
zxy_64-2hi, i have latest lubuntu beta installed and updated. I have intel i810 gfx card. Video plays with stops if i dont use nomodeset kernel option. No i want to enable XV for video. How to do that?01:08
szczurrun Gnome Mplayer01:13
szczurthen select Edit > Preferences > Video output > XV01:13
zxy_64-2it doesn't work01:15
zxy_64-2i did: mplayer somevideo.wmv -vo xv01:16
zxy_64-2and it just plays sound. If i use sdl then it shows video too01:16
zxy_64-2seems like X vesa driver is the only one that works good enough for video playing and with X11 or sdl01:31
zxy_64-2xv malfunctions01:31
ninjiWell now it loads fast, though probably is a bit too minimal to the point that I can't get my nvidia drivers to install. Package "binutils"01:33
zxy_64-2how can i set up some cool screensavers in lubuntu01:42
|friTTe|Screensavers menu01:45
|friTTe|and if you want you can use Synaptic and search for Xscreensaver01:47
|friTTe|got some packages there =)01:48
zxy_64-2oh, thx01:56
|friTTe|some are called extras,01:56
|friTTe|but theres a explanation if you mark a package01:57
|friTTe|there are actually some nice ones, im using the Matrix code on this machine hehe01:57
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MossyfunkHow do I find out which video driver is being used?02:21
head_victimMossyfunk: not sure the best way but I know it does exist in /var/log/Xorg.0/log amongst other things02:34
Mossyfunkahh cool thanks man02:36
head_victimNo worries mate02:37
Mossyfunkits surporisingly enough named "RADEON"02:37
MossyfunkI can't find "lubuntu-control-center" as mentioned in a screencast. do I need to add a repo? After fresh install of 10.10 updates were failing but dist-upgrade seemed to fixn and update stuff02:50
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=== Mossyfunk|Smoke is now known as Mossyfunk
kiethQuestion: Lubuntu 10.0, installed to Pendrive using Universal USB Installer.  Persistence isn't working (set at 3gb).  Anyone else have this problem?07:57
kieth10.10, sorry07:58
bioterrorkieth, haha, I made yesterday some testings07:59
GhidorahLaptopI just tried the lubuntu live 10.10, and I am really liking it. :-)08:34
GhidorahLaptopit runs very well on this computer, and i was quite surprised with chromium08:35
bioterrorGhidorahLaptop, still satisfied?-)09:15
GhidorahLaptopit is very fast on here, despite only having 512 mb of ram09:19
GhidorahLaptopi have actually never used chromium before, until tonight09:20
bioterrorGhidorahLaptop, you should install adthawrth or adblock09:21
bioterrorI'm a adthwarth user09:21
bioterrorblocks ads09:21
GhidorahLaptopi will check it out09:21
GhidorahLaptopi had adblock plus on firefox09:21
GhidorahLaptopi will have to figure out how to install plugins on chromium09:22
GhidorahLaptopok, i found extensions09:22
GhidorahLaptopwould you recommend adthwart over adblock?09:23
GhidorahLaptopi have only ever used adblock09:23
bioterroryou can try out both, which you like more09:24
GhidorahLaptopi am glad that i installed09:56
bioterroryeah, lubuntu breaths new life to older hardware09:57
GhidorahLaptopi had ubuntu on it before, but i wanted something different09:58
bioterroryou might wanna join #ubuntu-offtopic09:59
bioterrorit's a channel where we chat all kind of things, this is mainly for the help10:00
ninjihey anyone around?10:39
bioterrorI am10:39
ninjiYea, I found this patch https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=514710:39
ninjiI wouldn't know where to begin on how to apply it10:39
ninjiIt supposedly modifies ctatc.c, but I couldn't even find that file on my system to edit it10:40
ninjihttp://www.pixelmonkey.org/2007/03/18/dv2000-alsa-patches I tried following those directions, but all I did was break alsa completely.10:42
ubot5Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs10:44
ninjiany ideas?10:49
bioterrorso you're having problems with sounds?10:51
ninjiYea, its only out of the spdif output.  Or rather through bit-perfect output10:51
ninjiit plays in mono10:51
ninjiworst than mono10:51
ninjiit plays out of a single channel, rather than both.10:52
bioterrorback in the 70's10:52
bioterroror something10:52
ninjiIts the "IEC958" Digital Audio output10:52
ninjigramophone, I am a bit young for that10:53
bioterrorbut let's think about your problem more10:53
