
kklimondacan someone take a look at bug 658069 ?00:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 658069 in gvfs (Ubuntu Maverick) (and 2 other projects) "Empty files written over gvfs by some editors (affects: 29) (dups: 3) (heat: 120)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65806900:24
CimiI'm in Orlando!00:38
Cimiamazing place here guys00:38
kklimondaCimi: how's the weather?00:40
fagankklimonda: isnt it winter in florida this time of the year00:40
faganso it should be cold and wet00:40
kklimondafagan: how cold is cold for florida? ;)00:41
faganwell I mean like raining hurricane style cold ish time of the year00:42
Cimikklimonda: sunshine00:42
Ciminow it's evening00:42
kklimondathis is actually a serious question - I still have to pack my bags ;)00:42
Cimibut the sky is clear00:42
* RAOF opens a note for clothes packing.00:42
* fagan always packs the wrong things when going international 00:44
Cimikklimonda: 80°F/30°C01:04
kklimondaCimi: holy...01:05
Cimikklimonda: where are you from?01:05
kklimondait's going to be fun01:05
Cimikklimonda: there's a huge pool :)01:05
kklimondaCimi: Poland, it's around 4C here at the moment :)01:06
Cimikklimonda: so, it's like august in poland :)01:06
kklimondaright, and I've lived through one August this year ;)01:06
CimiI'm from italy, the weather feels like june in my country01:06
RAOFMmm, midsummer.01:06
Tenyuudoes anyone know how to set shortcut keys to adjust backlight brightness? the only I can change my brightness is with the brightness applet, can anyone help me?01:06
kklimondaCimi: right, you are better suited for this weather ;)01:07
Cimikklimonda: are you coming tomorrow?01:08
kklimondaCimi: no, I arrive at sunday as a part of our awesome community :)01:10
Cimikklimonda: ok cool ;)01:13
pittiGood morning06:18
* TheMuso sighs. Another big merge done. I aint a fan of them big merges.06:28
araTheMuso, ping08:24
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dpmhi mvo! Do you think it would be possible to have an aptdaemon maverick SRU with exported translations from Launchpad? They were not exported before release, and thus all authentication-related messages in Software Center appear untranslated. I've exported the translations from Launchpad and attached them to the bug to make it a bit easier to fix: bug 65564210:04
ubot2Launchpad bug 655642 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) (and 2 other projects) "Translations of .policy files were not exported (affects: 3) (dups: 2) (heat: 22)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65564210:04
mvodpm: yes10:09
mvodpm: I can do this10:10
mvodpm: and thanks for your work on this!10:10
dpmmvo, awesome, thanks!10:10
dpmhi all, could someone give a hand with bug 451673 for an SRU? Yelp needs translations to be built with the package to appear translated. I've attached the translations exported from LP to the bug to make it a bit easier to fix10:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 451673 in yelp (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Untranslated Yelp main page (Ubuntu Help Center) (affects: 3) (heat: 22)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45167310:59
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kenvandinehey cyphermox14:24
cyphermoxkenvandine, key14:24
mvocyphermox: great work on synaptic, you rock!14:32
mvocyphermox: I did some minor tweaks too, please merge from my branch too14:32
cyphermoxit's still not all working though... I think there's still a lot missing (unless you already fixed all the combo boxes ;)14:34
mvoI mostly tweaks the stuff around, like configure.in and debian/rules and po etc14:34
cyphermoxah, cool14:34
mvoit bzr-buildpackage now fine14:34
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* pitti 0(*#$'s; how hard can it be to determine how wide a label text wants to be??15:13
rickspencer3pitti, having fun with gtk?15:19
rickspencer3pitti, I thought there was a function to tell you a label's text's length in pixels15:20
pittirickspencer3: there ought to be :)15:20
rickspencer3I seem to recall seeing it in reference docs somewhere, but don't think I ever did it15:20
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rodrigo_today (in 2 hours) meeting, right?15:30
mterrypitti, in a height-for-width context, it can be hard.  You want to know how long it is without wrapping?  pango has a function for that I believe15:33
pittimterry: I found something like gtk_label_get_layout() and then pango_layout_get_pixel_size (), I'm trying that now15:34
mterrypitti, if you're talking gtk2, I think you can just query how much width the label has requested (size_request)15:34
pittimterry: already tried that, and it's always -115:34
mterrypitti, sounds like the label hasn't "realized" itself yet15:34
pittiit is, I'm printing it on size changes, etc.15:34
