
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
dominicdinadaHow would I install python to work with the lamp server without breaking anything, as usual google has only brought up outdated results from 4 -6 years ago ?02:51
ubottupython is a popular Object Oriented scripting language included in Ubuntu. For more on Python please see http://www.python.org/ or #python02:52
ScottKdominicdinada: Python is part of the default Ubuntu server installation.  So it's there already02:53
dominicdinadaok then i jut need to add the apache module for python ?02:54
ScottKIf, for some reason it's not, sudo apt-get install python should be sufficient.02:54
dominicdinadai just read that of courst02:54
ScottKShould be.02:54
dominicdinadaScottK: ok here is the link I am looking at. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9110102:56
dominicdinadaBut how should I add it to my default sites since that is outdated and my sites is alot different02:57
ScottKdominicdinada: The package you want to install is libapache2-mod-python03:00
ScottKThere is also a libapache2-mod-python-doc that might help.  I'd also consult the Ubuntu Server Guide (see /topic) and see if it has advice on this.03:01
dominicdinadahow do i disable apache modules that are broken I tried a2dismod mod_pyth but restart still shows a fail and the broken packages are still there even after i just run a2dismod  i see mod_pyth and still nothing03:19
ScottKThat I don't know.03:22
dominicdinadaa2dismod doesnt show mod_python even though i installed the  libapache2-mod-python package but still nothing shows in a2dismod for enabling it03:35
CppIsWeirdwhat would be the bare requirements for playing videos with mplayer?03:59
dominicdinadaCppIsWeird: if you have mplayer you have the bare requirements04:14
CppIsWeirdobviously not because it still tells me it cant open x11 display. i've installed xorg. is there anything else?04:15
dominicdinadacomes with it all packaged,.... While this is ubuntu typically this is for the regular ubuntu channel.04:16
CppIsWeirdif i wanted gnome desktop i think i would have installed it.04:16
dominicdinadaCppIsWeird: But then why install ubuntu server if you are adding all of these features that makes it less a server and more of a desktop and insecure04:16
CppIsWeirddominicdinada, thank you. anyone else?04:18
dominicdinadaCppIsWeird: if i were you i would leave the server to server duties and desktop to desktop utils, and ask in #ubuntu04:18
enavyou guys know some good opensource workflow????04:37
_Neytiri_i am haveing a issue with my network interface, its a gbic interface but its running at 100m the switch is gbic the cable is a good cat6 cable06:21
enav_Neytiri_:  you have dual boot with winxp?06:50
uvirtbotNew bug: #487631 in clamav (main) "clamdscan clamav-daemon error" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/48763108:11
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eagles0513875|2anyone know of any documentation for setting up routing on ubuntu server09:32
_Techie_eagles0513875|2, routing as in routing tables, or as in setting up a server as a default gateway?09:35
eagles0513875|2routing tables09:36
eagles0513875|2hold on09:37
eagles0513875|2!samba | eagles0513875|209:58
ubottueagles0513875|2, please see my private message09:58
uvirtbotNew bug: #662068 in openssh "Removing the offending host key when a server updates should be easier" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66206811:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #662117 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.7.0-1 failed to install/upgrade:" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66211713:08
kiuhi, anybody knows if amazon ec2 instance tags are available inside the official ubuntu ami without using ec2-* tools ?13:22
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avvvUgh... Just randomly clicking on a couple of php snippets put up on pastebin. Already found two of them which are vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.14:44
Patrickdkya, love them14:53
avvvwelcome to the 20th century.15:39
=== Jeeves__ is now known as Jeeves_
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
