
standforthI just joined this channel and want to see how it works. I'll be joining Ubuntu Beginners Team but right now still getting everything set up on Launchpad, etc.00:16
maheanuuIaOrana Ia Oe, Hello to all.00:35
maheanuuI am not entirely a beginner, but at present I have just about enough knowledge to be damn dangerous00:36
maheanuuI started out over 6 months ago using Mepis, then changed to Ubuntu 9.04, then 10.04 and then to Ubuntu Studio 10.04 and now I have switched to 10.10 and the troubles have avalanched to say the least00:38
maheanuuI just upgraded to 10.10 and now when I go to my main menu then places and try to click on the home folder I get the movie player trying to open the folder?  I am lost  as I cannot seem to find out how to see if there is anything causing this problem00:40
maheanuuhello!!!  is anyone here?00:42
johnny77is there a way to load applications based on environment?01:00
johnny77cheri703: had a little scare this afternoon with my revised UNR. Basically I learned by fixing my screwup.01:05
johnny77Yeah, I made it so I booted up into nothing. And I had it auto login so I had to go to terminal to fix it... fun stuff.01:07
johnny77If I have it set to auto login, how do I change it so I have to login?01:07
Cheri703system > administration > login screen01:08
* Cheri703 had to do that this morning ;)01:08
johnny77Is there any way that I can have an application load at startup depending on which environment I'm loading?01:44
aveilleuxjohnny77: No.01:47
johnny77Not trying to argue, but then how does kubuntu know not to load unity, which is only loaded when I log into UNR?01:48
aveilleuxjohnny77: Unity is an interface built in to GNOME, afaik. If you have it installed then it loads. There's a setting to turn Unity off, but that's about it.01:48
johnny77where is the setting to turn unity off?01:53
aveilleuxjohnny77: To be honest I have no idea.01:54
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Vinny_M_Phas anyone set up a HP printer through a print server?02:34
Cheri703yes...but windows + hp = meh when trying to do network printer02:37
Cheri703ubuntu is fine with it02:37
Vinny_M_Pyes but for some reason I can't get it to work with 64 bit02:40
Cheri703hmm...I don't know anything about 64 bit02:41
aveilleuxVinny_M_P: Did you install hplip?02:41
Vinny_M_PI have no problem with 32 bit only 64 bit02:42
aveilleuxVinny_M_P: If you want to converse privately with me, use a standard PM. Don't use DCC.02:45
Vinny_M_Psorry still learning Chatzilla first time02:46
jesssHow do I move the window buttons over to the right side?04:52
Cheri703I just did that the other day!04:52
Cheri703would you rather I type it here or direct you to a blog post?04:53
jesssBlog post thanks!04:53
Cheri703one sec04:53
Cheri703or that ;)04:54
Cheri703aveilleux: you stole my thunder!04:54
* Cheri703 pouts04:54
Cheri703that was one I knew!04:54
Cheri703there are only so many of those04:54
shahanthere is a command like "sudo taskshell"  (but its not working)09:38
bioterrorif that's the one you're looking for09:39
shahanbioterror: Its not working .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/516155/09:41
bioterrorshahan, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel this is the one you're after for?09:43
shahanbioterror: yes... but its not working on MAverick Meerkat09:43
bioterrorshahan, sudo apt-get install tasksel09:45
shahanbioterror: tnx :) Its working now :)09:48
bioterrornp ;)09:49
shahan_AbhiJit: Welcome :)10:36
AbhiJithi shadeslayer10:37
AbhiJithi shahan10:37
AbhiJiti was searching you from last 2 days where were you?10:38
shahan_AbhiJit: What happened?10:38
AbhiJitshahan, can you document your ibus adventure in maverick in ubu forum?10:40
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shahanAbhiJit: sure10:42
shahanI am making it within 5 mins10:43
shahanbut where will I publish?10:43
shahanAbhiJit: come on to #ubuntu-beginners-team10:43
AbhiJitjust ceate new thread10:43
tdnHow do I copy a DVD?10:46
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=== Rahi is now known as shahan
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shahananshrpr1: hello :) Welcome to the ubuntu community13:20
anshrpr1i'm new to ubuntu13:20
shahananshrpr1: hmm... nice to meet you13:21
shahananshrpr1: you can introduce yourself with us13:21
anshrpr1actually m lukin for a sol here13:21
shahananshrpr1: sol means solution, right?13:22
anshrpr1shahan : yupp13:22
anshrpr1shahan : m havin prob with WLAN13:22
shahananshrpr1: ok... dont feel shame to ask the question here.... just ask the question. and wait until anyone answer the question13:23
anshrpr1shahan : ok take a luk at this13:23
shahanHope someone who is specialist on networking can help anshrpr113:26
anshrpr1ok thnx btw13:26
shahananshrpr1: btw? what does it mean?13:26
anshrpr1by dthe way13:26
shahananshrpr1: please use full form of the words.....13:27
anshrpr1shahan : ok13:28
shahanSilver_Fox_: Hello :)13:37
Silver_Fox_Hello shahan .13:37
