
styles2304When connecting to Kubuntu to share a desktop, it asks me to confirm the connection. How do I disable this and make it automatic?00:48
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Wolfcastleany idea how I can change the agent id in rekonq?01:48
valoriezso it looks as if it's IE or something, you mean?01:50
Wolfcastlevaloriez: indeed01:51
Wolfcastlevaloriez: i was thinking firefox to see if ymail works01:51
jmichaelxspeaking of rekonq, does anyone have issues with not being able to see some of the menus? on this desktop with an nvidia GPU, it's just fine. on a laptop with on-board intel graphics, the menu does not appear (though an outline is faintly visible)01:52
Wolfcastlewhat menu would that be?  maybe I have the same problem...but hadn't noticed01:58
valoriezplasma has a bug01:59
valoriezwe've been fighting it in amarok too02:00
jmichaelxvaloriez: yea, i have also noticed this in amarok... but not consistently, as in rekonq02:21
djznwhich is the package to get the "Oxygen" theme installed within KDE02:30
bazhang!find oxygen02:35
ubottuFound: doxygen, doxygen-doc, openoffice.org-style-oxygen, oxygen-cursor-theme, oxygen-cursor-theme-extra02:35
djznoxygen-cursor-theme... is this just a cursor theme?02:39
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Greenerykaffeine and dragon player crashed when playing wmv files although I have installed restricted format. Using Kubuntu 10.1003:10
valoriezGreenery: for the correct backend?03:13
valoriezphonon-xine and phone-gstreamer require different codec packages03:14
valoriezrestricted extras and -addons might both be required for wmv03:15
valoriezI'm not sure03:15
valoriezand I think nothing will play them if they are DRM'd03:16
valoriezI can play WMV in Amarok, however03:16
MilitantPotatohow do you unlock the samba section in system settings?03:17
dbwalshhello anyone home?03:32
valoriezdbwalsh: ask your question, don't ask to ask03:34
bigbrovar2hi guys is it possible to add thunderbird to the kubuntu indicator plasmoid?03:35
dbwalshI want to know about activating desktop effects, In Desktop effects it says " Desktop Effects are Disabled on this system due to the following technical issues"03:35
dbwalshbut nothing is actually mentioned03:35
bigbrovar2i read somewhere its possible to do this on ubuntu but following the walk around doesn't work on kubuntu03:35
dbwalshI got ATI HD260003:35
dbwalshruns fine in ubuntu03:36
dbwalshTried both open source drivers and proprietry03:36
dbwalshis there somewhere I can find more information regarding why they are not enabled?03:36
dbwalshok solved had to delete kwinrc from .kde/share/config03:41
valoriezthanks for telling us, dbwalsh03:42
matthewg42thumbnails are not working in the folder view plasmoid.  Any ideas why?  This is JPEG & PNG images04:04
matthewg42Also, the preview tab of the file properties dialog shows a no entry icon04:05
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matthewg42I installed mplayerthumbnails package which made it possible to get thumbs of videos in kphotoalbum, but the plasmoid is still not working.04:07
valoriezis there a bug filed against it?04:09
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots04:09
valoriezif you use that command, a lot of the info will be filled in for you automatically04:10
matthewg42I'll take a look.04:12
bigbrovar2i read somewhere its possible to do this on ubuntu but following the walk around doesn't work on kubuntu04:12
valoriezwhat doesn't work?04:13
matthewg42preview /thumbnail of images in folder view plasmoid04:14
matthewg42works find in dolphin by clicking the "preview" button.  FOlder view options show preview is on for JPEG and movie files using mplayerthumbs but neither work in the folder view.04:15
dbwalshAre there additional desktop effects in KDE than the default installed?04:22
dbwalshin kubuntu that is04:23
bigbrovarvaloriez: ability to add thunderbird to the kubuntu indicator plasmoid04:23
bigbrovarI was wondering if its possible to do that on kubuntu04:24
valoriezhmmm, I don't have a clue04:27
matthewg42I opened a bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kdebase-workspace/+bug/66199504:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 661995 in kdebase-workspace (Ubuntu) "thumbnails / in folder view plasmoid do not work" [Undecided,New]04:31
tsimpsonbigbrovar: it only works for applications that use dbus to send desktop notifications, which thunderbird does not seem to do04:31
bigbrovartsimpson: oh ok .. thanks04:32
jmichaelxmatthewg42: i had that same issue when i upgraded to maverick. i was unable to get it fixed until i upgraded to KDE5.5.205:07
draikI upgraded my netbook to 10.10 and I don't have any tools displaying. If I terminate the netbook plasma, I can use apps via ALT+F2, but no border keys (minimize, maximize, close). How do I get it to use just the desktop plasma, not netbook?05:37
gkffcksHey all, I just upgraded from ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10, I've always been a fan of kde, but the whole 4 series has been so buggy, that I had no real choice but to switch to gnome :-( Anyway, I had heard good things about 4.5 so I installed it... long story short, I was configuring plasma, suddenly X died, I couldn't escape to any other tty so I had to hard reboot. Now even in a gnome session I can't get any kde apps to run. I really need05:39
gkffckskate it is my primary editor. Note when I try and run it from command line I get a cryptic "Bus Error" and it's done! note that It worked after the upgrade, the trouble started after I installed the smooth tasks plasmoid running which really caused all the issues...05:39
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gkffcksNote! I cannot run any applications based on kde! not even Konversation :-(05:42
olskolircwhat is the best torrent client for kubuntu05:43
olskolirca fast client05:43
