
arturoreneis this channel engish or spanish01:08
arturoreneanybody here01:08
charlie-tcaHello, arturorene . this is an english channel.01:08
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.01:08
charlie-tcaYou can use whichever one you want to.01:08
arturoreneI will try english01:10
arturoreneok, I have a problem01:10
arturoreneI have a mini-netbook01:11
arturorenewith windows CE01:11
arturoreneI need a linux OS for that01:11
arturoreneI am even not sure about the capacity01:11
charlie-tcaSounds like a good candidate for either the Ubuntu Netbook edition or Xubuntu.01:12
arturoreneI think is less than 1g01:12
charlie-tcaxubuntu might be too much, though01:12
arturorenethat mini came from china, so maybe could be a fake01:13
charlie-tcaNetbook edition is made for those small machines. It tries to keep the display down for them, too.01:13
charlie-tcahmm, could be a fake.01:13
arturoreneI mean, maybe only have 500 mb01:14
arturorenebut I am not sure01:14
charlie-tcaXubuntu will work, I think. but I think the netbook edition is better, because of the screen size01:15
arturorenethe only access I have is trough windows CE and I don't trust in what it say01:15
charlie-tcaheh, I don't run windows at all, myself01:16
arturorenebecause that mini don't have bios. Do you know where can I find any idea on how to install ubuntu?01:17
charlie-tcalet me look01:18
arturorenethis version of ubuntu run on any procesor?01:20
charlie-tcaany intel processor01:21
arturorenemy is ARM01:22
charlie-tcaTake a look at - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes/es01:23
charlie-tcaI think there is a special version for ARM01:23
charlie-tcaThat should help you to at least find the right version.01:26
arturorenethank you so much charlie for all your support and help01:27
charlie-tcayou are welcome. Good luck with that mini.01:27
arturorenethank you again01:27
rick_i just switched from ubuntu to xubuntu (fresh install), and I dont seem to have permissions on my own computer.04:31
rick_i'm just trying to adjust swappiness and add themes, but it's not working.  anyone know why?04:31
moetunesare you using   sudo   ?04:33
rick_well no, gksudo04:34
moetunesare you trying to edit a file - gksudo mousepad /path/to/file04:36
rick_i'm typing gksudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf04:38
rick_it's not opening with that command though.  when i navigate to the /etc folder manually i can open the config file, but it won't let me save any changes.04:38
moetunesgedit doesn't come with xubuntu by default - use mousepad instead :]04:38
rick_let me try that...04:38
rick_ah, i'm retarded.  thanks buddy!04:39
moetunesnp :]04:40
rick_last question....I need to make sure I DO NOT put a # before vm.swappiness=10.  correct?04:41
moetunescorrect in a file like that # is a comment04:42
moetuneswhich means the line will be ignored04:42
rick_done. thanks friend. #xubuntu is much more gentlemanly than #ubuntu.  bit of a madhouse on that side.04:43
rick_have a good night. i'm off.04:43
visitor1is there a place where programms log? my mathemtica doesnt start anymore, i can see a process in top and it starts in terminal but not the usual way06:07
Sysimaybe something hidden in your home folder or /var/log/06:12
visitor1cant find, in var log are a lot of different logs06:15
Balsaqthe dew lay heavy upon the remote rainforest canopy known as...xubuntu!06:23
visitor1tried booting with the last kernel, doesnt start still06:26
visitor1strange stuff06:26
Rusty49Sysi, morning09:48
Rusty49and any other around09:48
Rusty49need advice!  the top and bottom panels disappeared in the night - how to replace them?09:49
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/09:50
Rusty49on the desktpo09:50
Rusty49they are back - thanx09:51
Rusty49it helped :-)09:51
Rusty49any idea what I did to lose them - so I don't do it again?09:52
Rusty49Sysi, your reference to '!panels' - what do you refer to?09:55
Sysithat's common issue09:55
Sysibot knows09:56
Rusty49Sysi,  can I call up the discussions I have here - as future reference? can I somehow look it up later?10:01
Rusty49I have saved this one10:01
Sysisee message you received after joining10:01
Sysior query with bot10:01
Rusty49I have a lot to learn still - do not understand regarding bot10:03
Sysi/msg ubottu hi10:04
Rusty49I wanted yesterdays advice again10:04
Sysiafter joining you got message about logging?10:05
