
lifelessthumper: did you really mean to link to bug 240067 ?00:05
_mup_Bug #240067: Launchpad projects need wikis <feature> <Launchpad itself:Invalid> <Launchpad Foundations:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/240067>00:05
thumperlifeless: no00:09
thumperlifeless: I've fixed it00:09
thumperI had two bugs open00:09
thumperand I linked to the wrong one :(00:09
* thumper heading afk for hair cut and lunch :)00:09
LPCIBotProject devel build (109): STILL FAILING in 1 hr 28 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/109/00:14
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=656759] It's now possible to subscribe with,00:14
LPCIBotand filter direct subscriptions by, a BugNotificationLevel.00:14
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=adeuring][ui=none][bug=651240] The Bug:+subscribe functionality00:14
LPCIBothas been moved into its own view class.00:14
* wgrant deletes lucilleconfig.00:35
lifelessjames_w: around? does that develop= line work to use regular non-buildout projects ?01:15
james_wlifeless, I believe the result is to run "setup.py develop" in those dirs, and then add a .egg-link to them01:19
james_wand I don't think that requires them to use buildout01:19
james_wit wouldn't really surprise me if it didn't work though01:19
lifelessdevelop isn't in standard setup.py01:20
lifelesshmm, it may work, something funny with the iport thought01:21
lifeless>>> fixtures.PopenFixture01:22
lifeless<class 'fixtures._fixtures.popen.PopenFixture'>01:22
james_wdepends what you mean by "standard", it's in setuptools, so a fair number of projects will support it, and they don't have to use buildout to have it01:25
lifelessdistutils 4 eva01:27
lifelessanyhow, develop= worked with python-fixtures01:27
lifelesswhich is nice01:27
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
LPCIBotProject devel build (110): STILL FAILING in 1 hr 29 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/110/01:44
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=leonardr][ui=none][bug=650343] Add X-Launchpad-Original-To to01:44
LPCIBotrecipient lists;01:44
LPCIBotmove some related files from c/l/mail to lp/services/mail.01:44
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=leonardr][ui=none][bug=656213] Allow .lpconfig to be honored if01:44
LPCIBotinitial configuration is "development"01:44
wgrant    """Manage a publisher configuration from the database. (Read Only)01:45
wgrant    This class provides a useful abstraction so that if we change01:45
wgrant    how the database stores configuration then the publisher will not01:45
wgrant    need to be re-coded to cope"""01:45
wgrantWhat an *awesome* idea.01:45
wgrantWe haven't needed it in more than five years, so I'm deleting it.01:46
rockstarwallyworld, hey.02:20
wallyworldrockstar: hiho02:20
wallyworldsee my email?02:21
rockstarwallyworld, just out of curiosity, could you `make clean build` and then run the windmill test?02:21
wallyworldthat's what i did :-(02:21
rockstarwallyworld, hm.02:22
wallyworldrockstar: any thought's? looks like YUI() is borked in windmill02:23
rockstarwallyworld, this is the Y.io() thing, right?02:24
wallyworldand also any other YUI eg Y.all()02:24
wallyworldor maybe not Y.all - it may have been run on the wrong instance. i need to check that02:24
wallyworldbut Y.io is definitely broken02:25
rockstarwallyworld, what happens if you -D, wait for it to fail, and then try and look up the url being requested in the url bar?02:25
wallyworldrockstar: good question. hold that thought and i'll get back to you02:26
rockstarwallyworld, I'm also curious to know whether or not a YUI 3.2 update would make it work.02:27
wallyworldrockstar: i'm not yet familiar enough with the failure mode nor what's new in 3.2 to know if it will help or not. can't hurt to try i guess02:28
rockstarwallyworld, well, as I upgraded, I found that lots of bugs were hidden in our javascript that YUI 3.2 doesn't pass silently.  Maybe that might help as well.02:28
rockstarwallyworld, I don't know, we're at a weird impass now.02:28
wallyworldrockstar: i'll check this one other thing. perhaps you could grab my branch and try it with 3.2?02:29
rockstarwallyworld, sure.  One sec.02:30
wallyworldrockstar: bin/test -vvt test_branch_broken_links <--- for when you have the branch pulled02:30
lifelessrockstar: hey02:30
rockstarlifeless, hi sir.02:30
lifelessrockstar: I have a question about windmill02:31
lifelessrockstar: what will happen if I run two windmill tests concurrently?02:31
rockstarlifeless, I SEVERELY doubt I have the answer, but I can probably get as close as anyone...02:31
rockstarlifeless, I think, were you to do that, you'd want them running in separate processes at least.  They'll need their own instances of the browser they fire up.02:32
lifelessrockstar: will doing xvfb-run be enough to do that ?02:32
rockstarlifeless, no idea.02:32
lifelessI'll ask on twitter :)02:33
rockstarlifeless, :)02:34
rockstarlifeless, mikeal may have a good answer for you.02:34
rockstarI wish I knew more about windmill, so I could actually fix it.02:34
wallyworldrockstar: the client call to the server side endpoint works fine from a console on the test browser, where the Y.io call fails02:54
wallyworldrockstar: ie window.open('http://code.launchpad.dev:8085/+check-links?link_hrefs={}')02:55
rockstarwallyworld, what if you use the actual browser that it brings up?  The Firefox instance?02:55
wallyworldyes, that's what i'm using02:55
wallyworldi open the firebug light console02:56
rockstarIs that the exact url that is getting requested?02:56
wallyworldalmost: i have cut out the actual json guts between the {}. with an empty {} it just returns {} so the end-end works02:57
wallyworldi can open a new tab and type the url directly or use the firebug console and do a window.open()02:58
lifelessdo our tests for windmill go through apache?!02:59
rockstarlifeless, no.02:59
lifelessso the 8085 is just a daft default?02:59
wallyworlda default that's typed in many, many places in the code03:00
rockstarwallyworld, where?03:00
lifelesswallyworld: it shouldn't be; but if it is replace it with a config lookup please03:01
* wallyworld looks at the code03:01
rockstarwallyworld, canonical_url should just give it to you correctly.03:01
* rockstar wrote that patch...03:02
wallyworldlots of tests (doc and py) have code like browser.open('http://launchpad.dev:8085/+login')03:03
lifelesswallyworld: care to file a bug?03:04
lifeless(or better yet, just fix)03:04
wallyworldlifeless: will do.03:04
wallyworldlifeless: after rockstar and i get this @!^#@#@@& YUI and windmill issue fixed03:05
