
seidosthere's a logic to it00:00
|friTTe|but isnt it strange that if i choose s and then tab i wont get to choose00:01
|friTTe|it simply pastes all of them in to the channel00:01
Cheri703we don't see them00:02
Cheri703only you see them00:02
Cheri703you do get to choose00:02
Cheri703it is consolidating them so you see them in front of you00:02
|friTTe|ahh ok00:03
|friTTe|well then its cool00:03
|friTTe|hehe i was like "omg mass highlightning"00:03
Cheri703yeah, people would DEFINITELY let you know if it was doing that00:03
|friTTe|yeah i was actually waiting for that00:03
|friTTe|hahaha well well, switched computers couple of hours ago and this was new, well seems its sorted00:04
seidos|friTTe|, no, it's telling you to be more specific.  you can type se + tab and choose.00:04
seidosor sa + tab, or sh + tab etc00:05
|friTTe|ah ok00:05
|friTTe|thx for the help with this hhee00:05
seidosoh yeah, it's not actually printing that to the channel00:05
seidosno problem :)00:05
|friTTe|well thats good00:05
seidosif anyone has any ideas for investigating chrome and pulseaudio i'm open to recommendations :)00:06
|friTTe|pulseaudio can be a pain00:06
seidoscurrently, it appears chrome is accessing sound hardware directly, or perhaps through alsa.  either way, it isn't choosing pulseaudio like the gstreamer apps i have00:06
seidos|friTTe|, yeah, that's what everyone keeps telling me00:06
|friTTe|on this one it works awesome, on my other deskie im using a keyboard with a built in soundcard cause of the crappy sound00:08
slooksterpsvoddly pulseaudio and chrome work well for me : seidos00:08
seidosslooksterpsv, yeah, it used to work for me.  but recording didn't work.  so i installed a new alsa version.  i'm using now.  cat /proc/asound/version to find out00:10
slooksterpsvseidos: would that be why sometimes my audio gets staticy is cause of pulse audio?00:11
seidosslooksterpsv, not sure.  there's the driver (module), alsa, and pulseaudio O_o00:11
seidosi suspect finding where the problem is in that chain isn't that easy00:12
seidosi think windows was "easier" because of the windows api.  it was like driver or api...pretty much it.  or hardware problem O_o00:12
seidossorry, i said the "w" word.  what kind of sound card slooksterpsv?00:12
slooksterpsvuh... let me check haha00:13
seidosi have some integrated intel chip...uses snd-hda-intel driver00:13
slooksterpsvSBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)00:13
slooksterpsvI have to modify my alsa-base.conf to get my headphone jack to work snd-hda-intel....00:14
phillwseidos: http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=334 is a great place to start, there are excellent stickies on there and you can search through the postings.00:22
seidosphillw, i'll look at it, but honestly, i think my set up is too unique.  i probably should create a bug in launchpad, but i'm not sure what package to make it against00:24
phillwseidos: it's always worth making a post on there, it may not be as unique as you think. Us people have some quite wierd rigs and kit :)00:26
seidoshmm, google's search for site: http://www.ubuntuforums.org chrome pulseaudio alsa is pulling up sites aside from ubuntuforums.org O_o00:26
phillwseidos: there is a search within the forum area :)00:26
seidosphillw, ah, making a post and searching for an answer, different story.  all right, i'll make a post.00:26
phillwthere is also advanced search that will hunt across all of the ubuntu forums for you.00:27
seidosphillw, so you're saying google searching the site is inferior to advanced search?  or the same?  or...00:36
seidossearching = search00:36
phillwyou can use google, provided you know how to use the + flag00:37
phillw<I have a problem +ubuntu> forces google to return the results that have ubuntu in them. you can also use the - flag to narrow things down as it then does not use them.00:39
phillwseidos: don't use the <>, that was just there to quote it up for you.00:40
seidosphillw, ah, yeah, i've used the + flag.  i thought the site: option was more precise.00:43
seidosi've also been told not to use articles that aren't ubuntu related...00:43
phillwseidos: in the advanced search on the forum area you can get a pretty good hit, but ubuntu forums are not the only source of information.00:44
seidosphillw, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=9988670#post998867000:45
seidosthat's the thread i created00:46
phillwseidos: places like http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ and http://psychocats.net/ can also be trusted. If in any doubt, just post it up and some will have a look at it for you.00:46
seidosyeah, ubuntu wiki, ubuntu help documentation, and forums.  that pretty much covers authentic locations.  ubuntugeek.com and psychocats huh?00:46
seidoswell, i'll see if i get a response on the thread.  i have two other forum posts that didn't get nary a response00:47
seidosnot a big deal though00:47
phillwpsychocats is run by one of the forum staffers, so he's pretty darn trustworthy :)00:47
phillwI've never seen any bad info on ubuntugeek either in the years I've been using it as a reference.00:48
phillwbad as in malicious commands00:48
* seidos nods00:52
johnny77alt+f2 bring up the run menu program, but in UNR it doesn't work. Is there another way to start that run program?00:56
dusting010can anyone help me here? #ubuntu did not respond to me :(01:00
ubot2Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic01:02
dusting010lol sry, my desktop folders open fine but the folders under "places" dont do anything and when downloads finally decides to respond, vlc pops up and plays the media inside that folder :(01:02
