
loltphhow do I install the latest Wine?00:00
sithlord48you need to add wines. ppa..00:00
sithlord48follow instructions..00:01
loltphso any essential things i need for linux00:07
loltphcomming from Xp00:07
loltphsithlord48 Johnlux00:07
sithlord48yes loltph linux is not windows..00:07
loltphI'm gonna convert to linux00:08
loltphlol, sounds like a religion00:08
silentz0rhey guys, I've got an issue with the new Wow 4.0.1 patch on kubuntu00:08
sithlord48loltph:  read it will save you some possible fustration http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm00:08
loltphhad enough of Microsoft00:08
loltphsithlord48 will read :), should be interesting00:09
sithlord48loltph: it should help you w/ some of the basics..00:09
sithlord48loltph:  well nothing about the programs or anything like that but the basic things most new windows users expect.00:10
sithlord48silentz0r: im sorry i don't play wow..00:10
sithlord48silentz0r: i know about wine.. but idk if thats gonna be to helpful00:10
silentz0rwell, the error appears to be wow-related00:11
loltphI've been on ubuntu as a second system, never primary, whats the best way to emulate windows programs, apart from wine and play on linux00:11
sithlord48silentz0r: sorry00:11
loltphsithlord48 Johnlux00:11
silentz0rany channel for wow discussions?00:11
sithlord48silentz0r: im not sure..00:12
sithlord48loltph: you can run window inside of ubuntu00:12
loltphi've got 4GB ram and 64x00:13
loltphis 64x ubuntu and kubuntu worth it?00:13
sithlord48loltph: for games mostly you want wine. or Play on linux , there is corssover games/office..  its all based on wine00:13
loltphwhats crossover?00:13
loltphhow come you guys help for free?00:16
sithlord48loltph: i think everyone has their own reasons.00:21
sithlord48loltph: mine is i feel that if to use the software of the community. then i should also share my knowlage with my fellow community members00:22
loltphsithlord48: I want to promote Linux over Windows because microsoft's got enough money and linux needs some more support from the large software companies00:24
loltphadobe needs to stretch out a bit more00:24
slooksterpsvtry gimp00:29
slooksterpsvgimp is a great program, I like it better than Photoshop now that I've used it quite a bit00:29
sithlord48loltph:  thats the thing i hear  alot from windows users.. i need this program,  but there is a equilvent free program that does the job just as good for better then the properitary version00:30
sithlord48gimp it took me a bit to get used to it from photoshop as well. since i has used it so long. but when i got used to it its ezer to use00:31
loltphI know Linux orientated programs do a better job, but its hard to transit from windows to linux at first00:31
loltphgimp looks really cool/Extremely complicated lol00:31
loltphwhats Abi word like?00:32
loltphmy speakers out put while outputting to my headphones00:32
sithlord48or koffice's writeing program.00:32
sithlord48yes. they do00:32
loltphsithlord48:any fix for this00:32
loltphwhat about docx?00:33
sithlord48idk don't use it00:33
loltphbecause I'm a student00:33
sithlord48i think open office /libre office will open it00:33
loltphcomming from linux to windows can be interesting sometimes00:33
sithlord48then u should tell your school to stop forcing properitary software on you :)00:34
loltphespecially with open office00:34
loltphmy school is stupid00:34
sithlord48idk if the ms suite will open the open document formats00:34
loltphnah all of the software runs on Windows they say00:34
RIZZcan anyone help me get and install skype on kunbuntu 10.4?00:34
loltphcan't run on linux00:34
loltphI think the tech guys have no idea what their doing, sometimes :]00:35
RIZZskype has files for linux though00:35
loltphthey talk about getting it, but nope win 700:35
loltphyea I thought that was awesome00:35
loltphwhen I found out skype worked00:35
sithlord48rizz i think sykpe is part of the medibuntu repository00:36
loltphgood to know :)00:37
sithlord48RIZZ:  or partner perhaps.. either way try sudo apt-get install skype in a terminal00:38
loltphcould you compare ubuntu to an ipod touch osx?00:39
sithlord48RIZZ: you will need to first enable the partner repo , from system settings-> software management-> settings -> edit sources and check off teh box for partner , the hit apply and reload teh sources00:39
sithlord48loltph: ?00:39
pookitoSo, I was thinking about doing the upgrade.  What is the proper command to update to the next verison of kubuntu?00:40
loltphcan't find skype should i reboot?00:41
rwwpookito: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades00:41
sithlord48loltph:  really00:41
loltphinstalled, but know where to be found00:41
pookitoThanks dude00:41
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sithlord48loltph: no you should reload the package cache00:41
sithlord48loltph: on then type skype in the search bar on the application launcher00:42
loltphis there anyway of loading into kde without rebooting00:43
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sithlord48log out then log in to a kde session00:44
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markitbtw, skype is evil01:06
dima_hi all. Does anyone knows if QML and QUICK are Webkit-based or if they are webkit-independent?01:18
haywardjHi all. was hoping for some help with sound config. Since updating to Meerkat, something in the Phonon--pulseaudo--alsa chain has gone wrong. Since alsaplayer doesn't output, I'm guessing ALSA is the source of the problem. Where does ALSA log, so I can look for problems?01:27
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slooksterpsvanyone here need help?02:04
ForgeAusslooksterpsv: looks like kubuntu is so good it doesn't need ppl to help :)02:07
slooksterpsvhehe YAY! now to help fix Ubuntu issues =D02:07
ForgeAus(note: I'm kidding of course)02:07
ForgeAusyou mean ubuntu as in underlying ubuntu or as in complete gnome desktop?02:08
dasKreechor the community?02:08
dasKreechperhaps the store?02:08
dasKreech(Ubuntu is attached to far far too many meanings now)02:09
onewitHi guys.  Can anyone give me tips on how to get a wireless pci dlink to work on 10.10?02:18
dasKreechI suppose you read the wifi links already?02:19
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs02:19
onewitdasKreech, i'll revisit it.  i was able to install the RA driver with previous versions using some instructions as a guide from the ubuntu forums, but haven't had the same luck on 10.10.  Will take a look at your link right now.02:25
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onewitdasKreech, yup.  Tried that yesterday.  Didn't work.02:27