olskolirclet me look draik05:44
gkffcksKtorrent is a pretty good one it's very similar to uTorrent on windows, only even more configurable!05:45
gkffcksidk how it benchmarks but it feels pretty fast all things being equal...05:45
olskolircdraik, go to systemsettings > default applications > Window Manager or where ever the default applications are on your version of systemsettings05:46
olskolircthanks gkffcks05:46
draikolskolirc: I don't have any menus05:47
gkffcksdraik: I've never used the netbook edition, but try hitting alt+f2 then typing systemsettings into the box and hitting enter...05:48
olskolirci have a good solution for both of you05:48
draikolskolirc: It took a while, but if finally responded.05:48
olskolircdraik, and gkffcks dump Maverick like the rest of us05:48
olskolircits JUNK05:48
olskolircim back on karmic05:48
draikgkffcks: Yeah, I did that earlier.05:48
draikHow do I go back?05:48
olskolircyou can't draik you have to reinstall05:49
draikOn the bright side, I separated /home on a different partition05:49
olskolirci have a habit of backing up my sources.list to an external just in case i can't boot my usb then id just uninstall the os and rename the backup sources.list.back to the earlier sources.list and go from there05:50
draikI also happen to have a desktop that was setup the same way.05:50
olskolircits a querky install with having to use dpkg-reconfigure -a05:51
draikI can copy the sources.list, too05:51
draikBut on top of that, I also backup my installed packages.05:51
draikThis way, I just go back to my sources.list and then do a re-install of all the packages I had.05:51
olskolirccook draik05:51
draikLong download times. but well worth the comfort of knowing you have it all back.05:51
dwondraik: etckeeper is handy, too05:55
gkffcksI once converted a system from debian etch to ubuntu 8.10, it was one of the more frightening things I've done, but the sources.list is a powerful thing!05:58
gkffcksso no real solutions to the kate bus error problem, I really can't down grade this system unfortunately!06:00
nobarkingi have a question, why do KDE users consider Kubuntu a lacking KDE SC based distro?06:03
nobarkingi've been using it for a while now, and can't find truth to it.06:03
nobarkingthe package management is great06:03
nobarkingout of box experience is awesome06:04
nobarkingwhat components is Kubuntu lacking that other distros do so well?06:04
nobarkinghas anyone heard any common complaints?06:04
olskolircnobarking, as much as i love kde and kubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 sux06:08
nobarkingolskolirc: what sucks about it?06:08
gkffcksTo be honest, I used kde 3.x for years, I also blead through kde 4.0, KDE 4.1, and KDE4.2, and 4.3 before I learned the hard way that kde has no hope :-(  What was it some nearly 20000 bug fixes, and it still crashes 10 minutes after I start using it? All I wish is that kate, the only true text editor wasn't part of that horible mess. Seriously, the first thing that needs to happen, is plasma needs to be fixed, by fixed I mean that no06:09
gkffcks one widget should be able to crash it... Second if dbus crashes which apparently what's happened to me NO Application that is built on kde can run???? Really who thought of that? REALLY? wow06:09
olskolircthere is no /media/cdrom and it points to /dev/sr0 with no entries in /etc/fstab or mtab it ships with pulse audio and the plasma desktop crashes constantly06:09
olskolircmany things lack with plasma desktop and configuration06:10
olskolirci long for kde 3x and i could quickly skin my own task bar too!06:10
olskolirci have to pick the best ugly graphic with this plasma06:10
olskolircand i don't have time to learn to program plasma and plasma is not worth that kind of time out of me06:10
olskolircgkffcks, on 10.10 you can't even restart the plasma desktop with plasma-desktop at the command line the dbus has errors and can't start so gone the plasma desktop06:12
olskolirci just made a bootable usb out of Debian Lenny so that I can have kde 3x06:13
olskolircim back on karmic for now06:13
gkffcksYes!!! I started it from CLI, using plasma-desktop and I tried logging out, and doing the old startkde trick, it just doesn't work...06:14
gkffcksIt gives me dbus errors, dolphin does the same thing.06:14
gkffckskate and konversation just give "Bus Error"06:14
gkffckswhich must have something to do with the dbus problem...06:15
gkffcksI'm gonna ask the #kde guys if they know anything more about dbus and restoring my ability to use Kate!06:16
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nobarkinggkffcks: what's the latest KDE SC version you've tried?06:20
nobarkingolskolirc: if you upgraded you might want to clear the plasma configuration folder06:20
nobarkingi had a lot of plasma crashes after the upgrade because of this06:21
gkffcksI've used 4.4 for a few months last year, actually up until about June but it was so buggy... I got to a point where I just couldn't take it... and obviously I've tried 4.5, we all know how that went.. that's why I'm here haha!06:22
nobarkingI know earlier KDE SC 4 versions had a lot of issues, but right now i have my Kubuntu box updated to KDE SC 4,5.2 and it's working pretty solid for me06:22
gkffcksjune of this year*06:23
nobarkinggkffcks: so what distro do you use right now?06:23
gkffcksI've used every version of kde4.x except for 4.506:23
matthewg42jmichaelx: ok, thanks for the confirmation.06:24
gkffcksright now I'm just using gnome... but I would prefer using kde... I still use lots of kde apps, dolphin for one, is my default fm, and kate obviously!06:24
gkffcksoh, and Konversation! Def the best irc client...06:25
olskolircnobarking, i did a straight install and im back on karmic i didn't even go back to Lucid it wasn't impressive06:26
