
* micahg facepalms since it's not on the list00:00
hggdhbeen there, done that ;-)00:00
* micahg suggests someone add that channel00:00
persiamicahg, Add it :p00:00
* micahg will add it later unless someone does it first00:01
hggdhI will do it00:01
charlie-tcaWe can do that?00:01
micahgcharlie-tca: its on the Wiki, why not?00:02
MiMeWhere should I report a bug if I found one in a PPA version (namely, nautilus-elementary)00:02
charlie-tcaNever occurred to me it was something we could do. Braindead?00:02
kklimondaMiMe: to the owner of ppa in question.00:02
persiaMiMe, You can tell the PPA owner, but there is no useful way to report that kind of bug in general.00:03
micahgMiMe: upstream or PPA owner, some team PPAs post guidelines for bug reporting00:03
MiMeThanks all00:03
persiaupstream is often not so helpful unless one has tested upstream code00:03
micahgpersia: true, but it might already be reported00:04
RedSingularityWhen closing a bug for inactivity should I mark it as "invalid"?04:49
micahgRedSingularity: yes, if you cannot reproduce it and there's not enough information04:50
RedSingularitymicahg:  ok04:50
persiaI thought we had the new shiny "expired" status for those that we were supposed to use.05:01
RedSingularitypersia: Really?05:01
persiaI'm not a big fan of "expired", for lots of reasons, but I'm not sure why we oughtn't use it if we must have it.05:01
RedSingularitypersia:  I dont see an "expired" tag.05:02
RedSingularityunder status??05:02
persiaI'm not sure how it works for users: might need the API or something.05:02
persiaAnyway, may as well set "Invalid" which is the correct way of doing things pre-expired.05:02
persiaAnd sometime when more people are awake, we can argue over whether that's still a good thing to do.05:03
persia(and how to use expired)05:03
vishpersia¦ yea, expired is available now only via API..  so when doing it manually people are using the good old invalid..05:10
persiavish, We oughn't have two ways to do it.  If "expired" is correct, we ought have a script that does so via the API that we use if we need to expire bugs.05:12
micahgExpired is API accesible only05:12
persiaJust something tucked in ubuntu-qa-tools that lets us say things like `expire LP#2"05:12
vishi think the kernel team and the x team already have scripts running to expire bugs..05:13
persiaIndeed, and the LP team has started to run some internally.05:22
persiaDoesn't help for the rest of things (like the one RedSingluarity was working on)05:22
micahgRedSingularity: bug 663099 is due to an out of date mirror07:01
ubot2Launchpad bug 663099 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "failed to fetch http://ftp.udc.es/ubunto/pool/universe/o/orc/liborc-0.4-0_0.4-5-1_i386.deb 404 Not Found (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66309907:01
persiaSometimes I think we ought set the default sources.list with the local mirror as primary and the base mirror as secondary so that failures like that fall back to archive.ubuntu.com and just work.07:06
persiaOf course, this might result in archive.ubuntu.com being as slow as ports.ubuntu.com, and that would be annoying.07:06
RedSingularitymicahg:  I figured....what do you recommend?07:07
micahgRedSingularity: #ubuntu-mirror for help?07:07
RedSingularitymicahg:  that is a custom mirror no?  Its not official ubuntu correct?07:08
micahgRedSingularity: it's listed as an archive mirror07:10
RedSingularitymicahg:  The site is http://ftp.udc.es/   That doesnt look ubuntu related.  It has many distros in it as well.07:12
micahgRedSingularity: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ftp.udc.es-archive07:12
RedSingularitymicahg: ahhh can I mark the bug to that instead of update-manager?07:12
micahgRedSingularity: no, but you can remove the package07:14
micahgpersia: what do you think of subscribing ubuntu-mirror-admins ^^^07:14
persiaI think it won't help.07:15
persiaIs the package still missing?07:15
micahgpersia: yes, the file listing is not in sync with the files in the mriror07:15
persiaLooks like that mirror doesn't have universe at all.07:15
persiaUm.  Notice "ubunto" vs. "ubuntu"07:16
* micahg has ubuntu in the URL07:16
micahghttp://ftp.udc.es/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/orc/liborc-0.4-0_0.4.5-1_i386.deb just as broke07:17
persiahttp://ftp.udc.es/ubuntu/pool/universe/o/orc/liborc-0.4-doc_0.4.5-1_all.deb is there07:17
micahgpersia: not for me07:18
RedSingularityor me07:18
persiawith "all" or "i386"?07:18
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micahgeither, it's out of date anyways (current version is 0.4.6-107:18
persiaOh, I see.07:18
persiaWell, some might argue it's 1:0.4.11-1 :)07:19
persiaBut I don't see any reason for 0.4.5-1 to be around, based on rmadison output.07:19