wallyworldrockstar: i'm hungry. i'll grab a bite to eat and check back after that on the progess using YUI 3.2 to see if it sheds more light on the ajax breakage03:08
rockstarwallyworld, windmill tests are running now.03:09
wallyworldrockstar: ok. i'll wait a bit. did you try the specific one i mentioned?03:09
rockstarwallyworld, no, because I'm also trying to fix my test.  :)03:10
rockstarwallyworld, I'm testing lifeless' query right now...03:10
rockstarMy laptop is not happy.03:11
wallyworldrockstar: from our discussions, the root cause of the ajax issue for your and my tests is likely the same anyways i think?03:11
rockstarwallyworld, I'm not so sure.03:12
wallyworldrockstar: ok. i'll wait for a progress report from your side of things. in the meantime, food awaits03:13
lifelessrockstar: about parallel testing?03:13
rockstarlifeless, yes.03:13
lifelessrockstar: I'd expect things to blow up hugely03:13
lifelessrockstar: but not because of windmill03:14
rockstarlifeless, no, it was windmill.03:14
lifelessrockstar: is there some way to identify windmill tests a priori?03:14
rockstarlifeless, so, the second instance of bin/test died because port 8085 was in use.03:14
lifelessrockstar: right, thats not a windmill issue03:15
rockstarlifeless, I think that means that we might be able to run it fine once everything is set up.03:15
lifelessrockstar: theres a long chain of things to fix ;)03:15
lifelessrockstar: the testdb, all the external helpers, the oops dir, the log dir03:15
rockstarlifeless, but there's also probably a huge penalty in starting another firefox instance.03:16
lifelesspoolie: I htink its a bad idea to link the code style giude from the front page03:18
lifelesspoolie: but I'd like to know why before rolling your change back03:19
pooliei'd like to know why too :)03:19
lifelessI think its a bad idea because really all the guides need to be read, to write patches for LP03:19
lifelessspecial casing that one makes it feel like that element on the front page is a nested table of contents03:20
lifelesswhich its not03:20
lifelesspoolie: your turn :)03:20
poolieit's the one i've found myself linking to or looking at most03:20
poolieobviously other people may care more about js style03:21
pooliefeel free to revert03:21
lifelessI'd be happy to list them all there and delete the list-page of the guides03:21
lifelessthere's no content on the indirection page03:21
lifelesswhat do you think?03:21
poolieyou could make 'Style guides' a new blue-ish section03:22
pooliealso 'architecture guideline' is not really a style guide03:22
lifelessblue section ?03:22
poolieheh, doubly so because it does not exist :)03:22
poolielike 'process', 'tools',03:23
pooliean h2 or h3 or whatever03:23
poolie'does not exist' meaning the first link on https://dev.launchpad.net/StyleGuides is bronke03:23
* rockstar suspects the js style guide needs some updating.03:24
poolielifeless: so that's settled?03:27
lifelessinlined it on the front page03:27
poolieglad i could push it into a better direction :)03:27
lifelesshow much memory does a bin/test process need03:43
lifelesspoolie: we can hope it is better :)03:44
rockstarlifeless, I guess it depends on what tests it's running.03:44
lifelessrockstar: peak memory is what I need03:44
lifelesslike, if the machine has 2 GB03:44
lifelessand 16 procs03:44
lifelessshould I start 16 test runners03:44
lifelessor 403:44
lifeless16 cores03:45
lifelessbac: is that the threading thing04:27
baclifeless: yes04:27
baclifeless: do you have a sec to talk about the metric in the ArchitectureGuide wrt 2 second tests?04:28
bacso i have a branch that adds a new test, it runs four tests and the test case is instantiated for five different pillars04:29
lifelessdo you mean irc or voice when you say talk04:29
baclifeless: here is good and my voice is gone today04:29
bacso it runs 20 tests and was taking 42 seconds with the straightforward (naive) implmentation04:29
lifelessso, new test, 4 cases, parameterised over 5 pillars04:29
lifelessthe first question I have is why it needs parameterisation (can things actually vary)04:30
baci started playing around with it yesterday and got it down to <11 seconds with the same coverage04:30
bacgood, yeah?04:30
lifelessbac: thats excellent.04:30
lifelessbac: I presume thats not including the layer setup time.04:30
bacwell, in order to do that i had to collapse the four tests into one so the expensive setup was not called multiple times, violating our guideline to only test one thing at a time04:31
lifelesswhat makes the setup expensive?04:31
bacthat was the bulk of it, caching some properties accounted for the rest, which jtv objected to04:31
baclifeless: creating objects04:31
lifelessbac: if caching properties makes the test suite faster, it doesn't necessarily follow that prod will be faster - but it may well.04:31
lifelessbac: if its noticably faster, it probably will make prod faster.04:32
lifelessanyhow, back to your question.04:32
bacwell, this is not really a production issue.  the test is just to verify that the correct anti-robot meta is included in the rendered templates based on LP usage04:33
bacso the speed or slowness of the test really has nothing to do with performance in production04:33
lifeless2 seconds is a statement of where we'd like to be. If we can't reach it right now, I suggest analying *why* far enough to be confident that we know what to fix, file a XXX bug on that (e.g. creating DB test objects is slow) and move on.04:33
lifelesshowever I'd be utterly delighted if you were to keep driving it down to a sensible figure04:33
lifelessbac: I have to disagree about its relevance for production04:34
baclifeless: my question is this:  what do we value more:  test readability and separation or speed?04:34
lifelessbac: all three04:34
lifelessbac: in this case, for instance, you can use a layer (ugh, but thats the current tool) to provide the same expensive setup for all 20 tests, and have separate clear test code per case04:35
lifelessand it should perform identically04:35
lifelessexcept that you'll need to intercept the db layer rollback (and there is a flag for that to let you do so)04:35
lifelessso in your layer setUp to set the 'do not rollback' flag, and in your layer tearDown you restore it.04:37
baclifeless: here is the original: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51356204:38
lifelessbac: I'm still staggered that setUp is so slow for your test04:38
bacand here is the restructured one http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/51356104:39
baclifeless: i make the argument about no effect on production b/c all i have done is make changes to the structure of the test not any of the production code04:40
lifelessso you're saying that canonical_url and getUserBrowser are sufficiently slow04:40
