just reports unread email from one inbox, not from any other accounts12:31
kai696reinstall windows MBR from livecd12:32
kai696@ bazhang12:32
bazhang!info mbr | kai69612:32
ubottukai696: mbr (source: mbr): Master Boot Record for IBM-PC compatible computers.. In component main, is optional. Version 1.1.10-2 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 92 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)12:32
cixawhat portable music players do you guys use?12:32
StuckMojobazhang: ah yes, it's still there, just now it's in universe where before it was in main12:32
bazhangcixa, related to ubuntu? or just chatting12:33
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StaRetjiIs someone familiar with this error at boot:12:33
StaRetjierror: out of memory grub rescue>12:33
minimeccixa: Archos 3 Vision. Painless in combination with ubuntu12:33
StuckMojocixa: iphone. i suffer through having win7 in virtualbox for itunes12:33
Pr3nt1c3so, anyone got a fix for the clock-panel applet? I want it to remain attached to panel.12:34
kai696Anyone know why Gparted would hit an error expanding a volume ? saying to check filesystem12:34
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StaRetjiI'm stuck folks, please help12:34
cixabazhang: yes of course related, i assume everyone here runs ubuntu and hence can recommend some suitable portable music players12:34
StuckMojokai696: bad disk?12:34
andyvyPr3nt1c3: only thing i would suggest is downloading ubuntu tweak, there's an option to do complete lockdown of all panels, and then try to add your new timezones to the clock, see if that keeps it intact12:35
StuckMojokai696: if it tells you to check it, you should12:35
kai696StuckMojo, shouldn't be ? works fine when it starts lol12:35
kai696StuckMojo, how ?12:35
bazhangcixa, newer iPods may need virtual machine to sync12:35
StuckMojokai696: fsck or whatever, depending on the filesystem on it12:35
kai696MIGHT have a fix for my previous problem if anyone is interested :sudo apt-get install lilo sudo lilo -M  /dev/sda mbr12:35
kai696StockMojo, NTFS12:35
bazhangcixa, many others have a use at usb storage device facility that makes it very easy to sync12:35
StuckMojokai696: chkdisk then12:36
kai696command not found StuckMojo, can't access the disc (since no MBR) running 8.04 HH ubuntu liveCD12:36
andyvycixa: i use a basic 60gb ipod with gtkpod to sync files12:36
StuckMojokai696: that's a windows command12:36
StuckMojokai696: since it's a window FS12:37
kai696StuckMojo, i know, figured it wouldn't work here, is there a ubuntu equalivent?12:37
Pr3nt1c3the only 'tweak' in the repo's is "an efficient hex editor"12:37
kai696fsck didn't work, gave me a notice may cause irreputiable dmg12:37
StuckMojokai696: i sincerly doubt it12:37
bazhangPr3nt1c3, its an unsupported app. use at your own risk.12:37
Pr3nt1c3thanks for the advice bazhang12:38
StuckMojokai696: ntfs is a closed filesystem. MS doesn't distribute the format12:38
StuckMojoso it's hard to write an fs check for it12:38
DaveWMis there some part of the file system that i can write to that's actually in memory instead of on the disk ?  i'm doing something where i don't wanna create a lot of disk activity12:39
Black_PrinceHello, how can I boot Live CD Image via currently installed GRUB?12:39
StuckMojoDaveWM: yeah usually12:39
DaveWMStuckMojo:  lol where would that be ?12:39
bazhangBlack_Prince, grub2? boot iso from hdd?12:39
Black_Princebazhang yes12:40
StaRetjiIs someone willing to help me with boot error: out of memory grub rescue>12:40
StaRetjiI've updated grub following http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide but this is the error I get. Is there I can do on grub rescue> prompt? Any help would be highly appreciated12:40
StuckMojoDaveWM: df -h  and look for i think /dev/shm12:40
StuckMojobut it depends on the distro12:40
StuckMojoalthough i suppose you're asking about ubuntu, given the channel ;)12:40
MiK__hey guys! Got a problem! want to buy a zotac ion itx d-e and i don't know what ram will fit...12:40
DaveWMthanks StuckMojo12:41
MiK__wan't to install ubuntu on this.12:41
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1549847 Black_Prince12:41
StuckMojoDaveWM: yeah it definitely is12:41
StuckMojoDaveWM: since i just wrote a 1G file in .4 seconds ;)12:42
Black_PrinceThank you bazhang12:42
rekhi bluetooth is no longer working since 8.04  do something to fix this!!12:42
DaveWMStuckMojo: yea,  /dev/shm was what i was looking for12:42
StuckMojoDaveWM: i think /var/run and all the others that show up as "none" for the Filesystem are actually ramdisks12:43
of2vilhello, has someone here configured an xbox to connect over the internet through a linux computer? (xbox -> linux computer -> internet)12:44
StuckMojoof2vil: i've done it with a ps312:44
StuckMojoof2vil: just install squid, then set the http proxy settings to use the linux box12:44
StuckMojoof2vil: or do you mean *all* network traffic?12:44
of2vilStuckMojo: yes, i want to use xbox live etc on the xbox (i dont know the details that it needs) but i played around with iptables a bit but came to no result12:45
StuckMojoof2vil: well, you need to set up linux as a router/nat12:45
StuckMojoof2vil: and have 2 nics in it12:45
StuckMojothere's a nat howto12:46
lazai want to install ubuntu on my lenovo t61p, shoud i get the netbook, or the desktop edition?12:46
of2vili have two nics - i am connected from the computer to the router via wlan and the xbox is connected to the ethernet port12:46
lazait's a laptop12:46
StuckMojoof2vil: http://www.revsys.com/writings/quicktips/nat.html12:46
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of2vilStuckMojo: thanks i will check it out12:47
JoeMaverickSettlaza: desktop edition.12:47
lazaJoeMaverickSett: thanks12:47
StuckMojoof2vil:  you probably forgot step 112:47
StuckMojoecho 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward12:47
StuckMojoenabling ip forwarding12:47
enkiduhello, is anyone playing around with builtin xD card readers support?12:47
of2vilStuckMojo: no i didnt12:47
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StuckMojoof2vil: did you do all 4 things that are listed there?12:48
of2vili found two tutorials for that scenario on the web but none of them worked out12:48
shekarhello hi i downloded octanerender demo how do i compile it12:48
of2vili had much more complex iptable commands :D12:48
StuckMojoof2vil: that example assumes eth0 is your internet interface, and eth1 is your internal12:49
StuckMojoof2vil: oh. well it really is as easy as that shows12:49
bazhang!compile > shekar12:49
ubottushekar, please see my private message12:49
sangeethI have connected myself to a WIFI connection which gives Internet service through Proxy setting.... So, i can't use my internet through terminal for SUDO APT-GET UPDATE... Please help...12:49
StuckMojoof2vil: in your case, wlan0 is your internet, and eth0 is your internal network (probably)12:49
shekarhi bazhang yes12:50
shekarubottu how do i see your private message :)12:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:50
of2vilStuckMojo: i guess the other way round "/dev/eth1, to your external network on /dev/eth0" so eth0 would be my wlan0 and eth1 would be my eth012:50
StuckMojosince wlan0 connects to your router12:51
sangeethANYBODY HELP PLEASE....12:51
guckiaynone knows which package contains the /etc/initramfs-tools or how i can find out?12:51
of2vilStuckMojo: ok, i updated my script - be right back12:52
StuckMojosangeeth: you can tell apt to use a proxy12:52
guckii need to reinstall these....12:52
llutzgucki: initramfs-tools   (use apt-file)12:52
StuckMojoof2vil: you don't need to reboot or anything12:52
StuckMojosangeeth: it's just an environment var12:52
sangeethStuckMojo: HOW???12:52
llutz!caps| sangeeth12:53
ubottusangeeth: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:53
sangeethubottu: Sorry :D12:53
StuckMojosangeeth: GIYF: http://blogs.sun.com/venky/entry/using_apt_get_with_a12:53
guckillutz: cool, tnx :_)12:54
sangeethStuckMojo: Thanks.... :)12:54
StuckMojosangeeth: there's an easier way though. with just an env var, IIRC12:54
burghello.i am trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on asus x50gl notebook (nvidia geforce 8200, 3gb ram ddr2, core2duo t5800 2ghz), but after the progress bar, it freezes (i can only move mouse, can`t click on icons from topbar) and can`t do anything else. is there any known bug with my motherboard?12:55
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of2vilStuckMojo: do i have to assign an manual ip/etc on my console? because it failed because it couldnt get an ip address12:56
kai696How do I force mount a parition?12:56
StuckMojoof2vil: oh yeah, you'll also need a dhcp server12:56
enkiduburg: seems like broken setup image?12:56
StuckMojoof2vil: well, actually you won't12:57
StuckMojoof2vil: you can manually assign ips12:57
StuckMojoof2vil: what's the ip of eth0?12:57
StuckMojodoes it have one?12:57
of2vilStuckMojo: at the moment: (from a previous tutorial that didnt worked)12:57
burgenkidu, it was a problem with ubuntu 8.x and my chipset, but 9.04 and 9.10 worked fine, no problems12:57
StuckMojoof2vil: ok, what's the netmask?12:58
StuckMojok, then just manually assign the xbox 192.168.44.anythign-except-212:58
StuckMojoand use the same netmask12:58
of2vilok, i will give it a shot12:59
StuckMojomight have to manually assing DNS servers too12:59
kai696StuckMojo got a comment? Situation turned from bad to worst :|12:59
kai696some reason my /dev/sda1 is reading as EXT3 but I only extended the volume (NTFS) and it changed the format  ?? now I can't mount it because of an error I'm receiving13:00
stercorI bricked my netbook upgrading to Maverick.  After the download and install (I went to bed), there was a screen with a red square near the upper-right corner.  I inadvertently left that screen while moving the netbook.  Now it won't boot (well, I can get to recovery mode on an earlier kernel.)13:00
StuckMojosangeeth: you can just do: export http_proxy=http://username:password@proxyserver.net:port/13:00
StuckMojosangeeth: that overrides what's in the config file anyway13:00
acer_hello folks!13:00
Spider_Fredhi I installed awesome but when I run it, I use really to much pcu, whats wrong?13:01
StuckMojokai696: ugly13:01
acer_How do I update to Ubuntu 10.10 ?13:01
Zonettiacer_, update-manager -d13:01
StuckMojokai696: you could manually reassign the partition type back to ntfs13:01
kai696Know how > point me in the right direction ?13:01
acer_Zonetti, just update manager won't do that?13:01
StuckMojokai696: fdisk13:01
Zonettiacer_, I guess not =/13:02
StuckMojokai696: sudo fdisk /dev/sda13:02
dliacer_, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades13:02
acer_Zonetti, ok, thank you!13:02
StuckMojoacer_: -d says do a dist-upgrade13:02
Zonettiacer_, you're welcome ;D13:02
helloWorld_890i am new in linux os13:03
kai696StuckMojo showing 500GB unallocated13:03
helloWorld_890I want to add eclipse php plugin13:03
helloWorld_890how can i install this?13:03
kai696erm, correction:585943909 unallocated sectors13:03
StuckMojokai696: h for help i think13:03
raphaGnea: kai696: found out how to enter Arabic now. Just wanted to give word about #ubuntu-arabic that that's basically a dead channel, so it might be necessary to check if there's somebody there before sending people over to it. The one name you see in there looks like a bot.13:03
of2vilStuckMojo: didnt help either - in addition i had to set the gateway ( i set it to (thats the bcast of eth0))13:03
acer_helloWorld_890, try #eclipse13:03
StuckMojoof2vil: no, gateway should be .213:04
StuckMojoof2vil: sorry, forgot that13:04
of2vilah that makes sense - brb13:04
kai696rapha Sorry, we really don't have time to check all the channels, google surfing is your best bet, depending on what you actually want to do.. otherwise please state your problem more percisely13:04
StuckMojoworks with .255 because bcast sends to every address on the subnet, thus it gets to .213:04
raphakai696: My problem is solved. I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up about the state of the #ubuntu-arabic channel.13:05
kai696Okay, thank you.13:05
sangeethDoes anyone know about any ongoing project on Linux, that a novice to kernel, but a good C Programmer could participate...13:05
rusty149sangeeth: VLC13:06
StuckMojokai696: m for help13:06
sangeethrusty149: What's VLC?13:06
StuckMojokai696: then l (and note which one is NTFS)13:06
kai696StuckMojo, did, can't access the drive, and it's saying the entire sector (all 500,000 or so) are unallocated13:06
StuckMojokai696: 713:07
StuckMojokai696: eh?13:07
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StuckMojokai696: wait, is this a "dynamic disk"?13:07
rusty149sangeeth: www.videolan.org13:07
netmesangeeth: it is a video player that playes most formats13:07
kai696Command (m for help): v13:07
kai696585943909 unallocated sectors13:07
of2vilStuckMojo: ok i guess that looked better - i guess i now have to add a right dns (can i use my router for that :?)13:07
kai696no, it shouldn't be Dynamic, last Windows boot successfully stated it was basic13:07
StuckMojokai696: what's p say?13:07
rusty149sangeeth: really good program but in need of developers13:08
StuckMojokai696: one partition, 500G?13:08
StuckMojoof2vil: use whatever your dns is on your linux box13:08
StuckMojoof2vil: cat /etc/resolv.conf13:08
kai696   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System13:08
kai696/dev/sda1               1       36474   292969372+   7  HPFS/NTFS13:08
kai696/dev/sda2           72947       77825    39190567+   5  Extended13:08
kai696/dev/sda5           72947       77825    39190536   82  Linux swap / Solaris13:08
FloodBot3kai696: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:08
sangeethrusty149: Are you in it?..13:08
StuckMojoof2vil: it's probably your router13:08
StuckMojokai696: sda1 is already ntfs13:08
of2vilStuckMojo: its (so its 88 and not 44 as my eth and xbox)13:08
kai696aye, but in Gparted it's showing Ext313:08
kai696and i can't mount that volume because it says it can't find an NTFS @ stuckmojo13:09
of2vilStuckMojo: does that work anyway :?13:09
Aemaethmy webcam turn on after suspend, it's kind of freaking me out, i'm on an asus laptop, so i can't disconnect it manually...i dont know any cli for the webcam device/usb?13:09
StuckMojoof2vil: if linux is resolving dns ok, then that address is a good dns server to use13:09
StuckMojoof2vil: it's probably the internal address of your router13:10
of2vilyes it is the ip of the router13:10
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StuckMojoof2vil: that's the one to use then13:10
kai696Stuckmojo: Just need to access it to back up some of my data then i can do a clean wipe of the drive13:11
StuckMojokai696: have you tried sticking it in another windows box?13:12
kai696none available :(13:12
StuckMojokai696: it may already be shot you know13:12
StuckMojokai696: i.e. you may be shit out of luck13:12
rusty149kai696: get Gparted to check it and if it does not work use windows install disc to fix it13:13
StuckMojoIIRC doesn't gparted splash a big giant message that says "BACK UP YOUR DATA!!!" before it lets you resize?13:13
Segajahi. i just updated to 10.10 and now fbpanel is not working as i want it to and as it did before. now fbpanel is only visible on the first desktop and not an all of them..13:13
sangeethSorry, your second way seems to be not totally functional, but the first works...13:13
kai696rusty149: if I ahd windows install disc I wouldn't be having this problem mate; StuckMojo disc SHOULD be fine it was running perfectly earlier until i deleted the ubuntu partiton from windows management (Which had GRUB, stupid me), so I boot to live disk and won't mount.13:14
StuckMojosangeeth: second way works too, but you have to do it in every login session you want to use apt in13:14
AemaethStuckMojo, hmm, i forget, been a while, but IIRCAW they stopped that a couple years ago13:14
StuckMojosangeeth: the first way is more permanent13:14
BluesKajHi folks13:14
llutzStuckMojo: it hasn't "brain-1.0-user0" as depend/recommend :(13:14
sangeethStuckMojo: One more question... Should the Username Pwd be given only to http or also to https and ftp13:14
StuckMojokai696: wait, you just want to get grub back onto it?13:14
of2vilStuckMojo: fyeah :) it works, it can connect, but is complaining about a "moderate" nat type13:15
StuckMojosangeeth: that depends on your proxy server13:15
kai696StuckMojo, no, I just need to force mount the partition so i can back up to my external drive then i can wipe the drive clean13:15
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kai696Query (PM) shows my error from terminal13:15
StuckMojosangeeth: if you need it to use a browser to go to https, then you need it here too13:15
sangeethStuckMojo: You are AWESOME!!!13:16
StuckMojosangeeth: shut up baby i know it13:16
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Odd-rationaleHello! Is there a graphical (non-terminal) way to do "sudo ./script"? Thanks!13:17
StuckMojokai696: you could try using vmware or some such...load windows there and give it access to the raw disk13:17
StuckMojokai696: then see if windoze can mount it13:17
rusty149kai696: I am following now. Sounds like you have deleted your ubuntu partition. Then the only way to recover data is to use rescue a program13:17
of2vilStuckMojo: is it possible that i have to open some special ports (i guess i dont)13:17
llutzOdd-rationale: gksudo13:17
StuckMojoof2vil: no, the way you've set it up it should forward everything13:17
Odd-rationalellutz: i mean like from the file manager?13:17
StuckMojoof2vil: you did the realated,established bit?13:18
kai696rusty149, it's not. If I can force moutn the partition I canpull the files off of it, however gparted shows EXT3 whereas fdisk shows NTFS... it's really strange13:18
StuckMojoof2vil: it's probably got to do with the fact that you're going through *2* nats13:18
StuckMojoof2vil: one for the router, one for linux13:18
of2vilStuckMojo: maybe i have to open them on my router13:18
StuckMojoof2vil: it's a nat of a nat13:18
StuckMojoof2vil: that would be the spot13:18
StuckMojoof2vil: or you might have to forward them in linux13:18
of2vilStuckMojo: but it worked a few weeks ago where i connected the xbox directly to the router (maybe upnp (i think this is how its called)) does not work through the routed linux13:19
kai696Rusty149 check PM please.13:19
tms2Anyone familiar with Acer laptops and wireless issues?13:19
StuckMojoof2vil: that was only one nat13:19
StuckMojoof2vil: do you know what nat is?13:19
llutzkai696: fdisk shows the partition-id, that must not  be the filesystem used13:19
kai696StuckMojo i don't have an image/disk of windows to run on VMware13:19
BluesKajkai696, or you could use gparted live cd to activate the partition , since windows probly deleted it13:19
StuckMojokai696: thepiratebay.org13:19
of2vilStuckMojo: network address translation13:19
Pici!piracy | StuckMojo13:20
kai696StuckMojo I hope your not considering I use a Torrent of an operating system13:20
ubottuStuckMojo: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o13:20
StuckMojoPici: you're right13:20
StuckMojokai696: you can downloat a win7 enterprise 90 day trial dvd from microsoft for free13:20
BluesKajkai696, in other word your install is there, windows just doesn't see it13:20
kai696BluesKaj I don't know what you mean? I'm not on windows, and the filetype won't matter13:21
StuckMojoBluesKaj: he's trying to mount the nfts partition in ubuntu13:21
of2vilStuckMojo: http://pastie.org/private/6dm8rhwlmybzadccihwwbg maybe i need those rules (i found them in an tutorial that didnt worked)13:21
StuckMojoBluesKaj: his former windows drive i guess13:21
kai696Stuckmojo: correct13:22
BluesKajkai696, in the terminal sudo fdisk -l , pastebin the output pls13:22
StuckMojoof2vil: that's port forwarding13:22
StuckMojoof2vil: TIAS13:22
DSN13:15 DSN • Can Anyone help me with gettign BT4 to display in a proper resolution ?13:22
DSN13:15 DSN • please see the following post for the work ive done so far13:22
DSN13:15 DSN • http://r00tsecurity.org/forums/topic/11820-bt4-samsung-n150-display-issue/13:22
llutz!backtrack > DSN13:22
ubottuDSN, please see my private message13:22
StuckMojoof2vil: it won't hurt anything13:22
rusty149kai696: To force mount use '-o force'   but it sounds like you need to recover it with clonezilla or something13:23
of2vilStuckMojo: because it was suggested on the same error/warning (moderate nat) i experience now13:23
StuckMojoof2vil: well i dunno. i've helped you as much as i can ;)13:23
jianfei10.10 good?13:23
aatifh_I have a problem connection to LAN on my ubuntu 10.04 box?13:23
StuckMojoof2vil: i don't have an xbox13:23
kai696Gparted - swear to god, shows EXT313:23
of2vilStuckMojo: ok i will just give it a shot :) thanks for your help and time :)13:24
tms2can anyone help me, my wifi isn't working on my laptop and I'm at my wits end13:24
mustkillhow to install sound card driver?i am a newer13:24
llutzkai696: "sudo blkid" says what filesystem?13:24
DSNyeah ive been working with BT guys for days now.. im at the end of my teather :(13:24
StuckMojoof2vil: those rules look plausible though13:24
StuckMojotms2: anything in dmesg | tail13:25
momentumis there an easy way to back up stuff to s3 on ubuntu 1004 ?13:25
kai696@ llutz, see post above13:25
buffcns2I think lxde is my new love13:26
llutzkai696: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sdc1 /mnt13:26
tms2can i dm you StuckMojo ?13:26
StuckMojokai696: wait a sec13:26
StuckMojosda1 is what you're booted from13:26
kai696what i SHOULD have booted from StuckMojo, booted from live CD after lilo didn't work :P13:26
kai696I royally fucked it up, i REALLY don't care about getting this functional, i just need temporary access to the drive to recover files and i'll be good to go13:27
Exilehey guys, I've got a bit of a problem. I've upgraded to 10.10 from 10.04 and my graphics drivers are all screwed up. I've got an nvidia card and the restricted drivers are saying I have something called nvidia_current installed?!? Also when I go into nvidia x server settings it says 'you do not appear to be using the nvidia driver' and I have a blank xorg.conf file?!? does anyone have any idea how I could fix this?13:27
rusty149kai696: sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sda1 /mnt13:27
sipiormomentum: couple of options for you: http://superuser.com/questions/21717/a-decent-s3-bucket-manager-for-ubuntu13:27
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kai696Exile: xstart when booting and update nvidia13:27
StuckMojokai696: ooooh13:27
IdleOne!language | kai69613:28
ubottukai696: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:28
Exileok I'll give that a ago thanks kai69613:28
kai696IdleOne what language? :|13:28
kai696Exile it's under hardware13:28
IdleOnekai696: the cursing13:29
kai696Sorry, where though ?13:29
StuckMojokai696: i think you're screwed13:29
StuckMojokai696: i'm out of ideas13:29
kai696OH, right IdleOne sorry, slip of the tongue13:29
BluesKajkai696, llutz, wouldn't the command be ? sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o force /dev/sda1 /mnt , since his windows partition is sda113:29
llutzBluesKaj: yes, typo13:29
kai696Bluekaj typo13:29
kai696Was fixed however, check second input command from link13:30
rusty149kai696: What does GParted say when checking sda1?13:30
BluesKajok good13:30
buffcns2hey all13:30
kai696Gparted says EXT3 with a little ! next to it13:30
StaRetjiGLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0) at boot. Any suggestion what to do. Already updated grub13:30
sangeethStuckMojo: sudo apt-get update  -> fails for ubuntu 10.10  --  http://pastebin.com/ycRVL3uE13:30
rusty149kai696: right click the partition and select check13:31
rusty149kai696: it should fix errors13:31
kai696Check filesystem for errors failed13:31
rusty149kai696: paste output?13:31
StuckMojosangeeth: use update-manager -d13:32
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kai696aye, will do one sec13:32
* StuckMojo steps away for a smoke13:33
nitrogenycsHello. I am on 10.04 TLS and want to compile a few C libraries. So I want to install libc6-dev to get the headers. But this is not possible, because my libc6 is 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.3 while libc6-dev is 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.2 .How can I compile C files now?13:33
kai696@ rusty14913:34
arkyHas anyone here fully test driven FreeBSD with gnome? Is it as easy to operate for a newbie as Ubuntu?13:34
StuckMojonitrogenycs: aptitude install libc6-dev13:34
StuckMojonitrogenycs: it should give you some options for solving the problem13:34
ghosTM55hi all , i got "No suitable module for running kernel found" error when i installed virtualbox-ose in ubuntu 10.1013:34
android123Chmod a+rwx13:34
icerootarky: wrong channel13:34
ghosTM55any help ?  thx13:34
rusty149kai696: sudo mount -o force /dev/sda1 /mnt13:35
rusty149kai696: the previous mount command was wrong13:35
icerootghosTM55: have a look at the manual, there is a command to build the kernel-modul, but normally the modul comes when you install it with apt-get13:35
biosftwftwI have a problem using evolution. I want to setup my calander with google calender. There should be an option to create a google calender but I reinstalled evolution for some stupid reasons and now this option is not available13:35
StaRetjiHm, any one: GLib-WARNING **: getpwuid_r(): failed due to unknown user id (0)13:35
FloodBot3kai696: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:35
ghosTM55iceroot: okay , thx , i'll google it13:35
StaRetjiIt seems it's common error, but how to fix it (Ubuntu Maverick on USB stick)13:36
rusty149kai696: sudo e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sda113:36
guckiwhen i try to remove evolution, it tells me that also ubuntu-desktop etc. will get removed. is this ok?13:36
nitrogenycsStuckMojo: The only option is downgrading my libc6 and libc6-bin packages. Is this a good idea?13:36
Tarantulafudgegucki, you will lose your desktop13:36
icerootTarantulafudge: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package13:37
guckiiceroot: so it's safe to proceed?13:37
kai696what if i try to unmount THEN remount ? just incase13:37
StuckMojonitrogenycs: doesn't look like much of a difference13:37
Tarantulafudgeiceroot, sorry used to aptitude13:37
rusty149kai696: unmount in gparted (if possible) and close gparted13:37
ProvanceHello, I just installed Ubuntu for the first time, looks GREAT but I can't get the internet to wrok, my comp. uses an Wirless Adapter (Actiontec USB 802.11b) I downloaded linux-wlan-ng is that right for me and how do I set it up??13:37
rusty149kai696: re run command13:37
icerootgucki: its not a good idea to remove the meta-package because of updates in the future13:38
StuckMojonitrogenycs: i wouldn't think it would matter13:38
kai696negative, won't let me unmount from gparted13:38
StuckMojonitrogenycs: check the changelog to see what changed from 7.2 to 7.313:38
kalinkahi, I have a problem with nautilus search13:38
sipiorkai696: try using lsof to see what's holding the partition open.13:38
StuckMojonitrogenycs: vi /usr/share/doc/libc6/changelog.Debian.gz13:38
kalinkathe search tool always search the home folder and there is no way to change that13:38
kai696sipior : everything13:39
rusty149kai696: sudo umount /dev/sda1  and  close naytilus or anything else that may be accessing it13:39
guckiiceroot: hm, but ubuntu-desktop install a lot of things (like evoltion) i dont want..13:39
sipiorkai696: it's obviously not everything. find out which processes, and then kill them.13:40
nitrogenycsStuckMojo: Ok, I am just starting linux again. I remember when I upgraded my glibc like 7 or 8 years ago and the system was just pieces afterwards :) The changelog looks fine, just some minor assertion fixed.13:40
icerootgucki: then you have to install gnome by hand with the components you want without using the meta-package13:40
kai696says its not mounted13:40
StuckMojonitrogenycs: yeah, so it shouldn't matter13:40
ProvanceI need to install the driver for my wireless adapter (Actiontec USB 802.11b) I found linux-wlan-ng but I don't know if it supports my model, and don't know how to set it up any help?13:41
kai696Sipior that was ALL that I could copy over13:41
nitrogenycsStuckMojo: Thanks a lot, all seems to work now :)13:42
sipiorkai696: i don't see the problem. you have the process IDs, what's keeping you from killing them?13:42
StuckMojonitrogenycs: np13:42
kai696sipior, don't know how to on linux, and i don't know how to read that output13:43
nikolahow do i do ls -l screen by screen if output is too long13:44
BluesKajProvance, dunno about the linux-wlan-ng , it's quite an old project13:44
sipiorkai696: ah, now we're getting somewhere. the process id is the second column. killing processes is done with "kill <pid>". alternatively, you can use pkill, if you like.13:44
rusty149kai696: sudo killall firefox13:44
Guest78378i downloaded IceCast 2 by Synaptic. where i can  find it?13:44
Provance@Blueskaj: Is there an alternative?13:44
Guest78378how run this?13:44
kai696rusty149 why would firefox cause sda1 to not mount ??13:45
BluesKajProvance, which wifi chip ?13:45
nikolaGuest73192, open ubuntu software center, type icecast in find, and then more info13:45
ProvanceIt's a USB wireless adapter13:45
kai696sipior, but which processes would I kill to make the volume mount ?13:45
peto_what program is better to tint the screen reddish at night?  F.Lux, RedShift?  Or perhaps other?  I'm having problems installing them in Ubuntu 10.1013:46
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ter0ubuntu is awesome.. time to delete my windows7 partition :)13:46
rusty149kai696: just kill all proceses you are not using13:46
sipiorkai696: the ones that were reported by lsof as having open files on the partition you want to unmount.13:46
ertyhi there13:46
ProvanceThere might not be a lot of people that use Ubuntu and an old USB wireless adapter huh?13:46
BluesKajProvance, plug it in and run lsusb in the terminal13:46
ertyhow  to find user via command line ?13:46
PiciGuest78378: its not a graphical application, For help, check the documents in /usr/share/doc/icecast2/13:46
ertyhow  to find existing on a machine user via command line ?13:46
StuckMojoerty: cat /etc/password13:47
Guest78378ok thx13:47
Picierty: getent passwd someusername13:47
ertyhow  to find existing  user on a machine via command line ?13:47
ertynot exactly13:48
Rickardo1How do I use postfix as a smtp server so I can send through it by another computer on my network?13:48
ertydo you understand my question13:48
Picierty: Maybe not.  Can you rephrase it?13:48
ertyhow to find existing user on a machine via command line ?13:48
Zonettiif I make a script through 'crontab -e' that will be executed everyday, I need to be logged in to it works? Or I just need to turn on the computer?13:48
ertyis it possible to do ls user or something like that ?13:48
PiciZonetti: Just need to have the computer on.13:48
Picierty: getent passwd13:48
ertyto find user ?13:48
Picierty: Or cat /etc/passwd13:49
Picierty: Yes, that is the file that holds usernames.13:49
bazhangxushenjie, #ubuntu-cn13:49
nikolai know it is a very easy question, but i have gone up and down on man and info pages . how do i do ls -l screen by screen if output is too long13:49
ertywhy passwd ?13:49
ertynothing to do with password13:49
ertyjust only want to ls user u get ?13:50
nikolaerty,  passwd is file with info13:50
Picierty: Thats the file that holds the information.  Password information isn't actually in that file.13:50
rusty149nikola: ls -l | more13:50
icerootnikola: | less13:50
robnikola: ls -l | less13:50
nikolaok tnx13:50
MindVirusHey. I installed the Zuki theme but now all I get is the shitty default theme with the Zuki scrollbars. Any advice?13:51
ZonettiPici, so the 'crontab -e' writes the script in root or something like that? I mean, the script will work independent of the user who is logged in?13:52
MindVirusThe blocky, ugly one.13:52
MindVirusAre there GTK error logs?13:52
PiciZonetti: It drops it in /var/spool/cron somewhere, and yes, it'll execute as whomever that crontab is owned by.13:53
v_vhi, anyone knows how to change the wallpaper of the WM 'awesome' ?13:53
gOLDfeeshhey, so I broke my sysem and I'm trying to get it back. I have no Internet connection unless using a LiveCD and in GUI mode.. I need to get my xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd back13:54
gOLDfeeshwhen I boot up I get "/usr/bin/X not found"13:54
gOLDfeeshand then it doesn't boot13:55
eros__pessoal alguem sabe um programa tramissor de radio online para o ubuntu?13:55
ZonettiPici, ok thnx ;D13:55
racionalistgOLDfeesh Format disk and install fresh system13:55
enkidugOLDfeesh: it IS booting, only not starting X13:55
keith2Need help with a problem. I've installed Xubuntu on an old Compaq 500Mhz, 512MB RAM, 80GB HDD. System Monitor shows monitor itself using 80-85% of system. Tried to consider Lubuntu but it says   - system is lacking 'cmov' try another kernel-13:55
gOLDfeeshracionalist bad answer...13:55
enkidugOLDfeesh: reinstall xorg13:55
keith2Is there a way to load with minimal system requirements?13:56
racionalistgOLDfeesh If live cd works well then reinstalling is the best  solution13:56
enkiduracionalist: bad answer. reinstall is last option13:56
MindVirusThere's something wrong with the equinox engine.13:56
gOLDfeeshenkidu how would I do that without a network connection? can I get teh packages off the CD?13:56
MindVirusOr one of the engines.13:56
gOLDfeeshif so how?13:56
MindVirusBecause it's not just Zuki.13:56
MindVirusIt's also naos.13:56
MindVirusHow would I check?13:56
racionalistenkidu Because its most simple? :)13:56
sangeethA best VPN Client... Similar to Hotspot shiled in windows13:56
enkiduracionalist: because it is removing all your config13:57
rusty149keith2: use alternative cd to install13:57
gOLDfeeshracionalist clearly you've never managed a business...13:57
StuckMojohow do you enable/add a new locale again?13:57
momentumwhat is the fastest ubuntu boottime achievable on a macbook pro with ssd drives? i'm happy with or without osx13:57
racionalistenkidu If you don't remaster your system then its obvious13:57
ExploiterHello all.. i m getting error while booting.. low graphics memory13:57
gOLDfeeshanyway... I'll stick with the most rationalized answer from enkidu.. how would I get the packages from the CD to the root terminal to install xorg?13:57
Exploitercan anyone hlep me?13:57
enkiduracionalist: put certificates, external driver, configure apache, proftpd and everything13:58
keith2 rusty149  You're referring to Xubuntu or Lubuntu?13:58
racionalistenkidu clonezilla13:58
Exploiterit started when i installed startup-manager and try to set my boot screen from plymouth's to text screen13:58
ljsoftnetmy plymouth disappears for a second, shows up again and then loads the desktop, how can i make it, to not disappear for a few seconds?13:58
DroneAnyone know why I can SSH from within my LAN but not from the outside, IE via internet using ConectBot on my Droid213:58
Exploiterbut now its giving me error, low grapic memory13:58
Exploiteranyone here knows abut it?13:58
DroneI can from computers on my network but not from outside my network13:59
gOLDfeeshDrone make sure port forwarding is set up13:59
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Droneon my router, already done13:59
gOLDfeeshDrone also make sure the firewall is allowing it too13:59
erfiugI've got a XDMCP server in a linux box, and I am looking for a client for Windows, any idea?13:59
DroneI keep getting a "host closed connection" when trying to connect13:59
gOLDfeesh!ufw | Drone13:59
ubottuDrone: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.13:59
rusty149keith2: either I have never installed lubuntu. but a general rule with ubuntu is that the alternative cds use less memory etc.13:59
gOLDfeeshenkidu any idea?13:59
momentumhow do I install rpms on ubuntu? is there a way to extract the files out of a rpm and install them manually?13:59
enkidugOLDfeesh: you can look for packages on cd, or in compressed image on it14:00
Exploiterhow to uninstall playmouth?14:00
gOLDfeeshmomentum look for alien14:00
gOLDfeeshmomentum sudo aptitude install alien14:00
erUSUL!software | Exploiter14:00
ubottuExploiter: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents14:00
gOLDfeeshenkidu how would I load it..14:00
Exploiterubottu, its not uninstalling..14:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:00
gOLDfeeshExploiter sudo aptitude purge playmouth14:01
momentumgOLDfeesh: thanks14:01
ljsoftnetmy plymouth disappears for a second, shows up again and then loads the desktop, how can i make it, to not disappear for a few seconds?14:01
erUSUL!doesntwork | Exploiter14:01
ubottuExploiter: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.14:01
PiciExploiter: You don't want to uninstall plymouth... it will break your boot.14:01
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enkidugOLDfeesh: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=94634114:01
Exploiterpici its already broken14:01
Exploiteri cannot boot normally..14:01
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:01
Exploiterlow grapic error14:01
PiciExploiter: Just warning you.14:01
Exploiterpici i think usplash and plymoth both are opening.. that y i getting error of low grpics14:02
erfiugI've got a XDMCP server in a linux box, and I am looking for a client for Windows, any idea?14:02
StuckMojowhere's the upgrade log go to? the output of update-manager -d ?14:03
* kai696 breaks system14:03
PiciExploiter: plymouth is responsible for more than just the boot screen.  It is responsible for getting stuff mounted and the system started.14:03
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PiciStuckMojo: Check /var/log/dist-upgrade/14:03
Exploiteris there is anyway, i can restore my startup scrren?14:03
nikolawhere can i protest that my razer diamondback didnt work properly from 8.10 to 10.10 until i found a solution to edit xinput? :p14:04
gOLDfeeshenkidu thanks. I was wondering.. I have a Ubuntu 9.04 CD and I'm running Maverick... can I still install the ubuntu desktop or will that cause an issue?14:04
iceroot!bug | nikola14:04
ubottunikola: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:04
StuckMojorebooting into maverick, bbiab14:05
erUSUL!bugs | nikola14:05
ubottunikola: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots14:05
erUSULnikola: sorry14:05
nikolai forgive you14:06
nikolamore is less14:06
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Exploiterram ram ji14:07
The_ThingWhere can I download the Plasma screensaver?14:08
raphaHi again14:08
Guest78378oh hi14:09
PiciThe_Thing: Its in the rss-glx package.14:09
raphaI changed my desktop lang from German to English, but xdg-user-dirs-update doesn't change my folders names to English, too. How to make it work?14:09
sangeethPlease Help !!! I am in need of a VPN that could be established in my computer against a Proxy server of my college, such that i could access the blocked sites, like facebook,......14:09
tms2got a question about my acer, stuckmojo was helping me earlier and he's gone14:09
littlebearzsangeeth: there's so many proxy out there14:10
nikolarapha, apply system wide and restart, that helped for me14:10
tms2wireless access points are coming up, though it won't connect14:10
littlebearzsangeeth: if you are too lazy you could just use mine lol, http://proxy.littlebearz.com14:10
tms2says bad password14:10
acer_Hey folks, I just did a upgrade from 10.4 to 10.10 and now grub doesn boot from ubuntu anymore. I have win 7 and Ubuntu 10.10 installed now. Any clues please?14:10
|ns|nR8ubuntu live cd is asking for username and password14:10
raphanikola: can't do that, i have different accounts that need to remain German and Arabic, respectively :-/14:10
|ns|nR8is that normal'14:10
kryptykMorning all. I am having a strange issue that I have never encountered before. Anytime I run certain applications (VirtualBox for example) as soon as I move my mouse to the application, I am logged out of my session. No warning, no error, nothing. Everything just closes and I am logged off. Any ideas?14:10
sangeethSorry guys.... I don't need a proxy site... I need a VPN software14:11
jsec|ns|nR8: no. for some reason a re-burn of the cd tends to fix that issue for me...14:11
raphanikola: just found out - you need to edit ~/.config/user-dirs.*14:11
PDaniI installed a python module from deb, which puts the python source into /usr/share/pyshared dir. But when i try to import this module from python2.5, it can't find the module. why isn't the default behaviour of python2.5 to look after modules in pyshared, and how can i reach this behaviour in debian-way?14:12
PDanii mean, ubuntu-way ;)14:12
|ns|nR8thanks jsec14:12
silv3r_m00nwhere is the path variable saved ?14:12
silv3r_m00n.bashrc ?14:12
SaRysangeeth, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VPNClient14:12
nikolarapha, http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=142941914:12
nikolasorry, didnt seen your highlight before..14:13
elb0wPDani, #python ?14:13
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sangeethSaRy, Thanx....14:13
The_ThingPici: Thanks!14:13
PiciThe_Thing: no problem :)14:13
thechefI accidently interrupted the upgrade process from 10.04 to 10.10. I was able to resume it using the console command. The point at which I was interrupting the upgrade process was where it was about to remove certain applications no longer required in 10.10 (among them is f-spot) - now how do I remove these packages manually if I don't know anymore which these are? I think that's all the applications that come out of the box with 10.04, but14:14
thechefnot 10.10?14:14
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raphanikola: thanks still :-)14:14
acer__Sorry gyts, got disconnected, if someone has message me I may have lost the contents.14:15
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thechefOr how can I resume the original upgrade process?14:15
BluesKajthechef, run sudo aptitude autoremove14:15
kryptykMorning all. I am having a strange issue that I have never encountered before. Anytime I run certain applications (VirtualBox for example) as soon as I move my mouse to the application, I am logged out of my session. No warning, no error, nothing. Everything just closes and I am logged off. Any ideas?14:15
acer__Is there a way to reset grub or something?14:15
PiciBluesKaj: aptitude isn't installed by default, probably best to use apt-get for examples :)14:15
sebsebsebBluesKaj: you can sudo apt-get install aptitude14:15
BluesKajPici, then tell him , not me :)14:16
littlebearzkryptyk: check log files14:16
jinguowhere /14:16
kryptyklittlebearz: I check /var/log/dmesg and saw nothing relevant or relating to the application in question. Any thoughts on where else to look?14:17
mioonlinesorry men, someone as ever see this error ?14:17
mioonline../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/getpagesize.c:32: __getpagesize: Assertion `_rtld_global_ro._dl_pagesize != 0' failed.14:17
ProvanceEurm, to the guy who was helping me before, I checked and found out taht it is UAT1 Wireless Ethernet Adapter14:17
nikolaacer__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows14:18
mioonlinewhen i run an executable14:18
kasturimaverick meerkat..14:18
acer__nikola, thank you, I will have a look.14:18
nikolai also used this acer__ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43C2qaYY8zE14:19
nikolabut you need to download alternative cd14:19
aeon-ltdslightly offtopic, but what happens when ubuntu reaches 'z'14:19
tensorpuddingaeon-ltd: there's a long time for them to figure that out yet14:20
BluesKajthechef, just run sudo do-release-upgrade , then run sudo apt-get update afterwards14:20
QuaxirHeydo, I'm encountering a grub-problem after updating Kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10. When booting I get error: "the symbol 'grub-xputs' not found". I've tried to fix it with http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1581099 but when chrooting to my normal system it tells mount point(s) doesn't exist. Any advice I should try?14:20
ProvanceI'm trying to set up an Actiontec Electronics, Inc. [hex] UAT1 Wireless Ethernet Adapter, if it's not listed here http://wiki.debian.org/linux-wlan-ng#supported-prism2-usb does that mean there is nothing I can do?14:21
acer__nikola, do you think I could do that from inside windows?14:22
acer__Because I cannot boot Linux anymore.14:22
nikolaacer__, you need to boot from live cd,burn the alternative cd, instert in cdrom and reboot into it14:22
nikolaonethatwecantsayitsname doesnt have support for ext2 3 414:23
nikolaacer__, you can also boot from usb, if you dont want to waste cd14:23
acer__nikola, I was thinking to try it from inside windows using Oracle VirtualBox...14:23
nikolaafaik no14:24
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thechefBluesKaj, that doesn't remove f-spot, so it seems that it doesn't exactly do the same as what actual upgrade proposed. How can I instead explicitely remove all packages for which what I said above applies exactly: Comes out-of-the-box with 10.04, does not come out-of-the-box with 10.1014:24
nikolathey see only hardware windows gives them, acer__14:24
rumbertWhat tool which can conveniently add files to an archive uncompressed if they are already in a compressed format and compressed otherwise? Not counting rar.14:24
kryptykMorning all. I am having a strange issue that I have never encountered before. Anytime I run certain applications (VirtualBox for example) as soon as I move my mouse to the application, I am logged out of my session. No warning, no error, nothing. Everything just closes and I am logged off. Any ideas?14:25
acer__nikola, Mmmm. Ok. Then I will try a usb I think.14:25
acer__nikola, well, thank you by the way.14:25
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nikolaacer__, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:26
devyllcan anybody tell me if it's possible to make the audio in port (microphone) behave like audio out ? (speakers). basically the audio_out port is messed up and I want to use audio_in port for speakers14:26
acer__nikola, ok14:26
rumbertdevyll: I think that is possible with a soldering iron.  I think the connectors are compatible.  They are of TRS type. check that they have same # of connection points.14:27