olskolircit'll be karmic or Debian for me from here on out and what is the name of the new version they are working on after Maverick nobarking do you know?06:26
nobarkingolskolirc: i don't think it's been announced yet06:28
gkffcksIt looks like natty narwhal according to google.. but that could easily be wrong!06:28
nobarkingolskolirc: oh no, it's natty narwhal06:28
nobarkinggkffcks: yeah you're right06:29
nobarkingolskolirc: gkffcks: have you guys seen KDE 3 Remix for Maverick?06:34
nobarkingit's KDE 3.5 with the latest upgrades for Maverick: http://kubuntuguide.org/Maverick#KDE_3_Remix06:34
olskolircis it plasma nobarking ?06:36
nobarkingplasma is only KDE 4?06:36
gkffcksNo, plasma is KDE4 and up06:37
gkffcksin kde3 they used konqueror as the desktop shell, and something called kicker as the panel06:37
tsimpson^kdesktop, not konqueror06:38
tsimpsonkonqueror was just the file manager/web browser thingey06:38
olskolirci don't see any youtube about kde3 remix06:40
gkffckswas it actually a seperate kdesktop, I thought it was just an extension of the folder view in konqueror extended to the desktop?06:41
gkffcksI'm trying the remix repo, it seems to be down...06:42
gkffcksApt failed to connect to the server :-(06:42
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olskolircit seems to me that all the .iso images for kde3 remix don't download it just hangs or there is a 404 page07:00
olskolircnot in the repository either07:02
palodequesoanyone having issues with nvidia drivers on 10.10? I have a 6600, as soon as I installed the drivers with the driver installer utility, and restarted, x will not start.07:10
palodequesoit claims, no screens found.07:13
nobarkingpalodequeso: does it at least load to the login screen?07:18
palodequesonobarking: I did it with the additional drivers app07:19
palodequesothen when that failed I tried using nvidia-xconfig07:19
palodequesobut now I realize kubuntu doesn't use xorg.conf anymore07:19
palodequesoso I emptied that, and now it's at least working like it was on first boot, but still no nvidia drivers.07:19
palodequesoI just tried "activating" the nvidia driver again, and am rebooting the machine07:20
nobarkingpalodequeso: using the installer is the best way to go and try this thread too: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=139081307:21
palodequesonobarking: yep, back to now x07:21
palodequesonobarking: yea, the installer breaks x07:21
palodequesoI suppose, if I really can't get it working the "ubuntu" way, I could always manually type in a screen.07:22
palodequesoin xorg.conf07:22
palodequesobut that sucks07:22
FloodBotK2palodequeso: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:22
palodequesoFloodBotK2: sorry07:22
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Bizzzman10.10 works great on my dell very happy :)07:29
palodequesonobarking: I've never had issues with an nvidia driver, this is driving me bonkers. Is there a way to tell kubuntu to use the nvidia driver or see where it's set from a config file or some such?07:40
nobarkingpalodequeso: you can install the beta drivers07:42
nobarkingthe latest, directly from nvidia.com07:43
palodequesonobarking: I suppose it's worth a shot, but I wonder if they still use xorg, or if they're better off with ubuntu's new setup07:44
nobarkingpalodequeso: i believe it does use xorg07:44
Kalidarnregarding some problems with the digital clock where would be the best place to talk about this what I think is a bug.08:18
Kalidarnthe first problem I've found sometimes when logging in (and using the Nimbus Sans L font) the clock looks like this http://img139.imageshack.us/img139/9288/borkedtextnimbussansl.png08:18
Kalidarnthe second problem I've found is that there's not enough room or rather border on the clock and some text gets cut off for example it looks fine when the widget is unlocked like this: http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/9973/unlockedd.png but when it is locked it's very difficult to see the t http://img63.imageshack.us/img63/6040/cutoffclock.png08:18
Kalidarnthe third problem I've found and (I'm using Kubuntu 10.10 with KDE 4.5.1) sometimes when I login I see a strange square http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/1867/strangesquare.png I'm wonddering if anyone else sees this strange square, seems the only way to make it go away is to log out or disable and then re-enable compositing effects08:19
bigbrovaris anyone here having issues with bluedevil on kubuntu 10.10?  I cant get it to send files to my device or even get pairing to work. I don't know if it is a problem with my phone (Nokia N900) or a problem with my bluetooth hardware.. or a problem with bluedevil..  I dont have any device to test it out on.. can someone comfirm this?08:35
Kalidarncan i check it with an iphone08:37
Kalidarnthat has bluetooth08:37
Kalidarnoh wait my workstation doesn't have bluetooth :P08:38
bigbrovarbeside Iphone bluetooth does not support filetransfer that last time I checked08:43
nascentmindHi. My cursor speed moves slowly when in xterm. How can I speed it up?09:19
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Guest53278how can i connect my internet10:53
Guest53278I was trying to open the konqueror or mozilla but it is not working11:00
Guest53278the icon that sai  i am connected is active but i cannot surf the web11:01
Guest53278anybody knows, in windows I have a ypn connection, that always ask me about my username and password11:02
Guest53278but here i don't know what to do11:03
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keldronaGuet53278 is Firefox set on off-line mode?11:06
AlexZionHi everyone, I have a really simple question...., I just downloaded a simple service menu which is a .desktop file, where should I copy it , to get it run !?!11:23
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Guest91355Iḿ not familiar with kubuntu11:26