rockstarbac, I'm happy to do reviewer meeting duty next week.04:40
lifelesswe use canonical_url in prod04:40
lifelessbac: I agree, seeing that, but its data we should gather for where prod performance issues are04:41
baclifeless: right.  but i haven't sped them up, i've avoided them04:41
bacrockstar rocks04:41
lifelessthe getUserBrowser cachedproperty looks like it will get no hits, FWIW04:41
bachow's that?  getRenderedContents is called four times04:42
lifelessoh, I see04:43
lifelessso, I think that that test is fine04:43
lifelesspersonally I'd structure it as a matcher04:43
lifelessthen you wouldn't need a mixin04:43
lifelessbut doing multiple similar checks on one fixture are fine04:44
lifelesstotally readable04:44
baclifeless: i guess my main point is i'm dissatisfied b/c i find the explicitness of the original appealing04:44
bacbut dog slow04:44
baci did not know about using a new layer to accomplish what you suggest04:44
baci may pursue that and if it works send out an email as a case study04:45
lifelessbac: I wouldn't in this case, its nice and clean, not at all what I envisioned04:45
lifelessbac: please don't, layers are on the way out04:45
bacoh, good04:45
bacok, well maybe i'll just send an email with what i've done and the four-fold increase in speed04:46
lifelessI'd suggest you look into testresources or similar, but thats conflicts with layers, so its not a good learning point just yet.04:46
lifelessanyhow, If you were testing many different things in those cases, I'd understand and agree with it being better to have 4 cases04:46
baclifeless would you mind putting your stamp on the MP for these changes04:46
lifelessbut I think you're really testing a single contract04:46
lifelessthe contract being the 4 cases where robots are blocked.04:47
lifelesswhats the MP ?04:47
lifelessyou couldn't use cached property here anyway, you need to reload the browser each time, you could if you called .open(), but the thing you were measuring was probably the open and render time anyhow.04:48
lifeless(looking at the diff in the MP I see that you're not caching)04:48
baclifeless: i do reload the browser each time04:50
baclifeless: the MP is not yet updated04:51
lifelessbac: I've stamped my opinion on the bits in question.04:51
lifelessI haven't dug really deep, but I see you've had a thorough discussion anyhow ;)04:51
rockstarlifeless, just saw your tweet.  I think you need to at least have two separate firefox instances.04:53
lifelessrockstar: why?04:54
lifelessI mean, if we need it, we need it04:54
lifelessbut its going to suck having 8 concurrent firefoxes doing their thing04:54
lifelessor 16 on serious desktops04:55
lifelessrobertc  15152  2.9  4.2 412104 86656 pts/1    Sl+  14:56   0:01  |       \_ /usr/bin/python -S bin/test -vt test_parallel --parallel --subunit04:55
lifelessrobertc  15167  7.4  6.5 399240 134248 pts/1   S+   14:56   0:03  |           \_ /usr/bin/python -S bin/test -vt test_parallel --subunit --load-list /tmp/tmpSbVCl604:55
lifelessrobertc  15168  7.5  6.5 399320 134244 pts/1   S+   14:56   0:03  |           \_ /usr/bin/python -S bin/test -vt test_parallel --subunit --load-list /tmp/tmpsNzicF04:55
rockstarlifeless, I think the interface to remotely control firefox is per browser.  I remember mikeal's pycon talk about it.04:55
lifelessstill, out of scope for me -just yet-04:56
lifelessjml: I'm sad; someone fucked with list-tests and now it prints test descriptions not ids, and prints other guff too.04:58
lifelessjml: either that or it never really existed.05:01
lifelessooooh yeah05:11
lifelessparallel testing working. |o|05:11
lifelessof course, it'll blow up trivially on stuff like rockstars experiment05:11
wgrantOr, say, database access?05:13
lifelessthat will be the height of hilarity.05:14
lifelessStevenK: does your hudson have resources to run a parallel version of launchpad tests?05:24
lifelessStevenK: one that I expect to fail massively.05:24
lifelesswgrant: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/paralleltests if you want to play05:57
wallyworldcan anyone tell me the difference between zope.app.pagetemplate and zope.pagetemplate?05:57
lifelessgenerally zope.app stuff is more tightly tied to the application server environment06:00
lifelessoften it is glue between generic and specific stuff06:00
wgrantLots of things from zope.app.* are being moved into zope.* as part of the ZTK rework.06:00
wgrantSo zope.app.pagetemplate could just be a deprecated alias now, or it could still have some functionality of its own.06:00
wallyworldi have a patch for zope.pagetemplate.engine.py - is the best course of action to ask on the zope dev list. i assume htere is one?06:01
lifelesswgrant: excellent!06:02
lifelesswallyworld: ^06:02
wgranthttps://mail.zope.org/mailman/listinfo/zope3-dev is the list.06:02
wgrantBut you might be better off talking to some of our Zopeish people...06:02
wallyworldlifeless: it's a simple one.  i've replaced if getattr(object, '__class__', None) == dict: with if zope_isinstance(object, dict):06:03
lifelessso, find the project in lp and propose a merge proposal06:03
lifelessthey are usin gLP06:03
wallyworldit restores the short circuit for menu links when used with the branch i just did for performance improvements06:03
wgrantlifeless: They're even using LP for MPs?06:03
lifelesswgrant: yes06:03
wgrantBecause they still use zope.org svn.06:03
wallyworldwhat's gLP?06:03
lifelesswallyworld: using LP06:04
wallyworldok. i had a quick look at lp. there's a few zope projects there. i wasn't sure if we were just mirroring their stuff or not06:04
wallyworldor if i had to wander over to zope.org06:04
lifelesseither, AFAIK06:04
wallyworldok. thanks06:05
wallyworldwgrant: thanks also for the info06:05
lifelessperhaps both is best06:05
lifelesswgrant: this is what you'll get:06:06
lifelesspsycopg2.ProgrammingError: database "launchpad_ftest" already exists06:06
lifelesswith --parallel on db tests06:06
wgrantlifeless: Ah, I see.06:07
wgrantStill, that should be reasonably easy to fix.06:07
lifelesswgrant: like I say, there's a list of things to fix ;)06:09
* wgrant is demolishing lucilleconfig while trying to avoid finishing assignments.06:10
StevenKlifeless: I'm not sure how to get Hudson to run arbitary branches06:11
StevenKTBH, I'd just throw it at ec2 and see what happens06:12
lifelessStevenK: set up a new job, also of trunk06:12
lifelessStevenK: you misunderstand me06:12
lifelessStevenK: I've added a new bin/test option, --parallel.06:12
lifelessStevenK: due to our test suite making many inappropriate assumptions, this won't work for all tests yet.06:13
lifelessStevenK: I want a ratchet, a visible progress marker.06:13
