
balrog-k1nsebsebseb: i proabbly would (even out of curiosity) if it wasn't somebody's working machine with their desktop background and pretty icons all set up00:00
sebsebsebbalrog-k1n: well how about resetting the panels, and then setting up whatever panel changes again?00:01
sebsebsebbalrog-k1n: that should give you back the network applet00:01
balrog-k1nsebsebseb: i'm not really sure.. if the network applet was available, wouldn't it be in the "Add to Panel.." dialog in the right button menu for the panel?00:02
ChogyDanbalrog-k1n: does running nm-applet work?00:02
Blue1is there an easy way to password protect a single file?  (truecrypt is an overkill)00:03
balrog-k1nChogyDan: weird.. it says "an instance is already running"00:03
sebsebsebbalrog-k1n: well resetting the panels should get it back00:03
ChogyDanbalrog-k1n: that is weird.  is this wifi?  does iwconfig report a connection?00:04
bastidrazorbalrog-k1n: no, nm-applet is displayed in the 'Notificatino Area' applet00:04
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balrog-k1ni just killed nm-applet and restarted.. in the terminal it said "** Message: applet now removed from the notification area" and then "** Message: applet now embedded in the notification area", however no icon on the panel00:04
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Guest24088 00:05
Guest24088 00:05
seacaptainthis is probably a n00b question, but i have searched a few times and can't find a listing of all keyboard shortcuts for gwibber....00:06
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Blue1_Valantis_: howdy tex00:07
ubuntu__hola buenas tardes mis pana00:07
_Valantis_hi can anyone help me with a driver00:08
Blue1!es | ubuntu__00:08
ubottuubuntu__: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:08
dwarderwhat var from locale output should i set to be able to echo russian text00:08
dwarderto console00:08
_Valantis_i have an avermedia ezmaker usb00:08
NateWhas anyone managed to get a wacom tablet working in 10.10? i just got a wacom bamboo P&T tablet and it doesnt seem to be detected00:08
dwarderfrom php00:08
chrometigerdoes anyone know any channel on freenode i can get help with Savage2 running on Ubuntu ?    or does anyone have the game that could help me00:08
ubuntu__i don't english00:08
Lunar_LampWhen I start evolution, it asks about becoming the default mail client, but clicking "yes" or "no" doesn't make the popup go away, and evolution doesn't start. It just sits there until I kill it. Any hints?00:09
ubuntu__i am venezuela00:09
DnsKidim im sucre00:09
DnsKidhi ricardo00:11
elhola mis panas buenas tardes00:12
Guest91594good night00:12
MagicJis it possible to run the safari web browser under Ubuntu 10.4 - if so how - I do not see it in the synaptic list00:13
aeon-ltdMagicJ: no, unless you wanna use wine00:14
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aeon-ltdMagicJ: why not use chrome its basically 99% the same as safari00:14
MagicJI am wlling to use wine - I do have it installed - so how would I install safari under wine00:14
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SaRyjust run it with wine.00:15
_Valantis_hi can anyone help me with a driver for avermedia ezmaker usb00:15
MagicJaeon - I really do not want to use it at all - I just want to check that an application that I have works OK with it>  It works fine fith firefox but not MSIE and I am fine with that - I expected it because I did not want to put in the effort to do the different keyboard handling for MSIE00:15
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MagicJSaRy - ty - how do I do that00:16
SaRybalrog-k1n, !see bug 64759800:16
b3byhiiiiii guys :D00:16
uranus_gas_giantmy problem is after a period of inactivity 10.04 LTS FREEZES TOTALLY00:16
exospacehi b300:17
SaRyMagicJ, Right-click the safari.exe .. run with wine.00:17
b3bywhazzup 2night?00:17
MagicJSaRy - will try that - brb00:17
aeon-ltdMagicJ: btw it should be the same, its the rendering engine you're really testing, gecko, webkit, etc00:17
sunshinepantsis #ubuntu+1 no longer for users testing with maverick?  why is it protected?00:17
balrog-k1nSaRy: looks related00:18
aeon-ltdsunshinepants: until natty narwhal is in alpha or beta stages00:18
SaRysunshinepants, it's here now.00:18
rwwsunshinepants: Maverick's been released, so no need for #ubuntu+100:18
sunshinepantsi see..00:18
MagicJactually not the rendering engine as much as the Document Objevt Model - as I said - keyboard is an issue00:18
tylermolamphyuranus_gas_giant: System > Admin > Log File Viewer | Select syslog on the left and wait for your inactivity to occur. It will post any errors that took place. Show them here and we can help you further.00:18
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exospacehi can i ask questions about the ati control panel it says Bus error to me (64 bit v10.10)00:19
balrog-k1nSaRy: though actually i don't get a network icon at all, instead of a red "!"00:20
Spoferhi all, any idea on how can i reinstall tzdata? it has a lot of dependencies00:20
exospacei know its restrited drivers and stuff, so i dont know if i can ask00:20
balrog-k1ni.e. nm-applet running or not is not reflected in the panel00:20
exospaceSpofer: perhaps a dpkg reconfigure tzdate command of some sort?00:21
_Valantis_hey hey any support 4 me ?00:21
MagicJSaRy - I collected the windoze executable - saved it - right clicked - selevted Wine and it tells me that the executable bit is not set - do I just chmod it to set it00:21
* exospace supports valantis00:21
Spoferexospace, i'll try, thanks00:21
ChogyDanbalrog-k1n: if NetworkManager has an issue, mn-applet won't show up00:21
Spoferexospace, being new here, can you help me with syntax?00:22
sebsebseb!details | _Valantis_00:22
ubottu_Valantis_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."00:22
balrog-k1nChogyDan: do you know if there should be an /etc/init.d/NetworkManager file present?00:22
balrog-k1nChogyDan: i only get a /etc/init.d/NetworkManager.dpkg-backup, and running it with "stop" or "start" always succeeds (so actually i'm not sure if it's even doing anything)00:22
exospaceSpofer: i dont know the exact syntax, only that i had to do a dpkg reconfigure xorg-server at some point, this looks like the same thing to em00:23
SaRyMagicJ, yes00:23
tuXesi do i reset ubuntu's default window manager with terminal? any  ideers?00:23
pipegeekhi folks00:23
MagicJty - installing right now00:23
uranus_gas_gianttylernolamphy: my system freezes TOTALLY and MUST RESET00:23
pipegeekI'm currently unable to install likewise-open, because the postinst script attempts to call chkconfig which seems to be itself severely broken00:24
uranus_gas_giantthe hidden shame of 10.04 LTS00:24
balrog-k1nbtw. does ubuntu have Sysrq enabled by default (i think it just froze)00:24
euthymosI'm running the Distribution Upgrade to update from 10.04 to 10.10. I have a quite fast PC but the update process seems endless. It's 10 hours the hdd is making noise with little advance on the process00:24
euthymosis it normal or there's an hardware problem?00:24
pipegeeklots of warnings about scripts having been converted to upstart and not having LSB tags/overrides00:24
ChogyDanbalrog-k1n: I doubt that is the file you should be using.  I think they are now in /etc/init00:24
pipegeekand finally insserv reporting that there are loops between services and refusing to run00:24
sebsebsebeuthymos: thats not normal00:25
pipegeekthis is a fresh install of lucid.  Any idea why this is broken?00:25
pipegeekchkconfig ought to  work on an lts release00:25
Spoferexospace, ok thanks. I'll try to find the reconfigure option00:25
SaRybalrog-k1n, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/55311500:25
tuXesideers anyone.... how do i reset ubuntu's default window manager with terminal? any  ideers?00:25
balrog-k1nChogyDan: ah, i didn't know00:25
sebsebsebeuthymos: yeah could be a faiilng hard disk00:25
ddilingerHaving an odd issue with bluetooth.  I have loaded blueman-manager and can connect the headset.  I can talk into the headset and clean voice is recorded.  When i try and play audio (with paplay) through the headset paplay just stalls, no audio is output and paplay doesn't exit untill i C-c it.  The headset does audio both directions when connected to my phone,  I have tested on an old ubuntu 10.04 installation and a fresh 10.04 install.   I hav00:25
_Valantis_OK i have the avermedia ezmaker usb on an acer aspire one and i installed the relevant driver from the avermedia site and i cant make it work with any video application like cheese etc only the camera works00:26
ddilingerpairing is not a problem, the only issue is playback00:26
_Valantis_its like i didnt install the driver00:26
euthymossebsebseb: I've taken off power supply00:27
euthymossebsebseb: i'll try a fresh install00:27
tuXeswow busyness here00:27
exospaceSpofer: dpkg-reconfigure tzdata00:27
exospaceit seems to be the command for that00:27
sebsebsebtuXes: The channel on Freenode with most people in it00:28
sebsebsebtuXes: well there might be some aliens in here as well :D00:28
tuXescan i ask agian?00:28
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i0nicHi I am having trouble with my new usb adapter, lsusb shows "Senaco" but its not registering to wlan as anything?00:28
sebsebsebtuXes: yep repeate question again after a while if no proper answer00:28
tuXesounce more00:28
Spoferexospace, yes! a tricky one :)00:28
tuXesideers anyone.... how do i reset ubuntu's default window manager with terminal? any  ideers?00:28
Spoferexospace, thanks. now i have dependency problems00:29
sebsebsebtuXes: why?00:29
tuXesoops me bad00:29
tuXesi mean dekorator00:29
sebsebsebtuXes: the panels?00:29
tuXesyean and window dekorator00:29
_Valantis_what more info u need from me so u get an idea what i am talking about00:29
exospaceSpofer: do you know the dselect command?00:29
balrog-k1nthanks SaRy, sebsebseb and ChogyDan.. i removed/renamed /etc/NetworkManager, killall'ed NetworkManager (the system then froze to the point that sysrq was not helping), i rebooted and i have the network icon in the panel again and both wired and wireless connections listed00:30
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
exospaceSpofer: sudo apt-get install dselect00:30
sebsebseb!panels | tuXes00:30
ubottutuXes: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:30
exospaceSpofer: it can fix and install packages, its interactive00:30
sebsebseb_Valantis_: just provide loads of details about your issue, and then someone may be able to help00:30
tuXeshandy ubottu00:30
Spoferexospace, trying, thanks00:31
_Valantis_my hardware is this : http://www.avermedia.com/avertv/product/productdetail.aspx?id=18800:31
_Valantis_i installd the linux drivers from the site00:32
sebsebsebbalrog-k1n: ok :)00:32
_Valantis_no errors whatsoever00:32
_Valantis_i have now video for linux  nad video for linux 200:32
Spoferexospace, i can't install anything while tzdata isn't working properly00:33
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ChogyDanSpofer: pastebin the error00:33
_Valantis_and ONLY video for linux 2 works which ine the onboard camera00:33
undecimUsing ulimit in bash... The shell as it starts with "unlimited" virtual memory, I change it to 50 MB with "ulimit -v 51200", but can't change it to 100mb with "ulimit -v 102400", I get an "Operation not permitted" error. How can I temporarily restrict memory usage of jobs from the shell without root privs?00:33
_Valantis_i tried vlc00:33
syriuswhen will action something be back online?00:34
syriusI fixed my problem00:34
syriusit seems youtube was causing me not to be able to view youtube videos00:34
exospaceSpofer: zomg :(00:34
SpoferChogyDan, exospace: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514188/ after export Debug00:34
sebsebsebsyrius: ActionParsnip hes on quite a lot00:34
manjulI need some help regarding my printer00:35
manjulIt does not seem to be detected after the recent CUPS upgrade00:35
syriusafter I removed flash cookies and cache/ cookies other site data and cache in chromium it fixed the problem00:35
syriusI think it has to do with the video I uploaded for a friend00:35
syriusmaybe youtube didn't like it00:35
syriusso they caused that to happen00:35
manjulPrinter not detected after recent CUPS upgrade :((00:36
ChogyDanSpofer: I've no idea what the problem is, but maybe you could remove it and reinstall00:36
exospaceSpofer: your tzdata looks severely weird from that link00:36
_Valantis_when i try vlc it say input cant be opened00:36
sebsebseb!cups | maybe useful manjul00:36
ubottumaybe useful manjul: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows00:36
hiexpodarn it getdeb down again00:36
manjulI have tried configuring it again using localhost:63100:37
Spoferchogydan, exospace: There's something wrong with my all my db_get commands. I'm not sure how this happened00:37
SaRy_Valantis_, See pages 1-2-3 .. http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=97422400:37
manjulIt is just not detected there.. HOwever, lsusb causes it to pop up00:37
_Valantis_ok i will c00:37
ChogyDanSpofer: db_get?  I don't know that00:37
Spoferchogydan, exospace, check this out: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514191/00:37
exospaceSpofer: i'm not sure what to do, but this is a case where your package system needs fixing00:37
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exospaceSpofer: dpkg --fix or something i believe, lemme google a bit00:38
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manjulPrinter help anyone?00:38
krabadorcan i build a live cd from a live session, with all the chenges inside?00:38
Spoferchogydan, it's the debconf shell interface00:39
sebsebseb!remaster | krabador00:39
ubottukrabador: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility00:39
manjulsomebody pray help me with my printer woes00:39
sebsebseb!patience | manjul00:39
ubottumanjul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/00:39
SaRymanjul, what printer brand.00:40
manjulgoogle and commandline have sapped my patience :D00:40
manjul@SaRy It is an HP Laserjet00:40
Steve132Whats the easiest way to enable SLI under linux?00:40
Steve132I have dual Geforce GTX 28500:41
sebsebsebSteve132: Whats SLI?00:41
exospaceSpofer: try reading http://tinyurl.com/2ave3eq00:41
Steve132dual gpu00:41
manjulIt was working yesterday with the latest hplip; today it is not detected00:41
exospaceSpofer: something like: apt-get -f install tzdata00:41
_Valantis_ <SaRy>  the link u told to read states a similar problem as mine BUT they didnt find a solution to it no its not helping00:41
manjuland there was a cups upgrade in the morning00:41
Steve132I'm looking at my nvidia x-server settings from the propretary driver, and it says that one of my gpus is active and high performance, and my other gpu is idel00:42
Steve132probably because sli is disabled00:42
Steve132I found a couple things that suggested various Xorg.conf hacks00:42
Steve132but considering most of those have been superceded by the NVIDIA X Server control panel option00:42
ChogyDanSpofer: don't do that!!!!!!!  don't wipe those directories00:42
Steve132I figured it might have something like that00:42
SaRy_Valantis_, who should we blame :)00:42
_Valantis_ <SaRy>  i dont know any suggestions ???? hahaha00:43
sebsebsebexospace: that thread is rather old00:43
akaedintovis there any tool for uncrompressing RAR files ?00:43
sebsebsebexospace: its from 200400:43
Spoferi've seen that post before (and i think i tried doing that).... but why?00:43
SaRy_Valantis_, lol00:43
exospaceohh well sorry, Spofer dont type that then :)00:43
quidnuncHow do I undelete a file on an ext3 mount?00:43
exospacei googled for  something older, debian00:43
sebsebsebexospace: why did you give a tiny url, instead of the long link, by the way?00:44
akaedintovis there any tool for uncrompressing RAR files ?00:44
exospaceoh i didnt want to spam the channel00:44
rww!rar | akaedintov00:44
ubottuakaedintov: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:44
darienI can't get guildwars working with playonlinux, and according to wine, it's a platinum game00:44
sebsebsebexospace: I don't think the long link would have00:44
exospacei'm new here, sorry00:44
sebsebsebexospace: no its ok :)00:44
sebsebsebexospace: with a long link though, people can properly see what they would be going on00:45
sebsebsebexospace: which is a good thing00:45
exospacebut i mean the whole dpkg --fix tzdata or something magic must be the way to go for Spofer right00:45
seidosdoes usb-creator use dd to write the image to the usb stick?00:45
akaedintovim starting to get sick of the non usable applications.00:46
Spoferchogydan, exospace, this doesn't work... won't install without tzdata working00:46
sebsebsebakaedintov: oh?00:46
sebsebsebakaedintov: ah yes00:47
sebsebsebRA ok00:47
sebsebsebakaedintov: RAR sucks, but there are ways you can use it00:47
sebsebsebakaedintov: theres that whatever its called in ubuntu-restricted-extras00:47
sebsebsebakaedintov: you could also use WinRAR or 7-zip  in Wine for that silly file format00:47
sebsebseb!rar | akaedintov00:47
ubottuakaedintov: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free00:47
Vilinywhy does rar suck?00:47
_Valantis_guys if i cant make it work with linux driver can i somehow load the windows drivers under wine or something similar ???00:47
sebsebsebViliny: since its a propritary file format00:48
krabadorsebsebseb, i mean to put inside a cd, the content od my live session00:48
ChogyDanSpofer: have you tried deleting /var/lib/dpkg/info/tzdata.postinst      and then reinstalling tzdata?00:48
sebsebsebViliny: and a not very good one00:48
Vilinyakaedintov: just install rar and unrar via apt-get and your archive managers starts supporting them - worked for me.00:48
Spoferchogydan, nope... should i?00:48
exospacein ubuntu you use .tar.lzma instead of 7-zip, right?00:48
Vilinysebsebseb: so whats the format everybody should use?00:49
sebsebsebViliny: anything that is open an open standard, and that applys to,  all file formats00:49
Spoferchogydan, will renaming do?00:49
Vilinyright, but nothing specific?00:49
=== sm is now known as Guest86758
akaedintovits not just rar , it is also other ones00:49
exospacetar is an open standard00:49
akaedintovi cant install so quickly00:49
akaedintovi always have to search how to install and shit00:50
Vilinyok tar, is tar noticeably better in any way?00:50
ddilingerHaving an odd issue with bluetooth.  I have loaded blueman-manager and can connect the headset.  I can talk into the headset and clean voice is recorded.  When i try and play audio (with paplay) through the headset paplay just stalls, no audio is output and paplay doesn't exit untill i C-c it.  The headset does audio both directions when connected to my phone,  I have tested on an old ubuntu 10.04 installation and a fresh 10.04 install.   I hav00:50
sebsebsebViliny: tar for example as exospace is suggesting00:50
ChogyDanSpofer: renaming should be fine, it should get replaced on reinstall anyway00:50
exospacetar is not bad, it just doesnt compress stuff00:50
sebsebsebViliny: there are some others that are better than tar and also open00:51
sebsebsebViliny: even .zip would be better than .rar really, even though thats not open00:51
sebsebsebViliny: WinRAR and the whole RAR format is quite pointless realy00:51
Vilinyim not trying to be a douche here but if i want something to compress something with i usually go with rar - is there anything thats noticeably better in linux?00:51
exospace.zip is great, except for zip doesnt do the big file thing00:51
Vilinyand why is zip better than rar?00:51
Spoferchogydan, sorry, but what's the command for reinstall? (my man-db got skrewed from this problem)00:52
sebsebsebexospace: what about bz2 and such?00:52
aeon-ltdViliny: tar.gz/xz, just because its more common to have those unarchivers00:52
cozziemotoViliny, some like 7zip  not sure if it';s open or not  //personally I use rar    tar.gz00:52
ubuntuuuuis it better to install the graphics card drivers from the ati website or ubuntu restricted ones00:52
akaedintovbuntu restricted ones really suck00:52
cozziemotoubuntuuuu,   restricted00:52
rwwbecause .zip is better supported out of the box on more operating systems, and .rar isn't supported out of the box on any that I know of.00:52
ChogyDanSpofer: I think it is sudo apt-get reinstall tzdata00:52
avelldiroll7zip is opensource and available in the repositories00:52
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akaedintovnvidia kills us!00:52
sebsebsebcozziemoto:  Viliny  7-zip is open source  :)00:52
cozziemotosebsebseb,  there you go ..thanks :)00:53
sebsebsebViliny: see rww answer00:53
trojan_spikeubuntuuuu, use the driver from 'driver hardware' search <<00:53
cozziemotoViliny,   i find 7zip  slow myself00:53
exospaceChogyDan: sounds right :)00:53
Spoferchogydan, hmmmm... no reinstall for apt-get00:53
Vilinyok compatibility then - but is there anything thats actually more effective at the compressing part?00:53
cozziemotoViliny,  I havent done a search in some time....you can   google    linux  compression utilities    see what thecomparisons are00:54
ubuntuuuutrojan_spike, im sorry new to ubuntu, what is the 'driver hardware' search?00:54
akaedintov7zip is small but is usable for much more types00:54
rwwSpofer: sudo apt-get --reinstall install whatever00:54
rww!es | dobran00:54
ubottudobran: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.00:54
cozziemotopersonally tar.gz is fine for me00:54
exospacewhat is the ubuntu command to handle .7z files please?00:54
exospacei want to try it :)00:55
sebsebsebexospace: I think the program it has by default, opens those00:55
trojan_spikeubuntuuuu, 'system/administration/'additional drivers (or) hardware drivers ..00:55
cozziemotoexospace,  if you mean extract it i believe you have to have it installe00:55
Spoferrww, thanks that worked!00:55
Benkinoobymaybe it is also worth to look at the benchmarks and not only popularity. see the result section http://peazip.sourceforge.net/peazip-compression-benchmark.html00:55
=== sahil_ is now known as sahil
Vilinythe problem is that im told rar is bad. so far the only argument is out of the box support and the fact that rar isn't open source. Im going to walk out of this as a rar-user if someone doesn't base things a little more strongly as im usually open to all new stuff and would like to find something better if there is something like that to find.00:55
avelldirollViliny: poor man's benchmark here : http://mshenrick.blogspot.com/2010/07/gzip-vs-bzip2-vs-zip-vs-7zip-vs-lzma-vs.html00:56
cozziemotoViliny,  you really need to search for comparisons... open or closed source...which ever works  use it :)00:56
Vilinysurely great software draws a crowd to it - i usually see where there crowd is - with programs that is00:57
exospaceSpofer: yay \o/00:57
cozziemotoViliny,  personally  if i download a package in 7zip or zip  I am a little peeved... I want to see tar.gz  mainly00:57
Vilinytar.gz is something you only see in linux circles though - atleast thats how it's been for me00:57
sebsebsebViliny: no  most software that is very popular isn't that great for many people,  Windows is a good example of that,   and you probably agree with me on this one, or why else are you trying out Ubuntu?00:57
SpoferChogyDan, i think the reinstall worked, but a whole bunch of problems arose... http://paste.ubuntu.com/514197/00:57
exospacethere are internet standards for the tar.gz file00:58
fiberHi, I recently installed 10.10 (from 9.04), but now, it seems about every hour for about 5-10 minutes, the system processes start taking all my CPU and everything slows down to a crawl (even music playback starts skipping).  I can't pinpoint what is actually doing this and I can't seem to find a reliable way to fix the issue (nor can I find any information about this online).  I was wondering if anyone experienced this00:58
fiber or knows of possible debugging/solutions.  Thanks00:58
Spoferexospace, :) that is actually the first time tzdata did something right for the last week00:58
Vilinysebsebseb: yes i agree... thats true. I usually do another layer of filtering beyond the crowd though - bad argument on my part00:58
cozziemotoViliny,  you can right click a filder and choose compress and see what is already available on the sytem  then do a comparison as to the size of the compressed file and time it took to compress00:58
avelldirollViliny: tar.gz and tar.bz2 are the norms for software tarballs ... you'll also find tar.lzma sometimes00:58
HaPK_PerCarsome help here... My Genius Mousepen tablet won't work on Maverick :( I have the latest wizardpen driver installed and all00:58
sebsebsebViliny: RAR is very much so a Windows thing,  Desktop Linux users, and  as far as I know Mac users, tend to dislike it00:59
SpoferChogyDan, although no new postinst00:59
Vilinyavelldiroll: why are the extensions two part? tar and gunzip yes - but what is this duo exactly?00:59
akaedintovubuntu is really forcing me ,to return to windows00:59
sebsebsebViliny: I mean  more expereinced Desktop Linux users,  the newbies will find it ok useually00:59
trojan_spikeall about compression here ehh00:59
sebsebsebakaedintov: Why?00:59
cozziemotoakaedintov, ????00:59
cozziemotoakaedintov,   what about linux is forcing you to return towindows??00:59
avelldirollViliny: this is mostly historic ... tar began as a software for recording backup tapes00:59
dhaivatHello everyone. I'm having trouble using a ar5418 based card (dlink dwa 556), it won't even show up in lspci! Does this mean the card is bad? I'm getting a wired connection right now.00:59
Vilinysebsebseb: im starting to be a jack of most trades with linux - master of none being the downside01:00
akaedintovi cant use my TV as a monitor01:00
DrManhattanwhy not01:00
akaedintovi cant watch movies,01:00
DaekdroomDoes the extras repository come enabled by default in maverick?01:00
ddilingerakaedintov: sure you can, i used a 42" for over a year01:00
cozziemotoakaedintov,  ah  ... and no one here was able to walk you through setting that up?01:00
DrManhattanno svideo out?01:00
sebsebsebViliny: also you need to know about  software freedom properly,  opensource/freesoftware the difference and open standards, and no its not all the same.  those gnu.org and then philosophey section  articles are a good start for finding out about that properly :)01:00
darienI can't get guildwars working with playonlinux, and according to wine, it's a platinum game01:00
Vilinysebsebseb: im familiar with all that - thats not my peeve :P01:00
akaedintovi asked for it , noone answered ??01:00
DrManhattanall operating systems should be free.01:01
HaPK_PerCarsome help here... My Genius Mousepen tablet won't work on Maverick :( I have the latest wizardpen driver installed and all01:01
sebsebsebViliny: right well then you would probably want to use RAR really,  I mean if you properly understood about it01:01
akaedintovi asked like ," detect monitors is not working , someone help me please"01:01
ddilingerakaedintov: as long as its a modern tv just plug a hdmi->dvi connector and your done01:01
sebsebseb!freedom | DrManhattan01:01
ubottuDrManhattan: freedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing01:01
avelldirollViliny: the main advantage these days is that tar gives a common interface to compress in whatever algoruthm you want01:01
cozziemotoakaedintov,  oh ok...just remember ..all support here is voluntary and sometimes  people online may not have the answer for you right away..but mostly remember it is free support:001:01
ddilingerakaedintov: if its old equipment, then the money you save on a new tv you will spend in time setting it up01:01
Vilinysebsebseb: understanding a thing and following it zealously are two different things01:01
dhaivatanyone for my question?01:01
* DrManhattan watches as sebsebseb paints his face blue, holds a sword in the air and screams "FREEDOM!!!"01:02
akaedintovcozziemoto , dont get angry mate , im sorry01:02
akaedintovddilinger , it is a new plasma , i have HDMI to HDMI01:02
cozziemotoakaedintov, ` :)  I am not angrey  guy :)01:02
sebsebsebViliny: luckily for my actsual computer useage, I don't need proprtary software at all, I am one of the lucky few :)01:02
Vilinyakaedintov: what gfx card are you using and whats the tv like01:02
ddilingerakaedintov: and what happens?01:02
akaedintovi think it is about nvidia01:02
Vilinysebsebseb: if i didn't game so much id be all linux by now. Damn directx...01:03
ddilingerakaedintov: are you trying to do 2 screens, or just the 1 plasma?01:03
cozziemotoakaedintov,   I understand the frustrations of a long time windows user  moving over to linux  but believe me... you will eventually leave windows  at least  most of it01:03
akaedintovi cant use its additional driver , if i do that , i cant open ubuntu01:03
SpoferNewbie here, I think the update to 2.6.32-25 didn't go well. Can i just boot into the 2.6.32-24 and reupdate?01:03
Vilinyalso, openoffice doesn't quite cut it for me when i have to do stuff at the university01:03
sebsebsebViliny: actsaully that wasnt' quite true,  since Nivida driver  can be useful for me at times, the propritary one, if I want to play OpenGL games  for example01:03
cozziemotoakaedintov,   i try to switch all of my clients over to ubuntu ...so far no complaints :)01:03
Vilinysebsebseb: so games are your downfall as well then01:03
sunshinepantsViliny: you can dual boot & use virtualbox to access the other os on the physical partition01:03
ddilingercozziemoto: i suppose thats to pad your support hours training for 'new software' :)01:03
sebsebsebViliny: no01:04
cozziemotoViliny,  there are other options01:04
akaedintovcozziemoto , you know , it is best to use a linux system , but it is hard to get used to :D01:04
sebsebsebViliny: I hardly ever play games, and if I do, they are basic repo games, these days01:04
Vilinysunshinepants: dabbled with dual boots and virtualbox enough to last any man a life time ;)01:04
cozziemotoViliny,  koffice  although that would require installing the kde libraries along with it01:04
sunshinepantsViliny: i don't know what that means01:04
Vilinyi see01:04
sebsebsebViliny: you can wine Microsoft Office, and most of it will work well01:04
ConduitConvectioOK, this is my idiotic question for the day: Is there a way to get the grub bootloader to open the CD-ROM drive?01:04
dhaivatHello everyone. I'm having trouble using a ar5418 based card  (dlink dwa 556), it won't even show up in lspci! Does this  mean the card is bad? I'm getting a wired connection right now.01:04
SpoferNewbie here, I think the update to 2.6.32-25 didn't go well. Can i just boot into the 2.6.32-24 and reupdate?01:05
akaedintovcozziemoto , ddilinger : do you know how to fix nvidia additionaldriver failure ?01:05
cozziemotoakaedintov,  i believe and understand your attitude...just try to trust us when we say...you will eventually prefer linux01:05
ddilingerdhaivat: if its not in lspci, then yea something really bad happened :)  thats lower level than standard device drivers01:05
HaPK_PerCarsome help here... My Genius Mousepen tablet won't work on Maverick :( I have the latest wizardpen driver installed and all01:05
guckohi this is gucko01:05
Vilinymy point was, that the norms that microsoft has set i find myself constantly needing to use their products to be able to do some of the things i enjoy doing and i find that sad... as do all of you im sure01:05
guckoI'm using the new ubuntu01:05
mehworkshould /mnt/foo have root permissions or be owned by me if i'm using it to mount a samba share?01:05
ooaaaoohi guys i have a general question; How do I log into a web based authenticated network via terminal?01:05
guckoEmpathy is nice, but slow01:05
ddilingerViliny: its not just linux, put a 10 year windows ventern on a mac and they will curse all the same01:05
guckoit uses a lot of CPU01:05
cozziemotoakaedintov,  additional driver?  error> what is the error?  if it is more than 3 lines  go to  www.pastebin.com   and paste the error in the large white space then click the submit button then paste the link  here01:05
z00mwil the latest ubuntu work ok on a netbook ?01:06
z00mssd 8gb drive01:06
ConduitConvectioOr, I guess, some way to open a CD-ROM drive on a non-bootable computer where there's no button on the front to open it?01:06
cozziemotoz00m,  probably the latest  ubuntu netbook edition will01:06
sebsebsebViliny: ok  I like how you called that norms, rather than standards, because a lot of their stuff isn't standard, its just most used, but not actsaully standard.01:06
Vilinysunshinepants: the point with dual boots and viriualbox was that i've used both a metric #### tonne before01:06
avelldirollViliny: i never really used any MS productss ... but i am from a unix background01:06
akaedintov cozziemoto , ddilinger :  when  i install nvidia-current , i cant get to ubuntu . only prompt after grub. so i cant use it :/01:06
z00mcozziemoto, what about the standard one ?01:06
ddilingerConduitConvectio: plug the drive in another machine?01:06
mehworkwhy does mount -a says 'error(13): permission denied'?01:06
ddilingerConduitConvectio: or if you dont care about the drive, screwdriver :)01:06
cozziemotoz00m,  standard ubuntu netbook?01:06
ConduitConvectio....Well, the problem is the drive is empty.01:07
ZykoticK9mehwork, "sudo mount -a"?01:07
z00mno standard ubuntu01:07
ConduitConvectioIf I can get a liveCD in there, I can fix the GRUB bootloader.01:07
z00mnot the netbook edition01:07
sebsebsebViliny: Microsoft ignore standards a lot of the time or do their own thing,  the history of Internet Explorer and web standards is a great example of this,  their  new file format in Office 2007 and above is another.  but yeah this is getting a dab off topic now01:07
HaPK_PerCarmehwork, use sudo01:07
akaedintovcozziemoto , it is not actually having an error , someone told me that , "your gdm is not working"01:07
ddilingerConduitConvectio: you dont have to boot to open the CD, you can do that any time power is on01:07
cozziemotoakaedintov,   you could ..when booting  hit the shift  key to get to the grub menu...then hit "e" I believe  and change the boot sequence  quiet splash to  nomodeset01:07
ooaaaoohi guys i have a general question; Can I log onto a web based https authentication server via terminal?01:07
ddilingerConduitConvectio: or if there is no open button, plug it into another pc :)01:08
cozziemotoakaedintov,  oh!01:08
cozziemotoakaedintov,   did you install this via live cd?01:08
HaPK_PerCarsome help here... My Genius Mousepen tablet won't work on Maverick :( I have the latest wizardpen driver installed and all01:08
akaedintovcozziemoto , usb stick01:08
guckoHaPK_PerCar: hi01:08
sebsebsebViliny: anwyay I always found that unrar free program a bit odd to use01:08
ddilingerConduitConvectio: you could try booting a usb stick instead01:08
HaPK_PerCargucko, hi01:08
ddilingerConduitConvectio: or for real hacker cred, theres network booting with tftpd :)01:08
cozziemotoakaedintov,   mmm  I have no experience with that but seems I have heard this isse with usb stick installation before01:08
sebsebsebViliny: so  I find it easier to deal with RARs in Wine with WinRAR or 7-zip01:08
ConduitConvectio....Welll, that seems ludicrously complex enough to try.01:09
ConduitConvectioWhat are the risks?01:09
RORgasmhey guys...where online can i browse the repo list for 10.1001:09
sebsebsebViliny: sadly the graphical version of 7-zip is only for WIndows, command line is for Linux though01:09
ddilingerConduitConvectio: tftpd ? no risks, your network card has to support it though01:09
VilinyConduitConvectio: you can take the broad connector on your motherboard and remove it and stick something that leads electricity between 2 pins to make the psu start so your cd-drive gets juice thus letting you remove the cd without actually starting ... most of the computer ;)01:09
cozziemotoakaedintov,  when you get to the boot prompt   try    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:09
sunshinepantsas long as linux can compete in the market fairly then let microsoft have an os product, jeez.  nobody likes vendor locking so if you don't believe in that philosophically then don't buy in.01:09
ddilingerConduitConvectio: most modern cards do01:09
ddilingerConduitConvectio: you need a second linux box to run tftpd and dhcp on01:09
cozziemotoakaedintov,  see if it missed some files  ,,,then reboot and see if you get the same behavior01:09
ConduitConvectioOK, I have a relatively modern card.01:09
ConduitConvectio...And conveniently, I'm on puppy linux right now01:09
bazhang!ot | sunshinepants01:09
ubottusunshinepants: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:09
ConduitConvectioWill that accept this tftpd thing?01:09
akaedintovcozziemoto , it has something to do with nvidia-current driver , i do sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current , it opens fine , but without this driver i believe i cant use  additional monitors01:09
Benkinooby*wonders why so many are using apt-get and don't enjoy the benefits of aptitude01:10
JoseBravoI upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 and I lost my sound. My lspci output is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06) and aplay -l dont show any device. I already installed the linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic but I have the same problem. Any idea?01:10
ddilingerConduitConvectio: tftpd has been arround for dozen years plus, should be in all distributions as a package01:10
LOGANwas installing flash plugin, and after minutes stuck on 6%, now screen has gone black with a text select cursor :/01:10
josipJel ovo radi ?01:10
Vilinysebsebseb: yes i find that annoying in linux is that while config files are awesome - it would really not take away a lot from the experience to have GUI's to handle stuff, going through long text files just for the sake of it isn't good usability anymore01:10
akaedintovcozziemoto , i did them for so many times,  nothing changes01:10
LOGANis my laptop to slow?01:10
sunshinepantsyea bazhang thanks for the reminder, you get a gold star01:10
Vilinyyou can have both really01:10
cozziemotoakaedintov,  you get both gdm and nvidia errors?01:10
bytesaberinstalling 10.04 on a RAID-1.   the dev is /dev/md1   The installer is refusing to install GRUB to /dev/md1.   any ideas?01:10
Benkinoobyakaedintov, there is a tool in ubuntu that helps you to find (prop.) drivers01:10
HaPK_PerCarsome help here... My Genius Mousepen tablet won't work on Maverick :( I have the latest wizardpen driver installed and all01:10
cozziemotoakaedintov,  which nvidia card are you using?01:11
sebsebsebViliny: that depends on the distro, how graphical they are or aren't for configuring system,  I can thinik of three that are very graphical for this, and no Ubuntu isn't one of them01:11
spidywonder why my screen goes gray in windows01:11
Benkinoobyakaedintov, i don't know what GUI you are using, but it is named jack.something.something01:11
spidybut not in linux01:11
akaedintovcozziemoto , i dont see any errors i guess01:11
spidyits an brand new pc01:11
FloodBot3spidy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:11
spidyonly linux works01:11
spidywith every01:11
LOGANsystem is unresponsive01:11
akaedintovcozziemoto Nvidia ION 2 , i suppose01:11
avelldirollViliny: GUIs make simple things even more simple ... and complex things impossible to do01:11
ddilingerConduitConvectio: otherwise, ftp://www.kernel.org/pub/software/network/tftp/01:11
cozziemotoakaedintov,   I think thatis the processor01:11
Benkinoobyakaedintov, ho, it's called jockey01:11
joshritgerWhy does ubuntu 10.10 not work on my intel chipset laptop when ubuntu 10.04 works. After install all I get is a black screen01:11
sunshinepantseveryone stay on topic01:12
cozziemotoakaedintov,    so you can get into ubuntu withouth the nvidia driver installed...yes?01:12
LOGANhmm I guess I ask in the kubuntu channel01:12
sebsebsebViliny: average user, woudn't noramlly have to edit config files anyway :D01:12
akaedintovcozziemoto, yes , just like now01:12
ddilingerConduitConvectio: you have to setup dhcp and tftpd though, dhcp you put the mac address of the box and the information about which tftpd server, which boot files to grab from it, and then the tftpd server has to be setup to server those files01:12
sebsebsebViliny: or use commands01:12
HaPK_PerCarI'm gonna have to de-grade to lucid T_T01:12
akaedintovBenkinooby , do you know how to fix this :(01:12
cozziemotoakaedintov,  ok open a terminal   applications/accessories/terminal01:12
JoseBravoI upgraded to ubuntu 10.10 and I lost my sound. My lspci output is: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06) and aplay -l dont show any device. I already installed the linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic but I have the same problem. Any idea?01:12
cozziemotoakaedintov,   in that terminal copy and paste this command     lspci | grep -i vga01:12
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
Vilinysebsebseb: i find myself knee-deep in config files every time i add software to my file/web/ftp/gateway/dhcp/mysql/php-server :P01:13
akaedintovakaedintov@onat:~$  applications/accessories/terminal01:13
akaedintovbash: applications/accessories/terminal: No such file or directory01:13
cozziemotoakaedintov,  hight light that command here and simply middle click inside the terminal window to paste01:13
=== Memnochxx is now known as Memnoch
cozziemotoakaedintov,  no no01:13
sebsebsebViliny: your doing servers, well there you go then,  your not the average Ubuntu user01:13
Benkinoobyakaedintov, i even have not understood your problem properly... or your setup of computer and monitor. i know that i once had problems with nvidia drivers and that jockey fixed it for me01:13
HaPK_PerCarJoseBravo, can you see your sound HD on alsamixer?01:13
ddilingerakaedintov: i still dont understand what the problem is either01:13
i0nichow do i open the thing to compile modules into my kernel?01:13
i0nicmake menuconfig?01:13
ConduitConvectioI have to setup dhcp and tftpd on the computer I want to network boot?01:13
cozziemotoakaedintov,   at the top of your screen you should see   Applications   Places  Systenm  ..yes?01:13
VilinyConduitConvectio: what do you want to do?01:14
ddilingerConduitConvectio: no, on the other computer01:14
joshritgercan anybody help me with intel video issues in 10.10?01:14
HaPK_PerCargah, I guess I'm gonna have to go back to lucid...01:14
bytesaberhow do you install to a raid 1?01:14
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: Why?01:14
Ryen!ask | joshritger01:14
ubottujoshritger: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:14
bytesaberthe isntaller is fine upto the point of installing grub01:14
Benkinoobyddilinger, akaedintov seems that i'm not the only one understanding your problem01:14
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, my tablet won't work on maverick01:14
cozziemotoHaPK_PerCar,   I have big issues on maverick with sound... I am preparing to go back to lucid myself01:14
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ConduitConvectioOK. What I am trying to do is this: My ubuntu installation kersploded at one point, I tried to reinstall. My reinstallation gave me an 'input/output' error, and I tried a few different CDs and was left with the conclusion 'I have no idea what's going on'. Not a big deal, except at some point the GRUB bootloader got screwed.01:14
ddilingerConduitConvectio: then when your broken pc boots (you might need to go into bios to enable network booting) it will ask dhcp for an ip address, and dhcp will also tell it which tftpd server to get boot files from01:14
bytesabergrub says it can't install onto /dev/md1.  is there a reason why you can't put a bootloader on a /dev/mdX ?01:15
=== faboliv is now known as fabco
VilinyLol, maverick meerkat... i learned that just now from the ubuntu about on my box01:15
akaedintovBenkinooby , ddilinger :: there is and additional driver in the application for nvidia,  if i install that and have the latest version of the driver , i cant reach to ubuntu desktop after grub. only prompt comes. when i dont have the latest  , it is okay.01:15
ddilingerConduitConvectio: if you dont get a network boot screen that flashes for a second on the machine before booting, go into bios and make sure network boot is in there somewhere01:15
ddilingerConduitConvectio: it might call it PXE boot or something01:15
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: cozziemoto  ah well newer isn't always better01:15
akaedintovcozziemoto , i cant see them :S01:15
joshritgerMy laptop that has the intel 830m chipset  works with 10.04 but I get no screen with 10.10, can anybody help me with this, or tell me why this keeps breaking every so many releases01:16
VilinyConduitConvectio: i usually fix grub problems with supergrub - and then there was another software that worked well...01:16
akaedintovcozziemoto , netbook edition i have.01:16
cozziemotoakaedintov,  you have no application menu  top left corner01:16
Sayosup dudes01:16
cozziemotoakaedintov,  oh!!!01:16
ConduitConvectio...OK, well01:16
Sayoanyone good with resizing partitions?01:16
ddilingerakaedintov: which aditional driver?  did you download the nvidia binary driver, or are you using the default open source once with ubuntu?01:16
avelldirollViliny: a server should not need an X server ... you can still use some control GUIs ... ebox replaced webmin in that matter (and is now called zentyal) ... i would advise learning the command line and not using those config tools though ... they are a potential security risk01:16
sebsebsebSayo: reasonably01:16
ConduitConvectioThis 'supergrub' thing likely requires a liveCD, right?01:16
cozziemotoakaedintov,  I dont have netbook installed here   darn01:16
akaedintovcozziemoto , open the terminal and use  lspci | grep -i vga ???01:16
HaPK_PerCardoes anyone here know when could the new release for the wizardpen driver may come?01:16
Vilinyyou are trying to do a network installation because you cdrom is broken?01:16
cozziemotoakaedintov,  yes01:16
Vilinyavelldiroll: i get your point - i use config files :)01:17
sebsebsebSayo: actsaully pretty good since a lot of expereince with partitions01:17
ddilingerConduitConvectio: network boot? no live cd, although you do have to have some sort of boot image01:17
HaPK_PerCarthey're taking quite a long time on developing that01:17
JoseBravoHaPK_PerCar : leonardo@LeonardoPC:~$ alsamixer       ->      Cant open the mixer: File or Directory not found   (traduction)01:17
ddilingerConduitConvectio: a small livecd would probably work01:17
DaroxHi to all, can anybody tell me how to roll back uninstalls form dpkg.log ( tasksel remove lamp-server )01:17
ddilingerConduitConvectio: it has to fit in memory of the other machine01:17
ConduitConvectioRight. That's where we come into my original problem. That is: There's a hole in the bucket, dear Liza.01:17
Sayosebsebseb: lets say a bunch of harddrive space just opened up and i wanna expand my ubuntu partition to take advantage of that01:17
sebsebsebddilinger: are you on 10.10?01:17
ConduitConvectioMy CD-ROM drive is closed.01:17
ddilingersebsebseb: 10.0401:17
sebsebsebddilinger: wrongo ne01:17
VilinyConduitConvectio: guy, have you considered a usb-stick or something before actually going with a network boot?01:17
akaedintovddilinger , i suppose it is called , nvidia-current. (because i use sudo apt-get remove nvidia-current to remove it ) , and i just downloaded it from additinal drivers application.01:17
Sayosebsebseb: i have no idea how i would even go about it01:17
sebsebsebDarox: are you on 10.10?01:17
ConduitConvectioIt doesn't have a button on the front--wellll, the problem then is getting something bootable onto a USB-stick.01:18
sebsebsebDarox: was it a clean install?01:18
HaPK_PerCarJoseBravo, aparently you don't have alsa installed... after you installed the latest backport of alsa, did you reboot?01:18
isaiashi, look my friend has a problem. he got a notebook asus k50c, but when he is testing ubuntu or xubuntu, the resolution only read 800x600(4:3), when should be 1366x768, someone knows how to fix this????01:18
Sayopartman, cfdisk, none of them worked01:18
Daroxsebsebseb: Nope01:18
akaedintovakaedintov@onat:~$  lspci | grep -i vga01:18
akaedintov00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation N10 Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)01:18
akaedintov04:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation Device 0a76 (rev a2)01:18
FloodBot3akaedintov: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:18
Jordan_UConduitConvectio: Does it have a small paperclip sized hole?01:18
cozziemotoakaedintov,  ok01:18
sebsebsebDarox: ok so you may still have tasksel tehn, well  clean installs of 10.10 don't have it01:18
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:18
ddilingerakaedintov: try the nvidia binary driver, download from nvidia.com and run with `sudo sh ./NVIDIA-somethingsomething.sh`01:18
ConduitConvectioWhere would this hole be?01:18
cozziemotoakaedintov,   here is your problem..you have both  nvidia and intel...you CANNOT  install the nvidia driver on that system01:18
sebsebsebDarox: desktop edition or server?01:19
akaedintovcozziemoto : http://paste.ubuntu.com/514206/01:19
Benkinoobycozziemoto, akaedintov ddilinger  may i suggest to move this discussion into an extra channel? things are moving here too fast #akaedin01:19
Daroxsebsebseb: Descktop01:19
cozziemotoakaedintov,  you have to use the default  intel driver01:19
Raydiationcan i send msg to win pcs like net send for win?01:19
ddilingerConduitConvectio: most of them have a pinhole you can push a paperclip into01:19
mEck0Hi! What do you guys think about Ubuntu 10.10? I haven't tried it yet, but I'm curious. How is the interface look like? Since it is in 10.10 where Canonical said that they'll show Windows and Mac OSX that they can build competitive gui's right?01:19
ddilingerConduitConvectio: make sure its not the LED though :)01:19
sebsebsebSayo: ok01:19
_Valantis_anyone worked with an avermedia video in or tvtuner  ??????????????01:19
sebsebsebSayo: ever installed Ubuntu before?01:19
VilinyConduitConvectio: putting ubuntu on a usb-stick is easier than breathing - wanna go with that?01:19
bazhang!notes | mEck001:19
ubottumEck0: Ubuntu 10.10 (Maverick Meerkat) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/101001:19
ConduitConvectioI don't think this thing actually has an LED in the front. It's one of those 'aesthetically pleasing' drives where a --01:19
akaedintovcozziemoto , but it says if i dont use it , i cant see 3D effects01:19
HaPK_PerCarmEck0, it's nice, I like it so far.. not that many changes though01:19
bazhangmEck0, please no polling here, read the notes01:19
ConduitConvectioOK, this is where we get to this embarassing thing.01:20
gbillingsi am in a tty windows and am stuck in ubuntu-desktop in unity. my computer is set to automaticaly sign in, so there is no way to sign out and into ubuntu-desktop.01:20
_Valantis_i need to make mine work it has drivers for linux but still doesnt work01:20
ConduitConvectio...actually, I could /try/ to boot ubuntu on rightcomp01:20
cozziemotoakaedintov,   that should not be the case...the intel driver is quite capable of 3d graphics01:20
ConduitConvectioThis one.01:20
foul_owlcan anyone help me get this to build for 2.6 kernels? http://www.linux-projects.org/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?cid=2&lid=4401:20
ConduitConvectioThis is on puppy currently; it's a pretty lame 1ghz 256MB RAM device.01:20
Sayosebsebseb: no01:20
joshritgerhow do I fix nothing coming up on my screen after installing 10.10, I have an intel chipset 830m based laptop01:20
gbillingsand the ubuntu-netbook is unresponsiva and am pretty much stuck. any help?01:20
rowlandshi, does ubuntu support install of games?01:20
mEck0bazhang, sorry but what do you mean by polling? I was just wondering about what you guys are thinking about 10.10, what is wrong with that?01:20
Sayosebsebseb: well yes, but it was so long ago i don't even feel it's relevant anymore01:20
cozziemotoakaedintov,  be right back   "nature"  call :)01:20
isaiashello, any help??01:20
akaedintovcozziemoto , are you sure with this ?01:20
Daroxsebsebseb: So where to look, or some advise, I heave removed about 100 stuff01:20
akaedintovcozziemoto , ok :)01:21
VilinyConduitConvectio: im having trouble grasping your situation if we drift around too much - you got a screwed up installation on a machine with a broked cd-drive - correct?01:21
Ryen!poll | mEck001:21
ubottumEck0: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.01:21
bazhangmEck0, this is support only, not chatting about likes/dislikes; #ubuntu-offtopic for that please01:21
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gbillingsi am in a tty windows and am stuck in ubuntu-desktop in unity. my computer is set to automaticaly sign in, so there is no way to sign out and into ubuntu-desktop.01:21
Benkinoobygbillings, try ctrl-alt-F!01:21
Benkinoobygbillings, try ctrl-alt-F101:21
mEck0bazhang, ah okay, sorry for that! thx for the other channel =)01:21
akaedintovddilinger , how do i do that ??01:21
sebsebsebSayo: ok uhmm01:22
sebsebsebSayo: guided install is useauly ok01:22
gbillingsand irci am in tty right now; irc is really hard in tty please help me01:22
HaPK_PerCarso no help on the wizardpen thing? T_T01:22
sebsebsebSayo: ,but seperate /home can be useful and such01:22
gbillingsi am in tty right now**01:22
ConduitConvectioThe CD-drive isn't /broken/01:22
ConduitConvectioit's just01:22
ConduitConvectioIt doesn't have an eject button01:22
z00mare they any mirrors for Ubuntu Netbook Edition01:22
ConduitConvectioI'm not really sure why01:22
z00mthe one on the site is really slow01:23
SkaperenI'm looking for which Ubuntu package has the mime command.  In 9.10 it was in package "metamail".  That package disappeared in 10.10 (didn't check 10.04).01:23
Vilinyit doesn't have an ejection button?01:23
Vilinyhow have you gotten anything in the before?01:23
Ryen!mirrors | z00m01:23
ubottuz00m: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!01:23
ConduitConvectiosoftware commands.01:23
sebsebsebDarox: I can't help you it seems01:23
Sayosebsebseb: well i mean, if i could set my home on a seperate partition than ubuntu, i would, is that  what you're getting at?01:23
Vilinythat is properly weird01:23
JoseBravoHaPK_PerCar yes i rebooted01:23
akaedintovBenkinooby , look #akaedin please :)01:23
sebsebsebSayo: yep01:23
ConduitConvectioI bought it recertified.01:23
Ryen!help | eoin_01:23
Daroxsebsebseb: ok thank you, but where to look?01:23
ubottueoin_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:23
sebsebsebDarox: not sure01:24
sebsebseb!lamp | Darox01:24
ubottuDarox: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)01:24
HaPK_PerCarJoseBravo, hmm, weird...01:24
* Skaperen has /home on a separate partition01:24
VilinyConduitConvectio: use a usb stick while you gather the motivation to spend 20€/$ on a new cd-drive :P01:24
JoseBravoHaPK_PerCar, and I have the package alsa-base installed01:24
rowlandscan i install football manager on ubuntu or anyother game?01:24
z00mthanks Ryen01:24
bazhangrowlands, check the appdb and join #winehq01:24
HaPK_PerCarJoseBravo, sorry, I don't think I can help you here01:24
bazhang!appdb | rowlands01:24
ubotturowlands: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:24
codemonkeyCan anyone here help me with a driver install problem? Should be simple01:24
ConduitConvectioYeah, now I'm getting ready to run down to the Source to get a USB stick.01:24
HaPK_PerCarJoseBravo, maybe maverick can't handle the alsa driver with your driver now...01:25
rowlandsok thanks01:25
Daroxubottu: Now its not about lamp, half of my system is gone :(01:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:25
Sayosebsebseb: well, to avoid the complications though, there's no shortcut to just 'adding the free space to this particular partition?"01:25
sebsebsebSayo: are you on the live cd?01:25
gbillingsPlease guys help me. I'll reexplain. My computer is set as automatically sign in without password. Whenever i turn on my computer, it automatically boots into ubuntu-netbook, which is completely unresponsive and i cant do ANYTHING AT ALL. i tried running sudo apt-get autoremove ubuntu-netbook, but to no avail. I am stuck using irc in tty, sorry for the english as there is no way for me to review what iv typed in irc; please help me id really01:25
Sayosebsebseb: no01:26
Sayoleft it at the apt too...damn01:26
MAAAADhow can I change the standard picture viewer eog to gthumb?01:26
sebsebsebSayo: well to install Ubuntu you need to be on the installation media01:26
Sayoi can't 'be' in my ubuntu state to do this, can i01:26
Fitzsimmonsalt-printscreen doesn't generate any events after an upgrade to 10.10. if I fire up xev, alt makes events, alt+other keys makes events, but alt+printscreen does nothing01:26
VilinyConduitConvectio: you have a computer to use for preparing the stick?01:26
Sayosebsebseb: i already have an installed version,01:26
sebsebsebMAAAAD: system > preferences  > preffered applications I thinik01:26
z00mhey if i install netbook edition on my netbook can i change the desktop so it uses gnome ?01:26
ConduitConvectioUhhh, possibly.01:26
Sayosebsebseb: i'm on xchat from it as we speak01:26
sebsebsebSayo: well why are you asking about partitions then?01:26
ConduitConvectioIt depends on how friendly the kubuntu install on this computer's going to be01:26
Sayosebsebseb: i wanna make this one bigger01:26
foul_owlI need this driver for my webcam. can anyone help me build it for my kernel?  http://www.linux-projects.org/modules/mydownloads/visit.php?cid=2&lid=4401:26
cozziemotook back01:26
Sayosebsebseb: i have new free space i wanna add to this one01:27
sebsebsebgbillings: ok01:27
sebsebsebgbillings: did you start off with the desktop edition, or the netbook?01:27
sebsebsebSayo: make a partition in gparted in Ext4 using that free space then, that should do it01:27
DaroxAny advice for "tasksell remove lamp-server" problem, or a script to restore from dpkg.log?01:27
VilinyConduitConvectio: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-3/ - get the disk image from ubuntu and then use this tool with the cd-image and choose the target stick in your machine and it does the rest for you01:27
sebsebsebSayo: sudo apt-get install gparted01:27
lucid_guyGot my hands on an Optinux nvidia card (AlienWare m11x R2).  Anyone having any luck switching between cards?  I would simply like to atleast manually switch between the two.01:28
VilinyConduitConvectio: also, you need to set bios to boot from usb01:28
HaPK_PerCarhmmm, I wonder... can I make a lucid boot partition alongside maverick and win7?01:28
Sayosebsebseb: no no, i want to add that free space to this ext4 partition01:28
ConduitConvectio...Is there a way to check if the BIOS can boot from USB01:28
ConduitConvectioif you don't have a bootable USB stick in there01:28
Sayosebsebseb: that's possible, is it not?01:28
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sebsebsebSayo: resize it on the Live CD then,  but  if it goes wrong you lose data, probably won't happen though,  backups are good though01:28
SkaperenConduitConvectio: put in any USB stick and see what option it gives you01:28
VilinyConduitConvectio: when did you get the computer, what age is it approx?01:28
ConduitConvectioviliny: about 3-4 years by now I think01:28
SkaperenConduitConvectio: can you make it bootable yet?01:28
sebsebsebSayo: you can't re size the partition, when it is being used01:28
sebsebsebSayo: can't resize when mounted01:29
DaroxConduitConvectio: see bios, in some ones there is a setting for "Mouse and Keyboard" - only see i can change01:29
gorgonzolahello! i'm having a problem with flash video: every flash video plays at roughly 3x the speed and no audio. I've tried reinstalling several times... help?01:29
SkaperenConduitConvectio: what model/type of computer?01:29
Sayoahhh brb01:30
gorgonzolathis behaviour only started after reinstalling the system from scratch after a borked fglrx install...01:30
syriussupercomputer 30000 300001:30
ConduitConvectioI know it's an ACER?01:30
VilinyConduitConvectio: check the target machine bios - see what options it gives you for possible devices to boot from01:30
syriusthe fastest around01:30
syriusthe first quatum pc01:30
ConduitConvectioRight now it offers 'floppy drive, HDD, CDROM'01:30
Skaperenacer can boot from USB but not SD card01:30
Vilinyany mention of usb anywhere?01:30
ConduitConvectioNot currently, but I don't have a USB stick in it01:30
VilinySkaperen: thats pretty generalizing isn't it?01:31
ConduitConvectioI guess I'm running to the store to buy one?01:31
HaPK_PerCarhmmm, I wonder... can I make a lucid boot partition alongside maverick and win7?01:31
VilinyConduitConvectio: usb sticks are fun to own for various stuff :)01:31
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: not the best idea01:31
Skaperenit would be under boot option device order ... but won't show usb as a choice until a usb stick is in it (even if actually unbootable)01:31
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: trying to do that, and Grub 2 will get effected, and you can get issues01:31
ConduitConvectioWorst comes to worst01:31
ConduitConvectioI have a USB stick01:31
ConduitConvectioAFK, going to store01:31
FloodBot3ConduitConvectio: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:31
jmichaelxis it common to have horrible, crackly audio from windows installed in virtualbox on ubuntu systems? i have never found a way around this.01:31
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: and trust me messing around trying to fix Grub 2 issues, isn't exactly fun for most of us01:31
akaedintovddilinger , can you help me please :/01:31
SkaperenViliny: yeah ... but that's info from another discussion a while back elsewhere where that was concluded01:32
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: also its a bit stupid to have Lucid and Maverick on the same computer like that really anyway01:32
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, ok, so how would I go back to lucid without a complete reinstall? is it possible to go back wothout a reinstall?01:32
sebsebseb!downgrade | HaPK_PerCar01:32
ubottuHaPK_PerCar: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.01:32
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, so I have to reinstall if I downgrade...01:33
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: yeah basicalley01:33
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, dang01:33
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, and I just reinstalled maverick...01:33
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: not really a big deal, with seperate /home, but right you probably don't have one of those01:33
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: oh you just re installed maverick. so no data on there yet  even?01:34
* Skaperen has 7 USB sticks ... and that's becasue 5 of them were given away or stolen01:34
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, I made a backup, and got everything back in...01:34
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar:  good idea to set up sepraet /home when preperatging the re install though, makes future re installs or distro hopping, much easier01:35
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, what I don't like about reinstalling is the huge amount of installing and configuration to do01:35
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: can do that in the manual install01:35
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: but you get better at that with practice :)01:35
HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, yeah, gess I'm gonna have to look into the separate /home thing01:36
sebsebsebHaPK_PerCar: could even,  turn your current install partition into the home partiton01:36
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: one thing I do is make a tree of files to add on to a new install ... and one of those files is a script to configure stuff and add more packages01:36
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HaPK_PerCarsebsebseb, Skaperen can you direct me to a guide or tutorial where all that is explained?01:37
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: explain what, the /home partition?01:38
HaPK_PerCarSkaperen, yeah, and the directory tree that you told me01:38
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: the directory tree is my private collection ... include confidential stuff ... you have to make your own01:38
HaPK_PerCarSkaperen, of course, but I'd like to learn how to build it...01:39
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gary_li am having a problem sound works on all my profiles but one01:40
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: you build it by noting every time you add files like scripts and such ... as for the configure script, gotta learn some script writing (bash or python)01:40
HaPK_PerCarSkaperen, I see01:40
fzetagood night01:40
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: my tree has my various command scripts, C source files I will later compile, a few config files, stuff to add to /etc/passwd and such01:41
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: the tree lives under and rsync server on my LAN ... I can grab it by configuring the network and running the rsync command01:42
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gary_lubuntu 10.04 sound blaster audigy no sound on another profile01:43
SkaperenBTW, I installed Ubuntu (9.10) on my dad's Acer laptop using a USB memory stick01:44
Skaperenhe still uses it01:44
HaPK_PerCarSkaperen, wow, sound like you put a lot of work there01:44
disappearedngAnyone here can recommend me a proxy? I have 2 service which wants to share port 80 and I want to use a subdomain for that01:44
SkaperenHaPK_PerCar: in the tree, a lot of work ... my dad's laptop not a lot01:44
Skaperendisappearedng: you can do virtual hosts in Apache with a single IP and port01:46
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nDuff...well, as long as you're not doing SSL, or willing to use extensions which not all browsers support...01:47
undecimWhen I run rhytmbox-client --play-pause via a terminal, it works fine, but if I run it from a python script run as root with "sudo -iu #1000 rhythmbox-client --play-pause", it usually doesn't work. What's going on here?01:48
undecimIs it something to do with dbus maybe?01:48
Skaperenand if you do need SSL, then you can do it on separate IPs, one per hostname, within the same Apache instance01:49
disappearedngSkaperen: I am not using Apache01:49
disappearedngI am using twisted01:49
disappearedngso I need some 3rd party load balancer01:49
xavieranHey guys01:49
Skaperendisappearedng: oh, ok ... will have to find someone that knows that01:50
tacomasterif i currently have my whole hdd as ubuntu but want to add a linux distro to my second half of my hdd how would i go about it?01:50
xavieranI'm getting some interesting error when I try to install libimlib2-dev01:50
yagootacomaster, use gparted on live booted cd01:51
yagootacomaster, with it u can resize the ext2/3 partition..01:51
bytesaberubuntu "alternate" cds.   These supported and cared for the same?  i'm getting buggish behavior01:53
xavieranOk, so I removed the offending package.01:54
xavieranThat worked01:54
xavieranThen I reinstalled libimlib2-dev01:54
xavieranthanks :)01:54
yagoobytesaber, one can be buggish as one is sloppish01:55
bytesaberwell it seems to stop recognizing the cd at random.01:55
bytesaberdurring install01:55
bytesaberit also won't install grub to because it's a raid1, yet the installer helped me build a raid101:56
Sivikwhat version of kernel is supposed to be on maverick?01:57
SivikI was working on a upgrade and it failed due to my net dieing01:57
fiublitzGood evening. If I install Ubuntu netbook on my laptop in a partition and I keep windows 7 do I have to install my NIC driver? Because I tried connecting to the internet wirelessly but no networks were detected. Do I have to manually put the networks info?01:57
Sivikfiublitz, it depends on what wireless card you have01:58
xangua!info kernel | Sivik01:58
ubottuSivik: Package kernel does not exist in maverick01:58
xanguammm :S01:58
xangua!info linux01:58
ubottulinux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)01:58
Sivikxangua, thats not what I wanted.01:58
fiublitzSivik: It's the one that comes with the pc.01:58
Sivikxangua, how do I recover from a upgrade that wasn't complete.  I did a partial upgrade but the newer kernel is running or in the /boot menu01:58
Sivikfiublitz, lspci01:59
ConduitConvectioAlright, so if I put a USB stick into my computer, I assume it will not check to see if it is bootable before giving me the option to boot from it/01:59
SivikConduitConvectio, if you have the bios set to load from usb first, it should01:59
LOGANwell thanks guys, I keep having problems I cannot seem to solve. I stick with LIVE CD and remove the installation until a later date01:59
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ConduitConvectioWell, specifically I'm asking this because I assume it's not giving me the USB stick boot option because no USB stick is inside of it.02:00
SivikLOGAN, what kind of problems?02:00
gbillingsMy iPod Touch is on iOS 4.1 and it is not recognized in Ubuntu ever since i upraded from 4.0 to 4.1. Is this a KNOWN issue?02:00
SivikConduitConvectio, your bios not be able to boot from usb, it depends on the motherboard and the bios version02:00
LOGANmain problem is network connection dropping and then the system freezes02:00
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SkaperenConduitConvectio: right02:00
SivikLOGAN, wireless or wired?02:00
SkaperenConduitConvectio: well, at least on every computer I've done USB on02:00
LOGANSivik: wired02:00
SivikLOGAN, very unusual02:01
yagooLOGAN, well that's wired weird!!02:01
yagooLOGAN, you using it now!! hahhahaha02:01
jay_hey all, what is the command for xsession error log? I know gimf but Ubuntu keeps logging me out before I can find anything02:01
ConduitConvectioIt can boot from USB. Fuck yes.02:01
ConduitConvectio...er, I apologize for the profanity.02:02
yagoojay_, you using a light wm ?02:02
Seeker`!language | ConduitConvectio02:02
ubottuConduitConvectio: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:02
SivikConduitConvectio, it should be fine thing.02:02
LOGANyagoo: im on my windows desktop, also windows on laptop has no problem02:02
jay_yagoo don't know what that means02:02
gbillingsMy iPod Touch is on iOS 4.1 and it is not recognized in Ubuntu ever since i upraded from 4.0 to 4.1. Is this a KNOWN issue?02:02
yagoojay_, only gurus talk about xsessions02:02
LOGANoh netsplit02:02
researcher1hello everybody02:02
jay_heh or troubles users, someone gave me a command yesterday- ubuntu keeps logging me out randomly02:03
yagoojay_, can u logon textually?02:03
SkaperenConduitConvectio: I knew it would ... it just won't boot from an SD card (but Asus can)02:03
jay_I'll say no02:03
jay_I mean, in gnome now02:04
ConduitConvectioWell, it did take the initial step02:04
yagoojay_, ok so it works now. bye..02:04
SkaperenConduitConvectio: now make the USB memory stick bootable02:04
ConduitConvectioOf reordering my hard drives.02:04
researcher1I am often impressed by all these people who r ready to help without even knowing the questioner.Isnt is really great Service to Humanity02:04
LOGANwhat's the difference between gnome and kde anyway, besides the looks02:04
jay_there is a terminal command, like !./ zsession-error or something02:04
ConduitConvectioI'm just going to have to close all this down to reboot into Kubuntu to have the space to download that.02:04
LOGANwas trying to install blender02:04
poincare101Hello everyone. Could someone please help me with this, I've been going crazy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159781102:04
jay_works until ubuntu logs me off02:05
SkaperenConduitConvectio: whatcha downliading?02:05
ArtArfonCheck it! :) http://mange.dynalias.org/linux/gadmin-antivirus02:05
LOGANalso Ubuntu asks for password everytime, lol, feels like windows vista asks me to confirm everything02:05
yagoopoincare101, you using madwifi or not?02:05
poincare101how can I tell?02:05
jay_anyone? how to check crashlogs?02:05
poincare101yagoo: how can I tell?02:05
ChogyDanjay_: what crashes?02:05
ArtArfonLOGAN: Enable the root account in the user gui and use "su -" once to gain root privileges then run all commands without sudo.02:06
yagoopoincare101, lsmod |grep mad02:06
poincare101yagoo: ?02:06
arvut__Good *ing =)02:06
ChogyDanLOGAN: I think sudo -i is the suggested method02:07
* yagoo tells NickBurns to help poincare10102:07
jay_ChogyDan I'm not sure, during random times screen goes blank and I get logged off02:07
LOGANArtArfon: Im a windows user, and tested Ubuntu 2 versions ago when it didn't ask for pass everytime, maybe because of live mode, but im not into console stuff02:07
jay_happens a lot with firefox, but not exclusively02:07
LOGANI gave up on console in my C64 days02:08
ChogyDanjay_: there are a bunch of logs in /var/logs   maybe check kern.log02:08
ArtArfonLOGAN: Start the user gui and enable the root account.02:09
LOGANjay_: does wired connection get lost, then screen freeze and after a while the system reboots?02:09
dhaivatHello everyone. Can someone please help me with this, its been driving me crazy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159781102:09
arvut__LOGAN: the console in *nix is awesome, easy & fairly advanced. It's heaven compared to the old DOS and CMD consoles02:09
yagoojay_, is this a laptop? maybe there are kern bootline arguments to help (http://www.linux-laptop.net/)02:09
anna__LOGAN: the main difference is the graphic interface02:09
jay_nothing freezes02:09
LOGANah that's what happened to me everytime after a few minutes02:09
LOGANhmm I kinda remember this issue from a few years back02:10
* yagoo says poincare101 and dhaivat are the same person spamming the same question02:10
LOGANarvut__: I respect console, heck even game consoles :)02:10
Ray2Ubuntu Lucid..On booting the following errors...No suitable mode found..unknown command terminal..How do I correct this error?02:10
LOGANanna__: thanks, that I noticed :)02:11
dhaivatyagoo: how is it spamming?02:11
ChogyDandhaivat: what version are you running?  and can you pastebin the output of sudo lshw -C network02:11
yagoo"<poincare101> Hello everyone. Could someone please help me with this, I've been going crazy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1597811" <dhaivat> Hello everyone. Can someone please help me with this, its been driving me crazy: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159781102:11
dhaivatyagoo: I am sorry, empathy crashed.02:11
dhaivatChogyDan: sure. I'm running 10.1002:11
ArtArfonIts not better for security to use sudo, rather the opposite i think ans the sudo commands doesnt have tab completion and never will, so for instance rm -f etc can be utmost bad.02:11
dhaivatChogyDan: Just mentioning, its a PCI express card02:11
* LOGAN reboots into dreadfull vista on laptop02:11
dhaivatLOGAN: windows 7 actually isn't that bad (after vista)02:12
Tim_BHi all. Anyone know if there has been any progress on the Xinerama causign X to segfault on qt applications? I've been dead in the water since the upgrade :-/02:12
dhaivatChogyDan: http://pastebin.org/21964902:12
bencchow do I compile and use c lib? http://code.google.com/p/cvblob/wiki/HowToCompile02:13
anna__yagoo: tried ndiswrapper?02:13
benccit says to call cmake and make. do I need to move files after that?02:13
ArtArfondhaivat: Windows will always be crap. Anyone with a slight bit of seehow knows it.02:13
dhaivatArtArfon: IMHO,there's difference between crap to crap :)02:13
ChogyDandhaivat: maybe pastebin all of sudo lshw02:13
LOGANdhaivat: Im sure, this desktop runs XP pro, I got the old laptop from my mom02:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:14
ambycan i get help from anyone here02:14
Ray2 Ubuntu Lucid..On booting the following errors...No suitable mode found..unknown command terminal..How do I correct this error02:14
ArtArfondhaivat: windows has been crap since 1995 atleast.02:14
Ryen!ask | amby02:14
ubottuamby: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:14
gbillingsamby, what is your question?02:14
Aerhi, Is there anyone available who could help me get my webcam driver working properly. My webcam will work in some application and not work in others, for example in "Emesene" my webcam will turn on but repeatably flash on and off :( and in skype the colour is funny everything has a tainted green or something and other programs webcam just doesnt even display properly, any ideas please ?02:15
ambyi recently updated my ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10 and now i cant open my  ubuntu software center02:15
ambyand i cant open the main menu too02:15
LOGANArtArfon: nah win ME and Vista sucked, the rest are ok and able to play games, lotsa games. And I can do flash development on Windows02:15
arvut__!anyone | Aer02:15
ubottuAer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:15
dhaivatChogyDan: http://pastebin.org/21974602:15
Aeri did ask my question....02:16
IdleOne!windows | LOGAN ArtArfon02:16
ubottuLOGAN ArtArfon: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:16
LOGANbut a Win vs Unox argument hasn't helped anyone02:16
Aerdid you not read what i said ? 0_o02:16
Tim_BWhat's with all the windows chatter?02:16
LOGANIdleOne: pff, I was reacting on someone, you must be a bot02:16
OerAer what brand + type webcam ?02:16
ambyanybody here know fanen?02:17
IdleOneLOGAN: I'm not a bot.02:17
LOGANthen I don't know what to say, really02:17
AerOer,  this is my problem its a cheap one :( the company is "webcams4u" and the model i have is a "Sonix 201 DRI" well atleast thats the name of the windows driver02:17
dhaivatChogyDan: are you there?02:17
ChogyDandhaivat: do you see it listed in lspci02:18
ChogyDandhaivat: yeah, Im here, but I don't see the card listed02:18
dhaivatChogyDan: No, i do not02:18
undecimIs there an easy way in python to connect to the session bus of another user?02:18
ChogyDandhaivat: does it work in windows?02:18
dhaivatChogyDan: I don't have windows02:18
jay_whoops got logged off trying to google my issue...02:18
ArtArfonWindows "For the idiot in you" :)02:18
undecimOr perhaps run an app as if it were started from a specific session?02:19
Aerany idea what i can do to make it work properly Oer ?02:19
Ryen!ot | ArtArfon02:19
ubottuArtArfon: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:19
ChogyDandhaivat: well, according to your install right now, the hardware is dead or disconnected02:19
jay_this is brutal, could these log offs be from gui issues?02:19
IdleOneArtArfon: I am going to ask this one time. Stay on topic please.02:19
Ray2coz.. Ubuntu Lucid..On booting the following errors appear...No suitable mode found..unknown command terminal..How do I correct this error02:20
dhaivatChogyDan: The light is blinking02:20
dhaivatChogyDan: on the card02:20
arvut__Aer: try finding out what chip/hardware you have inside that thing, then search for drivers. If it's currently not supported then someone else might have hacked together something. I found a good list of webcom drivers for ubuntu once then bought a webcam that was in that list.02:20
Aerhmm how would i find the chip/hardware inside ?02:20
jay_when I opened the xsession error log yesterday (somehow) it showed the issues02:20
ChogyDandhaivat: ok, I've no idea, Im afraid02:20
dhaivatChogyDan: hmm...02:21
LOGANbut any idea why Ubuntu could lose wired network, or is it the problem of the freezing that happens some minutes later?02:21
ChogyDanAer: maybe try gstreamer-properties02:22
LOGANI did use the wubi installer02:22
* LOGAN runs and hides02:22
arvut__Aer: search for the webcam model on the web & see if you can come up with something. Never underestimate creative googling =) (I prefer scroogling tho..)02:22
Aerhmm ok, but just so you know im still kinda new to linux so dont be surprise dif ic ome back with a noob question lol02:22
Aerlol ok02:22
Ryen!pm | amby02:23
ubottuamby: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.02:23
OerAer should work OOTB with the SN9C201 driver02:23
arvut__Aer: no linux experience needed for searching the web ;)02:23
Aerhmm ChogyDan in gstreamer properties i gues si go on the video tan and choose a different plugin on the input and see if any of the others work ?02:23
ChogyDanAer: ya02:24
AerOer, 00TB ?02:24
Aerok thanks ChogyDan I will try that :)02:24
OerAer out of the box02:24
bazhangAer, out of the box, no config needed02:24
Aerohh it did work out the box02:24
Aerbut problem is02:24
Aerthere is lots of problems lol02:24
Aerlike flickering02:24
Aeror diostorted colours02:24
FloodBot3Aer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:24
Ray2 Ubuntu Lucid..On booting the following errors...No suitable mode found..unknown command terminal..How do I correct this error02:25
zombiejis there a way to change the launch menu bar in the netbook version? diffrent themes or something?02:25
ambyi can't open ubuntu software center and main menu on my new upgraded ubuntu 10.10, can any one tell me what to do about it?02:25
m4h3mlawl ubuntu02:25
m4h3mr all of u on ubuntu?02:26
bazhangm4h3m, support question?02:26
arvut__!ot | m4h3m02:26
ubottum4h3m: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:26
zombiejis there a way to chnge the menu bar on the netbook 10.10?02:26
Ryen!guidelines > m4h3m02:27
ubottum4h3m, please see my private message02:27
Aerso does anyone know why my webcam always flickers on and off if it should work out of the box with ubuntu ? :(02:27
euthymoshi I installed Ubuntu 10.10, when I enabled nVidia proprietary drivers I've noticed that the boot screen with Ubuntu logo and some balls blinking became UGLY02:27
amby i can't open ubuntu software center and main menu on my new upgraded ubuntu 10.10, can any one tell me what to do about it?02:28
euthymosbefore it was good looking, now it seems like a Commodore 6402:28
zombiejis there a way to change the global launch menu in the netbook edition?02:28
amby i can't open ubuntu software center and main menu on my new upgraded ubuntu 10.10, can any one tell me what to do about it?02:28
jzittI'm trying to sign up for Ubuntu One, but the captcha server is broken, and repeatedly refusing to accept my matches, which are accurate. Is this a known problem?02:28
m4h3manyone on backtrack?02:29
bazhangjzitt, you might try #ubuntuone02:29
Ray2 Ubuntu Lucid..On booting the following errors...No suitable mode found..unknown command terminal..How do I correct this error02:29
bazhangm4h3m, not here, #backtrack-linux02:29
arvut__!anyone | m4h3m02:29
ubottum4h3m: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:29