phillwdusting010: don't wait to ask to ask a question :)01:02
ubot2Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:02
slooksterpsvwhy do we have ubot2, others have ubottu01:03
johnny77is it better to install a program from the website or from the repositories?01:06
slooksterpsvjohnny77 - repositories01:06
slooksterpsvdusting010 - hmmm... looking into that01:06
jdeslipjohnn77 - that way you will get automatic updates in the future etc...01:07
johnny77Just curious, but why?01:07
jdeslipand it is guaranteed to work with your current version of Ubuntu.01:07
johnny77jdeslip: sorry didn't see the answer before I hit enter.01:07
jdeslipjohnn77: no problem01:08
dusting010my thoughts were that i somehow managed to set the items in "places" to open in vlc, but idk how thats even possible for a noob like me and if it were idk how to undo that :(01:09
jdeslipdusting010: When you click places->home does a folder open up?01:10
jdeslipor is that failing too?01:11
dusting010no, vlc pops up and plays my music01:11
phillwslooksterpsv: ubottu has several 'clones' to look after different rooms, they are linked. https://wiki.edubuntu.org/IRC/Bots they just share the load out.01:11
dusting010... idk why but everything under 'places' either doesnt respond or opens media in vlc...01:12
dusting010the stuff on my desktop opens fine >.<01:12
phillwslooksterpsv: for example, in #lubuntu we have ubot501:13
dusting010i've tried reinstalling Nautilus but that solved nothing btw01:13
slooksterpsvgot it, remove the items from the left-hand side in nautilus then re add them01:14
slooksterpsvwell remove the stuff under the separator, e.g. Documents, Music, Pictures, videos, Downloads, etc.01:15
slooksterpsvthen drag and drop that folder back onto the left-hand side and it should fix the places menu if it doesn't make sure you can get into said folders01:15
dusting010how do i remove them, sry noob here01:16
slooksterpsvdrag and drop them off01:16
dusting010when i dragg&drop it off the window, nothing happens, it stays in that sidebar thing01:17
jdeslipIf that doesn't work try the following links: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=157501301:17
slooksterpsv*sorry right-click remove01:18
jdeslipslooksterpsv, dusting010: those links would have you right click on a folder in nautilus and then select "open with..." then change the default.01:21
slooksterpsvoh ok01:21
dusting010so what is the correct default?01:22
johnny77what are schema?01:22
jdeslipdusting010: "File Browser" I think01:23
dusting010...... things have gotten worse..... desktop folders have disappeared and i still cant correctly open items under places.... QQ01:30
johnny77UNR uses Unity while the desktop version uses another type of interface program right?01:33
dusting010k, the places problem has been solved but now i have  a new problem :(01:39
dusting010now the a folder i have on my desktop is acting weird, its a folder that contains folders01:39
dusting010when i open that folder and right click a folder in that new window, the window closes :(01:40
dusting010but doing this same thing by opening it from 'places' does not cause it to close, im soo confused01:41
johnny77According to software center I have netbook launcher efl installed. If I uninstalled unity would the netbook launcher be automatically loaded upon rebooting?01:51
dusting010why does the window look different when i open my external from my desktop an 'places'01:55
johnny77I ran netbook-launcher-efl from terminal now I have the old netbook launcher from 10.04 in side of unity.01:57
dusting010nautilus crashes when i right-click a folder... plz help02:08
Cheri703johnny77: netbook-launcher-efl gives you the old launcher?02:09
Cheri703dusting010: are you on a desktop or laptop?02:10
Cheri703k, try unplugging your keyboard and doing whatever is being stupid02:11
Cheri703and then plug it back in and report :)02:13
dusting010how would that help? oh and this only happens when i navigate from desktop, navigating from places and then r clicking doesnt cause me to crash02:14
Cheri703to me it sounds like a key is being pressed and interacting with the mouse click (could be totally wrong)02:14
Cheri703just a "rule it out" step02:14
Cheri703easy to check02:14
Cheri703I know I've had crazy behavior from my comp because a key was sticking or something02:14
dusting010lol yeah i c, but its ruled out by the fact that it only happens when i open a folder from my desktop and r click a folder in that new window.....02:15
Cheri703if you open nautilus from terminal does it work fine?02:16
dusting010idk how to do that02:16
Cheri703open terminal02:16
Cheri703type "nautilus"02:16
Cheri703or even alt f2 and type nautilus02:17
dusting010it opens, but when i right click a folder in there it crashes. also, the window for the opened folder looks different when i open from desktop than it does from places, i have nautilus elementary installed02:19
Cheri703can you try reverting to regular nautilus? (I don't know anything about the elementary thing)02:20
dusting010lol idk lemme try :)02:20
dusting010still the same :( and apparently it crashes whenever i right click anything inside the new window :(02:21
Cheri703let me ask a friend of mine, hang on02:21
dusting010lol kk, is there any way to restore all settings back to the default, i.e. as if it were a fresh install02:22
Cheri703will check02:23
Cheri703ok, so I'm being told how to reset stuff (anyone else can verify, but I trust the source)02:24