lifelessStevenK: so I want it run, with as many cores at once, to find unknown issues06:14
lifelessand when it starts to pass most tests, we can organise a dedicated burn-down window for it06:14
lifelessStevenK: awesome; you'll need --parallel in the job options (I can't see the config can I?) and my branch to land.06:15
StevenKlifeless: I can add an account for you and you can fix the tests06:15
lifelessfix the tests?06:16
StevenKEr, fix the config06:16
lifelessits just --parallel on bin/test :)06:18
lifelessverry simple.06:18
StevenKI don't run bin/test, I call make check06:18
lifelessyou can validate it using lp:~lifeless/launchpad/paralleltests06:18
lifelessok account me up06:18
lifelesswe should have openid sometime soon06:18
StevenKlifeless: I've added the ACLs, now how do I actually create an account for you?06:21
lifelessoh, you've made a warthogs user already ?06:22
lifelesshas it got write?06:22
StevenKNo, but it can06:22
StevenKlifeless: You just want to use warthogs?06:22
lifelessok, I can login as that06:22
lifelessyeah, why not.. simples06:23
StevenKlifeless: Okay, you should be able to configure parellel-test06:23
StevenKlifeless: You can turn off IRC notification if you wish, but e-mail notification isn't set up06:24
lifelessrunning a test build06:26
StevenKHm, that should start another executor, not block on devel06:27
StevenKAh, there it is06:29
StevenKBleh, how are people landing things when PQM tells me we're in testfix?06:42
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
lifelessStevenK: failures?06:56
StevenKlifeless: On db-devel06:57
lifelessfile a bug :)06:59
StevenKAnd the failures look strange06:59
lifelessa librarian process is probably still runnning06:59
lifeless*or* was interrupted so violently that the pid wasn't removed.07:00
lifelesswe need to figure out which07:00
lifelessand file a bug to prevent it happening again07:00
StevenKYes, I thought so too, so I suspect the next step is stab buildbot?07:00
wgrant2400 line branch.07:00
lifelessStevenK: no07:00
lifelesswe should never stab07:00
lifelesswe should analyse the cause07:00
lifelessgather data07:00
lifelessand make sure we have enough info to fix07:00
StevenKlifeless: Even when the failure is 'slave lost'? :-)07:00
lifeless*then* stab07:01
lifelessStevenK: yes.07:01
lifelesswhy was it lost?07:01
lifelesswhere did it go?07:01
lifelesswhat happened? was it manually rebooted? did the machine crash?07:01
StevenKslave lost is usually buildbot going gaga07:01
lifelessits the lack of analysis and debugging that has us in this situation.07:01
StevenK(Cough, hudson)07:02
StevenKSpeaking of, there's a new one, apparently07:02
lifelessbut we'll have issues with hudson that need similar care and detailed attention to fix, too.07:02
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build (1): FAILURE in 26 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/1/07:03
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build (2): STILL FAILING in 1 min 39 sec: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/2/07:11
lifelessStevenK: can you kill the executor ?07:12
StevenKlifeless: Done07:13
StevenKlifeless: Just thinking about it, I didn't think anyone had access to the buildbot slaves?07:22
lifelessthey don't07:23
lifelessso someone needs to work with the losas to diagnose.07:23
lifelessits way past EOD for me, but I'll swing my irc every hour or two till I sleep07:23
StevenKSo, spm is off sick, and Tom turns up in ~ 2 hours, and I have branches to land. :-(07:24
lifelessyou could ask a gsa07:24
lifelessbut its really important to understand whats gone on.07:24
StevenKI don't know enough about the buildbot infrastructure to know which machines are involved07:25
* StevenK will wait for Tom07:25
lifelessanyhow, I'm off for a while07:30
lifelessjml: I've asked for your review on this parallel tests branch; to help you I reviewed all the testtools MP's.07:30
pooliehello jml, StevenK08:28
poolielifeless: that's great new about parallelization08:28
StevenKpoolie: Hi08:31
jmllifeless: I'm sorry to hear about list-tests.08:45
jmllifeless: and thanks for the reviews, I'll look at your parallel tests branch soon.08:46
StevenKHm, that's odd.08:48
StevenKLooks like a stale pid file08:49
adeuringgood morning08:56
lifelesspoolie: thanks, yes.09:18
lifelessjml: \o/09:18
lifelessjml: yeah to get a listing its --list-tests --subunit | subunit-ls, which is a bit grotty09:18
jmllifeless: oh, I think what I did there is deleted our own hack in favour of the upstream support... iirc.09:22
jmlgotta run, late for an appointment09:22
LPCIBotProject parallel-test build (3): STILL FAILING in 2 hr 4 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/3/09:29
wgrantbigjools: You're not particularly attached to lucilleconfig, are you?09:30
bigjoolswgrant: I'm not sure which part of "must die in fire" was ambiguous, no.09:31
wgrantbigjools: Well, I accidentally slipped and deleted it today.09:31
bigjoolsthat's quite a slip09:31
wgrant2400 lines or so.09:32
wgrantAlthough some of that is a sampledata rebuild.09:33
* bigjools otp09:33
lifelesshahah https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/parallel-test/3/testReport/?09:37
lifelessand meh, something did a 'print' and mangled the stream09:38
lifelessI'll look more closely monday.09:38
pooliejml, i just added http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/513690/ to my dkim tree09:38
poolieis that a better explanation?09:38
bigjoolsit feels like we've been in testfix mode for a week09:58
bigjoolsoh wait ...09:59
wgrantbigjools: Could you please grab Ubuntu's lucilleconfig from staging?10:05
wgrantJust need to check that it's within archivepublisher.root10:05
wgrantSince that's what the new code uses.10:05
bigjoolswgrant: what are you replacing lucilleconfig with?10:06
wgrantbigjools: distroseries.lucilleconfig is now calculated from ComponentSelection.10:07
wgrantdistribution.lucilleconfig's paths are calculated from archivepublisher.root, like we already do for !primary.10:07
wgrantAha, thanks.10:07
wgrantAnd stayofexecution should be a new config key.10:08
wgrantBut right now is hardcoded.10:08
* wgrant digs out the prod configs.10:11
poolieinability to remove hardcoded sample data is another thing that's wrong with doctest :/10:12
poolies//difficulty of10:13
bigjoolspoolie: I think we need more reasons to hate doctest, there's not enough :)10:13
poolieperhaps at the 2012 epic it can be burned in effigy10:13
wgrantWhat is the purpose of the 2011 Epic?10:13
pooliesaying "god that's fast"10:14
StevenKwgrant: To laugt at you.10:14
poolieand when stevenk laughs at you, you stay laughed :}10:14
bigjoolsyet somehow we're laughing at StevenK10:14
bigjoolspoolie: rofl10:14
