
valoriezunable to log into launchpad summit00:31
valoriezto see the UDS tracks/sessions, etc00:31
valoriezooops, now it works00:31
valoriezwill there be a Kubuntu track, or just some sessions?00:32
JontheEchidnanice, GCC 4.5 now gives row *and* column of a syntax error00:41
ScottKvaloriez: Kubuntu stuff will be embeded in the various tracks.00:46
valoriezI've seen them by clicking on the days00:48
valoriezwhich is cool00:48
ScottKExpect them to change.00:48
valoriezScottK: I've noticed that a couple of the wiki pages haven't been created00:48
valoriezDocs and Community00:48
ScottKStuff get's re-arranged all the time.00:48
valoriezcan I do that?00:48
ScottKNot suprising.  00:48
valoriezRiddell has done it in the past00:49
ScottKIt's generally better to let the person who's driving the spec do it when they are ready.00:49
valoriezdon't want to step on toes00:49
ScottKLex79: Do you want the kwave merge (I TIL, but you've uploaded it several times - I'm good either way)?00:53
Lex79ScottK: go ahead, thanks00:54
* ScottK was afraid you'd say that.00:55
Lex79what's mean TIL ?00:55
ScottKTouched It Last00:56
Lex79oh :)00:56
JontheEchidnathe beginnings of a config dialog: http://imgur.com/i5eHL01:09
Lex79isn't it already planned to go in system settings?01:10
JontheEchidnaThis is for muon notifications01:11
* Lex79 finished to merge kde4libs and fixed shadeslayer's mistakes01:14
* JontheEchidna wonders why this is happening :s http://pastebin.ca/196351001:17
JontheEchidnasecond time I try to access the config dialog01:17
JontheEchidnasetAttribute(Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose) wasn't working... though it works for dolphin :/01:22
Lex79that plymouth bug makes me headache, too spam01:23
nixternallet me guess, canonical has dumb asses working for shipit...once again, our loco team cds get fucked up..past 2 times, someone who wasn't even on the team ordered them...this time, they tried again, but canonical made a mistake and put my phone number on the shipping label, and the TNT guys couldn't find the address, so they called me01:24
nixternalchicago finally has CDs, after more than a year \o/01:24
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1186359 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (11 files in 4 dirs) A new settings dialog baseclass + a shared Notify settings page that the manager and the updater can both use. Give Muon Manager a config dialog using these new components01:24
Lex79JontheEchidna: maybe it's a moc problem? does dolphin has some moc tricks? maybe are stupid questions, I don't know exactly what I'm saying :D01:25
JontheEchidnaI ended up just making a function that deletes the dialog when closed :P01:26
JontheEchidnaor rather copying one I already wrote01:26
CIA-116[ubuntu] Alessandro Ghersi <alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org * alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org-20101016003326-jfhp40b6zpjjf2pm * debian/ (65 files in 3 dirs) (log message trimmed)01:33
CIA-116kde4libs (4:4.5.2a-1ubuntu1) natty; urgency=low [ Rohan Garg ] * Merge with01:33
CIA-116Debian git remaining changes: - no build-dep on libaspell-dev - no build-dep on01:33
Lex79magic :)01:34
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1186362 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (3 files in 2 dirs) Add ability to configure which notifications show up in the config dialog02:01
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1186363 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/settings/NotifySettingsPage.cpp Forgot a few things...02:10
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CIA-116[ubuntu] Alessandro Ghersi <alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org * alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org-20101016024440-xjf1du1bwrnqjs6j * debian/ (34 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)03:44
CIA-116kdepimlibs (4:4.5.2-1ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Merge with Debian git03:44
CIA-116remaining changes: - New upstream release 4.5.2 - Build with versioned boost03:44
Lex79_ScottK: can you look if libexiv2-dev is in Universe instead of in main ?04:01
ScottKSure.  So can you.04:01