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:05
Rusty49I will show you what I got - if it copies10:05
Sysii like that "command"..10:06
Rusty49no - cannot copy10:06
Rusty491st is topic10:07
Rusty49then welcome10:07
Rusty49I hear of logging and understand idea, - I am not english speaking + do not know programming10:10
Rusty49so I do not know where to go or look10:11
Sysi!1984 | Rusty4910:11
ubottuRusty49: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/10:11
bazhangRusty49, the 1984 link above10:11
Rusty49sorry - what do I do with the 1984 link above?10:12
Sysithe past is there10:12
bazhangread it10:12
Rusty49how do I access it? I do not understand10:13
bazhangclick the link10:14
bazhangfind #xubuntu channel for the date you wish and read10:14
Rusty49I see it now - thanx10:15
babar_Anyone there?10:54
* knome is hiding10:59
babar_Can anyone tell me, how to connect to onther pc on LAN?10:59
knomewhich way?10:59
knomebrowse files? ssh?10:59
babar_I want to connect with lan11:00
knomewindows or ubuntu?11:00
babar_I am new to xubuntu11:00
babar_I can do it from lubuntu baut not from xubuntu.11:01
babar_Can anyone tell me, how to connect to onther pc on LAN?11:06
TheSheepbabar_: 'connect' in what way?11:11
TheSheepbabar_: you can ssh into it, for example11:12
babar_I want to browse files11:12
TheSheepok, use system->gigolo11:14
TheSheepswitch to the 'network' tab in it, and you should see the computers listed11:15
babar_I could not find any network tab.11:17
TheSheepon the left side of the panel11:19
TheSheepvertical tabs11:19
TheSheepbabar_: http://sheep.art.pl/misc/gigolo.png11:21
babar_TheSheep: http://en.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-10152010-042233pm.php11:27
TheSheepbabar_: which xubuntu is it?11:31
TheSheepenable the side panel with view->side panel11:31
babar_Thanks. I have got that.11:33
TheSheepsorry, I have a little non-default settings11:35
Ileden_How can I install encoding support for MP3 - i would like to convert some files from my ogg music collection to mp3. I've tried sox, ffmpeg, soundconverter, all fail. I've added the medibuntu repositories, and installed lame.12:24
=== Ileden_ is now known as Ileden
bazhangsound converter failed?12:28
TheSheepI think you need the gstreamer-something12:29
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats12:29
Iledenbazhang: soundconverter said "lame" element not found, disabling MP313:13
bazhangIleden, tried installing lame?13:13
Iledenyes, same message13:14
Iledenbut I'll read through the RestrictedFormats... funny i never encountered that with my googling13:14
bazhanglibmp3lame0  that installed ?13:14
evtlwhy my xubuntu did not update to 10.10? :c thought it ask me if i want to?13:16
evtl(support in german prefered)13:17
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:17
bazhangcheck to make sure it does not check for LTS only13:17
Sysiif your current system works, i recommend staying in it13:18
evtlit hang up after a few min viewing a video13:18
evtlfirst time i use linux13:19
Iledenwow, thats pretty bad. and unusual13:19
evtlthat hanging or that i use linux but now13:20
Iledenbazhang: i'll try installing the whole set from xubuntu-restricted-extras, see if that does the job13:20
Iledenevtl: hanging :)13:20
evtlwhere i can check the options for LTS?13:21
Iledenevtl: system->update manager13:22
evtlthink i found it13:23
Iledenevtl: did that fix the issue? does your system now ask if you want to upgrade to 10.10?13:24
evtlhad to restart13:25
evtlyeah found it13:27
evtlshould i install a antivirusprogram? if yes, which?13:29
bazhangevtl, no need13:29
evtlbut i heard of more virus?13:30
Sysiyou basically *can't* get your linux broken/unsafe if you don't browse internet logged in as root and install random software from internet13:32
Iledennobody cares to write linux viruses. The platform is more secure so it's harder, and it has minimal amount of users. Compare this to the wide open world of silly windows users who click through any security warning - its just so much worth the effort13:41
Sysii'm almost eagerly waiting for first osx-viruses13:41
evtlthis is my windows 7 pc :x13:42
Sysii have 7 installed but i forgot it often, never using it13:42
IledenNothing (technically) wrong with Windows 7, as long as you know what you're doing.13:42
Sysibut usability..13:43
evtlall in all i like win713:43