Cheri703is this happening on the computer you're currently using?02:24
Cheri703like to chat?02:25
Cheri703ok, then write this down and try it: reset to basic config -> log out, go to a text console (ctrl-Alt f1 ) log in and rm -rf .gnome2 and any other gnome-looking hidden dir, then ctrl alt f7 to return to graphical login and login, will be back to gnome basics apparently02:26
Cheri703does that make sense at all?02:26
johnny77cheri703: yes, it appears so. I'm gonna try uninstall unity. I've already put netbook-launcher-efl in the startup apps. hope it will work.02:26
Cheri703ooo, nice02:26
Cheri703I HATE unity02:26
Cheri703so I've been sticking with 10.04, so I will try that soon02:27
dusting010lol rm=remove, so u want me to get rid of .rf and .gnome2 files right?02:28
Cheri703rm -rf is the command, .gnome2 is the folder02:28
Cheri703"rm -rf"02:28
dusting010kk brb02:29
Cheri703one other thing to try first02:29
Cheri703are you still there?02:29
Cheri703my friend suggested creating a new account and testing it there02:29
dusting010the crash thing?02:30
johnny77cheri703: I'm just about to remove unity and reboot. I'll let you know the outcome.02:30
Cheri703thanks johnny7702:30
dusting010kk now to figure out how to make a new accoundt?02:30
Cheri703system > administration > users and groups02:31
Cheri703or something like that :)02:31
dusting010kk brb02:33
dusting010the problem is only w/this account :(02:41
Cheri703so it was definitely your customization that caused the issue02:41
Cheri703so then try the rm -rf thing02:41
Cheri703give me a sec and I will type it out better02:41
johnny77cheri703: success, well sorta.02:43
Cheri703hang on dusting010, I'm getting there02:44
johnny77cheri: I now have netbook launcher in 10.04, but it did not come up with any panels. So I ran gnome-panel. I kinda have a mix of netbook and desktop. weird. Also I don't know if there will be any update repercussions.02:44
dusting010man switching over has been a journey but at least i have u guys for support :)02:45
johnny77cheri703: I would assume that the netbook launcher had a panel system to go with it, but I don't know what command it would have been or if I still have said command.02:47
Cheri703ok dusting010 do you have printing capability?02:47
dusting010lol no02:47
Cheri703ok, then copy it down carefully :)02:47
Cheri703johnny77: that makes sense, I'll take a look02:48
dusting010so typing rm -rf will tell me to select .gnome2 and other .gnome files?02:51
Cheri703no, the ls -a will show all of the folders/files in the directory02:52
Cheri703then you choose from that list to know what to put on the rm -rf02:52
Cheri703sorry, wasn't clear on that02:52
dusting010lol hope i dont screw up brb02:53
Cheri703good luck02:53
johnny77is there a way to adjust icon size?02:57
Cheri703uhm, icon size where?02:57
johnny77The icons in the netbook launcher are really big. I didn't know if there was a way to make them smaller.02:59
Cheri703uhm, try this: Start Nautilus file browser, Menu Edit -> Preferences . And try to set icon zoom level in the "Icon View Defaults" section.02:59
Cheri703supposedly that can help globally02:59
Cheri703dunno though02:59
dusting010damn still the same03:01
Cheri703uhm, perhaps this is simplistic, but can you just copy your crap from your home folder to the one in the new user folder and just delete current user?03:01
Cheri703did that help johnny77?03:02
dusting010looks like thats the only way lol its better than having to reinstall, oh well tyvm03:03
johnny77cheri703: no, it changed all the icons in Nautilus, but not the menu icons. It may just be a feature of the launcher...03:08
Cheri703:( ok03:08
Cheri703yeah, they're big03:08
Cheri703johnny77: this is all I can find thus far: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=998491303:09
Cheri703I think it has to be a hybrid type thing :/03:09
johnny77cheri703: I'm cool with that. If I was to remove the menus on the gnome-panel how would I get them back if I wanted to.03:13
Cheri703I think they're referenced in that post03:13
johnny77ok, must have not read enough... thank you.03:13
johnny77cheri703: I really love this hybrid I created. I just hope i din't crew up the updates too much.03:26
Cheri703I don't think so, just look over them and if the update is unity, then don't install it?03:29
jinchuurikihowdy! problems resolved!!!!!!!03:47
johnny77cheri703: Thanks for the help. gotta run.03:48
Cheri703have a good night03:48
johnny77you too03:49
jinchuurikiyo chri its me dusting 01003:49
jinchuurikiwhat are cool apps/programs for a new ubuntu user to check out?03:49
Cheri703ah, ok03:49
Cheri703uhm, my staples are inkscape, gimp03:49
* JoeMaverickSett suggest Banshee for music player. :)03:50
Cheri703I don't do a whole lot of crazy stuff03:50
Cheri703there are lists upon lists online03:50
jinchuurikilol kk what about irc client? which the best?03:53
Cheri703I use xchat03:53
JoeMaverickSettirssi :P03:53
Cheri703I think it depends are you using gnome?03:54
Cheri703there should have been a comma in there03:54
Cheri703jinchuuriki: are you using gnome?03:54
AbhiJityou can use any kde ap on gnome03:54
Cheri703yeah, but it installs a TON of dependencies for ONE app03:54
AbhiJitwhats wrong in it?03:54
jinchuurikiidk its ubuntu lol linux noob here :)03:55
Cheri703I'd rather use that space for other things03:55
Cheri703ok, probably gnome jinchuuriki03:55
Cheri703as a general rule, unless you want a whole bunch of space taken up by relatively unnecessary stuff, avoid programs that start with K or ones that refer to "kde"03:55
Cheri703unless you want to use kubuntu, and then go for it03:55