shahanSilver_Fox_: nice to meet you :)13:37
Silver_Fox_Are you still having problems understanding kernal versions shahan  ?13:38
Silver_Fox_I hope it was resolved :)13:38
shahanSilver_Fox_: ya... its solved...13:38
Silver_Fox_I am glad.13:39
Silver_Fox_How has your day gone shahan  ?13:39
shahancome on #ubuntu-beginners-team   we can chat there :)13:40
johnny77not trying to spam, but not getting any responses from the Kubuntu channel. Does anyone know kubuntu?14:22
Mohan_chmljohnny77: #kubuntu is not responding?14:23
johnny77no one is answering my question. maybe no one there knows the answer. Just thought i'd ask here.14:24
Mohan_chmlshoot it14:24
* Mohan_chml has google on his side ;)14:24
* JoeMaverickSett has his google-fu up by 1% ;)14:24
* JoeMaverickSett meant *had*14:25
johnny77I'm in the latest kubuntu netbook version. On the search and launch screen, at the top there are four icons: rekong, kmail, system settings & dolphin. Is there a way to add other launchers to this area?14:26
johnny77I have a screenchot if that will help. but i don't know how to send it. :)14:27
Mohan_chmljohnny77: use tinypic14:27
Mohan_chmljohnny77: is the dragging and dropping the icons option is not available?14:31
Mohan_chmlshadeslayer: ping14:31
Mohan_chmlshadeslayer: Kubuntu help needed14:32
shadeslayerok... whats up?14:32
Mohan_chmlscroll up and read johnny77's query14:32
shadeslayerah backlog?14:32
shadeslayerjohnny77: 1) i dont see rekonq in that list :P14:33
johnny77yeah, i figured out how to remove them. ;)14:34
johnny77drag and drop from the menu?14:34
shadeslayerthat or, push the star thingy14:35
johnny77what star thingy?14:35
shadeslayeryou hover over a app, and theres a star on the top left14:36
shadeslayerfor eg. search dragon, and hover over it, youll see a star14:36
shadeslayeror go to internet -> hover over konqueror14:36
johnny77ok, got the star thingy. Thank you.14:38
shadeslayerno problem14:40
Mohan_chmljohnny77: "One day one question". right?? :P14:43
johnny77mohan_chml: I already used my one question? oh, man!14:44
Mohan_chmljohnny77: change the above to "One day at-least one question" :d14:45
johnny77need to reboot. If I keep poking around in things, I'm surely gonna mess up something. :)15:21
johnny77shadeslayer: I have another problem. When I first logged into Kubuntu, it told me i had an error with a menu applet. Now it's gone, it there any way to try and restore this to the panel?15:39
shadeslayerjohnny77: is this a clean install or upgrade?15:39
johnny77shadeslayer: I have Ubuntu and installed Kubuntu from it using the Software center. Hope that answers your question.15:40
shadeslayeroh... hmm15:41
shadeslayerjohnny77: can you open synaptic and install "kubuntu-desktop"15:41
shadeslayerim not sure software center pulled in everything15:41
johnny77shadeslayer: can I do that within Kubuntu?15:42
shadeslayerpress alt+F2 > type "Kpackagekit"15:42
shadeslayerand then in the search bar at the top type : kubuntu-desktop15:43
shadeslayeror just click here : apt://kubuntu-desktop15:43
johnny77shadeslayer: If it makes a difference, I installed the netbook version.15:44
shadeslayerno it doesnt :)15:44
shadeslayerrather ... it shouldnt... since plasma-desktop and plasma-netbook are merged now15:45
johnny77shadeslayer: ok, I'm there, but it only says remove. How would I reinstall?15:45
shadeslayerhmm.. ok, no need to re-install15:46
shadeslayerjohnny77: can you imagebin the problem?15:47
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johnny77shadeslayer: I don't think so. When I first logged in there was a little button in the very top left corner of the screen that said "menu." It then gave me an error and now it's gone. Sorry I do not remember the error.15:49
johnny77Shadeslayer: Can't duplicate the error either because it does not appear to be trying to load it anymore.15:50
shadeslayerjohnny77: can you check if plasma-widget-menubar is installed15:50
Verminatorhow long is it before a ppa gets placed into the official ubuntu repositories?15:50
shadeslayerVerminator: never15:51
Verminatorshadeslayer: never?  then how does the changes get into he repository if the package is already in the repository?15:52
shadeslayerjohnny77: id also suggest upgrading to kde 4.5.2 if you havent already15:52
aveilleuxVerminator, You mean the changes in the PPA, not the PPA itself15:52
shadeslayer^ that is a different thing :D15:52
aveilleuxVerminator, If there is a piece of software you need to install from a PPA, apt-get or aptitude or Synaptic will automatically defer to the PPA.15:53
Verminatoraveilleux, shadeslayer: sorry guess I should have been more clear.  Yes, the changes in the ppa.15:53
shadeslayernow those changes could be in the repos using : 1) A SRU, wherein the package is uploaded to $DIST-proposed15:53
aveilleuxVerminator, Since usually the PPA has the newer version, and apt always wants the newest version15:53
shadeslayer2) A Backport, then the packages get into $DIST-backports15:53
