
robert_ancellTheMuso, what video did you watch for utouch?01:26
TheMusorobert_ancell: Both the youtube and blip.tv versions.01:26
robert_ancellTheMuso, it ran fine for me, weitd01:27
TheMusoIt ran fine for me as well, but the music was a little stuttery thats all.01:27
robert_ancellTheMuso, right, I didn't notice it the first time around, but I do now :)01:30
TheMusoOk not just me then. :)01:30
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pittiGood morning07:35
didrocksgood morning07:59
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mvohey seb12808:30
* pitti waves to and hugs the French mafia08:30
* pitti hugs mvo, too08:30
mvohey pitti08:30
* vish *phew* was wondering when mvo became french08:30
mvovish: hahaaha08:31
mvovish: if that happens I'm screwed, my french is just too bad to survive08:31
vishhehe :_08:31
pittimvo: we'll found our own little German community then08:37
seb128hey mvo pitti08:42
seb128sorry, xorg crashed on user switching08:42
seb128not sure if I should blame it on intel but it happens quite often since maverick it seems08:43
pittiseb128: I got that as well08:44
seb128on intel as well?08:44
pittiit worked pretty reliably in lucid08:44
seb128same here08:45
seb128so natty is open today?08:52
mvowith compiz? or metacity as well?08:52
didrockssalut seb12808:53
didrockshey mvo, pitti08:53
mvoit seems to be pretty stable for me, but without compiz08:53
mvohey didrocks08:53
pittiseb128: yep, upload away08:53
seb128hey didrocks08:53
mvoaha, its open? *cool*08:53
pittiwas a nice wave of "accepted" mails this morning08:54
pittigot 2/3 of my merges done08:54
seb128so it's time to break natty ;-)08:56
mvohey mpt09:27
mvompt: ok, hold on a sec, I need to grab the headset09:29
cassidyseb128, didn't you have a GTK3 package?  Is it usable / safe to install ?09:34
seb128cassidy, yes and yes09:34
seb128the amd64 builds have issues though09:34
seb128they seem to build again and again or something09:34
cassidycool, I'll push it to your PPA as well then09:35
seb128you can build it locally or use the i386 build though09:35
seb128to my ppa?09:35
cassidythe TP one09:35
cassidyas new empathy depends on gtk309:35
seb128cassidy, is that an unstable ppa?09:35
cassidywe use to push latest versions of the TP stack09:35
cassidyor maybe I should just depends on your PPA09:36
seb128there will be need for other sources no?09:36
seb128ie webkit-gtk309:36
seb128or libunique-gtk3?09:36
cassidyyeah probably09:36
seb128we don't have those yet09:36
cassidyare you going to push them to this ppa at some point ?09:36
seb128I did gnome-desktop yesterday09:36
seb128we will add things as they get ready over time09:36
cassidyare you just pushing the libs or the apps as well ?09:37
seb128just libs09:37
seb128that's meant to be a gtk3 stack that people can install to do porting work09:37
seb128it's not meant to turn your stable into an unstable09:37
cassidyok cool. Do you know how PPA deps are deal with? If I add this PPA as a dep of mine, does this mean user have to add your PPA manually ?09:38
cassidyok, so everything should be parrallel installable with existing libs09:38
seb128yeah, most of it should be09:38
seb128not sure for the ppa dep but I think users would have to do nothing09:38
seb128it should just work09:38
cassidyok, I'll add the dep on the tp-devel ppa for now09:39
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Shred00how long does it typically take for a package to show up in -proposed after being submitted?11:34
ari-tczewpitti: ^^11:35
pittithese days around 24 hours11:36
pittiI process it every day, sometimes twice a day11:36
Shred00ahhh.  not automated then.  :-/11:41
Shred00pitti: did you see evolution in your -proposed travels in the last 24h?11:49
pittiyes, it's in https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/maverick/+queue?queue_state=111:50
chrisccoulsonjcastro - do you think we should add http://askubuntu.com/ to our default bookmarks?11:56
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cassidyseb128, didrocks: what's the best way to test gnome-shell on Maverick these days? Is there an official PPA or the maverick pkgs are recent enough?12:02
ari-tczewpitti: do you use syncpackage script?12:03
seb128cassidy, jhbuild?12:03
pittiari-tczew: yes, when I do Debian uploads12:03
cassidyseb128, there is no official PPA as planned during UDS?12:03
seb128cassidy, the maverick pkg are recently for what you can get with tarballs12:03
seb128cassidy, g-s is not in a buildable state for months using released version12:03
cassidyok, I'll jhbuild then12:04