onewitodd enough, it worked on 10.04 ubuntu, and the kubuntu 9.1002:28
dasKreechYeah ubuntu sucks for hardware consistency02:28
onewitoddly i meant.02:28
ForgeAusis stasks or smoothtask plasmoids still around?02:28
dasKreechhaving something work for 4 releases doesn't mean it won't be broken for the next 302:28
dasKreechshould be02:28
dasKreechchecked kde-look.org ?02:28
Guest64905Is someone around that can process a notification of a broken update server?02:29
dasKreechGuest64905: Ask your question02:29
onewitdasKreech, should i just try to rebuild the RA driver again and hope to the high heavens that it works this time?02:30
* onewit scratches his head.02:30
dasKreechare there errors?02:30
Guest64905The speglar.simnet.is/Ubuntu has not been fuctioning for a long time02:30
dasKreechonewit: it's a kernel issue so you can ask in #ubuntu as well if you like02:31
Guest64905looks for updates ... but says none are avalable... the software center is half emty as well if the system is tuned to this server02:31
Guest64905there are 2 servers in Iceland   so its probably 50 % change this one will become the default server for those that boot the system up in Iceland02:33
onewitdasKreech: No rebuild errors. Thanks bud.  i'll do that when i'm beside the rig.  Am not on it right now.02:33
rwwGuest64905: does "sudo apt-get update" help at all?02:33
dasKreechgreat :)02:33
dasKreechGuest64905: PMing you02:34
ForgeAusuh ok how do I remove a plasmoid from a panel?02:45
ForgeAusit doesn't seem to want to co-operate02:45
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ForgeAusohh its ok I fixed it... (just had to shrink my system tray )02:47
dasKreechhaha ha what?02:49
Cato37where can i find agood manual for apt-get. specifically, where can i find instructions for the options that allow me to dl all of the recommended packages with the original package?02:52
dasKreechCato37: you mean man apt-get ?02:52
rwwapt-get gets recommended packages by default these days.02:54
Cato37dasKreech: i dont know. i am just tired of having to manually dl every single recommended package with a pertinent program.02:54
dasKreechCato37: tried --download-only --with-reccomends ?02:57
dasKreechin any case by default it should download them unless you (or someone) turned that off so check your settings02:57
Cato37dasKreech: i get "Command line option --with-reccomends is not understood"03:00
Cato37dasKreech: same when spelled recommends03:00
dasKreechCato37: I misspelt it But look at the apt-get manual03:01
rwwit's actually --install-recommends03:01
Cato37dasKreech: may i get the url to the manual?03:01
rww--with-recommends is aptitude ;)03:01
rwwCato37: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/en/man8/apt-get.8.html03:02
rwwor "man apt-get"03:02
dasKreechCato37: man apt-get03:02
Cato37dasKreech: thanks. i didnt realize man was a command. :)03:03
Cato37rww: thanx. :)03:03
dasKreechCato37: it is you can man man :)03:03
dasKreechto get the manual for man :)03:03
dasKreechdon't man woman there is no manual for woman03:03
Cato37the man who figures out a manual for women would be considered superhuman.03:06
Cato37thank you for your help. :)03:08
dasKreechCato37: Welcome03:09
arthurhmm why is kpackagekit indefinitely "waiting for authentication" yet hasn't asked me for any?03:11
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olskolircsame here ForgeAus i don't even use kpackagekit i use the command line, kpackagekit hangs03:12
ForgeAusit seems like it would be working fine if it just asked for password...03:13
dasKreechI dunno it does that. If kpackagekit is in the list I update that first then update everything else03:13
ForgeAusbut indefinite waiting for something thats never going to happen is ... just wrong03:13
* dasKreech waits for microsoft to open the source for Office suite03:14
ForgeAusis there any chance of that actually happening?03:14
ForgeAusme personally I'm waiting for them to integrate office into windows.. instead of as a separate package03:15
dasKreechThey can't03:15
dasKreechEurope would flay them03:15
ForgeAusahh finally found a seemingly useful KDE dock! fancy tasks! a first glance/try anyhow...03:22
ForgeAusa few minor issues tho I don't know how to get it to snap to bottom of the screen and autohide... mayb eI need to put it in a panel ...03:24
ForgeAusahh it has its own type of panel! kewl!03:25
ForgeAusit seem to work pretty well! I like it!03:27
ForgeAusit could, of course be a little more configurable, but its a great start! ...03:29
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hazelbiteanyone know how to fix the sound on kubuntu03:57
olskolircwhats wrong with your sound hazelbite and what version of kubuntu04:00
hazelbiteits 9.1 and ‎i have no sound, i don't know whats wrong with it.  it still works when i boot into windows04:01
hazelbitei already checked alsamixer and it seems fine04:02
olskolircsounds seems to be hard to fix on kubuntu when you lose it04:02
olskolirci always get it back by checking and unchecking the masters on the mixer or mutes and things its always around there somewhere04:03
hazelbiteyeah, thats all i found on the internet04:05
olskolircdo you have bootup sound hazelbite or just no youtube or multimedia sound?04:07
hazelbiteyeah i have bootup sound and sound when i close my laptop04:07
olskolircok you have no multimedia sound04:08
ThiagoNhow compiling KDE 4.5 on Kubuntu 10.04LTS?04:08
olskolircthats lucid right hazelbite ?04:08
olskolircoh wait 910 is karmic04:09
olskolirc10.04 is lucid04:09
hazelbiteyeah i have 10.0404:09
hazelbitethe newest version04:09
hazelbitei couldnt remember earlier04:09
rwwThiagoN: no need, just use backports: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/packages-available-kde-platform-plasma-and-applications-45104:10
ThiagoNrww: I heard that compiling KDE runs faster04:10
rwwI doubt it04:11
rwwYou'll spend more time dealing with the headache and problems from compiling it than you'll save in any speed increase04:11
ThiagoNrww: so I wanted to learn to compile KDE04:11
ThiagoNrww: you done this?04:12
ThiagoNrww: I'm afraid of not working. And damage to the facility04:13
hazelbitethat is always a possibility04:13
ThiagoNI tried Kubuntu 10.10 and here demonstrates many bugs in my computer04:15
hazelbitei fixed my sound yo!04:24
dasKreechhazelbite: yo!04:32
dasKreechThiagoN: #kde-devel and http://techbase.kde.org04:33
ThiagoNdasKreech: thnx04:34
slooksterpsvhow's everyone doing04:41
olskolircThiagoN: my plasma crashes constantly on 10.10 its also a cpu hog04:42
