
holsteinzth: might be the -lowlatency kernel by default00:13
holsteinuname -a in a terminal will tell you what you got00:13
oss_sosuhmm so no /dev/dsp under maverick, has someone come up with a workaround?00:52
virtuhi 4 all04:31
virtuneed some advice04:32
holsteinhey virtu04:34
holsteinwhat up?04:34
virtuhi holstein, how are you? I need just some advice about an audio interface: behringer UCA20204:35
virtuI bought it today...04:35
holsteinive heard good think about JACK support04:35
holsteinout of the box AFAIK04:35
virtunice... my idea is to listen music with that and record some digital piano pieces that I will play04:35
virtuI had a small home studio, very amateur, and yesterday I install ubuntu after 5 year away from linux04:36
virtuthen installed ubuntu studio and had a very good suprise with hydrogen =)04:37
holstein5 years04:38
holsteineverything has come a long way since then04:38
holsteinvirtu: check out #opensourcemusicians04:38
holsteintheres a guy with one of those USB cards04:39
holsteinyou just need to figure our your routing04:39
holsteini would probably just disable my internal sound card04:39
holsteinand use that device for everything04:39
holsteinfire up JACk when i you want to record04:39
virtuholstein, ok... just have to check at my bios if I have the option to disable my internal sound card or if is there any other way into ubuntu to do that04:40
holsteinpulse audio setup04:41
holsteinfor playback04:41
virtuok... holstein... just have to wait that little piece arrives here in Brazil...04:41
virtuI bought from ebay seller...04:41
holsteinfor the price04:42
holsteinits pretty good04:42
holsteinfor a nice somewhat low-latency card04:42
holsteinwith unbalanced ins04:42
virtuby the way I bought a refurb sansa fuze mp3/flac player..04:42
holsteinyou like?04:42
* holstein using the droid now-a-days04:43
holsteini have an old archos04:43
holsteinone of the early jukebox recorders04:43
virtusure holstein my ideia is to record with built in record mode at my digital piano... and after that plug it into line in of the behringer and play it from digital piano recorded04:43
holsteinyou got USB out?04:44
virtuholstein, I took the Fuze to try rockboxed them and listen to flac audio04:44
holsteinrockbox FTW :)04:44
virtuhere I got a Sennheiser HD555 with a head amp fromk FiiO E504:45
virtufor speakers I got a pair of Edifier R2000T (they are huge)04:45
holsteindoes your keyboard have USB out?04:45
persiaJust as a note: one doesn't have to disable the internal card: one can just set JACK to use the external card.  If something else makes random noises, those will hit the internal card, and not affect the JACK environment.04:46
holsteinpersia: true04:46
virtuholstein, this one yes, my new one no (Yamaha P155)04:47
* persia prefers that configuration, having had odd experiences with a two-card setup and libcanberra in the past.04:47
holsteini forget why guitarman over in #opensourcemusicians said he did that with his UCA20204:47
virtuwell.. tks very much... have to go now... after the unit arrives I came back to get some help04:51
holsteinvirtu: sounds like fun04:54
holsteinenjoy :)04:55
vikaramaHi, where is the realtime kernel on UbuntuStudio 10.1005:22
holsteinhey vikarama05:24
holsteinyou will need a ppa05:24
holsteinyou should try the -lowlatency one though05:26
holsteinand see if it works for you05:26
vikaramathanks a lot holstein...05:26
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doublehp can i ask here about sound masterisation ? using rezound , but general sound question15:07
holsteindoublehp: ask what you want15:08
holsteinwe'll do what we can :)15:08
doublehpi have recorded a tape; i am in rezound, and i want to remove the "typical tape" noise"15:08
doublehpalso want to automatically remove silences at begin and end (possible CLI tool), but manual method is ok for now15:08
holsteinim sure theres is a tool like that somewhere15:09
holsteinfor me15:09
holsteini want to see the waveform15:09
holsteinand choose manually what goes and what stays15:09
holsteinactually, if its just stereo data that you're dealing with15:10
holsteinaudacity is probably a good and easier place to start15:10
holsteinthere are some noise-reduction tools in there15:10
doublehpi have rezound open, and file is loaded15:11
doublehpjust need to know which filter to use15:11
doublehpi may have audacity; but i still don't kjnow the name of filter to use15:11
holsteinagain, i tend to not trust the automatic tools15:12
doublehpaudacity open, othre file loaded in15:12
holsteini try them from time to time15:12
doublehpso ?15:13
holsteinbut, if i have some noise way up in the 15kHz +15:13
holsteini just use an EQ15:13
doublehpdo those tools have a spectrometer ?15:14
holsteinACTUALLY, when i make a track15:14
holsteinand there is noise15:14
holsteini look at why that noise is there15:14
holsteinand re-record it if needed15:14
