
nigelbmorning folks00:39
Pendulumhiya nigelb00:40
nigelbPendulum: heya00:40
nigelb5 am is an unholy hour to wake up :/00:40
duanedesign'lo nigelb00:41
Pendulumnigelb: yes, yes it is00:42
nigelbhey duanedesign00:45
nigelbduanedesign: github'd as promised http://github.com/nigelbabu/git-repo-tools :)00:45
doctormonigelb: Nice work!00:48
nigelbakgraner: congrats! http://www.linuxpromagazine.com/Online/Blogs/ROSE-Blog-Rikki-s-Open-Source-Exchange/Announcing-our-new-Associate-Web-Editor?blogbox00:53
duanedesign /501:22
nigelbduanedesign: 4201:23
akgranernigelb, thanks!01:51
* nigelb hugs akgraner 01:52
nhandlerHey highvoltage03:18
highvoltagehey nhandler03:18
nigelbim off, later folks03:19
nhandlerTake care nigelb03:20
highvoltagenight nigelb03:20
aragood morning!07:32
vishpopey¦ re: the youtube theme.. can i have a shot at it?07:43
vishhighvoltage , popey¦ is there a reason the wallpaper was used as the background?07:45
nigelbmorning ara, dpm07:49
nigelbdpm: oooh, I didn't notice you were doing 2 sessions for UOW07:49
dpmhi nigelb, yeah, I signed up for a fallback one in case I forgot the first one ;)07:50
dpmgood morning everyone!07:50
nigelbdpm: hahah, looks lke you did forget :p07:50
vishhmm, also whats up with the Ubuntu logo there.. we need a new shiny avatar for the channel ;p07:55
dholbachgood morning! :)07:57
aramorning dholbach07:58
nigelbmorning dholbach :)07:58
dholbachhey ara, hey nigelb07:58
nigelboh, right, I need to mail translators08:02
nigelbmorning kim008:02
kim0nigelb: morning man08:03
* kim0 waves good morning to everyone08:03
dpmgood morning dholbach, ara and kim0!08:04
kim0dpm: dholbach ara hey .. morning08:04
dholbachhey dpm08:04
dholbachhow are you all doing?08:04
nigelbwaiting for weekend :/08:05
nigelbdang, I can't find nathan's mail08:06
dholbachhttp://xkcd.com/806/ - awesome08:17
nigelbOMG, that is so real08:21
=== ara__ is now known as ara
vishhrm!!! » http://www.petitiononline.com/buntubug/petition.html08:26
AlanBelldholbach: excellent!08:47
kim0hey czajkowski morning09:38
czajkowskiFRIDAY :D09:38
nigelbheya czajkowski10:18
vishjcastro¦ hmm, why is it askubuntu.com and not ask.ubuntu.com ?10:26
JanCprobably because it's not officially part of Ubuntu?10:53
vishJanC¦ oh! dont let jcastro hear you say that ;)11:06
JanChe can edit http://meta.askubuntu.com/questions/434/what-is-stackexchange-is-askubuntu-officially-related-to-ubuntu-or-canonical  if he doesn't agree ;)11:10
akgranerdpm, thanks - I just made the changes and resent the reminder to the session leaders for today.11:26
dpmakgraner, no worries :)11:27
* akgraner puts a sticky note on her computer that she needs to step away from the computer after 10pm 0.o :-)11:27
highvoltagevish: yes, it was just a quick hack to get rid of the orange :)12:22
mattiakgraner: Apologies for not starting off yet with the Ruby classes, but I am way to busy with my university work right now.12:26
akgranermatti, no worries - when the time is right it will all fall into place :-)12:27
akgranerbut I have you on my list of people to bug, er um ask to participate in future sessions12:28
vishhighvoltage¦ i was just playing with youtube theming » http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot.png  ?12:28
vishi still need to get the colors right.. i think12:28
vishi cant see any option to change the padding thickness. :(12:32
mattiakgraner: *hug*12:36
mattiakgraner: Again, my deepest apologies.12:36
akgranermatti, thanks!12:36
duanedesignmorning all12:44
highvoltagevish: yeah the options are rather limited12:44
dholbachjames_w, do you see anything blocking https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~dholbach/harvest/656217/+merge/37935 to go in?12:51
dholbachjames_w, I think I waited long enough now and will just merge it and ask him to file a bug if he accepts a different behaviour12:51
dholbachso we can get a release out :)12:51
dholbachbut first I'll go for lunch now - let me know what you think :)12:51
james_wdholbach, I don't see why it shouldn't be merged12:52
dholbachok, thanks12:52
* dholbach hugs james_w12:52
* AlanBell just introduced -uk to the cake song12:55