nikolanp acer__ just a problems i had few days ago, and managed to fix it, so im sharing :)14:27
pavan_hello evryone14:27
pavan_how to copy files from virtualbox to host14:27
acer__nikola, very helpfull indeed :)14:28
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jsecpavan, do you have guest additions installed?14:29
ZGHircpavan_: maybe,you need to install the VMware Tool ,if you use the VMware .14:29
StaRetjiFolks, I've just check and I have 24 second of boot delay beetween lines: "hda_codec: ALC662 rev1: BIOS auto-probing." and "EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=0"14:30
StaRetjiis there a way to avoud hda_codec message and save these 24 seconds?14:31
ujjain1Is there a Hearts of Iron 2 channel? :p14:31
CeltiberoGood afternoon14:32
enkiduStaRetji: it seems, that you arefrcing your root partition to be checked on every mount14:32
Pici!alis | ujjain114:32
ubottuujjain1: Looking for a channel? /msg alis list *searchterm*     More help in #freenode14:32
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CeltiberoDoes anybody know why VLC has 6 outputs?14:34
_Maverick_buen dia14:34
debraI am having trouble with my Optiarc drive - I'm a pretty new beginner - does anyone have a minute to help?14:34
StaRetjienkidu: thx for the answer, how can I avoid that.14:35
aeon-ltd!ask | debra14:36
ubottudebra: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:36
sebsebseb!details | debra14:36
ubottudebra: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."14:36
joe85when I start an application from a terminal it locks the terminal, is there a way to start an application independant from the terminal window I am using?14:37
enkiduStaRetji: either you have to use tunefs, either change /etc/fstab options (last two numbers)14:37
uLinuxei ctrl + alt + d doesnt work too?14:37
Quaxirhm, now I cleared mount problem..but another popped out, can't chroot to /mnt/temp, gives errormsg "chroot: cannot run command '/bin/bash': Exec format error", anyone knows what to do?14:37
uLinuxhow come Maverick come with basic stuff bugged14:37
AbhiJituLinux, try slowing down the speed of pressint the key combination slightly14:38
aeon-ltdjoe85: nameofapp &14:38
debraI just upgraded to Mavrick and had previous problems with Totem but not VLC.  Now VLC sometimes works, but usually skips.  Totem won't work at all.  When I try to run a benchmark on the drive, I get one of two errors: it's too slow to benchmark, or there is an input/output error14:38
Dbl_Tapjoe85: man gnome-terminal or xterm. both have ways of not waiting for the command to finish.14:38
StaRetjienkidu: I'm using usb stick btw and here is my /etc/fstab http://paste.ubuntu.com/513120/ I've messed with it before. Could you please have a look? Thx.14:39
uLinuxAbhiJit: doesnt work :( just like alt + print14:39
enkiduStaRetji: usb you say?14:39
StaRetjienkidu: Yes, Its for xbmc (htpc)14:39
AbhiJituLinux, in lucid is i press the key comination for lock scfreen ctrl alt l in 'normal' speed then it dont work. but if i decrease the speed very slightly then it works14:39
enkidutry (unsafe for FS) change last "1" to "0"14:40
BluesKajProvance, I've been searching for some documentation on your wifi adapter but there isn't a lot available14:40
pavan_ ZGHirc  I installed virtualbox from soft center,14:40
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pavan_so have I installed everything or still need to install some extra packages?14:40
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uLinuxAbhiJit: ctrl alt l works fine here14:40
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AbhiJituLinux, i was just givin you my experience example14:40
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untitledanyone set up gitosis on ubuntu?14:40
uLinuxAbhiJit: okok14:40
aeon-ltdjoe85: did it work?14:41
StaRetjienkidu: You don't mind if I ask what it does? errors=remount-ro 0       1 to errors=remount-ro 0       014:41
enkiduStaRetji: also, usb flash drives are slow in general, so you would prefer to use non-jurnaling filesystem (ext2)14:41
uLinuxAbhiJit: i need to start using launchpad14:41
AbhiJituLinux, yah14:41
enkiduStaRetji: it disables forced filesystem check on every mount14:41
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.14:41
elb0wSo why in ubuntu 10.10 does my private key not work if it is named identity?14:42
StaRetjienkidu: I've just installed maverick :/ without swap and made /var/log to be written in memory. At least I think I did that14:42
Gangrelis it possible after installing kde to restore gnome?14:42
enkiduStaRetji: good. anyways, you wuld prefer not to use: journalling, atime, diratime etc14:43
enkiduGangrel: why not?14:43
rolandoA alguien le a pasado que al iniciar algun sonido (ej: musica o notificaciones) se escucha como si tuviera estatica... y al rato se escucha normal.. ya que mi maquina tiene este sintoma y no se si este relacionado con el pulseaudio.14:43
dlielb0w, to debug, try "ssh -v -p" "cd /usr/sbin;/usr/sbin/sshd -d -p"14:43
Pici!es | rolando14:43
ubotturolando: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.14:43
Gangrelenkidu and how to i restore them?14:44
StaRetjienkidu: if forced filesystem check in good for the usb stick, I will leave it then. How about "EXT4-fs (sda1): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)" Is ordered mode good for usb system? Also, I guess I can't change ext4 to ext2 on a working system?14:44
geezHi, my ubuntu 9 login just returns me to the login screen. whereas if i login in as root or another user all is OK. any diagnostices to remedy this?14:44
enkiduGangrel: just install ubuntu-desktop14:44
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Gangrelenkidu won't this be a problem about dual GUI?14:45
enkiduStaRetji: unfortunately, you cannot mount ext4 as ext2. Forced filesystem check makes you waiting for bootup, while it will not find errors14:45
enkiduGangrel: no, it will be not. I have kde, gnome, lxde and icewm on my desktop14:46
ZGHircpavan_:I have not use the virtualbox,but they are the same.All need to install a tool .You can google it.14:46
PiciGangrel: You can choose what desktop you want on the login screen.14:46
BluesKajGangrel, you choose your desktop environment at login14:46
Gangrelahh i see14:46
AbhiJitdoes ubuntu automatically reads and executes the autorun files in my pen drive? (its full of viruses)14:47
enkiduAbhiJit: no14:47
enkiduit is windows-only feature14:47
StaRetjienkidu: So basically it should be safe without it. If it doesn't find errors I don't see the point using it. I've just changed 1 to 0 and it's the same delay. Nothing has changed.14:47
enkiduonly .desktop files are executed automatically14:47
BluesKajAbhiJit, only if you plug it in while running windows14:47
rusty149viruses is a major windows feature14:47
AbhiJitenkidu, when i asked the same question to wine people they told me it depends on distro. so i asked here. BluesKaj14:48
enkiduStaRetji: dunno, then, it must wait for something else, but not for driver you mentioned before14:48
Quantum_Ionyeah I know viruses love windows to DEATH14:48
Davedanhow can I build latest numpy on ubuntu?14:48
Quantum_IonNO VIRUS on LINUX hahah14:48
dliAbhiJit, I think you can infect ubuntu by plugging in a usb, you are entitled to win a big chunk of $$$14:48
StaRetjienkidu: Ok, thx for effort, it's really appreciated.14:49
enkiduQuantum_Ion: there are viruses for linux, but most of them cannot find dependencies ;)14:49
Quantum_Ionenkidu, right and that whole permission thing too14:49
BluesKajAbhiJit, you must be careful tho, if you share folders on a network which has windows machines connected14:49
jayeolais there a way to create a live usb key and have permanent data stored there?14:49
AbhiJitBluesKaj, no no,no sharing on this machine14:49
jayeolaexample:- store files, keep packages installed on it etc14:50
rusty149jayeola: use ubuntu startup disk creator and specify a persistant size14:50
Quantum_IonNo Viruses on Apple Mac OS too14:50
dliDavedan, it may not always work, but the basic rule: build-dep python-numpy; get the newest source, patch the difference to: source python-numpy; debian/rules binary14:50
ZGHircjayeola:here     https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick14:50
jayeolathanks guys!14:50
StaRetjijayeola: google for lili usb creator14:51
Davedandli:patch the difference?14:51
lenovohow to use turpial to view favorite tweets14:52
SpoferWhat does @ in a shell script means?14:52
lenovonot @ .14:52
ZGHircStaRetji: Do you know why the usb-creator in liveCD can't work.14:53
dliDave123, get the source release of current python-numpy, generate a patch to the newest by running diff, and apply the patch to the debian(ubuntu) source14:53
Spoferlenovo, what do you mean?14:53
dakota_Hello, I  have a small problem concerning the graphics on my screen, theres a big black bar running the bottom of my screen every time I boot, how do I fix this.14:53
preetamundicem r u there?14:53
lenovoi want to find some words to state my means14:53
dliDave123, read debian backports howto first14:53
Exploiterguys, i m having problem while booting my ubuntu 10.10, when every i start it it says low on memory, how can i check the logs to check what is going on??14:53
AbhiJitpreetam, no14:54
aeon-ltddakota_: could you screen shot please?14:54
AbhiJitpreetam, you can ask your question to channel14:54
netherwolfeexploiter: the logs are in /var/logs14:54
dliExploiter, how much RAM do you get there14:54
i2v8anjoint #kubuntu14:54
StaRetjiZGHirc: don't know, I'm using lili and it works just well and it's simple to use. Just mount iso with it and select permanent storage size, go eat something and it's done.14:54
Exploiterdli, good question, but i dont no..14:54
dakota_aeon-ltd How do I  do that...14:54
Exploiterdli how to check?14:54
netherwolfeexploiter: /var/log14:54
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Exploiternetherwolfe which one exactly??14:54
netherwolfegood question14:55
Exploiteri dont no howo to read those logs..14:55
dliExploiter, usually, you can hit F1, F2, F10, etc., during POST14:55
dliExploiter, and you can find out size of RAM in BIOS14:55
tortoise7Hi folks!   toshiba satellite with all AMD components, ubuntu 10.04, clean install .... NO other os.   Problems in search of solutions: backlight on KeyBoard, headphone output jack are NON functional........ both of these worked before ubuntu..... the keyboard backlight works before ubuntu boots...... thoughts, suggestions, comments?14:55
Exploiteri have 2 GB ram bty14:55
GMX750hi all14:56
dliExploiter, another way, boot memtest from ubuntu livecd14:56
Exploiterand it was running fine.. before i played with startup=manager trying to replace my plymouth theme with text one..14:56
enkidutortoise7: jack is related to intel-hda config14:56
GMX750I'm having some issues with LikewiseOpen can anyone help?14:56
aeon-ltddakota_: just use the screenshot tool, or 'scrot' in terminal and uplaod to http://imageshack.us/14:56
dliExploiter, does ubuntu still boot?14:56
Exploiterdli, i logged for recovery console14:56
enkiduyou have to set proper options in /etc/modprobe.d/14:56
Exploiteri m logged as ubunut now..14:57
tortoise7eukidu:  NO intel anything on this machine.... all amd components14:57
Exploiterbut no normal boot.. low gr mem error14:57
GMX750can anyone help with LikeWiseOpen?14:57
lenovosometimes i marked some tweets favorite ,and i want to view it now.how should i to do for viewing it?14:57
enkidutortoise7: soundcard are intel-compatible :) anyways, play around with sounddriver options14:57
undecimtortoise7: Have you tried googling "<your laptop model> ubuntu 10.10?"14:58
GMX750anyone for likewiseopen help?14:58
Exploiterdli how can i check hows going on 'on booting' ??14:58
Exploiterany logs?14:58
tmbahello, I'm running ubuntu 10.04 as a print server (and fileserver), but now all of a sudden I get "usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed" message when trying to print pdf files. I tried looking in the /var/log/cups/error_log but could not make much out of the message there. Anyone familiar with this problem?14:58
GMX750can we post huge TEXT WALLS with our problems in GENERAL CHAT?14:59
rusty149GMX750: no use paste.ubuntu.com14:59
Dbl_TapGMX750: use paste.ubuntu.com14:59
GMX750what's that?14:59
Wavesonicsafter upgrading, my themes don't survive reboots, and they also dont apply to all the GUI elements, has anyone seen this?14:59
GMX750i have seen it14:59
rusty149GMX750: go to website, paste your text, click paste and then post the url here15:00
GMX750thanks :D15:00
lenovoWavesonics,  what themes?15:00
Wavesonicslenovo, the gnome themes15:00
Wavesonicslenovo, ike Ambiance and Radiance and the like15:01
dakota_anyone have any idea how I could reinstall Ubuntu and keep my home folder contents.15:01
dliExploiter, Describe the problem clearly, not enough info for me to understand the basic scenario15:01
|ns|nR8dakota_, backup the home folder first15:01
aeon-ltddakota_: have you got a separate /home partition?15:01
|ns|nR8or make a new home folder15:01
uLinuxhow can I clean auth.log?15:01
Exploiterk trying15:01
geezI have 3 users accounts on my ubuntu 9.10 including root. I can login using the ubuntu login screen with all of them except one. How to fix this?15:02
dlidakota_, many ways, but why do you need reinstall?15:02
dakota_No, Is there a way to do that. and is there any speacial way to I would need to back is up.15:02
lenovoWavesonics,  reinstall themes15:02
Wavesonicsuhg this fall back theme is awefull :(15:02
travlingeeki was woundering i have created a usb thumb drive that i use as live boot device  i have a 8gb thumb drive and have created a casper-rw partition to hold my seting and software that i added to it my question is when i decide to install ubuntu will all the extra software saved to the persistance be install as well or will just the base program of ubuntu be install15:03
dakota_the thing is I wanted to upgrade to a 64-bit OS without losing my home folder contents.15:03
floyd_Hi, is it possible / practical to run the Unity shell on a normal desktop or does it only come on the Netbook edition ?15:03
quaackhybrid-portsrc-x86_32-v5.60.48.36/src/include/linuxver.h:23:28: error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory15:03
ZGHircStaRetji: Thanks .when the Ubuntu 10.10 released,I just downloaded the liveCD version and hoped the usb-creator work well.But it won't.I don't want to burn a  CD for install.Later I known the USB -creator in Ubuntu 10.04 work well.And now I am running Ubuntu 10.10.So I just want to known why the team don't test the tool.It even made me crazy.As I had  waited a long time for the releasing of Ubuntu 10.10.15:03
guckii dont have window title bars. when i run "metacity --replace" in a terminal, they appear. but how can i make this permanent, so that i dont habe to run it after each reboot15:03
quaackhelp :)15:03
Exploiteris there is anyway i can remove my plymouth?15:03
Exploiterand restore ubuntu boot screen settings?15:04
Wavesonicslenovo, gtk2-engines <- this package?15:04
lenovoWavesonics, maybe you can try15:04
galusrHi, Can anyone tell me how to find out which device names are my external hard disk partitions?15:04
Exploiterdli how can i restore my login scrren settings?15:04
i2v8anfloyd: i'm running unity on a regular laptop.  It doesn't seem to care about much beyond hardware support15:04
Exploiterdli boot sceen settings..***15:05
floyd_i2v8an: Thanks. Will give it a try15:05
happydudeat fist rythmbox played all tracks but now it can't play anything. It puts a red stop sign next to all tracks i select. Same happened with jamendo and magnatune. Please help!15:05
quaackim trying to build a broadcom driver but get the following error;  error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory. any ideas?15:05
quaackgoogle didnt help much15:05
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StaRetjiZGHirc: glad I could help15:05
gantrixxHas anyone else here tried the Unity interface on a Dell mini 10?15:05
ZGHircStaRetji:  mm .15:06
happydudeactually now jamendo started working again. wtf!15:06
galusrTrying to match device /dev to external hard disk....anyone available to help? Thank you.15:06
|ns|nR8galusr, try mount commandf15:06
dliExploiter, n00b way: sudo "dpkg --purge gdm;rm -rf /etc/gdm/*;apt-get -f install gdm"15:07
Exploiter:S k15:07
BluesKajgalusr, run sudo fdisk -l  , pastebin the output15:07
dligalusr, ls -l /dev/disk/ , df -h, fdisk -l15:07
drew212_I cannot commit my files using eclipse and the subclipse plugin anymore, i updated ubuntu and it started throwing me an error about my workspace15:08
tmbahello, I'm running ubuntu 10.04 as a print server (and fileserver), but now all of a sudden I get "usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed" message when trying to print pdf files. I tried looking in the /var/log/cups/error_log but could not make much out of the message there. Anyone familiar with this problem?15:08
Wavesonicslenovo, damn, didnt seem to help :/15:08
travlingeekso does all the software install to a usb thumb drive in a persistance be installed or just the basic software of ubuntu is when using a live usb thumb drive15:08
lenovoWavesonics,  oh no .15:09
happydudedoes anyone know how to turn off screensaver in 10.0415:09
galusrBluesKaj: Here is the output http://pastebin.com/s9JGCizp15:09
lenovoWavesonics,  sorry i can't help me15:09
nikolahappydude, System - Preferences - Screensawer15:09
erUSULhappydude: System>Preferences>Screensaver? or is that too obvious15:09
undecimhappydude: System -> Preferences -> Screensaver?15:09
Exploitermy system went crzy, i m trying to isntall usplash, it says to remove: nearly all of my installed softwares..15:10
i2v8anhappydude: you can disable it completely by using the start up program manager - I'm not sure what it's called these days.15:10
Exploiteranypro here, i can give teamviewer access..!!15:10
nikolaactually, erUSUL it is not so obvious because people coming from windows are expecting screensawer to be at same place as Desktop settings15:10
BluesKajgalusr,  what does lsusb show ?15:11
erUSULjust expecting people to take a look at System menus ....15:11
undecimhmm... How do I make Ubuntu lock screen when I close my laptop?15:11
happydudeI believe I have turned off everything, but it still blanks the screen after about 10 minutes!15:12
nikolaim not saying that you are wrong, erUSUL :) just that was my first reaction when i wanted to turn it off, but i am a bit faster newb when looking for stuff in menu15:12
galusrBluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/VeRv0Ydm15:12
undecimhappydude: That's probably the power management15:12
undecimhappydude: Are you on a laptop running on battery?15:12
nertilhow to turn off the screensaver? because everytime it ask me for my password!!!15:13
happydudeundecim, I have turned off powermanager after configuring it not to blank the screen ever.15:13
happydudeI is a desktop15:13
dave65nertil: just turn that option off15:13
lenovonertil, you can set in powermanger15:13
undecimnertil: System -> Preferences -> Screensaver. You can keep the screensaver, but tell it to not lock the screen.15:13
nikolanertil, , System - Preferences - Screensawer15:13
nertilpower manager?15:13
i2v8anrun gnome-screensaver-preferences in a terminal or run dialog to go directly to the menu15:13
undecimhappydude: Turned off powermanager?15:14
GMX750HI please help! my issue is at-------------> http://paste.ubuntu.com/513148/15:14
tmbahello, I'm running ubuntu 10.04 as a print server (and fileserver), but now all of a sudden I get "usr/lib/cups/filter/pstopdf failed" message when trying to print pdf files. I tried looking in the /var/log/cups/error_log but could not make much out of the message there. Anyone familiar with this problem?15:14
multipasshow do i make ubuntu not ask for password when come out of sleep15:14
happydudeundecim, I turned off powermanager in startup applications15:14
dave65anyone from Wales?15:14
AbhiJitmultipass, uncheck ask password in screensaver setting15:14
undecimhappydude: The power management system will still be running. That's just the frontend to it15:14
PiciGMX750: #ubuntu-server may be more appropriate for your question.15:15
happydudeundecim, ok.15:15
multipassim in there and done see the option AbhiJit15:15
undecimhappydude: Go to system -> Preferences -> Power management, and change "Put display to sleep when inactive for:" to "Never"15:15
afallenhopeIs there a way of adding a cdrom to the apt-get repo in terminal15:16
BluesKajgalusr, so your outboard drive is the Western Digital usb ? , the dev/sdc seems to be it15:16
AbhiJitmultipass, there is - lock screen when screensaver is active15:16
undecimmultipass: It's the lock screen option15:16
happydudeundecim, I already done that... verifying ... yes it is set to never.15:16
multipassthats disabled15:16
multipassand its different than what im asking15:16
AbhiJitmultipass, no its the one you want15:16
MrokiiWhat would be the best place to look (which log) to find out why the system crashed?15:16
happydudeand screensaver is set to not activate when idle.15:16
multipassim talking about when the computer comes back from being asleep(suspended) not screensaver15:16
nertilhumm why i get notification area with ! and a triangle and says the update information is outdated this may caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer avaiable15:17
galusrBluesKaj: hmmm ok. For some reason when I set this up I thought is was /dev/sdb2 & sdb3 and setup /etc/fstab as such. These two devices mount fine on boot. What on earth is it mounting I wonder?15:17
undecimhappydude: weird. When your screen blanks, is it just a black screen, or does your monitor go to sleep?15:17
undecimhappydude: I.e., does the backlight turn off?15:17
happydudeundecim, I think the monitor goes to sleep, but I am not sure. I have two different monitors. It happens to both.15:18
VP1Hi, I want to manually download all dependencies of Wine 1.2 for my Lucid for further installing onto some other Lucid desktops which r not having Internet connection. Pl tell how to.15:18
nertilhumm why i get notification area with ! and a triangle and says the update information is outdated this may caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer avaiable15:18
galusrCan anybody tell me how to view the shutdown logs from the command line?15:18
drew212_I cannot commit my files using eclipse and the subclipse plugin anymore, i updated ubuntu and it started throwing me an error about my workspace: unable to read the workbench state15:18
undecimhappydude: Are you using proprietary video drivers?15:19
nertilhumm why i get notification area with ! and a triangle and says the update information is outdated this may caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer avaiable15:19
nertilhumm why i get notification area with ! and a triangle and says the update information is outdated this may caused by network problems or by a repository that is no longer avaiable15:19
FloodBot3nertil: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:19
happydudeundecim, yes. I have an asus ati 5570 fanless ( passive cooling ) card15:20
preetamundecim there?15:20
elrohi, I'm trying to install netbook remix on an eeepc, but it doesn't recognise the usb stick (created on my mac following install instructions) as a bootable device15:20
SaRynertil, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1545424.html15:20
undecimhappydude: I think that fglrx handles the power management for its card/monitors15:20
undecimpreetam: Yeah, I'm here15:20
dakota_http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/3017/201010141018261280x800s.png                     here's a link to a Screenshot of my graphics problem.15:20
undecimhappydude: Install the catalyst control center and see if you can change the options there.15:21
preetamundecim yesterday I resolved the issue..15:21
Wavesonicsdamn i have a known bug that most probably wont be fixed :( http://goo.gl/95aT15:21
undecimpreetam: Excellent15:21
Exploiterlinux@linux-Desktop:/$ sudo aptitude remove plymouth-theme-ubuntu-text plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo15:21
ExploiterE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:21
ExploiterE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?15:21
Exploiterhow to complete this command?15:21
happydudeundecim, I have that and I'm looking at it now. Don't find anything yet.15:21
BluesKajgalusr, how many partitions on the outboard , looks like 3 ?15:21
Exploiterdli, any sugestions?15:21
dakota_Graphics problem....15:22
SaRyExploiter, Try these commands in the Terminal window:15:22
SaRysudo apt-get update15:22
SaRysudo apt-get -f install15:22
SaRysudo apt-get autoremove15:22
FloodBot3SaRy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:22
preetamundecim the problem is with the nm-system-setting.conf file15:22
mcantorHow can I convince gnome-terminal to set its TERM to "xterm-256color" instead of just "xterm"?15:22
SaRyExploiter, The first one updates your software package list, the second tries to fix possibly broken packages, the last one will try to clean the system of unneeded packages.15:22
BluesKaj!adeptfix | Exploiter15:23
ubottuExploiter: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »15:23
dakota_I have a graphics issue...There's a big balck bar on my desktop going across the bottom of my screen.15:23
Exploiterdpkg: status database area is locked by another process15:24
BluesKajgalusr, sudo mount -t -o force /dev/sdc1 /mnt15:24
outlaw84Is 'lspci' not suppose to be installed in a fresh Ubuntu installation?15:24
aeon-ltd!screenshot | dakota_15:24
ubottudakota_: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.15:24
dakota_aeon-ltd  http://img28.imageshack.us/img28/3017/201010141018261280x800s.png15:24
outlaw84I am on a server that i running ubuntu but seams to be missing lots of coreutils :/15:25
dogmatic69hi everyone, any one subscribe to / buy linux format and is it worth while15:25
aeon-ltddakota_: and your wallpaper is definately larger than that?, also are you running compiz?15:25
dakota_aeon-ltd compiz what is that..15:26
aeon-ltd!compiz | dakota_15:26
ubottudakota_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:26
undecimdakota_: Compiz is what does the "Desktop effects"15:27
aeon-ltddakota_: its a compositing manager, which handles desktop effects and usually docks require this15:27
alan__For some reason my linux ubuntu 10.10 is slow? Any reasons?15:27
galusrBluesKaj: There is only two partitions I thought. It does look like 3 though here. I'll try mounting them now.15:27
uLinuxjust find how to clear auth.log "sudo bash" "cat /dev/null > /var/log/auth.log"15:27
dakota_aeon-ltd I am running the Xfce desktop. I  am running Docky too. I CHECK THE COMPIZ OPTION...15:28
undecimalan__: Have you checked your system monitor for processes hogging CPU/RAM?15:28
travlingeekso i have made a live usb of ubuntu and i have created a persistance on the usb thumb drive and i have many many extra software install on it i would like to know when im gonna install ubuntu on my netbook  will it install all those extra software  that was added to the thumbdrive in the persistance or not15:28
alan__When i had a lower version of ubuntu it was fine but sense i installed 10.10 today, its been slow to hell.15:28
undecimtravlingeek: No it won't15:28
alan__undecim: Where do i check that?15:28
dlialan__, run 'top' in terminal15:29
undecimalan_: System -> Administration -> System Monitor15:29
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travlingeekthanks undecim15:29
undecimalan__: Look at the processes tab, and click "% CPU" or "Memory" to sort the list by CPU or RAM usage15:29
alan__Do you want a screenshot?15:30
aeon-ltddakota_: just try this, in a terminal 'killall docky' then 'docky'15:30
tioxalan: Maybe you can move the preference files over for each program, but that's it -- you gotta reinstall everything.15:30
outlaw84Is it normal for an ubuntu installation to be running a kernel that is from Red Hat? When checking in /proc/version?15:30
tgywajrib, I am doing my first packaging ... question ...about the control file ... should I create my self ... or is that included in the downloaded source package?15:30
undecimalan__: No that's fine. Is there anything using up a lot of CPU or memory?15:30
madjoehi! can I limit an application not to use more than 50% of available RAM?15:30
dakota_how do you enable compiz in Xfce..15:30
alan__Well look:  2319 alan      20   0  847m 599m 4008 S   90 60.5 532:05.79 plugin-containe15:31
gantrixxhow can I tell if I have the Intel GMA 550 chipset?15:31
drew212_is there a way to completely remove a program and install fresh? I have eclipse and want to uninstall, but --purge doens't remove everything, when i reinstall it it still has all the plugins installed15:31
tioxCan you type in compiz and enable it?15:31
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aeon-ltddakota_: have you got it installed?15:31
B-r00tdakota_: you must install compiz15:31
undecimmadjoe: I think you can set user limits on the process... I'd have to look up how to do it though15:31
outlaw84drew212_: have you tried to remove ~/.eclipse ?15:31
dligantrixx, lspci|grep GMA15:31
drew212_outlaw84: no15:31
dakota_aeon-ltd that fixed it but the when I typed docky once agaain it went back to the problem.15:31
dligantrixx, or generally, lspci|grep -i vga15:31
madjoeundecim: please do. I use Karmic x6415:31
tioxI was gonna suggest Synaptic, since you can also use the completely remove option there.15:32
PowerTuxhi all, anyone knows why it rewrite printers.conf putting AuthInfoRequired username,password to a windows printer ?15:32
tioxBut caps lock got in the way. :P15:32
B-r00tdakota_: http://xubuntublog.wordpress.com/2007/12/09/xubuntu-compiz-pretty-pretty-xubuntu/15:32
PowerTuxthe device is DeviceURI smb://user:password@ip/printersname15:32
quaackim trying to build a broadcom driver but get the following error;  error: linux/autoconf.h: No such file or directory. any ideas?15:32
PowerTuxi delete line AuthInfoRequired username,password and restart cups, and when i print from Firefox it happens again15:32
FFForeverAny ideas why my cpu is always 1.x+ even with no apps open (just logging in)15:32
galusrBluesKaj: That mount command you gave me is not working. It's giving me usage information for the mount command!>15:33
galusrBluesKaj: Do I need to specify filesystem or something I wonder?15:33
galusrBluesKaj: The usage info is quite long. :(15:33
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drew212_outlaw84: i'm trying that now15:33
dlialan__, make sure you have free Mem: Swap:, do not have high usually on %CPU %MEM. if you say something like 99 , 49, etc.15:33
tioxLet's face it: Ubuntu is becoming bloated because of all the extra stuff that comes with it. Don't want a bloated OS? Compile your own kernel. ;)15:33
HexLaTorFFForever, services15:33
aeon-ltddakota_: do you use synaptics, the package manager?15:33
dlitiox, or just install debian15:34
gantrixxdli, It says I have VGA compatible controller: Intel Corportation System Controller Hub ( SCH Poulsbo) Graphics Controller (rev 06)15:34
dakota_I just use the Software Center or install it maunally in the terminal with aptitude.15:34
gantrixxdli, this speaks about the driver not the chipset doesn't it?15:34
alan__tinypic is slow today, im just uploading a screenshot15:34
* tiox runs like the dickens15:34
dligantrixx, poulsbo, it says all, return the computer to intel, and ask for replacement15:35
alan__dli: Here is a screenshot -> http://oi54.tinypic.com/oro4s1.jpg15:35
dakota_aeon-ltd I just use Software Center or Istall things manually in terminal.15:35
MysteryGuesthI -- i'm using grub 2 but when I get a new kernel image only the old grub menu.lst is updated, not grub.cfg.  What should I do?15:35
gantrixxdli, you are being fascisious.....what are you talking about?15:35
=== aatifh is now known as ats
aeon-ltddakota_: ok install compiz and ccsm15:36
tioxgantrixx: Ubuntu IS Debian with a lot of stuff.15:36
dlialan__, plugin! must be from adobe flash :( sudo pkill -9 plugin15:36
atsMy internet connection is not working in 10.04, I upgraded it recently.15:36
gantrixxtiox, what does that have to do with returning my computer?15:36
dakota_aeon-ltd CCSN what is that exactly..15:36
undecimmadjoe: Looks like the ulimit commad will do what you want... Do you want this to apply one time, or every time you lauch a program?15:36
dligantrixx, you have poulsbo, don't expect much support here, or in linux generally15:36
ubottuTo enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:36
aeon-ltd!ccsm | dakota_15:37
ubottudakota_: please see above15:37
madjoeundecim: everytime I launch my Chrome15:37
ix_i've tried to install alsa-driver-linuxant.deb from linuxant.com, and it didn't install, it gives me an error make: [uninstall] Error 1 (ignored)15:37
alan__dli: I've killed it now.15:37
atsIs 10.04 has internet connection problem?15:37
alan__Wish i didn't upgrade to 10.1015:37
tioxWow, that's bold...15:38
alan__Might just install debian15:38
tioxI wanna hold a quick vote.15:38
dogmatic6910.10 x64 ftw15:38
joeyeyetiox, I vote no15:38
Picitiox: Please not in this channel, this is for support only.15:38
undecimmadjoe: Okay, I'm not sure what unit this is supposed to be in, but it looks like KB. How much ram do you want to give chrome?15:38
tioxEveryone actively chatting, who has had problrms with 10.10 since install?15:38
dlialan__, adobe is the one to blame, not ubuntu15:38
muh-die-kuhhi, i i got an asus p5q premium board, and want to stream the microphone input to the hdmi input. any hints on how to do that? (streaming it to line out would be no problem… :( )15:38
offyWhen I open a folder using the Places drop down list. It just loads open office and nothing happens. It opens the folder if I open Nautilus to view folders.15:38
tioxOh, w/e15:38
gantrixxdli, why do you say I should return my computer?15:38
dligantrixx, I said it wrong, please forgive me15:38
alan__dli: How can i stop this loading at start up so it doesnt hog my CPU?15:39
WXZwhat's the applet with the drop down15:39
joeyeyetiox, I have no problem with 10.10 on hp mini netbook, compiz and unity are fine15:39
WXZthat says "log off, shut down, restart" etc.15:39
atsMy internet connection is not working in 10.04, via ethernet. What should be the reason15:39
enkidumuh-die-kuh: you will need software mixer for that, but you can use arecord - | aplay -15:39
tioxdogmatic69: Yes, x64 FTW. But also, hard to play with for newbs because they can't just whip out the ubuntu-restricted-extras package for Flash and JS.15:39
madjoeundecim: well, I use 1.5GB of RAM, so 300MB should be enough?15:39
dakota_aeon-ltd it says I already have the latest version of compiz but when i typed the command to install ccsm it could not find such a package.15:39
enkiduto record from current input and to play on out15:39
dlialan__, there are open source flash plugins out there, not sure whether they are acceptable for you or not15:40
mcantorAnyone?  How can I convince gnome-terminal to set its TERM to "xterm-256color" instead of just "xterm"?15:40
gantrixxIt seems that the Unity interface will not run on a Dell mini 10.  They state that it has the Intel GMA 550 GPU chipset.  I've not been able to verify this, but I have installed the Poulsbo drivers as recommended and it still doesn't work15:40
muh-die-kuhenkidu: i'll check that. thanks. any hints on which software mixer you want to use these days? (my knowledge on this topic might be outdated…)15:40
Gangrelhow do i unistall KDE?15:40
offyWhen I open a folder using the Places drop down list. It just loads open office and nothing happens. It opens the folder if I open Nautilus to view folders15:40
dlialan__, apt-cache search flash|grep plugin15:40
aeon-ltddakota_: it has the full name 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or you can install simple-ccsm15:40
SaRyWXZ,indicator applet session !15:40
undecimmadjoe: Okay, so 300 MB = 307,200 KB, so you need to right-click on your menu, choose "edit menus" and find chrome.15:40
drew212_what is a terminal alias? how do i create one to connect to my home box if i type ssh homebox, instead of the IP?15:40
enkidumuh-die-kuh: dunno, it depends on hw15:40
dakota_aeon-ltd found it on Software Center15:40
aeon-ltdGangrel: sudo apt-get remove kde (or kubuntu-desktop if you installed that)15:41
aeon-ltddakota_: ok15:41
undecimmadjoe: Then, you will want to edit it and replace the command with this: sh -c "ulimit -Hv 307200; google-chrome"15:41
gp5stsorry if this isn't the best place; i figured since it differs in ubuntu from the pecl package: can someone help me with using uuid_create from php5-uuid in ubuntu? I get 'call-time pass-by-reference has been deprecated' and  'parameter wasn't passed by reference' when i tried to remove the &. I understand why I need pass-by-reference here, but I don't know how to do it in the constructs of php15:42
alan__dli: What one do you recommend15:42
madjoeundecim: cool! I'll try that! thanks!15:42
undecimmadjoe: If you do that, every time you launch chrome from the menu, it will be restricted to 300MB ram15:42
dlialan__, I suggest you to try lightspark, which is not in ubuntu yet15:43
dakota_aeon-ltd but docky still causes the problem when started, should I  restart or what..15:43
undecimmadjoe: If you have a desktop or panel shortcut, you need to remove it and make a new one from the editted menu shortcut15:43
madjoeundecim: great! hopefully Chrome won't crash my Ubuntu anymore15:43
Exploiteri got error, unable to connect to dbus while booting up.. and then low grapic memory15:43
blackshellcan anyone guide me how to install lamp on my ubuntu system,i did not get good resource from internet15:43
Exploiterwhere in sys log i can chech this error?15:43
madjoeundecim: I use a panel shortcut, but I think I can handle that15:43
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dlialan__, lightspark uses less cpu then adobe flash, but not yet feature complete15:43
undecimmadjoe: XD. If you find you need to teak that value, you can change the 307200 to whatever KB you want.15:43
WXZall I get when I add that is "no indicators"15:43
alan__OKay thanks.15:44
aeon-ltddakota_: start runnning compiz, then restart docky15:44
dlialan__, if you just want to play youtube, sudo apt-get install minitube15:44
madjoeundecim: got it! :)15:44
alan__Yeah thats all i need :)15:44
blackshellcan anyone guide me how to install lamp on my ubuntu system,i did not get good resource from internet15:44
dlialan__, lightspark can play all youtube too15:44
erUSUL!lamp | blackshell15:44
ubottublackshell: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)15:44
dakota_aeon-ltd thats what I did but then it whent to the way it was when docky was restarted.15:45
alan__I've installed minitube now.15:45
undecimmadjoe: I'd kind of like to know though if this works. I know chrome eats up a lot of RAM because it runs each tab in a new thread, and I don't know if that limit counts for each thread or if it's shared among them.15:45
offyWhen I open a folder using the Places drop down list. It just loads open office and nothing happens. It opens the folder if I open Nautilus to view folders15:45
aeon-ltddakota_: please take a new screenshot please,15:45
SaRyWXZ, What you did exactly.15:45
alan__Okay question about conky, i've installed it but now on the tutorial its saying: "Make a configuration file in your home directory (Ex:-/home/ubuntuadmin)", though that doesn't even exist?15:45
WXZbut i wrote something after it15:45
madjoeundecim: oh, good point... since each tab is a separate process, somehow I think it won't work for all of them15:46
madjoeundecim: we'll see15:46
WXZ(10:43:57 AM) WXZ: all I get when I add that is "no indicators"15:46
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undecimalan_: You need to make a .conkyrc file in your home directory15:46
alan__So: /home/alan/ ?15:46
tioxPretty much.15:46
madjoeundecim: can I put %U at the end like this? sh -c "ulimit -Hv 307200; google-chrome %U"15:46
dakota_aeon-ltd it looks the same as before in the screenshot I just took, but when docky is quit it looks normal and everything wroks fine and the black bar is gone, but it looks just as it did before with docky enabled.15:46
dlialan__, your home directory is '~', "$HOME" in terminal15:46
drew212_im getting a bad assignment trying to use an alias, whys that?15:47
undecimmadjoe: Yup, just like that15:47
WXZSaRy: all I get when I add that is "no indicators"15:47
WXZfull sentence.15:47
undecimalan_: /home/alan/.conkyrc would be your conky config file, yes15:47
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alan__ah thanks15:47
SaRyWXZ, i see15:47
Exploiteralan_ if you need, i have a cool conky myself.. let me know..15:47
undecimalan_: You will probably want to copy someone else's config file to start with15:47
tensorpuddingdrew212_: what is what you're trying to alias, exactly?15:48
SaRyWXZ, !see bug 54841415:48
aeon-ltddakota_: even running compiz? did you do 'compiz --replace' in terminal before restarting docky?15:48
tiox!conky | tiox15:48
WXZSaRy: and I can't click it, well I can, but it does nothing15:48
undecimalan_: There is a huge thread on the ubuntu forums with conky configs and screenshots15:48
WXZ!see bug 54841415:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:48
drew212_ssh to my home box, i dont want to type an IP15:48
SaRyWXZ, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+bug/54841415:48
dlidrew212_, use hostname then15:48
undecimalan__: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186515:49
offyANYONE? When I open a folder using the Places drop down list. It just loads open office and nothing happens. It opens the folder if I open Nautilus to view folders15:49
drew212_dli: hostname? how do i do that?15:49
dakota_aeon-ltd  just figured that out and eveything works fine now thanx.15:49
aeon-ltddakota_: oh ok, good :)15:49
stealth_Hey people, I need to recover a document for a friend off a SD drive. The thing is, it is a .docx file. Anyone know a tool that can recover these files, because foremost can not recover them to the best of my knowledge15:49
dlidrew212_, the easiest, put in your /etc/hosts15:49
tensorpuddingdrew212_: you could either add the host to /etc/hosts, or make an entry in ~/.ssh/config15:49
dlidrew212_, a line like: myhome15:49
MysteryGuestHI -- I have grub2 installed but ubuntu kernel udpates do not update grub.cfg -- just the old menu.lst.  What should I do?15:50
dlidrew212_, even better, install dnsmasq as well, sudo apt-get install dnsmasq, and put "nameserver" as your first line in /etc/resolv.conf15:50
dliMysteryGuest, sudo update-grub15:51
abhinav_singh2how to install tar.gz file?15:51
dliMysteryGuest, grub2 doesn't use menu.lst, grub.cfg is auto-generated15:51
MysteryGuestdli -- doesn't update grub.cfg...just menu.lst15:51
jdimatteohi all, I'm trying to boot my Ubuntu 9.10 system into single user mode or recovery mode from grub 2.  after I select "recovery mode" from the grub menu, a second menu comes up with options like "Resume" and "Drop to root shell prompt", but I can't seem to choose "Drop to root shell prompt" because a bunch of text like "Starting NTP server ntpd" overwrites my screen.  can someone please help me?15:51
aeon-ltdabhinav_singh2: what's inside it? source code? a theme?15:51
tiz-.tar.gz is a zip file15:51
tensorpuddingabhinav_singh2: unpack it, then read the installation instructions provided on the site you downloaded it from15:51
dliabhinav_singh2, depends, but mostly, ./configure;make;sudo make install15:51
dakota_aeon-ltd but now I need to remove the bottom panel in Xfce have any Ideas, i tried removing it like I would in Gnome but it wont work.15:51
innerandHello, I m using ubuntu 10.10 on ssd. noatime for all volumes, swapiness set to 10, iosheduler is deatline, /tmp and /var/log are tmpfs. Direktly after booting i have 2GB written data (iostat). If i deaktivate swap i have no written data ( < 1MB). Is it possible that something writes the full 2 GB swap during boot?15:52
dakota_aeon-ltd already figured it out..15:52
tensorpuddingabhinav_singh2: all that it being a .tar.gz file means that it is a compressed archive with files in it. there is no general way to "install" what is in it unless it has some more specific structure.15:52
undecimabhinav_singh2: .tar.gz files are archive files, like a .zip file on windows. If you are trying to install a program, have you made sure that it's not in the Ubuntu software center?15:52
dlidakota_, right click on panel to set panel properties, or find it in xfce setting manager15:52
tensorpuddingabhinav_singh2: for instance, if it is full of themes, it can probably be installed using the Install... button in the Appearance menu15:53
MysteryGuestdli: udpate-grub does not update grub.cfg -- it updates menu.lst which is not used by grub215:53
aeon-ltddakota_: heh :) lol15:53
glaucousSometimes while booting kernel (text mode) the kernel (1/4 times) stop loading, and if frozen until I push the power button - then the boot continues. What exactly happens when I push the power button during boot? Because it always works.15:53
dliMysteryGuest, weird, do you have grub2?15:53
jdimatteohow do I boot into single user mode / recover mode so that NTP and NFS mounts don't get hung up?15:53
ExploiterOct 14 16:53:47 linux-Desktop init: Unable to connect to the system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused15:53
Exploiterany idea anyone?15:53
dlidakota_, you can also run in terminal: xfce4-panel -c15:53
MysteryGuestdli: yes!  grub legacy won't boot my machine15:54
jk_j #ceidades ceider15:54
alan__Okay im on here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28186515:54
tensorpuddingjdimatteo: pretty sure that single-user mode implies that network daemons like that don't start up15:54
alan__Says: Add dbe module to /etc/X11/xorg.conf to reduce flickering.15:54
alan__sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf15:54
drew212_dli: what if i want to type ssh homecomputer - where homecomputer = blabla@ or whatever? its not working for me its saying cannot resolve hostname15:54
dliMysteryGuest, rm the menu.lst file, try again: sudo update-grub15:54
alan__Though i don't get no text to edit/15:54