AlexZionok , I guess you're here to get some help .. :D11:27
Guest91355In windows I have a vpn connection that always ask me for username and password#11:27
James147AlexZion: try in ~/.kde/share/services11:27
AlexZionthanks James147, that was the information I was looking for .. ;)11:28
Guest91355there is an icon that said my connection is active, but when I try in the konqueror nothing happen11:28
Guest91355I cannot see any website11:28
Kalidarnokay my machine has completely crapped out11:36
Kalidarncan i find out why xorg and pulseaudio want to use 20% of my cpu each11:37
Kalidarncurrently kwin is using 32% of my cpu11:37
Kalidarnpulseaudio has NI of -1111:37
Kalidarni reckon it's fucking pulseaudio11:41
Kalidarni see heaps of this ratlimit.c x events supressed11:41
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Renovatiohi there, my pc doesen't play any sound and lshw says that my pc card is UNCLAIMED....can someone help me?12:41
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nbndshas anyone compared kubuntu and ubuntu on a netbook? which one feels snappier?12:54
afiefHow do I install additional keyboard layouts in kubuntu 10.10?12:59
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Mamarokafief: no need to install, in the SystemSettings you can add additional layouts13:10
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afiefMamarok: where in the system settings? I can't seem to find it13:11
Mamarok!away > Islington13:11
ubottuIslington, please see my private message13:11
Mamarokafief: Input Devices - Keyboard AFAIK13:11
afiefthanks Mamarok :)13:12
Mamarokafief: yaw :)13:15
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ForgeAusmy wubi is still dead :(13:28
thest3any one knows the default settings for open desktop?13:30
thest3noticed today that all security options where allow13:35
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connor_Guys, i have a question for a Brother Printer and Kubuntu 10.10 64bit.  How can i get them to work with eachother?  The brother drivers say that they are for i386, not for x64.  Is there any way to get these files to work or to manually install a brother printer? (MFC-495CW)14:55
edwardhi... i dont know how could i use my micrphone... i can use it on skype or something like that... just with applications... before could i hear everthing what i do with my microphone... for example i could connect my guitar... now it does not work... cuz im not using an application or something like that15:12
connor_edward, go into kmix, and turn up all the volumes in it15:19
edwardthanks for ur help... ¬¬15:20
edwardconnor_: that is not the problem15:20
edwardconnor_: the new driver from alc889a is the problem15:20
connor_oh, ok.  I had a similar problem and that fixed mine. :P15:21
edwardbefore could i use it without problems but now is always a problem to use the sound here15:21
edwardi cant see both inputs on kmix15:22
edwardn both are besides with the volumes all up15:22
* Islington is back.15:22
edwardim having that problem since monthns15:23
connor_Have you downloaded any drivers for the mic?15:25
sithlord48edward: have you tried setting the input channel for you mic in system setting-> multimedia15:26
edwardthe only app where i can see everthing is one named pulse audio control gui or something like that15:27
edwardi dont know why must be so... i had not problem... and one day... one actualization broke my sound :S15:28
edwardsince that day.... nothing to do...15:28
edwardno solutions15:28
edwardi was soo many times here15:28
sithlord48edward: sorry its systemsettings->multimedia->phonon you can set up your defaults there15:28
edwardi know15:29
edwardbut ther are not all my channels15:29
edwardsithlord48: for example i have two imput channels15:30
edwardthere i have just one15:30
sithlord48edward: ok then you only have one sound card.. i have to on mine tell i what card (since it wants to use hdmi for sound.)15:30
sithlord48edward: what do u have under kmix ?15:30
connor_Ok, how about you try this.  Goto the input channels.right click open space and select channels.  Now  see if it is under available channels15:31
connor_Capture devices i mean15:31
edwardsithlord48: well 6 months age i had on kmix everychannel.... 5 imputs(2 microphones) digital, hdmi n the extra15:32
edwardplus 8 outputs channels15:32
sithlord48edward: did u upgrade to 10.10?15:32
edwardnow i just have there... microfono and camera  n 2 outputs15:32
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sithlord48edward: my guess is pulse audio is your issue..15:33
edwardit is since i had kubuntu 9.10 i had upgraded 2 times... and nothing15:33
edwardyeah maybe15:33
edwardbut what could i do?15:33
edwardconnor_: where is that?15:33
sithlord48edward: on my system i also now have only 1 volume selection now istead of 1 per output... (and no others in availble channels)15:33
connor_edward, kmix.  under capture devices.15:34
edwardconnor_: i was there15:35
sithlord48i wonder is there an equilvent to alsa mixer for pulse audio?15:35
edwardjust one of my channels15:35
edwardsithlord48: i have one but the name is in german15:35
sithlord48edward: try alsamixer thats shows all my chanels..15:35
edwardsithlord48: how could i do that?15:36
sithlord48edward: open konsole and the use alsamixer15:36
edwardim on15:36
sithlord48when its open F4 for capture devices, see if you can adjust volumes correctly15:37
edwardive never seen that15:37
sithlord48edward: ? ne luck?15:39
edwardwell but i dont hear anything :S15:39
sithlord48edward: you might have to play w/ it , there is a mute button too..15:39
edwardsometimes i think that is someone doing that to me15:40
edwardsithlord48: i didt get it15:40
edwardwhats mean?15:40
sithlord48edward: i have had nightmare sound issues , between a capture card, taht needs pulse and ect..15:40
Mamarokedward: you need to install pavucontrol15:40
