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psusicjwatson, we're still using gparted 0.6.2 and 0.6.4 is out and fixes the long standing bug with dmraid disks.  Would it help if I were to get 0.6.4 built and tested and request a merge, or does debian need to update first?04:21
vishoubiwann¦ hi, i see a lot of UDS sessions for gestures, they all seem to be about multi-touch... is anyone looking into triggering some of those gestures with mouse/touchpad?05:10
* vish not volunteering .. ;)05:10
wgrantvish: Note that some newer touchpads are multitouch.05:13
vishbut some of the basic swipe gestures, could be tried with holding one of the buttons or both05:15
vishthere is a Firefox extension which does that..05:15
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ari-tczewcjwatson: could you remove pyclamd and pyexiv2 from MoM?09:24
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kalkin-can perhaps ubuntu compile php5 with --with-curlswrappers ?11:11
kalkin-it would be really helpfull11:11
ari-tczewkalkin-: file a bug, developers will review your request. it will be approved or declined11:11
kalkin-ari-tczew: where should i file it?11:24
kalkin-i have no idea about ubuntu developer stuff11:24
ari-tczewkalkin-: on launchpad/ubuntu to php5?11:24
kalkin-k, i can google launchpad11:25
kalkin-normally i use gentoo on servers :)11:25
ari-tczewkalkin-: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bugs11:25
kalkin-i will do it11:26
kalkin-but another question11:26
kalkin-i'm build php *.deb packages from source11:26
kalkin-i checked out with apt-get source php511:26
kalkin-installed all dependencies11:26
kalkin-changed debian/rules to contain the --with-curlwrappers11:26
kalkin-but when i'm running sudo dpkg-buildpackage -j16 i get the following error11:27
kalkin-i build like this php packages for ubuntu php5-5.2 and it worked11:28
kalkin-but with php5.3 it doesn't work11:28
kalkin-becuase the build process fails11:28
kalkin-any idea?11:31
sladenkalkin-: that's only a partial log11:33
kalkin-sladen: the whole log is REALY long11:34
sladenkalkin-: first result from a quick google is  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=87401311:34
kalkin-sladen: thanks, but it doesn't really help me11:35
sladenkalkin-: right, and neither does an incomplete log file help me to help you :)11:35
kalkin-sladen: how much i want to see? :)11:36
sladenkalkin-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/ shouldn't have any limit11:36
kalkin-i will just build it again and show you the whole log11:38
kalkin-filled out the bug on launchpad11:55
kalkin-how long it takes someone to react on this, and will be the switch added to current version?11:55
kalkin-fuck i just noticed i use 10.4 lts11:55
kalkin-it probably wouldn't added to lts11:55
kurratahi, i have 2 questions. i made my own .deb file and installed it. Why i cant find it in software center as installed package. And 2nd question. How do i get that screenshot to show in software center when i am installing package? http://codepad.org/1KHsIFrm control file12:33
kalkin-kurrata: what says aptitude search $YOURPACKAGE ?12:35
kurratakalkin- aptitude has it under unknows section12:40
kalkin-has it an i in front of package?12:41
kurratayes it has12:41
kalkin-then it's installed12:41
kurratahi, i have 2 questions. i made my own .deb file and installed it. Why i cant find it in software center as installed package. And 2nd question. How do i get that screenshot to show in software center when i am installing package? http://codepad.org/1KHsIFrm control file12:41
kalkin-with section you mean somethink like gnome kde ect...?12:42
kurratai know that its istalled, i can run it it just doesnt show up in software center12:42
kalkin-in the aptitude ncurses frontend?12:42
kurratakalkin- yea12:42
kalkin-kurrata:  and software center has no category unknown?12:42
kurratait has only 1 category ubuntu supported nothing else12:43
kalkin-i'm not really in this gui stuff, never run an ubuntu desktop, but AFAIK is software center just another frontend for apt12:43
kalkin-hmm no idea, but perhaps some one else could help you12:43
kurratanot using ubuntu to but need to make .deb file12:44
kalkin-sladen: aehm, the output is something like 41MB12:55
kalkin-here the last 1k lines from the ouput http://files.blase16.de/output212:57
ari-tczewdoko: can we sync package python-profiler from Debian unstable?13:10
ScottKari-tczew: We don't generally manually remove packages from MoM.  If there is something that shouldn't be there, just leave a comment.13:51
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kalkin-k now i'm puzlled14:25