persiaI expect it not to be there.07:19
micahgI'm assuming the user is sane, so I assumed Maverick07:19
persiaI expect 0.4.2-1, 0.4.3-5, 0.4.6-1, and 1:0.4.11-107:20
persia(although the last appears to be missing)07:20
micahgwell, I would expect the last one to be msising if 0.4.6 is missing :D07:20
RedSingularityWhats the verdict?  Remove update-manager?07:21
micahgRedSingularity: definitely not update-manager's fault, it's being returned a false list07:21
persiaIt's a broken mirror.  Failed update started 01-Jul-2010 17:32 and hasn't recovered.07:21
RedSingularitymicahg: i agree07:21
RedSingularityI cant remove the package....can you?07:22
micahgRedSingularity: hggdh has dealt with mirror issues before, we should get some type of procedure written for broken mirror bugs07:22
persiaProblem is that only the mirror admins can do anything.07:23
micahgpersia: right, but we need a procedure for contact or a bucket to toss these bugs07:23
persiaI suppose we could try to SRU python-apt everytime we found a broken mirror, but that seems like it would get painful fast.07:23
persiacan't we reassign to ubuntu-mirrors?07:23
micahgpersia: if they use that workflow, that's my question07:23
persiaAh, no.  That's not a project anymore.07:24
persiaCould subscribe the mirror admin to the bug :)07:24
RedSingularitySounds good to me....micahg??07:25
persiahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors should provide a link to the mirror registration, which should have a listed administrator.07:25
micahgRedSingularity: sure07:25
RedSingularityGive the user the email address for the maintainer?07:27
persiaI'd probably subscribe the mirror admin to the bug, and then add a note that this appears to be an out-of-date mirror (carefully commenting on the timestamp of the Archive-update-in-progress file in the mirror root).07:28
persiaThe admin would be sent a copy (as they were subscribed), and could follow up in the bug.07:28
persiaOtherwise the user has to contact the admin, and we can't know whether that conversation goes well or badly.07:29
RedSingularityAnd mark as invalid?07:29
persiaIn a bug we can help mitigate, and make sure the right thing happens.07:29
persiaI'd leave it "triaged" and against no package until resolved: this will require following it.07:29
RedSingularityTake the liberty to mark?  And how can I remove the package?07:31
persiaSame as reassigning to a different package, except erase the name of the package completely.07:31
persiaAnd please go ahead with this one, yes.  If you can't do "triaged", "confirmed" works just as well.07:32
persiaStill ought get raised on the mailing list: we ought have a useful bucket for these.07:32
persiaAnd like I said before, I'm not sure it's not a bug in python-apt that we aren't automatically providing fallback mirrors when the selected ones fail.07:33
persia(but not worth cluttering that report with actual issues, really)07:33
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TomAbleHi there, I'd like to report a bug: ubuntu 10.10-alternate.i386 overwrited my crypt partition during setup without asking. The partition was tagged as "Linux LVM (df)" but contained crypted data created by "cryptsetup luksFormat". It seems, that ubuntu 10.10 figured out that it wasn't able to read any pv-information from the lvm partition and decided to do a pvcreate on the partition without asking.12:21
TomAbleafter setup the partition header looked exactly as a header when you do a pvcreate on a partition manually12:22
TomAbleI was able to reproduce this12:23
TomAblelooks to me, like ubuntu now acts almost similar to Windows - what I don't know I'll overwirte and better not ask the dumb user12:24
persiaIt shouldn't be overwriting without you telling it.12:27
persiaCould you file a bug with full installer logs?12:27
TomAbleyes I would also apreciate that12:27
TomAblehow Do I do that?12:27
persia`ubuntu-bug debian-installer` might work12:27
persiaI suspect it won't, and you'll have to file the bug manually.12:28
persiaTo file it manually, start from http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+bugs12:28
TomAbleis there any documentation, ... thanks :-)12:28
persiaI'd recommend attaching everything from /var/log/ in the installer environment.  The syslog and the parted.log are most important.12:29
TomAbleokay, thanks for the info.12:30
persiaThanks for the report.  I've done a few alternate installs with prior use of LVM and luks and preserved them.  I'm sure something went odd (and am even more sure it's not intentional)12:31
TomAbleyes, that's what I assume also :-) I did also a few alternate installs with releases before 10.10 and always kept my crypt-partition untouched during installation. This went well all the time, but this time the crypt partition now has a fine LVM2 header12:44