seb128cassidy, they depends on gtk3 and other moving parts we didn't catch up with12:04
cassidydo you plan to pkg gnome-shell 3.0 for Maverick+1 (even in universe) ?12:04
seb128but not before UDS12:05
seb128I don't think they rolled tarballs for a while12:05
seb128they might still be refactoring things12:05
cassidyI guess/hope the RT will push more for releases this cycle12:05
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jcastrochrisccoulson: I would like to do that yes, but I was just going to defer asking you until UDS13:36
chrisccoulsonjcastro - ok, cool. i'll add that one to the default set then :)13:36
jcastroseb128: seen this before? bug #66052513:37
ubot2Launchpad bug 660525 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Pinned notes displayed as separator lines (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66052513:37
seb128jcastro, hey, didn't see that one13:37
seb128jcastro, could you assign it to karl?13:38
seb128chrisccoulson, hey13:41
seb128chrisccoulson, is firefox still using gnomevfs?13:41
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 - how are you?13:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the current version, yes13:41
jcastrochrisccoulson: though after the discussion in that thread everyone wants a bookmark, maybe we should do it like we do the desktop and keep the entire thing clean13:41
seb128I'm doing fine thanks13:41
chrisccoulsonbut FF4.0 can use both gnomevfs and GIO13:41
seb128chrisccoulson, how are you?13:41
chrisccoulsonyeah, i'm good thanks13:42
seb128chrisccoulson, both or either?13:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, it can use either, and it will select one at runtime13:42
seb128could you build only with gio?13:43
seb128or split the gnomevfs code in a different binary?13:43
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure there's a build option for that, but it would be trivial to do13:43
seb128chrisccoulson, do you use bugs for your todolist? want one about that?13:43
chrisccoulsonseb128 - please feel free to open a bug for that13:44
seb128on what component?13:44
chrisccoulsonseb128 - just on firefox13:44
seb128seems firefox is the last remaining user on libgnomevfs on the depends install13:44
seb128out of libgnomeui and bindings13:44
jcastroseb128: what's karl's workload on this? the appindicator patch is giving upstream problems, this one13:44
chrisccoulsonyeah, we can fix that :)13:45
seb128jcastro, "on this"?13:45
jcastroand the one that breaks it on xubuntu etc (I think the fallback is broken)13:45
seb128jcastro, dbarth said karl was on schedule for what he has to do and we can assign him bugs if we need some to be worked13:46
seb128jcastro, he said that early today13:46
seb128jcastro, so feel free to just assign those tomboy issues to him13:46
jcastroI'll ask him to look at these too13:46
jcastrotwo even.13:47
jcastroseb128: I thought DX was going to look into this pin/custom UI issue13:47
jcastrohmm, you know what, nevermind.13:47
* jcastro whistles13:47
seb128yeah, let's not get started on what dx is supposed to do ;-)13:47
jcastroseb128: we should have left it13:51
jcastrolike we did in 10.0413:51
seb128what is the issue?13:51
seb128didn't you guys agree that the pinning was not required?13:52
jcastroI was told we'd find some work around13:52
jcastroseb128: would you agree to consider "if it's going to take him too long to fix it maybe we should look at just dropping the entire patch?"13:55
seb128jcastro, let's discuss it next week13:56
seb128what is upstream going to do with tomboy this cycle?13:57
seb128g-s will not have a notification area either I think13:57
seb128what do they plan to use?13:57
jcastrowell, I don't think he's going to look favorably on our patch anymore for sure13:57
seb128what is the issue with our patch?13:57
seb128the xfce fallback?13:57
seb128seems tomboy works fine for most users13:57
seb128we get a brocken fallback but it's online fallback and that one bug you pointed today13:58
Shred00didrocks: around?13:59
didrocksShred00: yeah, what's up?13:59
jcastroseb128: I think he's just frustrated with the bugs, they're still bugs14:00
jcastroand, they didn't exist before our patch14:00
Shred00didrocks: so, i updated my evolution tree from your LP submission of yesterday.14:00
Shred00and i'm getting a patch failure, but in debugging it i am finding that even though quilt applied says patches are applied, when i check actual source files, they don't appear to be.  i must be missing something.14:01
seb128jcastro, well new code has bugs sometime...14:01
didrocksShred00: are you using exactly my branch or do you have your own setup and branch?14:01
