
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
czzhow can i decrypt /etc/shadow02:09
czzthe encrypted password02:09
hblounthi. anyone here use verizon android phone mobile broadband tethering for computer/laptop?04:42
bioterrorsorry, I have not yet sold my soul to big G ;)04:43
takemorihas anyone tried pekwm with lubuntu? I have a small issue with it...05:47
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
=== Freejack is now known as Guest68041
=== Freejack is now known as Guest56273
=== Guest56273 is now known as Freejack`
audiobioterror: Hi, are you around?08:59
phillwaudio: he's around somewhere, he's just uploading an iso to my server09:06
* phillw is on 3G and having problems pulling it in09:07
audiophillw: thanks for that I am happy to wait as I have some feedback on a conversation from yesterday.09:08
wit^Hi, I have a problem with my 3G modem when I plug it into usb port, lsusb shows me that the modem is detected, but beyond that nothing happens, I have Lubuntu 10.1009:17
wit^if anyone can help me09:20
phillwwit^: how familiar are you with terminal / command line instructions ?09:26
wit^Intermediate :)09:27
phillwwit^: http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=9209:28
wit^thx will try09:30
lubaticDoes the "Quick Search Box" work for anyone else in Synaptic?11:25
head_victimlubatic: it's greyed out on my lubuntu 10.10 here11:26
lubatichead_victim: Thanks!  Me too.  I'll submit a bug report11:27
head_victimlubatic: sounds like a plan.11:27
head_victimI never use it so hadn't noticed until I checked for you11:27
head_victimUnless anyone in here can shed light on a reason for that not working (i.e. requires large numbers of packages)?11:29
head_victimI do know that update-xapi and I hate each other so I'm not really missing the function.11:29
agostinohello everyone12:29
agostinoI would like to report a serious bug on lubuntu 10.0412:30
agostinoon my CRT monitor it always goes to the maximum available resolution12:31
agostinoeven if I selected a 1024x768 one12:31
agostinorebooting resets the resolution of a far too small one12:31
agostinoI have been able to get a workaround by calling xrandr and forcing the resolution at bootup12:32
agostinobut its not optimal and is not really nice12:32
agostinoLXDE should save the resolution options and reload them at bootup12:33
danielrjHello everyone :) I've searched for some time now, but i can't find a way to create an icon/short-cut to start a program. - And i can't find a way to edit the panel menu, so the icon will show under Office12:34
danielrjSome help would be very much appreciated :)12:35
bioterrorI can help you12:36
danielrjokay nice :)12:36
bioterroryou have /usr/share/applications/ folder12:36
bioterrorand you can copy your desired file.desktop to your desktop12:36
bioterrorsorry, read wrong12:37
bioterroryou wanted to add something to your menu :D12:37
danielrjhehe, yeah :)12:37
bioterrormy bad12:37
danielrjno problem, :).. maybe it helps in some kinda way, :)12:37
bioterrorWed14:16 <@Kale--> ei vittuuu12:38
bioterrorThe config files of LXPanel are stored in ~/.config/lxpanel/<Profile Name>12:38
danielrjokay thanks12:38
danielrjHmm, i can't find anything usefull there :/.. only the configs on how to transform the structure of the panel12:41
bioterrorI think I have to boot my pendrive once again ;)12:42
danielrjheh okay, and oh, i use Lubuntu 10.10, if it's any help12:44
bioterrorsame here12:45
danielrjOrgh, nice i found out, how to make icon short-cuts :)12:54
bioterroryeah on the desktop? :D12:54
danielrjyeah :)12:54
bioterrorbut as I said about that /usr/share/applications/ is a place where you can just copy the file to your desktop12:55
danielrjoh yeah yeah :).. but i can make my own desktop icon now12:56
danielrjyou just make a blankfile an fill this into it:12:57
danielrj[Desktop Entry]12:57
danielrjName=Maple 1412:57
danielrjComment=Maple 1412:57
danielrjGenericName=Maple 1412:57
danielrjin this case, it's a shortcut to Maple14 :D. noice12:57
danielrjnows the hard part, how to put it into the menupanel12:58