wgrantbigjools: So my change is compatible with production's primary archive setup.10:18
wgrantAnd it aligns it with the way PPA/partner/debug/copy has been done forever.10:18
wgrantAnd it removes those goddamn text ini columns.10:18
wgrantI mean, there are some strange bits of Soyuz.10:20
wgrantBut that just sort of wins.10:20
bigjoolswgrant: http://imagebin.ca/view/gayZQ1G.html10:25
bigjoolsfun :)10:25
wgrantbigjools: That is a pretty picture10:26
wgrantBut why was utilisation so low towards the end of the low-resource period?10:26
LPCIBotProject devel build (111): STILL FAILING in 4 hr 4 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/111/10:29
bigjoolswgrant: different arches10:29
bigjoolsthere were a load of amd64 builds queued up and nothing else10:29
wgrantbigjools: Oh, right, forgot that.10:29
bigjoolsthe graph is good because it's telling us we can share arches10:29
bigjoolswe just need to do the work for that10:30
wgrantWell, we could if it didn't break out build time estimation algorithm, somewhat ironically.10:30
bigjoolsqueuing theory...10:30
bigjoolsI hear there's been a bit of research in that area10:30
wgrantWe could also just declare that dispatch time estimates are too inaccurate and drop them.10:33
wgrantThat is very tempting.10:33
wgrantbigjools: P[P3]As never publish outside main, do they?10:38
bigjoolswgrant: they're not *supposed* to :)10:38
wgrantEven the security one?10:38
wgrantbigjools: I'm wondering why we don't restrict the PPA publisher to main.10:38
wgrantLike we restrict the partner one to partner.10:39
bigjoolshysterical raisins10:39
* wgrant might fix that later, then, now the code is not nauseating.10:39
wgrantAh, yeah, all pubs are overridden to main during creation, so it should be impossible for them to be anywhere else.10:40
bigjoolswe used to publish all components if you remember10:41
wgrantI do indeed.10:41
bigjoolsthen it was decided that we should simplify it10:41
bigjoolswhich was a superb idea10:41
wgrantI was really wondering if you knew a reason that the restriction wasn't added then.10:42
bigjoolsI guess nobody thought to do it10:43
bigjoolsI am going to have to fix that double-copy bug - the errors are mounting in the publisher log :/10:44
bigjoolsnot to mention a bunch of PoolFileOverwriteError which I can't remember why is happening10:45
wgrantThe PFOEs were meant to all be fixed.10:45
wgrantBut I saw some last week.10:45
wgrantWe must have a new bug.10:45
wgrantmthaddon: Did you intentionally not enable natty/armel PPA support?10:46
mthaddonwgrant: not intentionally - I just did what I was asked  - bigjools, is that something we'd want to do?10:47
bigjoolsmthaddon: I think so, yes.10:47
wgrantAh, NRCP is wrong.10:47
* wgrant fixes.10:47
mthaddonbigjools: do we need to check with someone?10:47
bigjoolsmthaddon: I'd say lamont but he's not around this week10:47
bigjoolsso whoever is covering him?10:48
wgrantIt's already enabled for all the old series.10:48
mthaddonlet me check10:48
bigjoolsffs, landing one branch worked then the other gets caught by testfix mode10:49
wgrantbigjools: See, you should use EC2. It forces you to get used to frequent arbitrary rejections :)10:52
* bigjools goes to get caffeine10:53
wgrantMy average success rate in the last three weeks is below 10%.10:53
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
elmobigjools: sorry, what would lamont be able to tell us?10:59
bigjoolselmo: whether to enable natty/armel for PPAs10:59
bigjoolsgiven armel's enabled for the other series (restricted to certain PPAs of course)11:00
elmowell, that's why we're not enabling it - it's not clear to me how the restriction works and whether it's automatically carried over11:00
elmoI was hoping you would know11:00
bigjoolselmo: it's carried over - the restriction is based on the ProcessorFamily only11:02
elmomthaddon: ^-- go ahead and enable arm too11:02
mthaddonbigjools: erm, where would I do that?11:03
bigjoolsmthaddon: same as the ones you already did, just for natty/armel/+admin11:04
mthaddonbigjools, elmo: I take it not "Official Support", just "PPA Support Enabled"?11:05
mthaddonok, done11:05
wgrantbigjools: We have actually changed it. It's always been 5 days in the code, and 1 day in production.11:45
wgrantI guess I could change it to 1 day everywhere.11:45
wgrant(I'm not sure when the production change happened)11:45
bigjoolswgrant: I don't recall it changing so it's been there a while11:45
bigjoolsand changing config is as painful as changing code, so code it and reduce complexity11:45
bigjoolsjml: around?11:49
jmlbigjools: yes11:49
bigjoolsjml: I've started hacking up the shutdown but I could do with a little help on testing!11:50
bigjoolsjml: we don't need that addSystemEventTrigger since this is a Service ... heh11:51
deryckMorning, all.12:03
jmlderyck: hi12:14
jmlbigjools: ok. all yours.12:14
bigjoolsjml: how sweet :)12:14
jmlbigjools: testing reactor shutdown is unsupported, pretty much12:15
jmlbigjools: I reckon the best thing to do here is call stopService in your tests directly12:16
bigjoolsjml: there's aleady one that does that - well, see testBuilddManagerRuns12:17
jmlit's not in your diff12:17
bigjoolsbut I've no idea if my stopService is being called or not12:17
bigjoolsjml: it's already there12:18
jmlbigjools: ahh, ok.12:18
bigjoolsstarts up via the tac12:18
bigjoolsand then shuts down12:18
jmlI need to page more stuff in before I confuse myself or you any further12:18
jml(also, a pox on London traffic)12:19
jmlwell, I'm not learning to drive in the bits of the UK that aren't in London12:21
jmlbigjools: ok, I think I've got this figured.12:22
jmlbigjools: BuilddManager is a Service, so you don't need to do the manual reactor.addSystemEventTrigger12:23
bigjoolsjml: I know that bit, I said above :)12:23
bigjoolsforgot to remove it from the diff12:23
jmloh ok12:23
jmlI'm looking at the tip of your branch12:23
bigjoolsnot push12:23
bigjoolshang on12:23
jmlbigjools: there's no really good way of checking that stopService is called when the reactor is shut down... Twisted makes that promise any way12:24
bigjoolsjml: pushed.  Does the shutdown code look sane though?  I'm just making it wait on all the LoopingCall.start() deferreds that fire when stop() is called.12:25
jmlbigjools: yeah. it's good. looks correct too :)12:28
jmlbigjools: I'd probably just keep the return values of startCycle and scheduleScan rather than making a new property on SlaveScanner and NewBuildersScanner, but ymmv12:28
bigjoolspossible, but it's more hassle in the manager12:29
jmlyeah. it's a trade-off, more state in the manager vs unnecessary fattening of interfaces12:29
jmlI don't think either is clearly better12:30