olskolircim trying to go back to karmic where life was sane04:43
ThiagoNolskolirc: yep04:43
ThiagoNolskolirc: I returned to the stable version04:44
ThiagoNolskolirc: 10.04 LTS04:44
ThiagoNolskolirc: but I think KDE 4.5 beautiful: D04:44
olskolircI didn't care for 10.04 sooner or later it scrambles the vlc04:45
olskolircits ok ThiagoN i don't see much difference except moving things around and on maverick there is no /media/cdrom and I can't mount my cd's04:45
olskolircand we are supposed to spend days trying to figure it out?04:46
olskolircits a pice of s*04:46
olskolircubuntu stopped making functional distros with karmic04:48
slooksterpsvolskolirc I disagree04:48
slooksterpsvkarmic wasn't usable on my computers, wireless would drop after 10 min.04:48
olskolirci need a link to usb creator that link was the only way i was able to make a bootable usb04:48
olskolirci REALLY want to put karmic back on here04:48
slooksterpsvthen put Karmic back on lol04:48
olskolircyes i heard about ppl that needed dongle support04:49
olskolircjust install "orange"04:49
olskolircright slooksterpsv but my usb creator isn't making my usb's bootable for some reason04:49
olskolirci get a command line that says boot:04:49
slooksterpsvthen you press enter04:49
olskolircand i don't know what to type to make it go not like ther other ones04:50
olskolircit just sits there slooksterpsv whe i hit enter and anything i type says not a linux image04:50
slooksterpsvI'd reformat the USB stick and resetup the usb with 9.1004:50
olskolircdid taht04:50
olskolircit wont boot anything not even debian lenny04:50
olskolircid rather go back to debian04:51
slooksterpsvis it a fat32 partition that you reformatted it to?04:57
harrisonHi, I'm having a few problems getting dual monitors to work properly. Using nvidia-settings I have gotten both monitors to work but the second monitor is stuck at a low resolution. System settings did not work at all for dual monitors, it failed to detect them in the multiple monitors tab05:00
olskolirci used fat ive used ext3 and ive tried it blank unallocated and nothing seems to stick keep getting that boot: at the prompt05:03
olskolirci just downloaded a karmic from a different mirror ill try that05:04
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ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots06:30
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slooksterpsv!shut up!06:32
krissteufhi ! I got a little problem with UCK08:11
krissteufwhen it asks for a customization action i select "run package manager"08:12
krissteufbut it's "Unable to find any package manager application"08:12
krissteufplease help me08:12
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olskolircsomeone say my name please09:03
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loltphAmarok's pretty cool09:11
loltpholskolirc:Hi, d'you use kubuntu much, as in standard linux user?09:11
olskolircive been on linux since redhat 6 loltph and rode a few distros and i love kubuntu im a kde girl09:12
loltpholskolirc: suse tried a few years, got me into ubuntu and now using kubuntu as well09:13
loltpholskolirc: dual environment09:13
olskolirci never liked suse the display was always too huge on my machine loltph09:14
loltpholskolirc: any tips, I'm comming from xp09:14
loltphlol yea09:14
loltpha bit buggy09:14
olskolircyes loltph never go back to winblowz09:14
olskolircok ummm09:15
olskolircread read and read some more09:15
loltpholskolirc: to true09:15
loltpholskolirc: I need a compatible setup though09:15
loltphmy usb ports don't work09:15
olskolircyou mean a dual boot?09:15
olskolircwhat version of kubuntu are you on?09:16
loltpholskolirc:stupid ati usb ports09:16
loltpholskolirc:latest and greatest09:16
loltpholskolirc:as well as 10.10 for Ubuntu09:16
olskolirci just left 10.10 an hour ago and put karmic back on im just getting down setting up all my toys09:16
olskolircMaverick Meerkat sux09:17
olskolircit ships with pulseaudio and hard to switch back to alsa if even possible the post were saying uninstall pulseaudio but then you wouldn't have audio in some apps09:17
loltpholskolirc: kde's a bit different than gnome, finding the gnome layout easier. But the kde widgets are pretty sweat :)09:18
olskolircthere is no /media/cdrom or cdrom0 and its not listed in /etc/fstab or mtab09:18
olskolircmy meerkat plasma desktop crashed constantly and it was a cpu hog on my 1.8 gig09:18
olskolirccan't find anything on meerkat09:18
loltphlol amarok stream keeps kutting out09:19
olskolirci never use amarok its an eye sore and a run around i use vlc09:19
olskolirci can get tv in mplayer too with: mplayer /dev/video009:19
olskolircis this your first ubuntu from suse?09:20
loltpholskolirc:how d'you stream with vlc09:20
loltphsuse first ubuntu and then Kubuntu09:20
olskolircthere are options- vlc is the best for multimedia by far09:20
loltphKubuntu vs Ubuntu09:21
loltphhard to compare very different09:21
olskolirci love kubuntu09:21
loltphyea, awesome codecs09:21
olskolircguys like ubuntu b/c you don't have to think much09:21
loltphI like it for its awesome widgets09:21
olskolircnot much to decorate or work with09:21
loltphand its so simple09:21
loltphHow d'you dual boot Ubuntu/Kubuntu with Xp09:22
loltphcoz got some mandatory windows programs I need09:22
loltphLinux is a primary apart from Not USB support or Video card09:23
loltpholskolirc:holding me back from swapping09:23
loltpholskolirc:to linux09:24
olskolircwell they say its not a good idea to put two os's on one hard drive but ive never had a problem with it09:24
olskolircyou want to use a partition editor on windows first09:25
olskolircmake sure windows is installed first loltph09:25
loltpholskolirc: xp's already installed09:25
olskolircmove your hard drive space over loltph and reformat it to ntfs09:25
loltpholskolirc: I'm running on a install under windows setup right now09:26
olskolircoh you are using "live" cd on  your windows desktop?09:26
loltpha swap partition a windows and a Linux09:26
loltphnah I used an image program09:26
loltphcan you install from a usb?09:26
olskolircinstall linux to the empty partition and it will pick up windows too and install the boot loader to the "first part" when it ask09:27
olskolircyes i just used a usb to install09:27
loltphSo last I tried this setup it over writed the windows bootloader09:27
loltphso the setup must recognize Windows, your saying?09:28
loltpholskolirc: is that right?09:29
olskolircyes loltph brb im at work09:30
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Guest38321Hello All09:53