bioterrorthinking about that one12:58
JoeMaverickSettright click on menu? no?12:58
bioterrorit would be tooooo easy12:58
JoeMaverickSettlol. i was just assuming from the last 5 or so lines. :P12:59
danielrjhehe :)12:59
danielrjright click where? i know you can do it in ubuntu, but i can't get it to work in lubuntu :D13:00
bioterroron menu on the lxpanel13:00
danielrj"Menu" settings?13:00
bioterroryou can change icon13:01
danielrjOh i found it!!13:01
danielrjAWESOME! :D13:01
danielrjthanks you 2! :)13:01
bioterrorgood for you:-)13:01
bioterrorI KNOW13:04
bioterrornow I know13:04
danielrjPanel Settings -> Panel Applets -> Edit something, but i can only edit with existing icons, so it ain't any good either :/13:04
danielrjokay nice, what? :D13:05
bioterrorjust a moment13:05
bioterrorI have to confirm this13:05
bioterrorthat doesnt seem to be true13:07
danielrjaauww :/13:07
bioterrorCategories doesnt match with my system13:07
bioterroror the menu just says Network as Internet13:08
bioterroryou can try it out13:08
danielrjyou have to make the .desktop in the /usr/share/applications - before you can make the /usr/share/menu text file..  - or at least, that's what i think.. i'll try it out to confirm it :D13:12
danielrjor not before, there should be a file in both places i guess13:13
bioterrorseems like "fun" :D13:14
danielrjseems like alot of work for very little xD13:17
sulumarwhat package do i have to install for network to work in lubuntu again ??13:23
sulumarset up a vm and forgot the name13:23
bioterrorI didnt get this one13:23
bioterroryou're running lubuntu in a virtual machine, right?13:24
bioterrorand you want install something to do something13:24
sulumarPacman  is lacking a package to get access to network storage13:24
sulumarthats the one i was searching for thx13:25
bioterrornice to help arch users ;)13:25
sulumari m not on arch atm13:25
bioterrorahhh pacman13:26
bioterroryou mean pcmanfm ;)13:26
bioterrorpacman = package manager in arch linux13:26
sulumari know13:26
sulumarmy bad13:26
sulumarforgot the fm13:26
bioterrorthat gvfs-backends is going to be added to the system, for mystical human reason it wasnt in 10.10 installation by default13:27
sulumarwell ill install it and install the lubuntu-controle-center and than make a respin to publish on the Linux tracker13:28
sulumarcause if u dont know what your searching your going to search for a while13:29
bioterrorwell, good you found your way to here13:29
danielrjwhat does the gvfs-backends? :)13:29
danielrji sounds like somethings i should have installed allready?13:30
bioterrordanielrj, pcmanfm uses it for the samba shares. you can search windows shares from network with it13:30
danielrjokay, thanks, but it's only important in a virtuel machine?13:34
sulumarnope even on a normal one13:35
bioterrorit's important if you use windows shares in your network13:35
bioterrorlike I do13:35
sulumarand i13:35
bioterrorI share my pictures and stuff for the networked media tank13:35
sulumarsomething else that should be installed by default and isnt in lubuntu ?13:36
bioterrordoesnt came in my mind atm ;)13:36
sulumarill update it before running the iso maker13:37
danielrjNice! :D13:41
danielrji now have Matlab and Maple in my "Other" folder in my lxpanel menu13:42
danielrji don't know if it's the right solution, but if you drop your Shortcut.desktop files in your /usr/share/applications,- then they will appear in the "Other" folder13:43
danielrjand if you want it to appear in "office" you just add the category to the .desktop file :D13:48
bioterrordoes it make a such category?13:49
danielrjOh, the Science;Math? i don't know :D - i think it's used to describe the program?13:50
danielrjbut it appears in Office :)13:50
danielrjNice :D.. now, how to make a Dir in the menu.. hmm :).. i'll take that one later xD13:52
=== JoeSett is now known as JoeMaverickSett
jconlonJust installed 10.10 on a work machine, and I can't connect to servers via an sftp url in pcman.  I noticed that pyneighboorhood was removed and this is supposed to be supprted by gvfs, but I just can't get it to work, any help?17:18
