
nhandlerBleh. I've spent a good portion of the afternoon trying to find a sane way to unwrap ML messages. I've concluded that it is just easier to do it by hand (I wanted to make a ML->WP script). akgraner would a script to post the UWN stuff to the fridge help? I thought I remembered seeing a script that formatted it for the fridge already03:39
nigelbhrm, why not a script? ;)03:58
* nigelb will take a poke at it today03:58
akgranernhandler, yes it would make it easier - b/c it's the same thing each week04:03
akgranerwell the same sections I format each week04:03
nhandlerakgraner: Ah, what the heck. I'll make a generick post2fridge script ;)04:04
akgranernhandler, I am just now learning how to write scripts you all make it look easy :-)04:05
nhandlerakgraner: /wnn news04:08
nhandlerakgraner: What I think I'll do is have the script save the posts as drafts and then give you a link to go and edit it04:08
nhandlerThat way, you can add tags, categories, preview it, and make sure everything is sane before posting04:08
akgranerthat's awesome04:09
akgranerany comments about adding the links yet?04:09
nhandlerWhat links are we talking about now akgraner ?04:10
akgranernhandler, people were asking for ways they can get to the stories they want to read about without having to scroll or even see the whole wiki04:11
akgranerso I experimented today with the Fridge post and added links to the various items we list on the in this issue04:11
akgranernhandler, http://ubuntu-news.org/2010/10/18/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-214/04:12
nhandlerakgraner: I saw that. It is nice, but not a huge deal to me. Are you going to try out the multi-page approach for next week?04:12
akgranernope - I just wanted to see how this approached worked or not04:12
akgranerI still think the multi page may work04:13
akgranerand I am hoping more people will contribute if they are only focusing (seeing) one area04:14
akgranerand not get overwhelmed with the whole thing but who knows04:14
nhandlerakgraner: I don't think it will help much with contributors. But I think it will help with the issue of the UWN getting very long04:16
akgranerI think the plain text email will always be long and some people like it04:17
akgranerbut it's LONG and the more areas Ubuntu reaches the longer it is going to get - and the main page of UWN can list the hottest topics but the pages can have even more04:18
akgranernot sure right now how it's all going to work we'll just have to work on it and get some feedback and tweak it some more etc04:18
nhandlerakgraner: An interesting point to reach would be to allow users to pick and choose which sections they are intersted in (in a subscription form) and then have a script that combines those sections and sends it to them each week04:19
akgranerand people have been asking for a way to search UWN for loco news etc easily04:19
akgranernhandler, exactly04:19
akgranermail chimp will allow that and track plain text and html clicks but it's a pay for thing04:20
akgranerit would be pay for us not the subscribers04:20
nhandlerIf we had a server capable of handling the load of managing all of the subscriptions, we could do it ourselves04:21
akgranerI have been searching for an open source solution that could be added to a server that was both functional and pretty etc and would not be a pita to set up04:21
akgranerserver space is easy to get04:21
nhandlerakgraner: It isn't just server space. It needs to be able to handle creating the custom messages for each user and then send them out. We don't want to be waiting all day for it to process that stuff04:22
akgranerI just don't have a solid handle on how much bandwidth and space to tell them we will be using04:22
akgranernhandler, yep I know04:22
akgranerthere should be a way to gage the wiki page views etc04:23
nhandlerakgraner: Canonical could easily get that data from the logs if they wanted04:24
akgranerto sorta kinda get a way to see which pages get more traffic etc04:24
akgranernhandler, let's come up with what I need to ask for and I will while at UDS04:24
akgranerbut I'd like to get the pages done so I can point to what we are working toward etc04:25
akgranerI'll block out some time tomorrow through thursday  to help with the setup04:25
nhandlerakgraner: You might also like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PageHits04:27
akgranerbut this new job is going to take up some extra time as I over come new job learning curve stuff04:27
nhandlerakgraner: I just tossed up a quick post2wp.pl script in lp:uwn if you want to try it out. Just fill in your username/password and run it 'perl ./post2wp.pl /path/to/file/to/post/to/fridge'. It will then give you a link to edit the post in a browser. The script is still pretty basic, but it works05:31
alouriegood morning07:34
