
=== Guest71947 is now known as kklimonda_
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RAOF!hi | william_03:51
ubot2Factoid 'hi' not found03:51
* RAOF needs to interact with the bot more, clearly.03:52
RAOFAnyway, what are you after? :)03:53
vishRAOF ¦ !hi was removed recently, since a few people were very fond of abusing it.. :)03:54
william_is there a graphical utility (preferably gtk) for finding file duplicates?03:54
RAOFProbably, but this isn't the right place for that question; #ubuntu would be the right IRC channel.03:55
william_they're verry chatty03:56
jcastrowilliam_: or askubuntu.com!03:56
cyphermoxjcastro, +1 :)03:58
micahgwilliam_: or answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu03:58
cyphermoxhey micahg03:58
ajmitchjcastro: you haven't blogged about that for a few days now!03:59
micahghi cyphermox03:59
vishajmitch ¦ yeah, jcastro is now just spam advertising on channels ;p03:59
* vish hides..03:59
cyphermoxvish, add IM to that too ;)04:00
vishhehe! and we now have palaeontology to watch out for too ;)04:01
RAOFOn a StackExchange!04:04
RAOFStarring Samuel L Jackson!04:05
* robert_ancell resizes his vm for the third time. Seriously webkit - why do you take more than 2G of free space to build...04:06
RAOFIf it only takes 2G you're not building it often enough!04:16
pittiGood morning08:09
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
htorquehello everyone! during an update i've found a couple of non-localized console messages and i need help finding the corresponding packages for some of them: http://paste.ubuntu.com/516705/09:21
htorquealso, a status message in update-manager (there are probably more): http://img.xrmb2.net/images/882517.png - would this be the update-manager's fault?09:22
mvohtorque: is the apt output in the terminal in english as well?09:24
mvohtorque: that messages come from aptdaemon (and in turn from apt) but this smells like aptdaemon did not init a german environment09:24
mvofor apt09:24
htorquemvo, no, it's localized (german)09:24
mvoheh :) that is odd09:25
mvoand all strings there are english?09:25
mvoi mean, in the small status message label?09:25
htorquei captured that by accident, so i can't tell09:25
htorquemvo, yes they are all english except those between phases (i guess they are from update-manager)09:27
mvohtorque: thanks, I can reproduce this but for me all the dpkg messages in the terminal window are english as well09:29
mvohtorque: bug #64126209:34
ubot2Launchpad bug 641262 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Status strings during update do not show up translated (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 144)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64126209:34
htorquemvo, ah, thanks! :-) do you also have an idea where those console messages ("Rebuilding ...", "Running ...", "Examing ...", "... deferred processing now taking place") come from?09:36
mvohtorque: its all the same issue, the environment in that apt is run is not set to the locale09:36
mvoso everything started in there (dpkg, maintainer scripts) will be english09:37
htorquebut if i do a "apt-get upgrade" most of the output is translated?09:37
mvohtorque: yes, because that runs in a environment (your terminal) with the locale (LANGUAGE, LANG environment) set to the right values. aptdaemon runs outside of your user session, this is the problem09:38
mvohtorque: I have a idea for a fix, looking at it now09:38
htorqueah, i see09:38
mvohtorque: I pushed a fix to lp:~mvo/aptdaemon/0.3-dpkg-i18n09:58
htorquemvo, thanks! will give it a try, do i need to reboot to test?09:59
mvohtorque: you wil l have to restart aptdaemon10:02
mvohtorque: a reboot is fine as well (the savest way :)10:02
* htorque reboots then ;-)10:04
htorquemvo, there was still a message "Downloading ..." but the rest was translated :-)10:09
mvohtorque: yeah, I just fixed that too ;)10:13
htorquemvo, no change in the console though: still getting mixed output containing Examing.../Running.../Not updating...10:13
mvohtorque: some messages from maintainer scripts are not translatable  - but the dpkg stuff (unpacking) should be, no?10:13
htorquemvo, yes that stuff is translated except for a "Done." after the end of the "Preparing to replace ..." phase10:17
mvohtorque: thanks, I just played with it some more and it seems like its mostly there now I will ask sebstian to review the branch and if he is fine with it I upload to maverick-proposed10:24
htorquemvo, thanks! do you think reports and/or patches on those untranslatable strings in scripts are welcome? admittedly, most desktop users should never come across this "mixed" output, but it's not nice to look at.10:27
mvohtorque: its woth investigating10:28
=== tkamppeter__ is now known as tkamppeter
nessitagood morning everyone! question about SRUs: once the bugs nominated for SRU are marked as verification-done, what's the next step? I can't find that info in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates and the package is still on moverick-proposed13:08
Laneynessita: Someone will come along and move it to -updates in time13:08
nessitaLaney: ok, thanks13:09
nisshhjcastro, got a minute?13:11
=== bilalakhtar_ is now known as bilalakhtar
bilalakhtarkenvandine: Congrats on that FB bug :) I never knew they had a Bugzilla! BTW, is there any application that has an exception in such API calls?14:43
kenvandineno idea14:44
bilalakhtarmust be having14:44
bilalakhtarlike the Facebook iPhone apps14:44
kenvandinenot sure how mobile apps deal with it...14:44
kenvandinethey probably have commercial deals14:44
kenvandinebut... regardless there is something wrong... the numbers are way too skewed14:45
