
vbgunzsmooph1: that's an excellent question. it might be the greatest thing ever invented but like you I still don't know and without it being obvious I just haven't bothered to check it out. I'd suggest maybe googling about it for some background before you mess with it00:01
=== mars is now known as Guest32572
smooph1vbgunz: thats what I just did and I have to say that their might be some scenario where this is useful i think its stupid00:08
=== richard is now known as Guest62346
smooph1I would love to see a userexperience where somebody does something useful with it00:09
=== muzer is now known as MuzerAway
Benkinoobysmooph1, it might be usefull if you use the widgets a lot. so creating different sets of widgest (work, entertainment, ....) might increase efficency00:10
James147smooph1: as far as I knw activities are under heavy developmetn atm... there is a lot of intrest in them from the developers end so in the comming releases I would expect to see larges changes in them00:10
James147Benkinooby: they can also be used to store applications as well00:10
James147not jsut widgets00:10
James147I think the idea behind them is they each store a "task" which consists of a set of programs and widgets...00:11
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BenkinoobyJames147, yes you are correct. now reading about that topic i got proofen right http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7671 smooph00:12
BenkinoobyJames147, yes you are correct. now reading about that topic i got proofen right http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=7671 smooph100:12
James147Benkinooby: smooph2: this might be of intrest: http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/358560-kde-45-desktop-activities-brings-new-meaning-to-organization00:16
smooph2i just read that article and I am not convinced00:17
BenkinoobyJames147, smooph2 to be honest i don't use kde (too heavy for my netbook). the only point of activities might be this launcher (similar to gnome-do)... but i already use kupfer (it's starting with k, but i guess it is not part of the kde) and that is all i need </advertisement> ;)00:20
James147Benkinooby: krunner is essentially the kde version of gnome-do... nothing to do with activities00:21
* James147 uses kde on his netbook without a problem :S00:21
James147this also might intrest you: http://chani.wordpress.com/2009/11/28/the-future-of-activities/00:25
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Guest76272is anybody in?03:46
retrospectacushow to setup the screensaver in 10.10 ?04:03
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - To upgrade to Karmic (9.10) directly from Hardy (8.04) see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.04 - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:23
retrospectacusI installed all the screensaver packages but still can't find anywhere to pick a screensaver04:23
dan_ldoes anybody know how to start the upgrade to 10.10?04:23
dan_lI've got a 10.04 install04:23
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=== leGars22 is now known as MecMtll23
* islington is away: Gone away for now04:44
* islington is back.04:45
=== joro is now known as Guest19440
mkpaadoes someone actually have bluetooth working on kubuntu? I can't get bluetooth-agent to find my adapter, hciconfig and hcitool work fine, but there is no working agent available06:42
ForgeAusI have used bluetooth in kubuntu before, but I didn't have adapter issues06:44
ForgeAusit mostly did all that transparently06:44
ForgeAusall I did was plug in the USB bluetooth dongle and it detected the device for me06:45
mkpaanods, that is what I did and it, well, finds/doesn't find it06:47
mkpaait is listed in adapters, but when I try add device it says no adapters found06:48
ForgeAusuh I'm not certain how to help you there06:48
mkpaanods, good to know that it is atleast technically working :)06:48
mkpaalsusb shows Broadcom Corp. Bluetooth dongle06:49
mkpaaand so does system settings/bluetooth/adapters, but then bluetooth/devices/add device  says no adapters found06:49
tekgeekI just tried my cell phone on it I had to right click on the bluetooth icon go to settings bluetooth adapters and then set it as discoverable on my laptop06:53
mkpaathis isn't a visibility issue06:54
tekgeekmy phone could not see the bluetooth on the laptop till I did that06:54
tekgeekits connected now ... I had never tried that before heh06:54
tekgeekyou are just having an issue with a bt adapter you plug in?06:55
ForgeAusis it the pc's bluetooth device itself that it is saying isn't found or the other bluetooth device its trying to connect to thats not found?06:57
tekgeekokay well if you could try it on another machine to see if it works? my dad had bought a micro BT usb device and it would not work on his laptop but it would work on the deskto06:57
akishi. i have an hp notebook dv4000 series with an intel celeron 1,50 ghz and only 250 mb ram shared with gaphical adaptor. Which editon of suse (if any) is the apropriate for this machine?06:57
ForgeAusI'm slightly confused between the two with the terminology your using06:57
akishi. i have an hp notebook dv4000 series with an intel celeron 1,50 ghz and only 250 mb ram shared with gaphical adaptor. Which editon of kubuntu (if any) is the apropriate for this machine?06:57
ForgeAusn ote: my usb dongle has a led to confirm the bluetooth is working/on06:58
tekgeekakis: download the newest one and try it as a live cd to see if it works06:58
mkpaathis could be some permission/dbus issue, but I don't know where to start06:59
mkpaathe dongle works on windows 7 machine just fine06:59
mkpaaforge, it is the same piece of system settings, adapter part says found and decices / add device says not found07:00
tekgeekI just setup synergy on my laptop with kubuntu and on my windows desktop and I keep forgetting I don't have to turn around to type or use the laptop mouse07:06
mkpaatyping with 2 keyboards is funny :)07:10
tekgeekhave you tried synergy? its the over tcp ip kvm kinda...07:10
tekgeekthe mouse will just move across to the other computer07:11
mkpaayes, got it working07:11
tekgeekthe bluetooth?07:12
mkpaa(synergy, not bluetooth) :P07:12
tekgeekheh ok07:12
tekgeekyea I spent an hour or so tonight setting it up and could not figure out what I was doing wrong07:12
tekgeekwatched some videos on how to set it up and some sites ... but none of them said to do what I did to fix it07:13
frogonwheelstekgeek: I just use a simple k/b +monitor switch .. and multiplex my middle monitor between the two systems ;)07:15
bthesorcerorhas anyone else had their synaptics trackpad show up as a ps/2 generic mouse?07:16
tekgeekfrogonwheels:  yea I have several kvm switches in the house but been wanting to try this on my laptop sitting next to me at my desktop07:17
tekgeekI have 10+ computers in the house and 2 of them run windows for special reasons07:17