seb128it's not like we were shipping a non working tomboy14:01
Shred00hrm.  i wonder if i have a stale .pc dir14:01
seb128jcastro, let's get karl to fix those14:01
jcastrohe's on it14:01
seb128that's the best we can do14:01
jcastroI am just trying to communicate his frustration, and that sometimes even a little annoying bug can kill an entire idea with an upstream14:02
jcastrowe felt confident that we were going to fix this pin problem14:02
jcastro(I know it's not your fault, but you're the tech lead so I am addressing these with you, heh)14:02
seb128sorry about that14:03
seb128I though we say we didn't care about the pinning14:04
seb128if it's important to tomboy users let's make sure we fix it this cycle14:04
jcastroI think it's "ted said we didn't care about the pinning"14:05
seb128he managed to confuse me into thinking that was an agreement with you :p14:05
davidbarthhey don't speak ill of dx ;)14:06
davidbarthjcastro: go ahead and file a bug for the tomboy issue, if not already the case14:06
jcastrothey are filed and assigned to karl14:07
davidbarthand i'll put that on the alpha-1 radar14:07
davidbarthjcastro: ah cool14:07
* kenvandine missed the pinning for a while... but got used to not having it14:07
kenvandinenot saying i wouldn't be happy to see it come back :)14:07
jcastrodavidbarth: right, if we could have a recommendation for what we're going to do so I can show upstream we're taking the problem seriously that would be swell14:08
davidbarthwhat's the bug again, because i want to check that we have a decision on what to do14:09
davidbarthie, design guildeines matching, implementation issue or whatnot14:10
davidbarthgot it14:10
ubot2Launchpad bug 660525 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Pinned notes displayed as separator lines (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,In progress]14:10
jcastroyeah, and there's the other one with the broken fallback14:10
jcastrowhich effectively breaks it on xubuntu and others14:11
pittididrocks: hm, who taught you to name patches from git as 999999_git_*? They shoudl be at the top of the stack (00git_*)14:28
pittii. e. the nearer a patch is towards upstream inclusion, the earlier it should be applied14:29
pittiand ubuntu specific patches will always go last14:29
didrockspitti: I saw a lot of patchs to get that name, hence the fact I use most of the time 90_git or 91…14:29
didrockspitti: also, with the evo express branch, I would have to touch 2 patches as this patch is pretty intrusive14:29
didrocksbut I will know next time :)14:31
seb128pitti, I usually use 90_...14:32
seb128it's just to have those out of the distro series14:32
seb128which usually start at the bottom14:32
pittikenvandine: rejecting indicator-sound upload; please reupload with -v to cover previous changelog as well (SRU wasn't released yet)14:36
kenvandinepitti, --v ?  what does that do?14:41
kenvandineyou mean edit the changelog entry?14:41
pittikenvandine: debuild -v<version in maverick>14:42
kenvandineah, and i can pass that to bzr bd ?14:42
kenvandinewith -- -v14:42
kenvandinethat doesn't work...14:43
seb128kenvandine, how so?14:44
seb128kenvandine, bzr bd --source -- -v<version>14:44
pittikenvandine: bzr bd -S -- -vVERSION does work; I use it all the time14:47
kenvandineoh, you have to give it the version :)14:47
kenvandineit just gave me a parse error without it :)14:47
pittiwell, it's not quite clever enough to mindread what you want :)14:48
pittikenvandine: it's the same as with merging14:48
kenvandinebut i want to give it the latest right?14:48
kenvandinei see14:49
pittiindicator-sound | 0.4.7-0ubuntu2 |      maverick | source, amd64, i38614:49
pittikenvandine: you want -v0.4.7-0ubuntu214:49
pittiit's "include changes since the given one"14:49
kenvandinei was confused with what that flag was for :)14:49
pittikenvandine: surprising that it's new to you -- you never merged a package with debian?14:50
kenvandinei have, but it has been a while14:50
pittisorry, I would have been a bit more verbose then14:50
seb128speaking of which now is the right time to do merges :p14:50
seb128call to everybody in the team there ;-)14:51
kenvandineyeah... :)14:51
kenvandinepitti, uploaded14:51
seb128speaking of merges14:52
seb128mterry, could you do the anjuta 2.32 one?14:53
seb128mterry, hey btw ;-)14:53
bilalakhtarhello world!14:53
mterryseb128, for natty?  sure14:53
cyphermoxseb128, might want to ask a LOSA to kill off the gtk+3.0 build in the gnome3-builds PPA... it's been running for two days :P14:55
cyphermoxalso, good morning :)14:55