jzittbazhang: Heading over there. Thanks.02:29
ZnuffCan I recover any way remotely if I removed myself from the sudoers group? :-/02:30
m4h3mwhats ur ip02:30
bazhangm4h3m, what?02:30
m4h3mlawl i just wanted to see reactions02:30
bazhangm4h3m, take chat elsewhere please02:30
bazhangm4h3m, this is support only. #ubuntu-offtopic for chat02:31
zombiejanyone know if you can change the look of the menu bar on the netbook edition? icons or a theme perhaps?02:31
arvut__Znuff: can you ssh into a sudoer account and re-add yourself?02:31
sm`_`i can't connect my laptop via vga to my lcd02:31
sm`_`im reading similar thread on the forums02:32
Aerguys i found this driver for my webcam apparently it works bug free but the latest driver is for Ubuntu 7.10, im using Ubuntu 10.04 http://www.linux-projects.org/modules/mydownloads/viewcat.php?cid=702:32
Znuffarvut__, no, that was the only account02:32
Aerwill this driver still work for me ? :s02:32
sm`_`but the solution wont work02:32
arvut__Znuff: surely there must be other accounts with sudo access?02:33
sm`_`xrandr --output VGA --auto02:33
=== tm2 is now known as tylermolamphy
sm`_`$ xrandr --output VGA --auto02:33
sm`_`warning: output VGA not found; ignoring02:33
Znuffarvut__, nope02:33
m4h3mso who wants to give me there ip?02:34
bazhangm4h3m, stop it02:34
familiahola soy familia02:34
witesharka quick question: is there and actual work around for the display  flicker issue noted here?02:34
Ryen!es | familia02:34
ubottufamilia: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:34
cannonfodderhey you guys, i dont know much about vpn but is it possible to have a computer across the internet with a shared folder and be able to access it from another comp in the same vpn?02:35
Znuffm4dv0y, nvm02:35
m4dv0yare you localhostme?02:35
m4h3mthats ur loopback02:35
m4h3mnot ip02:36
Znuffno, it's my ip, seriously02:36
bazhangZnuff, thats enough02:36
cannonfodderlol Znuff it cant be02:36
ChogyDanwiteshark: the bug report itself will be the best source of info for that.02:36
cannonfodderhey you guys, i dont know much about vpn but is it possible to have a computer across the internet with a shared folder and be able to access it from another comp in the same vpn?02:36
cannonfodderand how would i accomplish this in ubuntu02:36
Ray2 Ubuntu Lucid..On booting the following errors...No suitable mode found..unknown command terminal..How do I correct this error02:37
witesharkChogyDan, agreed, but there is disagreement about any one actually working02:37
ka1sercannonfodder: VPN should be exactly as having a local network...02:37
ChogyDanwiteshark: have you tried upgrading to maverick?02:37
RingZer0MicroSoft blasting Open Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzdykNa2IBU&feature=player_embedded  (the funniest part is the number of ppl that clicked like vs dislike on the video, haha02:37
cannonfodderthanks ka1ser02:37
witesharkChogyDan, not yet, the transfer speed is far too slow.02:38
LOGANquestion: how to get the minimize, close and maximize buttons on the right of the windows (order min-max-close02:38
cannonfodderis there an easy way to install vpn on ubuntu?02:39
IdleOne!controls | LOGAN02:39
ubottuLOGAN: In Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more information, please see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-themes/+bug/532633/comments/564 | To move them back to the right-hand side, see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/move-buttons-to-right-side02:39
Negikodoes anyone know how to make the intel driver for wine?02:39
LOGANseems it has changed scince last time I checked out ubuntu :(02:39
Aeranyone know how i can stop my webcam flickering on and off when i use it please ?02:39
Negikois giving me issues02:40
dborbaAny knows how to make an application & all windows it opens always be created in a specific workspace?02:40
LOGANIdleOne: isn't it just a configuration thing?02:40
ChogyDandborba: maybe devilspie02:40
RingZer0So what is microsoft trying to say with that video02:41
dborbaChogyDan, was giving that a try - but keep getting an error for any workspace # != 002:41
IdleOneLOGAN: yeah, the second link ubottu gave you will tell you how to change it back02:41
RingZer0I think the only truth in the MS video is the "ppl are use to our product" ... which could  be easily replaced with "why change, we've already poisoned the minds of many, and it will cost you too much to change02:41
analyserhi guys, I'm trying to install de maverick backports to lucid, on my lucid installation (to get right suspend to ram feature working), however, even after adding the ppa I'm not able to install the packages. Any idea?02:42
LOGANIdleOne: hmm becaue it starts with some $ code stuff lol02:42
Ryen!microsoft | RingZer002:42
bazhangRingZer0, ?02:42
ubottuRingZer0: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:42
IdleOneLOGAN: hit the  alt-F2 keys then type gconf-editor, then Applications > metacity  > general > button layout > menu,minimize,maximize,close02:42
UNSCFairWeatherWould Ubuntu install on an Apple? Or is it for Windows-based laptops and desktops?02:42
bazhangUNSCFairWeather, sure it will02:42
Negikolinux can be installed on just about anything02:42
analyserUNSCFairWeather: if you have an Intel apple ;)02:43
ka1serLOGAN: it is just a command to change config through console easily02:43
Negikoanyone using a aceraspire one?02:43
pibarnasUNSCFairWeather: and arent the new apples intel systems?02:43
UNSCFairWeather2.4 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo.02:43
IdleOneno problem02:43
LOGANstupid decicion imho to go the apple way02:44
UNSCFairWeatherWill I be able to Dual boot with Snow Leopard and Ubuntu?02:44
Negikoyou could02:44
Negikobut its hard02:44
UNSCFairWeatherIf I partition my hard drive?02:44
Negikomac sucks like that02:44
Negikoim not to sure how, but i know theres a wy02:44
Negikomy friends doing that02:44
Negikoanyone here ever have to update the drivers for a intel based card? i need some help with getting the driver built02:45
Negikoi have all the files though]02:45
pitoow[IdleOne]: http://how2ubuntu.blogspot.com/2010/06/ubuntu-1004-lucid-lynx-trocando.html02:46
analyseris the ubuntu ppa kernel empty?02:46
Negikoanalyser are you talking to me?02:46
LOGANarg doesn't matter, ubuntu froze again, still can move mouse though02:47
analyserNegiko: I'm talking to everybody ;)02:48
LOGANim removing all and start again tomorrow02:48
analyserI added the ubuntu kernel ppa, but I can't find any package from ppa with apt-cache :/02:50
analyserany idea what is going on?02:50
eboyjrhttp://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/ says 10.10 is beta..02:50
bazhanganalyser, updated sources.list yet?02:50
eboyjrI need to use netbook though on my netbook02:50
Aerguys whats my problem when i run gstreamer-properties and go to video tab and test the plugin "Video for Linux (v4l)" and i get this error message when i press test02:50
AerVideo for Linux (v4l): Could not get/set settings from/on resource02:50
seritleave the light off02:51
analyserbazhang: yes, it's listed on softwares sources app, on systems -> softwares sources, and I also manually added to sources.list02:51
_Valantis_i need some help  with the drivers of EZmaker usb02:52
bazhanganalyser, using the add-apt-repo command?02:52
helpwithdatarecim fising my niehgbors windows computer and i got the data off of their disk using testdisk, but i cant get the thing to  boot.... nor show the files in nautilus (i can in testdislk)02:52
analyserbazhang: yes02:52
seritok so that worked :)02:53
eboyjrHello. I need to install Ubuntu 10.10 on my netbook. I have a local server that I can use. I already have the iso image. My netbook supports LocalNet method (I have done it before but I'd rather use my already installed image) Can I do this? My netbook already has grub and Ubuntu 10.0402:53
Aerany one please help me with my webcam problem ? im just going in circles i cant fix it :/02:53
z00mis it possible to use gnome desktop on ubuntu netbook ?02:53
analyserhere is tha package that I want to install https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta-lts-backport-maverick/
helpwithdatarecim fising my niehgbors windows computer and i got the data off of their disk using testdisk, but i cant get the thing to  boot.... nor show the files in nautilus (i can in testdislk)02:53
yagooAer, that's sounds familiar your name..02:54
xanguaanalyser: enable backports¿02:55
Aeryeah ?02:55
yagooAer, probably u have to be in the video group02:55
Aerhuh ?02:55
yagooAer, u sound like a n urbanterrorist..02:55
helpwithdatarecim fising my niehgbors windows computer and i got the data off of their disk using testdisk, but i cant get the thing to  boot.... nor show the files in nautilus (i can in testdislk)02:55
Aernot really im a linux nub who just wants his webcam to work lol02:55
analyserxangua: i'll try.02:56
Aerbut im just going in circles...02:56
yagooAer, following what guide?02:56
Aergoogle and this chat lol02:56
yagooAer, do you know how many differnet webcams there are?02:56
yagooAer, name me all of them..02:56
Aerbut soemone said in here02:57
Aerthat my cam should work out of the box when they found out my brand and model02:57
Aerbut my cam keeps flickering on screen when i try to use it02:57
Aerthats all i want help with02:57
ambyi cant open my ubuntu software center and main menu since i upgraded to ubuntu 10.10, can anyone help me02:57
yagooAer, you're so specific. I wonder if I can take out my crystal ball here..02:57
Aer... look if you dont wanna help me dont get sarcastic and shit with me02:58
bazhangAer, watch the language02:58
yagooAer, "" < I asked for the name of your webcam.02:58
bazhang!webcams | Aer check the list02:58
ubottuAer check the list: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras02:58
Aeryou never lol02:58
analyserxangua: right on it! Thanks, I'm not used to these new ubuntu features uahaua02:58
bazhangyagoo, not needed02:58
dave_wow, how do i fix composting on meerkat.?02:58
Aeryou started getting sarcastic with me with crystal balls and stuff :/02:58
bazhangAer, please check the list. lets move on02:59
yagooAer, I asked to check your groups. Look in the menu for any admin tools referring to it02:59
dave_very bad bug02:59
Aerdont think i have any tpye of tools referring to my webcam, alls ive seen that i can change things for my webcam is gstreamer-properties on the video input tab03:00
=== administrator is now known as Guest21944
eboyjrHow can I install Ubuntu M on my netbook without a cd drive or usb stick? I already have the iso image and it would be good to use that if I can. I also have grub installed already03:02
Aerso im guessing the only way im gonna get a working webcam is if i buy a new one..03:02
eboyjrAer: sorry :/03:03
xarneoso many bugs with ubuntu unity.-)03:03
Caleb_I have 79 gb free on my HDD is that enough for ubuntu?03:03
Aerits ok, i just annoyed when im obvliously new to this and i cant get a straight answer for some help :/03:03
Caleb_thanks :)03:03
eboyjrxarneo: Is it still usable? I was planning on using it03:03
colin__ive installed on a 2gb before03:04
i2v8aneboyjr: when unity crashes it immediately restarts and the programs are still there03:04
* yagoo lets Nick Burns tell03:04
* yagoo lets Nick Burns tell Aer about groups03:04
Aer ?03:04
Caleb_thanks colin i really appreciate it03:05
Aeryou see, that doesnt help... thats what annoys me03:05
Caleb_new to this whole dual booting thing03:05
colin__uhh hold up03:05
Caleb_windows vista is just starting to annoy me.03:05
wedwo-Aer, ignore him - he's a troll03:05
UNSCFairWeatherHow big is the Ubuntu OS?03:05
yagooCaleb_, why its broken?03:05
eboyjri2v8an: Which programs? does it crash very often03:05
colin__you know hat GRUB is right?03:05
Aerkinda guessed03:05
Caleb_alternate bootloader03:05
colin__good, just makin sure03:06
Caleb_is it compatible with ubuntu and vista though?03:06
i2v8aneboyjr, I'm just assuming that it's crashing.  sometimes the sidebar will disappear and then reappear03:06
Caleb_like together?03:06
colin__its compatible with OSX03:06
ubimanhow can i add songs in apple ipod in ubuntu03:06
dave_is there any debug for composting for meerkat?03:06
Caleb_thanks man.03:07
colin__ubiman you do it through rythmbox03:07
ambyi cant open my ubuntu software center and main menu since i upgraded to ubuntu 10.10, can anyone help me03:07
colin__np caled03:07
eboyjr!jp | Guest2194403:07
ubottuGuest21944: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい03:07
Caleb_paranoid about killing vista XD03:07
Caleb_thanks COLIB03:07
SaRyHow can you tell jp from ch .. i don't get lol03:08
blakkheimSaRy: it was chinese03:08
colin__btw can anyone explain why im grey?03:08
SaRyit was .. just like that , okay lol03:08
yagoocolin__, because you're old and boring.03:08
dave_is there any debug for composting for meerkat??????03:08
colin__really tho03:09
Caleb_im on webchat03:09
Caleb_we are all grey03:09
* yagoo lets colin__ discuss rainbows with theRainbowMan03:09
fizzounethe lllo03:09
bazhangyagoo, thats enough03:09
colin__im on XChat IRC03:09
eboyjrdave_: composting? like for gardening?03:09
brujo717hi, someone can help me to get to work the microphone of my laptop?03:09
blakkheimSaRy: i don't know any chinese, but i can easily recognize japanese and that wasn't it, so.. lol03:09
wedwo-colin__, marked away - Alt-A03:09
dave_eboyjr,  are you ahelper?03:09
endhiranusing apple ipod in ubuntu with which application03:09
SaRyeasily huh , i see lol03:10
yagoocolin__, ask bazhang, why you like the color grey.. he seems very interested.03:10
blakkheim!ipod > endhiran03:10
ubottuendhiran, please see my private message03:10
* SaRy is going off-topic 03:10
bazhangSaRy, #ubuntu-offtopic03:10
Aerwould installing an older driver made for ubuntu 7.10 mess up my ubuntu 10.04 in anyway btw ?03:10
Caleb_oh another question. what are the chances of the partitioning failing and wiping my vista partition?03:10
SaRyi am actually of to bed.03:10
colin__user error03:10
Caleb_which youd think would be a good thing03:10
bazhangAer, doubtful, but listing the webcam so people here can websearch would be much more helpful03:10
Caleb_but i need it for COD.03:10
eboyjrdave_: Yeah, but anyone can be a helper03:11
Caleb_what do you mean user error?03:11
dave_well that was not a cool remark03:11
Caleb_accidently pressing guided?03:11
Aerwell this is what i get from lsusb03:11
colin__the only reason partitioning would fail id a faulty drive, power outage or u messin03:11
AerID 0c45:6270 Microdia PC Camera (SN9C03:11
AerU-CAM PC Camera NE878, Whitcom WHC017 thats my webcam03:11
Caleb_well my drive works fine i have a laptop thats constantly plugged in and I have a steady hand ;)03:12
Aersorry it diddnt paste properly03:12
AerID 0c45:6270 Microdia PC Camera (SN9C201 + MI0360/MT9V011 or MI0360SOC/MT9V111) U-CAM PC Camera NE878, Whitcom WHC017,03:12
colin__id go into vista Computer (right click)>manage>Disk manager and shring agood portion for ubuntu03:12
darkstardoes anyone know how to get windows to dock to the sides like they do in Win 7?03:13
hiyoIs Ubuntu good for a custom built computer?03:13
Aerthats my web cam but for some reason the colour is distorted the image looks green and in "cheese" the image flickers on and off i read somewhere online that it could be a broken driver....how do i go about fixing it if it is a broken driver ?03:13
victoriahelp, i just installed lubuntu from scratch and for some reason itçs not connecting to the wireless03:13
victoriawhat do i do? i am a newbie03:13
colin__than delete that new partition so it is unformatted and use free space in the installer03:13
endhirangtkpod best application!03:13
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=797715&highlight=microdia+ne878  Aer have a read, especially the links within03:13
colin__be sure not to delete C:03:14
AerThanks bazhang I will look now :D03:14
victoriai am curretnyl connected to the wired connection03:14
victoriabut i need to be able to use the wifi03:14
victoriai downloaded wicd and all but it's not working03:14
darkstarvictoria: what kind of computer? what wireless card?03:14
hiyoIs Ubuntu good for a custom built computer?03:14
darkstarhiyo: Ubuntu will work on most hardware. it works great on custom builds.03:15
victoriadarkstar, compaq presario laptop CQ40-324LA03:15
victoriaand how do i check the wrieless card03:15
=== banjooie is now known as conduitConvectio
conduitConvectioSo I'm trying to set up a bootable USB stick03:16
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
conduitConvectioAnd usb-creator-gtk is insisting up and down that there's no free space on this USB stick I just formatted with Gparter.03:16
dave_ok, docky want composting. Composting woll not start.03:16
dave_let me redo that03:16
dave_ok, docky wants composting. Composting will not start.03:16
hiyoAre you sure it is the right file system?03:17
darkstarvictoria: what happens when you try to connect?03:17
conduitConvectioI formatted to Ext303:17
conduitConvectioI would assume Ext3 would be compatible with Ubuntu.03:17
hiyocheck what is the usual filesystem for a USB03:17
bazhangconduitConvectio, you let the usb creator do that, not do it yourself first03:17
hiyobecause it is meant to work with USB filesystems03:17
bazhangconduitConvectio, also try unetbootin03:18
darkstarhiyo: ubuntu will work with ext3.03:18
conduitConvectioBazhang: I have tried both ways.03:18
conduitConvectioThe USB creator, I click the formatter button and it's like 'uhhhh'03:18
bazhangconduitConvectio, both ways being what03:18
conduitConvectioI've tried letting the USB creator do it. The format button just makes the thing irresponsive for a bit and then does nothing.03:18
LoshkiconduitConvectio: fat32 I believe, out of the box....03:18
=== swalker_ is now known as scotty2
hiyoI think you should try looking up the filesystem for USB's and format it for that03:18
bazhangconduitConvectio, so you are cancelling it out before its finished, then03:18
conduitConvectio...I'm not cancelling anything.03:19
conduitConvectioAfter about two minutes, the format button becomes usable again.03:19
dave_sigh :(03:19
victoriadarkstar, it simply doesnt detect any wireless, like the wireless pilot light is red when it should be blue03:19
bazhangconduitConvectio, it takes quite a while. more than two minutes (quite a bit more)03:19
conduitConvectioWell, that's fine03:19
conduitConvectioBut then why does the format button suddenly go 'you can click me again'03:20
bazhangmd5 the iso , run it again, then try unetbootin as well03:20
leo_rockwayhello everyone03:20
dave_is there a way to remove duplicate source using terminal?03:21
darkstarduplicate source of what?03:21
dave_package source03:21
bazhangdave_, from sources.list ?03:21
conduitConvectiounetbootin is looking uh03:21
bazhangconduitConvectio, please dont cross post03:22
dave_such as purge03:22
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bazhangsudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list and place a # infront03:23
conduitConvectioBazhang: Understandable, yet I seem to be getting much different information from each channel.03:23
victoriadarkstar, i went to the additional drivers thing in preferences and when i tried to install the broadcom b43 wireless driver it said it failed03:23
matts45acpcan someone help me get my dvd setup on ubuntu03:23
bazhangconduitConvectio, and you are telling different stories as well. Please keep it to a single channel03:24
darkstarmatts45acp: try typing this into the Terminal: sudo apt-get ubuntu-restricted-extras03:24
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pibarnasdarkstar: it will bring an error.03:25
darkstarvictoria: you will have to provide more information for me to help you, have you tried typing this in the terminal? iwlist scan03:25
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit03:25
=== programmer is now known as Guest49144
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:25
darkstarpibarnas: why?03:26
bazhangdarkstar, no 'install'03:26
darkstardid I typo?03:26
bazhangjust left out install03:26
=== kevdog_ is now known as kevdog
darkstaroh i see it03:27
replicasexWeird question -- a navbar on a site (reddit) looks smaller in ubuntu than in Windows randomly.  Same browser, same fonts/zoom level.  It's just significantly smaller in ubuntu.  Any idea why?03:27
=== Rotham_ is now known as Rotham
AbhiJitin sticky notes there is option for lock note. but still i can move it delte it. so what does that lock is for?03:28
CardinalFangreplicasex, er, no.  "navbar"?  Check the CSS.  Maybe DPI difference.03:28
darkstarreplicasex: sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts03:29
replicasexdarkstar, done already, they're precisely the same fonts in chrome on both systems.03:30
remyoWhats the default Ubuntu app launcher?03:30
_CommandeR_I have some issues making ubuntu connecting slow to websites etc03:30
xanguaremyo: the one that appears with alt+f2¿ i believe it has no name :S03:31
AbhiJitin sticky notes there is option for lock note. but still i can move it delte it. so what does that lock is for?03:31
leo_rockwayAbhiJit: I've never used this app, but I'm guessing it won't let you write anything else in it...?03:31
remyoxangua: Thats it! Run Application. Thank you!03:31
remyoIs anyone using Dropbox with Ubuntu and if so do you know how to fix Nautilus always needing to be restarted?03:32
AbhiJitleo_rockway, yah you are right! :)03:32
miststlkrquick question if anyone is around to help .  using regexp to bulk rename files and hitting a wall.  what is the "any number of characters" combination?  [.]* ?  for example, I used the regexp to insert a hyphen befre and after the sections I want removed, thinking it would be easy to then remove everything between them using something like 's/-.{*}-//'  but not so much... I'm screwiong up the .* portion, I'm sure of it...03:34
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
ravnhi folks, I have  a problem with nfs. When I mount after boot, i.e. mount /mnt everything works file. But when I put this line into /ets/fstab I get that "the volum is not ready or does not exist, press S to skip or M for manual" But s and m does not work. I had to reboot with a rescue cd and remove the lines in fstab again. What did I do wrong? (Followed the tutorial on nfs...)03:35
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: escape the dot03:35
_CommandeR_why is Firefox so slow in ubuntu 10.10 ?03:35
leo_rockwayoh, wait, no, don't do that03:35
Fezzlersound ok, but video doesn't play in YouTube.  Latest Flash installed.  Lucid???03:35
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: .* doesn't work?03:36
FezzlerAll I get are still images that jump forward - sound is smooth.  Firefox or Chrome - problem in both03:36
miststlkrleo_rockaway: first thing I thought too.  I tried \.{*} [.]* [.]{*}  [/.]* .. all sorts of combinations03:37
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: .* works in vi, that's why I asked.03:37
darkstar_CommandeR_: Google Chrome is much better :)03:37
_CommandeR_darkstar, yeah i noticed03:37
* leo_rockway wonders why people use Chrome when there's Chromium...03:37
_CommandeR_installed it and is like 100000x faster03:38
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: give me an example string so I can try.03:39
_CommandeR_Has anyone fiddeled with ATI Eyefinity in Ubuntu ?03:39
miststlkrleo_rockaway: nope, not in gnome_terminal.  My first thought was to escape the period, but no luck03:39
darkstarleo_rockaway: I use chromium but I just call it chrome!03:39
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: no, if you escape the period then it's actually a period and not a "any char" character. I thought you were replacing periods at first, thats why I suggested escaping.03:40
leo_rockwaydarkstar: why?03:40
_CommandeR_Chromium is opensource chrome03:40
leo_rockway_CommandeR_: no, Chrome is proprietary Chromium...03:40
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  right... which is why it wouldn't work... I realized that too, but it was my first thought.03:40
leo_rockway_CommandeR_: it's a subtle difference...03:41
darkstarleo_rockaway: because people know what I am talking about when I call it chrome. "chromium" is only really known amongst the tech crowd03:41
=== incanden1a is now known as incandenza
darkstarit is identical03:41
sweetpiravn: check logs, or pastbin your fstab entry03:41
Chaos2358hey guys I am running ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop that has audio video controls on the front of the laptop "mute, vol up, vol down, rewind/back, play/pause, forward, and stop. my problem is that my back and forward buttons also control the volume and not the frame of video or the song. i've already tried hardware drivers any ideas?03:41
leo_rockwaydarkstar: but I think it's good to promote free software projects. They are not identical. Chrome is nonfree.03:41
darkstarfor all practical purposes03:41
_CommandeR_leo_rockway, I told that chromium is opensore and chrome is not :)03:41
leo_rockway_CommandeR_: yes, I know. I kind of cringe at the term opensource, but that's just me.03:42
sweetpiravn: s/or/and/03:42
darkstarleo_rockaway: google is a friend of open source. a friend of a friend is my friend :) -- but yes, I understand your point.03:42
miststlkrleo_rockaway: sample string in this case might be a filename something like  IMG-00000000-102.jpg   goal to remove anything between the two hyphens no matter what that space contains.03:42
leo_rockwaydarkstar: oh, yeah? what about Google Earth? GTalk?03:42
Chaos2358leo_rockway you can get both on ubuntu03:43
leo_rockwayChaos2358: so? they are nonfree...03:43
darkstarleo_rockaway: I said a FRIEND of open source, they have open sourced a bunch of stuff that they could have chosen not to.03:43
Chaos2358Leo_rockway no they are free i have them both03:43
ravnsweetpi: http://pastebin.com/8tbUkZXt03:43
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: yeah s/-.*-// works in vi. I don't know what the batch rename thing is doing for you.03:43
leo_rockwayChaos2358: free as in GNU, not free as in they don't cost any money.03:43
dave_i swear sometimes i need to goto debian just to get what i need03:44
leo_rockwayChaos2358: do you even know about free software? o.o03:44
Chaos2358leo_rockway ok i'm sorry03:44
darkstarChaos2358: there is a difference between freeware and open source.03:44
bazhang!ot > leo_rockway03:44
ubottuleo_rockway, please see my private message03:44
mike32547free as in free not free as in beer03:44
Chaos2358leo_rockway i know about $$$03:44
leo_rockwaybazhang: how is free software off topic in this channel?03:45
matts45acpcan someone help me get my dvd setup on ubuntu03:45
victoriahelp, my wireless cards arent wroking for some reason03:45
bazhangleo_rockway, its chat not ubuntu support03:45
victoriai just installed ubuntu03:45
solotimhello group, can anyone tell me where the system default path of wallpaper is ?03:45
sweetpiravn: for some reason, your pastebin isnt coming up03:45
xanguamike32547: free as in freedom*03:45
victoriaand the wireless isnçt working03:45
leo_rockwayvictoria: go to the linuxwireless site, look for b43 firmware.03:45
Chaos2358hey guys I am running ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop that has audio video controls on the front of the laptop "mute, vol up, vol down, rewind/back, play/pause, forward, and stop. my problem is that my back and forward buttons also control the volume and not the frame of video or the song. i've already tried hardware drivers any ideas?03:45
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  I must have done something really stupid... I just tried again, I would put money that it was the exact same string/command that I had typed earlier.. and it worked as planned this time....   sorry to bother03:45
leo_rockwaybazhang: it's free software chat.03:45
bazhang!broadcom | victoria leo_rockway03:45
ubottuvictoria leo_rockway: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:45
bazhangleo_rockway, wrong channel03:46
leo_rockwaybazhang: okay, ban me.03:46
bazhangleo_rockway, move it to #ubuntu-offtopic please03:46
victoriadid i mention i am a noob03:46
AbhiJitleo_rockway, freesoftware in #fsf or ##linux this is only for #ubuntu03:46
victoriawhat am i supposed to do?03:46
dave_arg there are no fusion plug ins that work03:46
bazhangvictoria, please read that link03:46
leo_rockwayAbhiJit: that's funny. Linux is not free software ;-)03:46
AbhiJithello phani03:46
dave_hi phani03:46
leo_rockwayAbhiJit: but isn't Ubuntu free software?03:47
reduzQuestion! I upgraded to 10.10 and i now experience really slow DNS lookups. Other computers on the same subnets work perfect.03:47
* AbhiJit goes to have a tea03:47
* dave_ slaps 10.10 03:47
victoriabazhang, upon ~$ lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 i got command not found03:47
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: it's okay, haha.03:47
ravnsweetpi: Weird, here's the fstab http://pastebin.org/222116 and here is (I guess) the relevant part of boot.log http://pastebin.org/22231303:48
luxiaomohello everyone03:48
gerryxiaowhat's wrong with this dmesg message:03:48
Chaos2358hey guys I am running ubuntu 10.04 on a Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop that has audio video controls on the front of the laptop "mute, vol up, vol down, rewind/back, play/pause, forward, and stop. my problem is that my back and forward buttons also control the volume and not the frame of video or the song. i've already tried hardware drivers any ideas?03:48
victoriaif it helps i have another laptop of the same model with lubuntu on which the wireless is working perfectly03:48
gerryxiao[ 9504.300432] radeon 0000:01:00.0: ffff8800662e3400 reserve failed for wait03:48
leo_rockwayChaos2358: did you fresh install or upgrade? I installed Lucid on two E1505 and it worked just fine with that.03:48
Chaos2358Leo-rockway fresh install03:49
leo_rockwayChaos2358: tab autocompletes nicks...03:49
leo_rockwayChaos2358: does it always turn your volume up or only in certain apps?03:49
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  oh kool thanx03:50
phanihow is ubuntu 10.1003:50
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  always03:50
victoriai have wexter on the driver03:50
victoriaon the other lubuntu laptop of the same model03:50
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  whether watching dvd, downloaded movie or music from hard drive03:50
reduzphani, buggy03:50
leo_rockwayChaos2358: that's extremely weird... I installed Lucid this morning on an E1505 and that didn't happen.03:51
sweetpiravn: very odd. this shouldnt have anything to do with it, but intr is depreciated. try getting rid of that option03:51
leo_rockwayChaos2358: what if you're not running any app? do the forward and backward buttons still turn your volume up and down?03:51
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  i actually installed twice due to changing hard drives and it's done it both times03:51
ravnsweetpi: ok, thanks, do you think that's what did it? It seems the howto on nfs is a bit old...03:52
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  If you have a sec for one more, I figured out how to do multiple renames via regex using a for loop, do you know how to incorporate variables into the loop now?  for example, I might do rename 's/[0]{5}(\d{3})/$1/' * to rename IMG00000123.jpg to IMG123.jpg, but a FOR loop as I have them worked out would look like this:  for ex in 's/.JPG/.jpg/' 's/IMG/Holiday Photo /' ; do rename "$ex" * ; done   I don't see a way to03:52
leo_rockwayChaos2358: I'm thinking that maybe the apps have the wrong shortcut assignment03:52
miststlkr work  the two together03:52
jagsanyone know how I can downgrade my ipod for ubuntu and still use it in windows?03:52
sweetpiravn: I really doubt it. pastebin your exports file03:52
victoriabazhang, so what am i suposed to do?03:53
Chaos2358leo_rockway, i havent a clue dude. i've only been using lucid or any linux os for a month03:53
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  is there a way to check that?03:53
leo_rockwayChaos2358: Linux isn't an OS... GNU is. Try hitting the "forward" without any media app open and see if the volume goes up.03:53
ravnsweetpi: what is that? I can't find any file named like that in /var/log03:54
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  nope all it did was light up the panel03:54
sweetpiravn: /etc/exports on the server03:54
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: are you writing your script or using some batch renaming app?03:54
miststlkralso, anyone else notice that when typing a particularly long message in an empathy window, the window goes all Blob on you and just keeps growing wider and wider rather than scrolling?03:55
leo_rockwayChaos2358: then you probably need to check the shortcuts on the apps you were using.03:55
dave_whats the gloobis ppa for, is it important?03:55
ravnsweetpi: ah, ok, but the server is a NAS. I have not learned how to get terminal access yet :(03:55
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  built-in bash rename command03:55
dave_can i remove it03:55
leo_rockwayChaos2358: something like Settings > Preferences > Shortcuts maybe...03:55
Chaos2358leo_rockway,  ok thanks 1 sec03:55
miststlkrleo_rockaway: using the CLI in  gnome_terminal03:55
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: huh... I didn't know that command. Let me see it.03:55
sweetpiravn: ok, then maybe try "defaults" as your only mount option03:56
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  rename [[regexp]] *  for example, a simple one would be [[rename 's/.AVI/.avi/' *]] to rename all files in the working directory03:57
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: the man says rename .AVI *.avi though03:57
miststlkrleo_rockaway:   however my regex-fu is still weak03:57
armegeddon466anyone know how to make ubuntu auto connect to my wifi? it detects it every time i start up but i have to manually select it. not really a big deal but i was wondering if anyone know how to make this work automatically...03:58
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  alright, poor example that could easily have been done another way...03:58
Adman65when I do lshw -C nework I see: *-network DISABLED. How can I enable this?03:58
dave_k, i downgraded ppa launchpad for compiz plugin extras from meerkat to lucid03:58
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: the regex-fu is not strong in me either.03:58
victoriaok i tried downloading the drivers but they failed03:58
victoriai notice though that now the wireless pilot is blue or the color it should be03:58
victoriabut still no wireless connections detected03:59
* leo_rockway helps amicrawler200803:59
preetampls help bluetooth icon is not appearing after removing blueman03:59
victoriameanwhile the same model other laptop with the same lubuntu installed is working03:59
rww!helpme | amicrawler200803:59
ubottuamicrawler2008: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude03:59
xanguaarmegeddon466: clic in the conection icon, select your network and set it to conect automatically03:59
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: I know using 2 regex and two for loops is not efficient, but does it work for you?03:59
soreaudave_: I must say, that statement out of context is wrong in so many different ways03:59
dave_oh well i hope it werx04:00
amicrawler2008my lenovo laptop freezes for no resaon04:00
amicrawler2008on ubuntu 10.0404:00
miststlkrleo_rockaway:   ah well.. it was worth asking.   thanks for sorting me out on the other bit though, I appreciate it.   I have a few books in the mail, a couple of O'Reilly bash and regex books... should be good to get me started once they come in04:00
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines04:00
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: tab autocompletes nicks... if you call me roackaway my client doesn't highlight what you say to me.04:00
soreauamicrawler2008: Have you tried 10.10 yet?04:00
armegeddon466xangua, thanks :)04:00
amicrawler2008is the kernal better or fixed04:00
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: http://regularexpressions.info <--- good site.04:01
amicrawler2008humm i will down load right now04:01
Adman65how can I take make this enabled? http://pastie.caboo.se/122486304:01
victoriais there something i can check on the other laptop(it's the same model) to figure out what i need to do on this one for the wireless to work, i did as it recomended, i tried to add the additional drivers but it said it failed04:01
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: keep in mind that everyone uses different implementations of regex. Python's regex aren't exactly the same as perl regex, for instance.04:01
dave_E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.04:02
dave_E: Unable to correct dependencies04:02
dave_oh o04:02
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  no tab to autocomplete here, which client are you using?  not terribly thrilled with Empathy04:02
=== fizzounet is now known as fizzOuNet-Box
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: I use Konversation, because I'm in KDE. Maybe you could try X-Chat.04:02
matts45acpcan someone help me get my dvd setup on ubuntu04:03
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  good point about the flavours of regex.  I /think/ the version I need is the perl variety... I think.  I forget now.04:03
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: Perl's is the most widespread, I think.04:03
scifiguyhow do i add a user to the video group04:03
greamerey yo yo wassup with that?04:04
leo_rockwayscifiguy: usermod -a -G video USER04:04
leo_rockwayscifiguy: a for append. G for group.04:04
leo_rockwayscifiguy: man usermod if you need more details.04:05
miststlkrleo_rockaway:  one of my other systems is running kde.. maybe I'll give it a shot over there, thanks.   Thanks for the help, I'm off for a bit to tinker some more and see if I can sort it out.  Worst case, maybe a script is in order.  cheers!04:05
leo_rockwaymiststlkr: yup, no problem.04:05
kz6090why do some pc's have ipv6 addresses and others, like me, still have a v4?04:07
leo_rockwaykz6090: I was  wondering the same... silly ISPs -.-04:07
kz6090i thought v4 were running out04:08
dave_how can i fix this, E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.04:08
leo_rockwaykz6090: moving to IPv6 demands investment  that most  ISPs are not willing to undertake considering most sites aren't working on IPv6 yet.04:08
pitoowsomeone have  Bluesnarfing installed?04:08
leo_rockwaykz6090: and most sites don't have  working IPv6 versions because most ISPs don't invest on it.04:08
leo_rockwaykz6090: chicken and egg thing.04:09
fwaokdaI'm running ubuntu in vbox. Everytime I update Ubuntu I have to reinstall the Vbox Gues Addtions how can I avoid this as I have to update Ubuntu frequently it seems?04:09
Saikanyone got an idea why only one site's images aren't working for me? I checkedblacklists etc, and nothing04:09
Saikchecked blacklists*04:09
leo_rockwaySaik: what blacklists? Some adblock?04:09
Saikleo_rockway, no, blacklists as in blocking things. there are none on this pc04:10
leo_rockwaySaik: do you have any adblock installed then?04:10
dave_how can i fix this, E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.04:10
Saikleo_rockway, nope04:10
dave_im google'ing too04:10
leo_rockwaySaik: are you behind a proxy?04:11
Saikleo_rockway, facebook's avatars aren't loading up, and this is recient. I asked friends theysay it's fine for them04:11
sirscotttrying to install 10.10 with a raid 0 setup and another disk for windows.  So three disks total.  Yet despite my efforts, when grub comes up, I'm getting 'error: no such disk'.  Ideas?04:11
Saikleo_rockway, no, not at al, nothing's changed anyway over months04:11
leo_rockwaySaik: Facebook was under maintenance about 30 minutes ago, maybe that could be related.04:11
Saikleo_rockway, I just had someone check, they see them, I don't04:12
xanguaSaik: better use the chat in empathy/pidgin/any jabber client http://www.facebook.com/sitetour/chat.php04:12
leo_rockwaySaik: have you tried with a different browser? (just to make sure the browser is not the problem)04:12
Saikleo_rockway, I don't have anotherone on this box, and it's never caused an issue till very eciently04:13
Saikxangua, wht are you talkign abot?04:13
xangua(22:11:31) leo_rockway: Saik: Facebook was under maintenance about 30 minutes ago, maybe that could be related.04:13
leo_rockwaySaik: but something is causing the problem and you don't know what. It wouldn't be a good idea to try a different browser just in case.04:13
leo_rockwayxangua: Saik is using the site itself, not the IM.04:13
Saik<laptop, bad keyboard04:13
dave_Unmet dependencies. Try using -f  ???04:14
leo_rockwaydave_: apt-get install -f does sound like something I'd try.04:14
Saikleo_rockway, I'm using Firefox updated to latest04:14
kz6090one html site I visit w/ firefox lost the formatting a few days ago; it is a solid white background w/the text on the left. works fine in opera. any ideas? thx04:14
leo_rockwaykz6090: meet Saik. Saik, meet kz6090. Both have problems with latest Firefox.04:15
kz6090latest, yes04:15
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Saikwhen was FF updated inubuntu?04:15
leo_rockwaykz6090: I don't use Firefox, but you could report a bug.04:15
SaikI didn't note the date, I didn't think it was important04:15
Saikkz6090, what site was it for you that screwed up? you an pm it if you want04:16
kz6090oops, .com*04:17
Saikkz6090, .net is an ad site for me04:17
armegeddon466which in your opinion is better; firefox or opera?04:17
MindVirus1Hi. I installed Linux Mint and then removed all packages from Linux Mint and removed the repository, but now my GRUB and Plymouth themes are the same. How do I revert them?04:17
kz6090Saik, sry, it's .com04:18
Saikkz6090, .com is an actual site, and is formatted etc fine04:18
leo_rockwayarmegeddon466: I'd recommend Chromium over both.04:18
MindVirus1armegeddon466: It is completely a matter of personal preference.04:18
xangua!linuxmint | MindVirus104:18
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org04:18
MindVirus1Use each one and see which you like.04:18
armegeddon466leo_rockway, okay ill give that a go, thanks :)04:19
kz6090Saik, it looks fine in opera for me, but not in ff. I tried cleaning the cache, removing cookies, idk what else to do.04:19
MindVirus1xangua: Please read what I wrote instead of the first 4 words.04:19
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: hasn't Mint upgraded to Debian?04:19
MindVirus1leo_rockway: No, that's LMDE -- Linux Mint Debian Edition. It's rolling release.04:19
Saikkz6090, I'm using FF right now, it's loaded fine04:19
MindVirus1xangua: I am running Ubuntu.04:19
chrislabeardAnyone have any advice on how to allow my ubuntu server to send e-mail?04:19
chrislabeardFrom like drupal or wordpress04:19
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: oh, okay. Rolling release sounds good.04:20
mobasherchrislabeard=}} you need to install the mail server on it04:20
MindVirus1leo_rockway: It's got some kinks to work out.04:20
kz6090Saik, sadly not here. i'm checking LQ atm. Someone is sure to have solved this issue already.04:20
chrislabeardmobasher: So if I install a mail server than my domains can send e-mails?04:20
mobasherchrislabeard=}} https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MailServer04:20
leo_rockwaychrislabeard: there are many ways.04:20
chrislabeardI just want it to send e-mails I don't want to set up a mail service04:20
leo_rockwaychrislabeard: if you want to set up a mailing relay it's very easy.04:20
leo_rockwaychrislabeard: look for... gimme a second, I'll give you the package name.04:21
chrislabeardk awesome04:21
mobasherchrislabeard=}} how are you going to send mail without the Mail Transfer Agent04:21
Saikkz6090, hm?04:21
leo_rockwaymobasher: mail relay.04:21
leo_rockwaychrislabeard: look for msmtp. You can relay your emails to, say, GMail.04:22
chrislabeardMail relay sounds like what I need04:22
Saikkz6090, have you tried reinsalling ff?04:22
dave_one thing i removed unsupported compiz plugins04:22
dave_that helped04:22
chrislabeardSo that will allow drupal to send e-mails to users?04:23
leo_rockwaychrislabeard: it's _very_ easy to configure, but if you have trouble, let me know.04:23
kz6090no, i'll try it now.04:23
MindVirus1I installed Linux Mint and then removed all packages from Linux Mint and removed the repository, but now my GRUB and Plymouth themes are the same. How do I revert them?04:23
leo_rockwaychrislabeard: mmhh... maybe drupal will let you configure an external smtp. I know phpBB let me.04:23
chrislabeardI wish i knew how dreamhost had their stuff set up04:23
soreaudave_: What is your problem? If it directly related to compiz, ask in #compiz04:23
Saikkz6090, lemme know if that solves it for you, cause if it does I'm gonna probably have to do that here too04:23
mobasherleo_rockway=}} that is a MTA04:23
kz6090Saik, will do.04:24
xanguaMindVirus1: then please explain betteer yourseld, what are you refering to when you say 'linux mint' a PPA¿¿ linux mint repositories¿¿04:24
mossbyHow can I bypass the "allow executing file as a program" setting?  I'm trying to install a windows program with wine from the CD and it wont let me set the "allow executable" option since I can't write to CD04:24
Saikkz6090, thanks04:24
leo_rockwaymossby: msmtp-mta is the mta...04:24
chrislabeardleo_rockway: It will alias the from name to whatever is set in drupal but thats as far as the configuration settings go for e-mail04:24
MindVirus1xangua: Linux Mint is basically Ubuntu with an extra repository.04:24
MindVirus1Some of the packages overwrite base Ubuntu files.04:24
xanguaMindVirus1: no it's not, if you are using linux mint go to their channel04:25
MindVirus1Removing the packages does not undo those changes.04:25
dave_i removed all compiz with synaptic, re-installed with synaptic without the unsupported plugins soreu04:25
MindVirus1xangua: You do not know better than I do.04:25
soreaudave_: That doesn't explain what you're problem is though04:25
shiftingcontroli downloaded a movie from torrentreactor site,i m getting following error,vlc cannot read the file ,it is in .wmv format04:25
dave_seems to fixed the dependacies04:25
MindVirus1xangua: Thanks for your help.04:25
dave_i did04:25
MindVirus1Anyone have any advice as to how to reinstall the Ubuntu GRUB, Plymouth, and GDM themes?04:25
dave_i thought you where asking how i fixed it, lol04:26
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: it probably has DRM04:26
xanguaMindVirus1: yes, install ubuntu in top of linux mint04:26
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MindVirus1xangua: Please leave me alone.04:26
preetampls help bluetooth icon is not appearing in ubuntu 10.10.04:26
dave_im restarting brb04:26
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: Digital Restrictions Manager04:26
shiftingcontrolleo_rockway:ok,any way to open the file ?04:27
Saikshiftingcontrol, have you installed the codecs for wmv?04:27
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: if it does have DRM, probably not.04:27
leo_rockwaySaik: VLC doesn't need codecs.04:27
MindVirus1Does anyone know what packages the Ubuntu GRUB, Plymouth and GDM themes are in? I noticed plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo but for some reason it says it cannot be downloaded.04:27
sweetpiDigital Rights Management04:27
Saikleo_rockway, I'e neded codecs on vlc04:27
shiftingcontrolSaik:i have installed codec for wmv,04:27
leo_rockwaysweetpi: yeah... "right"04:27
kz6090Saik: i exported the bookmarks, uninstalled, did sudo apt-get autoremove, reinstalled, imported bookmarks, and voila! :) Page formatting is restored.04:27
Saikshiftingcontrol, have you tried another player?04:28
kz6090the autoremove may have been unnecessary, idk.04:28
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: DRM is a thing that tries to stop illegal copying of media.04:28
shiftingcontrolSaik:gstream doesn't open it,any other good player ?04:28
Saikshiftingcontrol, tdem perhaps04:29
MindVirus1Anyone know Ubuntu inside and out?04:29
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: mplayer.04:29
jub369Is this the help chan for ubuntu04:29
MindVirus1jub369: Yes.04:29
leo_rockwayjub369: for you, it could be...04:29
jub369do you alls do things on 10.1004:29
leo_rockwayjub369: no04:29
mobashershiftingcontrol=}} vlc is your best bet for wmv..if it's not working then not sure...usually vlc provides good support for wmv files04:29
jub369how ab out 10.0404:30
Saikshiftingcontrol, trytodem firse, see if it works04:30
JoeMaverickSett!ask | jub36904:30
ubottujub369: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)04:30
leo_rockwaySaik: I believe totem uses gstreamer. I could be wrong, though.04:30
leo_rockwayjub369: no.04:30
xiongI wish that Nautilus would not crash. When it does, it takes all of its windows, of course. It seems to manage any icons shown on the desktop as well; and when I restart it, it doesn't restore the desktop icons.04:30
Saikleo_rockway, no idea either way tbh04:30
MindVirus1Does anyone know what packages the Ubuntu GRUB, Plymouth and GDM themes are in? I noticed plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo but for some reason it says it cannot be downloaded.04:30
jub369then how help[ful is the is it leo lol04:30
xiongCan I protect against Nautilus crashes in any way?04:31
leo_rockwayjub369: I don't use Ubuntu.04:31
shiftingcontrolmobasher,saik,leo_rockway:does all files you download from toreent reactor has same prob ?it happened twice to me04:31
lifeboundCan somebody tell me how to turn rar files into a iso04:31
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Saikjub369, honestly.. if you have  question, jst ask...04:31
xanguaxiong: it doesn't crash here, and if it does it should aucomatically restart04:31
soreaulifebound: 1.. 2.. 3.. MAGIC!04:31
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: I never used torrent reactor, sorry.04:31
Saikshiftingcontrol, I don't use torrent reactor04:31
xiongxangua, Unfortunately, not my experience.04:31
mobashershiftingcontrol=}} try to stay away from wmv files..they have an issue usually not always on linux environments (since it's wmv windows movie ;-) )04:31
endhiranhow can  i edit a document with .psd format?04:31
kz6090totem does use gstreamer, but when totem searched for codecs, i think it bypasses the ugly set. on my setup it installed codecs but only played audio for wmv's. I had to use synaptic to find all the gstreamer codecs.04:31
soreaulifebound: Perhaps you should consult google.com before asking such an off-based question04:32
leo_rockwayendhiran: GIMP04:32
jub369i neef help on installing 10.10 or 10.04 but my pc wont let it it says something about a mount probelm i have it every time were i gotta reinstall a clean ubutnu when i wanna update becuase the update mess up my ubnut but this time i can't even install a clean install cause it says something about a mount i got to pics of iti if someone would llike th pics of th error04:32
Saikif I had access toSL I'd pull up the codec list lol04:32
shiftingcontrolmobasher:ok,even .avi din open for me04:32
lifeboundwell the thing is it is on linux and ive searched google. i thought somebody would just know here04:32
xiongendhiran, You need Photoshop, I guess. Are you looking for another choice?04:32
gurpreethello everybody04:32
MindVirus1xiong: Something's wrong with your session manager, which is why it's not restarting, or nautilus itself is crashing during the restart process.04:32
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: avi is not a format, though.04:32
leo_rockwayxiong: GIMP works.04:33
MindVirus1xiong: Does any particular action cause it to crash?04:33
Saikendhiran, GIMP can edit psd files04:33
shiftingcontrolleo_rockway:wot avi is not format then ?04:33
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: no, it's a container.04:33
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: the format would be Xvid, or DivX or... whatever.04:33
Saikkz6090, check pm04:33
xiongMindVirus1, Um, I don't see how this has anything to do with a session manager. If I restart the system, then Nautilus will certainly come back, with all the desktop icons.04:33
mobashershiftingcontrol=}} then there is a problem ..maybe your file is corrupt or not working...check the md5 against the sever and see if it was the same or check comments to see if the file worked for anyone..usually there is alot of garbage people upload on those sites04:33
endhiranSaik:ok.then teach me how to open .psd please:'(04:34
MindVirus1xiong: Your session manager is supposed to restart nautilus when it crashes.04:34
xiongleo_rockway, Yes, generally GIMP does it.04:34
shiftingcontrolok let me try those stuffs04:34
Saikendhiran, just open gimp and select the file, like all other types04:34
leo_rockwayxiong: there are some cases where it might complain. Maybe with adjustment layers.04:34
mobasherendhiran=}} you can import in openoffice if you want to import..maybe try gimp..04:34
xiongMindVirus1, I'm not sure what you are talking about. Please give me a little more info.04:35
endhiranSaik:ooh..........thankyou it works:)04:35
mobasherendhiran=}} read or knowledge ->>>> http://ubuntuliving.blogspot.com/2007/03/opening-adobe-psd-files-in-ubuntu.html04:35
Saikendhiran, no prob04:35
jub369My error http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/6994/cimg0020w.jpg04:35
shiftingcontrolmplayer gives the message it is encoded in DRM04:35
MindVirus1xiong: Your session manager is the program that starts up as soon as you log in and spawns processes like gnome-panel, nautilus, metacity, etc.04:35
mobasherjub369=}} did you just burn the CD ?04:35
MindVirus1xiong: And whatever else you may have in your Startup Applications.04:35
leo_rockwayendhiran: if you never used GIMP before, but you did use Photoshop, GIMP might look like a piece of ugly crap at first, but it isn't. It's just different.04:35
jub369Yes Mobasher04:35
leo_rockwayendhiran: so give it a try.04:35
jub369just now04:35
MindVirus1xiong: I doubt your session manager is having problems, as everything is working.04:36
MindVirus1xiong: Try running `nautilus --replace` in a terminal.04:36
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: yeah, you can't really do much about it. Probably some MPAA slave uploaded that as decoy.04:36
mobasherjub369=}} did you burn on max speed ?? maybe try to burn at a lower speed again and see if it works04:36
xiongMindVirus1, Okay that. But if I'm not logging in, then how does the session manager come into it?04:36
jub369ii ran on X10 aso low as iso recorder let me04:36
MindVirus1xiong: Your session manager stays open for the duration of your session.04:36
jub369and as low as my CDS let me04:36
leo_rockwaydoes Ubuntu still have the "check CD" before the installation menu pops up?04:36
MindVirus1xiong: It restarts vital processes to your session.04:36
mobasherjub369=}} how much ??04:36
jub369mobasher speed is X1004:37
victoriahelp, my wireless card is not working for some reason04:37
jub369that minnum04:37
eaerthsoreau: hellooo04:37
Saikleo_rockway, I found GIMP MUCH more organised than photoshop lol04:37
jub369maxiumum is x2404:37
MindVirus1victoria: Has it ever worked?04:37
mobasherjub369=}} did you check the hash before burning the image ??04:37
victoriai just installed unbutu 10.10 from scratched04:37
xiongOkay, MindVirus1. But --replace is not shown in man nautilus.04:37
leo_rockwaySaik: I found it a mess at first. Now I love it (and I generally dislike GTK).04:37
jub369i used Iso recorder i couldnt check nothing04:37
victoriaMindVirus1, yes it had before i have another laptop, same model, installed lubuntu on it and the wireless card works fine04:37
jub369i useally use poweriso04:37
crispybbqHey folks, what can I do about re-authenticating repos? Or even better, skipping apt authentication?04:37
Saikjub369, never bun faster than x404:37
mobasherjub369=}} when you download the file...there is a way to check the md5 on it...it's on the site..did you do that ?04:38
rwwleo_rockway: yes, if you press a key when it first starts booting and there's a weird image with a man and a keyboard key on the bottom of the screen04:38
jub369Saik my CDs wont allow me to burn lower then 10 X04:38
soreaueaerth: hi04:38
Saikjub369, yes, they will04:38
jub369No mo i didnt i just downloaded04:38
MindVirus1xiong: Whoops; I'm thinking metacity. Try `killall nautilus && nautilus`.04:38
JoeMaverickSettjub369: take a look at this; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158854704:38
leo_rockwayrww: good, thanks.04:38
mobasherjub369=}} https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM04:38
jub369no SaiK they dont04:38
eaerthanyone have experience with RGBA in maverick? for some reason after i installed a few things, mainly a repository and gtk2 file my background is white, everything else is fine though.04:38
Saikjub369, whatever speed they say is the highest you can burn them04:38
jub369mine say Lowest and highest04:38
jub36910X to 24X04:39
Saikthis I gotta see04:39
Nautilusa little help from the command line please ... i'm trying to locate a dir called 'token' but "ls -R token" says: "ls: cannot access token: No such file or directory"04:39
jub369ok SaiK i get u PIC04:39
jub369one min04:39
mobasherNautilus=}} try this ->>> find . / -name "token"04:40
rwwNautilus: find . -name token -type d04:40
mobasherSaik=}} have him try this as well maybe the md5 hash is not the same https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM04:41
leo_rockwayNautilus: sudo updatedb && locate token04:41
crispybbqUseful tip: Metacity as a compositing manager is a nice compromise between simplicity and functionality. :D04:41
Nautiluslooks like i'm getting them04:41
MindVirus1Does anyone know what packages the Ubuntu GRUB, Plymouth and GDM themes are in? I noticed plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo but for some reason it says it cannot be downloaded.04:41
mobasherNautilus=}} eeehaaa lol04:41
Saikmobasher, I just want proof it wants 10 as lowest that's my main concern atm04:42
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mobasherSaik=}} true04:42
shiftingcontrolif i convert .wmv file to mp3 stil drm will be playing the role ?04:43
MindVirus1shiftingcontrol: No.04:43
leo_rockwayshiftingcontrol: you won't be able to read the file to convert it...04:43
ascheelAfter upgrading to 10.10 from 10.04, my network manager no longer connects to any networks and no longer lists my preconfigured network settings in the applet.  I'm ok with wiping all network manager settings from my profile if need be, I'm just not sure where to go from here.04:43
xiongMindVirus1, Unfortunately, that only sort of works. If I $ nautilus then, yes, it starts managing the desktop again. But then, I have a terminal window that I must not tamper with for the duration of my session. If I restart by clicking in the 'Places' menu, then the desktop icons don't come back.04:43
Saikwmv a VIDEO format, to mp3 an AUDIO one?04:43
MindVirus1xiong: It's not supposed to be a soluton.04:43
kz6090shiftingcontrol: you extract the audio from the wmv file04:43
MindVirus1xiong: It's a diagnostic tool to see if nautilus spews anything out as an error.04:43
mobasherSaik=}} yeap04:43
xiongThis is not a major issue. But it is an annoyance. It would be better if it didn't crash to begin with.04:43
leo_rockwayxiong: nohup nautilus &04:44
MindVirus1xiong: I'm trying to fix the crash.04:44
mobasherSaik=}} it's friday night people like to try funky stuff..lmao04:44
shiftingcontrolMindVirus,leo_rockway,kz6090 :ok04:44
Saikmobasher, that was rhetorical lol04:44
leo_rockwayxiong: & makes it run in the background. nohup makes it stay open even if you close the terminal.04:44
xiongWell, maybe too late for that, since the crash happened before and much has happened since.04:44
mobasherSaik=}} i should consider install mainframe on my ubuntu hmmmmmmmm...04:44
jub369Saik did u ge it04:44
Sivikanyone have any sound issues when upgraded to 10.10?04:45
MindVirus1xiong: So, you say going into the Places menu causes a crash?04:45
Blue1this is a chrome question.  I have "offer to save password" checked, but it never offers to save my password.  what am I doing wrong?04:45
xiongOh, leo_rockway, I don't doubt I can get back somehow. I'd rather prevent the crashing.04:45
MindVirus1xiong: Is it random, or does something trigger it?04:45
leo_rockwayxiong: yeah, of course. But nohup saves the output and it will help you debug the crash.04:45
xiongMindVirus1, No. I'm saying that restarting from the Places menu doesn't restore management of the desktop.04:45
Saikjub369, it's not a valid link04:45
xiongI'm totally unclear as to why Nautilus might crash in the first place.04:46
MindVirus1xiong: That's what I'm trying to figure out. So in your experience it was random?04:46
mobasherMindVirus1=}} what build are you working with ??04:46
MindVirus1xiong: You gotta understand all the information I have is "nautilus crashes".04:46
xiongIt's quite rare. It seems to happen when I trash something.04:46
MindVirus1mobasher: Of what?04:46
Saikkz6090, didn't fix fb for me :@04:47
mobasherMindVirus1=}} of ubuntu ??04:47
MindVirus1mobasher: Build?04:47
MindVirus1mobasher: I'm on 10.10.04:47
xiongSorry, MindVirus1; I wasn't actually hoping for specific help, since I have little to offer. I was more fishing for known vulnerabilities, to see if any of them looked similar to my experience.04:47
mobasherMindVirus1=}} and your nautilus is crashing ??04:47
MindVirus1mobasher: No, xiong's is.04:47
mobasherMindVirus1=}} ohh i'm sorry..04:47
MindVirus1xiong: This is a puzzle that I want to put together.04:48
MindVirus1mobasher: You did nothing wrong.04:48
leo_rockwayxiong: you could browse the bugs, filter them by "nautilus"04:48
MindVirus1xiong: Try to cause the crash while nautilus is in a terminal window.04:48
xiongI suspect that the risky action is deleting a folder in one tab while it is open in another tab.04:48
MindVirus1Chances are nautilus will vomit something out which you can then Google.04:48
Saikjub369, that's not the cDVDs, it's a bad program04:48
jub369thats all my rpgrams04:48
jub369poweriso magic iso nero all my burning programs xD04:48
jacobbakerHello, I need to install a linux in my laptop, but i have already 4 partitions, so i know that i need to make one of them extended to be able to create a new ext4 partition for linux, so is there a way to make an existing partition as an extended partition without losing the data? thx in advance04:48
Saikjub369, use imgburn04:49
jub369same 10x to 24x04:49
leo_rockwayjacobbaker: I don't think so.04:49
jacobbakerleo_rockway: so i have to format a partition before make it extended yeah?04:49
Saikjub369, than it's bad drivers04:50
MindVirus1jacobbaker: I'm very probably wrong but if you note the start and end cylinders of the partition, delete it, and make an extended partition with the same start and end cylinders, then it should work.04:50
mobasherjacobbaker=}} http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=28201804:50
Saikanyone know a100% full purge command for firefox?04:50
MindVirus1jacobbaker: Partitions are just logical starts and ends; not data.04:50
MindVirus1Saik: What do you mean "purge"?04:50
SaikMindVirus1, remove ALL data fm FF on thispc04:51
victoriahow can i find out which wireless card i have?04:51
Saikprogram and all04:51
MindVirus1victoria: lspci.04:51
MindVirus1It should say "network adapter".04:51
kz6090if you apt-get remove --purge, the apt-get autoremove, won't that get rid of all firefox files?04:51
MindVirus1kz6090: No.04:51
MindVirus1Saik: apt-get remove --purge && rm -r /home/*/.mozilla.04:51
mobashervictoria=}} lshw | grep wireless04:51
xiongGood idea, MindVirus1. I will experiment with this.04:52
MindVirus1That should do it.04:52
MindVirus1xiong: Wish you the best.04:52
SaikMindVirus1, thanks. try #2 lol04:52
armegeddon466hey guys there's something wrong with my 'sudo'. i can install apps from the software center just fine using my password but when i try to 'sudo apt-get install x' , it says i've entered the wrong password. i've tried countless times...any help?04:52
MindVirus1armegeddon466: You're typing in your user password, right?04:52
sirscotttrying to install 10.10 with a raid 0 setup and another disk for windows.  So three disks total.  Yet despite my efforts, when grub comes up, I'm getting 'error: no such disk'.  Ideas?04:53
jub369Saik the drivers i got are brand new i just installed the drivers yesterday when ir estrored my pc to windows 7 and updated the bios04:53
shiftingcontrol/usr/share/aclocal/snacc.m4:24: warning: underquoted definition of AM_PATH_SNACC,any idea how to fix this ?04:53
armegeddon466MindVirus1, yeah04:53
sirscotti did create a separate /boot partition that wasn't a part of the raid array04:53
MindVirus1armegeddon466: That's very odd.04:53
leo_rockwayjacobbaker: most likely04:53
armegeddon466MindVirus1, anyway i can remove my user password temporarily?04:53
mobasherarmegeddon466=}} do you want to reset the password ?04:53
jub369so my burner is not messed up04:53
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Sounds risky, but yes.04:54
leo_rockwayjacobbaker: but I'm not 100% sure. I'd research more if I were you.04:54
ryan___armegeddon466: try it with no password first04:54
Pilif12pWhat's the name for "Password and encryption key manager" on 10.10 ?04:54
armegeddon466ryan___,  i did lol :P04:54
MindVirus1armegeddon466: passwd -d.04:54
Pilif12pi cant find it04:54
MindVirus1It's not a good idea though.04:54
jacobbakerleo_rockway: that's what i'm doing, thank you :)04:54
MindVirus1Not at all.04:54
Pilif12pah, its in system04:54
leo_rockwayjacobbaker: yup, sorry I can't be more helpful.04:54
MindVirus1Pilif12p: seahorse.04:54
MindVirus1shiftingcontrol: It's a warning, so it should be fine.04:55
JoeSomebodyhello, is there a release date for 10..10 yet?04:55
MindVirus1JoeSomebody: It's out.04:55
=== Quincy is now known as Quincy|BED
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  permission denied..04:55
shiftingcontrolMIndVirus1:but ./configure doen't run properly04:55
Saikok, wth.. the avatars are still gone.. I'm gonna try epiphany :@04:55
MindVirus1JoeSomebody: I believe the release date is already in place for Ubuntu+1.04:55
airtonixJoeSomebody, yeah the 10th of the 10th04:55
MindVirus1shiftingcontrol: Look for "error".04:55
mobasherlol @ airtonix04:55
airtonixJoeSomebody, of the 10th04:55
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Your account may be too unprivileged to run sudo.04:56
airtonixmobasher, im serial04:56
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  whats an accound key?04:56
MindVirus1armegeddon466: I have no idea.04:56
mobasherhahhaa...man people really need to learn how to use the google i tell ya04:56
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Never heard of it, so it probably doesn't exist.04:56
MindVirus1armegeddon466: (Assuming we're talking about a user account in Ubuntu.)04:57
Saikarmegeddon466,  account key?04:57
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Could be your password.04:57
sirscottwhen grub rescue> is coming up and i type 'set' it's showing root=md0 after the install, instead of something like 'hd0' like i might expect04:57
armegeddon466MindVirus1, maybe...04:57
kz6090Saik, any luck?04:57
leo_rockwaymobasher: I like duckduckgo better... mind you o.o04:57
Saikkz6090, still messed up here04:57
mobasheri bet ya there will be a site showing you how to piss now days on google..it's that simple04:57
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  maybe this will help, i don't have a password for the encryption thing04:58
Ryen!ot | mobasher04:58
ubottumobasher: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:58
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  does that affect anything?04:58
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Please be more specific. I don't know what "encryption thing" is.04:58
Saikarmegeddon466,  account key?04:58
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  1 min lemme find out what it's called04:58
Saikencrypted keyring, I bet04:58
MindVirus1Saik: That should have nothing to do with his ability to use sudo.04:59
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  password and encryption keyring04:59
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Seahorse. That should have no effect.04:59
z00mwhere are my logs on ubuntu04:59
icarus-cz00m, what sort of log04:59
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  i dunno whts wrong lol...lemme try rebooting...back in a flash :)05:00
leo_rockwaywho can't use sudo?05:00
z00mincoming web traffic05:00
MindVirus1leo_rockway: armegeddon466. Says his password is wrong.05:00
leo_rockwayare you in the sudoers list?05:00
icarus-cz00m, system logs including web server log are usually in /var/log by default05:00
MindVirus1leo_rockway: It wouldn't say his password would be wrong.05:00
Saikwth... um.. anyone got an idea how to make my "start menu" close? (and don't say click away from it, I'm not a moro, I already did that, 20ish times)05:00
armegeddon466how do i check if im in the list?05:00
MindVirus1It would say "you're not in the sudoers list. This incident will be reported."05:00
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: true.05:00
MindVirus1armegeddon466: That's not the problem.05:01
MindVirus1Could be pam or shadow.05:01
Saikarmegeddon466, you sure you typed it right?05:01
armegeddon466Saik, yes, i'm sure05:01
dijonyummyi miss yum, is there a way to upgrade a specific package such as firefox05:02
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  im gonna try rebooting now, brb05:02
mobasherdijonyummy=}} try synaptic05:02
Saikok, epiphany shows them, but ff doesn't05:02
leo_rockwaydijonyummy: if you try to install it, it will upgrade it, I think.05:02
Saikobviously someing in ff wasn't purged..05:02
leo_rockwaydijonyummy: but, seriously, I don't like apt that much either, but missing yum? o.o05:02
Saikah.. there it goes05:03
leo_rockwaySaik: cache?05:03
kz6090Saik, working now?05:03
leo_rockwaynakedgoat: hello05:03
dijonyummyyum is cool, you can put in a script and autoinstall all your apps after a new release05:03
Saikleo_rockway, kz6090 aparenty, after I installed epiphay lol05:03
icarus-cdijonyummy, name a package manager that couldn't do that05:03
leo_rockwaydijonyummy: the same can be done with  apt...05:03
nakedgoatleo_rockway:  how's it going05:03
MindVirus1Saik: So removing .mozilla didn't fix it?05:03
leo_rockwaynakedgoat: I'm just peachy and you?05:04
SaikMindVirus1, nope..05:04
nakedgoatleo_rockway:  good good05:04
nakedgoati'm high as effffffff05:04
MindVirus1Saik: I bet it did; I think you just had a hidden Firefox process open and not anymore.05:04
SaikMindVirus1, on another issue, any idea where the addresses it stores to the address bar are stored at?05:04
MindVirus1Saik: No idea.05:04
MindVirus1Saik: Definitely in .mozilla though.05:04
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  still not working... :-/05:04
nakedgoatI am a normal mac hater....05:05
nakedgoatrunning on mac05:05
nakedgoatox s05:05
FloodBot3nakedgoat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Of course not.05:05
SaikMindVirus1, that's not likely. and I clearedthat folder, it still has some showing up..05:05
mobasherSaik=}} the favorites ??05:05
kz6090could it have been /etc/firefox/profile/prefs.js?05:05
Saikmobasher, no, input history05:05
Saikkz6090, I'll check05:05
=== Kyoku is now known as kaizen
MindVirus1kz6090: No way; 1) he purged Firefox, and 2) regular users don't have permission to change that file.05:05
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  think i should post on the forums?05:05
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Your problem is probably deeper than you might think.05:06
mobasherSaik=}} check in .mozilla/firefox05:06
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Try "gksudo synaptic".05:06
armegeddon466hmm...anyway to remove the password using gui? i can enter my password perfectly everywhere except in the terminal...05:06
mobasherSaik=}} use a grep on it -> grep <something> *05:07
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Ahh!05:07
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Try another terminal.05:07
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Alt+F2, type in xterm.05:07
MindVirus1Your encoding might be messed up.05:07
bullgard4What is the purpose of the directory  /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/debian.master?05:07
nakedgoateveryone is running ubuntu?05:07
leo_rockwaynakedgoat: no05:07
nakedgoatdidn't think so05:07
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  okay im in xterm lemme try install something :P05:07
mobasherbulldog98=}} those are kernel source files05:07
leo_rockwaybullgard4: part of the source of Linux05:08
Saikmobasher, apt-get remove --purge && rm -r /home/*/.mozilla  <I cleared it, totally05:08
nakedgoatsorry hanrd to read on my imac05:08
mobasherSaik=}} it's goneeeeeeeeee budy05:08
nakedgoatbooh, running ubuntu05:08
Saikmobasher, it'snot that's the problem..05:08
nakedgoatI just need another chair05:08
MindVirus1Saik: Try killall -s9 firefox-bin and run that rm -r again.05:08
bullgard4leo_rockway: Your answer is rather ambiguous. I'd appreciate a more precise answer.05:08
bazhang!ot > nakedgoat05:08
ubottunakedgoat, please see my private message05:08
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  not working in xterm either...05:08
mobasherSaik=}} goto the terminal and do this -> ps -ef | grep mozilla05:08
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Then there's something wrong with sudo or its internals.05:09
mobasherSaik=}} it will tell you if the processes are running05:09
nakedgoatk i see it05:09
Saiklol I think it just wanted to annoy me, it's not there NOW..05:09
nakedgoatwas I breaking a rule?05:09
nakedgoat'i didn't see that....05:09
armegeddon466im on 10.10 btw, is it a bug or something?05:09
bazhangnakedgoat, chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please05:09
FloodBot3nakedgoat: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:09
mobasherSaik=}} lol05:09
nakedgoatfor real?05:09
leo_rockwaybullgard4: once upon a time, Linus Torvalds wrote the Linux kernel, which combined with the incomplete GNU operating system gave us GNU/Linux. Ubuntu is GNU/Linux. Linux has sources. Those are the sources of Linux.05:09
bazhangnakedgoat, yes05:09
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Did you fuck with anything before this happened?05:09
bazhangleo_rockway, thats not necessary05:09
icarus-cnakedgoat, do you got a support quesiton or want to answer others' support questions?05:09
Seeker`!language | MindVirus105:10
ubottuMindVirus1: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.05:10
=== kaizen is now known as Kaizen
bazhangMindVirus1, watch the language05:10
MindVirus1I know, I know.05:10
nakedgoatI'm good thanks05:10
nakedgoatI didn't see the issue05:10
armegeddon466MindVirus1,  nope. im a simple user man. i just browse the web, install apps and stuff05:10
nakedgoatI see now, thanks05:10
MindVirus1bazhang: Do you think you could help me out?05:10
bazhangnakedgoat, then chat elsewhere05:10
MindVirus1armegeddon466: Huh.05:10
nakedgoatbazhang: thanks05:10
leo_rockwaybazhang: that's part of a support question.05:10
SaikMindVirus1, now if this dumb menu would g away... lol05:10
Tokumeisecurity question: cant people just inspect the swap partition on my hard drive to see potentially most of the things i've been doing on my computer, unencrypted, including any keys and passwords that i use to encrypt other important stuff?05:10
xubuntualguien aqui hablka español?05:10
mobasherit's a action reaction game..nothing just happens automatically in ubuntu..lol05:10
Saik!es | xubuntu05:11
ubottuxubuntu: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:11
nakedgoat really can't see05:11
bazhangxubuntu, #ubuntu-es05:11
MindVirus1bazhang: Sorry to bother you but I know you're worth your weight in gold.05:11
MindVirus1Saik: Alt+F2.05:11
nakedgoatkeep oushing me, I'll be sure to see more than ......05:11
MindVirus1In a separate terminal, type killall gnome-panel.05:11
MindVirus1If it doesn't restart, in the window Alt+F2 opened, type gnome-panel, and you'll see your panel without the pesky menu open.05:12
MindVirus1No loving for me, eh?05:12
* UbuN2 bows to bazhang 05:12
leo_rockwayTokumei: I thought I was paranoid...05:12
MindVirus1Tokumei: Yes.05:12
SaikMindVirus1, would you believe it did nothing at all?05:12
MindVirus1Tokumei: Try ecryptfs.05:12
MindVirus1Saik: Killing gnome-panel?05:13
MindVirus1Yes, I would. It's frozen.05:13
icarus-cTokumei, theoretically it can be done, assuming you've got data swapped.  therefore people encrypt swap as well05:13
Saikit closed and did nothing05:13
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: swap can only be swap05:13
SaikI'm jus gonna reboot, brb05:13
MindVirus1Saik: Wait, what?05:13
bullgard4leo_rockway: The same of your narrative applies to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/debian. It follows that your narrative is true but is no precise answer to my question.05:13
MindVirus1leo_rockway: What do you mean?05:13
irvinghow to I get built-in webcam to work - Dell Vostro 251005:13
MindVirus1leo_rockway: Swap is RAM, just on your hard drive. RAM holds a lot of sensitive information.05:13
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: no, nevermind, icarus-c's answer showed me I'm ignorant.05:13
Tokumeii thought i read somewhere in the ubuntu wiki in the article about encrypted home or private directories that the problem with swap not being encrypted was going to be fixed in 10.04 hopefully05:14
leo_rockwayI didn't know swap could be encrypted.05:14
kb3ienanyone setup ipv6 using a cisco as the RA?05:14
Tokumeiit's not fixed yet?05:14
Tokumeiif i encrypt my swap, i also want hibernate to work05:14
MindVirus1Tokumei: Again, ecryptfs.05:14
Tokumeiecryptfs sounds like it will break hibernate :p05:14
icarus-ci'm afraid hibernate wouldn't work with encrypted swap05:14
MindVirus1Tokumei: I don't know about how it deals with hibernate.05:14
SaikMindVirus1, hm..hitting log out cleared it, and I just canceled it lol05:14
Tokumeiswap should always be encrypted by default no matter what, if it's not, that's definitely a bug05:14
leo_rockwaybullgard4: read the Debian help on compiling the kernel.05:14
MindVirus1Tokumei: Should RAM?05:15
icarus-cand isn't encryptfs a file system level stuff? i thought you need luks or block device level  encrypt for swap05:15
Tokumeipretty gaping security hole. and no, ram is volatile05:15
MindVirus1Tokumei: So is swap.05:15
Tokumeiram degrades over time when you power off05:15
Tokumeiswap isnt volatile, it's on a hard disc, and magnetic storage isnt volatile05:15
SaikMindVirus1, I think it's official, my mother's pc just doesn't like me05:15
leo_rockwayTokumei has a point.05:15
Tokumeiencrypting ram wouldnt be a bad idea either05:15
MindVirus1Tokumei: You might like swapspace as a temporary measure.05:15
Tokumeiit's just not as important as encrypting swap05:15
MindVirus1Tokumei: And slow it down?05:15
icarus-cTokumei, but i think it is almost impossible to recover useful data/information from swap anyway05:15
MindVirus1Tokumei: swapspace is basically just a file on your / partition that acts as swap.05:16
icarus-cbut security is about being paranoid05:16
Tokumeiyeah, like i said, ram isnt as important (or practical) as encrypting swap05:16
the1994why does my computer sometimes use like 2mb of swap when i have about 4gb free ram?05:16
Tokumeiswap should *definitely* be encrypted though05:16
kb3ienram chips arnt very volitile either youd be suprised how much you can get pullig a ram chip out a (recently) running PC and dumping it.05:16
MindVirus1Tokumei: It starts out at 0MB until it's needed.05:16
Tokumeiit's not impossible, it's "possible"05:16
Tokumeiyou can potentially extract sensitive information from swap05:17
leo_rockwaythe1994: say you open Firefox and you open 300 tabs... some of them are going to be in RAM and some in swap...05:17
MindVirus1Obviously cat /dev/sdswappartition is a lot easier than wiring a RAM chip.05:17
leo_rockwaythe1994: say you start killing tabs that are in RAM. The ones in swap still remain open.05:17
the1994i never manage to even get close to using 6gb05:17
leo_rockwaythe1994: there is a way to transfer swap2ram...05:17
the1994of ram05:17
shiftingcontroli found a tool called Freeme2 ,its available in sourceforge.net,have any one tried tad ?05:17
SaikTokumei, what are you doing on your pc right now?05:17
leo_rockwaythe1994: huh... then that's weird.05:17
Tokumeiram encryption isnt as important as encrypting swap because ram is volatile, magnetic hard drives arent/05:17
shiftingcontrolmy prob is its shows buffer over flow05:18
the1994i mean..it's not really a problem, i was just wondering05:18
MindVirus1Tokumei: ecryptfs will do it.05:18
TokumeiSaik: that is irrelevant.05:18
MindVirus1What is more important?05:18
leo_rockwaythe1994: it is a problem, though. RAM is way faster than a hard drive.05:18
MindVirus1Hibernation or security?05:18
SaikTokumei, no, it is NOT, or I wouldn't be askig05:18
MindVirus1For now you have to pick. Who knows? Hibernate might even work.05:18
leo_rockwayhello adzy05:18
Tokumeimindvirus: i think they're both important for any mainstream OS05:18
the1994true, but it's only like 2mb, doesn't happen very often, and i can't tell the difference05:18
adzywhats up ?05:18
MindVirus1Tokumei: No. For you.05:18
leo_rockwaythe1994: okay05:18
leo_rockwayadzy: the ceiling...05:18
adzylol plz....05:19
MindVirus1Tokumei: Security isn't as big of an issue as needing to encrypt the swap to most users.05:19
TokumeiMindVirus1: security and flexibility are selling points of an operating system05:19
MindVirus1That's NSA type stuff.05:19
kz6090run bleachbit05:19
* icarus-c notes that encrypted swap would impose performance penalty 05:19
MindVirus1icarus-c: No, it wouldn't.05:19
MindVirus1Your hard drive is ridiculously slow.05:19
blakkheimpeople still hibernate?05:19
MindVirus1Tokumei: Why not complain about most distributions not encrypting /home?05:19
leo_rockwayblakkheim: on laptops, yes.05:19
TokumeiMindVirus1: i can argue that all of the vulnerabilities in windows isnt as imporant and it's "nsa-type stuff"05:19
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: because bazhang will tell you off for talking about other distros in #ubuntu05:20
TokumeiMindVirus1: how do you know that i dont?05:20
MindVirus1Tokumei: So you come here to complain about theoretical security?05:20
