
amastronardii'm new in BugSquad team and would like some help triaging a bug01:29
amastronardithere is someone that can help me?01:29
amastronardihi zlj01:33
amastronardihi ogasawara01:36
hggdhamastronardi: all you need to do is ask a question, somebody will answer01:43
amastronardihi hggdh01:45
hggdhhi amastronardi01:45
amastronardii-m triaging https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evince/+bug/66234601:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 662346 in evince (Ubuntu) "Faulty PDF print preview with specific pdf file (provided) (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]01:45
amastronardii reproduced it and i-m finding duplicates now01:46
amastronardii think that the bug i-m triaging is a duplicate of this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cairo/+bug/44302601:46
ubot2Launchpad bug 443026 in evince (Ubuntu Karmic) (and 6 other projects) "Printing produces broken PDF (affects: 7) (dups: 2) (heat: 45)" [High,Fix released]01:46
amastronardiif i-m not wrong, evince depends on poppler/cairo01:48
amastronardibut launchpad says it was fixed in 9.1001:48
hggdhamastronardi: they do not seem to be the same issue01:50
amastronardiok, will continue looking for duplicates and if not will mark as "confirmed"01:51
hggdhamastronardi: 443026 deal with embedded graphics that do not print, 662346 shows rendering issues on titles01:53
amastronardiyour are right01:55
hggdhamastronardi: if it were to be a perfect match, we would then have a regression; since the original bug was from 9.10, the best would be to tag the new bug as 'regression release maverick', add alink to the old bug, and *keep* with the new bug02:02
hggdher, 'regression-release maverick'02:02
amastronardihggdh: ok, thanks for that explanation ;-)02:22
anderskCan someone set bug 658907 to priority Medium (moderate impact on a core application)?02:43
ubot2Launchpad bug 658907 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "[SRU] crash in getlogin() (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65890702:43
hggdhandersk: done02:45
amastronardiI marked a bug as duplicate. What status and importance shall I assign it?03:19
micahgamastronardi: no status/importance change for duplicates03:20
amastronardithanks micahg :-)03:20
amastronardii just confirmed a bug for a package Maintained by the Ubuntu Kernel Team. How shall I assign the bug to them?04:27
persiaYou shouldn't.04:27
persiaWork on Ubuntu is entirely on a volunteer basis (although some folk are paid to do specific things, so may have an unusual reason to volunteer).  Because of this, we don't assign bugs to people, but rather encourage people to assign bugs to themselves.04:28
persiaIn the specific case of the kernel team, I know they have at least one member who spends all his time processing and reviewing bugs to prepare available worklists for folks interested in different parts of the kernel.04:29
persiaSo, if you've confirmed a bug, they will likely notice, and someone will assign themselves when they have time to work on it.04:30
amastronardiok, thanks persia :-)04:30
persiaIf a long time passes and nobody felt like working on it, you might be asked to reconfirm with a newer kernel, because there's lots of people who have nothing to do with Ubuntu who prepare kernel patches.04:30
amastronardii'm new in the BugSquad and learning the procedures here04:31
persiaNo worries.04:35
persiaThe key bit is that we're the second line of response.  The support team does a lot, but some users have problems that go beyond support, so they (or the support team) tend to file bugs.04:36
persiaIt is our responsibility to make sure the bugs are the best they can be, and accurately describe a problem, how to reproduce the problem, and where the problem occurs.04:36
persiaWe also try to make sure the problems are widely known in hopes folks not directly involved in Ubuntu can help fix stuff.04:37
persiaSo we spend a lot of time testing upstream or Debian packages to see if the bug is there, and reporting the bug in their bug trackers.04:37
amastronardileaving for today, bye everyone04:40
RedSingularityCan someone check if bug 659696 is worth marking wishlist?  The guy is insisting I mark it as wishlist but I am not sure that it is good for that.  I sent him to ubuntu brainstorm but he wants a wishlist marker.05:54
