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lagGrueMaster: I think they're amazing08:08
lagGrueMaster: I already have quite a few Cobras, but Kings are awesome08:09
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asmcos"apt-build world" can compile all arm source code package ?08:56
asmcosCan I re-compile  all soft package ?08:57
persiaYou can certainly recompile everything.08:57
persiaI'm unsure if that syntax is correct for apt-build.08:57
persiaI'm not sure why you'd want to recompile everything though.08:58
asmcosmaybe i want to use a newcompiler ?08:58
asmcosdo you compile ubuntu 10.10 for arm ?09:00
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asmcosdo you have any document about compile ubuntu for arm ?09:01
hrwasmcos: you have lot of arm cpu power to waste?09:02
hrwhi njpatel09:04
asmcos你是linux forum的hrw?09:05
njpatelhrw, hey dude09:05
hrwasmcos: recompilation of whole ubuntu on arm hardware will take ~month if not more...09:06
asmcosfor arm,09:06
asmcosnow on arm09:06
asmcosnot on arm09:06
asmcosuse cross compiler09:07
hrwasmcos: cross compilation of ubuntu packages is not working for lot of packages09:07
asmcosis nothing,i need part packages09:09
asmcosI need know the compilation methods09:10
asmcoshow many do ubuntu 10.10 have packages?09:11
asmcosapt-build support cross-compile ?09:14
hrwasmcos: you need to get used to xdeb09:15
asmcoshrw:thank you09:15
persiacross-compilation *can't* work for lots of the packages.09:16
persiaAnd the number of packages that will fail to cross-compile only increases as people implement more built-time test suites (which we consider best practice)09:16
persiaNote that everything there now is native-compiled.09:19
asmcoscompile ubuntu on arm ?09:19
persiaFrom what I understand, nobody has ever done large-scale extensive testing to ensure it is safe to mix native- and cross- compiled code.09:20
vstehleHi ogra, I saw you released images for the AC100 (http://ac100.gudinna.com/); nice!09:33
ograkind of "images" :)09:34
persiaAnd a personal release, really :)09:34
ograits just a hacked up rootfs :)09:34
ograyeah, spare time fun09:34
vstehleThe kernel is at http://gitorious.org/ac100; how comes you don't have a branch in maverick kernel already ? :)09:35
persiamaverick is frozen.09:35
vstehlepersia: Oh, right, I forgot.09:35
persiaFor natty, needs someone to maintain it.09:35
vstehleOn another topic, I found an interesting "side effect" of the netbook edition; bug #66100309:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 661003 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Debconf dialogs are hidden (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66100309:36
vstehleNot very "user friendly" :)09:37
persiavstehle, What priority did you set the debconf prompts?09:37
vstehlepersia: No idea; I'll check.09:37
ograright, they neew to be high or critical to be shown iirc09:38
ogravstehle, the kernel is 2.6.29 ... we wont pull that into the distro :)09:38
persiaI hope not!09:38
ogranor will there ever be "real" images unless someone pays or the community steps up to get them (but in a more proper way than "untar that to your SD")09:39
persiaMostly just needs one or two folk.  A kernel maintainer and someone to do image verification.09:40
persiaMind you, getting hosting on cdimage is a bit more opaque and complicated, but in theory.09:40
ograwell, first of all it would need a way to wrtie the kernel updates to the device somewhere :)09:41
persiaOne can't do that even after booting a proper kernel?09:41
bercohi there09:41
bercotrying to test #637947 SRU09:41
ograyou cant access the boot bits on the emmc09:41
ograberco, a bit premature :)09:42
hrwogra: use kexecboot09:42
ograberco, the kernel was just accepted a few minuted ago ... and alsa-utils wasnt yet09:42
bercoogra: I just received the notification, thought I could test :)09:42