offyWhen I open a folder using the Places drop down list. It just loads open office and nothing happens. It opens the folder if I open Nautilus to view folders15:54
uLinuxwhere xset settings are saved?15:55
tensorpuddingdrew212_: does ping resolve the hostname to the correct IP?15:55
jdimatteotensorpudding: I'm having trouble booting into single user mode.  can you please help me?15:55
dlidrew212_, first, "ssh blahblah@" works for you15:55
madjoeundecim: I can see several chrome processes - one is owned by root and all the others are owned by me as a normal user... I just opened two tabs and I can see that the root process uses 217MB of RAM and all the other processes (more than 20!!) use the same value of 836MB of RAM15:55
MysteryGuestdli: I got the message: "Could not find /boot/grub/menu.lst file. Would you like /boot/grub/menu.lst generated for you? (y/N)"15:55
tensorpuddingjdimatteo: it's the (recovery) option of GRUB215:55
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dlidrew212_, then, you have a line in /etc/hosts: myhomeserver15:55
jdimatteotensorpudding,  after I select "recovery mode" from the grub menu, a second menu comes up with options like "Resume" and "Drop to root shell prompt", but I can't seem to choose "Drop to root shell prompt" because when I hit the down arrow key to navigate down to that option, a bunch of text like "Starting NTP server ntpd" overwrites my screen15:56
undecimmadjoe: More than 20 processes? Do you have that many tabs open?15:56
madjoeundecim: no, I opened only 2 tabs15:56
tensorpuddingjdimatteo: are you sure sure that you're not hitting the resume option?15:56
drew212_dli: nope15:56
undecimmadjoe: What I think is really weird is the one running as root...15:56
alan__Thats one thing i've noticed with google chrome, if you have so many tabs open it uses more processes,15:56
madjoeundecim: oh, those 20 processes are /usr/bin/google-chrome15:56
drew212_dli yes ssh blabla@122.0.01 or wahtever works15:57
offyWhen I open a folder using the Places drop down list. It just loads open office and nothing happens. It opens the folder if I open Nautilus to view folders15:57
undecimmadjoe: Hang on, let me install chrome and have a look at this. Are you using chrome stable?15:57
dliMysteryGuest, sudo less /usr/sbin/update-grub15:57
dliMysteryGuest, sudo which update-grub15:57
madjoeundecim: and there are 2 processes that are recognized like /opt/google/chrome/chrome and both of those use 911MB15:57
alan__So goes for Windows, does the same15:57
BluesKajgalusr, just try mount /dev/sdcx15:57
dlidrew212_, what about your /etc/hosts?15:57
madjoeundecim: Chrome Beta x6415:58
drew212_dli: no it doesnt have that in there15:58
drew212_all it has is localhost and myname-laptop15:58
dlidrew212_, add the line yourself: sudo vi /etc/hosts15:58
MRS23FFi have a problem with ubuntu:D15:58
madjoeundecim: Chrome 7.0.517.36 beta15:58
jdimatteotensorpudding: it would seem that way... maybe my keyboard down arrow key isn't being interpretted correctly... I'll try again15:58
chandanhow can i install a software by using package manager?15:58
tensorpuddingjdimatteo: is it a timeout?15:59
MRS23FFi have an fujitsu siemens amilo li2735 and i cant use 10.04 or 10.1015:59
dlichandan, search, choose, and install15:59
tensorpuddingjdimatteo: the timeout can be really fast15:59
MysteryGuestdli: sudo which update-grub15:59
MRS23FFthe problem is the sistem double restarts15:59
jdimatteotensorpudding: yeah, I guess so, I'll try to go faster :)15:59
MRS23FFi think it is a bios problem...15:59
ExploiterOct 14 16:53:47 linux-Desktop init: Unable to connect to the system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused15:59
dliMysteryGuest, what about sudo less /usr/sbin/update-grub15:59
Exploiterany idea anyone?15:59
madjoeundecim: oh, I was looking at the virtual mem, not RES! sorry... well, thse /opt/google/chrome processes use 143M! both of them!16:00
MysteryGuestdli: works fine -- do you want to see the whole thing?16:00
drew212_dli: that doesnt work either16:00
tensorpuddingMRS23FF: double restarts?16:00
undecimmadjoe: So they are using a total of less than 300 MB?16:00
dliMysteryGuest, no, does the file show grub.cfg?16:00
MRS23FFwhen i power on16:00
MRS23FFthe laptop16:00
madjoeundecim: yes, hold on, I've opened another tab16:01
toaderHI, in linux, how to view the pagesize? thanks16:01
MysteryGuestdli: nope16:01
dlidrew212_, show the error message, not "doesnt work"16:01
antonio_mazzarrihello guys, its possible to remove ubiquity from a live cd ? i'm trying to make my custom live, but always (dunno how!) he will start. i removed the script on the initrd, into casper-botton directory, no way .. he's more powerful than me! :D16:01
drew212_dli: if i dont include myname@ it works16:01
undecimtoader: Pagesize?16:01
dliMysteryGuest, that's why, it's not grub216:01
drew212_it says SSH: Could not reslove hostname mycomputer: Name or service not known16:01
MysteryGuestdli: yet grub2 is booting my machine!16:01
undecimtoader: You mean virtual memory?16:01
dliMysteryGuest, sudo apt-get install grub-pc16:02
MRS23FFi power on the laptop the display it;s black then it's automaticly shuting down for 2 seconds and then it's powering up by himself and boots up corectly16:02
ExploiterOct 14 16:53:47 linux-Desktop init: Unable to connect to the system bus: Failed to connect to socket /var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused16:03
drew212_dli i guess i can live with having to type ssh myname@mycomputer16:03
dlidrew212_, what about sudo "ping myhomeserver"16:03
toaderundecim: yes16:03
MRS23FFi power on the laptop the display it;s black then it's automaticly shuting down for 2 seconds and then it's powering up by himself and boots up corectly16:03
undecimtoader: Linux doesn't use a page file like windows does...16:03
undecimtoader: Instead it uses a "swap" partition16:03
Zaca12hi there, i've recently uninstalled python and now my aptitude won't work, i reinstalled python but still getting the same error16:03
michelecome faccio ad entrare ubuntu italiano?16:04
madjoeundecim: well I use Htop for this, I sorted the processes by MEM% and I can still see only 2 /opt/google/chrome processes at the top, since I've opened the third tab memory has been decreased for both of those tabs to 100M - so it works! - the limitation is for all panels even if they are separate processes I guess16:04
Zaca12  /usr/bin/python: bad interpreter: No such file or directory16:04
undecimtoader: If you open a terminal, you can type "swapon -s" to see a summary of your active swap partitions, their size, and their current usage16:04
dlidrew212_, you are supposed to type "ssh user@server" or "ssh server", if username stays16:04
Zaca12could anyone help?16:04
undecimmadjoe: Awesome16:04
drew212_dli: ping myhomeserver does not work16:04
tensorpuddingMRS23FF: this sounds like a problem with your laptop, not with Linux, if you're saying it boots correctly16:05
madjoeundecim: that is a valuable information, thanks for that!16:05
toaderundecim: i think it is not this info16:05
toaderundecim: i want to know the page size16:05
undecimmadjoe: You know, I think I know a way you could make this adjustable on the fly, too... I'm gonna have to explore this a little, lol16:05
drew212_dli: 100% packet loss16:05
madjoeundecim: Chrome used to crash my Ubuntu every day until now.. I hope those days are over :)16:05
undecimtoader: What do you mean?16:05
toaderundecim: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Page_table16:06
goltoof_ any way to force some tabs to stay open.. ie, 4 tabs that stay open no matter what ?16:06
antonio_mazzarrihello guys, its possible to remove ubiquity from a live cd ? i'm trying to make my custom live, but always (dunno how!) he will start. i removed the script on the initrd, into casper-botton directory, no way .. he's more powerful than me! :D16:06
goltoof_in firefox16:06
drew212_but ssh myname@myhomeserver works16:06
madjoeundecim: sweet! if you find out anything, drop me a message :) even if this workaround seems to be bulletproof already16:06
dlidrew212_, that means ping gets the IP correctly16:06
chandandli,i do not understand what you have written.16:06
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hwildehow can I make apt-get download stuff that I already have installed?  I want to use --download-only and then copy to another computer that doesn't have internet.  but --download-only only gets stuff that is new16:06
drew212_dli: ok16:07
dlidrew212_, what about: ssh -v user@myhomeserver16:07
blackshellonce i install lamp-server "sudo tasksel lamp-server",how do i start it?16:07
drew212_dli: that works, but what i want to do is ssh homecomputer16:07
drew212_rather than type ssh user@myhomeserver16:07
goltoof_blackshell:  apache, php, mysql should already be running16:07
goltoof_blackshell: after installing lamp16:08
sresuAgregator or any feed reader uses feeds to load the webpage of the feed. Same goes for bookmarks, but webpage link may change and I may not load what I need. Is there a way by which I can save webpages just by bookmarking it in browser?16:08
drew212_dli: i'm super lazy =)16:08
undecimtoader: Maybe this is what you want. Type "grep Page /proc/meminfo"16:08
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions16:08
blackshellgoltoof_:so what  is the location of www of the localhost,as in wamp it was wamp/www16:09
BluesKajdrew212_, open /etc/hosts.allow , type portmap below the last line , then list tghe IPs on your lan like this  ALL:192.168.x.x . Some say the list can work ALL: as an example of a series of included IPs ,but I prefer to list the exact IPs16:09
umashanthiWhat is the most supportive Huawei Dongle to be used in Ubunutu? Any thoughts?16:09
uLinuxwhat's the best way to disable pulseaudio16:09
goltoof_blackshell:  /var/www   usually16:09
xckpd7question: using ubuntu 10.10 (or whatever it's called) and playing .mov files, and there is some weird title overlay on the actual movie: how to get rid of this? (it doesn't happen when viewing the file in other operating systems)16:09
undecimuLinux: you can use pasuspender if you have a single app that doesn't work with pulse16:10
undecimuLinux: Otherwise, you could just uninstall it?16:10
goltoof_blackshell:  you can reconfigure apache to host a different directory, ie  ~/localhost16:10
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dliuLinux, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio16:10
uLinuxundecim: ok but then i get sound to work?16:10
xckpd7nvm: right clicked on movie and turned subtitles off16:11
Grey_LokiHi, I want to re-set my grub(2, I think) install after it somehow zonked and forgot that I have an XP installation on this machine. I have Ubuntu 10.4 installed through Wubi, and an XPSP3 install on this laptop. The XPSP3 install is on the first partition of two on this single disk, and the Ubuntu install is in a 10GB file in the second partition. What tools/steps do I need to be looking at to reconfigure grub now that it seem16:11
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drew212_BluesKaj: do i do this on the computer im SSHing to or from?16:12
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gizmobayI ran memtest and it failed. Now it passes even though I didn't touch a thing. How can this be?16:12
v_vhello, any util to get the sha1 value of a file ?16:12
undecimv_v: in a terminal, type "sha1sum /path/to/file"16:13
undecimgizmobay: RAM that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't, obviously16:14
Grey_LokiAdditionally to the above, i've just tried running grub-mkconfig (which from what i'm reading is now the default way of getting grub2 to recognise installed OSes), and it recognised several Ubuntu installs (i.e, the past two kernels and their recovery modes), and one other install which it calls Ubuntu, but which has completely different settings and information compared to the other four.16:15
antonio_mazzarrisome expert on ubiquity ? need to remove it from my live-usb distro...16:15
antonio_mazzarrithanks in advance16:16
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Just remove the ubiquity package16:16
delacis there any way to monitor users desktop session over e.g. ssh?16:17
alan__Okay i've installed conky, so far, made the file for it, now what do i do?16:17
gizmobayhmm thanks undecim the RAM is brand new.16:17
antonio_mazzarriundecim: done, no luck. when i reboot the key, ubuntu reinstall ubiquity... dunno why!16:17
undecimantonio_mazzarri: How did you remove it?16:18
undecimantonio_mazzarri: If you remove it from the live system, it won't save changes, because the live system stores changes in RAM, which is wiped on reboot16:18
v_vundecim: hey , thank you .16:18
antonio_mazzarriundecim: with apt-get... i made a mistake? apt-get remove ubiquity and all the ubiquity's packages16:18
antonio_mazzarriundecim: ah .. correct, thats what i'm doing... is there any other way to remove it, please?16:19
antonio_mazzarriundecim: err... not "any other way", but the correct way to remove it :D16:19
nertilis it possible logmein on ubuntu ?16:19
MAD-PPAShi there i need to now how to Synaptics TouchPad ubuntu 10.1016:19
MAD-PPAShow to install that and us :)16:20
undecimantonio_mazzarri: You need to extract the squashfs that's on the CD/Thumb drive that you're using, chroot into the extracted directory, and THEN apt-get --purge remove it.16:20
MAD-PPAS" Synaptics TouchPad "16:20
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Or, I recommend using aptitude to find and remove/add packages.16:20
nertilis it possible logmein on ubuntu ?16:20
nertilis it possible logmein on ubuntu ?16:20
undecimnertil: not AFAIK16:21
nertilwhat is afaik16:21
undecimnertil: as far as i know16:21
researcher1is it easy to make Xp the default system in a dual boot where Ubuntu is already the default OS16:21
antonio_mazzarriundecim: ok, thanks.. i'll use aptitude (not apt-get). undecim excuse me for the stupid question (i'm not an advanced user), 1) mount -o loop filesystem.squashfs /somedir .. 2) chroot . 3) remove16:21
_vaibhav_in system monitor How I can monitor stats of different lan connection?16:22
jsjcI have an ubuntu that I just realized (due to slow internet connection) that there is something wrong going on... al my NIC are dropping packets by the million/sec16:22
undecimantonio_mazzarri: You can't mount squashfs read-write. You have to extract it, do your modifications, then rebuild it.16:22
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Say, would this be a thumb drive or a CD?16:22
antonio_mazzarriargh.. :)16:22
BluesKajdrew212_, both , if they're linux16:22
delacany way to record another users desktop session as video over ssh?16:22
antonio_mazzarriundecim: usb !16:22
undecimantonio_mazzarri: How large of a drive? and are you planning on using it to store stuff other than Ubuntu?16:23
antonio_mazzarriundecim: my usb disk is 64Gb... i'll store on it ONLY ubuntu (customized)16:23
MRS23FFis there somebody who can help me with a problem related to suspend / resume on ubuntu and a power problem16:23
antonio_mazzarriwith some of my software16:23
antonio_mazzarribut only ubunt16:24
genieHello all, I am trying to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 but I am getting an error say : Authentication failed16:24
genieAuthenticating the upgrade failed. There may be a problem with the network or with the server.16:24
genieany suggestion?16:24
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Well, you have a few options then... You could just use another thumb drive or a CD to install Ubuntu to that thumb drive. Or, you can make a custom live usb without squashfs if you want to clear changes every time it boots16:24
MRS23FFupgrade with an cd16:24
lou1234anyone know how to remove a bad package?16:25
ActionParsniplou1234: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename16:25
lou1234I tried install the big-si themes and apparently the eco them is broke16:25
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jriblou1234: define "bad package"16:25
lou1234it was a package of themes and the last theme apparently is missing some lines in the file16:25
lou1234i tried to manually install the .deb packages16:26
undecimantonio_mazzarri: There are benefits to both. The installation being easier and upgradeable, though a live system tends to be more stable when used across multiple computers16:26
lou1234but everything seems to eb a bit broke16:26
LicuadoraI'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!!!16:26
lou1234when i try to remove the package via synaptic it tells me that i need to install them first to uninstall them16:26
lou1234and then im stuck in a bitter loop16:26
sectorbdo you chaps know if there is a way to view tcpdump http traffic on the fly?16:27
umashanthiAnyone using Huawei E160 dongle in Ubunutu ?16:27
cfairlessectorb, wireshark16:27
DaZhello, during the instalation i've moved the installer window to another workspace, is there any way i can switch workspace or recover that window somehow?16:27
antonio_mazzarriundecim: thanks, but i want my usb have some kind of persistance (data must be stored there).. and yes, i need an usb key can run on all the pc's i've around, or well.. if i'm travelling on the pc i found around16:27
sectorbcfairles: thanks, what if its on a remote machine?16:27
jriblou1234: stop using enter to break up your thoughts and pastebin what is actually going on in the terminal16:27
LicuadoraCan somebody tell me what does this means?16:27
rusty149DaZ: Ctrl + Alt + Right16:27
Licuadoraosmodivs@djiin:~$ pulseaudio16:27
LicuadoraE: pid.c: Daemon already running.16:27
LicuadoraE: main.c: Ha fallado pa_pid_file_create().16:27
FloodBot3Licuadora: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:27
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Okay, want to setup a custom live USB with a persitance partition then?16:27
DaZrusty149: tq16:27
BluesKajdrew212_, this is what my /etc/hosts allow looks like on all 3 linuxboxes (there are 5 pcs) 1 windows and 1 mac,   http://pastebin.com/ak0z7DC116:28
lou1234Traceback (most recent call last):16:28
lou1234  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 768, in simulate16:28
lou1234    return self._simulate_helper(trans, status_path)16:28
lou1234  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/aptdaemon/worker.py", line 936, in _simulate_helper16:28
lou1234    return depends, status, self._cache.required_download, \16:28
FloodBot3lou1234: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:28
lou1234  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/apt/cache.py", line 218, in required_download16:28
Benkinoobyi installed lubuntu-desktop.how can i get rid of all the lxde stuuf now? the lubuntu-desktop packages seems to be a package-collection that can be installed but not removed.16:28
researcher1how can I identify myself as my  nick is registered on freenode16:28
Wavesonics|workthis is the worst ubuntu upgrade ive had in YEARS16:28
jribresearcher1: #freenode can help you with that16:28
antonio_mazzarriundecim: yes, sure.. that's what i've done! i made an usb stick + persistance.. but the problem is still the same, sometime ubiquity ask me to install or try ubuntu16:29
rusty149Benkinooby: sudo apt-get purge lubuntu-desktop && sudo apt-get autoremove16:29
sipiorWavesonics|work: nice way to begin a conversation.16:29
cfairlessectorb, don't use -w ? filter for http protocol ? tcpdump -Xvv | less -n ?16:29
antonio_mazzarriundecim: and i've my stuffs on it!16:29
Benkinoobyresearcher1, this seems to be the wrong channel. try #freenode. but to answer your question: /msg NickServ identify <password>16:29
lou1234jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513193/16:29
obengdakoWavesonics|work: why do you say so/16:29
jriblou1234: I need full output and your input16:29
Benkinoobyrusty149, thank you16:29
antonio_mazzarriundecim: my ubuntu + persistance works great... but this ugly ubiquity... argh!16:29
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Well, you could also just modify the syslinux config to always go to desktop instead of asking to install16:29
antonio_mazzarriundecim: ok, how ?! :D16:30
antonio_mazzarriundecim: if i can do that, its ok for me16:30
acer_Was trying to repair grub from a 10.10 upgrade but the repair system doesn't recognize the /sra1 or /sra2 partitions as a a valid one or does't find grup files, is it possible?16:30
cfairlessectorb, tcpdump -Xvv tcp | less -n or something16:30
undecimantonio_mazzarri: I believe it's the "text.cfg" file in the syslinux folder16:30
obengdakoWavesonics|work: adam why do you say this is the worst upgrade?16:30
antonio_mazzarriundecim: yes, and i dont have the "ubiquity" on my startup line16:30
antonio_mazzarriundecim: that's why i'm becaming crazy :)16:31
linkitanyone can help me with desktop remote connection?16:31
Wavesonics|worknice way for the merekat to start our relationship!! First it hoses my GRUB so i have to manually set it up again from grub command line, that was fun, then there is some strange unresolvable problem w\ gnome themes and restricted video drivers ( http://goo.gl/95aT ) now, i'm not getting plug events for my ethernet or something b/c if i swap out my network cable, it never detects it untill i restart16:31
undecimantonio_mazzarri: On second, let me see if i have an ubuntu iso on this comp16:31
antonio_mazzarriundecim: i removed all the line, except "live ubuntu blablabbla" ... and on this line i *dont* have ubiquity16:31
antonio_mazzarriundecim: thanks16:31
lou1234jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513194/16:31
linkitsono italiano16:31
linkitaiuto con il desktop remoto16:31
researcher1 /help16:31
jriblinkit: how come this doesn't include the output you pastebinned before?16:32
AbhiJit!it | linkit16:32
ubottulinkit: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:32
undecimantonio_mazzarri: What ubuntu version16:32
jriblou1234: how come this doesn't include the output you pastebinned before?16:32
antonio_mazzarriundecim: the last 2, 10.04 and 10.1016:32
Wavesonics|workand swapping my network cable often is a pretty essential part of my job!16:32
antonio_mazzarriundecim: same proble16:32
researcher1 / help16:32
lou1234before i was doing it via double clicking on the icon in my gui16:32
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lou1234thie second one was done via the command line (sorry i am a bit of a beginner)16:32
acer_Wavesonics|work, how did you fix grub from command line?16:32
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Okay, can you pastebin your text.cfg then?16:33
acer_Wavesonics|work, I think I have same issue here.16:33
antonio_mazzarriundecim: sure!16:33
Benkinoobyrusty149, using autoremove will remove 0 packages :/16:33
Wavesonics|worknot to mention some of the stupid (but usefull) hardware keys on my KB have stopped working16:33
undecimantonio_mazzarri: I don't have a recent ubuntu iso handy XD16:33
eskofdhow to determine whether I have open source graphics driver and which version of that? upgraded from 10.04->10.10 with ATI Radeon and now I'm getting terrible screen flickering16:33
antonio_mazzarriundecim: dont worry, thanks for your support... wait just 1 min16:33
Wavesonics|workacer_,  h/o i founda  blog elt me link u16:33
acer_man, this is a disaster!!!16:34
antonio_mazzarriundecim: i've just "  append noprompt cdrom-detect/try-usb=true persistent file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper initrd=/casper/initrd.lz quiet splash -- "16:34
Wavesonics|workacer_, is it a wubi install?16:34
mikedep333hey guys, my Lucid GNOME Ubuntu system is stuck during the (graphical) upgrade to 10.10. It's stuck in the middle of configuring grub-common. How do I report an upgrade bug like this? I report bugs on apps all the time, but what package should I report it on (with apport-bug). Is there a special way to report upgrade bugs?16:34
sectorb_nice_ thanks cfairles16:34
acer_Wavesonics|work, 10.10 upgrade16:34
antonio_mazzarriundecim: and other 2 lines with the name of the system, like label live, kernel blablabla16:34
Wavesonics|workacer_,  upgrade of a Wubi install though? Or is it on a physical partition?16:35
lou1234jrib: would you like me to try anything else?16:35
jriblou1234: what do you want to do now?  Just remove it?16:35
lou1234jrib: that would be wonderful!16:35
jriblou1234: what happens when you try? (dpkg -r)16:36
undecimantonio_mazzarri: So you only have 3 lines?16:36
jim__hi, would anyne be able to help me with a dual boot issue?16:37
antonio_mazzarriundecim: 5 lines, the first one is "default live", label live, menu label ^Run ubuntu from this usb, kernel, and append16:37
mikedep333anyone, how to report a graphical lucid to maverick upgrade bug?16:37
antonio_mazzarrino more.. undecim ! i deleted all16:37
lou1234jrib: pm?16:37
antonio_mazzarriundecim: there was a label called live-install, in this way "  append cdrom-detect/try-usb=true file=/cdrom/preseed/ubuntu.seed boot=casper only-ubiquity initrd=/casper/initrd.lz splash -- ", i removed it :) here, as u can see, append calls ubiquity!16:38
jriblou1234: better here16:38
marcoscan someone give me a rough estimate of how long it'll take to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10. I'd like to know if i can do it while I'm at lunch16:38
lou1234so when i try to remove the whole theme16:38
galusrHi, Can anyone help with these errors from dmesg -16:38
erUSULmarcos: depends on the network spped16:38
gpetrakishello the hibernation option is not available in the power menu16:38
ViN86marcos, how longs your lunch lol16:39
rusty149Benkinooby: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513212/16:39
memo_nvidia kernel module can't be loaded after maverick update. can anyone help, pleeease.16:39
lou1234err sorry when i try to remove the whole theme with 'sudo dpkg - r eco theme' i get dpkg: warning ignoring request to remove eco-theme which isnt installed16:39
tensorpuddingmarcos: for me, it was about 1GB to download, and some pretty decent time to install, then apply, then reboot16:39
Bogus8When I use mdadm to look at --details of my md device it doesn't list one of the device id's... it just shows "state" "Active sync" no /dev/sdb1   The raid works fine, but this never shows up.16:39
marcoslol I have about an hour or so16:39
blackxored hello guys, I'm seeking for a good solution for a desktop cloud installation on a low-bandwidth connection (meaning 15kb/s download or so) for testing, my eyes are rolling around eyeOS and FreeNX, I'm seeking for some advice, besides the one that I shouldn't be doing it on that connection ;)16:39
tensorpuddingmarcos: though it depends on how much you've installed16:39
galusr_Got disconnected there. Can any1 help with these dmesg errors http://pastebin.com/QuJsn0mN16:39
adminewbhaving trouble with skype here, and #skype channel is dead; against policy to get support here for Linux beta 2.1?16:39
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:39
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Wait, did you make this thumb drive with Unetbootin or Ubuntu's live usb creator?16:40
gpetrakishello the hibernation option is not available in the power menu16:40
undecimgpetrakis: Did you configure your partitions manually?16:40
rusty149Benkinooby: that link is for maverick btw16:40
antonio_mazzarriundecim: unetbootin ...16:40
acer_Wavesonics|work, it is a physical partition. Have wiin 7 + Ubu 10.10 on sabe hdd.16:40
undecimgpetrakis: Can you check to see what size your swap partition is?16:41
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Haha! The text.cfg is meaningless then.16:41
meteis swap on ssd good? `^^16:41
Benkinoobyrusty149, seems to be the list i get when i check the dependencies in aptitude. was just wondering if i have to pick all the packages manually.16:41
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Look at the syslinux.cfg on the root of the drive16:41
antonio_mazzarriundecim: LOL!!!! really?! :)16:41
gpetrakisundecim: i dont need swap i have 4gb ram16:41
undecimgpetrakis: Swap is required for hibernation16:42
rusty149Benkinooby: no just paste that line into terminal16:42
mete4gb, haha xD16:42
undecimgpetrakis: That's where the memory is dumped16:42
lou1234jrib: would you prefer that output in a paste?16:42
gpetrakisundecim: how do i create one?16:42
finalbloggerhi 2 all16:42
jriblou1234: sure16:42
adminewbok, this is only indirectly sort-of a skype question: how can I tell if my USB audio headset has a driver, after a hotplug seems to have no effect?16:43
Wavesonics|workacer_, hhmmm my problem had specifically to do w\ Wubi, its a known bug that it hoses that wubi grub install16:43
boris__ /j #uuntu-fr16:43
galusr_Anyone able to diagnose some dmesg errors I'm getting. causing problems in shutting down my server.16:43
Wavesonics|workacer_, i'm having trouble finding the blog post that fixed i for me16:43
Grey_LokiI installed Ubuntu 10.4 using Wubi on my laptop. It has two partitions on one disk, the first partition contains my windows installation, the second partition contains the Wubi/Ubuntu install. After installing Ubuntu through Wubi, I now cannot access my Windows installation. It doesn't appear in the grub menu, and running configure-grub/configure-grub2 just recognises my Ubuntu installation (two kernel versions and their recov16:43
boris__ /j #ubuntu-fr16:43
undecimgpetrakis: You will need to use GParted with a live CD, then setup the line in fstab and reconfigure uswsusp16:43
erUSULgalusr_: paste16:43
Wavesonics|workacer_, there were like 3 commands, linux ..., initrd ...., boot16:43
Wavesonics|workacer_, that u enter at the grub command line16:43
galusr_erUSUL: http://pastebin.com/QuJsn0mN Thanks16:44
Wavesonics|workacer_, then u need to regenerate the grub data once ur booted in16:44
acer_Wavesonics|work, not sure, but I think I still able to boot from command line here.16:44
earthmeLonIs anybody familiar with MIME-TYPES?  http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=997166516:44
Benwawt* 0_o bash: killall: command not found16:44
gpetrakisundecim: how do i setup the line in fstab and fixing the uswsusp?16:44
erUSULgalusr_: not enough. complete dmesg ???  a lot of apps segfaulting mixed with the actual oops message.16:44
jribBenwa: how about /usr/bin/killall ?16:45
acer_Wavesonics|work, how did you find it at first time?16:45
undecimgpetrakis: My fstab swap line looks like this: UUID=a54dda5e-c297-4db3-a49e-f1af66685cd3 none            swap    sw              0       016:45
acer_try to search it on your mind...16:45
Benwajrib→ nothing16:45
erUSULBenwa: pkill16:45
jribBenwa: what does "nothing" mean?  No error?16:45
lou1234jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513217/16:45
gpetrakisundecim: where do i find this?16:45
Wavesonics|workacer_, just searching around for my problem, found a mailing list or bug ro something, and in the comments someone linked to their blog where they detailed the fix16:45
undecimgpetrakis: You need to put a line it /etc/fstab that looks just like that, but with your own swap's UUID, which you can get by typing "blkid" in a terminal16:45
alex88hi, why the intel 4965 has only g standard and not n on ubunut?16:45
Benwajrib→ it does not exist16:46
alex88*ubuntu? i'm using 10.1016:46
jribBenwa: are you using ubuntu?16:46
erUSUL!notes | alex88 known problem16:46
ubottualex88 known problem: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101016:46
acer_Wavesonics|work, do you have active history on your browser?16:46
galusr_erUSUL: Ok heres the full output, thanks. http://pastebin.com/NQu4nx1C16:46
undecimalex88: Remove the file in /etc/modprobe.d/ that has "disablen" in the filename16:46
Benwajrib→ arf sorry, debien ...16:46
researcher1How can I make Xp  the default OS in a dual boot with Ubuntu16:46
robinsmidsrodI have created some upstart files in /etc/init/service_name.conf, but it doesn't start on bootup - starting it with service service_name start works16:46
=== KM0201_ is now known as KM0201
Wavesonics|workno i was searching on a different computer :(16:46
memo_nvidia kernel module can't be loaded after maverick update. can anyone help, pleeease?16:46
Wavesonics|workacer_,  no i was searching on a different computer :(16:46
Benwajrib→ i check on #debien16:46
eskofdHello, i'm usin ATI Technologies Inc RS482 [Radeon Xpress 200M] and Ubuntu 10.10. Screen is flickering, didn't do that with ubuntu 10.04. Haven't changed any settings and using open source drivers. Any suggestions what to do?16:47
acer_Wavesonics|work, and where is this computer now?16:47
jribBenwa: k, in ubuntu it's in the psmisc package16:47
robinsmidsrodactually, it seems like I must do an initctl reload-configuration before service service_name start works - how come?16:47
undecimalex88: Then you can disconnect from wireless, and run "sudo rmmod iwlagn; sudo modprobe iwlagn"16:47
alex88undecim: i had atheror 5008 and it has n working..btw i'll try that thank you..16:47
Wavesonics|work10.10 has screwed up my Ethernet port, so if I unplug my cable and replug it, it doesnt detect it and start up,  again, any ideas?16:47
acer_Wavesonics|work, man, this computer may worst a fortune!!!16:47
robinsmidsrod(running 10.04 LTS)16:47
Benwajrib→ thanks :)16:47
erUSULgalusr_: how mauch memory does this machine has? swap?16:47
Wavesonics|workacer_, not accessible at this time :/16:47
Threepwood5I'm using mplayer in my Python script, But it comes back with loads of unwanted text when playing a file, Is there a Quite switch? ( I couldn't find it )16:47
jriblou1234: one way to remove it would be to do "dpkg --purge --force-remove-reinstreq packagename", otherwise you need to figure out why the package is not installing correctly and sort that out16:47
alex88undecim: oh..only iwlang..thank you...now trying..16:48
gpetrakisundecim: i have a UUID line there16:48
undecimThreepwood5: Put "> /dev/null" at the end of the command16:48
acer_Wavesonics|work, so you think we should stop talking?16:48
antonio_mazzarriundecim: ah ok.. he'll search "txt.cfg" but i've the same 5 lines on it :) ahah... i'm becaming crazy, trust me! :D16:48
antonio_mazzarriundecim: as stupid i made cp -ar text.cfg on txt.cfg :D16:48
undecimgpetrakis: You will have UUIDs for other partitions as well. If you already have one that says swap, then you're fine.16:48
* eeffoc waves at everyone.16:48
antonio_mazzarriundecim: i'm trying ALL! :)16:48
finalbloggeri cant configure my yahoo account in chat?16:48
acer_Wavesonics|work, can you see a light in the end of the tunnel for me? or for my grub?16:48
finalbloggerany help16:48
* erUSUL waves back16:49
Wavesonics|workacer_, srry im @ work, cant spend any more time, but if u are at a grub command line when u boot, then u CAN recover it, thats for sure16:49
undecimgpetrakis: You should have a swap partition by default if you let Ubuntu manage the partition setup16:49
Threepwood5undecim: Forgot I could do that, Thanks16:49
galusr_erUSUL: I'm not sure how to check. Seems sufficient while running apps in GNOME and remotely via FreeNX though.16:49
gpetrakisundecim: i have only one for the /dev/sdb116:49
alan__How do i uninstall ubuntu games?16:49
undecimgpetrakis: So nothing with "swap" in it?16:50
Wavesonics|workacer_, like i said there are those 3 commands "linux" "initrd" and "boot" which will allow u to boot ur install, research them to find their arguments, and GRUB2 supports tab complete so u can get ur kernel image names easily16:50
alan__Though i want to keep python and all its using..16:50
gpetrakisundecim: no16:50
Wavesonics|workacer_, once ur in the install u need to run the grub update program to reinit grub16:50
erUSULgalusr_: free -m; all those error come from oom killer killing apps becouse you run out of memory. so either there is a memory leak somewhere or you are overloading the mchine16:50
acer_Wavesonics|work, I believe in you, but I need a recipe.16:50
undecimgpetrakis: You will need to make one on a livecd with GParted then.16:50
acer_Wavesonics|work, thats to vage for me. I need something very clear step by step.16:51
=== somebody_ is now known as anthronaut
acer_They shouldn't have released this upgrade. This is a disgrace!16:51
gpetrakisundecim: how big to do the swap partition16:52
Wavesonics|workacer_, ya im pretty frustrated w\ it as well :(16:52
alex88undecim: worked..it says abgn on iwconfig..but 65mb/s..but i'll try if it works fine...thank you16:52
sipioracer_: maybe you can get your money back.16:52
undecimgpetrakis: If you want to hibernate, make it the size of your ram.16:52
jakov1Hi. does anyone owns asus netbook? I'd like to install a ubuntu on it (from pendrive), but I don't know how can I reboot the asus express gate... anyone?16:52
Wavesonics|workacer_, ur in luck16:52
Wavesonics|workacer_, i found some paper i had written the commands on16:52
acer_sipior, if I had put money on it I would have at least my right to sue this company.16:52
undecimalex88: I think 65mb/s is wireless N at top speed16:52
gpetrakisundecim: as big as the RAM size?16:52
undecimgpetrakis: Yup16:53
acer_Wavesonics|work, great.16:53
Wavesonics|workacer_, are you at the GRUB command line?16:53
alex88undecim: mbit..it would be 300 teorically..16:53
undecimalex88: Oh, nvm, I just googled it, lol16:53
acer_No, I need to reset the machine to try access it and see.16:53
undecimalex88: Or maybe there is confusion of bits vs bytes here...16:53
=== denis_ is now known as spaniard
Wavesonics|workacer_, so ur on the same machine?16:54
alex88undecim: np..because on win router says connected at 300 and now 130...but i'll test better :) thanks for the time16:54
Wavesonics|workacer_, thats gonna b a pain...16:54
acer_Wavesonics|work, yes16:54
Grey_LokiHow can I find a list of what's on my various hard drives and partitions?16:54
Grey_LokiI have a windows install somewhere, but i'm not sure what Ubuntu is calling it16:54
Grey_Lokii.e, dev/sdax, with x being the partition number16:54
acer_Wavesonics|work, I can try log on a different machine and test it. but I cannot loose windows man!16:54
anodesniHi, I'm trying to get my tv card working. Its a Pinnacle PCTV 73e SE, the driver is loaded correctly according to dmesg output. When I 'scan' with the initial channel file for my country I only get messages about "(tuning failed)". What's wrong?16:55
PennStateJoe74can anyone offer me some assistance creating a lirc.config file to turn on/or my television set using a serial ir blaster and known discrete codes16:55
gpetrakisGrey_Loki: with gparted from USC16:55
galusr_erUSUL: After running free -m it says I've have total 488, used 473 and free is 14. Is this MB? That would be half a GB of ram? Swap values for total, used and free are all at zero. It's only when I shut the machine down that I get all these errors though. Is it strange that it would only max out the memory at this stage?16:55
PennStateJoe74i mean on/off16:55
rusty149Grey_Loki: blkid16:55
undecimantonio_mazzarri: I have to leave for ~30 minutes, but I'll be back if you still need help16:55
jefelexwindows is crap16:56
antonio_mazzarriundecim: thanks.. dont worry! i'm googling hope to find something ...16:56
DrHalanhey, how do i enable gallium3d when using nouveau?16:56
kennyGWavesonics|work, hey, that's me. I will leave the other machine and try with you a step by step recipe. Ok?16:56
alex88undecim: about ~4mbyte/S...seems nice..thank you :)16:56
antonio_mazzarribecuase is really strange i cannot make an usb stick without ubiquity! :(16:56
antonio_mazzarrilater undecim16:56
PennStateJoe74lirc anyone16:56
undecimantonio_mazzarri: You should just be able to copy the "live" option from text.cfg into syslinux.cfg16:56
Wavesonics|workkennyG, sure16:57
jefelexI'm liking 10.04 - just upgraded from 9.10 - it is better16:57
erUSULgalusr_: yes half gig of ram. well dunno; the oom killer messages are there though. there are no other errors that i can see.16:57
undecimantonio_mazzarri: Anyways, time for me to go. bbl16:57
Wavesonics|workkennyG, ok so are u at the GRUB cmd line?16:57
cdubyaLooking for suggestions on a simple web interface for backup on server 10.04. I have a network drive I'm wanting to copy from to an attached external drive, but want to automate it.16:57
rjharvjefelex: why not go to 10.1016:57
kennyGWavesonics|work, yes, I am acer and someone here at office is KeenyG :P16:57
kennyGWavesonics|work, hold a sec. I will have to restart it.16:57
jefelexI want to try out 10.04 for a while - see if it needs to be upgraded16:58
kennyGWavesonics|work, GRUB command line is Linux command line, right?16:58
Wavesonics|workkennyG, no16:58
Wavesonics|workkennyG, GRUB is before u even boot linux16:58
Wavesonics|workkennyG, its wher eu select what OS to boot16:58
jefelexrjhan:  has the floppy drive bug been ironed out of 10.10?16:58
dschuettanyone ever have a problem with ubuntu noticing when your isp changes your ipaddress...?16:58
Wavesonics|workkennyG, if there are no entries for OSs to boot, then u get a command line16:58
kennyGWavesonics|work, I am on GRUB startup window.16:59
kennyGWavesonics|work, I have two different options : Win and Ubuntu. If I choose Win it boots from Windows 7 and it's working.17:00
jefelexgotta go - ttyl17:00
DSNwell, ive ditched BT on HDD, commign back to ubuntu :D17:02
=== frostburn is now known as archlich
archlichHas anyone seen x86_64 firefox with no plugins enabled not correctly handle requests to msdn?  e.g. going to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394597%28v=VS.85%29.aspx causes a  Unable to Service Request page to appear.  The site renders fine in chromium and my coworkers pc using the same version of firefox17:03
lou1234jrib: that helped out a ton.. thank you very much!!17:03
=== matthew is now known as Guest93163
xckpd7what are some of the more popular things to do to Ubuntu once you've installed?17:05
SaRyxckpd7, sync your files ..17:06
DSNinstall msf + set and root your mum's pc17:06
DSNinstall aircrack and crack you neighbours wep17:06
Failicanhell yah17:06
DSNinstall ettercap and ssl strip and arp poison yoru boss's email password17:06
galusr_erUSUL: Ok and does dmesg include both startup and shutdown error messages? I wonder how I could analyse my ram to kill unnecessary apps that use alot of memory.17:07
anodesniHi, I'm trying to get my tv card working. Its a Pinnacle PCTV 73e SE, the driver is loaded correctly according to dmesg output. When I 'scan' with the initial channel file for my country I only get messages about "(tuning failed)". What's wrong? I got it working before17:07
erUSULgalusr_: use top; order by memory use hitting "M"17:07
mycroftmkivanodesni: You may need to load the firmware. see http://www.linuxtv.org/wiki/index.php/Pinnacle_PCTV_nano_Stick_(73e)#Firmware_Installation17:10
anodesnimycroftmkiv, dmesg reports : dvb-usb: downloading firmware from file 'dvb-usb-dib0700-1.20.fw'  dib0700: firmware started successfully17:10
Wavesonics|work10.10 is a travesty17:10
mycroftmkivSee that page for more troubleshooting info.17:11
mick_laptopanyone know who manages planet.ubuntu.com ?17:11
mick_laptophttp://planet.ubuntu.com/rss20.xml returns no feeds17:11
martin_l336hello room17:12
martin_l336:) any technician here?17:12
aeon-ltd!ask | martin_l33617:12
ubottumartin_l336: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:12
martin_l336Ok mod sorry ^^17:13
sebsebsebmartin_l336: heh  aeon-ltd isn't a mod/op17:14
galusr_erUSUL: I think swap should solve that problem anyway. It seems to be when trying to startup some firefox thing that the problem is happening. Running top I can see firefox is fairly intensive. I think the shutdown info isn't included in dmesg though. Firefox would not be running at shutdown - the problem is near the end of the shutdown process aswell I think.17:14
martin_l336i'm wondering why my SIS graphic can't be identify in ubuntu 10.4? I already try to do almost all modification from ubuntuforum source and also other blogs but only return me with flickering screen or xconf fail. Now i'm using vesa driver running @1028x768.. my native resolution is 1366x768. I just wondering if i can push vesa driver confiugration to display17:15
martin_l336sebsebseb: lol because it red :P17:15
firewalker22ahoy hoy, does anybody in here know how to make the keyring start automatically on boot so it does not interfere with remote desktop login?17:15
sebsebsebmartin_l336: the highlight?17:15
sebsebsebmartin_l336: if a nick is used on IRC,  most clients high light17:16
Quantum_Ionkeyring is annoying17:16
firewalker22yes it is!17:16
sebsebsebmartin_l336: anyway I have bad news for you, SIS  doesn't exaclty work nicely with Ubuntu if at all relay17:16
martin_l336sebsebseb: yeah i know that already.... that's why i'm just curious about reconfigure my vesa to work with my native res17:16
Quantum_Ionfirewalker22, the way to get rid of keyring is edit your start up menu and disable gnome keyring17:17
sebsebsebmartin_l336: you probably won't get very far trying to get it to work17:17
firewalker22thxs quantum, will give that a try17:17
martin_l336sebsebseb: any advice for other version of gnome based that "maybe" have a little bit support to run my display17:17
martin_l336sebsebseb: i just need a 2d acc with native res only that17:18
aswhello,i need a sip voip client,any suggestions?thanks17:18
sebsebsebmartin_l336: Gnome isn't responsible for your graphics card,  thats xorg, but also the Linux distro your using17:18
sebsebsebmartin_l336: well the distros to an extent17:18
sebsebsebmartin_l336: and yes hardware may work much better on another distro, but I think SIS will be a problem for like all of them17:19
CaesiHello - could anyone help me with creating a Ubuntu Netbook 10.10 USB Startup?17:19
sebsebseb!usb | Caesi17:19
ubottuCaesi: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:19
Caesithanks sebsebseb17:19
martin_l336sebsebseb: yup know it already... that's why i need an advice.. some people reffering to use PClinuxos and mandriva that's running well17:19
sebsebsebCaesi: ok your welcome :)17:19
sebsebsebmartin_l336: oh right interesting17:20
Sven12345hello how do i make my videos on my computer run more smothly and work better, basically what programs do i download to make videos run more smothly17:20
sebsebsebmartin_l336: yeah PC Linux OS may even be the Desktop LInux distro that has the best hardware support at the moment17:20
step21Sven12345, get a faster computer or run less programs17:20
KM0201sebsebseb: really? i totally disagree.. I've got plenty of hardware that won't work w/ PCLOS, but works out of the box w/ Ubuntu17:20
