
=== darkrose_ is now known as darkrose
* AlanBell waves a hand in the general direction of the next meeting date in the topic14:59
=== maco changed the topic of #ubuntu-women-project to: This Channel is LOGGED | http://ubuntu-women.org | support (mostly) at #ubuntu | channel guidelines: http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/IrcGuidelines | Next Meeting:
pleia2I'm not sure what we'll do about the next meeting, it's during UDS so elky won't be awake to chair, and neither will hypatia or I16:52
pleia2I think we'll just cancel it and call whatever UDS meetup that happens our meeting16:52
pleia2which reminds me, we need a blueprint16:52
pleia2has anyone been working on one?16:53
Pendulumelky had the mentoring blueprint, but I'm not sure if I know about any others16:53
* Pendulum has been focusing on sorting the accessibility blueprint16:53
* pleia2 nods16:54
pleia2I think we want one outlining our natty goals16:54
pleia2mentoring, website going wikified, what else?16:54
pleia2adding this to my todo list for the week, probably won't get to it right away though so if anyone has comments, please share :)16:55
* jledbetter_ is definitely looking forward to the mentoring one :)16:56
jledbetter_Speaking of mentoring. Reminder: Applications are due October 25    http://live.gnome.org/GnomeWomen/OutreachProgram201016:57
Pendulumthey changed the date16:59
Pendulum(I thought applications had been due today)17:00
jledbetter_I can't remember. But it if you have yours already in, then awesome :)17:09
PendulumI'm actually unsure if I'm going to manage it17:09
Pendulumalthough if it's due next week then there's a better chance17:09
Pendulumjust not sure if I can balance it with the health stuff17:09
jledbetter_Have you contributed yet?17:10
Pendulumthat's the big hold-up17:11
Pendulumtrying to find a bug I can fix easily :)17:11
jledbetter_Me too. Which is one of the reasons I'm very interested in the mentoring program here. I don't know what is easy much less how to fix it :)17:28
nigelbjledbetter_: look for gnome-love bugs18:22
nigelbthey are generally easier to fix and small tasks left out for beginners :)18:22
jledbetter_Hm, ok18:23
* nigelb has never tried18:24

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