
persiaScottL, Indeed.  We'll have to modify a few things in the metapackage source as we modify the seeds.00:27
persiaIn the etherpad summary which I'm hoping you are using to flesh things out, the seeds: line in update.cfg is one of the entries.00:28
ScottLpersia, i did save the etherpad summary and i am using it to flesh things out, along with various conversations you and luke have had with me ;)01:07
TheMusoScottL: Yes thats right01:08
TheMusoYou will need to update the update.cfg file to switch to natty01:08
persiaOK.  Just wanted to make sure, because that had a couple sections that were directly tracking stuff in the metapackage source :)01:08
aboganiScottL: Exactly: _vanilla_ based realtime kernel not _ubuntu_ based realtime kernel.07:05
aboganiTheMuso: Very simple question: Is there a way to don't specify distribution release (3rd field in debian/changelog) to let package be distribution agnostic? I would want avoid to copy packages over and over into our PPA only changing distribution version.07:07
TheMusoabogani: For PPAs, I don't believe that is possible, you could ask in #launchpad to be sure.07:08
aboganiTheMuso: I'm already googled and I have also check Debian manuals but I don;t see nothing useful07:08
TheMusoThere has to be a distro release target for the upload.07:08
aboganiTheMuso: Ok. Thanks Luke.07:08
TheMusoNo problem.07:08
persiaIf one hosts them somewhere else (e.g. people.ubuntu.com) and compiles them oneself, one can use non-release strings.07:13
persiaMind you, keeping indices up-to-date and the like might be tricky.07:14
aboganiScottL: Could you say me if my last in devel ml email is understandable, please?07:47
aboganiScottL: Thanks in adance.07:47
jussi01_abogani: are you going to uds?08:09
aboganijussi01_: No.08:15
=== jussi01_ is now known as jussi
aboganijussi01_: Why?08:15
* abogani isn't be able to sustain an English conversation.08:17
persiaYou do fine in IRC.08:18
jussiyes, I agree, you do just fine.08:20
aboganiPlease guys for one time believe in me08:22
* abogani goes to drink coffe08:22
persiaI don't disbelieve you.  Speech and writing are different in *so* many ways, especially writing on the internet.08:23
persiaI'm just saying you seem close with the writing, so the speech oughtn't be too far away.08:23
aboganiScottL: Could you say me if my last in devel ml email is understandable, please?08:42
TheMusoabogani: I'd say he is in bed at this point.08:43
astraljavayeah, it's 3:50 am where he's at... :D08:48
aboganiOps :-)08:48
astraljavaabogani: But if you're talking about the advice on working with closed drivers, then I would say it's coherent. :)08:51
aboganiastraljava: Exactly. Thanks.08:52
quadrisprohi guys! I'm back10:48
persiahey.  Welcome back.10:49
quadrispropersia, I have a lot of work to do10:51
persiaAlways :)10:51
quadrisproeh eh, work is never over10:52
astraljavaHi there Alessio!11:14
quadrisprohi astraljava 11:16
quadrisproScottL, http://packages.qa.debian.org/n/naspro-core.html11:57
quadrisproScottL, :) waiting for permafrost and naspro-bridges-bad now11:58
ScottLhi quadrispro , i hope you had a good vacation and welcome back :)12:21
quadrisproScottL, I had great holidays, I really love London12:29
ScottLnever been to the UK although I hope to go sometime12:46
quadrisproScottL, wah-plugins has been accepted in unstable -> http://packages.qa.debian.org/w/wah-plugins.html13:17
ScottLawestome, quadrispro!13:19
ScottLnow if debain would just release then i would feel better about being able to get packages into ubuntu ;)13:19
ScottLbut seriously, quadrispro, paultag has been hanging around also and looking to package stuff as well, i pointed in at REVU (tag ubuntustudio)13:20
ScottLto see if we couldn't get some movement on those packages13:21
ScottLi am presuming it would be quicker to get them into debian and then we can archive the package in REVU then13:21
persiaNot necessarily quicker: roughly the same process (two developers look at it)13:22
persiaBut better long-term.13:22
persiaActually, with the squeeze freeze, and ftp-masters being intentionally slow about NEW, might be faster to get stuff into Ubuntu, but harder to maintain it that way.13:23
quadrisproyes, it is so13:27
quadrisprohowever, I'll have a look ASAP, now I'm very busy with fixing bugs on my packages to let them enter squeeze13:28
persiaThat's more important, really.  Getting squeeze released (and bugfixes in) helps our natty more than other things.13:30
persiaheh.  We get mentioned for our spring release under the headline "fall fashions" :)15:41
scott-workabogani: i just read the backscroll (well, irc logs) and saw your question - i second astraljava's comment, your english is perfectly understandable (although some of the technicalities were beyond my understanding at this point)16:27
* scott-work is very ignorant about much of the close drivers16:27
aboganiscott-work: Thanks.16:28
scott-workabogani: you are welcome :)  i'm glad to help anytime you need it16:29
scott-workjussi01: pinged Ng today, no answer yet, but i left him the ticket link - https://rt.ubuntu.com/Ticket/Display.html?id=1522622:10
scott-workjussi01: should i back off for a couple of days now ?22:10
persiaScottL, Might be worth not just asking Ng, but rather asking open-ended questions on #canonical-sysadmin (there are a few of them, of which Ng is one).22:19
persiaBut it's important not to ask too much/too often, or they'll just ignore you.22:19
ScottLpersia, i will wait another couple of days and then ask again on #canonical-sysadmin, but not focus on Ng this time23:58

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