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smblucent, Seems there is a fix for you heading our way through stable. :)10:29
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Kanohi, where is i386 for 36rc811:44
ogra_acKano, for natty ?12:01
ogra_acah, no idea ... for natty it might have ended up in universe ... happens sometimes with a new release 12:03
Kanoonly amd64 available12:05
ogra_acyeah, probably a packaging issue ... might be though that most of the kernel team is on vacation this week12:06
ogra_acpre-UDS week is a typical time for that12:06
apwKano, it didn't build, upstream bug12:27
apwthe build log clearly shows the error, there is a subsequent upstream commit12:27
apwlag, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/?C=M;O=D12:29
Kanoso rc9/final will build again12:30
apwlag, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds is where they are documented12:31
apwKano, yes, likely the daily after it built12:31
apwsomeone didn't do their build tests before submitting their patches there12:31
apwlag, https://edge.launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/pre-proposed12:36
jcastropgraner: you need to start accepting/declining sessions here or they won't get scheduled: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n/+settopics14:45
diwicjcastro, what's the deadline for me who wants to have a session but has no privileges to authorize them?14:49
jcastrodiwic: we keep scheduling all through UDS depending on room, speaking to the track lead sooner will help14:50
diwicjcastro, so can I affect the scheduling algorithm by saying I want to attend some sessions (and the scheduler will try to make them non-overlapping), and if so, how?14:52
jcastroyou affect it if you mark yourself as essential when you subscribe to a blueprint14:52
jcastroif you just subscribe yourself it will do it's best to not overlap, but "essential" is what guarantees it not to happen14:53
jcastroit's the subscribe thing on the right.14:53
jcastrored people are essential14:53
diwicso for how long can this rescheduling appear?14:54
jcastrowhat do you mean?14:54
diwicI mean, if I subscribe to two currently overlapping sessions, will one move?14:54
jcastroI believe so14:54
jcastroit's supposed to prevent them from being scheduled in the first place like that14:55
apwjcastro, when is primary scheduling going to occur (or has it already)14:55
diwicright, but the scheduling has already begun, and I can still subscribe to blueprints, right?14:55
apwjcastro, i think pete is on-site today so unlikely to respond14:56
diwicjcastro, just to take it to the extremes, can I on next monday realize that I want to attend two sessions going in parallel, mark myself, and it will reschedule, confusing all other people currently walking towards that room?14:57
jcastroapw: it's supposed to have been occuring over the past few weeks, do any of you have power to approve blueprints? Most tracks have one or two assistants14:57
jcastrodiwic: no, that doesn't happen14:58
jcastrodiwic: I recommend subscribing to the ones you want14:58
apwjcastro, how does one find out who has, i am pretty sure i do not14:58
jcastrothen using your personal schedule to make sure they don't collide14:58
jcastroapw: it would probably be the people who did it last time14:58
jcastroapw: let me look14:58
apwthat likely means pgraner and ogasawara 14:58
jcastroapw: yep, you are correct14:59
apwwho are both on-site today14:59
diwicjcastro, thanks for the answers, I'm just trying to figure out how the system works :-)14:59
apwi probabally need to get self added to that list, will have to hastle pete when he is back15:00
jcastrodiwic: duct tape and parachute cord.15:00
apwjcastro, coo advanced15:00
jcastroapw: he can't add, only people on the techboard unfortunately. If you ping pitti or colin ask them to put you in ~uds-organizers15:00
jcastroapw: if you have an idea of what pete wants I suggest you ask them and tell them you talked to me15:00
apw(i was assuming they would need his authorisation)15:01
jcastrowell, if leann is around later today she can just clean up the queue15:01
apwyeah no idea of their availability later ... i'll see what i can do15:02
smbShe is onsite as well15:02
jcastroapw: I can approve obvious ones if you'd like15:03
jcastrolike the typical review sessions you always have, etc.15:03
apwthose i think are already done are they not?15:03
jcastrolet me check15:03
JFobug handling needs to be scheduled if it isn't already15:04
jcastroJFo: done!15:04
apwjcastro, is https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review approved enough ?15:04
lagapw: Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.15:05
JFothanks jcastro :)15:05
jcastroapw: yep, ok I think I see the problem, the linaro hardware ones are piling up15:05