bilalakhtarseb128: You mentioned some problem with latest anjuta which was being fixed before maverick release, has it been fixed now?14:55
seb128mterry, yes, thanks14:56
seb128bilalakhtar, did I?14:56
seb128cyphermox, I pinged the soyuz guys and lamont about it yesterday14:56
bilalakhtarseb128: yes, you told me when I offered to upgrade it in maverick14:56
seb128bilalakhtar, there was some build issues due to the new vala14:56
seb128but debian did the update since14:56
seb128we should merge on their version14:56
seb128and see if it builds14:56
bilalakhtarseb128: okie dokie, not my work since mterry took it :D Go ahead!14:57
seb128there is enough merges to keep everybody busy14:57
seb128just pick any other one ;-)14:57
bilalakhtardoko: there?14:58
bilalakhtardoko: I didn't understand what you meant in the cdebootstrap change14:59
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mterryseb128, with non-Desktop packages, I would do something like 'bzr merge-package lp:debian/blah/blah'.  I don't see any documention in DesktopTeam/Bzr for merges.  Do I just do it old-school way and end up with debian/* changes in bzr?15:02
seb128I'm doing it the old way but maybe didrocks or pitti have better ways15:03
seb128didrocks, pitti: ^15:03
seb128mterry, but for things in universe don't bother with the desktop team vcs workflow15:04
didrocksmterry: I'm using merge-package most of the time15:04
seb128like anjuta15:04
didrocksmterry: but again, do as you want, I guess :)15:04
pittimterry: merge-package won't work for our debian/ only branches AFAIK15:04
pittiit's for the full source branches with integrated tarballs15:04
didrockspitti: I think he's talking about "non-desktop packages" == packages from lp:ubuntu/<…> so full source branch15:05
pittimterry: if anjuta doesn't have a debian only ubuntu branch, and you are instead using lp:ubuntu/anjuta, then please feel free to try, of course15:05
bilalakhtarwhy not make the changes in  a full branch and then copy debian dir?15:05
mterryseb128, but anjuta has a ~desktop-team branch15:05
seb128oh, it has?15:05
pittiif VcsVcs-Bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/anjuta/ubuntu15:05
pittis/if Vcs//15:05
mterryRight, so sounds like I do traditional way then15:06
mterry(unless I'm hearing that we don't actually care-about-having/want-to-have a ~ubuntu-desktop branch for anjuta?)15:06
mterrybilalakhtar, that could work too15:06
bilalakhtarIs it anjuta? Isn't that in universe?15:07
davidbarthkenvandine: hi ken; i've got a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-me/+bug/641252 (actually a duplicate of another bug i had a branch ready for)15:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 641252 in indicator-me (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Text in broadcast text field doesn't update or disappear automatically (dup-of: 655252)" [Medium,Triaged]15:07
ubot2Launchpad bug 655252 in indicator-me "Hint not always hidden when the broadcast field is in use (affects: 14) (dups: 5) (heat: 65)" [Low,Fix released]15:07
davidbarthkenvandine: you can cherry pick on trunk now15:07
bilalakhtarJust the other day seb128 told me to remove Vcs-Bzr field from deskbar-applet since that was in universe15:07
bilalakhtarmterry: ^^15:07
davidbarthkenvandine: can you start the SRU process for this fix please?15:07
seb128mterry, I don't really have a strong opinion, whatever is easier for you15:08
seb128it doesn't really make sense for universe packages since motus don't have commit right there15:08
mterryOK, easiest is probably to remove the special branch and converge on standard method for universe15:08
kenvandinedavidbarth, great15:08
mterryThanks all!15:08
seb128mterry, well consider anjuta updates are part of you opportunistic hacker pack so set whatever workflow will be easier for you15:09
seb128mterry, np ;-)15:09
mterryseb128, :) fair.  What else besides anjuta and glade-3 should I be looking at?15:09
mterryand quickly15:09
seb128I just did that merge btw15:10
seb128but if you want to maintain it from now on you are welcome15:10
seb128I think some of yours specs have gedit hacking15:10
seb128to make it a better editor15:10
seb128or at least integrate it better in the quickly workflow15:10
mterrySeems tenuous, but I'll take it.  :)15:10
seb128thanks ;-)15:10
seb128you can take devhelp as well15:11
seb128I think that's it but we will not stop you claiming other sources if you want some15:11
jcastrodavidbarth: #627744 is the fallback15:16
bilalakhtarbug #62774415:16
