=== j is now known as Guest51810 [03:15] how to i install the realtime kernel on my eeepc without installing ubuntustudio? [03:15] it's too much for my eeepc [03:15] hi, btw [03:20] Which release of Ubuntu are you running? [03:22] just add the ubuntustudio source and install the bits you need [03:23] nevyn, There is no ubuntustudio source. [03:23] Ubuntu Studio is just a flavour of Ubuntu. Same repositories, etc. [03:26] oh. right and there's an ubuntustudio metapackage/task.. [03:27] it used to be a seperate PPA I thought anyway. [03:28] Never was. There was a special repository back in 2007 for a bit, but that was before PPAs. [03:33] ok back in 2007 is still recent history in my world. [03:38] Only there for something like 2 months, but sure :) [03:46] ah..i thought so [03:46] was llooking for realtime or low latency kernel [03:46] found but now don't have time to fiddle with it [03:47] lmms said no rt kkernel present [03:47] falk something has rt kernel links, latter, tx [19:33] hi [19:34] how to install ati proietary drivers in ubuntu studio 10.01? [19:35] 10.10* [21:57] I upgraded to 10.10 from an studio install and now a few days later I have started getting stuttering or no audio playback either through the internal soundcard on my macbook or my NI Audio 4DJ, both with hydrogen running with jack and without jack running wen playing ogg's and mp3's any help apreciated === mikko__ is now known as midoubleko [23:41] stuttering seems to have miraculously been cured by my messing around