tekgeekmy dads wife doesn't understand linux yet but she is getting there07:18
frogonwheelstekgeek: I have my MIL running ubuntu :)07:19
frogonwheelskubuntu even07:19
tekgeekI have to run it on at least one machine so i don't forget how to use it ... I run a computer repair shop and have to remember how to fix them07:19
frogonwheelsahh.. yes.  presuming you are talking about windoze07:19
tekgeekgotta love it ... they break down all the time and I have to fix them07:20
frogonwheelstekgeek: my work is on windoze, so I'm forced to run at least one.07:20
tekgeekbut then I convince some customers to try out linux and they never call me back to fix them07:20
frogonwheelstekgeek: as long as it's not 'cause they got fed up and reinstalled windows.. :)07:21
frogonwheelstekgeek: i had a relative do that to me .. (I set them up with both) ..07:22
tekgeekfrogonwheels:  nope I run into these people in town and they tell me that they have not had one problem runing linux I usually set newbies up with  pclinuxos cause its extremely easy to learn for new linux users07:22
frogonwheelstekgeek:  and then they got some nasty malware on windoze which motivated them to use kubuntu again !!07:23
frogonwheelstekgeek: haven't tried that one ;)07:23
tekgeekpclinuxos is real nice I favor that and kubuntu the most07:23
frogonwheelstekgeek:  they were downloading torrents and using vlc mostly to play them, so at least there was familiar ground.07:24
retrospectacusI installed all the screensaver packages but still can't find anywhere to pick a screensaver07:24
tekgeekthe only reason I moved to kubuntu was cause 3 years ago pclinuxos had problems with my wireless adapter on my laptop it would cut out when I did large file moves07:24
frogonwheelstekgeek: :( I've got a wireless-N card that's pretty much useless as linux seems to trigger a hardware crash in it.07:25
frogonwheelstekgeek: the only distro that came close to actually driving it was OpenWRT :)07:25
tekgeekretrospectacus:  under settings there you click on system settings07:25
retrospectacusand then?07:26
tekgeekretrospectacus: there is an icon that says desktop07:26
tekgeekit should be in there07:26
frogonwheelsretrospectacus: if you type 'screensaver' in the search box (top right-hand corner)  it leaves the modules that match un-greyed.07:27
tekgeekfrogonwheels: well not sure if you knew but wireless N was not a standard till january so no one had a set driver for it07:27
tekgeekI didn't trust wireless N till the last few couple months ....07:28
frogonwheelstekgeek: didn't know it was that recent.  maybe next year I'll buy a new wireless-N card.07:28
tekgeekfrogonwheels: yea it was called wireless N Draft till january it was a proposed standard that everyone was fighting for like  HD versus Blue ray07:29
retrospectacusOh my god I found it07:29
frogonwheelsretrospectacus: was it down the back of the sofa?07:29
tekgeekI keep moving back my chair and spinning to the left to type on my laptop when I have synergy running07:30
mkpaathis: bluetooth-util.c: Error from GetProperties reply: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied  .. may or may not have something to do with the problem07:30
mkpaaprobably not07:31
tekgeekI have been working since 7pm trying to learn java scripts for my website ... its 1:30am here now07:31
moetunesnoscript ftw!07:39
akishi. can any one please advise me about the minimum requirements for kubuntu 10.04 lts for netbooks?07:40
tekgeekakis: what type of netbook do you have?    also there is a Ubuntu version for netbooks called easypeasy07:41
tekgeekwell there is a couple of them easypeasy started out with ubuntu and spun off I think ubuntu has a new one07:42
tekgeekyea  here is the ubuntu official version  http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook07:43
ozysimpson_2Good day guys, I generally connect to my remote server using ssh -X -p <777> user@remotehost now i would like to connect using vncviewer, I am unable to do so could some please help me how do i go about solving this issue07:43
tekgeekozysimpson_2: is this on a local network or are you doing this from another location?07:44
ozysimpson_2tekgeek, its from a different location07:44
tekgeekozysimpson_2: okay so I am going to assume you used port forwarding in a router and check to see if the IP has changed at the location you are trying to access?07:45
ozysimpson_2tekgeek, you are right, I dont manage the remote site, but your guess is right, they have port forwarded on the router, the IP address on the remote hasnt changed i can still connect to it using ssh07:47
ozysimpson_2tekgeek, i also check to see if the service is running using ps and yes it is running07:47
ozysimpson_2tekgeek, and the iptables is turned off and there is no filters07:48
und3rgr0undz3r0I have a ATI RadeonĀ® Xpress 1100. How do I install the drivers?07:48
tekgeekozysimpson_2: okay well there really is not much other than that I have personally connected to my ubuntu box from another location I just had to setup the remote desktop to be ready to recieve and the right ports setup on the router07:50
moetunes!ati | und3rgr0undz3r007:50
ubottuund3rgr0undz3r0: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto07:50
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod07:50
tekgeekozysimpson_2: are you trying to access from a win box or from a linux box07:50
ozysimpson_2tekgeek, windows? it will be over my dead body, for sure its linux :-)07:51
tekgeekozysimpson_2:  I use tightvnc when I am on my win box and I use Krdc from linux to connect to either07:51
ozysimpson_2i am using vncviewer on my ubuntu07:51
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!07:52
tekgeekthe only thing I can think of is maybe its waiting for confirmation on the remote desktop? but other than that I would double check the settings in  RDP07:53
tekgeekI am connected now and the only thing I think it could be is that ...  a check for ask you for confirmation07:54
ozysimpson_2am i suppose to run anything else except vncserver from the server side ?07:55
tekgeekat least I have never had to07:56
tekgeekI use it all the time here cause I have 10+ computers in the house07:56
ozysimpson_2Ok let me do more troubleshooting and discuss the outcome to the channel07:57
tekgeekwell hopefully its just something you missed I would hate it be something other than that which you can not resolve07:58
=== joro is now known as Guest72121
=== phoenix is now known as Guest73445
koditcheeHow many Botnets are here.09:42
akishi all. can kubuntu 10.04 for netbooks run with only 256 ram?10:01
=== Daviey- is now known as Daviey
akisany advise pls.10:14
valorieakis, have you tried with a liveCD or liveUSB?10:16
valorieif it runs that way, it will do great installed10:16
valorieif not.....10:16
FloodBotK2valorie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:16
akisno i didn't. i try to find the minimal requirements for 10.10 but i didn't find anything10:18