ubot2Launchpad bug 627744 in tomboy (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Tomboy note names are blank in the Application Indicator fallback menu (affects: 13) (dups: 2) (heat: 155)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62774415:16
mterryseb128, lp:anjuta doesn't have a debian/ directory...  I'm assuming this is because of the ~ubuntu-desktop branch, and since the plan is to drop that, to add it back15:23
davidbarthjcastro: ok, i see karl is on it now15:23
seb128mterry, lp:anjuta is the upstream import15:24
seb128mterry, you want lp:ubuntu/anjuta?15:24
mterryduh!  stupid mental typo15:24
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didrockspitti: on bug #657837, I should also add that we have an inconsistent behavior as well: if you choose notify on "all folder" in evolution, you get notification on the local inbox too, where you don't get when you choose inbox only15:30
ubot2Launchpad bug 657837 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Broken message indicator with Evolution (affects: 9) (dups: 6) (heat: 72)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65783715:30
pittididrocks: okay15:32
cyphermoxseb128, Cimi: it took forever but I ran into again just now : to easily get a git snapshot for a package, you can add /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/gnome-get-source.mk to debian/rules and use version+gitYYYYMMDD.GITREV15:35
seb128oh ok15:36
cyphermoxmeans you need to autoreconf though, afaict15:36
Cimicyphermox: do you have an example package?15:38
Cimicyphermox: just to be sure to do it in the right way ;))15:38
cyphermoxyeah, synaptic is a good one ;)15:38
cyphermoxthere's only one thing though, as I said you need to run autoreconf since it's a snapshot, not a tarball from make dist, so you need to add some more black magic15:39
micahga new context menu for gnome-shell needs to be accepted upstream before being added to Ubuntu, right?15:39
cyphermoxCImi: that would generally be:  autoreconf -i   under pre-build::, but ymmv15:40
dobeyjames_w: ping15:42
* didrocks hugs pitti for all the SRU work :)15:42
pitti(ugh -- sru folder had 250 mails since yesterday)15:43
didrocksdo you really read the emails there? You don't only go and check the queue?15:43
pittiI need to15:43
pittifor verification results, regression reports, ACK requests, etc.15:44
pittiI can just skim most of them, of course15:44
didrocksyeah, but still a scary number :/15:44
dobeyyou need procmail + perl magic15:45
seb128there is still a bunch of commit we should backport15:45
seb128if some people are still on maverick and feel like doing some15:46
seb128I will try to do those on my old laptop next week otherwise15:46
dobeyi guess i should probably start applying for motu soon too15:46
micahgseb128: did you see my question above?15:47
seb128micahg, no15:47
seb128can you repeat?15:47
micahgseb128: k, for a new context menu in gnome shell, we need it to be accepted upstream first, right? (bug 661106)15:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 661106 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell clock applet needs menu option to change time (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66110615:47
micahgseb128: k, thanks15:48
james_whi dobey15:53
dobeyjames_w: hey. i was looking at backporting a couple packages from maverick to lucid for u1, and it looks like the bzr repos of a few things aren't up to date. in particular, couchdb and python-django seem to be fairly out of date15:55
james_wdobey, do you know how to check what happened with them yourself?15:55
didrocksseb128: what kind of commit for backporting are you talking about?15:56
dobeyjames_w: not really, no15:56
seb128didrocks, one gvfs one, one rhythmbox one15:56
seb128I think chrisccoulson had his pango update to be sponsored15:56
james_wdobey, package-import.ubuntu.com15:56
didrockscan do the rhythmbox one15:56
james_wdobey, and you will find that https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/653312 is the cause of couchdb failing to import15:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 653312 in udd "Import fails with NoSuchRevision (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [High,Triaged]15:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, i prepared it in bzr, but robert_ancell updated the branch for natty already15:58
james_wpython-django hasn't failed it seems, so I'll just prioritise that job for you15:58
seb128chrisccoulson, oh ok15:58
chrisccoulsonso, it's not the most recent commit which needs sponsoring15:58
chrisccoulsonwhich is a bit confusing15:58
seb128didrocks, check with pedro_ he had some bugs15:59
