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pdcWhen I create an ext3 partition, the file system is "Unknown" and I can't mount the volume.  Any ideas?03:02
persiaI seem to remember there being some issue with checksums and signed vs. unsigned interpretations of some C.03:04
persiaMy recommendations would be to try another filesystem *OR* to make sure the filesystem was created the same place it was checked.03:04
persiahttps://patchwork.kernel.org/patch/22568/ seems to be the relevant issue03:05
persiapdc, Just to make sure, where/how did you create the ext3 partition?03:09
cooloneypersia: world changed, i got 200kBps on my pandaboard from ports.ubuntu.com03:21
persiacooloney, Heh.  Nice.03:22
cooloneypersia: save my life, do you have any updates about the audio issue on pandaboard?03:24
persiaMy understanding is that just about everything was committed, but there was some uncertainty about the config file that needed to go in alsa-utils, because it worked on one platform and not another.03:25
persiaI'd recommend enabling -proposed, getting the new kernel, alsa-lib, and alsa-utils from there, and testing.  Ought work.03:25
cooloneypersia: great, i am upgrading to the latest kernel and alsa-lib and alsa-utils from -proposed03:28
Nekopersia, that patchset you just ref'd has it been pushed to kernel yet?03:35
persiaNeko, The place I found it suggested it had been applied in Ubuntu kernels.  I don't know more about it.03:39
NekoI somehow remember it being but03:39
NekoI would have thought it'd have hit mainline ages ago03:39
persiaMay well have done so.  Still the only thing I know that would make ext3 bail.03:40
Nekobut only really if you are using an ext3 filesystem generated on some other platform and then drop it on ARM03:41
Nekodoesn't ext4 handle it properly03:41
Neko(we use ext4 exclusively here... no point using ext3 it's slow as fuck)03:42
persia!ohmy | Neko03:47
ubot2Neko: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.03:47
persiaBut I think it is only ext3: I think ext4 has the workaround (I hesitate to call it "properly", as I agree that God and K&R intended char to be signed)03:48
pdcI discovered that I can create good ext3 partitions on a microSD when it's plugged into an SD adapter, but when it's plugged into a USB adapter, it creates an "Unknown" partition and lots of ugly error messages show up in dmesg.03:51
persiaFrom the same host?03:53
pdcpersia, I'm not sure what you mean.03:54
persiaFor the case where you created the ext3 partitions on MMC and USB to the same microSD, were you on the same machine?03:57
persiaInteresting.  You may have found an exciting bug.  If you could create two small filesystems (say 10MB) using both methods, and attach zipped dd's of them to an LP bug, it may develop some interest.  If you are so willing, please file it with `ubuntu-bug linux`03:59
persiaObvious workaround is to use MMC to create a partition if you need ext3, but I suspect at least someone would be interesting in tracking down and fixing the real bug.04:00
persiaEasier workaround is probably to use ext4.04:04
pdcpersia, the problem is not specific to ext3.  I just tried ext4 and ext2 and got the same results as I got with ext3.04:13
persiapdc, That's unexpected.  Does the USB adaptor work properly on other hosts?04:27
pdcI tried it on another Ubuntu box, and it does work properly there!04:44
persiasame architecture or different architecture?04:53
pdcThey're quite different.04:58
persiaAh, good.  That makes it more likely to be an arch-specific kernel issue.04:59
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hrwehlo #08:33
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ukleinekhrw: 501-# is an invalid hostname08:39
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GrueMasterlrg: Do you have any more info on UCM?  I have been looking into it and was wondering what the timeline was for initial release to see if it could be worked in to Ubuntu Natty.15:58
sveinseHi. I'm trying to decide if I should use Ubuntu or any other distro/build system (like OE or Ångström) for a new custom Cortex-A8 based product we're making16:26
sveinseFrom one POV Ubuntu is nice, since the packages comes neatly prepared and have a good way of handling upgrades and updates16:27