* Pendulum is still avoiding the cake song :)12:57
JFogreat work AlanBell :)13:15
sensegood afternoon13:16
* vish tried to trick Pendulum … darn it, dint work! :(13:16
vishI think someone needs to play that song everyday from the room next to Pendulum's at the UDS! then she cant avoid it.. ;p13:20
czajkowskieh no13:23
sensevish: There will be other people there as well, other people who also have ears and hearts.13:26
vishsense¦ perfect! spreading the JFo joy more! :-D13:27
vishor evil.. whichever..13:27
JFoI have the mp3 of it13:29
doctormofinally back on IRC14:06
doctormoWho knew a service called "telepathy" used by a program called "empathy" which all claims to be xdg compilent would store it's account information in ~/.mission-control14:07
* doctormo rolls his eyes at how daft that is.14:07
vishdoctormo¦ hah! you are not alone!  when i was reinstalling i thought that was from ground control!14:14
doctormovish: Do you know who I can go moan at to help me with this rotten computer? I'm stuck at 800x600 and it's annoying the hell out of me.14:33
vishdoctormo¦ tried  #ubuntu-x  ?14:33
doctormothanks vish, trying there now /14:38
jcastroJFo: your mail doesn't indicate where the wiki page is, what equipment we should bring, etc.14:39
JFothat is what I am asking for.... who is bringing what14:39
JFoI have a list of things Pete, Jono and I are bringing14:40
JFoI just want to see what everyone else will have14:40
JFoso I can add it to the list14:40
JFojcastro, I didn't mean for it to sound like people should bring things14:40
JFojust want to see what they plan to bring14:40
jcastrowell, what do you need?14:41
JFonothing really, we are pretty much taking care of everything, but if people want to bring their instruments...14:41
jcastroit's times like this when I wish I owned a bassoon14:41
JFounless someone has Mic cables about 25 feet long14:41
JFothat is cool14:41
JFodude, a bassoon would be cool14:42
JFoI'd try my hand at clarinet14:42
JFoand we could have the all-star big band14:42
doctormoJFo: what are you setting up?14:42
JFodoctormo, All Star Jam14:42
doctormoah, all-stars14:42
JFoyeah :)14:42
jcastroJFo: "Dan, come up here, and bring your knife."14:43
jcastroJFo: sorry, I am all about deadwood lately14:43
JFoit's cool. It was a great show14:43
jcastroJFo: just what my sailor mouth needs14:43
JFojcastro, they were very eloquent in their use of swearing14:43
jcastrothey average an F bomb ever 1.58 minutes or something according to imdb.14:43
jcastrothat seems like a conservative measurement14:43
akgranerJFo, if you want a basson - I am sure Deanna would let us borrow one14:44
akgranerI want to borrow the gong14:44
jcastrodo you have a tuba?14:44
JFoooh, I bet she wouldn't let the gong go14:44
jcastroI play a tuba (seriously)14:44
akgranerhe knows where to get one14:44
jcastrooh man, if we have a gong14:44
JFoI do indeed14:44
jcastrofor lightning talks14:44
akgranerJFo, with a big enough deposit she will14:45
JFoakgraner, well of course14:45
JFobut who is funding the deposit?14:45
JFonot I14:45
akgranerhmmm not me14:45
jcastroso, pete14:45
JFohe won't go for that14:45
JFoI guarrantee14:45
akgranerjcastro, rackspace has a gong - ask rick clark to bring it14:45
JFothat would be a pain to try and get on a plane14:45
akgranerit's rackspace can't that ship it - just Austin to Orlando14:46
JFo"If the pilot does a bad job, he gets gonged"14:46
JFonice sentence btw akgraner :)14:46
akgranerJFo, BLAH - I gave up trying to have perfect IRC sentences - I can't even have them in a conversation in person my less when I type14:47
akgranerTime to gwibber all about Open Week Day 5  - woo hoo14:48
doctormoakgraner: Congratutions on another awesome week.14:48
akgranerdoctormo, I'll send you a copy of my poster when i get it finished - thanks for your time! :-)14:49
akgranerinkscape IS my friend14:49
doctormoakgraner: You did a poster? :-)14:50
akgranerI am working on it - :-) (For the Goat Festival)14:50
jcastroakgraner: hi2u14:56
jcastroakgraner: can you intro OW? I have a call with the lovely daviey14:56
kim0jcastro: ready for the call with daviey15:00
kim0jono: morning16:23