valorieif you have a USB key available, all it will cost you is some time10:28
valoriedownload the .iso you want, then use10:28
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent10:28
valorieI just used the kde app, and it worked well10:29
=== phoenix is now known as Guest88376
Guest88376does anyone experiance high cpu usgae by kminx. my kde version is 4.5.210:46
ubottuYour nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode.10:47
=== Guest88376 is now known as phoenix_firebrd
ForgeAuswhat hppens with firefox and KDE can you bind it to QT or KDE ?11:42
ForgeAusis there a package or does it just have to use gtk?11:42
=== joro is now known as Guest86948
Mamarokbayudhanu: this is a support channel12:00
sobczykhi, where to put my gtk+ theme so I can set it in kde settings?12:20
ForgeAussystem-settings uh is it appearance applet? you can select gnome theme there usually12:20
ForgeAusyou may need some stuff installed for it to show up tho, I don't know specifically...12:21
=== Evelynn_ is now known as Evelynn
sobczykI have only QtCurve and Raleigh, but would want to install ie. new wave12:23
CrypTomHi all, I've installed kubuntu maverick and cannot find and simple way (= with the mouse, not with commands) to edit a file as root12:36
CrypToma google search did no help much, seems as some distros habe "open as root" support for dolphin12:38
ForgeAusCrypTom, Krusader usually has it12:40
ForgeAus(only its more a root-user mode in the menu somewhere, rather than an individual choice to open a single file as root user)12:40
CrypTomthis is not a real problem for me as I've been using linux for 12years, but when I want to convince friends to use linux, it is not an option to tell them that there is always a command line way...12:41
ForgeAusbasically quits itself and reopens krusader as the root user12:41
ForgeAusCrypTom, well I have to admit I prefer to use GUI options where available12:41
CrypTomForgeAus: ok, I've searched (and found) a way for gnome: the nautilus-gksu package12:41
ForgeAusouch gnome!12:42
CrypTombut for kde, I did not find a package12:42
ForgeAuseven I'd take kdesudo over using nautilus!12:42
ForgeAusbut hey, diskspace is cheap uh?12:43
CrypTomForgeAus: I use shells the whole day, but a linux-newby... why explain him to Alt+F2 and use kdesudo kate /foo12:43
ForgeAusI do find permissions and root users an annoyance personally12:44
ForgeAuseven in windows nowerdays with UAC12:44
ForgeAusbut then I've never really been one who's security minded - I usually find myself being the one who's kept in by the fence intended to keep the foxes out of the chicken coop12:45
CrypTomForgeAus: I found feature requests from 2007/2008, but it can't be true that kubuntu (kde) does not offer a gui way to open a file as root (or whatever, change perms or delete)12:45
CrypTomForgeAus: :-)12:45
ForgeAushehe thers always running a nested X using Xephyr as root user, but even that requires some commandline work to set up12:49
ForgeAusand oddly enough I was discouraged froim doing it12:50
ForgeAushowever I must say I did find it handy with ZenLinux doing that...12:50
ForgeAusnowerdays theres all sorts of hitches to useful stuff like control+alt+backspace is disabled by default12:51
ForgeAusthe XDMC (or whatever the acronym/option is) is disabled by default for multiple simultaneous KDM logins12:51
ForgeAusand so on..12:51
ForgeAusalso you may even have to assign a password to the root user in ubuntu...12:52
ForgeAus(by default you sudo to act as root I'm not certain the actual root user has a password)12:53
CrypTomForgeAus: no, root does not have a password13:05
CrypTomForgeAus: there is a ppa offering root actions for dolphin, but in my opinion kubuntu should integrate that13:06
ForgeAusnote: you can set a password for the root user, thats not difficult13:09
ForgeAus(I normally use the same one as the user I installed it under...)13:09
ForgeAusthat way I don't get confused, but again its probably technically considered unsecure to do that13:09
ForgeAuswhich would be fine if I was on a multi-user system probably but since I'm the only one using the PC its... an annoyance more than anything13:10
ForgeAusstilll it is true that using the root user opens up vulnerabilities and makes the entire filesystem succeptible to alteration whereas using a different user, you don't have that concern13:11
ForgeAusthere are IRC servers that actually kline or worse users who log in as the username: root13:12
Kalidarnyeah u need to set a root password13:13
Kalidarnif u want one13:13
ForgeAusfor the most part doing that is unnecessary13:13
Kalidarnlols ForgeAus your in every channel im in lol13:13
ForgeAusbut it does have its uses sometimes13:13
ForgeAusKalidarn, well I'm in some other to13:13
Kalidarnso am i ;P13:13
Kalidarnyour not in ##freebsd ;)13:13
ForgeAusbut I must admit I was only in macports because of you13:14
ForgeAus(mostly to help you followup with yuor problem)13:14
ForgeAusbecause I might hav actually learned something or been able to take up the rest of what you needed help with from a point the macports people got you to13:15
ForgeAusalthough obviously they're prety silent right now13:15
Kalidarntrue thanks13:18
ForgeAuslike I said sorry I couldn't have been of any more help!13:19
Kalidarnport -nRd upgrade --force kdebase413:19
Kalidarnhopefully this fixes it13:19
Kalidarndrkonqi always wants to crash on me :(13:19
=== Jay is now known as Guest1891
=== rysiek|pl_ is now known as rysiek|pl
supermaghi how do i read miniDv's from a sony cam ?13:41
Peace-supermag: ok13:44
Peace-supermag: you have kdenlive13:44
Peace-supermag: have you medibuntu repository?13:44
supermagi think so..13:44
Peace-so install kdenlive13:45
supermagno, i dont have that..13:45
Peace-ffmpeg libavcodec-unstripped-52 libavdevice-unstripped-52 libavformat-unstripped-52 libavutil-unstripped-49 libpostproc-unstripped-51 libswscale-unstripped-013:45
Peace-that should install everydamendd encoder13:46
Peace-for kdenlive13:46
Peace-but of couse you need medibuntu repository13:48
Peace-if you have not13:49
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org13:49
supermaghm.. i have inserted the miniDV, but nothing happens..13:52
Peace-supermag: well13:58
Peace-supermag: you have to open kdenlive13:58
Peace-and then caputre...13:58
supermagit's not connected with firewire, the disk is in my cd rom drive14:07
supermagi think it is raw data..14:08
supermagoh shit.. my cd rom is a NON dvd type14:13
simion314how to setup openDNS in kubuntu lucid? resolv.conf does not exists and i created it but it does not work, should i yse the GUI? the static IP configuration i done it in /etc/network/interfaces because i do not trust the GUI and all the wizards14:16
Peace-supermag: well..14:36
Peace-supermag: kdenlive eats dv files14:36
Peace-if you have a dvd ...14:37
Peace-just drag and drop the file...14:37
Peace-simion314: have you a router?14:37
supermagPeace-: mh.. dmesg of the cd input results in :14:37