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=== Guest86325 is now known as jrib
drizztbsdany news for bug #422284?15:33
ubot2Launchpad bug 422284 in universalindentgui (Ubuntu) "universalindentgui crashed with SIGSEGV in QsciScintilla::setLexer() (affects: 3) (heat: 7)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42228415:33
hggdhdrizztbsd: looking15:46
drizztbsdregression bug15:46
drizztbsdsince with qscintilla 2.4.3 works15:47
hggdhdrizztbsd: since the bug was opened (against karmic), a new version of the package has been published (1.1.0). Have you tested with it?15:49
drizztbsdI use 10.1015:49
hggdhare you the bug reporter?15:50
drizztbsdI onlu hate to open duplicates15:51
hggdhplease update the bug with your findings. Upstream is at http://universalindent.sourceforge.net/, seems dormant, but I will see the bugs list there15:52
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hggdhdrizztbsd: what qscintilla is current now? (meaning version)15:57
drizztbsdif I install 2.4.3 it works15:58
hggdhyes, I found https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2947699&group_id=167482&atid=843127 but then it does not match :-(15:58
ubot2hggdh: Error: <Bugtracker.plugin.Sourceforge instance at 0xa0bf24c> bug 2947699 not found15:59
hggdhdrizztbsd: did you get an apport crash file for this error?16:04
hggdhdrizztbsd: reason is it is a new version, and newer qscintilla -- I am not sure it is the same issue16:08
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pedro_devildante, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/ubuntutheproject-qa-n-bugsquad-doc-review18:13
devildantethanks pedro_ :)18:13
pedro_you're welcome18:14
devildantemaybe you'll want to subscribe yourself to the blueprint?18:14
pedro_I guess i should be since i've registered?18:14
pedro_oh well don't trust lp18:14
slinkercan I report a bug I upstreamed?18:58
rusivislinker: What is the link to the upstream bug?19:00
slinkerI tagged it onto 663364 already19:00
vishpedro_¦ boo! you closed Bug 663119 ! ;p19:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 663119 in nautilus (Ubuntu) (and 5 other projects) "Unneeded items in System > Preferences (affects: 27) (heat: 124)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66311919:05
pedro_vish, yeah ;-)19:05
vishpedro_¦ since that bug is a troll bait, i was waiting for everyone to comment there and then mark it a dup ;p19:05
vishit would be a dup of an invalid bug … hehe!19:05
pedro_vish, oh you're evil :-P19:06
vishpedro_¦ you spoiled  my evil plan :(19:06
vishpedro_¦  i knew where the 'traffic' was coming from , and if i marked the bug as dup or invalid, it would only move the discussion to another bug.. and spam more people.. :(19:08
pedro_vish, you really had a whole plan for it19:08
pedro_vish, i'll stay away from you next week :-P19:09
vishpedro_¦ hehe, nah.. i suddenly say a lot of comment on one bug and wondered if i should close it early,but i knew *I* would be trolled instead, so i stayed silent :19:09
vishpedro_¦ btw, that whole bug is a moot point with http://live.gnome.org/Design/SystemSettings in gnome 3 ;)19:15
kklimondavish: damn, it's less than 6 months before GNOME 3 is supposed to be released and there is nothing substantial on this page..19:17
vishkklimonda¦ my thoughts too, but it seems a lot of the background work is getting done, its more of the GUI design that needs to be completed..19:18
vishor so i am told..19:18
kklimondavish: so we should buckle up for KDE 4.0 bis..19:18
kklimondavish: can you change the character after nick you use for completion?19:18
kklimondaweechat doesn't highlight it properly (or not at all)19:19
vishkklimonda¦ hmm, is it breaking your irc client? :)19:19
hggdhkklimonda: what gives on weechat?19:19
kklimondahggdh: I can see the ¦ character, weechat just doesn't consider it a proper nick to highlight.19:20
vishyea, it prevents me from tab complete too  it just stays on as part of the nick, and i cannot switch to the next name..19:20
kklimondait's a bug in weechat but before it's fixed vish is going to be ignored ;)19:20
vishvish ¦19:21
hggdhkklimonda: have you tried the Latest & Greatest from my PPA?19:21
vishkklimonda ¦ works now?19:21
vishkklimonda ¦ it should have highlighted now..19:21
kklimondavish: works fine19:22
kklimondahggdh: no :)19:22
hggdhkklimonda: might be interesting -- it is 3.4-dev, updated almost daily19:22
njinpedro_: hello, can i disturb ?19:23
pedro_njin, you can always disturb hggdh or vish, sure :-P19:24
kklimondahggdh: I almost never restart my irc client19:24
kklimondahggdh: and when I do I prefer it to work ;)19:24
pedro_njin, btw feel free to ask in the channel, there's no need to ask if you can ask something19:24