ogra_acwhat are you expecting us to suggest in the ubuntu channel ?16:27
GrueMasterDepends on the memory being added.16:27
ogra_acbut yeah16:27
ogra_acmemory is key16:27
sveinseogra_ac: LOL :)16:27
sveinse256Mb is the number16:27
hrwsveinse: what will run on device?16:28
sveinseI have already been experiencing with Ubuntu ARM for a while, so I know its quirks16:28
GrueMasterWell, you can definately use some of the core stuff, but don't expect any performance from any of the main gui envirounments (gnome, kde).16:28
sveinseWe will run Qt/e against FB/SGX16:29
ogra_acqt embedded should be fine with 256M16:29
sveinseSo doing a custom compile of Qt natively takes a long time on Ubuntu16:29
sveinseyes, omap16:29
ogra_acas GrueMaster said though, a full desktop/netbook ubuntu UI will need 512M16:29
ogra_acto run smoothly16:29
ogra_acsveinse, for building packages natively get a pandaboard ;)16:30
sveinseSo we're wishing very hard to have cross compilers that can target Ubuntu. I've experienced using CSL cross and inject the Qt and Qt app into the system. Now, it works, but for how long...16:30
sveinseogra_ac: I'll check out the pandaboard, thanks16:30
ogra_acsveinse, hrw is your man16:30
ogra_ache maintains xdeb and friends16:31
ogra_acfor cross building16:31
hrwwookey maintains xdeb not me16:31
sveinseyes, linaro or something like that, isn't that a cross for ubuntu?16:31
ogra_acwell, you maintain what it uses16:31
ogra_aclinaro is a company16:31
hrwsveinse: apt-get install g++-arm-linux-gnueabi then ;D16:31
ogra_acbut yes, the stuff they do ends up in ubuntu16:31
sveinsewhat is xdeb? ....checking google...16:32
sveinseI also want to comment that the product will be entirely "embedded". The user will not install any apps/packages of own choosing. The device will start directly into our app and not a general UI16:33
hrwsveinse: not planning any kind of updates to be done once deployed?16:34
sveinseYes, but controlled via our company. I.e we will branch out the relevant packages and put up our own repo16:35
sveinseWe need that for support reasons (we will guarantee the product)16:35
sveinseOur GUI will shell out to dpkg/apt-get in the BG16:36
sveinseSo... Building qt can be handled from g++-arm-linux-gnueabi and it will link against the correct target libs, right?16:37
ogra_acit should16:39
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hrwsveinse: looks like going for Ubuntu will work.16:40
sveinseYeah, it sound like it16:40
* hrw has OE/Ångström background16:40
sveinseThe alternative is OE/Å16:40
sveinseBut I know too little about it16:40
sveinseand my boss wants a decision by tomorrow :D16:41
hrwUbuntu will give you less work probably16:42
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sveinseOne uncertainty with Ubuntu is that it relies on initrd and does heavy scripting during bootup. It is a string wish to minimize the startup time a much as possible. Down to 15 secs from linux unpacking to GUI app is a target16:43
ogra_acthats not true anymore16:44
ogra_acyou dont need the initrd16:44
ogra_aconly if your users can freely install packages you should have it16:44
ogra_acbut that doesnt seem to be the case16:44
sveinseAnd then the big wait is probably the udev population16:44
ogra_acubuntu doesnt use udev to populate the initial /dev, it relies on the kernel to have devtmpfs16:45
ogra_acindeed, if you dont have that, udev scripts will run and everything will slow down16:45
sveinsewell. in the bootlogs I've seen, that seems to be the case.16:45
ogra_acif your kernel has devtmpfs that shouldnt take any time16:46
sveinseAt least I'm beginning to be confident that we can strip things down to something lean and mean16:46
ogra_acyou surely can16:46
sveinsewell, then it seems that ubuntu is it then (said in the #ubuntu-arm channel :) )16:46
ogra_acwhat release do you plan to base on ?16:47
sveinseproto by jan-11. release by 1Q1216:47
ogra_aci meant ubuntu release ;)16:48
sveinseAh. Currently maverick16:48
sveinseBut it can change. We've just changed from lucid16:48
ogra_acwell, lucid would be cleverer regarding security support16:49
sveinseYeah. So lucid (ARM) is included into the LTS program? I thought it wasn't16:50
sveinseIn all cases, we as a mfg need to take the ultimate responsibility for the customer. So having LTS is more a convenience for us, not the customer16:50