xperiahello to all. i have a question related to ubuntu-server mail. i get several mails for the domains that i host on my server and i need now somehow the possibility to allow others to see this mails. best solution is somekind of webmail or thunderbird fetch and sending15:49
xperiaokay i have found Squirrelmail. thanks a lot see you all next time bye.16:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #662202 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-utils (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/share/cluster/drbd.sh', which is also in package rgmanager 0:3.0.2-2ubuntu3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66220216:06
aliveriusi ve got a problem16:44
aliveriusi installed ubuntu server 10.04 as a kvm guest with virtio16:44
aliveriusthe installation went fine16:45
aliveriusbut now that i reboot it cannot boot16:45
aliveriusif i disable virtio for the hdd, it boots fine16:46
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ehndeis eucalyptus anything like xen and vmware's esxi?17:34
ehndei'm also trying to figure out if UEC is something that i'd need to pay for17:35
pmatulisehnde: uec is free17:35
ehnde<< trying to set up a home lab with one machine that could run up to maybe 5 - 10 virtual machines17:35
ehndeok, so it's not like RHEL's offerings17:35
pmatulisehnde: you need at minimum 2 physical machines17:35
ehndeoh...well dang17:35
ehndethere are so many possible options out there...what would work best to create the lab environment i described?17:36
pmatulisehnde: uec gives you a private clouse (like amazon's ec2)17:36
ehndei thought i could run it all on one machine17:36
pmatulisehnde: there is a hacky way to do that, even all virtually but that's exceptional17:37
eagles0513875hey guys17:37
ehndemaybe kvm is the way to go then (for now)17:38
ehndeat least it's nice to know that UEC exists, that knowledge could come in handy in the future17:38
pmatulisehnde: if all you want are virtual machines then yes17:38
_rubenehnde: if you dont want to use the machine for anything else and do all management etc from another machine, you could give vmware esxi a try, it's a quite powerful barebone hypervizor .. if you do want to use the machine for other stuff, i'd go the kvm way (assuming you have a decent cpu with virtualization extensions)17:39
pmatulisehnde: uec gives you a management architecture for rapid deployment of many virtual instances17:39
eagles0513875there is also virtual box17:39
eagles0513875there is new feature phpvbox allows you to access the gui from website hehe :)17:40
ehnde_ruben: i tried out vmware esxi, but the installation failed citing that my hardware was not supported17:40
ehndei do have an amd cpu with virtualization extensions, no idea why it failed :|17:40
_rubenehnde: ah yes, it is quite picky about that (as its meant for (enterprise) server stuff) .. some of the limitations can be worked around though17:41
_rubenehnde: most likely your sata controller17:41
_rubenuec is kinda "overkill" for a 'static' setup of just a few vms. like pmatulis said: its mainly a management layer for rapid deployment of dynamic environments17:42
* _ruben is afk again17:42
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ehndehmm...if i install convirt it installs the xen hypervisor and xen-utils17:48
ehndeseems odd since i'm installing it to use as a front end for kvm17:48
ehndehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM << lists convirt as an alternative management option17:49
eagles0513875hey guys how can i fix a machine i have no network access too or kvm switch to in regards to fixing networking i know where my problem is but have no network connectivity to ssh or anything17:50
qman__eagles0513875, you call someone who has physical access to fix it17:55
ehndeeagles0513875: you don't by chance have remote desktop set up on the machine do you?17:55
eagles0513875i have physical access to it17:55
eagles0513875and ehnde no :( and how can i set that up17:56
ehndesystem > preferences > Remote Desktop17:56
qman__remote desktop requires X, which is a desktop thing17:56
qman__not a server thing17:56
qman__it also requires working networking17:56
ehndeif you have physical access why don't you install ssh?17:56
qman__if there's no IP KVM, serial console, or working networking, physical access is the only way17:57
qman__plug in a monitor and keyboard17:57
ehndesudo init 617:58