njinpedro_. can we look at tyhis wishlist ?19:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 662919 in ubuntu "UPnP MediaServer KIO-slave (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]19:24
vish!ask | \o/19:24
ubot2\o/: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
kklimondahggdh: I know, there is /reload or maybe /restart but I'm connected to most networks using ssl so it doesn't work for me.19:24
kklimondahggdh: I guess I'm conservative when it comes to the IRC clients :)19:25
hggdhkklimonda: it is /upgrade19:25
hggdhkklimonda: but yes, it will bounce the SSL/TLS sessions19:25
pedro_njin, what about it?19:25
pedro_njin, what's your question about the bug exactly19:26
njinpedro_: i've tsalked yesterday about this with xtee.. and he said that this is a wishlist19:26
njinpedro_: he ask me to cleanout it in accord to our standards but i don't understand what he mean19:27
pedro_njin, right, looks like the reporter is asking for that package to be included in Ubuntu19:28
pedro_njin, have a look to  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages#Requesting%20a%20new%20package%20for%20Ubuntu19:28
hggdhkklimonda: just upgraded, BTW :-)19:28
pedro_njin, there's a couple of example bug reports there, feel free to edit the previous bug to look alike to the examples19:29
njinpedro_: thanks, i'm looking19:29
pedro_njin, template is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages/ExamplePackageRequest19:29
pedro_njin, you're welcome19:29
vishnjin ¦ btw, i think you are doing an incredible amount of work, thanks for helping with bugs :)19:32
njinvish: thanks :-) it mekes me happy19:32
njinpedro_: done, can you take a look ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/66291920:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 662919 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] UPnP MediaServer KIO-slave (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]20:12
pedro_njin, looks fine, want me to set it as Wishlist for you?20:13
njinpero_: of course20:13
pedro_doing that now20:14
njinpedro_: of course20:14
pedro_njin, done, thanks for helping :-)20:14
njinthank to youu to help me .920:14
njinhello  set status to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/65674521:13
ubot2Launchpad bug 656745 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "dell vostro 3700 always crash (frozen) if I work with battery (power or thermal limit exceeded) (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:13
* hggdh just sent a request for niceness on the bugsquad ML, and sits down and waits21:25
njinhello guys , a good man to set importance here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/65750821:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 657508 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "Network becomes sluggish when running on battery (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,New]21:32
njinand here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/65674521:32
ubot2Launchpad bug 656745 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "dell vostro 3700 always crash (frozen) if I work with battery (power or thermal limit exceeded) (affects: 2) (heat: 14)" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:32
Book_em_DanoWould anyone mind giving me some assistance with triaging this bug, LP: #658183?21:39
Book_em_DanoNot sure what to look for in the logs21:39
Book_em_DanoI see a lot of activity w/ the open chrome driver, but not sure if that is the culprit21:40
flipefrcan anybody look at the bug 66332622:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 663326 in gparted (Ubuntu) "gparted crashes on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66332622:14
flipefrcan anybody look at the bug 66332622:41
ubot2Launchpad bug 663326 in gparted (Ubuntu) "gparted crashes on startup (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66332622:41
rusiviflipefr: The first thing that comes to my mind is did you md5sum the iso you downloaded and the CD you burned?22:46
rusivithat's what I would want the OP to answer of course ;)22:48
flipefrof course22:48
flipefri will ask him22:48
rusivinp, I'm hyper paranoid about bugging LiveCD stuff that I did not md5sum the iso and the burned CD. If I don't do both, I don't bug live cd issues.22:49
rusiviI don't trust my CD/DVD drive :p22:50
devildanterusivi: it's a bug, then :p23:01
flipefrrusivi: thanks again for your confindence about your cd drive23:17
flipefri am leaving23:17
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Book_em_DanoWould anyone mind giving me some assistance with triaging this bug, LP: #658183?23:48
Book_em_DanoNot sure what to look for in the logs to pinpoint what is going wrong.23:48

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