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sresuKubuntu Maverick comes with KDE client for UbuntuOne?10:51
volodyait might, but I have not noticed anything like that.10:53
sresuIt was not there with Lucid10:54
volodyawell, then I imagine there's none. Release notes surely did not mention anything.10:55
greenmang0has anybody noticed that mplayer's fullscreen function doesn't work in maverick?10:59
greenmang0any workarounds?10:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375145 in Ubuntu One Client "Ubuntu One should have a KDE client" [Wishlist,Confirmed]11:00
sresuvolodya: ^^11:01
volodyasresu: ah, nice to know works is ongoing11:02
bigbrovarHi guys ever since I upgraded to kubuntu 10.10 (clean install) I am having some graphic issues. graphics draw very slow, when writing in console, letters appear not immediately. I am running Intel Arandale graphic chip.11:44
olskolircbigbrovar, i lasted two days on meerkat its a cpu hog just like all the post say11:54
olskolirci could hardly run virtualbox on it11:54
olskolircthere is no mount point for cdrom which is /dev/sr0 now11:55
olskolircit ships with pulseaudio instead of alsa11:55
olskolirckpackagekit doesn't reload11:55
olskolircneedless to say, im back on karmic this morning when life was sane11:55
Peace-bigbrovar: intel?11:59
bigbrovaryeah Intel11:59
Peace-bigbrovar: yea i have that issue too11:59
Peace-no way11:59
Peace-the driver on the kernel is very bad11:59
bigbrovargreat misery loves company12:00
bigbrovaram glad12:00
bigbrovarso is there a way to get round this. I don't even know how to file a bug12:00
ulyssesSeems that Maverick is a huge suck for those who have Intel graphics12:05
ranjanHi all12:07
ranjanI am getting 3d acceleration on nvidia card with nouveau in Kubuntu 10.10. How did that become possible? !!12:08
Riddellranjan: don't complain, just be grateful :)12:09
ranjanRiddell: its not a complaint ;) i am so happy that i dont need to install the proprietary one anymore :)12:09
Peace-bigbrovar: well there is a repo...12:13
Peace-bigbrovar: for video card12:13
Peace-but it's very but very un-reccomended12:13
Peace-if you are not an expert...12:13
bigbrovaryeah I just added it now12:15
bigbrovarPeace-: guess its the xedgers ppa right?12:15
bigbrovarlet me reboot and see how it goes12:15
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bigbrovarPeace-: I just tried the xorg edgers ppa and its quite unstable.. kwin kept crashing over and over. I had to ppa purge back to default packages12:39
ranjanHi all,12:44
ranjanHow to unset a variable (http_proxy) in ubuntu?12:44
Peace-bigbrovar: nice you feedback me12:48
Peace-bigbrovar: i was thinking to try it12:50
bigbrovarPeace-: well u can still try it. if u use a different intel card than mine u just might be lucky. I am on arrandale the intel chip which comes with core i512:58
mcsmurfhello, I'm running Kubuntu 9.10 and I'm having trouble with the KDE clipboard (klipper)13:25
mcsmurffor example I mark some text in the Konsole and then click on Copy in the Edit menu13:25
mcsmurfbut klipper says the clipboard is still empty13:25
mcsmurfare there known bugs about that...?13:25
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bazhangSuperman097, you were asked not to13:33
mcsmurf*sigh* I give up13:37
mcsmurfdrag&drop works better than the clipboard13:37
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Maethi've been using gnome for some time now, but i'm very interested in using kde, if you have a link to read through and learn more of the finer details that'd be great.13:45
rorkMaeth: I think you know http://www.kde.org/ ?13:49
Maethhadn't been there, no :(13:49
Maethah, so this is freedom! i can ride a bike again!13:50
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Maethi guess this is really where i should start http://userbase.kde.org/13:54
rorkMaeth: for the finer details that looks good indeed, for an overview there's also the "kubuntu feature tour" http://www.kubuntu.org/feature-tour13:56
Maetha white box pops up over links, large square13:56
rorkit probably wants to load a preview of the website, you can put that off in Settings > Configure Quassel > Chat View > Show previews of web pages on url hoover13:58
Maethrork: it's this concept of plasma windows, idea13:59
Maethi see, so that's just quassel, nvm then13:59
Maethprobably a good idea so someone doesn't send me to nimp14:00
Maethand it's mostly this plasma thing i'm having trouble with, idk what to do with this14:01
rorkwhat's the problem?14:01
Maeththis sphere in the top right hand corner is baffling, what do you call that?14:02
dasKreechMaeth: officially the toolbox. most people call it the cashew14:04
Maethis it used a lot? is it always there?14:05
Maethi'll stop there, because i know this is annoying and i need to just read the wiki14:06
dasKreechMaeth: Always there14:09
dasKreechMaeth: basic place for all of your menu interactions with plasma. I'm always amused as to why people are so offended by it14:09
Maethalthough i did have my touchpad set to not tap to click, it's horriblly sensitive, is there an equivalent to gconf-editor so i can turn it off? or is it gconf and just two configs?14:10
Maeththat sounds really dumb if g stands for gnome... :(  kconf?14:10
dasKreechHold on let me try and find out14:11
dasKreechMaeth: Do you have synaptics installed?14:15
dasKreechthat setting doesn't work?14:16
Maethwhich setting?14:17
dasKreechMaeth: can you check if you have kde-config-synaptiks installed?14:17
Maethi did not, i do now14:19
rorkMaeth: System Settings > Keyboard & Mouse > Touchpad, is that what you're looking for?14:19
dasKreechMaeth: I tend to find when I'm looking for settings I simply press alt+F2 and type what I want to change there. Normally finds it14:23
moetunessomeone earlier was looking for a kde ubuntuone client - http://digitizor.com/2010/08/20/the-ubuntuone-kde-client-enters-alpha-installation-instruction/14:28
=== venil is now known as annebolyn
tonydark00ciao a ttt!14:35
dasKreech!it | tonydark0014:36
ubottutonydark00: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:36
tonydark00ubottu> Thanks!14:37
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)14:37
dasKreechHi BluesKaj14:48
BluesKajhey dasKreech14:49
yan__who can tell me what is IRC?15:20
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=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
rorkinternet delay chat, for people with more then 30 seconds of patience :P15:31
iEatChildrenfor some reason firefox doesnt know what programs to use to open anything i download. im running the latest kubuntu. anyone have a clue how to fix this?15:32
