jewsucanuse | apw or ogasawara. why was the ndiswrapper patch pulled from 2.6.36 buil\ds? | 00:33 |
ogasawara | jewsucanuse: dunno, I myself don't touch the 2.6.36 mainline builds. | 00:34 |
ogasawara | jewsucanuse: and I suspect apw is already sleeping as it's almost 1am his time | 00:34 |
jewsucanuse | not the mainline, the natty builds. | 00:34 |
ogasawara | jewsucanuse: natty builds? | 00:34 |
jewsucanuse | yah. | 00:35 |
jewsucanuse | 2.6.36-0.2 | 00:35 |
ogasawara | heh, I knew the natty tree was open, didn't know we were building kernels yet | 00:35 |
ogasawara | jewsucanuse: tgardner put the initial natty tree together so would have to ask him | 00:35 |
jjohansen | I don't think we are officially yet | 00:35 |
jewsucanuse | * [Config] Disable aufs, dmraid-4.5, ndis-wrapper | 00:36 |
jewsucanuse | tim gardner | 00:36 |
jewsucanuse | | 00:36 |
jjohansen | right none of that is surprising, we will revisit those at uds | 00:36 |
ogasawara | jewsucanuse: unfortunately tgardner is away on holiday for the next week, but I recall he sent an email saying he'd disabled a few items because they possibly broke the build? | 00:36 |
bjf | jewsucanuse, that's usually because they don't apply cleanly right now and need some love, so rather than hold everything up they were disabled | 00:36 |
jewsucanuse | okay. i see. | 00:37 |
jjohansen | I know we are looking at overlay fs to replace aufs, whether that happens, well we will have to wait and see | 00:37 |
bjf | jewsucanuse, what ogasawara said :-) | 00:37 |
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jj-afk | back on later | 01:03 |
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avinash_hm | hi, i have writtent a program client program to find the load ... 'clnt' .. when i do 'strace clnt address', it says "strace: clnt: command not found" ... i have already compiled including debugging information [g3] .. | 08:17 |
avinash_hm | anything special to do , when we want to use strace ?? | 08:17 |
RAOF | Is clnt in $PATH? You probably need to run it as “strace ./clnt address” | 08:18 |
avinash_hm | RAOF, perfect ... that was the problem .. thanks :-) | 08:19 |
=== smb` is now known as smb | ||
lag | smb: I notice that Maxim has been CC'ed in that 'patch' | 08:25 |
lag | smb | 08:25 |
lag | smb: The answer is, yes the kernel will now hang again | 08:26 |
smb | lag, Joy | 08:26 |
smb | Maybe one should intervene to that thread then... at least bring up the issue | 08:27 |
lag | I will | 08:28 |
lag | Next on my TODO list | 08:28 |
smb | lag, cheers | 08:29 |
lag | smb: Okay, their changes 'should' not re-introduce the bug | 08:38 |
lag | smb: They are not _moving_ the code back, they are _duplicating_ it | 08:39 |
lag | smb: The code in pm_notify will still be doing the removing | 08:39 |
smb | ah, because it is done first? | 08:39 |
lag | Yeah | 08:40 |
smb | Ok, ugly but may work | 08:40 |
lag | pm_notify runs _before_ any suspend functions | 08:40 |
lag | Yeah, it is ugly | 08:40 |
smb | lag, Thanks for checking this | 08:40 |
lag | smb: np | 08:40 |
lag | smb: | 09:11 |
lucent | I've narrowed down the firewire issue to being a regression between kernels, and not an inherent problem with the new firewire stack | 09:15 |
lucent | now busy with a full set of tests and reporting back to Stefan Richter for more discussion | 09:16 |
smb | sounds to be on a good track then. :) | 09:17 |
lucent | how about the other regression though, I found bug 660315 | 09:19 |
ubot2 | Launchpad bug 660315 in linux (Ubuntu) "U232-P9 USB Serial adapter not working in Ubuntu 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] | 09:19 |
lucent | works in 2.6.32-24-generic, broken in 2.6.35-22-generic | 09:19 |
lucent | mct_u232 module... how to know if something is changed between then and now? | 09:20 |
lucent | I'd like to do bissection and know what change broke it but I don't know how to do that | 09:20 |
smb | Its possible to do a rough initial approach, using the mainline kernels | 09:21 |
smb | | 09:21 |
smb | That has builds for 2.6.33, .34 and .35 (and the rc versions too) | 09:22 |
lucent | great | 09:22 |
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tseliot | apw: have you ever faced this problem with git? | 13:51 |
diwic | smb, hmm, there is a lbm-alsa-distro-flavour package, are you saying it doesn't build properly? | 14:44 |
smb | diwic, no I am saying it would probably not have build correctly if it had been enabled. But it has not been enabled yet, so nothing to worry about | 14:45 |
smb | I just thought to fix the typo while I saw it | 14:46 |
diwic | smb, are you saying this package doesn't exist? | 14:47 |
smb | diwic, I assumed so because the comment sayd "enable alsa after release" and do_alsa is set to false | 14:48 |
diwic | smb, then you're very likely wrong ;-) might want to talk about it with bjf[afk] as he built lbm recently | 14:49 |
smb | diwic, Oh, we are talking about *Maverick* btw ;) | 14:50 |