ScottKLex79_: rmadison libexiv2-dev says it's not.04:02
Lex79_in natty?04:02
Lex79_pbuilder says it's a virtual package04:03
Lex79_libexiv2-dev: Depends: libexiv2-9 (= 0.20-2) which is a virtual package.04:04
Lex79_yes it's universe, not libexiv2-dev but  libexiv2-9 04:04
Lex79_libexiv2-9 |     0.20-2 | natty/universe | amd64, i38604:04
ScottKRiddell can fix that.04:07
ScottKLooks like someone messed up the New.04:07
CIA-116[ubuntu] Alessandro Ghersi <alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org * alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org-20101016032327-nj1ierf1qzpyhs07 * debian/ (9 files in 3 dirs) (log message trimmed)04:23
CIA-116kdegraphics (4:4.5.2-1ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low * Merge with Debian git04:23
CIA-116remaining changes: - New upstream release 4.5.2 - Don't add libchm-dev (it's in04:23
CIA-116[ubuntu] Alessandro Ghersi <alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org * alessandro-ghersi@kubuntu.org-20101016044856-k4ufsbebqdr2y8xb * debian/ (12 files in 2 dirs) (log message trimmed)05:48
CIA-116kdebase-runtime (4:4.5.2-1ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=low [ Alessandro Ghersi ]05:48
CIA-116* Merge with Debian git remaining changes: - add 30-nepomuk-inotify-limit.conf -05:48
Riddellsomeone will need to upload qt4, my upload didn't work, it's in bzr06:10
* Riddell out06:10
macoRiddell: good morning06:10
chris062689You guys did an amazing job with 10.10  Keep up the awesome work.06:44
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=== valorie_ is now known as valoriez
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shadeslayerLex79: mistakes? :)11:39
shadeslayeroh .. i didnt document the aspell stuff?11:43
Quintasanshadeslayer: Lex79 lacks the words to describe the dismay ;P11:43
Quintasansip was built11:43
afiestasis there a wubi installer for kubuntu?11:44
shadeslayerafiestas: its universal afaik11:44
shadeslayerso you can choose during install time11:44
shadeslayer( thats the way it should work i think )11:44
valoriezscroll down a bit11:46
afiestasvaloriez: it redirects to a wubi-installer with a "page not found" page11:46
shadeslayeri can fix that 11:48
shadeslayerjust lemme get the proper wubi link tho :)11:48
shadeslayerafiestas: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide11:48
shadeslayerhttp://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/windows-installer << thats the installer11:49
shadeslayervalorie: afiestas wubi link fixed12:08
afiestasnice :p12:20
shadeslayerafiestas: suppose i have a i18n string and i want to output the application name, how do i do that?12:22
afiestasno idea :/12:24
afiestasask to tsdgeos, i18n kde master xD12:24
shadeslayerah yes :)12:24
shadeslayerafiestas: whats the kde i10n channel?12:24
ulyssesshadeslayer: #kde-i18n12:25
shadeslayerright :)12:25
sheytanwhat is /var/lib/dpkg/status for?14:20
tsimpsonsheytan: From man dpkg(1): Statuses of available packages. This file contains information about whether a package is marked for removing or not, whether it is installed or not, etc.14:23
sheytantsimpson thank  you :)14:24
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nuovodna_how about this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase/+bug/64695 ?? 15:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64695 in kdebase (Ubuntu) "If GDM is the default display manager KDE logout dialog is missing shutdown and restart options" [Medium,Fix released]15:02
nuovodna_fix not released yet :(15:02
shadeslayerRiddell: zomg are you here?15:05
* shadeslayer did something amazing15:05
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger well i edited application/gzip and the result is this http://imagebin.ca/view/SPEgPjp.html15:06
shadeslayerwe can load katepart in rekonq and make it load build logs15:06
shadeslayerthat stuff needs to be fixed in kde imo :(15:09
nuovodna_shadeslayer, are you talkin about the rekonq open action on build logs file?15:11
shadeslayernuovodna_: yes15:11
nuovodna_i d like that rekonq will be open like a log and not like an archive file15:12
shadeslayernuovodna_: see it can load katepart  and display the build logs, but i had to change the kpart for application/x-gzip15:12