ahoxHi, is there a nice program to do booklet printing in kubuntu?15:39
joshua__I'm sure your can use Scribus or even Open Office. Koffice shoeld have provide an alternative as well15:41
ahoxI guess I have to clarify, I want to print any document (pdf in this case) as a booklet, that is doublesided, 2 A5 pages on an A4, so that it binds to a booklet15:43
joshua__Random question, but does anyone know how much bandwidth is used when you install 10.10 and download all the proprietary stuff?15:43
joshua__In my experience, that stuff is ussually done through the print settings, no matter what software your using. Plus, your print settings are dependant on your printer.15:45
psynauticargh these two startup bugs are driving me crazy15:48
psynautickwin compositing is starting as default suspending, because some mystery application is preventing it, but if i hit resume twice it works, and my second screen is starting as clone of, instead of how i set it (right of)15:49
martinjh99What is the name of the kernel source code package?15:49
martinjh99also what is the name of the Kubuntu PPA's//15:49
Picimartinjh99: linux-source15:50
psynauticall three of my computers are having the composite problem (two ati cards using radeon, and one intel integrated)15:50
martinjh99ah got it thanks15:50
martinjh99What is the PPA for the KDE Updates? Is there a PPA with 4.5.2?15:51
ahoxabout the booklet printing, it used to be done through kprinter, but this option disapeared with the kde4 series15:52
psynauticoh interesting all of my computers are using radeon15:54
psynauticis there a known issue with radeon drivers and kwin compositing?15:54
psynauticit works fine, but only when i go into desktop effects and hit resume compositing twice15:55
* volodya starts to suspect there's an issue with kwin compositing, period.15:55
psynauticor if i send the qdbus signal15:55
BluesKajiEatChildren, (hate your nick btw) , install kubuntu-restricted-extras15:55
martinjh99What is the PPA for the KDE Updates? Is there a PPA with 4.5.2?15:56
iEatChildrenBluesKaj: i was told in #firefox to install gnome. ill give yours a try first15:56
iEatChildrenBluesKaj: hate your nick too btw :-P15:57
iEatChildrenthanks for your help though15:57
Picimartinjh99: I believe  there is a link in the channel topic.15:57
Misteriomeh, firefox... rekonq it's the new generation of web browsers15:58
psynauticim pretty sold on chromium15:58
martinjh99ah thanks mate didnt see that!15:58
BluesKajgnome has nothing to do with your problem, it's flash and java , most likely , iEatChildren15:59
BluesKajI won15:59
iEatChildrenBluesKaj: <kbrosnan> it only picks up file assocations from the gnome vfs15:59
iEatChildrenthats what i was told in #firefox16:00
iEatChildrennot sure if its correct or not16:00
BluesKaji wont answer anymore questions , iEatChildren ... you need to change your nick16:01
iEatChildrenBluesKaj: haters gonna hate16:01
BluesKajhaters...heh that preciousm16:02
iEatChildreni dont see what the problem is16:03
iEatChildrenits a nick on irc16:03
iEatChildrenyou are being over sensitive16:03
psynauticanyone have a clue about getting multi monitor settings to stick?16:04
psynauticeverytime i start up, my second monitor is on clone of16:05
psynauticand i set it to right of16:05
iEatChildreni had the same problem with nvidia. you need to save the settings as root16:05
iEatChildrensudo anyways16:05
PiciBluesKaj: I dont see any problem with iEatChildren's nick myself.16:05
psynautichow do i launch the display settings as root?16:05
iEatChildrenthank you Pici16:05
iEatChildrenim not a pedo or anything like that. i just created it for shock factor back in the day16:06
iEatChildrenbut now people know me by it16:06
BluesKajPici, well, I'm offended by it and I don't have to put up with it so he's on ignore16:06
iEatChildrensomeone has sand where it doesnt belong16:07
psynautichey iEatChildren, what is the command to launch kde settings?16:09
psynauticoh, wait, krandr16:09
iEatChildreni tried what BluesKaj suggested but it didnt fix my firefox problem16:09
iEatChildrenso i will try installing gnome to get my file association problem in firefox fixed16:10
=== iEatChildren is now known as ChildrenEatMe
ChildrenEatMeBluesKaj: you happy?16:14
sresuIf I shutdown my desktop system with Konquerer and Okular(say) open, I used to get those restored on my next start of system. Nowadays, I don't find it getting restored.. How can I fix it?16:14
jussisresu: which version of kubuntu???16:16
djbeeniekubuntu fresh installed on a dell d630.  I use vmware and kubuntu is the host.  Evertime I reboot, vmware wants to update its modules.  After update vmware runs fine with no issues untill I have to reboot.   This is annoying, any ideas?16:16
sresujussi: Sorry. Kubuntu Lucid Lynx. KDE Platform version 4.5.116:16
BluesKajwell, time fo my daily jaunt ..later16:16
jussisresu: ok, I think its in same place as maverick then, look in system settings, startup and shutdown, session management16:17
sresujussi: Yes..16:18
jussidjbeenie: sorry, I got nothing with that. try reporting a bug and see if the devs have a workaround/fix16:18
djbeenieand also everytime I reboot I loose my external monitor settings.  I have to RE-configure everytime I reboot, its like all my changes keep getting erased16:18
sresujussi: Understood. Thanks :)16:18
sresujussi: Secondly, I want to include one program in startup, how can I do that?16:20
ubottuUse the tool in System Settings -> Advanced tab -> Autostart to make programs automatically start in your KDE session. See !boot for managing which services start at boot time16:20
jussihrm, thats old16:21
jussihang on16:21
jussisresu: same place, but the autostart section, click add program :D16:21
ubottuautostart-#kubuntu has no aliases - added by fdoving on 2007-01-03 22:27:00 - last edited by tsimpson on 2010-06-18 17:23:4516:22
ubottuautostart is <alias> startup - added by apokryphos on 2006-11-28 14:04:3016:22
gareth_Just installed kubuntu 10.10 on a Dell Latitude 2100. After adding other users, when they login the change password dialog doesn't work. It doesn't accept keyboard input, mouse works ok.16:22
sresujussi: Yeah.. Thanks. Under Session Management, what is Default Leave Option for?16:23
rysiek|plhi all16:24
rysiek|pljust upgraded to 10.1016:24
rysiek|pland got a single question for you guys:16:24
jussisresu: its just which one is selected when you hit shutdown...16:24
rysiek|plwhy oh why have I lost all my accounts in Kopete?16:24
rysiek|pldid Kopete go Akonadi?16:24