GhidorahLaptopwhen i try to watch the chromium screencast which is a mp4 video, my chromium is missing a plugin. What do I need to install to fix that?10:54
ninjilost my chat bar10:54
ninjianyway if I could make a working Alsa compile with that patch the problem should be fixed.  It might already be fixed in 1.23, but it seems lubuntu is 1.2210:56
bioterrorrunning 10.10 and10:57
bioterrorSource: alsa-driver10:57
bioterrorVersion: 1.0.23+dfsg-1ubuntu410:57
ninjiaccording to the package manager I am running
ninjiI am using that 64-bit mini-iso10:58
ninjiIs it not updated to 10.10?10:58
bioterrorhe quitted11:00
bioterrordidnt have time to paste package11:00
ninjiThat guy?11:00
bioterrorpeople come and go11:00
ninjiMaybe he had same bug as me ;)11:00
ninjiI lost chat bar a second ago since I am not using a real irc client11:00
bioterroryou guys should use xchat or something11:01
ninjiToo lazy11:01
ninjiI might later if I come back more11:01
bioterrorstill wondering your sound problem11:01
ninjiWell according to others, it has much to do with releasing the resource.11:02
ninji+ /* Clear both chans */ + dao->ops->clear_left_input(dao); + dao->ops->clear_right_input(dao);11:02
ninjithat is part of the patch which proves this11:03
ninjiNot completely sure though, been a while since I have even used linux, even with its increased simplicitiy the backend workings are a bit alien to me atm11:04
bioterrorgotta keep googling11:05
ninjiI'll try it, but  I am getting sound.  Just out of one earphone(or speaker).11:06
ninjiyea the mixer gives me a pretty alsamixer gui11:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 358118 in alsa-driver (Ubuntu) "ALSA SPDIF IEC958 output no longer bit perfect (regression) (affected: 0, heat: 9)" [Medium,Triaged]11:08
ninjiwell then, seems like I got a bit of bad luck with that one11:10
bioterrorbasicly you're not alone with problems11:10
ninjiit explains why the output is not bit-perfect, but still doesn't explain channel imbalance which is an xfi issue11:10
ninjiYea, hmm I wanted to test this out but seems like i'll have to wait a while.  Lets assume an update comes out for Alsa, how would I update to it with lubuntu?11:11
ninjiespecialyl since my synaptec is 1.0.22 and yours is 1.0.2311:11
ninjidoesn't seem like its proper11:11
bioterrorI'm running 32bit11:12
bioterrorlet's have a look11:12
bioterrormy linux mint 9 machine says Version:
ninjibut your lubuntu is 1.0.23?11:13
ninjihmm, looking for a repository I could maybe add to sources that will upgrade my alsa11:15
bioterrormy ex coworker had hp dv laptop11:15
bioterrorand he always had some problems running ubuntus, but nothing with SuSe11:15
bioterrorand I was always configuring it for him11:15
bioterrorand once he askd if I would like to have bottle of something11:15
bioterrorand he offered redwine, but I said i'm a whiskey person more11:16
bioterrorand ofcourse I got the cheppeast and bad testing bottle :D11:16
bioterrorit was disgusting even with the coke :D11:16
ninjiYea I always have problems with Linux11:16
ninjibecause my hardware is not necessarily matched for it.11:16
ninjiI am pretty sure with a USB transport on a Intel Atom box I won't have nearly as much trouble as I am with this one11:17
bioterrorI havent had any problems with my INTEL  D945GLF211:18
ninjiYea thats what I figure11:18
bioterrorbut that sounds thing, it's a challenge11:19
ninjionly for this machine11:19
OctavioO you are here ninji :)11:20
ninjibut if alsa is not bit-perfect in its current build I would have no control over that11:20
ninjiyep I am ;)11:20
Octaviolol i have like 2 months without entering this channel, so busy with college11:20
ninjibut this xfi channel imbalance, theres a fix out there I just need to get it patched into alsa.11:20
ninjiI don't think I am a ninji you know11:21
GhidorahLaptopwhen i try to open a video, i get this: Failed to open VDPAU backend libvdpau_nvidia.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory - but, the video still runs. I want to get rid of the error, but i do not know what to do11:21
* Octavio googling.... define:ninji11:22
ninjiWhat video player are you using Ghidorah?11:22
bioterrorGhidorahLaptop, http://vsingleton.blogspot.com/2010/02/failed-to-open-vdpau-backend.html11:22
GhidorahLaptopgnome mplayer11:22
ninjiyea try that blog11:23
GhidorahLaptopok thanks11:24
bioterrorwish I could help you ninji11:24
