Lex79 | Hi, I'd like to register a channel #kubuntu-it but if I go into #kubuntu-it there is a redirect to #ubuntu-it, what I have to do? #kubuntu-it is not registered yet | 00:16 |
IdleOne | Lex79: #kubuntu-it is +P which can only be set by freenode staff so I would say speak to them in #freenode and also discuss it with the #ubuntu-it ops | 00:24 |
Lex79 | IdleOne: ok thanks :) | 00:24 |
IdleOne | sure thing | 00:25 |
marienz | I'm pretty sure I can fix the forward but a GC would have to tell me that's an ok thing to do | 00:25 |
marienz | fix as in remove | 00:25 |
persia | Lex79, Why do you need #kubuntu-it as different from #ubuntu-it? Is there insufficient respect towards Kubuntu, or too much traffic? | 00:54 |
Lex79 | persia: just because we are building a new loco, a Kubuntu loco like kubuntu-de.org and we want an our channel :) | 00:55 |
persia | Lex79, Do you know the history behind kubuntu-de? | 00:56 |
Lex79 | persia: nope | 00:56 |
persia | OK. I'll tell you all about it in PM then :) | 00:56 |
Lex79 | ok | 00:57 |
Gryllida | why doesn't ubottu know anything about !hi ? | 15:15 |
Pici | Because it was being abused. | 15:16 |
bazhang | been deleted | 15:16 |
Gryllida | ok, I'll not try to undelete it then. thanks. | 15:19 |
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