
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: hello00:02
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: what is going on today?00:03
UOMobileSubscribI'm trying to get my contacts to sync with either my iPhone or in outlook... I'm not even sure if it is syncing with Ubuntu00:04
UOMobileSubscribI have funambol and I used the mobile phone configuration there, but it isn't working... and when I try to sync with the iPhone (for the first time) it hangs at 15 and says there is an error log.00:05
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: contact sync from the cloud to your computer is currently having issues as one of the servers is down.00:07
duanedesignthere are some helpful guides on the wiki for setting things up. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Tutorials00:08
UOMobileSubscribthanks. That's what I thought... I can wait until it is back. I assume someone is working on that already00:08
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: you should be able to sync from the cloud to your phone though00:09
UOMobileSubscribI've tried it several times, and it hasn't worked.00:09
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: have you gone to this page yet?  https://one.ubuntu.com/phones00:10
UOMobileSubscribI have it doing a two way sync. Although I have a feeling that there is nothing going up to the phone, because I don't have any contacts in Evolution in Ubuntu...00:10
UOMobileSubscribyes, my phone is there00:10
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: you can add a test contact via the web UI if you want to test it . https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/new/00:11
UOMobileSubscribit asked me to sign in through the website when I installed Ubuntu One Contacts, and it appears to get to 15 contacts and it stops. It says there is a log, but since it's on the iPhone I would have no idea where to look for a log.... and that link doesn't work for me00:13
UOMobileSubscribit just says "something has gone wrong"00:13
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: oops sorry must have to go too thi page and click New Contact https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/00:14
UOMobileSubscribit still says "something has gone wrong" I was going to try that earlier to look at my contacts to see if anything was there00:15
duanedesignUOMobileSubscrib: ok, thats right, the outage is affesting the webUI as well00:16
UOMobileSubscribI clicked the link from the one.ubuntu.com page for "contacts" but it's been saying that for a while, maybe a couple of hours ago when I started trying00:16
UOMobileSubscribyes, I was looking at the status. I just saw that it should be working for mobile users, but not for me00:17
duanedesignbeuno: ping00:22
captflintI was just wondering if there was anyway to get a tray indicator icon that would indicate your ubuntu one status03:53
beunocaptflint, http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/10/ubuntu-one-indicator-applet-gets-a-ppa/03:58
ryeAUTH_FAILED may happen not only if user used the service in the past when servers were not ready. Sometimes Ubuntu SSO does not respond which causes request to be dropped. Subsequent runs will cause syncdaemon to use semi-valid OAuth tokens09:43
ryefiling a bug and creating a workaround09:43
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duanedesignmorning all12:56
raphamorning duanedesign13:04
ryeduanedesign, morning!13:18
diverse_izzuefacundobatista, ping14:15
Dink /topic14:29
Dinkmy bad added a space before the /14:30
reya276I think I broke my Ubuntu one service, I had to re-register my PC to make Tomboy notes sync and I named the PC with a different name than my actual PC name15:55
reya276would this cause it to break and not sync properly although tomboy seems to connect fine15:55
ryereya276, are you running Maverick on Lucid?15:56
reya276but when I go to my preferences>Ubuntu one app and click connect is says disconnected15:56
reya276and restart gives me nothing and it stays disconnected15:56
reya276sucks, do I need to restart my PC?15:57
ryereya276, no, that won't be necessary15:58
ryereya276, may I ask you to provide the contents of ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?15:58
ryereya276, i haven't yet found any issue with Ubuntu One that would have required pc restart15:58
