
connor_Hey, i have a question. Sometimes when im palying music with Amarok, my computer will freeze. However, it will only freeze my screen, and not my mouse. My mouse will work and move as normal, but will not be able to interact with anything. Is there anyway to prevent this or recover from the problem?00:10
connor__it just happened again00:12
connor__Im sorry, i just crashed again.  Did anyone answer?00:13
jakentthat happens to me when i have a kernel panic00:14
connor__oh? and how can i avoid that?00:15
jakentmine was hardware related... so i went with a different usb device00:15
jakenterr usb networking device00:16
connor__Would this hardware issue be present in Windows? It does not occur anywhere except for Kubuntu00:16
jakentso, for me, it was the driver causing the kernel panic.  Driver would be different in windows00:17
jakentif it occurs only when playing music, maybe sound card drivers?00:18
connor__Ah, ok i understand now.  I think it is most likely my graphics card, as when im playing music, the music still continues through the freeze.  So my new question would be, how do i install a nVidia Driver?00:18
jakenthrm, its been a while, but I was able to install it through the packages00:18
jakenti don't remember more than that00:19
connor__So in KPackageKit?00:19
serverboxNeed help00:19
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jakentlet me open up my Kubuntu vm00:19
jakenti had a "hardware Drivers" option, not through the KPackageKit00:20
connor_Ok, i found it, Thank You.  Only time can tell now if i will freeze again.  Wish me luck :D00:22
jakentgood luck, hope it helps00:22
valoriezconnor_: you can always run amarok from the console00:24
valoriezamarok -d --nofork00:24
connor_What do you mean?00:24
valoriezand see what the output is, when it's freezing00:24
connor_oh so you mean ALT+f100:24
valoriezI mean, rather than starting it by clicking the icon00:24
valoriezI'm not sure alt+f1 gives you a readout00:25
connor_Actually, now that i think about it.  I froze it in the same way when i was clicking too much in the file browser.00:25
valoriezI think you have to start a console00:25
valoriezeither konsole, yatatuake (sp?) or control+alt+f5 ?00:26
valorieznot sure ont eh f key00:26
connor_Ah ok, ill try that.00:26
valoriezI use konsole00:26
valoriezthere is LOTS of output00:26
connor_yeah, ok00:26
valoriezbut when it's freezing, if it is00:26
valoriezyou might get a clue that way00:27
smooph1hi guys ... I have a question ... I use Kubuntu in a dual-monitor setup and I very often move windows to the edge of one monitor ... but if i do that the shadow of that window is shown on the other desktop00:37
smooph1is there a way to prevent that ?00:38
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connor_smooph1, apart from completely turning off shadows, there may be an app for that.  Look up "dual monitors" or even "monitors" in KPackageKit00:44
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LOGANis for a laptop bettere to use Kubuntu than Ubuntu?01:16
LOGANIm a linux noob but was trying to try one through windows install to not mess with windows01:16
valoriezlogan, it's a matter of taste01:17
valoriezif you like KDE more than Gnome, you'll like Kubuntu01:17
* valoriez is using kubuntu 10.10 on a laptop right now01:18
valoriezand I love it01:18
valoriezEverything Works01:18
LOGANAnd while Ubuntu Live was ok I seem to have issues with installing. then not finding boot drive then finally worked and tried to install flash plugin for firefox and stuck on 6^ till screen went black with a unresponsive text select cursor01:18
valoriezwhen it was a dual boot, windows was fine01:18
valoriezI'm not enough of an expert to guide you through an install, however01:19
LOGANI start wondering what I did wrong, lol. It seems harder than windows to me unfortionly, asked for help in Ubuntu, but got no response. been trying for a few hours already, so I thought meybe deinstall ubuntu and try kubuntu to see if it makes a difference01:20
LOGANI did in windows install not to mess with partitions etc01:21
LOGANnow it didn't boot into ubuntu, just a black screen and a cursor01:22
LOGANcould be an in windows install issue, I don't know01:22
valoriezsorry, phone01:22
LOGANand I don't really understand the difference bewtween the ubuntu and kubuntu, well they look different, lol01:24
valoriezsorry, phone01:26
endafy I need a Winiso replacement for Ubuntu, I need to be able to edit ISO files, not ruin the boot sectors of the ISO 9664 filesystem, have a decent interface (gtk or QT it doesn't matter) build ISO files, and burn them all in one nifty little package like Winiso01:26
endafyk3b does a decent job of making images, but I really need something that can edit them on the fly like Winiso01:28
valoriezendafy: Qt, not QT, which is QuickTime01:30
LOGANim taking a break for now, gonna tatch some tv . thanks for the time01:30
valoriezLOGAN: ubuntu runs the Gnome desktop01:30
valoriezand apps01:30
valoriezKubuntu runs the KDE desktop, and apps01:30
valoriezyou can use the other desktop's apps01:31
valoriezbut in general, choose the one with the apps you like the most01:31
endafyif it were quicktime I would have specified, linux is not OSX01:31
valoriezendafy: sure, but it's Qt01:31
valoriezanyway, dinnertime!01:31
endafyand GTK != Gnome01:31
valoriezcorrect, that's true01:32
endafyI just want to be able to edit ISO files without mounting them as a loop because it messes with the 9660 and 9664 boot sectors if you edit it01:32
endafyand I have to completely rebbuild the ISO01:33
LOGANsomehow I start to suspect part of the trouble is that my internet connection is wimping out on me all the time01:49
LOGANmust be something in linux as windows seems ok, fast and stable01:50
LOGANmeh had connection again, tried installing Blender and poof, connection lost, also mouse not moving anymore.01:56
* LOGAN cries01:56
LOGANbooting back to windows and removing again, for now I stick to Live CD01:58
LOGANunless live CD is acting up as well nowadays01:58
LOGANthanks for the support, Ill look into it again at another time01:59
Tim_BHi all. Anyone know if there has been any progress on the Xinerama causign X to segfault on qt applications? I've been dead in the water since the upgrade to 10.10 :-/02:24
slooksterpsvKSudoku crashes/freezes on me when I try to select a different game such as 16x16 or 25x2502:43
LOGANhas kubuntu the minimize, mazimize and close buttons on the top right side of the windows?02:44
valoriezLOGAN: I believe you can set that up in systemsettings02:48
valoriezbut the default is top right02:49
slooksterpsvhi all I'm having trouble with KSudoku crashing/hanging when I select a puzzle that is 25x25 or 16x16, can anyone assist?02:50
valoriezslooksterpsv: have you filed a bug?02:51
slooksterpsvvaloriez: i have not02:51
valoriezdr. konqui should pop up for you02:51
valoriezand offer to add debug packages if needed02:51
slooksterpsvthat doesn't pop-up it just hangs and then I tell it to terminate02:51
valoriezit's worth the time if you are willing to do so02:51
valoriezoh, that sucks02:52
slooksterpsvI am, is there a way I can invoke it when running the program?02:52
valoriezhave you tried running it from Konsole, to see what happens?02:52
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slooksterpsvlike you can do with valgrind02:52
slooksterpsvyeah all I receive is a warning about i-bus02:53
valoriezwell, you can run it in gdb02:53
slooksterpsvcan not get i-bus daemon's address02:54
valoriez http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Debugging_(documentation) <--- this is amarok documentation02:54
valoriezbut it should work in much the same way02:54
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots02:55
valoriezor you can do it against kubuntu, this way ^^^02:55
LOGANah thanks valoriez because Ubuntu has recently switched those to the top left and needs trickery to make them correct again. Not very nice. Anyway it kept crashing so ill check out kubuntu tomorrow02:56
valoriezcool, LOGAN02:56