supermag[ 2602.287689] sr 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi CD-ROM sr114:37
supermag[ 2602.287880] sr 2:0:0:0: Attached scsi generic sg2 type 514:37
supermag[ 2739.498799] cdrom: This disc doesn't have any tracks I recognize!14:37
FloodBotK1supermag: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:37
simion314Peace-: i have other Pc connected to the internet and i am sharing the internet connections14:38
Peace-simion314: https://store.opendns.com/setup/device/ubuntu/ just do that with knetworkmanager14:38
Peace-supermag: i dunno you was asking about kdenlive and dv files14:39
supermagPeace-:  Even if the miniDVD is full!14:39
simion314Peace-: i realy do not like the GUI, it should have a simple way to chose from ,dhcp or static or other and let me enter IP and all the stuff14:39
Peace-simion314: well that is the easiest way14:39
Peace-i guess you should modify interfaces14:39
Peace-but i don't nkow how14:39
simion314Peace-: i set my IPs using /network/interfaces and setting the opendns  should be made using /etc/resolv.conf but now it is mssing , i think that they changed how things are done and nobody  made qa how to or something14:41
Peace-simion314: resolv.conf is not used anymore14:42
Peace- like xorg.conf14:42
simion314Peace-: and geub/menu.lst they always change things, it is hard untill you get the new ways14:43
Peace-simion314: menu.lst doens't exist anymore14:44
simion314i prefer the simplicity to configure arch14:44
Peace-simion314: we get grub214:44
Peace-with grub.cfg14:44
Peace-simion314: wel... kubuntu uses the latest stuff14:44
Peace-arch is a distro for expert14:44
Peace-but i didn't use that stuff14:44
Peace-i want a system that works fast14:45
simion314Peace-: is not so hard, just that i have a crapy laptop and using arch can be hard because the y always use the latest stuff,kernel and xorg and i could get into bugs with my stupid video or sound card14:46
Peace-simion314: you have only to keep the older version if you don't want stupid bug.. like i have doen keepping 10.04 instead to upgrade to 10.1014:46
Peace-:) typo14:47
Peace-ah you meant arch14:47
Peace-well i didn't used that stuff14:48
Peace-kubuntu is a nice way for linux for me14:48
Peace-not too hard not too easy14:48
simion314Peace-: tried to install 10.10 64 bit on a PC and it crashed during booting, maybe it was the CD, i do not know, i remained with 10.04 , i get impresed when my laptp seen  the XP shares on other PC and the XP could not see thse shares,it seamed like magic14:48
simion314Peace-: it would e nice to get latest kde in 10.04 but i think we will have to upgrade to get 4.614:49
Peace-simion314: you should use alternate cd14:49
Peace-i have seen a lots of prioblem in these year with desktop version14:49
Peace-alternate version has always worked fine14:49
Peace-samba ..14:50
Peace-you have to set it well14:50
simion314Peace-: my bigest problem i the video driver, can't resume from suspend, can't use multi monitors14:55
Peace-simion314: on kubuntu ?14:55
Peace-simion314: how many ram did you have and how much spwan did you used14:55
Peace-omg my english14:56
Peace-how much ram have you ? and how much spwan di you set on the installation14:56
Peace-no way :D14:57
simion314Peace-: i have 2 Gb of ram, swap i have less then 2 gb, i have only 1 Gb14:57
Peace-you can't suspend if you have few swap14:57
Peace-simion314: just amomente14:58
Peace-a moment14:58
Peace-simion314: just try this http://nowardev.wordpress.com/2009/05/04/bash-close-kde-with-bash-using-dbus/14:58
Peace-simion314: try to use suspend with that command14:58
Peace-and view the error14:59
Peace-if there is14:59
Peace-an error14:59
Peace-that is my blog..14:59
simion314Peace-: i can suspend ,i can't resume , the thing is wih the propritary driver worked with this swap14:59
Peace-simion314: video card?15:00
simion314Peace-: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RC410 [Radeon Xpress 200M]  , it has no longer support from ATI so i have to use open source driver15:02
Peace-ati xpress200 a notebook15:03
Peace-xD i had that videocard15:03
Peace-simion314: what i can say ati sucks15:03
=== joro is now known as Guest95811
simion314if you have a suported card it is ok, i know that intel suck too si it remains nvidia maybe they make drivers for more time, i have no idea15:05
Peace-simion314: yea you right intel sucks too15:06
Peace-simion314: i have one and 10.10 doesn't work well15:06
Peace-simion314: so i have 10.04 :)15:06
Peace-simion314: but i have found a lots of topic on ubuntu forum about your card...15:06
Peace-simion314: maybe there is a solution15:07
Peace-simion314: glxinfo | grep render15:07
simion314direct rendering: Yes15:09
simion314OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI R300 (RS400 5A62) 20090101 x86/MMX/SSE2 NO-TCL15:09
simion314Peace-: kwin effects work fine15:09
Peace-i guess is the best you can get15:09
Peace-i think15:09
simion314Peace-: i will google to find where /etc/resolv.conf disapeared15:17
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jhutchins_ltAnyone know of a tool to monitor a connection to an ISP for uptime?16:46
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UppsilonI can't seem to log in, I see KDM, login and then it goes blank for a few seconds and kdm reappears17:09
UppsilonI can log in via the console at ctrl+alt_F1 or any of those terminals17:10
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sresuFFMPEG (libavcodec) installation lacks the following encoder: MPEG AAC Audio. How to fix this?18:09
snarkstercan you install the aac audio codec?18:09
sresusnarkster: What is the correct package name for it?18:10
snarksteri believe libmp4v2-018:10
snarksterim on gnome at the moment, so did a search thru synaptic for aac18:11
snarksterhow do i get the icons for devices to show up on the folderview desktop?18:12
sresusnarkster: Hold on please18:12
sresusnarkster: No, it didn't help18:16
sresusnarkster: Its Streaming / Transcoding failed:... error basically18:16
snarksteryou have transcode installed?18:16
snarksterdo you have faad installed?18:17
snarkstermay i inquire as to what your trying to do?18:17
sresuYes, I've faad installed18:18
sresusnarkster: Yes, I'm trying to use Convert/Save option in VLC18:19
snarksterive never been able to get that to work correctly18:19
snarksterdo you have faac installed as well?18:20
snarksteryou have libfaad2 installed?18:20
sresuYes for both18:21
snarksterhave you tried mplayer>18:22
snarksteri really hate it when getdeb is down18:22
snarksterare you trying to convert save a dvd?18:23
sresusnarkster: mplayer for converting and saving aac media18:23
sresusnarkster: No18:23
snarkstermplayer is supposed to play EVERYTHING.. just askin anyway18:23
sresusnarkster: Oh.. That's fine. I only want to save and convert aac media18:24
snarksterwhat about ffmpeg?18:24
sresusnarkster: ^first18:25
snarkstercould try it? <shrug>18:25