bazhangand DRM..13:43
Iledenlike, not open random attachments, and install whatever programs you encounter from the net13:43
evtlmuch more than vista13:43
evtland xp13:43
Iledenbazhang: yes, that's more of an ethical than technical problem.13:43
Sysii could use 7, i don't want to13:43
SysiIleden: it can be technical problem13:44
evtlthe main reason for me is, that iam not so ambitious to make alle programs i need run on linux^^13:45
IledenSysi: well, it of course could be if implemented wrong. but as long as it does what's intended, its an ethical problem to me13:45
Iledenprobably the best "security" feature of linux is that software is installed from verified packages via unified package management.13:46
Sysii wish DRM worked always as it should13:46
IledenSysi: well, i don't think it's very broken in Win7... thouhg not really an expert on that13:46
Sysinot very badly i think13:47
IledenTheSheep: Hey! thanks for the restrictedformats link, ffmpeg started to work!13:47
Iledenbazhang: could be what i was missing was the library you suggested, which probably was includedn in the restricteformats package.13:48
bazhangIleden, could be13:48
Dortmunterwhat is the minimal ram requested to instalel xubuntu ?14:42
evtlmy laptop has 50014:42
charlie-tcaand let it work - 256MB for one app at a time14:42
Dortmunterhow would it work with 256?14:43
=== willie_ is now known as Guest43297
evtlmy system crashes after nearly 2min of viewing a video, and idea why?15:42
viddevtl, how much ram?15:43
viddand is it your system or the video play that crashes?15:43
evtlthe system15:43
evtlfreezed screen15:44
vidddoes the data dump tell you anything?15:44
viddthats not a "chrash"15:44
evtlnow trying VLC15:45
evtlcrashed after 4 sec15:45
evtlnot crashed <.<15:45
viddhow many applications are you running?15:45
evtlonly the video15:45
evtli installed linux a few days ago15:46
viddwhat kind of video are you trying to view?15:46
evtland did nothing with it15:46
evtljust updated it15:46
vidddid you install the .avi plugin for your viewer? (dunno if .avi plugin is installed by default)15:46
evtlif not i wouldnt be able to view it or?15:46
viddi use gxine to view videos because its the lightest player that i found....15:47
viddhow does your system resources look without the video player running?15:48
evtlwhere can i see it with linux?15:49
viddapplications->system->system monitor15:49
evtlonly one proces sis running15:50
evtlthe system monitor^^15:50
viddi dont care about that....15:50
viddon the resouces tab....15:51
viddmemory and swap15:51
evtl32,2% 150/46515:51
evtlswap 0/1,3GB15:51
viddmemory is at 32%15:52
viddnow...launch your video player (dont select the video to play, just open the player)15:53
evtlwith VLC 33,5%15:53
viddrun the video in windowed mode (not fullscreen)15:54
viddand is it freezing?15:55
evtlnot yet15:55
evtlruns longer then before15:56
viddi always have better video experience on light-weight machines running windowed mode over fullscreen15:57
viddheh...all i have are light-weight machines =]15:57
viddyou may also want to look at the CPU section of your system monitor for spikes there15:58
viddspikes are when the usage jumps high16:00
evtlnow it works16:00
viddwere you watching in fullscreen b4?16:03
evtli'll do it if iam able to see the whole film now16:04
evtlto test16:04
viddthen its the "tech phenomenon" ....16:07
viddeverything works while the tech is there =]16:07
viddwhat did system monitor show16:08
evtlnothing special16:08
evtllike before16:08
viddand was it the whole screen that froze or the video that froze?16:08
evtlthe system freezes16:09
evtlcant move the mouse16:09
viddit could be a bad file16:09
evtlthe video?16:09
evtli watched different videos16:10
evtland on this computer inwatched them16:10
evtland it worked16:10
viddso on this system, no issues...and on the problem machine all videos freeze?16:11
evtlall .avi16:11
evtlyoutube works16:11
viddor just this one vid16:11
evtl(but laggy)16:11
viddyoutube is flv16:11
vidddifferent file type16:12
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:12
evtlmaybe i find some .flv16:13
evtlill try it16:13
evtl.mpg feezes too16:20
viddevtl, dunno what to say....16:24
evtlcoz im stupid or dunnoi how to help me with the problem?16:25
vidddunno what to do to fix issue16:25
evtlmaybe another linux version?16:26
viddthey "it works" system...what OS is on it?16:26
