
gnomefreakok how do i run strace for a stalled configure. xulrunner is stallling to configure runnnin gdpkg12:02
gnomefreakfor example running dpkg --configure or upgrade xulrunner stalls when trying to be configured. i need to run an strace do i run it on the 5 or so processes or dpkg or on xul...?12:10
gnomefreaki feel like this is useless http://paste.ubuntu.com/516206/12:28
gnomefreakwould someone please fix xulrunner*12:36
gnomefreakits stalling on 1.9.2 and 2.02.0~b812:37
ftadpm, yt?13:15
ftadpm, i wanted to replace stuff like <ph name="HOST"/> by $HOST in my strings to make things simpler to translate, but i see $ is used in 1 lang: '<translation id="8661648338644250771">$$Овај додатак ће имати приступ приватним подацима на <ph name="HOST"/>.</translation>' (lang=sr)13:18
dpmhey fta, I'm back from lunch. As an alternative, you could use %(HOST)s as in python formatted arguments. It is something translators are used to, although I'm not sure it's the best solution13:47
dpmhi chrisccoulson, do think we should have a Firefox roundtable at UDS? Or shall we just have a talk in the corridors?13:49
dpmchrisccoulson, I mean a FF translations roundtable13:49
chrisccoulsondpm - we have a session for firefox-4 - you should probably come along to that :)13:49
dpmchrisccoulson, sure. Will there be time to discuss translations there? Is there a tight agenda?13:50
chrisccoulsonwe should be able to discuss translations there13:50
chrisccoulsoni'm not sure what the agenda is for discussion yet ;)13:50
chrisccoulsonbut translations would be a good one to add13:51
dpmchrisccoulson, cool. Is there a blueprint for that already? I'll subscribe to it and add a translations agenda item to the whiteboard13:52
chrisccoulsondpm - i think it's other-desktop-n-firefox-4 (off the top of my head)13:52
dpmchrisccoulson, https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-desktop-n-firefox-4 - is that the one?13:54
chrisccoulsondpm - yeah, that's it. it got renamed ;)13:54
dpmchrisccoulson, no worries :). Ok, subscribing and adding translations to the discussion agenda13:55
dpmk, done14:01
gnomefreakok i cant get anything when trying to run strace on xulrunnner or dpkg14:10
* gnomefreak suggestss that someone looks at it but hey thqat is me14:10
gnomefreakhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/516206/ is what i get14:11
* gnomefreak going back to bed, i still feel alot like crap14:12
ftadpm, %() should be ok15:25
ftadpm, hm.. "(<ph name="PROGRESS_PERCENT"/>%)..." would become  "(%(PROGRESS_PERCENT)%)..."  is that readable enough?15:26
ftamaybe %{}15:27
dpmfta, yeah, perhaps, I'm just concerned about introducing a new custom variable markup, but yes, %{} would be more readable than the other options15:29
ftagrr, more \\n vs \n issues. i really need to write a proper test suite for that, to make sure that (grit2gettext ∘ gettext2git)(s) == s15:42
gnomefreakmicahg: i tried getting strace of dpkg and of xulrunner and both end up with the output that i posted at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/516206/15:49
micahggnomefreak: :(15:50
gnomefreaknot sure why i cant get one sorry15:50
gnomefreaki was using strace -Ff -tt -p <PID> 2>&1 | tee strace-<program>.log15:51
chrisccoulsonthat strace output looks pretty normal if you attached it to something that is hung....15:52
gnomefreakif i knew the args. to use with strace -Ff -tt <program> <arguments> 2>&1 | tee strace-<program>.log maybe i would get a different output since it wont be running?15:52
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: that is corrent15:52
gnomefreakxulrunner 1.9.2 and 2.0 are both hanging15:52
gnomefreakduring configure on upgrade15:53
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, couldn't you just try running dpkg --configure xulrunner-1.9.2 in strace?15:55
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i ran strace when xulrunner hung15:55
gnomefreakbut i didnt use xulrunner i use PID15:56
gnomefreakconfigure -a15:56
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: i can only stace dpkg since it is hung in dpkg15:59
gnomefreakand output is same15:59
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: strace -Ff -tt <program> <arguments> 2>&1 | tee strace-<program>.log  what arg would i use.16:00
gnomefreakmaybe that might work better instead of already having it running16:01
gnomefreakmicahg: chrisccoulson http://paste.ubuntu.com/516291/16:03
gnomefreakthat gives a better strace :)16:03
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, are you using maverick or natty?16:04
chrisccoulsondaily builds?16:04
chrisccoulsonok, that's expected16:04
gnomefreakwell i cant fonfigure the other packages like this16:05
gnomefreakconfigure even16:05
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, bug 663294 (which i'm currently working very hard on to try and resolve)16:05
ubot2Launchpad bug 663294 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) "Firefox built with gcc-4.5 is a non-starter on i386 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66329416:05