ubot2Launchpad bug 659696 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Terminal screen grows too big (affects: 1) (heat: 1155)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65969605:54
RedSingularityAny help would be great.05:54
micahgRedSingularity: wishlist is fine05:55
micahgRedSingularity: sure, it's a feature request05:56
RedSingularityHe wants a font size change though05:56
micahgRedSingularity: it might end up won't fix, but it's still wishlist05:56
RedSingularityOk....can you mark it?05:56
RedSingularitymicahg:  I never worked with a wishlist item.  WHat can I do with it next?05:57
micahgRedSingularity: nothing, as long as there's enough information for the developer to work/make a decision about it, it can be marked triaged05:58
micahgRedSingularity: done05:58
RedSingularitymicahg:  well i did test it on a screen like his and it seems to be "confirmed"05:58
RedSingularityi can reproduce05:58
micahgRedSingularity: right, that's fine, that's usually good enough, I marked it triaged already though05:59
micahgRedSingularity: in these cases, you just want to make sure the feature doesn't already exist in which case, you can convert to question and help the user w/the feature05:59
RedSingularityok great!  Thanks as usual micahg :)06:00
micahgRedSingularity: np, I'm heading to sleep, night06:00
RedSingularitynight :) :)06:00
persiamicahg, That bug isn't sensibly triaged.  Just changing the font size won't solve the issue for the full span of screens.06:10
micahgpersia: as I read it the request was to make it dynamic based on screen size06:11
micahgpersia: perhaps I skimmed it too quickly06:11
persiaIt's dup to something else.  I'm looking06:11
micahgpersia: k, thanks06:11
persiamaybe bug #263651 but that seems too high a number06:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 263651 in thunderbird (Ubuntu) "Thunderbird renders fonts too small w/o dpi pref set (affects: 3) (heat: 7)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/26365106:12
micahgpersia: that's thunderbird specific06:12
persiaOh, it's a chrome thing?  OK.  Bug #88289 looks clearly firefox, and is maybe closed?06:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 88289 in firefox (Ubuntu) "Firefox default layout.css.dpi config wrong. (affects: 1) (heat: 2)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8828906:13
micahgpersia: yeah06:13
persiaRight.  It's bug #118745, which is incorrectly "Fix Released" just because someone stuck a workaround in place.06:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 118745 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) (and 4 other projects) "Font sizes in Gutsy are affected by bad X.org DPI detection (dups: 15) (heat: 166)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/11874506:14
* micahg needs to do a Mozilla bug cleanup after the packaging work for natty is done06:14
persiaBut there was some 5 digit bug: I remember arguing strongly that 40 and 300 were not insane values for DPI.06:15
micahgpersia: there's an upstream commit mentioned, so it seems to not just be a workaround, but the upstream bug is targetted at radeon, so other drivers might not be fixed06:15
persiaNo, it's a GNOME bug.06:16
persiahttp://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-devel-list/2008-August/msg00044.html is some old discussion.  Might get used in GTK+3.006:18
persiaAha, I went off on bug #157398, which is really dup to 11874506:21
ubot2Launchpad bug 157398 in gnome-control-center (openSUSE) (and 2 other projects) "GNOME default DPI doesn't match X default DPI (affects: 9) (dups: 2) (heat: 70)" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15739806:21
persiahttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=378338 is slightly more interesting, although we don't have functional application support.06:21
ubot2Gnome bug 378338 in settings-daemon "Deal with X servers which misreport the screen's dimensions" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]06:21
RedSingularityGuys, what is the command to perform a distribution upgrade?  apt-get dist-upgrade was it?06:21
micahgRedSingularity: as in to a new Ubuntu version?06:22
persiaRedSingularity, Support in #ubuntu.  `do-release-upgrade`06:22
RedSingularitymicahg yes sir06:22
RedSingularitypersia thanks06:23
RedSingularitypersia:  I cannot find a "do-release" in the options06:25