doublehpwith a spectro, i could focus on parts, and see the shape of my noise15:14
holsteinif you are coming from a cassette tape source15:14
doublehpi said, it's tape !15:14
doublehptape always have noise15:14
holsteindid it have dolby?15:14
holsteinwas it a nice deck?15:15
holsteinwhat sound card was used to do the transfer?15:15
holsteindo you have access to better equipment?15:15
doublehp15 USD battery recorder, mono, pocket device15:15
persiaAll tape either has noise or insufficient dynamic range: side effect of how the tape heads work, sadly.15:16
holsteinSO, you have a mono tape player that you bought for 15 bucks?15:16
holsteinis that what you recorded with?15:16
holsteinmaybe you want to keep the tape-hiss sound15:16
doublehpnoise is already in; now, i am ripping them ( 12 tapes); and while i rip the 2nd, i remaster the 1st15:16
holsteini mean, if you want that 'charm'15:16
doublehpno, i want to clean the noise away15:16
holsteindoublehp: did you make the recordings on the 15 dollar device?15:17
doublehpnot me; ME, i'd have used a digital device ... now, i am asked to "to a nice work using crap base"15:17
doublehpso, i ll do my best15:17
holsteinif it were me, i would look at the source15:18
holsteinget that 15 dollar tape player out of the loop15:18
doublehpthere is no source; all i have are the stupid tapes15:18
holsteintry and make sure the noise is not being introduced by the transfer process15:18
holsteinand then, go from there with EQ15:18
doublehpi am sure15:18
holsteinthe problem is15:19
holsteinwith the EQ and noise removal tools15:19
holsteinyour going to get some of the wanted sounds removed along with hte unwanted15:19
holsteinthat being said15:19
holsteinaudacity is very simple15:19
holsteinyou just select what you want15:19
holsteinif you want to effect the whole track15:20
holsteinand go under 'effect'15:20
holsteinthere are noise removal tools15:20
holsteindoublehp: good luck :)15:22
* holstein gotta run..15:22
doublehpsorry, machine locked up :)15:22
holsteinno worries15:22
holsteini was just suggesting earlier15:23
holsteinyou dont want to make it sound like it *wasnt* recorded on a cheap-ass tape recorder15:23
doublehpi got the log in15:23
doublehphow is the tool called ?15:23
holsteinyou would have used something else15:23
doublehpi gave give thos etapes, and asked to do my best15:24
doublehpi said them they are crap, they don't mind15:24
holsteintheres all kinds of tools under 'effects'15:24
holsteindoublehp: thats my point15:24
holsteinit might be more that 'they dont mind'15:24
holsteinmight be 'we want it to sound like tape'15:24
persiaLet's not make assumptions: client relations is best left to those who coordinate individual operations.15:25
doublehpfact is, i can not convert a tape into an MP3 without removing this noise; this noise is not audible with a tape reader, but in an mp3 player, the noise covers everything15:25
doublehpno, they don't15:25
holsteindoublehp: AH15:25
persiaAudacity is the most common tool used for noise cleanup (and some companies that sell USB cassette and USB turntable systems include Audacity as the bundled noise cleaner).15:25
holsteinwell that is a good argument for the transfer adding some noise15:26
holsteinthe cables15:26
holsteinthe sound card15:26
persiarezound is cool, but there's just *so many* LADSPA effects that it's probably better to ask in a wider forum (e.g. #opensourcemusicians) to find one good for tape noise filtering.15:26
persiaThe low dynamic range of a $15 tape player :)15:27
holsteinyeah, and those guys said they prefer audacity for noise removal15:27
holsteinbecause its easy, and mostly works well15:27
persiaAudacity is definitely the tool of choice.  Doesn't mean there isn't some LADSPA plugin for it (although I wouldn't know which one).15:28
doublehpReZound alsso "works"15:30
persiaOh, yeah, and ReZound is arguably a much more powerful sound editor.15:32
persiaIt just doesn't happen to be the most common tool used for noise reduction.15:32
persiaAnd I very strongly suspect that someone has a couple LADSPA plugins that do noise removal.15:33
doublehpyup, dones in audacity faster than in rezound15:35
doublehpthe interface is more intuitive15:35
doublehpnow that Audacity gave me the noise shape, can i introduce those factors in some CLI tools to master all other tapes in one shot ?15:38
persiaYes, but I don't know how, sadly.15:39
doublehpi am going to kill some one TONIGHT16:13
doublehpafter starting rezound and/or audacity, the input source was CHANGED from line to mic, in my back; 1h "record" records nothig !16:13
dimboscould someone help with ubuntu 10.10?19:18
* yro_anjos is away: Ocupado!19:56
dhevilubuntu studio hangs randomly. decent machine which ran Opensuse before. currently sitting side by side winXP21:33
* yro_anjos is away: Ocupado!21:51

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