JoeMaverickSettjinchuuriki: if it is ubuntu = GNOME, kubuntu = KDE, xubuntu = XFCE. :)03:55
Cheri703some people love kde, some people love gnome03:56
AbhiJiti use quanta plus03:56
AbhiJiton gnome03:56
* JoeMaverickSett prefers GNOME.03:56
jinchuuriki@joe: lol ty for the clarification03:56
JoeMaverickSettjinchuuriki: no problem. ;)03:57
* AbhiJit loves gnome03:57
* JoeMaverickSett hi5 AbhiJit.03:57
Cheri703if you guys are ever looking for a ridiculous way to waste time, check out this game: http://www.gamefudge.com/Nex03:57
Cheri703it's hilarious03:57
jinchuurikibtw, do i need an anti v for ubuntu?03:58
Cheri703uhm, not really03:58
AbhiJit!virus | jinchuuriki03:59
ubot2jinchuuriki: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus03:59
AbhiJitJoeMaverickSett, its mrning here!!! what  about you?03:59
JoeMaverickSettCheri703: okie, that game is addictive. :D03:59
JoeMaverickSettAbhiJit: it's 11am here. :)04:00
Cheri703heh, yeah04:00
AbhiJitJoeMaverickSett, :)04:00
evilrobotsquidIs there anyway besides editing Gnome's Startup Items to speed up Ubuntu Netbook Edition05:25
evilrobotsquidAnyone here tried out Lubuntu?05:43
bioterrorusing atm.05:49
evilrobotsquidbioterror, Are there any special packages I'll need to install if I'm using it on a laptop/netbook?05:50
bioterrorusing on laptop and I dont think so05:50
bioterrorworks smoothly just out of box05:51
evilrobotsquidbioterror, I was just wondering about it going into sleep when screen is shut, stuff like that05:51
bioterrorworks fine05:51
bioterrorI've disable the screenlock after suspend05:52
bioterrorit's annoying when the xscreensaver asks for the password05:52
evilrobotsquidbioterror, Cool.  How do you do that?05:52
bioterrordun see one anymore05:56
bioterrorevilrobotsquid, come to #lubuntu-offtopic05:57
bioterrorand we can discuss more later05:57
bioterrorI have to afk becouse I have to go to work now05:57
evilrobotsquidbioterror, I'm gonna go ahead and throw it on ;)  Thanks though for the recommendation05:57
bioterrorI recommend05:58
bioterrorand if you have some sort of problems with it, now you know from who to ask for help ;)05:58
=== zz_slidinghorn is now known as slidinghorn
slidinghornMohan_chml:  whenever you get back, I replied to your email.  Thanks for your interest :)08:44
Mohan_chmlslidinghorn: Hola :)08:50
slidinghornMohan_chml:  howdy :)08:50
Mohan_chmlslidinghorn: -team08:50
MossyfunkWhat's the easiest way to add winxp to grub. I can't find /boot/grub/menu.lst it's not there09:24
Mohan_chmlMossyfunk: for 9.10 and the other newer versions, it is /boot/grub/grub.cfg09:25
Mohan_chmland your windows Is not detected by the grub?09:25
Mossyfunkinstalled it after linux on a seperate HDD when the linux one was not plugged in09:26
Mossyfunkis there some automagic script to search and add it?09:26
ubot2GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since Ubuntu 9.10.  For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub209:27
Mohan_chmlI think it has the link to find the Win partition09:27
Mohan_chmlMossyfunk: try sudo os-prober and sudo update-grub09:27
Mohan_chmlthat will do mostly09:27
Mossyfunkworked a charm thanks mate =)09:29
duanedesignmorning all10:11
slidinghornmorning duanedesign10:12
=== AbhiJit_ is now known as AbhiJit
simarhey my live installation in a pendrive is not booting up.. Is there a way that I can enter a recovery mode like we have when we install ubuntu in hard disk.??13:33
=== jdmcclung is now known as johnny77
sebsebsebsujiths80: hi14:34
tarcisomesquitaHow it works?14:39
pedro3005hello tarcisomesquita14:39
pedro3005hi  sujiths8014:42
sujiths80When I upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10 ,I am not able to see my sda1 partition.14:42
sujiths80The partition is a NTFS partition14:42
bioterroryou cannot boot?14:42
bioterroror you just cant see at all?14:43
sujiths80I can boot but problem is I lost one partion.My system is a dual boot with Windows vista14:43
bioterrorI think that partition still exists, but it's not in the GRUB menu14:43
sujiths80In windows vista I can see all partions..this happend after the upgrade14:43
sujiths80Sorry I am new to ubuntu so I cann't understand the terms14:44
bioterrorlet's start from the beginning14:44
bioterroryou have ubuntu and you have windows vista14:44
bioterroryou upgraded your ubuntu from 10.04 to 10.1014:45
bioterrorand after that you lost your /dev/sda1 ?14:45
sujiths80yes u r  right14:45
sujiths80but I can see sda2 and sda314:45
Mohan_chmlhobgoblin: you've got a memo :)14:46
hobgoblinI know14:46
hobgoblinfunnily enough freenode told me that14:46
bioterrorsujiths80, do you mean that you cant choose on boot windows vistas?14:47
bioterroror you cant see even in a file manager that filesystem14:47
sujiths80no...there is no problem in booting...but I cannt see the sda1 partition in ubuntu but I can see the same in vista...14:48
* AndrewMC got a notice that hobgoblin read it :)14:48
sujiths80yes u r right14:48
hobgoblinAndrewMC: freenode is on the ball then :)14:48
bioterrorsujiths80, sda1 is your windows vista partition?14:48
AndrewMChobgoblin: well its how good atheme services are ;)14:49
sujiths80but all my partitions are NTFS and I can access it from ubuntu and vista14:49
bioterrorsujiths80, maybe you're missing ntfs drivers. like fuse-3g or something14:50
sujiths80in that case how abt other partitions which is also NTFS ?14:50
* hobgoblin butts in - if this is a wubi install and sda1 is the host drive then it will be mounted in /host(s) - if it's not wubi I'll butt out again ;)14:53