smb | (sorry did not notice lucid in your link above, otherwise I could have told before) | 14:51 |
diwic | smb, hmm, <- it still exists there | 14:53 |
smb | Right, that would be the source package. Which produces (or does not produce) binary packages with extended names like net or input or alsa | 14:54 |
diwic | smb, I'm just confused that things are building although there are typos. But as long as you have everything under control, I'm satisfied :-) | 14:57 |
diwic | i e there *were* typos. | 14:57 |
smb | I agree about the potential of confusingness. :) It should be under control. As I said the expected effect of this would have been someone flipping the switch to "now build an lbm-alsa" and then going "heck, why does it still not build" | 14:59 |
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hallyn | jj-afk: ttx suggested i ask you for advice on - should it be called hardware-server or hardware-kernel (or other-server) ? | 15:39 |
sconklin | | 15:47 |
cking | sweet | 15:48 |
* ogasawara bails for appt, back on in a bit | 15:50 | |
cking | bjf, | 15:58 |
cking | ^dev version, most current, lots more goodies in it | 15:58 |
bjf | cking, thanks | 15:58 |
smugglerFlynn | hi | 16:03 |
smugglerFlynn | what happened to kernel PPA? | 16:03 |
smugglerFlynn | | 16:03 |
smugglerFlynn | it's empty for some reason | 16:03 |
smugglerFlynn | I wanted to install backported maverick kernel on my lucid machine | 16:03 |
JFo | smugglerFlynn, it is located here: | 16:04 |
JFo | as there is a size limit on the LP PPA | 16:04 |
JFo | which precludes us from using it | 16:04 |
smugglerFlynn | oh, thanks a lot, JFo | 16:05 |
JFo | my pleasure smugglerFlynn | 16:05 |
smugglerFlynn | hm, how can I add this repo to apt? (tried "deb lucid main") | 16:09 |
apw | smugglerFlynn, the backports kernel is now in lucid offical repo, in -proposed currently | 16:09 |
cking | apw, you around today, been a bit quiet. | 16:12 |
smugglerFlynn | apw, found it, thanks ^-) | 16:14 |
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jjohansen | hallyn: I don't really seeing it called hardware-* as it really doesn't have anything to do with hardware | 17:11 |
jjohansen | hallyn: then again looking at the tracks, and since its about mounting hardware- it is | 17:12 |
jjohansen | hallyn: how much kernel work is involved? I haven't followed user mounts recently | 17:13 |
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jjohansen | switching venues be back on in an hour | 18:48 |
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hallyn | jjohansen: the user mounts is mostly kernel work, but really 'mounting devices' isn't necessarily relevant, bc then you worry about all of the possibly exploitable holes in fs reading code | 20:03 |
hallyn | jjohansen: so that's why at first bind mounts and sysfs/proc would be the most likely to be allowed | 20:04 |
hallyn | (and clean tmpfs) | 20:04 |
hallyn | so, should it be 'other-security-n-unprivileged-mounts' maybe? | 20:04 |
* hallyn shrugs | 20:04 | |
jjohansen | hallyn: thats what I was expecting. yeah I think I would do other-security- | 20:05 |
hallyn | jjohansen: ok, thanks | 20:05 |
hallyn | it'd rock to get that done :) | 20:06 |
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manjo | jjohansen, did you fix an MCA with EC2 recently ? I recall you did something of that sort ... by backporting some patches ... | 20:46 |
jjohansen | manjo: I reverted a patch | 21:02 |
jjohansen | manjo: it was to do with load reporting on the Lucid kernel, and I could have applied the upstream version of Chase's patch or just done a revert, as they work out to the same thing | 21:03 |
manjo | jjohansen, :) ack | 21:07 |
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mdz | is there any way to see how many transactions are queued up in jbd2? | 21:20 |
mdz | dpkg has been blocked for several minutes here, and it seems to be because it did a sync() and jbd2 is busy creating a huge number of files | 21:21 |
mdz | /proc/fs/jbd2/*/info has some statistics but not the information I'm looking for | 21:22 |
mdz | perseus:[/sys/fs/ext4/sda1] cat delayed_allocation_blocks | 21:23 |
mdz | 37467 | 21:23 |
mdz | and decreasing slowly | 21:23 |
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sense_ | Is it possible that for some reason options you add to /etc/modprobe/alsa-base.conf are ignored on Maverick? I've got the feeling my system does. | 21:37 |
sense_ | Aaargh! I wrote 'option' rather than 'options'! That was a waste of one to two hours trying to find a solution... | 22:02 |
jjohansen | sconklin: around? | 23:13 |
sconklin | yes | 23:13 |
sconklin | I don't have anything for you | 23:14 |
sconklin | although if you want to rebase the ec2 branches, I can point you at the branches we have for the master | 23:14 |
jjohansen | sconklin: okay just checking | 23:14 |
jjohansen | sconklin: sure | 23:14 |
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