reya276sure one sec15:59
ryereya276, ok, could you please open seahorse (System / Preferences / Passwords & Encryption Keys) and remove the token that is called UbuntuOne token for https;//ubuntuone.com16:02
reya276I don't see the password thing16:04
ryereya276, seahorse is the name of the application16:05
reya276I see something like this under the Accessories Menu16:06
reya276and there I see that UbuntuOne token for https;//ubuntuone.com16:06
reya276so you want me to remove that one16:06
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ryereya276, yes16:07
ryereya276, then killall ubuntuone-login and run u1sdtool --connect16:08
reya276ok I did that on Terminal right16:09
ryereya276, it should ask you to reauthorize your computer. In Lucid & Karmic Tomboy uses separate OAuth tokens, in Maverick there is one token for all applications16:09
reya276ok the Browser cameup but I want to name it something else16:10
reya276like right now there is a PC named what I want to name it16:10
reya276can I delete that one first and then rename this one with that same name16:10
reya276or will it overwrite it16:11
reya276ah ok so since the use a different one then I can rename it differently16:12
reya276ok let me bring up the app and see if it is connected, thanks16:13
ryereya276, it is not possible to rename the token description now16:13
reya276cool it worked16:13
reya276now I know what to do if I have any issues with other PCs, trying to get my wife hooked on this so we can get the paid streaming service, this thing rocks16:14
kklimondahey, is it possible to limit access for application to desktopcouch only to a subset of databases at the moment? If not how hard would that be?16:21
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duanedesignhello kklimonda16:33
kklimondahey :)16:34
duanedesignkklimonda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ#How%20do%20I%20prevent%20Ubuntu%20One%20from%20syncing%20all%20my%20CouchDB%20databases?16:34
duanedesignthat might be what you are looking for?16:34
danyRhi there. I've a doubt about the mobile plan: it includes music streaming + contact syncing for android/iphone, right? But I do need 2 differente apps to do streaming and syncing (in both plataforms)?16:35
kklimondaduanedesign: hmm, not exactly. What I had in mind was if there is a way to say that application "a" can only read and write to the database "b".16:35
ryekklimonda, couchdb 1.0.x supports OAuth per-database but I haven't seen that used in our code so need to look for that in the wild16:36
kklimondaduanedesign: the question is more general then synchronization and I've thought of it because of a discussion about application "sandboxing" on #ubuntu-devel (and at ubuntu-devel mailing list).16:36
kklimondarye: ok, so it's technically possible but desktopcouch doesn't do it at the moment? I guess it's good enough :)16:37
duanedesigndanyR: i have an iphone and the contacts are synced with Funambol. But all it is a button you push when you want to sync. For music it uses isub.16:38
danyRbut duanedesign there're two separate u1 apps that need to be installed, right? u1 music and u1 contacts?16:39
danyRforget, just got it. 2 different apps, both in Android and iOS. just what I needde to my review16:48
beunodanyR, right, 2 different apps on each platform16:50
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danyRok thanks for confirming . gonna finish my maverick review, in which I praise u1 a lot. great work :)16:51
beuno-lunchdanyR, \o/16:51
beuno-lunchthank you16:51
danyRa shame I'm writing it in portuguese, otherwise I would drop the link here :(16:52
beuno-lunchdanyR, I can read portuguese   ;)16:52
danyRbeuno-lunch: spain?16:53
beuno-lunchdanyR, I'm argentinian, but I've been enough times to Brazil16:54
danyRbeuno-lunch: It's Portuguese of Portugal, but the differences aren't that much. pt-br is a more "relaxed" variation. but ok, once is done, probably just by tomorrow, I'll send you the link16:55
Dinklol @ the "relaxed" part. I am originally from br16:56
beuno-lunchdanyR, thanks16:56
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beuno-lunchI like relaxed!16:56
danyRwe portuguese are a bit more formal, not only in the language but also in personality. but we're nice people too! :P16:56
DinkSo they say ;)16:57