viddso it probably is a plugin issue16:27
evtlwith avi & mpg16:27
viddi dont know how to install the plugins for the video players you use....16:27
viddi use gxine and libxine plugins and have no problems16:28
viddbut "standard" *buntu use gstreamer plugins16:28
evtli searched for gxine but found no exe :x16:28
chowderI want to create a custom session that shows up everytime I log in. I installed gnome-shell and I'd basically like to be able to choose between a "gnome-shell session" and an xfce session16:29
chowderI want to use gnome-shell as my window manager but I'd like to keep using thunar and my existing program16:30
chowdersorry, mistyped16:30
chowderdoes anyone have any advice?16:30
vidd"sudo apt-get install gxine"16:31
viddand "sudo apt-get install libxine1-all-plugins16:33
viddevtl, you may need to add universe and multiverse sources16:34
viddevtl, as an aside...windows OS's dont play most video codex out-of-the-box either16:35
evtlnow gxine16:42
viddevtl, now im REALLY at a loss16:44
evtl"you may need to add universe and multiverse sources"16:45
evtli didnt do it16:45
evtlmaybe it helps?16:45
evtlhm :/16:45
evtlmaybe i should try another distribution?16:45
viddthose sources are for getting applications not in the "main" repos16:45
viddevtl, im suspecting the files may be at cause16:46
viddyou can try another distribution, but i suspect you will have the same issues16:46
Sysiin a what way it freezes, what graphics card?16:46
evtljust a freezed screen16:47
Sysinothing moves?16:47
evtli tried 5 vids16:47
Sysisomething on ~/.xsession-errors ?16:48
evtlwhere i find that?16:49
TheSheepin your home directory16:49
TheSheepit's a file16:49
Sysi~/ for home16:50
evtlthere is just the userfolder16:50
viddevtl, click "view" "show hidden"16:52
evtlyeah, nothing^^16:52
evtlin the userfolder16:52
evtldo u want it?16:53
Sysiyou could pastebin it16:54
evtli do it16:54
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOpenWeek next session in 4 minutes -16:57
charlie-tcasession is "Have you tried turning it off and then on again?"16:57
charlie-tcaThis should be a great session!16:57
Sysievtl: i can't see exact problem, but lots of warnings17:04
xubuntu385привет всем!17:21
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:21
viddSysi, your ability to recognize languages amazes me =]17:22
charlie-tcame too17:23
=== autif1 is now known as autif
saulHi is anyone here that can help me with some problems I am having with my xubuntu?20:04
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:05
Sysiall of us.20:06
saulok I can not get the log in and log out sound to work on my Dell laptop can you tell me where I go to enable log in sounds? I already have gone to the log in screen properties and ticked the box that says enable log in sounds but still it is silent when I start up xubuntu20:07
saulAlso can you tell me where I would go to find where you can select even sounds like the error wave or any other wave or ogg sound event files?20:10
saulguess not20:17
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=== Guest7335 is now known as MichealH
aubrey616i verified a problem with 10.10 in #ubuntu, the wireless driver ath9k for atheros wireless pci is somewhat faulty21:23
aubrey616anyone else recognized this problem ?21:23
SivartsI have a problem: My computer has onboard intel video and I want to use a pci nvidia card -- problem is bios doesn't let you disable onboard, but lets you set the priority of PCI card to be higher - this results in a kernel panic crash when I try to boot any kind of linux because it sees both cards. How can I make it only see my PCI card and not my onboard?23:02
Sysimaybe if you blacklisted intel driver(s)23:06
SivartsSysi so my understanding is install Xubuntu with onboard, blacklist intel?, put in new video card, switch bios to make video card higher priority and boot up with monitor connected to new card?23:07
Sivartsdo I need to install any nvidia drivers before I put in the card?23:07
Sivartsand what module do I blacklist, I tried intel_agp and that didn't seem todo it23:07
Sysinvidia should work somewhat well by default23:09
Sysiyou could maybe somehow see from livecd what driver is used23:10
Sivartskk any idea how to tell?23:10
Sysii really don't know, but after thinking, something with modprobe or lsof might work like that23:31

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