bioterrorsujiths80, sorry. I'm doing things at work at the same time that I can leave for today. so I seemed to miss that point where you told us that you have other NTFS partitions which you can access14:53
bioterrorsujiths80, is it wubi?14:53
sujiths80I think so...but I am not remembering it correctly14:56
hobgoblinsujiths80: check /host then14:56
bioterrorhobgoblin, thanks for sharing this one. I have no experience on wubi14:56
hobgoblinbioterror: I have little experience other than what the wiki says and telling people to install properly when they are sure they want to use ubuntu ;)14:57
sujiths80yes I can see that in /host14:57
bioterrormystical is wubi14:57
sujiths80but why it disappeared in sd1 ?14:57
sujiths80sda1 ?14:58
hobgoblinsujiths80: because it is mounted in /host14:58
bioterrorsujiths80, if you say in terminal "df -h" without "", does it prompt to you that partition?-)14:58
sujiths80/dev/loop0             17G   13G  2.6G  84% /14:59
sujiths80none                  997M  300K  996M   1% /dev14:59
sujiths80none                 1002M  1.2M 1001M   1% /dev/shm14:59
sujiths80none                 1002M  304K 1002M   1% /var/run14:59
sujiths80none                 1002M     0 1002M   0% /var/lock14:59
sujiths80/dev/sda1              49G   35G   15G  71% /host14:59
sujiths80/dev/sda2              49G   47G  1.9G  97% /media/sda214:59
sujiths80/dev/sda3              52G   38G   14G  74% /media/sda314:59
Mohan_chml!paste | sujiths8015:00
ubot2sujiths80: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:00
bioterrorsujiths80, you could stab /etc/fstab to put that sda1 into a correct place if you want15:00
Mohan_chmlsujiths80: Just keep it in mind ad use pastebin from the next time. no worries ;)15:00
sujiths80but in 10.04 I could access it from /sda115:00
sujiths80okei sure15:01
sujiths80bioterror: can you elaborate more15:01
bioterrorbut problem is solved, nice15:01
bioterrorI'm off to home, laters ;)15:01
hobgoblinsujiths80: not sure what it is you need? if the drive is mounted and you can access it ...15:02
sujiths80hobgoblin: Earlier when I open my system ,I can see all these drives under computer15:03
sujiths80but now I cannot see this15:04
hobgoblinI think that when they are mounted they go from Computer to each mount point15:04
hobgoblinnot too sure tbh - only played with wubi once15:05
sujiths80hobgoblin:I am new to ubuntu so I am not able follow all terms15:05
hobgoblinsujiths80: tbh I am not sure what you are wanting ... and I understand if you are new :)15:07
sujiths80let me make it clear...earlier in 10.04 ..I can access this drive from "Places" but now in "places" I cannot see this drive15:09
AndrewMCsujiths80: are they listed under Places> Computer?15:10
sujiths80sda2 and sda3 are listed under places>computer15:11
AndrewMCsujiths80: Opening them should mount them15:11
Mohan_chmlHello and wb Silver_Fox_ :)16:10
Mohan_chmlSilver_Fox_: -team for a min please16:11
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Mohan_chmlwb mathay17:03
mathayHey Mohan_chml17:05
mathayWhat's going on?17:05
Mohan_chmlJust finished my dinner. and nothing much. hbu?17:06
mathayMohan_chml: I'm doing a lab report right now. Riveting stuff.17:09
Mohan_chmlah....! cool :)17:10
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Guest30090#nick Jezza17:41
=== Guest30090 is now known as Jezza
johnny77If I wanted to try out kubuntu, xubuntu or edubuntu, would it be a matter of downloading something from the repositories or more difficult?18:06
aveilleuxjohnny77, You can just sudo apt-get install <distro-name>-desktop18:07
aveilleuxjohnny77, then you'll have that system installed18:07
pleia2can install that package via the software center too18:07
pleia2just search for "kubuntu-desktop" for instance18:07
pedro3005johnny77, be aware that downloading any of these might fill your menus with other DE shit18:09
pleia2pedro3005: yikes, language :)18:10
johnny77I understand that kubuntu uses KDE, Xubunut uses Xfce and edubuntu has special educational software with it. But they all use the ubuntu kernel right?18:10
pedro3005pleia2, oh, sorry18:10
pleia2it'll install the default apps for that desktop18:10
pleia2johnny77: yep18:10
johnny77will these effect my already installed UNR or Ubuntu desktop?18:11
pleia2when installing kubuntu it might replace gdm with kdm, and your bootup splash screen18:12
pleia2but it's been a while since I've done this, so I don't know for sure18:12
pleia2the graphical login screen18:12
pedro3005pleia2, it does not, IIRC18:13
pedro3005you will still be using GDM18:13
pleia2pedro3005: does it change the default?18:13
jezz_why no tjust download the ISO, and try live CD ?18:13
pleia2I know you still *can* use it, since it's still installed18:13
pedro3005pleia2, when I did that a couple releases ago, it didn't18:13
johnny77No CD drive, but can I put them on a USB stick?18:14
jezz_just mount the iso18:15
jezz_you could install virtual box, and then just run it in a virtual machine18:15
johnny77Can I install KDE or Xfce with out installing the Ubuntu derivatives?18:16
johnny77If I do that will it then replace the gnome desktop?18:16
pleia2no, it'll add it to GDM so when you log on you can select which environment you want to use18:17
johnny77would it be better to install just the environment or the derivitive18:18
pleia2depends on what experience you want, if you just want to try out the environment that's easier18:19
pleia2if you want the full experience - KDE with all the KDE apps installed, install the full derivative18:19
nothingspecialjohnny77: install kde-minimal and xfce418:24
