
=== soren_ is now known as soren
vnguyenis anyone here familiar with setting up LXC and tweaking upstart to run?04:03
mcarter_Is it just me, but  does anyone get the impression that EC2 slows down whilst doing a long compile?12:21
mcarter_It seems to start off fine, but that starts to drag.12:22
mcarter_I'm using a micro instance.12:22
mcarter_Doesn't seem specific to ubuntu - i had that problem with fedora.12:23
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h1mcarter_ : that's not surprising as they are surely oversubscribing their machines, hence the scheduler gives a lower priority to long-running processes.13:56
h1what I was wondering: are you guys patching the OS yourself or is that something the provider does?13:57
alonswartzsmoser, kirkland, soren - you guys familiar with puppet?14:13
kirklandalonswartz: yup14:14
kirklandalonswartz: mathiaz is our local expert14:14
kirklandalonswartz: speak of the devil....14:14
kirkland<alonswartz> smoser, kirkland, soren - you guys familiar with puppet?14:14
kirkland<kirkland> alonswartz: mathiaz is our local expert14:14
kirklandmathiaz: ^14:15
alonswartzexcellent, I wanted to pass an idea by you - maybe we can discuss it further at UDS14:15
mathiazkirkland: o/ :)14:15
alonswartzhey mathiaz14:15
mathiazalonswartz: hi!14:15
kirklandalonswartz: sure....shoot!14:15
alonswartzI've been going through my idea archive looking for stuff we can possible discuss at UDS. One of them is Pymin, which I think has some overlap with puppet - I'd like get your thoughts14:16
alonswartzkirkland: mathiaz: finished reading yet?14:21
mathiazalonswartz: I've put it on my toread list for later today14:22
kirklandalonswartz: looking14:22
mathiazalonswartz: I've got a couple of meetings lined up14:22
mathiazalonswartz: I should get to it later today14:22
alonswartzmathiaz: ok, great. I'll try be on IRC later to get your feedback14:23
kirklandalonswartz: okay I'm up to speed -- looks like you have enough to propose a UDS session14:28
alonswartzkirkland: It's an ambitious project, do you think it's doable?14:30
alonswartzwhat I mean is it something that fits into the boundary of a session at UDS?14:31
kirklandalonswartz: definitely the sort of discussion that takes place as UDS14:31
kirklandalonswartz: don't know if or who might commit to helping with it14:31
kirklandalonswartz: but UDS is a great place to get feedback and drum up support14:31
alonswartzok then, I'll add it to the ideapool14:32
alonswartzkirkland: I'm not very familiar with puppet (yet), is there an overlap?14:33
kirklandalonswartz: well, puppet is a tool for orchestrating multiple machines at a time14:34
kirkland(gross simplification)14:34
kirklandalonswartz: you might use puppet as part of the plumbing of your solution14:36
alonswartzkirkland: I need to read up and experiment with it, never used it before14:37
alonswartzkirkland: doesn't landscape do something similar ?14:37
kirklandalonswartz: yes14:38
alonswartzkirkland: is it opensource?14:38
kirklandalonswartz: the client part14:38
alonswartzlandscape-client ?14:39
kirklandalonswartz: right14:39
h1what I was wondering: are you guys patching the OS yourself or is that something the provider does?16:09
=== Hussain is now known as Hussain_Away
smosererichammond, ping21:57
smosernever mind21:57

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