bazhangLOGAN, not much trickery involved, there is a clear command to change it, or just change the theme even02:56
LOGANbazhang: if I show a live cd at friends I want it as simple and good as possible by default :)02:57
LOGANtry explain to windows users that setting something as trivial as those buttons, lol02:58
LOGANmost people I know would have given up already when Im still fighting these things :D02:58
LOGANlets hope its not an hardware issue Im having though02:59
slooksterpsvok so it's not crashing, it's just taking a lot of time to generate the puzzle lol02:59
slooksterpsvsorry :(02:59
valoriezthe problem I have with the liveCD is it is slow02:59
valoriezslooksterpsv: that's the problem with gdb02:59
LOGANwell seems like I created MOTAS in less time :P02:59
valoriezs l o w02:59
LOGANok I lied, MOTAS took like 9 years LOL03:00
LOGAN(not fulltime ofcourse)03:00
* LOGAN gets coffee03:01
LOGANwell I do run linux... my HD media player as well as my eReader run some flavor of linux03:03
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conduitConvectioSo, I'm having issues with usb-creator-kde where it says my USB stick needs to be formatted...but it IS formatted, and clicking 'format' just makes the program unresponsive for a while.03:17
LOGANhave you tried formatting fat 32 in windows?03:17
LOGANthe USB stick that is :)03:17
LOGANmany USB sticks come out of the box formatted in FAT :/03:18
conduitConvectioWhich is logical I guess03:18
LOGANhmm and I always doublecheck if I selected the correct device , lol, just to be sure03:19
conduitConvectioYeah, I've done that.03:20
LOGANhow large is your USB stick btw?03:20
valoriezmine is vfat, and the app worked fine03:21
LOGANthat should be enough (without huge persistant)03:21
valoriezfaster than a CD03:21
LOGANvfat?? Hmm maybe I confused. I used Universal USB installer
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valoriezit didn't mention formatting, and it worked fine03:24
valoriezI made the bootable usb in lucid03:25
valoriezand used it to install Maverick03:25
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mjaycan anybody help me how to put split files back into one file?05:49
mjayi have this downloaded files which are in zip files05:50
slooksterpsvhmmm so are they like zip.part1 zip.part2, etc.?05:59
slooksterpsvmjay ?05:59
mjayi dont know06:00
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mjaythe files have like .ro0 to .ro21 extensions06:01
* Islington is away: Gone away for now06:01
mjaybut the icons show files in archive or in zip folder each06:02
mjayits actually a movie file06:02
mjayi've already unzip all files but i'm hoping that i can get them altogether into 1 file06:03
mjayslooksterpsv: do you know how to do it?06:04
slooksterpsv.ro? weird06:05
mjayim going to look at the files again06:05
slooksterpsvcan you download winrar on wine and use it to extract the ro files? winrar can do it06:06
mjayhow is it done?06:08
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mjayi have looked at the files again and yeah the files are with .r00 to .r47 extensions06:09
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powered-by-linuxhi , all ; )06:22
powered-by-linuxI'm using (Hardy) updated version of Kubuntu on a Dell Laptop, the udated version is awesome cause it had the proper wi-fi on the iso : )  tho I really really want it on my desktop!, so my question is as follows=06:25
powered-by-linuxcan I connect the laptop up as a network to get the packages I want, as the adapter for the desktop is not linux friendly : )06:27
slooksterpsvpowered-by-linux let me read through that again I got confused06:27
valoriezthe adaptor?06:27
slooksterpsvmjay where did you download the file from?06:27
valoriezI mean, adapter06:28
slooksterpsvlike share your internet connection from wifi to ethernet?06:28
valoriezyou can certainly download an .iso on one computer, and us it on another06:28
* Islington is back.06:29
valoriezyou can even use Windows to install kubuntu06:29
valoriezwith Wubi06:29
mjayfrom torrent06:29
slooksterpsvit almost looks like archive manager (file-roller I believe it's called) will extract it06:31
powered-by-linuxyes I have installed linux on it before, but as I can't get on the net with it, can't pick my packages, hmm wubi eh?, hmmm **thinks**06:31
slooksterpsvoh yeah absolutely powered-by-linux - you'd just add the cd that you burn the iso to as a source in software center, though I'd recommend a reformat and reinstall06:32
powered-by-linuxcan I burn an iso using (k3b) or something, that will keep all the packages I choose, like the way I set up the laptop?06:33
valoriezyou mean you can get on the net with it now06:33
valoriezbut not with linux?06:33
mjayextract it and bind all the files into one file?06:34
alesanHi! I do not see how to upgrade to 10.10 from 10.0406:34
slooksterpsvmjay do you have file-roller on your computer?06:35
valoriezalesan: what are you using to upgrade?06:35
mjayi dont think so06:35
mjayonly ark06:35
alesanvaloriez, kpackagekit?06:35
slooksterpsvmjay - download file-roller it's a gnome item, but works wonders, otherwise, you'll need wine + winrar06:36
alesanoh ok I need to vi /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades06:36
valoriezhave you updated recoently?06:36
alesanand set it to normal06:36
valoriezyou have to do all updates first06:36
alesanvaloriez, of course06:36
valoriezbefore upgrading06:36
mjayhow to do it with a sudo command?06:36
alesanyes of course06:36
valoriezsudo apt-get update06:36
valoriezsudo apt-get dist-upgrade06:37
mjayslooksterpsv: how to do it with a sudo command?06:37
valoriezbut kpackagekit should have a choice up in the top bar once everything is updated06:37
alesanok thanks!06:38
alesanI close everything while it performs the upgrade06:38
slooksterpsvmjay - sudo apt-get install file-roller06:38
mjayslooksterpsv: ok thanks06:38
powered-by-linuxthx alot  for the ideas, I'll try a few things, I do know getting the packages seperately is useless, as some need 40 to 50 dependcies, which would take forever haha!06:38
slooksterpsvvaloriez - question, when I log into Gnome it doesn't give me the window borders on the windows, I have Ubuntu but installed kubuntu-desktop from the repos, would that have affected that?06:39
valoriezslooksterpsv: in 10.04 ?06:39
* valoriez didn't have good luck with that combo in 10.0406:40
valoriezdidn't try it in 10.1006:40
valoriezI did a clean install06:40
valoriezstraight kubuntu06:40
macoslooksterpsv: if you run "metacity --replace" from a terminal in gnome, that should bring the borders back06:40
valoriezI've had trouble with the kde-on-top-of-ubuntu06:41
valoriezalthough lots of people have great luck with that06:41
valoriezand switch back and forth06:41
valoriezabout to restart, however06:41
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slooksterpsvok perfect06:42
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slooksterpsvI'm liking Kubuntu now, but I like my Gnome; I just need a 64-bit lxde and I'll be set =P06:42
slooksterpsv**Lubuntu 64-bit, not just lxde lol06:43
* slooksterpsv shakes head for being so confusing.06:43
slooksterpsvwhat do you guys use for your default music players?06:45
chris062689I was looking for something like foobar200006:45
chris062689I saw a program (Qt) that looked a lot like it on reddit.06:45
slooksterpsvhaven't used foobar200006:45
chris062689Let me see if I can find it again.06:45
chris062689foobar2000 (windows-only) is a very minimalistic music player, but it rocks.06:46
slooksterpsvwas it... guayadec or sommat like that06:46
chris062689Not sure06:46
chris062689Something about.. meat?06:46
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slooksterpsvI use Exaile, I like Exaile, it's small light and built with python06:47
chris062689Ah, found it06:47
slooksterpsvhahaha, I thought you were joking about meat wow that's good, have you tried a cli audio player?06:47
chris062689Hmm... I thoguht it had a Qt interface...06:47
chris062689never used one.06:48
chris062689though I think deadbeef is a console app as well06:48