pittigtk_widget_get_allocation() is another possibility, but that gives me the actual size, not the one that the text would have15:35
pittiit's about the time/date string on the panel, and if I set the panel to vertical, it's chopped off15:35
* pitti -> meeting now15:35
mterrypitti, hmm, I must be forgetting some reason it's -1.  but if no wrapping, pango layout is the way to go15:35
pittimterry: ok, thanks15:35
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mvopitti: you might look at update-manager for a workaround for the missing height-for-width stuff with labels15:38
pittiactually, it seems that this works:15:38
pitti    pango_layout_get_pixel_size (gtk_label_get_layout (GTK_LABEL (datetime->date_label)), &w, &h);15:39
kenvandinefacebook says they are going to stop ignoring developers... so please everyone go vote on http://is.gd/g8ce015:39
mterryThat won't include any widget or style padding or whatnot but yeah15:39
chrisccoulsonkenvandine, i have to create an account to vote?15:42
kenvandineyeah... that sucks :/15:42
kenvandineyou don't have to vote... but i really want as many votes as we can get :)15:42
kklimondakenvandine: facebook seriously limits api calls per application and not per user/applicatin?15:43
kklimondathat's.. insane15:43
ararickspencer3, can you please point me to some documentation on how to create quickly plugins?15:43
kenvandineand tons of people have complained and begged for help... but facebook just ignores it15:43
kenvandinehowever they now claim they are going to stop ignoring!15:44
kenvandineso we'll see :)15:44
rickspencer3ara, not sure what you're looking for, do you mean a new template?15:45
rickspencer3if so, didrocks has some good stuff on his blog, but he's not around atm, he's traveling to FL15:45
ararickspencer3, OK, I'll check his blog. And now that I know the terminology, I might find something ;-)15:46
czajkowskikenvandine: did you have any luck with contacts in FB re your blog post?17:00
kenvandineenough that someone moved it from unconfirmed to NEW17:01
kenvandinebut the more votes the better...17:01
kenvandineif it gets enough votes, it will end up being tracked on the platform status page17:01
czajkowskikenvandine: mind if I pm you a comment from a fb enginner17:11
kenvandineczajkowski, please do :)17:11
asackenvandine: i cannot add a second twitter account to gwibber? ;)17:15
* asac not sure if its a smart idea i first place17:16
OwaisLguys, as a user I must say, Gwibber is the worst client I've seen.17:17
* OwaisL ready to dodge bullets. Matrix style. :P17:17
OwaisLgwibber-service is cool. but the client. UI is terrible.. I mean look at any.. i mean ANY twitter or FB client. all are better.17:18
OwaisLI think it should be re-written.17:19
czajkowskikenvandine: see it pays to blog for help17:19
asacOwaisL: write a better UI then ;)17:19
chrisccoulsonyeah, i would have voted if i didn't have to create an account17:19
* asac fires fast bullets17:19
OwaisLasac: haha.. I might have to do that if no one does.17:19
kenvandineyeah, i should blog more often17:19
OwaisLasac, i got one in the arm.. damn you.17:19
kenvandineasac, does it think you are already logged in as the other use?17:20
asacOwaisL: the natty cycle is just starting ;) ... so time to start on writing this17:20
asackenvandine: i hit "add ..." ... select "twitter" ... then hit the "Add" button and then it shows me my current twitter account17:20
asacand allows me to hit authorize button17:20
asacwhile i hoped i could select a 2nd user id17:20
chrisccoulsonhi asac!17:21
asacgood evining chrisccoulson17:21
chrisccoulsonhow are you? looking forward to UDS?17:21
kenvandineasac, right... ok there is already a bug filed about that17:21
kenvandineasac, webkit has cached the session or something17:21
asacchrisccoulson: i am today still on vacation. tomorrow all comes back and i have to do lots of planning etc.17:21
kenvandinewe need to clear that17:21
asackenvandine: kk17:21
kenvandinei'll try to look at it this week :)17:21
asacchrisccoulson: but otherwise yes. i hope i can hop in the pool ;)17:21
* kenvandine has re-factored the crap out of gwibber this week already :)17:22
chrisccoulsonasac - did you know we have some guys from mozillamessaging at UDS next week?17:22
* kenvandine looks forward to being about to have individual packages for service plugins17:22
asacchrisccoulson: i know that david ascher wanted to come ... who else?17:22
chrisccoulsonasac - bryan clark and david ascher are both going to be there17:22
asacchrisccoulson: any nice sessions for tbird?17:22
asacsaw you added like 3 under the app selection track17:22
kenvandineasac, i also played with auto-saving on success but need to review that more17:23
* asac is unsure whether "indicator support for tbird" really belongs to the pacckaging selection track17:23
