[09:20] kenvandine: did you get round to pushing out this fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/637671 [09:20] ? [09:20] Launchpad bug 637671 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus python 100 % cpu for ever (affected: 24, heat: 126)" [Undecided,Fix committed] [10:49] vish: AFAIK this is your area of expertise? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/662575 [10:49] Launchpad bug 662575 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Search all notes menu item appears as a radio menu item (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] [10:50] klattimer¦ hehe, that is actually the search icon :D [10:50] vish yeah, the default search icon [10:50] AFAIK it's the only indicator menu it appears on [10:51] yea, it was intended to be displayed within text fields [10:52] hmm.. [10:53] klattimer¦ why is search having an icon displayed there? mpt mentioned icons only for objects.. similarly the places menu does not display the search icon [10:54] vish: unsure [10:54] I just spotted this icon problem when going over tomboy's code for other bugs [10:54] thought I should bring some attention to it [11:00] klattimer¦ ah ha! we both have "menu item has icon" turned on ;) [11:00] ok [11:00] well, that's fair enough [11:01] either way, it's a bug for those of us who have [11:01] yup :) === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [14:01] kenvandine: about? [14:01] hey klattimer [14:02] oh... sorry [14:02] bug 637671 [14:02] was wondering about the patch I added here https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/637671 [14:02] Launchpad bug 637671 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus python 100 % cpu for ever (affected: 24, heat: 126)" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/637671 [14:02] yeah that one [14:02] Launchpad bug 637671 in ibus (Ubuntu) "ibus python 100 % cpu for ever (affected: 24, heat: 126)" [Undecided,Fix committed] [14:02] i didn't... [14:02] * kenvandine does it now [14:02] oh :( [14:02] you killed a unicorn [14:02] * kenvandine assigns to self :) [14:04] sorry about that, was wrapped up fixing another bug and by the time i finished it slipped my mind... :/ [14:05] np [14:05] only a few people have hit it so far [14:05] looks like a python bug I want to dig into a bit [14:19] kenvandine: I've got another one for you, but I'd like to hold this off until someone has tested it against #660525 [14:19] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/627744 [14:19] Launchpad bug 627744 in indicator-application (Ubuntu) "Tomboy note names are blank in the Application Indicator fallback menu (affected: 14, heat: 86)" [Low,New] [14:21] tedg: is there a blueprint for discussing the API for indicators and such? [14:21] klattimer, ok... [14:22] klattimer, testing this patch and the indicator doesn't seem to work [14:22] kenvandine: how so? [14:22] launching ibus-setup the first time gave me the prefs [14:22] yeah [14:22] but aftering hitting close [14:22] the menu doesn't do anything [14:22] oh [14:22] :/ [14:22] shit [14:22] i can't open prefs from the menu [14:22] or about [14:22] or restart [14:22] or quit [14:22] none of them seem to do anything [14:22] :'( [14:23] kenvandine: sometimes i get that bug without opening the menu [14:23] let me revert and see if that worked before the patch [14:23] I was battling that for a while [14:23] python signal(SIG_CHLD... is responsible for this [14:23] it just locks up hard when the process exits [14:24] humm [14:24] I try to avoid that by ignoring the signal as it should just leave a defunct process [14:24] i am not getting a defunct process [14:24] and it seems idle [14:24] hmm [14:24] just not responding the clicks in the menu [14:24] really I think the clicks thing isn't this bug [14:24] ... or maybe I haven't looked deep enough [14:24] but I couldn't find anywhere else that signal was being caught and processed [14:25] just the one place handling the preferences dialog [14:26] yeah, same thing in the maverick version [14:26] so no worse :) [14:27] * kenvandine doesn't understand why this ibus code is so complex... [14:27] kenvandine: because it's made of cheese? [14:27] hehe [14:28] there are dozen or so weird failings in the code [14:28] thankfully it's being rewritten for natty :D [14:28] whew... good [14:28] i would really think this could be done in a much simpler way [14:29] let me logout and see if the behavior is different in the desktop, i am running unity [14:29] hey rickspencer3 [14:29] hi kenvandine [14:29] brb [14:35] klattimer, ok... different results in gnome [14:35] kenvandine: the suspense is killing me [14:35] in gnome it responds to some menu clicks, but when i closed the prefs [14:35] it spiked my cpu [14:36] hung at 100% [14:36] kenvandine: are you using the old one? [14:36] my patch should prevent that [14:36] i got that with both version [14:36] really??! [14:36] * klattimer trundles back to ibus with a grouchy look about his face [14:36] sorry man :) [14:36] i know looking at ibus is no fun at all [14:36] hey it's ok [14:36] :) [14:37] we gotta get a decent spectrum of results right [14:37] but also it completely doesn't work in unity [14:37] it just doesn't do anything on any user click [14:37] ok [14:37] this is just arse backwards [14:37] tedg, ^^ [14:37] I think i'm going to need to go a bit more crazy [14:38] kenvandine, ? [14:38] kenvandine, I'm