MindVirus1This is an #ubuntu support channel. You wanted to encrypt swap, I told you how.05:20
kb3ieni'd like to setup ipv6 :)05:21
Tokumeiwell wouldnt that break hibernation though? would it ask me for my password when i resume from hibernation and use that to decrypt swap?05:21
leo_rockwaykb3ien: see miredo05:21
mobasherMindVirus1=}} there should be a ubunt-complain channel as well..just for the hell of it05:21
MindVirus1Tokumei: I don't know.05:21
MindVirus1Tokumei: Which do you want more -- encrypting swap, or hibernation?05:21
SaikTokumei, does it happen FROM startup?05:21
leo_rockwaymobasher: isn't there #debian for that? o.o05:21
Tokumeialso, i came here to find out if the problem was fixed with hibernation being broken. does anybody else know?05:22
leo_rockwayTokumei: it depends on the laptop05:22
deokanon#1 noob here... i'm trying to setup evolution to send out emails... i have already managed to configure it to receive emailsfrom an certain account05:22
MindVirus1Tokumei: Nobody will answer that question.05:22
kb3iennot tunnels, i want to accept an RA from my router.05:22
mobasherleo_rockway=}} lol...yea that's true...else u can jump to gentoo ...naaaaa05:22
TokumeiMindVirus1: nobody? D:05:22
deokanoni already checked the documentation but i realized that after many trials, i absolutely have no idea what is going on05:22
MindVirus1Tokumei: Bet you my pride.05:22
MindVirus1And if someone answers, they'll be pulling it out of their ass.05:22
leo_rockwayTokumei: answer is 42... you can have Tokumei's pride now.05:22
deokanoncan someone point me in the right direction05:22
MindVirus1Point proven.05:23
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: -.-05:23
mobasherdeokanon=}} whas up buddy05:23
kz6090deokanon check out thunderbird05:23
KhedronTokumei: encrypting swap doesn't ask for a password on wakeup, only cold boot05:23
kz6090enter your email address and password, and you're done05:23
leo_rockwayTokumei: I think your question is actually very interesting, but I don't have the answer. I actually never considered it until now.05:23
coolwhizdeokanon: didn't get the issue. u can receive mail is what u say05:23
coolwhizcan't send them ?05:23
MindVirus1Khedron: Assuming you just showed me up, can you help me?05:23
TokumeiKhedron: how will it decrypt my swap when i resume from hibernation then?05:23
icarus-cTokumei, it doesn't05:24
TokumeiKhedron: or will hibernation just fail?05:24
KhedronMindVirus1: with what05:24
icarus-cyes, just fail05:24
MindVirus1Khedron: update-notifier doesn't show an icon. Need to reinstall the default GRUB, Plymouth, and GDM themes.05:24
deokanoncoolwhiz: yeah it's absolute fail ;( to be able to receive but no sending :(05:25
KhedronTokumei: no it should work fine, does for me anyhow05:25
deokanoni'm going tocheck out thunderbird05:25
coolwhizdeokanon: Edit -> Preferences -> Mail Accounts -> Select account ->05:25
coolwhizand go into Outgoing mail05:25
KhedronMindVirus1: no clue, sorry05:25
coolwhiz'Sending Mail'05:25
TokumeiKhedron: so hibernation w/ encrypted swap does work? awesome05:26
MindVirus1(If I would have said anything else it would have been !language for me.)05:26
MindVirus1Tokumei: I'm 25% sure he's talking out his ass, but have my pride anyways.05:26
deokanoncoolwhiz: what's n ext05:26
coolwhizkz6090: I am not sure about Thunderbird and calendar integration with gnome. Evolution worked alright for me so far05:26
Tokumeideokanon: what email service do you use? some email providers dont have the feature of sending email without using the web interface05:26
leo_rockwayhello ylmfos05:26
deokanonyeah... i was using hotmail but i can't find the damn http server type05:27
coolwhizdeokanon: what do u see in sending mail options. have you configured smtp ?05:27
kz6090coolwhiz, it works fine here. i've been happy with it.05:27
deokanonmaybe that's part of the problem05:27
deokanonso i went along with pop05:27
deokanoni also tried imap05:27
Tokumeideokanon: i doubt hotmail supports stmp, which is the protocol you typically use to send outgoing mail05:27
deokanonthat works fine as well05:27
coolwhizdeokanon: pop and imap are to recieve05:27
Tokumeigmail supports it though, i suggest it05:27
xanguaTokumei: hotmail supports pop05:27
coolwhizdeokanon: smtp to send05:28
leo_rockwaydeokanon: does hotmail provide pop / imap service?05:28
Tokumeixangua: does it support stmp?05:28
deokanononly to receive leo05:28
deokanonbut sending is a problem05:28
xangualeo_rockway: pop05:28
ironwolfDLNA recommendations?  I used to use mediatomb, but with the maverick release it seems to be segmentation faulting most of the time, I've tried rygel, but it seems to randomly not see files in the media export directory.  hints? thoughts?  What am I doing wrong?05:28
Tokumeideokanon: gmail supports pop3, imap, and stmp for sending and receiving mail. i suggest using imap instead of pop as imap is superior.05:28
KhedronTokumei: yes, but I don't know if you need to do anything if you do it manually, i've always installed via the alternative installer which sets it up05:28
leo_rockwayxangua: I didn't know that, okay.05:28
coolwhizdeokanon: Hotmail Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP) - smtp.live.com (SSL enabled, port 25)05:29
xanguaTokumei: well i can only say everytime i try to sent a mail with hotmail in any mail client, it fails :S worked for a while05:29
leo_rockwayTokumei: the superiority of imap is debatable. They have different uses.05:29
TokumeiKhedron: is swap encrypted by default, or do you have to select "encrypted home directory" in ubuntu 10.10?05:29
coolwhizdeokanon: configure that in sending mail tab and you should be good05:29
MindVirus1Tokumei: Definitely not.05:29
KhedronTokumei: you need to use the 'alternative' install disk, which is the debian one, it gives the option to encrypt everything05:29
MindVirus1(It's not encrypted by default.)05:29
deokanoni tried that so many times cool :(05:29
coolwhizdeokanon: have u entered ur username in username field. some smtp servers require full email address there. not just username05:31
TokumeiKhedron: and please send me a link from the ubuntu website or a similarly reliable outlet where i can get more information and so i can verify that you're correct, because MindVirus1 doesnt seem to have that much confidence in you...05:31
MindVirus1Tokumei: I have 75% confidence in him.05:31
MindVirus1Tokumei: You might be a troll.05:32
* Khedron looks05:32
deokanoncool: i noticed that too... for some reason evolution keeps taking the stuff before @ as the username.. but... i know for a fact hotmail takes the full address though05:32
Tokumeialso, like i said, swap should be encrypted whether you check the "encrypted home folder" checkbox or not, and at the same time being compatible with hibernation. if otherwise that is a security bug and someone with a launchpad account should report it. i dont have a launchpad account yet.05:33
mobasherdeokanon=}} http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20040805:33
coolwhizdeokanon: my mail provider requires full username for smtp auth and it works for me05:33
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TokumeiMindVirus1: i'm not a troll, but either way what i'm saying is pretty valid.05:33
KhedronTokumei: for ubuntu the wiki is out of date however for debian https://we.riseup.net/debian/encrypted-swap05:33
KhedronTokumei: no if you use the alternative install disk and use the encrypt everything, you don't need to do the home dir encrypt05:34
magedragon25is there a channel related to vmware server or can someone here help?05:34
deokanonmobasher: lol that's a lot of code to write in a terminal ... thanks :D05:35
zouhairweird problem in Maverick, I was starting an upgrade and it just stuck at "Unpacking replacement" and doing nothing at all, it's been more than half an hour now??05:35
* deokanon strech fingers05:35
mobasherdeokanon=}} just follow the guide ....it's quite simple...05:35
MindVirus1Tokumei: Your question is remarkably interesting, but your method for finding out the answer seems to be rage-inspiring.05:35
mobasherdeokanon=}} copy and paste if you have to ;-)05:35
MindVirus1At least for me, a bit.05:35
coolwhizmobasher: u sure that all this is 'still' required ? thats a lot of things to use smtp05:35
coolwhizagain i never used hotmail though i use evolution all the time05:36
mobashercoolwhiz=}} well you can take out what you don't want i'm sure..and keep what you need05:36
TokumeiMindVirus1: i dont really want to be rage-inspiring, because rage doesnt tend to get things done very efficiently. how could i be less rage-inspiring? :P05:36
MindVirus1Tokumei: IT was the "MindVirus1 doesnt seem to have that much confidence in you..." quip.05:36
FloodBot3MindVirus1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:36
MindVirus1Dammit, I had it right, but this font made it look off.05:37
Khedrontechnically I think you said 25% chance I was wrong ;P05:37
MindVirus1Khedron: That's a lot of confidence for a stranger.05:37
mobasherwhat the hek u might be doing so wrong that you have to encypt your swap your this your that...jeezzz...05:38
Khedronif you have a laptop it's quite a good idea05:38
MindVirus1mobasher: What an interesting question. He wants to encrypt his swap, but you think he'll tell you his activities?05:38
Khedronunless you chain it to your leg05:38
Tokumei"<MindVirus1> Tokumei: I'm 25% sure he's talking out his ass, but have my pride anyways." "member:MindVirus1 doesnt seem to have that much confidence in you..." seems like a pretty straightforward conclusion...05:39
leo_rockwaymobasher: your question is so silly...05:39
mobasheri'm sure you give away more information at the gas station while filling up then you u get so concerned with encrptions and etc...05:39
MindVirus1Tokumei: 25% sure means 75% sure he's right.05:39
leo_rockwayhe has every right to encrypt his swap05:39
mobasherleo_rockway=}} not silly noticable...05:39
leo_rockwaymobasher: wanting privacy doesn't mean one is doing anything wrong.05:39
MindVirus1Tokumei: I have about 60% confidence you're not a troll.05:39
TokumeiMindVirus1: i dont consider 75% sure to be safe enough :p05:39
Khedronunless you're in the UK, then it's illegal to not hand over the password lol05:40
magedragon25anyone here run vmware server????05:40
mobasherleo_rockway=}} buddy...privacy...right...been in this business far too long to understand privacy and piracy...trust me ;-)05:40
MindVirus1Tokumei: Which is why it's my 75%, not yours.05:40
MindVirus1mobasher: What did you even just say?05:40
mobasherops...did i say that ...OMG05:40
leo_rockwaymobasher: what does piracy have to do with anything?05:40
Tokumeiwhen i said it doesnt look you have much confidence in him, 75% is not a lot of confidence to me.05:41
MindVirus1Tokumei: I'll allow it. Proceed.05:41
Tokumei75% confidence doesnt sound like a reasonable amount of confidence by any definition.05:41
FlannelAlright guys, take the meta-discussion to #ubuntu-offtopic if you want to continue.05:41
MindVirus1Tokumei: Well, now.05:41
leo_rockwaymobasher: what if he lives in China and he's talking about the government? your assumption is silly.05:41
MindVirus1Flannel: You're a guru. Could you help?05:41
Tokumeii was just asking for a source :s 25% confidence he's wrong isnt enough to justify asking for a source?05:41
mobasherleo_rockway=}} u really think he's speaking from China ....righttttt...05:42
* Tokumei joins the offtopic room05:42
MindVirus1Man, ops here really don't like to do anything but operate anymore.05:42
leo_rockwaymobasher: what do you know!?05:42
leo_rockwaymobasher: your judging him without knowing him.05:43
leo_rockwayor her o.o05:43
kz6090Tokunei: 75 rounded up is pretty good :) (http://news.slashdot.org/story/10/10/14/135219/Proving-0999-Is-Equal-To-1)05:43
coolwhizmobasher and deokanon: after some digging around, that evolution - hotmail support is quite an OLD post when hotmail was webdav. Now it should support smtp directly, so you should be able to send without all the things in that doc05:43
MindVirus1leo_rockway, mobasher: He's coming from California.05:43
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: or his proxy is...05:43
MindVirus1leo_rockway: It's a residential gateway. Highly doubtful it's a proxy.05:43
arvut__the offtopic channel needs more ppl ;)05:44
tortoise7     since both the backlit keyboard AND the sound output jack work Before 10.04 work on my toshiba satellite A660D and both of these items do NOT work after ubuntu boots,  it stands to reason that there is an issue with ubuntu.... since this is the official ubuntu support channel, I would appreciate some pointers to the solution to this problem..... thank you.05:44
mobasherleo_rockway=}} nothing mate i donno nothing...just been down those aisles05:44
* Tokumei knew 0.9_ to be equal to 1 for quite a while now.05:44
leo_rockwaymobasher: o.o o-kay...05:44
mobasherMindVirus1=}} lol05:44
leo_rockwaymobasher: sorry, mr. knowitall05:44
mobasherleo_rockway=}} sorry to disappoint you :)05:44
Tokumeii'm from california, not china.05:45
MindVirus1Called it!05:45
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: he'd say that if he were from China! o.o05:46
Tokumeileo_rockway: lol05:46
arvut__l0l go to ot darnit05:46
MindVirus1No, he'd say he's from Carifornia.05:46
rwwI believe you all know where our offtopic room is ;)05:46
FlannelGuys, please take the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic, thanks.05:46
MindVirus1I actually need help.05:46
leo_rockwaythe fact remains that he doesn't need a reason to want to encrypt his swap05:46
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: lol05:46
coolwhizdeokanon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9930893&postcount=705:47
MindVirus1Does anyone know what packages the Ubuntu GRUB, Plymouth and GDM themes are in? I noticed plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo but for some reason it says it cannot be downloaded.05:47
arvut__why would you want to encrypt the swap?05:47
mobasherwell he can encrypt it...he can do it...05:47
Chaos2358sorry guys thought i was still in empathy05:47
Tokumeiarvut__: maybe if you go to the ot channel i'll tell you :p05:47
arvut__what would it accomplish?05:47
MindVirus1Also, my update-notifier isn't showing in my tray.05:47
MindVirus1arvut__: Heightened security.05:47
arvut__I'm already there ^^05:47
KhedronMindVirus1: have you tried doing an apt-cache search on them?05:47
Tokumeio i c :o05:47
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: in packages.ubuntu.com you can search which packages have which files.05:47
mobasherarvut__=}} lol...buddy we have been discussing that for a while now..lol05:47
MindVirus1Khedron: Yes, of course.05:48
Chaos2358i have two questions first off using lucid what do i do when an app crashes but wont close?05:48
MindVirus1leo_rockway: You could just do dpkg -S.05:48
leo_rockwayMindVirus1: that too.05:48
mobasherChaos2358=}} kill it05:48
MindVirus1Chaos2358: killall -s9 <process name>.05:48
mobasherChaos2358=}} check the logs05:48
arvut__I've been stuck on YT watching ppl build bitcalculators in minecraft >.<05:48
MindVirus1Chaos2358: Or use the handy dandy Force Quit button that you can add to your panel.05:48
mobasherChaos2358=}} goto terminal -> ps -ef | grep <program name>05:48
kz6090or Alt+F2, xkill05:48
mobasherChaos2358=}} check the PID and kill -9 <PID>05:48
Chaos2358ok thanks  next question is there an equelelant to disc defrag using lucid?05:49
kz6090not needed for ext right?05:49
MindVirus1kz6090: That's right.05:49
mobasherMindVirus1=}} handy dandy...lol05:49
MindVirus1Chaos2358: What type of filesystem do you use?05:49
Chaos2358?? filesystem?05:49
Khedronthat means ext05:50
the1994like ext3 or ext4 or something like that05:50
MindVirus1Khedron: I know. :P05:50
MindVirus1Chaos2358: You don't need to defrag.05:50
mobasherChaos2358=}} ext, ext3,ext4 ntfs05:50
mobasherMindVirus1=}} defrag...man...that was always a pain05:50
Chaos2358ok because i download and install alot of apps and end up deleteing them because they arent what i really want05:50
MindVirus1Chaos2358: It's OK. Your hard drive uses advanced Not-Microsoft(TM) technology.05:51
Khedronlinux is a lot better at putting files in the right areas than windows, so its not as needed05:51
Chaos2358lol ok great i appreciate the help and i have noticed that linux is alot better at opening large folders and searching for files then windows could ever dream of but i'm still new to linux so just checking on somethings05:52
vu1kanKhedron: does that apply to m$ formats as well? for instance, i have a 1.5tb external formatted in msdos(previous owner was a windows user)05:52
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tortoise7  since both the backlit keyboard AND the sound output jack work Before 10.04 work on my toshiba satellite A660D and both of these items do NOT work after member:ubuntu boots,  it stands to reason that there is an issue with member:ubuntu.... since this is the official member:ubuntu support channel, I would appreciate some pointers to the solution to this problem..... thank you.05:53
rypervencheA package in Maverick was updated, but for some reason even when I purge my program and reinstall it, it is not updated. (It's ibus). How can I get my version updated?05:53
Khedronvu1kan: ntfs? or fat05:53
blakkheimfat32 on a 1.5tb drive05:53
Khedroni'm not actually sure if the linux versions comes with defrag for fat, never used it in years05:53
blakkheimyou should definitely reformat that as something better05:53
Khedronbut yes it will need defrag05:54
Khedronbut what he said, fat is not meant to be on drives over a certain size05:54
the1994doesn't fat32 limit file size to 4gb max05:54
vu1kanblakkheim:  i'm intending to...gotta move 17gb first05:54
kz6090night all. thanks for the edutainment. :)05:56
GryllidaHello, I have been using ubuntu for several months, now I have several questions: 1) where do I download dicts to stardict other than the default 'man' dict which is same as 'man <word>' in terminal 2) it reads/writes ntfs fine, which packages are needed to do it? are they available at other distrobutions? 3) how can I troubleshoot it recognising machines on lan by ips, but not by names?05:56
Chaos2358ok one more question i almost forgot but it's happening now. my mouse pointer does crazy stuff like rite now when i try to move up to minimize this window it disappears and when i'm in movie player in full screen it acts backwards meaning instead of bringing up the lower bar on mouse over it "the bar" disappears on mouse over and reappears when i move the pointer.. any ideas?05:56
GryllidaChaos2358: make new user on the system, will it still happen?05:56
coolwhizvu1kan: u sure its fat32? max fat32 can support is 32G05:56
Khedroncoolwhiz: only on windows, linux will happily format above that05:57
mobasherChaos2358=}} i think you need to change the mouse settings to LEFT to RIGHT or something..try that05:57
Khedronit's just not a good idea lol05:57
arvut__chaos2358: this might be abit off topic, but have we met in NWN?05:57
Chaos2358Gryllida,  i dunno i cant get the pointer back to open or close any windows now05:57
Chaos2358arvut__,  NWN??05:57
coolwhizKhedron: so the prev owner took the pains to format something as FAT32 using linux ? :P05:58
leo_rockwaynight peeps05:58
sweetpicoolwhiz: fat32 supports up to 16TB05:58
arvut__hmm no, probably not. strange cause that nick looks quite familiar..05:58
Khedroncoolwhiz: yeah lol, it's often used for ppl who dual boot as a sort of inbetween format05:58
Chaos2358Gryllida,  when ever i move the mouse over anything it disappears05:58
GryllidaChaos2358: hit ctrl+alt+f1, type your username, your password, type 'sudo reboot now', then try logging on after it reboots, making new user and testing for the issue (do that ONLY if you are in sudoers group)05:58
ThopterIs it possible to set up the bookmarks in the Places menu as individual submenus for accessing subfolders inside each bookmarked folder?05:58
arvut__nwn == neverwinter nights05:58
GryllidaChaos2358: and ONLY if it is under control after a fresh reboot05:59
rypervencheI need help. There was a fix for a bug in ibus in Maverick. However, my ibus still has this bug. How can I get my ibus updated? (I have tried purging it and reinstalling it, but to no avail)05:59
Chaos2358Gryllida,  ok got it i'll be back in a minute05:59
Gryllidarypervenche: link to the bug?05:59
coolwhizsweetpi: with win 2000 or XP its 32G,  u maybe right with other versions.05:59
Chaos2358arvut__,  no i doubt it though i do use this nick on everything i log into05:59
rypervencheGryllida: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/63767106:00
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arvut__chaos2358: odd, you must have a doppelganger out there then =)06:00
rypervencheGryllida: If you look at the last 3 comments you will see my problem.06:00
Gryllidaarvut__: he already left (chaos2358)06:01
Gryllidarypervenche: I'm asking because I'm sure people here need the bug number to troubleshoot you, not because I really know anything about it myself06:01
rypervencheGryllida: Understood.06:01
qwertyjustinhow might i access a webpage via the terminal, for read only purposes?06:02
Gryllidaqwertyjustin: lynx06:02
izinucsqwertyjustin: w3m, elinks are both cli browsers06:02
Thopterhere I was gonna suggest wget06:03
Thopterso... Is it possible to set up the bookmarks in the Places menu as individual submenus for accessing subfolders inside each bookmarked folder?06:04
izinucsThopter: a bookmark is a bookmark.. you can point it whereever you want06:05
deokanonthanks eryone for your help :D06:05
junglist3145ok I need some help please. I just updated to 10.10. Now I boot into a grub rescue prompt. What do I do?06:05
deokanoni managed to fix a couple of stuff06:05
deokanonso i'm happy06:05
izinucs!grub2 | junglist314506:05
ubottujunglist3145: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:05
Thopterizinucs: I know... I have one pointing to my Pictures folder, but I'd like a submenu to access the Animated, Photos, etc subfolders as well06:05
vu1kanok, i was mistaken, my external is in ntfs; my question is: can i resize the current partition and reformat the blank space on the drive to ext3?06:06
coolwhizjunglist3145: wubi install ?06:06
izinucsThopter: sure06:06
Adman65hey guys, how can I enable my network card? When I do lshw -C network i see it's disabled06:06
Thopterizinucs: how?06:06
junglist3145coolwhiz: no, straight update06:06
izinucsThopter: let me play a sec06:06
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junglist3145please help, 1.5TB on the line here. I really dont want to lose everything06:07
izinucsThopter: go into the directory just above the one you want to bookmark.. find it and drag it to the left where the other bookmarks are. done06:08
blakkheimjunglist3145: why don't you have a backup?06:08
shiftingcontroli m burning a LIVECD should i burn iso file directly or should i burn its contents ?06:08
blakkheimshiftingcontrol: direct06:08
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junglist3145blakkheim: your not helping :)06:08
blakkheimjunglist3145: you'll lose your data either way without a backup06:09
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junglist3145blakkheim: thank you06:09
izinucsThopter: did you get it done?06:09
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Thopterizinucs: trying to make sense of your instructions, one sec...06:09
shiftingcontrolThere is only one selected file ("openSUSE-11.3-DVD-i586.iso"). It is the image of a disc and its contents can be burnt.it asks two options burn as file and burn contents,i can give burn file ryt ?06:09
magedragon25anyone here familiar with installing vmware server06:09
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Thopterizinucs: that just sets one folder as a bookmark, not as a menu through which I could select subfolders06:10
meeei have a program on wine that just crashes every time i try to open it!?06:10
blakkheim!appdb | meee06:10
ubottumeee: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help06:10
izinucsThopter: oh.. you want a menu off the shortcut.. hummmm.. kubuntu does that :)06:11
junglist3145please can anyone help me figure this out? I have a encrypted home partition, root on its own partition, during the update it asked where to install grub, I told it to install to the root partition. Now I boot to grub rescue. Please help06:11
izinucsjunglist3145: use the link from previously and install grub where you want.. no need to remove grub from the boot partition.06:12
alenyashkahi all06:12
junglist3145izinucs: what link?06:12
izinucs!grub2 | junglist314506:13
ubottujunglist3145: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub206:13
izinucsjunglist3145: that one06:13
ljsoftnetis there a driver for Intel GMA 3150?06:13
alesanthe version of curl that ships with my ubuntu is broken; I have found a message on the debian mailing list where they say it has been fixed in a later version of libcurl06:15
MonacoFontis there a monaco font in ubuntu?06:15
alesannow, how can I safely upgrade the version of curl?06:15
izinucsalesan: not sure but you should file a bug06:15
alesanizinucs, the bug has already been filed (on debian)06:16
alesanbut I need to fix it tonight for my program to work06:16
izinucsalesan: you should file it on launchpad with ubuntu and mention the bug number and fix on the debian system.06:16
vu1kanalesan: the version in the repo's is 7.21.0, is that new enough for you?06:16
alesanso now I have compiled libcurl, shall I make install, or is there a better way?06:16
junglist3145izinucs: I looked over that link but it isnt helpfull to my current situation. Can someone pleas walk me through this?06:16
meeeno one will help me on the wine  channel06:16
FloodBot3meee: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:16
alesanvu1kan, unfortunately, in my ubuntu it is 7.19.706:17
Thopterizinucs: sorry, I locked up for a bit there, I didn't see anything past 23:10 MST06:17
alesanoh 10.10 is out06:17
izinucsThopter: you're an hour ahead of me..06:17
alesanI think I will upgrade06:17
vu1kanalesan: so <sudo apt-get update && apt-get upgrade> should bring it up-to-date06:17
alesanvu1kan, let's see, but maybe the one you find in your repo is because you have ubuntu 10.10?06:18
alesanI have 10.0406:18
vu1kannope, i'm on 10.0406:18
izinucsalesan: don't forget sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade packages in your current release.. even before upgrading to 10.1006:18
Thopterizinucs: could you repeat any replies you made to me since then?06:18
ljsoftnetis there a driver for Intel GMA 3150?06:19
izinucsThopter: just that I think kubuntu will do what you want on the plasma desktop. There should be a way to make a drop down type shortcut/bookmark in ubuntu but I don't know how06:20
alesanvu1kan, izinucs I did apt-get update, upgrade, and dist-upgrade06:20
vu1kanalesan: synaptic reports 7.19 as well...i got the 7.20 from ubottu06:20
alesanbut it did not download anything06:20
vu1kan!info curl06:20
ubottucurl (source: curl): Get a file from an HTTP, HTTPS or FTP server. In component main, is optional. Version 7.21.0-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 223 kB, installed size 340 kB06:20
alenyashkaCan you help me with nm and wpa2 on new ubuntu 10.10? I try to connect, but in syslog I have following http://paste.org.ru/?4wim10 . But if I used wpa_suplicant manually it works ok. Does anybody knows where problem is and how to fix it?06:20
Thopterizinucs: I see... thanks anyway06:20
alesanso I will update to 10.1006:20
alesanand see what happens :)06:21
izinucsThopter: sorry couldn't do more.. you do a lot of pics?  in RAW?06:21
Thopterizinucs: nope06:21
izinucsThopter: k.. nvm06:21
vu1kanalesan: it looks like that's the course of least resisitance, unless you want to compile it yourself06:21
alesanI have already compiled it myself06:22
alesanbut if I make install now...06:22
alesanwill it overwrite the old one? maybe it will put everything in a different directory06:22
alesanmaybe I can simply force the newest .deb to be installed06:22
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vu1kanidk for certian, but i would expect that you'd be able to specify an install location06:22
izinucsalesan: use checkinstall.. it will create a deb the package manager will track06:22
ljsoftnetis there a driver for Intel GMA 3150?06:23
vu1kanis anybody familiar with lirc?06:23
alesanvu1kan, what about it06:25
vu1kanmy specific question is whether i can take the codes output by irw and place those in config files06:25
alesanI do not remember06:26
alesanI used lirc quite a bit in the past06:26
Digital_1Under 10.10, is anyone here experiencing intermittent times where keyboard and mouse input is choppy/laggy despite CPU being < 10%  ?06:27
vu1kani'm trying to get some buttons on my remote to work, the gnome-lirc-properties can see them, but i can't get the keyboard shortcuts to06:27
MonacoFontDigital_1: maybe your computer is slow lol! haha xD06:27
blakkheimlol, haha and xD all together06:28
amitzout of of topic but in a language, alesan = excuse :-p. But please carry on with the on topic messages.06:28
Digital_1@MonacoFont:  It's only slow under 10.1006:28
Digital_110.10 feels rushed.  Anyone check Var/Messages to see all those pulseaudio errors on Intel sound boards?06:29
blakkheimpulseaudio is a mess, don't blame ubuntu for it06:30
Digital_1Ubuntu should ditch it06:30
blakkheimi agree06:30
ljsoftnetis there a driver for Intel GMA 3150?06:31
Digital_1Also the Gwibber bug wasn't particularly fun to figure out either.  They should have left that out too.06:31
mark2010any help with gtk-gnash hammering the CPU's.06:32
ubuntu__lol alesan :))06:32
blakkheimubuntu__: english please06:32
Digital_1Where is J.Bacon.  I want to rant.06:32
vu1kanljsoftnet: according to intel.com, no06:33
mark2010firefox with most "flash" goes to a standstill06:33
ubuntu__Blackguard, you're welcome06:33
alesanblakkheim, he's only cursing in Italian, it would not make sense to translate to english06:33
ljsoftnetvu1kan ok06:33
stercorwhat's the pkg with gcc?06:33
Digital_1I would love to tell Mark S. to not worry about making new fonts and to concentrate on fixing sound instead.06:34
alesanok I will upgrade to 10.1006:34
blakkheimstercor: build-essential has it06:34
stercorblakkheim: tnx/brb06:34
ActionParsnipstercor: if you install build-essential  you will get it06:35
Digital_1Will things break badly if I revert to an earlier kernel from 10.04 but continue to use 10.10?06:35
johnathanhey guys in trying to install umbuntu and its hunt at the aabout 75 percent mark06:36
johnathanto realy to get help really ill try agin06:36
Digital_1Did it hang in 10.04?06:36
bullgard4'/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35$ tar -xvf linux-source-2.6.35.tar' prints a lot of messages such as: "tar: linux-source-2.6.35/ubuntu/iscsitarget/compat.h: Cannot execute open: File exists." I do not understand these messages because I did not instruct to open a file. What do mean these messages?06:36
ljsoftnetvu1kan dude do you know Sysinfo software?06:36
vu1kanljsoftnet: <sudo apt-get install hardinfo>06:37
vu1kanhardinfo should give you all the information you'd need06:37
ActionParsnipjohnathan: run: ps -ef | less    you can now see a snapshot of processes and can see what's happening06:37
ActionParsnipbullgard4: the filenames are already there, you may need an extra option on tar to overwrite the files with the ones from the tarball06:38
ljsoftnetvu1kan if hardinfo list my graphics card, is it telling me that it is in use and with a driver?06:38
john38Anybody here know how to show Trash on Desktop06:39
vu1kanljsoftnet: i think so, but i'm not sure...my graphics are onboard(ugh), so i've never had to install a driver for them06:40
john38Anybody here know how to show Trash on Desktop06:40
UbuntuNoobhi what is the terminal line to edit grub 206:41
john38Anybody here know how to show Trash on Desktop06:42
replicasexjohn38, if you download ubuntu tweak I think there's an option to show it.06:42
xangua!repeat | john3806:42
xanguagoogle knows http://linux.about.com/od/ubuntu_doc/a/ubudg10t16.htm06:42
ubottujohn38: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:42
Dr_Willisjohn38:  its a gnome setting, you can set with gconf editor/tools or use Ubuntu-tweak06:42
Dr_Willisi perfer a trashcan in the panel..06:43
replicasexjohn38, Ubuntu tweak is really worth downloading lemme link you06:43
replicasexjohn38, http://ubuntu-tweak.com/ there you go06:43
UbuN2john38,  ===>> http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/add-the-trash-can-icon-to-your-ubuntu-desktop/06:43
tamirhow to use yahoo messenger in ubuntu 10.0406:43
DaremonaiHello, I'm trying to update ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10, I'm getting the following error: An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade:E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages. - cat of /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514308/06:44
xanguatamir: you can use it with empathy, pidgin, kopete, gyachi, etc06:44
tamirgyachi ??06:44
tamirneed web cam ...06:45
UbuntuNoobonce i update grub, how do i update it?06:45
UbuntuNoobfrom terminal06:45
vu1kantamir: through wine you can get some of y!'s features running06:45
vu1kanidk if the voice/cam work that way tho06:45
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tamiryahoo with wine?06:46
tamir<vu1kan>itis installed correctly.but not working06:46
Dr_WillisUbuntuNoob: sudo apt-get update-grub06:47
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john38Whats the diffrence between 10.04 lucid and 10.10 maverick meerkat06:47
Dr_Willistamir:  i dont think yahoo's own client works with wine. There may be alternative IM clients that support yahoo that Might have the features yiou need.06:47
vu1kantamir: i was trying the same thing a few months ago; i wound up abandoning y! through wine and setting up virtualbox with an xp guest to be able to use voice/cam06:48
Dr_Willisjohn38:  updated packages for the most part. a few new features.06:48
replicasexDoesn't empathy support vid now?06:48
UbuntuNoobthanks Dr_Willis06:48
Daremonaijohn38: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MaverickMeerkat/ReleaseNotes#Ubuntu%20Desktop%20Edition06:48
coz_isnt there  a  ymessenger package/06:49
Digital_1Seems the 2.5.35 kernel has brought along its share of problems judging from the forums.06:49
Digital_12.6.35 rather06:49
Dr_Willistheres proberly a dozen IM clients that can do 'text'  emssaging witn YM  - no idea on voice/video chatting.06:49
replicasexDigital_1, for me it was the new xorg :\06:49
vu1kancoz_: it's woefully outdated06:49
replicasexDigital_1, it hates my nvidia card apparently.06:50
coz_vu1kan,  ah  ok  I never used it06:50
Digital_1What card?06:50
the1994replicasex, what's it do?06:50
vu1kanYMSG proto 6...they're onto like 11 now06:50
replicasexthe1994, it froze up my system a lot whenever I did anything randomly intensive.06:50
replicasexand uh .. lemme check which card06:50
Daremonaito fix my problem, should I apt-get remmove all of these packages in the 'obsolete' part?06:51
the1994like only graphics intensive stuff lags really bad?06:51
replicasexthe1994, yup06:51
john38hey everytime i reduce a window it disappears06:51
the1994it is rather annoying06:51
the1994doesn't happen too often06:51
john38where'd it go06:51
replicasexi have a fairly nice card, dunno the model exactly06:51
the1994i have 9800gtx+, rather old..06:51
replicasexthe1994, it always happened with banshee and pocasts for me.06:51
the1994happens to me while playing runescape (lol)06:52
replicasexI have a geforce gtx 260 or something06:52
the1994yeah that is pretty good06:52
the1994a lot better than mine06:52
ActionParsnipthe1994: not a bad card at all06:53
SoulShadow9800 GTX is comparable tot he 250GTS06:53
SoulShadowGTS 250 *06:53
replicasexI had to go back to 10.0406:53
the1994i know it isn't bad..it was really good for the price06:53
ActionParsnipjohn38: right click panel -> add item -> windows list06:53
SoulShadowwhen i say 'comparable'06:53
replicasexBut hey, that's what LTSs are for right?06:53
SoulShadowi mean 'exact same'06:53
the1994idk what i would use a better one for really..don't play games in windows anymore06:54
mark2010any help with firefox and gtk-gnash. gtk-gnash slows the system to a crawl.06:54
ActionParsnipthe1994: if you don't game then it's more than you'll ever need06:54
the1994yeah, i'd rather upgrade processor :P06:54
replicasexActionParsnip, never say never :)06:54
the1994although..no need atm06:54
john38ActionParsnip, wheww thanks06:54
SoulShadowif OpenCL takes off, then you'll want a good graphics card too :p06:55
the1994core i7 920 is nice :P06:55
ActionParsnipreplicasex: i said 'ever' ;)  gives me a getout clause06:55
replicasexthe1994, I have an i7950 :P06:55
SoulShadowthen again, openCL, or some deriviative is the future06:55
the1994i need a cpu cooler so i can overclock more haha06:55
ugliefroghow can i get the indicator applet to reflect when i have new mail06:56
ActionParsnipjohn38: the apps werent dying, just not shown. You could swap between them with ALT+TAB ;)06:56
the1994what is 950 stock speed?06:56
Silicium01I'm planning to buy a laptop and will run Linux on it. I wanted to install Linux on a connected esata drive so that I dont mess with the os that it comes with in case it has some incompatible hardware and I have to return it. So my question is: Is esata just as fast as internal sata drives?06:56
nickolausHas any noticed that vista is prone to self destructing when it's dual booted with a linux distro?06:56
shaiHi :) If I already have an SSH tunnel open, and I now need to have a tunnel created, can I do this without closing the current connection? If yes, how?06:56
Digital_1nickolaus:  no06:56
ActionParsnipthe1994: ask in ##hardware06:56
SoulShadownickolaus: gotta do them right06:56
Digital_1I ran them side by side for years06:56
SoulShadowwindows then ubuntu06:56
nickolausof course06:56
the1994if i have to join another channel i might as well look it up online lol06:56
Adman65hey guys, how can I enable my network card? When I do lshw -C network i see it's disable06:57
ActionParsnipnickolaus: install vista to a portion of the space, leave space unpartitioned, then tell ubuntu to install to the space06:57
john38the1994, i believe its 3.0ghz06:57
john38the1994, maybe 2.8ghz06:57
the1994prob 2.8 or 2.93 or something like that06:57
venilsuryaCan someone help me with Unetbootin?06:57
nickolaussoulshadow the issue is that windows vista seems to be very prone to stop working when I dual boot it with unbuntu or kubuntu06:58
ActionParsnipvenilsurya: ask away06:58
Digital_1nickolaus:  stop working how?06:58
nickolausI mean, I have't had an install of vista last more that 15-30 boots before it because unusable06:58
Digital_1like won't boot?06:58
SoulShadownickolaus: a better question is whyt he hell do you have vista?06:59
venilsuryaActionParsnip: I've put puppylinux on a USB drive using Unetbootin. When I restart the computer (with the USB in), a screen appears with default and puppy06:59
nickolausDigital_1 windows fails to load06:59
venilsuryaActionParsnip: If I click Enter, nothing happens06:59
Silicium01Does anyone have an answer to my question?06:59
ActionParsnipvenilsurya: i'd ask in #puppylinux06:59
venilsuryaActionParsnip: Thanks06:59
john38the1994, 945 is 3.0 955 is 3.207:00
Daremonaican I do a dist-upgrade but use the cd rather than the internet?07:00
john38the1994, you mean quad core?07:00
Daremonai(the alternate disk for 10.10)07:00
shaiHi :) If I already have an SSH tunnel open, and I now need to have a tunnel created, can I do this without closing the current connection? If yes, how?07:00
ActionParsnipDaremonai: sure, use the alternate ISO07:00
nickolaussoulshadow brother's old install crashed then reminded me of all the hell vista put me through and was wondering if anyone had an idea. I did a little googling but came up with more answers than I could make sense of.07:00
john38i got the phenom II X4 95507:00
SoulShadowi've never had that issue with dualbooting07:01
the1994i haven't kept up on amd processors in a while :P so i have no clue what that is haha07:01
DaremonaiActionParsnip, yes I know, but if i use the cdromupgrade aproach, but it's crashing, i was wondering if i can do: apt-get dist-upgrade but using the cd in the sources.list r smth07:01
Digital_1nickolaus:  Were you able to boot it in safe mode?07:02
Digital_1I think in safe mode you can watch the drivers load and see what's failing.07:02
ActionParsnipDaremonai: you can add the CD as a repo in software centre07:02
FlannelDaremonai: Yeah.  Add the CD to your sources (using apt-cdrom add) and then go through the regular upgrade process.07:02
FlannelDaremonai: (or the software center, yeah)07:02
john38the1994, theres a six-core now amd and intel amd is 3.2ghz for $269 intel is like $99907:03
Adman65i have the six core amd07:03
the1994yeah but i think the intel one destroys it07:03
the1994for a price..07:03
blakkheimsome of intel's quad cores beat amd's six cores.. :/07:03
john38the1994, im sure there isnt much considerable diffrence07:03
nickolausdigital_1 no,  doesn't get that far07:03
the1994i think there is between amd 6 core and intel 6 core07:04
john38i bet the intel heats up like hell $600 more07:04
the1994fastest single processor you can buy :P07:05
the1994i think07:05
Digital_1nickolaus that's odd.  Like I said I had no problem dual booting for years.  Vista hasn't changed, so maybe newer versions of grub aren't playing nicely for some reason.07:05
Daremonaihow can you check which packages have unmet dependencies?07:05
john38this is the thing when i download Ubuntu and burn it to disk it wont boot when i start computer07:06
_BeastIs there a stable version of steams Counter Strike that you can run on ubuntu ?07:06
john38you need one of those specialized alternate cds07:06
evilRobotSquidIs there a specific channel for Ubuntu Netbook Edition?07:06
Asthar I have a Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) and I can't enable visual effect, could anyone help please07:07
Daremonaiok,   libdrm-nouveau1: Breaks: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau (< 1:0.0.16) but 1:0.0.15+git20100219+9b4118d-0ubuntu5 is to be installed07:07
the1994Asthar, can that even handle visual effects?07:08
john38Asthar, you mean normal effects are enabled be default?07:08
mark2010join/ #firefox07:08
Astharthe1994 I was able to use them a few minutes ago but i added the compiz ppa and updated to the latest version, thats when i got the issue07:09
john38Asthar, is it ati or nvidia07:09
the1994john38, it's intel07:09
coz_I think you mean   /join #firefox07:09
Astharnone of those, it is an integrated intel Graphic card, I purged all the dependencies and packages fromcompiz and reinstalled them, but when I try to enable the Normal desktop effects, nothing happens07:10
UbuntuNoobhi after i change the grub for bootup because my chipset needs to have a special line of code added to grub to boot, for some reason the changes will not save for next boot i.e. i have to edit the grub on boot instead of it saving my changes t the boot code. how can i make those changes permanent?07:10
john38Asthar, just disable compiz07:10
Daremonaiok just did sudo apt-get --purge remove xserver-xorg-video-nouveau, and now i can proceed..07:10
soreauDO NOT USE ANY COMPIZ PPA REPO!!!! it WILL break your working compiz installation07:10
AstharI mean, the radio button appears selected, but the effects don't work, and when I go back to the appearance and check the visual effects the NONE is selected again....07:11
Astharyeah soreau that's what I noticed, but how do I restore my old visual settings?07:11
danamarianHi, I have an issue with my Broadcom BCM4312 in my Laptop. I can access the web whenever I'm plugged in the power outlet but I lose connectivity once I unplug and switch to battery.07:11
china how do BT4  play mp3??07:11
soreauAsthar: Ask in #compiz07:11
AstharI found in the forum that I had to remove and reinstall compiz an that's what I did but i couldn't07:11
AstharOK let me check07:12
PhoenixartHi, I've just bought a netbook Acer one. When I boot from the usb key I receive this msg: "decompilation or disassembly prohibited"07:12
john38Asthar, do you remember which packages dependencies you installed then remove them07:12
gurphi for some reason, my wireless network card isnt working and it says there are new driver updates for it, and every time i try to install them, i get some error and it wont install the driver updates. basically, i cant connect to wireless networks because my wireless network card wont work. how can i fix this?07:12
Phoenixartanyone knows if is there some chance left to install ubuntu netbook on it?07:12
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softcoderloving maverick 64 bit so far07:13
Astharjohn yes i do remember hang on07:13
softcoderany way to see a consoel type output when the software center is stlatting packages?07:13
softcoderanyone know?07:14
softcoderseems like even when i double click a deb file it pops into software center and i never see a verbose output of what its doing07:14
softcoderis it possible to enable that?07:15
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bullgard4ActionParsnip: Your answer is so general that it is useless. Please specify exactly what option do you refer to.07:15
Digital_1softcoder:  Couldn't you just apt-get install debi and use that?07:16
Digital_1otherwise I don't know of a way to see the text output07:16
softcoderi don't know.. been using ubuntu for about 2 years and in the past when i double lcick the deb i had the option to see the console07:17
evilRobotSquidWhoever was talking about having to change grub every single time, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2#/etc/grub.d/%20%28folder%2907:17
softcodernow i see no such thing07:17
evilRobotSquidI haven't messed around with grub2, but I think you'd have to edit the custom file in /etc/grub.d07:17
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evilRobotSquidHas anyone else had trouble getting Gwibber to update Google Buzz?07:18
Digital_1Gwibber is in a horrible state07:18
Digital_1It took hours to figure out how to get it into facebook07:18
Adman65hmm why is hardware disabled in lshw?07:19
UbuntuNoobwhat is a good program to tweak with the effects like 3d desktop and windows that shake when they move etc07:19
bullgard4!enter | Digital_107:19
ubottuDigital_1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:19
softcoderUbuntuNoob, compiz07:19
Digital_1ubottu you're just a bot.07:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:20
softcoderbeware though07:20
softcodercompiz is known to cause many 3d based games to have very poor performance07:20
snowrichardi'm downloading 10.10 amd64 as i speak -- i have a new 6 core phenom, and wanted to use the latest virtualbox, big FAIL with gentoo...07:21
Digital_1Turn compiz off before playing 3d games07:21
softcodersnowrichard, I am using it now with virtualbox07:21
softcoderAND loving it07:21
bytesaberthis docs says to install sun-java6-jre.   but apt can't find it.   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ps3MediaServer07:21
UbuntuNoobsoftcoder: it says i already have it installed, where would it be?07:21
softcoderi upgrade from 9.10 32 bit to 10.10 6407:21
bytesaberknow what i should use for a jre?07:21
evilRobotSquidDigital_1: Lots of problems with Gwibber?  Do you think they'll be fixed soon?07:21
phaedraUbuntuNoob, compizconfig-settings-manager is what you're looking for I think07:21
soreausoftcoder: Compiz is known to be a great compositing window manager. The graphics driver is where performance fails07:22
softcoderUbuntuNoob, system->pref->appearance07:22
UbuntuNoobphaedra: thanks07:22
Digital_1evilRobotSquid:  No idea.  Although the facebook one (which is the most popular of all social sites) was broken back in August and is still borked today.07:22
phaedraUbuntuNoob, np07:22
evilRobotSquidDigital_1: Oooh, that's not a good sign.  I remember using Gwibber back when Maverick was in beta.  Was a CPU killer07:22
digitalstimulushello all, any mythtv (specifically mythvideo) gurus around?  or is there a myth channel?07:23
ibrahim-kasemI have an hp p1005 printer, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't!! its a hardware problem because it works with windows.07:23
snowrichardibrahim-kasem, perhaps you mean you suspect a software problem? since it works in windows, but not linux07:24
UbuntuNoobi used to have some program installed where you could edit effects like making the windows shake when you moved them and being able to drag windows to other desktops and it looks 3d and stuff07:24
ibrahim-kasemsnowrichard: So what should I do regarding this issue please?07:24
Digital_1digitalstimulus:  I don't know of a Myth channel.  What's up with MythVideo?07:25
snowrichardi don't know anything about that particular printer.  I have an hp all in one that works fine linux and windows 707:25
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Digital_1UbuntuNoob:  There was something in the past called Compiz-Settings or somethign like that I remember.07:26
mark2010firefox hangs on pandora.07:26
GryllidaHelp! How do I add new dictionaries to stardict?// It has only man dictionary loaded by default07:26
digitalstimulusDigital_1, I have everything setup with pretty much defaults, I am using the default metadata grabber that uses themoviedb.org for movie information.  It grabs metadata, but the movies I have always show rating: NR instead of the actual rating.  I have used the jamu.py script to update, and it doesn't seem to be updating the ratings either.07:26
Gryllidamark2010: http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Firefox+hangs07:27
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mark2010i'll try it TY07:27
girishi need a favour rom u07:28
girishi need a favour from u07:28
Digital_1digitalstimulus:  Sorry- you know wayyyy more about that than I.  I just muddle with KnoppMyth from time to time and don't do much with MythVideo.  I'm afraid I can't offer any help.07:28
ActionParsnipgirish: ask away07:28
girishhow to use libcurl in C07:29
the1994cool, the random graphics lag again in 10.10 -.-07:29
ActionParsnipgirish: you'd be better asking in #c ,that also isn't a favour07:29
digitalstimulusDigital_1, yea, I figured it was a pretty advanced question.  By the way, there is a mythtv channel for future reference #mythtv-users07:29
tedgeHi, how can you add icons to the main menubar (like Firefox & Help)? I've googled, but all I can find are instructions for modifying the Applications & System menus, not the menu bar itself.07:29
tavishgirish: read the documentation, and google search, or ##c. this is ubuntu support channel07:30
UbuntuNoobhi sorry i needed a restart anyways does anyone know what that application was?07:30
Digital_1digitalstimulus:  Thanks.  I'll remember that.07:30
ActionParsniptedge: right click the item in the menu and select "add to panel"07:30
ljsoftnettedge go to System>Preferences>Main menu07:30
ActionParsnipgirish: type: /join #c07:30
tavishUbuntuNoob: compiz-config-manager?07:30
gurpreetdigital_1 ccsm to edit the settings of compiz07:30
ljsoftnettedge may bad follow ActionParsnip07:31
airtonixtedge, you tried everything? i doubt it. you didnt right click the menu07:31
tavishUbuntuNoob: sorry, compiz-config-settings-manager07:31
xanguatedge: tried just to grab them from the menu¿07:31
ActionParsnipljsoftnet: you can right click the menu and select edit menu also, or just run alacarte07:31
* RobotCow is away: I'm busy07:32
airtonix!away > RobotCow07:32
ubottuRobotCow, please see my private message07:32
ActionParsniptavish: no hyphen between compiz and config dude07:32
girish /join #c07:32
girish /join #c07:32
Digital_1So what ever happened to OneConf?  Did it not get pushed out of the 10.10 release?  I couldn't get it to work at all.07:32
girishjoin #c07:33
DarkflareMorning all, is there a method where I can run ubuntu as my host operating system and then run windows apps too (not wine as lightroom 3 has limited/support) What im talking about is something like parrells or the thing that macs have07:33
Dr_Willisgirish:  no space at the front of irc commands...07:33
tavishUbuntuNoob: sorry, program name is actually ccsm07:33
girish /join#c07:33
tavishActionParsnip: sorry :P07:33
soreaugirish: /j ##c07:33
airtonixDarkflare, virtualbox07:33
girish /join ##c07:34
soreaugirish: No space before /07:34
the1994lol, girish type what i have in the quotes exactly.."/join #c"07:34
Digital_1It's the thing where you can inventory all your installed software and record it in Ubuntuone and have it re-download it automatically after a reformat or installing on a new PC.07:34
ljsoftnetwhich is better Sysinfo or Hardinfo?07:34
airtonixDarkflare, virtualbox07:34
ActionParsnipgirish: /join #c ,you can most likely click the channel name, most clients support that07:34
Dr_Willisljsoftnet:  why not use them both?07:34
the1994yes, virtualbox..07:34
rwwps, it's actually ##c07:34
soreaugirish: If you can't get irc syntax right, there's no hope for you and C07:34
Digital_1Oh snap!07:34
airtonixrww, ssh let the hilarity continue07:35
rwwsoreau: not true. I learned C before I learned IRC syntax ;P07:35
Darkflareairtonix does virtualbox allow sharing folders07:35
airtonixDarkflare, yes07:35
girish /join #c07:35
ActionParsnipDarkflare: you can run virtualbox in seamless mode but you will be running both OSes simultaneously which is a huge bloat07:35
soreaurww: There's no hope for you07:35
Dr_Willisgirish:  once again.. theres NO space befor the /07:35
ActionParsnipDarkflare: you can access folders on the host07:35
soreau ! ops | girish07:36
ubottugirish: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!07:36
Darkflarethats not too bad ActionParsnip, Ive got 4 gig of ram, and Im not a big gamer, the only reason I want windows is for Lightroom 3, the rest is basically web browsing and exclipse07:36
the1994rww, at least you were able to learn irc commands07:36
Digital_1Oh apparently ANOTHER king in Nigeria needs my help in cashing his check.07:36
ActionParsnipDarkflare: should be ok then but it will more than likely crawl07:36
rwwsoreau: hmm?07:36
the1994Darkflare, what kind of processor do you have?07:37
ActionParsnipDarkflare: is there no open alternative?07:37
girishmessage : Joining #c requires an invitation07:37
soreaurwat: Do you need me to type it in capital letters?07:37
Digital_1Anyone know of a good spam filter for Evolution?07:37
Dr_Willisgirish:  you sure its not saying you need a 'registered nick' ?07:37
Darkflareintel core 2 duo07:37
shiftingcontroli burnt .iso file in dvd when i tried to boot system from dvd it din't wrk,soltn fr dis ?07:37
rwwsoreau: No, I'm not sure where in the scrollback you see a channel emergency.07:37
Darkflare2.66 ghz07:37
Dr_Willisgirish:  so register your nick.07:37
ActionParsnipgirish: I joined so if you register your nick you should be ok07:37
soreaurww: Do you need me to type it in capital letters?07:37
UbuntuNoobtavish: we have a winrar thank you07:37
Darkflareits fairly old now, but doesn the job07:38
Dr_Willis!register > girish07:38
ubottugirish, please see my private message07:38
the1994core 2 duo with 4gb ram..it will probably be usable, but not excessively fun07:38
tavishUbuntuNoob: ok, but i didn't understand07:38
ActionParsnipDarkflare: its more power than all my systems, including the video cards have combined07:38
airtonixDarkflare, you'll be fine.07:38
DarkflareHmm, is there a prefered version of windows to run? ie 32/64 or a streamlined version?07:38
tedgethanks ActionParsnip! Any idea how to do a right-click on a Mac+VirtualBox (holding down Ctrl usually works, but not in this case)?07:38
UbuntuNoobtavish: that was a thank you lol you won the who can help me contest07:38
mark2010Gryllida: TY. i looked at that, but it seems my sitch has to do with the gtk-gnash taking all my processor time. Ubuntu 10.10 and FF 3.6.1007:38
Darkflareha! ActionParnsip thats terrific, but why have power when you have skill :P07:39
airtonixDarkflare, you'll still have cpu and ram room to play fove hd movies at once07:39
Gryllidamark2010: i am same versions07:39
ActionParsnipDarkflare: if your cpu supports 64bit guests and your app benefits from it then go buy a 64bit licence and installation media07:39
airtonixtedge, macintosh is not supported here07:39
Darkflareairtonix... what reason.. other than suspicious reasons.. would you want to play five hd movies at once...07:39
the1994airtonix, that means i could play like 10 at once07:39
the1994but..i don't really watch movies07:39
airtonixDarkflare, because its a free world and because i can07:39
Digital_1mac is not supported here?07:39
Gryllidamark2010: when exactly does firefox hang?07:39
Digital_1There is not a mac genious among us?07:40
mark2010Gryllida: on Pandora07:40
the1994i used to have macs07:40
airtonixDigital_1, there would be if you went to the right channel07:40
DarkflareActionParsnip, you mean a 64 lic of windows 7? or of virtual box? I thought vb was free?07:40
the1994but i didn't exactly use ubuntu with them07:40
GryllidaDigital_1: ubuntu can run on powerpc plarform, too!07:40
shiftingcontroly doesn't iso file don't boot in livecd format07:40
ActionParsniptedge: I have no idea. The whole notion of mac not having right click is hilarious to me. I guess it limits choice like their OS07:40
Digital_1I always thought a Mac Genious was an oxymoron.07:40
Gryllidamark2010, what's pandora?07:40
the1994ActionParsnip, it definitely has right click07:40
ActionParsnipDarkflare: yes it is, but windows isnt07:40
DarkflareWooo Mac bashing!07:41
Digital_1If they're simple to operate, why do Apple stores have to fill them with Mac Genius'07:41
GryllidaDigital_1: what are you trying to do?07:41
Dr_WillisI saw new Mac mice that had a button just for teh desktop widgits thang. :)07:41
ActionParsnipthe1994: the mac mice I've seen have one uber button07:41
airtonix!ot | Digital_107:41
ubottuDigital_1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:41
DarkflareYea no wories ActionParnsip, I have a fully legal version of win 7 64, benifit of being a student07:41
mark2010Gryllida: Pandora is an online music streaming site.07:41
the1994ActionParsnip, lift your finger off of left side and click on right side07:41
DarkflareYou can bash Mac as much as you like but they are good at designing user interfaces07:41
the1994have to enable it in settings, most people can't figure that out07:42
airtonixDarkflare, no one is bashing macs.07:42
the1994so they just think you can't right click07:42
Gryllidamark2010: is your flash up to date? www.mozilla.com/plugincheck/07:42
ActionParsnipDarkflare: cool, then make sure the feature needed is enabled in bios and its good to go07:42
girish!register > girish07:42
ubottugirish, please see my private message07:42
Digital_1!ot | airtonix07:42
ubottuairtonix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:42
ActionParsnipthe1994: I don't buy mac, low bang for buck07:42
girish!register > girish07:42
Gryllidaairtonix, lol, thanks07:42
DarkflareThats a shame airtonix07:42
airtonixDarkflare, no its just offtopic here07:43
the1994ActionParsnip, i know..i would only buy one if i was getting a laptop..07:43
DarkflareWhat about a hackintosh ActionParnsip07:43
DarkflareAh sorry airtonix07:43
GryllidaDarkflare: :)07:43
PanglimaKhalidi'v problem = error: The Symbol 'grub_puts_' not found07:43
mark2010Gryllida: i'll check that, but generally Linux based OS's are on their own...07:43
PanglimaKhalidcan i reset mbr??07:43
Jordan_UPanglimaKhalid: Do you have more than one hard drive?07:43
ActionParsnipthe1994: look at the speed you are getting for the price, then find the best non-mac laptop you can find for the price and compare07:44
DarkflareWell thanks for the information guys, Im off, you've been very helpful as always :D07:44
PanglimaKhalidyes and an XP07:44
Jordan_UPanglimaKhalid: Try booting from the other drive (change the boot order in the BIOS).07:44
Gryllidamark2010: try to check for the issue in safe mode. http://support.mozilla.com/en-US/kb/Safe+Mode07:44
ActionParsnipPanglimaKhalid: sure, boot to livecd and you can write grub where you need07:44
Gryllidamark2010: safe modeis to troubleshoot problematic addons and extensions.07:44
shiftingcontrolany body has tried cracking DRM protected movies ?07:44
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?07:44
PanglimaKhalidi'm in live cd now07:44
GryllidaPanglimaKhalid: welcome!07:44
ActionParsnip!ot | shiftingcontrol07:45
Digital_1shiftingcontrol:  Use Handbrake07:45
ubottushiftingcontrol: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:45
the1994ActionParsnip, i don't follow laptops closely or anything, but all pc laptops i have seen are fat with somewhat bad battery life..and made of cheap-looking plastic07:45
OLDIs there a way to make ubuntu look like xfc4 desktop?07:45
UbuntuNoobhow do i learn how to use terminal? like all of the commands07:45
GerwinOLD: Install xubuntu-desktop07:45
GneaOLD: use Xubuntu07:45
ActionParsnipOLD: could install xfce...07:45
Dr_Willis!bash | UbuntuNoob07:45
ubottuUbuntuNoob: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal07:45
Gryllida!xfce | OLD07:45
ubottuOLD: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels07:45
gdbUbuntuNoob: $ cd /usr/bin ; whatis * | less07:45
OLDAh cause on my mini everything work with ubuntu07:46
mark2010Gryllida: assume safe mode in FF ? !07:46
ActionParsnipOLD: if you install xfce4 package, you won't bloat your OS with all the fluff the xubuntu-desktop package comes with07:46
OLDI just tried out debian with xfce4 that was a mistake07:46
Gryllidamark2010: try safe mode as a temp check , yes, for testing07:46
PanglimaKhalidhow can i fix my grub via this live cd ubuntu 9.10?07:46
ActionParsnipOLD: and you can run the gnome apps you have with no issue07:46
OLDsay what ActionParsnip ?07:46
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | PanglimaKhalid07:46
ubottuPanglimaKhalid: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.07:46
tavishubottu: enough tutorials available on the internet for bash07:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:46
PanglimaKhalidive installe 9.10 but update to 10.407:46
OLDSO do I download xbuntu or ubunto07:46
tavishUbuntuNoob: enough tutorials available on the internet for bash07:46
RPG-MasterHey, how do you search for people on IRC?07:46
GryllidaOLD: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:46
Dr_WillisOLD:  yu can install xubuntu desktop over a ubuntu install. or visa-versa..07:47
RPG-MasterLike, what's the "/" command?07:47
OLDokay I need to download and install on usb ubuntu 10.0407:47
GryllidaOLD: log out, then when logging in select xce at the bottom before hitting login button07:47
rwwRPG-Master: search for people by what criterion?07:47
RPG-Masterrww: screen name07:47
gurpreetOLD if you need a lightweight desktop try LXDE07:47
ActionParsnipOLD: install xfce4 in software centre.. gives the xfce desktop. If you install xubuntu-desktop you will have a tonne of apps which will mirror you current ones and will bloat your OS unnecessarily07:47
GryllidaOLD: you don't need to do anything more for that, than to get ubuntu installed07:47
rwwRPG-Master: e.g., everyone with "RPG" in their name? you can't.07:47
PanglimaKhalidso, i can fix grub after resetting MBR?07:47
Dr_WillisLxde/Lubuntu - is getting very well done   - been playing with it all week.07:47
GryllidaOLD: if you are in ubuntu, just run 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop' in terminal, log out, then when logging in select xce at the bottom before hitting login button07:48
OLDDoing fresh install from USB07:48
ActionParsnipOLD: gurpreet : gives a sound advice. LXDE is sweeeeet07:48
Dr_WillisPanglimaKhalid:  grub installs to the MBR. so im not sure what you mean by 'resetting mbr'07:48
RPG-Masterrww: What if I have their exact name?07:48
GryllidaOLD: you do NOT need a fresh reinstall to install xfce07:48
OLDI haven't gotten the USB ready07:48
Dr_WillisRPG-Master:  do /whois NICKNAME07:48
rwwRPG-Master: then why would you need to search for them?07:48
OLDI need to install linux first =p07:48
GryllidaOLD: yes07:48
GryllidaOLD: welcome to linux07:48
ActionParsnipOLD: could install Lubuntu and be done :)07:48
OLDlet me google that07:49
i_is_brokeOLD: i run lxde and i love it.07:49
RPG-MasterDr_Willis: Thanks... turns out he's not on.07:49
PanglimaKhalidi'v XP and now i cant boot in XP but only live cd as i am now...07:49
OLDwill everything work like it does in ubuntu07:49
Dr_WillisLubuntu iso images i noticed are only 32bit.07:49
Dr_WillisUnless i overlooked some 64bit version.07:49
PanglimaKhalidso if i want to boot in XP ive to reset MBR to boot xp only anf ubuntu will disappeared07:49
ActionParsnipOLD: sure, its just lighter. Iso is 520mb and the install is about1.5gb07:49
OLDmini 9 32 bit07:49
bullgard4'/usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35$ tar -xvf linux-source-2.6.35.tar' prints a lot of messages such as: "tar: linux-source-2.6.35/ubuntu/iscsitarget/compat.h: Cannot execute open: File exists." I do not understand these messages because I did not instruct to open a file. What do mean these messages?07:49
Dr_WillisOLD:  the XXXbuntu variants are just different desktops for the most part.07:49
gurpreetold have you thought about making the usb bootable?07:50
ActionParsnipOLD: and default app list07:50
OLDI would use universal usb installer07:50
OLDso what flavor do you recommend?07:51
gurpreetUbuntu any sub distro would do07:51
gurpreeti use lxde at home07:51
OLDI love the xfce4 gui hile ubuntu all hardware worked from install07:51
gurpreetand gdm at work07:51
=== barbara is now known as contessa
OLDI had issues with debian07:52
OLDunless this is wrong site07:52
gurpreetyes it has a steeper learning curve07:52
rwwOLD: It is. Try #debian.07:52
OLDlol I am in debian07:52
mark2010Gryllida: have FF safe mode from terminal have GUI07:52
gdblol then ask in #debian07:53
OLDflash doesn't work so good as it did in ubuntu too07:53
evilRobotSquidLXDE, awesome!  I wish Xubuntu would switch.  Maybe Lubuntu doesn't sound as cool?07:53
OLDI am gonna try lubuntu07:53
i_is_brokeOLD, just install xubuntu and then you can always add lxde to it from the repos07:53
gurpreetyes its awesome07:53
OLDguys are confusing meee lol07:53
disappearedngmy pidgin keeps segfaulting what should I do? use empathy?07:53
evilRobotSquidI think the only thing holding LXDE back is how ugly the default install looks07:53
An_Ony_MooseI just upgraded to maverick and when I logged in, gnome-panel didn't start correctly.07:53
Dr_WillisevilRobotSquid:   Lubuntu looked ok here..07:54
An_Ony_MooseI started it manually and then everything was fine, but why does it fail? :/07:54
mark2010Gryllida: got FF safe...07:55
OLDonly thing about lubuntu I can't torrent it Oo07:55
Dr_WillisOLD:  i got it from torrents the other day i belive07:55
gurpreetOLD just install default ubuntu from the cd whichever you get07:55
shaiWhy is it, when I grep .bash_history I can see the x11vnc commands I'm looking for, but issuing: history | grep x11vnc ; yeilds nowthing? FYI, I changed the HISTSIZE to 9999 and HISTFILESIZE to 9999 as well.07:55
Jordan_UPanglimaKhalid: Before doing anything else try just changing the boot order in your BIOS.07:55
=== AlanChicken is now known as AlanBell
gdbOLD: http://lubuntu.net/tags/lubuntu-100407:55
OLDlubuntu is using LDXE07:56
Dr_WillisOLD:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu    torrent links.07:56
Dr_WillisOLD:  yes. L-ubuntu - LXDE Ubuntu :)07:56
gdbor rather http://tinyurl.com/3xsdg8507:56
OLDso to sy it also saves mre energy and cpu like lxde.org says?07:57
Dr_WillisOLD:  uses less cpu. so that would proberly be true.07:57
ActionParsnipOLD: the desktop exerts less strain on the cpu so it can run slower, using less power07:57
shaiAnd for some reason, when I type 'history' .. it starts from 1015 and not 1 ... why?07:58
Dr_WillisNot like theres any major innovations in power saveing. :)07:58
OLDdr willis07:58
ActionParsnipshai: try: history | head07:58
OLDits for a laptop07:58
OLDdell mini 9" screen07:58
shaiActionParsnip, like I said... now it starts from 101707:58
shaiIt won't start from 107:58
Dr_WillisHistory only rembers a few 1000 lines...07:58
shaiI guess that's why I can see the commands in .bash_history but not in `history`07:59
Dr_Willisyou can set it higher.07:59
shaiFYI, I changed the HISTSIZE to 9999 and HISTFILESIZE to 9999 as well.07:59
ActionParsnipshai: you can delete the $HOME/.bash_history file and it'll be recreated at 107:59
shaiNO! I need it.07:59
shaiThe commands are there...07:59
shaiI just need `history` to actually show them...07:59
gdbshai: $ history 100008:00
gdbshai: this is documented in the history(1) man page08:00
shaiWhat does that do?08:00
shaiit makes no change on what's seen on STDOUT08:00
Dr_WillisTheres also a bash history 'cheetsheet' you can google for that is handy to print out and keep pinned to the wall.08:00
mark2010is anyone having problems logging on to pandora?08:01
ActionParsnip!anyone | mark201008:01
ubottumark2010: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:02
Dr_WillisHistory cheet sheet (url from the paper) -->  http://www.catonmat.net/08:02
mark2010pandora starts loading then stops08:02
ActionParsnipmark2010: does it happen for all users?08:03
shiftingcontrolDigital_1:handbrake can convert DRM protected stuff too ?08:03
shaiDr_Willis, node-lazy? what does that have to do with bash history?08:03
shaiI don't get it...08:03
mark2010yes, both myself and the guest08:03
gurpreetshai check the permissions on your .bash_history08:03
Dr_Willisshai:  Look at the site.. it has  the cheet sheets there..08:03
gurpreetcould be set as unreadable08:03
ActionParsnipmark2010: is your OS a clean install or upgrade?08:04
Dr_Willisat least it used to.. it has other cheat sheets..08:04
gdbshai: $ history 100008:04
gdbshai: Are you having difficulty typing that command?08:04
mark2010ActionParsnip: yes, clean08:04
OLDthanks for torrent soooooo much faster08:04
shaiNo. And I responded to when you first wrote it.08:04
gdbshai: Hopefully typing that command answered your question?08:05
shaiIt does not.08:05
rypervencheI had to purge ibus recently, and when I reinstalled it (I use traditional Chinese) I no longer have "Pinyin" and "Bopomofo" in my list of possible inputs, only Chewing and both Canjies. I just installed Maverick on a VM and it shows that Pinyin and Bopomofo come installed by default. How can I get them both back?08:05
ActionParsnipmark2010: ok that's cool, launch it from a terminal without an ampersand. The output may help08:05
gdbshai: And what question remains?08:05
shaigdb, all it does, is show the first command being 1017 .. instead of 1.08:05
An_Ony_Moosethe select-and-middle-click copying and pasting seems not to work anymore.... I couldn't find anything about it in the release notes. Was it disabled by the upgrade?08:05
gdbYou will never see command 1 again.08:05
gdbThe command list wil start at 17 and go through 1017.08:05
shaiwhy not?08:05
shaiDr_Willis, downloaded it already...08:06
* gdb gives up.08:06
mark2010ActionParsnip: let me re-do my situation. please.08:06
shaigdb, $ cat .bash_history | wc -l08:06
shaiWhy won't I be able to have `history` show all 2000 ?08:06
OLDchromium > firefox08:06
ActionParsnipgdb: then after another command, 18 to 1018?08:06
OLDtil firefox fixes its bloatedness08:06
ActionParsnipOLD: damn right!08:06
the1994OLD, i agree08:06
OLDman I use to use FF in the old days man it was good08:07
OLDbefore IE had tabs08:07
=== girish is now known as girish211
the1994well..ie is a joke08:07
OLDnow FF and IE are buddies08:07
the1994ie9 isn't quite as bad08:07
GerwinI stumbled upon a non-bloated version of FireFox a few weeks ago, I forgot it's name already though08:07
ActionParsnipOLD: its a little OT here, this is support only dude08:07
shiftingcontrolwherecan i find ppa overview page08:07
GerwinAlthough I'm quite sure it started with an M :x08:07
OLDoh I actually just tried searching #ubuntu on mibbit and freenode08:07
ActionParsnipGerwin: swiftfox or kazenchase are stripped foxes08:08
OLDthere should be a /topic for this haha08:08
ActionParsnipOLD: arora is good too08:08
evilRobotSquidMade a link in my Ubuntu One folder to my pictures folder.  Can't tell if it's not working, or Ubuntu One is just freaking out.  Anyone else done it?08:08
ActionParsniptiox: ask away08:08
GerwinActionParsnip: Wasn't one of those ;)08:08
mark2010ActionParsnip: while in FF and going to Pandora, or Youtube or any video/audio, i hang with gtk-gnash taking up all the CPU cycles08:08
tioxI jacked into a HDMI video signal and I lost the ability to use themes on gnome-panels.08:08
the1994mark2010, use chrome :P08:08
ActionParsnipmark2010: how about with adobe's flash?08:09
OLDkinda looks like iceweasel08:09
OLDmark2010 use chromium08:09
ActionParsnipOLD: I use that and chromium-daily build08:09
the1994unstable builds are fun08:09
jebadiaok guys im a total noob to linus any chance i can get a corse on where to put a jar after its downloaded i just want to installa program real wuick08:09
the1994well.."unstable", i haven't had any problems08:10
OLDquestion when I get up and do apt-get install chromium-browser does it auto update?08:10
OLDor notify or w/e08:10
the1994isn't it just like any other package08:10
the1994the update manager thing will check08:10
ActionParsnipOLD: yes the repo will be polled, if a new version is available you will be offered it08:10
* tiox thinks jebadia sounds like a noob in typing, and suggests him to look in either Synaptic Package Manager or UBuntu Software Manager first for the program08:10
mark2010i'll try...chrome ... i honestly dont know if flash is installed properly...looking for direction on this...LOL08:10
psycho23Offtopic discussion!  It's about North American Holocaust-like in the near future.  http://tiny.cc/wrgkk is my forums topic and then #off-topic for discussion.08:10
OLDmark chromium08:10
OLDthere is a difference08:11
OLDchromium is open source08:11
rypervencheYeah, I use Chromium too now.08:11
ActionParsnipjebadia: you don't have to put it anywhere. Just run: java /path/to/filename.jar08:11
the1994how different are the two?08:11
rypervenche99.9% the same.08:11
=== TermanaN900_ is now known as TermanaN900
the1994that's what i thought08:11
ActionParsnipOLD: ubuntu has an autoupdate tool but if you apt-get and stuff it will do the same08:11
mark2010ActionParsnip: do i need to remove the gnash?08:11
rypervencheI had to purge ibus recently, and when I reinstalled it (I use traditional Chinese) I no longer have "Pinyin" and "Bopomofo" in my list of possible inputs, only Chewing and both Canjies. I just installed Maverick on a VM and it shows that Pinyin and Bopomofo come installed by default. How can I get them both back?08:12
shaigdb Dr_Willis, I made it work... all it was, was that I set the variables in .bash_profile instead of .bashrc where there, were other settings for the same variables (HISTSIZE=1000 and HISTFILESIZE=2000) and that's why it only showed the last 1000 commands....08:12
ActionParsnipOLD: chromium is the code which chrome is based on08:12
ActionParsnipmark2010: yes or it will conflict08:12
shaigdb, now when I type bash 9999 ; it shows ALL the commands I have in .bash_history08:12
the1994ActionParsnip, where do you get chromium daily build?08:12
ActionParsnipthe1994: the daily build ppa08:12
OLDChromium is the bleeding edge and is the actua browser08:12
OLDChrome is rebranded and made public safe08:12
ActionParsnipOLD: chrome is just stable and has the google tracker stuff in it08:13
mark2010ActionParsnip: TY, then just Chrome?08:13
OLDyou mean that google update08:13
OLDI hate that it slike installing any apple sfotware except it doesn't bug you08:13
ActionParsnipOLD: no the browser has an ip so they know where YOU have been08:14
ActionParsnipmark2010: any browser08:14
OLDah yes08:14
Gryllidamark2010: does it happen in safemode?08:14
OLDbut it does have a searate rocess that aut starts on windows google update08:14
Gryllidamark2010: sorry for the late reply08:14
GryllidaOLD: with?08:14
OLDmark2010 I reocmmend CHromium08:14
Gryllidaoldmeng: with?08:14
ActionParsnipoldmeng: wassup?08:14
OLDalso mark2010 did you install the extra?08:14
SenjiHi can anyone tell me if ubuntu is available as VM image so i can plug it directly into VirtualBox08:15
Senjiwithout having to install it in it?08:15
ActionParsnipSenji: you can install ubuntu to a virtualbox system yourself...08:16
tioxI need help. I used an HDMI cable for video, video works, no sound, but the big, glaring issue is the lack of a theme.08:16
SenjiActionParsnip i know that08:16
jebadiai got it to work thanks08:16
tioxWhy it happened, I'm unsure. What I want to do is bring things back to normal here.08:16
rypervenchemark2010: Open a terminal and type "sudo add-apt-repository ppa:chromium-daily/stable" then enter your password. Afterward type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" and you're all set.08:16
OLDSenji you should be able tp boot it inot a VM you make08:16
mark2010yikes.. getting confused now... please wait a minute08:17
OLDSenji what virtual box program do you use?08:17
ActionParsnipSenji: there may be torrents or files on fileshack et al. Smacks too much of microsoft to me08:17
mark2010stand by please08:17
SenjiVirtualBox by oracle08:17
Digital_1You can get the latest chrome from the Software Center I thought.08:17
OLDSenji if you mean to install it in virtualbox its jus boot it up in the cd on it and install it like normal but in vb08:17
Digital_1both stable and unstable08:17
=== StratDaddy is now known as Skydog
Senjiyeah old i've done that with other oses08:17
Gryllidabadusha: hello there!08:17
xckpd7question guys: I have a server at work I want to access, and I have the id_dsa and id_dsa.pub: what do I do with that file to be able to use the server?08:17
OLDYea sneji download the ubuntu iso you want, hit new in VB name it ubuntu select drop down..leave 8gb08:17
Senjiah i see08:18
OLDthan hit ettings, storage cd disk > select the iso08:18
thomasfustonAloha, i got a problem with 10.10, from time to time without any reason the left mouse button stop working, on my usual mouse and on my grafik tablet, any idea why ?08:18
=== Skydog is now known as skyleaper
ActionParsnipSenji: so you want someone to make youan OS you can just use the image and it works. The apps in the image will alsop be predecided for you, yet you want to use an OS which emphasises freedom and choice?08:18
OLDaction the file in the torrent is broken =(08:18
SenjiActionParsnip Ubuntu already has defoult install08:18
Senjiso don't gime me that08:18
tedgeSenji: are you having trouble with the installation or just in a hurry?08:18
ActionParsnipSenji: is this intentionally trying to be ironic?08:18
ActionParsnipSenji: not necessarily, you can use minimal08:19
OLDso if you installed it in the vb08:19
mark2010Gryllida: Yes... The culprit is gtk-gnash...let me try these other solutions. Thanks.08:19
OLDboot from it08:19
RudyValenciaDoes running dpkg-reconfigure on the linux-image package you install allow you to optimize it like you can choose to do in the installer?08:19
ashvalaHey small help from you all,08:19
RudyValencia!ask | ashvala08:19
ubottuashvala: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:19
ActionParsnipashvala: sup?08:19
ashvalaI am on Ubuntu Lucid, After installing the graphics driver for my NVidia card, I cannot go to TTY mode with out crashing X.08:20
ActionParsnipSenji: you can boot to the ubuntu iso, its an image and will give you an OS08:20
plasmasolutionsHit here, I've got a problem with my different terminals (ALT+Fx): Since a long time, I'm running with the proprietary nvidia drivers...and never got any other console working (they look totally cluttered) except the alt f7...is there a solution for this?08:20
Senjiyeah yeah ActionParsnip08:20
ActionParsnipSenji: compatible with virtualbox too08:20
Dr_Willisashvala:  whats your video card?08:20
Senjii guess i'll have to download the iso and install it myself, am downloading it now08:20
dpac_Guys, I want to know how I can copy multiple files with same name and have them autorenamed? For eg, find ./ -name "file.txt" -exec cp {} ./ ; How do I make it so that if it finds second file it renames it to file2.txt instead of overwriting.08:21
Senjii'm pretty sure either ubuntu or another of the latest distros had a download a vm image option08:21
ashvalaDr_Willis: NVidia 7200GS08:21
rypervencheHow can I get "Pinyin" and "Bopomofo" to show up in my ibus IME again? I had to purge ibus and reinstall it, and now they are not there. I use Bopomofo normally.08:21
ashvalaplasmasolutions: Bingo, same issue08:21
ActionParsnipSenji: if you mount the iso instead of burning, the install will be superuick. Like installing win98 from a directory on the drive instead of slow ass cd08:21
biebern00b question here: I have a TV tuner that sends its audio through the line-in jack on my sound card (with a physical cable), and since updating to 10.10 it's not playing through the speakers any more, and I can't figure out how to get it to08:21
SenjiActionParsnip yep08:22
bieberIt captures fine through sound-recorder or whatever, but I want to play it through the speakers08:22
RudyValenciabieber: are you related to Justin Bieber?08:22
Senjidoubt it08:22
OLDSenji I think we just dont understand the need for a premade VM of ubuntu (or linux) in general08:22
Digital_1omg it's Justin Bieber!08:22
* RudyValencia puts Xubuntu on his lappy08:22
SenjiOLD it's like a live cd in that you just switch it on and it works08:23
Senjibut it's installed08:23
Senjii think there's a very small cross section of users and users who would want that kind of think08:23
Senjilike verry small08:23
RudyValenciabtw, bieber: there should be a 'mute' button in the mixer for the line-in jack, unmute it08:23
bieberHaha, no, we just got the same last name08:23
plasmasolutionsashvala: Feeling a little less luckier now that we are two :)08:24
OLDI mean I did that today at work08:24
shiftingcontrolhave any one used free2me here ?08:24
gurpreeti want to learn perl08:24
OLDistall only took like few minutes really don't know cause I was alt tabbing to work lol08:24
bieberOn the Input tab in the mixer it's unmuted (and showing levels), but there's no line-in option on the output tab08:24
Dr_Willisgurpreet:  and whats stopping you?08:24
gurpreetsomeone please tell me a good book to read it08:24
rypervencheHow can I get "Pinyin" and "Bopomofo" to show up in my ibus IME again? I had to purge ibus and reinstall it, and now they are not there. I use Bopomofo normally. My $LANG is zh_TW.utf808:24
mark2010rypervenche: TY i just did this and i'll try it ... thanks everyone for your help, i just got a little overwhelmed!08:25