kalkin-how the hell are you building the php deb packages?14:25
kalkin-i just downloaded with apt-get source php514:25
kalkin-and run dpkg-buildpackage -J16 -D14:26
kalkin-and it fails14:26
kalkin-with the same error14:26
kalkin-this way would every mainter build his package, and because there're php5 packages i think it should be build this way14:26
kalkin-*should be possible to14:26
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Amaranthwgrant: Kept logging me out, filed bug 66174815:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661748 in Launchpad itself "keeps logging out" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66174815:18
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rafaelsf80connect localhost16:12
ari-tczewkalkin-: change what you want, debuild -S, then pbuilder-dist maverick .dsc file16:25
ari-tczewkalkin-: you want change one flag, might be debian/rules satisfy you16:25
cjwatsonari-tczew: pyclamd and pyexiv2 removed, for the next run17:04
ari-tczewcjwatson: thanks! could also remove nautilus-image-converter and ilohamail? both on universe17:05
cjwatsonScottK: they needed to be removed because they were on the sync-blacklist so MoM wasn't processing them and the merges were stale17:05
cjwatsonari-tczew: nautilus-image-converter done, but if I remove ilohamail I think it will just come back - that's genuine version confusion.  why not just merge it as 0.8.14-0rc3sid6.1ubuntu1 or something?17:09
ari-tczewcjwatson: previously merger messed d/changelog :/ take a look17:10
cjwatsonoh of course, it can't be merged as that version because it's less.  but in any event I can't simply remove it for the reason I just gave.  I suggest leaving the comment there and putting up with it17:11
kalkin-ari-tczew: i added my flag to debian/rules17:11
cjwatsonit'll sort itself out eventually as time goes on17:11
ari-tczewkalkin-: cool17:12
kalkin-but i'm building with dpkg-builpackage is it wrong?17:13
ari-tczewkalkin-: as I said, use debuild -S for build source package, then cd .. and pbuilder-dist maverick *.dsc17:13
kalkin-i will try it after this compile run is over17:13
kalkin-ari-tczew: thanks for the hint17:13
kalkin-hope it works17:13
ari-tczewif your change doesn't provide ftbfs, it will work17:14
ari-tczewkalkin-: Failed To Build From Source17:16
cjwatsoncategory: acronyms that obscure meanings for the uninitiated17:16
ari-tczew2 days natty opened and 150 merges reduced! thanks to all people involved17:20
cjwatsonyeah, the progress is pretty good.  most of the ones I have left are in the "irritatingly hard" set17:24
ScottKcjwatson: Ah. I see.  Thanks.17:25
cjwatsonit's a MoM bug of course, it should at least process sync-blacklist to the extent of removing any merges on it ...17:25
Quintasanbarry: well, it builds but I'm not sure if guys in debian want this :P17:38
ari-tczewcjwatson: update: 177 the number of reduced merge since natty start. (560-383=177)17:54
ari-tczewand this number is growing up17:55
rooliganwill libreoffice be included in Natty if it is stable then? Or will OpenOffice.org keep being the office suite of Ubuntu?19:21
faganrooligan: Id say it will be19:23
faganLibreoffice is stable BTW because its a fork of openoffice it is more or less the same code19:24
faganso there shouldnt be anything stopping including it19:24
rooliganfagan: ok, thanks to you :-)19:24
cjwatsonrooligan: see the LibreOffice initial press release19:24
fagancjwatson: I was just about to say that19:25
cjwatsonI'd copy and paste Mark's comments from that but the PDF reader on my phone doesn't seem to want to let me19:25
cjwatsonhttp://www.documentfoundation.org/pdf/tdf_release.pdf, anyway19:25
rooligancjwatson: thank you!19:26
* nigelb helps19:26
nigelb"               Office productivity software is a critical component of the free software19:26
nigelbdesktop, and the Ubuntu Project will be pleased to ship LibreOffice from The Document19:26
nigelbFoundation in future releases of Ubuntu.19:26
cjwatsonhe wasn't specific about which release of course, that will depend on how things work out operationally, but I imagine the desktop team will be pretty interested19:26
nigelbThere's a bit more, but that's the relevant bit19:26
cjwatsonta Nigel19:27
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nigelbnp :)19:27
faganWell cjwatson there shouldnt really be anything to stop it from it from being a drop in replacement to open office19:29
geserwhat's the difference between OO.org and LibreOffice?19:33
fagangeser: less oracle19:34
faganmore google and novell19:35
fagan(I think google)19:35