shadeslayerVerminator: yes, versoning packages keeps you with the latest packages15:54
shadeslayerso, 1.0-0ubuntu1 is always greater than 1.0-0ubuntu1~ppa115:54
shadeslayerpackagers keep that in mind :)15:55
johnny77shadeslayer: yes, plasma-widget-menubar is installed. I just installed Kubuntu a couple days ago, But how do you check version number?15:55
shadeslayerjohnny77: open any app > Help > About KDE15:55
Verminatorok, so if I understand this correctly.  I can either add the ppa to my repo list, or it may be placed in the backports repo?15:56
shadeslayerno no no15:56
shadeslayerVerminator: each ppa is a repo on its own15:56
aveilleuxVerminator, No. The repos get updated periodically.15:56
shadeslayerthe official repos ship packages thoroughly tested whereas PPA packages are vulnerable15:57
aveilleuxVerminator, If there's a PPA for a package that's already in the Ubuntu repos (for example, chromium-browser) then the PPA will always be newer than the official repo, so you should add the PPA if you need the newest software. I do that for WINE.15:57
aveilleuxshadeslayer, I've never found that to be true.15:57
shadeslayeraveilleux: not necessarily, sometimes archives have a bigger version15:57
aveilleuxshadeslayer, PPAs don't really have a set criteria, but they're generally stable packages15:57
shadeslayeraveilleux: no thats so not true, you cant expect to be on a chromium daily build and be stable :)15:58
aveilleuxshadeslayer, Only if you use chromium-beta15:58
aveilleuxshadeslayer, I've never had an instability issue with chromium daily15:58
shadeslayerand then theres the issue of trust, only add the ppa if you know you can trust the packager to not ship dangerous scripts in the packages15:58
shadeslayeraveilleux: yet :P15:59
aveilleuxshadeslayer, The Ubuntu Chromium team doesn't ship unfinished code.15:59
shadeslayerand you trust them that they wont do it ^15:59
shadeslayerit == ship unfinished code15:59
aveilleuxshadeslayer, I don't have to just trust them when they state it in their release policy16:00
shadeslayerthey have a release policy for their ppa's ? Awesome16:00
aveilleuxshadeslayer, the PPA is just the chromium dev team's way of getting their code out before the Ubuntu repos update every week or so16:00
johnny77shadeslayer: I have KDE 4.5.1, how do I upgrade?16:01
shadeslayerjohnny77: we have a PPA system of getting post release KDE updates out16:01
shadeslayerjohnny77: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.5.216:01
shadeslayerso when kde 4.5.3 is announced please keep checking kubuntu.org :)16:01
shadeslayeraveilleux: btw that just applied to chromium, what about the 100's of other PPA's16:03
shadeslayerim pretty sure the major ones have a policy16:04
aveilleuxshadeslayer, I've never seen a PPA ship unfinished code, unless it's marked "experimental".16:04
aveilleuxshadeslayer, Since a PPA ships .deb files and all, and .deb files have to have compiled code in them or else they won't build16:04
johnny77shadeslayer: do I add the ppa to the other software in the software sources?16:05
shadeslayerjohnny77: theres a whole wiki page dedicated to the process, and its linked in the page i just showed you16:05
shadeslayeraveilleux: yes thats true for most ppa's, but you have to be cautious while adding ppa's ... thats all im saying16:07
Verminatorso, if I understand this correctly, adding a ppa is a calculated risk.  You get more upto date code, but it is also less thoroughly tested by the user base.  So I need to be cautious in adding new ppas to my repo list, but in general they should be safe.16:07
shadeslayerVerminator: if its a well known PPA, the risk is small16:08
shadeslayerpossibility is, you might even get support for those PPA's in official channels16:09
Verminatorthank you both for your input.  I appreciate it.16:10
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johnny77shadeslayer: I figured it out. plasma-widget-menubar was installed. I finally figured out which widget it was then it was a setting issue to get it to look the way it did.17:37
shadeslayerid say that menubar was installed but not added?17:37
johnny77shadeslayer: yup, pretty much.17:37
Strategist01Hi guys, I need a little bit of help with setting up a local IP address for my PC.18:30
Strategist01I have posted on the forums, but it's slightly slow, so...18:31
Cheri703Strategist01: what exactly are you trying to do?18:31
Cheri703that works :)18:31
Strategist01set a local IP for my LAN connection18:31
Strategist01all I need are details18:31
Cheri703right click on the network icon18:31
Cheri703choose "edit connections"18:32
Strategist01I don't know what my gateway or network are...18:32
Cheri703ok, go to connection information then18:32
Cheri703if you're currently on the dhcp connection18:32
Strategist01I'm using this method here: http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Lucid#Set_a_static_IP_address18:32
Strategist01but I haven't deleted NM...18:32
Strategist01Ok, looking18:32