sresujussi: But when I click shutdown, it gives me various options. It doesn't ends current session and then shutdown as selected16:25
jussisresu: see how it says "shutting down in 30, 29, 28" etc? you are selecting whether it shuts down, logs out or restarts after 30 seconds if you do nothing16:27
psynauticChildrenEatMe: how did you go about setting the display settings as sudo?16:27
sresujussi: Ah-ok. Thanks. Lastly, during installation of Kubuntu, the installer gives an option during account creation to 'use password to login and decrypt /home partition'. I only selected option to ask password when logging in. Is it possible to have that option now?16:30
volodyasresu: what exactly do you want?16:32
keldronaehi... what's wrong in these: <input type=hidden name=email value="<?php $email>">16:33
sresuvolodya: I want /home to be encrypted16:34
ubottuFor information on setting up encrypted private directories (8.10+) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory16:34
sresuvolodya: I read ^ article. But it doesn't say about /home to be encrypted on the whole16:35
volodyasresu: do you have any references to crypt in /etc/pam.d/common-login ?16:36
djbeenieand also everytime I reboot I loose my external monitor settings.  I have to RE-configure everytime I reboot, its like all my changes keep getting erased16:36
volodyacommon-session, even16:36
sresuvolodya: http://pastebin.com/6qMhmtSx  - common-session file contents16:39
sresuvolodya: But there is no file like common-login16:39
pmjpwhats up16:41
volodyasresu: wait, you want /home to be encrypted, not /home/you?16:41
volodyasresu: do you have /home as separate partition?16:42
volodyasresu: if that's the case, these guides won't help you; and I don't know much about partition encryption16:43
sresu_Sorry, but I didn't get your message16:44
volodyasresu: wait, you want /home to be encrypted, not /home/you?16:44
volodyasresu: do you have /home as separate partition?16:44
volodyasresu: if that's the case, these guides won't help you; and I don't know much about partition encryption16:44
volodyathose are last 316:44
sresu_Yeeah. Thanks16:45
sresu_Yes to first16:45
sresu_Yes to second16:45
pmjpIm new to kubuntu switched from regular ubuntu16:45
sresu_volodya: What guides were you talking about?16:46
volodyasresu_: those you were pointed at earlier16:46
sresu_volodya: Oh..ok. Thanks. No problem :)16:47
pmjpIm wondering why I cant install firefox16:47
=== ChildrenEatMe is now known as iEatChildren
* volodya had actually disabled encryption of ~ as well16:47
rorkpmjp: there should be a package firefox-installer16:48
volodyaor rather switched to a more specific ecryption scheme16:48
sresu_volodya: Like?16:48
pmjpit hangs on authetication16:48
volodyaI have a directory named "Private" that is encypted, and put there only thing I really want encrypted.16:48
volodyaas opposed to this default "we'll encrypt all your .o files" nonsense16:49
sresu_volodya: I linked you to common-session file pastebin.. Was it useful?16:50
volodyasresu_: nope; it would have been useful if you wanted encryption of /home/you16:50
* sresu_ deletes pastebin post16:50
volodyasresu_: for encryption of entire /home partition, I'm of no help16:51
sresu_volodya: No problem, thanks anyways16:51
sresu_volodya: I recently bought my Dell Inspiron M101z, I was thinking if there is a possibility that I dd my desktop HDD to netbook HDD and use it as both alike?16:54
psynautici defeated both of my startup problems... the dual monitor 'right of' issue, i had to add a xrandr command to /etc/kde4/kdm/Xsetup16:56
psynauticthe compositing disabled on startup, i wrote a script that checks if it's running, then toggles it if not.... twice, because it always failed the first time :/16:56
psynauticit might be conky starting up, or dropbox, not sure16:56
x210hey, there is normal about Kubuntu 10.10 sometimes crach at the end of startup system after installation? (need to type ctrl+alt+canc to reboot)16:58
x210it happened on two pc16:58
x210and 3 not16:59
psynauticis it just a blank screen?17:07
psynauticbut when you ctrl+alt+del it shows the screen as kubuntu shutsdown?17:07
x210it just show kubuntu splash screen (plymouth)17:08
x210and when hit ctrl+alt+canc just reboot17:08
x210but after that the system works (seems) fine17:09
x210my fear is that some thing goes wrong at the end of installation17:10
x210for example it didn't installed some packages17:11
x210and make my system unstable17:11
x210or it is just a kde crash17:12
* x210 lagged (?)17:13
=== mistrynitesh is now known as geekosopher
pulaskiGood morning, I have recently upgraded to KDE 4.5.1 on my kubuntu desktop running lucid linux 10.04. Upon login kde immediately opens two dialog boxes. Each shows kde-sudo or something similar in the title bar and prompts me for my password. I'd like to bypass this step since I am the sole user of this machine. Kde help as not been helpful. How can I tweak kde to forget these password prompts?17:16
IdleOneneed a kubuntu op in -ops to help with a ban resolution please17:31
RiddellIdleOne: hmm?17:32
IdleOneRiddell: was a ban you set actually17:32
psynauticx210 not sure what it is17:39
psynauticbut you can run update and upgrade through apt-get to be sure you installed everythign17:40
psynauticpulaski, im guessing that's the wallet17:41
psynauticyou can diable that in the settings17:41
IppatsuManHi all. My shortcuts have hiccups :\ alt+f2 for krunner doesn't work, F12 for yakuake does not work, alt+tab does work. Any hint on what's going on?17:48
IdleOne!guidelines > asddff17:48
ubottuasddff, please see my private message17:48
IdleOne!coc > asddff17:48
IppatsuMan(krunner and yakuake are running)17:48
IdleOneasddff: Please read those links and remeber to follow the rules :)17:48
=== sartf is now known as skfin|Hki
Renovatiocan someone help me to set my DVI resolution? i cannot believe highter is 1280X1024 (less than VGA)17:57
rats__cd /home/ratpatrol17:58
IdleOneError: Permission Denied.17:58
rats__cd /home/ratpatrol17:58
IdleOneError: Permission Denied.17:58
IdleOnetry that in a terminal :)17:58
rats__cd /home/ratpatrol17:58
IdleOnerats__: seriously it will never work in here. I mean never!17:59
rats__sorry screwing with bookmarks18:00
rekhi can you help me to connect to the internet my pc that is connected to a eth ?18:04
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surunverihi could someone tell me if there's a free website creating program that's light and simple with a graphical user interface18:27
surunveriim using kubuntu 10.0418:27
FloodBotK1surunveri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:28