persiaAnyway, regardless of which of the various bugs about it one uses: the issue is likely in one of GTK, Cairo, or gnome-control-center.  It's unlikely that any leaf application can do the right thing until those are sorted (and I don't believe them to be sorted).06:25
persiaRedSingularity, `do-release-upgrade` is the entirety of the command.06:25
micahgpersia: ok, I've seen a number of mozilla bugs related to teh topic as well06:26
RedSingularitypersia:  Just found out :)06:26
persiamicahg, Indeed.  It's not so bad for people in the 80-125 DPI range, but outside that things get a little odd.06:30
persiaAnd I'm really not convinced we even have any idea how to do things properly for > 300 DPI range, except when projected.06:31
micahgpersia: probably not too many practical applications yet06:31
* persia owns a few devices that are > 300 DPI06:32
* persia owns one device that is ~ 1300 DPI06:32
micahgk, going to sleep for real this time :)06:34
persiaAnd there are mass-market 1024x600 2.5" screens on the market here (that's ~475 DPI)06:35
* micahg didn't realize that small could go that high...06:35
persiaGood night.06:35
micahgnight :)06:36
persiaYeah.  It's a "phone" with a shiny high-res interface.06:36
RedSingularityWill "apport-collect" gather info about the OS itself?  Like Installation media and current distro and architecture?06:57
persiaDepends on the apport-hooks engaged when it is called.  Typically not.06:59
persiaarchitecture is always interesting.  Release is often interesting (although package version is usually more interesting than release).  Installation media is almost never interesting.06:59
RedSingularitypersia: hmmmm so i guess i should just ask for things like that then if they are not included?07:07
RedSingularityOh how can I remove bugs from my "related" list on launchpad?07:19
persiaRedSingularity, Only ask for things that are interesting: things you believe will help understand the bug.  Asking a useless question is worse than ignoring the bug, because the user has to do potentially complicated things for no benefit.07:25
persiaAnd you can't remove bugs from your related list: it's generated automatically based on comments, subscriptions, assignments, team interactions, etc.07:25
RedSingularitypersia:  I see, Thanks x2 :)07:26
RedSingularityCan someone mark bug 660851 as "low"?07:42
ubot2Launchpad bug 660851 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update manager very slow on 10.10 (affects: 1) (heat: 1157)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66085107:42
persiaWhy?  More importantly, why when it's still incomplete?07:44
persiaAlso, have you tried to replicate running update-manager on 10.04 and 10.10 to see if they require different resources?  The `time` utility is a good way to check usage when things are quick enough you wouldn't notice.07:45
RedSingularityTime?  Let me see........07:46
persiaSo you might run `time update-manager` in both environments, and see if there is a difference.07:47
persiaIf there is a difference, you can confirm the bug, and then you want to try to find out *why* there is a difference.07:47
RedSingularityOk disregard, I will try that out.  That "time" command is something I could have used a lot in the past!  Seems very useful.07:48
persiaWhen you're unsure how to get some bit of information, just ask here.  It's very likely someone has encountered the issue before.07:48
RedSingularityIs there a command to get system usage info for a particular command?  CPU, RAM, HDD, etc07:55
persiaThere are different commands for different information requirements.  What problem are you trying to solve?08:05
RedSingularitypersia:  I want to know if the update-manager is using a lot of CPU while updating.08:12
persiaRedSingularity, And time doesn't give you enough information?08:25
RedSingularityTime gives me the time factor but not a CPU load08:25
persiaRedSingularity, So, you compare the "sys" and "user" times between the two releases, and you have a relative comparison between the loads.08:26
persiaI suspect you could write something with getrusage if you need more specific information08:27
RedSingularitypersia:  I will look into that then tomorrow.  I am off to bed now.  Have a good one :)  And thanks08:29
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xteejxbug 662388 if anyone remembers from yesterday, I've kinda solved it... vbox doesn't play nicely with encrypted home folder .VritualBox inlcuding hard disks are in there14:44