eagles0513875my server has 2 nics and i kinda had a typo with the 2nd nic :(18:04
eagles0513875for some reason the static ip the server has i cant connect via ssh18:04
eagles0513875cant ping cant do anything :(18:06
qman__like I said18:07
qman__you need to hook up a monitor and keyboard to fix it18:08
eagles0513875bah and i only have one monitor18:08
eagles0513875i know where the error is its in the interfaces18:08
ehndeit looks like virt-manager suits my needs perfectly!18:09
qman__you're not supposed to hot plug them, but I've been doing it for years and nothing's fried on me yet18:09
ehndemakes using kvm very easy18:09
qman__but if your keyboard is PS/2, you'll probably have to reboot the server for it to recognize your keyboard18:10
eagles0513875its usb this server doesnt even have ps2 at all18:12
eagles0513875bah this is annoying :(18:12
eagles0513875only have one monitor18:12
* Patrickdk sends eagles0513875 a monitor, I have 6 19" lcd's I'm not using on this desk18:13
eagles0513875hehe ty Patrickdk :)18:14
qman__I don't have spare LCDs, but I've always got half a dozen CRTs on hand18:14
qman__after already throwing the worst ones away18:14
eagles0513875sucks being a student sometimes18:14
qman__can't give them away18:14
Patrickdkjust shipping is so much :(18:14
qman__not worth the cost of shipping anywhere18:14
eagles0513875im thinking easiest solution to drag my server back in here18:14
eagles0513875fix it then put it back in my room18:14
Patrickdkor by an ip-kvm18:14
eagles0513875how much are those18:15
eagles0513875im really considering it18:15
Patrickdknot sure, I haven't looked for years18:15
eagles0513875atm buying my server a ram upgrade18:15
eagles0513875from 1gb to 8gb18:15
qman__I was under the impression those were pretty expensive18:15
qman__but you can get a USB KVM on the cheap, and some really long extension cables18:15
eagles0513875ha from my desk lol all the way to my room lol18:15
eagles0513875mom wont be to happy with that18:15
qman__a quick search shows the cheapest at $8518:16
qman__going up into the thousands18:16
Patrickdkheh, i'm look at about $25018:17
qman__actually, that's just the server module18:17
Patrickdkmuch cheaper than last I looked about 1.2k18:17
qman__not even the whole thing18:17
qman__but you can get a half decent USB KVM for about $4018:17
qman__and some long cables at monoprice for another $2018:17
Patrickdkdepends on how long, my vga+usb extender was $650, it goes 300' over cat5, nice18:18
qman__but yeah, you could go about 40' with a $40 USB KVM and $20 worth of cables18:23
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qman__$40 of cables would get about 100'18:25
qman__but long VGA cables are pretty heavy18:26
eagles0513875|2now to see if that fixed it18:33
eagles0513875|2thats fixed18:33
=== eagles0513875|2 is now known as eagles0513875
ehndeanyone know how to change channels in irssi when you are using it in a tabbed terminal?18:39
ehndewhen i do alt f1 it puts me over to the first tab in the console instead of switching channels on irc18:39
eagles0513875ehndegot my problem fixed18:40
alex_joniehnde: my irssi uses alt-1,2.. for channels, not f118:43
eagles0513875Patrickdk: :p poke18:43
alex_joniyou can always say /win <nr> too18:43
qman__yeah, number keys, not F keys18:43
ehndeoh oops that's what i meant was alt 118:44
ehndei didn't know about /win and that will work in place of alt 1/2/318:44
ehndethanks for the tip18:44
qman__you can change your configuration to bind it to a different key, too18:45
eagles0513875anyone use mysql workbench19:15
eagles0513875for some reason a clean install of mysql server for some reason wont connect to my remote install for some reason via ssh19:17
ikoniaprobably because mysql root account is associated to local host only19:17
ikoniaI assume you're trying to connect as "root"19:17
eagles0513875for now till i can setup another user19:17
ikoniaok, so that's why19:18
eagles0513875how could i fix it?19:18
ikonialogin to the root mysql user on the localhost, and create a new user19:18
eagles0513875this is the error i get when trying to connect with workbench Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)19:20
ikoniaeagles0513875: is work bench being run on the same host as the database ?19:20
ikoniathen it's not localhost19:20
ikoniaas I've explained, you need to connect to the localhost for mysql as the root user and create a new user19:21