chris062689I haven't used it, I just think it looks a lot like foobar200006:48
chris062689I'm abotu to install Kubuntu 10.1006:49
chris062689I always love KDE / Kubuntu, but for some reason I always go back to Windows. :S06:49
chris062689Not sure why, just find things easier to do there, I've been with Ubuntu / Kubuntu / OpenSuSE (and other linux distros) since about 2004 though06:50
chris062689Just always found Windows easier to use.06:50
chris062689Perhaps I Just haven't had enough time to let it sink in ;)06:50
chris062689anyway, be back later.06:50
DarkriftXhow do i connect to a wifi network via command line?06:51
slooksterpsvDarkriftx you still here?07:01
Kalidarnhmm, for some reason every now and again my control, alt, super, tab and shit keys just 'stop working'07:02
Kalidarnunplugging the keyboard and replacing it fixes the problem07:02
slooksterpsvDarkriftX - You type in: sudo iwconfig essid "yournetworkname" key "ifyouhaveakey" or that07:02
slooksterpsvKalidarn - what version of Kubuntu are you running?07:03
Kalidarni'm using Kubuntu 10.10, with KDE 4.5.2, I have the latest version of VMWare Workstation open 7.1.2 build-30154807:03
Kalidarni've tried googling about for answers but have had trouble finding stuff relevant07:03
Kalidarnhttps://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=45359 i did see this07:03
Kalidarnbut i had been using gnome for quite a few months and have not ever experienced this once07:04
slooksterpsvKalidarn - not sure... I'd post on Ubuntuforums.org and see if someone can help you out, unless someone in here knows what to do07:04
Kalidarnim wondering what log i should look in07:05
Kalidarnor perhaps the xorg log07:05
Kalidarni didn't see anything in dmesg or messages07:05
slooksterpsvnot sure...07:10
Kalidarnslooksterpsv: it appears kubuntu doesn't have a forum on ubuntuforus.com07:16
migumislooksterpsv: hey, still it wont work.07:17
migumithe archiver thingy07:17
Kalidarna general help looks like the place to post07:18
slooksterpsvmigumi oh ok, try winrar in wine07:18
slooksterpsvKalidarn - Ubuntuforums they do issues with anything Ubuntu pretty much, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, and as of lately even Lubuntu, posting there won't hurt at all I've posted issues on Lubuntu and been able to get them resolved, same with Kubuntu, plus it's better than the IRC cause if someone searches for a resolution to the same issue you're is posted if you resolve it07:19
migumiwhat is that? not that used to kubuntu terms07:20
migumiall i know is winrar in windows07:20
migumiwhat is wine?07:21
macomigumi: wine is a compatibility layer that lets you run some windows apps with varying degrees of working07:21
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:21
slooksterpsvWINE = WINE Is Not Emulation07:21
slooksterpsv!virtualizers > slooksterpsv07:21
ubottuslooksterpsv, please see my private message07:21
macoslooksterpsv: right. technically a reimplementation of the win32 api07:21
slooksterpsvWINE + WinRar especially on corrupt files is great!07:22
mokushhey, does anybody know how to stop kdesudo from asking for password when automounting drive?07:23
slooksterpsvmokush - add it to your fstab07:23
slooksterpsvmokush - use pysdm - it's easy, and all you do is click a couple of items; and it adds it to your fstab so each time you boot/reboot the drive is still mounted, only issue is if the drive is not availalbe it may give you error messages07:23
slooksterpsvunless there's another way, but that's the only way I know how07:24
mokushso you say stop using the built-in "system setting" to mount, and manualy mount using fstab?07:24
migumithanks for trying to help me out everyone but im having a hard time here understanding you. i feel like im an alien here. poor me.07:25
macomigumi: what was your problem? i dont see it07:25
mokushhow about stopping kwallet from asking for password on startup?07:26
slooksterpsvmigumi - go to a terminal and type in: sudo apt-get install wine   -or open... what is it in Ubuntu, kpackagekit? and search for wine and install that07:27
migumii was like having a movie file here which is split into 45 zip files07:27
slooksterpsvactually migumi, do this, I can make it into a script to automate it for you if you'd like?07:27
migumiand i am hoping that i can extract all of them and condense it again into one movie file07:28
migumithat is my problem maco07:28
migumiok ill try that slooksterpsv07:28
macomigumi: unzip *.zip ?07:30
macothatd unzip them all07:30
migumislooksterpsv: how am i be able to uninstall the archve manager which you told me a while ago to try first?07:30
migumimaco: i want to unzip the files07:30
macothat would unzip them, yes07:30
macooh um07:30
macoin case its not clear (as i just noticed), "unzip" is a command07:30
slooksterpsvmigumi - i'm going to pm you with the command it's long07:31
migumioh i already tried that one using ark07:31
migumimaco:oh i already tried that one using ark07:31
migumibut i only got them into smaller separate files07:32
macoid use cat to put them together07:32
slooksterpsvmigumi, just run that command in terminal it will download and install wine, download winrar, start the winrar installation then open up winrar so you can open the .ro files07:32
macocat file1 file2 file3 file4 > movie.avi07:33
slooksterpsvoh if you don't like sudo, I can do ksudo or kdesudo so it pops-up the window to prompt you for your password07:33
migumiwhat is cat maco?07:36
macomigumi: catenate. it attaches things end to end07:37
migumihow can i get it into my system?07:37
kyubutsuis there a known bug about kmail not connecting to imap [gmail in this case]07:38
migumiby the way people how did you manage to have your input lines highlighted? lol07:39
Kalidarnhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9980489 slooksterpsv i don't think i missed anything there I hope someone has a solution to this07:42
Kalidarnanother thing i've noticed is vmware-vmx seems to jump to 100% cpu almost and video playback on the host becomes impossible.07:42
Kalidarni found a solution, shut down the vm, and restart pulseaudio07:42
Kalidarndoes anyone know of a pulseaudio bug regarding cpu usage07:43
Kalidarnive heard it's had a lot of problems in the past07:43
Kalidarn(simply shutting down vmware-vmx) doesn't fix it have to also kill pulse audio and restart so im not sure what the case is with that07:43
* Islington is away: Gone away for now07:49
kyubutsu!away | Islington07:52
ubottuIslington: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»07:52
kyubutsui know i have kmail set up properly .. even tried a number of wrong ways just to in case [also outta boredom]  it just gets indefinitely 'checking' for mail   :(07:55
kyubutsuimap is enabled on gmail side too.. not that many things to check really07:56
kyubutsu: /07:56
kyubutsui had been successful in the past.. this malfunction is new07:58
kyubutsudidnt feel like trying pop setup but i guess i might have to then, given the popularity of this bug <sarcasm>07:59
kyubutsubut i have my rupees on kmail being at fault07:59
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=== migumi is now known as computerillitera
stefanoskubuntu greek channel?08:07
computerilliterahey everyone how am i be able to access the files i have downloaded in my virtual OS using oracle08:07
stefanossend them to shared folder , if you have not one - make08:08
computerilliterai want to access the files in the "real" system, in my kubuntu08:08
stefanosdevices ->  shared folders ( add one from kubuntu )08:09
stefanoswhat is your guest os?08:10
computerilliterawindows vista08:10
kyubutsu!gr | stefanos08:10
ubottustefanos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes08:10
computerilliterai mean xp08:10
stefanosright clik on network places , and add the folder from assign disk08:12
stefanosthe folder is now shared08:12
alesanI just upgraded08:13
alesanbut now kde displays the task bar on the secondary monitor08:13
computerilliterayou mean from my guest OS?08:14