ubot2Launchpad bug 662388 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "virtualbox-ose and VBoxManage hang when creating hard disk with encrypted home directory (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66238814:44
xteejxCan someone set Triaged for me on bug 662388 (I have privilege just not meant to)14:47
ubot2Launchpad bug 662388 in virtualbox-ose (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "virtualbox-ose and VBoxManage hang when creating hard disk with encrypted home directory (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66238814:47
xteejxthanks charlie )14:48
xteejx* :)14:48
charlie-tcaYou are welcome14:48
charlie-tcaThanks for sending it upstream14:48
xteejxNo prob14:48
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: u+1 is open already!14:49
xteejxIt's not something stupid like vbox doesn't have access because of groups?14:50
xteejxIs it14:50
BUGabundocharlie-tca: YAY14:50
* xteejx gets the defibrillator14:50
xteejxStand back, heart attack lol14:50
BUGabundoso who was that kid that was lost in here, running natty without ever have gonne into +1 ?14:51
charlie-tcaxteejx: I don't think so. I would think it has more to do with encrypted VBox directory14:51
xteejxwhat?? lol14:51
xteejxcharlie-tca: So chance of a fix would be unlikely then? :(14:52
charlie-tcaDon't know that part. I suspect they will try to come up with a fix14:52
xteejxyeah "don't use encryption" :P14:52
charlie-tcaThat, too14:53
xteejxonly wanted it for natty14:53
charlie-tcaI don't encrypt /home, but I use the puel edition, too14:53
hggdhwell, this, then, explain why it worked for me -- my VMs are set on a different filesystem15:04
hggdhand only $HOME is encrypted15:04
xteejxhggdh, hence no encryption on the vdi's ahh :)15:06
xteejxit works if i create them in /tmp and move them15:07
xteejxits just the creation15:07
hggdhsounds like it15:09
xteejxI don't think it'll be an easy fix other than using /tmp as standard for creation15:10
xteejxand then moving it15:10
xteejxI dunno, its working now, gonna crack on and install natty in vbox15:12
hggdhxteejx: creating 512 and 1024 Mbytes images in $HOME works15:17
xteejxhggdh, I haven't tried to be honest, are you encrypted?15:17
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hggdhon $HOME, yes15:18
xteejxstrange that 8000 doesn't and 1024 does....15:18
hggdh2048 also works.15:19
xteejxthats weird15:20
hggdhnot really15:20
xteejxhow so?15:20
hggdhperhaps a boundary condition15:20
xteejx2G limit?15:20
hggdhalso, usually you can monitor execution via iotop and htop15:21
hggdhand even via the HD light15:21
xteejxyeah i did, vboxsvc i think it was was sitting at 100%15:21
xteejxbut doing nothing with hd15:21
hggdhwhat was 100%?15:21
xteejxIt was either vboxsvc or the other vboxXXXX one15:22
hggdhyeah. System is a bit unresponsive now, with 409615:23
xteejxso maybe its not failing but just taking so damn long to decrypt/encrypt everyhting for 8G15:23
hggdhon creation, yes15:24
xteejxyes creating in /tmp and moving to HardDisks took a fe minutes with 8G lol15:24
hggdhC4096 at 50%15:25
xteejxtaking w hile15:26
xteejxa while...why cant I type today?!15:26
hggdhit might be interesting to run the vdi creation under time15:26
hggdhfor both encrypted and clear-text15:26
xteejxwhat does that do?15:26
hggdh'time' will write, at the end of the run, how long it took to run the command15:27
xteejxjust a timer?15:27
xteejxsimple enough I suppose15:27
hggdhmore than that, but on the basic invocation yes15:28
xteejxI fI get a chance later I'll have a go at that and tick it in the bug report15:28
hggdh(man time will show you the light)15:28
hggdhor, perhaps, quite confuse you ;-)15:28
xteejxlol no change there then ;)15:28
hggdhxteejx: it would be interesting, giving a simple table with 'n' runs of 512, 1024, 2048 on both clear-text and encrypted15:29
xteejxhggdh, that can be arranged no problem15:30
hggdheven more since the upstream bug has been closed with a WFM15:30
xteejxI'll get on hat later on15:30
hggdhxteejx: thank you15:30
xteejxhggdh, no thank you for helping (as always)15:30
xteejxoff for a bit anyway all catch ya al alters15:31
xteejxHow do I upgrade to natty in vbox? I forgot17:20
jpdsdo-release-update -d ?17:21
vishxteejx¦ ^17:22
xteejxWill that work yet? ok17:22
jpdsxteejx: Only one way to find out.17:22
xteejx$ do-release-upgrade -d17:22
xteejxChecking for a new ubuntu release17:22
xteejxNo new release found17:22
xteejxmaybe not lol17:23