GhidorahLaptopnow i need to find out why chromium cant play embedded mp4 videos such as the lubuntu screencast about chromium11:24
bioterrorbut I have to raise my hands up11:24
OctavioWell guys is 3:23 am here in Sonora(Mexico). I hope we call talk more tomorrow. : ) See you all.11:25
bioterrorGhidorahLaptop, sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra && killall chromium-browser11:25
ninjithats fine i11:25
ninjii'll figure something out11:25
ninjiciao man11:25
meetingologyninji: Error: "octavio" is not a valid command.11:25
ninjibah  forgot IRC commands started with @ usually11:26
bioterrornope, ! or . ;)11:26
Octavio^_ -11:26
meetingologybioterror: (help [<plugin>] [<command>]) -- This command gives a useful description of what <command> does. <plugin> is only necessary if the command is in more than one plugin.11:26
meetingologybioterror: Error: "plugins" is not a valid command.11:26
bioterror@list plugins11:26
meetingologybioterror: Error: 'plugins' is not a valid plugin.11:26
ninjialright I am going to try updating alsa without any patch, going to be a while and will probably go to bed11:26
ninjiso night ;)11:26
GhidorahLaptopbioterror, that is already installed11:27
bioterrorGhidorahLaptop, chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-nonfree ;)11:27
GhidorahLaptopno luck with that either :-/11:29
|friTTe|morning my brothers from another mother11:29
OctavioWell  I'm leaving now, see you soon guys :)-11:30
GhidorahLaptopwould chromium-codecs-ffmpeg get the mp4 playing?11:35
GhidorahLaptopi have extra, and nonfree, but it still wont play11:35
bioterrorit should be intalled by defaul11:35
bioterroryou can check it out too11:35
bioterrorif it's not11:35
GhidorahLaptopi installed it, and it removed extra, and nonfree, and still wont play11:37
bioterrorcant understand11:38
GhidorahLaptopi dont eithe11:39
GhidorahLaptopthe only format i am having trouble playing is .mp411:41
bioterroryeah, and it should be supported11:42
bioterrorcan you share the file with me?11:42
bioterroris it on a webpage11:42
bioterrorthat I can leech it11:42
bioterrorjust a moment11:43
bioterrorusing pendrive and installing citrix icaclient11:43
|friTTe|wont play for me either11:49
GhidorahLaptopthat link works12:03
GhidorahLaptopi have a question about when starting up lubuntu. right before it gets to the logon screen, there is a quick screen with some sort of error, but i can't read it in time. do you know of it?12:04
bioterrorI get the same :D12:05
Mossyfunksame here12:06
Mossyfunkhey bioterror12:06
bioterrorI have nothing in logs about that12:12
GhidorahLaptopno sounds working on pidgin12:19
bioterrorbooted twice and didnt see it12:20
GhidorahLaptop(07:21:03) gstreamer: Resource not found.  is what i get in pidgin debug window when i try to preview a sound on pidgin12:21
bioterrorGhidorahLaptop, cannot help you with that one12:23
slow-motioni can't find the lubuntu-control-center from the video on lubuntu.net13:57
slow-motionwhere is it?13:57
|friTTe|i think that a.deb file you will have to download14:00
|friTTe|i dont have it either14:00
slow-motionhttps://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa < ok, i found a ppa for it14:01
|friTTe|yeah there it is14:01
|friTTe|hmm hehe id ditn have that Ppa =)14:03
|friTTe|well i do now14:03
slow-motionit ist most of the settings menu together in one tool. but it looks like a nice to have thing14:09
|friTTe|yeah, but it looks really nice14:12
|friTTe|easy to find all the stuff14:12
slow-motioni tried lubuntu on my laptop, switched to xubuntu because i was more familar with it and now back to lubuntu, because xubuntu looked to "heavy" for my taste14:15
slow-motiongotta go now14:19
head_victimSo to get the "proper" lubuntu experience the PPA is pretty much required?15:18
head_victimFrom what I read it was only really for testing, is that not the case?15:18
head_victimHello leszek16:48
head_victimWish me luck, my VM for lubuntu is going to natty as we speak17:16
mrandrzejakis it possible to install the Ubuntu Software Center in Lubuntu?19:11
szczuryes, without problems19:29
szczursudo apt-get install software-center19:30
mrandrzejakbingo! thanks19:30
szczuror use synaptic to do that19:30
=== Administrator is now known as Guest63195
Guest63195Where do we go to suggest changes to the GRUB used by Lubuntu?19:41