ogragive it time to build ;)09:42
hrwogra: you put kexecboot kernel in flash, it boots, search on sd/flash for distro kernel and kexecs it09:42
bercoso that's normal I get maverick-proposed not found09:42
ograhrw, if kexec works, yeah09:42
hrwogra: Zaurus guys do that for quite long time09:43
bercoin sources.list?09:43
ograhrw, we had a spec for that to replace u-boot about three releases ago09:43
ograberco, yes, you need to enable it deliberately, -proposed is for update testing09:43
ograberco, packages go to proposed first, only if they recieved enough testing they go to -updates09:44
persiaIt's been 90% done for a couple releases as well, just nobody ever really wanted it enough to finish it.09:44
ograits kind of a staging archive09:44
bercoogra: but does it exist yet? I get 404 not found on it09:47
persiaProbably not built yet.09:47
ograso i was testing the sound fix for the last half hour ... suddenly hearing nothing anymore since i started today09:47
persiaAnd you discovered that your headphones were unplugged?09:48
ogra.... and i just noticed my headset is plugged into my laptop09:48
ograhaving team calls at night is NOT helpful !09:48
persiaHeh.  +1 for the "is it plugged in" method of troubleshooting :)09:48
ograok, works all fine09:48
* ogra calms down again09:48
bercoogra: persia: thanks, that's good news09:48
ogranow that really woke me up at least09:49
ograberco, we're still missing one part09:49
bercoogra: what do you need?09:49
ograthe pulseaudio profile file isnt there yet09:49
ograso currently HDMI isnt exposed in the UI09:50
bercohas abduenas sent you anything?09:50
ogranot yet09:50
vstehlepersia, I checked the debian/preinst of the concerned package, and all the 'db_input' I see there have a "critical" priority. Also, the window is presented, only it appears in the background, so I don't think this is related to the prio after all.09:50
* ogra checks the longish mail thread again ... i probably missed it09:50
bercoogra: how can I take your changes to test on my side?09:50
bercoI have abduenas file, I could probably share this with you too09:51
persiavstehle, Indeed, it's not.  I think it's related to maxiumus or whatever replaced it.09:51
ograberco, you would need to compile alsa-utils and the kernel from the source package ... better just wait09:51
persiaogra, You understand these WM oddities better than I: any ideas?09:51
hrwogra: switch to using BT headsets for calls09:51
ograpersia, might be a timestamp issue09:51
vstehleogra, persia, you know, the message actually _is_ presented. Its window is just "below" the software center, I think...09:52
ograpersia, i havent done much with WMs for the last 1.5 years but i think metacity introduced a timestamp thing, would probably be a question for mvo if sw-center has "always on top" set or some such09:52
ograthat might override the timestamp09:53
ogravstehle, in any case file a bug against sw-center09:53
persiaogra, timestamp? for wnck-placement stuff?  (and I haven't done anything with WMs in >15 years, so you're closer)09:53
ogra(mvo might reassign it to debconf-gkt or so)09:53
persia661003 is definitely the right bug.09:53
persiaBut yeah, probably needs mvo.09:53
ograah, alsready there09:53
vstehleogra, yes09:54
ograbug 66100309:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 661003 in software-center (Ubuntu) "Debconf dialogs are hidden (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66100309:54
ograheh, you're to fast vstehle :)09:54
vstehleogra, the only problem with this is that it is "user unfriendly" :)09:54
persiavstehle, That's a bug :)09:54
ograyes, agreed09:54
bercoogra: persia: just updated #637947 with proposed profile09:58
ogramy alsa-utils fix can need some improvement09:58
bercocan you test if HDMI works?09:58
ograno biggie, but alsactl init is only actually needed if no state file exists (it does no harm if its run when it exists but is a useless extra call)09:59