ikoniathe root account is bound to the localhost address/name of the mysql server19:21
eagles0513875how do i do that on commandline19:21
ikoniathe documentation is on mysql.com19:22
ikoniaremember to flush privileges when you are done though19:22
eagles0513875ikonia: i seem to have a more serious problem though19:23
eagles0513875trying to login via commandline and im getting this error ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)19:24
ikoniaexplain ?19:24
ikoniawhat command are you using ?19:24
eagles0513875and this is via ssh on the machine that has mysql-server installed on it19:24
eagles0513875mysql -u root -p19:24
eagles0513875to login19:24
ikoniais mysql actually running ?19:24
eagles0513875its saying that it is cuz im setting up workbench to connect to the server via tcp/ip over ssh and ssh connects just fine19:25
ikoniawhat ?19:25
ikoniawhat's saying it's because you've setup workbend19:25
eagles0513875i have purged mysql-server bout 3 times and reinstalled yet the same problem persists19:26
ikoniayou're not listening to the questions I'm asking19:26
ikoniawhat's saying it's because you've setup workbench19:26
eagles0513875be it work bench or command line i get the same error as a bove about access denied19:27
ikoniaeagles0513875: right - forget workbench, I've explained why that won't work19:27
ikoniathere is no point progressing workbench until you can connect locally19:27
eagles0513875what do i need to do19:28
ikoniawhat was the question I asked before you started talking about workbench ?19:28
eagles0513875about the command that i was running19:28
ikoniathen what19:29
eagles0513875whats sasying its because i setup workbench19:29
eagles0513875its nothing to do with workbench its somethign on the server im thinking19:29
ikoniano, I asked if mysql was actually running ?19:29
eagles0513875and yes it is19:29
ikoniait's nothing to do with workbench, I've just told you that19:29
* eagles0513875 puts workbench to the side for now19:30
ikoniawhy are you repeating what I'm saying like you've just thought about it19:30
ikoniaI just told you that !19:30
ikoniaif you can't connect to the server on the localhost, that's nothing to do with workbench and you clearly have a problem with the database setup19:30
pmatuliseagles0513875: output to 'sudo lsof -i4tcp:3306 -nP' ?19:33
eagles0513875hold on a sec19:33
eagles0513875mysqld  1647 mysql   10u  IPv4   5385      0t0  TCP *:3306 (LISTEN)19:34
pmatuliseagles0513875: in your command, try 'root'@''19:35
ikoniaor -h
eagles0513875with which command19:35
eagles0513875ikonia: replace that in what command19:38
ikoniaor as pmatulis just do root@127.0.0119:38
eagles0513875is there a separate package i need to install for pmautils?19:40
ikoniathat's a username19:40
ikoniathere is a user in this channel called pmatulis19:40
eagles0513875humm ok19:41
ikoniahe told you to do the lsof command, that you did, so you must be following/aware of him19:41
eagles0513875i am19:41
eagles0513875and i tried the root@
ikoniaso why have you just asked if there is a package to install him ?19:41
eagles0513875and still nothing19:41
eagles0513875im just lost with what you said -h
ikoniaeagles0513875: mysql -u root -h -p19:42
ikoniawhat's the error that comes back19:42
eagles0513875ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)19:42
ikoniaeagles0513875: even using -h 127.0.0.l ?19:42
ikoniait says "localhost" when you are using -h
eagles0513875thats what came back in the error19:43
ikoniaok, then you need to start mysql with the "--skip-grant-tables" option to remove the permissions from the database, then set a new root password, re-start mysql without the --skip-grant-tables option and test19:44
eagles0513875ok ill try that later going to have dinner19:44
eagles0513875ikonia: couldnt i just purge mysql server and manually delete the user db that it creates?19:46
ikoniayou need to walk through this to resolve the issue, as you said you've tried purging it multiple times19:46
eagles0513875the only thing i can think of is a corrupt user db that is being created19:47
eagles0513875or that isnt getting purged19:47
ikoniauser db's don't affect permissions19:47
ikoniaI suggest you follow my suggestion19:48
eagles0513875thanks for your help ikonia ill follow your suggestion19:48