snarksterwinffmepg is alot easier than the command line18:25
snarkstersorry winff18:26
sresusnarkster: ffmpeg itself gives that error since vlc uses it18:26
sresusnarkster: No never tried winff18:26
snarkstercorrupt data file?18:26
snarksteror is this a stream?18:27
sresusnarkster: Yes, second attempt was on stream. First on simple acc file18:27
sresu How to have aac stream saved?18:27
snarksterwhat are you attempting to convert to?18:28
sresusnarkster: First aac file to mp3/wav18:28
snarksterhere try this: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+covert+aac18:29
snarksterfirst link explains how to18:29
snarkstersecond link may be better18:30
snarksterthe ehow link18:30
sresusnarkster: Thanks for looking into it.18:31
snarksterit is of course set for ubuntu not kubuntu18:31
snarksterhope that helps.18:31
snarksternow back to my icon question. id really like to have icons appear on my desktop for devices like cds and such.18:32
snarksterala kde 3.5 style.18:33
snarksterok by all the responses Im getting there is no option for that. LOL18:35
nasser750gxAnybody can help me18:42
nasser750gxregarding a PPTPD question?18:42
nasser750gxIs this room alive?18:43
ArGGu^^hello can I remove pulseadio in kubuntu maverick by just removing the pulseadio package?18:55
ArGGu^^or do I need to do some configuration also?18:56
nasser750gxMy Question is I want to know how to setup IP Ranges in PPTPD Config File, so I can service more than a 1000 Users18:56
Chaos2358hey guys i have a question. I installed Amarok music organizer on my Lucid lap top. It says it's kse but was in synap package manager so i figured it was cool. the problem lies in that it wont recognize any of my mp3 media. I have the Ubuntu restricted material installed as well as the mp3 codecs and everything else on my system recognizes the mp3's. Any ideas??19:02
Peace-Chaos2358: mm19:03
Peace-Chaos2358: have you kubuntu ?19:03
Peace-or ubuntu ?19:03
Chaos2358No I have ubuntu19:03
Peace-sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras ?19:03
Chaos2358Yet Amaroke KDE wa in my package manager19:03
Chaos2358DOne it19:04
draikI'm not sure what happened, or is happening, but I cannot burn to a DVD.19:04
Peace-draik: mm?19:04
draikI'm using k3b and brasero. K3b will see the optical drive, then say it won't burn.19:04
draikBrasero just doesn't see the drive.19:04
Peace-brasero is shit19:04
draikOK. it will be removed19:04
Chaos2358 agree brasero is shit19:04
Peace-k3b on the terminal19:04
Peace-and you can see the error19:04
Peace-then googling...19:05
Peace-Chaos2358: wait a second19:05
Chaos2358ok thank you19:05
Peace-Chaos2358: sudo apt-get install libxine-extracodecs19:05
Peace-try that19:05
Chaos2358ok 1 sec19:05
draikNo optical drive found.K3b did not find any optical device in your system. Solution: Make sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices19:05
draikThat's the error19:05
Peace-draik: wow the daemon doesnt runnin gxD19:06
draikWhat is the HAL daemon name? I don't see hald in /etc/init.d/19:06
Chaos2358Peace-,  package may be missing or obsolete19:06
Peace-draik: Add your username to /etc/group under disk.19:07
Peace-draik: it's a missing package19:07
Peace-draik: sorry was not fr you the last message19:07
Peace-Chaos2358:  there is something that you are missing19:07
Peace-that's all19:07
palodequesohas anyone else ever had the issue "Can't open device file /dev/nvidia0"?19:08
draikPeace-: disk:x:6:draik   -- is that correct?19:08
palodequesoThis is the first nvidia card I've ever had issue with.19:08
Chaos2358Peace-,  ok but does it make any difference that amarok is the only thing that doesnt recognize mp3's? possible that it just isnt cross platform compatible?19:08
draikPeace-: I added my username, restarted k3b, but still getting the same error.19:10
Peace-draik: ok that solution19:10
Peace-doens0t work19:10
Peace-Chaos2358: well amarok is made with debian system19:11
Peace-and mp3 it's not free19:11
Chaos2358it's got me a bit confused19:11
Peace-like you could think19:11
Peace-mp3 is a codec19:11
Chaos2358Peace-,  because it's the only thing giving me problem19:12
Peace-amarok can play files like ogg that are free19:12
Peace-Chaos2358: on kubuntu amarok just work good19:12
Chaos2358Peace-,  but why won't it? the only thing it will recognize is aac19:12
Peace-because here we install kubuntu-restricted-estras19:12
Peace-that is different19:12
Peace-from ubuntu-restricted-extras19:13
Chaos2358Peace-,  well i guess its a cross platform issue then19:13
Chaos2358what is difference in ubuntu and kubuntu?19:13
Peace-kde +kernel buntu = kubuntu19:14
Peace-gnome +kernel buntu = ubuntu19:14
Peace-it's not cross platform19:14
Peace-draik: can you run kdesudo k3b19:14
Peace-try with that19:14
RLawhere should i put # mount ... commands for custom file systems?19:16
RLadirectly into mtab?19:16
RLaoh yes19:17
Peace-you mean fstab?19:17
RLamtab has currently mounted file systems?19:17
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ironfroggyAnyone have tips on diagnosing why analog mics wont record, but a usb one will?19:27
timHello?  First time on IRC and new to Kubuntu...19:32
MikHelHi tim!19:34
timCan I ask for help with a problem?19:34
tim3 days into my first experience with Linux/Kubuntu 10.10.  When I run software update I get that it cannot get an exclusive lock...E: Error http://security.ubuntu.com maverick-security Release.gpg19:35
timSomething wicked happened resolving 'security.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)19:35
timI've searched the internet but can find a way to resolve it...19:36
MikHelDo you have network connection on that computer?19:36
timThat's what I'm on right now so yes.19:36
timWireless is running at 2 MBit/s or I can connect via ethernet.19:37
MikHelI have not installed 10.10 yet. Still on 10.4 mostly19:37
timDo you think you can help?19:37
MikHelDo you have another software install program running at the same time? The software update message you have used to be what I'd see if I was running synaptic at the same time.19:38
timRight now I have Firefox and Thunderbird open.  That should be it.19:38
MikHelHmmmm. And how do you run software update?19:40
timI am trying to run it through the KPackageKit19:40
timIt actually shows that I have 15 updates but once I say ok to the error message I can't find a way to allow them to update19:41
TNZ_hi tim19:41
TNZ_have you installed synaptic ?19:41
timWhat is synaptic and how do I install it?  I've only been off of Windows for about 3 or 4 days... :(19:42
timCan I install it through the KPackageKit?19:42
TNZ_oka ... let's go smart19:42
TNZ_first, open a terminal and run the following command19:43
TNZ_sudo apt-get install synaptic19:43
TNZ_answer the question19:43
MikHelTNZ_: Not sure installing synaptic would help him.19:43
MikHelHe may have two KPackageKit running...19:44
timRun Synaptic Update?  Yes or No?19:44