DarthFrogsurunveri: Have a look at Quanta Plus.18:28
surunveriok thanks18:30
tonydark00join #ubuntu-it18:38
surunverikk i tried quanta plus is there any other such program? :D18:47
=== Malkavian is now known as Malkavian_
olskolircwe like gimp surunveri18:51
olskolircyou can also install xaralx18:51
DarthFrogolskolirc: GIMP?  For web development?18:51
olskolircohh sorry18:51
DarthFrogsurunveri: You could also try bluefish.18:52
olskolirckompozer then18:52
olskolircnvu is advanced now a days too and pretty18:52
olskolircpretty much looks like ms frontpage18:52
surunverikk thx i'll try that18:53
=== mren|off is now known as mren
colorsoundboyhow can i force install cups it will not install on kubuntu 10.10 :|18:59
colorsoundboywith dpkg --configure -a it is not working18:59
olskolircwhy would you need to install cups?19:00
olskolircmaverick doesn't have cups?19:00
colorsoundboybecause it is installed lol19:00
olskolircthey don't have finger19:00
olskolircthey don't have whois19:00
olskolircmaverick is a piece of s*19:00
Peace-olskolirc: sorry ?19:01
olskolircthey don't have nmap19:01
Peace-i have cups here on 10.1019:01
colorsoundboyI was upgrading from 10.04 and cups neglet to install19:01
Peace-you have upgraded19:01
Peace-yes or not?19:01
Peace-sudo apt-get install stuff19:01
Peace-what does it say19:02
colorsoundboythats not working too19:02
Peace-what does it say19:02
Peace-post the error19:02
colorsoundboywait I have to look now still dpkg try to running19:02
BluesKajolskolirc, sudo apt-get install nmap  ...does that work for you ? :)19:03
olskolirci have it19:03
olskolircits a shame we have to install all the cool stuff ourselves19:03
Peace-olskolirc: i have installed with a fresh installation19:04
Peace-a lots of people on ubuntu and kubuntu upgrading19:04
Peace-had problems19:05
colorsoundboydpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.19:05
Peace-i am here since 3\4 yerrs19:05
Peace-colorsoundboy: so do that19:05
BluesKajthat's why it's cool,  we can pick and choose what we want, olskolirc19:05
colorsoundboythen dpkg inconsistence of software19:05
Peace-could you post all the ooutput19:06
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:06
colorsoundboyFouten gevonden tijdens behandelen van:19:06
colorsoundboy cups19:06
colorsoundboy pxljr19:06
colorsoundboy foo2zjs19:06
colorsoundboy kubuntu-desktop19:06
FloodBotK1colorsoundboy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:06
colorsoundboy splix19:06
olskolirccolorsoundboy, sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a19:06
BluesKajcolorsoundboy, if you interrupted the install , that's not kubuntu's fault19:06
Peace-BluesKaj: xD19:06
olskolirc!paste olskolirc19:07
Peace-!paste | olskolirc19:07
ubottuolskolirc: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:07
BluesKajcolorsoundboy, you might have to run this , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a19:09
colorsoundboysame output it is not working19:09
BluesKajcolorsoundboy, close the packagemanager19:11
colorsoundboyBlueskaj it is closed :|19:12
BluesKajclose all terminals19:13
colorsoundboyyep it cannot reach the archive19:14
Peace-colorsoundboy: you have to remove problematic19:14
Peace-with dpkg with force option19:14
Peace- --force-all19:15
Peace-i guess19:15
Peace-man dpkg19:15
Peace- /search text19:15
Peace-n to go on19:15
BluesKajcolorsoundboy, close the Gdebi package manager too19:16
hrnahi, has anyone ever faced this kind of problem in kubuntu: http://picasaweb.google.com/Maruchan86/Random#552833621158936795419:16
hrnaeverything went like this after i started my computer today19:17
Peace-hrna: lol19:17
hrnashould i make a clean install19:17
Peace-hrna: have ytou tried with a new19:18
Peace-sudo adduser MYNAME19:18
hrnaactually i havent, i could try that next19:18
Peace-sudo adduser MYNAME admin19:18
hrnathnx for the tip :) my .kde might be fucked up19:18
BluesKajhrna, close that , in the terminal siudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:19
Peace-BluesKaj: it's the solution?19:19
BluesKajoops sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:19
hrnaBluesKaj, this isnt the only app. with the problem19:20
hrnasame goes with amarok19:20
colorsoundboystrange cannot reach archive19:20
Peace-hrna: try the BluesKaj solutions19:20
Peace-maybe ...19:20
BluesKajyup, you need to upgrade , hrna ...something is missing from your install19:21
Peace-+1 BluesKaj19:21
Peace-it could be the solutoin19:21
hrna0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:21
BluesKajit can't hurt19:21
Peace-i will try even sudo apt-get install  --reinstall kubuntu-desktop19:21
Peace-i have fixed a lots of problem with the last code19:22
hrnaafter you've got kubuntu-desktop installed, and you install it once again, it wont install (reinstall) all the packages comes along with it the first time you do so19:23
BluesKajPeace-, hmm , never tried that , could bring broken dependencies along19:23
hrnaso, will it work, just to reinstall kubuntu-desktop19:23
hrnaand everything worked fine yesterday, bleah19:23
Peace-hrna: upgrading it's not a nice option for me19:24
Peace-i have always installed with fresh installation19:24
Peace-and new user19:24
Peace-never had problems19:24
Peace-hrna: if you try19:24
Peace-.. with kubuntu-desktop19:24
Peace-there is not problem , from my point of view19:24
Peace-if that doesn't work19:24
Peace-if that doens't work :D19:25
Peace-fresh installation19:25
Peace-i guess :D19:25
* Peace- bash if [[ ]] xD19:25
colorsoundboyhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/514062/ here further it hangs :|19:26
Peace-colorsoundboy: remove cups19:27
Peace-then reinstall i t?19:27
colorsoundboyI did but still the same problem19:27
Peace-colorsoundboy: http://www.google.it/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=Package+is+in+a+very+bad+inconsistent+state+-+you+should+reinstall+it+before+attempting+a+removal.19:28
BluesKajPeace-, hrna ther's no reason that a net upgrade to a new version can't work as well as a fresh install as long as there's no interruption to the upgrade while it's DLing and installing from the repos .19:28
Peace-BluesKaj: i support kubuntu since 3 year here and in another channel , a lots of people got prolbme upgrading19:29
Peace-BluesKaj: instead fresh installation seems to be nicer i dunno why19:29
Peace-BluesKaj: maybe because  the worse virus is the user?19:29
BluesKajcolorsoundboy, sudo apt-get purge cups19:30
hrnaBluesKaj, i've got no idea what might be causing this19:31
hrnai have been upgrading over the net from my last cd install (9.04)19:31