eagles0513875tbh ikonia i have no idea what i did today :( it was working fine till i killed it :( came to setup a 2nd db for oscommers and everythign just broke itself19:49
uvirtbotNew bug: #662328 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66232820:31
lateniteHi folks, I have a Dell server with scsi controlers for the harddiscs. Ubunutu 10.10 is not showing any discs under /dev . What modules would I have to loead to make scsi work? thanks :)20:43
ikonialatenite: what controllers ?20:43
latenitethose http://pastie.org/122825520:44
lateniteikonia, I realy dont know why I have 3 of them? and who is who...20:45
ikoniathey are both well supported20:45
ikoniawhat mode are they in, jbod or raid ?20:45
lateniteall I DO know is I have TWO hdd  and ONE DAT streamer20:45
lateniteall beeing scsci20:45
ikoniacan you please show me the output of "sudo fdisk -l" on that system in a pastebin please.20:45
dschuettany reason why i should upgrade from 10.04 to 10.10?20:46
ikoniadschuett: read the release notes, see if there is anything you want20:46
ikoniadschuett: for a server, keeping LTS support in 10.04 is a reason not to upgrade20:46
dschuettikonia, thanks. - just wanted a second opinion20:47
latenitehttp://pastie.org/1228264 that ONLY show the usb stick I booted from20:47
ikonialatenite: open the cards bio's and see if they show the disks, and what status they are in20:48
lateniteikonia, How would I do that? opening he bios would requiere to shut it down?20:48
ikonialatenite: it would use20:48
ikonia"it would, yes"20:49
qman__when it says "press F5 to enter RAID setup" or whatever, press that key combination20:49
lateniteikonia, ok that takes a minute....hold on :)20:50
lateniteikonia, ok firt in boot sequence is "LSI - Logic Bus Adapers" Do we need that? or next..?20:52
ikonialatenite: work through all 3 of them to see which one has the disks and what status they are in20:52
latenitelet see20:54
lateniteikonia, man there is SOO much stuff I ve never seen bevore20:56
latenitedont know where to start20:56
latenite...sadly I cant make a screenshot :(20:56
ikonialatenite: if it's a dell box, you can actually contact dell and they will walk you through the basics, they are quite good with that sort of thing20:56
lateniteok I see on SCSI ID #7 at slot A and B.......... and DAT tape at SCSI ID #620:58
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
lateniteikonia, next iin boot sequence is RAID... here is see "Ch-0 ID-0 DISK MAXTOR - READY" for both hdd21:00
ikonialatenite: looks like the card can see the disks ok, that's a good start21:01
=== RudyValencia- is now known as RudyValencia
ikonialatenite: the disks either need to be set to jbod, or raid mode21:01
lateniteikonia, in RAID setup I can switsch beween "READY" and "ONLIN" status of discs21:02
latenitewaht is jbod?21:02
ikoniaonline is good21:02
lateniteI want software raid1 lateron...but not by the controller21:03
ikoniawhy do you want software raid21:03
ikoniathose cards are good cards and well supported21:03
lateniteI might have to change hardare soon.21:03
lateniteikonia, its all ne to me...BUT I HEARD taht if I use differen raid controllers then I might not get my old raid back.21:05
lateniteis that true?21:05
ikoniayou don't balance the raid over different controllers21:05
ikoniayou use the same controller to do the raid21:05
lateniteikonia, so if I have different hardware soon my old controllers will be gone...and the new ones will/might not make my old raid work? right?21:06
ikoniaahh right, yes, that is very likley to be a problem unless they are from the same chipset21:06
latenitethat s why I rather stick with sw-raid21:07
lateniteis it that bad? to use21:07
ikoniawhy are you swapping those controllers out21:07
ikoniasoftware raid on linux is very good, no problem using it21:07
lateniteI might swat the whole box...this one is "ok" but will be replaced by a better one.21:08
ikoniain that senario I'd suggest either a.) doing a new install onto that box b.) copying the file systems (not swapping the disks) onto the new system21:09
lateniteok that "might" have beeb IT. Those HDDs never where "ONLINE" only "ready"21:09
ikoniathose cards are good cards, it would be a shame not to use them21:09
latenitelet s see21:09
lateniteikonia, If linux sw-raid is "good" why not use it...for compatibility reasons21:11