jpdsxteejx: sudo -i; cd /etc/apt/; sed -i s/'maverick'/'natty'/ sources.list17:23
xteejxoh change mavertick to natty in sources?17:23
jpdsYes; sauces.17:23
xteejxNo prob, I'll get my ketchup on17:23
xteejxThink I'll have diner soon actually am hungry now heh17:24
xteejxjpds: Thanks17:24
charlie-tcaI think you have to change all the sources, then use apt-get dist-upgrade or aptitude ??? to upgrade at this time, don't you?17:27
charlie-tcaOh, maybe I am behind again17:27
xteejxI've changed the sources and did apt-get update, but worried about what next17:27
xteejxI would ask in +1 but everyone's asleep17:27
charlie-tcaYou have to do apt-get dist-upgrade to get everything to move to natty17:28
charlie-tcaand then you get whatever breaks, too.17:28
xteejxI was always told the partial upgrade thing is a big no no17:28
hggdhnatty is open, but not ready for installs/upgrades17:29
xteejxhggdh, I wanna start on merges, but need to use whatever is available in natty (am using vbox)17:29
hggdhI hope you are aware that we should expect some significant breakages when moving to Gnome-3...17:29
xteejxhggdh, we're moving to gnome 3??17:29
charlie-tcaxteejx: apt-get upgrade does a safe upgrade, but I don't think it upgrades all of it, does it?17:29
xteejxI'll try the apt-get dist-upgrade thing17:30
charlie-tcaOTOH, it is VBox, you can always delete and start again17:30
xteejxAny objections?17:30
xteejxor suggestions why not lol17:30
hggdhgo for it!17:30
xteejxcharlie-tca: True, but I don't wanna hang myself starting over hehe17:30
* hggdh grabs some popcorn and sits down to watch17:30
charlie-tcaIf it works, I may try it next17:31
xteejx216 upgrades, 13 installs, 0 removals....let's see17:31
xteejxI've subscribed to natty m-l and dev-announce so keeping up2date this time17:32
xteejxdidn't even know about gnome 3, but def happy17:32
xteejxI'll ping you when it's done charlie and let you know if it's "stable"17:35
hggdhright now it should be stable, there are not that many critical pacakges17:36
hggdhthat have been ported to natty, I mean17:36
xteejxgcc, python, binutils, busybox << what about them?17:37
hggdhthey should have been updated; python is a special case, I am not sure we are going to 3.x (and _which_ 3.x)17:39
xteejxhggdh, ahh ok17:43
hggdhalso, a lot of the initial uploads to Natty will probably be a no-change-just-rebuild under the new toolset. So... one is usually safer at the very start of the cycle17:54
hggdhor it breaks horribly from start. Hum. Choose your poison17:54
micahghggdh: doubtful, most uploads will be new versions and then probably FTBFS fixes :)17:56
xteejxftbfs for the new gcc probs17:57
xteejxrebooting vm in a min here goes nothing.....or everything :P18:00
xteejxcharlie-tca: It seems relatively fine in vbox at the mo, just to let you know18:07
charlie-tcaGreat! Of course, this is just the beginning. Should be plenty of breaking things down the road.18:08
devildanteis anyone having problems to boot with UUID in natty?18:08
xteejxOf course, I'm gonna expect pklenty o breakages18:08
xteejxlike my keyboard for example..... lol18:08
xteejxdevildante: No idea, using vbox18:09
charlie-tcahmm, xteejx. Shouldn't matter, fstab will still use uuid, won't it?18:10
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xteejxyou mean devildante ;)18:10
xteejxoh dear........18:11
xteejxscreen buggered when installing vbox aditions in natty18:11
charlie-tcaWell, it sounds like time to do my hardware upgrade then.18:22
xteejxIt's ok I rebooted and done it again, it was fine18:27
njinpedro_: around ?18:28
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njinHello to all, what can i suggest to this reporter ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/66210918:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 662109 in ubuntu "incorect menu opening up0 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete]18:36
xteejxnjin: What version of ubuntu?18:37
xteejxDoes he mean a download, or the Downloads folder?18:37
njinxteejx: i think that happen when he  open Downloads folder18:39
charlie-tcaversion of Ubuntu? is that Unity?18:40
charlie-tcaor just a very customized desktop?18:40
njinno, i don't think, but i require a better description18:41
charlie-tcaDoes it work if using Gnome?18:41
pedro_IIRC the reporter is trying to install a theme which is located on the Downloads folder and instead of choosing the 'theme' he selected the Downloads folder instead18:41