DinkI have always wanted to go to pt. I have family friends there.16:57
DinkJust never made the trip across the pond.16:58
danyRDink: feel free to visit us. I've never been in br too.16:58
DinkYeah it is on my todo list.16:58
* Dink goes back to lurking :P16:59
commodoorhi, rye17:13
ryecommodoor, hi17:15
commodooryou remember my problem, from last night?17:15
commodoorrye, i mailed the support but didn't get any response. and i'm still strugling17:16
commodoorrye, today i purged U1 and did a reinstall17:17
commodoorrye, but it's still stuck17:18
ryecommodoor, still trying to do TRY_AGAIN on Move, right17:19
commodoorrye, yes17:19
commodoorrye, i did purge, removed pc17:20
ryecommodoor, ok17:20
ryecommodoor, could you please re-paste the ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log now so that I could look up the node id that is causing these problems17:24
commodoorrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/513237/17:25
* rye is looking17:25
ryecommodoor, could you please try connecting now - u1sdtool --connect ?17:25
* rye really needs to release 0.0.5 version of indicator17:26
commodoorrye, ok connected.17:26
ryecommodoor, good. now could you please wait for about 5 minutes for it to settle and then see whether everything is working fine17:27
commodoorrye, ok17:27
commodoorrye, did you see a bug in the indicator?17:27
ryecommodoor, you mean showing remaining metadata as 1 while it is 0 in fact?17:29
commodoorrye, like that17:29
ryecommodoor, i will make it to be more clever and retry calculating the queues when state changes17:30
commodoorrye, if i do 1sdtool --waiting-metadata it shows one entry17:30
ryecommodoor, ok, now could you please pastebin syncdaemon.log again?17:30
commodoorrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/513240/17:30
commodoorrye, also a button to open ununtu one folder would also be nice17:31
ryecommodoor, ok, could you please move /home/commodoor/Documenten/Private/persoon.pdf to some other folder outside Ubuntu One-controlled dirs?17:32
ryecommodoor, well, the link to open folder was really useful when we had only Ubuntu One folder, but currently we may have multiple ubuntuone-controlled folders, besides it is possible to add the folder to the bookmarks so that it can be accessed when needed17:33
ryefrom file save/open dialogs17:33
commodoorrye, you'r right but when someone shares a folder it comes in ubuntu one folder17:34
commodoorrye, if you could choos where that folder comes it would be great :P17:34
ryecommodoor, well, it is really going to ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/shares/ since that's the root for shares directory17:35
ryecommodoor, while it is possible to change the location using the config I don't think we gain much from that17:36
commodoorrye, ok didn't know so i can make a symlink17:36
ryecommodoor, 'Shared with Me' folder is a symlink to that directory17:36
ryecommodoor, ok, could you please re-paste syncdaemon.log ?17:37
commodoorrye, nice thnx for that i will make symlinks of the shared folders. http://paste.ubuntu.com/513246/17:37
ryecommodoor, ok, that was the wrong file, sorry about that, will find the right one in a moment, could you please do " strings ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/fsm/4/0/e/40e6fa7c-94c2-46ac-afec-328e0484dfd0 " ?17:41
ryecommodoor, it should output a nearly-unreadable dump, but could you please pastebin it too?17:43
commodoorrye, there is n such file17:43
commodoorrye, trying again17:44
ryecommodoor, hmmm, okay, strings ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/move_limbo/4/0/e/40e6fa7c-94c2-46ac-afec-328e0484dfd0  ?17:44
zylogz80I'm trying to set up my ubuntu one account on my desktop. it works fine on my laptop and my phone. I can add my account in ubuntu one preferences. it shows my user name and email and account details. however, when I try to sync it fails authorization and u2stdtool -s shows auth failed17:45
ryezylogz80, are you running Maverick or Lucid ?17:46
zylogz80rye, maverick on all boxes17:46
commodoorrye, 40e6fa7c-94c2-46ac-afec-328e0484dfd0|9f9e6183-9371-4300-85ea-68a0bb794d19 == filename in move_limbo/4/0/e17:46
ryecommodoor, wow17:46
commodoorrye, is the only file :P17:46
ryecommodoor, could you please run strings on that file?17:47
ryecommodoor, well, since chicharra guys are not here, we will fix this by trying to prevent it from doing what it failed to do17:47
