
patrickwOr perhaps some thoughts on the best way to mount NFS directories on a node that may be rebundled arbitrarily with euca-bundle-vol?00:01
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
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smoserif anyone wanted to read and tell me what i'm doing wrong, i'd much appreciate it16:20
=== Hussain is now known as Hussain_Away
patrickweuca-run-instances question: does --user-data-file run before or after rc.local or is the sequence undefined?19:58
=== jmgalloway-afk is now known as jmgalloway
smoserpatrickw, "it depends"20:15
smoserits supposed to be rc.local like20:15
smoserbut there is no defined dependnecies on the two20:15
patrickwsmoser:  ok, thanks.  btw, is there a well defined way to have a "first boot" script in the instance image (not injected, it would exist in the filesystem), or would I have to do something like that by hand?20:17
smoserif you put it in /var/lib/cloud/data/scripts it will run on first instance boot20:18
patrickwawesome, thanks20:19
patrickwabout when in the init?  :)20:20
smoserthats how the #! end up getting executed20:22
jmgallowayI have a problem with my cloud setup21:07
jmgallowayI am not able to access my vm's from a public IP address through my nat router21:08
Nolarfrom a public IP through NAT?21:10
Nolarnot sure i follow21:10
Nolarcant access ec2 instance from a machine inside your network?21:11
jmgallowayport forwarding through the nat should allow me to access my vm on a specific port using my wan address21:11
jmgallowayI can access them from within my network21:11
Nolarso, servers are inside your nat?  and you're connecting from outside your nat?21:12
Nolaror trying to connect from inside your nat via the nat's public ip?21:12
jmgallowaythat's what I would like to do21:12
Nolaraka 'hairpin' routing?21:12
jmgallowayno, internally I use private addresses only21:12
Nolargoogle 'hairpin routing'21:13
jmgallowaywould that be my problem?21:13
Nolarbasically means you access an internal service via the nat's external ip21:13
Nolar..while inside the nat21:13
jmgallowayok, I see.  I've been trying to do that. yes21:13
jmgallowayI am on a client device trying to access vm's through using my external ip..I have a private ip address21:14
Nolarya, sounds like it21:14
Nolarneed to see if your router can support that21:15
jmgallowayI will check, do you know off hand if a wrt54gl running dd-wrt v24 supports that?21:15
Nolarfrom what i know of ddwrt, i'd say yes21:16
Nolarhttp://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=37313 ?21:16
Nolar"nat loopback" sounds like21:17
NolarGo to the Security/Firewall area in DD-WRT. Uncheck the Filter WAN NAT Redirection box. Click apply.21:17
Nolarmaybe as simple as that :)21:17
jmgallowayok thanks21:29
jmgallowayI'll give that a try21:29
jmgallowaywhere does the disk space come from when you select a vm size?23:04

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