pedro_how's that a bug?18:41
charlie-tcaThen it would not be a bug, would it?18:41
xteejxMaybe it's not, is isn't filed well18:42
xteejxnjin: The bug description needs to be clearer, including reproduction steps18:42
njinok mi ask  a better description18:42
pedro_njin, ask the reporter for steps to reproduce the issue, because it doesn't say anything18:42
xteejxpedro_: Snap :)18:43
njinok, thanks18:43
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pedro_xteejx, :-)18:43
devildantepedro_: can you change the topic of the channel, please? :)18:43
xteejxnext meeting TBA?18:44
pedro_let me see if i can do it18:44
* xteejx says "Computer, change the topic in #ubuntu-bug"18:44
xteejxWell that didn't work18:45
pedro_i don't have the rights to do that18:45
* micahg wonders who does18:46
pedro_bdmurray, ^ may you please change the topic?18:46
bdmurraywhen is the next meeting?18:47
devildanteTBA, I suppose...18:47
micahgTue Nov 918:47
pedro_09 Nov18:47
devildante09 Novembre :p18:47
pedro_devildante, it's the second Tuesday of the month18:47
* devildante forgot that :p18:48
xteejxI forget my name sometimes, don't worry ;)18:48
bdmurrayI'm wokring on an lp change atm but will get to it shortly18:49
pedro_thanks bdmurray18:50
devildantethanks :)18:50
xteejxWhy am I getting W:Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found18:52
xteejx, W:Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found18:52
charlie-tcaMaybe you need to add the key again?18:52
xteejxI never had the key afaik18:53
devildanteI get it too, weird...18:53
charlie-tcaOh, no. Probably doesn't exist, too early for extras.ubuntu.com18:53
devildantewhoops, I thought it was for main repos :p18:54
micahgyeah, extras is a post release thing AFAIK18:54
xteejxoh fair enough :)18:54
devildanteoh, 2.6.36 landed in natty! great :)18:54
xteejxdevildante: Certainly did :)18:55
=== bdmurray changed the topic of #ubuntu-bugs to: Ubuntu BugSquad - next meeting 9 Nov | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/BugSquad | Documentation: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpingWithBugs | If you have been triaging bugs for a while, please apply to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bugcontrol/ | Want to report a bug? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | User support (not related to triage) is in #ubuntu
devildantethanks bdmurray :)18:55
bdmurrayno problem18:56
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njinhello, can someone set importance https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/659444 thanks20:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 659444 in linux (Ubuntu) "HP Pavilion DV6 Wifi Button Red/Blue blinking (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:13
devildantenjin: did he enable bluetooth? (from the bluetooth icon)20:14
devildanteif not, then this is normal20:14
njinBut the problem is, that when i transfer data (example: surfing internet), the button blinks to show it (red blue red blue..). But it shouldn't.20:15
njindevildante: ^^20:16
vishnjin¦ actually it should in my laptop20:18
vishnjin¦ that bug is a dup20:18
njinvish: ok thanks20:18
vishnjin¦ there are two types of behavior, certain laptops it is supposed to blink and in some it is not supposed to , there was a bug that it was not blinking, that got fixed … but a few it shouldnt not20:19
vishthere still a bug somewhere regarding the blinking where it is not supposed to..20:19
njinvish: thanks, i'm looking for the dup20:20
=== devildante is now known as devildanteafk
simarhow to open recovery mode in a live usb ubuntu... maverick is not booting up in my computer .. so iwant to test using live usb to avoid spoiling my current release ... is there a way20:36
micahg!support | simar20:36
ubot2simar: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org20:36
simarmicahg, i asked there but in vain..20:37
simarmicahg, actually i want this regarding testing ..20:37
simarmicahg, i hope there must be a solution else fixing bootup issue will be a big mess..20:38
njinhello, sytem restart session after 4 hours https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/659576 what can it be?20:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 659576 in ubuntu "from 10.04 to 10.10 system itself goes to the user's choice (10.10 система сама уходит на выбор пользователя) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:51