Matthew_I don't know if this is the appropriate room, however can someone help me with ACPI settings?17:21
Sven12345step21 haha i know the videos can run more smothly since i also have windows on this very same computer so i want to know which programs can make the videos run equally as smothly as in windows17:21
sebsebsebmartin_l336: also technically its very good, but going into some more details about that here would be off topic.   Mandriva can be good, but kind of pointless doing that one now,  because  a fork for it is on the verge of being made :)17:21
step21Sven12345, are they flash videos?17:21
sebsebsebKM0201: well depends on the hardware and how the distro does support17:21
Sven12345step21 no mkv videos17:22
sebsebsebKM0201: quite a lot of hardware that doesn't just work in Ubuntu like wireless and such for example, is likely to just work or be really easy  to have working in other distros such as that one, but right we are getting off topic now17:22
KM0201Sven12345: i think vlc will play them.17:22
martin_l336sebsebseb: so based on ur opinion that pclinux is the one who have the best hardware support for now?17:22
sebsebsebmartin_l336: to be honest I don't use that distro, b ut have had in vm, and know someone online, who knows a lot about it, and even does packaging for them17:22
Sven12345kmo201 yes vlc will play them but i want a smother playing with less grainy picture and less hacking just as it works in windows17:22
step21Sven12345, then still the same applies, prob. windows has access to hardware decoding and linux doesn't, if you run the proper drivers already there is no program to fix that17:23
sebsebsebmartin_l336: if you try another distro, you may find that your hardware works better17:23
worthapphello i am looking for a SIP VoIP client,any suggestions?thanks17:23
KM0201martin_l336: what problem are you having?17:23
Sven12345step21 how do i check if i have the most update drivers and how do i update them and how do check which decoders are running17:23
KM0201worthapp: you mena other than skype?17:24
sebsebsebmartin_l336: Ubuntu isn't like a magic gloove/shoe that fits all users and all computers, if you get what I mean17:24
rajmahendraany one help me... when ever i open software center it says 26 packages are broken  i try to use sudo apt-get -f install its not working17:24
KM0201sebsebseb: for that matter, no linux distro is17:24
worthappKM0201, yes,i need a *SIP* client,not a peer2peer voip client17:25
martin_l336sebsebseb: yeah i know that.... just try to maximal my display resolution and 2d acc17:25
sebsebsebmartin_l336: if you watn to talk about other distros a bit,  pm  would be a better place, since we are going off topic17:25
KM0201worthapp: ekiga  it's in the repositories17:25
aeon-ltdrajmahendra: try 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'17:25
KM0201worthapp: there's a few others, but that one comes right off the top of my head17:25
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dzanhi, someone knows a guide on how to best partition your hdd for a ubuntu server install? because if you do it automatic it all becomes one big partition.. not very good17:26
Mortalscanhi everyone.... i need to setup a proxy on a Ubuntu VPS .. i was thinking squid .. maybe some one knows of a great doc to do this?17:26
worthappKM0201, i cant find how to configure it17:26
marcel_hey. i installed ubuntu after like 3 years since last time(being a windows user) i got a wine issue here. i want to open a windows game from a ntsf drive.  The file '/media/Data/Games/Atomic Bomberman/BM95.EXE' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied from an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.17:26
shpinogðóññêèå åñòü?17:26
KM0201worthapp: hmm, i'm not that familiar w/ it to be of much assistance17:27
Sven12345how do i check if i have the latest nvidia drivers for ubuntu?17:27
jim__does anybody have and experience of using easyBCD, please pm me, i'm a bit unsure about dual booting17:27
i2v8anmarcel: I think that is a new (as of 10.04) ubuntu security feature17:27
rajmahendraerror where envoured when processing libreoffice17:28
marcel_how can  i bypass it?17:28
solidus-riveri need help on how to add new users17:28
KM0201worthapp: linphone maybe?17:28
rajmahendraaeon-ltd, its giving error saying encountering error while processing libreoffice files17:28
worthappKM0201, i'll try it out\17:29
step21Sven12345, what graphics card do you have? I don't think checking codecs will do anything, there are no better/worse ones17:29
poincare101Hello everyone. I just got on the ubuntu10.10 live CD and everything loaded just fine, but the wirless comes out as disconnected. What can I do to fix this? (I'm pretty familiar with the linux command line, just new with wireless)17:29
i2v8anmarcel: http://stream-recorder.com/forum/blocked-wine-start-unix-problem-opening-exe-t6560.html?s=f1eb7acb9f7ed3ed7a65241b924dc36b&amp;17:29
Sven12345step21 i have nvidia 220 GT17:29
cdubyawhat is the second column in ls -l output? I know the first is permissions, but what is the second one listed?17:30
frewsxcv_anybody familiar with lc3 here?17:30
rajmahendraanyone help me to solve broken packages of libreoffice issue17:30
step21run the assistant that allows you to install the 3rd party drivers17:31
alan__Is there any VNC type of software for linux?17:31
poincare101anyone for my question?17:31
undecimpoincare101: What question? I just logged17:31
KM0201alan__: yes.. vnc..lol17:31
i2v8ancdubya, the number is something about file references17:32
Sven12345step21 what assistant?17:32
step21Sven12345, System->Administration->Hardware Drivers17:32
alan__lol, where would i get it package manager?17:32
poincare101undecim: yeah. I'll paste it.17:32
KM0201alan__: well, another option, if you don't want to deal w/ setting up your router, etc.. and it's not for commercial use... use TeamViewer... it's dead nuts simple.17:32
poincare101undecim: Hello everyone. I just got on the ubuntu10.10 live CD and everything loaded just fine, but the wirless comes out as disconnected. What can I do to fix this? (I'm pretty familiar with the linux command line, just new with wireless)17:32
Sven12345step21 yes i did that but is that the latest drivers?17:32
trism!vnc | alan__17:32
ubottualan__: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX17:32
step21Sven12345, there should be a box to check if they aren't installed17:32
KM0201poincare101: lspci in a terminal and determine yoru wireless chipset17:33
Sven12345step21 it is allready installed but what i want to know if the latest drivers are installed17:33
undecimpoincare101: What card?17:33
undecimpoincare101: "lspci" for internal, "lsusb" for usb to find the model17:33
worthappKM0201, linphone seems to be what i was looking for,i am configuring it right now17:33
step21Sven12345, yes, update manager will tell you when new versionsa are available17:33
poincare101undecim: I just built a computer so, I can tell you exactly.17:33
KM0201worthapp: ok.. hope it works out17:34
Sven12345step21 i think you dont know what you are talking about17:34
poincare101poincare101: dlink xtreme n for the desktop17:34
worthappKM0201, thanks again17:34
KM0201poincare101: well, then by all means, share... we don't care what type of card you installed, we need the chipset.17:34
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nageshtrying do a fresh installation from usb, but hdd is not detected. can someone help me?17:34
KM0201poincare101: it is a internal card, right? or is it USB?17:34
cdubyai2v8an, any way to suppress that and the permissions output?17:34
poincare101KM0201: yeah, its internal. http://www.dlink.com/products/?pid=53117:35
KM0201poincare101: if you're not going to listen, i'm not going to bother helping you.. I DON"T CARE WHAT THE MODEL IS... we need to know the chipset.. lspci ina terminal17:35
i2v8anwhat about just doing ls ?17:35
ThomasBerends2Hi, anybody here with experience with Wubi ?17:35
alan__Does anyone have a full guide on conky? On installing thanks.17:35
poincare101KM0201: I'm very sorry.17:35
KM0201well i only said it 3x17:35
marcel_i2v8an, thanks you. i removed the protection its all good now17:35
pawnagehey if i wana setup samba what do i use to say share a usb key plugged into a usb port ??17:35
poincare101KM0201: I'm on java chat and its pretty hard to read through it all.17:36
sipiorKM0201: easy there, tiger.17:36
poincare101I'll give you lspci output17:36
KM0201poincare101: don't need the whole lspci output17:36
objectini need help its about my evo17:36
KM0201just the wireless device17:36
vilegerhello. I need some help. I cannot copy any file to windows share with ubuntu 10.1017:36
ThomasBerends2I installed Ubuntu using the Wubi installer, but when I boot Ubuntu, I get a session like the live-cd, I even have an install button :S (I don't have the CD in my pc, so that isn't the problem)17:36
poincare101KM0201: what part of it? (sorry if you mentioned it alreadY017:37
KM0201poincare101: the wireless device, look through the lspci output, and yous hould be able to identify which onje is your wireless card17:37
i2v8anvileger, what OS are you using for the share?17:37
solidus-rivernvm got it17:37
undecimThomasBerends2: Are your settings saved when you reboot?17:37
trismalan__: just need: sudo apt-get install conky-all; then read about configuring it in the conky docs http://conky.sourceforge.net/documentation.html17:37
nageshtrying do a fresh installation of  10.10 from usb, but hdd is not detected. can someone help me17:37
jarocksso anyone know any nice dropbox esque services i could run off my box?17:38
testi_how can i disable 3rd mouse-button emulation? Can I do that without editing the xorg.conf - and why isn't the default NOT TO if unspecified in xorg.conf?17:38
ThomasBerends2undecim: i'm geting help right now ;_)17:38
vilegerhello. I need some help. I cannot copy any file to windows share with ubuntu 10.10. It says  "there was an error copying the file into smb://(etc). invalid argument."17:38
tortoise7   I see that folks are having way more important/serious issues than myself, however, I would appreciate some pointers or help with getting the KeyBoard Backlight operational on my toshiba satellite notebook...... ubuntu 10.0.4   AMD components, fresh install, no other os on the system...thoughts, suggestions, comments?17:38
poincare101KM0201: The closest thing I could find is the ethernet controller17:39
poincare101it doesn't seem to see the wireless...17:39
KM0201poincare101: and it's a PCI card you installed?17:39
poincare101KM0201: Yes.17:39
jarocksHas anyone here used sparkleshare?17:39
KM0201poincare101: is the machine online, w/o wireless?17:39
poincare101KM0201: no, but I can try to get it online.17:40
Failicananyone know a good and cheap wifi adapter for aircracking ect ;)17:40
aeon-ltdFailican: ask in #backtrack17:40
KM0201poincare101: han gon just a minute17:40
vilegerhello. I need some help. I cannot copy any file to windows share with ubuntu 10.10. It says "there was an error copying the file into smb://(etc). invalid argument."... Please... I need help17:41
i2v8anvileger, have you tried doing a google search for 10.10 and the error message yet?17:41
oddyhey chaps, my sound is all jittery and stuttery, my system is going all slow since i installed 10.10. is this a known issue?17:42
vilegeryeah, i couldn't find anything17:42
poincare101KM0201: yeah.17:42
vilegeri just saw that someone have the same problem in other versions of ubuntu17:43
KM0201poincare101: you don't see anything in your lspci, about an "Atheros" card.. cuz google suggests it might have an atheros chipset(which means, intheory, it should work)17:43
nageshtrying do a fresh installation of  10.10 from usb, but hdd is not detected. can someone help me17:44
i2v8anvileger, yeah, I have had something similar before.  I don't remember actually doing anything about it, though17:44
i2v8an-- besides messing with the server side settings17:44
poincare101KM0201: I'll check again17:44
vilegeri2v8an: I have another ubuntu installation with 10.04 version and works fine17:46
poincare101KM0201: Nope. no atheros anywhere. Am I missing a driver or something?17:46
KM0201poincare101: what verison of ubuntu are you using?.. i just saw a link that suggests that should work out of the box.17:47
oddyis anyone else having trouble with gstreamer making their computer MEGA SLOW on 10.10?17:47
poincare101KM0201: 10.10, live CD17:47
i2v8anvileger, most possibly a bug?17:47
vilegeri supossed.17:48
KM0201poincare101: it looksl ike it's an atheros chipset, and should work "out of the box...   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsDlink#PCI17:48
KM0201poincare101: unless you've got some weird version that hasn't been reported yet17:49
poincare101KM0201: any ideas?17:49
KM0201poincare101: well, you can try NDISwrapper i guess..17:49
poincare101KM0201: I'll try restarting it.17:49
vilegerI'll keep looking on google...17:49
KM0201not sure how effective that will be on a live cd17:49
vilegerthanks anyway17:49
KM0201poincare101: ok17:49
sam_sammy /sbin has permissions such that nonroot users can execute/modify its contents.Is it normal /default? it contains "init" so if i change its permissions such that non root can not execute them will my system be inaccessible? ( i guess ubuntu doesnt have any root level accounts )17:49
i2v8anvileger, and here it is: https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-application/+bug/659854... not that a bug report is helpful. lol17:50
burghello. what is the difference between ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso and ubuntu-10.10-alternate-i386.iso ?17:50
oddyburg: unless you are a company, you want the "desktop" one17:50
oddyburg: the alternate one is for OEMS and for people doing custom installs, 99 times out of 100 you'll want the desktop.17:50
peepingtomburg: Alternate is a text-mode installer, desktop is much easier17:51
oddyburg: and what peepingtom said :)17:51
vilegerburg, thanks.17:51
sam_sammy /sbin has permissions such that nonroot users can execute/modify its contents.Is it normal /default? it contains "init" so if i change its permissions such that non root can not execute them will my system be inaccessible? ( i guess ubuntu doesnt have any root level accounts17:51
ActionParsnipdepends on what you like, I find both ways equally simple17:51
KM0201peepingtom: not really... Alternate is just as easy... maybe the desktop is less intimidating.. but they both do the same thing, it's how they look while doing it.17:52
i2v8anno one has mention that the alternate installer can install in machines with low ram, yet17:52
dan2hey guys17:52
dan2somehow my "sound/volume control" on my system/taskbar disappeared17:52
dan2I can't figure out how to add it back17:52
dan2but several reboots later it's still not there17:52
ActionParsnip!panelfix | dan217:52
trismdan2: right click the panel, add the indicator applet17:52
dan2ActionParsnip, already did that17:53
ActionParsnipdan2: cool17:53
dan2there's no indicator applet for the volume control that I can find17:53
trismdan2: if that doesn't work, make sure indicator-sound is installed17:53
mslsam_sam, You mean that your permissions are opened to the point that users can write to the /sbin directory or replace executables?17:53
ActionParsnipdan2: if you check in the startup items you can add the startup item there17:53
mslThat wouldn't be right...17:53
dan2ActionParsnip, what does that mean?17:53
poincare101KM0201: still not working :C17:53
trismdan2: indicator applet is the name of the applet (there is no separate volume control applet anymore)17:53
mslUsually a user can read/execute from /sbin though, but on some distros it isn't in the PATH.17:54
ActionParsnipdan2: edit the startup ites, you can re-enable the item there17:54
poincare101KM0201: the LED at the back of the card is blinking though17:54
sam_sammsl:yes, i came to know about it just now as i ran rkhunter17:54
BLZbubba_in /etc/network/interfaces, is there a way to put a crypted password in the wpa-password line?17:54
BLZbubba_i really don't want my password in plain text17:54
KM0201poincare101: can you receive PMs on that client.17:54
alan__How do i make a folder on the dropdown at the top aka Places?17:54
KM0201or can you PM me?17:54
sandkinganyone can suggest fan/heat mintoring app?17:55
dan2trism, I'm not sure how to take indicator applet and convert it to a sound applet17:55
sam_sammsl:don't think it's safe as i guess /sbin contains  executables that are supposed to be run by root17:55
sam_sami dont *17:55
dan2trism, it just shows me a email message icon and it wants me to setup email accounts and crap like that17:56
sandkingsince i installed 10.10 i feel that my netbook runs a little noisier with fans17:56
trismdan2: you don't convert it to anything, it is part of it, as long as you have indicator-sound installed17:56
peepingtom_sandking: are you using ubuntu desktop or ubuntu netbook edition?17:56
poincare101KM0201: I think, yes.17:56
dan2trism, indicator sound is installed17:56
dan2trism, so why am I not seeing it?17:56
mslalan__, If you open Nautilus you can link things on the left hand side17:56
peepingtom_sandking: UNE uses Unity desktop, which uses Mutter. It has higher GPU requirements17:56
trismdan2: then run: killall gnome-panel;17:56
sandkingpeepingtom_, desktop as there's no 64 bit of netbook17:56
trismdan2: it should restart and you should see it17:56
cdubyadan2, I know you said you rebooted several times.....have you tried to do killall gnome-panel to see if it comes up? Even if it doesn't immediately show up on my panel, it does after that17:57
dan2trism, didn't work17:57
cdubyaoops, trism beat me to it....17:57
dan2cdubya, didn't work17:57
sam_sammsl: is that safe ?17:57
alan__msl: Where is Nautilus located?17:57
i2v8ansandking, what about pae kernel in notebook version?17:57
Kartagishow can I extract multi volume .zip files?17:57
testi_How can I disable 3rd-mouse-button emulation?17:57
trismdan2: out of curiosity, try running: gnome-volume-control-applet; and see if it appears and works in the notification area17:57
KM0201alan__: what do you mean, where is it located.. you mean how do you open it?17:57
dan2trism, that works17:58
sandkingi2v8an, sorry, i'm not geeky enough to understand that :]17:58
fixxxermetI installed Ubuntu from the alternate CD.  How can I remove all ubuntu / gnome GUI stuff and be left with only the console?17:58
skfinfixxxermet: You should install ubuntu server edition if you want non-gui installion17:58
trismdan2: so sound is fine, odd that the volume icon isn't showing up17:58
alan__KM0201: Like where is it so i can add a folder to there?17:58
mslsam_sam, I would say that it isn't safe if binaries can be replaced.  But it is normal to be able to execute from /sbin17:58
dan2trism, so how do I get that item to show up all the time?17:58
sandkingin system monitor i don't see anything using my cpu, but the fans keep rolling :/17:58
KM0201alan__: just go to places/home  that's nautilus... Nautilus is simply a file browser17:59
mslalan__, The file browser.  If you open your Home directory, for example.17:59
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trismdan2: if you want to use gnome-volume-control-applet instead, you add it to System/Preferences/Startup Applications, this was the default in karmic and still works17:59
i2v8ansandking, pae: physical address extension: almost as good as 64bit 4gb < ram support.  netbook installer installed it by default on my machine17:59
skfinfixxxermet: Otherwise you can use http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purekde (remove ubuntu there)17:59
fixxxermetskfin: I don't have physical access to the box right now17:59
sam_sammsl:changing permissions will make my system inaccessible( as it contains "init") , right?17:59
alan__What i want to do is, on the drop-down at the top where it says Places, i want a folder there. How can i do this? Just add a folder in /home/usr/?17:59
sandkingi2v8an, but you used netbook edition, or standard?18:00
fixxxermetthanks skfin18:00
skfinfixxxermet: Notice that it applies only in 10.1018:00
duffydacksandking, ive noticed my i7 laptops fans come on more frequently when doing nothing at all..its usually near silent even when browsing and other minimal stuff.18:00
sandkingi2v8an, in other words - can i just add it now?18:00
msl-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 125704 2010-08-12 18:10 /sbin/init    <-- my perms on init18:00
MrRobotoanyone here who uses scribus for ubuntu?18:00
mslDo your permissions match that?18:00
sandkingi2v8an, i was before using mint on 10.04 ubuntu and it was cooler then18:00
sam_sammsl:if i set  root -> create and delete , others -> list only then ? thats wht i see to make it secure18:01
rek_hi where's startup file in gnome?18:01
i2v8anthat's funny because as soon as I installed 10.10 my fans are actually running at the right time18:01
sandkingi2v8an, bun can i add this pae now?18:02
Wraithulekthere is any broadcasting program with graphical menu?18:02
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i2v8ansandking, you might already have it.18:03
sandkingi2v8an, how can i check it?18:03
Wraithulekthere is any broadcasting program with graphical menu?18:03
Wraithuleki hope you understand my lame english18:04
sam_sammsl: drwxrwxr--   2 root     root      4096 2010-10-10 17:33 sbin18:04
i2v8ansandking, uname -r.  if it says -generic-pae then you already have it18:04
sandkingi2v8an, generic18:04
sam_sammsl: i have changed it to "root -> create and delete , others -> list only" now so it shows those settings18:05
sandkingi2v8an, somebody said that netbook edition was all about gui18:05
sandkingnow it seems that it's also about kernel18:05
KM0201poincare101: are you there?18:05
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rek_hi where's startup file in gnome?18:05
KM0201rek_: like you want to add something to start on startup?18:06
i2v8ansandking, it should use the same kernel as the standard version.  I have had to install the pae kernel myself in the past18:06
sandkingi2v8an, oh. ok, thx anyway - got to go18:06
ubuntuHello everyone. what kernel module does ubuntu use for atheros cards?18:07
ubuntuI meant wireless cards.18:07
rek_KM0201:  ssh /etc/init.d/ssh start because it wasn't up when i swithed on the pc but don't know because can't even access now strange...18:07
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KM0201poincare202: do you still need help?18:07
KM0201PM me18:07
poincare202Its still not working.18:07
testi_How can I disable 3rd-mouse-button emulation forever?18:08
kushany1 online18:10
Misteriokush: Yes. Hi18:11
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Kacokush: yes18:11
xeno__hello everyone18:11
nmvictorubuntu does not ask for password when i login. please help18:11
Sickleri installed via backup dvd created with remastersys and i cannot change my root password, which stinks bc i purposely made it weak at the time, how do i change this, I already tried sudo passwd18:12
i2v8ansickler, have you tried sudo passwd root yet?18:12
ravenwhich version of ubuntu used kernel 2.6.15?18:12
i2v8anraven, 7.10 ?18:13
Dulaknmvictor: System->Administration->Login Screen has the setting for autologin, you can disable it and then you will have to put a password in to login18:13
nmvictorDulak: thanks18:14
kenajwhere do I find/install firmware for internet wireless connection?18:15
i2v8anraven, how about 6.04 ?18:15
nmvictori was dissapointed that Maverick is not a long term support distro,im sticking with Lucid for that one reason18:15
Misterio!lts | nmvictor18:16
ubottunmvictor: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:16
Sickleri2v8an: yes just tried still the default password18:16
suprsonicanyone using landscape?18:16
Piciraven: Are you running that right now? You can do lsb_release -a  in a terminal to see the UBuntu version.18:16
Dulakraven: 'lsb_release -a' should show you all the version info about whatever you are running18:16
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i2v8ansickler, su -c 'passwd' ?18:16
Misterionmvictor: Meh, it doesn't sends you info... next LTS is going to be released in 201218:16
Dulaknmvictor: I keep LTS on my servers but workstations I upgrade to the newest about a month after a new release to let the worst bugs get ironed out.18:18
Da_WreckaOkay, this isn't a request for help. I was asking a couple of nights ago about problems running video with my external monitor set to 1280x1024.18:18
MrRobotowhat is the easiest way to install fonts?18:18
Sickleri2v8n: attempting now18:18
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Da_WreckaTurns out the video chip in my netbook, an Intel 945, has a maximum virtual desktop of 2048x2048. Outside this range, 3D acceleration is disabled.18:18
MisterioDulak: After a month? I can't one too much :P18:18
timmytI am using Ubuntu in a virtual machine. How do i make ubuntu see the machine folder i set up on my host? i configured vbox to add the machine folder.18:19
ddilingerhaving a wierd problem with my bluetooth headset.  If i connect the headset to my phone it works fine(audio received and sent), if I connect the headset to my 10.04 machine it records just fine, but i have to plug in headphones and switch the output to headphones in padevchooser to get an audio(so, no audio on the headset)18:19
Da_WreckaWhich nicely explains why I have no problems with 1024x600/1024x768 and I do have problems with 1024x600/1280x1024.18:19
ddilingerany know where to start debugging the bluetooth for that?18:19
DulakMrRoboto: download the font, double click it in the file manager, click the 'install' button in the lower right hand corner of the screen that comes up.18:19
Da_WreckaPositioning the external monitor below the internal monitor on the virtual desktop means no problem, because that way it fits within the 2048x2048 constraint.18:19
DulakMisterio: That's good, you can help them find the bugs so when I do upgrade I don't have to deal with it.  Impatience does have it's uses.18:20
Sickleri2v8an: still no luck18:20
Da_WreckaAnd evidently, Totem along with MPlayer and such depend on 3D acceleration18:20
MrRobotodulak: thanks, can I choose like 300 fonts at once with this method?18:20
DulakMrRoboto: nope, you'd have to copy them wherever that install button does, then update the font cache to pick them up.18:21
wildc4rd_evening all18:21
glithcdThe action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.18:21
nmvictorDulak: would rather that18:21
blockybanshee doesn't really give much info when it says network error loading podcast18:21
glithcdhow do i fix that?18:21
ddilingerglithcd: apt-key18:22
Da_Wreckaseems I either have to put up with 1024x768 on the external screen, or deal with the confusion of moving the mouse DOWNWARDS to move it to the other screen.18:22
younesshell world18:22
ddilingerglithcd: you need to get a copy of the key and add it with apt-key add <file>18:22
glithcdddilinger, how do i get the key?18:23
ddilingerglithcd: from wherever you got the source line for your sources.list18:23
glithcdddilinger, jus type that nd it will get the key?18:23
ben_how do I get the update-manager to keep previous kernel versions?18:23
ddilingerglithcd: i just joined chat, so dont have your full history :)18:23
nmvictor!info apt-key18:23
ubottuPackage apt-key does not exist in maverick18:23
glithcdddilinger, is it ok if i pm u?18:23
DulakDa_Wrecka: I put the external monitor on top of the internal monitor myself, the way it's laid out on my desk it feels more natural to move up onto the external instead of down.18:23
ddilingerglithcd: just ask here, generally better because if someone else has same issue its logged18:24
Da_WreckaMmm. But that's you.18:24
nmvictor!pckg apt-key18:24
Da_WreckaMy setup, the external monitor is to the right of the netbook18:24
glithcdddilinger, ok18:24
nmvictor!pkg apt-key18:24
DulakDa_Wrecka: mine too18:24
ddilingernmvictor: its in the main apt package18:24
timmytAnyone know how to make my machine folder to my windows 7 os appear on my ubuntu guest?18:24
Da_WreckaI might give your way a try then18:24
ubuntuselurcan someone suggest a good command line torrent client please? i want to use it over ssh18:25
DulakDa_Wrecka: it was easier to get used to for me18:25
ddilingerDa_Wrecka: not sure how your configured, but it is possible to have them side by side(at least, on a pc with 2 screens, havn't ever done a laptop)18:25
WinstonSmithhi everybody :D. my upgrade drom 10.04 to 10.10 hangs since over 1 hour at "setting new software channels". any ideas? can i safely close it by force & retry?18:26
Dulakubuntuselur: rtorrent is a terminal client18:26
Da_Wreckaddilinger: Yes, it is. But if I do that, the virtual desktop exceeds the 2048x2048 limit imposed by the video chip in my netbook18:26
ddilingerDa_Wrecka: ahh, i get you.  ya thats a bummer18:26
Dulakddilinger: he's stuck stacking up and down because of the resolutions18:26
EvaLuaTewhen I try to run VMware on ubuntu 10.10 I get an error that it can't build a kernel module and this is what its log says: http://pastebin.com/H9MmUstY18:26
Da_WreckaAnd while it IS possible to do that despite the hardware limitation, the result is that 3D acceleration is disabled18:27
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ddilingerhaving a wierd problem with my bluetooth headset.  If i connect the headset to my phone it works fine(audio received and sent), if I connect the headset to my ubuntu 10.04 machine it records just fine, but i have to plug in headphones and switch the output to headphones in padevchooser to get an audio(so, no audio on the headset).  Anyone know where to start debugging this?18:27
DulakDa_Wrecka: it's brutal without 3d, might as well be on the framebuffer in 199518:27
nbubuntuhi , I need some help , how do I set my folder option icon on ubuntu 10.10 ?18:27
Da_WreckaSo I either use 1024x768 on my external monitor, or I need to stack one on top of the other virtually, otherwise no 3D acceleration and no playable video.18:27
ddilingeror just use the external monitor18:28
ddilingercan the internal be disabled?18:28
Da_WreckaAlso an option, but I prefer to have two screens18:28
ddilingerwell, your laptop doesn't like your preference :P18:28
Da_WreckaOnce you go dual-head, it's hard to go back18:28
ddilingeri have a 23" horiz and 2x21" in vertical :)18:28
Da_Wrecka(the VGA monitor I'm using, I was actually using on my gaming PC. Unfortunately that machine is deader than disco.)18:29
kenajhelp, cant make wireless internet connection. 'puter says "no firmware" Can someone help?18:29
=== ePirat is now known as Aang
glaucousHow long to you think I'd take to fsck a 1 TB partition on a 5200 RPM drive?18:29
ddilingerglaucous: lunch time18:29
nbubuntuhi , I need some help , how do I set my folder option icon on ubuntu 10.10 ?18:29
Dulakglaucous: at least an hour18:29
=== Aang is now known as ePirat
Da_WreckaSo I thought 'sod it' and hooked one of the screens up to my netbook18:29
appi_uppiHi, While ubuntu 10.04 running on desktop PC suddenly pushes blink screen and then reboots.18:30
Gneaappi_uppi: while doing what?18:30
glithcdddilinger, i even keep getting disconnected from here18:30
EvaLuaTeany idea what the problem could be or how I could run vmware?18:31
glaucousDulak, ddilinger, oh god, 400 GB was quite fast although on a 7200 RPM18:31
ddilingerglithcd: hmm, that has to be tangential to the apt-key problem18:31
glithcdddilinger, did u get everything else i entered?18:31
ddilingerglithcd: no, nothing actually18:31
glithcdddilinger, well please help me fix it18:31
appi_uppiGnea, any activity such as either browsing, etc18:31
glithcdddilinger, ok ill re-enter it18:31
SpaceBasshey folks, I have a remote box that I want to make a persistant ssh connection back to a server I have - IE if the power goes out, when it reboots, it re-establishes the connection.... is there a more elegant way to do that than a bash script called by cron?18:31
glaucousDulak, ddilinger, but I guess it's wise to fsck the backup drive once a while?18:31
GneaEvaLuaTe: check vmware.com support forum to see if they have an update-any patch yet18:31
ddilingerSpaceBass: a tunnel or what does the ssh connection do?18:32
jMylesHas anybody discovered a quick fix for bug 660649 (btrfs not mounting)?18:32
SpaceBassddilinger, yeah, a reverse tunnel18:32
timmytthank you for your help.18:32
timmytfound out the solution on the net18:32
Dulakglaucous: if you can unmount it and fsck it while doing other stuff sure18:32
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Gneaappi_uppi: heat buildup perhaps?18:32
glithcdddilinger, i jus upgraded to 10.10(which btw is horrible so far) and i went to update nd its giving me msgs like "Unable to connect to ppa.launchpad.net:http: Err http://ppa.launchpad.net maverick/main i386 Packages " and the other one i posted18:32
stefgSpaceBass: /etc/rc.local18:32
appi_uppiGnea, no not really18:32
ddilingerSpaceBass: for a tunnel, i create 2 connections, local->remote and local->remote 22,  then a cron that runs once a minute and checks if it can use the local->remote 22 to get a ls, if not it re-opens both tunnels18:32
Gneaappi_uppi: how do you figure?18:32
SpaceBassstefg, I get how rc.local would work at boot, but not for connection drops, or a server reboot, etc18:32
glaucousDulak, that does sound perfect. Guess I can turn automatic fsck off in fstab on those partitions (not root and /home).18:33
WinstonSmithhi everybody :D. my upgrade drom 10.04 to 10.10 hangs since over 1 hour at "setting new software channels". any ideas? can i safely close it by force & retry?18:33
ddilingerSpaceBass: so, forward local 10000-> remote 3306 and local 10001->remote 2218:33
glithcdddilinger, this one too "E: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.18:33
EvaLuaTeGnea, I though someone would have encountered this problem before and could adive me where to look directly :)18:33
SpaceBassddilinger, got it! thanks and to reestablishe the tunnels you are using cron and a script?18:33
ddilingerSpaceBass: if port 10001 cant make a connection, it re-opens both.  The check is run by cron once a minute or so18:33
appi_uppiGnea, even for the first time login, I am not able view mouse pointer. I have lock and unlock to view pointer.18:33
GneaEvaLuaTe: haven't touched 10.10 yet (this is one of the reasons lol), but if I was going to look for a solution, that's where I'd go18:33
stefgSpaceBass: i see. so since you need to listen to the heartbeat you'll have some sort of cron job anyway18:34
SpaceBassddilinger, and assuming you are using key pairs?18:34
ddilingerSpaceBass: yea, using a key with no password18:34
appi_uppiGnea, may be compatibility issues?18:34
SpaceBassddilinger, and stefg thanks!18:34
DarxusUnicode isn't working on one of my two Lucid desktop machines.  Any pointers?  Unicode is showing up garbled in gnome-terminal.18:34
BluesKajglithcd, when upgrading of the internet always delete any ppas in the sources.list first, they interfere with upgrade process and aren't vaid repos with the new OS18:34
SpaceBassI just set up a space box to sit in the dmz and act as the ssh server, feeling like its a fairly savvy solution18:34
glaucousIs there a way to skip fsck on boot? Doesn't seem like fastboot in grub helped.18:34
ddilingerglithcd: one sec, there is a specific procedure for ppi apt keys18:34
DarxusActually, unicode 2014 (long dash) is showing up as "--" when I type it in locally.18:35
_Lenguys, Im using Maverick and when I plug the headset it doesnt make any sound. Can you help me?18:35
glithcdddilinger, do tell, please18:35
Gneaappi_uppi: perhaps... when the system locks, can you use sysrq to restart or do you have to press the power/reset botton?18:35
DarxusIt's actually getting converted to two charcters.18:35
EvaLuaTeGnea, ok, I found a patch on their site that seems to work. Here's the link should you be interested: wget http://www.sputnick-area.net/scripts/vmware7.1.1-patch-kernel-2.6.35.bash18:36
ddilingerglithcd: there is also a chance that your ppa packages wont be compatibile with 10.1018:36
GneaEvaLuaTe: awesome, cheers18:36
ddilingerglithcd: the command is sudo apt-get adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys <KEYID>18:36
ddilingerglithcd: but you need the id :)18:36
mbroekerDo you know why egroupware is not currently in maverick?18:36
appi_uppiGnea, I mean, for the first login I am not able to view mouse pointer. But When I manually lock the screen and later unlock it will make mouse pointer visible on the desktop.18:36
_Lenguys, Im using Maverick and when I plug the headset it doesnt make any sound. Can you help me?18:37
EvaLuaTeGnea, and the exact page where I found it, should someone else ask, so you can advise them where to look: http://communities.vmware.com/message/1608187 :)18:37
Gneaappi_uppi: ooooooooh.... what kind of mouse?18:37
EvaLuaTeGnea, and I thank you for you suggestion :)18:37
glithcdddilinger, i dont even know how to get any of that18:37
glithcdddilinger, im kinda lost in all this18:37
Darxusrxvt-unicode isn't correctly displaying unicode either.18:37
ddilingerglithcd: what is the actual line in sources.list18:38
appi_uppiGnea, serial, samsung pleomax18:38
GneaEvaLuaTe: no problem, make sure it works and then I'll consider making a global announcement18:38
glithcdddilinger, would u be willing or interested in doing it for me?18:38
Gneaappi_uppi: what computer accepts serial mice anymore?18:38
EvaLuaTeGnea, yeah, it works nicely18:38
ddilingerglithcd: i can prob fix it in 5 minutes with ssh :P18:38
GneaEvaLuaTe: excellent.18:38
ddilingerglithcd: although, i usually send a bill for 2 hours for 2 minutes of work :P18:39
mbroekerbtw, maverick has no support for oss emulation, phppgadmin needs lots of tweaks to work, php seems not compatible anymore to most web apps. will it be fixed?18:39
EvaLuaTevmware just finished installing the kernel modules and runs nicely :)18:39
glithcdddilinger, ok, so your gonna send me a bill??..lol18:39
ddilingerglithcd: yea, i'll address it to irc.freenode.net :P18:39
glithcdddilinger, hahaha18:39
glithcdddilinger, i dont think i have ssh setup18:39
appi_uppiGnea, Its old desktop PC. 2.4 GHZ, Pentium 4 with 512 mb RAM18:39
nbubuntuI think I fix it , solution http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146809918:40
nbubuntuThanks bye :)18:40
glithcdddilinger, i was thinking more along the lines of using teamviewer18:40
BluesKajddilinger, hmm hqnd holding is at a premium here these days , we seem to have quite few who aren't willing to learn.18:40
ddilingerglithcd: run 'find /etc/apt -type f | xargs grep ppa`18:40
glithcdddilinger, also my internet is severely slow with 10.1018:40
BluesKajhand holding that is18:40
appi_uppiGnea, I do have laptop. But I am yet install ubuntu 10.04. Presently I testing it on Desktop Personal Computer to check the performance and it is awesome.18:41
Sickleri just added sensor-applet and i cant find it when trying to add it to the panel18:41
ukine_work /j #asterisk18:41
BluesKajoh well, time yo take break...yard work18:41
Gneaappi_uppi: okay, can you get a USB mouse?18:41
appi_uppiGnea, sure I can18:42
Gneaappi_uppi: okay, try that and see if the mouse lags still18:42
ddilingerhaving a wierd problem with my bluetooth headset.  If i connect the headset to my phone it works fine(audio received and sent), if I connect the headset to my ubuntu 10.04 machine it records just fine, but i have to plug in headphones and switch the output to headphones in padevchooser to get an audio(so, no audio on the headset).  Anyone know where to start debugging this?18:42
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ddilingerit doesn't just happen on one ubuntu machine, this happens on both my 10.04 machines18:43
soroush_guys g++ is installed on my pc , how i can to run it and compile c++ file??18:43
ddilingerone is a fresh install, i hoped it would work out of the box but still no :(18:43
trismsoroush_: g++ -o output_file input_file.cpp18:43
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:44
Williamanyone can help me?18:44
glithcdddilinger, omg everything is sooo slow=(18:44
stefgddilinger: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto i think you'll need  a parameter for your audio card18:44
ActionParsnipWilliam: not if you don't ask18:44
Williami cant set my ubuntu resolution display to 1024x76818:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:44
ddilingerstefg: even though the bluetooth shouldn't be going through the pc audio?18:44
GneaWilliam: what can you set it to?18:45
ddilingerstefg: because the pc audio works fine18:45
ActionParsnipWilliam: run: lspci | grep -i vga ,websearch the output to find guides18:45
soroush_where copy cpp file to run by g++?18:45
stefgddilinger: i think the "sound chip" will still manage the audio routing18:45
SaRyddilinger, have you checked the 'Community Documentation ' it's useful though18:45
ddilingerstefg: hmm, well i'll browse through it, see what i find18:45
Sickleri just added sensor-applet and i cant find it when trying to add it to the panel18:45
stefgddilinger: even if it doesn't do the D>A conversion18:46
ddilingerSaRy: i browsed through, but didn't find much relating to bluetooth besides 'it doesn't connect at all18:46
ActionParsnipsoroush_: anywhere, the compiler gets added to $PATH18:46
ddilingerSaRy: seems half working bluetooth is an oddity :)18:46
soroush_ActionParsnip cpp is drive e18:46
ActionParsnipsoroush_: if you have build essential installed you can compile from anylocation18:46
soroush_now how i can compile it?18:47
ActionParsnipsoroush_: there is no "drive e" in linux18:47
glithcdddilinger, i cant get pastebin to work so i can post the output of that last command..18:47
glithcdddilinger, and every page takes like 10 yrs to load..18:47
ubuntuok, someone please enlighten me as to how I can verify that the install disc is OK... There is no option anymore when I boot from disc...18:47
Williamanyone can help me?18:47
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ddilingerglithcd: yea, pastbin it18:47
Williami cant set my resolution display for my lappy18:47
ddilingerglithcd: sounds like you should just install 10.04 again :)18:47
soroush_what do u mean?18:47
trismsoroush_: this is really offtopic for this channel, try the guide here: http://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/C++_Programming/Examples/Hello_world18:47
ActionParsnipsoroush_: you need to mount the partition containing the code. Then compile it18:47
soroush_i have 5 drive18:47
ddilingerglithcd: i'm not familiar with any way to backport an already upgraded system though18:48
ActionParsnipsoroush_: windows incorrectly names partitions as drives18:48
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ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows18:48
ActionParsnipsoroush_: maybe but you could have 3 partitions oneach and windows would show 15 "drives" when in reality there are 5 drives and 15 partitions18:48
svm_invictvsHeya.  What's the package that has the synaptics touchpad driver?18:48
Williamcan anyone help me how to change my ubuntu resolution display ?18:49
ActionParsnipsvm_invictvs: its part of a standard install xserver-xorg-input-synaptic (I believe)18:49
ActionParsnipWilliam: I told you how to find guides using the lspci command18:49
ubuntuthis is RIDICULOUS... why the hell can I not check for errors on the LIVE CD anymore????  Nice one Canonical... 8/18:49
svm_invictvsActionParsnip: Really18:50
Williamsorry i dont get it18:50
Williambecause im disconnecting just now18:50
ActionParsnipubuntu: you can18:50
svm_invictvsActionParsnip: Is thre an application that can adjust the settings?18:50
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.18:50
Williamcan you repeat /18:50
glithcdddilinger, thats what im trying to do but my internet is so crappy in 10.1018:50
glithcdddilinger, this is making me soo mad, i almost want to jus delete 10.1018:50
ubuntuActionParsnip, care to share?18:50
ActionParsnipsvm_invictvs: sure: dpkg -l |grep syna18:50
ActionParsnipubuntu: if you lose the pathetic attitude, sire18:50
=== ubuntu is now known as fireinspace
ddilingerubuntu: what do you mean you cant check for errrors?18:51
scribeHey guys, I just updated to 10.10.  What happened to my copy and paste?18:51
ddilingerubuntuselur: md5sum the recorded disk and compare18:51
ActionParsnipUbuntu: when the screen with the keyboard and stickman shows, press spacebar and you will see the old style menu18:51
scribeno highlight copy and middle click paste18:51
fireinspaceActionParsnip, the attitude stems from someone who has computer skills struggling thanks to Canonical's 'make it simple' ethos... If I find it diffocult, n00bs will find it impossible18:52
ActionParsnipUbuntu: just because you don't know its there doesn't always mean it doesn't exist18:52
srjHi. Im trying to figure out which /dev/file is my IR reciever that come with my laptop. please help18:52
ddilingerscribe: lol, i love that feature and people have been trying to remove it for 10 years because its not 'like windows'18:52
ActionParsnipfireinspace: it can still be asked mpore18:52
fireinspaceActionParsnip, but I'll refrain... shoot18:52
scribehow do I get my X11 copy and paste back?  Ubuntu isn't windows!18:52
ActionParsnipMore elequently18:52
WilliamActionParsnip : hi.. when i try lspci command18:52
Williamthis is what i get18:52
William01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 771/671 PCIE VGA Display Adapter (rev 10)18:52
fireinspaceActionParsnip, how might one go about verifying live cd, aka check for errors in every other previous version of Ubuntu since time began ;0)18:53
ActionParsnipWilliam: ok then you will most likely need an xorg.conf file, its the only way I've seen those fly18:53
scribeddilinger, they didn't remove it right?  There's some stupid option to make it right again, right?18:53
KM0201William: those devices suck under Linux(at least In my experience)18:53
Williamyes i know , but i would like to try it18:53
ddilingerscribe: yea, i think its an xorg option but a quick google isn't turning one up18:53
Williamok where should i put this xorg.conf ?18:53
ActionParsnipfireinspace: same way, its just hidden behind a dumb splash in newer versions18:53
fireinspaceActionParsnip, reason I ask is gparted and software centre have both crashed in live cd environment18:53
fireinspacedubious to install18:53