takemorihello! anyone know how to change the window manager in lubuntu? lxsession-edit does nothing even after a reboot17:53
paultagHeyya lubuntu :)    are there any developers with lubuntu online and around? I need some advice. I come in peace and from another community. I won't berate you with dumb questions. I swear.18:11
Mohan_chmlhyperair you areound?18:12
hyperairMohan_chml: ?18:12
Mohan_chmlhyperair: paultag needs something from here I think. but idk what18:13
paultaghey Mohan_chml :)18:13
paultaghyperair, I'm trying to get fluxbuntu set up all ready to go. How hard was it for you guys, and is there anywhere you can point met o?18:13
paultag( also, hi phillw and bioterror :) )18:13
paultagMonthOLDpickle, fluxbox as the WM with goodies. It's been dead since 9.0418:14
MonthOLDpicklewait whast WM mean18:15
paultagMonthOLDpickle, window manager18:15
paultaghyperair, any advice?18:16
hyperairpaultag: nope, sorry.18:16
paultaghyperair, right then. Thanks for your time.18:16
econdudeawesomeHi all! Lubuntu 10.10 rocks. Small question: I keep getting the keyring notification/enter password everytime I log on. Filling in the password and pressing enter does not make it go away: it just comes back. Cancelling it does not affect the available of networking, etc. Anyway to have lubuntu default so that the keyring is available for startup?18:22
MonthOLDpickleIs this for wifi?18:22
bioterrorecondudeawesome, hi18:23
bioterrorI can help ou getting rid of that18:23
MonthOLDpickleecondudeawesome: I meant as in is your trying not to entire it each time for WiFi18:23
econdudeawesomeyes to both.18:23
bioterrorright click on the wi-fi image18:23
econdudeawesomeIts just on startup-turning off and turning on wifi does not change it18:24
MonthOLDpickleYea network manager>goto wireless>check for all users18:24
bioterroredit connections -> wireless tab -> take your connection -> edit18:24
bioterrorand that available to all users18:24
MonthOLDpicklebut no keyring needed18:24
econdudeawesomeso... I get to editing hte wireless connection18:25
econdudeawesomewhat then?18:25
MonthOLDpicklefidn the network names in the wifi section18:25
bioterrorclick that Available to all users18:25
MonthOLDpickleedit it and look for all users18:25
bioterrorit's down in the window18:25
bioterrornear Cacle18:26
MonthOLDpickleI could take pics if I was using the machine with lubuntu on it18:26
econdudeawesomethat option does not appear available to me18:26
MonthOLDpicklewhat version of lubuntu?18:26
econdudeawesomeI think it might be GNOME network manager then? THis comp used to have ubuntu and i installed lubuntu-desktop18:26
bioterrorit should be available18:26
MonthOLDpickleIt should be18:26
MonthOLDpickleI would just try clicking on every menu option in network manager til you find it lol18:27
econdudeawesomefound it18:27
econdudeawesomelittle netbook screen had it hidden :-)18:27
econdudeawesomethanks much!18:27
MonthOLDpickleI have it on a mini 9, you?18:27
econdudeawesomeasus 1000HE18:27
bioterroryou guys should get one of these dells18:29
bioterrorD420 or D43018:29
bioterrorsize is goood18:29
MonthOLDpickleMy dell laptop I use at work is 5 years old and still livin strong18:29
econdudeawesomethis thing runs everything I need it too--including dual boot win7 ultimate, lubuntu, all my old old games18:30
MonthOLDpicklemy mini has a 9" screen -.-18:30
econdudeawesomeI have a large VAIO at home with a dead HD. Someday... 16 inch screens are nice18:30
econdudeawesomemy HE has 10.118:30
econdudeawesomevery fun18:30
MonthOLDpicklebtw this is OT, for OT join #lubuntu-offtopic18:30
econdudeawesomeof course MonthOLDpickle :-)18:30
jconlonFor the life of me, I can't use sftp urls in pcman anymore?  I know there were some changes to this in 10.10, can someone help me?18:47
bioterrorjconlon, sudo apt-get install gvfs-backends18:49
bioterrorif that doesnt help, we have to dig further, becouse works on my 10.10 ;)18:49
