
peitschiejelmer: thats what I was fearing would be the case... it seemed like a very complex solution to solve!00:01
peitschiejelmer: do you have a goal timeframe in mind (e.g., days/weeks/months/years?)00:02
pooliejelmer: i'd be interested in your review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/deprecation/+merge/38647 if you get a chance00:03
peitschiejelmer: i'm interested primarily to see which direction "the majority" of our devs end up going.  A battle-hardened few find the "new" way of working more straightforward and easier than svn branches still, but a lot of the devs are a little on the fence not being so comfortable away from the tortiseXXX guis00:04
pooliespiv will be away sick today, in case anyone was hoping to talk to him00:06
jelmerpeitschie: It really depends on how we decide to fix it. My guess it will be weeks at least.00:08
jelmerpoolie: Sure, I'll have a look.00:08
poolietell me if you think it's actually cleaner00:09
peitschiejelmer: ok.  it is understandable :).  we'll limp along and keep waiting then!00:11
jelmerhmm, I think I might also have fixed the hdb_asn1.h issue00:30
* jelmer gets bit by his middle mouse button again00:30
mgzwill the universe hate me if I change the duplicates of some AttributeError bugs are for the third time...00:33
mgzin my defense, this was very confusing.00:34
jelmermgz: I think we'll be ok :-)00:35
jelmerpoolie: I've followed up to your MP.00:54
mgzwait, am I even more of a total idiot?00:56
mgzpoolie's mp is exactly the same thing?00:56
lifelessno, wait, whats the question00:56
mgzbut done properly?00:56
* mgz branches it too see if it incidentally fixes the same bug00:57
mgzdidn't even register it was about smart_add as well, thought it'd just be... deprecating some things00:59
mgzphew. still fails. my change may not merge now, but at least it wasn't completely pointless.01:00
mgzbed before I get myself in any more of a tizz.01:02
pooliemgz, seriously?01:07
pooliemgz, it was part of a saga towards fixing all the add bugs (and introducing shiny new ones :-) but it doesn't specifically fix anything01:07
poolieexcept by pure luck01:07
pooliethanks jelmer01:07
adamdvI'm using bzr+ssh, and am attempting to use it on windows. Only, the ssh server uses public key authentication. How can I get bzr to recognize a public key to login to the server with?01:16
=== adamdv is now known as AdamDV
poolieAdamDV: see http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/Bzr_and_SSH01:37
poolieand if that's incomplete/unclear, please ask01:39
AdamDVNope, makes sense.01:39
AdamDVbzr always amazes me at the simplicity :)01:40
pooliewe should move/copy that to the user manual01:40
AdamDVYou should :)01:44
poolieAdamDV: bug 66244802:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 662448 in Bazaar "docs should describe how to set up ssh keys (affected: 1, heat: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66244802:11
poolieyou could do it if you want :)02:11
AdamDVHow do I edit the docs?02:12
pooliethere's a document about that too :) ...02:12
poolieand http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/ContributingToTheDocs02:12
AdamDVWill do :)02:13
poolie the best documenters are those who've just worked out how to do the thing they're describing02:13
pooliethey're not so prone to assuming things are obvious02:13
AdamDVMhm :)02:14
AdamDVSo, let me get this straight02:15
AdamDVI have to use bzr to checkout the bzr documentation?02:16
AdamDVand fix it, and then recommit the bzr doc with bzr?02:16
AdamDVpoolie: Okay, so how do I start? I have never used launchpad before :P02:20
pooliehm, so you need an account?02:21
AdamDVAnd I've assigned it to me02:22
poolieok so02:22
pooliebzr init-repo ~/bzr02:22
AdamDV(I've used launchpad before, never actually helped with anythnig)02:22
poolieoh ok02:22
AdamDValright, ran that02:22
poolieactually the quickstart guide should tell you how to make a branch...02:22
AdamDVLotsa code to check out..02:31
AdamDVpoolie: Shall I put this new documentation in user-guide?02:37
pooliethat'd be good02:43
MeaCulpaHi! I have trouble using bzr windows stand-alone binary on ssh inplemention... bzr keeps looking for /home/%CURRENTUSER%/.bzr directory, which is useless in Windows02:45