asackenvandine: where do your gwibber specs live this cycle?17:24
chrisccoulsonasac - i didn't put it there - it was originally in "other"17:24
chrisccoulsonbut they got renamed ;)17:24
chrisccoulsonrick created a general thunderbird blueprint17:24
kenvandineasac,  https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-desktop-n-gwibber-enhancements17:24
chrisccoulsoni need to do some planning really but i'm having gcc-4.5 issues17:25
asackenvandine: so work to be done against upstream is "appdevs"?17:25
kenvandinewell, best i could figure17:25
kenvandineapp selection, etc17:25
kenvandineasac, i really struggled picking a category17:25
asacheh... multimedia- ;)17:25
asacsocial network is kind of a media ... so part of multi-media ;)17:26
kenvandinei fear there will be a long list for "other"17:26
chrisccoulsoni put all of mine under other ;)17:26
chrisccoulsonand then most got renamed17:26
chrisccoulsoni wish launchpad would tell me when somebody renames them17:27
chrisccoulsoni only realised when all of my links were dead17:27
asacright. lets see17:30
asacwho runs the "other" track?17:30
czajkowskikenvandine: logged all my niggly bugs, thanks17:35
kenvandinelink me please17:35
kenvandinealthough i think i do actually get notified of new bugs now, finally17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 663376 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "Multicolumn doesn't remember layout after restart (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 663378 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "replying to a @message in the indicator messes up the multicolumn display (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:36
ubot2Launchpad bug 663377 in gwibber (Ubuntu) "No notification of Direct messages (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]17:37
kenvandineczajkowski, thx17:40
glatzorbye mvo!17:47
glatzormvo, here is a "broken" debhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/clutterflow/files/banshee-extension-clutterflow.deb/download package17:47
glatzormvo, here is a "broken" deb http://sourceforge.net/projects/clutterflow/files/banshee-extension-clutterflow.deb/download package17:47
glatzormvo, i have to get home. already late :) see you17:48
devildantemvo: around?17:50
and471mvo, hey, is there a blueprint for software-updater at UDS?18:03
czajkowskiand471: you can search all bp via https://blueprints.launchpad.net/sprints/uds-n18:10
devildanteand471: btw, did you do any progress with software-updater?18:10
kklimonda /b 818:10
and471devildante, not much beyond since I last spoke about it18:11
and471devildante, I stopped o that it could be discussed at UDS so I knew that what I was working was definitely going to be adopted18:11
and471czajkowski, thanks18:11
and471czajkowski, tho it was a kind of "if he hadn't, he should do" :)18:12
devildanteit seems mvo is quite quiet these days...18:13
devildanterather silent18:13
asacjcastro: i renamed a blueprint a while back and now its broken on summit schedule ... will this recover on its own? or do i need to do something?18:13
and471devildante, I guess he is eating18:14
jcastroasac: when did you rename it?18:14
jcastroasac: drag it off the schedule, wait an hour, and then it should autoschedule18:15
asacjcastro: ok dragging off is required?18:15
asaci think i renamed it 1-2h ago18:15
asacbut not 100% sure18:15
jcastronor me18:15
asaclet me just wait another few18:15
asacjcastro: but well done that it picks up the linaro bps ;)... thanks!18:16
asacwas just magic!18:16
jcastroasac: that's all Daviey18:16
jcastroI am just the mean cop making people rename things18:17
asacthanks daviey ... lets collect and get a bunch of beers for him!18:17
* Daviey perks up18:17
DavieyAh, renames aren't currently well handled... you will find you have a duplicate session :/18:18
Davieyasac: go into the admin UI and delete the old one. It's under http://summit.ubuntu.com/admin/schedule/meeting/18:18
asacDaviey: ok great. but the new name gets scheduled?18:20
devildantewhat's the timezone in the schedule? GMT?18:21
asacdevildante: local time Orlando, FL18:27
devildantebut I'm a little "nervous"18:30
devildanteone of the sessions I created, I might not attend to it in time18:30
devildanteoh well18:30
czajkowskidevildante: have you marked yourself as mandatory for the session ?18:31
devildantehmm, no18:32
devildantestupid me :p18:32
devildanteis there still time to reschedule it?18:34
czajkowskidevildante: no stupid, you just didnt know.18:37
ssalleyI'm a developer at Likewise supporting the likewise-open project. I'm going to be able to attend UDS for only a bit and was wondering if there was a particular day or two that would be good for meeting people and putting faces to names. So then people will know who to visualize when they're cursing me :-)18:43