jonohey kim016:24
jcastrowhere did this week go16:46
jcastroakgraner: congrats btw16:47
akgranerjcastro, thanks!16:47
jcastroI blogged about it, bless your heart16:47
akgranerjcastro, you're awesome!16:48
jcastrokim0: fyi this is what I ended up with http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001GXLDMO/ref=oss_product16:52
* kim0 looking16:53
kim0jcastro: cool .. you hook that to eSata right16:53
kim0and it seems to have a built in raid controller16:54
jcastroyeah when it gets here16:54
jcastroyeah but people are telling me to just run it in nonraid mode and use mdadm16:54
kim04x2TB disks huh16:54
jcastroyeah, except the drives don't get here until monday16:54
jcastroso I will have an empty box delivered today16:54
kim0any kind of builtin ups or something16:54
jcastrono just a PS16:55
kim0jcastro: people telling you to use mdadm to avoid proprietary raid cards writing weird format crap to your disks, right ?16:55
kim0and your data would be locked in that box forever16:56
kim0You might even feel cool enough to format the whole thing in btrfs16:56
jcastroI was mulling a drobo since it's all automatic but the linuxjournal guys (and popey) told me the things are horribly slow16:57
kim0what kinda computer will be driving this baby16:57
pleia2yeah, they are :\16:57
jcastroI will be using ext4 on 10.04LTS for my server until it dies16:57
kim0that's probably the safest choice16:58
popeyi am mulling over a low power acer aspire revo (which has esata) and an external sata enclosure16:58
kim0what about an ASrock16:58
popey(to replace the drobo)16:58
popeyhttp://www.amazon.co.uk/-/dp/B001H54JXG that kind of thing16:59
jcastropopey: that's basically what I got16:59
jcastroone black box, JBOD it.16:59
popeytempted to use freenas or similar, on USB sticks, mirrored17:01
popeyjcastro: what do you run on it?17:03
jcastroubuntu server, what else?17:03
kim0If I wouldn't be running linux .. I'd actually be tempted to run zfs17:07
dholbachok my friends17:07
dholbachI call it a day17:07
dholbachhave a great weekend!17:07
kim0dholbach: o/17:07
dholbachsee you all next week17:07
* dholbach hugs you all17:07
kim0akgraner: are we sending that uow survey to attendees as well ?17:09
akgranerI have no way of sending to *all* attendees17:10
kim0awk magic to irclogs.ubuntu.com ? :D17:10
akgranerI am posting it to ubuntu-news later today on a post17:10
kim0get a list of nicks .. get emails from LP .. spam the world ;)17:11
vishjcastro , popey¦ what do you think of theme-ing  the youtube channels like this » http://dl.dropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot.png ?17:11
akgranerkim0, if you have that much time have at it :-P17:11
kim0akgraner: I could really do it17:11
kim0wouldn't take that much time17:11
kim020mins or so17:11
akgranergo for it after the last session today then17:11
kim0I wonder if LP would let me get a person's email ?17:12
akgranerthen at UDS show me how you did it17:12
akgranernot if it is blocked17:12
popeykim0: yes, if they let you17:12
akgraneryou can only get the public ones17:12
kim0is the default open ?17:12
popeydont think so17:12
popeymany people dont show theirs17:12
popeybut there is a "contact this user" button17:12
kim0then we're kinda doomed17:12
vishpopey¦ cool! i need access :)17:12
popeyif they're members though, you can get it17:12
akgranerbut you can only send 3 people in 24 hours17:13
popeytheir launchpad ID @ubuntu.com :)17:13
akgranerafter that LP locks you out17:13
akgranerask me how I know17:13
kim0akgraner: if you just get the irc nick .. is that useful ?17:13
popeysending JFo some viagra spam again akgraner ?17:13
akgranerand I filled a bug - it got closed then I reopened it and went round and round about it17:13
popeyof course if someone hides their address one should respect that17:14
akgranerkim0 I don't like pm'ing people I don't know personally17:14
kim0I don't know how to get around the LP limitations17:14
akgranerI wasn't asking to get their addresses  - I was just asking to email more than 3 people in a day17:14
popeyhmm, should do a referral scheme17:14
popeyget people to refer other people to do the survey17:15