gnomefreakthats the same?16:05
chrisccoulsonif you're on x86, yes16:05
gnomefreakff works here i think16:06
chrisccoulsonok, so at least we've got a confirmation that this doesn't just affect ff-4.016:06
gnomefreakmarked confirmed and left a short message. thanks16:07
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: eta on the fix?16:15
gnomefreaki cant even install a package now16:15
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, not until i've figured out whats happening16:15
gnomefreak0ok thanks16:15
chrisccoulsonwelcome to natty :)16:16
chrisccoulsoni'm discussing it with glandium atm too16:16
gnomefreaki going to lay back down for  awhile maybe ill be back later today16:17
ftajdstrand, linux/stable (6.0.472.63 -> 7.0.517.41)18:09
jdstrandfta: thanks. do you have packages available for lucid and maverick?18:12
ftajdstrand, not yet, it's a fresh 0sec release :)18:13
jdstrandoh, heh18:13
jdstrandfta: just ping me whenever you have them and are satisfied with the packages18:13
ftajdstrand, sure18:13
jdstrandfta: thanks for the notification18:13
asachello jdstrand ... i think i asked you something a few days ago, but now i cant remember :/ ...18:15
jdstrandasac: 08:41 < asac> jdstrand_: is [    0.325499] audit: initializing netlink socket (disabled) from apparmor?18:19
asacyeah. that one jdstrand18:19
jdstrandasac: I don't think it has anything to do with apparmor as a google search shows it popping up in various places. I don't know what it is tbh18:20
asacjdstrand: so i have a local build of firefox somewhere in /home/.... would our apparomor policies pick that up at all?18:21
jdstrandasac: if I were to guess, I would say that it is part of the audit framework, and that particular part is not enabled18:22
* asac assumes not18:22
jdstrandasac: no, it wouldn't18:22
jdstrandasac: not unless you defined a policy for it in /etc/apparmor.d/18:22
asacchrisccoulson: do you have a ffox 4 local build?18:23
asacchrisccoulson: http://pastebin.com/sM6Ayt8J18:23
asaci have that patch and wonder if that works better there than on my old 3.6 checkout18:23
chrisccoulsonasac - i can't try it just yet, still investigating gcc-4.5 issues18:24
asacchrisccoulson: np.18:25
=== davida is now known as davidascher
ftachrisccoulson, chromium doesn't even build with gcc 4.518:54
chrisccoulsonfta - oh, that's not good18:55
chrisccoulsonfirefox builds, but it then hangs at start18:55
asaci things also fail on armel you can subscribe linaro-toolchain-wg team19:12
asacto launchpad bugs for everything gcc related19:13
asacchrisccoulson: whats the build failure?19:13
asac(for ffox)19:13
chrisccoulsonasac - it builds fine, but it just doesn't run19:14
chrisccoulsonasac - bug 66329419:14
ubot2Launchpad bug 663294 in gcc-4.5 (Ubuntu) "Firefox built with gcc-4.5 is a non-starter on i386 (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66329419:14
asacchrisccoulson: nothing in bugzilla about 4.5 bustage?19:19
chrisccoulsonasac - no, i've been talking to ted and glandium about it this afternoon19:19
chrisccoulsonglandium can't reproduce it, although i still managed to reproduce it with the debian build of gcc19:19
asacchrisccoulson: debian gcc build + ubuntu rest of toolchain?19:20
asacor all debian?19:20
chrisccoulsoni'm currently doing a build of mozilla-central with minimum build options19:20
chrisccoulsonasac - just debian gcc19:20
chrisccoulsonglandium also tried with our binutils, and it still worked19:20
asacalso libgcc1 ? ?19:23
asaci would try swapping that out19:23
chrisccoulsonasac - yeah, i'm running the debian libgcc1 too19:23
asacchrisccoulson: goes away if you disable JEMALLOC ?19:25
chrisccoulsonasac - i haven't tried that, but i would imagine so19:25
chrisccoulsonthe parts of the test suite that aren't using jemalloc are working ok anyway19:26
asacchrisccoulson: also swapped out plain big libc?19:26
asacanyway ... talk is cheap. me stops now19:28
* asac goes away for a bit19:28
=== kancerman_ is now known as kancerman
chrisccoulsonasac - ok, building from mozilla-central with minimal build options works fine with gcc-4.520:50
chrisccoulsonso, it's either one of our build options or patches20:51
asacguess build options20:59
asacthough its odd. most build options are really coming from default gcc settings and not from our packaging20:59
ftajdstrand, do i still need to create a bug for releasing chromium?21:40
jdstrandfta: yes please21:40
ftajdstrand, bug 66352321:51
ubot2Launchpad bug 663523 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "6.0.472.63~r59945 -> 7.0.517.41~r62167 upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66352321:51
ftai guess i should build with gcc 4.4 in natty for now :(21:51
ftamicahg, https://edge.launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/thunderbird23:39
micahgfta: thanks for the tip, I need to be more vigilant about the stable and daily PPAs23:51

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