MeaCulpaI need bzr to look after %DOCUMENTROOT%\%CURRENTUSER%\.ssh02:46
MeaCulpaPerhaps there is some messing on ssh? I have putty with pegeant, my non-ssh branch works okay02:47
poolieMeaCulpa: it's looking for the ssh key in .bzR?02:48
poolieadam was just updating the docs about that02:48
MeaCulpaI've been using bzr for years, but only the python version, My desktop have py2.7 now so I wanna try bzr standalone02:48
MeaCulpaI guess pure python ssh is long-time okay02:49
MeaCulpapoolie: it is looking on .ssh under /home/user thing, tis unix style02:49
poolieoh, i see02:50
pooliethat is odd02:50
MeaCulpamaybe it is because my windows is messed up with opensource tools... :(02:51
pooliewe're using os.path.expanduser02:51
MeaCulpapoolie: then this shall not be a problem... strange02:52
poolieMeaCulpa: what are %HOME% and %USERPROFILE% set to?02:52
pooliemaybe the unix tools changed them02:52
MeaCulpauserprofile is set under documentroot/user02:52
MeaCulpaand I don't have %HOME%02:52
MeaCulpamaybe... there are many cygwin hacks hidden somewhere in my tools02:53
* MeaCulpa hate cygwin02:53
adamdvpoolie: Should I use rest format when writing doc?02:56
adamdvOr can I just format it as a txt file?02:56
poolieadamdv: ideally, rest02:56
pooliebut plain txt is pretty close02:57
adamdvI can use rest, I think.02:57
pooliewe can fix any markup bugs02:57
adamdvIts going to be alot like the web equivelent, but I'll throw in a few tidbits from my personal bzr+ssh experience :P02:57
MeaCulpapoolie: hand-tuned bzr from source proved to be well-isolated and safely pythonic in my windows box, thank you for your concern!03:17
adamdvpoolie: Alright, I checked out, locally copied, added the file and wrote it, locally committed, and now am attempting to 'bzr push'03:19
adamdvI get: bzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/adam/bzr/.bzr/branch/": location is a repository.03:20
pooliewhat command?03:22
adamdvbzr push03:24
poolieadamdv: i think you need to cd into the branch directory03:25
poolieand probably also specify a location on lp to push ot03:25
adamdvaccording to the quickContribGuide, bzr push will work03:26
poolielike 'bzr push lp:~adamdv/bzr/662448-ssh-docs'03:26
adamdvGotta register my ssh keys03:27
adamdvDone. So, uhh, now what?03:29
adamdvI'm guessing my change has to be approved?03:32
=== adamdv is now known as AdamDV
poolieAdamDV: normally you'd click then 'propose for merging' or type 'lp propose-merge'03:52
AdamDVMerge proposed :)03:53
AdamDVhttps://code.launchpad.net/~adam-delvecchio/bzr/662448-sshkey-doc/+merge/38682 (I believe thats the link?)03:54
* poolie looks04:04
* adamdv crosses fingers04:11
pooliei'm reading it now04:14
poolieok, replied04:16
poolielet's see what maritza says too04:16
AdamDV2Internet sucks at my house :/04:22
AdamDV2poolie: I'm going to fix it, and probably make it more easily readable as well.04:34
cody-somervillelol, bzr-stats's --show-class argument sure makes bzr stats have an appetite for memory, lol; its at over 1.5G and isn't even done with the first contributor yet05:17
vilahi all !07:30
peitschiehi vila :)07:31
pooliehi there vila09:42
vilapoolie: hey !09:42
pooliecody-somerville: ouch; on what tree?09:42
vilajelmer: \o_10:01
vilapoolie: you're at UDS with jam next week right ?10:20
vilapoolie: so maybe one of you should switch with spiv as PP this week ?10:21
jelmer_thumper: The problem with the mesa branch appears to be caused by the fact that it's still in the 1.9 format rather than 2a.10:22
thumperjelmer_: I had the 1.9 one blown away though10:38
thumperjelmer_: the one that is importing is 2a10:38
thumperat least I thought as much10:38
thumperI'll get spm to check tomorrow10:39
jelmer_thumper: The web page claims it's 1.910:39
thumperjelmer_: that is because the branch won't get mirrored until it is fully imported10:39
* thumper afk10:39
jelmer_thumper: ah, ok :-(10:39
pooliegood idea; maybe i will because spiv was sick today10:40
poolieon phone10:40
vilamgz: could you send an mp with your hack_transport branch cleaned if needed (but really if needed) waiting for the hook one to get fully discussed ?10:58