captaincWhat's the best way to proxy only certain application through a vpnc tunnel?18:54
ActionParsnipWilliam: you'll need: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf18:54
fireinspaceActionParsnip, never had to remove dumb splash before... esc?18:54
glithcdddilinger, and pastebin is not working correctly for me, it keeps wanting me to save a file call download.php instead of actually pasting anything18:54
glithcdddilinger, is there another service that i can use?18:54
SerraphynI just did a kernel upgrade via update manager and now my video keeps restarting in low graphics mode, can anyone help me?18:54
ActionParsnipfireinspace: any key will do, I use space18:54
scribeddilinger, why do they have to screw with things! :)  I didn't ask for it to be turned off. :)  Thanks for the hint.  I'll look18:54
glithcdddilinger, i dont know what to do..18:55
ActionParsnipfireinspace: its also how to access the memory test18:55
fireinspaceActionParsnip, 'dumb splash'... your words, not mine... I agree though18:55
ddilingerglithcd: download a livecd on another pc perhaps18:55
firewalker22Does anyone out there know where I could find a decent guide to configure nagios3 on ubuntu 10?18:55
ddilingerglithcd: it sounds like everything broke on upgrade,  a fresh 10.10 or 10.04 install is probably in order18:55
glithcdddilinger, dammit.18:55
WilliamActionParsnip, when i try ur command , this file is a new conf file. so where should i get this conf file?18:55
ActionParsnipWilliam: you will see a blank file, you can now websearch your output of lspci to find guides and xorg.conf files. You should rebootto test18:55
glithcdddilinger, i didnt want to loose everything i have done in this ubuntu18:55
fireinspaceActionParsnip, I'll reboot and give it a once over.... I'm having to upgrade from Jaunty thanks to EOL... 80/18:56
Williamafter i paste the source18:56
Williami just reboot?18:56
glithcdddilinger, but i guess i have no choice18:56
ddilingerglithcd: tar up /etc, and your /home is on a seperate partition anyways right?18:56
glithcdddilinger, fuck.18:56
fireinspaceActionParsnip, cheers though, appreciate it18:56
aeon-ltdfirewalker22: not much but this should get you started https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nagios318:56
ddilingerglithcd: also do a dpkg --get-selections > packagelist18:56
glithcdddilinger, no its not.18:56
ddilingerglithcd: well, in the future /home always goes on its own partition :)18:56
maquisI updated my desktop (nvidia box) to maverick, and now I can't get X to come up.  I keep ending up with just a blank screen and I have to reboot forcefully (via ssh) in order to fix it (killing X doesn't do anything, as X is in a bad state)18:56
srjHi, Sorry for the cross-talk, but can someone help me figure out which /dev/file is my IR reciever that come with my laptop. thanks18:56
DASPRiDin the future, /home is in the "cloud" ;)18:56
ActionParsnipWilliam: if the file doesn't yield a desktop, hold shift and boot to recovery root console and run: mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_old ,then reboot18:57
glithcdddilinger, but then i would have to partition my hd18:57
glithcdddilinger, i try to stay away from partitioning18:57
ddilingerglithcd: not sure how you would proceede, there is a way to resize ext partitions18:57
ddilingerglithcd: well, if you dont have partitions then you cant re-install without losing everything18:57
fireinspaceActionParsnip, if they intend on hiding these things they should make it obvious there are more advanced options accessible via keypress - just a thought18:57
Williamok i wil try18:57
ddilingerglithcd: with a 10G / and everything else on /home, you can reinstall any time18:57
* napster good night to all18:57
glithcdddilinger, ill try doin that then18:57
* sresu says goodnight to napster18:58
firewalker22I am having trouble getting the ports of my router to be recongnized by nagios3 when I activate the commands in switch.cfg that are supposed to monitor the port-1 and reboot nagios it says there is a configuration error18:58
ActionParsnipWilliam: you'll need to save the file before rebooting but yes. Good displays and decent video chips work together to see what res can be shown. In your case you need to tell the OS what's what18:58
glithcdddilinger, i think im jus gonna delete 10.10, then reinstall18:58
ddilingerglithcd: probably the easiest solution18:58
ddilingerglithcd: if you have another pc make a tar of /etc and back that up, and also dpkg --get-selections18:58
glithcdddilinger, so seriously i only need 10 gigs in the file system?18:58
ddilingerglithcd: 20 if you want, but generally / doesn't take up much space18:58
glaucousI'm not sure if fsck is running or not. At boot I see "EXT4-fs (sdc5): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)". And after that nothing happens. Although i happens on two other partitions as well.18:58
ActionParsnipfireinspace: if you look at the graphic its quite clear. Press the keyboard for human interaction ;). It is kinda cryptic18:59
=== timmyt is now known as BirthdayProsper
ddilingerglaucous: go with 20 to be safe,  i've use 4.4G on this pc18:59
glithcdddilinger, i hope i can figure out how to delete/reinstall everything18:59
ActionParsnipfireinspace: did you md5 test the iso before you burned it too?18:59
maquisI updated my desktop (nvidia box) to maverick, and now I can't get X to come up.  I keep ending up with just a blank screen and I have to reboot forcefully (via ssh) in order to fix it (killing X doesn't do anything, as X is in a bad state)18:59
glithcdddilinger, i usually have a buddy of mine helping me18:59
sresuI installed Ubuntu Lucid initially on my sysyem. To change it to Kubuntu I used the following commands - < sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, sudo apt-get remove liborbit2 >. Now I want to have Ubuntu alone. What should be the right commands that will remove Kubuntu completely?19:00
ddilingerglithcd: well, dpkg --get-selections | grep install will get a list of all your packages19:00
dimboshello guys19:00
ActionParsnipmaquis: remove the proprietary driver then reboot to use the open driver then reinstall the proprietary driver19:00
ddilingerglithcd: then you can apt-get install that package list later19:00
sandkingi tried to remove default keyring but it tells me that there's no .gnome2 dir!19:00
sandkingwhere could it be stored ?19:00
glithcdddilinger, ok19:00
maquisActionParsnip: do you know off the top of your head where the driver is?  is it going to be in /lib/firmware?19:01
Richie086sandking: under your home folder?19:01
scribeArg!  I can't work with copy/paste broken!  Who is responsible for this crap?!19:01
glithcddpkg --get-selection just enter that in terminal?19:01
ddilingerscribe: when you figure it out post a bug against 10.10 for it19:01
sandkingRichie086: ah. i thought that in main folder19:01
Richie086so /home/sandking/.gnome219:01
ddilingerscribe: i guarantee your not the only one with that issue :)19:01
ActionParsnipsresu: kubuntu-desktop is only a metapackage and will only remove itself if you use that method. It does not remove the other packages it installs19:01
glithcdddilinger, just enter this in terminal? dpkg --get-selection19:01
rubbsI'm trying to find out why my terminal is *NOT* beeping at me. I'm using screen and when someone pings me on irssi I don't get a "ding" sound. I've double check to see if visual bell is turned on, and it's not. It's set to audio bell. Anyone got any ideas?19:01
ActionParsnipmaquis: for what?19:02
Richie086sandking: if you are not seeing .gnome2 in your home folder try ls -lh | grep .gnome219:02
maquisActionParsnip: nvidia19:02
scribeddilinger, thanks for being supportive and sympathizing with me.  I will.19:02
jamil_1Hi, I have Kubuntu 10.10 and software upgrade from Kpackage kit gives a 403 error while update goes smoothly in the terminal19:02
ActionParsniprubbs: sudo modprobe pcspkr ,may do it19:02
Richie086. means it will be hidden usually when you list the contents of the dir19:02
ddilingerglithcd: `dpkg --get-selections` lists all the packages, `dpkg --get-selections | grep '<tab>install$'` will get the list of installed packages (replace <tab> with Ctrl-V tab)19:02
sresuActionParsnip: I said I used those command to install Kubuntu :)19:02
maquisActionParsnip: I had used the hardware tool in 10.04 to add the driver19:02
ActionParsnipmaquis: remove the packages using apt-get19:02
sandkingRichie086: no, it's there. just the keyring file was named differently19:02
Richie086sandking: oh is it working now?19:03
othnielubuntu 10.10 is perfect19:03
glithcdddilinger, ok great thx19:03
sresuActionParsnip: Now, how can I remove Kubuntu and install Ubuntu alone?19:03
maquisActionParsnip: ok... i'll do that.  thanks!19:03
sandkingi see login.keyring instead of default.keyring19:03
dimbosi got a trouble with ubuntu 10.10... sometimes it changes keyboard layouts randomly... what should i do?19:03
ActionParsnipsresu: I believe if you remove kde-core it will force the removeoff the kde apps19:03
sandkingi suppose it's the same?19:03
othnielanyone using BURG?19:03
Richie086sandking: can you rename the file?19:03
ddilingerglithcd: `dpkg --get-selections | grep '<tab>install$' | cut -d '<tab>' -f 1` finally puts that list without the 'install' word at the end so it can be done with cat <filename> | sudo xargs apt-get intsall19:03
aeon-ltd!anyone | othniel19:03
ubottuothniel: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?19:03
glithcdothniel, burg is awesome.19:03
Richie086sandking: should not be an issue19:03
The_Snakehey there... can anyone tell me how to disable vsync? because it's messing somethings here.. sometimes computer gets stuck..19:04
nobarkingis Ubuntu built on Debian stable with Ubuntu's own package updates & patches?19:04
ActionParsnipmaquis: you can listthe installed packages with nvidia in and remove them19:04
rubbsActionParsnip: I'm on a laptop without a physical system speaker. It used to use the Ubuntu drum before I upgraded to 10.10. is modpcskr for physical pc speakers?19:04
mawstothniel, yes19:04
mawstGood stuff.19:04
sresuActionParsnip: There is no package of that name..19:04
ActionParsniprubbs: not sure then19:04
sandkingRichie086: bareword not allowed while strict subs in use...19:04
Picinobarking: 10.04 LTS was built off of stable, but generally we sync from unstable.19:04
aeon-ltdnobarking: pretty much, and documentation as well19:04
rubbsActionParsnip: ok, I'll try a few more things. thanks for your help19:05
Jordan_UPici: *testing19:05
ActionParsnipsresu: dpkg -l |grep nvidia19:05
sandkingRichie086: removing it should not make anything bad, right?19:05
Richie086sandking: what are u doing in order to get that error?19:05
PiciJordan_U: er, right,19:05
sresuActionParsnip: Nvidia? Was that for me?19:05
Richie086sandking: removing what?  the keyring file?19:05
leonardoXfcehi! IRC but in Spanish?19:05
Pici!es | leonardoXfce19:05
ubottuleonardoXfce: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:05
jamil_1Hi, I have Kubuntu 10.10. Software upgrade from Kpackage kit gives a 403 error while update goes smoothly in the terminal19:06
leonardoXfce"join #ubuntu-es"19:06
Piciimac: If you have a question, just ask.19:06
Richie086sandking: try cp login.keyring default.keyring19:06
leonardoXfce"/join #ubuntu-es"19:06
sresuPici: Can you help me with my question?19:06
PicileonardoXfce: no "19:06
sandkingRichie086: i do "rename login.keyring xkeyring"19:06
sandkingRichie086: and yes, i wanted to remove keyring file19:07
sresuleonardoXfce: Type without quotes19:07
glithcdddilinger, have u given 10.10 a try yet?19:07
rek_hi i have a pc connected to the ethernet of the other pc how can i do a ip forwarding correctly19:07
Picisresu: Check out https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome19:07
Dulakddilinger: that's a lot of work, you can just feed that list verbatim to dpkg --set-selections and then run dselect to install the entire list in one go19:07
Richie086sandking: check pm19:07
sandkingRichie086: well, i removed it anyway.19:07
glithcdddilinger, dam nothing is working correctly19:07
imaccan somebody suggest me some download accelerator which has multi proxy protocol like flashget in windows19:08
glithcdeven terminal wont function properly19:08
glithcdddilinger, even terminal wont function properly19:08
_Lenneed help with headphones. They are not working19:08
sresuPici: Thanks :)19:08
_Lenubuntu 10.10 maverick19:08
imac can somebody suggest me some download accelerator which has multi proxy protocol like flashget in windows19:09
glithcdddilinger, u know what, the heck with this, im jus gonna delete everything nd start from scratch.19:09
glithcdddilinger, thx for the help19:09
charmander33Hello, I have a problem in a fresh 10.10, an ATI 9200 R200 have this performance: 422 frames in 5.0 seconds = 84.366 FPS, is it normal?19:11
imacis der ny way to bypass the proxy connection dying with censoring suggest me some software like your freedom for ubuntu19:11
The_Snakehey there... can anyone tell me how to disable vsync in radeon drivers? because it's messing somethings here.. sometimes computer gets stuck..19:11
SaRyimac, uGet , Downloader for X , SKDownloader .19:11
imacsary thnx :)19:11
rawkyHello all, anyone have to enter keychain twice after upping to 10.10?19:12
The_Snake<charmander33> thats because of the vsync, the new kernel automaticly activates the vsync, so it's normal to be 84~85FPS if your monitor refresh rate is 85HZ19:13
srjHi. Im trying to figure out which /dev/file is my IR reciever that come with my laptop. please help19:14
imac is der ny way to bypass the proxy connection dying with censoring suggest me some software like your freedom for ubuntu19:14
charmander33The_Snake: how can i disable it?19:14
eskofdthe new kernel causes screen flickering, is it because of that vsync thing? couldn't use it and have to use the older kerner now19:14
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: unless you turn it off19:14
djznhi folks, is "strongness" a word at all, in any case?19:14
rawkysure it's a word19:14
The_Snake<charmander33> The_Snake: how can i disable it? ---- thats what im tring to find out here too19:14
SaRydimbos, !see bug 62950319:14
gol10drAny ideas how to reset the updates warning in 10.10 when you log in?19:14
djznrawky: isn't "strength" used instead of it?19:15
ActionParsnipdjzn: its a bit crass but it should be ok19:15
imacdjzn :D19:15
charmander33where is xorg.conf or similar here? why is not at /etc/X11 ?19:15
rawkydjzn: maybe yu're right19:15
djznActionParsnip: it is grammar incorrent, right?19:15
The_Snake<ActionParsnip> Yes but how do i turn it off? how do i turn vsync off?19:15
jurgenis there a channel for questions about mdadm?19:15
djznI am just checking this because a professor just came with this today19:15
ActionParsnipdjzn: anglasizing words like that isn't gramatically graceful but should be acceptable imho19:16
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: depends on the video chip19:16
Gnea!raid | jurgen19:16
ubottujurgen: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto19:16
dimbosSary thanx, but it didn't help :(19:16
mbeierlanyone know how to migrate all my tags and such from f-spot to shotwell?19:16
merniliohi all!19:16
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: nvidia-settings can beused for nvidia cards to turn it off easily19:16
=== imac is now known as iMac
djznActionParsnip: I know... however, anyone who writes "strongness" on a class, it is incorret, right19:16
Gneajurgen: could try #raid19:16
Picijurgen: #ubuntu-server may be able to help as well.19:16
mernilioand i salute you!19:16
=== cartes_ is now known as cartes
SaRydimbos, i know ..:S19:16
ActionParsnipdjzn: i'd say incorrect as it should be worded better19:17
The_Snake<charmander33> if you want xorg to be on etc/x11 u have to reconfigure it and than move the - xorg.conf.new file to that folder with name xorg.conf and than the X will start using that file19:17
dimbosSary mocking me? :)19:17
djznActionParsnip: what i mean is... .people get the meaning, but should never be written in anything like a newspaper or such thing19:17
Maahesjurgen: also the wikipedia page for mdadm is a quick reference, with extra sources: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mdadm19:18
Picidjzn: I'd say that its not Ubuntu related and should be answered in ##english19:18
aeon-ltd!ot | djzn19:18
ubottudjzn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:18
ActionParsnipdjzn: sure in casual stuff it should be fine. Published articles would be laughed at19:18
The_Snake<ActionParsnip> my chip is an ATI IGP 9100 - and im using the radeon drivers19:18
hackamorenew to ubuntu server19:19
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: not sure there. I avoid ati like Paris Hilton avoids talent. If they have a gui it may be in there19:19
merniliomelb you know.. i have learned the biggest aussi towns as in an uppside spade.sidney, peart and .. i dont know..19:19
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: if not then you'll need an xorg.conf to set vsync off19:19
Pici!ot | mernilio19:19
ubottumernilio: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:20
mernilioalice spring and darwin! :-)19:20
The_Snake<ActionParsnip> the only "kind off GUI" is the driconf and i can not disable it there19:20
* mernilio win! :-) 19:20
brick_I have a Video Blue Ray file, I want to convert it to ISO with Devede, Will that file convert to DVD so it'll play on my DVD player?19:20
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: then i'd get searching, if you don't have an xorg.conf then you can just have the option in there and the rest will be done by udev etc19:20
merniliobtw. i dont like you ubutnu people trashing me!19:21
The_Snake<ActionParsnip> i have the xorg.conf file, just don't know what command to disable vsync19:21
ActionParsnipmernilio: stay ontopic and you'll be fine :)19:21
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: time to warm up those search engines then19:21
merniliofor ick, should be fucko like RMS would have said!19:21
The_Snake<ActionParsnip> lol, even more? lol well google illget tired of me19:22
jamil_1Hi, I have Kubuntu 10.10. Software upgrade from Kpackage kit gives a 403 error while update goes smoothly in the terminal19:23
Picimernilio: Please watch your language and stay ontopic here.  Chat is in #ubuntu-offtopic19:23
ActionParsnipThe_Snake: try some others then19:23
brick_mernilio, language19:23
brick_I have a Video Blue Ray file, I want to convert it to ISO with Devede, Will that file convert to DVD so it'll play on my DVD player?19:23
ActionParsnipbrick_: try it and see19:24
rookshow to change default media application from totem to vlc ?19:24
=== root is now known as Guest93791
ActionParsniprooks: ubuntu-tweak has a gui for that. Or right click a file -> open with, select the app and tell the pairing to be remembered19:25
Guest93791hi can someone help im looking for tutorial on BT4 tools19:25
sresuHow to restart using CLI?19:25
sresuusing commands?19:25
Maahesbrick_: I think you're better off looking for forums on devede, doing strange things with iso's and getting them to work with your dvd player are usually pretty finnicky things to do, and probably beyond the scope of expertise here.19:25
ejvsresu: sudo shutdown -r now19:25
ActionParsnip!backtrack | Guest9379119:25
ubottuGuest93791: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:25
Guest93791 hi can someone help im looking for tutorial on BT4 tool19:25
sresuejv: That would shutdown or restart?19:25
rooksActionParsnip, yeah, i seen ubuntu tweek, but it only allows one by one changes and not whole19:25
ejvsresu: the -r option restarts19:25
Guest93791 hi can someone help im looking for tutorial on BT4 tool19:25
ejvsresu: man shutdown19:25
sresuejv: Oh.. thanks :)19:25
PiciGuest93791: As mentioned, we don't support backtrack here. Please use their channel: #backtrack-linux19:26
ejvalways read the man pages19:26
ActionParsniprooks: nautilus will assign the media type19:26
ejvthey are scary at first, but they will grow on you19:26
rooksk, will see19:26
ActionParsnip!default | rooks19:26
ubotturooks: To change the default application for a filetype in Nautilus, right-click on a file, select Properties -> Open With, and then change the setting.19:26
Guest93791i cant join BT19:27
=== ubuntu is now known as fireinspace
j_ayen_greenInstalled ubuntu on a second server. It has an ethernet connection to a router bridging the net connection. I have net access, but when I look at the network info on the server, the IP address is, which I think is affecting some other things. How do I fix that?19:27
ActionParsnipGuest93791: you may have to register to join it19:27
nergarhello, i need some help, I installed phpmyadmin with sudo aptitude install phpmyadmin but localhost/phpmyadmin gives a 404, i restarted both, the apache server and the OS!!!19:27
SaRyGuest93791, maybe you need to register19:27
rooksActionParsnip, well, there is no 'just replace all bindings from totem to vlc button', is it?19:28
Guest93791HOW WHERE19:28
SaRy /msg nickserv register help19:28
ActionParsniprooks: not sure. I launch stuff from terminal19:28
rooksk, thx19:28
ActionParsnip!register | Guest9379119:28
ubottuGuest93791: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode19:28
srjHi. Im trying to figure out which /dev/file is my IR reciever that come with my laptop. please help19:28
danharris83hi all19:28
ActionParsnipsrj: sudo lshw | less ,may help (use cursors to scroll down)19:29
ben_How do I make apt/update-manager save at least 3 kernel installs in 10.10? It is only keeping the current kernel for me.19:29
danharris83hi doe anyone have any knowledge on Bash Scripts19:30
mbutubuntuhello folks19:30
j_ayen_greenor, to ask another way, how do I obtain an ip address for my ethernet connection?19:30
danharris83hi mbutubuntu19:30
fireinspaceis anyone else having trouble launching gparted from the livecd - crashes every time!  --- not good if you want to resize system19:30
Picidanharris83: #bash might be the best place to ask19:30
mbutubuntuI've a very unnatural behaviour of my new webcam, it's a lowlow cost webcam but the chip is siGma micro micro USB Web Camera that's reported to work on ubuntu19:30
danharris83ahh thank you Pici its just i have a bash script i need to install through the terminal and not sure how to im new to ubuntu19:31
Picidanharris83: Install?19:31
Picidanharris83: If its more Ubuntu related, then its best to ask here.19:31
munshihello..i have some problems with ubuntu 10.1019:31
ben_The advanced bash-scripting guide is a great reference for bash - http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/19:31
=== Guest93791 is now known as adamG
munshii cannot seem to setup vodafone internet stick k 352019:31
mbutubuntuI can watch the webcam only with v4l2ucp, cheese gets a Segmentation Fault and ffplay says [video4linux @ 0x87c6510]VIDIOCMCAPTURE: Invalid argument19:32
danharris83yes i am trying to install something called Repo maker its for an iphone cydia repo19:32
mbutubuntuplease help me I'm going crazy19:32
sara123Hey everyone: i'm trying to connect to internet via networkmanager, but it won't appear in taskline. notificationfield IS activated. also tried to install wicd, but am always lacking packages.. can anyone help me to get acces to internet, please?19:33
brick_thanks Maahes19:33
munshi i cannot seem to setup vodafone internet stick k 3520 on ubuntu 10.1019:33
danharris83I can link you to the script pici19:33
brick_Blue Ray files converted to DVD ISO with DEVEDE will work with SOME DVD players.19:33
brick_Blue Ray files converted to DVD ISO with DEVEDE will work with SOME DVD players.19:34
fireinspaceok, try again... does gparted work for anyone on an installed system (maverick)... it's crashing from within live cd19:34
FloodBot1brick_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:34
brick_I know19:34
Picidanharris83: What? You said that you had the bash script.19:34
ben_gparted worked for me booting off of a live usb 10.10 version...19:34
fireinspacesara123, taskline? notificationfiled?19:35
=== adamG is now known as oss1981
fireinspaceben_, this is a cd not usb...19:35
giampaoloI've just installed maverick and the browser flash plugin, as always, sucks. Is there an alternative version I could use?19:35
fireinspacenot that it should matter19:35
oss1981is there any manual for bt tools19:35
fireinspacegiampaolo, are you using flashplugin-nonfree?19:35
danharris83yes i have it in the help files it is called a small bash script and i have to install it for it to create the reletive folders for my server .  the info is here im just not sure how to do it   http://cytec.us/tools/repo/help.html19:36
j_ayen_greenis there a better channel to ask networking questions?19:36
WilliamThanks to actionparsnip for helping me19:36
v3nd3tta``i got a problem during my certificates19:36
giampaolofireinspace: honestly I don't know what I'm using, is there a way to see that?19:36
v3nd3tta``ssl certs19:36
Williamreally appreciate19:36
munshi i cannot seem to setup vodafone internet stick k 352019:36
mnoyceHi. Has anyone else had issues with tool-tips in Ubuntu 10.10? I have the Metacity compositing manager enabled and tool-tips seem to only appear after I moved the mouse, or only the shadow appears, but not the tool-tip itself. Just wondering...19:36
sara123Hey everyone: i'm trying to connect to internet via networkmanager, but it won't appear in systray. notificationarea IS activated. also tried to install wicd, but am always lacking packages.. can anyone help me to get acces to internet, please?19:36
fireinspacegiampaolo, oh dear... I'd have said fire up synaptic to see, but first you'll have to install it... don't know if software centre gives you package versions... I'm old school... still using jaunty19:37
=== Mrokii__ is now known as Mrokii_
jagsyo I just formated a drive to ext4 and I can't write to it, It belongs to root19:38
jagshow do i change the permissions so my user can has full access19:39
munshican any1 help me with installing USB vodafone stick???19:39
fireinspaceok, checked cd for errors and there are non... but gparted crashes... software centre crashes... this really puts me off installing maverick... so far, not so good19:39
sporkboyOkay, my X still isn't loading. no errors I can find.. the orange "ubuntu" text goes away, and nothing happens after that. I've tried reinstalling all the nvidia and xserver stuff, including downloading last night's driver from nvidia. nothing works. (I'm in failsafeX right now)19:39
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Guest77790
pepohi to all people !!!19:39
pepodid anybody use dd utility?19:39
sresuIs it right to assume that sticking to a particular Ubuntu/Linux distribution and updating only the kernel will still give me a running system, howsoever oudated it maybe in applications?19:39
fireinspacejags, well change owner then? !chown19:39
giampaolofireinspace: I've just installed flashplugin-nonfree and flashplugin-installer and it's a little better than before19:39
giampaolobut it still sucks19:40
delamanI am trying to use tsMuxeR but i get this error every time http://i.imgur.com/Zn1FT.png   Any ideas to what is the problem?19:40
fireinspacegiampaolo, what gfx card/driver19:40
jagsfireinspace, I'll look that up19:40
sporkboyjags: man fstab may have the answer to your question.19:40
giampaolowhat's recommended to have a decent flash plugin? heck! we are in 201019:40
houserockrhi there! where can i activate the list view in nautilus in ubuntu maverick?19:40
jagsthere was a gui app that managed fstab for you, anyone remember the name?19:40
KM0201giampaolo: adobe flash works fine...19:40
fireinspacejags, is it external or what?19:40
danharris83adobe-flash-install  in synaptic package manager19:40
jagsfireinspace, its internal19:41
fireinspacewhat mount point?19:41
DaZhouserockr: view->list ? >:19:41
MrRobotohas scribus been released for ubuntu?19:41
fireinspacegiampaolo, you only need flashplugin-nonfree19:42
soroush_hi again, how i can see network status (send,recive,...) like "netstat" in windows command promt?19:42
jagsfireinspace, its /dev/sdb1 mounted at /media/19:42
houserockrDaZ: don't have that option :/19:42
fireinspacejags, where in media?19:42
DaZhouserockr: ctrl+2?19:42
jagsfireinspace, /media/Tiamat19:42
DaZhouserockr: are you sure it's nautilus?19:43
giampaolodanharris83: I don't have a package called "adobe-flash-install" in synaptic19:43
fireinspacejags, what username?19:43
jagsfireinspace, its jags19:43
houserockrDaZ: yep, about says its nautilus version 2.32.019:43
houserockrDaZ: ctrl+2 doesn't work either19:43
fireinspacejags, chown jags:jags -R /media/Tiamat19:43
jagsfireinspace, cool thanks19:44
bredotoDoes anybody knows how to start up some script using runlevel under non root user?19:44
pepopeople! I have a 300GB hard drive. when i do dd if=/dev/zero of=temp bs=1M count=3096 I get 61.6 MB/s (dual xeon 2.4, 2GB memory), but when I do the same command on a desktop with Intel i7 Core 500GB hard drive I get 46.2 MB/s. Could somebody give me some ideas where to dig?19:45
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=== Mrokii_ is now known as Guest26813
fireinspacepepo, are the HDD's different speeds?19:46
=== Guest26813 is now known as Mrokii_
=== Mrokii_ is now known as Guest2014
vikSo does one just shout out questions here or how does it work?19:47
peponope 300GB drive Seagate ST3300831AS and 500GB drive Seagate 3500841AS, both 3Gbit/s19:47
GregValheruvik, yes just ask away19:48
fireinspacevik, yeah, thogh the way you ask determines the chance of help19:48
vikOk. Ill do my best :)19:48
soroush_somebody help me   how i can see network status (send,recive,...) like "netstat" in windows command promt?19:48
bredotoI have a script that should be executed as regular user. How cat i put them in to the runlevel in such a way that after sys reboot it starts under reg user!!!!!19:48
sporkboysoroush: there's netstat there too19:48
pepoups. 300GB drive 150 data transfer rate and 500GB 300 i/o data transfer rate19:48
mawstsoroush_, nettop?19:49
soroush_i dont know19:49
soroush_i new linux user19:49
pepolooks like 500GB drive work slower than 300GB, how it is possible? O_o19:49
fireinspacesoroush_, netstat?19:49
soroush_netstat is windows19:50
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fireinspacesoroush_, netstat works here ;0)19:50
mawstsoroush_, netstat is a Unix command.19:50
fireinspacesoroush_, have you even tried?19:50
vikI Installed ruby by running sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full in the terminal. This seemed to work fine but two things are peculiar: 1: the way to run ruby is not ruby, but ruby1.9.1 and 2: running ruby1.9.1 -v gets me ruby 1.9.2p0 (2010-08-18 revision 29036) [i686-linux]19:50
sporkboysoroush_, try it... linux has netstat. trust me.19:50
tdnI am considering buying a Macbook or Macbook Pro. However, I am not sure if the hardware (+ periphirals) is fully supported by Ubuntu. How can I verify that it is? Do you have any experience with Ubuntu on Apple hardware?19:50
mawstProbably before it was a windows one.19:50
soroush_no :D19:50
fireinspacesoroush_, doh!19:50
oss1981why cant i join bt ch19:51
soroush_sporkboy: it's work tanQ19:51
klandwehrsorry wrong chat room whoops19:52
pepoany ideas?19:52
jay_Just updated to 10.10, it has eeming randomly logged me out twice now, known issue?19:52
pepo<fireinspace>: any ideas?19:52
fireinspacepepo, well ,your using a different size drive and different cpu... I'm not surprised... rated speeds of drives are not always 100% accurate19:53
sporkboyOkay, X not working after maverick upgrade, can't find any errors, can't get it to load outside of failsafe mode. anybody?19:53
fireinspacepepo, maybe try the larger drive in the xeon machine.. see if that makes a difference?19:53
zeatingWhenever i boot ubuntu on my laptop battery it freezes, and whenever i take out the power it freezes. so basically 10.10 renders my laptop useless19:53
pepo<fireinspace>: but why on a old xeon hard drive works faster than on Intel i7?19:53
zeatingdoes anyone know what could be causing this19:53
zeatingits so frustrating :(19:54
dima_i need driver for ati mobility radeon 2400, but the official driver defenatly have problems, any sugestions?19:54
fireinspacexeon are pretty good19:54
pepo<fireinspace>: I don't think so :)19:55
pepo<fireinspace>: old xeon better than i7..... never19:55
email1459hi there, is anybody who can help me: i install ubuntu nebook is very nice and good but i have no microfone, what can i do?19:55
fireinspacepepo, have you tried different bs?19:55
zeatinganyone :S?19:56
pepo<fireinspace>: yes... every time on xeon machine it is faster than i719:56
email1459hi there, is anybody who can help me: i install ubuntu nebook is very nice and good but i have no microfone, what can i do?19:57
pepo<fireinspace>: give me a bs parameter at your choose19:57
fireinspacepepo, sometimes certain drives will be optimized for different bs sizes... It's a little out of my field though19:58
Ichatemail first of all did you check the audio settings pannel and unmute - are you setting the right cannel (for example)19:58
WeyomeNew try: why does sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full install version 1.9.2 for me on ubuntu? also, ruby doesnt run by the command ruby, but ruby1.9.119:59
Ichatemail1459:  -19:59
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BluesKajWeyome, you probly have 2 ruby versions19:59
timemachine3030Hi, I have I'm trying to black list a package from a repo so that it does not update from the repo.20:00
WeyomeBluesKaj: Before I installed, I ran ruby -v which didnt get me anything20:00
WeyomeBut maybe that doesnt mean that it isnt istalled?20:01
nertilwhy i cant make putty for my ubuntu20:01
fireinspacenertil, ? ssh?20:01
fireinspacenertil, use the command ssh20:01
nertili want putty20:01
nertili dont know why i cant make it20:01
GanonKillercan anybody help?20:01
nertilsysinfo:[disk! / (5GB Free, 9GB Total), /dev (495MB Free, 495MB Total), /dev/shm (498MB Free, 500MB Total), /var/run (500MB Free, 500MB Total), /var/lock (500MB Free, 500MB Total)][ram! Usage: 525/1008MB (52.08%)]20:02
nertil<Makedonka> sysinfo:[network! (lo Interface: 197Kb In, 197Kb Out) (eth0 Interface: 0bytes In, 0bytes Out) (wlan0 Interface: 218Mb In, 15Mb Out)][load! 1.31 1.14 0.93][processes! 194]20:02
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fireinspacenertil, why?  putty is ssh for windows20:02
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nertilno it is for linux too20:02
pepo<fireinspace>: I thought that a hard drive should give me a speed up to 150MB/s but I tested different hard drives on our office with different machines and every time i get slower than 70MB/s...20:02
BluesKajWeyome, if it isn't installed you'll get a message like , The program 'ruby' is currently not installed.20:02
test1_I installed ubuntu 10.10 from scrach, and it create only one big partition "/" , in 10.04 it create "/" partition for the system, and "/home" partition, in 10.10 the default partition allocation is only one big partition?20:02
Ichatnertil:  ask in  #putty20:02
GanonKillerthere is a sound bug for meerkat20:02
nertilyou can ask too when ppl will be there20:03
SurlawHello, I've just dled kubuntu 10.10, did a wubi install, rebooted, let the iostall finish, took a while btw with a frozen kubuntu screen, they could at least put a progress bar or something... anyway, it finishes, I restart, chose generic kernel and BOOM it fails : Gave up waiting for root device [.... some shit] Alert! /dev/sdb2 does not exist... WTH?! I seriously hate linux, always had, always20:03
Surlawwill... too bad I need it sometimes as a programer XD So Ccould anyone help with that? Please :p20:03
FloodBot1Surlaw: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:03
zeatingWhenever i boot ubuntu on my laptop battery it freezes, and whenever i take out the power it freezes. so basically 10.10 renders my laptop useless20:03
fireinspacenertil, but why not use ssh?20:03
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nertilfireinspace,  in terminal?20:04
fireinspacenertil, yeah20:04
fireinspacetest1_, that has always been the default...20:04
lucahi - I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 on my Asus EEE PC. Would like to use two finger scrolling, but I can't activate the option. Help? :)20:04
BluesKajtest1_, did yoi install 10.10 to / , with manual partitioning option or did you use the auto-partitioner20:04
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WeyomeBluesKaj: Yeah, thats what I got before, and is what I still get when I run ruby -v: The program 'ruby' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:20:04
Weyomesudo apt-get install ruby20:04
fireinspacetest1_, you ahve to manually partition (advanced) during install to set a seperate /home20:04
test1_I choose the "use entire disk20:05
test1_I choose the "use entire disk" option20:05
Rikkuthe sound keeps bugging out20:05
WeyomeBluesKaj: Thx for your effort in helping me btw!20:05
fireinspacetest1_, well what did you expect?  that will do exactly that!?!20:05
MaahesWeyome: type which ruby20:05
BluesKajWeyome, np.20:06
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aquaratit's a bit worrying when you type "sudo nickserv______" to identify yourself :/20:06
WeyomeMaahes: which ruby didnt return anything20:06
test1_to allocate and create the partition automaticaly, including /home20:06
domcodnertil: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/putty20:06
fireinspacetest1_, Use entire disk means NO seperate /home partition... /home is instead placed on the / partition20:06
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MaahesWeyome: okay, so its definitely not installed. (you could have had it installed to somewhere not in your path)20:06
test1_ohh I see..20:07
WeyomeMaahes: which ruby1.9.1 did return /usr/bin/ruby1.9.1 on the other hand20:07
test1_should I reinstall it?20:07
maquisokay, i was in here earlier with X problems on my server, and someone (ActionParsnip) is the nick coming to mind, but I'm not certain) suggested I remove nvidia packages, then reboot, then re-install them.  I was able to get in without the nvidia packages, but when I went and re-installed them, X went back into a bad state after I rebooted...20:07
MaahesWeyome: create a symlink of ruby1.9.1 called ruby in usr/bin20:08
under0Hi. I've to print a web page but there is not my printer. Why? lsusb ->  Bus 001 Device 005: ID 03f0:7611 Hewlett-Packard DeskJet F2492 All-in-One20:08
DaZtest1_: you can live without /home on separate partition20:09
WeyomeMaahes: Ok. Need to read up on symlink then. Will all ruby stuff work if its through this link?20:09
BluesKajmaquis, maybe this method will help http://pastebin.com/qWg96z8C20:09
fireinspaceDaZ, though it is better practice to have a seperate /home20:09
Rikkuhas the sound bug been fixed for meerkat?20:09
DaZit is20:09
Rikkuthe sound keeps bugging out20:09
MaahesWeyome: then make sure its executable. If ruby1.9.1 is "ruby" the symlink just executes it, try going into usr/bin and doing ./ruby1.9.1 just to check20:09
test1_ok.. I think I'll install gparted and create another partition for /home20:10
test1_thanks you all20:10
WeyomeMaahes: Ok. Will do. Thanks alot!20:10
Rikkuthe sound keeps bugging out on meerkat20:11
lateignejai un probleme de webcam20:12
lateigneune camera bison20:12
lateignejarrive pas a la faire fonctionner20:12
Pici!fr | lateigne20:12
ubottulateigne: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:12
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datacrusherhow do i find a post that iv posted a message in ubuntuforum? i forgot to subscribe to it and cant find in my cp where is my "postings"20:14
sporkboyokay... this obviously isn't gonna work... is there a way to downgrade back to 9.04?20:15
sporkboyerrr... 10.04, not 9.04. nerr.20:15
Da_Wreckasporkboy: Back up your /home directory (assuming you don't have a /home partition) and reinstall. That's about the only way I've found to downgrade Ubuntu20:16
Tigger_Yum-Yumis it just my hardware or does linux in general respond slower then windows? anyone?20:16
dlisporkboy, is it absolutely needed?20:16
maquisBluesKaj: I'll ook into that... thanks!20:16
sporkboydli, I can't get X to load out of failsafe mode, and now I can't get apt to work right.20:16
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, generally not true20:16
Nick2Is Ubuntu 6.06 still supported?20:16
bjsnidermaquis, what hardware is this?20:17
Da_Wreckawow, that's a bit more of a harsh situation than mine...20:17
PiciNick2: On the server, yes.20:17
tensorpuddingNick2: yes20:17
Nick2ok, thanks20:17
Da_WreckaMine, I downgraded from 10.10 to 10.04 because I couldn't put up with that Unity awfulness20:17
dlisporkboy, sudo apt-get update20:17
Tigger_Yum-Yumwell no matter which distro, kernel, window manager i use its always a little more sluggish then any version of windoze i use dli20:17
maquisBluesKaj: that's actually what i did...20:17
maquisbjsnider: lemme check20:18
KM0201Da_Wrecka, why not just put a normal gnome interface on the netbook?20:18
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, I feel the opposite, and I would delete the 'a little' though20:18
BluesKaj!LTS |  nick220:18
ubottunick2: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)20:18
maquisbjsnider: 00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C61 [GeForce 6150SE nForce 430] (rev a2)20:18
Rikkui am currently running maverick meerkat 10.1020:19
bjsnidermaquis, what driver are you trying to use?20:19
maquis(sorry, 1-year-old really wants my keyboard) :)20:19
Tigger_Yum-Yumwhat could i be doing wrong then dli... what is causing me to have poor results20:19
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, if you ever tried super-pi, you would notice that it's at least 10% faster in linux20:19
maquisbjsnider: i tried to install nvidia-common20:19
Rikkuthe sound fades out when i play something20:19
bjsnidermaquis, you mean nvidia-current?20:19
maquisbjsnider: yeah...20:19
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, hard to say, do benchmarking yourself :(20:20
bjsnidermaquis, what driver does jockey recoomend?20:20
BluesKajmaquis, I think nvidia -current will work with the 615020:20
Tigger_Yum-Yumim not trying to knock linux dli i want to use it but i need it to pull its weight20:20
bjsnidermaquis, hardware drivers manager20:21
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, also, you'd better provide more info and be more specific20:21
sporkboydli, update works, but it says 0 upgrades available, then when I try to install, says 150 to install, then fails with: E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'libbz2-1.0'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)20:21
maquisi tried to use the "additional drivers" thing from inside gnome, but it said i wasn't using any drivers20:21
twinkie_addictthe neuvoue driver works pretty well in 10.10 since my tnt2 drivers arnt suported any more20:21
maquiswas I using the wrong tool?20:21
Da_WreckaKM0201: Because every time I tried to use regular GNOME all I got was a desktop with a couple of icons on it. No taskbar for running applications, no menus for loading applications short of Alt-F1.20:21
Tigger_Yum-Yumi dont understand how i can go from running a pile of apps on windows 7 eating up half my cpu and ram just idling to nearly using nothing running linux but still having a slower response time20:21
bjsnidermaquis, it should appear and recommend a driver. if not launch it manually20:22
Targeterdon't you love that20:22
KM0201Da_Wrecka, strange, gnome works flawlessly on my netbook20:22
dlisporkboy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=996685220:22
maquisbjsnider: should appear when?  and if I'm launching in manually, is it something other than the "additional drivers" menu under settings->administration?20:22
bjsnidermaquis, that is the one20:23
Da_WreckaKM0201: Are you using the specific Netbook release, or the Desktop release?20:23
maquisbjsnider: ok... let me remove nvidia-current again and get rid of my xorg.conf again so I can get into that box again20:23
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, response time of what? example?20:23
bjsnidermaquis, jockey adds a xorg.conf automatically when you activate a driver20:24
KM0201Da_Wrecka, desktop release.20:24
Tigger_Yum-Yumeverything dli... opening folders... animations... programs open faster in general but still have a sluggish feel once open20:24
maquis  bjsnider ok... i'll look at that20:24
Da_Wreckathat may be why20:24
Da_WreckaI was using the Netbook release20:24
maquisbjsnider: do i want to check jockey before installing the driver, then?20:24
bjsnidermaquis, activate the driver through jockey. do not do it manually20:25
sporkboydli, yes, that's my problem, but I don't see a solution posted.20:25
Targeternetbook release is slightly optimized more for netbooks hence why it feels more responsive on them20:25
BelinrahsI just did the upgrade to maverick and upon checking xrandr - it now thinks my display is connected via "HDMI-1" whereas 10.04 thought it was DVI-I-1. How can I make this display be recognized as dvi-i-1?20:25
KM0201Targeter, i guess i disagree.. it felt sluggish and awkard to me... I like a normal gnome on my netbook far better20:25
Tigger_Yum-Yumi run a dual core amd cpu thats 32/64 dli but i always use 32 bit distros for compatibility sake... would that be the problem dli?20:26
sporkboybut I have to go.20:26
maquisbjsnider: ok... I removed nvidia-current, removed my xorg.conf, and rebooted.  then, i went to system->administration->additional drivers20:26
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, for desktop response time, you may want to try faster desktops than ubuntu-desktop, sudo apt-get install xfce lxde20:26
maquisit says "no proprietary drivers are in use on this system"20:26
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Tigger_Yum-Yum(i use windows 32 bit though as well dli)20:26
iulhkany idea about "update-rc.d: warning: /etc/init.d/openfire missing LSB information"?20:26
bjsnidermaquis, make sure all modalias packages are installed20:26
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, of course, 64bit is recommended, unless you know for 100% sure that you need 32bit, even so, I suggest a 32bit chroot, or virtual machine for that20:27