Dr_Willisgurpreet:  theres proberly dozens of them aviliable online for free. check the perl homepage? also check delicious.com for what people have tagged as perl tutorials, perhaps.08:25
ejvdpac_: i recommend you provide a thorough example, of a "before" state, and an "after" state, for the batch rename script you want. use pastebin and then share it with us the channel.08:25
remo-chcould you help me in this please: i installed on my netbook ubuntu 10.10 x64 and modified it to the netbook remix version and it worked fine. then i installed apart the easypeasy 1.6 of ubuntu. now when i boot i can just choose the easypeasy and the ubuntu 10.10 doesn't appear, although it's installed :(08:25
rypervenchemark2010: No problem. Oh once you do what I said, you will need to actually install the browser using "sudo apt-get install chromium-browser"08:25
Dr_Willisgurpreet:  any by that O'reially company are worth looking into.08:25
bieberHas the audio mixer changed from previous versions, and is there a way I can install the one that was used before?08:26
gurpreetDr_Willis: ty I've been to perl homepage08:26
gurpreethave started bit by bit08:26
biebertvtime also used to be able to change the line-in output volume, but now it's stuck at 008:26
the1994wow both chrome and chromium destroy sunspider08:26
ejvgurpreet: /join #perl and read their topic, they will have good resources posted.08:26
gurpreetwas just asking if anybody had some favs based on experience08:26
dpac_ejv: Sure, I'll do it.08:26
mark2010rypervenche: TY i just looked and didnt see it. i"ll do that now08:27
ejvgurpreet: this is the ubuntu support channel, for ubuntu related issues. #perl is the more appropriate place.08:27
=== barbara is now known as Contessa
Dr_Willisgurpreet:  all my perl books are rather old. :)08:27
gurpreetso is the lang08:27
gurpreetejv: yes duly noted i've joined #perl08:27
=== Contessa is now known as residntAngel
Dr_WillisI used to code mainly in 'REXX' befor i did perl.08:27
* residntAngel waves to the good doctor08:28
plasmasolutionsAnyone an ideo for my problem?08:28
dpac_ejv: http://pastebin.com/6xkwxi3B08:29
remo-chcould you help me in this please: i installed on my netbook ubuntu 10.10 x64 and modified it to the netbook remix version and it worked fine. then i installed apart the easypeasy 1.6 of ubuntu. now when i boot i can just choose the easypeasy and the ubuntu 10.10 doesn't appear, although it's installed :(08:30
Dr_Willisremo-ch:  'apart  the easypeasy' ? clarify what you mean...08:31
Dr_Willisremo-ch:  you installed easypesy  AND ubuntu both os's on the same machine?  If the grub loader for one is not showing both oss  you proberly need to let ubuntu handle the grub menu/loader.08:31
rypervencheHow can I get "Pinyin" and "Bopomofo" to show up in my ibus IME again? I had to purge ibus and reinstall it, and now they are not there. I use Bopomofo normally. My $LANG is zh_TW.utf808:31
remo-chsorry for my english... i just installed it on another partition08:31
Dr_Willisremo-ch:  the latest grub in ubuntu is rather good at finding OTher oss and setting up the grub menus to show them. If its not. You can always edit the /etc/grub.d/40_custom to add a entry to show the other OS.08:32
Dr_Willisremo-ch:  personally i dont see much need for 'easypeasy' these days. Im not sure if its even being actively developed any more.08:33
rypervenchemark2010: Any luck?08:34
mark2010rypervenche: thank you for your but unfortunately it did the same thing...lock up on load for pandora08:34
gurpreetdpac: you need a script for that??08:36
remo-chok, thanks dr. willis. i'd prefer the ubuntu 10.10 too, but is it complicated to make show the ubuntu 10.10 with grub? i'm not a informatics-genius...08:36
mark2010rypervenche: not quite sure...used to work on 10.04. youtube works....but slow....snail slow.08:37
Dr_Willisremo-ch:  If you are lucky. 'sudo update-grub' from ubuntu. will see and set it up... if not - you add a proper entry to that file i m entioned.08:37
rypervenchemark2010: So you updated to 10.10 and your flash plugin is slow, that's your problem?08:37
tioxAnd of course, my problems were fixed when I rebooted.08:37
dpac_gurpreet: Well, I suppose so08:37
Dr_Willisremo-ch:  you sould of installed ubuntu last. :)08:38
tioxBut, why when I hooked into an HDMI monitor and went into a low resolution, did Iose my theme?08:38
mark2010rypervenche: i did not remove the gnash...letme do that08:38
trijntjeHi all. Yesterday the installation of the proprietary drivers for my radeon card went wrong and now I have no graphical interface. Can someone help me isntall the correct driver from the command line?08:39
snowrichardi burned a bad cd -- turns out it only downloaded 227 mb of the image.  I'm doing a torrent download instead now08:39
mark2010rypervenche: the prob appears to be the gnash...let me get rid of that08:40
airtonixremo-ch, ? have a a look at guides on the internet about editing grub2 menu : one of the files you will deal with is at /boot/grub/grub.cfg08:40
tioxsnowrichard: SHould have just tried HTTP again.08:40
snowrichardbut i'm out of cdr's so i'll have to use unetbootin and an external usb drive to install08:40
Dr_Willissnowrichard:  you can start the torrent.. let t downlioad a bit.. then copy that 'bad' cd to the torrent location, and restart the torrent and have it 'check/verify' the data. :) that can save some time..08:40
snowrichardthe torrent is going pretty quick08:40
tioxunetnbootin isn't required anymore if you can use the Universal USB Installer from pendrivelinux.com.08:41
hardwired'llo. Is there something like screen for X? I have a headless system on which I want to start an X app. I have a remote X server that can display the X app, but then I want to put the X app in background and shut down the remote system.08:41
Dr_Willissnowrichard:  i pretty much never burn cd's any more. Usb flash drive installs are the way to go.08:41
airtonixsnowrichard, it'll go even quicker if you do what Dr_Willis said08:41
snowrichardits actually a 2 TB external, i don't have a flash drive handy lol08:41
airtonixhardwired, i usually use ssh with the -Y paramter08:41
Dr_Willisamazing thing about PendriveLinux, how many of their tools/scripts are windwos only...08:41
tioxDoesn't matter.08:41
tioxOh, that does.08:42
rypervenchemark2010: I need to restart. I'll be back in a few minutes.08:42
Dr_Willissnowrichard:  You can also set up Grub2 to boot the ISO files.08:42
tioxBut pendrivelinux is in the business of Windows converts.08:42
tioxRather, Ubuntu converts from Windows.08:42
airtonix!english | yuanjie08:42
ubottuyuanjie: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:42
Dr_Willisyuanjie:  your cat is on the keyboard?08:42
tioxHappens to one of my friends.08:42
snowrichardlooks like that's what unetbootin was doing, but i didn't have the full image08:42
trijntjeCan someone help me installing ATI driver from command line?08:42
OLDDr_Willis: The linux version is unetbootin08:42
yuanjiewho can08:43
yuanjiewho can?08:43
Dr_WillisOLD:  last i checked Unetbootin was very differnt from the pendrive linux uninversal installer tool.08:43
OLDArent they te same people08:43
airtonixyuanjie, no one can.08:43
yuanjiehelp  me!08:43
OLDIt does the same thing...when I used it it did08:43
airtonixyuanjie, help us08:43
Dr_WillisOLD:  not the last time i looked into them. they could be working togeehr in many ways.. but i found Unetbootin a better tool in many ways.08:43
airtonix!cn | yuanjie08:43
ubottuyuanjie: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:43
Dr_WillisOLD:  theres many tools that do the same thing. :)08:43
yuanjiei don't understand08:44
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko08:44
yuanjiecan you speak chinaese08:44
airtonixyuanjie, no but you can start by writing in english here.08:44
KethalSpeaking chinese wouldn't help much in here.08:44
tioxWOah, ubottu's multilangual??08:44
yuanjieand i'm from chinese08:44
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk08:44
KethalAs sound doesn't travel well through the monitor.08:44
yuanjiei can speak little english08:45
snowrichard type /join #ubuntu-cn to get the chinese ubuntu channel08:45
Digital_1who me?08:45
OLDyuanjie what country?08:45
fghwhere are cellphones mounted in ubuntu?08:46
Dr_Willisfgh:  most filesystems get monted to /media/08:46
gurpreetdpac: i'll look into it but i am busy right now08:46
tedgetrijntje: this might be of use: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=41419408:46
hardwiredairtonix: good idea, I never thought about SSH08:46
yuanjiethanks very much08:46
tioxThere ought to be a command called !lang08:47
Mikey^fgh: I dont think phones are mounted to /media. They are usually mounted using ifuse08:47
fghmikey^: yes because i cant find my phone08:47
remo-chdr_willis and airtonix : thanks for your help, unfortunately i'm not good with the console... but i found an app called startup manager. now i can choose between different OS to boot - i'll try :)08:47
Mikey^fgh: So it usally opens up in nautilus but as some usb://08:47
trijntjetedge, I was looking at that myself, but I was wondering if I should follow a guide for 7.0408:47
tioxWhen someone joins #ubuntu, redirect to a channel with a bot that posts in multiple languages to a user so they can see what languages are available.08:48
fghmikey^: yep i see it there but cant move files to it08:48
Digital_1its /media for my sdcard in my android phone when connected over usb08:48
Mikey^fgh: Try unplugging and plugging it again. What phone do you have ?08:48
airtonixhardwired, just remember though that if you run an application that is normally launched with parameters to give you sane defaults (like nautilus) then you will need to provide those parameters...(ie without --no-desktop nautilus will render a desktop plane for itself)08:48
tioxThen this place becomes #ubuntu-en08:48
fghmikey^: ericsson aino08:48
Mikey^fgh:  you can do it as root. use the terminal and copy files using sudo08:48
yuanjieare you american?08:48
LanhHi, anyone well-versed in GnuPG and Psi at all? I need help, Psi isn't recognising my keys to allow me to select them08:48
RikkieHi Can someone help me with playing a live stream that has DRM on it ? I can't get it to work.08:49
Mikey^fgh: do, sudo nautilus and you should be able to do it08:49
hardwiredaioobe: OK08:49
snowricharduse ogg streams no drm lol08:49
_BeastLanh: you are or are not well versed in gnuPg and PSI ?08:49
tioxRikkie: Transmageddon should be able to convert it into something that works.08:50
OLDyuanjie what country?08:50
yuanjieglad to see 大家08:50
airtonixfgh, make sure you've told your phone that you want to have the USB as a "mass storage device" type connection08:50
tioxJoin #ubuntu-cn then.08:50
RikkieOk, I08:50
yuanjieand you?08:50
Rikkie'll give it a try.08:50
OLDSoon to be living in Taiwan08:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:50
Lanh_Beast I know enough to get it working in Thunderbird, and it worked in my previous install, but for some reason, this time around for some reason, my keys aren't showing up08:51
tioxSounds nice, OLD08:51
yuanjietaiwan belongs to china08:51
_BeastLanh: your private keys ?08:51
ugliefrogcan anyone tell me how to get the indicator applet to show when new mail arrives08:51
OLDI am not touching that.08:51
KethalTaiwan is the other China OLD08:51
LanhI'm using 10.04 by the way...I tried meerkat but it kept freezing randomly, so I reverted to the LTS version08:51
Lanh_Beast yes08:52
psycho_oreosyuanjie, that is offtopic, please discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic08:52
KethalChina 108:52
xanguaugliefrog: open evolution08:52
OLDyea wiki it08:52
OLDor is wiki blocked in china?08:52
KethalBut I guess if you're going there, I'm sure you know that.08:52
_BeastLanh: I had the same issue with my private keys unfortunately I just made new ones08:52
yuanjiei'm sorry08:53
ugliefrogxangua, it has to be open all the time08:53
fghmikey^: heh, my phone doesnt popup in the root nautilus :/08:53
Lanh_Beast They showed up in the PSI window after you did that?08:53
yuanjiethis is my first time chat here08:53
Mikey^fgh: Ah..08:53
_BeastLanh: No I did not08:53
xanguaugliefrog: ore use a mail notification program08:53
jagshey would it be possible to set maximize windos to right click while moving windows with alt in gnome?08:54
jagsto avoid having to navigate to the menubar?08:54
shiftingcontrolconfigure: error: /bin/bash autotools/config.sub Files/handbrake-svn3603/build/contrib/ failed08:54
shiftingcontrol<shiftingcontrol> make: *** [contrib/a52dec/.stamp.configure] ,i tried installing handbrake i got following errors08:54
yuanjiei want make some  friends08:54
xanguayuanjie: this is not the place08:54
psycho_oreos!ubuntu | yuanjie08:55
ubottuyuanjie: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com08:55
Mikey^fgh: dont you see it in the left side bar in nautilus ?08:55
yuanjiehere can not make friends?08:55
_Beastrofl serious inquiries only08:55
ubottuThe official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org08:55
Digital_1troll detection alert08:55
LanhAh, they've just disappeared from Thunderbird too...looks like I'm going to have to create new ones after all08:55
jagsis there any fix yet for the compiz wallpaper plugin in 10.10? I heard it was a problem with x1108:55
shiftingcontrolDigital_1:handbrake can cnvrt drm protcted files?08:55
RudyValenciaheh, Xfce is like Gnome Lite :P08:56
_BeastLanh: I know the feeling08:56
yuanjiei konw08:56
Mikey^RudyValencia: becasue they use the same framework, gtk08:56
yuanjiemy computer has broken08:56
psycho_oreosthis channel is a support channel, not to channel to make friends or to talk about countries belonging to other countries08:56
Digital_1err dvds08:56
RudyValenciabut it's lighter than Gnome08:56
mark2010hey room: Thank You ALL for your help! got it now in FF. Got Pandora...got some Janes Addition goin!  THANKS Again!!!08:56
Mikey^RudyValencia: yes..08:56
yuanjiewe all konw08:56
rypervenchemark2010: ^^08:57
Lanh_Beast Such is life I guess mate, lol08:57
=== Wraith is now known as Wraithulek
rypervencheyuanjie: Look at your private message.08:57
mark2010Ya'll are Awesome!!08:57
RudyValencianow if only my b43 wireless card didn't conflict with my 3c59x ethernet built into my laptop08:57
soreaujags: I have created a patch for the problem, though it's only for compiz 0.9 so far08:57
fghmikey^: oki solved, had to reboot phone into storage mode08:57
Lanh_Beast At least most of my system was recoverable08:57
psycho_oreosif your problem is related to computer, state it with enough details in English08:57
Mikey^fgh: good..08:57
shiftingcontrolDigital_1:I m getting following error configure: error: /bin/bash autotools/config.sub Files/handbrake-svn3603/build/contrib/ failed08:58
OLDwh uses Lubuntu?08:58
psycho_oreosOLD, you might want to ask that in #lubuntu08:59
_BeastLanh: lol ;) , yes for some reason that is08:59
Rikkieok, I've installed transmageddon. But it seems to be a tool to remove DRM from for example mp3 files. Can I set it to decode a stream as well? In that case, I'm failing to see/find how to do that09:00
mark2010rypevenche: Awesome...09:00
Digital_1shiftingcontrol:  might be a prob with the daily build.  The other one you can try is Thoggen.  It's pretty simple and available from the Software Center.  It only coverts the file to OGV tho.09:01
RikkieI don't wanna convert a file though, I'm trying to play a live stream ;)09:02
_BeastLanh: Can you even view the keys ? I am trying to think of a way possible to recover them09:02
Lanh_Beast Nah mate, I've just created a new one and sent it out09:03
=== mue__ is now known as mue
_BeastLanh: 10-409:04
lucadealfaroNeed to buy a desktop to run Ubuntu 10.4 LTS.  Any advice?  Shall I just get one of the various HP desktops?09:04
OLDlubutu is sweet and its only nstalling09:05
OLDI wasable to coonect via wifi and chromium is default09:05
OLDsorr this channel is more active09:05
blakkheimlucadealfaro: build your own09:06
lucadealfaroblakkheim: I don't want to spend the time09:06
momentumwhy deos ubuntu resume from suspend-to-ram take like 5 seconds, since eveyrthing is in ram? does warming up the video card take that long?09:06
=== asdf is now known as Guest82747
blakkheimlucadealfaro: it takes a couple hours at most, costs less and offers much more option09:06
Guest82747is it possible to move icon from top-left corner in top-right corner ? i use ubuntu 10.1009:07
lucadealfaroblakkheim: yes, but I have to investigate which motherboard runs Ubuntu fine, etc etc -- that's where the time goes.  And if by any chance something does not work, it's harder to know what to swap.  With a desktop, if it doesn't work, I can just return it (in the US).09:08
=== Guest82747 is now known as rkpisanu
nadavis there a way to enhance my wifi reception?09:08
lucadealfaroBeen there, build many systems fine, but now I just want to buy + install.09:08
nadavlike modifying the driver or some thing?09:08
blakkheimlucadealfaro: linux will work with 99% of the hardware you find, especially if it's modern. you also won't have to pay for a windows license you won't use09:08
rkpisanuis it possible to move icon from top-left corner in top-right corner ? i use ubuntu 10.1009:08
hotfloppyrkpisanu: as in 10.04, yes you can.. just modify the setting in gconf-editor09:08
blakkheim!repeat > rkpisanu09:09
ubotturkpisanu, please see my private message09:09
hotfloppyrkpisanu: but i dont know about 10.10..09:09
rkpisanuok thanks09:09
lucadealfaroOk, so the strategy seems to be, go, buy, try.  If it does not work, return and repeat.  I don't feel sorry returning the hardware; if vendors bothered to state what works with linux, it would not happen.09:09
rkpisanuhow is it possible to run gconf-editor ?09:09
xanguarkpisanu: run "gconf-editor"09:10
lucadealfaroThanks blakkheim09:10
OLDluca anything new built will run 10.0409:10
blakkheimlucadealfaro: and you didn't "want to spend the time" to build..09:10
hotfloppyrkpisanu: hit alt+f2 then type 'gconf-editor'.. without the ' of course..09:10
tensorpuddinglucadealfaro: you should judge the machines generally without linux in mind, then make sure that ubuntu supports the hardware out of the box.09:10
hotfloppyrkpisanu: then get down to /apps/metacity/general then change the button_layout to 'menu:minimize,maximize,close'09:11
lucadealfaroblakkheim: I build many fine; > 10.  Then on the last one, something went wrong.  I did not know whether to return the CPU, the memory, the graphics card, the motherboard -- it was a nightmare.09:11
MeliorIs there any way to seee how much bw each process takes or maybe ip?09:11
tensorpuddinglucadealfaro: ubuntu will probably run on most everything you could find in terms of desktops, but there are often quirks involving new hardware09:11
lucadealfaroI decided that if I was building MANY, I would have sufficient components at hand to swap in and out in case of trouble09:12
lucadealfaroBut I decided, no more building of one-offs.09:12
tensorpuddinglucadealfaro: if you want to be totally sure, buy one of Dell's Ubuntu machines, or a system76 machine09:12
lucadealfaroOk thanks.09:12
Mikey^lucadealfaro: Also usually thinkpads are pretty compatible09:13
OLDuca I found the old bare bones setups to work awesome09:13
Mikey^I have a lenovo 3000 and had no problems 3 years back when I bought it09:13
lucadealfaroYes, but I want a low-power server to leave humming in a corner.  Yes, a bare bone would also be great, any advice?09:13
=== gospel is now known as nico_tognetti
OLDwhat is the server use?09:14
OLDis it for working09:14
OLDfile sharing? dns server?09:14
TopGearGot a few problems after installing Kubuntu 10.10: My Conky is all black with white letters, but there should be no background... I can't reach my NAS in any ways. Only through SAMBA, but that doesn't work quite well. And after a fres 10.10 install, I don't see any grub2 booting up :s09:14
TopGearhttp://tinyurl.com/33cs94e for the conky09:14
TopGearand for the .conkyrc: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514348/09:15
lucadealfaroOLD: host some repositories, do some batch jobs, things of this type; no X necessary, no graphics.09:15
OLDone person connecting?09:15
OLDtwo? 10+09:15
momentumwhy deos ubuntu resume from suspend-to-ram take like 5 seconds, since eveyrthing is in ram? does warming up the video card take that long?09:15
tensorpuddinglucadealfaro: maybe a nettop09:16
OLDcause you can prob go really ceah if your only one accessing it and doing not too much intensive stuff09:16
lucadealfaroWell, more, but nobody working on the machine.  It might host stuff like wiki-related code.09:16
lucadealfaroI am looking at <$500,09:16
=== hugyup2 is now known as hugyup
momentumwhy deos ubuntu resume from suspend-to-ram take like 5 seconds, since eveyrthing is in ram? does warming up the video card take that long?09:17
tensorpuddinglucadealfaro: if your space needs are really small, something like a guruplug09:17
blakkheim!repeat | momentum09:17
ubottumomentum: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:17
momentum!repeat | blakkheim09:17
ubottublakkheim: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/09:17
blakkheimmomentum: don't abuse the bot please09:18
momentumblakkheim: don't abuse the bot please09:18
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!09:18
pksadiqI accidently deleted the network icon from the pannel , how to add it back?09:18
amarcolinohi how do I go about asking a question that will take more than two lines, would I just pastebin it?09:18
AbhiJitamarcolino, 3-5 lines question is fine here09:19
bartjwhich logs can I delete in the /var/log to free up space ?09:19
_vaibhav_how to get unique id associated with PCI? like hardware id?09:19
amarcolinoAbhiJit, ok09:19
guzuhello all09:19
Mikey^_vaibhav_: lspci09:19
pksadiqamarcolino: add \n for the next line :)09:20
=== OLD is now known as MonthOLDpickle
amarcolinoMorning currently implementing an Ubuntu cluster install based on information found on this link http://goo.gl/WzA. Just wished to know if their is any actual advantage of spliting CLC/Walrus and CC/SC components into two machines instead of leaving them in one machine.09:20
pksadiqI accidently deleted the network icon from the panel , how to add it back?09:20
guzuhow can i upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10? i wanna do it without optical drive, and without reinstalling from usb09:20
nico_tognettihello. 1st time here. wish change computer name. did run sudo gedit /etc/hosts /etc/hostname but i don't understand in /etc/hostname which words i have to change09:20
ikoniaguzu: network upgrader09:20
AbhiJitguzu, do you have broadband connection?09:20
ikoniaguzu: it's the recommendaed approach09:20
guzuikonia, how?09:20
Mikey^pksadiq: Check the panel applets09:21
amarcolinopksadiq, ok09:21
guzuAbhiJit, yes09:21
ikonia!upgrade > guzu09:21
ubottuguzu, please see my private message09:21
rkpisanuthanks hotfloppy , i resolve it09:21
ikoniaguzu: check the pm ubottu has just sent you09:21
AbhiJitguzu, sudo do-release-upgrade09:21
hotfloppyrkpisanu: my pleasure :)09:21
ikoniaguzu: that guide will walk you through it09:21
ikoniaAbhiJit: it's not that simple,09:21
pksadiqMikey^: I added , but it contain only volume,accessiblity and bluetooth, no network manager09:22
AbhiJitikonia, yah09:22
guzuikonia, AbhiJit thank you very much09:22
Mikey^pksadiq: No, Right click on the panel and choose add to panel09:22
ikoniaguzu: any problems shout, make sure you read the document though as it sets you up perfect for an easy upgrade09:22
pksadiqMikey^:  so what to add from that?09:23
Mikey^pksadiq: Is there something like network manager ?09:23
rypervencheHow do I run a .patch file? I need to fix my ibus with this method here, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/65969009:23
Mikey^pksadiq: you can also run sudo networkmanager-gnome I think09:23
packshaudDoes anyone have Free Download Manager working under Wine/Ubuntu 10.10?09:24
=== molecule is now known as cpdstudio
lotuspsychjeAfter i disabled GUI boot in grub.cfg (nosplash) i can't press shift for grub menu anymore..anyway to combine grub menu and txt boot?09:24
shkiperdid anybody ran the Fallout 1 in Ubuntu?09:25
asmcoshow to compile ubuntu 10.10 at ubuntu 10.04?09:25
nico_tognettihow to change computer name, please?09:25
Dr_Willis!hostname | nico_tognetti09:25
ubottunico_tognetti: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.09:25
pksadiqMikey^: Sorry, I see only network monitor, no manager in Add to panel09:25
Mikey^pksadiq: ok. Try networkmanager-gnome09:25
pksadiqMikey^:  not working :(09:26
Mikey^pksadiq: Usually networkmanager will just appear when you relogin09:26
=== FireCrotch is now known as nickmoeck
pksadiqMikey^:  also along with that I have lost the icon to change default keyboard from panel09:26
Mikey^I am not sure about that09:26
pksadiqMikey^:  k, I'll try l8r09:26
rypervencheHow do I run a .patch file? I need to fix my ibus with this method here, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/65969009:27
guzuikonia, thank you09:27
RikkieI've installed transmageddon. But it seems to be a tool to remove DRM from for example mp3 files. Can I set it to decode a stream as well? In that case, I'm failing to see/find how to do that09:27
bartjrypervenche, patch -pnum patchfile09:29
nico_tognettiDr_Willis, I'm sorry09:29
bartjrypervenche, or patch options original_file patch_file09:29
nico_tognettiDr_Willis, I haven't understood...09:29
Dr_Willis!hostname | nico_tognetti09:29
Dr_Willisyou edit the file. and use the commands the bot said.09:30
Dr_WillisI dont know of any gui tools to edit it.. never needed any09:30
nico_tognettiDr_Willis I know that, thanks. my current computer name is "nicopc" My doubt is: in /etc/hostname I have09:32
nico_tognetti192.168.10.163nicopc# Added by NetworkManager09:32
FloodBot3nico_tognetti: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:32
nico_tognettiwhich "nicopc" should I substitute?09:32
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=== Guest1172 is now known as rusty149
Dr_Williserr.. all of them09:35
Daremonaiwhat happened to nmbd on ubuntu 10.10?09:36
nico_tognettiDr_Willis, ok. thanks09:36
mark2010G'nite Yall. Thanks again for your help.09:37
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
=== Sickki_ is now known as Sickki
=== PsyTrance_ is now known as PsyTrance
elit3m1kei have just install kde on ubuntu 1010 but it wont appear in gdm, and suggestions?09:43
rusty149elit3m1ke: sudo apt-get kdm09:44
rusty149elit3m1ke: sudo apt-get install kdm09:45
rusty149elit3m1ke: sorry missed a word then09:45
Dr_Williserr.. all of them09:45
elitemikerusty149 do you have any suggestions?09:46
rusty149elit3m1ke: yeh, open terminal and type: sudo apt-get install kdm09:46
elitemikei have done that09:46
rusty149elit3m1ke: then reboot09:46
elitemikebut it wont appear in gdm09:47
elitemikei have09:47
rypervencheHow do I add this patch file to ibus? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/65969009:47
nadavis there a way to enhance my wifi reception? like modifying my driver some how?09:49
An_Ony_Moosethe select-and-middle-click copying and pasting seems not to work anymore.... I couldn't find anything about it in the release notes. Was it disabled by the upgrade?09:49
cfenixhello everyone, i need some help with the "grub"09:49
Dr_WillisYou normally use a patch file to patchsource. then recompuile the source rypervenche . Ive not had to use a patch file in years09:49
An_Ony_Moosecfenix, explain your exact problem rather than saying you have a problem09:50
Dr_WillisAn_Ony_Moose:  it seems to be working here.09:50
_Beastnadv: it depends on what chipset or card you have09:50
An_Ony_MooseDr_Willis, O.o it suddenly works for me too xD09:50
An_Ony_Moosenevermind :P09:50
Dr_WillisAn_Ony_Moose:  ive noticed on some mice.. the middle clicks can be flakey09:50
rypervencheDr_Willis: Aww, so basically it's beyond my ability :(09:50
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  no idea.. :) is it..09:51
An_Ony_MooseDr_Willis, the mouse itself is perfectly fine. thanks all the same :)09:51
_Beastlol @ beyond my ability09:51
Dr_WillisAn_Ony_Moose:  some ive seen let you side scroll. I have a hard time clicking.. and not sidescrolling with them09:51
cfenixsorry about that, i'm new here.. the thing is that every time that i update ubuntu (the kernel) it add a new version in the list of the grub instead of just change it09:51
lucentcfenix: I notice that also09:51
tensorpuddingcfenix: yeah, you can remove the old versions if you want though09:52
Dr_Williscfenix:  normally the newest kernel is the default. Unless theres some 'save default' option set in the /etc/default/grub file09:52
lucentcfenix: running 'sudo update-grub' does it09:52
lucentfor some reason that was broken, and now as of the upgrade to Maverick, is working again09:52
tensorpuddingcfenix: the reason why they keep the old one when you get a new kernel version is so that you have a fallback if the new one doesn't work09:52
W4RH4WKcfenix, if you want to remove the old kernel version i recommend using synaptics09:52
An_Ony_MooseDr_Willis, I have a perfectly normal vertical scrollwheel that's easy to click with :)09:52
rypervencheWhy are patches made instead of the problem being fixed and sent to the main package so everyone can benefit from the fix?09:53
Dr_WillisAn_Ony_Moose:   PEBKAC then? :)09:53
tensorpuddingnot having a working kernel means your system is unbootable, which is generally a big problem09:53
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  in the next version release they proberly will be ncluded..09:53
cfenixthanks everyone =)09:53
An_Ony_MoosexD... I do NOT know.09:53
LanhWhen I'm remotely logging into a server, what filename do I have to save the SSH key as in the ./ssh folder?09:53
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  some patches are for 'testing' befor they get included in the main tree also.09:53
nadav_Beast, I belive its RT256109:54
RikkieHi, I'm trying to set up transmageddon to decode a live stream, can someone help me with that ?09:54
LanhThe public key I mean09:54
rypervencheDr_Willis: Next version being Natty or an update of Maverick?09:54
W4RH4WKtensorpudding, right, keeping an old & working kernel is might save your ass one day^^09:54
tensorpuddingLanh: authorized_keys, generally09:54
tensorpuddingLanh: you copy your public key into that file09:54
W4RH4WKgot a question too, need to setup a server which mirrors the content of one directory to a secound server in realtime09:55
tensorpuddingLanh: though you should check the sshd_config file of the server to be sure09:55
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  ubuntui tends to not do minor version changes to packages btween releases.09:55
Dr_Willisrypervenche:  unless its a security type issue09:55
W4RH4WKmy first aproch was, creating a cronjob which starts rsync, and run that every 5 min or so09:55
W4RH4WKany other ideas for realtime mirroring09:55
lucentmirroring does no good if you put bad data in09:56
cab_W4RH4WK: rsycn keeping a synced copy, use nfs mount if you want the two servers to use the same directory at the same time09:56
syriusfor real09:56
syriuskeep it tight with da ubuntus09:56
rwwinn: stop that.09:57
W4RH4WKi know mirroring is not good, but i my "boss" tells me what to do... i just find a solution :P09:57
lucentsyrius: hide ya' kids, hide ya' wife ?09:57
FloodBot3inn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:57
syriuswo is inn?09:57
W4RH4WKcab_, well you say, mounting 2 hdd in the same directory?09:57
SaRy!paste | inn09:57
ubottuinn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:57
rypervencheDr_Willis: So basically I can't type in Chinese for 6 months....just great. I might as well quit school then.09:58
SaRy!who | inn09:58
ubottuinn: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:58
syrius!crack | inn09:58
syrius!crack | Aciid09:58
syrius!ubuntu | syrius09:58
ubottusyrius, please see my private message09:58
rww!fishing | both of you09:58
ubottuboth of you: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".09:58
lucentW4RH4WK: tell your boss to make regular backups and use RAID0+109:58
syrius<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about crack09:58
elkysyrius, stop that.09:59
W4RH4WKlucent, well i go and have a talk with em on monday09:59
cab_W4RH4WK: well, we have one tomcat app that has three servers reading from the same static nfs folder, so when data gets changed in that folder, all servers are reading the same updated data09:59
lucentW4RH4WK: userspace tools to mirror files is asking for epic fail09:59
W4RH4WKlucent, xD09:59
cab_W4RH4WK: using nfs is not making a backup of the files though..10:00
lucentif you *must* because of failover reasons (which will probably do just that... fail) then there's a MIRROR target for the LVM DM stuff10:00
Xaifasanyone that can tell me or give me a link to how can i convert dynamic disk to basic in ubuntu? found only random outdated-notworking docs on the internet about it10:00
vincenzinohello I use ubuntu 10.10, i'm trying to use some midi applications but midi sounds doesn't want to work.Should i modify alsa-base.conf?10:01
lucentW4RH4WK: even using LVM and snapshot features with userspace tools is going to be a hassle to keep 2 copies at a point in time operational10:01
cab_any arguments against nfs??10:01
lucentcab_: o_O many. Do you want just one?10:01
pksadiqis there panel version for rythmbox in 10.10? to navigate songs, fast forward,rewind etc?10:02
lucentpksadiq: I thought it was integrated into the volume control aplet10:02
arvut__vlc is the cure =)10:03
Slipknot6669Hey, Im wondering if I can pick someones mind on ubuntu? Today is my first day using and I think Ive already messed something up.10:03
lucentarvut__: I thought the cure was "more cowbell" ?10:03
pksadiqlucent: is it?  ! so can I seek songs from the panel itself just by scrolling the rhythm box icon in panel?10:03
arvut__nah, it must surely be more cobweb10:04
Slipknot6669Ok well heres how the story begins...10:05
Slipknot6669I couldnt get any sound after install.10:05
W4RH4WKso there isn't an app in synaptic or the ubuntu software center which lets me create realtime backup to a remote computer?10:05
lucentpksadiq: answer is to boot a livecd and try it yourself10:06
Slipknot6669Checked the faqs and help pages, and didnt really understand what it was telling me.10:06
lucentpksadiq: I don't know what you're asking about10:06
lucentW4RH4WK: "realtime backup" what elephant nuts is that10:06
Slipknot6669So I reinstalled.10:06
lucentW4RH4WK: if you want a backup of a file that is in a consistent state, use 'duplicity' command available in repos10:07
Slipknot6669Actually, throughout the day Ive reinstalled probably 6 times10:07
lucentW4RH4WK: getting things into consistent states is not the job of userland10:07
TopGearIs there someone who knows how to import Evolution mails+settings to KMail?10:07
W4RH4WKlucent, maybe i'm using the wrong word for what i want but ill have a look10:07
Slipknot6669Well the last time. I grabbed the latest version of ubuntu...10.1010:08
bullgard4What is the function of the directory /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/debian.master/ ?10:08
lucentSlipknot6669: you mean last week, then?10:08
Slipknot6669After install it prompted me to reboot and I did, and when it came back up to the boot screen ( where you see the Esc[boot menu] F10 [system restore] etc...It froze. I couldnt press any buttons, nothing.10:09
Slipknot6669restarted the pc a few times and got the same thing over and over.10:10
pksadiqlucent: Have you used windows ever? haven't you seen a minimized version of mediaplayer in the task bar with all the control in a minimal mode, like the same , is that what I intend to ask10:10
Jordan_USlipknot6669: What do you see when it freezes?10:10
lucentpksadiq: Windows for Workgroups 3.11, so... what is a task bar?10:11
Slipknot6669Now if I put the boot cd back in. It boots up and will let me try or install, but I cant get anything on the reboot after install.the boot screen10:11
Slipknot6669I see the boot screen10:11
Slipknot6669ESC [boot menu] etc10:11
lucentpksadiq: do you mean DOS mode?10:11
pksadiqlucent:  I mean Windos XP or vista10:11
lucentoh, those look like KDE right?10:12
Slipknot6669Im wondering if its the pc or if my hard drive failed?10:12
W4RH4WKlucent, well duplicity looks like a good solution for creating backups, ill show it to my boss... what would your aproach be to keep to different servers mirrored10:12
Slipknot6669IDk what KDE is10:12
Slipknot6669Today is my first day with Linux ever10:12
lucentSlipknot6669: suggest trying to boot and install an earlier release, say 9.04 LTS10:12
Jordan_USlipknot6669: It sounds like the PC, but it's interesting that you get no error message and that you can still boot the LiveCD.10:12
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.10:12
lucentSlipknot6669: there's a number of regressions in the kernel that is included with maverick 10.1010:13
Slipknot6669I see10:13
Slipknot666910.06 wasw working great10:13
Slipknot6669but i couldnt get any sound10:13
pksadiqlucent: if Slipknot6669 is a newbie , Why you include harder termsin your words?10:14
pksadiqterms in *10:14
Jordan_USlipknot6669: I don't think it's a failed hard drive, as you would see error messages in the live environment and during the install.10:14
lucentW4RH4WK: I would bill my boss for a pair of Wiebetech Ultradock's, a pelican 1400 case, and 6-7 harddisks and show him / her how to back up their crap10:14
pksadiqSlipknot6669: hmmm, don't know :)10:14
Slipknot6669I understand some stuff from the reading ive done so fsar10:14
W4RH4WKlucent, kk, got your point10:15
W4RH4WKlucent, thx for the help10:15
lucentW4RH4WK: there's an ideal way to do this, and then there's the way it's going to get done10:15
Jordan_USlipknot6669: I also doubt that an earlier release of Ubuntu would behave any differently as it doesn't sound like you're even getting out of the BIOS to where Ubuntu code is running.10:15
Slipknot6669Ill try the older version again and see what happens.10:15
lucentI sort of work in the industry and know about how it gets done ;)10:15
Slipknot6669Thanks for the input guys!10:15
W4RH4WKhave to go, cu10:15
Jordan_USlipknot6669: One thing to try before you leave.10:15
Jordan_USlipknot6669: Boot from the LiveCD, then during the first 5 seconds press any key to get a boot menu. From that menu select "Boot from first hard disk".10:17
Slipknot6669ill try that10:17
Slipknot6669thanks man10:17
=== dreamtraveler is now known as noobuntu
bullgard4What is the function of the directory /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/debian.master/ ?10:19
ranahello frndz10:22
pksadiqrana:  Hello10:22
ranasome buddy plz help me10:22
ranawhen i am trying to open any drive it open in VLC10:23
nadavis there any way I can capture packets going through my default gateway, or I can only do it from the local station10:23
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
shiftingcontroli installed opensuse in same partion where ubuntu is installed the prob is now i m unable to log in into ubuntu,grub doesnot show the option at all10:24
Gnearana: what?10:25
terrenceTKHi all10:25
lucentnadav: interface in promiscuous mode will capture any unswitched packets on the local HUB but most network attachments are SWITCHED these days10:25
ranameans it do not open in file browser10:25
lucentnadav: so in theory yes, in actuality you must be the gateway to have access to the packets going through it10:25
Gnearana: perhaps you could re-state that, it still doesn't make any sense10:26
lucentnadav: 'wireshark' is able to capture some of the traffic that is visible10:26
terrenceTKIḿ using Ubuntu 10.4, and have an s3 ViRGE dx -375 Screen card10:26
Jordan_Ubullgard4: I believe that it serves the same purpose as any debian directory in a debian source package, but with the linux kernel / git you need to specify what branch the changes apply to. In this case, "master".10:26
terrenceTKCannot set resolutions higher than 800X600 Can you help10:27
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate10:27
ranawhat happen when u click  on home to open it in place menu10:27
* Gnea is lost10:27
ranait shows ur all files.10:28
Gnearana: I have no idea what you're talking about. you really need to start over with what you're asking, and be specific about what you're talking about.10:28
Gnearana: assume I have no idea what you're talking about (which I don't)10:28
Krupteinhey I can't install libreoffice on maverick :f I always get this error(s): http://dpaste.com/258777/10:28
Jordan_Ubullgard4: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=smb/ubuntu-jaunty.git;a=commit;h=3ebd3729ce35b784056239131408b9a72b0288ef10:28
ranabut when i click  on home to brouse it it opens with vlc player10:29
AgaI have Ubuntu. I like it very much. It`s the best OS that I have ever seen!10:29
Gnearana: what are you using to browse file with?10:29
Dr_Willisrana:  you some how set up 'folders' to open with VLC and not with the 'open folder' applocation.10:29
Dr_Willisrana:  you an do this by mistake if you right cliock on a folder and use the Open with .... dialog and select vlc. and DONT uncheck the 'make this the default'10:30
terrenceTKHi all. Need help setting resolution over 800X600 for my s3virge schreen card10:30
Dr_WillisterrenceTK:  youmay want to check teh forums.. but every time ive seen 's3' mentioned.. its been a sad story.10:30
g117Hi there. please, could somebody advise me, how to back up playlists in rhythmbox, or at least, if it is possible?10:31
AgaI am a Finn.10:31
raikonen_omIs gconf-clenaer dangerous for system ? I saw the application on "Software Center". So should i trust it ?10:31
terrenceTKThanks Dr_Willis - teh forums??10:31
pksadiqrana: Right click on any folder > Open with other application >select Open folder also click remember10:31
Dr_Willisg117:  should be possible. they are proberly in some .gnome or .applcations directory. but i dont know what one.10:31
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at http://www.ubuntuforums.org. There is also a channel on IRC Freenode #ubuntuforums.10:31
tensorpuddingAga: good for you?10:32
ranano no10:32
g117Dr_Willis: thx, I'll ask at the forums10:32
Dr_Willisg117:  better to 'search' the forums first. :) then ask...10:33
terrenceTKDr_Willis: Thanks - the forums??10:33
arvut__where does firefox store the active session cache (if there is such thing) of all the open tabs?10:33
Dr_WillisterrenceTK:  S3 support is in a very sad state.10:33
ranai can open any folder by double click10:34
terrenceTKThanks again10:34
ranabut it whenever i tried to mount a drive 1st time it dosent work10:34
m4l1qu3haqhelp me10:36
pksadiqarvut__:  might be ~/.mozilla/firefox/*.default/Cache , I hope10:36
ranait mounted and opens with VLC instead of file browser10:36
Jimuis there a Linux or Open Source implementation of Fireworks?10:36
ikoniaJimu: not really, no10:37
=== trijntje_ is now known as trijntje
pksadiqrana: Welcome10:38
ranaTHANKS A LOT10:38
FloodBot3rana: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:38
Gnearana: can you please turn off caps, thanks10:38
pksadiqrana: Enough don't flood10:38
Jimuis there a term that defines the way Fireworks allows manipulation of shapes and objects? Vector Graphics seems overly simplistic10:38
raikonen_omcan someone tell me please if all on applications (which are on "software center") are stable as stable ?10:39
airtonixJimu, thats all it is10:39
GneaOkay, this is driving me up the wall: I've been trying, for weeks, to get Ubuntu desktop to install on a new computer I built: micro-itx with a dual-core P4, 4G ram, geforce 9300, onboard sound/ethernet/wifi - everytime it boots using the usb stick I made of Ubuntu Desktop 10.04.1 from usb-creator, the screen blanks on bootup, no matter what options I change. why and how can I fix this?10:41
airtonixJimu, don't mistake what fireworks does as being SVG though.10:41
sparky74Gnea, what doesnt the X server log say?10:41
Jimuairtonix: yeah, it's quite different, as SVG is more a format10:41
Gneasparky74: you don't understand, I can't get anything to display, at all10:41
erUSULGnea: use the alternate install10:41
sparky74it is probably a screen resolution issue related with the 9300 card10:41
airtonixJimu, um.10:41
pksadiqraikonen_om: try searching alpha, beta etc, you might find some results, packages like wine etc, and so might not be stable10:41
ranaone more problem frndz10:41
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can  also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal10:42
airtonixJimu, it's also a concept.10:42
ikoniaGnea: ati card ?10:42
sparky74gnea, you will have to do a text mode install10:42
GneaerUSUL: okay. I tried ubuntu server as well, but when I went to reinstall lately, it refuses to recognize the usb drive itself as a cdrom10:42
pksadiqraikonen_om:  any way to find the latest release, stable or unstable, search at launchpad.net10:42
Gneaikonia: uh, yeah, that's the shiny new ATI geforce 9300 :p10:43
airtonixJimu, to be honest I've used fireworks alot (i loved it). I now use inkscape instead.10:43
Jimui'll grab inkscape, check it out10:43
pksadiqrana:  don't wait for someone , just ask, somebody will answer YOU10:43
raikonen_ompksadiq: ok. thank you!10:43
ikoniaGnea: game over10:44
ranawhen   my battery is full charge it shows a msg. that battery discharging 0.02 % left10:44
ranaand then10:44
Gneasparky74: that's basically what I figured I'd have to do, it's just annoying that Ubuntu claims to support all of this new hardware when, in fact, it fails so hard at it10:44
airtonixGnea, did you confirm the chipset on the mobo is properly supported ?10:44
pksadiqraikonen_om:  Welcome, ---------------------Dreaming an Open source world---------------------------10:44
airtonix(north south etc)10:44
Gneaairtonix: it's nvidia, of course it's supported10:45
ikoniaGnea: not really ubuntu's fault on this occasion, the ati card is casuing problems for everyone10:45
Gneaikonia: dude, read what I said: it's not an ATI card10:45
pksadiqrana: try to limit your question into a single line10:45
ikoniaGnea: ooh, sorry10:45
ranaa msg system is going to suspend ,i cancel or ok it then it give msg failed to suspend10:45
ikoniaGnea: missed that10:45
airtonixGnea, i just assumed since its a itx board that it might have one of those j micron controllers10:45
Gneaikonia: 'geforce 9300' everyone knows who makes that.10:45
ikoniaGnea: didn't know if it was a new ati10:46
Gneaairtonix: oh, no. it's a zotrax10:46
ikoniaGnea: what point does it go blank ?10:46
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Gneaikonia: after the kernel loads and it attempts to switch to the desktop portion of the livecd10:46
GneaI can't even get it to go to tty110:46
raikonen_omsomeone can tell me if i copy my home directory to /root directory ? i wan tto use the programs with my user files when i use them with "sudo" ...10:47
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eaerthhas anyone gotten rgba support to work in maverick?10:47
ikoniaGnea: so its the starting of X, out of interst, does the caps lock light go on/off when it's black10:47
barberanhi THeRE10:47
ikoniaraikonen_om: whoa, don't do that10:47
raikonen_om ikonia: why ?10:47
ikoniaraikonen_om: what "programs" do you wnat ot use with sudo that's casuing you problems ?10:47
raikonen_om ikonia:  iwa nt to use the users files also as root. or when  sign on system as root ... :(10:47
Gneaikonia: sec10:48
ikoniaraikonen_om: ok, what files10:48
ikoniaraikonen_om: explain what you're having a problem with10:48
rana when   my battery is full charge it shows a msg. that battery discharging 0.02 % left then a msg appears system is going to suspend ,i cancel or ok it then it give msg failed to suspend10:48
Gneaikonia: yeah, it does. keyboard becomes 100% unresponsive, although I *can* alt-sysrq-b10:48
ech0s7anyone that use wireshark can say me if it's possible to sniff the router traffic? not my pc traffic10:48
raikonen_om ikonia: there is no problem on applications. but sometimes when i had to use a app as root. i wan tto use them with my user files to. so it is very nice...10:48
ikoniaGnea: ok, I was curious if there was hidden panic/lockup10:48
Rusty149ech0s7 use etherape10:49
eaerthi wish there were more ubuntu help channels. or more specific ones...10:49
ikoniaraikonen_om: so either a.) use sudo -E or b.) point them at your "user" files, can you give me an example10:49
ikoniaeaerth: there are plenty, what do you need help with ?10:49
Gneaikonia: yeah, it just isn't playing right with the video10:49
barberanWho is synergy user ? I've some questions10:49
ikoniaGnea: can't remember the boot flag, but can you start it with vesa ?10:49
raikonen_om ikonia: when i use sudo, the app uses roots conf files.10:49
ikoniaraikonen_om: give me an example10:49
eaerthikonia: i think i'm having trouble with compiz possibly an emerald problem. i'm trying to get rgba support in maverick and had a minor bug but it was fixed when i purged the repository for it - although one of the other small bugs is still there.10:50
ikoniaeaerth: ok, first you know emerald is dead, yes ?10:50
Gneaikonia: that's a thought... uhm, forgot the flag too lol10:51
xebozonemy HDD is constantly making a noise. Is there a way to see what processes are using the HDD?10:51
ikoniaGnea: I can never remember it, although it should auto fall back10:51
eaerthikonia: i hadn't known that but i can do without it - it's not really needed for rgba, i just enjoyed it in the last ubuntu release.10:51
raikonen_om ikonia: for example when i want to change a file from filesystem i open "sudo nautilus".but nautilus setting always differerent. OR (this is more important) when i log on system as root i want to be the msae settings as my default user. that is the reason i ask you to copy all files to /root ... ?!10:51
GneaerUSUL: having issues getting the alternate, I can't do bittorrent, it needs to be http or ftp, no exceptions.10:51
trijntje_xebozone, lsof10:51
barberanпривет блядь10:51
ubottuUbuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Maverick, and help keeping the servers' load low!10:51
ikoniaraikonen_om: your meant to use gksudo for graphical apps10:51
parsecHello. Is there a way to limit connections to port 22 from certain MAC addresses?10:52
airtonixbarberan, english please.10:52
ikoniaeaerth: thjat's fair enough, what's the issue with rgba10:52
airtonixbarberan, what is the issue10:52
ikoniaparsec: iptables can block on mac10:52
barberanI do not know English good enough to express all my minds clearly10:52
raikonen_omikonia: first i wan to ask sometihng : when i open a program with sudo, it uses /root directory to look config files or /home/useratthemmoment ? and what is the different gksudo ?10:52
soreaueaerth: Get rid of those gtk ppa's10:52
ikoniabarberan: what langauge do you speak10:52
airtonixbarberan, perhaps a picture then ?10:53
fsiemonsHi, I just tryed to install the newest version of ubuntu, but there isnt any posibility in the partition tool to create lvm with encrypted Partitions10:53
parsecikonia, do you know a good tutorial where I might find this info?10:53
erUSULGnea: where do you live? US http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/ --> http://us.releases.ubuntu.com/10.04.1/10:53
Jimuwhat's the Linux equiv. of Win Taskman?10:53
ikoniaraikonen_om: gksudo perseerves your graphical environment10:53
Jimuor taskmgr10:53
ikoniaparsec: tons on the net or "#netfilter" channel10:53
parsecikonia, ok, thanks10:53
soreaueaerth: You're not going to gain much by having faulty ppa packages installed (hint: most all ppa repos are a bad idea)10:53
eaerthikonia: basically, when i added a repo to get my windows to have transparencies, my desktop went white, as if there was a white layer above my wallpaper. although everything else is working fine and also my notification pop ups are chopped off on the left and bottom edges, not hte text, just the edge.10:53
airtonixJimu, depends on the desktop environ you are in.10:53
soreaueaerth: Also, this channel only supports official packages10:53
ikoniaeaerth: why do you need to add a repo for that, desktop effects already has transparcny effects10:54
eaerthsoreau: hahaha, i already did. just troubleshooting basically, notification pop ups are still chopped off but the desktop went back to normal, wallpaper shows up again.10:54
Jimucommand line tool?10:54
airtonixJimu, and when you say linux you are referring to a kernel. just like when i say command.com instead of msdos10:54
GneaerUSUL: got it, thanks :)10:54
Dr_Williswow - empathy is a pretty IRC client. :) testing it out now.. havent tried it in ages.10:54
soreaueaerth: You probably removed the ppa but not the packages it installed10:54
airtonixJimu, for CLI you can use top or htop10:54
raikonen_omikonia: sorry but i did not understand... :( please just answer me when i open a program with "sudo" which directory it uses ?10:54
fsiemonsDoes anybody knows where the posibility is to install on a encrypted Partition10:54
soreaueaerth: Check something like ' dpkg -l|grep ppa'10:54
barberanWho is using Synergy program? I want to know how about once pressed button and multiaction. for example, If I'd like to backspace my text which consists of 30 signs, I have to press backspace button 30-times.10:54
ikoniaraikonen_om: it depends on the applicaiton, which is why I asked for an example10:54
GneaerUSUL: can't tell you how much I've missed a good kernel.org download... :)10:54
ikoniaraikonen_om: give me examples of the applications your having problems with10:54
airtonixbarberan, known bug10:55
erUSULGnea: ;)10:55
txis it possible to make ubuntu works from netboot?10:55
barberanairtonix, so, there is nothing to do with that? ;)10:55
airtonixtx, yes10:55
Gneatx: yes.10:55
ikoniatx: sure is10:55
txand where i can read about it? some howto?10:55
eaerthikonia: transparent desktop effects have have transparent nautilus windows and such then? if so i couldn't figure out how to activate it...10:55
raikonen_omikonia: it depends on application. oh i did not know that... so please tell me which directory use when i log on system as root ?10:55
airtonixbarberan, unfortunatly no, not until they fix it10:55
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eaerthsoreau: i'll try that10:55
ikoniaeaerth: ahhh, ok, fair point10:55
packshaudfsiemons, i think you need the alternative cd to install on encrypted partitions10:55
airtonixtx, i usually use google10:55
barberanairtonix, thank you man10:55
eaerthsoreau: haha, didn't think you were awake!10:55
ikoniaraikonen_om: you don't login to the system as root - the root account is disabled10:55
ikoniaraikonen_om: I'll ask one more time, tell me the programs you are having problems with10:56
txairtonix, me to, bunt only what i've found is abount some USB devices, not netbood ;/10:56
soreaueaerth: I'm not. Just a figment of your imagination10:56
fsiemonspackshaud: its not in the normal install cd? Isnt that a normal requirement?10:56
* soreau floats away10:56
Jimuairtonix: what term should be used for the large set of Unix-based open/free environments?10:56
airtonixtx, you need to use the keyword PXE10:56
eaerthsoreau: very sneaky.10:56
packshaudi'm not sure... i used the alternative cd and it was there10:56
txairtonix, ok, thanks10:56
airtonixJimu, i think may refer that as *nix10:56
crawlerok..i need some help.  i put in a cd with some pictures on it and if i switch to another user account on this laptop, the disc is not mounted and completely inaccessible from the other account.  any ideas?  i'im using 10.1010:56
airtonixJimu, here we just refer to ubuntu10:57
ujjui am trying to load ubuntu in my virtual pc console10:57
Jimuthx, airtonix, noted10:57
ikoniacrawler: sounds like the cd is mounted in user space and still locked by the other in use user10:57
Jordan_Ufsiemons: You can do home directory encryption from the standard Desktop CD.10:57
raikonen_omikonia: i just wan tto learn. there is no problem on me. i can log in on system as root ? i open this feature from settings of accounts... but when i log on, which directory it use as config files ? (i mean as home directory ? )10:57
ujjubut it got stuck at 40%10:57
sanghohow can i switch the right Shift key to End key?10:57
airtonixtx, like this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PXEInstallMultiDistro10:57
ikoniarakyou cannot and should not login to the system as root10:57
fsiemonsJordan_U: that isnt very secure when the swap  isnt encrypted10:57
crawlerikona: thanks for the reply, is there any way around this??  because the only way i can access it from the second account is by rebooting it seems10:58
ikoniaraikonen_om: cannot and should not login to the system as root10:58
ikonia!root > raikonen_om10:58
ubotturaikonen_om, please see my private message10:58
ikoniaraikonen_om: those urls should help you learn/understand10:58
Jordan_Ufsiemons: That's why enabling that option also causes the installer to configure encrypted swap :)10:58
ikonia!sudo > raikonen_om10:58
FloodBot3ikonia: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:58
fsiemonsSo nobody has thought about security10:58
fsiemonsam I right?10:58
ikoniaraikonen_om: thek the private messages from the ub ubuntu bot, ubottu10:58
Jimualso, airtonix, inkscape is exactly what i was looking for. nice!10:58
airtonixtx: http://www.techienote.com/2010/06/pxe-booting-lucid-lynx-ubuntu-10-04.html10:58
ikoniafsiemons: you need to use the alternative install cd for that10:58
txairtonix, hmm ubuntu will work without hdd on local machine?10:59
ujjuhey,anyone there to help me?10:59
airtonixJimu, just be aware that on anything slower than a core duo it can get pretty bogged down. (its not overly optimized)10:59
fsiemonsikonia: ok so I will search for it.10:59
ikoniafsiemons: it's on ubuntu.com10:59
Gneaikonia: so yeah, I found that vga=814 option and gave that a shot - NOW it's not locking up like it was, but it's still not displaying anything on the screen, numlock and scrolllock work, but now the caps lock key is not working10:59
airtonixJimu, although i get away with doing graphic design on a atom-n280 1.6ghz10:59
elit3m1kei install kde on ubuntu but it wont appear in gdm, any idea whats up?10:59
fsiemonsWhat I have found is that I need this when my System dosnt meet the requirements10:59
JosefAssadquick question. If I get an external screen for my laptop which is on 10.04, is it a lot of work to get a desktop spanning 2 screens?11:00
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ikoniaGnea: time for the bug logging, that sound annoying11:00
ikoniafsiemons: what ?11:00
airtonixtx, maybe, if you change the iso used by the pxe server to create a 4gb ramdisk11:00
Gneaikonia: I can also ctrl-alt-del it now11:00
raikonen_omikonia: i can log on system as root : look here to pictures : http://www.gelecekonline.com/metin/ubuntu_10_04_de_root_olarak_oturum_acma11:00
Gneaikonia: I'd log it if I could get at it11:00
airtonixtx: this is another guide that might help : http://www.serenux.com/2010/05/howto-setup-your-own-pxe-boot-server-using-ubuntu-server/11:00
ikoniaraikonen_om: that will make your system unsupportible11:00
ikoniaraikonen_om: that breaks the ubuntu security model11:00
ugliefrogi lost my memenu dont see ti in the add to panel...whats it called11:01
ikoniaGnea: just log it on launchpad, it's a drawn out process without the bug logging tool, I accept that11:01
raikonen_omikonia: i know. i know. i just wan tot lears. which directory it use as home folder ?11:01
ikoniaraikonen_om: your system is unsupported now, please contact that article owner for support11:01
Gneaikonia: okay11:01
ikoniaGnea: sorry, know it's a drag11:01
Gneagoing to try the alternate iso now11:01
Gneaikonia: could be worse :)11:01
fsiemonsI found my mistake, on the web page that explains the alernate CD the details only describes that its for System whith lower Performance11:01
fsiemonsBut I just download the alternate installer11:02
ikoniafsiemons: show me the link11:02
zetheroohas "Software Sources" been removed from 10.10?11:02
ikoniazetheroo: hidden now, hang on there is a factoid11:02
ubottuLooking for your Software Sources in Maverick/10.10? For a simple way to enable the menu item see http://tinyurl.com/24jxd6t - More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories11:02
xebozonemy HDD sounds like it is constantly busy. Is there a way to see what's accessing it? I don't think 'lsof11:02
ikoniazetheroo: good guess, there you go11:02
xebozoneis the answer11:02
fsiemonsThe benefit of the alternate will be, that it has the normal textbased Installer11:02
elit3m1kei installed kde on ubuntu but it wont appear in gdm, any idea whats up??11:02
ikoniafsiemons: yes ?11:02
zetherooikonia: ok thanks11:02
raikonen_omikonia: i know it is unspported.  but i need to know which directory it use as home folder. i don't ask for any help or any problem here... there is no support here on my question...11:03
ikoniaraikonen_om: then if you know it's unsupported, why are you in a support channel asking for help11:03
ugliefrogi lost my memenu dont see ti in the add to panel...whats it called11:03
ikoniaraikonen_om: please contact that article owner for support, your system is not supported11:03
fsiemonsThis installation CD is suited for computers unable to run the graphical desktop based11:03
ikoniafsiemons: it is11:03
fsiemonsbut thanks a lot I will try the installer cd now11:03
JosefAssadquick question. If I get an external screen for my laptop which is on 10.04, is it a lot of work to get a desktop spanning 2 screens?11:04
nibbler_hey, the new unr is amazing (and quiet easy to reach starting with a standard desktop)11:05
txok, another one :<11:06
txi've got some intel graphic card ( on board ), and installed xserver-xorg-video-intel installed, but it doesn't seems that ubuntu know that this card even exists - it uses some default VGA driver for it - how can i fix it?11:07
raikonen_omikonia: you write me 10 centence , you could write me in one of your centences 1 directory it was enough. thank you!11:07
ikoniaraikonen_om: stop asking for support11:08
i_am_deviantikonia: are you that ikonia from #solaris ?? i din't know that you're collaborant :p11:09
ikoniai_am_deviant: on occasion11:09
ambyi am looking for bigbrovar11:09
ikoniaamby: he's not in this channel, check out freenode.net on how to use irc11:10
ambypls how can i get there?11:10
ambyi'm new to this11:10
ikoniaamby: open a web brownser and surf to www.freenode.net to learn how to use irc11:10
Dr_Willisamby:  if hes on this server under taht nick You can /msg HISNICK Somemessage11:11
shiftingcontrolin /boot im unable to find vmlinuz.gz11:11
Goog_Joshgood day, tell me please, how to set up samba to share linux resources?11:11
shiftingcontrolwhat to do nw?/11:11
ikoniashiftingcontrol: have you deleted it ?11:12
bullgard4Jordan_U: Thank you for helping me to get sorted out the function of the directory /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.35/debian.master/ .11:12
Jordan_Ubullgard4: You're welcome.11:12
UmeaboyDoes Ubuntu have a Net boot-iso.11:12
Dr_Willis!samba | Goog_Josh11:12
ubottuGoog_Josh: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.11:12
Jordan_UUmeaboy: Yes.11:12
Jordan_U!netboot | Umeaboy11:13
ubottuUmeaboy: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate11:13
UmeaboyJordan_U: OK.11:13
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning11:13
metatagghi guys! I was connected to a box via ssh, and i pulled the power cable from my client11:13
nibbler_metatagg, so?11:14
metataggany way to connect to the same ssh-session?11:14
Goog_Joshthanks a lot11:14
shiftingcontroli installed opensuse as same partion as ubuntu 9.10 resides now boot manager doesnot shw the option for booting ubuntu11:14
Jordan_Umetatagg: Only if you were using screen (which you probably weren't).11:14
nibbler_metatagg, nope. but change your shell to /usr/bin/screen, so u can do this the next time11:14
metataggi guessed ´so11:14
metataggsry 4 swearing11:15
metataggthnx anyway11:15
UmeaboyJordan_UB: Can't seem to find it.11:15
UmeaboyI thought it was called boot.iso like in Mandriva.11:15
Jordan_UUmeaboy: No, it's also known as the "minimal CD" or "mini.iso".11:16
Jordan_U!minimal | Umeaboy11:16
ubottuUmeaboy: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD11:16
guzuikonia, the upgrade completed successfuly. thank you11:18
mehranhuIs there any loop that i can run in terminal to set CHMOD of every file in a directory and all subdirectories11:18
djoglihi, is there a way to disable key on keyboard, but not under X (with xmodmap) but also in terminal, im using xubuntu 10.04, i think it applies here too11:19
guzumehranhu, chmod -R ?11:19
Jordan_Umetatagg: "chmod -R" but be verry carefull when using it.11:19
mehranhucarefull in the sence?11:19
SaRytitle      Ubuntu 9.04 booting via symlinks11:20
SaRyroot       (hd0,8)11:20
SaRykernel     /vmlinuz root=/dev/sda9 ro quiet splash11:20
SaRyinitrd     /initrd.img  .. Of course, adjust the partition [sda9 / hd(0,8)] to your situation. For full information go here http://opensuse.swerdna.org/susebootubuntu.html11:20
FloodBot3SaRy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:20
Dr_Willis-R does recursive. that may not be what you want... in all cases.11:20
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions11:20
SaRyOpps wrong window !11:20
mehranhufloodbot3: hmm Thx11:20
pikoHi, I am seeking for some help with installation of my modem device (probably intel according to motherboard). I have no idea how thi work in ubuntu. Could anyone give a hint?11:21
Dr_Willispiko:  you are refering to an actual DIALUP modem?11:21
ubottuYou want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up11:21
pikoDr_Willis, not adsl, but dialup11:21
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Benkinoobysome1 is having experience with ubuntu 10.04 and HDMI?11:22
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=== gfrog is now known as gfrog_
Benkinoobyjust want to know if i should avoid it or can go with it without fear11:22
pikoDr_Willis, thanks, I will check it11:22
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=== gfrog__ is now known as gfrog
Dr_WillisHDMI video should work. but HDMI audio over the same cable. may or may not work,  depends on the chipsets.11:23
Dr_WillisI think 10.10 has better support in that area11:23
BenkinoobyDr_Willis, this is what i read too. i was wondering if some1 allready tried it him/herself11:23
oxicarusi have ubuntu with lamp-server. now, is there any (easy) way so that when you 'adduser' a new person to the system, then he also gets a mysql user account? per default i need to specifically create the mysql user :/ would be awesome if system and mysql accounts could be 'linked' :D11:23
Artiom_Fiodorovanyone knows how to fix lirc in 10.10?11:23
xebozoneyeah im also having problems with lirc :(11:24
Dr_Willisoxicarus:  make a script that calls adduser, then the commands for the rest of the stuff you wan to setup.11:24
Artiom_Fiodorovdo you have any irw output?11:24
xebozonelirc_serial won't start11:25
Jordan_USaRy: A better way to boot Ubuntu from another distribution's grub legacy is to use an entry with "root (hdX,Y); multiboot /boot/grub/core.img" (where ';' is replaced with a newline).11:25
matematikaadithow to join ubuntu?11:25
Dr_Willismatematikaadit:  you are in #ubuntu now11:25
matematikaadithow to join ubuntu comunity?11:26
oxicarusDr_Willis: i see, thats how i need to do it. there's no predefined setting or suchlike for it?11:26
SaRyJordan_U, Thanks , i'll pass it through.11:26
bazhang!contribute > matematikaadit11:26
ubottumatematikaadit, please see my private message11:26
Jordan_USaRy: You're welcome.11:26
Dr_Willisoxicarus:  not that ive ever noticed.  Ive done similer scripts for samba passwords.11:26
Jordan_USaRy: Sorry, replace "multiboot" with "kernel". So "title foo; root (hdX,Y); kernel /boot/grub/core.img".11:27
SaRyJordan_U, np at all .. Noted.11:27
Dr_Williswatching a new 10.10 system install... i enabled the 3rd party repos. and updates to begin with.. I think i just saw it install flash and java by default.. or am i seeing things.. :)11:28
k0nN3c739hi, someone know how to get older versione of foo2 printer drivers?11:29
SaRyDr_Willis, good news.11:29
k0nN3c739because in the webssite there's only a foo2.tar.gz file, LOL11:29
nadavmy sound sounds really bad11:29
k0nN3c739they overwrite this file every new version11:29
nadavwith ubunutu11:30
nadavwhy is that?11:30
Benkinoobynadav, what do you mean by "bad"?11:30
anna__nadav: bad quality?11:30
BenkinoobyBenkinooby, ?11:30
nadavyeah, bad quality, I hear a little bit of white noise in the background11:31
k0nN3c739nadav, maybe it's the mic enabled?11:31
k0nN3c739try to play with the mixer11:31
Benkinoobynadav, maybe you have to go down with some of the boosters like the one for mic11:31
i_am_deviantnadav: do you have a cat?11:31
nadavI dont have any mic11:31
nadavlol. no :P11:31
i_am_deviantnadav: or any other pet?11:31
i_am_deviantthey should do11:31
Benkinoobynadav, use the terminal to start 'alsamixer' or 'alsamixergui' if you prefer gui interface11:32
no--namehmm. It appears my virtual terminal is now purple. How do I get it back to black?11:33
nadavwell its a little better after I tuned down the alsa mixer abi11:33
Benkinoobyno--name, preferences11:33
oxicarusty Dr_Willis :)11:33
Slipknot6669Well reloading the previous version seems to have worked, but I do believe my hard drive is the problem.11:34
k0nN3c739where can I find lucid .deb packages?11:34
Benkinoobynadav, pay special attention to the booster mixers. they cause some white noise... at least at my place11:34
Slipknot6669I got error messages about several bad sectors upon install reboot.11:35
GneaerUSUL: and it's going through the packages now :)11:35
nadavthanks Benkinooby :-)11:35
k0nN3c739ok found11:35
Benkinoobynadav, it worked?11:35
no--nameBenkinooby: where are preferences? I'm talking about when you press ctrl+f<number>, not gnome-terminal.11:36
xebozonemy HDD sounds like it is constantly busy. Is there a way to see what's accessing it? I don't think 'lsof' is the answer (as suggested), unless I'm using it wrong?11:36
Benkinoobyno--name, oh sorry, i missunderstood you11:36
nadavmy earphones died last night during my jogging, now Im cruising for some new ones from deal extreme11:36
nadavany recommendations?11:37
xebozonenadav: wrong support channel...lol but I have creative EP-630s. They are great!11:37
iruladuh pakek BAHASA APA11:38
bazhang!id | irul11:38
ubottuirul: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:38
parsecikonia, I tried one tutorial and apparently added a rule, but I can't find it in the iptables --list output11:38
hohohohoirul bingung11:39
hohohohowhats the new great feature on ubuntu 10.1011:40
irulgimana cara makek nya niiiiiiiii11:40
Gneairul: english?11:41
hohohohoirul : pake bahasa inggris rul kalo chat11:41
xebozonehohohoho: there is no "one" great feature. Check the changelog11:41
i_am_devianthohohoho: probably it could boot in very rare cases11:41
xebozonei_am_deviant: hahaha11:41
nadavwhat is a good way to scan my ubuntu for virus or other malicious entity?11:41
hohohohoxebozone : so whats the different?11:41
xebozonehohohoho: it has a new background11:42
Gnea!id | irul, hohohoho11:42
ubottuirul, hohohoho: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:42
hohohohoi_am_deviant : can you explain that?11:42
irulaku gk bisa pakek bhasa inggrisss11:42
Gnea!english | irul, hohohoho11:42
ubottuirul, hohohoho: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList11:42
Benkinoobyno--name, hm, no clue about the backgrond color :/11:43
xebozonedoes anybody else get constant HDD activity with 10.10?11:43
no--nameI'm getting "modprobe: fatal: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/modules.dep: no such file or directory" in tty1 everytime I turn ubuntu on.11:43
xukunwhat do I need to install so I can paly youtube trailers and such on ubuntu 10.04?11:43
no--nameBenkinooby: I restarted and it's black again so it was an error I guess, not a change by Ubuntu.11:43
nadavwhat is a good way to scan my ubuntu for virus or other malicious entity?11:44
coz_nadav,  well...there are seveeral things that can be done...one  clamav   and the other rkhunter11:44
i_am_devianthohohoho: yes .. when you turn on computer, hardware firmware (oftenly reffered as a bios or PROM) initializes devices and then pass initiative to operating system which lives in RAM .. operating system has to boot up and MM is now able to do so in rare cases out-of-box11:44
coz_nadav,  you want to install clamav front end as well    let me find the name of that11:45
nadavwhich would you recommend? and should I be worried? is ubuntu proned to attack?11:45
xebozonexukun: probably the g-streamer plugins and the medibuntu plugins11:45
xukunxebozone, ok thanks11:45
airtonixnadav, it will now that more novice users start using ubuntu and ask how to turn off sudo11:45
nadavlol ^_^11:46
coz_nadav,   first  no  ubuntu is not attacked  but   I usually install both  clamav and rkhunter  just to play with :)11:46
coz_navap,  the front end to clamav is clamtk11:46
coz_navap,  for gnome or klamav  for kde11:46
xebozonefor the one that wanted to change console colors, it's in the preferences11:47
coz_navap,   rkhunter is terminal based utility11:47
airtonixnadav, you also have some daemons for clam that scan files on access11:47
Gneaikonia, erUSUL: if you're still around, I'm having the same problem I had with ubuntu-server: http://imagebin.org/11876411:47
nadavairtonix, im a fresh ubuntu user, used linux before11:47
nadavi mean windows11:47
nadavwhat is the windows equilivent for daemons? applications? :P11:47
irulgimana ni ngrubah kebahasa indonesia11:48
xebozonenadav: windows has daemons too11:48
airtonixnadav, yeah well your mileage may vary i used windows for ten years without a virus scanner, never had any problems. and everyone i dealth with never reported i gave them virus11:48
tensorpuddingnadav: Windows Services11:48
Gnea!id | irul11:48
ubottuirul: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia11:48
Gneairul: I won't say it again.11:48
hohohoho!id | irul11:48
nadavaha, so a daemon is a service11:48
Gneanadav: pretty much11:48
nadavand I know airtonix, I wasnt using antivirus either, just a firewall11:48
Gnea!ot | irul11:48
ubottuirul: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:48
xebozonenadav: you could say that11:49
tensorpuddingA lot of Windows network stuff are handled through IIS, which iirc is handled as a service.11:49
coz_navap,     http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_%28computer_software%2911:49
tensorpuddingThis knowledge is from XP though, they might have changed it.11:49
airtonixnadav, there are small differences. a service leans more to being something that touches the ports on your network device, a daemon simply sits in memory and does stuff11:49
irulkampang kabeh koe bajingan ragelem dudoi11:49
xebozonewell said11:49
nadavI see11:50
airtonixnadav, but daemons and services both watch for things11:50
nadavwhat is that: 6001/tcp open  X11:111:50
erUSULGnea: sorry; never seen that error myself ....11:50
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nadavwhenever I see the name moose I think of moose schrute from the office11:51
airtonixnadav, http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/view/241/show-which-programs-are-listening-on-tcp-and-udp-ports11:51
navyseali need some help with a tvcard11:52
navysealtvtime keeps associating my usb webcam as a default11:52
navyseali want to change that to the pci card11:52
ranahello all11:52
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airtonixnavyseal, interesting. enter key is not a form of punctuation by the way.11:53
terrenceTKHi all11:54
GneaerUSUL: I'm seeing it on previous versions of ubuntu in the bug tracker, as far back as 6.10.  I used usb-creator-gtk, so I guess I'll try unetbootin next11:54
airtonixnavyseal, you need to investigate the manual page for tvtime11:54
terrenceTKTVtime doesn detect my tvtuner, but its listed in lshw11:55
erUSULGnea: good luck then11:55
airtonixterrenceTK, same as what i just told navyseal11:55
GneaterrenceTK: tvtime doesn't support every tv tuner11:55
nadavam I doing something wrong here? I started a VNC server using: vncserver -httpport 3081, but when I do nmap localhost I get that the port is open on a completly diffrent port11:55
terrenceTKI know it supports this one11:55
Bucky2090trying to remaster a livecd (10.10)11:55
terrenceTKUsed on another pc11:56
GneaterrenceTK: what is it?11:56
Bucky2090anyone know how to get rid of the Welcome screen?11:56
airtonixterrenceTK, navyseal make sure your card is listed here http://tvtime.sourceforge.net/cards.html11:56
navyseali'm used a tv card based on cx8811:56
Bucky2090i just want the livecd to boot without having to click on "Try Ubuntu"11:56
airtonixnavyseal, did you read the link for cx88 on that page i listed... the rest of the research is up to you now.11:57
nadavam I doing something wrong here? I started a VNC server using: vncserver -httpport 3081, but when I do nmap localhost I get that the port is open on a completly diffrent port11:58
terrenceTKHeres the lshw output -11:58
terrenceTK       description: Multimedia video controller11:58
terrenceTK       product: Bt878 Video Capture11:58
terrenceTK       vendor: Brooktree Corporation11:58
terrenceTK       physical id: 211:58
FloodBot3terrenceTK: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
navyseallspci detects the tv card11:59
navyseal03:07.0 Multimedia video controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. CX23880/1/2/3 PCI Video and Audio Decoder (rev 05)11:59
txhm, it seems, that i'm after FS crash, it is fixed now, but kubuntu can't boot anymore... is there any recovery mode in kubuntu live cd which can repair my os?11:59
terrenceTKCan I reload the BTTV modules - I recall that worked some time, but forgot how to12:02
nadavmy sound isnt working again, what can it be?12:02
nadavnot again, I mean this time its completly not working12:03
yakozai'm using ubuntu 10.0412:03
yakozai wanna use vpn12:03
pksadiqterrenceTK: I feel it's modprobe bttv12:03
chalcedony  my husband has photographs on 3 drives (i think that's what he's showing me) but one is giving an error: Could not load image, failed to open input stream for file (filename) they say .JPG .. no filename12:03
Gnea!vpn | yakoza12:03
ubottuyakoza: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN12:03
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terrenceTKpksadiq: Thanks12:03
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yakozai've connected to in the internet with gprs12:04
nadavanyone got a clue why my sound suddenly stopped working?12:04
yakozaand with gprs i have to use l2tp connection12:04
djoglihi, is there a way to disable key on keyboard, but not under X (with xmodmap) but also in terminal, im using xubuntu 10.04, anyone knows how to solve this?12:05
nadavwierd, its working on my computer but not on firefox12:05
yakozahow can i make a l2tpd connection on ubuntu?12:05
amin_i want to unmount all of my usb ntfs-hard drives in terminal what should I do?12:07
chalcedonyDr_Willis, good morning :)12:07
Dr_WillisMoo! :)12:07
Dr_Willisjust did a clean install of 10.10 on my old box. testing it out now.12:07
Cojagedid they fix the nvidia drivers yet12:08
Dr_WillisI still had to beat them in the head Cojage12:09
yakozahow can i make a l2tpd connection on ubuntu?12:09
amin_i want to unmount all of my usb ntfs-hard drives in terminal what should I do?12:09
pksadiqsorry wrong place12:09
Dr_WillisOn my 2 nvidia systems I have to use the 'nomodeset' option to get to a useable desktopp/system. then isntall the nvidia-current drivers12:09
Dr_Willisamin_:  sudo umount mountpointtheyareuysing12:09
Cojageoh willis12:10
Cojageill stick with .04 then12:10
Cojageor perhaps mint :o12:10
Dr_WillisCojage:  i had the same issues in .0412:10
Tigger_Yum-Yumso if i want to install ubuntus home dir on a seperate partition i just manually create the partitions and make one "/" partition and one "/home" partition?12:10
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  yep.12:10
Cojagei dont apperanlty12:10
amin_Dr_Willis: does this cd /media && rm -rf *^C12:10
amin_ works12:10
geistTigger_Yum-Yum: yep12:10
Tigger_Yum-Yumis there any performace or security incentive to having /home on its own partition?12:11
Dr_Willisamin_:  you dont want to do that..  that will erase stuff on teh disks..12:11
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!12:11
Tigger_Yum-Yumor performance or security lack?12:11
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  its easier to update/upgrade later.12:11
Muffiehello all. I've been trying to make xps m1210 Broadcom BCM4321 to work on 10.10 with no success. Anyone can help? I have already installed ndiswrapper12:11
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  i keep my /home on uits own aprtition. OR better yet. On its own hard drive.12:11
Tigger_Yum-Yumive heard that willis im just wondering if there are any other benefits12:12
UltimateTerabytehi, i've plugged in a panasonic usb printer, but for some reason ubuntu doesn't detect it when i go to "printing". What should I do?12:12
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  i think keeping your users data safer then just on 1 hd. :) is a good benifit.12:12
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  on a 2nd hd would be faster i imagine also.. but thats not if both are on the same HD.12:13
ibrahim-kasemI am trying to install the amd64 bit alternate using a flash disc, but at third step "Detect and mount cd rom" no cd can be detected because i am using flash disc!12:13
Tigger_Yum-Yumi only have one internal hd though... im talking about partitons here not drives :P12:13
Muffieanyone? ndiswrapper-utils-1.9_1.56-3_i386.deb12:13
MuffieI've been trying to make xps m1210 Broadcom BCM4321 to work on 10.10 with no success. Anyone can help? I have already installed ndiswrapper12:13
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  and how big is this HD?12:13
Tigger_Yum-Yumand i backup everything externally so hd failure isnt a concern for me12:13
Tigger_Yum-Yumits a 1TB Dr_Willis12:13
greenmang0why doesn't  /tmp get emptied after reboot?12:13
Tigger_Yum-Yumi have a 1TB internal and 1TB external12:14
Gneagreenmang0: it doesn't?12:14
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  on my one system HD i got a /boot/ of like 4gb, (yes i have a reason for that)  / of about 20gb  a swap, and rest is /home12:14
greenmang0Gnea: i am experiencing this problem since last 1 year12:14
Gneagreenmang0: that's rather... wrong. what's staying behind?12:14
Tigger_Yum-Yumwhy seperate boot and why such a big swap Dr_Willis?12:15
Dr_WillisMy swap is only 1 gb.12:15
Dr_Willis /boot/ is 4=GB because i keep ISO files there that GRUB2 can boot.12:15