sithlord48edward: be sure none of the channels are muted15:40
edwardi had it15:40
sithlord48edward: then what happened?15:41
edwardhow do i know if they are muted?15:41
edwardpave tell me that im getting sound on that micro but no more15:41
sithlord48they will have MM for its volume15:41
sithlord48edward: and use M to toggle that.15:41
edwardmm ok wait ill look15:42
edwardthat "00" is not mute?15:42
sithlord4800 is 0 volume15:42
edwardthere are few with mm15:43
edwardhow could i take em out?15:43
sithlord48edward: use M the toggle mute, perhaps one is the one ur looking for15:43
edwardsithlord48: i love u15:43
edwardi get it15:43
FloodBotK2edward: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:43
sithlord48edward: so its working?15:44
sithlord48edward: awesome..15:44
edwardsithlord48: thanks man15:44
edwardso for next time alsamixer on konsole, it is not?15:44
edwardsithlord48: thanks15:44
edwardi love ya!!!15:44
sithlord48edward: with a sound card, capture card w/ dsp and some usb devices i have had some nonsence sound issues.15:44
edwardim gonna play guitar15:44
edwardi dont have a lot time15:44
FloodBotK2edward: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:44
sithlord48edward: enjoy and your most welcome!15:45
kuttenbrunzer_.configure is obviously no more in build-essentials. where is it now?15:46
sithlord48./configure ?15:47
kuttenbrunzer_sudo apt-get install build-essential15:49
LogicallyDashingI've got some notes in Zim, and I want to move them to BasKet. How should I go about this? Zim can export to HTML...15:59
ruffleSis it possible to upgrade kubuntu lucid into maverick from the CLI?!16:05
James147ruffleS: yes, run "sudo do-release-upgrade"16:07
James147ruffleS: best to make sure your fully uptodatre first though16:08
ruffleSJames147, thank you16:08
trichardruffleS: Take a look here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades (Server section)16:08
ruffleStrichard, thanks.. i'm actually asking this so i could help this guy who's just quit btw. he had joined #ubuntu-br asking16:09
ruffleSwell it looks like he's already got his answer16:09
ruffleSthank you very much though16:09
zyxHi, I've got an issue with KDM themes autodownloaded from kde-look.org  -- they dont show up in the theme selector list. Have anyone experienced this issue, or is there a way to solve this? Any help appreciated16:11
James147zyx: the get new stuff dosent work that great yet.... best to download the themes manually if they dotn work through the auto method16:12
zyxJames147: automatic download method works fine everywhere for me except for the KDM part16:13
James147zyx: I think thats the point its weakest :)16:13
sresuHow to save IRC chats in quassel?16:13
zyxJames147: Right, thanks for the info.16:14
sresuMamarok: James147: Can you help me out with my question?16:15
Mamaroksresu: I don't use quassel, I use konversation16:15
James147sresu: not sure sorry16:18
trichardsresu: http://bugs.quassel-irc.org/projects/1/wiki/Quassel_Logging16:18
* Islington is back.16:18
trichardseems like it's not possible in a normal way16:18
James147!away | Islington16:19
ubottuIslington: You should avoid noisy away messages and -nicks in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»16:19
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gruftido you know if kde 3 apps still run under kubuntu 10.10 when updating from 8.04?16:30
gruftiand: what do i have to do if i used backports like firefox-mozilla-build in order to avoid conflicts?16:32
gruftiwhen upgrading16:32
gruftii know that my kde3 profile will be converted into a kde4 one and the .kde4 profile will be abandoned16:33
ByronHello all16:34
ByronI upgraded to 10.10 and I can't seem to get the netbook to work. I only see windows (but no borders) when I finally terminate the netbook-plasma process.16:35
James147Byron: plasma-netbook is disngned so that when a window is maximised there are no borders (to maximize the useful space)16:35
ByronHow can I force(?) desktop-plasma instead of netbook-plasma?16:36
James147Byron: system settings > Workspace ...16:36
ByronI do not have any menus. How do I get System Settings opened from ALT+F2?16:37
James147Byron: alt+f2 and type "System Settings" or "systemsettings"16:38
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ByronThank you, James147. Oddly enough, it was set to Desktop16:43
sresuDropBox or UbuntuOne? Which one is better?16:44
James147sresu: I am currently using dropbox and ubuntuones kde client dosnt work teribally well (can send you an invite if you want as well)16:45
James147sresu: but will think about tring ubuntuone again when the dke client matures abit16:46
Byronsresu: UbuntuOne is 1GB, Dropbox is 2GB16:46
sresuI'm on the same path but w/o Dropbox..16:46
James147Byron: hmm, thourght ubuntuone was 2gig as well16:46
sresuI guess both got 2 gb16:46
ByronI've not followed in a while. It may have gone from 1GB to 2GB.16:46
ByronYep. 2GB16:47
James147sresu: however, dropbox you can expend to 16gig for free through inviting others ;)16:47
ByronNever mind then.16:47
sresuJames147: Wow! Thats cool16:49
ByronJames147, or anyone else for this matter, is there a way to force the desktop plasma instead of the netbook plasma? It's not loading anything properly.16:53
ByronActually, how about a re-install of the necessary packages, if anyone knows what those are?16:53
James147Byron: reinstall wont do much16:53
James147Byron: deleting or renaming ~/.kde will reset kde to its defaults16:54
James147or ~/.kde/share/plasma* to reset jsut placsma16:54
ByronI don't have "plasma*" in ~/.kde/share16:55
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James147Byron: share/config sorry :)16:56
ByronJames147: No worries. I was just looking there are you mentioned it.16:56
Byronrestart the netbook after renaming it?16:57
James147Byron: logout and login should be enough16:58
