=== Baybal_ is now known as Baybal === asac_ is now known as asac [04:35] I downloaded ubuntu-netbook-10.10-preinstalled-netbook-armel+omap.img.gz, zcatted it to a microSD, and attempted to boot it on my BeagleBoard-xM. It booted to the point where it said "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel." and then nothing else happened. The DVI monitor did not get a signal. Any suggestions? [06:18] pdc, On which output did you get the Uncompressing... message? [06:22] Anyway, the point of the question was that the base image attempts to uncompress and occupy the entirety of the MMC storage on first boot: As microSD tends to be slow (at least mine are *very* slow), I wonder if this isn't just taking much longer than expected. [06:23] I've not tried, but I understand some folks have tried to get serial console working, so I can imagine some messages going to serial console, and then the uncompress message failing to go to DVI for some reason. [06:23] (but I'm just speculating, and hoping someone who actually has an XM can comment on their experience) === pcacjr_ is now known as pcacjr === kmargar is now known as markos_ [10:19] sakoman: Ah found these u-bbot env file patches for u-boot again, they were simply in my PPA! sending them to you now [11:49] lool, hmm, could it be that your libnnss-ldap patch was never applied in debian and soemone moreged it into ubuntu without the gnueabi fix ? [11:49] (looks serious enough to justify an sru to me) [13:46] ogra_ac: Do you intend to merge this older x-loader changes of mine in natty? [13:49] ogra_ac: libnss-ldap > indeed, it seems this was dropped by Chuck for some reason [13:50] ogra_ac: Actually, I still see the patch in debian/patches/60_fix-glibc-test-for-armel-gnueabi.patch [13:51] but not applied anymore [14:05] lool, yeah, after UDS i'll care for x-loader unless rsalveti does it earlier [14:05] and indeed the plan is to get your changes back in [14:17] ogra_ac: I've pushed a fixed libnss-ldap; do you have a way to test it? [14:22] lool, not really, i have an LTSP arm spec though so i will be able during implementing that [14:22] * ogra_ac doesnt currently have any LDAP server around [14:30] hi all [14:31] anyone tried installing on a beagleboard c3? [14:32] it boots but it doesn't seem to show any screen at all === ogra_ac_ is now known as ogra_ac === pcacjr_ is now known as pcacjr === JaMa is now known as JaMa|Zzz