commodoorrye, http://paste.ubuntu.com/513255/17:48
ryezylogz80, ok, so even if you reopen ubuntuone-preferences your account data is properly displayed, right? In this case could you please shut down ubuntuone-syncdaemon completely - u1sdtool --quit and then run it with u1sdtool --connect?17:48
zylogz80rye, yup, sure I'll give it a shot17:48
ryecommodoor, nice..17:48
ryecommodoor, give me 5 mins, looking at what move_limbo really is17:49
commodoorrye, ok17:49
zylogz80rye, same thing. u1stdtool shows "auth failed" the indicator applet is red but prefernces shows my name, email, and plan details on the account tab and my desktop, laptop, and phone on the devices tab17:50
zylogz80rye, I've already deleted my password from the keyring and re-logged in a couple times. it's pretty weird17:51
ryecommodoor, ok, let's try breaking metadata, u1sdtool --quit, then move that file with a long name to some other location, outside of that folder, say, in ~/17:51
commodoorrye, then start again?17:52
ryezylogz80, could you please try restarting the applet and see whether it shows storage quota usage correctly?17:52
ryecommodoor, yes17:52
commodoorrye, ok meta in indicator is gone.17:53
commodoorrye, i will try t sync somethin17:53
ryecommodoor, uh-huh17:53
zylogz80rye, yeah both the preferences and the indicator applet both show the correct storage information 12.5 GB used / 9.5 GB free. I restarted them both just now and same deal17:54
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commodoorrye, yeeeey you are the greatest, it works again :P17:54
ryezylogz80, ok, could you please look at https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/17:55
zylogz80rye, yup one sec17:56
zylogz80rye, ok. I see my laptop and desktop. you want me to cross reference that uuid to something local on the machine giving me trouble?17:57
* zylogz80 also decides to breakout the laptop and verify that u1 is, in fact, still working fine there as well17:57
ryezylogz80, if you open seahose (System / preferences / Passwords and Encryption Keys ) and look at Ubuntu One entry you should find that big string as value for oauth_token17:57
zylogz80rye, cool. lemme check.17:58
zylogz80rye where would that be? in the password box?17:59
ryezylogz80, yup17:59
zylogz80rye, ok it matches. confirmed with grep.18:00
zylogz80rye, the token= key value18:00
ryezylogz80, is there by any chance any other token with 'UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com' ?18:02
zylogz80rye, not sure. there's consumer_secret, token, consumer_key, name, token_secret. none of them are human readable except name which is the box name18:05
ryezylogz80, no, I mean whether such entry exists in the keyring, with such display name18:05
zylogz80rye, oh ok lemme see18:06
zylogz80rye, there's one "Ubuntu One" key and two "Desktop couch user" keys. That's it. I just installed this box.18:07
ryezylogz80, ok18:07
commodoorrye, are you U1 support. didn't know18:08
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ryecommodoor, yup18:09
Lunar_LampIs there a simple way to edit large numbers of contacts?18:09
Lunar_Lampi.e. not through the web interface?18:09
commodoorrye, nice keep up the good work.18:09
ryecommodoor, i am adding this issue to my Chicarra-poking list of stuff that I want to find out from the syncdaemon team. Chicharra = code name for syncdaemon18:09
commodoorrye, ok nice, i don't know if a lot of people having this issue18:10
ryecommodoor, no, you are the first one, that's why I was so unsure about where to proceed18:11
commodoorrye, ok good that you found the problem18:12
ryecommodoor, one more, is there a file or folder called Oxbit ?18:13
ryecommodoor, somewhere in your Ubuntu One-controlled folders18:13
commodoorrye, there was but it got stuck so i moved it18:14
commodoorrye, now i'm going to put it back18:14
ryecommodoor, ok18:14
ryezylogz80, looking for the logs18:20
Lunar_LampI do u1sdtool --list-folders, and then using the --unsubscribe-folder=hash command remove two of them. When I do --list-folders again, they are still there :-s18:20
Lunar_LampIs this likely to be linked in with the fact that I have run out of space?18:21
Lunar_LampAlso, when trying to sync contacts on my iPhone, the app keeps crashing - again - is this likely to be linked with the fact that I have run out of space?18:21