not following the backlog. [14:41] sorry [14:41] so the ibus indicator [14:41] in unity doesn't respond to any clicks at all [14:41] but in gnome it does [14:41] however it is very buggy... [14:42] just wondering what could be different in unity that makes appindicator behave differently [14:43] i noticed differences on friday with the me menu idoentry, a bunch of debug statements i stuck in indicator-me.c didn't get printed out in unity [14:43] but they did in gnome [14:43] running the same indicator-me-service [14:48] klattimer, just to confirm, the patch in comment #16 was the right one,right? [14:48] kenvandine, Hmm, in general, they should be roughly the same... are you saying the debug messages from the service? [14:49] no... how do i do that? [14:49] kenvandine, It would probably be in .xsession-errors -- or you can just run the service from the command line. [14:49] kenvandine: #16 [14:49] yep [14:49] Also I just put a file in with the debug env variables. Using that makes it a little easier to swap services. [14:50] with me menu, running the service looked fine except it wasn't printing any of my debug statements [14:50] let me try that with ibus [14:51] ** (process:15554): WARNING **: No marshaller for signature of signal 'ReviseJudgement' [14:51] i see that [14:52] then when starting ibus-daemon it logs that the app is added [14:52] but then clicking on it produces no output [14:54] kenvandine, I'm not sure that it prints anything when it gets clicked on... [14:54] ok [14:54] kenvandine, You could add that in debugging real quick though. [14:55] kenvandine, We dont' pass the clicks on unless it's on a dbusmenu item. Which goes directly from Unity to the app. [14:56] tedg, can you suggest any python apps that use appindicators? [14:56] so i can test with something else [14:56] tomboy works fine [14:56] kenvandine, indicator-workspace, gtg [14:56] kenvandine, Thought there's a test indicator in the indicator-application package [14:56] kenvandine, That one prints a bunch. [14:57] kenvandine, I don't think it installs anywhere -- so you'll have to grab the source. [14:58] not seeing it [14:58] where is it? [15:02] kenvandine, lp:indicator-application /example "simple-client" [15:03] but that is C [15:03] i asked for a python example [15:03] :) [15:03] kenvandine, Sorry, I was giving you a chance to upgrade your skills ;) [15:03] since tomboy works fine, i want to make sure python does [15:03] bah [15:03] kenvandine, There was a port of simple-client that eitan did... [15:03] kenvandine: you need to test with python [15:03] there seems to be a few weird bits in the bindings [15:03] kenvandine, I'm not sure where that went when we merged. [15:03] * kenvandine writes one [15:04] i am a bit scared that things behave differently in unity... it kind of freaks me out [15:05] kenvandine: always follow your hunch [15:34] tedg, klattimer: seems to be working fine in python :/ [15:34] hmm [15:34] so must just be weirdness in the overcomplexity of ibus [15:35] then its just ibus which is bork [15:35] * tedg does the "it's probably not my fault" dance :) [15:35] i just tried jono's example on the wiki page [15:35] just added the function to call on activate [15:35] tedg: I wonder if our "it's probably not my fault" dances are the same [15:36] * tedg puts some pants on so the neighbors stop throwing things ;) [15:37] * kenvandine updated the wiki page so the code can be run without editing :) [15:44] Cimi¦ now that the compiz shadow has moved lower, the lower panel has no shadow … :( [15:44] we should just cut the shadow on the top of the menu instead of moving it lower === seif_ is now known as seiflotfy [16:01] klattimer, when you want more testing or uploading for ibus, go ahead and assign the bug to me [18:20] kenvandine: is it possible to track down a bug which links to a patch [18:20] I've got this patch URL, but no idea which bug it comes from [18:20] and searching my email fails, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/57513646/ibus_gtk_panel.patch [18:20] dunno [18:21] http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CBgQFjAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fbugs.launchpad.net%2Fubuntu%2F%2Bsource%2Fibus%2F%2Bbug%2F658911&rct=j&q=ibus_gtk_panel.patch&ei=A4K8TOeDL4GB8gaXteyiDw&usg=AFQjCNHGyw_GTVPHELmTqghnShlmfixWqA&cad=rja [18:21] whoops [18:21] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus-chewing/+bug/658911 [18:21] Launchpad bug 658911 in OEM Priority Project "ibus-chewing instability (dup-of: 659690)" [Critical,In progress] [18:21] Launchpad bug 659690 in ibus-chewing (Ubuntu) "a setting window flashes when ibus-chewing added into IBus which causes typing difficulty. (affected: 17, heat: 62)" [Undecided,New] [18:22] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ibus/+bug/564034 [18:22] Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: list.index(x): x not in list (https://launchpad.net/bugs/564034) [18:22] that is the one [18:22] klattimer, ^^ [18:23] kenvandine: awesome! [18:23] I see you used googlefoo [18:23] it was a shot :) [18:24] heh [18:24] searched for the patch name and clicked on the links in the bug reports [21:08] Hi all, I'm trying to find any documentation on soundmenu integration for a mediaplayer. Can anyone help? [21:08] I know how to put it into soundmenu, but don't know how to control player with buttons in soundmenu.