Strategist01See, I don't know what my gateway is...18:33
Cheri703if you are currently connected, then the connection information should show the subnet mask and gateway18:33
Cheri703"default route" is gateway18:34
Cheri703note the primary dns as well18:34
Strategist01Oh, thatnks18:34
Strategist01I didn't know it was called that. Why don't they call it the gateway?18:34
Cheri703then you can go into the "edit connections" and choose your eth0 or whatever and to to the ipv4 settings18:35
Cheri703this is linux! why would they do it logically ;)18:35
Cheri703did that help?18:36
maheanuuIaOra good morning from Tahiti18:37
Cheri703I find it easier to use the network manager to put in the settings18:37
Mohan_chmlhello maheanuu18:40
maheanuuI am having a real prob.  Seems that i screwed up royally by replacing /upgrading Ubuntu Studio 10.04 with Meerkat 10.10 yesterday..  I have for some reason,  an association going on my home folder and movie playere18:41
Cheri703someone was running into that yesterday...18:41
maheanuuthat was me Cheri18:41
Cheri703as a quick test, try creating a new user and seeing if it has the same problem18:41
Cheri703oh, ok18:41
maheanuuand I got no answer yesterday, not  a problem, still trying for a solution tho18:42
maheanuuProblems or not I still am very happy that I am no longer dealing with windoze18:44
maheanuuCheri, were you addressing me on the "creating a new user" post?18:46
Cheri703worth a try18:48
Cheri703well, see if it does it on the new user18:57
Cheri703bah, wrong person, sorry :)18:57
Cheri703Strategist01: any luck?18:57
Strategist01Yeah, the connection is working and I can connect to the internet18:58
Strategist01I have a ststic Ip now :)18:59
Cheri703I'm glad it worked18:59
Cheri703that's one area I know a bit about ;)18:59
Strategist01and I posted your explanation in the forum. They really should have a sticky which gives links/ solutions to the most common networking questions...19:00
maheanuuNo Difference, and I cannot for the life of me get into the folder I want to save externally so that I can wipe the drive and start over19:02
maheanuuis there a way to get into the folders using the terminal?19:03
Cheri703can you boot into a live cd?19:03
maheanuuI have the latest 10.10 burnt  but do not know if it is live or not19:04
Cheri703you can boot with the cd in, and it will give you the option to "try without installing"19:04
Cheri703you should be able to get to the folder that way19:04
maheanuuOK, lemme go away for a bit then come back to you19:05
Mohan_chmlGuys. Any suggestions for audio cutter and Converter?19:06
maheanuuThanks Cheri, and to show my thanks, I offer you some wall paper/ screen saver photos from my website if you might like to peruse them and take what ever you might like for nothing19:06
Cheri703nah, it's ok19:07
Cheri703thanks though19:07
maheanuumy site is http://mah.smugmug.com/other/anoceanapart  and it is g rated so you have no worries going there and being assaulted19:09
jappieanybody knows how  I can update evolution from 2.30.3 to 2.32 in Ubuntu 10.10?19:27
maheanuuOK Cheri, still the same problem, perhaps you can help me thru the terminal getting to the folders and removing the dependancies for the folder that keeps coming up as a movie19:40
Cheri703hmm...that I don't know much about. were you able to get the files you needed?19:41
maheanuuNo, I am still hung when I run thru the following steps Menu then to Places then to Home Folder where I click and the Movie Player pops up, so I know that there is an association problem, it is just that I am not smart enough yet to remove this association19:43
Cheri703did you boot with the live cd?19:44
maheanuuI cannot boot with live CD with this disc???  In fact I cannot boot with the CD19:44
Cheri703that's odd19:45
Cheri703that may be a bios setting19:45
maheanuuI am thinking the same thing, but I want to look at the disc properties first and make sure it is bootable19:46
Cheri703as far as I know, the general ubuntu isos are bootable19:46
aveilleuxmaheanuu: As long as you burned it as an image and not a file, the disc is bootable. There is no such thing as "Disc properties"19:46
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: your issue is similar to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010206 ??19:47
maheanuuWhen I go to it from the menu, it brings up movie player also.....   I am seeing the disc as  Ubuntu 10.10 64 Bit tho19:48
maheanuuI think it is an image, but just in case, I will burn another making sure it is burnt as an image19:50
friTTe|burn it in a slow speed19:50
friTTe|just to be on the safe side19:50
Cheri703I have taken to burning all OS ISOs at 4x19:50
* Cheri703 works on people's OLD computers sometimes19:51
friTTe|yeah thats good19:51
friTTe|im burning them at 12 and works for me but, to be on the safe side19:51
friTTe|nothing i tell others to try19:51
friTTe|depends on the burner, min is pretty old and solid =)19:52
maheanuuThis laptop is less than 2 yrs old it is a toshiba A365D-S693019:53