lateniteHi folks, What would I have to change if I wanted my "user" which is in sudo and has "ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" to execute all commands WITHOUT the need to PREFIX "sudo". so waht i want is 1st call in : http://pastie.org/123037518:27
bioterrordont do it18:28
bioterrorbut you can say "sudo su"18:28
bioterrorand you dont have to sudo all the time, becouse you're super user18:29
=== AbhiJit is now known as Guest12106
johnny77nothingspecial: searching "xfce4" in software center bring up 82 items. Which is the enviroment?18:30
pedro3005johnny77, xubuntu-desktop ?18:32
latenitebioterror, I have a script hat calls commadn like "fdisk" from someone who assumed the scriptcaller to be root. I daont want to change the script I d rather make add a user that can call fdisk right awayy18:32
latenitebioterror, but I cant "PREPEND " sudo or sudo su...to all the occurences in the script18:33
bioterrorlatenite, sudo passwd root18:33
bioterrorgive root user a password and then you can say "su" and you're a root18:33
bioterrorlatenite, I haven never actually seen any other user to have such  priviledges than root18:34
=== AbhiJit__ is now known as AbhiJit
bioterrorand that's how *nixes work18:34
bioterrorthere's lusers and there's root18:34
lateniteimagine a part of my script : ssh $user@&remotebox "fdisk /dev/sda"18:35
latenitebioterror, I dont want to change the scritp to : su ssh $user@&remotebox "fdisk /dev/sda"18:36
lateniteor sudo su ssh $user@&remotebox "fdisk /dev/sda"18:36
johnny77pedro3005: do you know if that will install just the environment or the whole derivative?18:36
pedro3005johnny77, whole deal18:36
latenitewhat I want ist the $user to be abel to run fdisk18:36
lateniteWITHOUT prefising anything to the command18:37
lateniteget my point?18:37
lateniteso is there a way to do that?18:38
bioterrorbut this is ubuntu-beginners and you're demanding alot tbqh18:38
bioterrorI dont feel that your question is really a beginner problem ;)18:38
bioterrorand I cant help you with permission to do fdisk on system without being a superuser18:39
latenitesure fine :) what ubunutchannel woule be a good place to start?18:39
bioterrorlatenite, maybe #ubuntu-server18:41
bioterrorthat's more like server kind of thingie18:41
lateniteok i ll ask over  there. thanks for your help :)18:43
=== abhijit__ is now known as Guest56611
johnny77If I have a program installed for ubuntu, will it work in Kubuntu and Xubuntu?19:07
bioterrorjohnny77, yes19:09
ZombieffHi all, I'm trying to find any documentation on soundmenu integration for a mediaplayer. Can anyone help?19:36
=== elfy is now known as hobgoblin
latenitessHi my internet is not working: http://pastie.org/1230626 all other machines in my network ARE online. What could be wrong here?20:06
latenitessroute add default gw $IP20:10
latenitessdid the trick...wh ois ubuntu not setting this up my itself?20:10
anadonhey, this working?21:32
anadonWell better go21:32
anadonSo, a question about changing the executable bit21:32
anadonhow do I turn it on?21:34
aveilleuxanadon: That's an extremely vague question. Could you elaborate?21:35
anadonI've tried chmod to change the permissions/executable bit on a file so I can play fallout 321:36
anadonit's a link to a .exe21:36
anadonAlso, something is preventing me from cd-ing into my own files21:36
aveilleuxanadon: Um, you can't open exe files in Ubuntu21:37
aveilleuxanadon: Windows executable files are incompatible with Linux21:37
anadonit makes them work21:37
aveilleuxBut you don't need the exe file to be executable21:37
anadoni know, but it was detail21:38
paultaganadon, chmod +x21:38
paultaganadon, you're talking about the perm bits, yeah?21:38
paultaganadon, yeah, you can use chmod to run the bitmask -- do you know how bitmasks work?21:38
anadonbut something is going on where i can't get into the directory from the command line21:38
paultaganadon, humm, do you have the exec bit flipped on the dir for your user?21:39
paultagWhups :)21:39
anadonI'll check21:39
paultaganadon, ls -la dir/21:39
paultaganadon, sorry, no slash on the end21:39
paultagI'd like to see who owns it and what the perms are, if you could21:39
anadonwon't run21:40
anadondoesn't reconize it21:40
paultaganadon, can you use pastebin what you're doing?21:40
paultag!pastebin | anadon21:40
ubot2anadon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:40
paultagJust a copy paste of the terminal would be great21:41
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ sudo chmod /home/anadon/Fallout3.exe -rwxrwxrwx21:41
anadon[sudo] password for anadon:21:41
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ chmod /home/anadon/Fallout3.exe -rwxrwxrwx21:41
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ /home/anadon/Fallout3.exe21:41
anadonbash: /home/anadon/Fallout3.exe: Permission denied21:41
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ chmod --help21:41
paultagHahaha, ahha21:41
anadonUsage: chmod [OPTION]... MODE[,MODE]... FILE...21:41
anadon  or:  chmod [OPTION]... OCTAL-MODE FILE...21:41
anadon  or:  chmod [OPTION]... --reference=RFILE FILE...21:41
anadonChange the mode of each FILE to MODE.21:41
anadon  -c, --changes           like verbose but report only when a change is made21:41
anadon      --no-preserve-root  do not treat `/' specially (the default)21:41
paultaganadon, dude, pastebin!21:41
anadon      --preserve-root     fail to operate recursively on `/'21:42
anadon  -f, --silent, --quiet   suppress most error messages21:42
paultag!pastebin | anadon21:42
ubot2anadon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:42