bigjoolsme neither12:30
bigjoolsmy main question to you was the sanity of doing that - I think it's ok, but I need to test it on DF to get a better idea.  But DF is down for another day.12:30
jmlit's completely sane12:31
bigjoolsnow, I need to go out and get a new photo for my driving licence, for which I am privileged to offer the government 20 of my hard-earned pounds.12:32
salgadoStevenK, around?13:23
StevenKsalgado: Barely13:27
salgadoStevenK, on r11710 you've added a initialisedistroseries section to configs/development/launchpad-lazr.conf but I don't seem to have a matching section in schema-lazr.conf, which causes a trunk branch to fail to build13:29
salgadoStevenK, if you're quick, even buildbot won't notice it. ;)13:36
StevenKsalgado: Yeah, I'm putting together a branch now13:38
StevenKsalgado: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/fix-idsjob-schema/+merge/3853614:00
salgadoStevenK, taking ages to update the diff.  can you paste it somewhere?14:06
StevenKsalgado: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513849/14:07
marsStevenK, any luck with the hudson builder fixes?14:11
StevenKmars: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/test-thread-debug/+merge/3851014:12
marsStevenK, great, so that solves the two code hosting threads issue, which is encouraging for solving the windmill issue as well14:13
StevenKmars: Yeah, I just don't know where to start with the windmill ones14:14
marsStevenK, or does it happen to fix the windmill issue too?14:14
marsStevenK, it would if an errant puller was also running in the windmill suite.  I guess your Hudson builder will tell us if it worked?14:15
StevenKmars: I've been using ec2 to diagnose if it was fixed, and 2 windmill tests still failed14:16
marsargh, ok.  one can always hope :)14:16
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LPCIBotProject devel build (112): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 40 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/112/14:26
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless][ui=none][no-qa] Create a cancel_on_timeout() helper that14:26
LPCIBotcancels Twisted Deferreds after a configurable timeout.14:26
LPCIBotProject devel build (113): STILL FAILING in 1 min 14 sec: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/113/14:27
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=608621] Add a cronscript for14:27
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=608621] Allow parameters to be passed to14:27
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=allenap][ui=none][bug=659129] Prevent the /ubuntu/+ppas page from14:27
LPCIBottiming out by fixing a slow query that PG8.4 hates.14:27
StevenKsalgado: Haha. buildbot may not have noticed, but Hudson did14:37
abentleyjam: ping14:59
jammorning abentley14:59
abentleymorning, jam.  thumper suggested I should talk to you about history-db.15:00
abentleyjam, are you up for a Skype or Mumble conversation?15:01
jamsure, in just a bit15:01
abentleyjam: cool.15:01
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
allenapbigjools: Your landing to db-devel "Prevent the /ubuntu/+ppas page from timing out by fixing a slow query that PG8.4 hates", is that safe to land in devel?15:08
bigjoolsallenap: yes15:08
bigjoolsI landed it on db-devel by mistake, so I also landed it on devel15:08
allenapbigjools: Cool, 'cause it will be soon owing to my mistake.15:08
allenapbigjools: Oh, so it's already there. Even better.15:09
bigjoolsjml: hello, can I again bounce something off you for a sanity check?15:13
jmlbigjools: sure15:13
bigjoolsjml: thanks.  See _update_builder_status in builder.py15:14
bigjoolsit's called from updateBuilderStatus15:14
bigjoolsI want to ditch _update_builder_status and make updateBuilderStatus call builder.rescueIfLost15:14
bigjoolsie, not trap errors there any more15:14
bigjoolsthen we can allow the failure to hit the manager code which will look at failure counts15:15
jmlbigjools: i.e. completely ditch the rescue_failed errback?15:15
bigjoolsjml: yes15:16
jmlbigjools: I think that's a great idea15:16
bigjoolsI want to move all the failure handling code to the manager15:16
bigjoolscool, thanks jml15:16
jmlfwiw, for similar-ish things, it sometimes makes sense to distinguish between "expected errors" and, well, errors that should be in OOPS reports15:17
bigjoolsyeah - eventually that's what I want to do in _scanFailed15:18
bigjoolshence the list of trapped exceptions15:18
jmlI reckon that will make the code much more readable.15:20
bigjoolsjml: I'm also temptedto remove handleTimeout15:20
bigjoolsit does one of two things:15:20
jmlI'm looking at it :)15:21
bigjools1. if the builder is virtual it immediately tries to reset it.  That's wasteful, because the exact same thing will happen again when the next job comes along15:21
jamabentley: want to do the call now? Skype works best for me15:21
bigjools2. for a non-virt builder it just fails it immediately15:21
bigjoolsboth of these actions are undesirable15:21
jmlthat sounds reasonable15:22
jmlalso, it doesn't seem like 'timeout' is any different from any other unexpected error15:22
bigjoolsanother thing I want to do is allow more slack for failing builders - sometimes they come back after 4-5 attempts to contact15:23
bigjoolsbut that becomes trivial once all the errors are handled in _scanFailed15:23
jmlmessage-oriented programming yay15:24
bigjoolsI'd prefer massage-oriented15:25
bigjoolsjml: one more thing - I am thinking of adding transaction.abort() as the first line of code in _scanFailed(), what do you think?15:26
bigjoolsI reckon in the past we've had problems with data corruption where half of the previous failure was committed with the subsequent successful dispatch15:27
jmlbigjools: I think until all of the transaction management is done outside of manager.py it's all pretty much rearranging deck chairs. it seems like a not-unreasonable paranoid step.15:28
jmlbigjools: it would be better if you had a test that reproduced one of those problems15:28
bigjoolsjml: FWIW I think *all* txns should be done in the manager, but we can't realistically do that for everything15:28
bigjoolsyes, a test :)15:28
jmlwell, the manager could conceivably be written so as to only talk to the db via the webservice or XML-RPC. But even before that wire-level change was made, there could be an object that's solely responsible for mutating db state separate from the object that's responsible for coordinating the whole thing. I think such a separation would make the txn business much more transparent.15:31
EdwinGrubbsStevenK: I'm getting this error locally.  lazr.config.interfaces.ConfigErrors: ConfigErrors: schema-lazr.conf does not have a initialisedistroseries section.15:32