friTTe|and you have tried with a usb? that way you wont worry about writing failure19:55
maheanuuNo I haven't  done that either19:55
maheanuuCheri and friTTE are you both French?19:56
Cheri703I'm in the US19:56
maheanuuCause I am.....19:56
friTTe|http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1010206 maheanuu19:57
maheanuuI used to be,  I immigrated to Tahiti where the weather is nicer and I am of Swedish Cherokee English and Dutch ancestry19:57
friTTe|that one is for your Menu problem19:58
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: had you seen the link I gave you? I think that will clear your issue. but idk. just have a look please =]19:58
Mohan_chmlty friTTe| =]19:58
maheanuuThat is where I am headed now and thanks19:58
maheanuuOk, bak  I am looking at  Varikk's fix but I am not understanding how he opened home from places as when I click on places to open, rt or left, it still opens movie player20:16
maheanuuI am not seeing dolphin20:16
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: his issue is that it opened with dolphin instead of nautilus20:17
maheanuuok and mine is nautilus then?20:17
Mohan_chmlyours in movie player instead of nautilus20:18
maheanuuThen mine is the same as what PDX left had20:18
maheanuuYes and there is no tool bar in movie player20:18
maheanuuOr JJJ as he is called20:19
ehcahIs "wget" the only option for downloading files from terminal?20:20
aveilleuxehcah: curl is also an option20:20
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: Okay do what I say20:20
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: Open up terminal and type nautilus20:21
maheanuuI will follow you exactly20:21
ehcahaveilleux: Never used curl is there a benefit of one over the other?20:21
maheanuuI am there now and it is showing my home folder exactly20:22
aveilleuxehcah: curl goes to standard output, ie. the Terminal, so if you need to grab text off a web page, or text file, or whatever, and pipe it to other programs, curl would be a good choice20:22
aveilleuxehcah: wget is just plain easier to use though20:23
ehcahaveilleux: if they are that similar, I'll stick with wget. I don't need do grab text, only the occasional file.20:23
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: Okay now right click and hit open with-> other application20:23
aveilleuxehcah: Probably a good idea.20:23
ehcahaveilleux: I just did a fresh build of my 10.04 LTS Server. I was having problems with it after removing ebox.20:24
ehcahgo figure...20:24
standforthaveilleux: I got my wiki up, under standforth.20:24
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: there?? if so, click file manager and set it as default20:25
ehcahaveilleux:  gedit, nano or vi?  They all seem to do the same thing? Well except gedit from a non gui terminal.20:26
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: s/file manager/file browser20:26
aveilleuxehcah: GEdit is, obviously, the graphical text editor. nano is easier to use than vi.20:26
maheanuuI followed you but what do I right click on, I am looking at my "maheanuu" folder which is my home folder and it is showing me the files that I couldn't see before but right clicking does nothing20:27
ehcahI'm going to try build this server without installing a GUI.  LOL20:27
aveilleuxehcah: Both of my servers run in CLI mode, so I can help you with that :P20:29
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: right click fails?20:31
Mohan_chmleven the keyboard shortcut to right click too fails?20:32
maheanuuyes right click fails and I am not able to use s/file manager/file browser20:32
ehcahaveilleux: I'm a bit apprehensive, but fear I will never gain any true knowledge of this product otherwise. "Linux Bible 2010" is probably not the best starting point.20:32
maheanuuI do not know the keyboard shortcut20:33
aveilleuxehcah: *shrug* sometimes reference guides are helpful20:33
ehcahaveilleux: good tip.20:33
maheanuuNow I am there and have open with in front of me and opened20:34
ehcahaveilleux: if the folks over on ubuntu-server could only see me sweating it out at my console right now. I'm amazed at how overly confident the basic gnome gui makes me.20:35
maheanuushould I choose file browser?20:35
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: yes20:36
maheanuuMy major malfunction is the fact I am the only linux user in a radius of 150 miles and those are air sea miles20:36
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: I was in the same level before an year. Now I have 100 around me :)20:37
maheanuuYa  did this old Chief good thanx Mohan.....20:37
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: so the Issue #1 is done right?20:37
maheanuuI am a retired USN CPO and am the only Chief in French Polynesia, we usta have a navy captain on moorea, but he croaked a few years back....20:38
aveilleuxehcah: I just got used to doing everything CLI and some things are done even more efficiently (such as the ability to move all of one type of file to another directory with one command)20:38