maquisbjsnider: so, install nvidia-current-modaliases or all the nvidia-modaliases?20:27
bjsnidermaquis, all of them20:27
Tigger_Yum-Yum32bit chroot? or vm for what dli?20:27
meowsusDoes anyone here use VNC on their Android Phone to controll their Ubuntu box?20:28
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, one more rule, I don't use windows, I don't understand windows, so, you don't have to tell me anything about windows20:28
zeatinghow come when i switched to ubuntu 10.10 64 bit i cannot use my laptop without plugging it into the AC20:28
zeatingit locks up on boot with just battery20:28
maquisbjsnider: ah... okay, i might've accidentally removed these when I was previously trying to get things working... :)20:28
Rikkumy sound keeps fading out when playing music or video.. any fixes?20:28
Tigger_Yum-Yumwhats a 32bit "chroot" dli and what should i use it for?20:29
dliTigger_Yum-Yum, to try schroot: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot20:29
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dliTigger_Yum-Yum, to try KVM: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM20:29
maquisbjsnider: ok... installed those, the hardware manager didn't see anything still, so i'm rebooting and will try again20:29
fr33mindisn't there a package to give extra functionalities to the touchpad?20:30
Tigger_Yum-Yumi think ill try a 64b xfce distro dli, thanks for the help20:30
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dliTigger_Yum-Yum, xfce is good compromise for speed and functionality20:31
maquisbjsnider: still no love.  :(20:31
Rikkui have sound in my browser but not in any other programs20:32
maquisbjsnider: figured it out (with your help)!  I had removed nvidia-common as well as nvidia-current before, so that was preventing it from seeing it20:34
dlisporkboy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=148402020:34
maquisthanks for all the help!!!!!20:34
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uLinuxwow system beep (audible bell) only works with Compiz disabled LOL20:35
zatanhi , ubuntu 10.04 by default using Pulse-Audio or ALSA?20:35
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uLinuxzatan: pulseaudio20:35
zatanuLinux,  thank u20:35
_CommandeR_hi i need help with my raid system, thing is that it wont read my partition tables on the raid disk only shows unalcolated space20:35
uLinuxzatan: better u confirm20:35
maquisbjsnider: thanks for all the help with this... next time i won't remove too much stuff while fixing a problem :)20:36
poincare101Hello everyone. I just got a new 1 TB hard drive, and right now, I'm just gonna put ubuntu on it. However, later on, can I partition ubuntu so that windows 7 can join in?20:37
h00kpoincare101: yes, you can resize your partition20:37
h00k!dualboot | poincare10120:37
ubottupoincare101: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot20:37
glaucousI was modifying the location of  var by moving it to another drive, this did however not result successfully and i reverted it by copying it back to /var. However, at boot I get this: "Could not update ICEauthority file /var/lib/gdm/.ICEauthoriy". And after that: "There is a problem with the configuration server. (/usr/lib/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)"20:38
_CommandeR_any info about raid 0 and linux ?20:38
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto20:38
maquisbjsnider: erm... just finally finished installing and I rebooted... and it's stuck again :(20:39
tensorpuddingit can be done using mdadm20:39
poincare101h00k: thx.20:39
brontoeeewhat is the default button order in guis? (if on right side)? i have x,_,o20:39
tensorpuddingthat's it20:39
h00kpoincare101: no prob, there's a part on the wiki about resizing, too20:39
maquisi'm really confuddled by this thing20:39
tensorpuddingoh, on the right20:39
tensorpuddingusually _,o,x20:40
_CommandeR_tensorpudding, but i do not want to have software raid20:40
tensorpuddingwhich is not quite inverted20:40
brontoeeetensorpudding, ok20:40
tensorpudding_CommandeR_: got a raid card?20:40
bjsnidermaquis, which driver did it recommend?20:40
_CommandeR_tensorpudding, I already have Raid 0 running with 3 partitions created and running NTFS on them20:40
tensorpuddingah, fakeraid20:41
_CommandeR_tensorpudding, its running on ATI southbridge20:41
ReallycoolMy GRUB won't work with the keyboard built into this laptop, or any keyboard I plug into it, is there any way around this?20:41
alan__How do i remove adobe flash in ubuntu? 10.10?20:41
tensorpuddingthere is some support for fakeraid20:41
tensorpuddingbut it's messy20:42
xckpd7question: what's a lightway way to manage windows in ubuntu (10.10)? let's say I want to toss one window to the right, and one to the left20:42
tensorpuddingRAID-0 across three drives? That's pretty hazardous20:42
jahdaehello, i have a disgustingly low resolution after installing the nvidia drivers in ubuntu.  any ideas on how to fix this? I already tried editing the xorg manually but that did not work20:42
xckpd7and another question: why isn't maverick letting me drag windows across to different workspaces?20:42
brontoeeei meant on the left side really ...20:42
maquisbjsnider: ummm...  there were two... and I selected the one it said was recommended...20:42
tensorpuddingjahdae: try installing nvidia-xsettings20:42
jay_could use a hand here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159677120:43
jahdaetensorpudding: done that. does not give me any higher resolutions20:43
bjsnidermaquis, try the other one20:43
geniehow can I upgrade using .iso ?20:43
jahdaetensorpudding: i'm in 640x400 right now20:43
maquisbjsnider: will try that20:43
jahdaegenie when you mount the CD/ISO it should ask you if you want to20:44
jahdaegenie why don't you do it via update manager?20:44
thiefywhat is the default user name and password to the xubuntu 10.10 live cd?20:44
ReallycoolMy GRUB won't work with the keyboard built into this laptop, or any keyboard I plug into it, is there any way around this?20:44
geniejahdae, I have an error from update-manager20:44
genieI cannot solve it20:44
jay_genie is it like this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159677120:45
coolmadmaxxckpd7, did you turn on desktop effects20:45
jahdaegenie oh i c. sorry can't help there20:45
jahdaeany ideas on how to solve my resolution problem anyone?20:45
_CommandeR_tensorpudding, well after reading i guess it is fakeraid, but one issue. Gparted read my drives but not the partition tables. How do i make it read the partition tables to then resize my partitions?20:45
xckpd7coolmadmax: yeah the windows are like liquid when you move them20:45
geniethanks jahdae20:45
James-Blazecan anyone tell me why when i boot from my Ubuntu CD and try to install it takes me to a console and not the GUI installer?20:46
xckpd7I even try to drag the little icon in workspaces to another and that doesn't work eithe20:46
ajsieif google chrome os is built on ubuntu .. doesnt that mean you can go down to ubuntu level and do stuff on the shell?20:46
ajsieinstall softwares etc20:46
Deathspawnhow do I get access to my folders through the live CD? I need to backup my stuff because the main install of Ubuntu messed up and the folders are locked for me. (like .mozilla, etc)20:46
ehcahDoes anyone if know if there is a PST import tool for either Evolution or Thunderbird?20:47
alan__James-Blaze: Please explain?20:47
maquisbjsnider: it had recommended version current.  i will try version 173 instead20:47
bjsniderdo that thing20:47
=== thiago_ is now known as TinyMaster
tensorpudding_CommandeR_: Linux's handling of Window's fakeraid partitions is probably not going to work20:47
James-BlazeAlan- When I boot from the Ubuntu installation disc it runs but then takes me to a terminal like window and not a GUI20:48
heatxsinkhi if I wanted to sync the installed packages between an already configured instance of ubuntu and a clean install of ubuntu (both the same version) how would I do that?20:48
James-Blazeit says ubuntu@ubuntu:~$20:48
alan__Then what20:49
James-Blazethats it20:49
Jordan_U!clone | heatxsink20:49
ubottuheatxsink: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:49
tensorpudding_CommandeR_: it involves some partition table mangling, i'm not sure it's possible20:49
alan__James-Blaze: I'm not sure it shouldn't do that though. Try reboot and boot the disk when its about to start and it should give you the GUI.20:50
James-Blazei have already tried that alan_20:50
ZloiKotFAQwhether someone speaks Russian?20:50
Loungei lost the default volume control applet, how do i get it back?, cant find it anywhere20:50
James-Blazeand when I tried to install from windows i got an error saying it couldnt find the hard drive20:50
alan__Well what you running on that computer at the moment? Windows?20:50
James-Blazeit won't install from windows either20:51
maquisbjsnider: still no love. :(20:51
tensorpudding!ru | ZloiKotFAQ20:51
ubottuZloiKotFAQ: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:51
alan__Well go to My Computer and click the cd/dvd rom drive and go threw that way.20:51
brontoeeeanother q: how to install the new maverick theme in lucid?20:51
berkeshi there! Is there a trick  or option to make the resize-drag borders in Gnome wider? I find the grab-area too small on my laptop.20:51
Loungei'm missing the Ubuntu 10.10 Volume Indicator Applet20:51
Loungehow do i get it back?20:51
James-Blazei dont understand you there alan20:51
Deathspawnnevermind, sudo nautilus gave me access...20:52
bjsnidermaquis, in that case your hardware probably isn't currently supported by the nvidia driver. lots of people are in that situation at the moment20:52
maquisbjsnider: did maverick take out support?20:52
maquisbjsnider: it was supported in lucid.20:52
bjsniderno, but this is a beta driver20:52
acer_What file I need to edit to fix my grub-pc to obtain the updated information after Ubuntu 10.10 upgrade?20:53
maquisbjsnider: interesting.  i'm guessing there's no good way to backport?20:53
ace_steelhey!!! can anyone tellme how to delete log files of pidgin?20:53
bjsnidermaquis, you'll have to use the nouveau driver for now20:53
Reallycoolwait, is 10.10 out?20:54
ace_steelyes really cool20:54
maquisbjsnider: i'll look at that later, then... if i turn nvidia off, it at least boots for now20:54
alan__Reallycool yes.20:54
Reallycoolmy god...20:54
Jordan_Uacer_: What problem are you actually seeing?20:54
* Reallycool thought it would be more toward the end of the month than this20:54
ace_steel can anyone tell me how to delete log files of pidgin?20:55
ace_steel ?20:55
acer_Jordan_U, the thing is I am unable to boot directly. I need to use grub prompt to boot after 10.1020:55
Jordan_Uacer_: What happens when you try to boot normally?20:56
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dgarciaset nick kosme1020:56
h00kdgarcia: /nick newnickgoeshere20:56
acer_Jordan_U, it restarts the machine.20:56
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kosme10h00k: thx20:57
Loungeim missing the volume applet20:57
icerootLounge: its in the "indicator-applet"20:57
Jordan_Uacer_: Can you run boot info script as explained here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and pastebin the RESULTS.txt ?20:57
kosme10h00k: I'm testing irssi :)20:58
Loungeiceroot: its not in there20:58
Loungewhat do i need to reinstall to get it back?20:58
ace_steelhook:do u know to delete the log files of pidgin?20:58
icerootLounge: in 10.04 it was there, dont know about 10.1020:58
acer_Jordan_U, sure, no prob. just a sec please..20:58
RudyValenciaHi, how do I set up my netboot system to offer both Lucid and Maverick?20:58
trismLounge: make sure indicator-sound is installed20:59
Loungetrism: it is20:59
Loungebut its nowehere to be found :/20:59
dyrnadehey all21:00
trismLounge: try running: gnome-volume-control-applet;21:00
dyrnadehow can i install Free Download Manager on Ubuntu ?21:00
aciculaQuestion, i have a paired bluetooth phone, but everytime i want to access i get prompted again to enter a pin code both on ubuntu and then again on the device, this on 10.10 (netbook remix)21:01
JacenI'm having some problems with the installation of Ubuntu. After it installed and reboots it stops at the black screen with the horizontal bar. Any ideas what to do?21:02
aciculaerr, how can i fix it from bugging me about a pin, the phone is set to autoconnect with the paired pc21:02
sebsebsebJacen: hmm21:02
JacenI've tried the wubi installer and disc methods21:02
sebsebsebJacen: Which graphics card?21:03
JacenNVIDIA Geforce GTS 360m21:03
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sebsebsebJacen: How old is the computer?21:03
aciculawith a 360m its brand new21:03
Jacen6 months21:03
sebsebsebJacen: black screen with horizontal bar, I guess you mean  boot up screen that went wrong21:04
sebsebsebJacen: for the Wubi  did you use an ISO that you downloaded?21:04
JacenYep...its the one that it downloads21:04
sebsebsebJacen: maybe just a bad download21:05
Jacenhttp://www.agearnotebooks.com/asusg51jx-a1.html    <<<my laptop21:05
dyrnadeHow can i install Free Download Manager(FDM) on ubuntu?21:05
sebsebsebJacen: still got the ISO?21:05
JacenI've tried redownloading it and everything21:05
DeathspawnJacen: does a hard reboot work? (hit power button till it shuts down then turn back on) I have a similar problem with a dell laptop and i just hard reboot it and sometimes i get the screen, and sometimes it boots fine.21:05
Jacenwhere does wubi save the file whn you run it?21:05
Jacenand I've tried rebooting it multiple times...still doesnt work21:06
sebsebsebJacen: puts a file on the Windows partition for Ubuntu21:06
MartijnvdcHi, when i try to mount my external hard drive as user, i get the following error: "User doesn't have privilege to mount. For more information please see: http://ntfs-3g.org/support.html#unprivileged" when i do what the guide says, i still have the same error, what can be done about this please?21:06
ace_steelJacen:why don't u try installing it by usb stick?!?21:06
alan__<Martijnvdc>: sudo.21:06
JacenI guess I'll try that next21:06
Jacenmiss ubuntu :(21:07
Martijnvdc<alan__>: i'm trying not to use sudo21:07
alan__I still think arch linux still beats ubuntu.21:07
sebsebsebJacen: lap tops tend to get the problems,  and some computers Ubuntu doesn't like at all,  may depend on the version though.  However sometimes other distros work much better on a computer than Ubuntu,  but I would suggest trying a previous version of Ubuntu such as 10.04, before considering trying another distro.21:07
MathuinI am about to report a bug with the Indicator Applet with regard to the mute indicator.  apport-bug wants to know if it's a "sound/audio related problem" or a "display (X.org)" problem.  I think they're talking about drivers there and this isn't a driver issue but an app issue.  I just wanted to make sure, though.21:08
JacenI tried 10.04 before 10.10 came out21:08
sebsebsebJacen: same problem?21:08
ace_steelJacen:i suggest u go with 9.10 first21:08
sebsebsebJacen: I am not sure which Nivida card you got, but its not a really fancy one right?21:08
JacenIts pretty nice21:08
Jacenits a 1gb21:08
sebsebsebJacen: Ubuntu tends to work best with standard hardware21:08
sebsebsebJacen: also as ace_steel is suggesting 9.10 may be a good idea to try21:09
KM0201Jacen, that's probably a 9x... how does lspci identify it?21:09
Martijnvdcalan__:  i'm trying not to use sudo21:09
Rosbuntuwithout sudo what can u use21:09
Rosbuntumy ubuntu is damn slow21:09
alan__Rosbuntu want to know why?21:09
alan__Adobe flash :)21:09
Martijnvdcit's not possible to mount a device without root privileges??21:09
Rosbuntui dont know why it is slow21:10
alan__Don't think so no.21:10
sebsebsebalan__: ArchLinux isn't really for newbies, so not a great one to recommend to many people21:10
Rosbuntuif u know let me know21:10
KM0201alan__,  i dont have probs w/ flash on my Desktop(Nvidia graphics) on my Laptop.. it's a bit more an issue..21:10
JacenKM0201: I'm not sure what you mean21:10
KM0201Jacen, nevermind, i saw where you responded a minute ago21:10
ArtArfonIm beefing up antivirus scanning on the gui plane, the plane boss :) http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/gadmin-antivirus/screenshots/21:10
alan__Rosbuntu its adobe flash. - Go to terminal type: top -> Check witch is taking the most cpu/memory.21:10
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albertitohi! my terminal bell is not working (probably it hasn't been working for a long time), and I can't enable it. It does not work on xfce-terminal (my regular terminal), xterm, or gnome-terminal. beep works, tho. Any ideas about what may be going on?21:11
Jacenso I should try an older version of Ubuntu or another type of Linux?21:11
albertitoI've tried enabling it with xset, and in the options of both xfce-terminal and gnome-terminal, but it's still not working21:11
sebsebsebJacen: it may just be a Plymouth issue21:11
sebsebsebJacen: the boot up21:11
sebsebsebJacen: that 10.04 and 10.10 use21:11
alan__ArtArfon: What language is that c?21:12
acer_Jordan_U, http://paste.ubuntu.com/513375/21:12
JacenWell darn21:12
sebsebsebJacen: may be an issue with Plymouth itself, or just the way Ubuntu has done it.  9.10 uses Xsplash instead, and that may work better21:12
alan__Thought so21:12
JacenWell thanks guys!21:12
JacenI'll try it and see21:12
sebsebsebJacen: 9.10 also is still supported untill the end of April next year21:12
RosbuntuHow can i use orangeHRM in my ubuntu21:13
ArtArfonalan__: I think ill drop the quarantine button because it can hide viruses or give false positives. What do any of you think ?21:13
sebsebseb!virus | ArtArfon21:13
ubottuArtArfon: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus21:13
alan__ArtArfon: Yeah go for it21:13
ArtArfonalan__: I have it linked to a popup that tells the user to remove the file with the remove button or reinstall the system to be secure (as it is)21:14
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alan__ArtArfon: Whats this for ubuntu?21:15
Jordan_Uacer_: What commands are you using toboot from the grub shell?21:15
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defibWhenanyone has a chance, I'm trying to get compiz to work with my fresh install of 10.1021:15
ArtArfonalan__: All Open Source systems21:15
ArtArfonalan__: Itll be in ubuntu as well21:15
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JacenCan someone link me to the 9.10  download?21:16
sebsebsebJacen: make sure to md5sum check as well ideally21:16
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kevin_Hello! How do I get to the pure-text-only command line black screen with white letters and nothing else mode? I can't seem to figure it out.21:16
alan__Jacen: Its on the website.21:16
acer_Jordan_U, not sure because I use the auto complete function.21:16
sebsebsebJacen: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.1021:16
erUSULkevin_: crtl + alt + f121:16
sebsebsebacer_: no not 9.1021:16
sebsebsebacer_: uh wrongo ne21:16
h00kkevin_: try a TTY: ctrl+alt+f1 through f7, then the graphics are back on ctrl-alt-f821:16
sebsebsebalan__: no not 9.10,  in the above link though yes21:16
Jordan_Uacer_: Can you try using the recovery mode option from the grub menu?21:17
* Rosbuntu is sleepy21:17
sebsebseb!md5sum | Jacen21:17
ubottuJacen: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows21:17
acer_Jordan_U, but its linux ... initrd ... boot21:17
sebsebsebJacen: and the codes you compare the ISO to are on that 9.10 section as well21:17
kevin_erUSUL, h00k, I tried those, but they didn't work.21:17
acer_Jordan_U, how does it work?21:17
ubottuDoesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.21:17
kevin_It doesn't have any outcome. I press the buttons, nothing happens.21:18
alan__They are all listed there.21:18
sebsebsebJordan_U: you could try 8.04.4 the previous Long Term Support release, which like 9.10 gets support on desktop untill end of April next year.  and if none of these work,  loads of great alternative distros out there :)21:18
Jordan_Uacer_: It just passes different kernel parameters. I suspect the splash screen may be what's causing the reboot (and the recovery mode option doesn't include the "splash" kernel parameter)21:18
sebsebsebJacen: ^^^^^21:18
kevin_erUSUL, h00k, I've also tried /etc/init.d/gdm stop, but that didn't work either21:19
acer_Jordan_U, oh, if you mean the variations I've already tryed all of them. doesn't work :(21:19
alan__Told you they're listed on the site :)21:19
Jacenoh okay21:19
erUSULkevin_: sudo stop gdm && sudo pkill X21:19
h00kkevin_: like, they didn't show up?21:19
BBBThundaHey everyone!  I'm trying to schedule rsync to run automatically once per day, but there are a few special requirements that are making this tough to figure out...21:20
kevin_I'll give those a try21:20
lucahi - how can I enable SHMConfig? Thanks21:20
alan__Your welcome21:21
BBBThundaI want to schedule rsync to sync a remote folder to my local machine.  The job/task must be able to prompt me for a sudo/gksu password when it runs (similar to how update manager autoruns and prompts for pw) and also prompt me for the SSH password needed to connect to the remote server.  The job should also be able to log to a file owned by root.21:21
BBBThundaanyone know how to pull this off?21:21
ldiamondHow do I get mount.cifs binary? I cant find any package for it21:22
BBBThundaCan't use cron because that runs in the background and I won't be able to input the passwords.21:22
acer_Jordan_U, ?21:22
MathuinIs there a particular reason you want to have a scheduled task that requires interaction?  Why not use public keys to avoid the need for passwords?21:22
defibHey guys, I'm looking for some help trying to get compiz working properly. When I run the system test included in 10.10, it tells me theres no rendering method in use. What can I do?21:22
BBBThundaMathuin, I don't know how to use them yet... I was actually researching that earlier but then I figured if it prompts me for a pw that would be enough21:23
albertitoin case anyone cares, it was pulseaudio that had it commented out. Why would anyone want to disable the x11 bell by default at pulseaudio level, it's beyond me...21:23
acer_I've already reinstalled grub-pc but it haven't deleted the stating up files related...21:23
aguitel_anyone use ubuntu-tweak ?21:23
acer_Could someone help me to solve this issue please???21:23
kevin_h00k, erUSUL, I tried sudo stop gdm && pkill X, and it worked, but it didn't put me to the command line21:23
MathuinBBBThunda: searching the fine web for "passwordless ssh" will walk you through the process of configuring ssh.21:24
BBBThundaMathuin, will that cause ssh to ALWAYS be password-free?  I do not want that.21:24
erUSULkevin_: the tty's are in crtl + alt + f1-6. if they do not show up there is a bug somewhere ( or missconfiguration )21:24
Jordan_Uacer_: The commands you're running manually are basically the same ones the menu entry is running, so it's odd that one causes a reboot and the other doesn't.21:24
kevin_h00k, erUSUL all it did was put me to a black screen with text where I could type, but no command prompt, couldn't enter commands or do "ls" or "pwd" or nything21:24
BBBThundaMathuin, for that server I mean.21:24
ilovefairuz!ssh | BBBThunda21:24
ubottuBBBThunda: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)21:24
erUSULkevin_: what graphic card do you have; what drivers?21:25
kevin_erUSUL, I have 6 monitors, perhaps that has something to do with it?21:25
MathuinIf you configure the local root user to be able to log into the remote system as whatever user is necessary for the backup, you can schedule the cronjob as local root.21:25
acer_Jordan_U, that's because probably my system is reading some different information from some source by default from the ones I am putting by hand.21:25
kevin_erUSUL, I have 2 gts240 and 1 9800gtx21:25
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:25
BBBThundathanks ilovefairuz, I know how to use ssh (not to mention scp and sshd), just don't know the downstream effects of using public keys, etc.21:26
erUSULkevin_: and what are you suing?21:26
MathuinBBBThunda: some of those issues are discussed at that link.21:26
kevin_erUSUL, you mean driver-wise?21:26
acer_The thing is how to find the resource where grub-pc is getting thiose wrong informations and that are the same one upgrade to 10.10 forgot to fix.21:26
Jordan_Uacer_: You can look at your /boot/grub/grub.cfg to see the exact commands being run when you select a menu entry.21:26
ilovefairuzBBBThunda: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys21:26
erUSULkevin_: well you do not have the three cards working at once? do you?21:26
MathuinOooh, ssh-copy-id, now *that's* useful.21:27
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kevin_erUSUL, yes, they are all working at the same time, and they do work, but they don't have the most up to date driver, I am trying to isntall them via the cli, but can't have gdm running at the same time.21:27
sammyso, sharing /home/bobby/Public (to anonymous users with, say, samba - or sharing ~user/public_html with read permissions for the apache user)  means that /home/bobby must be readable by everyone, right?21:28
aciculakevin_: the drivers that come with ubuntu, did those not work for you? i assume since you are inst manually you are  using nvidias run file?21:28
uLinuxwhat is ALSAmixer config folder?21:29
uLinuxi want to reset all the settings21:29
kevin_acicula, the default drivers did work. However they are missing some functionality as well as being a bit choppy. I am trying to install via the nVidia run file.21:29
fghwhere are the settings fore gnome panel and gnome themes stored?21:29
defibHey guys, I'm looking for some help trying to get compiz working properly. When I run the system test included in 10.10, it tells me theres no rendering method in use. What can I do?21:30
ravnhi folks, I'm workin on setting up a newly bought nas, and when I mount one of its shares with nfs, it seems things are not written to the nfs-volume, but to the underlying root fs volume. Why is this?21:30
Jordan_Uacer_: Could you try asking in #grub? Mention the exact symptoms.21:30
aciculasammy: yeah i believe so, not the files in there though. dont think it has to be listable either, so just read permissions may be enough, but im not enirely sure on that otherwise try +x21:30
aciculakevin_: ah ok, thats pretty vital info. Whats not working precisely, you ran the .run file and now no gui will come up or?21:31
sammyexcuse me, execute. acicula, thanks. +x allows cd'ing into a directory without reading its contents, for just this sort of occassion. I'm not sure what got me thinking I had to have +r instead of +x21:31
acer_Jordan_U, the information that grub.cfg file conteign is the same as I enter at prompt or linux /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.35-22-generic root=/dev/sda2 loop=/ubuntu/disks/root.disk ro   quiet splash21:32
acer_initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.35-22-generic21:32
lucas--Does anyone here works with rtai?21:32
soroushguys when i do right click in /home "create folder" is disable, how i can make folder this place ???/21:32
acicularavn: what do you mean by root fs volume21:32
aciculayour local disk or some disk on your nas?21:33
aciculasoroush: you cant write in /home as a user21:33
Mas0neHi all! Anyone with knowledge concerning libpam-unix2?21:33
aciculasoroush: try using /home/<yourusername>21:33
ldiamondHow do I get mount.cifs binary? I cant find any package for it21:33
ace_steelsoroush:u can mk it by using terminal21:33
lucas--Does anyone here works with RTAI (Real Time Application Interface)?21:33
aciculaeh browse to your home folder by clicking on the house icon in nautilus21:34
DraZoroacicula: You will have to change permissions see man chmod21:34
aciculaDraZoro: i dont, nor does he ;)21:34
Mas0neDoes anybody know why libpam-unix2 disables user logins?21:34
ace_steelpwd -> if ur in ur hm folder then mkdir <folder name>21:34
soroushi want to make ".fonts"  folder in /home21:35
ace_steelsoroush:first pwd on ur terminal21:35
aciculasoroush: what are you trying to achieve, ubuntu uses a fairly strict regime when it comes where you put files?21:35
* DraZoro send the wrong message to acicula apologies21:35
guntbertsoroush: you can have it in /home/soroush but not in /home21:36
kevin_acicula, well, the default drivers allow me to use the computer. I'm using it now. However I think that they are limited and that the nV drivers would be better. I can't run the .run file because I have to be in text only mode, and that's what my goal is right now. I was thinking that because I have 6 screens it wierds out the ctrl + alt + f1-6 thing.21:36
Black_PrinceHi, can someone guide me how to boot Ubuntu Live CD Image with GRUB2 ?21:36
glaucousHow do I change x-server? For instance I se X :3 -ac and start a wine application there. If I then use ctrl+alt+f7 I get back to gdm, but how do I then get back to X 3?21:36
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soroushnot at all??!!21:36
uLinuxHow can I reset ALSA settings to default?!21:36
mbeierlNOOOOO!  I just upgraded to maverick and the stupid garbled text in xterms bug with nvidia came back!  why or why?21:37
uLinuxmbeierl: fresh install ?21:37
mbeierluLinux: upgrade from lucid21:37
mawstChange your console settins21:37
peto_what program is better to tint the screen reddish at night?  F.Lux or RedShift?  Or perhaps other?21:37
liminali need some wifi help21:38
aciculakevin_: well not very knowledgeable about multicard setups,does it use multiple x servers or just one for all cards?, you can shutdown the x server by typing sudo service gdm stop in a terminal. The nvidia has an uninstall flag i think if things dont work. Id recommend removing the existing nvidia-binary drivers before installing the nvidia drivers manually(and remove those first before reenabling the drivers that came with ubuntu)21:38
DraZoroliminal: What is the problem with wifi ?21:38
liminalI need my wlan0 IP to set by my router DHCP21:38
liminalits currently fixed21:38
guntbertsoroush: no, that directory is not meant for ordinary users21:38
dhevilubuntu studio hangs randomly. decent machine which ran Opensuse before. currently sitting side by side winXP21:39
Mas0neDoes anybody know why libpam-unix2 disables user logins?21:39
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
Laurencebcan i upgrade from 8.04lts to 10.04lts with a 10.04 install disk?21:39
aciculasoroush: its not impossible, but its aking to retrofitting your car to be horsedrawn21:39
Laurencebto save on download bandwidth use?21:39
DrGrovIs it a good time now to update to 10.10 from 10.04?21:39
soroushok thanx21:39
dhevilhelp - ubuntu studio hangs randomly. decent machine which ran Opensuse before.amd64-2gbram-1gbnvidia850021:39
DrGrovOr should I still wait some time for 10.10 to become stable?21:39
Mas0neDoes anybody know why libpam-unix2 disables user logins? https://bugs.launchpad.net/dtc/+bug/48251621:39
aciculaunless you have a good reason not to put stuff in your home21:39
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ChaserDrGrov, looking at known issues  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes doesnt hurt :)21:40
uLinuxHow can I reset audio settings? help21:41
raphaIs there any way to play embedded audio files in PDFs under Ubuntu?21:41
zerttenough with lot of linux distribution21:41
aciculaLaurenceb: you can update via de update-manager21:41
Tarantulafudgehow can I start working with the ubuntu software store?21:41
liminalhow do i set my wlan0 IP to be obtained via DHCP?21:41
zerttwhat is the equivalent of this command  /etc/sysconfig/network on ubuntu ?21:41
DrGrovChaser: Thanks, pretty sure though 10.10 can not be more troublesome than 10.04 lol21:41
Laurencebacicula: i dont have fast enoug internet21:41
aciculaliminal: that is usuual the default21:41
Laurencebto download all the files required.. but i do have an install disk21:42
aciculaLaurenceb: err sec lemme have a look for you, dont think its possible that way21:42
kevin_acicula, It uses one x server for all the screens, when I do "sudo service gdm stop" i am not taken to the command prompt, that's the issue. Instead I'm put into a black screen that I can type on, but there is no prompt at all, can't execute commands.21:42
Laurencebif not it would be a useful feature to have as part of ubuntu21:42
zerttwhat is the equivalent of this command  /etc/sysconfig/network on ubuntu ?21:42
Jordan_UBlack_Prince: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F21:43
phisher1that isn't a command on redhat.21:43
Laurencebim going to have to take my machine to work and steal their connection :P21:43
phisher1or centos, fedora, etc21:43
Tarantulafudgeanyone? I am interested in featuring a product in the ubuntu software store21:43
aciculakevin_: oic21:43
DraZoroLaurenceb: Why don't you back up and do a fresh install ?21:43
ganeshranhi the fonts on firefox in ubuntu dont look good. Is there a way to improve look, by using anti aliasing maybe?21:43
ssamTarantulafudge, is it open source?21:43
aciculakevin_: tried booting rescue mode and dropping to a rootshell without starting the gui21:43
jribTarantulafudge: you want to know how to package your software and get it into the repositories?21:43
LaurencebDraZoro: i could but itd be a pain to set everything up and organise the backups21:43
Laurencebupdate is supposed to be fairly painless21:44
Tarantulafudgejrib, ubuntu 10.10 allows you to buy software now21:44
* DraZoro is wondering how many packages Laurenceb installed21:44
Mas0neDoes anybody know why libpam-unix2 disables user logins? https://bugs.launchpad.net/dtc/+bug/48251621:44
LaurencebTarantulafudge:stallman will be raging21:44
ssamTarantulafudge, if it is closed source then you need to talk directly to canonical21:44
Chaserzertt, /etc/network/interfaces21:44
defibHey guys, I'm looking for some help trying to get compiz working properly. When I run the system test included in 10.10, it tells me theres no rendering method in use. What can I do?21:44
zerttwhy you change to this path ?21:45
cromagis it possible to change the max size of password in vino-server ?21:45
LaurencebDraZoro: my hdd is a disprganised tip, dont ask21:45
basix-is there an application that substitutes iTunes on linux?21:45
kevin_acicula, haven't tried that, i thought that the recovery mode used a different kernel, and installing the drivers with that kernel would not work for the other kernel. Is that true?21:45
waltercoolbasix-, Music Player, AKA Rhythmbox21:45
* Laurenceb will organise his files... someday21:45
Wraithulek hw:0:0 as audio device (microphone), how to change it to speakers?21:45
Tarantulafudgessam, how does one talk directly to canonical, is there no main route for developing apps for the app store?21:46
ssamTarantulafudge, http://www.canonical.com/about-canonical/contact21:46
Wraithulekin icecast21:46
basix-okay i can upload mp3s straight to my ipod with it?21:46
aciculaLaurenceb: it used to be possiblle with an alternate cd, but itĺl be a pain if you have more then just a basic system installed still, best to just go find a speedy internet pipe21:46
Laurencebyeah thats my thoughts21:46
waltercoolbasix-, yes, just connect it and open Rhythmbox ;)21:46
Loungethe incicator applet is supposed to show the volume right?21:46
_CommandeR_need help with ubuntu and dmraid, thing is that it sees my disks but not the array21:46
ssamTarantulafudge, the closed source stuff in the software center comes from the canonical partners repo.21:46
aciculakevin_: eh it uses the samme kernel21:46
Loungemine doesn't show it21:46
basix-waltercool, thanks :)21:46
Laurencebjust nick a connection at work as opposed to my crappy adsl21:46
kevin_acicula, ok, I'll give that a shot, thanks!21:47
aciculakevin_: look in menu.lst or whatever the grub file is, the kernel options are different21:47
aciculakevin_: getting a terminal without a prompt means there isnt a login program running21:47
Tarantulafudgessam, what about selling open source?21:47
zsoltért valaki a maximához?21:47
ravnacicula: my local disc mounted on /21:47
Vilinyhey guys, my file server recently broke so moved the Hard drive to a similar computer but the target machine has a integrated intel gfx card as opposed to the original nvidia gfx - im getting low graphics mode when i get to ubuntu now and it's failing to load nvidia drivers--- obviously... how do i make the switch in gfx drivers?21:48
aciculakevin_: kinda obvious i admit, but could be its hidden somewhere, thing shift and ctrl and such also may serve as hotkeys for more terminals21:48
kevin_cool, thanks acicula I appreciate it.21:48
ssamTarantulafudge, you can try, but there is nothing to stop anyone packaging it and putting it in the main repo for free21:48
phisher1Viliny: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg21:48
Tarantulafudgessam, right, will I still need to contact canonical to do that?21:48
acicularavn: eh im sorry i only have like 5 lines of memory, your response was regarding what again?21:48
qwertyjustinis ubuntu faster when installed as a seperate partition, and slower when installed via windows with wubi.exe?21:49
brad__of course21:49
ravnacicula: regarding the nfs mount...21:49
ssamTarantulafudge, to get it in the main repo, you just need to make sure the source is online somewhere and file a bug asking for a package21:49
qwertyjustinany ideas?21:49
aciculacan you pastebin the output of mount21:49
Vilinyphisher1: thanks, it's done now without any feedback - it's ok now?21:49
aciculaqwertyjustin: slower via wubi21:50
phisher1Viliny: eh, actually, goto console, stop gdm, then run that21:50
ravnacicula:  no output the relevant line from df is " 1943483136    554752 1942928384   1% /home/nfs"21:50
qwertyjustinacicula: yeah i thought so, why is that? is it just slower to load up, but otherwise just as fast to actually run?21:50
ssamTarantulafudge, though it might be good to get into a ppa first21:51
Vilinywhat was the command to stop gdm again?21:51
phisher1/etc/init.d/gdm stop21:51
aciculaqwertyjustin: wubi opens the file containing the / at boot and mounts it as a loopback, so you are mapping a fs in a file on a disk.21:51
ssamViliny, or sudo services gdm stop21:51
aciculaqwertyjustin: at least i assume thats how it works21:52
phisher1i was waiting for someone to say that. =\21:52
Vilinyit told me to stand by for a minute while the display resets and then went black screen on me21:52
phisher1Viliny: you ran that from within Gnome ?21:52
Vilinywhen i ctrl+alt+f121:52
aciculaphisher1: sudo service gdm stop21:52
_TristanHey. I'm trying to have rhythmbox play to the speakers plugged into my headphone jack and have everything else (like pidgin) go to my internal laptop speakers. I can'21:52
zerttwhere can i find all equivalent of centos to ubuntu command ?21:52
phisher1I refuse, kthx.21:52
Wraithulekin icecast audio device is hw:0:0 (microphone) how to change it to speakers or how to get hw number of speakers?21:52
_TristanI can't find anything on the internet about it. Any tips?21:52
zerttwhat is the equivalent of this line ? /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 for ubuntu21:52
acicularavn: heu that  would seem its mounted21:52
Vilinyphisher1: the machine seems unable to go into console21:53
phisher1where did you stop gdm from ?21:53
phisher1inside X ?21:53
Picizertt: /etc/network/interfaces perhaps?21:53
acicularavn: is it unmounted properly? can you force a write using sync21:53
Vilinyno i tried to go to runlevel 1 phisher1 black screen is all i get21:53
ssamViliny, CTRL+ALT+F121:53
aciculazertt: err /etc/network/interfaces ?21:53
Vilinyyes, that21:53
phisher1why would you do that ?21:53
ravn acicula: yes, that's why it's strange that after a umount the directories I created are still visivle...21:53
phisher1runlevel 1 is singleuser21:53
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acicularavn: did you cd out of the pwd and back in?21:54
phisher1damnit, yes21:54
Vilinyok but the important part is c+a+f1 leaves me with a black screen21:54
zerttno the equivalent of this line   /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth021:54
aciculathe cwd21:54
zertton ubuntu21:54
basix-is there an application to export my iPod music onto my computer?21:54
phisher1Viliny: do ctrl-alt-f221:54
h00kbasix-: you can use Rhythmbox21:54
aciculazertt: whasts ifcfg-eth0 supposed to do21:54
h00k!ipod | basix-21:54
ubottubasix-: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod21:54
Guest86993I have some problems to run the installation of Ubuntu 10.04.1 64bit on a server wit an intel hardware raid controller. Does Ubuntu support the Intel RAID Controller RS2BL040?21:54
h00kbasix-: Applications -> Sound and Video -> Rhythmbox21:55
Vilinyi get a single _ in the upper left corner and nothins happening phisher121:55
phisher1you can't do anything from single user anyway21:55
phisher1reboot, press ctrl-alt-f121:55
ravnacicula: hmm, this is strange... now it works... grrr. Honestly, I did not do anything different this time! weird?!?21:55
phisher1do not go into single user21:55
zerttthe equivalent of this line /etc/sysconfig/network gives this /etc/network/interfaces  so what is the equivalent of this line /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ?21:55
basix-thanks, i'll check it out21:55
Doonzanyone here familiar with googlecl?21:55
jribzertt: why not just tell us what you want to accomplish?21:55
soroushwhich keys use to end process in ubuntu ?? example in windows : Alt + Ctrl + Del21:56
MrCleanalt f421:56
Vilinyphisher1: rebooting now, but at what point do i do the key combo?21:56
phisher1after you're in X is fine..21:56
zertti just editing my network settings jrib21:56
aciculaGuest86993: if its a server grade raid chip mayybe just easier to check the linux kernel support for it directly?21:57
Chaserzertt, you might want to look at manpage http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man5/interfaces.5.html /etc/network/interfaces is the place where you do stuff that you normally would do in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ethXX21:57
jribzertt: system -> administration -> network then?21:57
Vilinyokay well phisher1 that seems to leave me with a blank black screen21:57
Vilinyas if the computer can't go into console mode21:57
zerttno i used to wokk with cli21:57
zerttso plz don't change habit21:57
mao_someones knows which is the best dj program for linux (i have mixxx now)21:57
Vilinyi get the option to run ubuntu in low graphics mode or exit to console login21:57
phisher1Viliny: try ehh.. safe mode ? what the hell is it in ubuntu21:57
magicianlordall right21:57
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sresuJust completed upgrading Lucid to Meerkat. It fetched 1098 new packages which amounted to around 1.5 GB. Is something wrong?21:58
phisher1exit to console login.. have you tried that ?21:58
Vilinyconsole login works as poorly as ctrl+alt+f121:58
basix-there is no exporting help on that website for the iPod21:58
magicianlordRunning 10.10 on an Acer One netbook.21:58
_Tristansweet, bro.21:58
phisher1Viliny: well you gotta be able to get to a console21:58
phisher1I would suggest deleting your xorg.conf .. but you might not be able to get to anything again21:58
Vilinyphisher, if i do the distro upgrade and stuff like that - you think this mess would clear in that same instance?21:58
phisher1since your console is apparently not working21:58
Vilinywith all the kernel upgrades and whatnots21:59
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Loungewhats with all of these libboost packages that are being kept back?21:59
phisher1Viliny: do this dude.. just go make a basic xorg.conf21:59
phisher1and use driver intel21:59
jribLounge: pastebin exactly what you did and the full output21:59
tehoweI just allowed Win7 to install about 20 updates (haven't been using it much :) on my dual-boot system and when I went back into Lucid, it froze on startup requiring me to hold down the power for a cold start about 5 times before Gnome finally came up successfully - each time it got a little further along. Any idea why this might happen?21:59
Vilinyhow exactly21:59
_CommandeR_how do I resize a fakeraid22:00
kv102tSo, Q1, how do I check what ububtu verison i'm on?22:00
slooksterpsvno one is responding to my requests for support in #kubuntu so I was wondering if I could ask here22:00
Picikv102t: lsb_release -a22:00
ari-tczewis any option to receive files via bluetooth on ubuntu?22:00
aciculaGuest86993: if its a server grade raid chip mayybe just easier to check the linux kernel support for it directly??22:00
aciculaerr nvm Guest8699322:00
aciculaGuest86993: if its a server grade raid chip mayybe just easier to check the linux kernel support for it directly?22:00
jribslooksterpsv: if it's specific to kde, #kubuntu is probably your best bet, but otherwise you're fine22:00
kv102tOK, so i'm on 10.4, is the update manager going to push me onto 10.10 or do i need to do something myself?22:01
aciculaugh, 1000H keyboard is not agreeing with me22:01
jrib!upgrade | kv102t22:01
ubottukv102t: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:01
nerdy_kidhi all, I am helping out with this thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1594784&page=4  I need to know, is the MBR the same as the partition table and if not where on the disk is the partition table so I can back it up with dd?  thanks22:01
Vilinyi tried purging nvidia drivers earlier but i still get "failed to load nvidia module does not exists  0" error and below that a no drivers available error - phisher122:01
aciculaari-tczew: enable bluetooth, set your pc visibile, send files from phone?22:01
slooksterpsvcouple of things, I'm running 10.10 and Kontact won't do custom colors and doesn't quit when I quit nor is the icon in the panel22:01
Vilinywhen i boot, then i go into low graphics mode22:01
tylermolamphykv102t: the update manager will update 10.04 and give you the option to upgrade to 10.10.22:01
aciculanerdy_kid: MBR and partition tables are not the same thing22:02
slooksterpsvand evolution doesn't display properly in KDE22:02
aciculayou can find the partition table a few sectors after  the MBR22:02
tylermolamphykv102t: It will have a small area above the list of updates that says "New Distro Update Avail." or something to that effect.22:02
