
satellit_Ian_Daniher: any progress on maple-syrup?00:25
=== manusheel is now known as manusheel_afk
=== manusheel_afk is now known as manusheel
=== mukul_afk is now known as mukul
mukulalsroot: hi08:27
=== dfarning is now known as dfarning_afk
=== mukul is now known as mukul_afk
=== mukul_afk is now known as mukul
mukulalsroot: Around?11:05
=== manusheel is now known as manusheel_afk
=== manusheel_afk is now known as manusheel
alsrootmukul: pong13:28
=== mukul is now known as mukul_afk
ibansallfaraone, around?18:54
lfaraoneibansal: what do you need?18:55
ibansallfaraone, i was working on etoys activity18:55
lfaraoneibansal: okay.18:56
ibansalwhen we try to import the new tar ball into the existing version it shows error18:56
ibansallet me just paste it18:56
lfaraoneibansal: please don't paste into the channel.18:56
lfaraoneibansal: instead use http://paste.ubuntu.com/18:56
ibansallfaraone, sure18:57
ibansaljust give me a min18:57
ibansaltake 2mins since have to redo to produce the same error18:58
ibansallfaraone, check http://paste.ubuntu.com/514563/19:00
ibansallfaraone, any idea how this can be corrected19:03
ibansal_luke around?20:08

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