penguin42is there anything explicitly removed from LO so that some OOo scripts etc might not work?19:45
faganpenguin42: Im pretty sure they are removing all of the old star office extention crap19:54
penguin42fagan: Ah OK, I was thinking more Java stuff - but from a distro side I guess it's tricky to replace a package if it might break some random set of users19:55
faganpenguin42: well the java stuff too I think19:55
faganthere are a few things that are linked to star office that they dont want at all19:56
faganits probably in the announcement somewhere19:56
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ScottKI'm guessing the initial effort will be mostly to integrate the go-oo patches that we already shipped.20:05
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cjwatsonfagan: nothing major, I imagine, but it is likely to take a while.  OOo was a beast to package; LO will probably be better since one of their goals is to make the build saner (and they've already integrated go-oo changes to that end), but even so it's hardly a five-minute job20:20
cjwatsonplus, most of our OOo packaging comes from Debian at the moment, which is frozen20:22
penguin42if they could make it build in a finite amount of space and time maybe it would attract more people to work on it20:23
cjwatsonthough google indicates that there's already been packaging work on the Debian side20:24
cjwatsone.g. http://bzr.debian.org/pkg-openoffice/packages/libreoffice/3.3.0/experimental/ - Rene on the ball as usual20:25
Ganonkilleri am currently trying to get my gps card to work on meerkat... its a ETAK GPS Card ET-GPS120:35
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Ganonkillerare the drivers still supported?20:36
faganGanonkiller: support questions are supposed to be asked in #ubuntu20:36
Ganonkilleri meant to ask if the drivers were developed for meerkat support20:38
faganGanonkiller: well thats something to ask the upstream linux developers we are downstream20:42
faganso its still off topic for here20:42
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faganGanonkiller: I hate to be bad but thats the way its done. We dont really know everything that goes on in the Linux kernel so we cant answer questions like that21:04
Ganonkilleri just wanted to know if the drivers are still supported?21:06
Ganonkillernobody in #ubuntu is helping me21:06
faganthen id suggest just trying out the maverick live cd to make sure21:07
Ganonkillernothing there21:57
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faganI mean testing it out and seeing if it works for yourself22:18
ScottKbarry: It would be nice if you could have a look a numpy sooner rather than later to see if we can reasonably split it or if we need to promote matplotlib to Main.22:30
* psusi groans at the lack of documentation of the patches in lvm222:36
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sanduz2you all need to break up #ubuntu into more specific topics, the amount of people and conversation that goes there is unworkable23:04
JohnPlayhow do i upgrade my ubuntu 10.4 to 10.1023:19
penguin42JohnPlay: See http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade    but please note that the right channel for support is #ubuntu23:21
JohnPlay[doko]: thanks23:21
JohnPlayi meant OK23:22
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psusihrm... dpkg-gensymbols: warning: some new symbols appeared in the symbols file: see diff output below.  it says warning, so it should continue with the build no?  but then after the diff:23:54
psusidh_makeshlibs: dpkg-gensymbols -plibdevmapper1.02.1 -Idebian/libdevmapper1.02.1.symbols -Pdebian/libdevmapper1.02.1 -v2:1.02.55-0ubuntu1 -c2 returned exit code 223:54
psusiwhat exactly is going on with this makeshlibs stuff?  it is trying to make sure there is no abi change?23:55
psusibut it looks like only new symbols were added, so should be ok no?23:55
ebroderpsusi: the makeshlibs stuff is also used for generating accurate library version dependencies23:56
ebroder(i.e. if a executable uses a particular symbol, the package should depend on library (>= when that symbol was added))23:57
ebroderSo you need to update the .symbols file whenever new symbols are added, so that information is accurate going forward23:57
psusiok... how do I do that?23:57
ebroderThere should be a .symbols file in the debian directory. The format should be fairly obvious23:58
* ebroder doesn't have an example in front of me to follow along23:58
psusidon't see one...23:58
ebroderWhat package is this?23:58
psusiok, seems there are a few different ones for different binary packages it builds23:59

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