ikoniabecause it's not gaurenteed to work in other machines either, and if you've got good hardware raid controllers, why not use them for performance/stability reasons21:12
ikoniaof course it's totally your call how you setup your kit21:12
latenitenow I am in last boot sequence whereI can define "boot Sequence": but it only show my USB-Pen-drive...there are no HDDs to be seen21:13
lateniteis that faulty? or OK because they are scsi21:14
ikoniadefine boot sequence ?21:14
ikoniawhat is asking you to define boot sequence ?21:14
lateniteit like a "regular" bios now: set time, and the "order of" he devices the box boots from. normaly you set CD/DVD 1st , than HDD1 2nd, and so on21:15
latenitebut here it only show my pendrive...no further HDDs21:15
ikoniaI have no idea, I can't remember the bios settings,21:15
latenitesure :)21:15
lateniteI ll just boot any try..21:16
ikonialatenite: if the disks are in jbod mode, then you should see them in a boot menu, if they are in raid mode, then you won't see them until you build an array21:16
lateniteikonia, what is jbod mode?21:16
ikonianon-raid mode21:17
latenitecan I do taht without "TAKING THE CONTROLER OUT" ?21:17
ikoniayes, it's a raid controller mode/bios feature21:17
latenitecan I leave them on the raidcontroller usning them in ...21:18
lateniteooh o21:18
latenitelet me see what I did choose then..21:18
ikoniait means use the raid controller as a raid card (raid mode) or as a regular disk controller (jbod)21:18
ikoniajust a bunch of disks (jbod)21:18
latenitefunny shortform :)21:19
lateniteikonia, ok booted ubuntu again and got some more devices: http://pastie.org/122834121:21
latenitehow would I know if any of those are my disks?21:21
ikoniasudo fdisk -l21:21
lateniteI only dealt with "/dev/sda" for now21:21
ikonialets see what fdisk says21:22
latenitenot more than before21:22
ikonialatenite: thats annoying21:22
latenitebit I swear I did not have /dev/sg* /dev/st* before21:22
ikonialatenite: run sudo fdisk /dev/sdt21:23
ikoniasg are the scsi controllers, I assume st is the other21:23
lateniteroot@box:/home/user# fdisk -l /dev/st021:24
latenitejust takes for ever...no response21:24
ikoniathat's your tape drive21:24
ikonialatenite: mt -f /dev/st0 status21:24
latenitemt -f /dev/st0 status takes for ever also21:25
latenitelet it run or "ctrl -C" ?21:25
ikoniait will do21:25
ikonialet it run21:25
ikoniait's a tape drive21:25
ikoniaI assume you have the tape drive terminated21:25
latenitenow I do  "mt -f /dev/st0 status"...21:25
lateniteis taht ok?21:25
lateniteok...for how long? WHAT is taking up so much time here?21:26
ikoniait's a tape drive, they are slow21:26
lateniteI dont hava a tape in...21:26
lateniteis taht ok?21:26
ikoniait should report back off line21:26
latenitemt: /dev/st0: rmtopen failed: No medium found21:27
latenitejust did! :)21:27
ikoniaso you know that's all good21:27
lateniteso what are the discs?21:27
ikoniacheck the bios for the disk mode21:27
ikoniait's possible they are in raid mode (seeing the controllers sg0) but not the disks, if they are in raid mode, with no array defined, you won't see them21:27
cjcHello anyone here good at networking please?21:28
ikoniacjc: just ask21:28
lateniteok let be get back into bios and check :)21:28
cjcI need help bridging two network connections please21:28
ikoniaok, with a bridge device, or just using routing21:28
cjctwo networking interfaces on my local machine?21:29
ikoniayes, but with a bridge device, or using routing21:29
cjcplease explain what you mean?21:30
ikoniayou can either use a networking device on your server called a bridge device/interface, or just setup routing with something like iptables to bridge the two21:30
lateniteikonia, on the other hand: if it IS in raid mode...hwo would I make it see the disk then?21:31
cjcwhat do you mean by a networking device?21:31
ikonialatenite: you either need to change it to jbod, or configure a raid arrary21:31
ikoniacjc: lookup tun and bridge devices21:32
lateniteikonia, and configuring an array would be done....HOW? in bios?21:32
ikonialatenite: correct21:32
lateniteok back to bios....21:33
cjcare you talking about physical bridge devices?21:34
ikoniacjc: they are a physical device to the server, but not an actual device21:35