stefanosis it possible to run radiotray with kubuntu?08:14
alesanjust before the upgrade it was correctly on the main monitor08:14
alesanhow can I mode it?08:14
stefanosin ubuntu works fine08:14
stefanosyes from guest os xp08:15
stefanosinstall guest additions first08:16
computerilliteraok stefanos08:20
stefanosis it done?08:20
computerilliterathere's another thing08:20
computerilliterahow can i minimize the windows panel of my opened applications in kubuntu and make them appear just below the desktop08:22
alesanso I just upgraded kubuntu to 10.10 and all applications now use an ugly font similar to COMICS08:22
alesanhow do I delete that font from the computer?08:23
Peace-alesan: you know that okular can work like comics08:23
alesanwhat is okular?08:23
computerilliteraits like a reader08:24
Peace-alesan: okular is a program that can open scan,rar file08:24
Peace-pdf files08:24
Peace-cbr files08:24
Peace-and other stuff08:24
alesanok I am not using it08:24
alesanthunderbird, even firefox08:24
alesanthe KDE task bar08:24
alesanall use this comics-like font08:24
alesanI want to use the normal font that came with all previous releases08:25
computerilliterahow can i minimize the windows panel of my opened applications in kubuntu and make them appear just below the desktop08:25
valorie_I think perhaps you don't like the new Ubuntu font?08:25
valorie_it doesn't appear at all like comics to me08:26
computerilliterai just hated pressing alt+tab key everytime i switch to another windos08:26
computerilliterai just hated pressing alt+tab key everytime i switch to another window08:26
kyubutsu!enter | alesan , Peace-08:26
ubottualesan , Peace-: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:26
alesankyubutsu, are you drunk :) ???08:26
kyubutsui wish?08:26
alesanok sorry08:26
valorie_computerillitera: do you want a toolbar, you mean?08:27
* kyubutsu shrugs08:27
alesanbut just tell me how to get rid of this font and go back to something classic08:27
Peace-kyubutsu: i am here to support kubuntu since 3 year i think i know rulez08:27
computerilliterai dont know how you call it08:27
valorie_you can just use your mouse scroll to move through apps or desktops if you like also08:27
computerilliterabut i want my kubuntu to act like the one in windows OS08:27
* valorie_ prefers to use a toolbar08:28
valorie_well, it's been so long since I used windows08:28
valorie_I don't know how they are doing things now08:28
alesancomputerillitera, yes the ALT+TAB on KDE has always been... useless08:28
computerilliterathat when you try to minimize an application it will only stay below your desktop08:28
=== valorie_ is now known as valoriez
valoriezalesan: I believe in systemsettings, you set your fonts08:29
valoriezsize, type, everything08:29
alesanvaloriez, do you know which icon in system settings?08:30
valoriezhmmm, let me look08:31
computerilliterawhat i mean is i just want to minimize things and let them stay just below my monitor so that i wont have to use alt+tab keys everytime i switch to another window08:31
valoriezApplication Appearance will do the fonts in all your apps08:31
alesanoh ok thanks08:31
valoriezif you want more fonts, looks like font installer is in system administration08:32
valoriezwhich is reasonable08:33
alesanno verdana is fine08:33
alesanI do not need 1000's of fonts08:33
valoriezalesan: did that do what you wanted?08:45
alesanwell I need to restart apps08:45
valoriezright, of course08:45
alesanfor example now xchat is still with the ugly font08:45
alesanbut not in the main part of the window08:45
alesanonly in the textline at the bottom, in the menu and titlebar08:46
* valoriez uses konversation08:46
alesanlast one I used an IRC client that was for KDE... it was ksirc I think08:48
alesanor... no maybe it was konversation08:49
alesannow I do not remember why I switched back to xchat08:49
alesanprobably because xchat takes less real estate on the monitor08:49
alesanI like it things when they are compact08:50
valoriezI started out with mIRC in Windows08:52
valorieznow that I've found Konvi, I no longer miss it08:52
computerilliterahey slook..how do i be able to minimize the application windows and just them put the minimized windows below my desktop?08:53
computerilliterahow do i be able to minimize the application windows and just them put the minimized windows below my desktop?08:54
computerilliterai'd better switch to windows OS.08:55
computerilliterano more patience for kubuntu08:55
alesanhe's right08:56
alesanthere are some things in KDE that are great, like the "focus stricly under mouse"08:57
alesanbut the ALT+TAB in windows is much better08:57
alesanand it would be so simple to implement08:57
computerilliteraalt+tab works fine with me in kubuntu08:57
computerilliterabut i just want to see the minimize buttons right below my desktop08:58
alesanyou mean the task bar?08:58
alesanthat is fine with me... what happens? you don't see the task bar?08:59
computerilliterai want the minimize buttons to be visible in the task bar08:59
valoriezhe didn't want to alt tab08:59
valoriezhe wanted a toolbar09:00
alesanminimize buttons...?09:00
valoriezplasma toolbar09:00
alesancomputerillitera, can you describe the "minimize button"?09:00
alesanvaloriez, the "plasma" thing I never understand what is09:00
valoriezcomputerillitera: google for plasma toolbar, and see if that's what you want09:00
valoriezI think it is09:00
alesanI disabled plasma, I just want a regular desktop09:00
valoriezthat's fine09:01
valoriezhowever, I like the plasma stuff09:01
valoriezthe applets09:01
alesancomputerillitera, do you mean a small button on the icon on the task bar, to minimize the corresponding window?09:03
TopGearHello people09:10
TopGearGot a few problems after installing Kubuntu 10.10: My Conky is all black with white letters, but there should be no background... I can't reach my NAS in any ways. Only through SAMBA, but that doesn't work quite well. And after a fres 10.10 install, I don't see any grub2 booting up :s09:12
TopGearhttp://tinyurl.com/33cs94e for the conky09:12
TopGearand for the .conkyrc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514348/09:12
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valoriezcan't help with the conky or samba09:34
valoriezbut I also got no grub2, and blogged about it09:34
valoriezmight help09:35
valoriezI guess it's a long-standing debian bug09:35
azmHi, I cant 'apply' theme in kde..someone can help?09:44
azmsystem settings-advanced-desktop details09:44
azmand apply button is grey09:44
valoriezyou might need to download the theme?09:48
valoriezis there "Get More Themes" or something?09:48
azmvaloriez: well I can choose from air,aya, blend etc but there no download button09:49
Renovatiodomanda: per modificare a mano le configurazioni di xorg devo prendere il file /etc/X11/xorg.conf?09:52
valoriezyes, those are built in09:53
valoriezyou choose one, and the button is still gray?09:53
valoriezit could be because you already have it09:54
Renovatioops: wrong channel (only english here)...i repost my question: xorg conf file is /etc/X11/xorg.conf?09:56
azmvaloriez: sorry, I have KX studio and there is need to check some permissions first, now it should work.09:57
TopGearhello ppl10:02
TopGearHow do I import mail from Evolution to KMail?10:02
Peace-TopGear: mmm10:12
Peace-nice question :D10:12
TopGearthanks :p10:13
TopGearI know that KMail to Evolution is easy, and I found some solutions @ internet. But Evo. to Kmail isn't that easy...10:13
TopGearBtw, i've made a backup in a .tar.gz10:14
ranjanHi all,10:14
ranjani was a user of Ubuntu and now switched to Kubuntu, its really great.10:14
Peace-TopGear: In KMail 1.13, the option has moved to the File->Import menu. This has saved me SO MUCH time, as I have gone from Ubuntu Evolution to openSuse KMail. Thanks for such a great resource!10:15
Peace-TopGear: that was fouind on google10:15
Peace-but i dunno10:15
ranjanis there any way to import the address book from gmail to Kontact?10:15
Peace-i have always used kde10:15
TopGearthe problem is that the KMail import version doesn't work10:15