persiaSo it's only needed the first time?10:00
ograi'll update the fix with a check for the state file i think10:01
ograi mean i could as well leave it in ... the mixer volumes are properly restored etc10:01
ograbut its not "clean"10:01
ograberco, your pulseaudio.rules wont work10:18
bercowhat's wrong with this file? I just uploaded the file from our audio team10:44
ograberco, it will only work on blaze ;)10:47
bercoogra: agree.11:23
bercois that possible to "or" in the ATTRS{id} field of the rules file? I guess the conf file can apply to both blaze and panda boards11:25
devilhornsogra, !! (just felt like shouting your name) :P11:28
ogradevilhorns, !!!11:28
ograberco, either that or switch inside the conf and use something else in rules11:30
ograi'll have to inspect that11:30
ograberco, once the basics are in i'll look at pulse (unless someone beats me to it)11:32
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asmcoshi all14:22
persiahey asmcos14:24
persiaWere you able to get maverick running on your 3530?14:24
asmcoshi persia14:24
asmcosi should try14:26
asmcosi want to compile source code14:26
persiaOK.  Any code in particular?14:26
asmcosi see14:29
asmcosi need a example14:30
persiaThe "hello" package is the classic example.14:31
persiaSo, apt-get source hello should get you the source.14:31
persiaBut I still think you want to install 10.10 on your 3530 before you proceed.14:31
asmcosdebuild -nc -us14:32
persiaYou could.  I'd probably do `debuild -b -us -uc`14:33
asmcosi hope do a command to compile some packages ,not a package14:35
asmcosso i use apt-build world14:35
persiaWhat do you expect `apt-build world` to do?14:43
ogra_accleanup my house !14:43
ogra_acand do the dishes indeed :)14:44
rsalvetivstehle: ogra_ac: https://edge.launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev/+archive/release14:49
rsalvetilet me try with the ti icon14:49
ogra_acrsalveti, well, enable universe/multiverse first14:50
* ogra_ac will upload the fix for that fater the call14:51
ogra_acno ndec, damned14:55
ogra_achis -config package will completely break audio14:55
ogra_acit collides with the fix thats in the archive nw14:56
gmdqhello, after writing the image (ARM/OMAPMaverickInstall wiki) EXT4-fs (sdc2): bad geometry15:00
gmdqhow extract it manually15:01
vstehlersalveti, you will need to enable universe/multiverse15:03
ogra_acvstehle, are yu near ndec ? we're all waiting for the chair ...15:03
vstehleogra_ac, I'll got get him :)15:03
rsalvetivstehle: just did that, will now try with the icon15:04
ogra_acvstehle, thanks :)15:04
lagsebjan_: Is there a meeting today?15:04
ogra_aclag, patience is golden15:04
* lag just hung up15:04
vstehleHe's back15:05
lagDo you mean "patience is a virtue"15:05
persiaUnapproved packages in maverick-proposed: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue?queue_state=115:10
rsalvetivstehle: ogra: interesting: Total size: 80.9GB to download, 80.9GB when installed15:48
rsalvetiusing ubuntu-omap4-extras15:48
persiaSome blueprints links: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/~davidm/+specs?searchtext=%27-n-%27 is about as close as I can figure out how to find the ones davidm is looking at.15:50
persiahttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n is the set that shall be discussed at UDS.15:51
rsalvetindec: these are the x-loader changes we made for panda: http://gitorious.org/~rsalveti/pandaboard/rsalveti-x-loader/commits/omap4_panda_es2.116:00
rsalvetiwould be nice to check this performance difference we have on blaze16:01
ndecrsalveti: thanks. we will look into this. vstehle, see ^^^16:01
ndecrsalveti: where is the branch for the MLO for blaze?16:03
rsalvetindec: I'm using the same one for panda and blaze16:03
rsalvetijust build it for sdp443016:03
ndecrsalveti: ok.16:03