seb128didrocks, or check the "bugs with upstream task closed" list15:59
seb128chrisccoulson, ok15:59
didrocksseb128: ok, I was looking for git first, thanks :)15:59
seb128there is quite some commits in git15:59
seb128several could be interesting to backport15:59
dobeyjames_w: hmm, ok, thanks. i'll bookmark that page :)15:59
didrocksI'm afraid the ipod fixes are a little bit large for an SRU16:00
dobeyjames_w: any idea about the bug affecting couchdb?16:00
james_wdobey, nope, sorry, I haven't investigated yet16:01
james_wdobey, please comment on the bug that couchdb is important to u116:01
dobeywill do16:02
Shred00didrocks: around?16:31
didrocksShred00: yeah, please don't ask to ask, just ask :)16:32
Shred00didrocks: so, yeah.  i think i just had a stale .pc dir16:32
Shred00but in doing a dpkg-rebuildpackage, i end up with this autogenerated patch at the end of the series representing a diff against the tarball.16:32
didrocksShred00: what are you tring to do?16:33
Shred00which wants to be (un-)applied during unpatch.  how can i avoid creating that autogenerated patch?16:33
didrocksyou didn't answer to:16:33
didrocks15:01:36      didrocks | Shred00: are you using exactly my branch or do you have your own setup and branch?16:33
Shred00didrocks: my tree is actually from gnome git and i have the EVOLUTION_DATA_SERVER_2_30_3 tag checked out16:34
didrocksShred00: why? don't you want rather contributing to the ubuntu branch? do you have additional patch that you are required?16:35
Shred00didrocks: yes and yes16:35
didrocksShred00: yes like "you don't want to contribute to the ubuntu branch?"  :)16:35
Shred00the /debian dir in my tree is actually from bzr16:36
Shred00no, yes like i want to contribute and yes i have an additional patch.16:36
didrocksShred00: can you be more explicit? we can see if we can include it to ubuntu if that's an interesting one. Without more detailed it's hard to help you :)16:36
didrocksif you have the debian/ dir from our bzr16:37
didrocksand the git repo16:37
didrockswith 2.30.3 tag, you have exactly what we have in ubuntu16:37
and471mpt, do you have a page up on the wiki with the conmann stuff?16:37
Shred00didrocks: i already filed both an LP bug and a BZ bug about it.  gnome bug 632153, but as you can see it needs testing and confirmation before it's ready for Ubuntu16:38
ubot2Gnome bug 632153 in Mailer "X-Evolution-Source header missing" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=63215316:38
didrocksoh that one16:38
didrocksso, easier to get it is:16:38
didrocksbzr branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/evolution/ubuntu youbranch16:39
didrockswget -O debian/patches/nameofthepatch http://bugzilla-attachments.gnome.org/attachment.cgi?id=17236116:39
didrocksbzr add16:39
Shred00indeed.  my repo is just fine, except that i do have extra files in it that i don't want bundled into that automated patch that's created by dpkg-source.16:39
didrocks(checking if we uses quilt)16:40
didrocksno, we don't16:40
didrocksso, just then bump the changelog16:40
didrocksand bzr bd16:40
didrocksit will fetch the upstream tarball for you and you'll be set16:40
mptand471, I sure do, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Networking16:41
didrocksShred00: sorry, it's e-d-s in fact, so bzr branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/evolution-data-server/ubuntu youbranch16:41
Shred00i have the upstream tarball already and i have in fact bumped the changelog to record my additional patch.  i think that's what's causing this extra patch to be generated.  it's essentially a diff of my working tree and the orig tarball, autogenerated by dpkg-source.16:42
and471mpt, thanks16:42
didrocksno, what is causing the extra patch to be generated is because it's the quilt format souce 316:42
didrocksShred00: let me pastebin what you should do16:42
didrocksShred00: http://paste.ubuntu.com/513982/16:44
didrocksoupss, forgot bzr add after wget :)16:44
and471mpt, looks good :)16:45
Shred00didrocks: by "bump debian/changelog" you don't mean that as a command literally, right?  you mean simply add a new entry to the top of the changelog, yes?16:46
didrocksShred00: right, mostly "dch -i" and think to add ~ppa1 to be able to update to the version from ubuntu then16:46
bcurtiswx_ubuntu netbook, someone test this16:51
bcurtiswx_load shotwell (new default photo manager) and see that menu bar isn't in panel16:52
bcurtiswx_this known?16:52
and471bcurtiswx, yup it was disabled16:52
bcurtiswx_and471, just wondering what the reasoning was16:53