hrnabut now somehow, kde apps keep crashing easier19:32
Peace-hrna: well you have a problem with the installation of something19:33
hrnaand Peace- creating new user didnt fix the problem, so it must be somewhere deeper than the config in my home19:33
Peace-hrna: yea in your system there is  a installation problme19:33
BluesKajPeace-, I just upgraded 2 linuxboxes from 10.04 to 10.10 without a prob . Generally ppl should remove any specialty ppas they've added to their sources.list before upgrading , that seems to be the problem in a lot of net upgrades from my experience.19:33
Peace-BluesKaj: +119:34
_Wise_Hi *19:34
Peace-ppa :)19:34
hrnawell i will loose nothing if i try a clean install from cd19:34
Peace-hrna: have you a home separeted?19:34
hrnaof course19:34
Peace-if you have ... :)19:34
Peace-you will not lose anything19:34
hrnawell all the apps will be gone19:35
BluesKajhrna, if you decide to do aclean install , make a / partition and a /home , that way if you need to do another clean install just install the OS to / using the manual partitioning option during the install19:35
hrnaBluesKaj, yes, i've done this before :)19:36
BluesKajhrna, good :)19:36
Peace-hrna: on /var/cache/apt/archives/ you have every packages :19:36
BluesKajok gotta go ...stuff to do ,bbl19:37
Peace-i have to go too19:37
Peace-good luck guys19:37
hrnaalrighty, thnx for your time :)19:37
_Wise_Just performed a clean install of Kubuntu 10.10 from the CD. I've not been able to figure out how to active my monitor native resolution (1280x1024) neither with the nouveau nor with the proprietary nVidia driver.19:37
_Wise_My GPU is a 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 LE] (rev a1)19:37
_Wise_Can someone help ?19:37
FloodBotK1_Wise_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
joshua__Can someone help me with kubuntu forum registration. It keeps telling me that i haven't answered the verification questions correctly but I'm fairly sure i have.19:40
dipzwho are you19:52
iEatChildrencan someone help me diagnose why my sound isnt working?20:02
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
phoenix_there is a driver included in the kernel named "sc92031.ko". where can i find the source of it20:22
v3n-irssiBluesKaj i need help20:23
v3n-irssihow do i find out which graphic driver is currently installed?20:23
BluesKajwhich brand , v3n-irssi ?20:24
v3n-irssibrand? you mean nvidia or?20:25
Picisudo lshw -C Display20:25
v3n-irssiyou sent me that tiny description20:25
PiciOH, driver? I thought you meant card.20:25
v3n-irssithat command was "sudo apt-get remove "installed-video-driver" or so... idk, which one should i remove?20:26
v3n-irssishould i remove nvudia-current ?20:27
phoenix_i having trouble compiling a source, need help regarding c language, is there any channel related ti this?20:28
v3n-irssiBluesKaj -> sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current ?20:28
v3n-irssi##C if you are registered and authenticated20:28
hisatsuhello everyone20:29
phoenix_v3n-irssi: thanks . i will try20:29
BluesKajv3n-irssi, lspci for your graphics card20:29
phoenix_nick/ phoenix_firebrd20:30
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.20:30
BluesKajv3n-irssi, look for VGA compatible controller20:30
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v3n-irssilspci is the driver? or what? i got geforce 7859 gx2 (pciexpress)20:31
v3n-irssiand i'm not on vga, i'm on hdmi :/20:31
BluesKajv3n-irssi,  look in the kmenu /system/ jockey nvidia20:34
BluesKajv3n-irssi, nvidia controller20:34
alex-kunHello people! Anybody knows why "configure buttons" in "window decorations" do not work in maverik?20:36
BluesKajv3n-irssi, use vga or dvi , hdmi isn't working well on maverick20:37
alex-kunSome body?20:38
BluesKajv3n-irssi, aamof someone filed a bug about it yesterday20:38
v3n-irssiatm i'm on 10.04 not maverick... idk it is dvi i think...20:39
alex-kunAny body have problem with window decorations???20:41
BluesKajv3n-irssi, so describe what the problem is first , and check the nvidia controller in the kmenu/system  to see which driver is recommended ,or can you get to a desktop at since you're on irssi ..tty ?20:41
v3n-irssitty... but when i am connected with ipv4 internet my plasma gets stuck or crashes... could it be caused by some applets which acces the Internet? BluesKaj20:42
BluesKajconnected with ipv4 , di you defeat ipv6 ?...doybt if that has any bearing on plasma problems . v3n-irssi20:44
v3n-irssierm i got only 2 hours ipv4 per day... ipv6 is for irc only though...20:45
BluesKajcan you get to the desktop without crashing plasma , v3n-irssi ?20:46
v3nd3tta``got to plasma... i removed the plasmaoids which access internet, maybe it works now, if not i gonna reinstall plasma20:48
v3nd3tta``ty BluesKaj until now :V20:48
BluesKajv3nd3tta``,  in the kmenu/system/nvidia hardware drivers  check the nvidia controller to see which driver is recommended20:50
v3nd3tta``yea atm checking :)20:51
v3nd3tta``is version 173 better chan current of is current a newer/more stable version?20:51
v3nd3tta``current is recommended and active, so it may be okay until it gets buggy again :P20:52
BluesKajv3nd3tta``, have you updated lately ?20:53
v3nd3tta``after purging my nvidia-current on tty3 i got update and installed again20:53
v3nd3tta``so it may be current one :)20:53
BluesKajdid yoy stop kdm first ?20:55
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amorphous__Yo! howsit y'all...?21:53
amorphous__anyone in here have any advice on how to organise a laptop->server->big data disk setup. The server is headless & I want all data on the biggy,but too many options...21:55
TopGeargot some problems with conky21:55
TopGearit's all black, with white letters21:56
TopGearhttp://plaatjesupload.net/zien/1287174452_conkyrc.png , for the screen21:56
TopGearFor the script: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514129/21:57
amorphous__no..? am going for sshfs into the server and links from the   the home dir on it to the HDD... that make any sense?21:59
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geeteeIf I switch between Netbook and Desktop workspaces in 10.10 will it remember my settings when I switch between them?22:57
geeteewanted to give Netbook a try but don't want to lose my Desktop config22:58
sithlord48geetee:  i think so since they are seperate work spaces23:00
geeteesithlord48: thanks, i'll give it a try23:03
sithlord48please share your results..23:03
sithlord48here or on kubuntuforums.net23:04
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