Tigger_Yum-Yumyou said 2012:15
Dr_Willis / of about 20gb12:15
ForgeAushaving a wubi problem (with kubuntu but nobody is answering there) I think its something to do with the lvm part of the system ... the error it gives me when I go to virtual terminal (ie control+alt+f1) is /scripts/init-premount/lvm2: line39: add_mountroot_fail_hook: not found (then it fails to mount /dev/sda2, /dev /sys and /proc... then it says, Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init. No init found. Try passing init= bootarg. )12:15
Dr_WillisI dident give swaps size...12:15
pksadiqgreenmang0: if it doesn't you may add sudo rm /tmp/* & in the file /etc/rc.local12:15
Dr_WillisI always put a 512mb or 1gb swap partition on most every HD on the systems :)12:16
Tigger_Yum-Yumso home seperation is just to help upgrade...12:16
GneaForgeAus: lvm is problematic. have you tried booting with init=/bin/sh ?12:16
Dr_WillisHmm the 10.10 installer DID install flash it seems..12:16
ForgeAusgnea no I don't know how to12:16
goshawkis anybody experiencing problems with blueman on maverick + DUM support? when i try to use it it says "device added but failed to connect"12:16
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greenmang0Gnea: http://sprunge.us/KJGD12:17
greenmang0pksadiq: ^^12:17
mickster04Dr_Willis: did you ask it to?12:17
GneaForgeAus: ah, you'll need to first go to the ntfs menu and select ubuntu, then edit the first selection of the grub menu and add to the kernel line:  init=/bin/sh12:17
Dr_Willismickster04:  i checked the enable 3party repos. and install updates, at the beginning.. that seems to have included flash and some other stuff automatically12:17
UltimateTerabytewhen i try to print a test page it says "the test page has been printed" but nothing comes out of the printer. i'm using the GDI driver and it's a panasonic KX-MB200012:17
mickster04Dr_Willis: awesome:D12:17
pksadiqgreenmang0:  file lists in /tmp ?12:17
ForgeAusgnea, that I think I might be able to do12:18
greenmang0Gnea: TMPTIME=0 in /etc/default/rcS12:18
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greenmang0Dr_sadiq: yeah12:18
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nkourhello, in statup preferences I want for example to enable Gnome Do but it is shown as disabled (cannot click on it). any ideas? 10.1012:18
ForgeAus(btw gnea busybox - or if you like recovery mode - works)12:18
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GneaForgeAus: recovery mode is a bit different than a read-only shell12:19
Tigger_Yum-Yumwhich window manager do you use Dr_Willis?12:19
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  ust using GNOME for now..12:19
Dr_WillisBeen testing out Lubuntu lately. Its gotten very nice.12:19
ForgeAuswhere does the init line go in the grub entry?12:19
ForgeAusdoes it matter?12:19
nkouroh, it's UI bug..12:19
Tigger_Yum-Yumive not been very happy with gome or kde im thinking about trying a 64 bit xfce distro12:19
Dr_WillisYou can install xfce over ubuntu and try it out..12:20
ForgeAusTigger, englightenmenti s another option12:20
pksadiqgreenmang0: so append rm -R /tmp/* & to the file /etc/rc.local this file will be automatically executed at startup12:20
no--nameI want to go $ alias lsc="ls --color <folder> | cat", where <folder> can be typed after lsc, how would I do that?12:20
Dr_WillisI dont see what the others offer thats not in gnome , or kde really12:20
ForgeAusbut if you odn't like Gnome then you probably aren't going to find XFCE much more enjoyable (although it is liter)12:20
no--nameso e.g. ls --color Downloads | cat12:20
TerabyteI've got a new printer, I plugged the printer in, and followed the (ubuntu) wizard that came up, i installed generic driver and GDI, when i try to print a test page it says "the test page has been printed" but nothing comes out of the printer. i'm using the GDI driver and it's a panasonic KX-MB2000. Any ideas?12:20
Tigger_Yum-Yumive heard xfce is better performance wise Dr_Willis12:20
Dr_Willisno--name:  bash command line arguemtns  I think you want to use $112:21
pksadiqgreenmang0:  but before the line exit 012:21
Tigger_Yum-Yumif it wont be pretty either way it might as well be fast12:21
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  you have a rather low end system?12:21
ForgeAustigger, you want performance/liteness, use fluxbox! lol12:21
Gneagreenmang0: o.O12:21
Tigger_Yum-Yumi dont want barebones but i dont want something thats sluggish and still ugly12:21
ForgeAusbut really KDE is far more functional (gnome is too but I personally don't like gnome much)12:21
greenmang0Gnea: why doesn't TMPTIME=0 doesn't work?12:21
Dr_WillisFunctions > looks12:22
no--nameDr_Willis: so $ alias lsc="ls --color $1 | cat", and then e.g. lsc ~/Downloads ?12:22
Gneagreenmang0: don't know, try the rc.local suggestion12:22
ForgeAusKDE isn't ugly, not sure how to get gnome to look pretty..12:22
Dr_Willisno--name:  tryit and see12:22
Dr_WillisI dont find gnome ugly either..12:22
Dice-Mankde is not ugly but it dull your ram12:22
ForgeAusbut then ugly is mostly a matter of perception, I can't tell you what your concept of beauty is12:22
Dr_WillisI do use the clearlooks theme. :)12:22
Gneagnome and kde are hideous12:22
greenmang0Gnea: so what do you use? fluxbox? :)12:23
Dr_Willis'vague' buzzeords :) and  perceptioon12:23
GneaE17 is where it's at12:23
no--nameDr_Willis: $ lsc Downloads12:23
no--namecat: Downloads: Invalid argument12:23
ForgeAuslucid is so MacOSX-alike (at least the default for leopard)12:23
Gneagreenmang0: heck no :)12:23
ForgeAuslookswise.. workalike, very different12:23
Tigger_Yum-Yumi run windoze 7 clear as a bell but for whatever gnome and kde are both sluggish for me so id like to try 64b and a diff window manager12:23
Muffieanyone can help me with STA installation?12:23
erUSULno--name: 1) alias do not take args. 2) why do you need cat at all? 3) why you need the alias if ls in ubuntu is already an alias to ls --color=auto ???12:23
Tigger_Yum-Yumfor whatever reason*12:23
Dr_Willisno--name:  why are you pipeing into cat anywauy?12:23
ForgeAusLXDE is another option but I'm not all that fussed about it12:24
no--nameBecause sometimes I like it to be vertical.12:24
Morten_Hi, what can I do when a ssh attempt just stops at "Last login...." and it doesn't go any further, and I want cancel the ssh attempt?12:24
MuffieI thought, in 2010, ubuntu 10.10 wouldnt have a problem with a simple wireless card...12:24
no--nameRather than getting things side by side12:24
Gneagreenmang0, ForgeAus: keep in mind, I compile E17 by hand12:24
Dr_Willisls proberly has an option to do that allready12:24
airtonixGnea, my thing is better than your thing.12:24
erUSULno--name: verstical? 1 file per line? just use ls -112:24
TerabyteI've got a new printer, I plugged the printer in, and followed the (ubuntu) wizard that came up, i installed generic driver and GDI, when i try to print a test page it says "the test page has been printed" but nothing comes out of the printer. i'm using the GDI driver and it's a panasonic KX-MB2000. Any ideas?12:24
erUSULno--name: that 1 as in 1 2 3 not a l like in local12:24
no--nameerUSUL: lol, thanks12:24
Muffieand then, mark shuttleworth is still wondering why Ubuntu is not widely used.12:25
Gneaairtonix: but will your thing automatically fix itself when it breaks? :)12:25
no--nameerUSUL: ahh, neat.12:25
no--nameI never knew about that :P12:25
Tigger_Yum-Yumso enlightenment, xfce, or lxde...12:25
Tigger_Yum-Yumwhich is best12:25
airtonixGnea, it will if i whip it hard enough12:25
Gneaairtonix: heh, I don't even need to do that12:25
ForgeAushehe Gnea, sad to see its not up to e19 yet lol :)12:25
Dr_WillisMuffie:   chipset makers not providing support like they should - is the bigger side of the 'issue'12:25
greenmang0Gnea: rc.local solution is kinda workaround... i want to find out why TMPTIME=0 not working12:25
SaRyMuffie, any clue why is that issue related to Ubuntu !12:25
GneaForgeAus: it's very linear in its development path12:25
MuffieDr_Willis and SaRy : Well, the driver exists12:25
ForgeAus(*buntu has always seemed to be quite a way behind on the Enlightenment side of things)12:25
silawhich is china ubuntu12:26
greenmang0Gnea: oh... E1712:26
erUSULMuffie: what wifi chip ?12:26
Dr_Willisfor one laptop  i had. the STA driver  had issues. I had to use the older BCM driver I think12:26
airtonixMuffie, then use it ?12:26
silawhich china ubuntu irc12:26
MuffieDr_Willis and SaRy and erUSUL : Broadcom 4321.12:26
airtonix!cn | sila12:26
ubottusila: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:26
kurratahi, i have 2 questions. i made my own .deb file and installed it. Why i cant find it in software center as installed package. And 2nd question. How do i get that screenshot to show in software center when i am installing package?12:26
Tigger_Yum-Yumenlightenment, xfce, or lxde Dr_Willis / ForgeAus?12:26
GneaForgeAus: yes, but redhat put its foot down years ago when it came to the standardization of the linux desktop12:26
Muffieairtonix: well, I would need to compile the driver, but I dont have the headers neither network to get them12:26
erUSULMuffie: if it is broadcom then blame boradcom. they do not let anyone distribute the firmware for their cards12:27
ForgeAusGnea does it matter where in the grub boot entry the line init=/bin/sh goes?12:27
Dr_WillisForgeAus:  i saw some Ubuntu variant that had updated E packages...  saw it mentioned on some site.. I think it was a pinguy variant. :)12:27
GneaForgeAus: yes, it must go at the end of the 'kernel' line12:27
ForgeAus(ie can it go after initrd /boot/initrd.img=2.6.23-22-generic ?12:27
MuffieerUSUL: Dont want to blame anyone. Just wanted to use Ubuntu12:27
GneaForgeAus: far right12:27
erUSULMuffie: if they just allow it the any linux distro will come with the firmware already installed12:27
ForgeAusthere was an unofficial elbuntu I tihnk12:27
Artiom_Fiodorovanyone knows how to fix lirc12:27
Artiom_Fiodorovin 10.1012:27
airtonixerUSUL, broadcom recently opensoruced the drivers...12:28
Gneaelbuntu didn't last, opengeu tries, and elive is the only actively developed, though that's based on debian12:28
erUSULMuffie: so why you came here ranting about lack of support for common hardware ? go rant to a broadcom support forum12:28
Muffieairtonix: do you know if I can get a binary driver somewhere?12:28
erUSULairtonix: for the new chipsets; the old ones still no luck12:28
airtonixMuffie, no you still need to compile it12:28
erUSULMuffie: if you are connected via wire then just « sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter »12:29
Muffieairtonix: and how can I get headers with no network. I mean, I can use a pendrive, but what should i get and from?12:29
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ForgeAusTigger, XFCE is likely just as ugly as gnome to you, I guess, its very gnome-like to me... not sure Englightenment is going to be any better for you performance wise, I have no idea... LXDE is minimal, kinda... its probably the one I'd start with of the three, fluxbox is even further minimal yet functional enough... but the choice is really up to you)12:29
MuffieI'm not, I'm on a mac pro. But I can transfer files using a pen drive12:29
airtonixMuffie, make a liveusb from an iso then use it where you have network connection to do this12:30
muh2000what compiler optimizations aare used for building udeb packages?12:30
Gneagreenmang0: I'm not seeing the problem anywhere, you might want to post it to ubuntuforums.org12:30
greenmang0Gnea: ok12:30
Muffieairtonix: well, I have a live usb 10.10 that I used to install ubuntu12:30
Tigger_Yum-Yumi was happy with gnomes appearance 3 or so versions ago but its gotten ugly again ForgeAus12:30
Tigger_Yum-Yumand personally gnome seems to have too few options and kde too many12:31
Muffieairtonix: cant I download a .DEB or something with linux headers?12:31
airtonixMuffie, yes.12:31
airtonixMuffie, http://packages.ubuntu.com/12:31
Muffieairtonix: uname -r shows: 2.6.35-22-generic12:32
rkpisanuhow to install kaffeine codecs ?12:32
ForgeAusargh no dice12:32
erUSULMuffie: sorry in maverick is firmware-b43-installer the package name...12:33
MuffieerUSUL:  It's already on the installation iso?12:33
mcdevitthi i need help fr compiling a wlan driver 10.04 •Chipsatz: Ralink RT3070, RF-Chip: RT307012:33
Gneaokay, this is messed up: if I use usb-creator-gtk to make a USB drive bootable with 10.04 alternate iso, it boots up and attempts to install, but catches an error on the base-files and base-passwd packages, claiming permission denied. If I used unetbootin to make the USB stick, I get a different looking boot menu, it boots, but then can't recognize itself as a cdrom. fail.12:33
MuffieerUSUL: or do I need to take it from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/12:33
kurratahi, i have 2 questions. i made my own .deb file and installed it. Why i cant find it in software center as installed package. And 2nd question. How do i get that screenshot to show in software center when i am installing package? http://codepad.org/1KHsIFrm control file12:34
tomanhello there. Is there anyone using ubuntu 10.10 and genius media tablet 8x6 ? i just want to know is it still working ok on 10.10 ...12:34
ForgeAuswait what kernel line?12:34
erUSULMuffie: problem is; it is far easier to install it while connected to internet. to avoid legal problems the package has to download the firmware file from internet during install.12:34
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ForgeAus(grr lag)12:34
Muffieairtonix: what packages should I get to simulate this command: apt-get install build-essential linux-headers-generic12:35
* Gnea considers attempting to ressurect the old desktop, get the cd burner working on it, burning a cd then hooking up the drive to the new system12:35
Guest73951Hello!, i have a problem with wifi conexion. All the laptops and pcs with ubuntu fails conecting to the router. Windows pc's works ok. What can i do?12:35
erUSULMuffie: if you do it offline you need the packages ( both of them ) and download the firmware files. transfer everything to the system and run some commands... http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43#device_firmware_installation12:35
Gnea!wifi | Guest7395112:35
ubottuGuest73951: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:35
SaRyAlso, the Ubuntu Starter Guide contains much information about tweaking Ubuntu, besides multimedia support. Give it a few minutes -- it will certainly pay back.12:35
ForgeAusmuffie apt-cache search should tell you that if that command isn't sufficient12:35
MuffieerUSUL:  thankx. I'll follow that link12:36
MuffieForgeAus: no network! :(12:36
airtonixMuffie, what you should do is run a virtual machine on the machine you are currently on. then boot up the live iso and perform all these steps. then install apt-on-cd to make a iso of the local deb files you downloaded with apt then move that to your real machine to use12:36
Muffie:) Gosh!12:37
ForgeAusthere is of course another desktop option that you could thikn about... windowmaker!12:37
ForgeAusMuffie, shouldn't matter if your apt-cache is up-to-date12:37
airtonixMuffie, surely virtualbox will run on the machine you are currently using ?12:37
Dr_WillisWindowmaker is lacking in many ways these days.. and still very original in many ways12:37
Muffieairtonix: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter12:37
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Muffiei think that sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter will solve12:38
Muffiejust need12:38
Muffieto find the package12:38
ForgeAusDr_Willis as much as I agree.. its still... interesting12:38
ForgeAusand usable12:38
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:38
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!12:38
Dr_WillisI find the whole 'dock app' that windowmaker uses. much better then these Uber-docks that everyone is so in love with. But the rest of the gnustep stuff.. well . is odd in ways12:39
CrackerJackzhow much hard disk space do i need for a ubuntu install12:40
SaRyas you like.12:40
CrackerJackzi have an old computer here that has a 300 mhz processor, 128 mb of ram, and a 6 GB hard drive12:40
Jordan_UMuffie: No need to compile anything, the driver for your card is already shipped with Ubuntu. What you need is the *firmware* which broadcom won't allow Ubuntu to distribute, which you can get here: http://jordanu.dyndns.org/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz12:40
SCD[Eire]CrackerJackz, you need 15GB minimum12:40
mickster04CrackerJackz: that should be plenty12:40
ForgeAusDr_Willis I'd put some support into there being a StepBuntu or NeXTBuntu ... essentially all it would take is some repackaging of a standard *buntu base like Kubuntu or Ubuntu, taking out the KDE/Gnome components and adding in whichever *DM + Windowmaker + whatever elements of GNUstep are necessary/desired for a standardized distro..12:40
erUSULDr_Willis: outdated ;P a copy of original NeXT gui http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeXT12:40
mickster04SCD[Eire]: no you dont12:41
CrackerJackzwhat if i don't use gnome and use fluxbox or something12:41
SCD[Eire]mickster04, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements12:41
MuffieJordan_U: thanks, got it. What should I do to install?12:41
CrackerJackzarent there things i can do to minimalize the ammount of hd space that gets used12:41
mickster04SCD[Eire]: CrackerJackz: i have it installed on 5 an a bit12:41
DrManhattanCrackerJackz, im just breaking balls. You're fine on 612:41
ForgeAusmuch like the process to convert Kubuntu into Ubuntu or vice versa...12:41
DrManhattanCrackerJackz, you might want to try xubuntu though, it's a little lighter weight12:41
Jordan_UMuffie: sudo tar -xf /path/to/b43-firmware-lucid.tar.gz -C /lib/firmware/12:41
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  I recall befor  wmaker started trying to become a nextish clone.   Befor there was all these gnustep* apps with their odd interfaces12:42
Grey_LokiCrackerJackz: perhaps install Damn Small Linux instead of one of the 'buntus?12:42
ForgeAus(I'm lagged again :( )12:42
SCD[Eire]mickster04, I presumed he meant standard desktop edition12:42
vehsarcanyone succeeded configuring lm_sensors for hp laptops like dv9500t (auto-detect detects only coretemp for cpu) ?12:42
CrackerJackzGrey_Loki, i thought about that but wasnt sure how much support i'd have for the hard ware12:42
CrackerJackzthe computer is very old12:42
mickster04SCD[Eire]: i di12:42
CrackerJackzhow similar is DSL to debian?12:42
mickster04SCD[Eire]: i doo12:42
CrackerJackzfrom what i was reading when you install dsl to hd you use apt-get for package management12:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:43
CrackerJackzso what all can i do to light up my ubuntu install?12:43
MuffieJordan_U: ok, now just a reboot?12:44
bazhangCrackerJackz, try lubuntu12:44
Jordan_UMuffie: Yes.12:44
Grey_LokiCrackerJackz: i've found that (generally) the older hardware is, the more likely you are to have good linux support with it12:44
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MuffieJordan_U: ok, rebooting12:44
mickster04CrackerJackz: what extra software will you need?12:44
vu1kanHi, I'm trying to write a super simple bash script to fullscreen vlc from my ir remote. the script runs thusly:<(line 1)#!/bin/bash (line 2)`xdotool key f`>; after i chmod +x, create a gnome keyboard shortcut that points to my script, and assign it a key, is there anything else I need to do to get keyboard shortcuts to use my script?12:44
GneaGrey_Loki: not with newer versions of Ubuntu, however12:44
CrackerJackzGrey_Loki, that makes sense actually...12:44
rootwhere could i find info about xss12:44
mickster04root: hey12:44
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Guest65295dose someone knows12:45
Dr_WillisI dont even know what 'xss' is/12:45
GneaGuest65295: probably in a web programming channel12:45
MuffieJordan_U: still nothing12:45
GneaDr_Willis: cross-site-scripting12:45
Guest65295does someone there12:45
GneaGuest65295: /join #httpd12:45
CrackerJackzmickster04, well i'm fixing the computer for a friend, they said they just wanna be able to listen to music, check email, and make word documents12:45
CrackerJackzso i was thinking firefox, audacious, open office12:46
mickster04CrackerJackz: then you wont need anything other tha n the defauot install12:46
tarekhi people i wanted to know where eclipse is installed after running apt-get install eclipse?12:46
Dr_Willisabiword is lighter then Openoffice.. but may not work for  all their needs.12:46
CrackerJackzmickster04, how much hd space does ubuntu take up when you first install it12:46
Dr_Willistarek:  try 'which eclipse'12:46
Jordan_UMuffie: Do you get any error message if you run "sudo rmmod b43; sudo modprobe b43"?12:46
CrackerJackzjust the OS it's self12:46
Gneatarek: open a terminal, type: which eclipse12:46
mickster04CrackerJackz: yeah the default install has everything he needs, i cant remember whats on the new default install12:46
ForgeAuslag got me :(12:47
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  this new updated install is just under 5gb.12:47
ForgeAusanyway init=/bin/sh got me to busybox12:47
MuffieJordan_U: no errors12:47
CrackerJackzand i'll have to make a 256 mb swap12:47
CrackerJackzyou think i could get by with 128?12:47
nationis this the help channel12:47
ForgeAusGnea I still need help it doesn't seem to have mounted the wubi virtual disk (hardfile) properly12:47
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  how much ram do you have?12:47
CrackerJackznation yes12:48
mickster04CrackerJackz: yeah12:48
erUSUL!ask | nation12:48
ubottunation: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:48
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, 128 mb12:48
Jordan_UMuffie: Does "iwlist scan" list any networks?12:48
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  you got 128mb of RAM? thats going to be a Major bottleneck12:48
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  you would want a lot of swap in that case12:48
ForgeAusGnea your help got me into busybox didn't start up normally still12:48
nationhow to i setup evolution for windows live mail or msn mail12:48
nationor any other mail for that matter12:48
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, so at minimum 256 mb swap?12:48
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  i would check out Lubuntu for such a low end system12:48
Tigger_Yum-Yumdoes it help to have a huge swap file even if you got a few gigs Dr_Willis?12:48
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  id say a min of 512mb-1gb..12:49
MuffieJordan_U: lo Interface doesn't support scanning | same for eth012:49
mickster04CrackerJackz: why cant you get more? iwould be stuck tryin to find so little12:49
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  theres a point of dimininshign returns.12:49
ForgeAusnation your lucky you can do that, it used to be a paid service, hehe not sure now its probably just a matter of selecting the pop3 server for it...12:49
CrackerJackzmickster04, it's not my computer it only has a 6 gb hd i'm just doing it as a favor for them12:49
mickster04Tigger_Yum-Yum: above 2 gigs swap is unnexesary12:49
nationyeah i did that but doesnt ask me for my pass or anyhting12:49
erUSULMuffie: « sudo rkill list all »12:49
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  whats its CPU anyway?12:49
nation1010 is sweet :p12:50
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, i think 333mhz12:50
Tigger_Yum-Yumi have 3gb of DDR2 and the default swap file that ubuntu gives me is 9gb Dr_Willis12:50
CrackerJackzlemme check12:50
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  try lubuntu, if thats too sluggish. You may have to go try these super-minimal type disrtos liek Puppylinux, or dsl, or others.12:50
ForgeAusnation sorry not sure how to help you offhand... try googling you might find more info (google for thunderbird, and just transfer what it asks you to do over to how to do same kinda stuff in evolution maybe?)12:50
nationlove how it manages my wireless boosted my signal by like 75%12:50
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, well i was thinking as long as i use a light weight window manager should be okay12:50
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  i set mine by hand. I dont hibernate or suspend either.12:51
nationyeah its not that big of a deal just thought i would try it out12:51
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  it also may take you a few hrs to install on such a low end box.12:51
MuffieerUSUL:  one sec. looking at bios12:51
ForgeAusfor example a seachterm like "accessing windows live mail from evolution" ???12:51
CrackerJackzi mean.. right now it has windows xp on it12:51
mantzI need to customize my grub2 menu. how would I add what grub1 had in "safedefault"? or how would I always make one entry (windows) start by default even when installing new kernels?12:51
Tigger_Yum-Yumi dont hibernate or suspend either Dr_Willis... what size swap do you think i should have with 3 gigs of DDR2?12:51
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  i put it on a Pent I 100mhz once.. ages ago. :) just the install took like 2 hrs..12:51
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, i wouldnt be surprised if it took longer i don't think the cd drive reads very fast12:51
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  proberly a gb or so. depends on your HD sizes.12:51
mantzCrackerJackz: how much RAM?12:51
ForgeAus(note windows live mail is synonymous with hotmail)12:51
CrackerJackzmantz, 128 mb12:52
nationhow do i tag myself in here12:52
mantzTigger_Yum-Yum: no swap really needed12:52
tarekGnea: did that, but i get an error when i want to install gnat telling me that it is not there12:52
Jordan_UMuffie: Sorry, looking at http://linuxwireless.org/en/users/Drivers/b43 b4321 isn't actually supported by the b43 driver.12:52
mickster04Dr_Willis: why does he need any?12:52
mantzCrackerJackz: xubuntu is the most you can use. more likely lxde12:52
Tigger_Yum-Yumone 1TB hd, 3gb DDR, 2.6ghz Dual core CPU... swap size?12:52
mantzTigger_Yum-Yum: zero12:52
mickster04Dr_Willis: why does he need any swap?12:52
Tigger_Yum-Yum3gb DDR2**12:52
Dr_Willismickster04:  you dont want to do 'no swap' at all.. thers other issues/things  -12:52
mantzDr_Willis: what issues?12:52
ForgeAusdoes this work: http://pricklytech.wordpress.com/2010/05/01/ubuntu-10-4-lucid-configuring-evolution-to-connect-to-hotmail-windows-live-mail/ ???12:52
CrackerJackzmantz, what wm does xubuntu use?12:52
Dr_Willismickster04:  the question gets asked every so often. check the forums and the LONG threads on the topic.12:53
mickster04urgh long reading:(12:53
Dr_Willismickster04:  its how the kernel works.. its best to have some swap.12:53
mantzCrackerJackz: xfce12:53
mantzDr_Willis: why?12:53
Dr_Willismickster04:  i also always make swap parittion because LIVE cd;s can use it. :)12:53
mickster04surely you only need minimum amount for thatmuch ram?12:53
CrackerJackzmantz, i was thinking of just using fluxbox12:53
mickster04Dr_Willis: surely you only need minimum amount for thatmuch ram?12:53
MuffieerUSUL: rkill?12:53
Tigger_Yum-Yumso 1TB 7,600rpm HD... 3GB DDR2... 2.6 ghz Dual Core CPU... 2 gb SWAP Dr_Willis?12:54
Dr_Willismickster04:   Proberly. but how muich is minimuim? 128mb? 512?12:54
Tigger_Yum-Yumwith no hibernation12:54
Muffiethis is really frustrating. Even bluetooth is working12:54
CrackerJackzor e16 maybe12:54
mantzCrackerJackz: that's even better. but: if you don't use the ubuntu desktops, there is no real reason using ubuntu imho. use another, small distro like puppy, dsl or debian (imho)12:54
Dr_WillisTigger_Yum-Yum:  that should be plenty.12:54
mickster04CrackerJackz: yeah dsl or puppy is probably btter for your scenario12:54
ForgeAusseems like pop3.live.com using SSL security, and smtp.live.com as outgoing mail is what you need... )12:54
entelcan i put a ruby file in /etc/init.d/ or does it have to be a shell script?12:54
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  also 'tiny core linux' = 10mb :)12:54
DreadKnightis skype connecting for you guys on ubuntu?12:55
Dr_WillisIm not sure that DSL is even being developed much any more.12:55
mickster04CrackerJackz: dsl an puppy have desktops tho12:55
mantzentel: if the #! is correct you could put ruby there. but it's not recommended12:55
mickster04DreadKnight: last i checked it was12:55
GneaForgeAus: you know, my wubi went out on me the other day, and I had to chkdsk /r on the windows system to get the disk files recovered, then mv'd back into place after booting a livecd12:55
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Dr_WillisTinyCore linux - has a X desktop also. (a minimal one)12:55
entelmantz: why is it not recommended?12:55
MuffieJordan_U: what should I try now?12:55
CrackerJackzmickster04, i was also kinda hoping i could stick with a distro that i know something about... when ever these people have a problem or want something install i have a feeling i'm gonna be the one doing it12:56
mantzentel: cause on bootup it's not a given that /usr is even mounted or available12:56
GneaForgeAus: after rebooting a couple of times after that, everything just sort of magically fell into place and it's been working just fine ever since12:56
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  that old a machine may ba a problem on any disrto12:56
mickster04CrackerJackz: well you may as well get paud for it :P12:56
mantzCrackerJackz: giving someone who has no clue about computing fluxbox is not a good idea imho :)12:56
entelmantz: thanks12:56
CrackerJackzmantz, i was thinking that too but man it'd be so fast12:56
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  on a 333mhz machine.. i dont think 'fast' is a word that should be used with anything, :)12:57
CrackerJackzif there is enough hd space i was thinking maybe xfce and fluxbox12:57
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, :-p12:57
Dr_WillisLubuntu uses openbox CrackerJackz ..12:57
loudrainhi everyone12:57
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, ive never heard of that before12:58
Tigger_Yum-Yumwould you even be able to run flash or java on 128mb?12:58
Dr_WillisLubuntu is Ubuntu + LXDE . it was supposed to be an offiical variant.. but dident make it in the 10.10 release.. perhaps in the 11.04 release12:58
Jordan_UMuffie: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43/STA%20-%20No%20Internet%20access But I'm still trying to confirm that the STA driver supports your card.12:58
CrackerJackzi just looked at some screen shots looks pretty slick12:58
nbubuntuhi I need help here , anyone using 10.10 now ???12:58
Dr_WillisLubuntu is about as minimal a ubuntu as you get with all the normal 'features' people expect.12:59
Dr_Willisnbubuntu:  many of us are.12:59
nadavanyone recommend using KTurtle to learn some programming?12:59
MuffieJordan_U: from lspci: Broadcom Corporation BCM4321 802.11a/b/g/n (rev 01)12:59
nbubuntuDr_Willis : I am facing new panel crash12:59
Dr_Willisnadav:  why not just learn Python to begin eith?12:59
CrackerJackzhow much RAM does firefox, flash, java use?12:59
nikolaTigger_Yum-Yum, yesđž12:59
nikolanbubuntu, yes12:59
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  they can use quite a bit.13:00
nbubuntuDr_Willis : right click the panel and create a new panel at the bottom and when I restart pc it crash13:00
Dr_Willismore then 128mb i bet.13:00
Jordan_UMuffie: Those instructions should get you working, as long as you haven't done something else like try to install ndiswrapper already.13:00
greenmang0CrackerJackz: 50% of available system RAM :P13:00
mantzCrackerJackz: forget java.13:00
nikolaCrackerJackz, try DSL or Puppy linux, to see how small os can be13:00
CrackerJackzDr_Willis, i was thinking the same thing they play alot of those spam apps on facebook lol...13:00
nbubuntuDr_Willis : The crash I am facing is , it just show desktop wallpaper background13:00
Muffienadav: that's probably LOGO, you should start with something more direct13:00
Dr_WillisDSL 50mb, Puppy, 100mb ., tiny core linux, 10mb.13:00
MuffieJordan_U: I did!13:00
CrackerJackzflash is buggy in linux though ive never been able to get it to work completely13:01
MuffieJordan_U: 1st thing I have tried was installing ndiswrapper13:01
johnmrename u42p u42p_fb13:01
Dr_Willisnbubuntu:  ive not seen the issue here. not heard of anyone else having theissue either.13:01
MuffieJordan_U: can I remove it now?13:01
Jordan_UMuffie: ndiswrapper should always be the last resort :)13:01
Dr_WillisCrackerJackz:  more correct is to say 'flash is buggy' :)13:01
psycho_oreos!broadcom | Muffie13:01
ubottuMuffie: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx13:01
Jordan_UMuffie: Yes, but how you remove it depends on how you installed it.13:01
CrackerJackzthat is true but i think it's buggier in linux than it is in windblowz13:01
mantzCrackerJackz: forget it. windowmaker (on a stripped down debian, not a fairly bloated ubuntu) plus firefox without flash and the RAM was full on a 128MB machine I once used13:01
nadavDr_Willis, I know absoultly nothing about programming, you think phyton would be a good pace to start?13:01
=== LunaVorax_ is now known as LunaVorax
u42phi, the solution to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1515891 is that mpd does only provide the stream when it is actually playing some music. could someone post that? there is no account at bugmenot, so i wont. thanks!13:02
Dr_Willisthey spend more $$ debuggint windows..13:02
MuffieJordan_U: I didnt knew that. I have double clicked on two .deb files! :)13:02
Dr_Willisnadav:  yes.13:02
Muffiethanks ubottu13:02
entelmantz: you said it wont be garunteed /usr will be mounted, i have a program ive written in ruby that id like to run on startup, where would i put it?13:02
Tigger_Yum-YumCrackerJackz mise well just use epiphany and use a cell phones http header thing... get plain text versions of pages13:02
nbubuntuDr_Willis : so are you using 10.10 ?13:02
mantzentel: rc.local13:02
entelmantz: ill look into that. thanks again13:02
mantzentel:  /etc/rc.local13:03
Dr_Willisnbubuntu:  yes.13:03
CrackerJackzreally the only logical solution would be for them to buy some more RAM and a bigger hard drive but i don't even think that computer is worth upgrading unless it can be done for like 20 bucks13:03
Dr_Willisnbubuntu:  i would say a large % of us in here are using 10.10 right now.13:03
Jordan_UMuffie: If that is all you've done then just find the packages you installed in System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager and remove them. Then continue with the instructions.13:03
MuffieJordan_U: , ok. lemme try13:03
nbubuntuDr_Willis : I am facing this problem now , both panel on the bottom will get crash , would you help me to check ?13:04
mantznbubuntu: start in text mode and login (disable gdm) and then start X11 with "startx". then provoke your crash and see what it writes in the terminal you started X from13:04
mickster04CrackerJackz: investigate freecycle13:04
Dr_Willisnbubuntu:  also check the forums - to see if antyone else has this issue.13:04
nepalinuxhi all, I'm having problem configuring LIRC in ubuntu 10.04 for my hp pavilion dv6... I've tried everything but can't figure out what's the problem13:05
nbubuntumantz : you mean login into console ?13:05
MuffieJordan_U: ok, removed13:05
nepalinuxmaybe i'm missing something. but can't figure out.13:05
TerabyteI've got a new printer, I plugged the printer in, and followed the (ubuntu) wizard that came up, i installed generic driver and GDI, when i try to print a test page it says "the test page has been printed" but nothing comes out of the printer. i'm using the GDI driver and it's a panasonic KX-MB2000. Any ideas?13:05
mantznbubuntu: yes. but do not have X or gdm running13:05
scxDoes Plymouth (splash screen) works with dmcrypt/luks?13:05
thomas001Hi, i started to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 on my laptop. but in the middle of the process the laptop locked up...can i somehow resume the process...does apt-get -f install work here?13:05
mantzthomas001: usually it does, yes13:05
MuffieJordan_U: restarting now. Do I need to re-do some of the previous steps?13:05
nepalinuxanyone who has worked with LIRC previously to help me?13:05
Jordan_UMuffie: Now follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43/STA%20-%20No%20Internet%20access13:05
mantzthomas001: to be sure, do a "apt-get dist-upgrade" afterwards13:06
nbubuntumantz : how do I do that actually newly user switch to ubuntu13:06
mantznepalinux: ask your real question13:06
thomas001mantz, okay...and do-release-upgrade does not do any more magic than apt, does it?13:06
mantzthomas001: it all uses libapt13:06
nbubuntuDr_Willis: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159567813:06
mickster04!ask | nepalinux13:07
ubottunepalinux: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:07
adykidis there anything i should know about php and mysql ? Because i made a page to connect to mysql... and although it can connect.. it cannot insert stuff. Are there some security settings I'm missing ?13:07
nepalinuxi downloaded the gnome-lirc-properties but it does not seem to detect the IR receiver in my hp dv613:07
Jordan_Uthomas001: Yes, do-release-upgrade has more checks and cleanup than just using apt-get. Using apt-get dist-upgrade to upgrade from one release to the next is *NOT* supported.13:07
Jordan_U!upgrade | thomas00113:07
ubottuthomas001: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade13:07
mantzadykid: usually not. if you have the proper credentials for the database it will work13:07
nbubuntumantz : this is what I am going to do , kill x ctrl+alt+backspace , and choose console mode at the bottom o nthe login screen and type startx ?13:08
mantznbubuntu: stop gdm too /etc/init.d/gdm stop13:08
Tigger_Yum-Yumis ubuntu 64-bit cross compatible?13:08
Dr_Willismantz:  acutally it may be 'sudo service gdm stop' these days.13:09
entelmantz: if i run my ruby script from /etc/rc.local can i still have it behave like a service in /etc/init.d, for example being able to start and stop it13:09
nbubuntuso the procedure is , at console do a stop gdm "/etc/init.d/gdm stop" then "startx" ?13:09
mantznbubuntu: and when you type startx you will start X again, yes. then after the crash you can check the console if there are messages which can be helpful. usually it's crap like dbus or such13:09
Jordan_UMuffie: If this is a new install, and you can't get those instructions to work, it might be worth re-installing from scratch just to have a known starting point.13:09
nbubuntumantz : it'll show at the console or I need to look for the log ?13:09
mantzentel: no. use the generic start-stop script template (there should be one, I think) and make it start your ruby script13:09
munimhey.. what is the best way to get photoshop or any equivalent application running on ubuntu? playonlinux doesn't seem to install it properly..13:09
mantznbubuntu: at the console13:10
MuffieJordan_U: I'm in the middle of it. Up to now it's fine13:10
nbubuntumantz : ok let me try13:10
nbubuntumantz : brb13:10
mantznbubuntu: silly me, check your X logs in /var/log too right now. there already could be something13:10
Jordan_UMuffie: I'm leaving now but I can help you more tomorrow if needed (and of course others can help you in the mean time as well).13:10
nbubuntumantz : huh ?13:10
MuffieJordan_U: really thanks.13:10
mantzmunim: install gimp?13:10
Jordan_UMuffie: You're welcome.13:10
entelmantz: i see, will it matter what directory i put my script in then? (the ruby one, not the shell script in /etc/init.d)13:11
nbubuntumantz : which one to check?13:11
munimmantz: nope.. sadly, gimp doesn't support PSDs fully.. no layer effects and all.. my designer uses all this stuff13:11
nepalinuxI edited the lircd.conf and hardware.conf file by following different instructions in the ubuntuforums but my remote doesnot seem to work. I did the command "irw" and pressed keys in the remote but nothing is detected.. I did everything I could do so can anyone help me in this regard?13:11
nepalinuxmy /etc/lirc/hardware.conf http://www.pastie.org/122547713:12
munimanyone here has any experience in getting photoshop to work using wine or playonlinux?13:13
nepalinuxwine should run photoshop13:13
ady01hi guys, not sure if i can get some help on this, Im doing a ubuntu server re-install using 10.10 but for some reason the usb keyboard dosent weem to be working - so im stuck on the select language screen !13:13
Dr_Willis!appdb | munim13:13
ubottumunim: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help13:13
nepalinuxsee appdb.winehq.org about the compatibility13:13
munimnepalinux: hmm.. cs2 is quite an old version.. hopefully it should be enough13:14
ady01my question is can i install it remotley from my laptop or something like that  ?13:14
nbubuntumantz : which one to check again the log a var ?13:14
Guest2389Is possible to upgrade to 10.10 a netbook edition of ubuntu?13:15
Dr_WillisGuest2389:  yes. theres a 10.10 netbook edition13:15
Guest2389but, i can without problems do an upgrade? or is much better do a new instalation13:15
Guest2389a mean I dont know how good is the updater for this version, i never tried before13:16
SaRynbubuntu, when the crash happened.13:17
shcherbakady01, it do not looks like keyboard problem13:17
Guest2389I have to go, thanks! bye!13:17
shcherbakady01, do you do fresh install?13:18
ady01thats what i thought shcherbak -  they kayboard works but only when the server has booted and you get to the loginscreen13:18
ady01yes im trying to do a fresh install shcherbak13:18
Dr_Willisady01:  ive seen systems where a USB keybaod would not work at the grub screens,  but a PS2 keyboard would.13:18
ady01thats what i fugured dr_willis - unfortunatley i no longer have a ps2 keyboard !13:19
aaron11Hi all13:19
Dr_Willisady01:  check the bios - see if thers a 'usb legacy' option13:19
Gneawell this is enlightening. threw my old hd into the new system and it booted up. even after I told gdm not to load, it loaded it anyway. and the gui simply *works*13:19
aaron11I have a problem13:19
Dr_WillisGnea:  Ubuntu is magical13:20
ady01i will take a look dr_willis - hold on13:20
shcherbakady01, server? never though of insatalling remotely, moment13:20
GneaDr_Willis: indeed, but now it's only seeing 2.4 gigs of ram instead of the whole 3.5 (after it subtracts 512 for video memory) and it's still only seeing 1 core, not 2 cores13:20
Dr_WillisGnea:  thats odd..  64bit or 32bit?13:21
GneaDr_Willis: ah, the installation is 32bit13:21
Dr_Willis32bit should still see both cores however.13:21
aaron11I want to be able to host at port 80 and I want the world to be able to see it (if you know what i mean). But i cant because I am currently connected to an Ad-Hoc connection named WeMily and I only have a local ip. What can i do to fix this? How do i port fwd an Ad-Hoc connection?13:21
GneaI've seen this with other distros that I've booted it up with13:21
aaron11Please help13:22
Gneachecked everything in the bios that can be checked, and nothing seems to alleviate it13:22
aaron11Thank you13:22
ady01dr_willis im afraid i dont seem to have a usb legacy - so annoying !13:22
* Gnea has little inclination to help someone that doesn't have a problem13:22
SaRyThis will get you directly to the installer.13:22
shcherbakady01, http://linux2.arinet.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=135&Itemid=2 to read, in simple language you can13:22
* Gnea then sees the problem13:22
shcherbakady01, you need to use live session13:23
Gneaaaron11: you can't. you'll need to get your own internet connection.13:23
Gneaaaron11: or you could setup ipv6 and only be seen to the ipv6-world13:23
ady01brill thanks shcherbak13:23
ady01shcherbak will see if i can do that - im assuming this will do a fresh install ?13:24
SaRyady01, might wana try .. Just after the bios screen, keep the shift key down. A prompt will come up asking you for graphics mode (no thanks), then at the command line type "linux" and enter.13:25
shcherbakady01, sshd, vnc  is stuff to install, not totally certain about procedure of installation via ssh, but lets try13:26
ady01shcherbak its weird that the shift & delete keys seems to work !13:27
nadavwhy I get near my clock a red warning sign and when i put my cursor on it it says "Universal Access Perfernces"13:27
ady01not getting a no graphics option though shcherbak13:27
shcherbakady01, can u do to terinal?13:27
shcherbakady01, cool, even our camp have it --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH13:28
shcherbakady01, *can u do to terminal? Alt Ctrl F113:29
SaRynadav, Open gnome-keyboard-properties, select tab Accessibility and deselect "Accessibility features can be toggled with keyboard shortcuts".13:29
ady01shcherbak think half my problem is that this old server install has a GUI so it auto boots into grub13:29
shcherbakady01, rock the bios ;)13:29
scotty_^Can anyone help me with a GUI problem?13:30
SaRynadav, you might have to log out and in.13:30
nadavaha, what was that warning sign anyway?13:30
scotty_^Maverick Live CD here, and this is the first time this has ever happened, despite using Maverick alphas and beta13:30
shcherbakscotty_^, ?13:31
SaRynadav, you tell me :)13:31
ady01shcherbak dont seem to be able to get terminal either - same issue with keyboard13:31
scotty_^I left my system for a few hours and then returned to find my window borders and title bars are gone13:31
ady01shcherbak i can get terminal in grub just not from bot13:32
scotty_^including the loss of the close, maximize/restore and minimize buttons13:32
SaRyscotty_^, might be something related to compiz.13:32
scotty_^switching to a different theme and back again has not helped13:32
ady01shcherbak got an idear13:33
shcherbakady01, are you using live cd? yes?13:33
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:33
soreauscotty_^: Your window manager likely crashed for whatever reason13:33
scotty_^hmm - I'm not sure that compiz is actuall running on my old ATI R350 (Radeon 9800 Pro 128Mb) - how to check?  And if it is/was, how to restart it?13:34
shcherbakscotty_^ insatll fison-icon and simple-ccsm not elegant gut gives you way to restore13:34
ady01shcherbak i am13:34
soreauscotty_^: glxinfo|grep renderer13:34
scotty_^soreau, by window manager do you mean x or gnome?13:34
shcherbakscotty_^, you are gnome, right?13:35
ady01shcherbak - seem to have now been able to log in ith just terminal using the grub login screen  - there was an option to select xterm so we now have a terminal13:35
shcherbakadi01, but if you use cd there is no grub13:36
siddhionhey does anyone know what to do with .zip files that end in a number sequence like 'file.zip.001' ?13:36
scotty_^glxinfo|grep render gives direct rendering: Yes13:36
scotty_^OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (R350 4E48) 20090101 x86/MMX+/3DNow!+/SSE TCL DRI213:36
scotty_^yes, gnome here13:36
Guest1172siddhion: open the first one it will open them together13:36
ady01shcherbak i know but the server has 9.04 installed with grub so it just boots strait into that - cant seemt to stop it13:37
siddhionok Guest117213:37
ady01shcherbak - trying to wipe that completely and fresh install 10.10 with just CLI13:37
Killaklownhow do I get firefox resolution closer?  firefox's text is so small13:37
ylmfoshi ,i am new ,have somebody can communicate with me in Chinese13:37
psycho_oreos!cn | ylmfos13:38
ubottuylmfos: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:38
scotty_^Killaklown - press <CTRL>+13:38
Killaklownscotty_^, ok lemme try that13:38
shcherbakady01, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/OverSSH let's try this, unless machine cannot be connected13:38
Killaklownscotty_^, works nicely, how can I get it to stay like that?13:39
siddhionGuest1172 when I double click the 1st one Archive Manager starts running and an error window pops up saying 'An error occurred while loading the archive'13:39
scotty_^Killaklown - for me it seems to remember it on a per-site basis13:40
shcherbakscotty_^ fusion-icon will restore any GUI module, window decorator or manager13:40
scotty_^unless I'm imagining things13:40
ady01shcherbak i think i may see if i have a ps2 keyboard somewhere ! - looks long winded just to do a fresh install - help appreciated of course but though there might be an eyser way !!13:40
ady01you with me on that shcherbak  ?13:41
scotty_^Thanks scherbak - I'll try that13:41
Killaklownscotty_^, ohhh ok ok13:41
KillGutaGuys, if I use a KDE application while on GNOME, does the app load "unnecesary" KDE stuff?13:41
siddhionits strange, at least to me, that the first file in the series has the green zip icon but the rest have this non descript paper icon with 1s and 0s on it13:41
shcherbakady01, yes ssh into old system and run all commands you normally would not13:41
Killaklownscotty_^, thanks bro... only thing is that the graphics are distored cuz it zooms in i gues13:42
ady01shcherbak thanks i will give this a try !!! thank you13:42
scotty_^Killaklown - yeah, there is a launchpad bug for that13:42
airtonixKillGuta, define "unnecessary kde stuff"13:42
Dr_WillisKillGuta:  it loads the libs and services it needs.13:42
Killaklownscotty_^, ok bud..13:42
Dr_WillisKillGuta:  gnome apps do the same thing on kde.13:43
KillGutaWell, I saw stuff like "Kwallet" and bloatware13:43
siddhionfile.zip.001 is the one on the desktop that has the green zip icon.13:43
Dr_WillisKillGuta:  your definition of bloatware is rather broad.. if the program needs a service/libs - they get loaded..13:43
siddhionthe rest, 002 through 007 have this paper icon with 1s and 0s13:44
airtonixKillGuta, there's an app called "bloatware"...13:44
Dr_Willis!info bloatware13:44
siddhionwhen i open file.zip.001 i get this error message from Archive Manager13:44
ubottuPackage bloatware does not exist in maverick13:44
KillGutabur xD13:45
siddhionEnd-of-central-directory signature not found.  Either this file is not13:45
siddhion  a zipfile, or it constitutes one disk of a multi-part archive.  In the13:45
siddhion  latter case the central directory and zipfile comment will be found on13:45
siddhion  the last disk(s) of this archive.13:45
FloodBot3siddhion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:45
siddhionThis is the error message archive manager gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/514450/13:46
aputamkoni have a emachine et1331g 07w every time i select the option to use enhacned graphics for the 3d effect it switches my resolution to 600x800 and i cant get it to change. im using a philips tv flat screen as a monitor. any idea why this happens or how to fix it?13:46
new3iesorry for my english, im spanish. I have a question about a little "problem" i found with ubuntu (Really is not a problem, is a confusion in the size of files) .13:46
adamrorHi ubuntu, could someone help me?13:46
chu_sure new3ie, ask away!13:46
scotty_^scherbak - I installed fusion-icon and ran it from a terminal and it worked, after it reset my screen.  Closing the terminal session killed it and reset my screen again, but the window borders and title bars remain! :)13:46
Dr_Willis!ask | adamror13:46
ubottuadamror: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:46
Grey_LokiWhat's the best way of 1) checking that i'm using the best (i.e, capable of playing games) driver for my HD5770, and installing it if i'm not?13:46
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
new3iewhen i try to burn a dvd image with 4.7gb size.... brasero tell me the dvd  have a lower size, 4.4... and i dont found information about a solution....:P13:47
adamrorThis is a really dumb question, I'm kinda new to linux so still learning. How do I change the user directory permissions. I'm trying 'chmod 777' in terminal but get 'operation not permitted'13:48
Dr_WillisGrey_Loki:   the hardware-drivers tool in the menus should setup any extra drivers you need.13:48
Dr_Willisadamror:  what 'user' directory exactly?13:48
cdiazadamor do you mean the home directory?13:49
morph3usHi.. i want to know if somebody had problems updating ubuntu 10.04 to ubuntu 10.10.. Any known bug?13:49
adamrorI'm trying to change the permissions of /usr/share/audacity so I can copy plugin folders over.13:49
thomas001new3ie, a dvd-r has 4.7 billion bytes which are 4.37 GiB13:49
miasmawhat's the easiest way to set up a pxe/netboot ubuntu server. i've seen tutorials that make use of the live cd image, but I'd like to have a fully functional system with r/w access13:49
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:49
airtonixadamror, just put them in the one in your home folder13:49
=== Obadiah is now known as Vivek
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:49
Dr_Willisadamror:  it would best if your user copied the stuff to their own directory inbt heir home. and NOT mess with system directories13:49
aaron11The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist. Please install the virtualbox-ose-source package and the appropriate headers, most likely  linux-headers-2.6.34. I keep getting this error when executing "virtualbox" Please tell me how to solve it13:50
airtonixmiasma, easiest way is to use DRBL server13:50
Trashihi. i know its not #mysql but i hope someone of you can help. i have an encoding problem. after i did rsync my mysql database to a new mysql server it does not show any special characters. is there a special language setting in my.cnf or s.th. like that?13:50
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:50
SaRymorph3us, you got any issue while - after upgrading !13:50
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:50
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:50
adamrorI don't have an audacity folder in my home directory13:51
ortsvorsteher!details | prestige13:51
ubottuprestige: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."13:51
morph3usSaRy, i haven't updated yet13:51
miasmaairtonix: does it connect to the X apps running on the server just like LTSP13:51
dwarderanyone was able to write in russian from php13:51
dwarderin cli mode13:51
prestigeı need help for kaffeine +sc-pluging cccam13:51
dwarderi.e. command line13:51
chu_adamror: maybe a .audacity folder or something (use Ctrl+h to show hidden files).13:51
ortsvorsteher!repeat | prestige13:51
ubottuprestige: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/13:51
airtonixmiasma, no DRBL is a pxe boot environment that uses the cliens CPU and Drive Space13:51
miasmaairtonix: ah, ok. sounds suitable for this. i'm planning to build a diskless htpc13:52
airtonixmiasma, so high network usage is only happening at initial boot, only the users home folders are mapped back to the main server if you want13:52
adamrorchu_: OMG! Thanks, I didn't know about Ctrl+h works thank you so much! Guess I still have alot to learn (:13:52
adamrorThanks for your help everyone13:52
miasmaairtonix: would be best if the server provided / fs via nfs and everything else happened locally on the client13:53
girish211!register > girish13:53
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)13:53
airtonixmiasma, up side of using DRBL is that you can also provide clonezilla service on boot if you need13:53
miasmaairtonix: ok, thanks. i'll try it!13:53
scotty_^While I'm here, isn't Empathy supposed to do IRC?  I had to install XChat-GNOME.13:54
miasmaairtonix: I've previously used LTSP, but it seems unsuitable for this since the client is a dual-core with 4 GB of RAM =)13:54
SaRyscotty_^, last time i checked .. it does.13:54
iceswordok, does ubuntu one cloud has a file size limit?13:55
Dr_Willisscotty_^:  it can.. but it does such a poor job.. you re better off with xchat13:55
aaron11The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist. Please install the virtualbox-ose-source package and the appropriate headers, most likely  linux-headers-2.6.34. I keep getting this error when executing "virtualbox" Please tell me how to solve it13:55
airtonixmiasma, yep i've only breifly tried using drbl as a centralised OS server, i mainly used it for multicast imaging13:55
scotty_^OK SaRy - any idea what I'm doing wrong?13:55
acperkinsIM clients never get IRC right13:55
iceswordok, does ubuntu one cloud has a file size limit?13:55
airtonixmiasma, these are the brief steps you need to go through : http://www.pseudorandomosity.com/2010/08/clonezilla-drbl/13:55
scotty_^Dr_Willis - Oh OK, thanks.13:55
iceswordDr_Willis, ok, does ubuntu one cloud has a file size limit?13:56
Dr_Willisicesword:  ask in #ubuntuone13:56
SaRyscotty_^, depends on what you tried to do exactly.13:56
airtonixmiasma, http://oakdome.com/k5/tutorials/computer-cloning/free-computer-cloning.php13:56
SaRyalso, as Dr_Willis said.13:56
miasmaairtonix: thank you13:57
iceswordDr_Willis, ... thx13:57
Dr_Willisubuntu one seemed to be down for me a few min ago.. checking its status page13:57
saintthomasI am using ubuntu 10.04. After an updation I am unable to use my <alt> key. So that I cannot use any ttys. Can anybody help13:58
iceswordDr_Willis, while if charge it to a 20 G account, it would be happy to serve you13:59
SaRyDr_Willis, its down here too.13:59
Dr_WillisSaRy:  wiki says its up.. but it seems slow here.. or its my torrents...13:59
scotty_^OK, never mind, I've figured out the IRC thing13:59
iceswordjbalbert, lol14:00
iceswordDr_Willis, lol14:00
lanquansanviet nam14:00
Dr_Willisepmathy's irc limitations make using it in this large channel rather .... bothersome. :)14:00
SaRyDr_Willis, not sure ..i get server not found !14:00
Dr_WillisSaRy:  i just connected.. time to sync my notes.14:01
Cojageany1 tried mint debian? :p14:01
SaRyYey :D14:01
=== Misterio is now known as ElNota
lanquansanyeah yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!14:01
oxicarusguys. i did apt-get install phpmyadmin, but mistyped the root mysql pass, so table creations failed, thus i aborted install, ran apt-get remove phpmyadmin, then reinstalled. now it worked, however, this 2nd time around it seemed to skip a few steps of install screens, eg the one where i choose which httpd i run (apache/lighttpd). also, localhost/phpmyadmin produces 404/not found.14:01
SaRyCojage, i did ..for 10 minutes :)14:01
Cojagehah why14:01
Cojageits not good?14:01
pksadiqis there any command to ignore quits , joins etc for the site freenode, irrespective to the client ,/ignore don't  work for me14:02
SaRyYou should find out :)14:02
chu_pksadiq: what client are you using?14:02
oxicarusi have reason to believe that the 1st failure is causing these tiny thingies. have tried full removal and reinstall but it keeps skipping a few steps, any way to sort of 'compeltely clear the ashes' of any earlier install?14:02
aaron11The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist. Please install the virtualbox-ose-source package and the appropriate headers, most likely  linux-headers-2.6.34. I keep getting this error when executing "virtualbox" Please tell me how to solve it. I want to run Vista on it.14:02
chu_pksadiq: sorry, I think it's going to be client specific, what client are you using?14:02
pksadiqChu_  a nokia symbian  mobile client14:02
_DGM_hi how can i change the motd in ubuntu server 10.10. Writing to /etc/motd has no effect since something just overwrites it again14:02
tarekis there a way to link ftp addresses?14:03
scotty_^Dr_Willis - I see what you mean - I'm not a fan of the boxes around each msg14:03
chu_Whoa, hardcore14:03
Dr_Willisscotty_^:  thats the trivial part... try hideing the part/join messages....14:03
=== Pilif12p|afk is now known as Pilif12p
iceswordlol, ubutnu One doesn't have file size limit lol :D14:03
aaron11Can someone atleast point out whs wrong?at14:03
kemmotarhi all14:04
chu_pksadiq: maybe "/ignore JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS #ubuntu" or something?14:04
Dr_Willisaaron11:  how did you install virtualbox?14:04
=== ElNota is now known as ElNota_
=== ElNota_ is now known as ElNota
tarekis there a way to link ftp addresses?14:04
kemmotarhave anyone aspire one with 8 Gb SSD???14:04
aputamkoni have a e machine with a geforce 6150se nforce 430  , with driver 173.14.22 activated whne it asked me to restart the resolution changes to 640x480. and i can hardly navigate my windows as they dont fit in the screen any i dea how to fix this?14:04
SaRyaaron11, !see bug 15398914:04
StaRetji1Folks, I'm having problem where ubuntu loads background and it's out of the screen (bigger and going left) then suddenly it resize it and centers it. Any tips?14:04
Dr_Willisaputamkon:  run the nvidia-settings tool and set a higher res.14:05
LunaVoraxHello everyone !14:05
aputamkonhow do i do that?14:05
aputamkoncan u step me thouth it?14:05
Dr_Willisaputamkon:  its in the menus...14:05
pksadiqchu_  it does not work, just because every command after / is just  forwarded to the server, the client never interpret such commands14:05
aputamkonnvdia xserver?14:05
Dr_Willissystem -> perferances -> monitors   can also start it.14:05
jbalberti want to come in ubuntu china ,how can i do14:06
chu_jbalbert: try "/join #ubuntu-cn"14:06
Dr_Willisaputamkon:  nvidia-settings   is the name of the binary. run it from terminal if you want'  'gksudo nvidia-settings'14:06
LunaVoraxI'm having a bit of a problem with my ubuntu server. I turned an old machine into a server but now that I'm using it more and more I need a bigger HDD instead of the 10gb one that's inside the machine. How can I switch the whole system from the old to the new HDD ?14:06
jbalbertthank you14:06
Dr_WillisLunaVorax:  you could just install a new HD. and mount it somewhere you can use/access it.14:07
Dr_Willisa 10gb fileserver... thats.. scary :)14:07
LunaVoraxThe computer can only have one HDD at a time Dr_Willis14:07
uzerhhhello , i installed desktop-switcher for my netbook and when i restart it , i got an emtpy desktop , only wallpaper and nothing else , how can i revert to my netbook-remix desktop ?14:07
Dr_WillisLunaVorax:  you are saying its a laptop? or some odd ball micro pc?14:07
LunaVoraxNo it's just an old desktop computer Dr_Willis, it was build to host only one HDD14:08
SaRyaaron11, try doing /etc/init.d/vboxdrv restart, then running virtualbox.14:08
Dr_WillisLunaVorax:  that would be weird.. every old desktop ivd seen has at least 2 ide ports..14:08
antonelloHi all14:08
lanquansanhi antonello14:09
Dr_WillisLunaVorax:  you can get a new hd. and use a usb enclosuer to copy the 10gb over to it.. then install it in the case I guess14:09
scotty_^But maybe not more that one hard drive bay14:09
antonelloI need help with my Broadcom bcm4318 on ubuntu 10.1014:09
=== KenSentMe_ is now known as KenSentMe
iceswordDr_Willis, ubuntu one cloud is slow cause it's in us...14:10
uzeranyone a solution to my prob ?14:10
scotty_^I remember when the IBM XT came out, with a 10MB hard disk.  Everyone thought "that's huge, we'll never fill that!" :)14:10
arguedHi.. is there a script out there for saving installed software/ppa:s I could use before fresh install?14:10
lanquansanuzer what do u problem?14:11
uzeri installed desktop-switcher for my netbook and when i restart it , i got an emtpy desktop , only wallpaper and nothing else , how can i revert to my netbook-remix desktop ?14:11
LunaVoraxDr_Willis: I was thinking about plugin the 10gb hd on a computer, do a dd if=hdd of=hdd.img and then do the inverse with the bigger hdd. Will it work or no chance ?14:12
chu_argued: there should be a way to export a list of packages to a file through synaptic, though, I'm not sure if sources.list records PPAs (someone else?)14:12
ee_hi, i'm using ubuntu lucid lynx, and i have a problem in open arena - i cannot have bots ( so offline  game is impossible ), Anybody can help me?14:13
ee_reinstallations dont help14:13
arguedchu: yes there is.. I am asking since I havent seen a script like that and took a chance to ask first14:13
ee_google also14:14
virtuhi... in ubuntu, how can I discover the chipset of my motherboard?14:14
uzeri logged on in another tty byt desktop-switcher is graphical application , so it does not run , is there something console based that i can run now ? or i assume that somewhere in start up scripts there is the option to start using old desktop mode14:14
arguedI am virtu.. run lshw14:14
argued- I am14:14
cybastlanyone here having problems login in to skype too?14:14
StaRetji1Folks, my on startup or restart gdm, my background image is to huge, then after a second or two it becomes normal/centered. What is causing this and how to solve it? Thx14:15
virtutks argued14:15
pksadiqCybastl, skype works fine for me14:15
chu_argued: if you don't mind using a terminal, you could write a simple bash script which does something like "dpkg --get-selections | grep -v deinstall > $package-list" and saves your sources.list (assuming PPAs are recorded), then write a script to restore them after re-install.14:15
cybastlpksadiq: skype for linux beta 2?14:15
arguedchu: I am looking over that option atm.. thanks for the confirm - seems I am on the right path14:16
Cojageill try cyb14:16
arguedif all goes well I ll release it at gnome-look14:16
Cojagebtw what is the best unrar program14:16
SnDhello! I have a problem with the updather of jdownloader, it give me error "Server Busy". Anybody can help me?14:16
das_coachhi@all, if i want to suggest an improvement to ubuntu, i have to create a blueprint, right? but who do i have to choose as assignee, drafter etc.? because there doesn't get anyone assigned automatically like in the bugtracker-systems i know14:16
chu_argued: I'm guessing "dpkg --set-selections > $package-list" would then restore the packages. But I don't know how you can save your PPAs.14:17
arguedcojage.. if u have restricted extras then u should have rar/unrar services as well14:17
arguedchu: thats the second step.. involving all the keys as well14:18
das_coachargued: do you know something about posting blueprints?14:18
Cojagecyb works for me14:18
chu_argued: I've written something similar if you are interested? It does all that, but saves some important files (mainly config files)14:18
argueddas_coach... not a thing14:18
das_coachargued: who could i ask that for?14:18
arguedchu.. I ll give it a try and return if I get stucked on the way ..maybe we could compare the code and see if we could figure it out14:19
chu_argued: sure, sounds good.14:19
argueddas_coach: u should be in the right place14:19
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke14:19
arguedbut I am sry, cant help u with that myself14:20
chu_argued: I have never given it out because it's literally 5 lines of bash code, anyone could redo it if they wanted :p14:20
das_coachargued: yes, but i don't get an answer^^ i just wanted to suggest to create an fglrx-amdcccle with statically linked qt14:20
=== harry is now known as Guest98998
argueddas_coach: unfamiliar territory for me.. sry14:20
das_coachargued: damn >.<14:20
arguedsee u later then chu.. I think I have an idea14:21
das_coachok, anyone in here who's familiar with posting blueprints?14:21
FouinuxHello everyone14:22
pksadiqFouinux: Hello14:22
kemmotardid anyone install 10.10 on acer aspire one 110 with 8 Gb SSD?14:22
das_coachFouinux: hi=)14:22
* das_coach is still looking for some package-devs or something^^14:22
eokeCould any one give me some pointers on how to make an xorg modeline when you don't know the displays specification. It's a friends Packard Bell ALP- Ajax C3 which I believe is 1440x900 but that's about as much info as I've managed to find.14:23
oxicarusguys. after apt-get install phpmyadmin, the Alias for localhost/phpmyadmin doesnt work =/ it give me 404 not found. any ideas?14:23
eokeI've got it running at 1440x900 however there are soft white bars across the screen about every cm or so.14:24
das_coachchu_: do you know something about requesting improvements?14:24
FouinuxDid anyone have troubles with flash-plugin after installing 10.10?14:24
Jazz1804Brightness/contras does not work on acer aspire 7736z ubuntu 10.10.14:25
chu_das_coach: no idea sorry14:25
eokeFouinox I just replaced it with the version from Adobe14:25
eokeWhich has got clicking in x64 working too14:25
das_coachis anyone in here involved to the developing-progress?14:26
TobiasTheCommiei'm having trouble compiling acerhk-source on ubuntu 10.10. I've tried on both a 32bit and a 64bit machine. In both cases "make" does nothing. even a "make clean" does nothing, and i have to ctrl-c out of it.14:26
TobiasTheCommieI've tried to find a solution on google, but no go14:26
TobiasTheCommieanyone had any problems wiht make on ubuntu 10.10?14:26
pksadiqI just saw Adobe(R) Flash(R) Player "Square", for x64 official, does it work fine?14:28
tensorpudding!cn | qifei14:28
ubottuqifei: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:28
Volkodavfina and flash - these words never went together:)14:28
ragsIs there a way to add sound effects in gnome? Like when you launch an application or delete any file14:29
ragsI've searched a lot and I can't find anything that does that14:30
pksadiqhttp://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/ for amd64, have anybody checked this ?14:30
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eokepksadiq: Thats' what I'm running, seems to work.14:30
pksadiqeoke: is there a compiled package for ubuntu ?14:31
airtonixrags, yes.14:31
=== rin is now known as rinhagemi
eokepksadiq: Think I just got an .so and replaced it.14:32
seyfarth__how do i access my encrypted home directory from the live cd? system isn't booting14:32
ragsairtonix: Is it part of gnome, or do I have to install some package for that functionality?14:32
pksadiqeoke:  k14:32
airtonixrags, no you need to know how to use python and dbus14:32
=== JEEBcz is now known as JEEB
ragsairtonix: :( so that means ther is nothing available14:33
eokeseyfarth__: This may help http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/ubuntu-mounting-your-encrypted-home-from-livecd/14:33
seyfarth__eoke: thanks!14:34
airtonixrags, no it does not mean there is nothing available...14:35
airtonixrags, http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=8888951&postcount=3214:36
ragsairtonix: ok I found that gnome has sound effects in-built "preferences -> sound effects -> enable window and button sounds" - pretty rudimentary though14:37
airtonixrags, i assumed you already found that (to be honest every thing in the menus is assumed to have been "found" by the user before they ask for help here)14:38
ragsairtonix: no I didn't know abt it. However, can I get more sound "themes" to add and extend this capability14:39
aputamkoni have a geforce 6150se nforce 430 when i activate the 173.14.22 driver it asked me to restart the cpu now im stuck in 640x480 resolution i have opened up the nvidia setting program but i cant figure out how to change it to allow me a higher resolutiuon14:39
airtonixyes, and you can make your own obviously14:39
pksadiqairtonix: Wow, no not always ;)14:39
Killaklownsup guys.. I can get my sudoers file to allow me NOPASSWD :(14:40
danZeniehello everybody14:40
Killaklownwhats the correct synatax for sudoers NOPASSWD?14:40
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Guest19468hi all14:40
danZenieim playing around with ubuntu netbook on my eee 701, and I was wondering how to hide the app launcher on the left14:40
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danZenieit takes up a lot of screen real estate14:40
binchelwhat's root password14:41
prestigehelp me for cccam14:41
jappie_ I just installed Xampp under ubuntu 10.10 and seems to be running fine. I am used to working with it under windows where I place my projects in the folder "htdocs", however, in Linux this folder is protected and cannot create new folders or copy  my existing projects into the htdocs folder. Any help is appreciated:-)14:41
ragsairtonix: ok, found some in gnome-look.org14:41
pksadiqbinchel: by default it's nothing, I mean blank14:41
* binchel pksadiq can i change it?14:42
Guest19468i need hel with SUSe 11.2 / vmware7 y win64bits. how do i ti install my SUSE? pls14:42
airtonix!ot | Guest1946814:42
ubottuGuest19468: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:42
danZeniejappie_ check the permissions for the htdocs, and change them if you need to.  chmod or chown14:42
tensorpuddingjappie_: In Ubuntu, the user does not have permissions to the directory where Apache usually keeps its documents, for reasons of security14:42
pksadiqbinchel:  yes, I think sudo passwd root14:42
tensorpuddingjappie_: it's usually owned by www-user or root, can't remember which14:42
Killaklownsup guys.. I cant get my sudoers file to allow me NOPASSWD :(  how to do this?14:43
* binchel pksadiq thank you ~14:43
jappie_thanx...will check prmissions14:43
ragsKillaklown: check the %wheel example in the sudoers file14:44
Killaklownrags, k14:44
pionarjappie_: I usually just set up a virtualhost to point to a directory in my user dir14:44
airtonixjappie, you need to either 1) work with that directory using sudo, or 2) add yourself to the www-data user group and chown the /var/www directory to allow group write access14:44
mrk_i am a newbie to ubuntu and just upgraded to 10.4 but have lost 'help'. typing yelp in terminal gets me 'failed to intialize gecko'...can anyone help me get this sorted please?14:44
nobarkingare there any software in Ubuntu that allows for voice conferencing?14:44
nadavI download a game14:45
nadavI want to install it14:45
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:45
nadavits .sh14:45
chaukarI have USB persistent install of Ubuntu 10.10   The problem is that the GUI crashes and falls back to text mode. Sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg doen't work. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm works, but then I click on try Ubuntu ...it crashes again14:45
ElNotanadav: chmod +x <game>14:45
nadavaha, sorry, anyway, how do I install SH files on ubuntu?14:45
ElNotanadav: After that "./game.sh"14:45
vbrummondnobarking: try skype, or ekiga if everyone uses open source14:45
ElNotanadav: It will exec automatically14:45
chaukarhow the hell do I boot in failsafe graphics mode in ubuntu live usb?14:45
_tmahas anyone had the problem  with ubuntu crashing when trying to extract a .rar file?14:46
tensorpuddingnadav: files ending in .sh are scripts, they can be executed using 'sh game.sh'14:46
nadavthanks alot :)14:46
airtonixnadav, you dont isntall sh files, they are scripts that run things... if it's not having its executable bit set then you need to run it with sh14:46
=== Nwab is now known as Benwa
ElNotanadav: You're welcome :)14:46
nobarkingvbrummond: do you know anything that can be hosted on a server?14:46
pksadiqnobarking: I use skype dor video chatting too14:46
chaukaranyone knows?14:46
KapliHow do I share my wireless internet connection with my xbox connected with a wire?14:46
ragsI don't know about you guys, but IMO gnome-look site sucks14:46
vbrummondnobarking: not in particular, i never used such technology myself14:47
Jazz1804nobarking: empathy or skype will do14:47
ElNotarags: I don't use gnome14:47
airtonixKapli, change the network profile from static to shared to other computers14:47
Killaklownrags, there is no wheel bro14:47
mrk_anyone know how to init gecko in gnome?14:47
ragsElNota: Kde?14:47
ElNotarags: Yes14:47
tensorpuddingI think the default theme for Ubuntu nowadays looks a lot better than the majority of themes on gnome-look14:47
KillaklownI just want NOPASSWD in my sudoers :(14:47
ragsElNota: userALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL14:47
VCooliomrk_: it's the engine behind firefox for example, you don' t run it on its own14:47
ragsElNota: srry14:47
Kapliairtonix: I tried that, but my xbox said something about the MTU being too low, so I changed the MTU but it still didn't work14:47
KillaklownElNota, I'll try that thanks14:48
nobarkingsomething like hosted a server maybe, i don't know what XMPP is capable of - does it support voice yet?14:48
ragsKillaklown: userALL=(ALL)NOPASSWD: ALL14:48
ElNotaKillaklown: what?14:48
thomas001hmm i installed a fresh 10.10 but grub won't show a boot menu (at least i should be able to select normal and recovery?) and i also miss the nice framebuffer boot animation, x11 then shows up normally...what might be wrong?14:49
ragsElNota: just mixup :)14:49
ElNotaoh ok :P14:49
ElNotaErgon: Stop it please14:49
KillaklownElNota, rags thanks guys14:49
Ergonwhy? ubuntu is correct.14:49
Gnea!guidelines | Ergon14:49
ubottuErgon: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines14:49
Ergonubuntu is a correct word.14:49
airtonixKapli, no idea i don't use console gaming machines14:49
pksadiqthomas001: just when booting starts press and hold SHIFT14:49
vbrummondErgon: you are kind of being rude :/14:49
GneaErgon: do you wish to be removed?14:49
ElNotaAny op around?14:50
Ergonno, it's quite correct to say ubuntu14:50
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel14:50
GneaErgon: not the way you're doing it.14:50
thomas001pksadiq, d'oh..thanks14:50
Ergonwhy not? ubuntu is a correct and beautiful word.14:50
pksadiqthomas001: welcome14:50
GneaErgon: how many drugs are you on?14:50
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!14:50
Chaos2358 !troll14:51
ubottutrolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel14:51
pksadiqErgon: but don't disturb us14:51
ElNota!ops | Ergon is trolling14:51
ubottuErgon is trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!14:51
Ergonubuntu is correct.14:51
Chaos2358!troll | Ergon14:51
ubottuErgon: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel14:51
Gnea!ops | Ergon repeats the same thing over and over again14:51
ubottuErgon repeats the same thing over and over again: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!14:51
pksadiqErgon: you might be kicked, wait14:51
Chaos2358!ops | Ergon14:51
ubottuErgon: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!14:51
GneaChaos2358: enough14:52
Gneahe's been silenced14:52
antizeusErgon: what are u doing here14:52
Gneaantizeus: /ignore14:52
ElNotaantizeus: Ignore him14:52
Chaos2358Gnea ok sorry i was just trying to help remedy the situation because with the back and forth the channel is disrupted14:52
antizeusGnea: what is he doing ?14:52
Gneaantizeus: he was spamming the channel14:52
ElNotawell, "was"14:53
ElNotaoh yes, I read bad XD14:53
eokeCould any one give me some pointers on how to make an xorg modeline when you don't know the displays specification. It's a friends Packard Bell ALP- Ajax C3 which I believe is 1440x900 but that's about as much info as I've managed to find.14:53
pksadiqantizeus: Ergon might be a Fan, or even an AC of ubuntu14:53
Gwarwhat version of the ATi drivers does ubuntu install through the "additional Drivers" applet thing?14:54
antizeusGnea: all right.14:54
ElNotaGaRi: Hi14:55
erUSULeoke: http://www.x.org/wiki/FAQVideoModes14:56
Chaos2358i'm having trouble getting yahoo games to load using lucid. i have the latest flash and the latest java. what happens is i enter the main game room "pool" but when i try to join or open my own table to actually play it opens a blank screen. any ideas or help?14:56
ravenanyone already worked with BEOWULF?14:57
ZaxEZrm -rf / insert windows install media.14:57
Jazz1804Chaos2358: remove icedtea from ubuntu software center14:57
Chaos2358Jazz1804,  just remove it and problem solved?14:57
Jazz1804Chaos2358: then restart your web browser14:58
erUSULeoke: or you can use cvt « cvt --reduced 1440 900 60 » ( 60 is refresh rate )14:58
Chaos2358Jazz1804,  thanks14:58
Jazz1804Chaos2358: did you install sun-java6?14:58
Jazz1804Chaos2358: did it work?14:58
thomas001hmm during the live system i was asked to enter a keyring password...i did not enter one, was warned that data will be unencrypted and continued...now, after installation, i am ask for a keyring password, but the empty password (or my login pw) is wrong....?14:59
Chaos2358restarting browser14:59
danZenieHello, is there any way to hide the app launcher on ubuntu netbook?14:59
_DGM_somehow all my drives messed up in /dev/ . SDD randomly became SDG and there's no SDD drive. What may have caused that?15:00
vbrummonddanZenie: not at the moment I believe, if you mean the sidebar on 10.1015:00
danZenieyea, thats what i mean.  that takes up a lot of space on a netbook15:01
Guest16623Trying to install ubuntu on a laptop. Image froze and getting lots of errors "radeon: couldn't schedule IB"15:01
Chaos2358Jazz1804,  now it says yahoo games cant be displayed with my current settings15:01
Dr_Willis_DGM_:   the /dev/sdXX entries are not fixed. They can move around depending on whats plugged in on boot time.15:01
vbrummonddanZenie, I disagree to a point, however this version of the netbook interface is very new15:02
pionardanZenie, I think it can be resized with some gconf voodoo.  Not positive, but I think I read that somewhere15:02
zighi all, after successful install of ubuntu 10.04 on eeepc (using the LIVE Cd for install), suspend was working, until I upgraded , and since then , I get random file corruptions after a resume from disk15:02
christozgreetings, I'm encountering exactly this issue-problem, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mysql-dfsg-5.1/+bug/615869 i can't solve this by my own, i'd like your help15:02
zigis that a known issue ?15:02
_DGM_Dr_Willis: but nothing changed. Its a server :P and the annoying part is, now my kvm's wont boot because it cant find /dev/sdd xD15:02
danZenievbrummond i have an old eee 701, that sidebar takes up a lot of space believe me15:02
christozit is confirmed as a bug15:03
Dr_Willis_DGM_:  fstab entries should be using the UUID's15:03
Dr_Willisbut i got to run. bbl.15:03
_DGM_Dr_Willis: i know. But the kvm storages dont ;)15:03
Jazz1804Chaos2358: you sure you install sun-java6 plugin?15:03
pionarchristoz, the only way I can see of fixing it is reinstalling mysql15:05
pionari think15:05
VCooliochristoz: you did some update and it's hanging now? that is what the bug is about; then do 'ps ax | grep mysql' and kill the process where dpkg is trying to start mysql15:06
pionarVCoolio, my bad, I misunderstood the bug.15:07
rek_i have a partition i can't read with win 7,but i can read it with ubuntu 10.10 gparted says it's a ntfs partition but fdisk says "linux" how can i format it to ntfs without losing all the data?15:09
PleegWatI've just upgraded to maverick, an have a KB problem. Each time I hit the 'd' key, all windows minimize15:09
christozVCollio, this is a fresh install ubuntu, the bug is about installing mysql-server, but the installation hang out when "Setting up mysql-server-5.1 (5.1.41-3ubuntu12.6) ...15:10
christoz" and ubuntu's intallation manager doesn't abort process15:10
_chunAnyone know how I can update my skype status using the terminal?15:10
christozit remains at this state, for 10mins now15:10
VCoolioPleegWat: that should happen with ctrl+alt+d, check the system > prefs > keyboard shortcuts section on 'show desktop'15:10