lieuwehey, i can't left click anymore, could someone please privmsg me on how to change channel tab in konversation without left-click?17:01
lieuweokay, nvm, it fixed itsel17:02
lieuweany idea why my left mouse button stopped working?17:02
BenPAhi all trying to find a way in a terminal to find duplicate files on a mounted partition using a live disk17:03
James147Byron: "cp file.old file.new"  will copy file.old to file.new17:04
James147Byron: "rsync -avh old new" will do the same but is better for large directoies17:05
James147BenPA: ^^ even :) sorry17:05
BenPAjames147: sorry I don't understand ... are you saying ^^even?17:06
James147BenPA: the two messages above my last where ment for you17:06
BenPAjames147: what I failed to tell you is that it is a windows partition ... trying to find dupes that were copied over17:10
James147BenPA: o find duplicates :S miss read sorry17:10
BenPAjames147: yes17:11
James147BenPA: you could try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=5528987&postcount=317:11
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BenPAjames147: ok the closest that I can find is to use the following ... find *.* | du -ah | sort -n -r | less ... what do you think?17:16
BenPAjames147: can you think of a different way?17:16
James147BenPA: I would think this is better: "find . -print -exec md5sum {} \; | sort | less"   md5sum will produce the same output on two files that are identical17:20
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BenPAjames147: I am trying this on a windows partition ... it says missing argument to -exec17:24
BenPAjames147: is there something different I should be using instead of md5sum {} \: ?17:25
JobooGreetings! On Kubuntu 10.10 (64bit) Amarok will not play audio CDs. K3B will rip them and Dolphin will recognize but Amarok shows a collection of 0 tracks and won't play them even when loaded individually from Dolphin. I also tried loading into Dragon Player and although it spins the CD, nothing happens. This drive and CD worked on my Win7 partition.17:26
James147Joboo: have you installed "kubuntu-restricted-extras"?17:26
James147BenPA: it works here on a windows partition17:28
JobooJames147: I guess not. Installing now.17:28
James147BenPA: (exactly as I typed it)17:28
ByronJames147: All good now. Thank you.17:28
BenPAjames147: sorry I use a : instead of a ;17:29
BenPAjames147: ok ty however the less part is not working it is scrolling through the files but not stopping ... any ideas17:36
James147BenPA: wait for the command to finish, it might take a while (no useful output will be disaplayed untill its finished)17:37
JobooJames147: I installed kubuntu-restricted-extras from the software manager, rebooted, and still amarok is not recognizing the CD.17:38
BenPAjames147: oh ... ty didn't know that part LOL ... oh by the way did I tell you that Windows is a virus and someone should find a fix for it?17:39
James147Joboo: hmmm, wonder if amarok has cd support yet... not sure if it does, you could try asking on #amarok17:39
James147BenPA: unfortinatly due to the way sort works you cannot get anyuseful output from it until its finished17:40
JobooJames147: I guess I never considered that because it seemed obvious that it should have CD support. It is offered as the default CD player by KDE when a CD is inserted17:40
BenPAjames147: ok got ya ... thank you17:41
JobooJames147: I appreciate your time. Have a nice day.17:41
BenPAjames147: same here17:41
James147Joboo: again, I am not sure if it does yet or not, but from waht I remember the devs didnt put it on a high proioty as most of them dont use cds anymore :)17:41
JobooJames147: In case you're curious, #amarok tells me that KIO AudioCD slave is broken in kubuntu 10.1017:49
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Jobootrichard: ok. my confusion is that in the VLC directions it says (for Ubuntu 10.10) install vlc, vlc-plugin-pulse  and mozilla-plugin-vlc.18:15
Jobootrichard: and then on the side it says "for kubuntu, Install vlc-plugin-arts instead of vlc-plugin-esd" but it never asked to install vlc-plugin-arts in the first place... ???18:15
trichardJoboo: Where did you find that information?18:16
trichardJoboo: That's strange indeed. You will need vlc-plugin-pulse if you want it to work nicely with pulseaudio (which is the default now on kubuntu)18:18
trichardmozilla-plugin-vlc is no requirement, it will just make sure that vlc is used when you play a video on your browser18:19
trichardand i don't have vlc-plugin-artrs or vlc-plugin-esd, it works perfect18:20
Jobootrichard: yeah both those packages made sense, but i was still confused by the kubuntu specific directions. should i install vlc-plugin-arts even if it's not replacing vlc-plugin-esd?18:20
Jobootrichard: ok, i guess i'll give it a whirl18:20
trichardi think the kubuntu info is outdated, they suggest to use adept which doesn't exist anymore..18:21
Jobootrichard: that's good to know, as it's always confused me18:21
trichardJoboo: glad i could help ;)18:22
Jobootrichard: i guess i'm just still not confident in my package management skills and so anytime i see conflicting or confusing information i just stop18:23
trichardJoboo: Not a bad attitude. I usually do it the other way around, just install to check if it works. Ends up breaking my system sometimes ofcourse :)18:25
Jobootrichard: thanks for the help. vlc is installed and working fine.18:35
edgyHi, I configured kmail to my gmail account but it seems it downloads the mail twice, once in inbox and another in All Mail, I guess I should unsubsribe to "All Mail" but shall I uncheck the option for server-side subscription or local subscription?18:35
trichardedgy: Server side ;) Otherwise it will still download it twice but just not show it to you18:36
trichardJoboo: You're welcome ;)18:36
edgytrichard: thanks a lot18:37
dac1what do I do to change my nick?18:37