shadeslayernuovodna_: yes you can hack it to make it work atm :)15:12
shadeslayerwant the instructions?15:12
nuovodna_yes! :)15:12
shadeslayernuovodna_: keditfiletype application/x-gzip15:12
shadeslayerrun that in krunner15:13
shadeslayergo under Embedding -> Add15:13
shadeslayeradd the katepart at the top15:13
shadeslayertick "Ask whether .. "15:13
shadeslayerclick apply and your done15:13
nuovodna_ok! Thanks :)15:14
shadeslayerbe warned, this might break some stuff :P15:14
nuovodna_like action to open archive15:14
nuovodna_kate instead of ark :)15:14
shadeslayertry it out15:14
shadeslayershould work15:15
shadeslayerok ive gtg.... cya15:16
nuovodna_yes it works15:16
nuovodna_another annoying bug for ppa-maintainer using kde :https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pinentry-qt4/+bug/65721915:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657219 in pinentry-qt4 (Ubuntu) "pinentry-qt4 doesn't raise on top, need to select that window manually" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:17
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freeflyingRiddell: SRU would be great, but if it can't happen, next release would be fine too15:54
shadeslayerhmm... wasnt that pinetry bug fixed?15:54
shadeslayerRiddell: we should really patch our packages so that rekonq can open x-gzip build files from lp15:55
shadeslayerfreeflying: Riddell is away for the week till UDS :)15:56
freeflyingshadeslayer: noted, thx :)15:56
shadeslayernuovodna: ok ive uploaded a package to fix the pinetry issue, can you test?16:26
nuovodnaok...where can i download it?16:26
shadeslayernuovodna: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/experimental16:27
shadeslayeralso, please purge that ppa after you test :)16:27
nuovodnaok :D16:27
shadeslayeri386 is building at the moment16:27
nuovodnaok i m on amd6416:27
shadeslayerme too16:28
shadeslayeritll build in another 40 mins or so16:28
nuovodnaok i bookmark your ppa page16:29
nuovodnanow i have to go to a factory worker in the engineering industry demonstration16:29
shadeslayerhehe :)16:30
nuovodnasee you later16:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: pingly16:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://maemo.nokia.com/videos/ << works  fine in konqueror but not in rekonq, ideas?16:34
shadeslayerScottK: around?16:36
shadeslayerwasnt bug 657219 fixed sometime back? IIRC there was a discussion about it16:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 657219 in pinentry (Ubuntu) "pinentry-qt4 doesn't raise on top, need to select that window manually" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65721916:37
shadeslayerschedules are up! :D16:40
dasKreechhttps://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Netbook is out of date?16:53
dasKreechhi rdieter16:53
rdieterdasKreech: hi16:53
dasKreechhow is it going?16:53
rdieterdasKreech: quite well for me.  you?16:55
dasKreechCrap Load of work :)16:55
debfxshadeslayer: do you know if the pinentry focus issue is a regression?17:01
shadeslayerdebfx: i think so17:01
debfxanyway the bug is very annoying and the patch from fedora works fine17:02
shadeslayerhmm .. i have a patch from upstream17:02
shadeslayer( as you can see in the bug )17:02
debfxfrom https://bugs.g10code.com/gnupg/issue1162 ?17:02
debfxwell settings the window to always on top isn't a fix for focus issues17:03
shadeslayerhmm.. wheres the fedora patch? :)17:03
shadeslayerdebfx: atm im using http://pastebin.com/fa7u13mS17:04
shadeslayerso ill update my package with the new patch17:05
shadeslayerdebfx: uploaded to my experimental ppa, ( ppa:rohangarg/experimental )17:07
debfxshadeslayer: could you add a debdiff to the bug?17:11
shadeslayerdebfx: yes, ill be pushing for a SRU ...17:11
shadeslayerdebfx: IIRC SRU's have ~maverick1 right?17:13
debfxshadeslayer: no, that's for backports17:14
debfxthe fix for natty should be 0.8.0-1ubuntu1 and for maverick 0.8.0-1ubuntu0.117:14
shadeslayerdebfx: should i file a new SRU bug or just use the same bug?17:19
debfxshadeslayer: the same bug17:20
shadeslayerok im almost done then, ill add test cases and rationale in a moment17:20
debfxany core devs around? apachelogger?17:21