akgranernhandler, thanks!  Iook at it today12:14
akgranerDang I can't type12:14
akgranerI'll look at it today (is what I meant)12:14
akgraneralourie, good morning12:16
alourieakgraner: hey Amber12:17
alouriejust meny to ask you if you're before or after sleeping cycle :-)12:18
akgranerafter :-)12:20
akgranerjust got my kids off to school - going to find some coffee and I am waiting for a call to tell me what time I have to pick my hubby up at the airport later today12:20
akgraneralourie, give me about 25 minutes and we can go over some ideas you have - I very interested and don't want to be distracted so let me get my day planned and some more caffeine and I'll be right back - is that ok?12:25
akgranertime wise for you12:25
alouriethat'd be great - I'll take a lunch break, so I'll have at least 40 mins12:25
alourieakgraner: so, ping me 10min ahead, so I'll go heat it up12:26
akgranerawesome thanks!12:27
alourieakgraner: that's weird, I don't remember what I wanted to suggest :-(12:38
alouriebut we still can discuss things though if you have time12:40
akgraneralourie, you mentioned how do we let people know about UWN or ubuntu-news.org13:21
alourieakgraner: right!13:22
akgranerthat's a great topic for the next meeting b/c we'll be back from UDS with a lot of ideas13:22
* akgraner goes to find the agenda page that I sincerely need to add a million links to past meetings on13:23
alourieand UDS is next week, right?13:23
akgraneralourie, one sec I'll get you the link so you can add to the agenda13:25
akgranerwell you and anyone else who wants to :-)13:25
alouriesure :-)13:27
akgraneralourie, sorry on a call  - I'll post it in just a sec13:34
alourieakgraner: don't worry, take your time as long as you need13:37
akgraneralourie, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Meetings13:53
akgranercrap now I know why I don't drink at my desk - brb13:54
akgranersorry about that - spilled my coffee on my mouse - need to get a mug with a LID :-/13:55
alourieor get water-proof mouse13:56
alourieor, rather, coffee proof13:56
akgraneroff to work for me - catch you all a bit later   - Have a great morning/afternoon/evening :-D13:57
=== pleia2_ is now known as pleia2
pleia2so, on ubuntu-news.org - are the accounts tied to LP at all w/ openid?17:47
akgranerpleia2, they need to be for sign on purposes and access18:05
akgranerbut they aren't at the moment18:05
pleia2ok :)18:05
akgranerthere is a plugin18:05
pleia2so I just log in with my wp username and password for now18:05
akgranerand I can get someone the link to it18:05
akgranerbtu was told we will still have to manually add the editors and admins18:06
akgranerbut if you sign on with LP it should still give you access if I set it up right18:06
* pleia2 tries18:06
akgranercan you try it and see what access it gives you18:06
akgranerlol thanks18:06
pleia2hm, nope :(18:07
akgranerhmm - I'll ask Charlie to look in to it for us18:08
akgranerI think he wrote the plugin18:08
akgranerI have to run to the airport (3.5 hour round trip drive) - it would be great if someone could go back to the last issue we reported on Ubuntu Members added via Developer membership board and see who we need to include the til now..20:25
akgranerthen add it to Issue 215  under General Community News - just follow the style from the last one  we reported it on20:26
akgranerIt was on my todo list for today but sadly not going to get to it today or tomorrow :-(20:27
pleia2I'll post the new CC member announcement to ubuntu-news.org once it hits devel-announce20:45
nhandlerakgraner, pleia2: Currently, you need to have an account on WP to login. Once you have an account, you can add your LP account as an OpenID URL.22:50
nhandlerakgraner: Did you get a chance to test the new lp:uwn script I added yesterday for posting to the fridge?22:51
nhandlerpleia2: You might like the script as well22:53
pleia2nhandler: thanks, that worked :)22:53
pleia2ok, my post hasn't been approved for -devel-announce yet and it's been a few hours, going to just post to now and link to news team22:54
nhandlerpleia2: All of the moderators for that list appear to be away right now22:56
pleia2yeah, probably won't be around until tomorrow22:57
pleia2nhandler: can you review my shiny first post? http://ubuntu-news.org/?p=2900&preview=true23:05
nhandlerpleia2: Sure23:18
nhandlerpleia2: Looks good23:20
nhandlerpleia2: And remember, we aren't doing forum links anymore23:20
pleia2thanks, published23:20
* pleia2 nods23:20
pleia2it automatically goes to planet, I assume?23:20
nhandlerpleia2: Yep23:20
nhandlerHmm...Maybe we should start utilizing the featured image feature of WP more23:21
nhandlerpleia2: But the script I was talking about lets you post a text file to the fridge. It is in lp:uwn23:21
pleia2cool, I'll have a look in a bit23:22

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