Peace-ah damn10:16
TopGearyeah, my words :p10:17
TopGearmade a topic @ ubuntuforums10:18
Peace-TopGear: mmm i dunno10:18
Peace-TopGear: but could be old10:18
Peace-TopGear: http://siena.linux.it/documenti/cross-mail/10:19
TopGeardont trust that one, to be honest10:19
Peace-TopGear: http://siena.linux.it/documenti/cross-mail/index.en.html10:19
Peace-TopGear: well :) you can try10:19
Peace-is gpl10:19
Peace-TopGear: couild be read this maybe http://userbase.kde.org/KMail/Tools#Mail_Import_Tools10:22
TopGearboth don't work...10:24
ranjanhi all has anyone here used kaleban plasma theme?10:24
TopGearnot me10:24
ranjanHow can i make the taskbar show buttons like windows 7 instead of full text based taskbar?10:28
Peace-ranjan: if you want vista .. you canin install a theme10:28
Peace-vistar7 i guess it's10:29
ranjanPeace-: no i dont want that. :(10:29
ranjanit got me into trouble once10:29
ranjanhave you seen the theme kaleban ?10:29
Peace-i use oxygen10:29
Peace-and stop :)10:29
ranjancan you visit the link in kde-look.org if i give you one?10:30
ranjanPeace-: http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Kaleban+Plasma+Theme?content=12352410:31
ranjancan you say what app is in that screenshot at the taskmanager?10:31
Peace-ranjan: just a sec10:35
ranjanPeace-: ok10:35
ranjanPeace-: what? is that the name of the software?10:36
Peace-kmess is a messanger10:36
=== Diziara is now known as SleepyKitten
ranjanPeace-: i am not asking about the messenger10:37
ranjanPeace-: did you she the tasks as buttons10:37
Peace-i guess is a kyboard layout10:37
Peace-to switch for eeample from greek layout10:37
Peace-to english10:38
ranjanPeace-: hey are you answering to me or someone else :(10:39
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wuselmangood morning - I' m still tiered - shit weather in Hannover10:41
Peace-ranjan: to you10:43
ranjanPeace-: then my question to u is clear i think. that button only taksbar, which is that software thats my question10:43
Peace-buttons----> keyboard layout chooser10:44
Peace-i guess it's that10:44
Peace-if you mean another stuff you should cut the photo10:45
ForgeAushow to fix wubi? I Can get to busybox but full startup doesnt work, It seems like it might be something to do with lvm10:55
* Islington is away: Gone away for now11:00
* Islington is back.11:01
valoriezIslington: please quiet your client11:01
ForgeAusit permanently hangs on the blue (of course most kubuntu screens are blue) boot logo (the one with the dots (that replaced a progress bar) ... )11:02
ForgeAusbut if I change virtual terminals (ie control+alt+f1) it gives some errors...11:02
ForgeAusthe first one being a script (lvm) that was trying to use something thats "not found"11:03
ForgeAuswhich is why I think lvm is the problem11:03
ForgeAus(unless its the mounting NTFS but its already using ntfs since its doing grub stuff which requires access to the virtual drive doesn't it?)11:04
ForgeAusconfusing that it can get there it just doesn't know its already got there... kinda11:05
ForgeAusif that made any sense whatsoever11:05
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cypr1nushello, has anyone had an issue with smplayer + mkv - no video ?11:54
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Peace-cypr1nus: well :)12:00
Peace-what's your problem12:00
cypr1nusPeace-: I want to watch some mkv videos and i see no video, while sound is on12:01
cypr1nusI want to use smplayer and probably that's a problem12:02
Peace-i mean vlc works with that?12:02
Peace-or not12:02
cypr1nusi haven't tried vlc, but for 100% it works12:03
ForgeAushey all .. back to before... wubi problems with update12:06
Machtinhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1503569&page=2 <- i think i've got this problem.. however, it doesn't appear to be fixed in 10.10.. is that right? (i915, brightness can't be changed)12:06
ForgeAusthe error is /scripts/init-premount/lvm2: line39: add_mountroot_fail_hook: not found12:07
Peace-Machtin: a lots of intel card have problems with 10.1012:07
Peace-driver sucks12:07
ForgeAus(then it doesn't mount devices (/dev/sda2 on /root failed (no such device , no such file or directory for /dev and /sys and /proc... finally Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init, No init found. try passing init= bootarg.12:08
=== MuzerAway is now known as muzer
MachtinPeace-: i see12:08
ForgeAusany ideas how to fix?12:09
ForgeAusit seems to be a minor config faut, it was working before kpackagekit updated it12:10
ForgeAuserm fault if I can type it right lol12:10
newuserWhat is the equivalent for synaptic in kubuntu? (e.g. I want to install a single package, not a softwar)12:11
ForgeAus(you might want/need to use kdesudo kpackagekit from commandline, not sure... )12:13
newuserbut I cant install libraries with Kpackagekit12:14
Peace-sudo apt-get install nomepackage12:14
Peace-form konsole12:15
greenmang0can anybody tell my why /tmp doesn't get emptied after reboot? I have TMPTIME=0 in /etc/default/rcS12:19
greenmang0http://sprunge.us/KJGD < this is what keeps on piling in /tmp12:20
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kaddiso how is the new kubuntu/12:42
Peace-kaddi: better kubuntu 10.0412:42
Peace-than 10.1012:42
Peace-for me that i have a intel card12:42
Peace-and i hate pulse audiio12:42
kaddithe intel problems are back? >.<12:43
* Islington is away: Gone away for now12:51
greenmang0Peace-: i have 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c) and upgrade to 10.10 removed xserver-xorg-video-intel12:51
greenmang0Peace-: i had to reinstall it to get my desktop effects work properly again12:52
Peace-kaddi: xD i am on lucid12:53
Peace-it works well12:53
Peace-greenmang0: the problem is the worse driver i have ever seen12:53
Peace-3d accelleration is not good12:53
Peace-kwin effects was turned off12:53
Peace-3d games doesn't work well12:53
Peace-945gm here12:53
greenmang0Peace-: I see12:54
Peace-greenmang0: well lucid works really well12:55
Peace-so there is no problem for me cuz i have 2 installations :D12:55
greenmang0Peace-: good :) and lucid is LTS so you can enjoy it for 3 more years :P12:56
Peace-yea :D12:57
* Islington is back.12:58
kaddii use lucid as well13:02
Peace-there is no difference13:02
Peace-at all i guess13:02
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bigbrovaris there a way to make thunderbird show in the Kubuntu indicator plasmoid? there seems to be a walk round for that on ubuntu but same doesnt work on kubuntu13:20
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BelisarivsHello all.13:49
BelisarivsI have a terrible problem with Kubuntu MM.13:49
BelisarivsInstallation is OK, however, while after reboot into freshly installed system strange things start to happen.13:50
BelisarivsInitialy system works, but after some while, icons start to disappear, applications are not started from menu ....13:51
* Islington is away: Gone away for now13:51
BelisarivsI have never seen that. If I reboot machine, kdm doesn't start, "sudo whatever" reports that command sudo doesn't exit ....13:52
patrunjelhi everywone13:52
BelisarivsMemory is OK, installation disk as well, fs is IMHO OK too, because I had no such problems in LL.13:53
BelisarivsAny ideas?13:56
arice' qualcuno che parla italiano?13:59
munnyari dimmi pure14:01
=== Misterio is now known as ElNota
rork!it | ari14:01
ubottuari: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)14:01
aribuon giorno munny volevo sapere come funzionava questo canale14:02
ariok grazie14:03
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=== ElNota_ is now known as ElNota
sheytanHey, may someone take a look at this http://pastebin.com/D0biLKBR ?14:22
* Islington is back.14:25
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zighi all, I successfully installed kubuntu on my eeepc, everything working out of the box, in particular suspend to disk14:57
zigbut evebut ever since I upgraded (from the 10.04 install CD), suspend to disk stopped working14:57
zigwhen I resume, access to the filesystem is broken14:57