Loungeyeah for some reason my system is not allowing all these libboost packages to be installed, and the ones that do get installed. i keep getting a notice that they're nolonger needed in the terminal22:02
kv102ttylermolamphy: When will it? 10.10 is out and i've checked for updates..22:02
nerdy_kidacicula thanks, didnt think so but wanted to make sure.  Do you know where the partition table is exactly?  I know the MBR is the first 512Kb.22:02
bluefrognerdy_kid, to backup mbr   dd if=/dev/sda of=/path/to/savembr bs=512 count=122:02
Android_Nerd914g nickserv identify Androidhtc22:02
phisher1Viliny: try just changing nvidia to intel in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf22:02
Picikv102t: You may need to go into your software sources and change the upload to LTS releases only setting.22:03
bluefrognerdy_kid, to backup partition table  sfdisk -d /dev/sda > partition.save22:03
Wraithulekin icecast audio device is hw:0:0 (microphone) how to change it to speakers or how to get hw number of speakers?22:03
Picikv102t: I don't recall what the exact wording is on the graphical interface.22:03
aciculanerdy_kid: punch it into google, this is pretty well documented stuff. theres no need to phsyically locate the partition table though22:03
phisher1Viliny: take out any instance of glx too22:03
phisher1something along those lines22:03
kv102tshell commands?  apt-get install ???22:04
phisher1missing a endsection there, but you get the idea22:04
bluefrognerdy_kid, to restore the partition table  sfdisk /dev/sda < partition.save22:04
tylermolamphykv102t: see here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades22:04
bluefrognerdy_kid, to restore the mbr   dd if=/path/to/savembr of=/dev/sda22:04
nerdy_kidbluefrog ok thanks a bunch :)  I guess the mbr is the first 512 bytes not kilobytes -- always get that mixed up.22:04
Vilinyokay i removed glx module and set intel as the gfx22:04
Vilinytrying now22:05
tylermolamphykv102t: Also Kubuntu specific: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu22:05
kgunpowderCan anyone help me? During some Linux boots, I end up with a bunch of sprawling code that will end and lead me nowhere after a point. :(22:05
Wraithulekcan you help me?22:05
tylermolamphykgunpowder: You would have to be more specific as to what the code says.22:05
kgunpowdertylermolamphy, I believe it says "kernel-init-helper"22:06
KartagisI want to get rid of a package, but even though I attempt to purge it, it freezes my system. how to completely get rid of it?22:06
Vilinyphisher1: im golden :) thanks man!22:06
ari-tczewacicula: thanks, I had to enable receiving in options22:06
kgunpowdertylermolamphy, this happens when I use the recovery console, and recently when booting Ubuntu, then I get nowhere.22:06
kv102tis it safe to update???  is there anything new- that stands out..22:06
zatanHi, is naybody able to help me , with sound cards, at the moment i got two SOUND cards one inside HDA and another External (creative SB094) , How can i make it work my external card? and disable HDA soud card?22:06
aciculaari-tczew: oh i missed that bit, but glad you figured it out and shared it :)22:07
phisher1Viliny: that work for ya?22:07
tylermolamphykgunpowder: Let me do some googling, one second.22:07
MrCleanmake him google for himself22:07
hsrHi.. I'm on irssi now. How can I initiate X11 from CLI?22:07
phisher1or gdm start22:07
Vilinyphisher1: yes! now, i have some fstab lines about hd's that aren't there anymore... any way to regenerate fstab or something?22:07
kv102tis it safe to update???  is there anything new- that stands out..22:07
Vilinyim watching it in gedit atm and they are all sd hd's whilst the one ubuntu is on is a pata and should be hda?22:08
phisher1just remove the erroneous lines22:08
kv102tAlso if i download and use CD to upgrade, it will do so, Correct?22:08
tylermolamphykgunpowder: Do you have a prompt that you can use when you boot?22:08
Loungeanybody know why i'm getting kept back from all these libboost packages?22:08
hsrphisher1: I pressed Ctrl+Alt+F1 and went to tty1. So I should try startx.. right?22:08
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phisher1hsr: are you already in an X session ?22:08
kgunpowderOnly a prompt asking me for one of three boot options, and after that it just scrolls through code and would SEEM as if it's waiting for something, but nothing.22:09
hsrphisher1: I don't know.. cannot say22:09
phisher1hit ctrl-alt-f722:09
phisher1can you say now?22:09
MrCleanthis channel should be split22:09
GanymedeIs there a guide to installing packages without root priveleges? I know I can just download the .deb and extract it into my own home directory somewhere but how can I take care of all the deps easily? I'm looking to use KDE apps on a university Ubuntu machine that doesn't have them installed.22:09
defibHey guys, I'm looking for some help trying to get compiz working properly. When I run the system test included in 10.10, it tells me theres no rendering method in use. What can I do?22:10
IchatMrClean:  - split into what?22:10
basix-i am having problems exporting my songs from my ipod to my computer with rhythm music player, does this program not support that feature with ipod?22:10
aciculakv102t: MrClean you can update from cd/dvd with the alternate installation disc.22:10
tylermolamphykgunpowder: What are your three boot options?22:10
MrCleangaynmede: sudo apt-get install <packages>22:10
kgunpowdertylermolamphy, boot generic, recovery boot, and go back for my Win7 option.22:10
aciculakv102t: id use an online update if possible though22:10
hsrphisher1: Yes... Thanks :) What was it?22:11
GanymedeMrClean: Okay, without sudo priveleges either.22:11
Cebotwhat's the name of the program ubuntu netbook edition uses for the gnome panel? (the one on the left side)22:11
Vilinyphisher1: can i completely copy the hd im booting from to a sata disk i have? pata->sata want to put the os on a bigger disk22:11
Loungecan someone help with all these libboost packages that i keep getting when trying to apt-get upgrade?22:11
aciculaCebot: mutter22:11
phisher1Viliny: eh.. using ghost ya22:11
phisher1why though ?22:11
phisher1just backup what you need elsewhere then do a fresh insatll22:12
MrCleanganymede: you can't sudo anything?22:12
kv102tacicula: it's not showing on my update manager22:12
tylermolamphykgunpowder: This would be a lot easier if I had the actual error that you are getting. Could you maybe boot up and give me the last few lines of code on your screen?22:12
GanymedeMrClean: Nope, just a normal user.22:12
hsrphisher1: It worked.. But what actually happened?22:12
phisher1hsr: what worked?22:12
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* hsr really like irssi now22:12
phisher1Irssi 0.8.15 (20100403) - http://irssi.org/22:12
hsrphisher1: Ctrl+Alt+F7 worked22:12
MrCleanganymede: join #linuxmint-help will probably be more helpful than this22:12
phisher1what did it do ?22:12
kgunpowdertylermolamphy, That is the last line, something about the kernel help but along with that there's that line, and one with a ? at the beginning, like that for hundreds of lines too. Not just that one.22:13
phisher1f7 is the tty predefined to have an X session22:13
hsrphisher1: It went to desktop I should say.. My okular was open, I was reading pdf22:13
Vilinyphisher, spent so much time configuring this server id like to just transfer him to a better hd22:13
aciculakv102t: go into system->administration->software sources and look for an option that governs wether you get informed of every 6 month ubuntu upgrade or just the 18month lts update.22:13
Wraithulekin icecast audio device is hw:0:0 (microphone) how to change it to speakers or how to get hw number of speakers?22:13
phisher1Viliny: you are still better off reinstalling22:13
GanymedeMrClean: or #debian even.22:13
phisher1you can get a list of packages you have installed and just install them to new box22:13
phisher1then copy over your ~/22:14
aciculakv102t: then rerun update-manager, check sources and it should provide you the upgrade option at the top of the update-manager window22:14
tylermolamphykgunpowder: That's a bit confusing. What specifically does it say about your kernel? If it is a kernel issue and it's not giving you a prompt, it's usually cause for a re-installation of the kernel.22:14
Cebotacicula: thanks. by any chance, got the project homepage at hand too?22:14
arbeckI'm trying to install 10.10, but when i boot from the cd, my keyboard and mouse don't work.  I've never had this problem before, and I'm currently running 9.1022:14
hsrphisher1: So the desktop is X session and this cli on which irssi is is tty, right?22:14
Kartagis!info tucan22:14
ubottutucan (source: tucan): Download and upload manager for 1-Click Hosters. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.9-1 (maverick), package size 181 kB, installed size 1532 kB22:14
MrCleanganymede: mint has developers in it almost constantly. if you can't get ikey or someone to help you the internet is down.22:14
Vilinyyes but settings and all... it worked as a dhcp server and gateway and everything - took me a day to configure it all at some point and id just rather not do all that again...22:14
edward_megginsonrunning Ubuntu 10.04. I am unable to resize my print dialog windows for some reason. Any ideas?22:14
phisher1hsr: don't run irssi from console dude22:14
phisher1open up a terminal22:14
hsrphisher1: That was the only help.. see22:14
hsrphisher1: But why?22:14
defibHey guys, I'm looking for some help trying to get compiz working properly. When I run the system test included in 10.10, it tells me theres no rendering method in use. What can I do?22:15
phisher1open urls22:15
akaedintovi need help so desperately,updated stuff, rebooted and now i cant get out of prompt , cant get out of tty1 screen! im new with linux so please help me someone :(22:15
aciculaCebot: heu no, but im sure google will find it if you search for mutter?22:15
hsrphisher1: dudette here, not dude. Whats xterm btw?22:15
phisher1much bigger window22:15
phisher1x term is a terminal windows running under X22:15
Kartagiscan anybody help me get rid of this  tesseract-ocr please? I never wanted to install it but it seems it is a dependency for tucan22:15
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Kartagisit always freezes when unpackiing22:16
aciculadefib: what graphics hardware, or what computer if you dont know do you have, have  you enabled hardware drivers?22:16
Cebotacicula: nvm, got it...though googling for "mutter" will give you funny results, as it's the german word for "mother" :P22:16
hsrphisher1: Why I should not use irssi in tty?22:16
aciculaCebot: add mutter window manager22:16
akaedintovanyone help me please ??22:16
kgunpowdertylermolamphy, That would make a bit of sense, because I can't get anywhere when it comes down to that, but it would seem that another copy of "Isadora" does just about the same.22:16
defibacicula: I enabled the flgrx driver. I have an ati mobility radeon hd 465022:16
kv102tacicula: it's says "long term support"22:16
nadavhow can I toggle between languages using the keyboard?22:17
aciculadefib: what if you disable the flgrx driver again, does compiz work then22:17
FloodBot1nadav: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
akaedintovthis is so crowded in this window , can someone write me in PM ?22:17
hsrphisher1: Okay.. No problem. Thank you22:17
phisher1hsr: I just gave you reasons dude22:17
hsrphisher1: When??22:17
phisher1[16:15] < phisher1> copy/paste22:17
phisher1[16:15] < phisher1> open urls22:17
phisher1[16:15] < phisher1> much bigger window22:17
phisher1[16:15] < phisher1> wow22:17
phisher1[16:15] < phisher1> x term is a terminal windows running under X22:17
aciculaakaedintov: it gets better if you filter out quits joints nick changes etc22:17
FloodBot1phisher1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
edward_megginsonsomehow i am no longer able to resize the print dialog windows or the columns inside. Any ideas?22:17
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defibacicula: lemmie try that. when I enable the advanced desktop effects in appearance a window pops up looking for drivers22:17
nadavFloodBot1,  what the hell? I only typed 2 sentences22:17
hsrphisher1: Okay. Sorry. Thanks22:17
fumanchu182On 9.10 are there issues with solr-tomcat5.5 I am getting dependencies issues and I can't find anything in any bug reports.22:17
aciculadefib: ah, dunno then :/22:18
hsrHow to close irssi?22:18
nadavAnyway, back to my question - Is there any way I can toggle between languages using a keyboard shortcut?22:18
aciculahsr: /quit22:18
akaedintovacicula help me please, i cant reach to desktop of ubuntu22:18
hsrHow to close irssi?+22:18
aciculaakaedintov: where during booting does it get stuck22:18
phisher1hsr: /quit22:18
hsrphisher1: And I repeat Ctrl+Alt+f7 will give me f722:18
defibacicula: when i do compiz --replace everything flashes and then theres no title bars22:18
tylermolamphykgunpowder: I would try reinstalling Mint, but if a fresh installation throws this error at you, then it's either a bad kernel release (unlikely,) or it doesn't like your computer hardware (more likely.)22:18
phisher1hsr: yes22:18
phisher1wow, pay attention22:19
aciculadefib: yeah means compiz isnt starting22:19
tylermolamphykgunpowder: I'm not familiar what kernel Mint runs on, so from there you're about on your own.22:19
kv102tacicula: OK i got it. Should i update?22:19
defibacicula: is there some command i can do that will give some feedback?22:19
aciculakv102t: that depends22:19
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to install ndiswrapper, and I'm trying to compile from source. The install file says when I run ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build, I need to see .config and include, but I don't have .config. How can I get it?22:19
kgunpowdertylermolamphy, I'd take your advice for both, ubuntu didn't have my drivers and although I got around that, Mint has disagreed from the start.22:19
MrCleanwhats wrong with mint?22:19
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aciculadefib: did you restart after enabling flgrx?22:19
defibacicula: of course22:20
kv102tacicula: well eveything works. is there anything new and sweet about the 10.10...  ? lol22:20
ZykoticK9kgunpowder, MrClean mint is OT here22:20
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ZykoticK9MrClean, sorry, Off Topic22:20
nadavIs there any way I can toggle between languages using a keyboard shortcut?22:20
phisher1AHemlocksLie: you might need kernel source.. is that default in ubuntu ?22:20
Guest58331I try to remove  a user account through the gui and when I close and go back to it; its still there. when i try the terminal command i get "userdel: cannot lock /etc/passwd; try again later."22:20
MrCleanhow is it off topic? its based off ubuntu?22:20
aciculakv102t: idunno, im using 10.10, its not completely terrible, theres an maverick experience topic on the ubuntu forum that may be usefull?22:20
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kv102tacicula: could anything go wrong, now i know yer,yer it could but how lickley is it. Got vbox what i don't want to kill22:21
i_is_broketry ##mint22:21
AHemlocksLiephisher1, I have no idea, where would I find it?22:21
phisher1Guest58331: sudo22:21
phisher1or gksu22:21
tylermolamphykgunpowder: Try out a new flavor, like Ubuntu 10.10 or Kubuntu 10.10, and see if you still have the same problems. Then you'll know that it's your hardware, unless Mint and Ubuntu run the same kernel. I have no idea if they do or not.22:21
Guest58331sudo did not work22:21
kgunpowderUbuntu 10.10 is what I'm using, but I'll give a reinstall a shot.22:21
aciculadefib: hmm, id stick to flgrx then, dunno why compiz is failing then. err could try starting it with compiz --replace and pasting any error message into google to see what turns up?22:21
alketWhy i cannot format my USB, is it broken ?22:21
MrCleanzykoticK9: how is Mint off topic, its based off ubuntu?22:21
tylermolamphykgunpowder: When you said Isadora, I assumed you were running Linux Mint. My bad.22:22
phisher1Guest58331: open a terminal, sudo /usr/sbin/userdel -rf usertodel22:22
defiboh, and whats the keyboard shortcut to bring up a run22:22
rww!mintsupport | MrClean22:22
ubottuMrClean: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org22:22
phisher1defib: alt-f222:22
ZykoticK9!mint | MrClean22:22
tylermolamphykgunpowder: In that case, try 10.04 and see if those issues are there.22:22
sresuHow to system activity from CLI?22:22
tylermolamphykgunpowder: They run different kernels.22:22
rwwMrClean: In the same way that Ubuntu is offtopic for #debian. It's not a supported derivative.22:22
defibacicula: ill try that real quick22:22
kv102tacicula: might just download as CD and try as liveCD first.22:22
tylermolamphysresu: top22:22
aciculakv102t: if ose it'll get updated automatically, if its the closed source version you'll have to make sure the new kernel gets the driver i think. As always backup before upgrading22:22
MrCleanrww: thats just silly.22:22
phisher1AHemlocksLie: are you booted to your currently installed kernel?22:22
arbeckcan someone help me with the installer.  My keyboard doesn't work when I boot off the cd.  I can't select a language or do anything.... it just hangs.22:22
phisher1i.e., did you install a new kernel but not reboot?22:23
akaedintovacicula , check your pm plase22:23
aciculakv102t: it works fine for me bar a few small glitches with hardware thats poorly supported(still).22:23
akaedintov<akaedintov> can i write from here please?22:23
akaedintov<akaedintov> at first i installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition, without a problem, it opened as usual.22:23
akaedintov<akaedintov> and there was 2 drivers neeeded permission to install , wireles drive and nvidia.22:23
akaedintov<akaedintov> i allowed them, because of that , i cant get to ubuntu ever agaib22:23
akaedintov<akaedintov> Ubuntu 10.10 akaedintov tty122:23
FloodBot1akaedintov: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
AHemlocksLiephisher1, yeah, I'm in Ubuntu 10.10 right now, haven't done anything special, just a regular boot22:23
rwwMrClean: No, it isn't. Linux Mint makes changes that we don't know about or support, so if you want help with Mint, use their channel. If you want to use this channel, use this channel's distribution..22:23
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tylermolamphyphisher1: Try the silly stuff, like changing to another USB port.22:23
Guest58331userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later. is what came out after running that command22:23
defibacicula: all it puts out after compiz --replace is ' starting gtk-window-decorator '22:23
MrCleanrww: what if I use both?22:23
aciculaakaedintov: im not a personal support, for that i get payed. please ask your questions here22:23
tylermolamphyarbeck: Try the silly stuff, like changing to another USB port.22:23
sresutylermolamphy: Thanks22:24
rwwMrClean: Then you can ask in here for help with the Ubuntu install, and in Mint's channel for help with the Mint install.22:24
tylermolamphyphisher1: My bad, wrong person.22:24
kv102tacicula: Thanks, Think i'll clode MY HDD before updating !22:24
tylermolamphysresu: No prob.22:24
gizmobayis there cpuburn for 10.10?22:24
MrCleanrww: how can I make firefox free of latency issues in Kubuntu?22:24
arbecktylermolamphy, I've tried all the silly stuff I can thing... two usb keyboards, changing all the ports, etc... i might be able to dig up a ps2 keyboard from someone, but I don't want to have to do that22:24
rwwMrClean: No idea, I don't use Firefox on my Kubuntu.22:24
rwwakaedintov: FloodBot1 is a bot, it doesn't understand you. Ask in-channel.22:25
tylermolamphyarbeck: What version are you trying to boot?22:25
Picigizmobay: Yes, its in universe.22:25
phisher1AHemlocksLie: click on the little power button22:25
akaedintovat first i installed ubuntu 10.10 netbook edition, without a problem, it opened as usual....and there was 2 drivers neeeded permission to install , wireles drive and nvidia...i allowed them, because of that , i cant get to ubuntu ever again....Ubuntu 10.10 akaedintov tty1,akaedintov login: password:.aka@akaedintov: ~$ _.and so i cant reach to desktop.plase help me :(22:25
phisher1AHemlocksLie: does it say restart to install updates?22:25
AHemlocksLiephisher1, nope, just regular restart22:25
MrCleanrww: is this channel always so....full....and lacking etiquette?22:25
arbecktylermolamphy, 10.10 amd64... i'm running 9.10 currently22:25
aciculaakaedintov: dont post your password as this channel is publicly indexed22:25
phisher1AHemlocksLie: you do have build-essentials installed right?22:26
akaedintovit is not my password22:26
ZykoticK9akaedintov, i'd suggest you try to uninstall nvidia and reboot.  possibly "sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current" if you installed current.  good luck.22:26
akaedintovjust described my problem22:26
phisher1build-essential *22:26
aciculaakaedintov: do you know how to remove an nvidia driver via apt-get ?22:26
AHemlocksLiephisher1, I believe so, I'll try again just in case. sudo apt-get install build-essentials?22:26
phisher1sudo apt-get install build-essential22:26
tylermolamphyarbeck: Try 10.10 i386 if you have another install media. It will work on your arch. Check if you have to same problems, but you don't have to install it 32bit.22:26
AHemlocksLiephisher1, already newest version22:26
akaedintovwhich of these commands22:27
aciculado what ZykoticK9 posted, login on the text console and use sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current22:27
akaedintovand , what will happen then , ill use it without driver ?22:27
aciculathen reboot and do not reenable the nvidia driver for now22:27
icedoeA few days ago my network interface stopped detecting the ethernet connection in 10.04. I'm not sure what changed as it had been working fine previously, but I have confirmed that the problem is on the computer itself (hardware or software, not sure, but my hardware is rather new and higher end)22:27
usuarioHey. I've got a question. Does anybody knows how to disable the automuting of speakers feature? Ubuntu mutes my front panel headphones when I plug them22:27
icedoeWhat should I be checking to get this back up/ determine if its hardware or ubuntu problem?22:27
tylermolamphyicedoe: run ifconfig and post here the output22:27
aciculaakaedintov: well there are two drivers, a binary one and an open source one. the binary one just carries more features22:28
AHemlocksLiephisher1, is .config supposed to be part of build-essentials or something?22:28
phisher1AHemlocksLie: i'm guessing you can't use the version in repos?22:28
phisher1AHemlocksLie: no.. i'm not sure what actually puts .config there22:28
AHemlocksLiephisher1, of ndiswrapper? nope, I was trying to use ndisgtk, but that's giving me errors finding the ndiswrapper module22:28
ZykoticK9usuario, that's funny - usually people want the opposite.  I have no idea though - good luck.22:28
akaedintovok then,ill try and come ask again22:28
Bing0Hi,  I upgraded to 10.10.  I have my /home dir backed up.  In places, I kept bookmarks of servers I connected to often.  Where in ~/ can I locate the config file so I can access my shares again in new install?  Thank.22:29
_CommandeR_what is the fdisk hex code for /home partition22:29
AHemlocksLiephisher1, so I'm trying to install ndiswrapper from source, which involved tracking down a patch to make it compatible with kernel 2.6.35, so it compiles okay, but still doesn't fix the problem, so I'm guessing I need .config22:29
tarzeau_CommandeR_: depends on the filesystem?22:29
mostholyhey, i have a question regarding hooking my laptop up to my TV set22:29
moonunitReading package lists... Done22:29
moonunitBuilding dependency tree22:29
moonunitReading state information... Done22:29
moonunitE: Unable to locate package update22:29
mostholyanyone have any crunchbang experience?22:29
FloodBot1moonunit: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:29
Guest58331when I try deleteing a user through the command line it shows up with this error "userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later. "22:30
moonuniti get that when i try to aptget-updat22:30
phisher1Guest58331: reboot22:30
_CommandeR_tarzeau, i am creating a partition in my dmraid and want to do a home partition in it22:30
Guest58331phisher1: it doesnt work22:30
AHemlocksLiemoonunit, it's apt-get update22:30
mostholyi assume i can use similar applications for my crunchbang laptop as my ubuntu one22:30
ZykoticK9moonunit, the command is "sudo apt-get update"22:30
phisher1and you are running via sudo or su'd to root ?22:30
phisher1AHemlocksLie: not sure man22:30
shazzrIs there any keyboard shortcuts for autmatically focusing on new messages recieved through Empaty? (Gnome)22:30
tarzeau_CommandeR_: doesn't cfdisk/fdisk have a list?22:30
mostholyanyone know how hot get my laptop display to show up on my TV?22:30
nikolacan someone recommend me mp3, flac player that can search only for those files, not for everything on its way like rythmbox22:30
moonunitoh i did install update22:30
mostholyi've got it connected with a monitor cable22:30
moonunitsame thing with upgrade?22:31
tarzeaumostholy: using the fn key?22:31
phisher1mostholy: hit the little button on your laptop22:31
_CommandeR_tarzeau, yes but cannot find any /home or similar.22:31
AHemlocksLiephisher1, crap, thanks for trying, then22:31
phisher1or whateevr22:31
ZykoticK9moonunit, yes, same for upgrade22:31
usuarioZykoticK9, well it's mutting the ONE I am plugging in, and I have to unmute it from the volume control center to hear anything22:31
AHemlocksLieI'm trying to install ndiswrapper, and I'm trying to compile from source. The install file says when I run ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build, I need to see .config and include, but I don't have .config. How can I get it?22:31
mostholytarzeau, i'm not familiar with the term fn key.  i'm pretty new to linux in general22:31
icedoeeth0   Link encap: Ethernet HWaddr [...]22:31
tarzeaumostholy: tv monitors often can't do very high resolution, so set the output to something low22:31
icedoeUP BROADCAST MULTICAST MTU:1500 Metric:122:31
icedoeRX packets: 0 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 fram:0... (all 0)22:31
Guest58331phisher1: any more ideas?22:31
moonunitdoes this take me from rc to 1010?22:31
FloodBot1icedoe: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:31
icedoelo   Link encap: Local Loopback ....22:31
tarzeaumostholy: there's a key on your laptop in another color, Fn or so? bottom left?22:31
mostholytarzeau: its a Hi Def TV22:31
aciculaAHemlocksLie: installing the ndiswrapper module from source?22:31
ZykoticK9usuario, sorry man - i have no idea (working as designed i believe)22:31
phisher1mostholy: its on a laptop22:31
phisher1every laptop22:31
phisher1regardless of OS22:31
mostholyah, the function key22:31
LordDragonhey all. im trying to install ubuntu 10.10 with wubi on my windows xp netbook. but even though i have the 10.10 iso in the same directory as the wubi.exe installer, it insists on installing 10.04-1. is there any way to fix that?22:31
phisher1the Fn key!22:31
mostholyi'll try that22:31
FloodBot1phisher1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:31
phisher1oh shutup bot22:32
MrCleanthe fn key22:32
MrCleanthe function one22:32
ChaserAHemlocksLie, are you looking for kernel .config then ... /boot/config-`uname -r`22:32
MrCleanthe one that says FN22:32
moonunitcan someone PM me22:32
MrCleanyou know? FN?22:32
mostholythat's all it takes? thanks! i'll try that22:32
tarzeauno no the Fn key on the laptop keyboard22:32
moonunitwho can help with update22:32
AHemlocksLieacicula, yeah, installing ndisgtk from repositories isn't working right, can't find ndiswrapper module, so I'm trying to install from source to hopefully fix it22:32
tarzeaunot like f1,f2,f3...22:32
MrCleanthats a bit queer mate22:32
phisher1Guest58331: [16:30] < phisher1> and you are running via sudo or su'd to root ?22:32
inuspoi pessoal22:32
phisher1you really have to nick prefix in here .. sheesh22:32
mostholyyeah i got it, thanks tarzeau22:32
phisher1noobs and lots of traffic22:32
aciculaAHemlocksLie: ndiswrapper is part of your kernel as a module22:33
tarzeauphisher1: lots of traffic?22:33
inuspkk alguem falando portugues ?22:33
mostholyand thank you too, mrclean. you could hae helped me, but you've done so much omre22:33
Guest58331phisher1: yes I am22:33
aciculaAHemlocksLie: modprobe ndiswrapper should load it for you?22:33
rww!pt | inusp22:33
ubottuinusp: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:33
Lars_GYu know, I still don't know why ubuntu couldn't wait until my birthday (22) to release meerkat22:33
Bing0tarzeau, lotsa ppl asking questions...22:33
AHemlocksLieChaser, do I just need to copy that to the build folder?22:33
phisher1tarzeau: I thought that was obvious.22:33
tarzeauphisher1: the billionths second after unix time was LOTS of traffic. this is low22:33
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tarzeauBing0: not that much22:33
tarzeauBing0: i've seen busier channels22:33
Bing0Hi,  I upgraded to 10.10.  I have my /home dir backed up.  In places, I kept bookmarks of servers I connected to often.  Where in ~/ can I locate the config file so I can access my shares again in new install?  Thank.22:33
=== mr_blue is now known as mr_blue_
phisher1was waiting for you22:33
phisher1mr. 1up22:33
AHemlocksLieacicula, it's not working. It says FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found22:33
phisher1theres always at least 122:33
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tarzeauBing0: which application was it? gnome nautilus or something?22:33
ChaserAHemlocksLie, I dont know anything about ndiswrapper but yeah to compile a new kernel you have to copy that as .config22:34
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LordDragondoes anyone use wubi installer in here?22:34
icedoeoutput from ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513410/plain/22:34
tarzeauused it once. SUCKS big time22:34
AHemlocksLieChaser, okay, so in theory, I need to copy that to the build folder, rename it to ".config", and try to compile ndiswrapper again?22:34
dhalsimhi, i need to disable eclipse in indicator menu applet. anyone knows where to do that?22:34
aciculaAHemlocksLie: what ubuntu version are you using?22:34
RoC_MasterMindHas anyone gotten root on iSCSI working?  I can install fine, but when I boot the system using gPXE, it shows grub and then iscsitarget says "login failed to authenticate with target", even though there is no authentication configured during Ubuntu setup or on the target.22:34
AHemlocksLieacicula, 10.1022:34
Bing0tarzeau, I assume.  the app that is called when I click Places in the upper tray.22:34
icedoelooks to me like it detects the ethernet, but at least network manager is not detecting22:35
ZykoticK9!anyone | LordDragon22:35
moonunithow do i update from RC?22:35
ubottuLordDragon: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?22:35
ChaserAHemlocksLie, yes also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile22:35
aciculaAHemlocksLie: odd, its part of the standard kernel image22:35
Pici!final | moonunit22:35
ubottumoonunit: If you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Maverick Meerkat and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Maverick. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.22:35
tarzeauBing0: must be gnome. it's a config file in your home. gconf,gconf2 .gnome or .gnome2, there's so many places, or even .local22:35
aciculacan you type in locate ndiswrapper.ko22:35
tarzeauBing0: it'll be hard to locate the exact place22:35
alketHow to repair a damaged USB ?22:35
LordDragonZykoticK9, i already asked my exact question but no one noticed :)22:35
AHemlocksLieacicula, originally, it couldn't find ndiswrapper.ko, then I fixed that with depmod -a, then it started the module not found stuff22:35
tarzeauBing0: the point is, gnome application configuration is a big big mess. worse than windows registry imho22:36
aciculaBing0: at a guess its somewhere in .gnome22:36
LordDragonZykoticK9, my question was this:22:36
LordDragonhey all. im trying to install ubuntu 10.10 with wubi on my windows xp netbook. but even though i have the 10.10 iso in the same directory as the wubi.exe installer, it insists on installing 10.04-1. is there any way to fix that?22:36
Bing0tarzeau, i was afraid of that :/22:36
Bing0acicula, ok thanks22:36
tarzeauBing0: just don't use gnome? :)22:36
_CommandeR_when creating a partition with fdisk how do you specify it as /home (with t command)22:36
AHemlocksLieacicula, yeah, I have it now that I tried to install it from source after tracking down a kernel patch, but it's still not working, so I'm trying to get .config22:36
Bing0tarzeau, im not that linux literate yet22:36
phisher1LordDragon: just install 10.04 and update22:36
Bing0im getting there :)22:36
tarzeauBing0: or don't bother configuring it, or saving/restoring/upgrading their config files22:36
acicula_CommandeR_: mount locations are not set via fdisk22:36
tarzeauBing0: it's not a linux problem. it's a gnome problem22:36
aciculajust the disk type22:36
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, partitioning and mounting are two separate things22:36
tarzeauBing0: mister icaza thought he's a very smart guy. but he's not22:37
LordDragonphisher1, i tried that. it killed my current install and ubuntu wont even boot now. so i was gonna do a fresh install of 10.1022:37
Bing0it's all good tarzeau22:37
AHemlocksLieacicula, ...but locate ndiswrapper.ko still doesn't return anything, which is odd, I've seen it in a folder before, so I know it exists22:37
aciculaAHemlocksLie: the kernel config you mean?22:37
MindVirus1When I run update-notifier, I get "** (update-notifier:21653): WARNING **: already running?"22:37
MindVirus1Any advice?22:37
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ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, /home should be type 82 or 83 (one is linux the other swap, forget which  is which)22:37
aciculaAHemlocksLie: err, dpkg-query -S ndiswrapper.ko gives ?22:37
MindVirus1ZykoticK9: 83 is Linux, 82 is swap.22:37
MindVirus1_CommandeR_: ^^22:37
* tarzeau continues to play nethack and murder some more Gnomes...22:37
ZykoticK9MindVirus1, thanks22:37
AHemlocksLieacicula, I guess, the install file says running ls /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build needs to have at least .config and uh... something else it has now22:37
aciculathe kernel config is stored in boot, its the map file22:38
AHemlocksLieacicula, er, had already22:38
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, thanx, yes  it is 83 that is Linux22:38
_CommandeR_was unsure in what to choose.22:38
phisher1duh, that is kernel config..22:38
MindVirus1I feel like it's a problem in my home directory.22:38
phisher1been so long since I've manually installed a kernel22:38
fghmy minimize and close buttons on windows are to the left how do i move the to the right?22:38
MindVirus1Some configuration's screwed up.22:38
mostholyok, so the Fn key did absolutely nada22:38
MindVirus1fgh: Get gconf-editor.22:38
MindVirus1(You should have it.)22:38
ZykoticK9!controls | fgh22:38
ubottufgh: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side22:38
MindVirus1Or that.22:39
phisher1mostholy: you realize you have to hit it in combination with the CRT/LCD button also right ?22:39
mostholytarzeau, you still here?22:39
tarzeaumostholy: sure22:39
meesebyteHow do I connect to an LAN (ethernet) in ubuntu 10.10 (the connection is bridged with a wireless Internet connection)?22:39
mostholynope, no one told me that22:39
MindVirus1Any advice?22:39
tarzeaumostholy: the Fn key is like shift or ctrl or alt22:39
mostholythat's why i was asking how to do it22:39
* phisher1 sighs22:39
akaedintovim back agaaiin!22:39
AHemlocksLieacicula, the dpkg command shows it in /kernel/ubuntu/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper.ko, but that's only because I saw something somewhere while it was still giving errors about it that it needed it there. Actually, I need to reboot now that I've copied it into the kernel folder, don't I?22:39
tarzeaumostholy: it's dead, pressed alonely. but combined with the right other key, it's very powerful22:39
phisher1[16:31] < phisher1> Fn+F622:39
phisher1[16:31] < phisher1> or whateevr22:39
younderI use the fresh skin which have the buttons on the right side22:39
tarzeaumostholy: check the color of the fn letters on the key22:39
akaedintovi deleted nvidia-current22:39
fghthanks zykotick922:39
mostholyyeah tarzeau, i know the the Fn key22:39
aciculameesebyte: plugin cable , optionally set connection details in nm-applet, right click->edit connections22:39
akaedintovbut now22:39
tarzeaumostholy: then look for this color on other keys22:39
AHemlocksLieacicula, originally, it was in /lib/modules/misc, but I put a copy of it where I thought it needed to go22:39
mostholyjust gotta find out which other key it is22:40
tarzeaumostholy: it should look like a screen symbol, that which will switch outputs22:40
MindVirus1Come on. Anyone?22:40
mostholyif this helps, its a Dell laptop. not my main machine22:40
meesebyteacicula: And.... Then what? Im there already22:40
MindVirus1Looking for a challenge?22:40
tarzeaumostholy: it's very cool that you know the Fn key22:40
mostholyi know how to do it on my Acer, ust not on the dell22:40
MindVirus1Betcha can't solve this.22:40
akaedintovi deleted nvidia-current , but now , it comes to the image writing ubuntu and under it five dots. it stucks in there.22:40
phisher1mostholy: LOOK at your keyboard.. you should see one of your function keys or # keys.. will either say CRT/LCD  or have a picture of a monitor22:40
Robinuxhey guys ubuntu and kubuntu are pretty much the same except for their graphical looks right?22:40
aciculameesebyte: you need an ip,netmask and gateway, dns makes live more joyfull. thats it, if you dont have an internet connection then your bridge setup is broken22:40
phisher1Robinux: yes22:40
mostholyyep. looked for that. will try again22:40
phisher1different desktop environments.22:41
tarzeauMindVirus1: i couldn't and wouldn't want to fix that, not ever for money22:41
akaedintovi deleted nvidia-current , but now , it comes to the image writing ubuntu and under it five dots. it stucks in there.22:41
Robinuxphisher1: i see ok thanks man, i think i made a mistake i should've downloaded kubuntu cuz i've never tried kde4.5 :D22:41
MindVirus1phisher1, Robinux: The desktop environments are different as well as the applications you will be using.22:41
akaedintovacicula , are you rthere22:41
aciculaakaedintov: try the rescue console and then the option that tries to start a gui or repair it?22:41
tarzeauakaedintov: welcome to ubuntu22:41
phisher1MindVirus1: don't tell me. =)22:41
MindVirus1phisher1: His name's right there.22:42
tarzeauakaedintov: do you have nv or nouveau drivers, if not nvidia?22:42
acicularescue console as in select rescue option at boot.22:42
phisher1obviously different applications specific to each desktop environemnt will be different.22:42
MrokiiRobinux: Why don't you just install KDE?22:42
akaedintovno i dont22:42
icedoeshould ifconfig output the same information when the ethernet cable is disconnected as when it is connected?22:42
MindVirus1phisher1: Not the newbie.22:42
MindVirus1*Not to22:42
meesebyteacicula: Will windows Internet sharing work instead of a bridge?22:42
c3live recently installed 10.10 now ubuntu doesnt recognize my keyboard AT ALL (laptop). bios does recognize it.. what could the issue be?22:42
phisher1hence why I said "Don't tell me"22:42
c3lokay, mousepad died now too22:43
Robinuxi can get KDE with aptitude? then before logging in it will let me choose wether to use KDE or GNOME?22:43
aciculatarzeau: he just removed the nvidia drivers as they broke the graphics, were restting it back to noveau, if the rescue console doesnt fix it he will have to drop to a root shell, forcibly reinstall noveau and dpkg-reconfigure and reboot22:43
akaedintovacicula , then ehich section i select , in recovery section ???22:43
tarzeauRobinux: yes22:43
MindVirus1phisher1: I have no reason to believe you're not a newbie -- especially if you answer inconclusively to a newbie.22:43
Robinuxnice :D22:43
phisher1MindVirus1: fine, just don't talk to me for any reason then. =)22:43
tarzeauacicula: it should be possible without reboot too22:43
MindVirus1phisher1: Deal!22:43
aciculaakaedintov: not sure what the options are called, but one has to do with fixing your  graphics or rescue graphics or safe mode or something to that extend. anyone who'sever seen that prompt feel free to chime in, heh22:43
Omen_20Is there any way to give GNOME's Window background color transparency or translucence? I'm thinking like panels do.22:44
aciculatarzeau: heu, probably22:44
MindVirus1update-notifier will not start, saying "already running?"22:44
MindVirus1Any advice?22:44
tarzeauOmen_20: wow22:44
akaedintovlets try that22:44
Robinux"Maverick" that's how its spelled right? i wanna name my Vbox right22:44
rwwRobinux: yes22:44
tarzeauOmen_20: and when you have that, you work twice as fast?22:44
aciculatarzeau: hes stuck at boot though, so he needs to reboot and livecd/rescue to root shell first22:44
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tarzeauacicula: or init=/bin/bash linux kernel parameter?22:44
Omen_20tarzeau, point?22:44
Robinuxrww: thanks22:44
tarzeauOmen_20: i wonder why people ask for things like that. get a mac!22:45
tarzeauif you want to waste time22:45
tarzeau(and money)22:45
aciculatarzeau: id stick to using the root console22:45
tarzeauacicula: that's what you get, by init=/bin/bash22:45
MindVirus1What directory could I remove to reset the data from update-notifier?22:45
MindVirus1It would be in ~.22:45
tarzeauacicula: a console as root user22:45
Omen_20tarzeau, Whether u think it is a waste of time is irrelevant to me and doesnt answer whether or not it can be done. But thanks anyways.22:46
MindVirus1Actually... Is there a program that detects what files a program reads or writes?22:46
aciculatarzeau: yeah but so will rescue mode -> drop to root shell, less change of errors22:46
tarzeauOmen_20: no, it can't be done easily22:46
Robinuxbtw for a x64 processor with vbox being also x64 is it ok if i use the i386 version, it was saying (recommended) in the downloader and i felt there might not be enough x64 applications for x64 based systems or whatever22:46
tarzeauOmen_20: and if you do it, x gets unstable, as soon as you use applications that use opengl22:46
AHemlocksLieChaser, I copied it, but it's still not showing up when I run the ls command. did I do something wrong somehow?22:46
Omen_20tarzeau, ok, thx. I saw where Compiz could make everything transparent, but not certain parts of windows.22:46
c3lim getting 'no X keyboard found' how do i fix this? bios can find my keyboard, standard eee pc22:47
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tarzeauOmen_20: compiz can make the WHOLE window of any x application transparent22:47
tarzeauOmen_20: if you know the right key/mouse combination for it22:47
Omen_20tarzeau, yeah I dont want to use anything tacked on. I was looking for a supported way like how panels have it built in.22:47
chalcednywhere's the md5 checksum for 10.10 ?22:47
Robinuxokkkkk i guess i'll go ahead with installing the i386 version, i can't wait to download the other one anyways22:48
trismchalcedny: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/MD5SUMS22:48
aciculaRobinux: this is not windows, most stuff is native 64bit22:48
chalcednyRobinux, 64 bit is fine, been great22:48
ZykoticK9chalcedny, or https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes22:48
mrnodahi all, when installing ubuntu 10.10, I notice the option for "install to largest free space" has been removed. Im using a laptop which i have reserved a 40gb partition primarily for ubuntu, but im not sure how I can simply choose the partition in the installer22:48
chalcednyty much trism and ZykoticK922:48
bstarekhi all22:48
_CommandeR_Ok guys got an issue, when using +4096MB i get value out of range in fdisk22:48
mrnodaMust I used the advanced option and decide a swap partition for myself, or is there an option to simply use a specified partition?22:49
bstarekmy ubuntu isnt finding any update?is it weird??22:49
aciculabstarek: trying to update from 10.04?22:49
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ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, you don't have that much space available most likely22:49
tarzeaumrnoda: i'd just use a swap file, not a partition22:49
Guest58331userdel wont remove other user accounts even with root privs... it shows the error " userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later."22:49
bstarekacicula, no running the regular synpatic updates22:49
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, i should have 25gb22:49
aciculabstarek: i guess there just arent any updates then22:50
bstarekacicula, usually i have always have 3 or 4 updates....22:50
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, verify using "p" in fdisk22:50
tarzeauGuest58331: try fuser -k /etc/gshadow ?22:50
bstarekacicula, possible :)22:50
isaiInstalled Ubuntu LTS last week on a new system. I can't get the system to consistently boot properly. After GRUB, sometimes it starts just fine, other times the screen goes black and then nothing. ?22:50
loltphone essential, my USB ports don't work with Ubuntu at all no detection, hpnx632522:50
aciculabstarek: even devs have a slow day22:50
bstarekacicula, well thats fine to me :)22:50
aciculaisai: inconsistent behaviour typically points to a hardware problem22:50
loltphOn an old laptop of mine nx6120 it worked fine22:50
loltphati usb drivers22:50
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_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, blocks 83883366 for part122:51
isaiIt's a new system, how to test for problems?22:51
tarzeaudo you people like the ubuntu font?22:51
Guest58331tarzeau: it still isnt working22:51
nertil__CCcam rox on ubuntu 10.1022:51
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9,  for second 209158267+22:51
bstarekacicula, thankss22:51