=== Guest63195 is now known as kieths
leszekkieths: you can subscribe the mailinglist, but basically I guess you go to Ubuntu as Lubuntu uses the ubuntu grub19:44
GhidorahLaptopis there any fix for this GLib WARNING getpwuid_r failed due to unknown user id 0? it occurs right before the login screen.19:44
kiethsThe splash (using live Pendrive) show Lubuntu, then a cropped off Lubuntu graphic at the bottom of the screen....19:44
kiethsAnd when exiting (shutdown), it says to remove the cd, then hit enter....  Don't want that on my SD/ USB installation.  Wasn't there in 10.04.  Regression on 10.1019:45
kiethsGuessing the Logo / splash screen with the menu and all is GRUB (probably a graphic artwork gone awry).19:46
kiethsThe Shutdown asking for ENTER, can't guess when that's coded.19:47
GhidorahLaptopwooot, just figured out what was wrong with my sound in pidgin.19:52
leszekkieths: that has both nothing to do with grub19:53
kiethsVery good.  With what part does it deal?19:54
leszekkieths: for getting away the eject message try to add the boot option : "noeject noprompt"19:55
leszekthis should supress the message19:55
leszekthe splash during booting is created using plymouth19:56
kiethshmmmm... Using the shortcut (lower right corner), clicking Shutdown.  I'm guessing I'd need to find a way to modify the GUI's link?19:56
leszekkieths: no I mean the bootoption in grub19:57
kiethsPlymouth.  That's a point in the right direction, thanks.  Will chase down the artwork designer on Plymouth.19:57
kiethsMight be able to modify the graphic screen if I can identify which file it is.19:57
leszekkieths: the artwork is alright19:58
leszekits no artwork problem19:58
kiethsIt says lubuntu, (1/3 down from top), then lubuntu at the bottom, slightly cropped off.19:59
kiethsIt's that hazy blue-white - -- a graphic, not text19:59
kiethsPerhaps its just not justified to full screen, and instead is tiling..19:59
leszekkieths: you are talking about the bootsplash that also shows the animated dots while booting ?20:04
kiethsbefore.  selection menu background20:05
leszekah ok, then its the syslinux graphics I guess. Did you create the live usb stick with usb-creator ?20:06
kiethsuniversal usb installer20:07
leszekI don't know this one but I highly guess that this universal usb installer did something wrong20:07
kiethslooks same as when blasted to cd...20:08
kiethsworked on 10.0420:08
kiethsalso, no 'remove cd / press enter' prompt on 10.04, but there is on 10.10.20:09
kieths....both, as default20:09
leszekI cannot reproduce this here with the lubuntu live cd (the graphics look like this: http://yfrog.com/2cbildschirmfoto1scp20:11
leszekkieths: the prompt to 'remove cd and press enter' is there since ubuntu 5.04 :P20:11
leszekas I said before it can be deactivated by adding "noprompt noeject" to the bootoptions20:12
kiethsI see historical 'fixes' and refs to it.  Assuming the universal USB Installer did something to remove it for 10.04 during USB install (MUCH MUCH preferred!!!), but didn't do so on 10.1020:13
leszekyeah it added noeject to the bootoptions in 10.04 I guess20:14
kiethsbootoptions.... will search to find whereabouts, assuming preferences or similar..20:14
kiethsmakes perfect sense - and makes even more sense when its not a cd!20:14
leszekkieths: no those boot options are those ones you can type in by pressing f6 here: http://img84.imageshack.us/i/bildschirmfoto1sc.png/20:15
leszekI guess universal usb installer is using syslinux so there you might simply add those options in the syslinux.cfg file on your usb stick20:16
kiethsthen.... select each time?  no good.  Using the installatoin as a fast in, fast out one trick pony, running a script.  Don't want click here, there options in the way..20:16
kiethsWikll look into that - compare 10.04 vs 10.10 USB files20:17
leszekas I said you can edit the syslinux.cfg and add the option there right after quiet splash20:17
kiethsgood stuff...and thank you very very for the direction...20:17
kiethsDropped the timeout to 1 sec, auto-select first option.  Inside Lubuntu, added a startup script to auto-delete the Install to hdd shortcut which auto-adds itself each boot.20:18
kiethsMade a 'real-feel' OS.  Google bombed (persistence enabled, so it's persistantly dead), so added my preferred browser, Firefox.20:20
* phillw waves to leszek :)20:31