vilamgz: it's a shame to still get leak related failures and block the osx slave when we fully understand the cause and have a available fix even if it's not perfect10:59
vilamgz: *AND* a better one worked on...10:59
ibxthhello, sorry for my english, how can i export only diff files between two revision?11:09
fax8hi there, just installed bzr on 8.04 from https://launchpad.net/~bzr/+archive/ppa .. but I got bzr 2.2 .. shouldn't it be 2.1?11:10
GaryvdMibxth: bzr diff -r x..y11:12
GaryvdMfax8: No -  2.2 is now the stable release11:13
ibxthGaryvdM, it give me a difference between revision. i need the files that have changed11:15
GaryvdMibxth:  bzr status -r x..y11:16
GaryvdMibxth then bzr cat FILE -r y11:16
ibxthbut i need ALL the files than have changed between two revision11:18
GaryvdMibxth: What are you going to do with the files?11:20
ibxthUpload to server.11:21
GaryvdMibxth: Do you know that the bzr-upload plugin does this for you11:22
ibxthGaryvdM, thanks11:23
ibxthI did not know about this plugin11:24
fax8GaryvdM: thanks, than this has to be updated http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/DistroDownloads#Ubuntu11:25
GaryvdMfax8: ok11:25
fax8GaryvdM: saw the page updated, thanks!11:27
fax8GaryvdM: I would say that the two lines:11:32
fax8Stable version: 2.2.111:32
fax8Test version: 2.3b111:32
fax8under the bazaar logo on the bazaar website homepage need more visibility.. I spent the some time trying to find what was the latest stable version11:33
GaryvdMfax8: That would mean that we would have to update that page a lot more often11:33
GlenjaminCould these things be pulled from a central source somewhere?11:34
GaryvdMI see the 2.2.1, and 2.3b2 announced on http://bazaar.canonical.com/en/11:35
GaryvdMunder the Core News heading.11:35
fax8nope. I mean this http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/8591/bzrhomepage.jpg11:42
GaryvdMfax8: Oh - I understand now. I don11:43
GaryvdMI don't know who would be able to fix that. poolie?11:44
vilaGaryvdM: should be in bzr-website11:50
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
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Kaamoscan someone answer a question?13:47
jelmerKaamos: Depends on the question. :-)13:48
jelmerKaamos: Just ask the question, if there's somebody around who knows the answer or can help they'll speak up.13:48
Kaamos=), i want to know how the bazaar keeps track of the changes made to the files13:48
jelmerKaamos: how does it store the deltas between in the repository you mean?13:49
Kaamosim not quite familiar with those tools, im writing a college paper about those SCM tools comparing to the caracterisitics of the ISO 14010213:50
Kaamosand one of these caracterisitics is keep track of the changes13:50
Kaamosby the example, it means to know who changed the fyle, what change was made, and when it was made13:51
GaryvdMKaamos: I would recommend this as a good first read: http://www.ericsink.com/scm/scm_repositories.html14:02
GaryvdMbzr is different in some details, but it will give you a good picture.14:03
Kaamosthank you gary i will look it right now14:22
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
mgzvila: will do.14:38
vilamgz: great !14:38
vilamgz: by the way, shouldn't you land https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gz/bzr/require_unicode_committer_614593/+merge/38334 ?14:40
mgzpossibly. was wondering if jam would save me from my fretting with more sage advice.14:40
vilamgz: k, request a review then, it's more likely to get  you an answer for an mp already approved ;)14:41
mgzthat might be wise. was just going to try and glomp him here.14:42
mgzokay, put a mp up with the hack vila, and sent a message to the list.14:52
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-lunch
Kaamoshow does bazaar handles the history of a file?16:03
fullermdGently?  :)16:19
Kaamosfor what i see, it is using the diff command16:24
Kaamosbut i dont know how it works16:24
Kaamosif he displays who have done the change16:24
roryyKaamos: what do you want to do?  maybe you want "bzr log" ?16:24
Kaamosyeah something like that16:25
KaamosWhat was changed16:25
KaamosWhen the change was made16:25
KaamosWho did it16:25
KaamosWhy (the comment entered at checkin time)16:25
Glenjaminthat bzr log, yeah16:25