zig(random files corruption)14:57
zigis that a known issue ?14:58
=== eagles is now known as Peace-
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rek_i have a partition i can't read with win 7,but i can read it with ubuntu 10.10 gparted says it's a ntfs partition but fdisk says "linux" how can i format it to ntfs without losing all the data?15:09
fantihi! how do i upgrade vom kubuntu lucid to maverick ?15:22
Belisarivsfanti: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+maverick+upgrade15:28
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:29
tsimpsonsee the first link15:29
=== eagles is now known as Peace-
Peace-!maverick | fanti15:40
ubottufanti: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101015:40
Peace-!upgrade | fanti15:40
ubottufanti: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading15:40
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=== ElNota_ is now known as ElNota
BluesKajPeace-, are you 10.04 still ?16:04
Peace-BluesKaj: i have 2 installations16:05
Peace-one 10.0416:05
Peace-the other this one is 10.1016:05
BluesKajok. was wondering if you were trying to upgrade from 04 to 1016:07
Peace-nope i always install the new kubuntu in the other partition16:08
rekhi i can't read a sd with my pc but i can read it perfectly with my digital camera, i could see some pics but it's extremely slow... win instead says it's damaged can you help me to recover the data?16:14
Vilinyheya! Any netbook remix version with kde available?16:16
dasKreechViliny: Yes just download the normal CD16:50
dasKreechit has the Netbook on it16:51
dasKreechrek: try testdisk or go to CGSecurity and download photorec16:51
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* Islington is away: Gone away for now17:02
* Islington is back.17:07
* BluesKaj is away17:10
dexelТут спирт кто нибудь пьёт?17:17
dexelНу или хоть водку?17:17
renatohi, how do I stop an application from starting automatically at server startup?17:19
dasKreech!ru | dexel17:23
ubottudexel: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke17:23
dasKreechrenato: find out why it's starting and tell that to stop17:24
renatodasKreech: I have installed the package of postgres 8.4 and because of that it starts. now Ihave also postgres 9.0 and  I do not need 8.4 all the time. I remember by heart something like rc-init but I cannot seem to guess the command right17:25
dasKreechrenato: Look in /etc/init.d17:26
ubottuUpstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/17:26
dasKreechand you can read that17:26
WalrusGood evening! I've just installed kubuntu 10.10, a wubi install, but it won't start after reboot, I get this error: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/28477417:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284774 in linux (Ubuntu) "kubuntu fails to load after grub menu" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:36
RickKnightJust upgraded to 10.10 and I have a question I haven't found an answer for yet. How do I move the icons in the panel?17:37
sresuKSysTrayCmd working for every application. How can I exit it permanently?17:38
an1hi.. is there an equivalent for GNOME_DESKTOP_SESSION_ID in kubuntu?17:39
dasKreechan1: Hmm?17:39
dasKreechRickKnight: click on the button at the very end. (You have to unlock the panel first of course)17:40
an1dasKreech: im using tweetdeck. Any link i click does not open on a browser(it used to in 10.04). So i searched and found this. Im not sure if it will solve the problem: http://support.tweetdeck.com/entries/59272-why-do-links-that-i-click-in-tweetdeck-not-open-in-the-correct-browser17:41
sresuRickKnight: What do you want to do? Customize the positions of icon in the panel?17:42
RickKnightsresu: Yes, I want to rearrange them.17:42
* dasKreech suggests choqok to an117:43
RickKnightdasKreech: All that allows is to remove them.17:43
sresuRickKnight: Are the widgets lockes? If they are 'Unlock Widgets' by right clicking on the panel17:43
dasKreechRickKnight: just click on the icon and drag it to where you want it. You'll see a little 4way arrow17:44
sresu* ...are,17:44
sresuRickKnight: It works the way dasKreech suggested, try it out17:45
RickKnightMy panel is unlocked, but I can't get the icons to move. This has always worked in the past.17:45
dasKreechRickKnight: describe what's happening17:46
sresuRickKnight: Can you resize the panel?17:47
RickKnightI know the panel is unlocked because when I right click on the panel it says "Lock Panel Alt+D, L". I right click on the icon and I get a menu that has emove, Icon Settings, and Panel Options. The icon will not move.17:47
RickKnightnot emove, Remove.17:48
RickKnightYes, I can resize the panel form Panel Options17:49
ranjanHi all, which is the best webcam software for KDE?17:49
ubottupanels is <alias> resetpanels - added by Pici on 2009-02-12 13:13:4717:50
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:50
ranjanHi all, can i remove the text from taskmanager applet?17:51
sresuRickKnight: Its unlikely but try making some space and see if it helps17:51
sresuRickKnight: Resize it completely17:51
dasKreechRickKnight: you don't right click you just normal left click and drag. it should have a little 4 way arrow when you mouse over it17:53
RickKnightI moved the panel to the right edge and now I can move the icons.17:54
sresuranjan: Ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:54
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.17:54
RickKnightOK. I moved the panel down to the bottom and now I can move the icons.17:55
TopGearIs there some system monitor for KDE like Conky for GNOME?17:55
phoenix_i am having problem with wine. i installed dcom98 using winetricks and now i am not able to use even wine config. any help17:55
sresuRickKnight: Thats good. Quite unlikely but at times we need to follow that :)17:55
RickKnightStrange, but it's working now. Thanks.17:55
sresuRickKnight: Welcome17:56
ranjanHi all, can i remove the text from taskmanager applet?17:56
RickKnightI'm also having a problem with the newest releases of VirtualBox. Trying to install it, it gives a dependancy error. It wants Python2.5 >=. I have 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8. I had to install a previous version of Vbox to get it to work.17:59
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Coudyhi, how to enable 5.1 sound in KDE 4.5.2 with SBlive soundcard an xine backend  ?18:04
BluesKajCoudy,open alsamixer and make sure all the 5.1 channels are unmuted and turned up\]18:05
sresuRickKnight: Yes18:06
sresuRickKnight: From where was it updated?18:07
sresuBluesKaj: Can you help me with KSysTrayCmd?18:08
RickKnightsresu: I updated Vbox form the Kubuntu/Ubuntu download from Oracle18:08
sresuRickKnight: Does it say 3.2.10 r66523?18:09
BluesKajsresu, you mean widget settings18:09
sresuRickKnight: From where was dkms installed?18:10
CoudyBluesKaj, yes, I have, but no sound, I need to enable only digital output,18:10
sresuRickKnight: Paste the putput of uname -a18:10
RickKnightsresu: Linux rick 2.6.35-22-generic #34-Ubuntu SMP Sun Oct 10 09:24:00 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux18:11
sresuBluesKaj: KSysTrayCmd working for every application. How can I exit it permanently?18:11
RickKnightsresu: Yes, it's 3.2.10 6652318:11
CoudyBluesKaj, DigOut is enabled, but no sound from speakers18:11
RickKnightsresu: Not sure where I got dkms18:11
BluesKajCoudy, alsamixer spdif out , make sure there's 00 in the box18:12
sresuRickKnight: It gives only dependency error of Python2.5 >= and you have 2.6 right? When did you get it?18:12
CoudyBluesKaj, yes, I'm sure18:13
RickKnightI get the dependancy error when I run "sudo dpkg -i virtualbox..."18:13
sresuPlease pastebin /var/log/vboxadd-install.log18:13
RickKnightsresu: not sure I have dkms installed.18:13
BluesKajCoudy, do have a pcm ctrl , and does alsamixer show you soundcard in the top left18:14
sresusresu: CLI <sudo apt-get install dkms>. If its only dependency I only need the log18:14
sresuRickKnight:  CLI <sudo apt-get install dkms>. If its only dependency I only need the log18:15