Mohan_chmlah. great!! and maheanuu what about issue #2?20:38
maheanuuYes and you did me very well and that is what I needed, I was trying to figure out what and where to go in terminal20:39
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: about Live CD20:39
maheanuudunno yet...   gonna burn a new disk but as I couldn't get into the download files in home I was screwed now I can do what ever again20:40
ehcahshould my new server host name be "apples" or "apples.ehcah.com"?20:40
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: what burner you used?20:40
maheanuuI am an old Field engineer from Sperry Univac mainframe days20:40
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: head to #ubuntu-beginners-team for offtopic and we are available there any time :)20:41
maheanuuMy burner is the built in one from toshiba not sure of its mfgr or model20:41
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: I am asking about the application you use to write a CD20:41
maheanuudisk burner20:42
aveilleuxmaheanuu: What OS?20:42
maheanuu10.10 lts20:42
maheanuuMeerkat at present20:42
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: Brasero is a good tool. Just make sure the CD is written in a normal speed20:43
maheanuuThere is so much that I don't know about linux and even how to ask the questions is difficult at times as I don't know how to phrase the dam things20:44
Mohan_chmlmaheanuu: /join #ubuntu-beginners-team20:44
maheanuuWill do, in fact I will choke it down a bit to insure it writes ok,  My upgrade was live over the net and not from the disc itself20:45
maheanuuI am gone there and thanks20:45
ehcahaveilleux: is there a "dir" command that allows a page by page view?  DOS used to be something like dir /p20:48
aveilleuxehcah: ls20:48
aveilleuxehcah: page-by-page would be ls | more20:48
ehcahaveilleux: thank you. No wonder I wasn't find the answer google'ing "dir" commands.20:50
aveilleuxehcah: Whenever I'm forced to use Windows Server I always make an alias "ls" command so I don't have to type "dir" because I always forget "dir"20:51
ehcahaveilleux: should my new server host name be "apples" or "apples.ehcah.com"?  just examples. It seems to me my last box was xyz.xyz.xyz21:04
aveilleuxehcah: The hostname is the internal name that your machine will be referenced by; it is the alphanumeric representation of your IP address. They are two (related but) separate things.21:05
aveilleuxehcah: The hostname should be a simple, one; apples would be the correct hostname in this case.21:05
ehcahaveilleux:  I couldn't remember as I've done this too many times having made soo many mistakes21:07
ehcahaveilleux: I know these questions are all over the map, but when editing the files I need to, am I better to become "root" or stay "jason" and add sudo in front of each command? Is there a difference?21:11
aveilleuxehcah: It is recommended that you stay as your user account and use sudo, simply because there's no reason to become root.21:12
aveilleuxehcah: There are ways of accessing the root account without enabling it (go figure) but the uses of this are rare21:12
aveilleuxehcah: Also if you type a command while root there's no confirmation, and that sudo can save your files21:13
ehcahaveilleux: that actually makes sense.  One of the first things I normally do on a fresh install is "su passwd". I take it, I should discontinue that practice as the user, in that sense, is not required?21:14
aveilleuxehcah: Yes, a thousand times yes.21:14
aveilleuxehcah: Having the root account enabled is a security risk.21:15
ehcahaveilleux: Can you answer the next question without my asking it?21:15
aveilleuxehcah: I don't know of any way to disable the root account; I'm sure it has something to do with editing /etc/passwd but I don't know enough about it to help you21:16
ehcahI'm not high enough risk - yet - to worry about it this second.21:16
phillwehcah: have a read though https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:18
ubot2Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo21:19
* pleia2 gives ubot2 a cookie21:19
* Mohan_chml looks at pleia2 with his stomach starving21:20
ehcahphillw:  wow, that was too easy to take care of right away. Thank you.21:20
Mohan_chmlphillw: had you ever tried ffmpeg?21:20
* pleia2 gives Mohan_chml a cookie too21:21
ehcahaveilleux: When you are accessing your servers from your LAN, not WAN, do you use putty?21:22
* Mohan_chml goes to search cookies in real life. brb21:22
aveilleuxehcah: In Windows, yes. In Linux, it's not necessary21:22
aveilleuxehcah: SSH works the same way regardless if it's on LAN or WAN21:22
ehcahaveilleux: SSH over the WAN is my next project. I have a DYNDNS account I'll want to get working to get into my network when travelling.21:25
aveilleuxehcah: If you're going to do that, I suggest changing your SSH port21:26