Kaamosbzr log provides all this informations?16:26
roryyyip; take a look at "bzr help log"16:27
Kaamosi will tkz guys16:28
GaryvdMKaamos: Also bzr annotate FILE16:31
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
roryyi've added 'missing' to 'bzr status' for bug 134168; i've updated BranchStatus.test_tree_status_specific_files -- what other tests should i change?17:57
ubot5Launchpad bug 134168 in Bazaar "status does not show missing files that are newly added (affected: 0, heat: 3)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13416817:57
Glenjaminif all the tests pass, and whatever you added is tested by that - then in theory that should be enough.17:58
roryyok.  there's a whole mishmash of testing non-existent file cases17:59
jelmermaxb: Will you have a chance to follow up on my comments to your subvertpy branch?18:01
=== Meths_ is now known as Meths
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jelmermaxb: ping19:36
=== frakturfreak_ is now known as frakturfreak
pinguinhi how to ignore a single collom of a file?20:31
txdvhello guys20:34
txdvwhat is a revision? is it a commit in the mainline?20:34
luksit's a state of the source code tree20:36
txdvis it possible to calculate the revisio number just based on the commit tree?20:37
luksit's a graph, not a tree20:38
luksbut yes, that's how bzr revision numbers are calculated20:38
txdvjust going down the mainline and adding the commit?S20:38
luksoh, but perhaps you meant a different tree20:38
luksfor the mainline yes20:38
luksit get's complicated with merges20:39
txdvi'm using git and i want to calculate that pesky bzr revision number20:39
txdvi converted a bzr repo to a git repo20:40
txdvbut even excluding the merges will generate revnumber which is toobig20:40
txdvto be true20:40
lukswell, I'm not sure what are you really asking20:42
txdvi want to know how the revision number is generated20:42
txdvyour google skills are better20:42
txdvthen mine20:43
luksI didn't have to google :)20:43
txdvyeah you used your ninja skillz20:43
fullermdThe author is a genius.  Handsome, too.20:43
txdvwhat are you talking about?20:44
fullermdOh, just passing the time   :)20:44
roryyand humble20:44
txdvIf the either the author or you are not female please do it somehow different xD20:45
fullermdI heard a rumor he once saved a bus full of school children from certain death in a volcano eruption.  Might just be a rumor though.20:45
txdvwho did that?20:46
fullermdNah, Superman just saved some chick from an earthquake as I recall.  He thinks so small...20:47
pinguinhi how to ignore a single collom of a file?20:48
GaryvdMfullermd: :-p20:57
GaryvdMpinguin: what is a collom? column maybe?20:58
GaryvdMpinguin: Maybe content views may help.20:58
GaryvdMpinguin: What type of file is it?20:59
pinguinGaryvdM: have you a link to content views doku?21:02
GaryvdMpinguin: Why? What column? (/me didnot know the python had columns)21:02
GaryvdMpinguin: I'm trying to find what I was thinking about21:03
fullermdWell, it's hard to do much python without using Coulombs...21:04
pinguini want to exclude a single line from a commit21:04
GaryvdMpinguin: I was thinking about content filters ttp://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/latest/en/user-reference/content-filters-help.html21:05
GaryvdMpinguin: But you probably  just want to shelve  + commit + unshelve21:05
pinguinfor example we have a password in our file and that should not be under version control21:08
GaryvdMOh  - The best thing is to probably extract it a config file that does not get versioned.21:12
pinguinno we need the file under version control (only one line ignored)21:13
txdvfullermd: he thinks with his penis21:24
txdvbut even so he should have saved a bus full of cheerleaders21:24
peitschie1mornin all :)22:32
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
pattern"bzr launchpad-login foo" will tell bzr to set my launchpad username to "foo"23:01
patternhow can i unset it or set it to nothing?23:01
james_wyou have to edit the config file as far as I know23:05
patternwhich config file?23:06
pooliemkanat, hi?23:07
mkanatHey poolie. :-)23:08
patternmwhudson: thank you23:15
peitschiehi dOxxx23:44

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