popeyand reward people who refer most17:15
popeyi.e. get other people to do the spamming for you :D17:15
* kim0 afk17:15
akgranerpopey, if you make that happen please do :-)17:15
akgranerok just tweeted, dented, and FB'd the survey - can you all pass only the word17:20
popeytbh I didn't even know there was a survey going on17:24
popeyso there is a bit of marketing fail there :)17:25
akgranerdpm, ScottL logs for your sessions are up links are on the following pages: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/openweekMaverick/  -  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek17:25
dpm\o/ thanks akgraner!17:26
jcastro< charlie-tca> sebsebseb: missed you last session17:26
nigelbjcastro: strange17:26
nigelbI just talked to somone who's pissed at that guy17:26
nigelbwell, not so strange apparently17:26
jcastronigelb: I think he was joking17:27
popeynigelb: how so?17:27
nigelbjcastro: dang, I read that as "missed your session" as a kick in his shin17:27
nigelbpopey: far too many people pissed at him :/17:28
popeyhe's young17:28
popeyit happens17:28
* nigelb isn't glad about what he did during Xubuntu session17:28
nigelbIf it wasn't when I was packing up to go home, I would have talked to irc council17:29
pleia2akgraner: fwiw, the ubuntuclassroom twitter account tweets sessions, might save you some effort to retweet them :)17:29
akgranerjcastro, will you be around for a few?  I need to run to my moms house right quick17:29
nigelbakgraner: I will be around for  afew :)17:29
pleia2(oh, identi.ca too)17:29
akgranerpleia2, DOH  - I always forget that part17:30
akgranerok stepping away for a few  - thanks nigelb and jcastro17:30
duanedesignjcastro: i have sent out some emails to get  information re:communityReview-beginners17:42
duanedesignjcastro: i have gotten a coupl responses. Should I FWD them to you, or add info to wiki?17:43
jcastrojono: you were right, 4 rooms too many, fixed.18:28
jonojcastro, thanks18:30
jonojcastro, what is the current on IS landing the changes?18:30
jcastrojono: I am actually just now leaving for lunch18:34
jcastroI'll check with daviey in a bit18:34
jonothanks jcastro18:37
nisshhjono, is there ever going to be another UDS outside of Europe/USA?18:57
jononisshh, not planned right no18:58
nisshhjono, that sucks for us aussies :(18:58
jononisshh, yeah19:03
jononisshh, do loads of great ubuntu work and you could get sponsored :)19:04
jcastrojono: ticket just got resolved (just got the mail)19:06
jcastrojono: now we're good19:06
jonojcastro, sweet19:06
jonojcastro, site looks the same19:07
jcastrohe hasn't pushed yet19:07
jcastrothe permissions bits have been sorted with IS19:07
doctormoWow everything looks so small after dealing with 800x600 for 3 days.19:07
doctormoInfo warning: My problem with nvidia was caused by the 2.6.35 kernel, downgrading to 2.6.32 (lucid) kernel allows me to have the nvidia driver loading. Some weird kernel bug.19:08
nisshhjono, well, i would have applied for UDS-N but my parents don't agree with me being into computers :(19:09
nisshheven though im legally allowed to make my own decisions19:09
jcastromaco: or Technoviking: you can unsticky the openweek thread in the forums, thanks for your help!19:10
doctormonisshh: How old are you and which country are you in?19:12
nisshhdoctormo, 19, in australia19:12
JFodoctormo, interesting19:12
doctormonisshh: Should be ok :-) unless you live at home.19:12
JFodoctormo, have you filed me a bug? :-P19:12
nisshhdoctormo, yep, live at home, broke currently :|19:12
nisshhdoctormo, i really do hope to get to UDS eventually :)19:14
jcastronisshh: you just missed us, we were there in 2005.19:16
* jcastro grins19:16
doctormonisshh: UDS is a good event, hard work though.19:16
JFoI fully expect to me (more) worthless after UDS19:17
JFomore as in more than normal ;)19:17
nisshhjcastro, yea i know, i didnt start using Ubuntu until end of 2008 though19:17
nisshhdoctormo, so ive heard :)19:18
doctormoJFo: Could you repeat that? I didn't understand.19:18
jonoJFo, looking forward to seeing you, bro19:18
JFodoctormo, due to the tough work we do at UDS19:18