gmbEdwinGrubbs, StevenK: I'm getting the same error in EC215:32
bigjoolsjml: that's another way of looking at it, yeah.15:32
bigjoolsjml: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/513924/15:33
EdwinGrubbsgmb: I think we just need to remove that section from configs/development/launchpad-lazr.conf until it is added to lib/canonical/config/schama-lazr.conf15:33
gmbEdwinGrubbs: Agreed. Can you work up a branch for that and I'll review it?15:34
gmbI'm right in the middle of some hairy test changes.15:34
EdwinGrubbsgmb: sure15:34
jmlbigjools: why not delete updateBuilderStatus altogether and just call builder.rescueIfLost directly?15:35
bigjoolsjml: eventually - but some other shit needs it split out (can't remember what offhand)15:35
jmlbigjools: if you say so, but as best as I can judge here all updateBuilderStatus is adding is an optional log message15:36
jmlotherwise, looks good.15:37
gmbEdwinGrubbs: Thanks.15:37
bigjoolsjml: heh, MockBuilder is using it15:38
bigjoolsupdateBuilderStatus is also an utterly crap name15:39
bigjoolsjml: so.......I think the coding is done.  (except the minor cleanups)15:41
jmlbigjools: awesome15:42
sinzuiSomeone broke devel. the config uses initialisedistroseries but that is not defined in the schema15:42
bigjoolssinzui: sounds like StevenK's change :/15:42
bigjoolsbut I know he used ec2, so ...15:42
jmlbigjools: can you post it up for review? I won't be able to do a line-by-line, but I'd like a chance to see how it's all come together before it lands.15:42
* sinzui knows15:43
bigjoolsjml: sure thing.  I'm just going to prune the XXXes that are done15:43
jmlbigjools: cool.15:43
bigjools12 left!15:43
sinzuibigjools, the section was added to a config, but the testrunner does not use that config.15:43
jmlfwiw, I'm making the twisted/testtools thing I'm doing as rock-solid as I can.15:43
sinzuibigjools, I have a branch I want to land. I will have a patch in a few mintues15:43
bigjoolssinzui: ha.15:44
bigjoolsok thanks sinzui15:44
sinzuiEdwin ping15:44
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs ping15:44
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, We can add the section to the schema just as easily as removing it. Are you landing directly to PQM?15:46
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (68): STILL FAILING in 4 hr 8 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/68/15:50
LPCIBotProject devel build (114): STILL FAILING in 24 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/114/15:50
EdwinGrubbssinzui: gmb was going to review it first. I'm actually looking into adding it to the schema now, although I am surprisingly getting errors.15:51
sinzuiEdwin, this does not work http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/513935/ when added to the schema?15:52
sinzuiit works for me15:52
EdwinGrubbssinzui: well, it breaks the cronscript, because it doesn't have a dbuser, but that really shouldn't be my concern, since the tests are so weak, they don't detect that.15:54
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, yes, and I do not think that error dir path is in production15:56
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs, are you submitting directly to PQM?15:58
bigjoolsjml: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~julian-edwards/launchpad/builderslave-resume/+merge/3635115:58
bigjoolsit'll update with a bit more in 5 mins15:58
jmlbigjools: ta15:59
bigjoolsjml: I'm confused since I landed the cancel_on_timeout stuff separately but it's conflicting.  It's the same damn revision, so why!15:59
sinzuiEdwinGrubbs,  this was my test to verify the config is sane: ./bin/test -vvc --layer=Unit -t test_config16:00
jmlbigjools: I can wave my hands and say criss-cross merges16:00
bigjoolsfixing it ....16:00
EdwinGrubbssinzui: I was going to get a review first, although I'm basically copying your section.16:01
bigjoolsjml: --lca DTRT FWIW.  (that's a lot of acronyms)16:01
jmlten four16:01
bigjoolsIt's a shame I don't get karma per line of diff16:02
EdwinGrubbssinzui, gmb: here is my mp to fix the config error if either of you want to review it.16:04
sinzuibigjools, I would win in that case, and I already have a ridiculous amount16:04
* bigjools bows to the new overlord, sinzui16:04
sinzuiI like the sound of overlord.16:05
bigjoolsit fits well with your green nail polish16:05
sinzuiOne day I will be the god-emperor overload of the Earth, The Universe, and Canada16:05
gmbEdwinGrubbs: r=me.16:05
jmlbloody internet crap16:09
bigjoolsooo I just noticed that the merge page groups commits that were pushed at the same time16:09
sinzuimars, I think Canada is behind global warming. The transcontinental railroad is a dissatisfying hack to get to the Pacific. Canada really wants a NorthWest passage and it can have it when the Arctic ice cap is gone.16:10
marssinzui, alas, our true intentions became known at Copenhagen.  Why else would we start a war with Denmark over a miserable piece of arctic rock off the coast of Ellesmere Island?  Someone will have to put a lighthouse on it, and the Danes just wouldn't paint it the right colour.16:19
deryckabentley, hi.  maybe you can help me.  I pushed a branch for review with bzr lp-propose-merge.  I did this branch as a pipe and the plugin made my early pipe a pre-requisite in the MP...16:19
deryckabentley, is there a way to edit the MP and drop the pre-req?16:19
bigjoolsjml: there;s one more thing we didn't get around to fixing - an async getFile()16:19
bigjoolsI should probably do that now since it will have the biggest effect on concurrent performance of any of the changes :)16:20
* jml looks16:21
jmloh right16:21
jmlif you don't care about streaming data, then t.web.client.getPage is probably enough.16:21
=== benji is now known as benji-lunch
abentleyderyck: no, you need to create a new merge proposal.16:25
deryckabentley, ok, thanks.16:25
abentleyderyck: why was your early pipe not a suitable prerequisite branch?16:26
bigjoolsjml: didn't we try and use that elsewhere and had issues?16:27
jmlbigjools: that was a different branch, I think16:27
bigjoolsjml: maybe  - it's all a blur :)16:27
deryckabentley, because I wanted all revs from the start of the work in the diff for review.  Using the prev pipe as a pre-req, only the changes in the current pipe were listed in the diff for review.16:28
salgadoEdwin-afk, StevenK has already fixed the problem you've reported on launchpad-dev@16:30
abentleyderyck: ah.  The design assumes that you will want to submit each pipe for review separately.16:31
deryckabentley, right.  and in my case, I did some work (not submitted) then created new pipes to break up the work.16:32