anadon  -v, --verbose           output a diagnostic for every file processed21:42
anadon      --reference=RFILE   use RFILE's mode instead of MODE values21:42
anadon  -R, --recursive         change files and directories recursively21:42
anadon      --help     display this help and exit21:42
anadon      --version  output version information and exit21:42
anadonEach MODE is of the form `[ugoa]*([-+=]([rwxXst]*|[ugo]))+'.21:42
anadonReport chmod bugs to bug-coreutils@gnu.org21:42
anadonGNU coreutils home page: <http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/>21:42
anadonGeneral help using GNU software: <http://www.gnu.org/gethelp/>21:42
anadonFor complete documentation, run: info coreutils 'chmod invocation'21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ cd /home/anadon/21:42
AndrewMCpaultag: quiet him until the spam stops gushing out of his glient21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ chmod u+rwx fallout321:42
anadonchmod: cannot access `fallout3': No such file or directory21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ chmod u+x Fallout3.exe21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ sudo chmod o+x Fallout3.exe21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ cd /home/21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:/home$ ch anadon/21:42
anadonch: command not found21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:/home$ cd anadon/21:42
aveilleuxpaultag: /mode +q anadon21:42
paultagAndrewMC, ach, It's almost over, I think21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ sudo cd /home/anadon/21:42
anadonsudo: cd: command not found21:42
anadonanadon@anadon-laptop:~$ ls -la dir21:42
anadonls: cannot access dir: No such file or directory21:42
AndrewMC/cs quiet #chan nick21:42
paultagsorry anadon21:42
AndrewMCjust wait a few mins21:43
paultaganadon, so, you're trying to run a windows game under GNU/Linux21:43
paultaganadon, two things you've done wrong -- 1) you're using - with chmod21:43
paultaganadon, - removes the perms, + adds them21:43
paultaganadon, next, you have to run windows binaries through WINE, and not natively21:43
paultagshould be all set now21:43
paultaganadon, next time, use pastebin21:43
paultaganadon, aveilleux was right to suggest wine :)21:44
paultagas was noted:21:44
paultag<aveilleux> anadon: Um, you can't open exe files in Ubuntu21:44
paultag<aveilleux> anadon: Windows executable files are incompatible with Linux21:44
AndrewMCpaultag: you know also there is a ChanServ command for quieting /cs quiet #chan nick21:44
paultagAndrewMC, yeah, but meh :)21:45
anadonI am trying to run them through WINE, but off a windows patron because I have a tiny SSD21:45
paultagAndrewMC, yeah, that's fine, but you can't run it like that21:45
paultagAndrewMC, chmod has no bearing on WINE, I don't think. Just do wine ./Fallout3.exe21:45
paultagsorry AndrewMC21:45
paultaganadon, ^21:45
paultaganadon, and I'm not sure it works like that21:45
AndrewMCpeople do that all the time actually :P21:45
paultagbecause you won't have your so s and stuff21:45
paultaganadon, http://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=fallout+3+ubuntu+wine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-821:46
paultaganadon, http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1432221:46
paultaganadon, http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114571421:46
paultaganadon, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96360221:46
paultaganadon, those all look really good21:46
paultagLooks good on Lucid to me21:46
paultaganadon, you might have to similink ~/.wine/drive_c to your actual C:\. Now that I think of that, I wonder if that will work....21:47
paultaganyone here any good with Wine? Can you do that? That seems like voodoo21:47
paultaganadon, if that works, you could run any of your windows apps from Ubuntu, but I have a feeling there is something so wrong about that21:48
paultaganadon, yeah, in GNU/Linux you can make a "directory" ( really a link ) point to another directory21:48
paultaganadon, so that you can mount your windows partition as let's say /mnt/windows, and then set up /home/anadon/.wine/drive_c to be /mnt/windows21:49
paultagI have a feeling that might break, though21:49
paultagit stands for symbolic link, btw21:49
anadon ok, well the c:/ with wine is locked, so I'll just use a different letter21:50
anadondoes each time to drive remount it get a different ID?21:51
aveilleuxThat doesn't work. If WINE has the correct setup, then you can edit the drives however you want21:51
Vinny_M_PDoes anyone have experience installing an HP printer through a print server?21:52
* paultag goes back to work21:52
paultagVinny_M_P, no, sorry :) stick around, someone has, I bet21:52
paultagbrb for real21:52
anadonaveilleux, It's locked for me21:53
anadonlooks designed that way21:53
aveilleuxWhat is locked?21:54
aveilleux"It" is vague21:54
anadonthe default file route for the "C" drive21:54
aveilleuxanadon: Are you in winecfg?21:54
aveilleuxanadon: Can you describe why you think c:\ is locked?21:55
anadonoptions are darkened and unchangeable and un-selectable21:56
aveilleuxThat makes no sense.21:56
anadonwant a screen shot?21:56
aveilleuxwhy not21:56
anadonhow do i send images?21:57
anadonjust drag?21:57
aveilleuxUpload it ti an image host or something21:58
aveilleuxIRC is not like other chat clients, it doesn't have built-in file transfer.21:58
aveilleuxweird.It works for me.22:00
aveilleuxLet's set that aside for now.22:00
anadonwhat version?22:00