bioterror(I have installed some stuff more ;)18:49
jconlongotcha, thanks, trying it now18:50
bioterrorlemme know18:50
bioterrorif not, then you have to install sshfs18:51
jconlonthanks so much, i had already installed sshfs and gvfs but not backends.  Thanks again :)18:52
bioterrornp o/18:52
friTTe|anyone using Ubuntuone in Lubuntu?19:56
friTTe|wanna have some sync for my lubu comps19:56
friTTe|or maybe go Dropbox, dont know19:58
mark76I use dropbox20:03
mark76But not much20:04
friTTe|hmm ok20:04
friTTe|wanna have a light one so i can sync between 2 or 3 computers20:04
friTTe|ubuntuone doesnt seem to add any gnome stuff if im right?20:05
friTTe|cause got rid of nautilus yesterday20:05
mark76Have you checked the dependency list?20:08
friTTe|theres also a Peppermint dropbox20:08
friTTe|and that one is built upon lxde20:08
friTTe|trying the sucker20:12
friTTe|worked as a charm, no dependencies and aƶready up and stncing20:13
mark76Yay :D20:13
mark76I only have the one computer20:14
mark76It suffices20:14
friTTe|well hmm we need one for Lubuntu like this one20:14
friTTe|mark76,  any good musicplayers you like?20:25
friTTe|only one i got now is Audacious20:25
bioterrorMOC ;)20:25
bioterrorhow about deadbeef?20:25
friTTe|well really never tried it out20:25
friTTe|i cleaned out all after install20:26
friTTe|bioterror,  btw, maybe you could make a Dropbox for Lubuntu? peppermint has their without the dependencies20:26
friTTe|using it now20:26
phillwShh, http://forum.phillw.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=103#p214 has the details for deadbeef, I'm quietly championing it to become official20:27
friTTe|oh well20:27
friTTe|then i better start using it so i can preach =)20:27
twinkie_addicti'm not complaining.  i really like lubuntu 10.10 but was wandering will lubuntu go farther away from all the gnome stuff to lighten it up in the future ?20:28
friTTe|deadbeef is really light20:29
friTTe|personally i hope Lubuntu will keep it light and maybe getting even lighter...without loosing its userfriendlyness20:30
mark76I quite like Decibel, friTTe|20:31
friTTe|will look at that one, trying out Deadbeef now20:32
phillwfriTTe|: the team really have been impressed with deadbeef.20:32
friTTe|sounds good20:33
phillwtwinkie_addict: there is very little gnome legacy stuff in lubuntu.20:33
friTTe|even fast when adding a folder20:34
phillwthat there is can run without the library.20:34
phillwfriTTe|: it's a lean, mean music player :)20:34
friTTe|added a bunch of 80s power20:35
twinkie_addictlooking at deadbeef website at sourceforge looks good20:35
friTTe|works good aswell20:37
friTTe|phillw,  deadbeef's plalist autsaves right? tried closing and opening the program and they were still there20:46
friTTe|same way after a reboot?20:46
friTTe|in that case it really is a "quote i dont remember"20:47
Guest86846bonjour je suis gollem un utilisateur de ubuntu et je viens d'installer Lubuntu sur un 486 266mhz22:29
kosaidpoGuest86846: salut22:30
kosaidpoc'est salle  qui parle en anglais : D22:30
Guest86846sorry I did not know. I m quite new in lubuntu but i find it very cool22:31
kosaidpothats good22:32
kosaidpoj'ai pense que tu parle que francais22:32
kosaidpo: D22:32
kosaidpothe guys here are way cool22:32
kosaidpothe the french room i guess : )22:32
Guest86846I am from Belgium so we speek lest or more 3 languages22:33
kosaidpovery nice you guys have so many morrocans there ??22:33
Guest86846In Brussels we re talking about 20%22:34
Guest86846and growing22:34
MonthOLDpicklewiffy speaks 5 =D22:35
Guest86846You better not go wandering at knight in Brussels if your alone22:36
Guest86846Ok I am looking for a script language like autoit in windows. Any ideas?22:38
mark76The Wandering Knight of Brussels. Is that a Medieval ballad?22:40
=== Guest86846 is now known as Gollem
Kurdistanhey guys23:06
MonthOLDpicklethere is activity in ot channel23:14
mark76Hey Kurdistan23:17
Kurdistanmark76, hey my friend.23:18
mark76We're all next door23:18

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