JFojono, you know it :-)19:18
nisshhjcastro, im on the west coast of au, so that wouldnt have worked anyway :|19:18
jonoJFo, "train roll on"19:18
JFojono, I miss you when you are away19:19
JFowe have another one19:19
JFocalled 30 Days in the Hole19:19
JFoit is an old Humble Pie song19:19
nisshhJFo, don't get all emotional on us here, it's after midnight :)19:19
JFoI think you'll love it19:19
nisshhfor me anyway19:19
JFonisshh, I'm an emotional person :)19:19
nisshhJFo, i see :O19:20
JFodoctormo, or were you asking me to repeat the bug question ;-)19:20
doctormoJFo: No, that's on it's way (second bug report)19:21
JFoah, excellent :)19:21
JFothank you19:21
JFodoctormo, let me know the number once you have it19:21
JFoplease and thank you19:21
dpmok, have a great weekend everyone!19:24
jcastrocya david!19:24
jcastronice job this morning!19:24
JFosee ya dpm19:24
doctormoJFo: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/66139419:25
ubot2Launchpad bug 661394 in linux (Ubuntu) "Compal/nvidia breakage in system76 laptops (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]19:25
dpmsee ya jcastro, JFo, enjoy the WE!19:25
JFothanks doctormo19:26
doctormojono: Are you looking forward to seeing me again?19:26
jonodoctormo, not really19:26
jcastronor me19:26
jonodoctormo, that's an odd question19:26
jcastrooh I thought you meant JFo19:26
jonokind of creeped out right now19:26
doctormojono: lol, I figured you had a list of people you wanted to twitter ecstatically about being able to rock out with at UDS.19:27
jcastrodoctormo: I look forward to seeing you19:27
jcastroJFo, not as much19:27
jonodoctormo, erm, not really :)19:27
* doctormo wanted to make sure the list was updated ;-)19:27
jcastroJFo: Dan, come up here, and bring your knife19:27
jonoI want to hug JFo19:28
jonomy little pookie-bear19:28
* JFo needs some jono huggies19:28
* nisshh is now creeped out19:28
JFoOy he's a good little piggy19:28
nisshhmake that very creeped out :)19:29
JFojono I am bringing the turntables to UDS19:29
jonolol, doctormo is cool, he doesnt creep people out19:29
jonoI was just kidding19:29
jonoJFo, I am going to wear a cap sideways19:29
JFoI've been looking all over for a bacon print tuxedo for you19:30
doctormonisshh: You don't really have reason, I haven't drawn you yet.19:30
JFoeverybody has them as a joke, but I want the real deal :)19:30
doctormoJFo: Would that look like a butchers smock?19:31
JFodoctormo, no, it is actually a tuxedo with silk screened bacon on it19:31
JFolooks awesome19:31
JFowould look ever funnier (and ironic) on jono19:31
JFoerr Mr Bacon19:32
nisshhJFo, thanks for the mental picture :)19:32
JFonisshh, :)19:32
JFothere it is ^^19:32
nisshhJFo, haha19:33
* nisshh washes his eyes out19:33
doctormoMine is Owens, should I buy leeks and spin them? hmmm. Last names.19:34
jcastrojono: perms fixed, moving on now!19:34
jonojcastro, cool, glad Charlie could help19:35
jonohe was really responsive19:35
* jcastro sees light at the end of the tunnel19:35
jcastrojono: did I tell you what daviey did to me yesterday?19:35
jcastrohe pm's me with "we're screwed, I hear they want to get rid of the new track idea and revert everything back to the old desktop, server, etc."19:35
jcastroI broke down into tears19:36
JFojcastro, I bet you had a heart attack19:36
jcastrothen he was like "haha jk"19:36
JFooh man19:36
JFoyou have to get him back at UDS19:36
doctormojcastro: Were you like "I punch you because jcastro said so!"19:36
* JFo devises a plan19:36
* JFo heads to jcastro... AND BRINGS HIS KNIFE19:37
jcastrohe waited just long enough for me to be duped19:37
JFoclickey the wrong key19:37
jcastrobut not too long where I would have done something rash19:37
jcastrohe basically hit the troll "golden zone"19:37
JFothat may require a reward of some kind19:38
nisshhheh, this has got to be the best channel on freenode :)19:43
duanedesignTechnoviking: jcastro unstuck the openWeek thread19:43
duanedesignhey jcastro did you catch my message re:community review19:44
jcastrono I didn't19:45
jcastroduanedesign: fwd me what you have!19:45
duanedesignok :)19:46