=== jaz is now known as Guest91000
BluesKajsresu,sorry < ihave no clue what KSysTrayCmd is18:16
CoudyBluesKaj, yes, pcm is on, a I can see my soundcard Sb Live 5.1, I have switched from ubuntu 10.04 with gnome to kubuntu 10.10 with kde, in ubuntu it was working.18:16
sresuRickKnight: Did you try x86 based files?18:16
RickKnightsresu: dkms installed OK18:16
sresuBluesKaj: No probs. Thanks18:16
sresuRickKnight: You were trying x86 files for installation or other?18:17
RickKnightsresu: I only use x8618:17
sresuRickKnight: No. nothing. Just pastebin the log18:17
RickKnightsresu: which log?18:18
sresuRickKnight: Please pastebin /var/log/vboxadd-install.log18:18
=== marius is now known as Guest9286
BluesKajCoudy, could you pastebin a screenshot of your alsamixer settings in http://imagebin.com/18:18
CoudyBluesKaj, solved, /etc/pulse/daemon.conf enable default-sample-channels = 618:20
CoudyBluesKaj, pulseaudio -k18:20
RickKnightsresu: http://pastebin.org/23873018:21
sresuRickKnight: Thanks. Let me see18:22
RickKnightls -l /var/log18:23
RickKnightOops, typed in the wrong window!18:24
slooksterpsvsorry that was my niece typing I apologize18:25
BluesKajCoudy, thanks for the info18:26
sresuRickKnight: I think I should forward you to #vbox. I tried to help you, but I'm not able to find it properly. So as not to waste your time more, paste your error first. Give your version code and < Linux 2.6.35-22-generic  i686 GNU/Linux> with the pastebin link in your question. I hope you get it resolved. Sorry18:26
RickKnightsresu: Thanks for taking a look.18:26
sresuRickKnight: Please try it out in #vbox18:27
sresuRickKnight: Welcome18:27
sresuRickKnight: Have you asked that in #vbox before18:28
=== sp1408_ is now known as newguy
sresu!howdy | freinhard18:30
sresu!hi | freinhard18:30
freinhardcan kmix with pulse on 10.10 show the channels as they are in 10.04?18:31
=== TopGear is now known as Peter
=== Peter is now known as PeterKegel
BluesKajCoudy, I ghuess i'd better accept the fact that pulseaudio is gonna be the soundserver on maverick whether I like it or not :) ...never been a fan of PA18:32
=== sp1408_ is now known as newguy
=== SleepyKitten is now known as Diziara
dasKreechhi slooksterpsv's niece :)18:36
slooksterpsvanyone need help?18:36
slooksterpsvlol - dasKreech its me now :P18:36
slooksterpsvwhat are some good widgets to have or to use? I'm using a web one for pandora, but what else would you recommend that's nice to have or fun18:37
dasKreechslooksterpsv: I'm looking for how to get akonadi to sync my calendar with Google18:37
slooksterpsvyay I already do that :P here let me find the package you'll need18:37
slooksterpsvakonadi-kde-resource-googledata then open akonadi resource manager and add your google calendar in there, restart Kontact and there ya go18:39
slooksterpsvakonadi resources configuration it is lol - it's niiice18:39
* dasKreech tries to parse that last sentence18:40
slooksterpsvakonadi resources configuration instead of what I said above resource manager lol that's the name of it18:40
dasKreechah :-18:41
dasKreechWas going to say hi to your niece again18:41
slooksterpsvdasKreech oh btw the akonadi-kde-resource-googledata is the package you need to install18:44
slooksterpsvdasKreech - you didn't read any of my statement above, you install that, then open akonadi resources configuration, add your google calendar there, then restart Kontact18:45
slooksterpsv:( sad face :(18:45
BelisarivsExpression    : no_assert18:48
BelisarivsFunction      : CXML_IdToIndex<class CCharacterInfo>::GetById18:48
BelisarivsFile          : e:\stalker\sources\trunk\xr_3da\xrgame\xml_str_id_loader.h18:48
BelisarivsLine          : 11218:48
BelisarivsDescription   : item not found, id18:48
FloodBotK1Belisarivs: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:48
BelisarivsArguments     : ÿ3:Fºo›±¸Ãb18:48
BelisarivsI have a terrible problem with Kubuntu MM. Installation is OK, however, while after reboot into freshly installed system strange things start to happen. Initialy system works, but after some while, icons start to disappear, applications are not started from menu ....  If I reboot machine, kdm doesn't start, "sudo whatever" reports that command sudo doesn't exit ....18:49
BelisarivsOuch. Please ignor those sentences marked as flood. Unintentional.18:50
BelisarivsNobody does face my issue with freshly installed Kubuntu?18:51
slooksterpsvweird let me see18:51
slooksterpsvwhat filesystem ext4?18:51
BelisarivsLL was installed on that fs before without problems. Then i chose to reinstall it with MM (but did't let it be formatted).18:52
slooksterpsvUh... I'd reboot into safe mode and run a fsck -fy18:52
slooksterpsvyw sounds like a corruption somewhere on the disk, if that doesn't work I'd try the hdd  cd for your hdd manufacturer make sure it's not going bad18:53
slooksterpsvanyone know of a widget that I could get for KDE for Pandora? I was thinking prism, but something like what AWN has with it's applet for pandora18:56
slooksterpsv??? I'm an idiot, I'll just do AWN have it dock on the right and do it that way =D18:56
RickKnightsresu: no, haven't yet.19:04
Belisarivsslooksterpsv: fsck returned no error, I have Windows and Opensuse on that disk and that is OK.19:05
BelisarivsI'll try to resolve it somehow. I'll try another partition and ext4 fs. Lets see.19:06
stefanosradiotray on kubuntu ? how?19:18
dasKreechstefanos: radiotray?19:19
stefanosin ubuntu there is new pachage called radiotray , its nice , runs in tray and you can modify several stations around the word, but in kubuntu the tray icon does not run19:21
stefanosactually it does not start at all19:22
stefanosmaybe kde is different ( more beautifull though ) , but is still ubuntu in basics !  if anyone tried radiotray on kubuntu plesase inform19:24
rorkstefanos: did you try starting it from the commandline to see if it generates any errors?19:25
stefanoshow ?19:25
stefanoswhats the command?19:26
rorkI don't know, I can't find the package19:26
stefanoskpackagekit , search radiotray19:27
stefanosit is   .deb19:27
rorkI don't have it (I'm on 10.0419:27
stefanosonly 10.10 have it19:28
stefanosgoogle radiotray19:28
dasKreechstefanos: open konsole19:30
dasKreechtype in radio and press tab19:30
stefanosok wait19:30
dasKreechdo you get radiotray  or something similar ?19:31
stefanosnot sutisfied procedure19:32
stefanosnot install allthough kpackagekit has19:35
stefanosanyway i ll try from things it depends on like python19:37
beisedhello all19:48
beisedI'm new from here19:48
beisedBTW, what is the core issue discussed here19:50
dasKreechbeised: What ever Kubuntu related topic you like19:51
dasKreechmostly tech support19:51
beisedSo, anyone have made a 10.10 Kubuntu installation already?19:52
Vilinyman, meerkats are cute19:54
beisedI've a problem during the disk patitioning process - They have no chice for not farmating several disks19:55
beisedIf i don't have bacups ...19:56
rorkbeised: are you using the desktop installer? did you choose manual select harddrive?19:57
beisedYes, I did19:57
beisedDesktop, yes19:58
=== Viliny_ is now known as Viliny
rorkbeised: I don't remember how it looked like, but there should be an option "Do not use this partion"20:02
beisedYes you're right, but each partition that you chose to use thare's no option to not format it20:03
beisedNow I can figure that the best should be to not use the partition during the installatiom process20:04
beisedAnd put it to work after that!20:04
rorkthat would be easiest indeed20:05
beisedBut the question is: there's an option to mark for farmatin or not and it is not working properly.20:05
beisedSorry--> formating20:05
dasKreechbeised: so all the options to format are checked and cannot be unchecked?20:09
beisedYes, at least this is what happens with me. In fact, you can unchekthe formating option,  but the "v" mark  come to "gray"  and it  made me confused20:12
beisedSince the Black  "V" mark stll ther for the partitions I do need to format20:13