and471bcurtiswx, it was blacklisted as appmenu-gtk had issues with shotwell's menus (because they change a lot))16:53
bcurtiswx_and471, thanks16:53
and471bcurtiswx_, no problem :)16:54
bcurtiswx_its kinda cool, i get all my buds from work bugging me about features/bugs once I've gotten them to use ubuntu16:54
bcurtiswx_and they all love it16:55
bcurtiswx_well, the annoying Ubuntu questions aren't cool.. but the fact I've converted most of the graduate students computers from <name another linux dist> to Ubuntu16:56
bcurtiswx_its nice :)16:56
bcurtiswx_most recent, fedora to Ubuntu.  They were shocked they didn't _have_ to use root all the time :P16:57
Shred00didrocks: i have already done essentially what is in your pastebin.  the problem i am having can be represented by doing the following in the e-d-s tree:16:57
Shred00$ ls -l > foo16:57
Shred00and then you get this "automatic patch" in debian/patches with a patch for your "foo" file in it.  yes?16:57
didrocksShred00: did you really branch and work in my bzr branch as detailed in the pastebin? you shouldn't have full source then16:58
Shred00didrocks: i moved the branch material to my source tree16:59
didrocksShred00: that's not what I put in the pastebin16:59
didrocksShred00: if you want to do something else than what I explained, you should read the "quilt" man page and the dpkg-source man for quilt source format17:00
didrocksthis automated patch is a feature17:00
Shred00didrocks: but i want to work (on my patch, and build) in my e-d-s source tree.17:00
didrocksShred00: wasn't the patch you pointed?17:00
didrocks(hence the wget)17:00
Shred00didrocks: i did read it.  i read about this automatic patch thing, but i don't want it.  i don't need dpkg-source guessing what i want in a patch.17:00
Shred00i have a lot of other files in my tree that i don't want in any distribution17:01
didrocksShred00: you should use quilt and not add inline patch, or you have to revert to previous format17:01
Shred00i don't want them in a patch.  i don't want them in the .diff.  i want dpkg to just ignore that they are there17:01
didrocksShred00: you don't have the .diff.gz in the format source 3 as explain in dpkg-source man17:03
didrockshttp://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0 is a good reference too17:03
Shred00didrocks: i probably wouldn't care so much except that dpkg-source barfs trying to apply this "autogenerated patch"17:03
didrocksShred00: as told, just use properly quilt for making your patch, or revert to previous format17:04
Shred00didrocks: are you referring to the patch from bugzilla?17:05
didrocksShred00: I still don't understand "the patch you want to make" as there is the one from bugzilla and I told you how to apply it. But it seems you want to do something else too, so I call it "your patch"17:05
Shred00didrocks: that patch is properly made for quilt.  it applies perfectly along with all of the other patches in the series with "quilt push -a" (or debian/rules patch).17:05
didrocksso, if you don't change anymore more in your tree then, once you quilt push -a, if you build, you shouldn't have any more "autogenerated" patch17:06
didrocksplease, explain more and push a branch somewhere of what you try to achieve17:07
Shred00but the reality is that i have lots of other stuff in my tree (logs of builds, and so forth) that i want to keep in my tree but i don't want to be part of my generate packages and thus don't want them put into this autogenerated patch.17:07
Shred00if there was no autogenerated patch at all in fact i'd be happy.17:08
didrocksShred00: I don't understand, if you don't need them (as there are just logs…), why don't you use the workflow I proposed?17:10
didrocksmake your test wherever you want17:10
Shred00i do need them, i just don't want them being considered during package building17:10
didrocksonce you are happy, copy the debian/ directory in the branch I pointed you17:10
didrocksthen, bzr bd -S17:10
didrockswhat are exactly those files you need?17:10
Shred00didrocks: they are logs of dpkg-buildpackage and notes i keep, etc.  it doesn't really matter what they are.  i just don't want dpkg-source to consider them during it's work.17:12
didrocksShred00: as told more than once:17:12
didrocks18:01:28      didrocks | Shred00: you should use quilt and not add inline patch, or you have to revert to previous format                                                                                                      │ devildante17:12
didrocksso, revert to previous package format17:12
Shred00didrocks: ok.  how do i do that?17:13