abentleyderyck: so you still have the unsubmitted work in the first pipe?16:34
derycksort of.16:35
deryckhad branch 1, did work which amounted to a bunch of test refactors, saw the diff was getting long, add-pipe to submit it as it's own branch, then back to first pipe to keep working while that gets approved.16:35
deryckbut I did a couple small fixes in the second pipe to prep for review, which ended up being all that was up for review when the first branch was listed as a pre-req.16:36
* jml opens up buildout.txt again16:37
jmlwhat do I have to do to get "python setup.py egg_info -r -bDEV sdist" to work. Currently getting "error: invalid command 'egg_info'"16:39
abentleyjam: ping16:50
jamhey abentley16:51
abentleyjam: when would you like to chat?16:51
jamnow would be ok16:51
jamI tried earlier, not sure if you missed my ping16:51
abentleyjam: I guess I did.  Sorry.16:52
jamanyway, skype works best for me, if that is ok16:52
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
bigjoolsjml: I am thinking "separate branch" for the async getFile - the rabbit hole goes deep again17:13
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
bigjoolsjml: so go ahead, I won't make any more changes to that branch now17:13
jmlbigjools: ok. I might defer it until Monday, actually.17:16
bigjoolsjml: defer - heh17:17
jmlI should probably bump up the default timeout on the testtools twisted support17:23
jml0.005s isn't really going to work for Launchpad17:23
jmlthe good news is that in substance it seems to work17:24
bigjoolsI dunno whether to laugh or cry17:24
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abentleyjam: https://dev.launchpad.net/Code/BranchRevisions17:31
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bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: regarding your email to -dev about the config error, did you see that another branch landed 30 minutes later that adds the schema-lazr stuff?17:44
jmlg'night all18:11
=== matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara
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rockstarabentley, does anything use the storm Sugar class?19:46
abentleyrockstar: I don't know.19:49
rockstarabentley, didn't you write it?19:49
abentleyrockstar: yes.19:50
rockstarabentley, did you write it with a specific class in mind?19:50
abentleyrockstar: well, it was meant to be used with all classes.19:50
rockstarabentley, okay, so we're supposed to be moving towards it?19:50
abentleyrockstar: I dunno.  No one else really got behind it.19:51
rockstarabentley, yeah, that's what it looks like.19:51
LPCIBotProject devel build (115): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 45 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/115/20:02
LPCIBotLaunchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=salgado][ui=none][no-qa] Add the initialisedistroseries section to20:02
LPCIBotthe LAZR schema.20:02
jammwhudson: if you're awake and online, I just pushed up what I think is a successful layer setting up the forking service at the same time as the ssh twisted daemon21:32
jamI'd like to discuss one aspect, though.21:32
wgrantWhat is the state of ec2? I had six failures overnight.21:35
lifelessjml: hah. I tried to create an mp, the form hadn't submitted.21:35
jamwgrant: clearly the state is that it has 6 failures... :)21:36
wgrantjam: Well, given that it had at least six very different failure modes over the course of last week, I'm not sure that's a valid assumption.21:36
lifelessjml: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~lifeless/launchpad/paralleltests/+merge/38594 if you'd like to stash an approve vote for the toolchains delight21:38
barrylifeless: didn't we talk about problems pushing/pulling looms from lp?21:48
jamabentley: you still around?22:04
lifelessbarry: there was a mail thread about it22:33
lifelessbarry: where I said roughly 'update looms to use the newer bzrlib api I wrote for it'22:33
barrylifeless: yeah, i'd forgotten where we discussed this, and couldn't find a bug on it.  (it's still broken).  i suppose i should file a bug, but where?  launchpad-code?  bzr?22:48
wgrantHow are people landing stuff? Or is ec2 only broken for me?22:51
benjiwgrant: broken like this https://pastebin.canonical.com/37924/ ?23:03
wgrantbenji: EPERM23:03
marswgrant, <Thread(Thread-18, started daemon 47570760992528)> ?23:03
wgrantIn test_network?23:04
marswgrant, in lp.codehosting.puller.tests.test_worker.TestWorkerProgressReporting.test_network23:04
wgrantYeah, that one.23:04
marswgrant, stevenk has a fix in devel23:04
wgrantI know that's known to be broken, and there is a branch that fixes it... but stuff seems to still be landing.23:04
marslooking for  alinnk23:04
wgrantIs it actually in devel yet?23:04
wgrantI didn't see it fly past.23:04
marswgrant, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~stevenk/launchpad/test-thread-debug/+merge/3851023:05
marswgrant, you may still get windmill errors though.  And the consensus is to ignore the lot and us bzr lp-land23:05
wgrantmars: ah, so it has landed.23:09
wgrantIn that case, could someone please try to ec2 https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-629921-packages-empty-filter/+merge/37339, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-655648-a-f-maverick/+merge/37820, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/better-publisher-index-tests/+merge/38462 and https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~wgrant/launchpad/bug-661109-buildable-architectures/+merge/38529?23:11
LPCIBotProject db-devel build (69): STILL FAILING in 4 hr 8 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/69/23:19
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
LPCIBotProject devel build (116): STILL FAILING in 3 hr 41 min: https://hudson.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/116/23:43
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug=none] Removing redundant config section.23:43
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=lifeless][ui=none][no-qa] Fix single-line glob imports in doctests.23:43
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=gmb][ui=none][bug=none] Fixed ConfigError: schema-lazr.conf does23:43
LPCIBotnot have a initialisedistroseries section.23:43
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=sinzui][ui=none][bug=652315] Adds nofollow,23:43
LPCIBotnoindex to unknown code page for products.23:43
LPCIBot* Launchpad Patch Queue Manager: [r=adeuring][ui=none][no-qa] Use FixedHttpServer in the branch23:43
LPCIBotpuller's test_worker.23:43
wgrantDown to a single failure. Yay.23:44
lifelessbarry: bzr-loom + udd23:55

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