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czzmy remaining battery percentage is stuck at "estimating".21:22
czzany know fixes?21:22
bioterrorur battery is okay?21:25
czzseems to be21:26
leszekczz: I think its a known bug , see the release announcement of ubuntu21:26
leszekno fix avaiable I guess21:26
czzfar enough, thanks21:27
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=== fredrik__ is now known as |friTTe|
manfredrastahi all22:43
manfredrastaanybody knows a good way to download videos like from youtube?22:44
bioterroryoutube-dl - download videos from youtube22:44
* phillw uses a plugin for firefox22:44
|friTTe|clipgrab is awesome, can choose resolution and all too22:44
manfredrastai dont use firefox22:44
bioterrormanfredrasta, apt-cache show youtube-dl22:44
bioterrorshows you the information22:45
manfredrastai use chromium22:45
manfredrastaand for any flash video? not only youtube?22:45
phillwmanfredrasta: so do I the vast majority of the time, there are some web developers tools still only on Ffox, although the chromium team are making astounding progress.22:46
manfredrastaphillw, ok, and that plug in for firefox?22:46
bioterrormanfredrasta, http://rtmpdump.mplayerhq.hu/22:46
manfredrastaphillw, also have ff22:46
phillwmanfredrasta: http://www.downloadhelper.net/22:49
manfredrastaphillw, ok22:49
phillwAhh, well cool :D  http://chrispederick.com/work/web-developer/ is now available for Chrome/Chromium :)22:50
phillwI know he was working on it.22:51
manfredrastaphillw, ill try that22:52
phillwmanfredrasta: It's the only real reason I still use Ffox, as it links up for testing my accessibilty for my coding.22:53
manfredrastaphillw, nothing to do with my problem :)22:53
manfredrastaphillw, i thought it was a download plugin for chromium22:54
phillwno, that plug in just for people who write web sites22:54
manfredrastaphillw, i write web sites :)22:54
phillwthe one bioterror gave you would probably be better for downloading stuff.22:55
manfredrastaphillw, what do you mean?22:55
phillwwell, it is available now in chromium, which means I do not need both browsers running :)22:55
manfredrastaphillw, ok22:55
manfredrastaphillw, ill try with ff22:56
manfredrastaphillw, its not a problem22:56
phillwmanfredrasta: I write to http://mgjuddltd.co.uk/conformance.php standards22:56
manfredrastaphillw, what is that page¿22:58
phillwthe culmination of two months of testing and re-writing :)22:58
phillwI was so close the AAA, the guys who push for it gave me loads of help.22:59
phillwI'd have settled for AA, but they said I could achieve AAA22:59
manfredrastaphillw, i dont understand what do you mean by AA or AAA23:00
phillwThere are 3 grades for web accessibilty, know a 1, 2 3 and also as A, AA, and AAA, with 3 and AAA being the highest.23:01
phillwmanfredrasta: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=32 charts my progress.23:02
manfredrastaphillw, and once i have an .flv file?23:05
manfredrastaphillw, how can i wach it?23:05
phillwthe player in lubuntu should be able to play it23:06
manfredrastaphillw, ok. ill tell you :)23:06
manfredrastaphillw, it works23:11
manfredrastathank you23:11
phillwyou're welcome.23:12
GhidorahLaptopi really like lubuntu, but unfortunately, i have a habit of making a mess of installations, so i will have to reinstall tonight23:16
phillwGhidorahLaptop: if you're one who likes messsing and breaking things, you may want to make a sperate /home partition so your personal data is safe.23:18
GhidorahLaptopthe only problem i had that i really know of was that pidgin wasn't playing sounds, but i got that solved23:18
GhidorahLaptopi am really impressed with chromium23:19
GhidorahLaptopwhat would be a good size for the / partition ?23:28
phillwthe / partition only needs to be couple of GB.23:29
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czzwhat makes lubuntu so appealing?23:52
czzand how does it use less resources?23:52
phillwczz: It's small, lean and keen. the use of lxde instead of gnome / xfce means it has a lower over head. Also the programmes that have been chosen are very carefully chosen to be the lowest over head possible, yet be functional.23:53
phillwczz: there's a joke that if we want a programme adding to the list, it must use no disk space, and no RAM or CPU time when it runs ;)23:54

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