lateniteikonia, I can chane the disks from "ready" to "online" but the state is NEVER saved...when going back into that menu they are "ready" again....this is annoying21:45
uvirtbotNew bug: #662375 in postfix (main) "package postfix (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66237521:46
lateniteikonia, is there a chance that IF I just define 2 "logical drives" and not MOZT put them in an "array" in bios...taht THIS is how I had to setup "jbod"?22:02
=== _TechAway_ is now known as _Techie_
durbinDoes anyone know where I can grab an iso of the ubuntu server ec2 instance for use with virtualbox?22:12
latenitehi folks, Say what is "so special" (no offense -> I just dont know better) about a server edition ? what comes with it, and what does ot come withot compared to a regular desktop ubuntu? thanks22:14
durbin:latenite the gui is the biggest thing that doesn't come with the server edition22:15
Datzthe kernel is also optimized for server22:15
Datzprobably more changes now: http://www.serverwatch.com/tutorials/article.php/3715071/Ubuntu-Server--Kernel-Configuration-Considerations.htm22:16
Datzas that is 7.10 kernel22:17
DatzI wish someone would do and publish stuff like that more often22:17
ikonialatenite: first of all, sorry for the slow response, second, I can't remember the raid card bios options from memory so can't follow exactly what your saying, third, the server edition has some optimisations in that are aimed at true enterprise hardware22:18
durbinin case anyone was wondering where to find the EC2 images, they are here http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/releases/maverick/release/22:19
lateniteikonia, I just made both drives "logcial" + "online" and inittailzed them. now I have http://pastie.org/122847722:20
lateniteikonia, how do I "MAKE SURE" it truely is NO raid?22:21
ikonialatenite: now that looks great22:21
ikonialatenite: the raid options are set in the card, so I don't know without having the raid card bios details in front of me22:21
lateniteikonia, I am happy , too :)22:21
lateniteikonia, well I can format /dev/sda differnetly than /dev/sdb So I "feel" they are independent ? right?!22:22
ikonialatenite: from that point of view, totally22:22
lateniteso I am at a point where I am good to go...22:23
ikoniacertainly looks that way22:23
lateniteman thank you very much for your help :) very appreciute it .22:23
lateniteikonia, can you answer the quetion above..about "what makes -server edition" so special?22:24
latenitedifferent kernel config?22:24
lateniteother tools?22:24
ikonialatenite: I did respond earlier22:24
lateniteno X ?22:24
lateniteohh..my fault22:24
ikoniait's tuned to run on enterprise level hardware, it doesn't bother with home user kit like nvidia/ati accelerated drivers22:25
lateniteikonia, on so no X..what else?22:25
ikoniano X by default, lvm installed by default etc etc22:25
ikoniathe base product is the same, but it's more usefully setup and tuned to enterprise level servers22:25
latenitesounds like I might want that?22:25
_Techie_also works charms on hoem servers22:25
lateniteany pitfalls?...I generely use gentoo.22:26
ikonialatenite: do you want a gui, yes/no ?22:26
lateniteikonia, no22:26
ikonialatenite: are you running on a true dell "server" platform22:26
ikoniaor a home desktop type setup22:27
ikonialatenite: that's just a list of hardware22:28
ikonialatenite: I'm asking are you using a dell server, or a desktop type machine22:28
_Techie_latenite, hes using a proper dell poweredge server22:28
latenitesystem     PowerEdge 180022:28
ikonialatenite: ok, so the server install would be very nice22:29
lateniteikonia, _Techie_ I dont realy see the difference betwwen "server" and "desktop" box?22:29
latenitewhat would differntiate them?...cpu power?22:29
_Techie_all sorts of different things22:30
_Techie_cache, hard drive speed22:30
latenitethey are all differnt from box to box...no matter if server or desktop22:30
ikonialatenite: the hardware in them is quite different22:30
ikonialatenite: hence why a server class raid card is $800 and a home desktop has one built into it's motherboard22:30
martin-even mdadm beats built-in/fakeraid22:31
lateniteikonia, oh ok so it all about "what hardware" is build into the bos? like that?22:31
ikoniamartin-: by a mile22:31
ikonialatenite: part of it22:31