VCooliochristoz: yes, right, so do 'ps ax | grep mysql' and kill the right process, check the bug description15:11
pksadiq_chun: I don't think you can, It's in beta stage if saying about official release, else sign in to skype using lynx or links browser :)15:12
PleegWatVCoolio: Set to mod4+d here15:12
VCoolioPleegWat: mod4 is windows key, is it broken / making contact all the time? hit it a few times, then 'd' again, see if it happens again15:12
PleegWatBut I'm not touching my mod4 key15:13
WXZthe workspace switcher isn't switching when I click15:13
PleegWatIt's normally generating press/release events in xev15:13
VCoolioPleegWat: and xev reports just 'd' if you try with d? I don't know; unless you set d to be a keybinding somewhere by mistake15:15
PleegWatVCoolio, it does not. Other key combinations with the windows key work the normal way15:16
PleegWatxev just returns focusout/focusin events as it minimizes/maximizes15:16
tsimpsonrek_: in fdisk, use the "t" option to change the partition type, and change it to 8715:17
tsimpsonrek_: erm, 7 not 8715:18
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PleegWatVCoolio: Weird, but found it. Somehow I re-checked keyboard shortcuts and it did say just 'D'. Changed it to mod4+d again, I'll see if it sticks.15:18
rek_tsimpson: are u sure?15:19
rek_fdisk -t then ?15:19
VCoolioPleegWat: ok, cool; if it doesn't, a workaround could be to add a gconftool command to change it in gconf settings15:19
snowrichardhey -- i finally went to wally world and got a few cdrs.  Installed 10.10 and virtualbox and am now installing an ubuntu 10.10 amd64 guest.  Its great, my wireless card worked on the install CD15:19
VCoolioPleegWat: add to startup apps I mean15:19
rek_will it chang the fs without deleting all the data?15:20
PleegWatI'll dig further in that case.15:20
tsimpsonrek_: fdisk /dev/whatever, then 't', then select the partition, then enter 7, and then 'w' to write the changes15:20
PleegWatMight have done it myself somewhere while trying to get g15daemon working15:20
tsimpsonrek_: that should only modify the partition table (not touch any data)15:20
g00seGot an install disk from magazine of 10.04. How can i tell if it's 64bit-capable?15:20
tsimpsonrek_: it's not formatting it, just marking the partition as an NTFS type15:21
rek_tsimpson: infact i did some mess installing ubuntu...15:21
rek_tsimpson:  so why does gparted say it's ntfs ?15:21
AbhiJitg00se, uname -a15:21
AbhiJitg00se, in live cd15:21
rek_tsimpson: fdisk instead says it's linux15:21
snowrichardthe new virtualbox sees the usb devices as well, which it did not with gentoo version15:21
tsimpsonrek_: there is a difference between what the type of the partition is, and what the type of the filesystem (on that partition) is15:22
g00seAbhiJit: Is it not possible to tell without firing it up? I've got the disk mounted atm15:22
AbhiJitI've got the disk mounted atm >> means?15:23
rek_tsimpson: fdisk /dev/whatever t           it will ask me...15:23
g00seAbhiJit: At The Moment ;)15:23
AbhiJitg00se, no. are you inside live cd or not. y/n?15:23
tsimpsonrek_: it'll be something like /dev/sda for the first HDD15:23
AbhiJitg00se, why not run it and see?15:24
rek_tsimpson: i know15:24
g00seAbhiJit: Troublesome - but if i must ...15:24
FreeFullIs there any way to switch Ubuntu from using decimal prefixes to using binary prefixes again?15:24
seyfarth__So I'm trying to recover my encrypted ~ from a non-booting 10.10 partition, and I can mount the partition, bind /proc and /sys to mounted partition, but after I chroot  the mounted and try to do "su" into my old install's account, I just get "Segmentation fault"15:24
seyfarth__err, maybe I could've worded that better :D15:24
Mendeleviumg00se: they sent you a magazine with an installation cd?15:25
tsimpsong00se: there should be a README.diskdefines, look in there15:25
Mendeleviumor vice versa15:25
Muffieabout this page15:26
tsimpsong00se: or in .disk/info15:26
Muffiestep 4: Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the b43 drivers can be activated for use.15:26
g00setsimpson: Yes, there is and i did look in it. Hang on..15:26
Muffienothing there15:26
nothingspecialMuffie: I see the page, what do you mean?15:27
Muffiestep 415:27
Muffiefor b43 - No Internet access15:27
Muffieproblem is15:28
g00setsimpson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514489/15:28
Mendeleviumdid you modprobe from command line Muffler15:28
nothingspecialMuffie: Do you have a wired connection?15:28
Mendeleviumsorry Muffie15:28
tsimpsong00se: "Release i386" means 32bit15:28
Muffienope, I have downloaded everything already15:28
Muffieand did all the steps flawlessly15:28
Muffie-> Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the STA drivers can be activated for use.15:28
g00setsimpson: Thanks. Was afraid of that ;)15:28
Muffiethis part15:29
Muffienever shows nothing15:29
Mendeleviumwhat happens when you sudo modprobe -r b43 ssb15:29
tsimpsong00se: usually, you don't need the 64bit install anyway15:29
Mendeleviumthen sudo modprobe b4315:29
Muffielemme try15:29
nothingspecialMuffie: I think you can enable the drivers with a wired connection from your menu15:29
Chaos2358HElP! this problem just started but everytime i close the screen of my Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop running lucid " which is set to black screen when closed" it gives me an error message when i open it telling me Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and i loose everything i'm working on15:29
g00setsimpson: Why so?15:29
FreeFullIs there any way to switch Ubuntu from using decimal prefixes to using binary prefixes again?15:29
Muffiemodprobe -r b43 ssb:  module ssb is in use15:30
Mendeleviumwhat about sudo modprobe b4315:30
tsimpsong00se: the only real reason for now is if you have more than 4GB of ram15:30
mako933Hello, I am installing Ubuntu 10.10 I cannot press "Forward" button after I have entered PC/account name.. so I cant finish the installation... any ideas? please15:30
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tsimpsong00se: but you can even use that in 32bit with the PAE kernel15:30
ubottuTo use more than ~3.2GB RAM on a 32bit system you can install the PAE-enabled kernel. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnablingPAE for more info15:30
Muffiemodprobe b43 = nothing15:30
omubuntu studio15:30
Chaos2358Mako933 make sure you have filled everything out15:30
AbhiJit!studio | om15:30
ubottuom: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org15:30
g00setsimpson: You mean there's so little optimised for 64 that it's not worth it?15:30
Mendeleviumdoes iwconfig return a device15:31
omit says15:31
Muffieiwconfig, lemme try15:31
Muffieno wireless extensions15:31
Chaos2358HElP! this problem just started but everytime i close the screen of my Dell Inspiron E1505 laptop running lucid " which is set to black screen when closed" it gives me an error message when i open it telling me Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and i loose everything i'm working on15:31
mako933chaos2358 of course I did, but I still cant finish it:(15:31
Muffievery weird15:31
AbhiJit!details | om15:31
ubottuom: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:31
tsimpsong00se: any optimization would make such small a difference that you couldn't possibly notice ;)15:31
omits using lucid on a studio format15:31
Mendeleviumnot that weird maybe you have to bring it up first15:32
tsimpsong00se: and things like flash (and 3rd party applications) tend to work better in 32bit15:32
MuffieMendelevium: how?15:32
Mendeleviumifconfig eth0 up15:32
velenohow can I avoid to type this http://pastie.org/1225699 everytime I want to add a key to the ssh-agent ? also, it seems that even if added, I have to re-add it everytime.15:32
* linux need helps15:32
omIm having an issue with ubuntustudio, im trying to get it back to the studio theme15:32
omits not happening15:32
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g00setsimpson: I wonder why people are making 64 installers then?15:32
tsimpsong00se: because we're all about choice :)15:33
MuffieMendelevium: sudo ifconfig eth0 up + iwconfig = no wireless extensions again15:33
AbhiJitom, try in #ubuntustudio15:33
ady01hi guys bit stuck installing webmin here on unbunu 10.10 server edition - can anyone help ?15:33
omu mean15:33
mako933Hello, I am installing Ubuntu 10.10 I cannot press "Forward" button after I have entered PC/account name, I have filled everything....but I cant finish the installation... any ideas? please15:33
nothingspecialMendelevium: Muffie that might be wlan015:33
omin the terminal15:33
Mendeleviumoh yea15:33
AbhiJitom, type here /j #ubuntustudio15:33
Mendeleviumgive wlan0 a shot15:33
tsimpsong00se: if you were making a high-demand server, or super computer for math, then 64bit would make some difference. but to the average user there is no real advantage15:34
Muffienothingspecial: and Mendelevium so, what should I do about wlan0?15:34
omok hang on15:34
mako933Hello, I am installing Ubuntu 10.10 I cannot press "Forward" button after I have entered PC/account name, I have filled everything....but I cant finish the installation... any ideas? please15:34
nothingspecialMuffie: The same, change eth0 for wlan015:34
Muffiesudo ifconfig wlan0 up15:34
mbn_181Hi, what I tried to play UQM in full window. But my screen went blank. How can close application when I cant see a thing? ( like Alt-F4 in win32)15:34
Muffienothingspecial: no such device15:34
nothingspecialMuffie: yes15:34
Chaos2358mako933,  i'm looking into it for you hand tight15:34
nothingspecialMuffie: have you tried the b43-fwcutter package?15:35
Mendeleviumyou might have to run some drivers for your card to get it seeing your card then get the device set up with some iwconfig commands15:35
Kacombn_181 try ctrl alt backspace?15:35
nothingspecialMuffie: or whatever it`s called at the moment15:35
Chaos2358mako933,  hang^15:35
Muffienothingspecial: yes, I have followed the steps from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43/STA%20-%20No%20Internet%20access15:35
mako933Chaos2358> thank's a lot!15:35
Mendeleviumdrivers and firmware15:35
ady01mako933 your username might not be valid, it wont let you use admin*  as this is used by root15:35
Muffienothingspecial: this one first: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43/STA%20-%20No%20Internet%20access15:35
Chaos2358ady01,  same thing i just came up with15:35
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Muffienothingspecial: but step2 shows nothing15:36
omom@-desktop:~$ "j/#ubuntustudio"15:36
mbn_181Kaco, It didnt worked. I remembered the combination as to restart X. though never seen it work on Ubuntu15:36
ombash: j/#ubuntustudio: No such file or directory15:36
omom-desktop:~$ j/#ubuntustudio15:36
ombash: j/#ubuntustudio: No such file or directory15:36
FloodBot3om: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:36
nothingspecialMuffie: Hang on, I`m looking15:36
RingZer0Microsoft started mudslinging with open source, lol: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzdykNa2IBU&feature=player_embedded15:36
Muffienothingspecial: ok, thanks15:36
mako933ady01> I did not use anything like this, I used "Matej" wich is quite normal name, imo15:36
omoh ok15:36
Mendeleviumthe fact that you can't modprobe means it's most likely not included yet or you have an old installation cd15:36
Chaos2358mako933,  try changing your password15:37
MuffieMendelevium: I have downloaded it yesterday night15:37
nixxbash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied15:37
nixx <<< why it says15:37
g00setsimpson: OK. Part of my rationale is that i've been asked to install Suse, not Ubuntu. I was going to say - 'the Suse's not 64 bit'. If you can see where i'm going with this, the icing on the cake would be to get as small as possible a Ubuntu 64 installer. Any business card isos around?15:37
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MuffieMendelevium: modprobe b43 just returns nothing15:37
nixxi am trying to open this folder but its says </etc/apt/sources.list15:37
nixxbash: /etc/apt/sources.list: Permission denied15:37
Mendeleviumdo you know the exact name of the device15:38
brigittehi. what would i have to do to have evolution automatically fetch my emails and notify me about new emails without the actual evolution GUI running? I'm using the indicator applet for the panel, do i need to change something about it's settings?15:38
mako933Chaos2358> I tried, it says that password is strong enough... everything has that green tick, I just cant find the problem..:/15:38
* g00se is a Debian user and therefore more comfortable with Ubuntu than Suse15:38
BlueMattnixx: try root by sudo su, then try it again15:38
MuffieMendelevium: yes: Broadcom corporation bcm4321 ... [14e4:4328]15:38
Chaos2358mako933, Hmmmmm i have one more thing to check15:39
BlueMattwhat would people recommend for a media sharing server on ubuntu server?15:39
tsimpsong00se: I think there may be, but you'd need to buy them from somewhere (I don't know where)15:39
tsimpsong00se: you could put the installer on a USB key though15:39
MindVirus1My update notifier isn't showing in the panel.15:40
g00setsimpson: It's just that i downloaded a 50M Debian installer and would like to do the same for U. The medium matters little15:40
MendeleviumMuffie: have you been here http://www.broadcom.com/support/802.11/linux_sta.php15:40
TerabyteHi, i've been here for 4 hours now and I'm still no closer to being able to install a panasonic kx-mb2000 printer which is supposed to work with GDI on ubuntu 9.04.15:41
Chaos2358mako933,  ok i cant find anything other then a possible bad install disc15:41
nothingspecialMuffie: Have you tried ndiswrapper15:41
MuffieI've been there, but I was trying the official ubuntu15:41
Muffienothingspecial: yep15:41
Chaos2358try redownloading and make a new disc15:41
nixxhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/514493/ look again15:41
MindVirus1Anyone have any advice?15:41
nixxi am in root but altho the same problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/514493/15:41
brigitteMindVirus1: i think the update applet is only visible when there are updates to be installed15:42
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MindVirus1brigitte: Yes. I have 36 available.15:42
BlueMattnixx: you are trying to execute a file which is not executable, im assuming you are trying to edit it? try nano or vi before the filename, or if you really want to execute a config file? try chmod +x filename before calling it15:42
coz_Chaos2358,   I suggest downloading the minimal install cd    its about 12 megs  not a live cd   more like alternate install but... all installations are with current updates so no updating when finiished15:42
nobarkinghello, does Ubuntu have backdoors like Microsoft Windows?15:42
elfoniaI installed xubuntu 10.04 and updated it to 10.10, but it's not xubuntu now. My system seems UBUNTU 10.10. how can i cange it xubuntu 10.10 ?15:42
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BlueMattnobarking: no and neither does windows, take your tin hat off15:43
Chaos2358Thanks coz mako933 see coz statement15:43
coz_elfonia,  sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop  maybe15:43
pksadiqnobarking:  for what?15:43
tsimpsong00se: maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:43
nobarkingBlueMatt: that's not true Windows does have backdoors15:43
coz_Chaos2358,   sorry that was for mako933   ?15:43
Terabytenobarking: well please enlighten us on them15:43
mako933Chaos2358> I am installing it from a USB flash disc15:43
nixxhttp://library.linode.com/web-servers/apache/installation/ubuntu-10.04-lucid#basic_system_configuration<< i am installing apache server and i am just going through this website15:43
MuffieMendelevium: "Some distros (Ubuntu and Fedora at the least) already have a version of this driver in their repositories precompiled, tested and ready to go. You just use the package manager to install the proper package.  If its available for your distro, this is usually an easier solution. See the end of this document for further discussion.15:43
elfoniathank you coz_, i'll try it now.15:43
seyfarth__Trying to access encrypted home dir from live cd.  the "Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop" that shows where my files should be does nothing. ideas?15:43
Terabytenobarking: i for one will be the first to be up your backdoor15:43
Chaos2358coz you are an op correct? and yes i was trying to help him out with install issues15:44
BlueMattnobarking: only if someone installes one on your machine will it have a backdoor15:44
MuffieMendelevium & nothingspecial : I think the problem is that wlan0 is not up, right?15:44
coz_elfonia, then when you log in before  hitting enter with paswork  check "sessions"  to be sure you log into the xubuntu  session15:44
brigittehow can i get email notifications about new emails without the evolution GUI running?15:44
g00setsimpson: 14MB - yay!15:44
mako933coz_ could you link me the installation image you are talking about? please15:44
elfoniaokay, i'm working now :) thank you very mocuh coz_15:44
ady01hi guys im stuck installing webmin here on 10.10 - I have downloaded the file using wget http:// etc and im doing sudo dpkg -i etc... to install but its saying file not found  ? any idears  ?15:45
BlueMattwhat software would people recommend for sharing media on an ubuntu server?15:45
coz_mako933,  sure15:45
nobarkingBlueMatt: is it safe to assume the transparency of Ubuntu prevents backdoors?15:45
aputamkonany 1 please help me, arg i have a geforce 6150se nforce 430. i have installled 173.14.22, it asked me to restart so when i did my resolution is stuck in 640x480. i used the nvidia config thingy now i have to uas my mouse to pan left right up down to seen the full screen. any ideas15:45
Muffienothingspecial: sudo modprobe wl changes something15:45
coz_mako933,   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD15:46
mako933Chaos2358> Thanks for help, I will try to install it from a CD15:46
Guest1172ady01: use tab to autocomplete filename to ensure you type it correctlyu15:46
coz_mako933,  the only thing is these are only 32 bit15:46
coz_mako933,  no sorry that is wrong15:46
ouahnew ubuntu 10.10 with nvidia driver makes VAIO VPCF12 freeze at X launch:(15:46
Muffiemodprobe wl + iwconfig now shows eth115:46
coz_mako933,   there is a 64 bit there as well15:46
Chaos2358mako933,  yep glad to be of "some"help15:46
mako933coz_ I will probably install the 32bit version, as a non experienced user15:47
MendeleviumMuffie: i think your best bet is to grab either the 32 or 64 version of the driver package, build then make install15:47
coz_mako933,  thats fine ..i use the minimal cd all the time15:47
BlueMattnobarking: yes, but there are no backdoors on windows as far as anyone knows, unless someone is able to install one, there are none.  Also, if someone can install software on your ubuntu machine, or any machine for that matter, they can install a backdoor15:47
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MuffieMendelevium: worked after a modprobe wl15:47
coz_mako933,  less chance of download corruption and if you burn this at 1x preferably   little change of burn corruption as well15:47
ady01thanks guest1172 - typing the wrong file name ! - checked it too - oh well !15:47
g00setsimpson: Thanks for that15:48
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tsimpsonyou're welcome :)15:48
mako933coz_ hmm but I see it is suggested to choose the 64bit version for amd64 CPUs?15:48
coz_mako933,  one thing...when it gets to the part where you choose what to install...use the arrow keys to scroll and the Space bar to choose  do not use enter to choose15:48
MendeleviumMuffie: what happens when you try this insmod wl.ko15:48
MuffieMendelevium: dont know! let me try15:48
coz_mako933,   i use 32 bit on 64 bit system here15:48
graeleightHi. New to Ubuntu. Using 9.04. Everything mostly works but I have one problem I haven't been able to fix. Ubuntu recognizes both of my DVD drives however it doesn't recognize when I put a DVD into them unless the DVD is already in the drive when I boot. Can anyone point me in the right direction?15:48
jastixHello, i just installed ubuntu 10.10 to external hard drive, but on my hp laptop i cannot boot from it even with usb devices first on boot list. On asus no problem. Does anybody know how to force hp laptop boot from external hd?15:49
MuffieMendelevium: is that the right syntax? its not finding wl.ko15:49
coz_mako933,   I suggest using the 32 bit  since you will have few issues with applications etc    but again this is your choice15:49
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nobarkingBlueMatt: an unpatched "vulnerability" can be considered a backdoor, like recent exploitation of Iran's nuclear program facilities that ran Windows. Microsoft released new updates recently because of that.15:49
replicasexgraeleight, DVD descrambling DRM is your problem.15:49
Mendeleviumgive this a shot modprobe lib8021115:49
Mendeleviumand modprobe ieee80211_crypt_tkip15:49
replicasexgraeleight, gonna tell you upfront though that breaking the DRM is technically illegal.15:50
mako933coz_ thanks, you suggest to burn it on a CD? or it is fine on a USB?15:50
MuffieMendelevium: you said that to me?15:50
coz_mako933,  cd  is  easy if you have it15:50
replicasexgraeleight, but uh if you google the problem ...15:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:50
graeleightI just want to watch the movie15:50
shiftingcontroldvdshrink,dvdrip is not available under ubuntu ,i want dvd decrypter15:50
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MendeleviumMuffie: yes15:50
=== ElNota_ is now known as ElNota
Terabytefuck ubuntu15:50
coz_mako933,  lable it and keep it if you have to reinstall15:50
BlueMattnobarking: backdoor typically refers to something placed there on purpose, of which there are none, however if you consider any exploit a backdoor, then yes there are backdoors for every os, including ubuntu15:50
replicasexgraeleight, yeah and you'd have to descramble the DVD's protection to do it.15:50
replicasexgraeleight, do some googling, it should be out there.15:50
MuffieMendelevium: lsmod | grep wl -> now shows wl running. Now I have wireless up and running. What should I do to make it automatically?15:51
BlueMattnobarking: however, the number of exploits and how long it takes for them to get fixed is usually better on linux than on windows, due to the number of people who look at the code every day15:51
mako933coz_ kk, thanks, I hope it will work well15:51
graeleightI don't want to rip it I just want to be able to see it. It works if the DVD is already in the drive when I boot. Let me try a blank DVD real quick.15:51
nothingspecialMuffie: Went for a smoke, is it working?15:51
wildangelgood morning15:51
prabhuhi iam using ubuntu10.04 i want to update my grub can some guide me plz15:52
Muffienothingspecial: yep, after doing modprobe wl it's up and running. Now I'm trying to make it definitive15:52
replicasexI would be interested in comparing the number of people who contribute to the code vs. MS' team, I would bet the number is comparable but luckily we don't have to wait for a billion teams to ok the updates.15:52
Muffienothingspecial: now Additional drivers shows STA driver15:52
mako933coz_ by the way, how does it work? it is downloading the OS components while installing it?15:52
nothingspecialMuffie: You need to add wl to /etc/modules15:52
g00seTo what extent do the latest installers cope with dual-boot? I've got 1GB empty partition, c. 150GB Win 7 and want to stick U into slack space15:52
nobarkingBlueMatt: is Ubuntu subjected to local government policies?15:52
Muffienothingspecial: how? with insmod?15:52
coz_mako933,  yes... and it downloads all current updates15:53
replicasexg00se, 1gb is a bit small for the OS.15:53
prabhuhi iam using ubuntu10.04 i want to update my grub can some guide me plz15:53
graeleightokay. It doesn't even recognize that there is a blank DVD-R in there. I just need it to detect the presence of the media.15:53
coz_mako933,  so  your system will be completely up to date when it is finished15:53
g00sereplicasex: But good for /boot?15:53
pksadiqnobarking: Ubuntu Even By default does not include restricted drivers or plugins15:53
nothingspecialMuffie: No. /etc/modules is the modules that the kernel loads at boot. Open it in your text editor and put wl at the bottom.15:53
nobarkingBlueMatt: do the local Ubuntu repositories reflect that?15:53
MendeleviumMuffie: refer to 3: Setup to always load at boot time.15:54
Muffienothingspecial: just like that? 1 line?15:54
replicasexg00se, that I'm not so sure about.  I never disconnect / and /home15:54
BlueMattnobarking: technically yes, but so is all software no matter what.  however, afaik there has never been any case where anything was changed because of them15:54
blackshellI'm on dual boot with windows and ubuntu,when i try to copy to one of my windows partiton ,it says it cant copy,how do i make it write?15:54
RobsonKarlsdoes any1 here recommends me kubuntu over ubuntu ?? i know thats the worst question ever15:54
dhiry2khi all ,while installing packages in chroot environment i am getting messages as Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0xc020660b15:54
prabhuhi iam using ubuntu10.04 i want to update my grub can some guide me plz15:54
replicasexRobsonKarls, do you like KDE? :P15:54
nothingspecialMuffie: yes, if that was the module that got it working. I missed a bit of this converation15:54
BlueMattwhat software would anyone here use to stream media from ubuntu server15:54
* g00se thinks best case scenario is that 1GB partition can boot Win7 and U15:54
RobsonKarls[[replicasex]]: never had experience with kde only gnome15:54
dhiry2kprabhu, what changes u want to do ?15:55
anon33_something keeps changing the time in the clock for me and it's really annoying. how can i figure out what's going on?15:55
Muffienothingspecial: ok, thanks. Mendelevium : step 3 from which part?15:55
dhiry2kan idea why this gets printed Unsupported ioctl: cmd=0xc020660b while doing apt-get install15:55
blackshellI'm on dual boot with windows and ubuntu,when i try to copy to one of my windows partiton ,it says it cant copy,how do i make it write?15:55
aputamkonany 1 help me with my display settings? im stuck in 640x480 and i have to pan in the direction to see my whole screen. its like im looking throuth a 640x480 window scrolling around a larger resolution15:56
dhiry2kBlackBinary, use ntfs-3g15:56
BEIITAwhat does " Dependency is not satisfiable" mean in the software center, and how do i fix it?15:56
MendeleviumMuffie: nevermind It's probably fine15:56
replicasexgraeleight, did you see my PM15:56
dhiry2kelse run chkdsk /f in windows15:56
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MuffieMendelevium: well, ok, really thanks15:56
prabhudhiry2k: i want to update my grub15:56
GHOSTMEDIAPROhow to change the remote vnc port in ubuntu15:56
MendeleviumMuffie: what happens when you iwconfig15:56
GHOSTMEDIAPROor set up remote desktop ports15:56
graeleightI got it now. Thanks.15:56
replicasexgraeleight, you're welcome.15:57
nothingspecialblackshell: Permissions?15:57
BEIITAss: http://imgur.com/pmX7C.png15:57
MuffieMendelevium: now, shows IEEE @ eth115:57
blackshellnothingspecial:how do i change?15:57
dhiry2kprabhu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub215:58
MendeleviumMuffie: sweet15:58
MuffieMendelevium: well, let me find out after a restart!15:58
GHOSTMEDIAPROhow to i change the remote desktop port and/or vnc port15:58
dhiry2kprabhu, do changes in custome configuration in /etc/ and then run update-grub15:58
nothingspecialblackshell: You can`t, you can mount windows partitions read write by editing /etc/fstab15:58
MuffieBTW (just as a side note): I Hate colloquy joins/lefts notifications15:59
fabriCiao a tutti... adobe air per ubuntu 64bit? :D15:59
MendeleviumMuffie: I disable all the joins/parts/quits/kicks15:59
Mendeleviumit's in events somewhere15:59
nothingspecialMuffie: Me too16:00
MuffieMendelevium: not supported on this osx crap colloqui thing16:00
graeleightreplicasex: ran the first line and got Reading package lists... Done16:00
graeleightBuilding dependency tree16:00
graeleightReading state information... Done16:00
graeleightE: Couldn't find package libxinel-ffmpeg16:00
graeleightsorry for being so newbish16:00
FloodBot3graeleight: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:00
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nobarkingBlueMatt: thanks for the information16:00
BlueMattnobarking: no problem16:01
replicasexgraeleight, can you talk to me in a private PM?16:01
Muffiebitchx no longer available at repositories! :(16:01
nothingspecialMuffie:  /ignore -channels #ubuntu * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS16:01
mgjI just installed 10.10, aptitude is not longer installed per default ?! I thought using aptitude over apt-get was good practice.... ?16:01
nothingspecialmgj: Who told you that?16:02
Chaos2358Can anyone help with this? I am running lucid on my Dell Inspiron E1505 with it set to blank screen when closed but everytime i close the screen it gives me an error when i reopen it telling me ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and i loose everything i'm working on.16:02
mgjsomeone from this channel16:02
dfgassokdoie, i got a new router, wireless n and i have a wireless n card in my laptop. ubuntu finds the wireless network and tries to connect but fails. however when i had g router it worked perfect16:02
wildfireangeli am having trouble with 10.1016:02
nothingspecialGood practice is using one or the other only, not mixing them16:03
mgji liked aptitude16:03
mgjoh well16:03
LoRd_UnDeRwOrLdhi, how do i install the mp3-plugin for rhytmbox?16:03
nothingspecialmgj: So install it16:03
Mendeleviumi always used apt-get16:03
mgjnothingspecial, not worth the effort, they are 99% the same for day to day use16:03
dfgassi am back in windows till we get this issue with the wireless n fixed in ubuntu 10.1016:04
wildfireangelcan anyone tell me why ubuntu is trying to install on the whole hard drive and not letting me do isde by side16:04
mako933coz_ will I face troubles during the installation if I have only wifi internet connection?16:04
coz_mako933,  ah  that i cant say for sure16:04
Chaos2358mako933,  no you will be fine all i ever hav is wireless16:04
coz_mako933,  there you go  according to Chaos2358   :)16:04
zolikaaaHi all! I'm new to ubuntu, and i search for a good torrent client , i used deluge, but i had problems with them16:04
Mendeleviumwildfireangel: Gparted is your friend.16:05
coz_zolikaaa,   transmission is already installed16:05
coz_zolikaaa,   that is a real nice torrent client16:05
Chaos2358mako933, i've installed ubuntu on 9 pcs in a months time and only use wifi never a problem16:05
nothingspecialzolikaaa: search torrent in the package manager16:05
coz_zolikaaa,   Applications/ Internet/ transmission16:06
BluesKajwildfireangel, are you using the auto install, if so it's going format and in stall on the first large continuous space unless you choose a differnt option16:06
zolikaaai found ktorrent, and vuze, buz i'm using gnome, and i dont want to install a kde based client16:06
wildfireangelno not the auto install16:06
mike32547gnome has been giving me issues :/16:06
zolikaaaand vuze don't worked16:06
nothingspecialzolikaaa: I use rtorrent, but I guess you want a gui?16:07
MendeleviumChaos2358: things like that slow you down, bad luck16:07
mako933Chaos2358 even if I am installing it from the minimal CD image?16:07
rekhi i can't read a sd with my pc but i can read it perfectly with my digital camera, i could see some pics but it's extremely slow... win instead says it's damaged can you help me to recover the data?16:07
aputamkonany 1 able to help me with my geforce 6150se nforce 430 settings?16:07
NFischerHI all! i just plugged in a tv via composite.. now ive vsync Problems in watching DVB-C via Kaffeine.. any suggestions16:08
Chaos2358mako933, actually i'm glad you asked that. i forgot you were using minimal image. you may need a hard line as the wifi drivers most likelly wont be included in the minimal cd16:08
coz_NFischer,   I have not done this  but if no one here can answer or help at the moment you can also try the ##linux channel16:09
coz_NFischer, also the kubuntu channel16:09
NFischercoz_, well... yeah thx16:09
zolikaaanothingspecial: gui is easyer :D16:10
Chaos2358coz whats the terminal command to get graphics card info?16:10
mako933Chaos2358 luckly, I have got the cable:) It already said it has troubles finding network while I was only on wifi..16:10
Chaos2358good deal then and good luck16:10
coz_Chaos2358,    lspci | grep -i vga16:10
nothingspecialzolikaaa: Not necessarily16:10
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zolikaaanothingspecial: for me, yet :)16:10
Chaos2358coz thanks16:11
zolikaaaso rtorrent is great?16:11
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nothingspecialzolikaaa: Good set up guide from (ahem) another distro http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/RTorrent16:11
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zolikaaanothingspecial: thanks for help, i try it16:11
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nothingspecialzolikaaa: rtorrent and screen = torrent happiness :)16:12
ankitahey need help to connect reliance netconnect16:12
ankitaUSB not detecting16:13
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AlanBellwhat channel deals with help.ubuntu.com?16:14
Vilinyis there a kubuntu netbook remix planned at some point?16:15
ankita@alanBell.....Its IRC16:15
BlueMatt what software would people recommend for media sharing on an ubuntu server?16:15
coz_Viliny,   I believe if you download the kubuntu cd  the netbook install is on that  not sure though16:16
djoglihi, is there a way to disable specific key in shell (or even before in time of login), like there is command xmodmap for X11?16:16
coz_Viliny,  you can check in #kubuntu also16:16
Vilinythanks coz_16:16
mako933coz_ Chaos2358 it is installing without any problem by now, thanks for help, guys^^16:17
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coz_mako933,  no problem   remember to c hoose use arrows to scroll and space bar to tick the box... you will see the list after  a while16:18
Chaos2358mako933,  glad to be of help and goodluck to you16:18
coz_mako933,  I suggest just choosing one of the desktop  versions  and let it go at that16:18
kremloni need help converting an ext filesystem into an ntfs16:19
kremloncould someone help me with the mkntfs command16:19
mako933coz_ okay, thank you!16:19
Licuadoraif I uninstall Unity from my Netbook, will REMIX shell automatically show?16:20
kremlonUsage: mkntfs [options] device [number-of-sectors]16:20
kremlonBasic options:16:20
kremlon    -f, --fast                      Perform a quick format16:20
kremlon    -Q, --quick                     Perform a quick format16:20
kremlon    -L, --label STRING              Set the volume label16:20
FloodBot3kremlon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:20
noob-tuxkremlon: use http://paste.ubuntu.com/16:20
kira_ hi how to remove apps? for example : wine - i uninstalled it but still are some files ;/16:21
ibkremlon: why not use GParted?16:21
minimecLicuadora: I think you get a new gdm 'session' entry for Unity.16:21
minimecLicuadora: Forget what I said ;)16:21
Licuadoraminimec: ....16:21
Licuadoraminimec: ....16:21
Licuadoraminimec: So it's not safe to uninstall'16:21
kremlonib:  is gparted capable of converting a partition into an ntfs filesystem?16:21
ibkremlon: well not sure you can really convert from ext to ntfs and keep files but you can easily reformat it from ext to ntfs using GParted16:22
kira_ok.. so how to remove picasa? i installed it but i cant uninstall..16:22
replicasexkira_, does it show up in the software center?16:23
kremlonib: im not worried about saving files, thanks16:23
kira_no :(16:23
minimecLicuadora: Verify that you got an alternate window-manager installed. Then you can switch on gdm login. If you like the new one, you may uninstall unity, but you don't need to.16:23
replicasexkira_, go to synaptic and look for picasa related files16:23
kira_okies ^^16:23
kremlonib: thank u16:23
BlueMatt what software would people recommend for media sharing on an ubuntu server?16:24
ibkremlon: yer welcome mate, sudo apt-get install gparted and you will find it under System -> Admini..16:24
mike32547minimec i wasnt trying to bug the whole chanel about my question reason i pmed16:24
kremlonib: ill prolly just boot from a live cd :DDD16:24
Licuadoraminimec: So if I install another one, in the login window, am I gonna be able to choose from remix and Unity?16:24
Licuadorathat would be cool16:25
kira_OMG it works XD thnx so much ^ ^ !16:25
graeleightwell I stumped replicasex. anyone else have an idea? Problem: My system recognizes that I have DVD drives but when I put in media it doesn't see it unless I reboot, in which case it mounts it fine. Once it sees it I can now watch it no problem, but it just doesn't detect new media. I even tried blank DVD-Rs and still nothing.16:25
minimecLicuadora: That's it. You can install gnome, kde, e17, unity... all you want...16:25
aputamkonneed help with my geforce 6150se nforce 430 im stuck in a 640x480 resolution. nividia setting says crt-o 640x480. how can i change it to a higher resolution like 1024x76816:25
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ibBlueMatt: what kind of media sharing do you have in mind?16:26
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BlueMattib: media from ubuntu server to a media reciever on a tv, ie upnp16:27
AbhiJitwhat was the software used to download full web site? i forgot16:27
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pksadiqaputamkon: install nvidia-settings16:27
ibBlueMatt: try PlayStation Media Server or Media Tomb16:28
AbhiJitnvm got it its webhattrack16:28
tim__banyone updated a encrypted lucid (alternate cd) to maverick? wondering if there might be some problems... or i can upload without problems...16:28
ibAbhiJit: you can use wget for that, do wget --help and check the -m flag16:28
AbhiJitib, ok16:28
nothingspecialmike32547: What is your question?16:29
replicasexgraeleight, just keep asking, there's a lot of chatter for the smarties to wade through :P16:29
Adriannomhi.  my lucid machine hung, and now the network isn't connecting at startup, so login fails because /home is on nfs.  ctrl-alt-f1 then running ifconfig eth0 up and dhclient solves the problem until reboot.  any ideas how i can fix the problem?16:29
nothingspecialmike32547: What is your question?16:29
Adriannomfix it properly that is16:29
aputamkonneed help with my geforce 6150se nforce 430 im stuck in a 640x480 resolution. nividia setting says crt-o 640x480. how can i change it to a higher resolution like 1024x768 iti have to set my pan to 1024x786 to see my swhole screen16:30
Tigger_Yum-Yumis ext4 going to be replacing ext3 and is ubuntu compatible with it?16:30
graeleightMy system recognizes that I have DVD drives but when I put in media it doesn't see it unless I reboot, in which case it mounts it fine. Once it sees it I can now watch it no problem, but it just doesn't detect new media. I even tried blank DVD-Rs and still nothing.16:30
ibTigger_Yum-Yum: ext4 is default for ubuntu so yes it is very capable of handling it16:30
Mendeleviumgraeleight: bad luck16:30
Tigger_Yum-Yumoh i thought it was still using ext316:31
CrackerJackzTigger_Yum-Yum, you can still use ext 3 if you really wanted..16:31
Mendeleviumgraeleight: does it see the drive in BIOS16:31
pksadiqaputamkon: in Nvidia-settings can't you change the resolution to 1024* 768? manually16:31
ibTigger_Yum-Yum: you can use ext3, and you can upgrade to ext4 without loosing files as well16:31
facelessloserwiithon has stoped working under 10.1016:32
aputamkonno i can not i have set the pan up but thats ity16:32
CrackerJackzib you can change a partitions file system with out formatting it?16:32
suprengri have 10.10 installed as dual boot option with 10.04.   I formatted an old partition to put it on - no probs with install or running either version but a quick query... I choose '/' as mount point rather than /home... did I make a boo boo or am I ok  re system security?16:32
Tigger_Yum-Yumi prefer the latest and greatest CrackerJackz :P thanks ib16:32
AbhiJitnow installed webhttrack and i have two menu entry for it. anything wrong?16:32
nothingspecialHow do I completely disable pms in all channels?16:32
graeleightYes. Also, everything works fine if I boot back to windows so I'm pretty sure it isn't hardware. Although who knows. But two drives to fail at once seems unlikely.16:32
aputamkonits like im looking through a 640x480 window paning to see the rest of the screen16:32
pksadiqaputamkon: did you try selecting advanced in nvidia settings and saving with 1024x768?16:33
ibCrackerJackz: never tried it myself but heard of it, check out http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-upgrade-from-ext3-to-ext4-without-formatting-the-hard-disk/2009/04/2116:33
aputamkonit only give me option of 640x480 or smaller and also auto16:33
aputamkonthats tyhe area were i set tha paning16:33
graeleightIf I got to Places > Computer both drives show up but they are empty. Even though there is media in them.16:33
pksadiqCrackerJackz: I think many of the linux distributions still don't support ext4,16:34
CrackerJackzpksadiq, you're probably right16:34
magicianlordwho is running Maverick? i am16:34
Memnochxxcool story16:34
wildc4rd_afternoon all16:34
Mendeleviumgraeleight: most of what linux is is command line crap, what happens when you manually mount the drive, do you come at it that way?16:35
tieinvgraeleight, you have wubi installed on windows ?16:35
ambyi'm running maverick16:35
ambygot some issues though16:35
aputamkoni would be happy just to get it back to normal setting it worked fine untill i activated the driver 173.14.2216:36
ady01hi guys i have setup webmin for 5 users but im stuck on how i loggin on the desktop - does anyone know how this bit would work  ?16:36
graeleightMendelevium: When I try mounting it says : No media in the drive.16:36
James-BlazeHi can anyone help me please? I have just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and when I restarted I'm now getting an error saying: no such device 8c35181b-d6d0-476f-a1b2-7503d2915da grub rescue:16:36
replicasexJames-Blaze, O.o16:37
Mendeleviumady01: it's been a long time since i messed with webmin, great piece of software though16:37
graeleighttieinv: wubi sounds kind of familiar, is that the app to install a dual-boot?16:37
BluesKajAdriannom, sudo dhclient eth0,  then, sudo /etc/network/interfaces/restart16:37
pksadiqaputamkon:  try to remove xorg.conf and restart the system16:37
replicasexgraeleight, wubi is an ubuntu installer that puts ubuntu inside windows16:38
magicianlordJames-Blaze: it seems that grub isnt pointing to the boot partition. how many hard drives do you have16:38
aputamkonok how do i remove it?16:38
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James-Blazejust 1 but i did have a usb hard drive plugged in on installation16:38
ady01Mendelevium i set the server bit up ok but not sure how i now login via a desktop16:38
AdriannomBluesKaj, then reboot?  bear in mind it's working, it just stops working on next boot16:38
replicasexJames-Blaze, taking it out would probably be a good idea.16:38
James-Blazereplicasex i have already tried that :)16:38
replicasexJames-Blaze, kay, ima be quiet now ^__^16:38
AdriannomBluesKaj, i can get the network to work, i just have to do it manually16:39
dwarderanyone knows what appl could i use to decode this kind of string(supposed to be russian) \u041A\u043D\u0438\u0433\u043816:39
pksadiqit would be nice if anybody here troubleshoots others linux using ssh remotely :)16:39
LucidGuyAnyone have any luck with dual GPU nvidia/optimus cards on Ubuntu.  My m11x R2 seems to work fine out of the box with the accelerated Nvidia card, but I just wish I could somehow manually switch to the low powered Intel.16:39
ady01Mendeleviu what i mean is that i need people to be able to login to there account via any machine eg laptop or desktop am i making sence ?16:39
James-Blazemagicianlord can you please tell me how to point grub to the boot partition?16:39
graeleightI'm dual-booting now. I can boot into windows and check if I have wubi installed.16:39
BluesKajAdriannom, yes, I think those commands will solve retention problem on reboot , iirc16:39
aputamkonpksadiq how do i remove the xorg.conf ?16:40
AdriannomBluesKaj, also, i'm guessing you meant restart via init.d right? ;)16:41
kira__does anyone have mozilla on ubuntu 10.10 working well with youtube.com ?16:41
Mendeleviumady01: it's been so long i don't remember16:41
BluesKajoops Adriannom , yeah16:41
ady01i do kira_16:41
ady01thanks Mendeleviu16:41
pksadiqaputamkon:  sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back16:42
Chaos2358Can anyone help with this? I am running lucid on my Dell Inspiron E1505 with it set to blank screen when closed but everytime i close the screen it gives me an error when i reopen it telling me ubuntu is running in low graphics mode and i loose everything i'm working on.16:42
magicianlordJames-Blaze: i have limited experience in this, but there should be guides on how to perform a grub rescue or edit the startup to point to the correct partition. maybe booting in iwth the live usb stick and then confirming which partition is the boot partition, then writing it down, then booting the system off the hdd while holding shift to modify the grub loadup menu would allow you to get into the system and then modify it permane16:42
kira__<ady01>what plugins u use? ^^16:42
ady01adobe flash kira_16:42
kira__<ady01> me too and thats problem still ;/16:42
BluesKajAdriannom, hang on a sec , gonna ssh into my other linuxbox and copy cli reference text16:42
ady01kira_ what problems you having  ?16:42
kira__<ady01> its laggy and stopping making it whit window and play again and agian16:43
kira__<ady01> with window at youtube.. its getting white ... after some sec its loading and then play a little16:43
James-Blazemagicianlord thanks for your help, i have tried a few guides on the internet about restoring grub with the livecd but they haven't worked.16:43
kira__<ady01>and again again16:43
AdriannomBluesKaj, did it, rebooted, and ifconfig still doesn't show eth016:43
aputamkonok i typed it in the terminal it asked me for my pword i entered it it didnt seem to do anything. now what do i do? restart?16:43
kira__<ady01> i have installed java and fslash but still got problem ;/16:44
magicianlordJames-Blaze: ok. what is your partition setup? i will look further16:44
James-Blaze2 secs16:44
mike32547whats teh best repo to update files with synaptic package manager?16:44
nothingspecialmike32547: Your local one16:44
AdriannomBluesKaj, so nothing's changed and this only started happening since the crash16:44
James-Blazemagicianlord i just need to start the machine up again from the livecd give me a few minutes16:44
aputamkonrestarting brb16:44
pksadiqdwarder: I know that in python you can print Hex to ascii using print '\x65' or some thing like that, I don't think it works for unicode16:45
BluesKajAdriannom,  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart16:45
AdriannomBluesKaj, yeah, i did that ;)16:45
kira__anyone can help? - when i firefox on youtube - flash plugins are getting busy and laggy.. how to solve it? o.o16:45
mike32547im trying to reload the synaptic..it says the rep servers doesnt exist16:45
AdriannomBluesKaj, didn't help unfortunately16:45
ady01kira_ very strange adobe flash for linux is normally very good - how did you install flash - did you download it from there site or did you use package manager ?16:46
tensorpudding!cn | zhb16:46
ubottuzhb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:46
BlueMattmike32547: settings->repositories select download from of the closest one to you16:46
James-Blazemagiclord i have windows vista installed and ubuntu on the other partition16:46
kira__<ady01> yes i used mozilla build in .. manager but it didnt worked so i did some manual update in terminal innstalling then full flash and java pack16:47
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magicianlordyou should check which partitions grub is looking for16:47
James-Blazemagiclord can you tell me how i do that please?16:48
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ady01kira_ can you go into software center under applications and type flash in the search bar for me16:48
AdriannomBluesKaj, any other ideas?  i've looked through the logs but i don't even know what i'm looking for16:48
kira__<ady01> ok wait XD16:49
Chaos2358SaRy hey man i'm here batt died on me16:49
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ady01kira_ when it comes up look for the one that says 'flash player for mozzila'16:49
Yoyowaaaaaa des gens qui parlent anglais16:49
ambyhow can i buzz on irc?16:49
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BluesKajAdriannom, ok , maybe adding the IPs on your lan to /etc/hosts.allow , like this http://pastebin.com/ZUdcvp4w16:49
magicianlordcan you log in with the live cd or usb stick, start the live system (not install), then run disk manager from the administration menu at the top16:50
Chaos2358how do i open a private chat with someone?16:50
James-Blazeyes 2 seconds16:50
magicianlordand then look at what partiotions have what system, like /dev/sda1 etc16:50
kira__<ady01>ok what next? there are so many files XD16:50
ady01kira_ when it comes up look for the one that says 'flash player for mozzila'16:50
James-BlazeDisk Utility?16:50
HoFFbom dia tem BR AI?16:50
magicianlordyes disk utility16:51
kira__<ady01>jest it is installed.16:51
mike32547you do /msg (nick) without the  ( )16:51
BluesKajAdriannom, could you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file pls16:51
kira__<ady01> should i delete it and install again ?16:51
ace_steelChaos2358:u can right click on that person16:51
mike32547that too16:52
James-Blazemagicianlord did you mean disk utility? i cannot see a Disk Manager16:52
AdriannomBluesKaj, it's basically empty, i'm using networkmanager16:52
ady01kira_ you shouldent need to really if its there, are you using a pc or laptop  ?16:52
magicianlordJames-Blaze: yes, disk utility. it show partitions16:52
AdriannomBluesKaj, this is more or less a fresh install of ubuntu lucid desktop16:53
kira__<ady01>laptop ;/16:53
AdriannomBluesKaj, nothing has been changed except some desktop preferences16:53
AdriannomBluesKaj, and some nfs stuff in /etc/fstab#16:53
James-Blazemagicianlord it says i have a Recovery partition and a NTFS partition but no linux partitions? Yet I have just finished the Ubuntu installation?16:54
ady01kira_ maybee that your laptop is stryggling to cope - is it new or old  ?16:54
magicianlordJames-Blaze: ok, maybe grub wasnt pointed to the right partition16:54
AdriannomBluesKaj, if i boot a live cd, there's no problem at all, if i go into single user with networking there's no problem.  if i boot normally then eth0 is missing from ifconfig until i do sudo ifconfig eth0 up.  this never happened before the crash16:55
magicianlordJames-Blaze: what is the name of the windows partition16:55
BlueMattwhat software would people recommend for upnp media sharing on an ubuntu server?16:55
James-Blazemagicianlord its sda216:55
magicianlordand recovery one is sda1 or nothing?16:55
BluesKajAdriannom, if you're running NM on an ethernet connection then this might interest you ..personally I think NM is useless on etho16:55
kira__<ady01> oh its preety ok 1.74Mhz dual core 2GB RAM 160GB HDD (AcerAspire16:56
ady01bluematt banshee is good but im not sure it streams you may need to check there website www.banshee.fr16:56
Laner1911Where i should ask? i have problem with WINE (iKernel don`t installing)16:56
ady01kira_ should be ok - you could try taking off adobe flash and installing gnash instead - this is a bit more light weight than adobe flash16:57
magicianlordJames-Blaze: is the recovery partition sda1 or no designator? and you chose the install side by side option?16:57
laegis there a single command i could enter that would accomplish 'laeg@skyrocket:/opt/vuze$ ./azureus' without navigating to the vuze dir, and without displaying text in terminal while the program is running?16:57
kira__<ady01>hm ok i will try ..16:57
ady01kira_ to install it go to software center again remove flash, the search 'gnash' and install this16:57
ace_steelHow can i download the stable version of wine?16:57
James-Blazemagicianlord yes i chose the side by side install and the recovery partition is sda116:58
mike32547ive already went through #winehq no help there, im trying to get world of warcraft to play on the lastest version of ubuntu i have win 10.2 im using a nvidia graphic card16:58
graeleightback. wubi is not installed on my windows partition.16:58
Laner1911<ace_steel> use ubuntu software center16:58
mike32547it used to run the close out after trying to log in16:58
mike32547now it wont even load!16:58
VCooliolaeg: sh /opt/vuse/azureus >/dev/null 2>&116:58
detrixis there a utility that will take a directory of pictures and generate the xml file for the desktop wallpaper slide show???16:58
laegVCoolio: ty friend.16:58
Laner1911<ace_steel> type wine in search16:58
kira__<ady01> o.O i have installed it already16:59
mike32547run then close out *16:59
AdriannomBluesKaj, it's not that i don't appreciate the help, but i don't know why i'd need to reconfigure my system when it's worked on the same and different pcs on this network for about 4 years, including full reinstalls with each new version of ubuntu.  i'm thinking that there's something OTHER than my config at work here, since the config has not been touched.  the crash is very suspicious and is either the cause or a symp16:59
Adriannomtom of what is happening...#16:59
ady01kira_ this might be your issue16:59
ady01kira_ firefox is probably using the wrong one or trying to use both17:00
ace_steelLaner1911: i already tried that but it is giving me beta release....not the stable version17:00
kira__<ady01> omg17:00
laegVCoolio: i put "sh /opt/vuse/azureus >/dev/null 2>&1" in my launcher in the applications menu and it's not working. the text previous was just 'command in terminal' 'vuze' but that launches the ubuntu synaptic version of vuze, not the lateset version i've installed17:00
kira__<ady01> ok thnx ^^ shuld i restart?17:00
magicianlordJames-Blaze: im not sure what happened with grub, but i tend to choose the advanced menu during the install to point grub to install to /dev/sda (the whole disk) and not to a partition like /dev/sda3. maybe that is what happened. it needs to be /dev/sda. can you click on sda3 and then set the flag to "boot"?17:00
kira__<ady01> (whole linux)17:00
laegVCoolio: isn't there a file i could edit that would tell ubuntu when i enter the command vuze, naviate to /opt/vuze/ and run ./azureus?17:01
VCooliolaeg: it was vuze, not vuse, sorry, also the /dev/null part isn't necessary in a menu entry17:01
James-Blazemagicianlord there is no sda3 visible?17:01
BluesKajAdriannom, well maybe it's time to turn page and try internet connections from a more purist pov, unless of course you need NM for wifi17:01
magicianlordotherwise, i would reinstall and just install ubuntu to a single partition sda3, no swap file either, make that root /, and grub to /dev/sda17:01
VCooliolaeg: try in a terminal first: sh /opt/vuze/azereus17:01
VCooliolaeg: try in a terminal first: sh /opt/vuze/azureus17:02
ady01kira_ open firefox for me17:02
magicianlordJames-Blaze: ok. did you resize the partitions during the install to shrink windows?17:02
laegVCoolio: /opt/vuze/azureus: 55: Syntax error: "(" unexpected (expecting "done"17:02
James-Blazemagicianlord yes17:02
ady01kira_ then go to 'tools' > 'add ons'17:02
ady01kira_ then click pluggins17:02
magicianlordJames-Blaze: and it went through the install process?17:02
magicianlordi need to reboot. brb17:03
graeleightrestating problem: I'm on ver 9.04. I have two DVD-RW drives. System recognizes that I have them but when I put media into them it doesn't seem to realize I have done so with the following exception. If I boot with the media already in the drive it gets recognized and mounted. Once mounted the DVDs play perfectly. I do not have wubi installed.17:03
VCooliolaeg: that doesn't make sense if you do ./azureus in that folder; try a dot: . /opt/vuze/azureus17:03
AdriannomBluesKaj, maybe i don't have a choice, thanks for the help17:03
ady01kira_ now do you have both adobe flash and gnash i this list  ?17:03
VCooliolaeg: a dot, then a space, then the path17:03
laegVCoolio: Could not find the main class: org.gudy.azureus2.platform.unix.ScriptAfterShutdown. Program will exit.17:04
_CommandeR_is there any known issues with maverick and mumble ?17:04
laegVCoolio: Azureus TERMINATED.17:04
kira__<ady01> i have just one17:04
BlueMattwhat software would people recommend for upnp media sharing on an ubuntu server?17:04
kira__<ady01> gnash ^17:04
laegVCoolio: navigating to the dir and entering ./azureus works to open it, but displays info in terminal and i don't know how to enter that as a launcher for my application menu17:05
_CommandeR_every time when i try to edit a channel in mumble gnome crashes and boots me to the login screen17:05
niftyHow do I restart gweather? It stopped showing weather changes?17:05
ady01kira_ ok think i see your issue17:05
kira__<ady01> ?17:05
VCooliolaeg: and it works if you do ./azureus in /opt/vuze? I don't get that, sorry17:05
ady01kira_ go back to software center - uninstall gnash17:05
laegVCoolio: yes, it works as in the program opens17:06
SaRyChaos2358, WB17:06
Chaos2358Sary now i have another issue lol17:06
ady01kira_ then reeboot and them go back to pluggins in firefox - this should then pick up the default 'adobe flash'17:06
SaRyNah !17:06
detrixis there a utility that will take a directory of pictures and generate the xml file for the desktop wallpaper slide show???17:07
VCooliolaeg: last try, if it's executable, just do '/opt/vuze/azureus'  that's really equivalent to ./azureus in that folder17:07
kira__ok i will try ^^ thnx brb17:07
James-Blazeyes magicianlord17:07
graeleightLooks like I stumped the room. Thanks for all your help replicasex. I'll take this to the forums.17:07
replicasexgraeleight, sorry I couldn't be more help.17:07
magicianlordso where are we17:08
_CommandeR_every time when i try to edit a channel in mumble gnome crashes and boots me to the login screen17:08
linuxguy101graeleight: stumped the room?17:08
laegVCoolio: okay, that works opening it in terminal17:08
graeleightlinuxguy101: (pasting) I'm on ver 9.04. I have two DVD-RW drives. System recognizes that I have them but when I put media into them it doesn't seem to realize I have done so with the following exception. If I boot with the media already in the drive it gets recognized and mounted. Once mounted the DVDs play perfectly. I do not have wubi installed.17:08
joe__can i give remote assistance from ubuntu to windows?17:08
VCooliolaeg: ok, put that in the menu or on the Exec= line in a .desktop file17:09
linuxguy101graeleight: mount and unmount command line should do the trick17:09
graeleightmount says: No media in drive.17:09
BluesKajok Adriannom, I still think NM is the culprit , it's better than it was on previous releases , but it still suffers from a lot of problems.17:09
link_hi, today i logged on my old computer, it has Ubuntu Feisty, and i'd like to upgrade it, but i can't (sources are down, maybe...), could someone help me upgrade my ubuntu distro to some to any other (say, intrepid)?17:09
laegVCoolio: it doesn't work as a laucnher in menu, either using 'application', or 'application in terminal' '/opt/vuze/azureus', although the latter starts to load it but it crashes17:09
BluesKajanyway , gotta go17:10
* BluesKaj is away17:10
nothingspeciallink_: Feisty is no longer supported, you need to install a newer version17:10
xangualink_: feisty and intrepid are not supported, betteer try lucid(lts) or maverick(current)17:10
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laegVCoolio: second attempt on 'application in terminal' '/opt/vuze/azureus' is looking more promising, but it opened a terminal and i don't want that visible...17:11
aputamkonyikes i just did a comand to remove my xorg conf from some one in here when i restarted it would only let me in a text based interface now i have to run off the instalion cd. i was tyrying to fix my display settings17:11
link_xangua, nothingspecial : any way to do this online, via apt-get? maybe adding new software sources or anything like that?17:11
AdriannomBluesKaj, specifying static config doens't solve issue17:11
link_i can't really install from CD-ROM, i don't have it here17:11
xangualink_: download it from ubuntu.com17:11
magicianlordlink_: what do you need to do17:12
VCooliolaeg: I don't see why it would need a terminal; put this: /opt/vuze/azureus > $HOME/azu17:12
link_xangua, i can't use a CD-ROM because my driver is not working17:12
BluesKajAdriannom, but it avoids theneed for using NM17:12
VCooliolaeg: let it crash, then read /home/you/azu17:12
detrixaputamkon, with out the live cd can you boot to recovery mode17:12
link_and my pc refuses to boot from usb correctly17:12
aputamkonpksadiq u still here?17:12
nothingspeciallink_: I don`t think so, you would have to upgrade one by one if there was. Easier to download and install a new version17:12
AdriannomBluesKaj, no, i'm saying that i tried using static so that it'd connect to the network on boot, but it doesn't17:12
treyis anyone here super bad-ass with ext4?17:12
pksadiqaputamkon: Yes17:13
laegVCoolio: it's not crashing17:13
AdriannomBluesKaj, don't know what's happening, but it's not NM17:13
link_nothingspecial, i thought so...17:13
aputamkoni tried that but when i select fail safe mode i get an error no screen found17:13
VCooliolaeg: well there you go :)17:13
link_it'll be more difficult than i thought, maybe i'll blast this thing17:13
joe__Hey, I am running Ubuntu. And my friends has windows vista. He has a desperate need for remote help.17:13
nothingspeciallink_: Check unetbootin or usb-creator-usb17:13
laegVCoolio: still need to get it without terminal visible, about to test  /opt/vuze/azureus > $HOME/azu17:13
BluesKajAdriannom, did you try the list of IPs munder portmap in /etc/hosts.allow ?17:13
pksadiqaputamkon: now which mode? working well?17:13
magicianlordlink_: if you17:13
BluesKajAdriannom,munder = under17:14
Chaos2358coz you still in here?17:14
VCooliolaeg: the launcher as just application (not in terminal) did crash. not? do that again17:14
magicianlordif you need to boot via usb with 10.10, you must use the pendrive boot loader as specified in the directions on ubuntu.com17:14
aputamkonthat command when i rebooted i went into a text based. so i tried to reboot in fail safe recover mode and it gave an error no screen found17:14
laegVCoolio: it crashed on first attempt, but now opens - still displaying the terminal17:14
pksadiqaputamkon:  Now how are you working?17:15
aputamkonoff the live instaltion cd17:15
detrixaputamkon: after you get that message you should be get a terminal based menu for xorg recover17:15
AdriannomBluesKaj, just updating system, i'll try it after that17:15
aputamkonit just give me a text based window with my name17:15
laegVCoolio: works now, goodman ty :D17:16
VCooliolaeg: ok17:16
treyI have a bricked external HDD, formatted in EXT4. It keeps coming up "device busy"17:16
pksadiqaputamkon: usually you can select the settings at that time, can you login to text mode?17:16
laegVCoolio: initially having the launcher set as 'application' didn't do anything, so i thought i'd to use 'application in terminal' but now just 'application is working' :)17:16
aputamkoni tried to type xorg conf burt sad no file17:16
VCooliotrey: is an app using it? is your shell's pwd inside the disk?17:17
Chaos2358SaRy back17:17
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VCooliotrey: try 'lsof /dev/yourhdd' or 'fuser /dev/yourhdd'17:17
detrixaputamkon: if you boot to recovery mode, just continue passed the error message and you should get a text based menu which should allow you to reconfigure your xorg.conf file....re-create it17:17
trey<VCoolio> no, this is as soon as I plug it in17:18
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pksadiqaputamkon:  now after login in installed ubuntu type sudo nvidia-xconfig and restart by typing sudo reboot17:18
aputamkonok ill restart again, what is the comand i need to type after i get past error? config xorg?17:18
VCooliotrey: hmm, did you put it in /etc/fstab?17:19
_CommandeR_is it normal to have massive fgrlx errors in dmesg ?17:19
aputamkonok brb i hope17:19
laegif you have a program installed via synaptic, and a different version installed in /opt, both using the same config and settings in ~/.azureus, will 'completely removing' the synaptic version through synaptic package manager leave the config and settings in ~/.azureus untouched?17:19
pksadiqaputamkon: if you get only text mode, just login first and type sudo nvidia-xconfig , that's all and then restart17:19
mike32547does anyone know about the update regarding wow 4.0 cataclysm patch with ubuntu and wine? im trying really hard to fix this on my own17:20
mike32547but i end up seeing interneal errors.. invalid parmaters received17:20
mike32547whenever i try to login on wow17:20
treytried LSOF and FUSER.... try to open, I get DBus error org.gtk.Private.RemoteVolumeMonitor.Failed: An operation is already pending17:21
_CommandeR_is it normal to have massive fglrx errors in dmesg ?17:21
oxicarusany equilent of oldschoolisch -nix command 'chuser' (to change user details such as eg. name) for ubuntu?17:22
treyI've tried it on two machines...17:22
Hillwatcherhello everyone, can someone help me out with empathy with EVDO modem17:22
aputamkonpksadiq hi im back but im on my other cpu i typed in the comand and it says unable to locate , next line says new x config file written to etc so no i typr the sudo reboot?17:24
VCooliooxicarus: usermod?17:24
detrixoxicarus: are you needing to do that through the command line or can you use a gui for that?17:24
tamirbye all17:24
pksadiqaputamkon: yes, type sudo reboot17:25
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kira_<ady01> omg . . i got some other problems xD damn firefox is inable to rightclick now etc17:25
kira_and its blocking my pc XD17:25
treyvcoolio -  it's not in Fstab, should it be?17:25
pksadiqkira_: Sorry, but what is xD?17:26
Kubahey ho17:26
kira_<ady01> so i run safe mode linux now and i will reinstall whole firefox and fslah17:26
VCooliotrey: no, not necessarily, but if it's there AND nautilus is trying to automoint it might be conflicting; just a guess17:26
aputamkonu goingto be here a few minutes i have to switch my monitors format not supported brb17:26
kira_<pksadiq> just havieng some .. programs to kill muahha XD17:26
kira_damn firefox make me troubles..17:26
detrixoxicarus: on the system menu then to administration then to users and groups will allow you to change user names.17:27
kira_<pksadiq> its started from fslash and youtube problems.. and now its not working whole firefox17:27
KubaI'am wondering how to fix my Fn + ... keys: Here is the output from dmesg: http://wklej.org/hash/b5fba247680/txt/ Where should I look for? /etc/acpi/events ?17:27
treyVCoolio - what do you suggest? this is my backup drive with everything important on it. It's basically bricked...17:27
treyVcoolio - I even tried swapping the case17:27
detrixkIra_: have you installed ubuntu-restricted extras?17:28
VCooliotrey: well, some sort if fsck command, but you'll need to get rid of the being busy part; don't know, sorry17:28
kira_<detrix> i dont know... maybe17:29
kira_<detrix> whole pack i installed17:29
VCooliotrey: maybe a gparted live cd?17:29
kira_<detrix> with mp3.. fsalh etc..17:29
vhshi how can i install kde on ubuntu 10 ?17:29
kira_<detrix> flash *17:29
kira_<detrix>  eh ;/17:29
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LucidGuyvhs, sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop17:30
HillwatcherAnyone can help me out with Empathy coonected using EVDO modem+gppp?17:30
matt2Enter text here...17:30
pksadiqmatt2:  What?17:31
aputamkonok i swotch monitors to a acer and i have a blue box that says input not supported how can i set the mhz to 60?17:31
pksadiqaputamkon: still not working?17:31
treyVcoolio - gparted live would be good for an internal HDD, this is external17:31
treyvcoolio - i'll try the ext4 channel17:31
matt2having difficulties hear sound when using rynthmbox17:31
aputamkonwell i switch from my philips tv monitor to my acer one17:31
detrixkira_: I just needed to be sure.  to know for sure, go the the software center.  in the search box type   restricted   and see if the ubuntu-restricted package checkbox is checked17:32
pksadiqaputamkon:  Does philips work?17:32
aputamkonmy philips needs to use 60 mhz and this on my desktop is a squar box comparded to my flat panel area17:32
_CommandeR_is it normal to have massive fglrx errors in dmesg ?17:32
aputamkononly if i set th display to 60 mhz17:32
kira_<detrix> oh yeah its here17:33
aputamkonbut i dont know were to do that17:33
kira_<detrix> shuld i delete it too?17:33
pksadiqaputamkon:  Did it work before ?17:33
noob-tuxi download a ubuntu.iso file i need to check the md5sum if it matches how to do it?17:33
detrixkira_: no.  that should have made is so you can do flash17:33
aputamkonbut not now i had to set the mhz to 60 just cant remember were i did it at17:34
Hillwatcher@noob-tux try with portableapps if youre in windows17:34
kira_<detrix>  um so ? what to do  ?XD17:34
detrixkira_: I believe that removing gnash should have helped17:34
kira_<detrix> ok i will try17:34
pksadiqso before using that command I said, it worked?17:34
matt2I am not getting any sound out of any of the programs I use in Ubantu?  Any ideas why?17:34
evilbugcan pidgin do a/v chat with yahoo messenger clients?17:34
Xaifasfor some reason when i'm on ubuntu, if for example i open a browser it needs like 10 seconds before actually getting me to the site i requested. Same when I want to download.. 10ish secs halt then jumps to full speed. If im on windows that doesnt happen. Any idea what might cause this?17:34
Xaifaswas thinking that maybe there is a firewall or something but i don't see ubuntu having one installed17:35
pksadiqmatt2:  Check the sound wire is connected to the port, check wether audio is muted, and also check that the hardware is not disabled in sound preferences17:36
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matt2I think it maybe a hardware issue - I checked to make sure the mute was off17:36
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pksadiqaputamkon: and so do you need to see the complete list of options so that you can select each and every thing manually?17:36
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maxime_Hi, I downloaded the netbook version ubuntu-10.10-netbook-i386.iso on Oct 15 2010 and created a bootable usb using USB Startup Disk Creator in Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala17:37
maxime_When I boot from the usb, i get: SYSLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008-07-15 EBIOS Copyright (c) 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvin Unknown keyword in configuration file. Boot: , can anyone help me please?17:37
pksadiqaputamkon: ok, now do you gat gui? are you on that computer?17:37
matt2PKSADIQ where would I go to check the hardware being disabled17:38
aputamkonwell im on my 2nd machine now but have my oyther one on with a bad dispaly17:38
VegHeadjoin #ubuntu-classroom17:38
aputamkontheres a blue box in the middle of the screen that says input not supported17:39
pksadiqmatt2: click sound icon in panel select Sound preferences >Hardware tab > profiles17:39
matt2PKSADIQ also my WIFI does not turn-on at all - not sure why either17:39
pksadiqaputamkon: k, so type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg17:40
aputamkonin a terminal?17:40
pksadiqdo you get GUI?17:40
pksadiqaputamkon: Do you get GUI?17:40
QuaxirIf I exceed my 3TB limit (total bw, including ftp, torrents etc?) does my speed automatically drop to 10MB/s (if I have 100MB/s normally) or does it take a while and part has gone over will be cut from my next month's bw?17:41
pksadiqaputamkon: do it in the damaged computer17:41
matt2I have a acer laptop and I don't think its the computer -17:41
pksadiqmatt2:  Then? :)17:41
poenaquaxir is that really a ubuntu question17:41
bagasalve qualcuno parla it17:41
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Quaxirpoena: grr, sorry. Wrong channel :D17:42
aputamkonok with the acer monitor it is working just great now, i guess i should just use this one unless u think u can get my philips to work this well17:42
maxime_When I boot from the usb, i get: SYSLINUX 3.63 Debian-2008-07-15 EBIOS Copyright (c) 1994-2008 H. Peter Anvin Unknown keyword in configuration file. Boot: , can anyone help me please?17:42
matt2PSKADIQ sorry new at ubantu17:42
matt2sort of liked it until I got the sound and wifi errors17:42
pksadiqaputamkon: k , But I don't think you can use both at same time at the same port17:43
suigenerisI always tend to forget, what line do I add to apache2.conf so that it doesn't try to save .php files?17:43
Chaos2358SaRy you there ?17:43
kira_and now my window manager is gone o.O17:43
kira_:  (17:43
aputamkonyea i understand that part17:43
kira_i made a meeeeeesssss17:43
kira_damn it..17:43
ExavionIs it practical to update from 10.04 to 10.10 or should I avoid it if I dont need it?17:44
kalqoweTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! kalqowe mobasher Lenin_Cat DBO aL3x jOZe kira_ ChesterX paprna mave baga suigeneris poena pieces skylime Exavion jrolland-MacBook songer kubanc Chaos2358 maxime_ Tigger__ RickKnight LaithBSoul-kun forkup WiW sresu caemir Robert_Zenz AJ_Z0 evilbug j1tters linze matt2 speedrunnerG55 f17:44
kalqoweTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! Hillwatcher duffyduck Besogon twinkie_addict DominickM bruenig chr eZet siedrix ppq Benwa OiPenguin Milosz dngr Jadder xerox1 nozes sensisensi mobal delcaos equus tizbac elro vox owen_ am0k0815 herbmonk Auv5 RemsSs YBH_1 Buttons840 magicianlord vinleod Okitain Masahiro pksadiq wedwo17:44
kalqoweTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! jean-claude jappie SuBmUnDo x3cion Pinna Bucky2090 jrolland-ubuntu raul_ will_ lousygarua bigbrovar shcherba1 alket Wooboy ady01 rek toka dto halvors Rotham chavezgt pvl1 Vibedigital effj dborba Tigger_Yum-Yum Oli``` Cyberthunder_ Vivek Adriannom xunilresu Stoil89 b2c Ryen Darwin4Ev17:44
kalqoweTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! ripps swex dzup2 crunchbang_ hiredgoon shadow98 kad_ Chieftain manu__ webmaster BlackBinary metoikos nuovodna fabri Otacon22 mike32547 GHOSTMEDIAPRO Dave123-road behappy1 sjm RobsonKarls bluekarasu SaRy e01 tom17bombadil g0bl1n daster MashPotato diconico07 PEBMAC MaximLevitsky shift17:44
kalqoweTHE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! magical FreshPrince otherjoe ttl- smerz tull mjathree scifiguy Topy44 Alexia_Death sa`tan Excelsior g00se AbhiJit crunchbang yoasif viniciusmendes nixx deegital_ krabador subay^^ lux` leagris HammerTiem Varox amarcolino Marqeaux Erikw rob_ Psuedoreality Gnea SirDidi Kapli rua pure_h17:44
aputamkon ill just be happy with what i have now, thank you very much for your time and effort17:44
Chaos2358!language |kira17:44
ubottukira: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:44
FloodBot3Pinna: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:44
IdleOne!language | Pinna17:44
ubottuPinna: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:44
Chaos2358!quiet kalque17:44
mobasherwhat da fish was that17:44
kira_i go for a walk.. when i will be baack i dont know.. maybe tr  to reinstall whloe ubuntu o.o17:45
Pinnagnaa spam?17:45
sensisensihi. if i want to get ddr 2 laptop ram, are there different kinds of ddr 2 laptop ram?like if this craigslist post says they have "ddr 2 laptop ram" will that be compatible with my old laptop that has ddr 2 ram? or are there alot of different kinds of ddr2 for laptops17:45
pksadiqaputamkon: and so if you are usiong ACer , use it only, ok?17:45
tsimpsonPinna: please just ignore17:45
AbhiJitsensisensi, ##hardware17:45
poenasensi you have to check the speed17:45
poenaie 66717:45
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detrixkira_: I hate to even think that, but you may need to do a full re-install17:45
matt2under hardware I don't have any options " it says choose a device to confiure17:45
piecesHey, so my computer when running ubuntu does not run my cpu fan.  Does anyone know how to fix this?17:45
sensisensiAbhi.lit: ok thanks17:45
kira_<detrix> i will be back in 20minutes max.. ( me too17:46
sensisensipoena: oh ok thanks17:46
shaiHi :) My Virtual Machine gues in VirtualBox running Ubuntu 10.04 crashed and when it came online, it said that some applications crashed and if I want to remove them from the panel. I said yes and now I'm missing some of the default icons in the top panel. How do I restore that panel to defaul?17:47
kurratahow can i stall locale package with apt-get/17:47
magicianlordpieces: install graphic drives17:47
piecesmagicianlord: do you mean graphics driver?17:47
=== b2c is now known as oliveirense
arhunterHello, I need assistance with sound. Anyone interested in helping...?17:49
nzehi, i'm having some trouble with gdm17:49
nzehow does can i actually set the dpi for a session?17:49
nzeadding 'Option "DPI" "80 x 80"' is boldly ignored when i log in with GDM :\17:49
dorkwhat's up with this pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated17:49
nzewhen i X manually it works17:49
magicianlordpieces: the graphics drive controls the fan on the graphic card. the cpu fan is controlled by the bios in conjunction with the operating system frequency modulation17:50
kurratahow can install locale package with apt-get?17:50
Chaos2358Can someone help me? i was having a problem with graphics drivers and SaRy was "helping" me but now my computer is even worse and he is gone17:50
ne7workhow to copy/paste some folder from to in?17:50
pksadiqkurrata: use dpkg -i instead17:50
Chaos2358kurrata sudo apt-get install (package name)17:50
dorkanyone know about the totem bug in maverick that produces this "pa_stream_writable_size() failed: Connection terminated" error17:50
rany27How do i print a simple page in ubuntu? I right click a file and i can not see Print.. option. I dont want to use ''lpr''. Thanks.17:50
x3cionIs there a way to use a mobile phone as modem and only use the data plan for the mobile phone?17:51
dorkseems like it's known and reported on launchpad but nobody is fixing it17:51
kurrataChaos2358 it says package not found then17:51
pksadiqChaos2358: Let me start experiment?17:51
dorkx3cion: call your carrier17:51
ActionParsnipx3cion: sure, depends on the make/model17:51
pksadiqkurrata: use dpkg -i instead17:51
Chaos2358pksadiq experiment??17:51
pksadiqkurrata: use dpkg -i <filename> instead17:51
x3cionNokia 5230. I guess I'm only allowed to use http and https connections or so17:52
pksadiqChaos2358: afraid? if so I won't , Else I may, decide17:52
Pinnahi Lenin_Cat17:52
rany27How do i print a simple PDF page in ubuntu? I right click a file and i can not see Print.. option. I dont want to use ''lpr''. Thanks.17:52
kurratapksadiq used already, that works ;)17:52
Chaos2358pksadiq, what type of experiment?17:52
dorkx3cion: it has nothing to do with ubuntu17:52
ActionParsnipx3cion: http://mybroadband.co.za/vb/showthread.php/226181-Step-by-step-instructions-How-to-use-my-Nokia-5230-as-a-3G-modem/page217:52
pksadiqChaos2358:  I just meant, let me try, that's all :)17:52
econdudeawesomeI'm having a problem connecting into a VPN that requires Cisco. VPNC does not appear to support tunneling. Any suggestions?17:52
Powersourceon random boots my user isn't in some of the groups it is normally in. eg. i can't shutdown normally and games run slow. i can fix that by joining the groups through /etc/groups but then i'm afraid I may not join some essential group. help?17:52
ActionParsnipx3cion: that took me 99 seconds since you asked, to find...17:53
Chaos2358pksadiq,  oh ok17:53
x3ciondork: Yeah, I know that. But since I didn't find any thing like ActionParsnip's link, I thought I could ask here.17:53
pksadiqChaos2358: so where to start, are you using Nvidia?17:53
Exavionwill going from 10.04 to 10.10 break alot of things, like custom launchers and themes?17:54
rany27How do i print a simple PDF page in ubuntu? I right click a file and i can not see Print.. option. I dont want to use ''lpr''. Thanks.17:54
Chaos2358pksadiq, may i private message? there is alot to type dont want to disrupt chanel17:54
ActionParsnipx3cion: there are HUNDREDS of guides: http://www.google.co.uk/search?sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=nokia+5230+ubuntu+modem'17:54
pksadiqx3cion: It's so easy to use phone as modem, even though in phone you get only http, and https, when you connect to computer you can browse ftp, etc also17:55
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electrofreakAnyone here have an MSI 890FXA-GD70?17:55
pksadiqChaos2358: yes17:55
frankhardyrany27: try selecting "print tp file"17:55
x3cionActionParsnip: I think I just googled the wrong words. :(17:55
BluesKajActionParsnip, perhaps you could expain the benefits of using /etc/network/interfaces in lieu of NM , to Adriannom17:55
ActionParsnipx3cion: keep the searches real simple and you'll get more17:56
x3cionpksadiq: I'm just afraid that I have to pay for the traffic17:56
pksadiqx3cion: Yes, then ? free?17:56
cong06What is the version of network-manager in maverick?17:56
RambJoedoes ubuntu 10.10 netbook have global menu17:57
detrixcong06: 0.8.617:57
detrixcong06: 0.8.117:57
VCooliocong06: use 'apt-cache policy <package>' for that17:57
ActionParsnipBluesKaj:  Adriannom: nm runs as a continual service on top of networking, if you can manually setup the networking without any services or gui apps then your system will run leaner, If you set static IP you won't have to wait for DHCP to complete either17:57
x3cionpksadiq: Yes. I've a flatrate for internet on my mobile phone, but I don't know if that works when using it as modem17:58
BluesKajActionParsnip, thanks :)17:58
cong06VCoolio: well, I don't have maverick installed. Otherwise I would. detrix, which one? 0.8.1?17:58
detrixcong06: sorry its 0.8.117:58
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: Adriannom: also if you want to change settings remotely, you can SSH over, change the settings and restart networking. This is dead handy for servers if they are changing settings etc17:58