hggdhsimar: I never used the liveCD (either on a CD or on a USB stick); but if you can interrupt grub when it loads, you should have the option to start in recovery mode. Otherwise an alternate ISO will do it20:52
hggdhsimar: but, really, this is not the place for support questions...20:53
njinpedro_: hello sytem restart session after 4 hours https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/659576 what can it be?20:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 659576 in ubuntu "from 10.04 to 10.10 system itself goes to the user's choice (10.10 система сама уходит на выбор пользователя) (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [Undecided,Incomplete]20:56
xteejyxthat bug title makes no sense20:57
simarhggdh, I think I should maintain the rules and regulation of the room. I will not like to discuss this any further here and I have already posted this issue on ubuntu forums . I hope someone will look there at this .. well thanks for your suggestion though, I will try the rest myself20:57
pedro_njin, kernel, xorg, temperature?20:58
pedro_njin, you might want to change the title as xteejyx said as well20:58
njinpedro_: thanks, looking for syslog and dmsg20:59
pedro_you're welcome21:00
njinyou too21:01
charlie-tcanjin: might want to ask the reporter to try turning off "auto-login" and see if it still happens21:01
njincharlie-tca: he change in auto-login to try workaround it21:02
xteejyxpersia: You rang?21:06
killoohi. I've recently upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10. 10.04 run without any problems. 10.10 now randomly completely freezes several times each day. screen, mouse and keyboard are dead (even magic keys aren't working).21:06
xteejyx!support > killoo21:06
ubot2killoo, please see my private message21:06
njinwhat is this ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/66291921:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 662919 in ubuntu "UPnP MediaServer KIO-slave (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]21:35
xteejyxAt quick glance it looks like a wishlist bug21:38
njinit has attached tar with sources ??21:38
njinI ask to reporter21:39
xteejyxnjin: That's fine, just clean it up to our standards for Wishlist bugs and find the url to link it21:39
xteejyxOh, and the license21:39
xteejyxi.e. http://gitorious.org/kio-upnp-ms/mainline21:41
njinxteejyx: sorry, but this is the first time that i look a a wishlist and i really don't know how to do, the GNU license is attached named copying, can you complete this process ?21:54
njinxteejyx: don't worry, i think that is better for me to look at it with my mentor tomorrow.21:57
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xteejyxIn natty I tried to run "sudo pbuilder create" and I got this at the end "W: Failure trying to run: chroot /var/cache/pbuilder/build/16738/. dpkg --force-overwrite --force-confold --skip-same-version --install"22:16
xteejyxit donloaded installed and configured and then done that22:17
micahgxteejyx: more appropriate in -motu22:20
xteejyxmicahg: Oh ok22:20
devildantephew, I was worried no one could respond to xteejyx, I didn't know what to answer and I didn't want to let him cry :p22:21
* devildante is over-sensitive sometimes22:21
xteejyxdevildante: Bloody cheek! :P22:21
flipefrhi everyone22:21
* xteejyx pokes devildante with a pitchfork22:21
flipefri have a bug that would like anybody to see22:22
xteejyxIt's not artificially intelligent is it?22:22
devildantehmm... maybe :p22:23
devildanteJFo: around?22:23
charlie-tcaflipefr: bug and #22:27
charlie-tcaunless it is moving too fast to catch22:27
flipefrcharlie-tca: bug 65844222:29
ubot2Launchpad bug 658442 in nautilus (Ubuntu) "nautilus does not sort users's home directory content (affects: 1) (heat: 497)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65844222:29
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charlie-tcaWell, that does not look right. What would you like to do with that?22:31
flipefrdont know, what do you recomend?22:32
charlie-tcaConfirm it, it appears to be valid at least for Canadian locale22:34
charlie-tcaBoth the reporter and the confirm are using the same locale22:34
flipefri will confirm it22:34
flipefrcharlie-tca: bye and thanks22:46