shadeslayertest building for natty17:24
shadeslayerdebfx: debdiff for maverick added17:25
shadeslayeralso, when Riddell uploaded plasma-widget-yawp for maverick, he did so with ~maverick117:25
shadeslayer( as a part of SRU )17:26
shadeslayeruh.. debdiff is wrong i think17:27
shadeslayeryeah ..17:27
shadeslayerdebfx: done17:33
shadeslayer(natty is building atm)17:33
ari-tczewaloha Quintasan17:34
Quintasanari-tczew: *17:34
Quintasanshadeslayer: I uploaded new sip and pyqt to neon ppa for maverick, care to do quick backport for lucid builds somewhere this week?17:35
shadeslayerQuintasan: ill try, college is reopening on monday so might take some time17:35
Quintasanshadeslayer: okay, I'll try to do this but now I want to get done with bindings :P17:36
shadeslayerQuintasan: do bindings first!17:36
shadeslayerdebfx: should i subscribe ubuntu sponsors?17:36
QuintasanThat's what I'm doing ATM17:36
shadeslayerdebfx: also.. would be helpful if debian fixed it in their packages and then i can request a sync :)(17:38
debfxshadeslayer: debian bug #58161717:42
ubottuDebian bug 581617 in pinentry-qt4 "pinentry-qt4: Pinentry-qt4 appears behind the compose window in kde4/icedove" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/58161717:42
Quintasangod dman17:44
debfxshadeslayer: the bug needs to be fixed in natty before uploading a SRU17:44
QuintasanI will update more packages than I will build for Project Neon17:44
shadeslayerah ok .. hold on then :)17:44
shadeslayerdebfx: debdiff for natty added17:57
shadeslayermaverick one uploaded as well17:59
debfxshadeslayer: great18:02
Quintasanhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vQ5MA685ApE    <--- lol, guys are moving an online webserver to new datacenter using public transport18:06
njinhello, could someone help me asking the reporter wich infos are needed to triage this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/661313 Thanks.18:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661313 in Ubuntu "kubuntu 10.10 issue with desktop effects and taskbar transparency" [Undecided,New]18:25
ScottKQuintasan: I hope that box isn't exposed to the internet.  Seven years of security vulnerabilities is a lot.18:29
shadeslayerjussi: this is one awesome quassel stylesheet18:40
jussishadeslayer: glad you like it :D18:40
shadeslayerjussi: can you make some for rekonq? :D18:42
jussishadeslayer: why? 18:43
shadeslayerjussi: because the urlbar goes black when loading a URK18:43
jussiwhat is the use case for having rekonq differently themed to the rest of the system?18:43
shadeslayerhmm.. true ..18:44
shadeslayerdebfx: package with patch works for me18:48
debfxJontheEchidna: could you please upload a qtcurve merge: http://people.ubuntu.com/~debfx/gtk2-engines-qtcurve_1.6.4-1ubuntu1.dsc19:01
JontheEchidnadebfx: done19:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you have any spare books on Qt lying around? 19:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: can you bring one to UDS if its possible :)19:18
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: do you know of any class in KDE/Qt that does spell check?19:21
JontheEchidnasonnet. Though this functionality should be available through a KTextEdit. (Maybe not by default though)19:21
shadeslayerah yes i just found that on api.kde19:22
shadeslayerJontheEchidna: i cant use KTextEdit, since im trying to add spell check to rekonq ;)19:23
JontheEchidnasounds like something that should go in webkitkde19:23
JontheEchidnaor kwebkit or whatever the kde webkit integration in kdelibs that rekonq uses is called19:24
JontheEchidnaactually, it looks like kdewebkit doesn't really do any integration irt the widgets that QtWebKit uses...19:28
CIA-116[muon] jmthomas * 1186515 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/updater/ (6 files in 2 dirs) Add a configuration dialog to the Muon Updater. It likely won't go beyond notification settings, though.19:37
ScottKQuintasan: You should have mail on sip4-qt3.  Please stick around i #debian-python.20:00
debfxcan I somehow check which packages are on the live cd?20:13
Lex79^ the .manifest file20:20
=== valorie_ is now known as valoriez

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