ryeLunar_Lamp, unsubscribe is not removing the folders from the server-side. What's your current quota usage online - https://one.ubuntu.com/files/ ?18:22
ryezylogz80, I can't seem to be able to find your syncdaemon.log to find at least some session info, could you please re-paste it ?18:22
Lunar_LampWell, I get a popup (possibly from ubuntunone-indicator) telling me that I have run out, and the cumulative total of all folders is >2gb (basic sub only).  However, it reports 900M only on the dashboard.18:22
zylogz80rye, where would I find syncdaemon.log? under /var/log?18:24
Lunar_LampBasically: the whole thing seems to be screwed, but I'm completely open to the possibility that it's all my own fault.18:24
ryezylogz80, ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log18:24
ryeLunar_Lamp, i suspect you have migrated from Lucid, is that correct?18:24
ryeLunar_Lamp, ignore the dialog for the time being, is it still popping up?18:25
Lunar_Lamprye: correct18:25
Lunar_LampIt's not popping up any more.18:25
ryeLunar_Lamp, ok, could you please paste your ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log ?18:25
zylogz80rye, weird. I don't have a  ~/.local/share/ubuntuone/log18:25
ryezylogz80, sorry18:25
ryezylogz80, ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log18:26
Lunar_LampWell, I would rye, but that dir doesn't exist!18:26
ryeLunar_Lamp, I am very sorry i got paths misplaced, ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log is the right file18:26
zylogz80rye, thanks http://paste.ubuntu.com/513286/18:26
ryeLunar_Lamp, http://paste.ubuntu.com is our pastebing18:27
Lunar_Lamprye: no worries. Do you want the whole lot?18:27
ryeLunar_Lamp, yes, if possible, everything to http://paste.ubuntu.com :)18:27
ryezylogz80, ok, that does not show the session, could you please do apt-cache policy ubuntuone-client and pastebin it, then run u1sdtool --quit; sleep 5; /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon --debug 2>&1 | tee ~/syncdaemon-debug.log18:31
ryezylogz80, and in another terminal do u1sdtool --connect18:31
ryeLunar_Lamp, looking18:31
ryeLunar_Lamp, hm,  2010-10-14 13:54:39,802 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.ActionQueue - INFO - Not enough space for upload 1334857227 bytes (available: 1227993903)18:32
Lunar_Lamprye: the total I wish to uploade >2gb, but the web interface says I've only uploaded 900M. So, a)some is not there and b)I will need to buy more storage.18:33
Lunar_LampBut I dont' want to buy more storage unless I know it will work!18:33
ryeLunar_Lamp, at least we ruled out stale metadata info; Now could you please check whether you have a ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-invalid-names.log ?18:34
Lunar_LampI do!18:35
Lunar_LampYou wish for me to pastebin it?18:35
ryeLunar_Lamp, I see that some of the files cannot be uploaded due to the fact that the names cannot be decoded properly, hm, were these files copied from some external storage, e.g. windows share/cd/external hdd?18:35
Lunar_LampNot that I recall.18:36
Lunar_LampThough, to be honest, those files are not actually required (they're just a bunch of SSL certs)18:36
Lunar_LampSo I have just deleted the problem directory.18:37
Lunar_Lamp(obviously, not ideal, but fine for me)18:37
Lunar_Lamprye: I have to leave now unfortunately. If there is any debug/action you want me to take, please leave it in PM and I'll do it when I get back :-)18:38
ryeLunar_Lamp, ok, thanks, continuing looking at the log18:38
zylogz80rye, cool, here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/513296/18:38
MashTomatohey, is it possible to publish a file with via commandline?18:58
ryeMashTomato, u1sdtool --publish $filename19:00
ryezylogz80, hm, could you please tell me your email (privately if you want) so that I could look up your openid so that i could look up your session on the server?19:01
zylogz80rye, sure19:01
MashTomatorye: ah, thank you very much19:01
ryezylogz80, the one that you use to log in to Ubuntu One / Ubuntu SSO19:01
ryezylogz80, i suspect we need to do some heavy debugging, let me try to break my syncdaemon in the way it is possible to match the oauth request token, I can't find any traces of your authorization on the server19:15