MikHeltim: you run KPackageKit from the main menu? Or from some window that appears automatically telling you updates are available?19:44
TNZ_should be, but synaptic manages coorectly all dist-upgrade stuffs ... and with two packagekit running, i'd say logoff/logon19:45
timFrom the main menu.  I also see the update icon in the tray.  Both say I have 15 updates but I have the error on the one through the main menu19:45
MikHeltim: try the one from the icon tray19:46
MikHelafter exiting the other one.19:46
TNZ_tim, try to manage kpackagekit before trying synaptic :)19:46
timI had never noticed the one in the tray before now.  It seems to be updating.19:47
MikHelDoes anybody know how to start a daemon at bootup that would not run as root?19:47
MikHeltim: There you go. We did help ;)19:47
BluesKajtim, open kpackagekit and look for the source repository listed in the error and remove it , or look in software sources and do the same19:47
timThat seemed to do it.  Thanks.19:48
TNZ_mikhel : you write the script call as this :  su - TheUsernameYouWant -c "TheGreatCommandEver"19:49
BluesKajtim, seemed isn't  sure enough , try sudo apt-get update in the terminal , to make sure19:49
timOne more question....  I have Firefox installed as my browser but have no Icon to start it with.  I have to search for it through the search bar in the main menu.  It shows me a sprocket and Firefox that I can click to open it.  Any way I can get an icon into the main menu?19:49
MikHelTNZ_: but does the init system still understand that TheGreatCommandEver is a daemon or does it think su should be a daemon?19:50
BluesKajtim, right click oin the icon in the menu and choose "add to panel "19:50
TNZ_let me see ...19:51
MikHelTNZ_: I had thought of that idea but since there is no discussion of it in the man page of init, I have the feeling that init may not understand that it does not need to follow su but the command. Or does su simply exec itself into the command and thus there is no problem?19:51
timback to the update problem...  This is what I got...  Fetched 198B in 15s (13B/s)19:52
timW: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'extras.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)19:52
timW: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick-security/Release.gpg  Something wicked happened resolving 'security.ubuntu.com:http' (-5 - No address associated with hostname)19:52
timE: Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.19:52
FloodBotK1tim: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:52
timSorry about that19:52
BluesKajtim, I'll repeat : open kpackagekit and look for the source repository listed in the error and remove it , or look in software sources and do the same19:52
palqkatim try to change to main server19:53
palqkaor give it to choose the best for you19:53
MikHeltim: Can you upen 'extra.ubuntu.com' and security.ubuntu.com in a browser?19:53
timI have KPackageKit open.  How do I find the source repository?19:53
timIs /dists/maverick the repository?19:54
TNZ_I mikhel : I was thinking about simple scripts you find in /etc/rc*.d or /etc/init.d ... you add "su -" stuff in this king of scripts19:54
* palqka 19:55
MikHelTNZ_: I know but I want to shift away from init.d since that is what ubuntu is doing.19:55
timI can open security.ubuntu.com yes19:55
TNZ_yep, I known ... may be in the man pages of "service" command ?19:56
MikHelTNZ_: reading what the man page of su says, it starts a shell in which it executes the command, so I fear init will not follow to the actual executable19:56
timwhat next?19:58
TNZ_MikHel, I just read le service manpage, in fact it refers to /etc/init.d scripts ... no more idea :/19:59
TNZ_-le +the19:59
TNZ_tim, can you try the second URL20:00
oubaif someone use kdenlive, could you export to format with mp3 ?20:01
oubawhen I try one of them, it claims libmp3lame is not availble20:01
timI get an error can't find www.extra.ubuntu.com20:01
BluesKajtim, choose settings , then find the repository ending with gpg if it exists , how it could have got there is a mystery20:03
TNZ_normal, the server does not exist20:03
oubaI searched on various ubuntu forums or directly on kdenlive website, with no success :(20:03
timI don't see anything with gpg in it...20:05
TNZ_tim, find the repository using extra.ubuntu.com and uncheck the line ... it's gonna be removed from the list currently in use20:08
TNZ_and then you could update normally20:08
BajK_Is it possible that I buy another graphics card to attach a third monitor to my computer?20:10
BajK_with Kubuntu20:10
timThere are 2: deb and deb-src both with the same line - extras.ubuntu.comubuntu/maverick main.  Should I uncheck them both?20:10
BluesKajtim,, could you pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list pls.20:10
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BluesKajoops , gotta , ups guy is here wth my new grphics card ...bbl20:11
TNZ_yes tim, uncheck the 220:11
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timI ran software update after I unchecked them but still get "Error htp//securityubuntu.com moverick-security Release.gpg20:13
TNZ_tim ... mOverick ?20:14
timsorry...  Maverick-security Release.gpg20:14
TNZ_weird ... I'm using ubuntu 10.4 and a full depository update goes like an arrow ... maybe, because you're using 10.10 and there are several guys updating ? :/20:17
BajK_hm, I am going to put another nvidia graphics card in my pc and attach another 24 inch monitor20:19
palqkau sounds like zombie20:19
timI don't know.  10.10 seems more stable than 10.4 did.  I had lots of trouble when I tried 10.4.  Very minor problems with 10.10.  It's been running well for 4 days and that's 3 days longer than I ever got the 3 times I tried to install 10.420:21
MikHelTNZ_: I was going about it the wrong way. The executable I want to run has a -u and -g flag to specify under what userid and groupid it runs :)20:22
TNZ_MikHel > Great !20:25
MikHelGoing to reboot to make sure it starts alright :-D See you guys after this short break!20:25
MikHelTNZ_: It worked perfectly! :D20:35
oubafor information, on ubuntu, we need to activate medibuntu reposity and install those version of mpeg, etc ...20:49
tuspashy guys can someone please help me get my umts modem get working on my eeepc ?20:50
tuspasi think i configured the networkmanager right20:50
tuspasbut i cant gat a connection20:50
silentz0rHello, after updating today (I think my kernel was updated as well) I am having trouble with the Nvidia graphics.20:53
silentz0rI tried nvidia-xconfig, but it didn't work, i tried disabling and re-enabling the Nvidia drivers, didn't work20:54
tuspaswhat problems you exactly have ?20:55
silentz0rwell, no desktop effects, no accelerated graphics20:56
silentz0reven though the Nvidia drivers seem to be Active20:56
tuspasnvidia-settings ?20:57
silentz0rwhat about it?20:57
tuspastry this out if you cansee ther somefing20:58
silentz0rnothing useful so far, detects my graphics card20:58