hrwsveinse: packages are built for each arch16:51
sveinseAha. So security updates are updated for all archs16:51
sveinseBTW: Are there any concerns basing a commercial product on Ubuntu (where the user cannot choose packages freely)? Given, of course, the obligations in GPL16:54
sveinse(And not considering the Tivoization issue for a moment)16:54
ogra_acas long as you obey to the ubuntu trademark policy it should all be fine16:54
ogra_ac(i.e. if you will have ubuntu in your product name you need to get trademark approval)16:55
sveinsesure. And thanks, I'll check it out16:55
sveinseSlightly OT: Are there any open source scripts/tools for building packages and populating a custom apt repo?16:58
hrwdpkg-scanpackages you mean?17:01
hrwor apt-ftparchive (which does same but require apt)17:01
sveinseSorry for repeating myself, what is xdeb? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Specs/M/ARMXdebCrossCompilationEnvironment isn't too informative unfortunately17:03
hrwok, me off17:05
hrwhave a nice rest of day17:05
sveinsehrw: Thanks for your help & input17:05
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hrw|gonesveinse: https://edge.launchpad.net/xdeb has code etc17:05
sveinseThanks again17:06
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davidmWoot PandaBoard can be purchased at USD $174 from DigiKey today!17:29
davidmCheap Cortex AP hardware finally17:29
davidmmake that Cheap Cortex A9 hardware finally17:29
ogra_acheh :)17:32
jayabharathdavidm: you can order it today.. yes.. expect about 4 week lead time to ship17:33
jayabharathso you can order it now and by the time you get home from UDS.. it should hopefully be at your home :)17:34
davidmjayabharath, it's really really nice to be able to say you can put in an order today.  It's been a long time coming17:38
jayabharathdavidm: yup - I totally agree...17:38
davidmprpplague, quick question, with zippy2 attached to a panda can I achieve a clean network boot?17:49
prpplaguedavidm: yep, sakoman has full support for the 8851 in u-boot, you'd need to tweak some of the pinmux's and add a small amount of glue code, but  nothing major17:50
ogra_acwhere would u-boot come from ?17:50
ogra_acyou still need the SD, no ?17:50
prpplagueogra_ac: yea you still need an SD for MLO and u-boot, but you can tftp the kernel and nfs the rootfs17:51
ogra_acthat desnt work without zippy ?17:51
* sakoman doesn't have a zippy2, but if he did he would add support to the panda u-boot ;-)17:51
ogra_aci thought the interface would be up in u-boot (honestly i never checked)17:52
jayabharathogra_ac: dosent -- no support for uboot to boot over network ..17:52
prpplagueogra_ac: the smsc LAN9514 is via the EHCI which means that you need to init the ehci and have a driver for the lan951417:52
davidmogra_ac,  so still need a monolithic kernel that can't write to the SD :-(17:52
jayabharathsakoman: perhaps prpplague can donate a zippy2 for you :)17:52
ogra_acwell, if i have to have the SD anyway, i can also put the kernel on it17:52
prpplaguesakoman: i have you zippy2 on my desk, but i've been too busy to get it shipped17:52
ogra_acdavidm, right17:52
prpplaguesakoman: i'll try to do that this week17:52
ogra_acdavidm, no such thing like PXE on arm17:53
sakomanu-boot ehci for OMAP3 and OMAP4 is on my list17:53
davidmogra_ac, yea I know17:53
sakomanprpplague: no rush, my Panda doesn't really work anyway17:53
sakomanneed to wait till I get the one from Digikey17:53
ogra_acdavidm, but i dont see that as a prob, monolithic kernel is safer anyway17:53
ogra_acdavidm, and no MMC support is a must17:53
davidmogra_ac, yea but was hoping for an "easier" solution, no joy there17:53
ogra_acwe could solder some nand on ;)17:54
davidmI so miss the days of a real hardware lock on SCSI HD, throw the switch and nothing could change end of story17:55
ogra_acwell, the wonderful times of SD cards17:55
davidmI really was under the impression that SD was the same, was really bummed out that it was a software lockout17:55
ogra_acme too when i found out abou tit the first time17:56
GrueMasterI honestly don't remember a system having a hardware write-lock that couldn't be bypassed in software.17:58
ogra_acand old SCSI17:59