MashTomatoI think I've somehow managed to screw up something.... because the "copy public link" etc fields are greyed out...19:16
dobeyMashTomato: it might be waiting on network or something, and so has no url to give back yet, too19:16
MashTomatodobey: is there a way to clear the queue entirely, just in case?19:17
dobeynot exactly, no19:18
dobeybut i also can't say exactly what the issue is from here. you can use u1sdtool to see where in the queue the request is, though19:20
dobey--waiting-meta i think is the option19:20
zylogz80rye, ok. this machine is just a box at work. I haven't done anything important on it. I can do whatever you need over here too19:24
ryezylogz80, ok, we are now trying to find out what's exactly wrong. What timezone are you in?19:25
zylogz80rye, EST19:25
ryezylogz80, to be faster, could you please write date -R  :)19:25
zylogz80rye, Thu, 14 Oct 2010 14:18:25 -040019:25
ryezylogz80, ok, great!19:26
zylogz80rye, I think my time is wrong19:26
ryezylogz80, is it 14:26 ?19:26
zylogz80rye, yeah it is but my clock in the panel is wrong. prolly unrelated but lemme set up ntp19:27
ryezylogz80, could you please pastebin your ~/.config/ubuntuone/syncdaemon.conf ? Have you by any chance tried to set up headless client?19:37
ryezylogz80, and one more, could you please paste the value of token='' param from the keyring (nothing else, only oauth_token= or token=, nothing that contains secret in it :)19:39
zylogz80rye, alrighty, 1 sec19:40
* rye is going away, will return in 40 minutes19:41
zylogz80rye, when you get back http://paste.ubuntu.com/513319/19:42
duanedesignzylogz80: so even after deleting your Ubuntu One token and readding your computer you still get auth_failed?19:50
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zylogz80duanedesign, yes20:10
Lunar_Lamprye: I'm aware you're not back yet. When you return, could you let me know if you had any ideas :-)20:14
duanedesignzylogz80: can you try -  killall ubuntu-sso-login; u1sdtool -q    then try u1sdtool -c20:16
zylogz80duanedesign, sure20:17
zylogz80duanedesign, yeah same symptom. the u1 preferences show up, it correctly displays my account info and name and quota info, it says ynchronizing, then it says disconnected20:18
* zylogz80 is starting to wonder if whatever U1 needs is blocked at work?20:18
duanedesignhmm, ok...20:21
facundobatistazylogz80, are you behind a proxy?20:36
ryezylogz80, !!!!!!!!20:43
zylogz80rye, ?20:44
ryezylogz80, i really need to learn to read all properly, no sorry, i thought that there is a token= setting which could have affected all that if it was named oauth... Checking the logs20:45
kklimondarye: duanedesign: is there any namespace policy for desktopcouch?21:11
kklimondai.e. how should be databases for applications named, should there be a separate database?21:12
dobeydepends on what the content is i think21:13
dobeybut you should store content, not application data. so namespacing with application name seems wrong to me21:14
kklimondadobey: but then it's both not the case at the moment and it's easier said than done - I don't think there are two applications that store same documents (and documents' metadata should be stored in tracker so its easily accessible from all applications)21:21
dobeykklimonda: well i suppose it's not the case at the moment, because some developers are storing data in couchdb, but not defining proper document structure before doing so21:22
dobeyso it's easy to say gwibber_messages is the db name, and other apps probably shouldn't bugger with it21:22
dobeykklimonda: contacts don't get stored in different DBs for each application21:22
kklimondabtw, am I the only one who is feeling uncomfortable with all the deamons "Linux" desktop is introducing lately? zeitgeist, tracker, couchdb.. Maybe we should think if its possible to present them all as some kind of Framework.21:23
dobeythey are all just contacts21:23
dobeythey are frameworks21:23
dobeyand there is no such thing as a desktop :)21:23
kklimondadobey: but there is a GNOME platform21:23
dobeywhat do you mean by 'defining a framework' exactly?21:25
dobeyit's amusing though, because mac and windows users don't complain if Apple or MS adds some user daemon that gets run during log-in, or on-demand when needed21:26