VCooliocong06: ok, this site then http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=network-manager17:58
pksadiqx3cion: I think you are using a wap settings, isn't it?17:59
cong06ok. Lucid is 0.8.0, and the network manager is also 0.8.1. thanks VCoolio and Detrix.17:59
x3cionNo, umts/hsdpa17:59
piecesmagicianlord: that worked thanks!17:59
x3cioni mean.. at least no wap17:59
frankhardyrany27: you should be able to print the PDF from document viewer17:59
cong06*network-manager in ppa17:59
x3cionI can visit normal sites17:59
BluesKajActionParsnip, very cool17:59
econdudeawesomeI'm having a problem connecting into a VPN that requires Cisco. VPNC does not appear to support tunneling. Any suggestions?18:00
x3cionTo be honest I've no clue what's the difference between Internet and WAP, I simply used normal internet from day one18:00
RambJoeyou know the menu on the netbook remix, that has everything in the panel? does it work with QT18:00
ActionParsnipBluesKaj: it has advantages, obviously the GUI way is nicer but it carrys overheads18:00
RambJoehttp://www.ubuntu.com/sites/default/files/active/maverick/U3.1_listen_medium.jpg like that18:01
pksadiqx3cion: mostly Internet Won't have proxy, but wap Does have18:01
ActionParsnipx3cion: wap == wireless access protocol and gives access TO the internet18:01
AdriannomBluesKaj, ActionParsnip, thanks...  sounds great but really doesn't solve my current problem :(  eth0 has inexplicably disappeared from ifconfig even with static config, and i have to manually sudo ifconfig eth0 up and sudo dhclient, just so that sudo mount -a will work and i can login.  started happening since my machine hung a couple of days ago and nothing was changed on the system before the hang.18:01
ActionParsnipAdriannom: i'd reboot then run:   dmesg | less    and read the output to see whats happening..18:02
x3cionHow could I see the difference? The configuration on the phone gives me the option to use wap or normal internet. I use normal internet for all connections18:02
ForgeAusanyone know how to fix wubi after a software update?18:02
pksadiqx3cion: pvt for more, because it's not related to ubuntu18:03
ForgeAusrecovery mode (busybox) works... but just doesn't seem to mount the (embedded) partition from the NTFS hardfile18:03
ActionParsnipForgeAus: http://www.omaregan.com/?p=58318:03
ActionParsnipForgeAus: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=69091218:04
Powersourcesomehow i'm removed from some groups. which ones should i join?18:04
noob-tuxwhat's the command to check md5sum on ubuntu? hehe18:05
Lokhi all .... I have a question ... why is beagle not in the packet source list included even though it is said in the wiki it would be included18:06
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=== p is now known as Guest96535
uLinuxwhat is gvfsd-http connections?18:09
ForgeAusActionParsnip thx but I'm not sure that is what my problem is, still I'll try it...18:09
ForgeAusI'll get back to you later18:09
=== Cyberthunder_ is now known as Cyberthunder
x3cionpksadiq: Thanks alot, but I'll simply try it. :)18:11
pksadiqx3cion: k18:11
uLinuxwhat is this
uLinux"It works!" looks like an http server18:11
mobasheruLinux yes ..that's apache webserver configured18:12
Dice-Manrun for me18:12
uLinuxmobasher: but i dont have apache installed and im not using it :s18:12
Lokwhere can I get beagle?18:12
Dice-Mantest success full18:12
michiwenduLinux, it´s the default apache index.html in /var/www/18:12
noob-tuxwhat's the command to check md5sum on ubuntu? hehe18:12
mobasheruLinux=}} goto the terminal and do this -> ps -ef | grep apache18:12
uLinuxmobasher: the connection is from gvfsd-http18:12
=== Zeike is now known as brandonj
pksadiqLok: in Lucid I see it in the repo18:13
erUSUL!md5sum > noob-tux18:13
ubottunoob-tux, please see my private message18:13
mobasheruLinux=}} or u can do this -> sudo apache stop18:13
Lokpksadiq: I got maverick, and I cannot find it there .... guess I will just try to find other repositories18:13
uLinuxmobasher: apache: unrecognized service18:14
mobasheruLinux=}} did you do this -> ps -ef | grep apache18:14
uLinuxmobasher: 10343 10324  0 18:13 pts/6    00:00:00 grep --color=auto apache18:15
oraclehi. what process must die for X to stop working but leaving everything else intact?18:15
ne7workHello all, please someone tell me how to copy/paste folder?18:15
mobasheruLinux=}} i scanned your ports you have a web server installed on your PC18:15
uLinuxmobasher: lol that's not my pc :D18:15
uLinuxi just tried to open it using http18:16
mobasheruLinux=}} well whose ever it is..it's a HTTP server and ports are pointing to it18:16
uLinuxmobasher:         CLOSE_WAIT  5078/gvfsd-http18:16
uLinuxgnome virtual filesystem18:16
mobasheruLinux=}} did you do this -> ps -ef | grep http18:16
cristian_cHi, I have problems with the scanner18:17
mobasheruLinux=}} if you find something then you can find the PID and do this -> kill -9 <PID>18:17
=== dhalsim is now known as dhalsimm
cristian_cI have Epson BX300F18:17
ne7workHello all, please someone tell me how to copy/paste folder with terminal?18:17
uLinuxmobasher: /usr/lib/gvfs/gvfsd-http --spawner :1.11 /org/gtk/gvfs/exec_spaw/218:17
mobasherne7work=}} use the mv command18:18
IdleOnene7work: cp /folder/you/want/copied /where/to/paste18:18
egidiohi everybody, I'm an ubuntu 10.10 user, I was trying to make my mic work and instead I have no audio at all, even if I try to test ubuntu for sounds... nothing happens, can anyone please help me out?18:18
ne7workmobasher, mv is for move18:18
ne7workIdleOne, thanks :)18:18
cristian_cThe scans are very bad: blurry text, faded colors, gray and shrunken image18:18
magicianlordne7work: in your own directory, cp -r source destination18:18
Guest9234Hi guys! I was wondering how to setup an ssh server in Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick18:18
mobasherne7work=}} okay then use the cp for copy18:18
magicianlordor preface it with sudo. the -r will copy all contents18:19
kira_<detrix> hi i am back(ooops sorry for that language guys  i wll be more carefull now :)18:19
mobasheruLinux=}} what you can do is find the PID and do a kill on the PID18:19
ne7workmagicianlord, for what is cp -r ?18:19
cristian_cI use ubuntu lucid18:19
Chaos2358SaRy yes18:19
uLinuxmobasher: sudo kill PID?18:19
Serafeim1hallo to everybody. I have severe problems with compressed files. When they are written with greek characters they can no be recognised properly nether extract theme. Hepl pls...18:19
Guest9234ssh localhost it says connection refused18:19
mobasheruLinux=}} try the kill if not working then do the sudo18:19
cristian_cI tried different resolutions but I have not solved the problem18:19
ForgeAushmmm... Action parsnip's sites didn't help18:20
IdleOnene7work: -r is recursive, will copy all the directories and file in /dir/to/copy18:20
detrixkira_: Ok, have you installed the ubuntu-restricted extras?18:20
ForgeAusanyone else know how to fix wubi?18:20
cristian_cI used xsane and simple scan18:20
magicianlordne7work: cp -r copies all files within the folder also. r stand for recursive18:20
uLinuxmobasher: never mind just found it using system monitor:p18:20
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mobasheruLinux=}} sorry buddy not very graphical here :)18:20
Friaranybody ever do a VPN over SSH connection? I'm having some problems and could use some help.18:20
Guest9234Hi guys! I was wondering how to setup an ssh server. Anyone ?18:21
cristian_cI tried the commands:18:21
FriarGuest9234, what are you looking to do with it?18:21
cristian_cscanimage > image.ppm18:21
uLinuxmobasher: ps -x shows PID the other command does not18:21
cristian_ceog image.ppm18:21
ib-lundgrenSerafeim1: the filename has greek characters? try rename it with mv "greek name inside quotes" "new.proper.name"18:21
Guest9234I want to use it as a server, to access it remotely18:22
t0scan anyone link me to a tutorial or help me create a separate /home partition with ubuntu already instealled?18:22
cristian_cbut I have not solved anything18:22
mobasherps -ef does not show the pid ?18:22
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cristian_cThen I tried:18:22
mchasardi just install ubuntu 10.10 under eeepc18:22
mobasheruLinux=}} ps -ef does not show the pid ? that's impossible18:22
cristian_cmv .sane .sane_old18:22
FriarGuest9234, what do you have installed on the server and the client? do you have physical access to the server now?18:22
Serafeim1ib-lundgren: no the filename. The files that the archive contains are written in greek18:22
=== super is now known as supertomate
mchasardbut now i loose the launcher gnome bar ...when i reboot18:23
mobasheruLinux=}} usually the second column is your PID (process ID)18:23
uLinuxmobasher: ps -ef | grep gvfs ;p18:23
nicoAMGGuest9234, just follow this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html18:23
mchasardis there a way to retrieve my first boot18:23
Guest9234@Friar, yes, I have physical access18:23
kira_<detrix> yes they are...18:23
ib-lundgrent0s: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving18:24
kira_<detrix> but mozilla is runing.. and its out of monitor a little18:24
FriarGuest9234, are you running ubuntu on both machines?18:24
mobasheruLinux=}} hehee..well you can play around with some command to get around in linux makes your life much easier...18:24
cristian_cxsane è stato riavviato, ho impostato la risoluzione a 600 per 600 e eseguito la scansione18:24
kira_<detrix> and its not listening to me..18:24
FriarGuest9234, I'm going to help you , but I need some information first.18:24
Guest9234@friar yes18:24
ib-lundgrenSerafeim1: ah i see, sorry can't help you then, never had the issue with swedish characters18:24
detrixkira_: thats the main package for allowing one to view web pages with flas18:24
cristian_cbut nothing has changed18:24
DasEiGuest9234: sudo apt-get install ssh*,  then edit the config on the server-side (same apt for client)18:24
FriarGuest9234, ok have you read any of the materials about the ssh server on the ubuntu site?18:24
Serafeim1ib-lundgren: Thank you anyway!18:24
kira_<detrix> and?18:25
cristian_chow can I fix it?18:25
ambypls how can i resolve this issue http://pastie.org/122601918:25
mobasherFriar=}} https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH18:25
kira_<detrix> hm.. thats not so important now..18:25
LinuxPhreakI'm having trouble changing the ubuntu logo on the top gnome-panel. I replaced /usr/share/icons/gnome/24x24/places/ubuntu-logo.png image with the another but it isn't changing even after sudo killall gnome-panel and a restart18:25
kira_<detrix> becouse now i cant work on linux normally18:25
ambywhenever i install an app it always does so while showing this error at the same time http://pastie.org/122601918:25
uLinuxwhere UBuntu gets the time from? which server?18:25
kira_<detrix> when i start firefox its blocking everything..18:25
kira_<detrix> and i cannot uninstall it18:25
Guest9234yes, I know where are the config text18:25
kira_<detrix> maybe when i will restart again..18:26
Friarthanks mobasher....I'm just wondering if Guest9234 has read it.....ok good.18:26
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kira_then i will try to delete it in manager pack.18:26
FriarGuest9234, have you installed the openssh-server on your server machine?18:26
mchasardhum so idon't know how to retrieve the gnome bar up  ?18:26
kira_<detrix> and where my all 13 desktops went ? o.O18:26
kira_<detrix> 12*?18:27
detrixkira_: before you do. please explain again to me what you are trying to accomplish18:27
kira_<detrix> i am sadly trying to work normally on linux o.o to get all mmy desktops back etc..18:27
kira_<detrix> for example - when i click show desktop it says that there is no windows manager on18:28
kira_<detrix> and i am from poland so its in my language all of this.. ;) eng is not my native.18:28
ghostmediaproI'm trying to mount disk add keep receiving error http://pastebin.com/v8fAmKrY18:28
Failicanhey, can I ask about ettercap here?18:29
kira_<detrix>what u think ?18:29
Guest9234sudo apt-get install openssh-server installed18:29
ib-lundgrenamby: seems like you have a few packages not fully installed, try apt-get upgrade or apt-get install -f18:29
dhalsimmhello, does someone know how to disable an app to use indicator applet application menu? if not, i will uninstall it18:30
ambyib-lundgren, is that apt-get install-f?18:30
lwhalenhey all, is there a relatively easy way to upgrade (or side-grade) Ubuntu Netbook to Ubuntu Desktop?18:30
=== Nepherius is now known as Nephy
lwhalenor at the very least get the window manager to look more like Ubuntu Desktop?18:31
ib-lundgrenamby: nah -f is a flag so apt-get install -f (fixes broken dependencies)18:31
ambyib-lundgren, and i already upgraded to ubuntu maverick 10.1018:31
FriarGuest9234, if you could put my name before any messages you type it would help me a lot...anyways, get the ip address of the server on the lan first.18:31
kira_<detrix> i made a mess ..18:31
ghostmediaprocansomeone help me with mounting disk, when i try to mount i get this error http://pastebin.com/v8fAmKrY18:31
kira_<detrix> "restart " brb18:31
Failicanwhen i use ettercap i get the mitm attack to be success full and the sniffing get the packages but when the victim enter a http i cant see pass ect18:31
fxhi guys, i find that setting 'blockdev --setra 65536 /dev/mapper/archive' increases my throughput. where should i put this setting so its effective at boot time?18:31
uLinuxHow can I select command text in terminal just using the keyboard? shift+arrow doesnt work18:32
ambyib-lundgren, i tried the apt-get install -f and it still shows the same errors18:32
Volkodavghostmediapro: what fs are you mounting ?18:32
ambyib-lundgren, pls do u have anymore ideas i could try out?18:32
ib-lundgrenamby: how about apt-get upgrade18:32
FriarGuest 9234, then you should try ssh usernameonserver@ip-address-of-server from the client terminal.18:32
econdudeawesomeI'm having a problem connecting into a VPN that requires Cisco. VPNC does not appear to support tunneling. Any suggestions?18:32
ghostmediaprovolkodav ntfs18:32
FriarGuest 9234, make sure that both computers are on the same LAN.18:33
sresu!info djvu18:33
ubottuPackage djvu does not exist in maverick18:33
lukaszi have some problem with my update manager18:33
Guest9234on the same lan ?18:33
ambyib-lundgren, i did that too and it still shows the same thing, besides i'm already upgraded to 10.1018:33
Guest9234And if there are on the net it cant be configured ?18:33
ghostmediaprovolkodav: I'm Mounting NTFS18:33
Volkodavand how exactly do you mount it ghostmediapro?18:33
uLinuxmobasher: do you know how to select text in terminal using the keyboard? like copying a command18:33
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Spyzerservice status tells 3 things - unreognised service, service stopped, service running18:34
FriarGuest9234, LAN is local area network. basically if that are both connected to the same router or one is wireless and the other is wired to the wireless router they are on the same lan.18:34
Spyzerbut what does blank line means18:34
FriaruLinux, ctrl+shift+c18:34
Spyzeri am getting a blank line on running this -> "service x11-common status"18:34
Spyzerwhy so??18:34
ghostmediaproVolkodav: system - administration - disk utilites18:34
detrixkira_: any better?18:34
ambyib-lundgren, any other idea?18:34
soroushhi guys, how i can to get backup my wireless driver?18:34
Guest9234Friar: But if both are connected to the internet ? Not the same lan ?18:35
FriarGuest9234, you can do ssh over the net very safely, but we're taking small steps so that we know it will work.18:35
lukaszi try to update my system but i have mesage: not all updates can be instaled18:35
lukaszdo you help me?18:35
Guest9234Friar: OK, I got it,18:35
ib-lundgrenamby: well it looks like something went bad during your upgrade and a usbmuxd seem to be the root of the dependency chain, try and remove usbmuxd and then install it again18:35
ambyib-lundgren, do i remove it from the synaptic packet manager?18:35
FriarGuest9234. are you at home with your server and client machine? they are both on your internet connection then they are both going to be on the same LAN....18:36
kira_ <detrix> HA !18:36
kira_ <detrix> i just have turned it on ^ ^18:36
ib-lundgrenamby: sudo apt-get remove usbmuxd in a terminal would do or you can use synaptic18:36
Volkodavghostmediapro: I can suggest old school style : sudo mkdir /media/ntfs and then sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /media/ntfs18:36
lukaszanybady help me?18:36
detrixkira_: great18:36
cheeshell command that prints out distro codename adjective?18:36
ib-lundgrenamby: then sudo apt-get install usbmuxd18:36
Spyzeranybody plz18:36
kira_ <detrix> now i will go and take care about that mozilla..18:36
Guest9234I am logged in the server I want ...18:36
ib-lundgrenamby: hopefully it installs correctly that time18:36
kira_ <detrix> : ) ufff that was soclooose18:37
ghostmediaprovolkodav: ghost requesting pm18:37
ForgeAuscan anybody help me fix my kubuntu boot (was installed from wubi, an update from kpacakgekit broke boot)18:37
FriarGuest9234, do you also have the client machine with you?18:37
Lazyveehello everyone! i would like to uninstall ubuntu (dual book with xp) from my oldest laptop (and still keep it on my newest PC). How can I uninstall Ubuntu while keeping my XP partition?18:37
jo__lubntu works :)18:37
Spyzerpls pls pls18:37
shaunochee: try lsb_release -c  (or -cs)18:38
magicianlordwhy does lxappearance continue running after being closed?18:38
magicianlordwhat is the meaning of this??!!18:38
ambyib-lundgren, it still does the same thing when i install the usbmuxd again18:38
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: if you kill it, does it alter the OS?18:38
greezmunkeyLazyvee: is it a wubi install, or is the hdd partitioned?18:38
ActionParsnipmagicianlord: also, chillout dude18:39
Powersourcewhat is the group called that gives you the privilegies to shut the computer down?18:39
Lazyveeit's a dual boot (i have to choose between XP and ubuntu when I boot), I think it's 2 partitions on the same hard drive18:39
cheeshauno: thanks very much :318:39
ActionParsnipPowersource: admin is one possibility18:40
ib-lundgrenamby:  try and see if this helps: sudo dpkg --configure -a18:40
Spyzermaa chudao sab key sab18:40
PowersourceActionParsnip: i'm already part of that group18:40
ForgeAusActionParsnip: those websites you sent me to didn't help18:41
lwhalenhey all, is there a relatively easy way to upgrade (or side-grade) Ubuntu Netbook to Ubuntu Desktop?18:41
ActionParsnipPowersource: I've seen guides for visudo so that users can shutdown but I don't mess with the file personally18:41
ActionParsnipForgeAus: to fix what?18:41
magicianlordlwhalen: in the login screen, at bottom, you can select teh desktop. no need to upgrade18:41
ForgeAusActionParsnip:  my wubi boot18:41
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lwhalenahhh very cool, I did not know that.  THank you so much!18:41
onryoWow this is off the chain! WTF?! Am I agreeing to allow the government to dig around in my server? with 10.10?? I just did a upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 and saw this18:42
ForgeAusActionParsnip:  an upgrade killed it...18:42
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: How do I control which sound channel Audacity is using when recording ?18:42
magicianlordyou're welcome18:42
onryoThis computer system is the private property of Onryo (blanked out), Norrkoping Sweden, whether individual, corporate or government. It is for authorized use only. Users (authorized or unauthorized) have no explicit or implicit expectation of privacy. Any or all uses of this system and all files on this system may be intercepted, monitored, recorded, copied, audited, inspected, and disclosed to your employer, to authorized site, gover18:42
onryonment, and law enforcement personnel, as well as authorized officials of government agencies, both domestic and foreign. By using this system, the user consents to such interception, monitoring, recording, copying, auditing, inspection, and disclosure at the discretion of such personnel or officials. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in civil and criminal penalties and administrative or disciplinary action, as app18:42
FloodBot3onryo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:42
ForgeAusActionParsnip:  recovery mode works, oddly enough18:42
VirusTBYay! Welcome back to me :P18:42
blakkheimonryo: sounds like a default ssh banner18:42
ActionParsnipForgeAus: no idea then. I don't use wubi and think its godawful18:42
AivarasKiviliusHello, is it possible to get info from terminal do I have new updates or not? Its for conky script.18:42
onryoblakkheim I have ssh on all my servers from OpenBSD to everything. Never saw this before18:43
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ambyib-lundgren, it still shows the smae thing18:43
ForgeAusActionParsnip: it just hangs indefinitely at the bootsplash (but it does say some errors in the control+alt+f1 terminal)18:43
i_is_brokeAivarasKivilius: try sudo aptitude update, upgrade18:43
ambyib-lundgren, this is the output: http://pastie.org/122605918:43
blakkheimonryo: it's from the ubuntu wiki18:43
VirusTBok so how do in install 10.10 from terminal while i am runnin' 9.10 ???18:43
Proseven :(18:43
ActionParsnipAivarasKivilius: i'd look at some logic on apt-get -s ,to see if you can see that way18:44
ForgeAusActionParsnip: first being /scripts/init-premount/lvm2: line39: add_mountroot_fail_hook: not found18:44
onryoBlakkheim why would they even post something like that???18:44
toyman61Anyone ?18:44
ActionParsnip!upgrade | VirusTB18:44
ubottuVirusTB: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:44
VirusTBActionParsnip<<   So "sudo apt-get upgrade" ?18:44
onryoI use 4096 bit rsa on all my stuff for a reason18:44
kira_ <detrix> ok i uninstalled all flash things from PC mozilla etc.. so which ver install now ? gnash SWF Viewer or Gnash for KDE(i have ubuntu10.1018:44
greezmunkeyLazyvee: you can check that in either ubuntu or xp, xp may shw more. Check in control panel under disk management18:44
xanguakira_: install adobe's18:44
UTFany of you guys ever had any trouble with copying new songs to an ipod/iphone using rythmbox? i just tried copying a few songs to both my iphone and ipod... but i think it does something wrong - i can't play any of them. *sniff sniff*18:45
ForgeAusmont: mounting /dev/sda on root failed: no such device (and no such file or directory for /dev, /sys and /proc )18:45
xanguakira_: sudo apt-get install frashplugin-installer18:45
i_is_brokeVirusTB: are you wanting to just update or like go to 10.1018:45
ActionParsnipForgeAus: no idea dude. I could help if it was a proper install but wubi adds so much stuff to the OS boot, plus it is directly affected by crappy ntfs and its need to fragment so it will slow down with time, just like windows does18:45
ForgeAusthen Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init, No init found. Try passing init= bootarg.18:45
VirusTBi_is_broke<<  go to 10.10 (but keep all the settings / programs i have installed on 9.1018:45
onryoAnybody else get the same " cat /etc/issue18:45
ForgeAusActionParsnip: right now thats not even an issue...18:46
VirusTBi_is_broke<<  without using a live CD / USB18:46
i_is_brokeVirusTB: try update-manager -d18:46
ActionParsnipVirusTB: that's what an upgrade is, settings will stay and only the binarys are upgraded18:46
ib-lundgrenamby: what is the output from: ls /etc | grep *.lock18:46
ForgeAusActionParsnip: it seems to be something to do with the lvm or the grub entries... )18:46
ActionParsnipForgeAus: I don't use wubi, so asking me is fruitless dude. Could try #wubi18:46
nothingspecialVirusTB: /home partition + dpkg -l + script18:46
VirusTBnothingspecial<<  wha does that o?18:47
ActionParsnipForgeAus: you could mount the wubi image aftermounting the ntfs writable18:47
ForgeAusActionParsnip: there basically isn't an #wubi channel )18:47
ActionParsnipForgeAus: worth a suggest though18:47
ambyib-lundgren, it doesnt have any output18:47
ambyib-lundgren, it just goes down18:47
ForgeAusActionParsnip: the ntfs must be moutned/writable to get to the busybox (recovery mode)18:47
ambyib-lundgren, goes down one step18:47
kira_<xangua>  he cannot find frashplugin-installer18:47
onryols /etc | grep *.lock    -> You have new mail in /var/mail/Onryo18:47
onryogoing to read it18:48
ActionParsnipForgeAus: mount it in livecd environment, you can then chroot and attempt repairs18:48
ib-lundgrenamby: okay, was thinking you might have had a lock file hanging around from the failed upgrade18:48
ForgeAusActionParsnip:  I don't think ntfs is the problem at all, all the stuff needed to boot passes the ntfs stage, its the grub stuff or after that seems to be the problem18:48
kira_<xangua> oh sorry i see its a r for "l"18:48
ActionParsnipkira_: try: flashplugin-nonfree18:48
ambyib-lundgren, so do i?18:48
ForgeAus(although I'm not sure if its grub or grub4dos)18:48
shiftingcontroldoes anyone knw hw to find ubuntu has any backdoors or trojans  ?18:49
thiebaudeis 3rd part repos enabled,kira18:49
ActionParsnipForgeAus: fine, mount the ntfs writable, then mount the wubi image as writable, chroot to the image and investigate18:49
onryoI am going to download all the src for this and locate that stings so I know where this msg is comming from18:49
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: rkhunter is one18:49
ForgeAusActionParsnip:  I don't know how to do that18:49
ForgeAusActionParsnip:  it doesn't seem to mount18:49
kira_<xangua> ok i type flash not frash xD so its installing .. i will se results soon :)18:50
ActionParsnipForgeAus: you can mount ntfs writable in the live environment as ntfs-3g is in the kernel. You should read guides online as well as the mount man page18:50
ForgeAusActionParsnip: but I think thats because I don't understand lvm18:50
officielI have a question about Maverik Meerkat18:50
officielnvidia Fx 5200 is supported on it or not18:51
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ib-lundgrenamby: can you do ls -la /etc and pastie that info please18:51
ForgeAusActionParsnip: yes I can mount ntfs-3g but how to mount the lvm volume from there?18:51
onryorkhunter is not the best way to find a rootkit. I would use a 2ed box and use WireShark as a MITM18:51
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
officielNvidia 5200Fx is Supported On 10.1018:51
onryoI use to write LKMs for kicks as a kid18:51
kira_ <xangua> works ! :)18:52
wentorHi, i tried to upgrade to 10.10 and i am having Could not calculate the upgrade error, where i could post the bug reports?18:52
ActionParsnipForgeAus: then websearches will help. I don't use lvm18:52
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/18:52
kira_<detrix> working ! :)  yupiiii18:52
ActionParsnip!bug | wentor18:52
ubottuwentor: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots18:52
evilRobotSquidAnyone else running Ubuntu Netbook Edition?  I swear, I saw "File Manager" (nautalis) in the appications list yesterday -- but can't find it today18:52
officielcompiz Don"t want to be activated on 10.1018:52
ActionParsnipevilRobotSquid: if you press alt+f2 and run: nautilus ,does it run?18:53
evilRobotSquidActionParsnip: I have to start from Terminal.  No alt+f2 in UNE :(  But yeah, it runs18:53
officielGive me the french chanel18:53
ActionParsnipofficiel: run: lspci | grep -i vga ,use the output to find guides18:53
gelivaHi, my computer froze, and when i tried to reboot it tells me i have no init file. reinstalling (9.10 xubuntu) i have 6 working terminals but if i try and get to any graphical interphace it dies, booting from live cd works fine, and ideas?18:53
thiebaudeif i want to get out of the alt f2 prompt what is the command to return to the gnome desktop?18:53
kira_thnx guys veeery helpfull ^ ^  ! now one rlly last question : how to turn off "ding" sound while login screeen apear at begining (i switched log sound etc in settings but still make this short sound)18:53
sporkboyOkay, I think I've got my updater error fixed, but my x still won't load, and I can't find any errors in my x log. (this is after upgrading to maverick with an nvidia 7150m video card)18:54
ActionParsnipevilRobotSquid: ok then run: alacarte ,then add the launcher yourself wherever you wish18:54
nmvictorMy term environment is not set, i cant run any application. what should i do?18:54
officielthe Output is idia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5200] (rev a1)18:54
ActionParsnipsporkboy: you may have to remove the proprietary driver to get x ,then install it again18:54
ambyib-lundgren, the output is: http://pastie.org/122606918:54
snowrichardtry export term=vt100 or something if you are in an xterm it should work18:55
ActionParsnip!nvidia | officiel18:55
ubottuofficiel: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:55
onryoOK I tracked it down. It is from SSH18:55
officieli run ubuntu 10.1018:55
sporkboyActionParsnip, will that not work in failsafe mode? because I'm there right now. also, remove as in aptitude purge or from the additional drivers utility?18:55
blakkheimonryo: thought so18:55
officielAnd compiz don"' want to be activated18:55
=== nekton is now known as chordate
UTFany of you guys ever had any trouble with copying new songs to an ipod/iphone using rythmbox? i just tried copying a few songs to both my iphone and ipod... but i think it does something wrong - i can't play any of them. *sniff sniff*18:56
ak__I just accidentally opened Rhythmbox while my MP3 player was plugged in. Without asking me or explaining what it was doing it started "Importing..." with high disk IO activity in my home directory. I exited the program to stop it, but not before it reached about 30% completion. What did it just do?18:57
sporkboyUTF: I do know that you have to disable the filesystem journaling on the device to do that.18:57
sacarlsonUTF: yes me, I crashed my friends ipod and lost all his playlist and music,  I had to reset it18:57
nothingspecialUTF: Try gtkpod18:57
kira_thnx guys for everything bye everybody take care linux ! :)18:57
sporkboyUTF, or that's what I had to do, anyway.18:57
ib-lundgrenamby: run this: sudo rm -f /etc/passwd.lock /etc/shadow.lock18:57
UTFsporkboy, interesting how did you do that?18:57
oraqolhey guys18:58
UTFsacarlson, eeek18:58
ib-lundgrenamby: after that try and run: sudo dpkg --configure -a18:58
UTFnothingspecial, thanks bro :) i will give that a spin18:58
officiel<ActionParsnip> i have installed driver but compiz always not working18:58
Guest61561hello, I just installed xubuntu on a notbook( pockard bell dot M fr / 030) but I have problem with graphics card18:58
sacarlsonutf: make sure you have the must AND the play list backed up18:58
oraqolgotta problem w/ maverick that i can't seem to iron out18:58
oraqolthink someone can help me out?18:58
sporkboyUTF, from the fs manager on a mac. :/ I'd have to look up the instructions to do it again, so just google ipod disable journaling or somesuch.18:58
UTFsporkboy, roger that :) thank you bro18:59
oraqolok so I'm trying to get google voice to work on 10.1018:59
oraqoli can hear the person on the other line, but they can't hear me18:59
oraqolseems that the chat plugin freezes up the input for the mic18:59
nothingspecialUTF: If your ipod is formatted with a mac, you will have to reformat it FAT to work with linux18:59
sporkboyoraqol, what facet of google voice are you referring to?19:00
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oraqolcalling a landline/cell19:00
greezmunkeyDoes anyone know where I can find information on running compiz on a Ubuntu loaded into a VMware VM? ...or, if it even possible?19:00
oraqoljust voice, no video19:00
officielGive me french chanel19:00
subcooldual boot- linux first, or windows?19:00
UTFnothingspecial, i have never formated it ever... it worked fine on 10.04 tho19:00
sporkboynothingspecial, not true. I did it with rythmbox just by disabling the journaling.19:00
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:00
pksadiq!french | officiel19:00
ubottuofficiel: please see above19:00
sacarlsonnothingspecial: UTF: yes I think nothing is correct19:00
sporkboyoraqol, I assume you mean through the in-browser voice chat popup?19:00
UTFnothingspecial, all the songs on both my ipod and iphone was copied using rythmbox in 10.0419:00
nothingspecialsporkboy: yES DISABLING JOURNALING ALSO19:01
nothingspecialoops caps lock19:01
ambyib-lundgren, pls can u give me 10mins, i need to run some errands fast19:01
ambyib-lundgren, i'll be back immediately i'm thru19:02
sacarlsonUTF:  well if it worked before it must already be in fat format19:02
oraqoli read online that in order to get pulseaudio to recognize the signal from the mic, one has to turn down the left channel to 0 and keep the right up19:02
oraqoltried that but it didnt work19:02
nothingspecialUTF: WHICH IPOD IS IT?19:02
ib-lundgrenamby: sure mate but it should be alright if you remove those files (/etc/shadow.lock and /etc/passwd.lock)19:02
UTFsacarlson, it definitely did19:02
shiftingcontroldoes any body hw to privilege escalation from normal user to root without knwing root passwd19:02
UTFnothingspecial, both ipod nano and iphone 3g19:02
oraqoltried modifying option file for chat plugin so it doesnt link the two channels but that isnt working19:02
nothingspecialnano 5g?19:03
LxndrIn programs that seem to interact with some sort of spell-checker (mostly gedit and thunderbird), seemingly normal words (like 'reply') are being underlined in red. Could I be missing some sort of dictionary - and if so, how can I get it back?19:03
oraqolbut even if it did, plugin is still freezing up pulseadio internal mic19:03
oraqolim at wits end here19:03
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: try sudo -i19:03
oraqolhas anybody actually got gvoice to work on 10.10, or is this just my hardware incompatibility?19:03
UTFnothingspecial, not sure about the nano... it's an 8gb but not sure which generation19:03
shiftingcontrolpksadiq:well tad requires sudo passwd,i m asking privilege escaltion attack19:03
sporkboyLxndr, I dunno, but I'm interested in the answer, as it tells me internet isn't a word sometimes ;)19:03
shiftingcontroli m ordinary user want to become root19:04
shiftingcontrolfr some activities19:04
mark_szymanskisporkboy: That's because Internet should be capatalized ;)19:04
nothingspecialUTF: anything up to 5g should work. The new ones I`m not sure on19:04
poenaim a root user i want to be ordinary19:04
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: I think you need to break some others system, noe supported here19:04
poenamark: you forget the internet was create in bold-faced italics too19:04
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: use: sudo -i ,then and youwill have a root-like terminal19:04
UTFnothingspecial, ok i'll try to disable journaling and see what happens.. thanks a million for your help bro! very much appreciated19:05
sporkboyok, this thing's begging for a restart for some reason.19:05
UTFand thank you to everyone else too19:05
mark_szymanskiRestart, Reformat, Reinstall ;)19:05
mark_szymanskiWorks every time.19:05
nothingspecialUTF: Like I say try gtkpod, it works very well with my kids 5g nano19:05
ActionParsnipUTF: nice to get some thanks :). You rock!19:05
UTFnothingspecial, roger that i just installed it :)19:06
oraqolso has anybody actually got GV to work on their ubuntu machine?19:06
shiftingcontrolActionParnship:it ll prompt for sudo passwd,19:06
shiftingcontrolbut i dont sudo passwd19:06
ActionParsniporaqol: what's gv?19:06
Lxndrsporkboy: That could be because most dictionaries claim that Internet can only be a word while it's capitalized19:06
UTFActionParsnip, :) lub helpfull people :)))19:06
ForgeAusActionParsnip... grr... forget all that I think all this comes down to is a grub entry... but I don't know how to fix it19:06
oraqolgoogle voice19:06
mark_szymanskiActionParsnip: I think he means google voice19:06
Powersourcedoes anyone know what the group 'voice' does?19:06
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: yep, after that you can do as you wish19:06
Powersourcedoes anyone know what the group 'voice' gives you permission to do?19:07
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof
pksadiqAbhiJit: are you there?19:07
ActionParsniporaqol: I suggest you abbreviate only industry standards that everyoneknows. Gv could have meant anything19:07
mark_szymanskiPowersource: On IRC? It means you can talk.19:07
AbhiJitpksadiq, yes?19:07
Powersourcemark_szymanski: in /etc/group19:07
pksadiqAbhiJit: pvt, if free19:08
oraqolActionParsnip: ok19:08
AbhiJitpksadiq, ok19:08
ActionParsniporaqol: ok what issue are you having?19:08
shiftingcontrolActionParnsip:i dont knw sudo passwd,to mount pen drives yu need to be sudoer ryt ,i m asking any hacks are avaible for escalating privilege from normal to sudo19:08
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oraqolActionParsnip: thanks for helping me out19:08
oraqolActionParsnip: ok so the person on the other end can hear me but i cant hear them19:08
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: ASK THE ADMIN TO permit :)19:09
=== Guest76228 is now known as Ganonkiller
oraqolchat plugin freezes up pulseaudio mic19:09
shiftingcontrolpksadiq:dude come on19:09
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: then boot to root recovery mode and run: passwd foo ,change foo for your username. Eg: passwd andy ,you now have a password and can mount stuff19:09
ActionParsniporaqol: does sound work in other apps?19:09
shiftingcontrolActionParnsip:grub & BIOS r protected with passwd19:09
oraqolyes, it does, and mic does too, until i fire up the chat plugin, at which point the mic stops working for all apps19:10
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: while booting press and hold SHIFT you will get the recovery menu19:10
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: the password is the same for login as mounting stuff (assuming you are in the admin group)19:10
suprengrsorry for all the join/quit just now... major trouble with xchat (now sorted)19:10
ActionParsniporaqol: are there any sound options for googlevoice?19:10
shiftingcontrolpksadiq:recovery option is removed,system is fedora19:10
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: But if a root password is already set(usualy not) you can do nothing19:11
shcherbakshiftincontrol, it is not wise to mess with admins19:11
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: This in ubuntu Channel19:11
Guest10739Trying to associate with 00:1e:e5:3f:67:2f (SSID='46 Big Dock Come Say Hi' freq=2437 MHz) \ Associated with 00:1e:e5:3f:67:2f \ CTRL-EVENT-DISCONNECTED - Disconnect event - remove keys19:11
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof
pksadiq!fedora | shiftingcontrol19:11
ubottushiftingcontrol: Other !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)19:11
shiftingcontrolActionParnsip:i m not in admin grp19:11
oraqolyes i tried to switch to all possible inputs, none of them work.  pulseaudio freezes up if i use any of them19:11
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: use #fedora19:11
shiftingcontrolpksadiq:ok cool down19:11
gdoteofsorry.  I get that message 500x a second when i try and do #wpa_supplicant -Dwext -iwlan0 -c wpa.conf19:11
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: cooling down......................19:12
AbhiJitpksadiq, what happend?19:12
ActionParsnipshiftingcontrol: ah then that's an issue19:12
greezmunkeyGuest61561: The SSID should not begin with a number like that, Or contain spaces. Those can cause lots of problems...19:12
gdoteofhas anyone had success connecting to a wireless network from thecommand line19:12
nothingspecialshiftingcontrol: You`re not trying to shift control are you?19:12
gdoteofgreezmunkey: ?  the ssid is not in there19:12
gdoteofthe ssid is in the wpa.conf19:12
ActionParsnipgdoteof: iveconnected using the interfaces file in /etc/network using WEP security19:13
gdoteofbut the ssid does have spaces in it.  yeah i can do WEP but wpa isn't working19:13
shiftingcontrolnothingspecial:i m shifting things but want t shift things in unpreticble way19:13
gdoteofwell, it works fine through the little applet19:13
nothingspecialshiftingcontrol: If you are not the admin, you will have to ask her/him to do it19:13
gdoteofbut i am trying to do it outside of gnome19:13
ActionParsnipgdoteof: wicd has an ncurses gui, you can use that to get connected19:13
dzup2//join #ubuntu-es-offtopic19:13
gdoteofActionParsnip: thanks Ineed to do this sans gui19:14
ActionParsnipdzup2: single / ;)19:14
greezmunkeygdoteof: SSID='46 Big Dock..,' isn't the SSID?19:14
ActionParsnipgdoteof: its an ncurses gui,no x server needed19:14
gdoteofgreezmunkey: ah yes it is.  you think that may be the problem?19:14
gdoteofi thought you meant in the command19:14
nothingspecialgdoteof: apt-get wicd-curses19:14
oraqolimma reboot, brb19:15
shiftingcontrolnothingspecial:having normal user privilege i m trying a way hw to do privilege escalation19:15
greezmunkeygdoteof: create a new ssid without spaces, like 'TESTME' and try it again.19:15
ActionParsnipWicd is sweet but doesn't have 3G support :(19:15
gdoteofk brb19:15
shcherbakshiftingcontrol, try ls -l /dev/<thumb drive> to see19:15
nothingspecialshiftingcontrol: Are you the main user of the system. Do you want to be root?19:16
Ganonkilleri am currently trying to get  my PCMCIA GPS Card to work... but i cant seem to find the drivers19:16
ubottuWe do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information.19:16
shiftingcontrolnothingspecial:i m ordinary user and want to be root19:16
nothingspecialshiftingcontrol: not good idea, try sudo19:17
greezmunkeyActionParsnip: I haven't checked lately, does it now support VPNs?19:17
shcherbakshiftingcontrol, is it your machine?19:17
ActionParsnipgreezmunkey: not sure. I don't use vpn dude19:17
ForgeAusActionParsnip: not that it will help any but the details of my problem that I know of sofar are: http://pastebin.com/cHPTKbe519:17
shiftingcontrolscherbak:coll machine:)19:17
ActionParsnipOblat: howdy19:18
OblatMy ubuntu server keeps shutting down every 3 hours or so randomly. Are there any logs that I can check to see what is causing it?19:18
Marli-AutoEscolasomeone help me?19:18
greezmunkeyActionParsnip: ;)19:18
Xaifaswhy is my web broswing speed so slow in ubuntu 10.4 yet runs perfect on windows19:18
Xaifasanything that may cause that?19:18
greezmunkeyXaifas: what browser are you using?19:18
ActionParsnipXaifas: different drivers19:18
Xaifastried firefox/chrome same thing19:18
Guest10739no luck19:18
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof
shcherbakshiftingcontrol, i guess hacking channel would be of help, w00t19:18
gdoteofits the same error19:19
bluefrogXaifas, firefox in ubuntu and IE in windows?19:19
Marli-AutoEscolatem alguem que usa o slitaz ai?19:19
gdoteofwhat is wicd-curses19:19
Marli-AutoEscolaDigite um texto ou endereço de um site ou traduza um documento.19:19
Marli-AutoEscolaOuvirTradução do português para inglês19:19
Marli-AutoEscolais someone who uses the slitaz there?19:19
FloodBot3Marli-AutoEscola: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
greezmunkeyXaifas: DNS is working alright? Wha about turning off IPv6..19:19
shiftingcontrolscherbak:yu mean #w00t ?19:19
Marli-AutoEscolatem alguem que usa o slitaz ai?19:19
Marli-AutoEscolaDigite um texto ou endereço de um site ou traduza um documento.19:19
Marli-AutoEscolaOuvirTradução do português para inglês19:19
Marli-AutoEscolais someone who uses the slitaz there?19:19
FloodBot3Marli-AutoEscola: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
Xaifasany browser in ubuntu is slow, any in windows is the way it shoud be19:19
ActionParsnipOblat: you may find stuff in /var/log/ I think the old log becomes Xorg.1.log but I'm not sure19:19
tensorpudding!br | Marli-AutoEscola19:19
ubottuMarli-AutoEscola: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.19:19
Xaifasturned ipv619:19
Xaifasoff, same thing19:19
eutwas madwifi-tools renamed to something else in lucid? i'm trying to use some of the madwifi tools but i cant figure out what package to install.... any help?19:19
Marli-AutoEscolais someon who uses the slitaz there?19:20
oraqolok, is there a way to swap pulseaudio for another sound suit in 10.10?19:20
ActionParsnipXaifas: what network chip are you using?19:20
nothingspecialshiftingcontrol: Not your machine? No help19:20
Xaifassec to check19:20
sinisterstufwhile upgrading from 10.04 to 10.10 the whole computer froze. i left it for 5 hours hoping when it was done it would unfreeze but it didn't, so I rebooted with Alt+SysRq+B (nothing else worked) when it came on again it scanned the disks and then told me it could detect settings for my screen and input devices, so i have no graphics and no mouse/keyboard, I'm using Ubuntu 9.04 Live CD now, is there anything I can do?19:20
greezmunkeyXaifas: I just loaded Chrome on this brand new Ubuntu load, it runs instantly...19:20
mslXaifas, You are sure your DNS is set properly and not timing out trying an ipv6 server first?19:20
ActionParsnipeut: there's madwifi-ng but I've only seen it in source form19:20
muumio_Hi! I couldnt get xsane working with my epson sx210. I added its product id to /etc/sane.d/epson.conf but it didnt work. Any ideas?19:20
pksadiqshiftingcontrol: try googling19:20
mslIf you find a few IPs for some sites and access without DNS, are they fast?19:21
mslDoes nslookup return quickly?19:21
Xaifashmm trying that now also msl19:21
greezmunkeyXaifas: Reminds me, I need to load restricted-extras...19:21
ActionParsnipsinisterstuf: boot to livecd and chroot to the installed OS and investigate19:21
ChiefFrankusIm want to be able to ssh into my home computer and access an onscreen terminal emulator. Any solutions besides remote desktop?19:22
nothingspecialChiefFrankus: ssh -x19:22
tortoise7Greetings ... does anyone have the keyboard backlight working under 10.4 ?19:22
Xaifasmsl, same thing19:22
oraqolwhy terminal emulator, why not plain old ssh?19:22
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: nothingspecial -X ,lowercase x disables x forwarding19:22
shcherbakChiefFrankus, ssh -X remoteterminal19:23
ChiefFrankusah, so you have to know the name of the terminal in advance?19:23
nothingspecialChiefFrankus: ActionParsnip right19:23
sacarlsonChiefFrankus: you can ssh -X  and open x aplications on the remote19:23
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: if you get an x server running on the client, you can run xbased apps using x forwarding19:23
muumio_CheifFrankus: You need to open port 22 from the firewall and you should be able to connect to it with ssh.19:23
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: why do you need the full remote desktop?19:24
mslXaifas, Does traceroute show any major problems?19:24
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: many apps have web guis now19:24
greezmunkeyChiefFrankus: It is also possible to run vnc over ssh19:24
eutActionParsnip, hmm... i'm trying to setup an access point but all of the documentation seems so old. a few old tutorials mention using wlanconfig to do some steps in the configuration but that tool seems to be part of the old madwifi-tools package. apparently the "new way" is to use "iw" (a replacement for iwconfig), but i cant get that working19:24
trismChiefFrankus: if you want to access an already running terminal, perhaps use screen? then you can detach and reattach the terminal somewhere else later19:24
shcherbakChiefFrankus, what exacly you want to do?19:24
Oli```Anybody here have a nvidia SLI setup? How does it work in Linux these days? Big performance improvement? Any bugs?19:24
ChiefFrankusSometimes on im not on a connection that runs remote desktop very smoothly19:24
nothingspecialChiefFrankus: Try byobu19:25
ActionParsnipeut: if you are simply drivering an interface then a compile is a compile19:25
muumio_I couldnt get xsane working with my epson sx210. I added its product id to /etc/sane.d/epson.conf but it didnt work. Any ideas?19:25
shiftingcontrolif i install automount dameon in my acc can i mount usb without root permission ?19:25
shcherbakChiefFrankus, do noy try byobu, try screen19:25
ChiefFrankusyes im learning screen as well19:25
oraqolok well, imma try to figure this pulseaudio/gvoice thing19:26
oraqolill drop a fix on here if i can find it19:26
sacarlsonChiefFrankus: you need a low latency connection to run any remote vnc or ssh -x to work well19:26
shcherbakChiefFrankus, u can run whole GUI over ssh, but it will never be... smooth19:26
Xaifasmsl, nop, everything seems fine but slow. It halts like 10secs for I dont know before accessing site then goes full speed19:26
ActionParsnipOli```: i'd imagine there would be a performance increase by nature of sli19:26
nothingspecialshcherbak: byobu will let you log on to an existing session without ant Ctrl - A shennanigans19:26
ChiefFrankusYes I know19:26
ChiefFrankusthats why I want to use SSH19:26
Oli```ActionParsnip: Depends if it works. I remember a time when it didn't work at all in Linux.19:27
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: what are you connecting to the remote system to achieve19:27
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
ChiefFrankusand access any emulated terminal19:27
Airriswhat's CF trying to do?19:27
sacarlsonChiefFrankus: are you working over a lan or wan?19:27
ActionParsnipOli```: I believe its supported now19:27
jagosixHello people19:27
shcherbaknothingspecial, but it still unknown to me how to have two screen session with byobu, prefer screen with conky19:27
ForgeAusActionParsnip: can you check your grub entry for me? does it have boot=lupen there somewhere?19:27
ManDayDoes Ubuntu happen to run a service like the windows notifaction service (you can popup a message on someone else's pc) ?19:27
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: ssh is a terminal and you will be typing securely on the remote system19:27
jagosixI have an older laptop with 512mb and all i want to do is surf the web.19:27
greezmunkeyXaifas: see if you are running IPv6, if so shut it down if you don't need it. No reason to run two stacks.19:27
nothingspecialshcherbak: Ctrl -A A19:28
jagosixwhich DE is best suited for that19:28
mslXaifas, You ever used strace?  You may be able to use it to get an idea what is happening at the time it is slow.19:28
ChiefFrankusim accessing my file server from an open access point 40 miles away19:28
ActionParsnipForgeAus: I'm no good with grub issues outside of adding boot options to achieve things. Sorry19:28
mslOr what it is waiting on/trying to do19:28
AirrisJagosix : typically Xubuntu is the lightest weight one, so you'd want that19:28
jagosixwhat about lxde19:28
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: ok so why do you need a full desktop for a fileserver?19:28
sacarlsonChiefFrankus: you just want to move files?  ssh might work for that too19:28
jagosixor e1719:28
shcherbakChiefFrankus, on client --> xinit -- :1 vt8 --> ssh -X your@servet --> startx = whole gnome via ssh19:29
ActionParsnipjagosix: lxde is great. The lightest afaik is flwm :)19:29
Flanneljagosix: I'd go with Lubuntu (LXDE), yeah.19:29
ChiefFrankusIts just I'd prefer an X envir when im there working on it19:29
jagosixE17 is new to me ..any1 know about it ?19:29
Airriswith, is Lubuntu a newer one? *goes to investigate to correct slowpokeness*19:29
ChiefFrankusit just speeds things up, as im not a console king yet19:29
ActionParsnipjagosix: or fluxbox which has a tonne of configurability19:30
greezmunkeyshcherbak: Does that require gnome on the remote machine?19:30
Flanneljagosix: e17 is still experimental (and has been for a number of years now)19:30
Ganonkillerhey SARY.... will the that driver work for meerkat?19:30
Chaos2358someone please help me with nvidia19:30
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: i'd install something like pcmanfm andx forward that, it'll be great19:30
shcherbakgreezmunkey, yes, and good network19:30
pksadiqjagosix: But e17 is very lovely to be seen19:30
greezmunkeyshcherbak: thanks.19:30
Chaos2358pksadiq there you are19:30
ChiefFrankusthats what I was hoping for19:31
AirrisChaos2358 could you be a little more specific?19:31
ActionParsnip!details | Chaos235819:31
ubottuChaos2358: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:31
jagosixe17 is suited for small ram19:31
pksadiqChaos2358: yes19:31
ChiefFrankusjust needed to know what it was called. X forwarding. Thanks19:31
Chaos2358pksadiq, still no luck what to do now?19:31
Flanneljagosix: e17 isn't in the repositories (because its not stable).  Your best bet (and its really a good choice) is Lubuntu19:31
pksadiqChaos2358: Not yet complete ,start private19:31
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: I suggest you learn basic file moves etc in terminal, makes life a lot faster for remote access and less overhead on the network19:31
Airrisjagosix: go with Lubuntu, if you have problems, fall back to Xubuntu. Either one should be sufficient for your needs19:31
UTFnothingspecial, tried gtkpod one song got successfully transfered and plays fine.. :) but the others still dont work.. weird eh? trying to figure something out19:32
ActionParsnipjagosix: i'd +1 lubuntu. It rocks19:32
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: x forwarding allows an app to run on the remote system but be displayed on a remote system (kinda like citrix). If the client is windows you will need to install and run xming19:33
jagosixok I'll give it a try19:33
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: you can then connect with: putty -X user@server19:33
nothingspecialUTF: I use gnupod, I don`t recomend it for desktop user. You may have to redo your ipod with gtkpod. Have you used your ipod on another machine?19:34
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: apps you run will appear on the windows desktop, suffix the commands with an ampersand so you can do more19:34
UTFnothingspecial, yes i have another laptop where i transferred songs from too... also running ubuntu19:35
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: this is possible as the display is seperate from the OS so stuff can be moved in this way. The 2 are glue together in windows so this isn't possibel19:35
nothingspecialUTF: that shouldn`t matter, both 10.04 +?19:35
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: ssh also gives a secure access file transfer protocol19:36
UTFnothingspecial, aye the one i'm currently transfering from is 10.1019:36
nothingspecialUTF: Can`t speak, works with my kid's nano fine??????19:36
FretBoardFreak01:39 *** Amarilis PART #ubuntu19:37
ActionParsnipChiefFrankus: you could setup an sftp and connect using a client to move files locally as well as upload new files / download files to you client pc19:37
LoJuRuoh noes! a evil robot squid!19:37
UTFnothingspecial, i'm gunna figure this out :) and once i do i'm gunna let you know... thanks a million for your help bro19:37
nothingspecialUTF: No problem :)19:38
suprengrI have installed 10.10 as dual boot with 10.04. Formatted an old partition to put it on - no probs with install or running but... in haste I chose '/' as mount point rather than /home... did I make a boo boo or am I ok re system security?19:38
pksadiqnothingspecial:  There are problems, that's why we are here! ;)19:38
Airrisok. now to what i was going to ask when I came in :P I'm trying to clamp down on this server I'm running since I can't guarantee the application is perfectly secure. I made a new account to run the process on, used the GUI to uncheck every privledge but internet, and I'm fairly certain I made sure it can't sudo for root privs. Where do i go from here?19:38
AirrisIdeally, i want this account to be able to do nothing but run that application and access a few files/folders relevant to it19:39
LxndrBoth my text boxes in firefox, and my emails in thunderbird, are giving red underlines to pretty much every single word available. How can I stop this? I imagine this is a spellchecking thing - can I turn it off?19:39
cips_21I installed fluxbox. How can i use a "network manager" to connect wireless. Or default network manager of gnome which i had already installed.19:39
bassouhm, what are the benefits of installing ubuntu 10.10 with the efi loader?19:41
LinuxPhreakhow do I change the plymouth theme in Ubuntu 10.10. I can do it in 10.04 but I'm having difficulty doing it in 10.1019:42
shcherbakAirris: it depence what application, u can also write script to watch over account and user, configure Iptables and use corn19:42
evilRobotSquidLxndr: I know in Firefox, it's Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced to disable it19:42
shcherbakAirris: *cron19:42
toaderi just upgrade to 10.10 from 10.0419:42
Kethalcips_21: Typically gnome and KDE programs load a lot of other stuff in the background, so using them with Fluxbox would pretty much defeat the purpose19:42
sacarlsonAirris: to be totaly safe you can setup you app or maybe the user with chroot that makes a subdir to your system look like root to them and that's all they will see and be able to play in.19:42
toaderhow to enable the panel on the left? instead of on the top? thanks19:43
Kethalcips_21: but just type the command in a termianl19:43
Airrisoh that sounds good19:43
vjhello guys, i'm on ubuntu 10.10 and my problem is, when I close my laptop's led(screen) it nomore remembers my network, I have to click my network again to connect it, so any idea for it??19:43
ChiefFrankusActionParsnip, thanks. Say I'm running a terminal application and I want to ssh into that box and control it. How do I switch into that terminal from the ssh terminal?19:43
Airrishmm. Cron might be useful for something else i needed to do which is backup some files intermittently19:44
xanguatoader: keel the Alt key pressed, move th panel with the mouse19:44
evilRobotSquidLxndr: Oh, the language settings are actually accessible from the text field you're typing in.  Just right-click in it, make sure it's set properly19:45
toaderxangua: not this, i saw the screen shop to ubuntu 10.1019:45
chuck13sSomeone here could give me a hand on how to compile wine ?19:45
shcherbakAirris: you can mount home (of paranoia) with truecrypt19:45
xanguachuck13s: why don't you install it from the repository¿19:46
officieli can't activate compiz hellllp19:46
ChiefFrankusi've looked into conspy but cant get it working right19:46
vjhello guys, i'm on ubuntu 10.10 and my problem is, when I close my laptop's led(screen) it nomore remembers my network, I have to click my network again to connect it, so any idea for it??19:46
vjxangua: hello guys, i'm on ubuntu 10.10 and my problem is, when I close my laptop's led(screen) it nomore remembers my network, I have to click my network again to connect it, so any idea for it??19:46
officielwhere is the help19:47
Airristhanks shcherbak: i should able to get this working then :D19:47
shcherbakChiefFrankus, retty - this you need19:47
toaderHi, i just upgrade ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.10. How to enable this desktop effect? thanks. http://www.ubuntu.com/sites/default/files/active/maverick/U3.1_unity_medium.jpg19:48
xanguatoader: that's unity, the new interface of ubuntu netbook remix19:48
gbillingsclick the ubuntu button, and click appearance and go to effects19:48
shcherbakofficiel: whats happend19:49
ChiefFrankusill try it19:50
officieli want to activate Compiz19:50
officielBut i cant19:50
officielI have a message  you cant actviate compiz19:50
gbillingsofficiel, open up a terminal and run compiz --replace19:50
vjgbillings: 'm on ubuntu 10.10 and my problem is, when I close my laptop's led(screen) it nomore remembers my network, I have to click my network again to connect it, so any idea for it??19:50
officieli do it but  nothing happen19:50
officieljust a code whit gtk19:51
gbillingsvj, are you on ubuntu desktop 10.10? and you are on wireless?19:51
shcherbakofficiel: what card are you using (and driver)?19:52
gbillingsvj, if so, go to System > Prefrences > Network connection19:52
officielNvidia Fx5200 in ubuntu 10.1019:53
Chaos2358pksadiq, back19:53
officielDriver is NVIDIA-Linux-x86-173.14.28 the last from nvidia19:53
asdkfjasdfcan i make a request to the ubuntu admins19:53
gbillingsvj, then go to the wireless tab and click "auto ****" (*** being the name of your network), tick "connect automatically" and click apply19:53
asdkfjasdfcan you upgrade the transmission to version 2.10 please19:54
tortoise7what does it take to keep the backlit keyboard working beyond boot-up?  toshiba satellite, AMD components, ubuntu 10.04.....19:54
xanguaasdkfjasdf: add the transmission ppa https://launchpad.net/~transmissionbt/%2Barchive/ppa19:54
pksadiqChaos2358: yes19:54
asdkfjasdfcan you teach me how19:54
xanguasudo add-apt-repository "ppa's name" asdkfjasdf19:55
gbillingsasdkfjasdf, ok you wanna run sudo apt-add-repository ppa:transmissionbt/ppa19:55
asdkfjasdfoh thank you xangua19:55
Siga_aweDoes anyone know how to clear a ssd by trim or some other tool?19:55
gbillingsasdkfjasdf, then you want to run sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:55
asdkfjasdfthanks gbillings ill try it now and see how it works19:55
megadethMy system rebooted cause of a powerfailure while I was moving a folder from one drive to another and now those files aren't there. How do I recover them? Do they go into a temporary folder while moving?19:56
gbillingsmegadeth, try checking /tmp19:56
megadethgbillings, I did. It's not there19:56
drragoni installed fluxbox. i log in with fluxbox. but i can not open with "sudo NetworkManager" from terminal. It writes that it is already using. So how to show the GUI of it. Because i have to connect to wireless with it. Can someone please help me ?19:56
gbillingsmegadeth, dont know what to tell you19:56
asdkfjasdfthank you everyone19:57
OblatActionParsnip: wha does this mean in syslog? mysql CRON[26219]: (root) CMD (/sbin/poweroff)19:57
asdkfjasdfit is upgraded now19:57
Siga_awethere are a lot of people here19:57
koizumigangsters!  I updated to 10.10 and now my Nikon D90 won't automount or import in Digikam.  "lsusb -v" output seems to see it normally.19:57
koizumiany advice where to troubleshoot next?19:57
greezmunkeykoizumi: did you try reinstalling Digikam?19:58
=== Afrix2 is now known as Afrix
sresu!info sshfs19:58
ubottusshfs (source: sshfs-fuse): filesystem client based on SSH File Transfer Protocol. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2-1build1 (maverick), package size 39 kB, installed size 140 kB19:58
koizumigreezmunkey: no, you think I should?19:58
gbillings    /msg nickserv register Pwned4Lyfe lymera1n@gmail.com19:59
koizumiI figured I should get it automounting again first19:59
asdkfjasdfthank you, it wiorked gbillins and xangua. one more question: how can i change my pc name?19:59
drragon1i installed fluxbox. i log in with fluxbox. but i can not open with "sudo NetworkManager" from terminal. It writes that it is already using. So how to show the GUI of it. Because i have to connect to wireless with it. Can someone please help me ?19:59
asdkfjasdfi want it changed to "user"19:59
greezmunkeykoizumi: it wouldn't hurt. On my last upgrade a couple of apps were "broken" reinstalling fixed them.19:59
ElNotaAnyone knows how to change my desktop's (user and PC) name?19:59
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, or nhandler!19:59
=== rajesh is now known as Guest15180
koizumigreezmunkey: huh!  trying it now...19:59
Chaos2358SaRy will not stop with pm20:00
Chaos2358i have ignored but the messages still come20:00
=== Guest15180 is now known as trajesh
tgp1994Just out of curiousity, on an unmodified, freshly installed apache2 server, are there any kind of bandwidth limits pre-applied, like on a per-IPaddress basis?20:00
=== trajesh is now known as rajesht
mobasherElNota=}} you can change in the file called /etc/hostname20:00
koizumitgp1994: no20:01
=== Viliny_ is now known as Viliny
ElNotamobasher: And if I use capital letters (like "ElNota"), will I have to use them in username?20:01
=== Pilif12p is now known as TannerBot_TW2
asdkfjasdfhi, how can you change the pcname? right now it is PC-AY030AA-ABA and i want it changed to "userpc" so in the terminal it looks smaller and normal20:01
tgp1994koizumi: Hmm, alright. Thanks.20:02
mobasherElNota=}} what you mean..what does username has to do with hostname ?20:02
koizumigreezmunkey: hmmm, no love20:02
gbillingsasdkfjasdf, http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2732/ubuntu_how_to_change_computer_name/20:02
=== rajesht is now known as trajesh
pksadiqChaos2358: what happened?20:02
officiel<shcherbak> where are you20:02
ElNotamobasher: For example20:02
koizumiI just noticed that the digikam menu displays the D90 when it's on and doesn't when it's off, just like old times20:02
shane2peruhow can I find out what is causing my mozilla stuff to lockup, they just don't respond to anything.20:02
koizumiit just can't talk to it20:02
Kethalasdkfjasdf: hostname20:02
asdkfjasdfthank you!20:02
OblatWhat does this mean in syslog? mysql CRON[26219]: (root) CMD (/sbin/poweroff)20:03
Flannel!hostname | asdkfjasdf20:03
ubottuasdkfjasdf: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:03
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koizumianybody know how to manually request that the camera be mounted?  I'm stranded without my lovely automount20:03
greezmunkeykoizumi: that's a bit of progress then. Did you check to see if there are any posts at the developers website, or wiki?20:03
koizumigreezmunkey: googling like crazy  :)  haven't found anything yet20:03
asdkfjasdfi used this command, will that do? gksudo gedit /etc/hostname20:04
asdkfjasdfi clicked save, if i restart my pc now it wont damage it right?20:04
mobasher!hostname | ElNota20:04
ubottuElNota: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.20:04
twinkie_addicti just reinstalled 10.4 and istalled window maker i love the defauld wallpaper20:04
ElNotamobasher: I see, let's try that, thanks20:05
officieli cant activate compiz20:05
mobasherElNota=}} np20:05
trajeshhi guys, anyone who's been using nero linux on ubuntu 10.04?20:05
pksadiqSaRy: are you there?20:05
djohngoofficiel: You're better off w/o it. ;)20:06
koizumigreezmunkey: aha, digikam uses gphoto2 to import, so I can troubleshoot that directly20:06
mobashertrajesh=}} why buy when you can get free software :)20:06
officielI can't activate compiz on 10.10 Whit a nvidia Fx520020:06
Chaos2358pksadiq, what happened?20:06
antivirtelhello all, a question: how can I set more mount point to 1 partition in alternate installer, when I tried type it manual: "/home,/var,/tmp" then it made the /home,/var,/tmp dirs... :\ but when I want more ? only fstab conf?20:06
pksadiqChaos2358: what happened?20:06
trajeshyea i understand, just installed a trial version anyways20:07
ElNotamobasher: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514587/ << What should I change here?20:07
officielI can't activate compiz on 10.10 Whit a nvidia Fx520020:07
pksadiqChaos2358: i can see your messages, cant you see mine?20:07
ElNotachange all "misterio-desktop" by "ElNota", for example?20:07
shcherbakofficiel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1369236&page=220:07
koizumiaha it's gphoto2 that's unhappy20:07
koizumiit can detect the camera but can't read from it20:07
xanguaofficiel: have you installed nvidia drivers¿20:07
drragon1i installed fluxbox. i log in with fluxbox. but i can not open with "sudo NetworkManager" from terminal. It writes that it is already using. So how to show the GUI of it. Because i have to connect to wireless with it. Can someone please help me ?20:07
officieli have installed nvidia20:08
trajeshhow does a normal user get burning rights within the application? i mean , when i do sudo nero from terminal, i can see the burning interface (my sony dvdrw) is listed but when i launch it normally, all i see is the image recorder20:08
trajeshany ideas?20:08
mrk_hi, i am new to Linux, updated to Ubuntu 10.4 and lost 'help' everywhere...typing yelp in terminal tells me that there was a failure to initialise gecko! Can anyone help me resolve this?20:08
xanguadrragon1: run gnome-panel20:08
ZykoticK9drragon1, see if running "nm-applet" works20:08
trajeshim able to temporarily fix this by running sudo chmod /dev/sg* as root but as soon as i log out and log back in, again same issue20:08
shcherbakofficiel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1369236&page=2 it may be this one20:08
ZykoticK9xangua, you typically don't want "gnome-panel" with fluxbox20:08
pksadiqofficiel: Nvidia is always Buggy , but if you are interested, that allways increase your knowledge :)20:09
capcomis there a known problem with the proprietary fglrx driver for ati cards on startup? i met the effect that when using this driver there appears a pause of some minutes at the console login tty1 before finally the x-server starts up20:09
xanguaZykoticK9: then install some other panel with notification area support20:09
ElNotaAnyone knows what is needed to change on this file for changing my username to "ElNota"? -> http://paste.ubuntu.com/514587/20:09
drragon1xangua: why gnome panel ? i dont use on gnome gnome-panel but it is working.20:09
pksadiqSaRy: Help Chaos235820:09
xanguaDragnslcr: then install some other panel with notification area support20:09
drragon1ZykoticK9: i had to log on fluxbox please wait...20:09
xanguaagg :S20:09
mobasherElNota=}} there is not username listed in this file ?? this is iptables files20:10
cordovalI think i made the mistake of editing httpd.conf manually20:10
cordovalI think apache has a new way nowadays20:10
cordovalthat is why my problem is happening20:11
ElNotamobasher: It is "etc/hosts"20:11
cordovalanyone knows how to add a site?20:11
cordovalno, that I already have it set20:11
SaRypksadiq, I was trying to .. still. .. he got mad and calls !ops on me. hope he comes back.20:11
mobasherElNota=}} you need to change "hostname" not hosts20:11
ElNotamobasher: Oh ok20:11
cordovalare you talking to me?20:11
ElNotamobasher: Only that? and username will be changed from misterio to ElNota?20:11
ElNotaI mean my administrator user name20:11
koizumiaha!  gphoto2 CLI says my camera's locked by something else.  rebooting.  thanks internet!  hugs for everyone!20:12
megadethwhen moving files files from one drive to another in nautilus, do they first go into a temporary folder somewhere?20:12
mobasherElNota=}} well change the hostname and then reboot and see what happens20:12
amarcolinohi setting up lvm on a hd, however, I have 80GB which I wish to make spare incase I need to extend, do I assign a partition and filesystem to it or leave the the option blank?20:12
pksadiqSaRy: I know me too, harder to fix Nvidia problems, but very interesting if everybody have time20:12
yoshithis hit and miss thing for my atheros wifi card is getting very annoyiong20:12
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fxhp_Where would I go for upstart help20:13
ElNotamobasher: I think it's only going to change the name which appears in local-network (router)20:13
mobasherElNota=}} you need to goto SYSTEM->ADMINISTRATION-> USERS  to change to the new user20:13
ElNotamobasher: Oh, cool20:13
drragonZykoticK9: nm applet worked. thank you! can you explain me what is this ? and how can i see the gui of networkmanager of gnome.20:13
SaRypksadiq, i got to thank you for trying with him ..i found some workaround for him. yet he got really mad Y'know!20:13
mobasherElNota=}} just curious why the change ??20:13
Guest24486can anyone help me sort out issues with my atheros wifi card?20:14
SaRyanyway. he is out .. should not speak about him until he return back.20:14
cordovalplease help20:14
mobashercordoval=}} whas up20:15
ElNotamobasher: Well, because I think this nick is cooler, nothing important :P20:15
Mendeleviumcordoval: I hate when I can't get help.20:15
SaRySo , anyone facing a Nvidia issue.!20:15
pksadiqSaRy: k,20:15
Mendeleviumcordoval: what's the problem?20:15
mobasherElNota=}} hahaha...okay..20:15
sito_hi, I have a problem with TV card Hauppauge WinTV-HVR-1110, digital TV works, but the radio does not work with rhythmbox can not figure out if it works, I installed Gnomeradio but can not find /dev/mixer,  it seems to work but  hear no sound20:15
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cordovalMndelevium: I have set a site on my apache2, a local site and the first page front page shows, but then all other doesn't20:15
mobasherElNota=}} the hostname is the computer name and username is the user which logs on the computer 2 differnt things20:15
cordovalI think it is a problem with how I set up httpd.conf20:16
cordovalor hosts20:16
ElNotamobasher: Meh, I can't change my username20:16
mobasherElNota=}} you need to goto SYSTEM->ADMINISTRATION-> USERS  to create a new user account20:16
ElNotamobasher: Oh, but then I'll lose all my configurations20:16
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cordovalMendelevium: did you get my message?20:16
mobasherElNota=}} https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto20:17
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ZykoticK9drragon, nm-applet should be the Gnome Network Managers - did it work?  is it running/can you use it?20:18
sito_how can I see which files in /dev is used to play sounds? so I can change the parameter to Gnomeradio20:18
Mendeleviumcordoval: checking now.20:18
SaRyI just like the Ubuntu Community Documentation .. very useful.everything is noted.20:18
daneluhey, can anybody help me ?  i want to change my default terminal20:18
SaRydanelu, you mean like .. edit the terminal, or replace it.20:19
ElNotamobasher: Well, there only appears how to create an user, but not how to create and user and how to copy all config files to it20:20
daneluwell I was using bash until yesterday when something hapened and it switched to sh20:20
danelui want to change it bach to bash20:20
boinkboinkg'day, i'm trying to build eggdrop on xubuntu-10.10-amd64 but libtcl.so and tcl.h are not on the machine. as well, i'm unable to locate them in the package manager. what's a clean way (without cluttering up the box)? i tried to remove tcl to build my own but no joy there either, package manager won't let me.20:21
ZykoticK9danelu, what is the output given by "echo $SHELL"20:21
drragonZykoticK9:  yes it worked. but i did not see the gui. it just shows OSD and it writes connected to wireless. but when i go to outside i have to see the gui to connect a new wireless to set new password or something.20:22
SaRydanelu, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DashAsBinSh20:22
mobasherElNota=}} http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20712520:22
daneluZykoticK9, /bin/sh20:22
Friaris there a way to scan my LAN to see if anyone else is on it? nmap or something?20:22
ZykoticK9drragon, there is some way to get nm-applet into the fluxbox "tray" of sorts - i'm sorry i don't remember how - it's been a long time since i used fluxbox20:22
mobasherFriar=}} are you connected to a router ?20:23
billybigriggerFriar: ce20:23
OblatWhat does this mean in syslog? mysql CRON[26219]: (root) CMD (/sbin/poweroff)20:23
billybigriggerFriar: check your routers web admin page, it usualy lists all connected machines, wireless/wired via mac addresses20:23
ZykoticK9danelu, System / Admin / Users and Groups - highlight your user - Advanced Settings button - Advanced tab has default shell20:24
chris|boinkboink, sudo apt-get build-dep eggdrop will probably help you with that20:24
trismboinkboink: would try tcl8.5-dev, that's what apt-get build-dep eggdrop is getting me in 10.1020:24
ElNotamobasher: I'll try it, thanks20:24
Friarmobasher, yes.20:24
ZykoticK9danelu, once changed, log off and back in to verify20:24
drragonZykoticK9: please help me :(20:24
quesoesbuenoi keep getting a "package not authorized" for every single package i try to install. am i missing something?20:24
JoeSomebodyHello, what is the best way to add packages, software centre, synaptic, or apt-get install?20:24
mobasherFriar=}} okay check on the router it should tell you who is connected...there should be a list of LAN and wireless connections there20:25
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shaunoJoeSomebody: they all do the same thing, using the same back-end.  it's just a case of whichever you find more comfortable20:25
boinkboinkchris/trism: thank you.  i'll have a go at that.  b back if it doesn't work/..  :)20:25
Friarmobasher, thanks.20:25
ZykoticK9drragon, IF there is some sort of fluxbox channel (i don't know if there is) you might want to ask there - if no one here knows (i don't...)20:25
daneluZykoticK9, thank you very much20:25
mobasherFriar=}} np20:25
daneluSaRy thank you for the link20:25
izardstreetcomputer non-responsive after hibernation any ideas?20:25
ZykoticK9danelu, glad to help :)20:26
quesoesbuenoizardstreet: same thing happens to me. can't figure it out20:26
izardstreetquesoesbueno: u running a laptop?20:26
quesoesbuenoizardstreet: no, desktop20:26
drragonZykoticK9: ok. thank you!20:26
SaRydanelu,You're welcome.20:26
izardstreetso when u go to hibernate, u can't get the computer to respond20:27
greezmunkeyFriar: you can also run "ping -b {IP boradcast address, e.g.} let that run for a few seconds, then ctrl-c to kill it. next run "arp -a" that will show the MAC addresses of other devices "on the wire"20:27
Friarthanks greezmunkey20:27
mobasherizardstreet=}} hibernation has always been an issue with ubuntu..gota kill and resume tty session not sure if they fixed in newer version i'm on 9.0420:27
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shane2peruok, is flash causing lock ups??  Does anyone else have a prob with the flash locking firefox? using 10.0420:28
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alejandro000q pedo20:29
mobashershane2peru=}} nope you need to remove and install flash again20:30
chlbhi, i'm using ubuntu 10.10 64-bit with ati fglrx driver and i'm having an issue with parts of gnome desktop showing in the default gnome theme instead of the ubuntu one, like this http://i.imgur.com/bgGXt.png20:30
shane2perumobasher, just via apt right?  I'm using thre repo flash20:30
mobashershane2peru=}} https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash20:30
GanonkillerSARY.... where are the driver for my gps?20:31
mobashershane2peru=}} you can do that thru synaptic as well20:31
Friarmobasher, I found something on my lan that kind of bothers me....I don't know what the IP address is.20:31
sporkboyalright, I'm getting closer... not going to failsafe, but not getting nvidia xserver either. can somebody take a look at my xorg log? http://pastebin.com/jaA87Usv20:31
JoeSomebodyis there a way to see if a package i used to use is still available in 10.10?20:32
SaRyGanonkiller, O' excuse me .. i had something going on .. see if its here http://www.pharscape.org/3G/nozomi.tgz20:32
izardstreetcompizconfig settings manager should give descriptions of each effect rather than just their title. agreed?20:32
Kirschkaffeehi.. i am downloading ubuntu 10.10 .. is there any package included for using umts-stick-internet-connection?20:32
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mobashershane2peru=}} i think it's called flashpluin-nofree or something check there20:32
Friarmobasher, it is, and that isn't my external IP, and I'm on for my laptop....so I have no idea what this device is....20:32
SaRyJoeSomebody, Try searching for the package in synaptic.20:32
Friarmobasher, it is under NAPT active session.20:33
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shane2perumobasher, yes, that is what it is called, thanks for the link, I think I'm going to go with the ppa in that link, I hate messing with flash, I'm not a noob, but don't like the flash stuff20:33
shane2perumobasher, thanks again for the link20:33
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mobasherFriar=}} that seems like the external IP of the lan of your main network...192 are local assigned address of the router20:34
greezmunkeyFriar: are you in Germany?20:34
boinkboinkchris/trism:  worked great! thank you very much.20:34
Friarwhen I go to whatismyip.com i don't get the same address though.20:34
Kirschkaffeedoes 10.10 has packages by standard for using umts-internet-connections or do i have to install this stuff manually?20:34
greezmunkeyFriar: does superkabel mean anything to you?20:35
JackNocturneAfter upgrade software-center doesnt work : (20:35
Friarnope....but I don't speak german.20:35
Friarmy work set everything up for me when I got here.20:35
JackNocturnedoes anybody know what this error means?20:35
greezmunkeyFriar: like your cable internet?20:35
shaunoFriar: the 88. IP you posted is on the same isp as you.  it's unlikely to be a coincidence20:36
greezmunkeyFriar: It's your ISP ! :)20:36
Friargreezmunkey, it could easily be that, and I'm sure it is nothing to worry about.20:36
OblatWhat does this mean in syslog? mysql CRON[26219]: (root) CMD (/sbin/poweroff)20:36
Friargreezmunkey, shauno, thanks.20:36
ravimaddulahi my mic is not working with skype20:36
mobasherFriar=}} i'm quite sure that's your IP address...20:36
Failicancan i ask about ettercap here?20:36
mobasherFriar=}} the 192 which you are referring to is your router assigned address20:37
ravimaddulait was workingwith  voice recorder20:37
Kirschkaffeeokay i specify my question.. is python distributed with ubuntu 10.10 or do i have to install it manual?20:37
mobasherKirschkaffee=}} i think python comes as installed package on linux i believe20:38
ravimaddulacould any one solve the problem20:38
SteveThingI'm trying to upgrade from 10.04 UNR to 10.10 via Upgrade Manager and it fails to download: time_1.7-23ubuntu1_i386.deb. Where can I get this file?20:38
mobasherKirschkaffee=}} have you tried python ??20:38
mobasherKirschkaffee=}} i mean at shell20:38
Kirschkaffeei used ubunbu 8 and there was no python installed and the umts stuff didnt work.. always this and that package missing20:38
wtiuh31THE GAY NIGGER ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA WANTS YOU TO KNOW WHEN YOU COMMENT ON SPAM, THE GAY NIGGERS WIN. NOW YOU KNOW, AND KNOWING IS HALF THE BATTLE! GO NIGGER!!! wtiuh31 amgarchIn9 EhPrettyEasy neriukas SteveThing danelu bochecha harjot hobomo ravimaddula gato Callum__ misteralexander replicasex dinodinis JackNocturne KennethP MacGyverNL lgsd Darwin4Ever FuzzyTuxy sandertje blink_ Failican grandrew_ Snake olovas Kirschkaffee kad__ stephenplatz Zwei pizzabo20:38
EhPrettyEasy?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 020:39
SaRyKirschkaffee, D-Bus service for managing modems package is pre-installed on 10.1020:39
SaRyKirschkaffee, python is well.20:39