* apw looks vague15:06
jcastroapw: ok I will send them both a mail reminding them. When you see pete mention to him that it's probably a good idea to get one other person in the uds team15:06
apwjcastro, oh is he in charge of hardware-*15:06
apwjcastro, will do15:06
jcastroapw: yeah, it's more of 2 UDSes15:07
apwjcastro, could you shove over https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance, we are going to defiantly need both of those15:09
apwjcastro, i know that doesn't help you with your issues15:10
jcastrogetting them in there does. :)15:11
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apwjcastro, who is handling blueprints which have no track prefix ?15:31
slow-motionhttp://paste.ubuntuusers.de/399129/ that is the dmesg and wscan output from my terratec cinergy t2. before maverick it was working. why does it stopped working?15:52
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jcastroapw: they have to have track prefixes or they don't get scheduled at all16:15
apwjcastro, and is anyone sweeping for them >?16:26
apwi see a qemu- prefix16:26
jcastroI have the power to rename some of them16:27
jcastrobut mostly it's up to the person who filed it to fix it16:27
apwi wonder if we should have a report or script which spams people if they are using a stoopid prefix16:28
jcastrowell, theoretically if you file a blueprint most people check after a while to see if it got scheduled16:28
ckingjcastro, how does one see if a blueprint is scheduled?17:00
jcastrocking: check the schedule with the track view: http://summit.ubuntu.com/uds-n/track/hardware/17:02
ckingjcastro, hrm, so any idea why my bp is not there?17:06
jcastrocking: link?17:07
ckingback in a mo - kids...17:07
jcastrocking: ah, it hasn't been approved yet that's why17:08
jcastrocking: apw, ogasawara, or pgraner needs to accept it17:08
apwcking, jcastro done17:27
jcastroapw: that's basically it, ensure the sessions are accepted and they'll autoschedule17:28
ckingapw, ta17:30
jcastroapw: the cron job runs hourly to autoschedule btw, so accepting them won't show up right away. During UDS it will run much quicker.17:31
apwjcastro, no worries ta17:36
ckingthanks jcastro17:40
ckingsconklin, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4YZeX8ti7Io&feature=player_embedded17:46
sconklincking: fun!17:48
ckingsconklin, makerbot + lego = fun :-)17:49
sconklinthere's a new model of the makerbot out with a conveyor which dumps completed objects from the build platform, so you can make multiple copies17:50
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apwjcastro, ok there was some confusion on linaro as to what to do, so they have some cleanup todo ... when thats done i should be able to approve the right ones in short order18:35
jcastrorock and roll18:36
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lucentsmb: Yeah, glad to hear it's on the radar. Discussion with Stefan Richter proved out and I found the commit which broke my firewire setup. 21:24
smblucent, Yep, saw his mail today and also a pull request for Linus for .3621:26
lucentit's kind of ... I don't get star struck but hey having my first and last name on something being submitted to Linus Torvalds, kind of makes me feeling shy in a hurry21:26
smbIts the kind of thing that makes the whole thing running. :)21:26
lucentyes, I see :)21:27
lucentthere's one more regression I want to address soon, in the mct_u232 usb serial module21:27
lucentdo you know who I would begin discussion with about that?21:27
smbHm, usb serial may be big GregKH... You could either check in git who normally is the last one signing of that driver or in the MAINTAINERS file (to find mailing lists)21:29
lucentgot it, thanks21:33
smbSo yes, seems to be him and/or linux-usb@vger.lernel.org. And a good backing is when you can say you tried one of the mainline (very recent) kernels and its still broken. Did I tell you where to find the mainline kernel. Forgot whom I already told21:36
smblucent, ^21:36
lucentthank you, and yes I have been testing with mainline to do rough bissection21:37
smbok, cool :)21:37
lucentmy last question about the kernels is when I build a custom kernel, how do I change the version so that it is unique when I install the resultant deb packaging?21:38
lucentthere were "new" and "old school" methods described on the Ubuntu wiki21:38
lucentthe "new" method does not say how to set my own versioning21:38
lucentsay, "DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=2 AUTOBUILD=1 NOEXTRAS=1 fakeroot debian/rules binary-generic"21:38
smbWhat I usually do is modifying the first line in debian.master/changelog to have an extension like "+debug1" or so21:40
lucentokay, by modifying the file, and not an environment variable?21:41
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