mvohey devildante - looks like we are currently unlucky when it comes to timing :) when you come online I usually left already19:00
mvodevildante: you are on OMGubuntu :)19:01
mvodevildante: and your branch is cool, I just would like to see a additional check that the unused app will not remove ubuntu-desktop if it gets removed19:01
kenvandineasac, my bug is up to #12 on the facebook most popular list :)  yay to community!19:04
asacseems not many are contributing to fb then ;)19:05
asac(if ubuntu community can matter)19:05
asacuser question from stupid me: how do i officially get a new place in the "Places" menu? like $HOME/Downloads ?19:05
kenvandineasac, i think that is called a bookmark in nautilus19:06
* asac found a menu and tries19:06
asachmm "Add Bookmarks ..." does nothing19:06
asacand "Edit bookmarks" has no "add" button ;)19:07
kenvandinejust did for me19:07
charlie-tcadrag the folder to the left column19:07
asaci am in spatial mode ;)19:07
kenvandineso browse to the folder you want and "Bookmarks->Add bookmark19:07
asacah let me try that19:07
* kenvandine forgot that even existed :)19:07
asacok now i understand ... add bookmark adds the current folder19:08
asacthat was not really clear to me ;)19:08
icekhi, my eth0 was getting an ip on dhcp but now it wont work, it keeps saying no DHCPOFFERS received.....  it was working just great now it wont work :/ its plugged into my router any advice?19:08
asacyeah it did it19:08
asacbut i want a special icon for Downloads ... like Documents Videos etc.19:09
asacanyway ... thats good enough19:09
* asac finally took this measure to stop his Desktop from overflowing with zillion of downloads19:09
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cyphermoxpitti, ping21:21
xteejxHi all22:00
xteejxlibchamplain wants to install 2 build-deps, libgirepository1.0-dev and gir-repository-dev22:01
xteejxboth provide some or all of the same files, but not sure which to remove/install22:01
xteejxAnyone able to help please?22:02
geserxteejx: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gir-repository and check the changelog entry for the recent natty upload :)22:02
xteejxgeser: I see reference to gir, but I'm confused, sorry22:05
geserxteejx: the file conflict got resolved in the most recent upload (-6ubuntu10) but as it FTBFS you still only have the old debs available (with the file conflict)22:06
xteejxso apt-get upgrade?22:07
geseryes, once the FTBFS got resolved22:07
xteejxbut -6ubuntu10 was published 4 days ago?22:07
geserthe source but it failed to build22:08
xteejxohhh gir ftbfs I see, so that needs fixed first?22:08
xteejxgeser: Ok, thanks for clearing that up, I'll get on it :)22:09
geserthen you get the debs for -6ubuntu10 you need to install both build-dependencies of libchamplin to check if the FTBFS is fixed there too22:09
xteejxAhhh that makes sense now22:10
xteejxThanks again geser :)22:10
xteejxgeser: gir is in main, are we allowed to work on ftbfs for those?22:11
geserxteejx: you should perhaps ask seb128 if he (or somebody) else is already working on this before you do double work22:11
xteejxthat answers my question then :)22:12
geserxteejx: sure, why not. You just need a sponsor who can upload it for you.22:12
xteejxcool :)22:12
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ronocshuerhaaken, hey just fetched the update23:29
ronocbut now there is no plugin option for the sound menu ?23:29
shuerhaakenhello conor23:30
ronochows it going ?23:30
shuerhaakenthe soundmenu is back in23:30
ronocoh cool23:30
shuerhaakenhow about you23:30
ronocgrand in Orlando for a pre ?23:30
ronocUDS sprint23:30
shuerhaakenstress gone after release of maverick?23:30
ronocpretty much23:30
ronocgetting ready for natty development23:31
ronocprototyping some nice pulse stuff at the moment23:31
shuerhaakenpulse stuff?23:32
ronocrecording streams straight from the server, and trying to automatically identify using the echonest audio fingerprinting api23:32
shuerhaakenpulse audio has  this stream tagging23:33
ronocstream tagging ?23:33
shuerhaakeni'm not sure how it is called23:34
shuerhaakeni updated xnoise plugins four hours ago. with soundmenu23:34
shuerhaakenfor maverick23:34
ronocoh great23:34
ronocwill take down23:34
shuerhaakeni had bad critiques after the last release23:35
ronocoh how come23:35
shuerhaakennot good for large collections23:35
ronocUI response23:35
ronocyeah I read about that23:35
ronocwill test later and come back to you if I notice anything23:35
ronocgoing go for a run !23:36
ronocget healthy !23:36
ronoctalk later23:36
shuerhaakenok. bye23:36
icekhey, i set up a router ubuntu-server   i used dhcpd and firestarter but now i want to use cacti to do cool analysis and graphs to watch my network.... how do i do this? just install cacti?23:55
micahgicek: try asking in #ubuntu-server23:56

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