mobasherKirschkaffee=}} if not installed u can do -> sudo apt-get install python2.620:40
KirschkaffeeSaRy:  crypto, serial,. twisted etc as well?20:40
OblatWhat does this mean in syslog? mysql CRON[26219]: (root) CMD (/sbin/poweroff)20:40
Kirschkaffeemobasher:  i have no internet connection in linux :)20:41
SaRycrypto , no , python twisted , yes.20:41
SaRyserial !20:41
gilanialiI wanted to get a VPS thats around $5 to $8 a month. Prgmr.com is sold out, any suggestions?20:41
ravimaddulahello why my internal mic is not working in ubuntu 10.1020:41
Kirschkaffeeso i still need crypto.. okay. one last package.. wvdial?20:42
UTFnothingspecial, think i figured something out... if i transfer the music files and wait 20 minutes it syncs a few times and then the transfered files seems to work :)20:42
JackNocturneDoes anybody know what this error means?  http://pastebin.com/52wVBaw4   Im trying to startup software-center20:43
SaRyKirschkaffee, wvdial , not.20:43
Kirschkaffeeokay thanks, thats all i need to know20:43
Kirschkaffeebye and have a nice day20:43
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megadethwhen moving files files from one drive to another in nautilus, do they first go into a temporary folder somewhere? I was moving files and my system rebooted before it finished. Now those files are missing from both drives20:44
shiftingcontrolis debian better or ubuntu ?20:45
OblatWhat does this mean in syslog? mysql CRON[26219]: (root) CMD (/sbin/poweroff)20:47
davidosHi how turn on UTF-8 in bitchx but on bitchx i have a bot20:48
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mobasherOblat=}} that seems like a cron job setup for mysql as root..scheduled job20:48
mobasherOblat=}} you can view the scheduled jobs by this -> crontab -l20:49
john__hi group I am looking for drivers for my Intel usb web cam20:49
john__model CS33020:50
BenBE2Someone a useful hint where to look for issues with login to Skype on Ubuntu 10.04 when Skype hangs when signing in?20:50
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mobashershiftingcontrol=}} ubuntu is an extension of debian...so what u mean by which is better20:51
john__so I guess not thanks all20:51
Oblatmobasher - do you mind if i PM you?20:52
mobasherOblat=}} sure20:52
sporkboyokay. Found it. [    42.978] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0). How do I fix this?20:52
mOrO^BenBE2: rebooting Skype doesnt solve the issue?20:52
BenBE2mOrO^ Nope.20:53
drmessanoBenBE2, Google a bit.. there was a fix regarding removing the ~/.skype directory20:53
drmessanoI also had to reboot, which is odd.. but that fixed it20:53
mOrO^BenBE2: and you arent trying to boot up two instances of Skype?20:54
drmessanoIt's a known issue, apparently20:54
VCooliosporkboy: did you install the nvidia driver?20:55
greezmunkeyBenBE2: Oct 14th, skype released new software (5.0 on the windows side) Have you checked that you are at the latest version?20:55
drmessanoThey didnt release a new linux version20:56
UTFBenBE2, aye i had problems wiv Skype... turned out that the beta hangs if u use the wrong pass... heeeh DOH!20:56
bryan_i could use some help with my flash since the 10.10 update20:56
mOrO^ Beta is the latest Skype version.20:56
drmessanohttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=778642  <--- There's the relevant thread20:57
e01how can i start custom command from runner in the netbook edition20:57
bryan_anyone able to help me with a flash issue im having20:58
mobasherbryan_=}} you can remove the current flash plugin and install flash plugin no free instead via synaptics20:58
bryan_ill give that a shot20:59
mobashere01=}} what you mean custom command20:59
mobasherbryan_=}} sure20:59
e01mobasher, when i pres alt+f2, there is no run dialog20:59
sporkboyVCoolio, Additional Drivers says nvidia-current is "installed but not in use" or rather it did on my last boot. now I just have nvidia_173 not activated. wtf?20:59
mobashere01=}} do you have a function key or F lock or FN key on your keyboad ??21:00
Volkodavyofel - ping21:00
mobashere01=}} sometimes you have to press the F lock key and then try it21:00
sporkboyokay. yeah, "activated, but not currently in use"21:01
perlsyntaxHow does the color gcc errror message work?21:01
mobashere01=}} if nothing works you can goto shell via Applications-> acesssories and terminal21:01
e01mobasher, i had no functional key :D21:01
BenBE2mOrO^ UTF I guess I found the problem ... Missed the nspluginwrapper package21:01
mobashere01=}} jsut create a shortcut ;-)21:01
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BenBE2After installing the nspluginwrapper it seems to work.21:01
perlsyntaxho do i get the gcc colors to work?21:01
e01mobasher, in applications i had only installed and most common21:01
UTFBenBE2, yay! grats bro21:02
Out`Of`ControlHi, how do i kill a zombie process?21:02
BenBE2But it's kinda strange this information is packed unter "installing on old systems" as a side-node for 10.04 ...21:02
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UTFOut`Of`Control, xombie process?21:02
mobasherOut`Of`Control=}} sudo kill -9 <PID>21:02
Out`Of`ControlI did it still its running21:02
UTFOut`Of`Control, if it's x use xkill :)21:02
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BenBE2Out`Of`Control killall -9 Processname or kill -9 processid21:03
mobasherOut`Of`Control=}} sometimes it takes time sometimes u have to end up rebooting :(21:03
Out`Of`Controlits just an empty window21:03
=== spaceman is now known as henryu
adibai like to know what's the best option of install : fresh install or update because i made updates from 8.10 and i got some errors in th last update , so what help with some advice what's the best option ??21:03
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BenBE2Out`Of`Control Hint: sudo aptitude install htop && htop --> F9 --> Select SIGKILL for that process.21:03
slooksterpsvadiba - reformat21:04
slooksterpsvadiba - i've been through heck with Updating, I finally did a fresh install and it works flawlessly, upgrade had so many issues21:04
Out`Of`Controlthanks i try it ;)21:04
adibaslooksterpsv: thanks too much21:05
slooksterpsvanyone else need assistance?21:05
slooksterpsvadiba: not a problem :P21:05
adibathanks all :D21:05
=== bang is now known as Guest24111
bryan_ive tried every thing i can think of to get my flash working properly21:05
slooksterpsvbryan_ have you installed flashplugin-nonfree from a terminal?21:06
slooksterpsvsudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:06
bryan_yea, did nothing21:06
slooksterpsvbryan_ mozilla or chrome?21:06
JoeSomebodyfor most new users woudl rhythmbox be enough or shoudl they look at other audio players too ?21:07
bryan_i have the same issue with both21:07
slooksterpsvin mozilla go to: Tools -> Addons -> Plugins and see if Shockwave is enabled at the end21:07
slooksterpsvbryan_ - ok if it's not disabled, lets purge it: sudo apt-get purge flashplugin-nonfree && sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree21:07
mobasherJoeSomebody=}} sure...there is amrok and others google it21:07
bryan_its enabled21:08
ZykoticK9bryan_, if you've installed more then one "flash" program on your system it can lead to problems - you might want to see http://paste.ubuntu.com/514616/ to uninstall all flash programs (from repo) and reinstall flashplugin-nonfree21:08
slooksterpsvJoeSomebody - everybody had various preferences, I think yeah Rhythmbox would be enough, but if they want more of an iTunes interface, try Songbird (http://getdeb.net/) if they want something lightweight try Exaile21:08
sporkboy[    42.978] (EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" (module does not exist, 0) Anybody?21:08
mobasherJoeSomebody=}} it's called amaroK21:08
antIPHow do you turn off automatic ripping of CDs in Rhythmbox? I put a CD in and hit play and it started ripping it. I don't see the option in preferences. (Ubuntu 10.10 , Rhythmbox 0.13.1)21:09
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slooksterpsvsporkboy - what kernel version? what version of Ubuntu? 32-bit or 64-bit? and what kind of nvidia graphics card do you have?21:09
ZykoticK9sporkboy, if you have an xorg.conf calling nvidia without the driver installed you can get your error message21:09
James-BlazeHi I have just managed to install Ubuntu 10.10 but I have no Third Party Software Icon in my Administration Menu, can anyone tell me why this is please?21:09
sporkboyslooksterpsv, 2.6.35-22-generic, 10.10, 64, 7150M21:10
mobasherJames-Blaze=}} you can go thru synaptics to install software21:10
ZykoticK9James-Blaze, if you mean "Sources" open "Ubuntu Software Center" and in the menu there is something about Sources now21:10
sporkboyZykoticK9, nvidia-current is "loaded but not in use"21:10
ZykoticK9sporkboy, ahh i remember having that issue with the Lucid beta for a while -- sorry i don't have a fix21:10
James-BlazeI am trying to follow this guide http://www.hersson.net/technotes/stream-audio-from-any-application-to-your-airportexpress21:11
BenBE2sporkboy Did you try to recompile the nVIDIA drivers from source?21:11
sporkboyZykoticK9, so did I, that's why I waited for release to install Maverick. *sigh*21:11
BenBE2Never had any issues before when compiled them myself.21:12
VCooliosporkboy: if you updated the kernel you need to reinstall the driver if you did that manually21:12
sporkboyBenBE2, haven't seen any from source, but I've tried nvidia's 256 and 260 binary installs.21:12
slooksterpsvbryan_ - do you have other flash items installed such as swfdec (I believe it is) or that?21:12
bryan_ZykoticK9 thank you that link did the trick. i have been incredibly frustrated by this for the past 3 days21:13
James-Blaze<ZykoticK9>can you tell me where to find Ubuntu Software Center please?21:13
sporkboyok, I gots to go, I'll be back later.21:13
john__does anyone know if there is a driver for the INTEL CS300 web camera21:13
Us3rrhi there21:14
buiss_phantomjoin #ubuntu-in21:14
James-Blazecan anyone tell me where to find Ubuntu Software Center please?21:14
tensorpuddingJames-Blaze: Applications menu21:14
Us3rrmaybe someone can help me to get my tv card working ? tried almost everything21:14
slooksterpsvquick IRC question, is there a way I can  block it from printing when someone enters and leaves the room21:15
mobasherbuiss_phantom=}} is that the indian channel of ubuntu ?21:15
buiss_phantomJames-Blaze, Applications menu, bottom21:15
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James-Blazethanks mate21:15
Flannelslooksterpsv: Yeah, which IRC client are you using?21:15
Us3rrits a tv card with a bt878 chipset21:15
slooksterpsvFlannel - Pidgin21:15
Us3rrtried the tutorial on ubunu users21:15
Us3rrbut wont work for me21:15
brontoeeeslooksterpsv, rmb clicky on channel button (if xchat)21:15
ZykoticK9bryan_, you can thank ActionParsnip really ;) i stole that "script" from him21:15
buiss_phantommobasher, sorry, it was a mis placed text.. I didn't see the cursor moved there. Touch pad21:15
mobasherbuiss_phantom=}} lol okay21:16
slooksterpsvmay need to do xchat brontoeee lol21:16
ZykoticK9James-Blaze, Application menu (in 10.04, 10.10)21:16
brontoeeeslooksterpsv, most should have some sort of option for that21:16
john__I guess this is not working21:16
Flannelslooksterpsv: (Pidgin is a horrible IRC client), you apparently need to enable the "Join/Part hiding" plugin and then configure it.21:16
James-Blazethanks I have found it but I still cannot see Software Sources21:17
ZykoticK9James-Blaze, are you on 10.10?21:17
James-Blazei need to add this line into software sources into the third party tab: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/themuso/ppa/ubuntu jaunty main21:17
slooksterpsvthat did it =D21:17
James-Blazeyes Zyko21:17
FlannelJames-Blaze: You can find software sources in System > Administration21:17
slooksterpsvFlannel - THANK YOU ! =D21:17
buiss_phantomJames-Blaze, System->Administration->Software Sources21:17
ZykoticK9Flannel, it's been move to USC in 10.1021:17
magicianlordJames-Blaze: did you fix that issue with grub21:17
James-Blazeits not there Flannel?21:18
mobasherJames-Blaze=}} check in the PACKAGE-REPOSITORIES21:18
James-Blazeyes magicianlord thanks i just re formatted and reinstalled21:18
FlannelZykoticK9: You've always been able to get to it that way, but... hmm, alright, apparently for 10.10 they decided to be obnoxious.21:18
blahsphemerI am trying to install 10.10 but the darn thing has been running for close 10 min and still no response about installation progress21:18
john__How does one ask Questions in this group21:18
mobasherJames-Blaze=}} in synaptics21:18
doc87are there programs out there for ubuntu that will let me tether my pda to my computer and use my pda's internet on my laptop21:18
VCoolio!ask | john__21:18
ubottujohn__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:18
ColdFyrenetwork manager does by default21:18
Flanneljohn__: Just state your question (on one line is best) and someone will answer if they know the answer21:18
blahsphemerI checked 'yes' to the options download updates while installing and 'installl third party software'21:19
blahsphemerhow long does it generally take?21:19
aputamkonis kubuntu the same as ubuntu?21:19
doc87ok thanks21:19
DarkebrzHow would I remove Grub and replace it with the default windows boot loader?21:19
blahsphemerI have a 15mbps connection21:19
ZykoticK9aputamkon, different interface - KDE vs Gnome21:19
James-Blazemobasher can you been more specific please?21:19
john__ drivers  Does anyone know If there Is drivers for the INTEL CS330 web cam21:19
aputamkonwhich one which? and can they be dual booted?21:19
john__ I have been looking for some time and ZI still have not found one21:20
toonacidWhat are the default permissions for /home/user on Ubuntu?21:20
James-Blazemobasher i cannot find Package Reposotories in Synaptic Manager21:20
VCoolioaputamkon: kde = kubuntu, and yes, but you can also install kubuntu-desktop on ubuntu and choose in the login screen21:20
slooksterpsvjohn__ checking21:20
mobasherJames-Blaze=}} it's in the menu Settings-> Repositories21:20
soroushi get backup by : "sudo tar zcvf backup.tgz /etc/apt/ /var/lib/apt/ /var/cache/apt/" where stored backup.tgz ??? i want to move it to another drive21:20
blahsphemeris there some kind of check for that?21:20
ZykoticK9aputamkon, Kubuntu = KDE.  Technically you can dual-boot them if you want, but it's not necessary both can be installed in same version21:20
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James-Blazemobasher thanks alot your a d00d :)21:21
aputamkonok so if i have ubuntu i need to go to repo?21:21
john__I may have been looking in the wrong places21:21
mobasherJames-Blaze=}} lol u're welcome21:21
buiss_phantomDarkebrz, put in windows boot disk, go to recovery console, type fixmbr21:21
Us3rrif anyone has some time, and want me to guide the installation of my tv.card. i would rly appreciate that. pm please :)21:21
Flannelaputamkon: to get Kubuntu?  yeah, install the "kubuntu-desktop" package and you'll have both of them21:21
slooksterpsvjohn_ here -> http://mxhaard.free.fr/21:21
aputamkono0k ty21:21
DarkebrzI do not have a windows boot disk and I cannot create one21:21
James-Blazemobasher is Third Party Software tab now called Other Software in 10.10?21:22
ZykoticK9Darkebrz, a good question for ##windows21:22
john__there is aweb site that has all window boot disc all ready21:22
Mendeleviumsudo mv /porn /sons1stbirthday21:22
Mendeleviumoh crap21:22
mobasherJames-Blaze=}}  i think it's the second tab..i'm on 9.04 ubuntu21:22
James-Blazethanks dood21:22
mobasherJames-Blaze=}} it says Third party on mine21:22
john__ok will try thT ONE thank you21:23
aputamkonone more thing i was talkingto lexmark for an hour to get my printer working with ubuntu, will it still work if i download the kubuntu-desktop?21:23
Us3rrfeel free to pm me21:23
Us3rri dont bite21:23
slooksterpsvjohn__ - here is the link to the download you'll have to compile it yourself21:23
slooksterpsvjohn_ - http://mxhaard.free.fr/spca50x/Download/gspcav1-20071224.tar.gz21:23
VCoolioaputamkon: it will work in ubuntu, maybe kde apps need some tweaking again21:23
aputamkonok thanks21:24
VCoolioaputamkon: that is, in the login screen, choose gnome and you're back to normal21:24
MossyfunkHas anyone had any luck with legacy ATI drivers and recent ubuntu? or am I just screwed...21:24
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - what kind of ati card do you have?21:24
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MossyfunkRadeon X850 pro21:25
andyzammyhi all, i'm running an ampache server, works fine locally but my mate doesn't get the .m3u playlist sent to him.. does anyone know what the problem could be?21:25
Mossyfunkthe legacy drivers for linux from ATI won't install on 10.04 or 10.1021:25
Mossyfunkthe site says they are not supported for any distro post feb 200921:25
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - if you go to System -> Administration -> Addition Drivers (Hardware drivers for 10.04) does it find a driver for your card?21:26
xmath279Is Ubuntu compatible with nForce 630i chipset?21:26
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - ok, do you receive an error when installing the drivers from ati's site?21:26
brontoeeeandyzammy, what thas this page says http://downforeveryoneorjustme.com/21:26
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - there's a few commands we can run to have it build it for the current distro21:27
robin0800Mossyfunk: not since 8.04 for me tho the native radeon driver works ok for me21:27
Mossyfunkslooksterpsv, yes the error I get is as follows21:28
MossyfunkError: ./default_policy.sh does not support version21:28
Mossyfunkdefault:v2:i686:lib::none:2.6.35-22-generic; make sure that the version is being21:28
Mossyfunkcorrectly set by --iscurrentdistro21:28
FloodBot4Mossyfunk: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:28
Mossyfunksorry =(21:28
andyzammybrontoeee: the site is up.. i have http port 80 open, as well as ftp.. i'm not sure if ftp was needed but opened it up anyway... are there any other ports i need to open for ampache to work?21:28
TyphI can't change brightness unless I  alt-ctrl-f-key to a different session first21:28
Typhthinkpad w51021:28
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robin0800Typh: have you set correct keyboard?21:29
Typhmaybe... not?21:30
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - try this run the command to run the ati file but put this at the end: --buildpkg Ubuntu/maverick21:30
robin0800Typh: well how would it know?21:30
Typhhow would what know what?21:30
brontoeeeandyzammy, just port 80, my guess is your friend is a problem21:31
robin0800Typh: how would ubuntu know what buttons do what without the info21:31
Mossyfunkslooksterpsv, nope. I tried with --listpkg and the highest it mentions is 9.0421:32
brontoeeeandyzammy, the server is called apache btw21:32
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slooksterpsvMossyfunk - hmm... what debians do you have listed?21:32
TyphI don't know what you're asking me or why it's a question, but I think ubuntu does know. The brightness slider comes up, but the brightness doesn't change.21:32
andyzammybrontoeee: ah - but i'm using the music streaming program called 'ampache'.. uses lamp server21:32
robin0800Typh: file a bug then21:33
VirusTBWhy is he #grub room not helpful??21:33
fiftyonefiftyQuick question: How come on my Lucid box when I ran "sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" it came back with nothing to do but when I ran the "Update" GUI it told me I could go to 10.10?  Also. I installed 10.04 with the Gnome desktop but installed the others, i.e. kunbuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop.  Will the other desktops get upgraded to current version?21:33
Mossyfunkslooksterpsv, http://paste.ubuntu.com/514628/21:33
brontoeeeandyzammy, i see21:33
xanguafiftyonefifty: yes they will21:33
fiftyonefiftyxangua: Thanks21:33
e01how can i make skype to using only one working instance ?21:34
andyzammybrontoeee: the way it works is u add music to a playlist (server side), press play, and the server sends u a .m3u playlist which you open with a media player, and get music streamed to u21:34
Flannelfiftyonefifty: "dist-upgrade" isn't for upgrading from one version of Ubuntu to the next (it can be used as such, but there's other things you need to do beforehand, etc)21:34
karlo94how to install language package for openoffice and where I can download it ?21:34
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - try this: ./ati... --buildpkg Ubuntu/source21:34
xanguakarlo94: system> administration> language21:35
andyzammybrontoeee: but friend isn't being given a .m3u playlist after he presses play.. just wondering if my server isn't set up correctly to send out files like that (hence why i tried allowing ftp.. but i'm not sure if thats the rigfht protocol)21:35
Typhrobin0800: ok..21:35
robin0800karlo94: in language support21:35
karlo94xangua, there is no option language..21:35
James-BlazeMUCH RESPECT AND CUDOS : )21:35
xanguakarlo94: language support21:36
karlo94what is that? :D21:36
slooksterpsvhmmm that may not work Mossyfunk21:36
robin0800karlo94: under administration21:36
fiftyonefiftyFlannel: Thanks, it was my understanding that's exactly what it was for, thanks for the education.  I did have all the updates installed in Lucid, and "Normal" (vs. LTS) versions was selected in Software Sources21:37
Mossyfunkslooksterpsv, synaptic is installing a bunch off packages including gcc and binutils21:37
[thor]is it possible to download language packages on this machine and install them on a machine without net access?21:37
xangua!offilne | [thor]21:38
ubottuIf you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD21:38
slooksterpsvMossyfunk - ok this  may work, hold on21:38
[thor]slick, thanks.21:38
cxoYou know what I really like about Ubuntu over Fedora?  A new release of Fedora is like prealpha software. Its almost unusable. You got to give it a few weeks to collect the massive wave of updates just after release. But with Ubuntu, a new release comes out and you can use it right away21:39
brontoeeeandyzammy, no idea, seems pretty trivial (i just completed a simple script that plays videos from web server)21:39
andyzammybrontoeee: ok, thanks anyway!21:40
brontoeeeso audio should be really easy, i would need to understand why a special app is needed in the 1st place...21:40
=== robson is now known as robsonkarls
smallfoot-help, i installed wine 1.3.5, its buggy. how i get back 1.3.4 ?21:42
Galvatron_2You got it from official repo or some PPA?21:43
smallfoot-winehq repo21:43
gorgonzolahello all! i need help with flash: videos are laying too fast and without sound, i've tried reinstalling several plugins, nothing works... halp?21:43
calumHow do I add text to a picture I added to PiTiVi movie maker?21:43
bogulurrsomeone uses here vlc 1.0.6 with ubuntu 10.04 ? I have problem with it. when i open vlc files sometimes vlc freezing :( . i have kill the process. i open vlc from termianl and i wait to freeze. it freeze but i did not get any error from terminal :( i re-installed it and i clean the config files but the problem still :(. can someone help me please ?21:43
jazzybeeI am getting rid of Windows and switching to Ubuntu on my Dell Vostro. It uses Broadcom drivers.21:43
smallfoot-Galvatron_2, ppa21:43
jazzybeeWhen i boot from liveCD, it prompts me to install additional drivers..but the installed OS doesn not. The PC sees no networks :(21:44
mobasherjazzybee=}} wireless ??21:44
xanguasmallfoot-: sudo apt-get install ppa-purge && sudo ppa-purge "ppa's name"21:45
Galvatron_2smallfoot: Try sudo ppa-purge ppa::ubuntu-wine/ppa21:45
jazzybeeI tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx but didn't work. Nothing appears in System->Admin->Hardware21:45
aristidebuona sera posso avere qualche dritta su questo programma21:45
xangua!it | aristide21:45
ubottuaristide: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)21:45
mobasherjazzybee=}} try to install ndiswrapper and see if that will help you pickup network21:45
ne7workHello all, How can I renice some process by name not by PID21:46
mobashersudo apt-get install ndiswrapper*21:46
jazzybeemobasher: There is no internet connection without network.21:46
david217can anyone point me towards a list of commands for Xchat IRC21:46
ultimateColombiajoin #ubuntu -es21:46
mobasherjazzybee...your live cd should have ndiswrapper on it21:46
Raggsdavid try /help21:46
ultimateColombiajoin #ubuntu-es21:47
ne7workHello all, How can I renice some process by name not by PID21:47
jazzybeejazzybee: How do I install stuff from the CD? Mount or something?21:47
Raggsne7work, renice?21:47
mknarrjazzybee,  you need to mount the cd21:47
mobasherjazzybee=}} have you booted into the livecd21:48
ramon227is there a way to get remove the sidebar from UNE21:48
mobasherjazzybee=}} then you should have it mounted automatically21:48
Raggsramon227, what is UNE?21:48
xanguaRaggs: netbook remix21:48
ramon227ubuntu netbook edition21:48
jazzybeemobasher: when i boot from the liveCD, ubuntu prompts me to install broadcom's proprietary driver. When i do that it works. But when i install ubuntu on the HDD and boot from there, it doesn't prompt and i see no network21:48
calumHello, I am wondering how I can add text onto  a picture in PiTiVi movie maker? I want to add captions to my imported pictures21:49
mobasherjazzybee=}} okay goto snyaptic -> settings -> repositories->2nd tab at the bottom add CD ROM21:49
guntbertjazzybee: did you try system/administration/hardware drivers?21:51
jazzybeemobasher: Thanks. That worked for ndiswrapper install. but it errored out21:51
Raggsjoin #pitivi21:51
mobasherjazzybee=}} what's the error ?21:52
Kangarooohello. on instalation of 10.04 i put that home is encrypted.. since i cant make auto login becouse of that i want to decrypt.. how? cant find in ubuntu wiki21:52
jazzybeeguntbert: That is the problem. the broadcom stuff is not visible in system->admin-> hardware. IT's blank when loading from HDD...but shows up when booting from CD21:52
jazzybeemobasher: error for ndiswrapper was file not found21:52
guntbertjazzybee: sorry, I misunderstood then - I cannot help in this case21:53
mobasherjazzybee=}} what broadcom u're using again ?21:53
jazzybeemobasher: I dont know what broadcom..ethernet and network are both not working21:53
plouf25i have a problem : i just install mysecureshell in one of my pc for testing sftp on my lan but i can't conncet the serveur > gFTP says that the password isn't correct :( but i type the good pass for the user help me please thx21:53
mobasherjazzybee=}} goto the Accessories -> terminal21:54
jazzybeemobasher: ethernet bcm440121:54
ChiefFrankusI need to copy some files from 5 folders all into one folder via command line21:54
mobasherjazzybee=}} k21:54
jazzybeeand network bcm431221:54
ChiefFrankuswithout the directories21:54
mobasherjazzybee=}} what ubuntu are u using ?21:54
jazzybee10.04 LTS21:54
Kangarooois it possible to make no more system to be encrypted?21:54
linuxelfplouf25: just a guess, but have you checked /etc/shells? If your shell isn't in there, some ftp servers won't allow you to connect.21:55
jazzybeemobasher: output of lspci -vvnn | grep 14e4 gave me ethernet bcm4401 and netwrok bcm4312 for 802.11b/g21:55
KangaroooChiefFrankus: cp -a source/. target/21:56
jazzybeemobasher: should i just try reinstalling from disk?21:56
ChiefFrankusKangarooo,  ty21:56
mobasherjazzybee=}} read this -> http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-1270206.html21:56
mobasherjazzybee=}} not going to make a difference21:56
mobasherjazzybee=}} try that21:56
irvingCan someone help a newbie to get webcam working on a dell Vostro 2510.21:57
plouf25linuxelf, thx21:57
plouf25i check21:57
jazzybeemobasher: i'll try what that thread says..although i did install those packages earlier and it didn't work then...as in..installation of packages works but the driver does not show up under admin->hardware21:58
irvingCan some help me get my webcam working21:58
jazzybeemobasher: So i'll try a reinstall. The first reinstall hung..so maybe something went awry21:58
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mobasherjazzybee=}} most likely..if the installation failed then issue is there..21:59
jazzybeemobasher: i dont know if it failed..it didn't go super smooth..it hung when i installed it..but then a cold boot left everything fine. but i'll do a fresh install just to be sure.22:00
ChiefFrankusKangarooo, it copied the folders as well22:00
KangaroooChiefFrankus: ah u wanted files without folders?22:00
Kangaroooyes no i understood22:00
ChiefFrankusyep :P22:00
Kangarooonow.. hmm w8 a bit22:00
mobasherjazzybee=}} yea sorry buddy donno much about those drivers....don't wana guide you wrong22:00
SaRyirving, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam22:00
irvingSaRy: thanks - i'll take a look22:01
Galvatron_2Could someone take a look at my problem with system freezes  (during desktop loading) caused by USB modems: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1598075 ?22:02
jbHey just made a fresh install of ubutnu 10.10 and i got everything working so far except tv-out. I got a Geforce 8200m and when iam using twinview whit my tv (hdmi) i just got a black screen and nothing more. Any one know what i have to do ?22:02
BlaDe^Hi guys, when trying to install virtualbox I get:   virtualbox-3.2 3.2.6-63112~Ubuntu~karmic [Not candidate version]22:02
Madwillwhat is a good source control tool that can be used in ubuntu22:02
Madwilli need it to serve22:02
BlaDe^can I force it to install? or what should I do?22:02
pelmenanyone familiar with inputlirc ?22:03
Madwilland i would like it to be accessible for the outside22:03
jgrochasudo apt-get install subversion22:03
SaRyjb, useful .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOut22:03
RaggsBlaDe^, you could get virtual box from oracle site22:04
Madwillcan subversion serve from outside if my ip is public ?22:04
jgrochasubversion (svn) is a  good source control tool22:04
jbSaRy,  thx22:04
linuxelfAnd yes, subversion works across a network.22:04
Madwilllike i can type an ip as a source ?22:04
duffydackBlaDe^,  using the vbox repo ?22:04
Madwilli need it outside my network22:04
Madwillfor a friend who's going to help for pretty far away22:05
feci2048hello everybody22:05
Madwillsomething like google code but private22:05
Ganonkilleri need help getting my GPS Card to work22:05
BlaDe^duffydack:  I don't believe so.. I'll check22:06
feci2048could anyone help me out with my fresh ubuntu 10.10 installation22:06
KangaroooChiefFrankus: im tryng to figure myself too.. if u understand faster how to change theese commands tell me too.. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=671220 im tryng testing :)22:06
masterCould anyone help me solve my wireless problem? I was up all last night dual booting my new Windows 7 machine with Lucid only to find out that my wireless card isn't being recognized by ubuntu. It's a Ralink RT3092 which apparently has problems with ubuntu but I've tried all the fixes and none of them have worked for me22:06
Jordan_UMadwill: I'd recommend a decentralized tool like git or bzr, it makes collaboration easier if your friend can't always be online to connect to your server when coding, and I just personnally prefer git and bzr to svn.22:06
sanduz2The little optical light on my audio output port stays on. Headphones work fine when I plug them into it, and the light goes off when I mute sound. Anyone have any ideas? (Ubuntu 10.10)22:07
Madwillnice Jordan-U thx i'll look into it22:07
Jordan_UMadwill: Pretty much all RCSs can be used over the network (and from a public ip address).22:07
lupine_85mercurial is pretty fine too22:07
lupine_85easier to use than git22:07
Jordan_UMadwill: If it's open source code you might also just want to host it on launchpad.22:08
lupine_85(not as good at brancing and merging, but that's not an issue to many)22:08
* lupine_85 has an unreasoning bias against bzr for no apparent reason22:08
vlitosHow can i log in without any software or the password?A guy did this on my laptop yesterday,he pressed a combination of keys or something!(nothing on the web)(no safe mode used)22:08
Madwilli'll check out the 322:08
lupine_85vlitos, with physical access to the machine, you can always get root22:09
vlitoswhat do you mean?22:09
lupine_85adding 'init=/bin/sh' to the kernel boot parameters is the easiest way to do so22:09
vlitoshe did't22:09
vlitoshe was at the log in screen and seconds later22:10
vlitosloged in with my acount!22:10
Ganonkilleri am having trouble finding drivers for my ETAK GPS Card ET GPS-122:10
ne7workHello all, How can I renice some process by name not by PID22:10
xanguayou don't have a strong password then vlitos22:10
vlitosok i do not use strog password thats true but he guest a 6 digit password22:11
vlitosso quikly22:12
linuxelfMaybe he saw you type it.22:12
vlitosno way22:12
magicianlorddo you recommend Sans or Sans Bold for all text22:12
vlitoshe was the first encounter with him22:12
glitchdhow do i change the ubuntu icon on the top panle?22:12
Ganonkilleryou cant22:13
glitchdGanonkiller,  not even wil ubuntu tweak?22:13
magicianlordyou can. just not automatically22:13
magicianlordglitchd: you can do it22:13
glitchdGanonkiller, why does it give me option then?22:13
glitchdmagicianlord, please tell me how22:13
VCoolioglitchd: isn't that the start-here icon from your icon set? (find a places folder in there)22:14
ace_steelmagicianlord:even i m curious22:14
Ganonkillerwhy would you want to change it anyways?22:14
glitchdVCoolio, i did that and it never chaned22:14
glitchdVCoolio, i resized it and changed formats22:14
glitchdVCoolio, but still it never changed22:14
KangaroooChiefFrankus: Woohoo.. theres many ways.. go to dir where all files are.. using cd dirname then find . -type f -print0 | xargs -I{} -0 cp {} ~/Desktop/test/22:15
xangua1. remove the menu bar 2. add instead the main gnome menu 3. like VCoolio said or you can specify an icon in "gcong-editor"22:15
glitchdxangua, ok ill give that a try22:16
glitchdxangua, are all my icon going to come back when i add the gnome-menu?22:16
glitchdxangua, like my wireless icon?22:17
ace_steelglitchd:tell me if it wrks22:17
glitchdxangua, that one is a pain to put back up there22:17
glitchdace_steel, np22:17
xanguaglitchd: wireless icon is not in ubuntu menu, is in the notification area22:17
ace_steelglitchd:oh come on!!!22:17
KangaroooHello?  is it possible to make no more system to be encrypted?22:17
xanguaglitchd: what icons were you refering exactly¿¿22:17
KangaroooChiefFrankus: did you tried? it works..22:17
glitchdi hit my wireless button...oops22:18
glitchdxangua, the one in the top left of the screen22:18
glitchdxangua, the linux/ubuntu logo22:18
glitchdxangua, i want to changed it either to a custom pic, or to the blue version of the icon22:18
blkdgwhat is the difference between 10.4.1 and 10.4 (64bit)22:19
kpuljekhi, i need help with grub2, it won't detect my windows, although the boot script says that nothing's wrong with the win boot partition22:19
xanguablkdg: the diference between 32 and 64bit22:19
glitchdace_steel, easy now buddy, a simple mistake on my part22:19
nadavsomething strange happens, my ubuntu screen sometimes dims and stuck for a second, anyone know why might that happen22:20
blkdgxangua, no between 4 and 4.122:20
xanguablkdg: ooh you mean both 64bit¿ if you have ubuntu lucid updated you already have 10.04.122:20
ChiefFrankusKangaroo, sorry was away. I'll try those22:20
ace_steelnadav:r using 10.04?22:20
ChiefFrankusbreauty thx22:20
blkdgif i have downloaded a 10.4 iso, it shouldn't be a huge problem to go to 10.4.1 via updates or software manager? is it automagical?22:21
ace_steelnadav:the same thing happens to me....smtimes it even hangs n i hv to shut it dwn manually n then restrt again..22:21
glitchdwhere in gconf-editor would i changed to logo?22:22
xanguablkdg: it shouldn't22:22
sinisterstufwhat is 10.04.1 ? I saw it on my login for the 1st time today...22:22
nadavbugs in that version?22:22
xanguasinisterstuf: lucid updated.........22:22
sinisterstufActionParsnip: thanks!22:22
glitchdSinister, it a version of 10.04 with some updates already installed22:22
ace_steeli dunno...22:22
david217ace_steel: what are you going to change it to?22:22
sinisterstufxangua: with what?22:22
Kartagischromium is missing the flash plugin. what package do I need?22:23
xanguasinisterstuf: with security updates......22:23
quidnuncHow can I run tribler on Maverick?22:23
xanguaKartagis: flashplugin-installer22:23
kpuljekcan anyone help me with grub2, it fails to detect my win722:23
ace_steeldavid217:may b a batman logo....22:23
guntbertsinisterstuf: LTS versions get a single .1 version after several weeks22:23
david217Kartagis: download .deb from Adobe website22:23
ace_steelhey is thr anyway i could customize my login screen in ubuntu 10.0422:24
FloodBot4ace_steel: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:24
sinisterstufguntbert: does it get .1 every time there is a non-LTS release?22:24
glitchdace_steel,  get ubuntu tweak22:24
KartagisI had to restart chromium, thanks guys22:24
glitchdace_steel, u can get it in the software center22:24
blkdgthanks again22:24
caselostae galera22:24
caselostalguem usa lubuntu ae?22:24
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:24
guntbertsinisterstuf: no to my knowledge that only happens once - to clean out some glitches that made it through to the original release22:25
ace_steelglitchd: what will it do/22:25
glitchdace_steel, what do u mean?22:26
glitchdace_steel, basically, it a gui to let u change alot of things in the gnome environment with out having to know a crap load of command line.22:27
ace_steelglitchd:i mean would v b able to change the ubuntu/linux logo by using it?22:27
glitchdace_steel, the one on the login screen?22:27
glitchdace_steel, or the one in the top left corner?22:27
RudyValenciaExt3 is basically ext2 with a journal, right?22:27
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: correct22:27
glitchdace_steel, login screen, yes22:28
glitchdace_steel, im actually trying to figure out how to changed the one on the desktop right now22:28
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: in large partitions you may want to reduce the percentage used as it can start getting massive22:28
glitchdace_steel, i cant seem to figure it out, nd thats why im here..lol22:28
david217Anyone successfully forwarded calls from BB to Desktop speakers via Ubuntu?22:28
ace_steelglitchd:gud luck wid that22:28
RudyValenciayou mean the "reserved percentage"?22:28
RudyValenciaI usually set that to only 1%22:28
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: yeah, on 2Tb partitions it is a large chunk of space22:29
glitchdace_steel, good luck to u buddy22:29
doug_I just installed ldap on ubuntu-server-10.04 and can't seem to find where to set the password.  Does anyong know what the default password is?22:29
glitchdace_steel, indeed sir, indeed22:29
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer22:29
ActionParsnipmay have a how to22:29
RudyValenciaAlso, why does GNOME break after installing nvidia-96?22:29
RudyValencia(My panels and desktop go missing.)22:30
doug_That URL doesn't appear to work22:30
ace_steelglitchd:juz one thing ,don mind if m mistaken or anything,but as far as i know 10.04 has ruled out the option of customizing the login window22:30
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:30
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: may help ^22:31
RudyValenciaIt's also the desktop icons22:31
xanguaRudyValencia: alt+f2 > nautilus22:31
glitchdace_steel, u may not be able to install login screen like from gnome-look.org, but u can customize the background picture and other various thins22:31
RudyValenciaIt only seems to happen if I don't disable my monitor out port on my laptop22:31
glitchdace_steel, thats what ubuntu tweak helps in doing22:31
RudyValenciaI don't want to reload nautilus manually every time I restart22:32
SivartsHi I'm trying to use my LCD TV as a second monitor on my computer.  I have a nvidia graphics card. The card has a VGA and a DVI out, I plugged my normal monitor into VGA and TV into DVI using an DVI to HDMI cable. nvidia-settings detects the tv as TV-0 but when I save the Xorg and restart it still doesn't show anything on the TV just says no signal22:32
antIPI put in a CD and Rhythmbox automatically started ripping the songs, then inexplicably stopped in the middle of of the album. How can I turn of this auto ripping? Because there's no option for it in preferences.22:32
ace_steelglitchd: is it similar to customizing the login window as on arch linux?22:32
KangaroooChiefFrankus: here i made more examples.. if somwhere also found more solutions add them too. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kangarooo/Copying22:32
ActionParsnipRudyValencia: if the nautilus makes it run: add it to your startup items22:32
glitchdace_steel, i have no experience with arch really..22:32
glitchdace_steel, i have used it a couple of times, and thats about it22:33
ace_steelglitchd:thnx anywys...22:33
glitchdace_steel, as far as i know u can customize the arch login the same way u used to be able to in the older ubuntu22:33
ActionParsnipace_steel: theres this: http://maketecheasier.com/change-login-and-boot-screen-in-ubuntu-lucid/2010/05/1322:33
ActionParsnipace_steel: you can change the wallpaper and box theme22:34
ChiefFrankusKangarooo, thanks. I once used something much more simpler to do this. When I figure it out I'll send it your way.22:34
glitchdace_steel, with packages from gnome-look.org22:34
antIPWhat happened to the preferences option under Edit in Nautilus?22:34
Kangaroooanyone can tell me how to decrypt computer i set on installation to be crypted? i dont want to it to no more be crypted.. so i could auto log in22:34
Kangarooook thx ChiefFrankus22:35
glitchdace_steel, however i dont use arch anymore, so dont quote me if it doesnt work..22:35
ace_steelActionParsnip:thnx man!!22:35
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glitchdace_steel, u laugh, but people get really mad when things dont work22:36
RudyValenciaI wonder if installing nvidia-96 and then copying my nVidia xorg.conf file to /etc/X11 *before* customizing the desktop could help22:36
* RudyValencia tries that idea22:37
doug_ActionParsnip: !ldap didn't seem to work as a password22:40
ActionParsnipdoug_: no, read the thing ubottu says afterwards22:41
ubottuLDAP is the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. For more information, installation instructions and getting clients to authenticate via LDAP see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer22:41
doug_ubottu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenLDAPServer doesn't seem to work22:41
Guest10739if i am a member of group web22:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:41
=== Guest10739 is now known as gdoteof
gdoteofIf I am a member of group 'web' and /var/www is owned by root:web and /var/www is chowned to 775, why can I not write in /var/www?22:42
ActionParsnipdoug_: the link shows how to set the pass: #22:42
doug_ActionParsnip: Doh.  I didn't catch the fact that that was a bot.  I did try the URL but it was a no-go22:43
ActionParsnipgdoteof: do the files in /var/www need to be executable?22:43
gdoteofsome of them yeah22:43
WXZthe indicator applet isn't showing my internet connection status22:43
gdoteof765 didn't work either22:43
rocketsIs there any way to hide the  sidebar in Ubuntu 10.10 Netbook edition?22:43
mqmguys what packgage contains the emacs info help (im on Lenny)22:43
ActionParsnipWXZ: press ALT+F2 and run: nm-applet22:43
bazhangmqm, ask in #debian22:44
ActionParsnip!debian | mqm22:44
ubottumqm: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/what-is-debian.html - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!22:44
doug_ActionParsnip: Thanks....reading that pastebin link now.22:44
maxbI find myself needing to buy a new laptop (to run Ubuntu, obviously), does anyone have any thoughts or warnings about specific brands?22:44
WXZcould not open location "file:///home/lucid/nm-applet"22:44
ActionParsnipdoug_: its just a copy paste from the openldap doc.....22:44
WXZso install it?22:44
ActionParsnipWXZ: its part of a default desktop install22:45
sanduz2get Asus, they are usually very compatible with linux22:45
WXZpart of ubuntu-desktop?22:45
sanduz2@ maxb22:45
ActionParsnipWXZ: so you pressed ALT+F2 and typed: nm-applet   and thats it?22:45
WXZyes ActionParsnip22:45
gdoteofActionParsnip: am I missing something about how permissions work?  I made a group, web.. added my user to it, chown -R root:web /var/www22:45
antIPOn starting up Ubuntu 10.10 I get this fatal error. Ubuntu starts up fine after the error, but I still would like some help with figuring out what it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514657/22:45
ActionParsnipWXZ: sure, its the default network tool22:45
maxbHmm, never tried, or seen others using one of those. Historically I've been a ThinkPad person22:45
WXZCould not open location 'file:///home/lucid/nm-applet'22:45
doug_ActionParsnip: Ahhh.  That was the problem.  I was trying to use ldappasswd rather than slappasswd.  Seems to have worked.  Thanks again.22:46
WXZok, well I'll reinstall it just to see22:46
sanduz2lenovo should be okay too i think22:46
sanduz2but not sure22:46
rocketsDoes anybody else find Gwibber to be super-duper slow?22:46
ActionParsnipdoug_: cool, the text was on the page ubottu gave22:46
WXZE: Couldn't find package nm-applet :s22:46
=== caemir_ is now known as caemir
maxbLooking at the prices, these days Lenovo seem deeply uncompetitive with other brands22:46
doug_I couldn't get to that page.  I kept getting a server not found error22:46
ActionParsnipWXZ: you can just install network-manager-gnome and network-manager22:46
sanduz2The little optical light on my audio output port stays on. Headphones work fine when I plug them into it, and the light goes off when I mute sound. Anyone have any ideas or maybe what package I should submit a bug for? (Ubuntu 10.10)22:46
ActionParsnipdoug_: i see22:47
ubottunouveau is an open-source nvidia driver included by default in 10.04. Currently 3D rendering is unsupported. More information can be found in http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/ - See also !nvidia22:47
doug_Thanks again22:47
rocketsmaxb, Lenovo prices may not be the best, but thinkpads are solid as a rock. I've seen thinkpad laptops last 10 years with no hardware problems.22:47
guntbert!ot | maxb22:47
ubottumaxb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:47
recmajkemihow do i reverse scrolling axes when scrollin on valuees?22:47
sfaersorry for the noobish question, what is the partitioning program that allowed to you to add harddrive to the same mount point, so you could dynamically change the size of your mount point, does anyone know what I am looking for?22:47
maxbguntbert: Trying to choose a good laptop to run Ubuntu on is off-topic on #ubuntu ?!22:47
sanduz2jesus christ you people are flooding the screen22:47
adilalpmanhi everybody22:47
=== Mark_M|Away is now known as Mark_M
bazhangmaxb, yes22:47
xanguasfaer: gparted22:48
ActionParsnipsfaer: the only way you can add another partition to the same mount point is with raid (you dont mount drives)22:48
adilalpmani cant use my creative soundblaster 5.1 VX soundcard in ubuntu 10.10 but i thought that it was work on 10.0422:48
WXZthere we go22:48
sfaerit should be something done while installing the system, something like virtual logical partitions or so22:48
ActionParsnipmaxb: my Dell D420 works 100% OOTB22:48
WXZkind of..22:48
adilalpmanmy lspci output is ready, can anybody help me?22:48
WXZ"network manager is not running"22:48
sfaerI remember reading it but cannot remember what it was22:48
guntbertmaxb: this channel is for dealing with support questions with running ubuntu - dicussions "what might be better" don't falll into that category in my opinion :-)22:49
rocketsmaxb, when picking a laptop to run linux, just make sure everything is as Intely as possible.22:49
WXZAlt + F2 and then run "network-manager"?22:49
rocketsmaxb, Intel goes out of there way to make linux-compatible gear.22:49
adilalpmanit looks like meet my card as soundblaster CA106 same as 10.04 but it didnt work, i only heard a noise...22:49
ActionParsnipWXZ: you can install it from the install CD or use a wired connection and install using software centre etc22:49
ActionParsnipWXZ: nm-applet22:49
xanguaWXZ: nm-applet22:49
WXZI ran nm-applet22:49
WXZbut when I click the icon22:49
WXZit says "Network Manager is not running"22:49
ActionParsnipWXZ: also make sure network-manager service is running22:49
rocketsWXZ,  that's because the daemon isn't running22:50
ActionParsnipWXZ: sudo service network-manager start22:50
root_kill all22:50
root_jews ha ha22:50
MightyBOB!seen dajoker22:50
ubottuI have no seen command22:50
WXZam I going to have to add "nm-applet" and "sudo service network-manager start" to start up applications?22:50
MightyBOBaww :(22:50
antIPOn starting up Ubuntu 10.10 I get this fatal error. Ubuntu starts up fine after the error, but I still would like some help with figuring out what it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/514657/22:50
no--nameI get  "modprobe: fatal: could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/modules.dep: no such file or directory" in TTY1 everytime I start Ubunut.22:51
D3luSi0n4Lhey all, I was wondering if its possible to have my laptop use both screens?22:51
D3luSi0n4LI have my LCD tv plugged into the back of the laptop22:51
D3luSi0n4Lso it showso n my lcd which im using now but i also wanna be able to use my laptop screen22:52
D3luSi0n4Lwhich is just blank22:52
D3luSi0n4Lanyone know?22:52
magicianlordD3luSi0n4L: try the laptop Function key and another key to switch the screens22:52
magicianlordit will cycle22:52
D3luSi0n4Lhmm not really sure what that is22:52
D3luSi0n4Lsorry lol22:52
UbuntuzszI have set up cryptsetup so that a temporary filesystem is dynamically created at startup and mounted on /tmp. The device mapper works fine and the filesystem is created, but the system stops booting saying that /tmp cannot be mounted. However, as the bootup stops I can manually mount such mapped device onto /tmp. What's the problem? Maybe the boot process doesn't want to wait enough for such filesystem to be created and tries to mount it too early?22:53
ActionParsnipno--name: i can pastebin my file if you like?22:53
magicianlordD3luSi0n4L: the function key on your kb, see it? hold that and look for a monitor icon in the top row of another key on the laptop kb22:53
strawhathi there!22:53
no--nameActionParsnip: no thanks.22:53
slooksterpsvis Mossyfunk still here?22:54
jaraaahi guys22:54
no--nameActionParsnip: the guys at ##linux say that depmod fixes it22:54
jaraaaI'm gonna try to install ubuntu 10.10 network edition  in my Samsung nc10, does anyone have it ?22:54
kmqhi #ubuntu I am installing 10.10 from the alternate i386 and when installing the basesystem, it complains of a couple of corrupt packages22:54
ActionParsnipno--name: i see, funky. i've heard of the issue but not had it22:55
kmqIs there a way to fetch the basesystem from the net instead ?22:55
guntbertkmq: did you md5sum check the iso?22:55
ma3xhi, does gnome show a poopup or something when someone logs on to your pc via ssh?22:55
ActionParsnipkmq: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded? Did you check the CD for defects?22:55
bear__join #TheTVRoom22:56
kmqguntbert: the cd seems broken, when running the 'check cd for errors' boot option22:56
antIPWhat's up with this error I'm getting at start up? modprobe: FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/2.6.35-22-generic/modules.dep http://paste.ubuntu.com/514657/22:56
ActionParsnipno--name: can you fill antIP in please :)22:56
magicianlordantIP: in terminal, run 'sudo depmod -a'22:56
kmqbut, as luck has it, I have two computers here, one being installed, which has the cdburner in it22:56
no--nameantIP: depmod22:57
rocketskmq you can do a pseudo-netinstall using the alternate install CD. Select the option for a "command line installation", and then after it finishes, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop22:57
=== bear__ is now known as henryu
kmqthx rockets22:57
no--namemagical: sudo depmod -a didn't work for me22:57
guntbertkmq: then don't be surprised if it doesn't install :-)) - did you check the md5sum of the iso?22:57
WXZok, how do I get nm-applet to start on startup22:57
ActionParsnipkmq: doesnt matter, did you check the ISO before burning?22:57
no--namemagicianlord: sudo depmod -a didn't work for me22:57
WXZin start up applications I have an "nm-applet --sm-disable" entry22:57
ActionParsnip!startup | wxz22:57
ubottuwxz: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot22:57
kmqguntbert: ActionParsnip no, I didn't22:57
WXZI have it ActionParsnip22:57
ActionParsnipkmq: then how do you know the image was good?22:57
guntbert!md5sum | kmq22:57
ubottukmq: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows22:58
WXZbut it's not starting22:58
kmqthe image is likely broken, but for tonight, there's no way to fix it, hence my search for a workaround22:58
ActionParsnipkmq: if the image is bad you must redownload, checking ISO consitancy is ESSENTIAL22:59
uLinuxHow can I list sound card?22:59
WXZAn instance of nm-applet is already running. :|22:59
adilalpmancan anybody help me22:59
ActionParsnipuLinux: sudo lshw -C sound22:59
guntbertkmq: there is no workaround for missing/damaged data ...22:59
antIPActionParsnip: Ok. So I'm running sudo depmod -a now... ahh, nothing happened. Should I have expected some output?22:59
ActionParsnipadilalpman: no, you havent asked a question22:59
nothingspecialuLinux: aplay -l22:59
adilalpmani asked22:59
adilalpmanbut i think22:59
ActionParsnipantIP: no output == good news22:59
adilalpmanu didnt se22:59
FloodBot4adilalpman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:59
uLinuxtks ActionParsnip and nothingspecial22:59
WXZask the question again adilalpman22:59
ActionParsnipadilalpman: if you repeat, i may be able to help22:59
cxouLinux, aplay -l23:00
uLinuxcxo:  :)23:00
rocketskmq, The alternate install cd is still a huge download though. You may as well just redownload the standard iso.23:00
ImaginaryFriendhey - a quick question - how can i verify or change wpa passphrase ON THE AP remotely?23:00
VCoolioantIP: the file used to be part of linux-image-blah package; not in maverick; something you copied over from previous install tries to load module.dep?23:00
D3luSi0n4Lhey sorry about that, who was helping me?23:00
adilalpmani have soundblaster 5.1 VX soundcard and i remembered that it was work on ubuntu 10.04 but i know i use ubuntu 10.10 (not upgrade, fresh install) i cant use my soundcard and i only heard a noise23:00
adilalpmanwhen the system play a sound23:00
D3luSi0n4Lwith my mointor situation23:00
WXZthis is completely weird23:00
no--nameok I tried "depmod" and "depmod -a", restarted, same error.23:00
magicianlordD3luSi0n4L: that didnt work23:01
ActionParsnipWXZ: if you manually run it, is it ok?23:01
WXZI can't access any website from opera *or* firefox23:01
adilalpmanit looks like CA106 same with ubuntu 10.04 but it didnt work :S23:01
D3luSi0n4Lso I got the icon in my bar23:01
WXZAn instance of nm-applet is already running. << that's the message I got this time23:01
sanduz2Can someone tell me what package the sound/audio card drivers are in? I would like to submit a bug.23:01
D3luSi0n4Li click ti and it shows two items23:01
ActionParsnipWXZ: can you ping ?23:01
antIPActionParsnip: Do you mind telling my why that is good news? I love to understand. :) Ubuntu seems to run find.23:01
D3luSi0n4Lso i went to configure display23:01
D3luSi0n4Lor w.e23:01
FloodBot4D3luSi0n4L: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:01
uLinux"note: make sure to use the correct card/device id and replace 'pcm "hw:0,1"' with it." pcm "hw:0,1"23:01
ohshaith55hi i have windows and i'm trying to get ubuntu running on my second hard drive. how do i go about this?23:01
adilalpmanActionParsnip: can u read?23:01
antIPvCoolio: Ahh, thanks. Thanks to ActionParsnip too.23:01
D3luSi0n4Land it detected my laptop & lcd screen, so I tried to make the laptop screen default and the display on both got really messed up23:01
D3luSi0n4Lcould it be my laptop is pretty old? or does that matter?23:02
ActionParsnipantIP: in linux yuo don't get an "ok" output for EVERY command you enter, it's hugely redundant, so unless you get errors, assume it went well23:02
sanduz2ohshaith55,  just install Ubuntu, it will ask you during installation if you want to do that automatically23:02
ActionParsnipadilalpman: of course, I am responding intelligently here as well as to antIP , as you can see above23:02
antIPActionParsnip: Right, but what in the world did I just run. It would be helpful to know.23:02
WXZso you can't hear sounds from all aplications adilalpman?23:02
adilalpmanActionParsnip:ok i am waiting my turn...23:02
D3luSi0n4Lshould i try unclicking "same image in all mointors?"23:03
WXZbut you can hear it from some?23:03
ActionParsnipantIP: as far as I know, it makes the file you are missing23:03
sanduz2ubuntu devs needs to break these channels into more specific fields, there is way too many people and convos going on here23:03
antIPActionParsnip: Shake it off, and thanks for your help. You've always been really helpful to me!23:03
adilalpmanWXZ: i only heard a noise like a rido that cant find any radio channel, in the system sounds23:03
magicianlordsanduz2: true23:03
ohshaith55sanduz2: i agree :)23:03
adilalpmanrido = radio23:03
cxosanduz2, you havent seen anything yet23:03
ActionParsnipadilalpman: stupid audigy cards can be a pain to get working. I am no good with sound issues as I but low / mid range cards which just work23:03
ActionParsnipantIP: i like to help, one day you'll help me I'm sure :D23:03
adilalpmanActionParsnip:but it was work on ubuntu 10.04 :D23:04
WXZwhat happens when you play things like youtube adilalpman?23:04
adilalpmannot :D23:04
adilalpmani will try wait pls WXZ23:04
ohshaith55sanduz2: any chance you could help me in a pm?23:04
ActionParsnipadilalpman: then log a regression bug23:04
adilalpmanregression bug?23:04
adilalpmanhow can i log it?23:04
WXZwhen I was using maverick some weird things with sound also happened23:05
sanduz2ohshaith55, PM me with the questions you have while installing23:05
ActionParsnipadilalpman: make sure your levels are craned and not muted, also run: alsamixer   in terminal and make sure all is cranked and unmuted there too23:05
ohshaith55alright, sanduz223:05
smallfoot-why doesnt alt+printscreen work?23:05
adilalpmannothing was muted ActionParsnip23:05
adilalpmani just checked it23:05
WXZpreferences > sound? @ adilalpman23:05
WXZsometimes certain applications are muted23:05
antIPVCoolio: The only thing I can remember copying over from my previous 10.04 configuration was .compiz session xml files. Do you think it's safe to delete the ones I copied over? And do you think that cuased the module to fail to load during startup?23:06
magicianlordantIP: just do a clean install23:06
WXZand yes ActionParsnip I can ping
rocketsantIP, sigh. I've had so much trouble with dist-upgrade, and with copying old config files, that I just do a clean install every time and reconfigure everything.23:07
WXZstill can't load web pages though23:07
adilalpmanWXZ : i see Soundblaster CA106 there and when i tested my speakers from there, i only heard a noise23:07
WXZhow did you test the speakers from there?23:07
D3luSi0n4Lis there drivers for this magician23:08
rocketsWXZ, wait, right now you can't load any websites, but you can connect to IRC?23:08
adilalpmanthere is a button23:08
adilalpmanand its name23:08
WXZexactly rockets23:08
adilalpmantest speakers23:08
WXZit baffles me too23:08
rocketsWXZ, that makes no sense at all.23:08
adilalpmanin hardware tab23:08
rocketsWXZ, I'm going to PM you.23:08
rampageoberonhello, just wondering if someone can help with pointers as to why start date in the /proc/{pid}/stat files keeps being updated23:08
WXZhold on rockets, I have to add you23:09
WXZbecause I have pms turned off23:09
rocketsi see.23:09
WXZI don't even have that button adilalpman23:09
adilalpmanthere is :S23:10
adilalpmani can send a screen capture23:10
antIPmagicianlord - rockets - Sorry guys, I did do a clean install. I always do clean installs. I've never done a upgrade for the same reasons you guys don't. However, I did make the mistake (it appears) of coping over some compiz files hoping that I would keep my old settings. That's the only thing I copied from my old home directory.23:10
WXZ10.04 adilalpman23:10
adilalpmanif u want23:10
adilalpmani use 10.1023:10
FloodBot4adilalpman: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:10
JohnPlayplease, would anyone help me find vulnerabilities in this site: www.inteligweb.com.br23:10
WXZno, I'm saying I have 10.0423:10
WXZso it might not be the same for me as you23:10
bazhangJohnPlay, no23:10
ActionParsnipWXZ: if you edit /etc/resolv.conf     delete ALL the text and add this line: nameserver   save the new file and close all browsers, then retry the web23:10
ActionParsnipWXZ: also make sure your browser is not in offline mode23:10
ActionParsnipWXZ: if you use (crappy) firefox, you may need to override it as if network manager isn't running it assumes you are offline23:11
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Ubuntuzszhow can I make the mount command wait until a device is ready so that the bootup process isn't aborted with a "filesystem bould not be mounted" error?23:12
qkumbersdoes anyone know if installing the latest hdparm on lucid will allow my to do manual TRIM on a SSD?23:12
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adilalpmanWXZ : i heard just a silly noise when i video on youtube again :S23:12
ActionParsnipUbuntuzsz: if you add: mount -a    in /etc/rc.local above the exit 0  line, it will be ran when the system is just about to show the login screen23:12
adilalpmanjust a radio signal like it cant find any channel... :S23:13
XpistosHey, can someone help me with CLI to change all files with a ":" in the name to a "--" instead. I need to have a windows partition read this and it can't.23:14
adilalpmani have a second onboard soundcard but it was disabled and i dont have any problem in findovz with my pci soundcard23:14
XpistosThanks ahead23:14
UbuntuzszActionParsnip: I know, but I would like a more "purist" solution that allowed me to manage everything thru fstab. I really don't get it because in another slower computer, exactly the same set-up doesn't give me any problem. Why is my system not waiting more before aborting the bootup process?23:14
WXZwriting nameserver in /etc/whateveryouput.conf didn't work23:14
ActionParsnipUbuntuzsz: not sure dude, i just go with what works23:14
nothingspecialXpistos: rename eg rename s/:/_/23:15
ActionParsnipWXZ: its in /etc/resolv.conf23:15
WXZand I don't know how to override "it" as if network manager isn't running it23:15
adilalpmani think23:15
WXZyes I know ActionParsnip, I'm just saying it didn't work23:15
UbuntuzszActionParsnip: in any case, that would probably not work either, since I guess the bootup process is aborted before reaching the rc.local point23:15
Xpistosnothing and If I wanit recursive just at a -R?23:15
adilalpmanasking that to ubuntus malist can be better23:15
adilalpmanbecause here is so busy and mixed...23:15
nothingspecialXpistos: no, if you need to do it recursively use a for loop with find. I am happy and stand to be corrected :)23:17
qkumbersDoes anyone have any experience with SSD on Ubuntu 10.0423:17
ActionParsnipWXZ: try in firefoxes about : config   make or edit toolkit.networkmanager.disable   to be boolean true23:17
Xpistosnothingspecial: Thanks my friend, I am checking it out now23:18
Xpistosnothingspecial: Last hurdle of a long and arduous process23:18
zaxonspoxhello, is there any channel for Joomla? or can anyone help me with?23:18
tortoise7  `    what aspect of 10.04 is overriding the bios such that the backlight on the keyboard is no longer functional?23:18
Madwillwhat is wrong with jre 1.6 un ubuntu 10.0423:19
hmastersonzaxonspox: looks like there's a channel: #joomla23:19
zaxonspoxhmasterson, thx23:20
p1l0tIs 10.10 out for netbook? When I type apt-get upgrade it wants to stay on 10.0423:20
rocketsp1l0t, yes it is.23:20
rocketsp1l0t, apt-get dist-upgrade23:20
p1l0trockets: thanks23:21
rocketsp1l0t, I recommend a fresh install though . . .23:21
WXZok, ubuntu help question23:21
WXZwhere did you guys learn all this random stuff that you know23:21
WXZlike erUSUL, and ActionParsnip23:21
WXZand Jordan_YOU23:21
p1l0trockets: I will make a bootable flash drie first23:21
ActionParsnipWXZ: use the OS, I'm sure you know a lot of windows stuff dont you?23:22
* Skaperen reads the output of his random number generator23:22
WXZI've used windows for 7 years23:22
WXZprobably more23:22
ActionParsnipWXZ: exactly, som of us here have used Linux for that liong and some longer ;)23:22
WXZand I don't know 30% about windows as erUSUL does about linux23:22
rocketsWXZ, oh yeah, well I've been using windows for 7 years and 1 day so there!23:22
ActionParsnipWXZ: it's all experience23:22
SkaperenWXZ: so you know random stuff about windows, right?23:22
WXZyeah Skaperen23:23
WXZbrb testing connection23:23
ActionParsnipWXZ: when you were drooling over XP, prsonally I was installing Mandrake Linux23:23
SkaperenWXZ: I know random stuff about Linux ... been using it since 199423:23
WXZI was 4 :|23:23
WXZbrb though23:23
Sonderbladefrom where can you get the python-psyco package? apt-get says it is "to old"23:23
rocketsSkaperen, yggdrasil user?23:24
Skaperenrockets: SLS, Slackware, originally23:24
rocketsSkaperen, ah. I used slackware for a few months. Couldn't get over the lack of package management.23:24
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rockets_grout, You do not have permission to view this directory.23:25
Xpistosnothingspecial: Something is missing from the command. there is only two ":" in the test file, but it just sits there23:25
_groutrockets haha23:25
p1l0tsudo apt-get dist-upgrade 0 packages newly installed. cat /etc/issue 10.04.123:25
Skaperenrockets: I dealt with that issue just fine23:25
rocketsSkaperen, well so did I. I downloaded packages manually and checked dependencies manually. I just didn't like having to do it.23:25
p1l0tI guess a fresh install is the only way..23:25
_groutso i have an ubuntu server that becomes unresponsive, like all the services shut down and i am unable to ssh into until i do a hard reboot, is there a log file i can look at that tells me why?23:26
rocketsp1l0t, you're really better off . . . you end up with a ton of dummy packages and other crap otherwise.23:26
* Skaperen still uses Slackware for servers and for a text console box23:26
ActionParsnipp1l0t: dist-upgrade won't give you maverick, if thats what you want23:26
Xpistosi prefer fresh installs since it forces me to keep my system orderly23:26
p1l0tActionParsnip: I do23:26
rocketsSkaperen, at work we use ubuntu server, but personally I use arch for stuff like that.23:26
ActionParsnip!upgrade | p1l0t23:26
ubottup1l0t: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade23:26
p1l0tActionParsnip: thanx23:26
WXZinternet is working fine now23:26
ActionParsnipp1l0t: it's more involved than that23:26
rocketsWXZ, in windows, or in linux?23:27
ActionParsnipWXZ: cool23:27
Skaperenrockets: if I won't need to change packages on a box, I tend to go Slackware ... if I need the flexibility of adding and upgrading packages a lot, I use Ubuntu23:27
rocketsSkaperen, yeah. Well, Slackware certainly is stable.23:27
dolmenI have a problem for X11 login after upgrade23:27
ActionParsnipWXZ: nm-applet running ok?23:27
Skaperenrockets: yup ... until you replace too many packages23:27
rocketsSkaperen, yeah. it reminds me of running solaris a bit.23:27
wildfireso, downloaded and installed ubuntu 10.10 (netbook) and I get a wubi error (error 22) at the end of copying the files23:28
rocketsSkaperen, I was a Solaris admin at my last job. That was no fun.23:28
Skaperenrockets: BTDT23:28
gopperHello. I'm using Empathy's IRC protocol. It seems like when I close any chat window (for example this one), I would have left the channel. Is there a option to close the conversation window, without leaving the channel?23:28
dolmenconsole login is ok, X11 is ok (I can start my session with 'startx') but, I can't open the session from gdm23:28
Skaperenrockets: and burned the t-shirt :)23:28
rocketsSkaperen, hah. Well, ZFS is f**king awesome. But aside from that, can't stand solaris.23:29
rodrogohola hi23:29
sledhello :)23:29
dolmenor the session seems to start, but is immediately closed23:29
rocketssled, Get out of here, Suse Linux Enterprise Desktop23:29
twinkie_addictisnt zfs compatible with freebsd ?23:29
gizeroHow do I hide the chat menu that is shown at the top right corner, i.e the one to the left of the power icon?23:29
rodrogohi :) i am searching for conect myself in the irc from hispano anybody can help me :S23:29
qkumbersDoes anyone have any experience using a solid state drive with ubuntu?23:29
WXZActionParsnip: no nm-applet isn't running (or atleast it's not visible)23:29
WXZon the panel23:29
ActionParsnipWXZ: well it's working so don't fix it :)23:30
rocketsqkumbers, no, but they're just standard SATA drives. . . you shouldn't have a problem.23:30
ActionParsnipqkumbers: i'm sure many have23:30
sanduz2Does anyone know the sound/audio driver package name? I want to submit a bug for it.23:30
WXZI'll drop it for now23:30
ActionParsnipsanduz2: alsa23:30
sanduz2thank you23:30
rocketsActionParsnip, it could also be pulse23:30
ActionParsnipsanduz2: or pulseaudio23:30
qkumbersrockets: I need to do TRIM on lucid and the kernel is too old, but i don't want to use the dev kernels23:30
sanduz2ah i think its pulseaudio, thanks23:31
rocketsqkumbers, you can't upgrade?23:31
qkumbersis there a way to update your kernel and still have the ubuntu changes incorporated?23:31
sanduz2actually i see both of them mentioned, how can i check, ActionParsnip ?23:31
qkumbersthe kernel ppa seems to break things like graphics23:31
ActionParsnipqkumbers: can ou define "ubuntu changes" ?23:31
rocketsqkumbers, of course, graphics drivers are compiled against specific kernel/header versions23:31
psystamphello all!23:31
ActionParsnipsanduz2: pick one, it will be moved by the ops if its innaccurate23:31
cookj02Recently installed ubuntu 10.4. Have a USB wireless dongle. The network is found but when I connect it just keeps prompting for the key again. Do I really have to follow these instructions: http://forumubuntusoftware.info/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=481723:31
sanduz2k thanks23:32
rocketsqkumbers, What is preventing you from upgrading to a newer release than Lucid.23:32
gopperIs there a way to close Empathy's chat window, without leaving the channel I'm currently on?23:32
Dulakqkumbers: you'd have to apply the patches yourself, and hope they apply cleanly23:32
ActionParsnipcookj02: run: sudo lshw -C network    you will see the wireless chip and you can find guides based on that23:32
qkumbersDulak: how?23:32
qkumbersI understand the the kernel's from http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ are vanilla23:32
qkumbersrockets: xbmc does not have packages for maverick23:32
Dulakqkumbers: download the patches, use the patch util to apply them to the kernel source, 1 at a time.23:33
qkumbersDulak: where can I get the patches?23:33
rocketsqkumbers, you may want to check out "kernel noobs"23:33
rocketsqkumbers, its a group of people that can help you with custom  compiling kernels and whatnot23:33
qkumbersrockets: where can i find them?23:34
srk9Hi. Does anyone have a Pentium II Deschutes processor that could post a pastebin of the output of "gcc -Q -c -v -march=native --help=target" for me?23:34
Dulakqkumbers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile23:34
qkumbersrockets: nevermind i think i found them23:34
rocketsqkumbers, http://tinyurl.com/3ymbeou23:35
qkumbersDulak: thanks23:35
cxexahey all. does anyone know for certain whether SWAP is also encrypted when choosing the "encrypt home" option at install ?23:35
Dulakcxexa: it's not23:36
rocketscxexa, why would swap be encrypted . . .23:36
qkumbersrockets: thanks, like i said, i found them, but it was nice to see how google works23:36
rocketscxexa, Swap is its own partition. Your home directory is not on the swap partition.23:36
cookj02ActionParsnip I had run lsusb and seached for rt2870 guides. But there are several. I tried adding some things to the blacklist file as well but so far no luck. With that other command what am I looking for, it just shows information about my wireless interface23:36
rocketsqkumbers, I can't ever pass up an opportunity to be a dick.23:36
cxexaI read that it was, but have only seen that once, so just curious. I wouldn't think it would be.23:36
dominicdinadawhat is the proper way to flush such things as my cache in the home folder23:36
zaxonspoxhello can i get some help with joomla? there is silence on joomla channel23:36
rocketszaxonspox, BEGONE PHP DEVIL23:37
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dominicdinadaer Cache,thumbnails, livestmp. local etc.... 4.8 gig in various cache and trash files I use bleachbit but of course is does now do anything23:38
cxexarockets, Users installing from Ubuntu 9.10 and selecting the Encrypted Home option will automatically have encrypted swap space23:38
cxexafrom Ubuntu Community page23:38
rocketscxexa, wow. I'm shocked.23:38
zaxonspoxrockets, eee i dont understand such hardcore english, siple pls: you will help me, or should i get lost?23:38
cxexaI am in disbelief myself, but am curious as heck23:38
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rocketscxexa, it really doesn't make any sense. I mean I suppose you could have sensitive data in swap . . . but still.23:38
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Madwilldamnit java is installed but i keep getting Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: sun-java5-jre|sun-java6-jre23:39
Kangarooowhy Catfish doesnt locate ?23:39
gopperIs there a way to close any channel chat window in Empathy, without actually leaving the channel?23:39
zaxonspoxrockets, so will you help me? can PM you?23:40
billybigriggeram i right in assuming i CANNOT build x64 packages on an i686 machine? in anyway?23:40
rocketszaxonspox, I don't know anything about Joomla. Sorry.23:40
ChrisBuchholzHey guys. I cant get gparted to function. It crashes upon launch. I see lots of people having the same troubles when i google it, but i see no obvious fix. How can i fix it?23:40
__cool__rockets: if you open sensitive files in i.w. openoffice, they may end up in swap. so it's completely needed to encrypt swap...23:41
sinisterstufis it possible to upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10 from the commandline?23:42
rockets__cool__, I guess. . .23:42
twinkie_addictsinisterstuf,  yes23:42
sinisterstuftwinkie_addict: can you tell me how?23:43
sinisterstuftwinkie_addict: will you please?23:43
Xpistosrename s/\:/--/ *:*23:43
Xpistosthanks guys23:43
Mooh@sinisterstuf sudo do-release-upgrade -d23:44
crunchbangboomsudo make me a sandwich23:44
sinisterstufMooh: thanks a lot! :)23:44
sinisterstufwhat's teh -d flag for?23:44
sinisterstufcrunchbangboom: no23:44
twinkie_addictyou need to edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades23:44
Moohit will check for available release23:45
=== mIRC- is now known as Scans
Moohand upgrade23:45
twinkie_addictat the botton of fill set to normal the run do-release-upgrade23:45
Kangarooowhy catfish doesnt locate ?23:45
Moohcheck this might help23:45
rocketsKangarooo, because catfish have tiny brains.23:45
Scanshello, is there any program for edit .fla file and create it like adobe flash23:45
twinkie_addictthats how i had to do it23:45
Moohit's a beta version but same as final version23:46
Kangarooorockets: catfish programm23:46
billybigriggeram i right in assuming i CANNOT build x64 packages on an i686 machine? in anyway?23:46
rocketsbillybigrigger, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cross_compiler23:47
XpistosOkay I have the right command to change all of the files in the directory I am in but rename does not have a recursive function, can someone help me write to hit all the sub folders in the directory? I can write bash scripts23:47
rocketsbillybigrigger, also see http://dpkg-cross.alioth.debian.org/23:47
billybigriggerrockets: thanks23:48
rocketsbillybigrigger, no problemo, el-flemo.23:48
Askois there a pack of some sort to install to get windows default fonts (all of em) ?23:48
DulakKangarooo: new files don't show up in locate right away until the next run of updatedb, which is once a day iirc.  You can force it by running 'sudo updatedb' at the terminal.  It takes a while to run.23:48
rocketsAsko, yep, msttcorefonts or something23:48
Askoyes i know that23:48
Askoi was thinking maybe there is a pack23:48
poenaHi folks, I just got 10.10 netbook ed running on my asus netbook, but wireless doesn't come up. Ethernet cable gets net connection just fine. Is there somewhere I can 'toggle' wireless, maybe it's set to 'off' ?23:48
Askocause if you install msttcorefonts, you still dont have the fonts, you need to install them separately23:49
rocketsAsko, yes you do . . .23:49
rocketsit downloads them23:49
rocketsand installs them23:49
colin__Hardware drivers23:49
KangaroooDulak: this comp has 10.10 and never locate worked..23:49
Askoi must of missed something then23:49
rocketsAsko, apt-get install ttf-mscorefonts-installer23:49
Askowill do23:49
rocketsAsko, I recommend just isntalling ubuntu-restricted-extras metapackage.23:49
rocketsIt installs a lot of stuff you'll want, as well as (i think) the ms fonts23:50
Askoallrights rockets, i'm gonna locate and download23:50
rocketsAsko, Unless you're using kubuntu or something. There's kubuntu-restricted-extras and I believe also xubuntu-. . .23:50
nertilsh winetricks23:50
nertil'winetricks: 4382: cannot create /home/nertil/.wine/dosdevices/c:/winetrickstmp/zenity.sh: Permission denied23:50
nertilwhy ?23:50
Askonah im using the default ubuntu23:50
rocketsAsko, yeah, highly recommend ubuntu-restricted-extras then.23:51
Askowill do23:51
Askoinstalling as we speak :)23:52
__cool__Xpistos: try the following: find . -xdev -type d -exec sh -c 'cd {} ; pwd ; or_your_command_here ' \;23:52
gizeroHow do I hide the chat menu that is shown at the top right corner, i.e the one to the left of the power icon?23:52
rocketsAsko, bare in mind a lot of that stuff is technically illegal in the USA :-P23:52
poenaHi folks, I just got 10.10 netbook ed running on my asus netbook, but wireless doesn't come up. Ethernet cable gets net connection just fine. Is there somewhere I can 'toggle' wireless, maybe it's set to 'off' ?23:52
Askorockets: i live in finland23:52
stephen__any programmers in here???23:52
nertilsh winetricks23:52
nertilwinetricks: 4382: cannot create /home/nertil/.wine/dosdevices/c:/winetrickstmp/zenity.sh: Permission denied23:52
rocketsAsko, I don't :-P23:52
sinisterstufstephen__: yes?23:52
RudyValenciaWhat can I safely remove to slim down my Ubuntu default install?23:53
Askodamn i love ubuntu23:53
rocketsI live in an unnamed country that begins with a U.23:53
AskoUnited Piracy?23:53
rocketspoena what happens when you do "sudo iwconfig list"23:53
ady01i can do web based programming stephen_ is that what your after23:53
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Asko^^ same here23:53
oracleis there a memory game for linuix which trains your picture skills23:53
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rocketsstephen__, no, none. No linux users are programmers.23:53
stephen__i pm'd you sinisterstuff23:53
poenarockets 1 sec lemme try :)23:54
oraclefound some. nevermind23:54
rocketspoena, also, is it broadcom wifi?23:54
poenaer im not sure, its an asus eee 900a23:54
poenai dont think its broadcom but im not 100% sure23:54
dominicdinadaHow to safely clear local data such as thumbnails, cache, local, etc etc etc23:54
pigdudewhy does 10.10's libapache2-mod-wsgi install python3.1?23:54
poenarockets: i get "list     No such device"23:55
poenais that safe to assume it doesn't recognize my wifi card23:55
xanguadominicdinada: try bleachbit23:55
rocketspoena, what happens if you load the restricted drivers installer thingy23:55
xangua!info bleachbit23:55
ubottubleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.8.0-1 (maverick), package size 234 kB, installed size 1564 kB23:55
rocketspoena, erm, it's called "Additional Drivers"23:55
rocketsdoes it list anything23:55
poenahang on let me look for that23:56
rocketsUnder System -> Administration I think.23:56
RudyValenciaIs bleachbit kinda like CCleaner?23:56
dominicdinadaxangua: i am using bleachbit but alas never cleans my home cache and ummm23:56
Gapiočitno neki nism prov naredu23:56
ymasoryi don't want the desktop to show the files in ~/Desktop. I want the desktop to be just a wallpaper. is there any way for me to do that, other than maintaining an empty desktop folder?23:56
rocketsGapi, bibbity boppity boo23:57
pigdudemy cursor keeps on freezing in 10.10 it's really annoying23:57
poenarockets: I don't see 'Administration', I'm still getting used to this - some of the links are different from 10.0423:57
pigdudealt-tab makes it work again23:57
Askois there just a chit-chat #ubuntu somewhere, too?23:57
rocketsAsko, theres an offtopic room23:57
Gapisorry i forget i am not in my  country23:57
rocketsAsko, #ubuntu-offtopic23:58
rocketspoena, I'm running ubuntu netbook, so my menus are different. But there is definitely an additional drivers control panel in there somewhere.23:58
dominicdinadaxangua: and running bleachbit as admin i run it maybe every week but 200 mb in thumbnails 400 mb in local, config 200mb? lol oh i run blechbit with every option selected besides saved pw data23:58
poenai'm in ubuntu netbook as well23:58
rampageoberonhi, just wondering if anyone knows why i am not able to get the correct start time for an application via /proc/pid/stat on debian? it seems to keep resetting itself every few minutes. The same works with no issues on ubuntu. Thank23:58
Askoubuntu netbook was too strange for me23:58
Askothe normal one suits me more :P23:59
poenaheh i dont have a choice, my hd is only 4 gb and it's a 1.6ghz atom23:59
Asko+ i really hated the desktop problem23:59
rocketsAsko, it's awesome once you get used to it.23:59
Askono making folders etc23:59
poenarockets, 'Additional drivers' ?23:59
Dulakpoena: System->Administration->Hardware Drivers23:59
Askorockets, well im coming from windows, so the do-it-yourself is kind of new for me :D23:59

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