bepraaaHey guys, I'm currently on 10.04 and have been awaiting the upgrade to 10.10.21:01
bepraaaWhen it didn't pop up a message to ask me to upgrade (as it's been doing as long as I can remember),21:02
bepraaaI tried to use apt to do it manually.21:02
bepraaaBut it appears that 10.10 STILL hasn't hit the repos.21:03
silentz0rback, i just restarted my machine and it showed me this big splash screen saying "Nvidia Beta Driver"21:03
bepraaaAny idea what I'm doing wrong?21:03
silentz0rso anyone else having graphics issues after updating kubuntu 10.10 ?21:08
bepraaaNot I.21:08
bepraaaBut while you're here, how did you update?21:08
silentz0rapt-get update and apt-get upgrade21:08
bepraaaMy system hasn't popped up the notice yet, and my attempts to cajole it have failed.21:08
bepraaaI have tried those numerous times.21:09
bepraaaAs well as dist-upgrade.21:09
Diziarabepraaa, try the info on this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu21:11
silentz0ractually, i have noticed that my system was acting weird yesterday as well21:17
walrusHello everyone :-) I'm on a fresh install of Kubuntu 10.10, and I'm experiencing a little problem running AWN: "glib.GError: Icon 'gtk-missing-image' not present in theme"... What I could figure out on forums is that oxygen theme, which is the default KDE theme I presume, is missing this icon... anyone knows anything about that?21:18
bepraaaDiziara: Thanks, I'll take a look at that.21:23
bepraaawalrus: You could try adding the icon manually or switching themes.21:23
bepraaaDiziara: Fixed it thanks a bunch!21:25
walrusbepraaa: hum I'd prefer adding it manually, could you point me out on how to do this? I'm farily new to linux :p21:25
walrusbut why would this so important icon be missing from such a largely used theme as oxygen?21:26
bepraaaI don't know how one would add it manually...21:27
bepraaaI don't know why it's missing from the theme...it may be that there is a path problem or a typo somewhere.21:28
walrusI see... I choose Kubuntu over Ubuntu mainly to have KDE+oxygen, what a shame...21:29
bepraaaI would google up a way to add it manually before you do anything else.21:34
timCan anyone tell me how to get the firefox shortcut into the panel.  I installed it through the KPackageKit but I can't find it in the panel21:34
bepraaaIt's in your menu.21:35
bepraaaJust drag it from there to where ever you want it.21:35
bepraaaBut, if you mean it's not in the menu either, you'll have to right click on the "K" button21:37
bepraaaand select the menu editor.21:37
bepraaaThen you just add an entry and put "firefox" as the command.21:38
timI tried that.  It doesn't open it up.  Do I need to enter  a working path?21:44
bepraaaTry running firefox in a terminal.21:48
timthat doesn't work.  Is there more to the command than just Firefox or a path?21:54
bepraaaEvery command should just work.21:57
bepraaaDoes it say "command not found" or something else?21:57
Mamaroktim: tried mozilla in krunner? (Alt+F2)21:58
Mamarokthe executable is called mozilla-firefox IIRC21:59
bepraaa"firefox" always worked for me, except on the unbranded packages.22:06
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timI must be missing something because it doesn't seem to work.  If I search in the K menu it shows a sproket with Firefox and I can left click and run it but I can't right click it or drag it anywhere22:12
James147tim: what are you tring to do exactly? (and what isent working?)22:15
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timJames147: I installed Firefox thru the KPackageKit.  I can't find the shortcut or executable anywhere to add to the K Menu.  I can however open the K Menu and search for Firefox.  It shows me a sprocket and says  Firefox.  I can click and run it but I can't right click it or drag it anywhere.22:17
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timJames147:  I am pretty good with computers but am only 4 days into my Kubuntu experience...22:19
James147tim: what version of kbuntu do you ajhve?22:19
James147tim: and I take it you installed "Firefox Web Browser" from kpackagekit?22:20
timtim: test22:24
James147tim: can you paste the output of "dpkg --status firefox | grep Status" ?22:24
timdo you want me to type that into a terminal or a run command?22:25
James147tim: terminal22:25
timJames147: it says "Ok Installed" unless I typed something wrong.  Should it have come back with more?22:27
James147tim: nop, thats what I was looking for :)   (note the grep part fo the command filters the output from dpkg)22:27
James147tim: and running "firefox" in a terminal launches it?22:28
timI have to run.  Back in 15 or 20 if u r still here.  Thanks22:28
pegasusbilhas enyone successfully installed kubuntu on a netbook?22:33
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James147pegasusbil: why? are you having problems? (have done it on my asus eeepc 1005ha)22:34
James147!pm | pegasusbil22:39
ubottupegasusbil: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:39
pegasusbilsorry i am new using irc22:40
James147pegasusbil: np, how long is it taking? and ahs it stalled at a spific point?22:40
pegasusbilit does stall during installation...tapping enter gets it running again, after 40 min  i gave up22:41
James147pegasusbil: :S did you select to download the updates and extra packages during the installer?22:43
James147pegasusbil: when you didnt have a internet connection?22:44
James147pegasusbil: try it again :) this time dont tell it to download things if it dosent have an  internet connection22:45
pegasusbili will give it another try.....i have it running on dell xps1210 right now, but i want the battery life of a netbook22:46
James147pegasusbil: you wont get the battery life of a netbook just by isntalling software...22:48
pegasusbili realize that, i rather use my netbook instead of this dell LT which I am runnig now22:50
James147pegasusbil: o you ahve a seprate netbook :)22:50
pegasusbili am reinstalling on the netbook as we speak22:52
pulaskiHi, I run kubuntu 10.04 LTS lucid linux and I recently upgraded to kde 4.5.1. After the upgrade every time I login to kde kde now runs a program called kdesudo that opens 2 dialog boxes that prompt me for my password again, one after the other so I have to enter it twice. This makes 3 times I have to login. I'd like to skip these 2 extra logins. Does anyone have any ideas how to do this?22:58
James147pulaski: what program is kdesudo trying to execte?22:59
backroshello, i was on ubuntu 10.04 trying to apt-get intall something, and my computer froze so i restarted it, and now i get an 'initramfs' shell at boot i don't know why :( i can access my linux partition /dev/sda5 with ext2explore when i'm on windows22:59
James147backros: how full is the drive/23:00
pulaskithanks for responding James147, nice to see you again. I'm unsure  which program kdesudo is trying to execute. I havn't noticed anything other than kdesudo on the title bar of the dialog boxes.23:00