didrocksdevildante: sorry, you were on the line I copy from weechat :)17:13
didrocksShred00: did you read http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.0 ?17:13
devildantenp :)17:13
didrocksthere is an "How to convert a source package?" section17:13
didrocksso, just do the contrary17:13
pittigood night everyone, have a nice weekend!17:15
didrocksenjoy your week-end pitti :)17:16
devildantebye pitti :)17:16
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
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bcurtiswx_anyone SRU a patch from empathy so that minimizing width below length of menu bar won't cause status bar to disappear?17:47
bcurtiswx_didrocks, if anyone it might have been you17:49
bcurtiswx_or at least you'd know17:49
didrocksbcurtiswx_: I think kenvandine made some empathy upload recently17:49
* bcurtiswx_ pokes kenvandine17:50
kenvandinehey bcurtiswx17:50
kenvandinebcurtiswx_, no new patches... just upstream release17:50
bcurtiswx_OK, there's a bug in which minimizing the width of the empathy contact window past the width of the menu bar will cause things to disappear.  I've asked which commit upstream fixes it, no response yet tho17:51
kenvandineok, so fixed since
bcurtiswx_thats the impression i'm under17:52
=== bjf is now known as bjf[afk]
devildantehey there tremolux :)21:00
tremoluxhey devildante!21:00
devildantetremolux: I was thinking of some new feature for software-center21:01
tremoluxdevildante: whatya thinking?21:01
devildantetremolux: basically, since we now have zeitgeist support, we could say to the user when he opens software-center: "Hey you! You didn't use X software for one month! do you want me to remove it?21:02
devildantewhat da ya think?21:03
tremoluxdevildante:  ahh yeah, that sounds like a good idea to me21:08
tremoluxdevildante: it'd also be nice to notice software that folks installed in the past and have *never* used, I'll bet that happens too21:10
devildanteI wonder if someone is working on it21:11
tremoluxdevildante: Zeitgeist opens up interesting possibilities, I'm glad you are thinking about it21:11
devildanteseif__ ^ ?21:11
devildante(if he's really Seif Lotfy :p)21:11
fagani like the ideaq too21:11
fagandevildante: it is21:11
fagandamn keyboard21:12
faganI love the idea of suggesting software going by what you use too21:12
tremoluxfagan: agreed, it's so cool21:12
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
seif__hey guys21:24
seif__devildante, its in our todo list21:24
devildantegreat :)21:24
devildantemind if I do it instead? :p21:25
seif__not at all21:25
seif__I would be glad if you someone did it21:25
* devildante talks, but doesn't know anything about zeitgeist :p21:25
seif__i could walk you through the zeitgeist part of the job21:25
devildantethat would be great!21:25
seif__devildante, wanna work on it tomorrow21:28
devildanteokay :)21:28
seif__time ?21:29
devildanteseif__: meet up over #zeitgeist at... 11:00 UTC, something like that?21:29
devildantetremolux: package installation on USC trunk doesn't show any progress, HELP :p21:40
tremoluxdevildante: heh, let me take a look21:41
tremoluxdevildante: hmm, it's working for me21:43
tremoluxdevildante: both in the list and the details, where do you see the problem?21:43
devildantetremolux, when clicking on Install and typing my password, the "Free" text changes to "Installing..." then returns to "Free"21:45
devildantetremolux, it seems there is a dbus error21:45
devildante2010-10-15 20:37:25,143 - dbus.proxies - ERROR - Introspect error on :1.73:/: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Rejected send message, 1 matched rules; type="method_call", sender=":1.71" (uid=1000 pid=3139 comm="/usr/bin/python) interface="org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable" member="Introspect" error name="(unset)" requested_reply=0 destination=":1.73" (uid=0 pid=3154 comm="/usr/bin/python))21:45
devildantetremolux: but it installs fine21:45
tremoluxdevildante: what package?21:46
devildantetremolux, geany21:46
tremoluxdevildante: can you install something else?  alarm-clock or something?21:48
devildantewill see21:48
tremoluxdevildante: just installed geany, it's working for me21:48
tremoluxdevildante: trunk actually got released in natty today as 3.121:49
devildanteyeah, I know21:49
devildantepff, now, alarm-clock installed just fine21:49
devildantebut I still get the dbus error above in terminal21:49
tremoluxdevildante: but you saw the progress for alarm clock?21:51
devildantereally, what just happened, Idk :p21:52
tremoluxdevildante: hrm21:52

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