ehcahaveilleux:  My question probably should been better directed.  When I'm at my laptop, and connected to my LAN.  Should I be using putty, remote desktop or does ssh have its own client?21:26
aveilleuxehcah: Well, Remote Desktop has nothing to do with SSH, so it's out21:26
ehcahI'm pretty sure I have a decent tutorial on that process bookmarked.21:27
aveilleuxehcah: and PuTTY is an SSH client so...21:27
ehcahaveileux:  So the last piece of help I may need for now so I can leave my basement and go back to my office is getting SSH server up and running.21:28
aveilleuxehcah: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:28
ehcahaveilleux: in the past, I've always used some itteration of VNC, I take it don't need that with SSH?21:29
aveilleuxehcah: Nooo, VNC is unrelated to SSH.21:29
aveilleuxehcah: Look into using the "screen" program, while you're at it21:29
ehcahaveilleux: I had installed openssh-server from the ISO.21:30
ehcahaveilleux:  Is "screen" part of ssh?21:30
aveilleuxehcah: No, but it's a tool that can let you leave programs running if you need to log out (exiting your SSH session kills all of your currently-running programs)21:31
ehcahaveilleux:  I knew I had heard of that. I have that installed my "unraid" NAS box for adding new disk and walking away until they are properly formatted etc...21:32
m0mentiHello! I'm trying to install Ubuntu on my laptop, but I can't get pass step 8 "Enter your login and password details."! I can't press the NEXT button, and it just says "When you're ready..." in the bottom of the window... Help?21:36
aveilleuxm0menti: Does yoru username have uppercase characters or start with a number?21:38
ehcahaveilleux:  In the real world, is it really feasible to use on SSH key's to connect?  In the future, I may wish to access my server to get a file or something from a desktop not already familliar to me.  The second part is that I'll want our kids and my wife to be able to back up their devices to our NAS.  Although, I may confusing SSH and a Backup solution?21:43
Mohan_chmlm0menti: you there?21:43
ehcahaveilleux: should read only use...21:43
aveilleuxehcah: First, SSH keys are required for SSH use, so I don't know what you're talking about there21:43
aveilleuxehcah: You just hit "accept" and you're allowed to connect21:44
ehcahaveilleux: it reccomends disabling passwords.21:44
aveilleuxehcah: Second, SSH has nothing to do with backing files up21:44
aveilleuxehcah: I do not recommend disabling passowords.21:44
uchobbycould they mean disabling passwords in favor of SSH keys?21:45
uchobbyso you have to have a key to log in?21:45
aveilleuxehcah: I figured that21:45
aveilleuxuchobby: *21:45
ehcahI guess I won't answer that one!  ;)21:46
aveilleuxehcah, uchobby: But in this instance it's unfeasible, since as ehcah mentioned they would need to be able to access the system from an unknown machine, and making public/private key pairs for Windows machines is obnoxious.21:46
* uchobby nods21:47
ehcahaveilleux, uchobby:  The flip side is using a 647 character password?   LOL21:47
aveilleuxehcah: ...what's the purpose of that? Both of my servers run with standard password authentication; the best (and simplest) defense against SSH cracking is to simply change the SSH port.21:48
uchobbyI've generated keys for SSH on Windows, was not hard, I've not finished setting up my Linux SSH to use these keys though21:48
ehcahaveilleux:  I may disable password for now, until I get comfortable with the setup.  Who know's what other security risk's I will open before I'm through....  I'm trying to remember it the windows and ubuntu putty clients allow you to specify a port other than 22.21:49
ehcahaveilleux: Is this also a case where you are best to use a higher port than 900?21:50
ehcahat least I think I remember reading something about that?21:50
aveilleuxehcah: I know for a fact that all SSH clients allow you to specify port numbers. Also, yes. You should never use a custom port number below 1024.21:50
aveilleuxehcah: Since everything below that is for reserved processes21:50
ehcahThere goes 666 for me!21:51
ehcahI am dying here.21:51
aveilleuxehcah: The two ports I chose (two different servers) have significant meaning to me, as well, so I can't forget them21:51
ehcahaveilleux: Should I be checking if a port number above 1024 is in usage before assigning it?  Or do something like some other waunky applications do and use 12000?21:53
ehcahI won't - BTW - I'll be more discrete than that!  ;)21:53
aveilleuxeh http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers21:54
aveilleuxehcah: Just make sure the port you want to use isn't going to be used by anything else -- for example, if it's a game port number then who cares -- and if it's not even used then yay21:54
aveilleuxehcah: You'll be more separate than that? (I think you mean "discreet" :P )21:55
ehcahaveilleux:  Ok, that makes sense.  I have a different URL bookmarked, but yours is better!21:55
ehcahaveilleux:  I guess I should pay attention to underlined words even in xchat.  :)21:56