ndecrsalveti: looks like we don't have this one for blaze: http://gitorious.org/~rsalveti/pandaboard/rsalveti-x-loader/commit/71d0d1faf3c40a2c394c73869fc6030ca56b3d1216:04
rsalvetindec: yup16:04
rsalvetibecause no one was complaining of sync lost with it16:05
rsalvetibut let me check what clocks are being used for blaze...16:06
rsalvetindec: we don't need this patch for blaze because it was already with these values16:08
rsalvetifrom sebjan_ commit it seems it was changed at panda because of the 6 layers board16:08
ndecrsalveti: right16:09
gmdqhow extract preinstalled img with netbook ubuntu to directory ?16:19
ogra_acyou mean to SD card ?16:21
ogra_acor do you want to extract the content ?16:22
gmdqextract content16:22
ogra_acwell, easiest is surely to extract to SD and then just grab stuff from the second partition16:23
gmdqwith sh -c 'zcat . ...' - EXT4-fs (sdc2): bad geometry16:23
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ogra_acalternatively you can gunzip and loop mount16:23
GrueMasterActually, it is easier to mount the partition.16:23
ogra_acext4 fs ?16:23
ogra_acthe image doesnt contain any ext416:24
ogra_aconly vfat and ext3 filesystems16:24
gmdqhm, i use ext4 driver for ext2 and ext316:24
ogra_achow exactly did your command look like ?16:24
GrueMastergmdq: First run "gunzip < <image.gz> > <image>"16:24
GrueMasterTo uncompress it.16:24
ogra_acdid you extract to a filesystem instead of a disk ?16:24
gmdqi know16:24
GrueMasterThen type "file <image>" to determine partition start block.16:25
gmdqone second16:25
GrueMasterTo mount it, type "mount <image> <mount point> -o loop,offset=$((512*<start block>))"16:25
rsalvetiGrueMaster: that should be in the wiki page16:26
GrueMasterexample:  sudo mount maverick-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img mnt/ -o loop,offset=$((512*63))16:26
GrueMasterI think it is, just can't remember *which* wiki page.16:26
* rsalveti out for lunch16:26
gmdqGrueMaster: thx16:27
GrueMasterThe above example is for the boot partition.16:27
cpearsonGrueMaster: I tried booting from the the image and I get a CRC error on the Kernel.16:46
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GrueMasterCompare md5sums with the md5sums file in the release directory.  If they match, write /dev/zero to your sd card & reflash the image.16:47
* GrueMaster out for an hour. Driving to Portland.16:48
ndecogra: GrueMaster: do you know where the cdimage.ubuntu.com server is located? is it UK or US?17:39
ogra_aclondon ...17:42
ogra_acwant the address ?17:43
ndecogra: thanks! no need for the address!17:54
ndecogra: the 'ports' are mirrored on ubuntu standard mirros. I am talking about cdimage mirror, not archive. any reason?17:54
ogra_acnothing is mirrored17:54
ogra_acneither cdimage.u.c nor ports.u.c17:55
ogra_ac(probably worth putting up an UDS spec about that ;) )17:55
ndecogra: how about https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+cdmirrors17:56
ogra_acjust space issues, i think the reason is to not put off mirror admins by wasting their space for rather rarely used images17:56
ndecogra: oh this is r.u.c, right?17:56
armin76ogra_ac: what bogomips do you have on the ac100?18:09
ogra_ac2x ~200018:10
armin76k, 1998 && 1992 on the harmony board18:12
armin76wonder why they're different18:12
ogra_achow are they different ?18:12
ogra_acoh, you mean between the cpus ?18:12
ogra_acsame here18:13
ogra_acno idea though, probably one has the gpu directly attached18:13
persiaUm, there are some cdimage mirrors, but most of them aren't very complete.18:19
oli44hello, channel!18:24
oli44this is my first time here, gving a try to an omap board named igep18:25
ogra_acyour mileage may vary with the igep218:26
ogra_acthere are still some patches missing to make the images properly work on them18:27
rsalvetiogra_ac: latest update should have most of the fixes18:27