latenite....in the end ALL hardware is supported (or saadly not ..) by the kernel.... I still dont see the diff?22:32
_Techie_i gotta start shifting my computer, seeya tonight22:32
latenite_Techie_, thanks... bye :)22:32
=== _Techie_ is now known as _TechAway_
lateniteikonia, to me ot s all about what is supported by the kernel ..and how powerfull the hardware is.22:33
latenitethese two parameters....are both to be found in "servers" + "desktops"22:33
ikonialatenite: nothing to do with "power" although things like large memory support is enabled22:34
latenite...I dont mean to stess...but I dont see the difference22:34
lateniteOk so in the end ist just about "tuning"....any linux with the right kernelconfig anf tools will do22:35
lateniteserveredition make it more convinient22:35
lateniteso why not use it?...I ll try it! :)22:35
ikonialook at RHEL, it's the same product on the desktop and server, it's setup very different though and has a different set of kernel options, but it makes them behave quite different22:35
latenitesure...good example :922:37
lateniteI could do a "lfs" and and up with a propper server as wel..it all about how much "finetuning" i want?22:37
latenitelike that?22:38
lateniteis there a link that tell s me more about ubuntu-server edition?22:38
ikonialatenite: how is lfs more of a proper server than ubuntu server ?22:38
lateniteikonia, not at all... they are the same to me22:39
lateniteonewth more work to do...22:39
latenitein the end the result in the system "I" want...22:40
lateniteSo I just wonder how much work is taken of my hand when choosing ubuntu server...22:40
latenitecompared to my other probale choice "gentoo chroot setup"22:41
ikoniaquite a lot, its a very sane setup22:41
ikoniaubuntu server takes about 15 minutes to install, you do the maths22:41
lateniteikonia, if I was not concerned about time....ONLY results (which I realy am *not*) is there anything ubunut does better or differnt than others?22:42
ikonialatenite: not really, somethings better, some things worse than others, at the heart all distros are the same product22:43
lateniteikonia, I realy like gentoo (on big dislike is compile time)...but I am also very temptetd to try ubuntu22:43
ikonialatenite: give it a try22:45
latenitetimes ago I used debian and had some  issues with dependencies not beeing solved right....22:45
lateniteis there anythink to say about that "bugger" on ubuntu?22:45
ikoniathe repos and dependencies are very tidy22:45
lateniteikonia, you know what...I will! let go 4 ubunut once :)22:46
ikoniaif you don't like it, you can always swap22:46
ikoniait has it's positives and it's negatives as with any linux distro22:46
lateniteis there a way to "debootstrap" it from within a chroot (thats how I mostly setup my boxes)22:46
ikoniatrust me, you don't want to go that way22:46
ikoniajust install, and configure,22:46
ikoniaubuntu's put together for you, trust it22:47
lateniteI mostly only have ssh access to the boxes22:47
ikoniathat's a drag22:47
ikoniayou can do it,22:47
ikoniadon't think it's an official method though22:48
lateniteikonia, I dont get why debootraping the ubuntu-server tree is bad?22:48
ikoniathe installer doesn't expect it22:48
lateniteshould n that be just the same as installing from CD?22:48
latenitewhat installer? I am lost *laughes*22:49
ikonianah, the cd sets things up for you, that said you can debootstrap it22:49
ikoniawhen you boot the server cd - it goes through an install routine22:49
lateniteoh like setting up locales and stuff?22:50
ikoniapart of it yes22:50
lateniteok I i will try ubuntu on this server BUT I will debootstrap it. Using a CD will not help me in the future..since I almost never have acces to the box22:51
ikoniago for it22:51
latenitecould you link me to a tutorial on ubuntu debootsraping?22:52
ChmEarllatenite, what OS is on the host?22:52
ikoniaI certainly don't have one, I don't think there will be an official guide22:52
lateniteno no..for now it s a ubunut pendrive22:53
latenitebut only because the box is right aside of me22:53
ikoniamust go22:53
ikoniagood luck22:54
lateniteikonia, have fun :=) thanks again22:54
uvirtbotNew bug: #662398 in openldap (main) "Version number in package name makes life hard" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66239822:56
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