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tricharddac1: Change your nick where?18:40
JobooI'm having Flash Issues in 10.10 (64-bit): basically, in the last few days Hulu has stopped working. the player pages load, but the player won't load. works on Win7 partition. i'm running 64-bit flash installed by the "Flash-Aid" Firefox plugin. This is true in both FF and rekonq.18:40
dac1Over there<---18:40
tricharddac1: You can type /nick nickname18:41
trichardor do it in the gui config somewhere (depends on what program you're using)18:41
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JobooI should also mention that i have DownloadHelper installed but I deactivated it and it still happens. also, youtube and other various flash items work just fine18:42
edgytrichard: then this guy here http://www.linewbie.com/2007/11/howto-configuring-kmail-with-gmail-imap-and-disconnected-imap.html is getting it wrong because he is using local18:43
vbgunzare there any kernel backports? not the vanilla non-patched kernels but the rc kernels perhaps with all ubuntu patches?18:46
trichardedgy: Hmm, it seems i'm unsubscribed from both on my computer18:46
edgytrichard: when I tried to unsubscribe from local, kmail said Currently local subscriptions are not used for account “???”.18:51
edgyDo you want to enable local subscriptions?18:51
edgytrichard: now I am lost in what this all means18:51
JobooI guess I'll installing the 32-bit version of flash?18:52
trichardedgy: You have to enable it first yes. Otherwise you're just subsribed to every folder. I'm trying to find out what the difference is between local and server side subscription atm18:53
trichardJoboo: I can't test Hulu as it seems to be USA only18:53
Jobootrichard: ok thanks. do you know if i can run 32-bit flash in kubuntu/firefox 64-bit?18:54
trichardJoboo: I don't really know.18:55
Jobootrichard: ok. thanks anyways.18:55
trichardJoboo: You could try to download the 32 bit version manually and put it in the ~/.mozilla/plugins folder18:55
edgytrichard: my understanding is if I enable local subscription and unsubcribed that folder then the folder is not synced to the server and I don't need that18:56
Jobootrichard: the flash-aid plugin does a pretty good job of clearing out exisiting flash and downloading/installing the new packages.18:56
trichardedgy: But what is the difference between local and server side subscription then?18:57
edgytrichard: local would store the settings in your client, so you used another client the setting is lost18:58
edgytrichard: this is what I believe but you know I am not to be trusted here18:58
trichardedgy: That would make sense indeed. I can't seem to find much about it on the web and at #kontact nobody is responding18:59
edgytrichard: I am still testing but now I see when I unsubscribed serverside from All Mail, it now shows in black but it's dowloading the messages19:03
edgyI am lost :(19:03
trichardedgy: I guess you need local subscription then19:03
trichard[20:01:58] <andris> trichard: afaik locally subscribed is specific for your local client, ie. if you have another client, say webmail, it is not affected by the local subscription setting. in case of server side subscription, all client get that list of folder only19:03
trichard(it's like you thought)19:03
trichardedgy: I think gmail doesn't support server side subscription19:05
edgytrichard: aha! so the theory of serverside is true but gmail doesn't support that?19:08
trichardedgy: Indeed19:12
Renovatiohi there, my pc doesen't play any sound and lshw says that my pc card is UNCLAIMED....can someone help me?19:13
edgytrichard: Now I am trying to understand the relation between inbox and All Mail in gmail, do you get that? It seems if I delete a message from inbox it's deleted from All Mail but there are messages in All Mail that's not in inbox19:16
trichardall mail has every mail except trash and spam. It also has sent mail, concepts and every mail in other folders you might have19:17
trichardbut i need to go now19:18
trichardgood luck19:18
edgytrichard: thanks19:18
edgyChat folder doesn't show in kmail, any one knows why?19:18
trichardedgy: you're welcome19:18
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styles2304Is there a known reason why connecting to my linux box through a VNC client disables my ability to type underscores?19:53
mrenin which package is Gimp.pm?19:57
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austlaw52Trying to install kubuntu from a USB flash created using usb-creator.exe found in the iso.20:12
stefanosany help install google earth?20:13
austlaw52when i boot up the computer all I get: SYSLINK 3.82 ... Copyright ... Peter Anvin et al20:13
austlaw52hasn't moved past that line in 10+ minutes20:14
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jornhey guys, i just updated to 10.10, does anyone else experience massive memory consumption by xorg?20:22
jornfor me it uses about 918MB virt (622MB res)20:23
jornI'm using a nvidia gf 7600go and have to admit that I played around with the desktop effects20:24
jornnevertheless xorg seemed to leak on 10.04 as well, as after some hours I had to restart the xserver to free up some memory for eclipse...20:25
jornthis sucks... any hints?20:25
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ironbeardHey guys.. I installed ubuntu 10.10, but ubuntu-netbook isn't quite what I was looking for, and I typically use KDE. What are the names of the base packages for KDE4.4 and kde netbook?21:06
styles2304Is there a known reason why connecting to my linux box through a VNC client disables my ability to type underscores?21:06
phdpI need basic SVN help. I made a SVN repo, I tested it using my laptop (it works, the checkout downloaded the 2 files). But I can't commit, update, or do anything, it always says "/home/X/Y/Z" is not a working copy... Where is the working copy ?21:06