doctormoLooks like we're ready to release Ubunchu Chapter 07, thanks everyone for your reviews.19:48
macojcastro: you said on meta.u.se that porting the stackapplet to appindicators would make it work in kde too, and thats been done, but when i look inside that package i dont see anything installing into /usr/bin/ so how am i supposed to run it?19:51
jcastrono clue19:54
jcastroask George in chat19:54
jcastroin gnome there's a menu entry in accessories19:54
jcastroI think it's just a python script19:54
jcastromaco: I don't think he's very experienced making linux apps, help here would be appreciated19:55
jcastromaco: also, #ubuntu-stack. :)19:55
jcastroyeah, applications -> accessories19:55
macooh applications -> accessories, i get it19:55
macohow? there's not even a .desktop file!19:55
macohmmm how recent is the one you're using?19:56
macomaverick's version is from early august19:56
jcastrothe one in maverick is a gnome applet19:57
jcastrothe one in lp is appindicator enabled19:57
jcastromaco: there's a KDE one somewhere iirc19:57
macoyeah i tried it and posted a reply to it pointing out that it does naught but crash. no response.19:57
jcastroposted a reply to it?19:58
macojcastro: might want to put a note in your blog post that the one in the maverick repos isnt the same?20:03
doctormojcastro, jono etc can you retweet: http://twitter.com/realdoctormo20:05
jcastromaco: yeah when I get some time20:08
jcastroor leave a comment and I'll get back to it20:08
paultagI love G++! It has such amazing error messages. So clear and to the point! http://pastebin.com/f9nUbARt20:22
doctormopaultag: Did you cat puke on the keyboard again?20:25
paultagdoctormo, I'm very allergic to cats :(20:26
paultagdoctormo, but yes, that's what it looks like20:26
doctormopaultag: Perhaps G++ is too20:27
paultagdoctormo, it's like it was meant to be computer-readable. But then threw in human digest-able inconsistencies so that neither one can read it20:27
paultagso you have to look for little bits that you remember20:27
paultagand then go oh yeah, that's what it is20:27
doctormoThis is why we stick to Haskel in the Ubuntu universe.20:27
jcastrojono: almost there (fixes landed)20:44
jcastrojono: needs color20:44
jcastroduanedesign: OH. Those things.20:52
jcastrodude, THANK YOU20:52
jcastroI am so behind on those it's not even funny20:52
paultagjcastro, beginners team stuff?20:53
paultagjcastro, dude just delegate20:53
paultagjcastro, we got tons of people on the bt, just offload on someone who's not me20:53
jcastroI believe I sent a mail paultag20:54
paultagjcastro, well excuse me20:54
jcastrono worries, it's on -bt20:54
jcastrothe more the better20:54
jcastropaultag: especially students. :)20:54
paultagjcastro, I graduate in under a year, you better start getting off that mindset, champ20:55
paultagjcastro, I have a beard, damnit20:55
paultagdude, I have so much to do. I have to finish figuring out the last classes I need to graduate and then find a job20:56
paultagthe last thing I want to do right now is anything that has to do with real life20:56
paultagtime to get some food. love ya'll.20:58
duanedesignjcastro: i have some more coming21:03
jcastroduanedesign: yeah!21:04
jcastroit's coming together folks!21:04
duanedesignoh wow. I am so excited.21:05
akgranerjcastro, will there be any *extra* rooms that I can highjack for interviews21:09
akgraneror do I just have to scope it out on Monday morning21:09
akgranerI'm trying to schedule them in advance so people aren't standing around waiting and I'm not grabbing people last minute and they aren't prepared21:10
akgranerjcastro, just shared my list with you21:11
jcastrooh hey21:12
jcastrothat reminds me21:12
jcastroakgraner: what's the gear situation?21:12
jcastroare you bringing your own or will you reuse our cameras?21:13
akgranerI'll have my own but was hoping that if the crew who was there last time will be there they can record some of them21:13
akgraneryou know like Mark, Jane, Platform team etc21:14
akgranerand the others I'll have my camera Tripod and mic21:14
akgranerand Jamie said he would bring a camera too21:15
jcastrowe should have plenty21:16