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isaialso, once booted everything works fine, not a single problem after that.22:51
alketWhy i cannot see shared folders in my local network ?22:52
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, this is a raid array of 2 disk each 150gb so there is 300gb of space and should be 25gb of unpartitioned space22:52
Guest91999how can I upgrade from 8.10 to 10.04 server?  all the guides say to set Prompt=normal, but I assume that will upgrade me to 10.1022:52
aciculaisai: see if you get inconsistent behaviour too with 10.10?22:52
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, ahh sorry - i can't help with RAID stuff.  good luck man.22:52
dinkyHi people, anyone good with bind? Having problems with setting up opendkim22:52
isaiacicula: Is the difference between LTS and 10.10 really that big?22:52
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, is there a command to se how mutch is left?22:53
tarzeauisai: there's quite some differences yes22:53
aciculaisai: well newer kernel and drivers make it worth trying yeah22:53
Wizzard7yes it is22:53
dinkyI need some help with bind & opendkim. Can someone take a look at my config files?22:53
tarzeauisai: so are they between all releases. the ubuntu/canonical guys do quite some big changes every half a year22:53
c3lcan I enter the console Without using the keyboard? im stuck in gdm as X doesn recognize my keyboard? (the keyboard is working, stuff like functino + Fkey to toggle wifi etc works, and it responds to the keyboard before X is launched) and even if I enter a console during boot (ctrl alt F*) I still get thrown back to gdm when its loaded.. do I need to reboot to fix this?22:53
Guest58331tarzeau: it still isnt working22:53
tarzeaui love the upgrade problems between gnome releases22:54
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, when you use "n" for new with defaults what size does it create?  use "d" and the partition number to remove it (if you don't want it) - BE CAREFUL with this stuff!22:54
tarzeauGuest58331: yeah i heard that. you are telling me the 2nd time already22:54
* tarzeau shrugs22:54
tarzeauGuest58331: if you want i can bake you chocolate cake22:54
Guest58331tarzeau: i wasnt sure if you saw it22:54
isaiI'm already running for development stuff on this new system. I don't want to reinstall and blow that away. There has to be a better way to test hardware problems.22:55
tarzeauGuest58331: i saw it. but i don't remember what wasn't working. hehe22:55
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, it defaults to 448022:55
Guest58331tarzeau: fuser -k /etc/gshadow didnt work22:55
tarzeauGuest58331: you did that as root?22:56
dinkyI need help with bind & opendkim, can someone help?22:56
aciculac3l: if rebooting fixes it id just do that22:56
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, blocks?  i'm not sure if that would be 4GB?22:56
_CommandeR_ZykoticK9, i guess it is blocks22:56
tarzeaudinky: obviously not, since nobody replied on the first time you asked...22:56
guerrilha_gigdatacrusher, deu treta la22:56
tobyjoinerI just asked this, but got disconnected, so not sure if someone answered:  how can I upgrade from 8.10 to 10.04 server?  all the guides say to set Prompt=normal, but I assume that will upgrade me to 10.1022:56
tarzeaudinky: i know a bit of bind, but opendkim? no idea what that is22:56
aciculadinky: thats pretty specific stuff, this might not be the best place to ask22:56
Guest58331tarzeau: yes22:56
20QAB8U6Phey im having a problem the bar at the top of my windows is gone so i cant close the windows can anyone help me22:56
ZykoticK9_CommandeR_, which brings me back to my first comment - not enough space most likely22:56
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erUSULtobyjoiner: you have to do 8.10 --> 9.04 --> 9.10 --> 10.0422:57
dinkyacicula: any idea of a better place?22:57
basix-ubuntu 10.10 runs a lot slower than 10.0422:57
tobyjoinerpuke....but thanks =)22:57
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robotti^basix-: is that true?22:57
c3lacicula: it doesn't. rebooted about 5 times now, trying with external keyboards too.. still nothing22:57
aciculadinky: server admin stuff google->forums->mailing lists ?22:57
tarzeaubasix-: i didn't notice anything like that22:57
basix-it's as slow as windows now22:57
robotti^should I reinstall ubuntu 10.0422:57
tarzeaurobotti^: i don't think so22:57
tarzeaurobotti^: i woudln't22:57
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ZykoticK9robotti^, not for me - i think basix- experience might be a unique situation22:58
tarzeaubasix-: which netbook? which video card/driver?22:58
tarzeauZykoticK9: for sure!22:58
robotti^tarzeau: my trackpoint scrolling does not work anymore after update22:58
basix-HP mini 110-1030NR22:58
HGOTYTthe bars on my windows arent showing up anyone know how to fix it?22:58
robotti^it were working very well on ubuntu 10.0422:58
basix-especially loading software center22:58
basix-before it was a snap in 10.04 for me22:58
tobyjoinerthanks erUSUL22:59
tarzeauso something is broken in that part of it22:59
basix-i was very impressed compared to windows22:59
aciculaHGOTYT: your wm crashed, open a terminal and type metacity --replace & or just reboot22:59
Guest58331tarzeau: still there?22:59
arcskyist possible to send a processes (irssi) to a screen ?22:59
tarzeauGuest58331: yeah22:59
twinkie_addictim have good luck with 10.10 thught it is a very custum setup22:59
ZykoticK9HGOTYT, try running "compiz --replace" from alt+f2 (or terminal), if that fails "metacity --replace"22:59
tarzeauarcsky: screenshot? or gnu screen?22:59
aciculaarcsky: no you cant do that22:59
jMylesHello - Ive blacklisted a kernel driver, and than unblacklisted the driver, and now its not showing up - any suggestions?22:59
arcskyok thx22:59
Guest58331tarzeau: kk... so any ideas?22:59
tarzeauGuest58331: nope, but when i think back at situations like yours23:00
HGOTYTthx guys that fixed it!23:00
ZykoticK9arcsky, type "screen" then start irssi -- use ctrl+a+d to detach23:00
tarzeauGuest58331: stuff doesn't work. i would install nethack, and play that23:00
* twinkie_addict waits eagerly for his pizza to finsh cooking23:00
aciculajMyles: sudo depmod -a and try again?23:00
tarzeauGuest58331: it's very funny and a good time killer, and it'll exercise your patience23:00
arcskywell i have open a irssi window and i want it to be online without close it now/not reconnect23:01
tarzeauarcsky: did you run it inside gnu screen or not?23:01
arcskytarzeau: no screen23:01
twinkie_addictthe mana world is good if you a gui23:01
tarzeauarcsky: bad luck :)23:01
uLinuxto play on linux sucks..23:01
yagooam wonder about 10.10 < does multitouch support mac?23:02
tarzeauuLinux: bullshit. sauerbraten, bubnbros, jumpnbump, nethack, world of goo, great stuff!23:02
rwwtarzeau: watch your language, please23:02
jMylesSudo Depmod -a and restart?23:02
tarzeaurww: he said "sucks"23:02
twinkie_addicteternal lands23:02
rwwtarzeau: two wrongs don't make a right23:02
ZykoticK9yagoo, multitouch in ubuntu, if it's supported at all, is very new for sure (be it on mac h/w or pc)23:02
uLinuxsucks = not good23:02
aciculayagoo: ubuntu does do multitouch, wether the new mac does is unsure23:02
tarzeaurww: so what. just warning one, and not the other. is shit too!23:02
yagooi see this- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch#Hardware%20Support23:02
izardstreetanyone know why i don't get a dropshadow on my nautilus-elementary menu items23:02
racionalistIs 10.10 more stable than 10.04?23:03
twinkie_addicttheres alot of games for linux23:03
Guest58331userdel wont remove other user accounts even with root privs... it shows the error " userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later." can anyone else help23:03
nadav_how can I access my drive D that I recently had with windows23:03
IdleOne!language | tarzeau23:03
ubottutarzeau: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.23:03
nadav_I can see it through the GUI23:03
yagoonmind.. may/maynot.. not exactly sure of the trackpad hardware on here23:03
nadav_but I want to acess it with the command line23:03
rwwtarzeau: I don't consider "sucks" to be family-unfriendly. I do consider your continued cussing to be.23:03
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twinkie_addicteven for my old box23:03
uLinuxtwinkie_addict: yeah there is but no good games and to play window$ games on linux.. sucks like i said :p23:03
robotti^anybody with trackpoint?23:03
tarzeauuLinux: there's good games for linux too23:03
uLinuxmake a decent fps game and i will play23:04
linux_is_my_her1how do install frostwire on ubuntu64?23:04
ZykoticK9racionalist, an LTS version (10.04) is typically more stable then the regular releases (10.10) - as the new releases introduce newer versions of software23:04
tarzeauuLinux: sauerbraten?23:04
Robinuxhey guys the "software center" where you find "science and engineering" is that like what comes with GNOME only? or it comes in any ubuntu like in kubuntu for example?23:04
jjoohhnnyou can play Minecraft on Linux!23:04
racionalistZykoticK9 That means I should stick with 10.04 if I want more stability?23:04
uLinuxyeah and sudoku -.-23:04
ZykoticK9racionalist, yes23:05
tarzeauRobinux: all the packages come with any linux system that has .deb packages23:05
rwwRobinux: Generally, you can run any program on any desktop environment, it just might not look perfect23:05
ZykoticK9racionalist, the whole point of LTS is largely for stability23:05
Robinuxoh ok23:05
rwwRobinux: I believe Software Centre shows software meant for any23:05
ZykoticK9racionalist, and it should just keen getting more and more stable over time23:05
Lars_GAre there any ease space savers for / so that I can update from beta to hardy final?23:06
Guest58331userdel wont remove other user accounts even with root privs... it shows the error " userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later." can anyone else help23:06
tarzeauracionalist: as well as being supported by security updates23:06
Robinuxwell waw you guys i'm so glad i decided to try out ubuntu i just LOVE LOVE LOVE the "science and engineering" department lol its amazing23:06
Robinuxsooooo helpfull23:06
tarzeauRobinux: which applications exactly?23:06
Robinuxi think i'll download x64ubuntu and install it tomorrow23:06
yagooRobinux, u install it right now u sob! ;p23:06
Robinuxi didn't install i just clicked23:07
Robinux"try cd"23:07
Lars_GRobinux: Yeah, but I'm waiting to see an ubuntu distro similar to mandrake FEL23:07
Robinuxand it was in "ubuntu softar center"23:07
Robinuxyagoo very funny mate23:07
yagooLars_G, mandrak doesnt exist23:07
Robinuxlars_g: got no idea, i'm new to linux23:07
yagooLars_G, you sure don't know its called mandriva now..23:07
twinkie_addictit does they just call it mandrivia now23:08
tarzeauuLinux: what about http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_xwrr1KFWQ ?23:08
Lars_Gyagoo: Yeah yeah, old habits die hard23:08
Robinuxalright i'm shutting it down, going to the other vm till i install ubuntux64 and make it my #1 linux distro :D23:09
Lars_GRobinux: it's a mandriva based distro dedicated to EE23:09
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!23:09
Lars_GRobinux: All you need from PCB cad to VHDL coding23:09
yagooRobinux, believe it or not.. i actually just finished ubuntux64 in vmware :p23:09
Robinuxi thought it was debian based?23:09
Lars_GMeh sorry IdleOne23:09
LogicallyDashingI've just installed a Radeon card. Things seem to be going alright, but DirectDraw surfaces aren't rendering. What's missing?23:09
yagooRobinux, it's rebooting.. took about 10-15 minutes23:10
Robinuxyou're kidding23:10
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Robinuxwhy vmware when you have vbox? :P23:10
yagooI guess it'll be sometime before they hack the macbook's multi trackpad..23:10
Robinux10-15 minutes to install? yahoo?23:10
yagooRobinux, yep..23:10
yagooRobinux, vbox is good too.. haven't tried it on vbox23:11
Robinuxi guess thats ok, about the same it took for debian to finish i  think23:11
yagooRobinux, not keeping track of time.. i'd say about 8-10 minutes ...23:11
Robinuxwell its free too23:11
rwwUbuntu Desktop installs are faster than Ubuntu Alternate and Debian installs.23:11
MariojinxI have Windows Vista and Ubuntu on the same machine. Is there any way I can actively switch between ubuntu and my already-installed windows?23:11
twinkie_addict10 min after download for me to was running cli only install then added stuff later23:11
Robinuxand their irc channel is helpful :D23:11
tarzeaurww: i disagree23:11
rwwUbiquity copies a disk image to the hard disk, whereas debian-installer (which Ubuntu Alternate also uses) installs the packages manually. so...23:11
yagooRobinux, -> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch#Hardware%20Support23:12
yagooapparently doesnt look like macbooks trackpads are ready :/23:12
rwwtarzeau: Okay. You have some very weird hardware or aren't installing comparable packagesets between the two, then.23:12
tarzeaurww: from cd to harddisk? filesystem of choice?23:12
yagooRobinux, am looking forward to see what multitouch can do ubuntu..23:12
MariojinxDid anyonw see my question?23:12
tarzeaurww: so this disk image thing is new w/ 10.10? we're mostly doing netboot/netinstalls (gbit connected to local mirrors, same packageset)23:13
yagooMariojinx, ? how is ubuntu installed?23:13
tarzeaurww: preferably to xfs23:13
rwwtarzeau: no, it's been like that for a while23:13
Mariojinxyagoo: Ubuntu is installed by GRUB duelboot.23:13
tarzeaurww: then i didn't notice anything of the speedup with 10.04 (or it only works in some circumstances)23:13
tarzeaurww: the netboot/netinstaller downloads package by package and unpacks it23:14
rwwtarzeau: netboots and netinstalls don't use Ubiquity.23:14
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yagooMariojinx,  well u can add 2-3 lines to your grub config.. your config syntax depends if u use grub v1 or v2..23:14
Robinuxwhat's kde's package called?23:14
tarzeaurww: can i use ubiquity with netboot/netinstall?23:14
rwwI said the Ubuntu Desktop installer. i.e., the one on the Ubuntu Desktop ISO. i.e., not netboot23:14
rwwtarzeau: not that I know of23:14
Robinuxalthough now i have a feeling i won't wanna change lmfao i fell for gnome23:14
Robinuxi'm too in love :P23:14
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tarzeaurww: aha. i'm not going to build in cd-rom drives into 200 computers, then walk from one to another to install ubuntu23:15
zprime_I have a problem installing ubuntu.  I've tried several times today, but it keeps stoping at the "who are you part?" saying "Ready when you are..." with the forward button grayed out.  This has happened on 2 cd-r, a dvd-rw, and flash drive.  I've tried different write speeds, 32-bit and 64-bit. Long post, but any ideas?23:15
Robinuxbut i just wanted to know what version of kde it would download so i did this in a terminal "apt-cache policy kde"23:15
Mariojinxyagoo: What r those lines? I'm new. :(23:15
Robinuxand it didn't work23:15
rwwtarzeau: then what I said doesn't apply to you, obviously.23:15
tarzeauvery nice. i'd like that feature not just on the cd!23:15
NginUSdoes anyone know how 10.10 does multiple bond devices nowadays? Nothing I fing online is relevany anymore.23:15
ZykoticK9rww, the new installer, with the partitioning/copying running at the bottom, with the questions regarding keyboard and location on top is brilliant. </ot>23:15
tarzeaurww: do you have some technical details, how it's done? i mean, what if the target disks are of different sizes, set up with lvm, and xfs (not ext2,3,4)23:15
NginUSI can only bring up 1 bond device, regardless of the max_bonds= value23:15
rwwZykoticK9: indeed23:16
MariojinxI want to run both my OSes at the same time to switch between them.23:16
rwwtarzeau: no idea, I haven't looked at the code23:16
Kartagiscan someone help? there are problematic packages I can't get rid of for the life of me, and they keep haunting me every time I try autoremove etc.23:16
tarzeauKartagis: which packages?23:16
yagooRobinux, are you using ubunut permanently in the vbox? (there are accelerators for it-- but not sure for ubuntu v10.10)23:17
finalbloggerhi guys23:17
Kartagistarzeau terresac-ocr or something23:17
icerootKartagis: please paste the output of your apt-get23:17
tarzeauKartagis: tesseract?23:17
Robinuxubuntu 10.10  it is, but its just a live-cd23:17
finalbloggeri have just installed openoffice database from software centre but i cant open it23:17
MariojinxI want to run both my OSes at the same time and switch between them.23:17
Kartagistarzeau yea, that23:17
finalbloggerno response23:18
yagooMariojinx, you can't run them at the same time. You can run them only at the same time, if one is virtualized..but it'll run alot slower** (like in vmware or virtualbox)23:18
Robinuxyagoo: ubuntu 10.10  it is, but its just a live-cd23:18
Kartagisiceroot doing what? trying to remove it?23:18
Loungeok fixed the problem with not seeing the vol applet by resetting the desktop back to default "rm -rf .gnome .gnome2 .gconf .gconfd .metacity"23:18
moonunithow do i upgrade my distro again23:18
tarzeauKartagis: you know the versions of debian/ubuntu are very outdated?23:18
icerootKartagis: yes, post the errors23:18
moonuniti already did apt get upgrade23:18
Mariojinxyagoo: Then is there a way I can integrate the compatibility of Vista with the speed and reliability of ubuntu?23:19
moonunitis it apt-get distro upgradE?23:19
yagooRobinux, you should check that out.. if u plan on using vbox permanently.. (virtualbox developers may call it "add-on" software for a particular linux-- which installs accelerated drivers for the VM machine)23:19
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:19
tarzeauhaving tried more than 4 different ocr packages on linux, that was very disappointing... when seeing what scanner supplied windows ocr software was capable of23:19
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning23:19
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:19
Mariojinxyagoo: Then is there a way I can integrate the compatibility of Vista with the speed and reliability of ubuntu? Right now, either way gives me half of what I want.23:20
test34How can I set the dual pane as a default in Nautilus ?23:20
tarzeautest34: have you been using norton commander or far, back then?23:20
yagooMariojinx, is linux running "natively" or not? Sounds to me I'm talking alien..23:20
Mariojinxyagoo: Ubuntu is running on a different partition than Vista.23:21
zprime_I have a problem installing ubuntu.  I've tried several times today, but it keeps stoping at the "who are you part?" saying "Ready when you are..." with the forward button grayed out.  This has happened on 2 cd-r, a dvd-rw, and flash drive.  I've tried different write speeds, 32-bit and 64-bit.23:21
ady01here to help the linux user23:21
yagooMariojinx, you want to share the files? You can mount ntfs-3g under linux..23:21
usuarioyes yagoo23:21
Jordan_Uzprime_: Your username must be all lowercase.23:21
Robinuxwait whats the search cmd for packages23:22
zprime_I don't understand zprime is all lowercase23:22
test34tarzeau, a little, why ?23:22
Kartagisiceroot whatever  I do, it's trying to install those two packages again23:22
tarzeautest34: you know about mc (midnight commander)?23:22
William_ubuntu 10.10 don't change much23:22
yagooRobinux, "apropos package" :p23:22
ZykoticK9test34, looks like it's related to this bug https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=608431 see the forum post at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=143533323:22
`akAnybody else make the mistake of upgradingto 10.10 and trying to buy software?23:22
Some_PersonIs there any way to scale down everything on the screen (not just the dpi of the fonts) so that there is more space on my netbook's screen for things?23:23
icerootKartagis: what package? what is the output of apt-get?23:23
tarzeau`ak: buy what software?23:23
`akSadly Fluendo23:23
Some_PersonI have a lot of windows cut off by the gnome-panel because the screen isn't very tall23:23
`aki only updated to 10.10 for that purpose23:23
Mariojinxyagoo: I know. I want to have all my games, audio creation softwares, and anything else I may encounter to run on ubuntu.23:23
Jordan_Uyagoo: apropos searches man pages for relevant (already installed) commands.23:23
fghchromium or chrome?23:23
test34tarzeau, I tried that one too.. did they come out with a X gui ?23:23
ady01if you have a netbook some_person ubuntu have a version for netbooks23:23
`akbut the associated links are 401's23:23
tarzeautest34: no, and i'm glad they haven't :)23:24
Jordan_URobinux: apt-cache search foo23:24
Some_Personady01: I know, but I don't like the interface used on that version23:24
tarzeautest34: why would you want an X version?23:24
`akso of course, now my apt repositories are screwed23:24
yagooMariojinx, you can't. There is a project called wine which can run a limitted number of windows applications more or less natively..23:24
test34thanks ZykoticK9  sounds like it23:24
Kartagisiceroot tesseract-ocr and tesseract-ocr-eng. apt-get proceeds normally then just hangs23:24
icerootKartagis: without details...23:24
RobinuxJordan_U: you da man!23:24
`aki can confirm that there is no net connection, not proxy, other repos work - but oddly enough NOT the ones I paid for23:24
yagooMariojinx, if you need windows for gaming then obviously you can't get rid of it..23:24
ady01you cant scale down the norm version on netbooks some_person23:25
test34tarzeau, can use ssh with mc?23:25
tarzeautest34: yes23:25
Kartagisiceroot huh? I gave you details23:25
`akDual-boot windows/ubuntu is good for games23:25
icerootKartagis: i cant see a pastebin-entry23:25
tarzeautest34: you can also use x apps over ssh, but they might not be that fast23:25
test34tarzeau, I'll give it another try then23:25
`akwine gaming kinda sux23:25
yagooMariojinx, unless that game has been ported to linux.. like urbanterror :p23:25
tarzeau`ak: full ack!23:25
Mariojinxyagoo: I know, but I want to know if there is a way I can use my apps on a lower level than wine.23:25
Some_Personady01: Well then somebody should add that feature23:25
mtx_initHow can one uninstall the indicator-applett without uninstalling and removing the right most usermenu on the gnome panel called session.23:25
tarzeau`ak: but there's native games, that are nice to play23:25
Kartagisiceroot apt-get doesn't produce an error. it just hangs23:25
zvacetI can not set permissions for usb how to do it23:25
test34tarzeau, I dont mean using it over ssh, I mean accessing an ssh directory with it23:25
basix-hmmm. how come ipod syncing is so difficult on ubuntu23:26
yagooMariojinx, you need a good computer.. Virtualbox can do it.23:26
`aktarzeau - Totally agree!23:26
icerootKartagis: dpkg --configure -a  is doing what?23:26
`akbut if you're playing windows games, dual boot is simply a better game experience23:26
ady01some_person netbooks where designed to be cut down versions of notebooks so they are 'minimalistic'23:26
Kartagisiceroot and I can't get rid of it for the life of me23:26
yagooMariojinx, but everything inside will run slower..23:26
Some_Personbasix-: Because Apple refuses to do anything standard23:26
Mariojinxyagoo: I have an Acer Aspire M3641... 2 years old...23:26
icerootKartagis: and aptitude is doing the same?23:26
tarzeautest34: hm... dunno, i never need that. ssh fuse mounts were not very fast, nor stable when i tried23:26
Kartagisiceroot yea23:26
yagooMariojinx, but everything inside will run slower.. << not for gaming.23:26
basix-is there anything better than rhythm, gtkpod?23:27
`akamarok 1.4 ;)23:27
trismmtx_init: if you remove the indicator-applet-session menu from the panel, it will add most of the menu options there to the System menu (Lock/Log Out/Shutdown)23:27
Some_Personady01: In form factor and processing power, sure, but usability and software too?23:27
yagoobasix-, i've seen songbird but their libraries are not community standardized...23:27
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Mariojinxyagoo: It's not just applications, my Vista installation is screwy. My internet connection is half that of Ubuntu. <<1.0MB23:27
Mariojinxyagoo: It's not just applications, my Vista installation is screwy. My internet connection is half that of Ubuntu. <<1.0MB per second23:27
ady01yep afriad so some_person23:27
Nadavwhy some folders are colored green?23:27
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Nadavin ubunutu console23:27
Kartagisiceroot maybe I should upgrade to maverick then try doing what I am trying?23:27
gilanialiI have an Ubuntu VPS, which has root logins disabled, i use a user account to log in which is a sudoer, and whenver i need to do a lot of messing around i simply change to root using `su root`. Is this the generally recommended way?23:27
`akMariojinx even less then 1MB should be ok for most games23:27
basix-yagoo, what's do you mean community standardized?23:27
yagooMariojinx, so re-intstall a new vista.. what can i say..23:27
mtx_inittrism: I want it there though, like it as always been.  what a dumb move making that menu dependent on indicator-aplett23:28
basix-does amarok work on gnome?23:28
yagooMariojinx, then you'll just have to rerun grub-install </dev/XXX?> .. with the ubuntu rescue cd..23:28
test34tarzeau, with nautilus you can use sftp and easily transfer files to localhost.. I'll check to see if thats possible with "mc"23:28
`aksu root = bad ubutu juju23:28
mtx_initbasix-: sure23:28
NadavWhy some folders in ubuntu console have their background color green? just wondering23:28
icerootKartagis: any output of "sudo dpkg -l | grep -v ii" ?23:28
ZykoticK9Nadav, green mean the directory is world writable23:28
`akbut, being an old hand - i still do it to half of my systems23:28
Mariojinxyagoo: How will I run my Vista partition as an image, then?23:28
trismmtx_init: actually it was always in the System menu until recent versions, when it moved, it has always been part of the indicator-applet-session23:28
ady01netbooks are just designed to be used as 'mobile' internet/email etc devices some_person so they only have limited hardware23:28
`akbut really forcing SUDO is a much better way to manage access etc23:28
ZykoticK9Nadav, you can use "ls -l" to see the permissions23:29
mtx_initbasix-: clementine is better than modern amarok23:29
`akand the first time you accidentally hit enter instead of tab when typing rm -rf : you'll be glad you weren't root23:29
yagooMariojinx, back up your data. sounds like you're telling me you have a virus.. I won't fix that on your windows..23:29
Nadavit m eans everyone can r/w23:29
gilaniali`ak: so what would u suggest?23:29
mtx_inittrism: 10.10 is the first where it has been with indicator applet23:29
Kartagisiceroot http://pastebin.com/PmALbMe923:29
`akWhy do you need to be root for the moment?23:29
`aksadly, some software simply wants you to be root23:30
mtx_inittrism: the rest it has been its own panel applett.23:30
Some_Personady01: So you are basically telling me that I shouldn't try to run a mainstream OS on it?23:30
icerootKartagis: apt-cache policy tesseract-ocr-eng23:30
yagooSome_Person, we only trust #topic.23:30
`akpersonally - after a year of trying I've gotten used to prepending everything with sudo23:30
yagooSome_Person, you want something else? go #there :p23:30
gilaniali`ak: i am trying to set up apache, and dont have to keep sudoing for the smallest thing23:30
Mariojinxyagoo: I just want to run Virtual Box where it boots up a partition. How will I run my Vista partition as an image?23:30
trismmtx_init: not true, but I don't really want to argue about this, you could try removing indicator-me if you don't want the other part of indicator-applet-session, don't know if that will work though23:30
zprime_I have a problem installing ubuntu.  I've tried several times today, but it keeps stoping at the "who are you part?" saying "Ready when you are..." with the forward button grayed out.  This has happened on 2 cd-r, a dvd-rw, and flash drive.  I've tried different write speeds, 32-bit and 64-bit.23:30
`akor - if I have an install that really wants to be root - I enable it, then disable afterwards23:30
`akgilaniali - is it a personal system?23:30
ady01you can some_person but dont expect full functionality23:30
gilaniali`ak: yup, a private vps23:31
Mariojinxyagoo: I don't have a virus, I'm right now using linux. :\23:31
`akthen do what makes you happy in the end23:31
`akthat is the trade off23:31
`aksudo minimizes the chance you'll do a system wide mistake23:31
Some_Personady01: Perhaps more limiting in my case is the fact that this netbook has no hard drive. I have ubuntu installed to an SD card23:31
DaveTheAveif you dont want to sudo constantly use sudo su to get a root prompt.23:31
`akthe other option, install apache as it's own user23:31
ady01thats why ubuntu & even windows have cut doen versions for netbooks some_person23:31
`akapply all the proper rights23:31
`akthen su to that user23:31
Some_Personady01: Windows has a netbook edition?23:31
ZykoticK9Mariojinx, your VirtualBox question is best asked in #vbox you can see the RAW partition instructions (notice the WARNING!) at http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch09.html#rawdisk23:31
yagoozprime_, did u try usbstick?23:31
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`akthen all apache stuff won't need sudo - but  you still can't hose your root file sysstem or other sensitive places23:32
mtx_inittrism: I have uninstalled indicator* since its inception and that menu has never gone away, just the rest of the crap with it. So it must have not been dependant on indicator or it would have been removed.23:32
ady01they do some_person its called windows 7 starter23:32
ady01thats for netbooks some_person23:32
`akHowever, I always compile my own apache's so it's easy - not sure what the ubuntu apache's look like when done from repo23:32
MariojinxZykotic9: let me check that link...23:32
zprime_The usb wouldn't ever load all the way though23:32
ZykoticK9!tab > Mariojinx23:32
ubottuMariojinx, please see my private message23:32
_Valantis_i need some help with a driver for a USB VIDEO IN  its avermedia EZmaker usb23:32
yagoozprime_, so i'd look at bios settings.. is your hd using what? ide/ahci ?23:33
basix-grr how the heck can i continue using linux without a good ipod sync?23:33
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MariojinxZykoti9: let me check that link...23:33
MariojinxDamn it, double post.23:33
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yagooMariojinx, you told me that ubuntu was on its own partition.23:34
zprime_i don't know how do I find that23:34
yagooZykoticK9, ^ to Mariojinx23:34
dhaivathello everyone. I have a dlink dwa 556 card that has a atheros 5008 chipset. How can I install drivers for this? It doesn't even show up in lspci.23:34
trismmtx_init: you could likewise remove it all and add shutdown and logout applet buttons in its place23:34
alfonsoI installed gparted but when I run it , it crashes23:34
basix-i can't even upload a new song to my ipod with any of these applications?23:35
Some_Personady01: Windows 7 Starter Edition = silly, in my opinion. Why would anyone even think of producing an OS where you cannot even change the desktop background?23:35
n-icehow do I install my kernel sources23:35
Mariojinxyagoo: Yes, but I want to run a different partition from my current one in a VM area.23:35
mtx_inittrism: I could, but then the fancy menu is not there and I like it there.  I guess I will just deal with it23:35
n-iceI'm using 10.1023:35
yagooMariojinx, that's pretty useless..23:35
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yagooMariojinx, you can use a gparted live cd in the VM and resize the linux partition..23:36
ZykoticK9n-ice, "sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)"23:36
zprime_I figured out how to find that out and I don't have ANY o.s. installed right now23:36
n-iceZykoticK9: thanks!23:36
zprime_I cleared my hard drive sure that the installation disc would work23:36
dhaivatoops. i meant a ar5418 chipset.23:36
Mariojinxyagoo: your missing the point. I want to be able to run Vista in a different partition from my seperate Ubuntu distro.23:36
ady01netbooks are not full notebooks some_person there just cut down versions - very portable etc but very limited hardware, even the processor is cut down, they use 'atom' or simlar which are like mobile phone processors23:36
Nerdy3_14159265I need some help with grub and sound in linux23:37
zprime_I'm running off of the live disc right now23:37
airtonix'ak why do you need to recompile apache23:37
yagooMariojinx, I asked what was native. You reply was about having another partition. You've lost me since.23:37
Nerdy3_14159265My headphones don't work on ubuntu, and I need to delete grub entries and see if I can update it23:37
Mariojinxyagoo: your missing the point. I want to be able to run Vista in a different partition from my seperate Ubuntu distro. <<Running VBox or something, but booting a real system, not an image.23:37
* yagoo ingores Mariojinx23:37
alfonsoWhy does dd doesnt work with windows xp ISO?23:38
NadavI just downloaded utorrent for linux, how do I install tar.gz files? sorry for the newbieness23:38
_Valantis_i need some help with a driver for a USB VIDEO IN  its avermedia EZmaker usb  :P ...23:38
Jordan_U!windows | alfonso23:38
ubottualfonso: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents23:38
airtonixMariijinx this information is on the virtual box website23:38
RockjIs there any easy software which can easily modify the default ubuntu theme colors? Like the red background on terminals?23:38
ady01some_person netbooks are popular but there not full notebooks - they are just designed for portablility23:38
askhaderWhat's the equivalent of grub's menu.lst on the latest ubuntu distributions?23:38
Jordan_UNadav: What's wrong with the Free clients?23:39
Jordan_U!grub2 | askhader23:39
ubottuaskhader: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:39
_Valantis_<ady01> i think u have something against netbooks :P23:39
Rockjor could tell me where those settings are stored so I can modify em? I want to save these settings so I can share em with my laptop and friends.23:39
TokumeiMariojinx, you want to run windows and ubuntu at the same time? if you need windows programs to work, check if they are compatible with wine in wine's appdb23:39
airtonixAdy01 my netbook wants to disagree with you23:39
NadavJordan_U,  what free clients?23:39
ZykoticK9askhader, see the !grub2 link - but the main file is /etc/default/grub23:39
MariojinxI know how to use virtualbox. I want to use virtualbox on a partition, not an image.23:39
Jordan_U!torrent | Nadav23:39
ubottuNadav: Torrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P23:39
ady01not at all valantis - they have there place but i think some_person is confusing them with a full notebook23:39
TokumeiMariojinx, if you want to do that, then read the virtualbox manual to learn how to do that, or figure it out. or do you want us to tell you how to use virtualbox in a channel that isnt about virtualbox?23:40
airtonixMariojinx read the vbox site and be aware that doing this will bork your windows install for normal use23:40
n-icewhat's ubuntu 10.04 kernel?23:41
Tokumeiand why does it matter that you're using a different partition instead of an image file?23:41
NadavI did not know that Jordan_U , thanks23:41
rwwn-ice: 2.6.3223:41
MariojinxThanks. I'll try it.23:41
Jordan_UNadav: You're welcome.23:41
ady01no confusion at all airtonix - netbooks are good but they have & always been designed to be cut down versions of notebooks23:41
Nerdy3_14159265I need some help getting my headphones working in linux23:41
airtonixTokumei, because the method to access the oartition requires extra steps23:41
Tokumein-ice, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+10.04+kernel&l=123:42
alfonsoI installed gparted but when I run it , it crashes. Why?23:42
ady01nerdy3_141592 can i help you23:42
Da_WreckaSpeaking of netbooks... Does anyone know if it's possible to adjust the icon size in the launcher in the netbook version of Lucid?23:43
rwwTokumei: don't use lmgtfy links here, please. Link to the useful page you found on Google, and feel free to politely mention that's where you found it.23:43
Tokumeirww, aw, fine :/23:43
=== BeeThoveN is now known as V
ady01nerdy3_141592 are you getting no sound at all23:43
HaPK_PerCarI recently upgraded to Maverick, in this toshiba satellite L645D, but sound won't come out of the headphones jack! can anyone help me here?23:44
Tokumeisome things are best found out with a simple 5-second google search23:44
Nerdy3_14159265ady01 I get sound but it won't send any to my headphones23:45
Da_WreckaTokumei: Some things, but not all. I've not found out how to adjust the icon size in the Lucid launcher, for example23:45
ady01so are you getting sound from speakers then nerdy3_141592 ?23:45
Scuniziwhen looking in System>Admin>Hardware Drivers I have 2 options for nvidia.. 173 and "Current Version".. the Current version is running.. but how do I verify *which* version it is? either gui or cli23:45
TokumeiDa_Wrecka: well, of course not all. but something as simple as what kernel 10.04 uses, certainly.23:46
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Tokumeiyou should only ask people things if you've already tried finding out yourself23:47
Tokumei5 seconds of research time isnt unreasonable23:47
Da_WreckaYeah, on that we can agree23:47
Guest51476i try running sudo usrdel zakk and I keep getting "userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later."23:47
_Valantis_hello can any one help install my hardware ?23:47
_Valantis_i need some help with a driver for a USB VIDEO IN  its avermedia EZmaker usb  :P ...23:47
Da_WreckaAlthough at the same time, it's entirely possible that you'll find the answer to one question while looking for something else23:47
TokumeiDa_Wrecka, like i said, not for something as simple as "which kernel"23:48
HaPK_PerCarI recently upgraded to Maverick, in this toshiba satellite L645D, but sound won't come out of the headphones jack! can anyone help me here?23:48
Da_WreckaI found out why movies wouldn't play for me sometimes while trying to find out how to use multi-monitor in Xfce, for example23:48
_Valantis_its this one: http://www.avermedia.com/avertv/Product/ProductDetail.aspx?Id=18823:48
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basix-is Wine the best windows emulator for ubuntu?23:49
Tokumeiand if doing research helps you solve other problems as well, all the more reason to use google23:49
Tokumeibasix-, Wine Is Not an Emulator23:49
Da_Wrecka(still haven't figured out how to get multi-monitor in Xfce. If not for that I think I'd be using Xfce instead of GNOME all the time)23:49
rwwbasix-: yes23:49
Tokumeilol, i just had to do that :p23:49
basix-what is it considered?23:49
islamWhat did i just hear?23:49
HaPK_PerCarWine Is'nt aN Emulator23:49
islamWine? Emulator?23:49
basix-rww, thx23:49
islamWine is noat an Emulator :p23:50
LordDragonbasix-, for emulator use virtual box or parallels or vmware23:50
Tokumeibasix-, it's just a compatibility layer or interpreter or whatnot. it makes windows programs compatible with linux. you dont have to worry about all those technical details though, i was just teasing.23:50
ady01basix if you really must run windows exe's use a decent virtualisation software23:50
basix-lol k23:50
Tokumeitechnically, an emulator is like a "virtual computer"23:50
basix-ady01, just to run itunes23:50
basix-k :)23:50
Tokumeiwine doesnt do that, it just lets you run windows programs natively and directly on your computer, without any emulation23:51
HaPK_PerCarbasix-, why do you need itunes?23:51
islambtw,why do you want to use itunes?23:51
Da_WreckaWine is useful for certain Windows apps under Linux though, when your system can't handle virtualisation.23:51
* Tokumei hates itunes D:23:51
LordDragonwine is more of an api translator or something23:51
basix-cuz i can't add any mp3s to my ipod23:51
ady01try banshee basix - just the same and will connect to ipod /iphone etc23:51
Da_WreckaI quite like being able to play Diablo 2 on my Ubuntu netbook :)23:51
* islam loves IRC23:51
islamOr PVZ23:52
darrendhi.  My dbus-daemon seems to be leaking memory (using 870m right now and growing).  Any known issues with it?23:52
_Valantis_hehehehe Diablo2  :P23:52
Da_Wreckawish I could use the high-res patch with D2, but it doesn't work with the latest version23:52
Da_Wrecka_Valantis_: Quiet you23:52
Nadavi installed tightvncserver through the aptitude program, how do I configure it?23:52
Da_WreckaI'm talking about a netbook, it can't handle anything newer.23:52
HaPK_PerCarsound won't come out of the headphones jack. help please?23:52
test34basix-, next time you'll know not to buy an ipod23:52
basix-ady01, ok i'll check it out23:52
_Valantis_Diablo2 is nice23:52
basix-test34, what will i plug into my bose speaker?!23:52
_Valantis_i have a friend crazy about diablo23:52
yagooislam, quite atheistic viewpoint coming from your name :p.. itunes is needed for proper ipod transfers23:52
ady01if you really must run itunes basix use sun virtual box and run windows in linux23:53
Da_WreckaMy MP3 player is a six-year-old Creative Zen Touch.23:53
test34basix-, another brand mp3 player23:53
Nadavi installed tightvncserver through the aptitude program, how do I configure it? I cant find it for some reason23:53
islamRhythmbox is good for your Ipod23:53
Da_Wreckatwenty gigs of storage space and it cost me ten quid on Ebay23:53
basix-i don't think you can plug other mp3 players into it23:53
GanonKillermy sound keeps going out23:53
yagooNadav, use nx (from nomachine.com gpl available) .. so much better23:53
islamWell it worked for Ios 3.XX23:53
basix-is it a pain in the butt to install wine and itunes?23:53
test34basix-, do you use the 1/8 audio plug?23:53
Nadavyagoo, right now I have to use it23:53
Nadavany idea?23:53
Tokumeibanshee can sync with ipod cant it? why would you need itunes?23:53
basix-cuz all of linux's ipod compatible programs don't work for me23:54
Da_Wreckabasix-: Installing Wine is easy. You just use sudo apt-get install wine23:54
yagooNadav, you mean you're setting it up.. the server side or the client side?23:54
islam@yagoo well aplle wants you to use itunes ;)23:54
ady01basix the web site for banshee is http://banshee.fm/23:54
=== uLinux is now known as uLiNUX
Da_WreckaiTunes, well... Why the hell would you want it, first of all23:54
basix-k thx23:54
NadavI need to set the server side at my computer23:54
NadavI cant find it tho23:54
Tokumeihey, why isnt banshee just the default music manager in ubuntu anyway? why rythmbox?23:54
Da_WreckaThere are so many less craptastic ways to sync your MP3 player23:54
yagooNadav, I tell everyone to stop using vnc.. I stopped using it 3 years ago...23:54
basix-test34, the ipod docks right into the speaker23:54
yagooNadav, nx is catching on as its replacement..23:54
Da_Wreckaokay, on Windows you're stuck with iTunes, but Linux, you've got a lot more options23:54
basix-there is no other input .. i dont think?23:54
ady01hi tokumei they dont include it as its not supported by canonical yet23:55
Tokumeiitunes is slow and their itunes store is overpriced and only in apple's sucky .m4a format23:55
basix-i would love to never have to buy anything apple23:55
NadavI will do it when i got time but I must get going23:55
Tokumeibasix-, actually, apple makes really really wonderful screens.23:55
=== uLiNUX is now known as GNuLiNUX
test34basix-, if your speakers had a 1/8 audio input then you could plug any mp3 player (or any phone)23:55
yagooNadav, there's nothing to setup with nx.. it's much easier to setup than vnc..23:55
ady01banshee runs everything peeps and works23:55
HaPK_PerCarsound won't come out of the headphones jack. help please?23:55
* islam likes Apples23:55
basix-it's the bose speaker made specifically for ipod :/23:55
yagooNadav, download the .debs for ubuntu (from nomachine.com) then simply dpkg -i *.deb23:56
basix-k ady01  i'll try banshee23:56
Tokumeiady01, why isnt banshee default in ubuntu instead of rythmbox?23:56
=== islam is now known as WienerWuerstel
Tokumeirythmbox seems very inferior23:56
Guest51476i try running sudo usrdel zakk and I keep getting "userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later."23:56
yagooNadav, make sure openssh is already running.. then client side is too obvious..23:56
test34basix-, sorry for you luck then23:56
yagooNadav, (nx runs inside ssh as a subsystem..)23:56
basix-test34, it's ok i'll figure something out..thx23:56
WienerWuerstelWhich Ipod do you use basix?23:56
_Valantis_i need some help with a driver for a USB VIDEO IN  its avermedia EZmaker usb  anyone done anything similar ?23:56
ady01canonical dont include it in the software list yet tokumei23:57
Da_WreckaQuick, lazy question; What's the command for creating symbolic links?23:57
yagooDa_Wrecka, apropos links23:57
Some_PersonDa_Wrecka: ln -s23:58
HaPK_PerCarsound won't come out of the headphones jack. help please?23:58
rwwDa_Wrecka: ln -s /where/link/goes/to /optional/location/of/link23:58
rwwthough relative paths are better than absolute if possible23:58
Guest51476i try running sudo usrdel zakk and I keep getting "userdel: cannot lock /etc/gshadow; try again later." please someone help23:58
Da_WreckaOkay, thanks all. I just needed the ln though, I'd have pulled up the manpage from there :)23:58
ArtArfongholms c-76-17-250-218.hsd1.mn.comcast.net (Idiot...)23:58
ady01you can install banshee from software scources in ubuntu 9.04 onward basix23:58
trismTokumei: rhythmbox is the default gnome audio player, ubuntu generally sticks with the gnome defaults (I like exaile myself)23:58
rwwArtArfon: hrm?23:59
HaPK_PerCarI recently upgraded to Maverick, in this toshiba satellite L645D, but sound won't come out of the headphones jack! can anyone help me here?23:59
ady01dont think exalie works with iphones/ipod etc though trism23:59
StarnIf i use dual boot and booted into windows what would be a good way to run ubuntu in a virtual box if possible? while it has its own partition on this hard drive?23:59
yagooHaPK_PerCar, is the sounddevice listed anywhere?23:59
ady01correct me if im wrong though trism23:59

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