James147ironbeard: kde 4.4 isent in 10.10, 4.5 is... and to install kde on ubuntu install the package "kubuntu-desktop"21:07
ironbeardJames147: Thanks! is the netbook one 'kubuntu-netbook'?21:07
ChrisE_is there a trick to getting usb-creator-kde to work?  i'm using 10.04LTS and I'm trying to write a 10.10 dvd image to any of several memory sticks but i always end up with a dbus error21:08
James147ironbeard: not sure, 10.10 merged the netbook and desktop iso...21:08
ironbeardYeah, I have both gnome-desktop and the netbook version.. Oh well, thanks!21:08
James147ironbeard: from what I can see kubuntu-netbook is just a transitionpackage, so I would think its been merged with kubuntu-desktop as well21:09
ironbeardJames147: Hmm right on. What do you mean by transition package?21:09
James147ironbeard: basically kubuntu-netbook has been merged with kubuntu-dekstop and so they left the kubuntu-netbook package in maverick but now just points to kubuntu-desktop so that people upgrading get kubuntu-desktop installed21:10
ironbeardJames147: Sweet. Gotcha. Looking forward to 4.5, the last one I played with was 4.3 I think.21:11
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gkffcksHey all, what unix group does a user need to be in in order to use scanners?21:11
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`DT`ok, i moved my hard drive from one computer to another. both have VIA on board audio, but it doesn't work in the new mobo21:13
`DT`already tried to update, just did an upgrade, still doesn't work21:13
`DT`any ideas?21:13
mcsmurfI'm currently using Kubuntu 9.10 with KDE 4.3.521:22
mcsmurfcan I install KDE 4.4 from a backport repository or is this not possible?21:22
mcsmurfthe load of information confuses me a bit..21:22
getpwnamI just tried to play some music on Amarok but the sound was hopelessly distorted. Now I have exited Amarok, but every approximately once each minute there is a ~1 second burst of distortion through my speakers.21:32
getpwnamany ideas?21:32
jorngetpwnam: can you still play sounds in mplayer?21:38
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getpwnamI don't have mplayer, but VLC works fine21:48
getpwnamis there a way to see what is accessing the sound?21:49
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jorngetpwnam: is that sound problem still there after a reboot? or was it a one time problem?21:59
getpwnamI haven't rebooted yet22:01
getpwnamokay, I rebooted but still have the same problem22:12
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xixorAnyone running 4.5.2?23:07
xixorHowdy everyone, when I try to open a movie over an SMB share in dolphin, it copies the file rather than opening it, anyone know how to get it to stream?  I think it is related to this bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=253547  but I am not sure how to fix, anyone know?  Thanks23:16
ubottuKDE bug 253547 in general "Regression: since 4 5 2, KDE downloads multimedia files instead of letting applications stream them" [Normal,Resolved: downstream]23:16
James147xixor: what are you trying to open then in?23:20
xixorJames147: VLC or Dragon player.  Opening them with VLC over the smb share copies the file locally, then plays the local file, opening in Dragon Player seems to do nothing23:21
yaoziyuani installed kubuntu to partition 5 and during installation i set bootloader to be saved in MBR. then,23:26
yaoziyuani installed fedora to partition 1 and during installation i set (fedora's) bootloader to be saved in partition 1.23:26
yaoziyuannow, i can only boot to kubuntu because kubuntu's menu.list only has kubuntu. can i simply copy fedora's menu.list to overwrite kubuntu's?23:27
yaoziyuanso that i can boot to either os.23:27
James147yaoziyuan: what version of kubuntu?23:28
yaoziyuanJames147: kubuntu 9.04 (for a historic reason) and fedora 1323:28
yaoziyuanthey both installed to ext3 partitions23:29
James147yaoziyuan: then copying the menu.lst `should` work... but I would make a backup of the orignal one just in case :)23:29
James147yaoziyuan: possibally just copy the fedora entry across23:30
yaoziyuanJames147: i see fedora 13's menu.list has these lines which i don't know if kubuntu 9.04's grub can support:23:30
yaoziyuani'd better comment out them?23:31
yaoziyuanJames147: very good (copying just the fedora entry)23:31
James147yaoziyuan: I would just copy across the fedora entry to the kubuntu list23:31
lennart_when I try to open a samba network share in doplhin I have to authenticate myself three times, anyone know how to fix this?23:35
vbgunzCan someone explain to me why, when I transfer a file to a usb stick, I see it complete in notifications but it doesn't finish until minutes there after? In other words, I see 800 out of 800 MB complete *but* it doesn't say finished and safe to eject for minutes after that... is this a bug? is it normal?23:44
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James147vbgunz: when the drive is auto mounted through kde?23:47
vbgunzJames147: it doesn't automount23:51
James147vbgunz: how do you moung it?23:51
vbgunzJames147: I mount it from the device notifier23:51
vbgunzthen I use konqueror to copy the file over23:52
James147vbgunz: then thats mounting it though kde :)  .. what filesystem is on it?23:52
vbgunzJames147: fat 3223:54
vbgunzJames147: one sec, I'll tell ya exactly23:54
vbgunzJames147: yeah, it's a 4GB usb stick with fat 32. no partitions, the whole stick23:56
vbgunzhmm, I just ran hdparm -T on it and got this at the top ...  SG_IO: bad/missing sense data, sb[]23:57
vbgunzgonna google that23:57
smooph1hey what are the activities for ?23:58
smooph1i never used them23:58
Benkinoobyi use a ideapad s12 and usually the cpu is the bottleneck of my system. any1 know how much performance a modified kernel might bring?23:59

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