jcastroakgraner: please remind me on sunday night so we can hand it over right away21:16
czajkowskiakgraner: doing the survey for UOw and wondering is it the right link as it's asking about sessions i attended and just thought it would be more focused on would or did presenters find it useful21:16
akgranerjcastro, can do21:16
akgraneryep - I could only ask 10 questions and didn't have time to do 2 separate surveys21:17
czajkowskithe survey is inda catered towards members of the community who took part21:17
czajkowskihmm ok21:17
akgranerI'll update the surveys when I update my survey monkey account21:18
akgranerfor next cycle :-) the pro account is $200 per year so I gotta budget for that21:19
JFoakgraner, the package is in my possession. :)21:22
akgranerJFo, great! thank you!21:23
JFono sweat21:24
doctormoakgraner: $200? Pay me $200 and I'll make you some survey software.21:30
akgraner:-)  I can get mad a strangers and yell at them and demand things  - I can't do that with people I know21:30
akgranerhence why I try not to do business with family or friends21:31
czajkowskiI bet21:31
akgraneryou all only get the nice me ;-)  99.9% of the time21:31
doctormoakgraner: lol, this is an example of why FOSS doesn't work. We just can't get the commissioning business off the ground.21:31
jcastrodoctormo: she's saying she doesn't because she knows you21:32
akgranerdoctormo, I have paid people to work on FOSS things for me - just not my friends21:32
jcastronot because it's foss21:32
JFolet me tell you, you do not want the not nice akgraner21:32
doctormojcastro: I thought we were here to be friends and do fossy things?21:32
* JFo gets fossy21:32
doctormoOr does one preclude the other... because that might explain a lot.21:33
akgranerdoctormo, it's my personal policy not to do busy with family or friends - nothing to do with FOSS21:33
akgranerbusiness even21:33
doctormoakgraner: I got you to admit your my friend! Mwhaha.21:34
* doctormo understands21:34
jcastroakgraner: http://www.limesurvey.org/21:34
* akgraner looks21:34
jcastrodo note that that software doesn't even come close to passing the security team's review21:34
jcastrowhich is why we don't use it21:34
jcastroGNOME uses it though21:34
doctormowhy PHP! Why!21:35
doctormoDjango, pylons, anything else, just not PHP21:35
akgranerjcastro, oooh looks cool...21:36
doctormojcastro: could you retweet my ubunchu release news?21:39
jcastrodoctormo: I'll pass this time dude, I'm not into anime.21:40
jcastrounless it's dragonball21:40
doctormoabridged or not abridged? Although this is manga not anime and it's also about Ubuntu.21:40
jcastrodin din, I'll be around in a bit21:41
akgraneroff to play band mom - homecoming football game :-)21:55
jonojcastro, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/summit/+bug/66147822:39
ubot2Launchpad bug 661478 in summit "Determine track based on blueprint title. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]22:39
jcastrojono: you're supposed to click "this bug affects you" for a +122:47
jcastrobut I won't tell anyone22:48
jcastrovish: HAY BUGCONTROL LOOK HERE ^22:48
jcastrojono: ok, we're in great shape, last bit is the room # top thing but that's filed22:48
jcastrosurely Daviey is passed out by now22:49
jcastro<--- EOD22:49
jcastrohave a good weekend everyone22:49
jonojcastro, great work, pal22:57
jonohave a great weekend!22:57
doctormojono: Know anyone in the ubuntu community who will retweet Ubuchu 7?23:09
jonodoctormo, send it out with an #ubuntu tag and I am sure it will get re-tweeted :)23:10
doctormoThere are tags in twitter?23:10
nhandlerdoctormo: #ubuntu (the # makes it a tag)23:15
doctormothanks nhandler, this whole proprietary twitter thing is all greek to me.23:17
paultagdoctormo, it's the same on identica23:17
nhandlerdoctormo: The tags work the same on identi.ca23:17
paultaghey nhandler, can I squeeze a quick review of a package I just hacked up?23:18
doctormopaultag: That social thing I never use ;-)23:18
paultagdoctormo, :)23:18
paultagnhandler, I'm trying to get more better with my packaging23:19

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