phoenix__i am very happy to say that yahoo messenger is working completly in wine20:13
phoenix__my wine version is 1.3. installed richedit20 and ie6 using winetricks20:14
phoenix__i am able to login into rooms and also hear others voice chats20:15
James147beised: you dont ahve to formate drives in the installer... and it should ojnly check the drive for formatting if you choise a different partition tpye then is already on it... since it requires a formate if you want to change the filesystem tpye20:18
Vilinywhats the console in kubuntu called?20:20
Vilinyand where is it20:20
ElNotaViliny: "konsole"20:20
James147Viliny: "konsole"20:21
Vilinyok ok :)20:21
James147Viliny: or searching for "terminal" should also work20:21
ElNota<ubuntuname> + "k-prefix"20:22
James147ElNota: not always... mostly not... the gnome console is called "gnome-terminal" if i remember correctly20:22
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=== Diziara is now known as AwayKitten
* Islington is away: Gone away for now20:27
* Islington is back.20:28
James147!away | Islington20:28
ubottuIslington: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»20:28
jussiIslington: please turn that script off as per the factoid or we may remove you from the channel20:29
=== valorie_ is now known as valoriez
EhPrettyEasy?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 020:38
FloodBotK1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.20:38
vilinyany way to get 3d in virtualbox and kubuntu?20:41
James147viliny: 3d has never worked very well in virtual mechienes... I think virtualbox had some exprimental code that let you try it, but you might need to get the one from oracle20:42
aputamkonhi all any 1 able to help me hok up my lexmark x5070 printer?21:35
Peace-aputamkon: mmm21:36
Peace-aputamkon: printer database21:37
aputamkonuh what ua mean?21:37
Peace-aputamkon: there is a database for printer21:38
valoriezfriends have a slideshow of them smashing theirs to smithereens21:38
Peace-get the ppd file21:38
Peace-then install ppd file with cups21:38
aputamkonwee isit?21:38
aputamkoni have no idea what cups is21:38
Peace-aputamkon: searching on my links wait21:38
Peace-aputamkon: type this on your webbrowser21:39
Peace-that is cups21:39
Peace-aputamkon: http://www.openprinting.org/printers21:40
Peace-aputamkon: mm ohi ohi ohi21:41
Peace-aputamkon: i can't find your prionter in the database21:42
Peace-this is bad21:42
aputamkonso i proably cant use it?21:42
Peace-wait a moment21:42
Peace-aputamkon: are you sure about the number?21:42
Peace-usb ?21:42
Peace-mm lsusb21:43
Peace-can you give me ?21:43
Peace-the output21:43
aputamkonyes usb21:43
aputamkonout put?21:44
Peace-open konsole21:44
Peace-and type21:44
Peace-press enter21:44
aputamkonBus 002 Device 003: ID 046d:c315 Logitech, Inc. Classic New Touch Keyboard21:45
aputamkonBus 002 Device 002: ID 093a:2510 Pixart Imaging, Inc. Hama Optical Mouse21:45
aputamkonBus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0001 Linux Foundation 1.1 root hub21:45
aputamkonBus 001 Device 005: ID 043d:0116 Lexmark International, Inc.21:45
aputamkonBus 001 Device 002: ID 0644:0200 TEAC Corp.21:45
FloodBotK1aputamkon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:45
aputamkonBus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub21:45
Peace-ok thank you21:45
Peace-next time ...21:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:45
aputamkonok i got it booked marked21:47
Peace-aputamkon: mmm try to go here21:47
Peace-aputamkon: http://localhost:631/admin/21:47
Peace-try to add the printer21:48
Peace-but .. your model can't be find out here21:48
Peace-on the database21:48
Peace-so i guess you could get some trouble installing it21:48
Peace-you could try to use ppd file for xx547021:48
Peace-but ..21:48
Peace-it's not 507021:48
aputamkonwere would i find that ppd file?21:49
Peace-aputamkon: on the openprinting website21:50
aputamkondoh it says its a paper weight :(21:51
Peace-aputamkon: you should read this too https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkPrinters21:52
Peace-aputamkon: maybe reading that you could find some tips21:52
Peace-i can't do much more for your21:53
aputamkonok thank you21:53
Peace-aputamkon: are you italian ? of course not i guess21:53
Peace-because if you are i ahve a video where you could understand how you should a ppd file to install a printer with cups21:54
aputamkonno native american21:54
Peace-so .. :D21:54
Peace-i guess you can't understand italian hehe21:54
Peace-well good luck21:54
=== niels_ is now known as nielsbusch
lloowenHi all. I've just installed the latest Kubuntu and I'm trying to install the java plugin for Firefox 3.6.10. How do I get it working?22:22
bazhangenable the partner repo22:23
bazhang!partner | lloowen22:23
ubottulloowen: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »22:23
bfooteI just upgraded Kubuntu 10.04 to 10.10... I had been using gnome's nm-applet as my network management interface which had worked great...22:27
bfooteafter trying out the applet that came with (knetwork manager I suppose) I started to have connectivity issues with my wifi, which was similar to my experience in 10.04, hence my switch to nm-applet22:29
James147bfoote: knetworkmanager, or the network manager widget? (yes they are different)22:30
bfoote...so I uninstalled knetwork manager, installed nm-applet, then tried to run nm-applet from the command line, but it wont' populate the system tray22:30
bfooteJames147: I think knetworkmanager22:30
bfooteam I right in my assumption that knetworkmanager is the default interface from the systray?22:31
bfooteI as because after unsuccessfully getting nm-applet to work correctly I went back and reinstalled knetworkmanager and this one doesn't look anything like what I had just after upgrade22:32
James147bfoote: try installing "plasma-widget-networkmanagement" (and add it to the panel the same way you add widgets to the panel, or to sys tray from the systray settings)22:33
James147bfoote: also, knetworkmanager no longer exists in 10.10, its been renamed to network-manager-kde22:35
valoriezand it is much, much better22:35
James147valoriez: what is?22:36
valoriezI used to have to switch to wicD22:36
valoriezsince this laptop has a flakey wireless card22:37
valoriezbut knock on wood, in Mav it's super22:37
James147valoriez: network-manager-kde and knetworkmanager are essentially the same thing... its just a package rename as far as I know22:37
valoriezthere had to have been improvements22:37
James147(ie network-manager-kde install knetworkmanager)22:37
James147valoriez: you should try the plasmoid, I find it much nicer :)22:38
valoriezit's called network management22:39
valoriezand I think it is a plasmoid22:39
valoriezsits down with the rest of them22:39
bfooteaha!  it was the plasmoid that was installed initially, and I agree, it looks pretty slick22:39
bfooteI would still like to try nm-applet if possible, since it appears to hold a connection better22:40
bfooteany hints on getting it to present itself in the systray?22:40
James147bfoote: what output do you get when you run it in a terminal?22:43
valoriezhttp://superuser.com/questions/57516/how-do-i-make-nm-applet-the-default-network-manager-instead-of-knetworkmanager-in might help22:43
lloowenHello! Does anyone know how to install java plugin for Firefox3.6.10?22:43
James147^^ and I am not entirly sure why nm-applet would hold a connection better, its only a front end to network-manager, as is knetworkmanager :S22:43
James147!java | lloowen22:44
ubottulloowen: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.22:44
bfootevaloriez: thanks, I looked at that but it's for 7.0422:44
bfootevaloriez: no, I misread that, he's been doing it *since* 7.0422:45
valoriezok; in any case, networkmanager is standard in *buntu22:46
valoriezand Debian I think too22:46
valoriezthe little widgets to show you what's going on don't make a diff on signal strength, etc.22:46
valoriezthey are all just widgets, no matter what you call'em22:46
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