aveilleuxWhat is it that you wanted to do when you first came in here? Just run a program, right?22:01
anadonah, dev22:01
aveilleuxbefore, when you said you couldn't cd to the directories22:01
aveilleuxwhat did you mean? Like, directories that you knew existed, you just couldn't get at? Like which ones?22:02
anadonmy personal flder22:02
anadoni can see it in a window, but not terminal22:02
aveilleux /home/username?22:02
aveilleuxopen Terminal for me22:02
aveilleuxtype "cd ~" without the quotes22:02
aveilleuxtell me what happens22:02
aveilleuxThat means your home directory is owned by you, that's good. What folder are you trying to cd into?22:03
anadonI didn't know my home directory was the default22:04
anadonnext problem....22:04
aveilleuxIt doesn't matter, if you cd /anywhere and "nothing" happens, then it means the cd was successful22:04
aveilleuxYou'll only get an output if there was an error22:04
anadonnow, for changing that executable bit22:04
aveilleuxWhat do you mean by "executable bit"22:05
aveilleuxYou mean the execute *permissions* of a file?22:05
anadonthe checkbox for execute22:06
aveilleuxYeah don't edit the permissions of that file.22:06
aveilleuxIt's irrelevant.22:06
aveilleuxYou're not executing the .exe file, you're opening it in WINE.22:06
anadonyes, i changed it so it would automatically do that22:07
anadoninstead of the archive manager22:07
aveilleuxwhere is that file located?22:07
anadonhome folder22:07
aveilleuxwith the rest of the game files?22:08
aveilleuxFallout 3 is more than one file after all :V22:08
anadonmy windows patron22:08
aveilleux...what are you talking about?22:08
anadonI dual boot22:08
aveilleux /home/anadon/ is your home directory. It is located on your Linux partition by default.22:09
aveilleuxSince that file is in your Windows directory, that means it is NOT located in your home folder.22:09
anadonthere's a link to the windows patron22:09
aveilleuxWhere is the file *actually* located?22:10
aveilleuxLook under the Basic tab.22:10
aveilleuxIt'll tell you right there22:10
anadon/media/088A36378A36221C/Program Files (x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3/Fallout3.exe22:10
aveilleuxOkay, so cd /media/088A36378A36221C/Program\ Files \(x86\)/Bethesda\ Softworks/Fallout\ 3/22:11
aveilleuxthen wine Fallout3.exe22:11
aveilleuxor wine start Fallout3.exe22:11
anadoncan't, the parentheses mess it up22:11
anadonfor CD-ing22:11
aveilleuxHence the \22:12
anadonwine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\fallout3.exe"22:19
aveilleuxtype pwd and paste the output here22:20
aveilleuxIt's only one line22:20
anadon/media/088A36378A36221C/Program Files22:20
aveilleuxcd ../Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/Bethesda\ Softworks/Fallout\ 3/22:21
aveilleuxjust copy and paste that code22:22
anadonit won't copy for some reason22:23
anadonJust been doing it by hand22:23
aveilleuxAre you pasting with ctrl+c?22:23
aveilleuxBecause that won't work22:23
aveilleuxYou have to use shift+ctrl+v22:23
anadonWll, terminal requires shift+ctr+v22:24
anadonyup yup yup22:24
aveilleuxand right-clicking on selected text and hitting "copy" doesn't work?22:24
aveilleuxHow odd.22:25
aveilleuxWhat client are you using?22:25
* aveilleux does not like any aspect of Empathy.22:25
aveilleuxI do not like that client in any way, shape or form.22:26
anadonthat looks like a sign off22:26
anadonwell, suggestions?22:26
aveilleuxFor your current purposes, as long as you can type exactly what I give you then it's fine22:26
aveilleuxBut for future reference, a way better IRC client is xchat;22:27
anadon_ok, got xchat22:29
aveilleuxokay then22:30
aveilleuxanyway, are you in Program Files (x86)/ whatever whatever/Fallout 3?22:31
anadon_ran wine fallout3.exe22:32
aveilleuxDefine "failed"22:32
anadon_did not run; exited with errors22:33
aveilleuxpastebin it22:33
anadon_rks/Fallout 3$ wine fallout3.exe22:33
anadon_err:module:import_dll Library xlive.dll (which is needed by L"H:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bethesda Softworks\\Fallout 3\\fallout3.exe") not found22:33
anadon_err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Main exe initialization for L"H:\\Program Files (x86)\\Bethesda Softworks\\Fallout 3\\fallout3.exe" failed, status c000013522:33
anadon_anadon@anadon-laptop:/media/088A36378A36221C/Program Files (x86)/Bethesda Softworks/Fallout 3$22:33
aveilleux!pastebin | anadon_22:33
ubot2anadon_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:33
aveilleuxanadon_: cp /media/088A36378A36221C/Windows/system32/xlive.dll ~/.wine/drive_c/windows/system32/22:36
aveilleuxanadon_: then go into winecfg and under the "libraries" tab, enter a new override for xlive.dll22:36
aveilleuxanadon_: then try again22:36
anadon_the library doesn't exist, and when I put in the override it did nothing22:39
aveilleuxIt doesn't? That's... odd22:39
anadon_if this had been easy, I would have done it myself!22:39
aveilleuxanadon_: Is it possible for you to re-install Fallout 3 into your WINE directory? Because according to its AppDB entry, installation runs fine. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=1432222:40
anadon_it didn't work that way and said there were measures in place by the program to prevent wine from working which is why I tried this alternative method22:41
anadon_it's there, but doesn't even begin to start22:42
aveilleuxSecuROM works fine under WINE, as long as you're using a legitimate copy of the disc. I've done it with other SecuROM games.22:42
anadon_I'll try again22:42

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