ogra_acah, k18:27
oli44actually , i purchased it with a working ubuntu 9.04 SD18:27
ogra_acthen i'm not up to date, rsalveti is your man ;)18:27
rsalvetihm, actually some of them are not yet released, just at the repo18:27
oli44i'd like to upgrade to the LTS: if i add a line such as deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports lucid main multiverse universe then i dist-upgrade, that sould do the trick?18:29
ogra_acno, use do-release-upgrade18:29
oli44yeah, already tried it but without adding the lucid line18:32
oli44back in a few minutes18:33
oli44hopefully for cheers18:33
oli44hmm, says no new release found18:42
sunnydrakehi can anyone post links on rootfs (preferably busybox) images?19:19
sunnydrakeand pxa270 arm images?19:20
ogra_acwe only have preinstalled omap3/4 and live dove images19:20
ogra_acfor other rootfses see the channel topic19:20
sunnydrakethnx one more question kernelimage will output something without rootfs?19:21
sunnydrakenot on serial..via display19:21
ogra_ackernel is up to you, we dont have a kernel for that HW19:21
sunnydrakei compiled kernel for arm but dunno if it works.. currently it jsut blank via haret boot19:22
cpearsonI just ran the updater for the first time on a clean image today for the Pandaboard build... All of the updates show as being 704MB, when downloading it says 2MB to download19:59
rsalveticpearson: yeah, that's weird, as I said in the morning, when getting packages from ppa it showed me 80.9GB to download20:01
rsalvetiprobably a bug somewhere20:02
cpearsonsomeone is dividing by close to zero eh?20:03
rsalvetihehe, probably something like that20:08
rsalvetialso, when installing ubuntu-omap4-extras the license is set as unknown20:10
rsalvetiit should be proprietary or oss/proprietary, something like that20:10
oli44just failed a release upgrade, machine is stuck20:14
oli44libc-bin broke libc6 package20:14
oli44now everythin segfaults20:16
oli44even cat or cd20:16
oli44not cd20:16
oli44bug ls20:16
oli44is it recoverable?20:17
rsalvetioli44: which release did you use as base when upgrading?20:17
GrueMasterAnd what platform?20:22
oli44jaunty on omap (igep, beagle board like)20:23
rsalvetiok, seems at least sgx, wifi and bt are working fine from ppa21:01
ndecrsalveti: this is cool!21:22
ndecrsalveti: http://trailers.apple.com/ to test video from firefox, using GST plugins21:22
rsalveticool, will check gst21:23
GrueMastermpoirier: Did you want to submit a track on alsa soc for UDS?21:23
rsalvetindec: should it work with 720p and 1080p?21:23
ndecrsalveti: yes21:24
ndecrsalveti: for such resolution you need to have a full hd monitor, if you use a standard monitor, you need to play full screen, we currently have a bug when downscaling too much21:25
mpoirierGrueMaster: to explain how the thing work in the kernel ?21:25
GrueMasterMore of what can be done in the kernel drivers to improve userspace interaction.21:26
GrueMasterHave you gotten any detailed info on UCM?21:26
mpoirierMy quest was related to how the ABE, PDM and FE worked together - I did not looked into UCM specifically21:28
mpoirierI got my information on the former.21:28
mpoirierI'm still thinking about the "to improve userspace interaction"...21:29
rsalvetindec: yeah, saw that bug while at ti21:29
mpoirierGrueMaster: I don't see how that interaction could be improve - the current implementation is the ultimate in terms of flexibilty.21:31
mpoirierGrueMaster: unless you have ideas.21:31
rsalvetindec: awesome, trailers.apple.com works nicely :-)21:35
ndecrsalveti: eheh... and the cool thing is the CPU load ;-)21:37
rsalvetiyeah, around 15%21:37
mpoirierGrueMaster: I think we could fix our other omap3 boards using the same solution that was implemented to fix panda.  After all, the all export a distinct string in /proc/asound/cards.21:54
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