backrosJames147, the linux partition? how can i know from there?23:01
James147pulaski: kdesudo should tell you inside the dialog23:01
pulaskiI'll look again thanks.23:01
pulaskiJames147: i'll look again thanks.23:02
backrosJames147, it shouldn't be full anyway23:02
James147backros: easiest way would be to boot into a live cd mount the drive and run "df -l"23:03
bepraaabackros: You might try looking at the kernel log in the initramfs shell.23:03
bepraaaIDK what the command for that is though.23:03
bepraaa"dmesg" might also give some info.23:03
backrosthe thing is that i don't have two computers so i must reboot to try what you say23:04
backrosso i'll try dmesg, and something else?23:04
bepraaaI was afraid of that...23:04
bepraaaWell, if you find yourself rebooting for some reason, take a few seconds to read the logs ;)23:04
bepraaaYou can use less to read them from /var/log.23:05
bepraaagtg guys, see you later.23:05
backrosJames147, since i don't have a live cd right now, do you have any other suggestion for the initramfs shell besides dmesg and /var/log?23:06
backrosi'll try these for now23:07
timJames147:  Still around?23:14
James147tim: I take running "firefox" in a terminal launches it?23:15
=== thrust123 is now known as backros
timI can't run Firefox from a terminal.  If I click on the K Menu and type Firefox in the search bar it shows a sprocket and Firefox and I can left click and run it but I cannot left click or drag it.23:15
timJames147: sorry I meant - I cannot Right click or drag it.23:16
James147tim: what error do you get when you try running it from terminal?23:16
James147(note that its "firefox" with a lowercase F)23:17
sh1ft3ddid you check the last time the firefox file was modified?23:17
backrossome of the error messages i get before the initramfs shell appears are: "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at..."; "mount /dev on /root/dev failed: no such file or directory" (same for /sys and /proc); "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init" "no init found trying init= bootarg"; then i found nothing particular in dmesg (i wouldn't know even if there was) and /var/log doesn't exist23:17
sh1ft3dHmmm, thats crazy23:18
James147backros: have you tried an older kernel?23:18
timJames147: it doesn't do anything from a terminal. The prompt just sits there.23:18
sh1ft3dDoes the username and host machine appear?23:19
timSh1ft3d: I removed and installed it again today.23:19
James147tim: whats the output of "which 'firefox'"?23:19
backrosJames147, i removed all the old kernels from the grub editor :( but i think some of them are still installed23:19
timJames147: I don't understand "which 'firefox'" please be more specific.  Do you want me to type that into a terminal?23:20
sh1ft3dtype in ps23:20
James147tim: in a terminal type:     which 'firefox'23:20
sh1ft3dand see if any firefox processes are running23:20
backrosJames147, /boot appears empty from ext2explore23:20
timJames147: it says    usr/bin/firefox23:21
James147tim: what happens if you run:   /usr/bin/firefox   ?23:23
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backrosno other idea?23:26
ranmaruhibikiyaHi ppl23:26
ranmaruhibikiyaI have a problem with kubuntu 10.10, showing japanese chars on gtk apps23:27
ranmaruhibikiyakubuntu 10.04 works great with it, but this new one...23:27
ranmaruhibikiyaI'm using UIM23:28
timThat did it!  I also went to menu editor and modified the command line.  Fantastic, thanks for your help!23:28
James147tim: not sure why just running 'firefox' dident work...23:29
James147tim: whats the output of:   echo "$PATH"     ?23:29
James147tim: I would also look inside ~/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu   and see if it contains firefox.desktop ... that stores all the changes between the system and your menus23:31
timhow do I paste it to the screen?  Last time I tried I got a message from FloodBot23:31
James147!pastebin | tim23:31
ubottutim: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:31
James147tim: pasteing about 2-3 lines if ine though23:32
James147tim: :) you need to hit paste! then copy the link of the age it takes yo to :)23:33
timSorry I'm missing a step but the end of that is the result of the echo "$PATH" command23:35
James147tim: that looks fine... still dosent explain why '/usr/bin/firefox' works ad just 'firefox' hangs :S23:36
timJames147: I have to run again to pick up my son.  I'll look through the menus as you suggested.  Thanks for you help.23:36
rysiek|plJames147, tim: `which firefox` -> run in terminal23:37
pulaskiJames147: Hi again, I think I discovered more or less what's happening. KdeSudo is asking for permission to mount two of several devices I have configured on my box.23:37
pulaskiJames147: I'm unsure which devices kdesudo is asking permission for but I can live with the extra logins for now. My config is complicated so I'll have to do more analyis.23:41
James147pulaski: if you want to mount drives on boot the best place is to add an entry for them in /etc/fstab23:42
pulaskiJames147: Thanks for responding. I'm happy with my fstab and all my devices are mounting correctly. Like I said, my config is complicated so I'l live with the logins for now. BTW you may recall a clipboard problem I was having the last time we spoke. It was a bug. After a couple of updates things just started working correctly again. Thanks for all your help.23:45
Mamarokwhy not setting that in the System Settings? Easier to do than editing fstab23:45
MamarokSystemSettings -> Removable Devices23:46
James147Mamarok: because editing it in system settings does it on a peruser basis, /etc/fstab does it during the eairly boot stages23:47
James147(hence the asking for the password after login)23:47
pulaskiJames147: Near as I can figure.23:48
otswimhi: i'm trying to upgrade to 10.10 with this instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades/Kubuntu but i can't do step 2: i don't have such a menu in kpackagekit23:48
James147otswim: what version are you on?23:49
James147otswim: run this in a terminal: "sudo apt-get update && sudo do-release-upgrade"23:50
otswimJames147: i have some GPG errors with 'update', should i fix them first?23:50
James147otswim: for what repo23:51
otswimJames147: actually now i've got this error message: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/277204/23:52
James147otswim: you connected to the internet?23:53
otswimJames147: sudo do-release-upgrade Checking for a new ubuntu release No new release found23:54
James147otswim: to fix that error you could try: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=4952791&postcount=1023:54
James147(the previous one that is)23:55
otswimJames147: it "fetched" successfully23:55
James147otswim: as for the do-relea... try: edit /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades and set Prompt=normal23:56

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