ehcahaveilleux:  Seeing as how this box is going to be providing DHCP and basic DNS to everyone within my house....  Which firewall do I do the forwarding on?  Ubuntu or Telco gateway?  Or, both?21:57
aveilleuxehcah: Your server is running DHCP? Why not let the router do that?21:58
aveilleuxehcah: also, afaik there is not Ubuntu firewall installed by default21:58
ibuclawehcah, You'd port forward on the Gateway.21:59
ehcahaveilleux:  My telco box doesn't like play nice with assigned static IP's. I also like to create a name record for my devices so I can get to them using something like http://router  rather than the full IP.21:59
ehcahI believe ubuntu does have a firewall installed in my configuration, which I did not install separately.  Whether it's enabled or not, I have not checked.22:00
aveilleuxehcah: I've never seen or heard of a firewall that ships with Ubuntu apart from iptables, and that needs configuration and doesn't run automatically22:01
ibuclawThe firewall on Linux is 'built-in', but as a default setting, no rules have been configured; all ports are closed (but not blocked).22:01
ehcahthanks folks.22:02
ibuclawaveilleux, you mean it doesn't configure itself automatically on every boot.22:02
aveilleuxibuclaw: Yes, that.22:03
ibuclawfor simple usage. You'd have another program take care of it.22:03
ibuclawufw is usually the advertised program for ubuntu =)22:03
m0mentiaveilleux: THANK YOU SO MUCH!22:08
aveilleuxm0menti: You're welcome22:08
m0mentiI'm sorry I didn't reply sooner22:09
ehcahaveilleux:  SSH works. Cool.  This is the first time I have been able to connect to my server without leaving myself logged in on the console.22:10
ehcahaveilleux:  Before I leave the dungeon. Is there anything else I should install from the console?22:12
aveilleuxehcah: None that I can think up off the top of my head22:12
phillwehcah: be careful how you set up ssh, I got royally hacked and tunelled through by missing one simple step.22:23
ehcahphillw:  For my own information, do you mind sharing which step?22:25
phillwehcah: have a good read of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Configuring22:25
phillwI did not disable root login22:26
phillwtook 4 hours to be hacked.22:26
ehcahphillw:  Nice.  First thing I did after you gave the URL earlier was disable the root acccount I had enabled.  I'm going to go back into SSH_config and make sure it is disabled there also.22:27
phillwIt would advised to read what bohdi has posted at http://ubuntuforums.org/forumdisplay.php?f=33822:28
ehcahphillw:  Is changing PermitRootLogin to "no" the only change necessary.  I missed that altogether and figured that since I disabled the root user account I'd be fine.22:32
phillwthat was the one I missed :(22:33
ehcahphillw:  It doesn't take much.22:33
Mohan_chmlphillw: you should have told me before. so that I walso would have google to how to sneak into yours :P22:34
phillwehcah: with that and the other stuff advised, you should be fairly secure.22:34
ehcahphilw:  My goal for this build is to stay away from a GUI install altogether.22:34
phillwMohan_chml: I no longer run a server on piglet22:35
ehcahIs there a limit to the number of digits a port can be?  Ie... Port 123456789  ?22:35
ehcahaveilleux:  I'm certainly far from a hacker, but are you certain that changing the default port and using a normal password is still secure?  The only reason I ask is that I though hackers often scanned for open ports during an attack?22:37
aveilleuxehcah: Knowing the port number and knowing what it does are two different things.22:37
ehcahaveilleux: true dat!22:37
earthling_I selected xterm mode from system-preferences-screen login settings, how do I get back into gnome?22:42
earthling_I do exit and it goes to login screen, but when I log in it keeps goes to xterm22:43
standforthearlthing: There should be a session tab on the bottom panel that let's you select gnome.22:45
standforthAfter you select user but before loggin in.22:45
earthling_I don't see any session tab on the login screen22:46
standforthIf you click on the username, when the password field is brought up?22:46
earthling_ooh ok22:47
earthling_it shows up after I click on username22:47
earthling_who would of thought it would appear like that, :)22:47
standforthI didn't. Just tracked this down myself yessterday.22:48
earthling_when I went to login I didn't even notice it showing up at the bottom22:49
earthling_so what is gnome failsafe mode for?22:52
earthling_is that without certain drivers?22:53
aveilleuxearthling_: If X fails to start, es22:54
earthling_x means a generic desktop environment like gnome or kde?22:56
aveilleuxearthling_: X is the system that handles the graphical environment. GNOME and KDE are windowing systems, meaning they make that environment pretty.22:56
earthling_so gnome and kde use the same x system?22:57
aveilleuxearthling_: Yes, almost all Linux systems use X.org at their base for windowing.22:57
earthling_oh ok22:58

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