GrueMasterI could write to them with some of the hack software I had for the Atari.17:59
GrueMasterUnsure about old scsi.17:59
GrueMasterHave to check my books.17:59
GrueMasterBut I do remember that there was a way to bypass the floppy by hacking the controller.18:01
davidmSCSI was a hardware lock, could not bypass in software, linux thought it could write and then would error out18:11
davidmWas a great alert system, set up your hardware, lock the drive and then watch logs for errors from someone trying to overwrite a file.  Was great18:12
davidmlinux was unaware that the hardware write protect was on, worked really nicely,  Had the switch hooked up to the old turbo switch on AT cases18:17
lagHi robclark18:33
GrueMasterWouldn't it be cool if panda supported SDXC?  <2TB capacity, 832Mbit/s.18:33
GrueMasterUnfortunately, nothing exists yet.18:33
ogra_acisnt that also heavily patented ?18:33
lagAnd heavily priced18:34
robclarkhi lag18:34
lagHey buddy18:34
lagHow are you?18:34
ogra_acah, come on if you can get a panda for $174 you can spend $50 forr an SD18:34
robclarkoh, keepin busy ;-)18:34
lagAre you making an appearance at UDS?18:34
robclarkno.. I'll be at gstcon/elc that week..18:35
robclarkbad timing this year18:35
lagShame, it would be good to see you again18:35
pcacjrdoes u-boot support ext2 fs ?18:35
lagWell, there's always the Platform Sprint18:35
lagCan you take a look at something for me?18:35
ogra_acpcacjr, yes and no18:36
robclarkwell, yeah, there will be more sprints and UDS's18:36
* robclark looks18:36
* pcacjr nods18:36
ogra_acpcacjr, depends on the platform18:36
lagA user is complaining that his EDID appears 3 times18:36
pcacjrogra_ac: ah, ok18:36
robclarkEDID appears 3x, or the picture?18:36
lagrobclark: bug 66176118:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 661761 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "3 copies of video with LG Flatron W22561VP (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66176118:36
robclarkI think it is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-ti-omap4/+bug/66176118:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 661761 in linux-ti-omap4 (Ubuntu) "3 copies of video with LG Flatron W22561VP (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New]18:36
robclarkit is similar to what rsalveti sees18:37
robclarkI was chatting w/ ricardo about that the other day..18:37
lagWhat was the outcome?18:37
pcacjrogra_ac: maybe the FAT3 is a way to go, right ?18:37
lagIs it 3 pictures?18:37
robclarkI suspect we might need some time threshold.. ie. if we get rapid connect/disconnect/connect, then don't try and re-read EDID18:37
ogra_acpcacjr, yes18:37
robclarkalthough will be a few weeks before I have a chance to give that a try18:37
pcacjrogra_ac: thanks for the explanation18:38
* robclark is on the road this week and next18:38
ogra_aclag, talk to desrt in #pandaboard ...18:38
lagrobclark: Awesome, so you're on this?18:38
ogra_ac(he is ryan)18:38
lagIt's okay18:38
lagIt sounds like Rob has it in hand18:38
robclarkwe'll  I'd like to try.. but it will be a few weeks.   Maybe rsalveti beats me too it?18:38
robclarkat least he has a monitor which reproduces the same issue.. which I don't have18:38
lagI guess that would help18:39
lagI'll keep an eye on it18:39
lagAnd chat to rsalveti at a later date18:39
lagThanks Rob18:39
robclarkbut it is an issue we've seen w/ two different LG monitors.. so hopefully it is only w/ LG monitors and not others18:39
GrueMasterWonder if these would work on panda?  It would take a long time to expand root, but would be cool.  http://www.flash-memory-store.com/sdxc-card.html18:54
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lrgogra: did the Panda audio config updates get released ?19:54
ogra_aclrg, yes, but i made a mistake, fix is pending19:55
lrgogra: ah, np - thanks19:55
ogra_ac(the omap4 file doesnt end up where it should be)19:55
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kgilmerhi, when using the rootstock program, how do i know what are all the available seeds?  " --seed <>"22:00
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persiakgilmer: you can look at the seeds available under http://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu-seeds (or add some)23:45

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