kklimondadobey: all three databases that are being currently pushed, from a user's point of view, deal with similar problem. How to store their documents, how to create relations and how to present them in a meaningful way.21:26
dobeyzeitgeist and tracker are not databases21:27
kklimondadobey: details.21:27
kklimondadobey: and if tracker is not a database then they've yet again failed to present it ;)21:28
kklimondasure, it's not a database like couchdb is.21:28
dobeytracker has a database within which it stores data21:28
dobeybut it is not a database for which you should be using to store data21:28
kklimondadobey: yes - but that's the point. You store there some metadata, some of this metadata is worth replicating to your other devices. Some of this metadata is going to be used by zeitgeist to present users documents or files.21:29
kklimondaand the same for desktopcouch - documents should be indexed by tracker so they can be searched for.21:31
dobeysort of like a hard disk21:31
dobeyeh, i should probably not get into any heavy discussion about the subject21:31
kklimondaso I think they all are parts of a single solution and it may be worth thinking how to make it easier for developers to leverage them.21:31
kklimondaoh, why? :)21:31
dobeybecause i am old and jaded and i think everyone is doing it all wrong and i don't have the time/resources to fix it all myself21:32
dobeybut i have a recent twit that summarizes it all pretty well21:33
kklimondadobey: but why would you want to write a new programming language when we have C? ;)21:40
dobeyC doesn't handle unicode21:41
kklimondabut then there is probably a gazilion of libraries that can handle it for you21:41
dobeyi don't mean unicode inside string literals21:42
dobeythat is not an issue21:42
dobeyi mean unicode keywords in the language21:42
dobeyalso C isn't object oriented and doesn't have any dynamic language features21:42
kklimondasorry, I've actually erased this idea from my mind because it was so weird. Think of other developers who may not have łąóćżę on their keyboards :)21:43
kklimondameh, GObject is really nice21:43
dobeynot really21:43
kklimondaI actually really like both GLib and GObject.21:44
dobeyeh, they're ok for what they do21:44
kklimondamy keyboard probably doesn't ;)21:45
kklimondathe_long_function_of_death_and_destruction (EVIL_CAST (obj)) does have a nice ring to it.21:45
dobeyuhm. and what about all those localities where they have keyboards that don't even have ASCII characters on them?21:46
dobeythe keyboard argument is an invalid one :)21:46
kklimondaI actually haven't see a keyboard that doesn't have all ASCII characters on it. I know that there were keyboards in the past that lacked characters like { or } but I've though their time is long gone.21:47
kklimondasure, some keyboards have both ASCII and local character sets on keyboard but I guess it's a matter of switching your input method/locale/whatever it's called to get to the "normal" character set.21:48
kklimondahave you used unicode characters outside of string literals? did it make it easier?21:48
dobeywell i can't21:49
dobeythe languages don't allow it21:49
kklimondapython does, doesn't it? not for keywords but for variable names21:50
kklimondahmm.. I know some language did allow that..21:50
dobeypython 3 is slightly better21:51
dobeyin that it seemed to allow assigning a unicode variable21:51
dobeybut it broke when i tried to read it21:51
kklimondaah, perl does it21:51
kklimondaanother reason not to use it.21:52
kklimondaand if perl does it so does ruby. ;)21:52
=== MashTomato is now known as MashPotato
dobeybut python, perl, and ruby still don't satisfy my other needs21:54
dobeywhich is that i want a strongly typed compiled language21:55
kklimondayou do have set the bar pretty high :)21:57
kklimondahave had* even21:57
dobey11625 dobey     20   0  9512 4444 2344 R  100  0.1   1:06.66 gconfd-221:58
dobeythank you gconf21:58
kklimondanice, what have you done to the poor gconf? :)21:58
dobeyi didn't do anything22:03
dobeybut apparently gconf is what has been causing my machine to freeze hard22:03
dobeyit probably gets threadlocked and then causes compiz to then itself block on some call, causing redraw/mouse/everything to fail, or something22:04
dobeyfirefox probably didn't help any22:05
dobeyanyway, yes i have high standards22:07
=== ChrisWoollard_ is now known as ChrisWoollard

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