valorinHey all.. I've got a critical bug (imho) which is being ignored... Can anyone help bump its priority for me? Bug #65806923:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 658069 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Empty files written over gvfs by some editors (affects: 27) (dups: 3) (heat: 112)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65806923:02
greg-gvalorin: have you checked to see if those other bugs mentioned are not this bug? Could you write out a set of specific steps to take to recreate this bug?23:08
kklimondathey all seem to have the same root cause23:09
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valorinAll the mentioned bugs look to be the same bug, which is a problem in gvfs. Mine is the only one reported in gvfs though23:10
valorinSteps to reproduce are simple: use gvfs, use eclipse, get empty file...23:10
kklimondait's actually reproducable with any editor that doesn't do the right thing23:11
kklimondavim works fine, nano doesn't23:11
kklimondathe problem is applications shouldn't really save data in place.23:11
kklimondabut it's still a bug in gvfs that has to be fixed23:11
greg-gkklimonda: do you know of an upstream bug about this?23:12
valorinI believe this is an upstream bug report: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=62756723:12
ubot2Gnome bug 627567 in fuse "Data loss when writing files" [Major,Assigned]23:12
kklimondaindeed it is23:12
hggdhyes. I added the upstream bug, marked it Triaged/High, and proposed for Maverick23:13
hggdhthis is serious food for SRU23:13
kklimondayeah, I'm checking the patch now23:14
hggdhvalorin: thank you for bringing this up23:14
xteejyxHave I done this right: bug 66298623:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 662986 in wwwoffle (Ubuntu) "wwwoffle-2.9f FTBFS (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66298623:15
valorinThank you for working on it for me :)23:15
mgunesis the bug in question bug #658069?23:15
ubot2Launchpad bug 658069 in gvfs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Empty files written over gvfs by some editors (affects: 27) (dups: 3) (heat: 112)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65806923:16
hggdhmgunes: yes23:16
xteejyxoops I haven't said what the change is :$23:16
mgunesI recall seeing another dupe of that which isn't marked as such now; but can't find it. pedro had responded to it.23:18
mgunesdo we have a policy on closing or keeping bugs reported on installations upgraded from Debian or a derivative, which should be unsupportable?23:19
mgunesbug #662699 mentions an upgrade from Debian Lenny to 10.04 and then to 10.10; I feel like closing it without further inquiry.23:22
ubot2Launchpad bug 662699 in xserver-xorg-video-ati (Ubuntu) "documented x.org.conf module option is ignored (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66269923:22
kklimondahggdh: any idea where does fuse have a bugtracker? source is hosted on sf.net but there is no link to any bts neither there nor on its homepage.23:29
charlie-tcaYou report ssh-fuse bugs to the mailing list at fuse-sshfs@lists.sourceforge.net23:31
mgunesthere seem to be FUSE bugs in bugzilla.kernel.org under product: filesystem, component:other.23:37
charlie-tcaFuse bugs should be reported upstream to the mailing list23:38
charlie-tcathe docs on fuse-ssh installed with it tell you the procedures23:39
hggdhthanks charlie-tca23:39
kklimondacharlie-tca: thanks23:41
charlie-tcaYou are welcome23:41
kklimondaargh, I don't have a natty pbuilder :/23:55
persiakklimonda, Then make one :)23:55
kklimondapersia: It's just a facepalm moment, I was supposed to do it few days ago and forgot about it23:56
micahgpersia: that chromium/firefox libmoon issue is old, bug 538796 seems to be where's they're being duped now23:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 538796 in moon (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "cannot open Firefox/Chromium/Google Chrome when libmoon is installed (affects: 86) (dups: 17) (heat: 426)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/53879623:57
persiasille777, ^^23:57
sille777hello again persia23:58
persiaDo we have a stacktrace somewhere?23:58
hggdhanybody remember which channel deals with X?23:58
kklimondahggdh: #ubuntu-x?23:58
hggdhkklimonda: now it is the time for me to facepalm...23:59
micahghggdh: this is useful: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList23:59
* charlie-tca thinks "that's the one I can not remember"23:59

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