bilalakhtarOn their dev home page, they say 'We use open-source software and support it'14:45
bilalakhtarthen why don't they support Ubuntu and Gwibber?14:45
kenvandineyeah... they do use it :)14:45
kenvandineto be fair i think they contribute a ton to some of the server stuff they use14:45
kenvandineand i think they pretty much ignore all developers equally :)14:46
kenvandinenot just ubuntu/gwibber14:46
* bilalakhtar has to go now, sorry14:46
kenvandinebut i jumped on the opportunity for them to back up their blog post about turning that around14:46
kenvandinehey rickspencer3!14:49
rickspencer3wow, what a pounce14:49
kenvandinemy bug is #1 on facebook's most popular :)14:49
kenvandinehave a good trip?14:50
rickspencer3nice job, my friend, nice job14:50
rickspencer3yeah, but heads down in the sprint14:50
rickspencer3going to log off freenode14:50
kenvandinei am going to be heading out for a bit14:50
ehcahwhy is that running: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart "  releases and renews ip's for eth0 and eth1 on my servers.  But on my laptop, it does nothing?15:27
ehcahIs there a different command to release and renew ip's for a desktop OS?  I also notice that there is nothing configured under the interfaces file, as you would on a server?15:27
cyphermoxehcah, if you're using network-manager (and don't have stuff in /etc/network/interfaces) you most likely want to click on nm-applet and your connection again... that said, you should ask follow up questions on #ubuntu15:30
ehcahcyphermox:  Did I take Ubuntu-Desktop out of context?  My appologies.15:31
cyphermoxehcah, the purpose of this channel is developement, that's all. #ubuntu is where you want to go for help and support15:32
ehcahsorry about that. Thank you for the headsup.15:32
=== bjf[afk] is now known as bjf
chrisccoulson_hey seb12815:47
chrisccoulson_how's orlando?15:47
seb128hey chrisccoulson_15:47
seb128the hotel is nice that's all I can tell ;-)15:47
bilalakhtarseb128: Arrived at orlando?15:47
chrisccoulson_heh :)15:47
seb128weather is nice but climat control cold15:47
bilalakhtarI would definitely have applied for sponsorship, but missed the deadline15:48
chrisccoulson_i guess i should start preparing for travelling ;)15:48
devildanteI have too much work to even consider sponsorship :p15:48
cyphermoxchrisccoulson_, leaving soon as well?15:48
bilalakhtardevildante: I mean, sponsorship for UDS15:48
chrisccoulson_cyphermox, on saturday morning, but i'm leaving my house really really early15:48
cyphermoxalso, hey chrisccoulson_ , seb12815:49
devildantebilalakthar: yes, that's what I meant :)15:49
cyphermoxchrisccoulson_, ah. I don't leave until sunday noon15:49
chrisccoulson_that's not too bad then :)15:49
cyphermoxI guess I shouldn't complain too much, no :)15:49
chrisccoulson_i've got to travel from birmingham to manchester on saturday morning15:49
bilalakhtardevildante: you spelt my nick wrong15:49
chrisccoulson_so i suspect i might just go to sleep on my flight ;)15:49
devildanteI always have problems with your name :p15:50
chrisccoulson_tab completion ;)15:50
bilalakhtarchrisccoulson_: Where d'you live?15:50
* devildante didn't know that trick15:50
chrisccoulson_you only need to type "bil" ;)15:50
devildantethanks chrisccoulson_ :)15:51
bilalakhtar!tab | devildante15:51
chrisccoulson_bilalakhtar, i leave just outside of birmingham in the UK15:51
ubot2devildante: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:51
bilalakhtarbilalakhtar: ah15:51
bilalakhtarchrisccoulson_: okay15:51
devildantedevildante: ah15:51
cyphermoxnot all cli tricks are good in xchat at least though... control-W bites me often (closes window)15:55
czajkowskiKeybuk: you free for a quick pm ?16:05
c_kornI have to restart gnome several times until the ubuntu theme is loaded successfully. until then gnome looks like this: http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/qh5o4bxp/Auswahl_007.png16:54
devildantegnome-settings-daemon failure, I suppose16:55
c_kornproblem does not exist on my notebook. maybe because I have a SSD in my desktop pc?16:55
devildanteI think this is not related16:56
c_kornhm,ok. was an error logged somewhere?16:56
devildantebut I'm not a expert16:56
c_kornmaybe this is related: http://pastebin.com/Ha3ry7Z316:58
=== devildante is now known as devildanteafk
and471c_korn, devildante yup looks like gnome-settings-daemon failure, what happens if you run gnome-setting-daemon in a terminal ?17:06
and471c_korn, try installing gnome-settings-daemon then :)17:08
c_kornsry, I thought the package was not installed. but only a typo. http://pastebin.com/ni7GAAQT17:09
c_kornbut now the ubuntu theme is loaded…17:09
and471hmm, that error message should mean it is running17:10
and471was happens if you run it when it isn't loaded?17:10
c_kornI have to rebbot for this. brb17:14
c_kornand471: the theme is not loaded now. the error message from paste http://pastebin.com/ni7GAAQT is output17:17
and471c_korn, and is gnome-setting-daemon running (ps -A)17:18
c_korn$ ps aux | grep gnome-setting17:18
c_kornkorn      2406  0.1  0.3 384100 12440 ?        Ssl  18:16   0:00 /usr/lib/gnome-settings-daemon/gnome-settings-daemon17:18
and471hmm that is weird17:18
and471c_korn, anything in .xsessionerrors?17:19
and471sorry .xsession-errors17:20
and471c_korn, can you paste ps -A17:21
chrisccoulson_You can only run one xsettings manager at a time; exiting - do you have any other desktop environments installed?17:22
c_kornnope, fresh ubuntu 10.10 installation17:22
chrisccoulson_what user is running that instance of gnome-settings-daemon? it's not the gdm user is it?17:24
c_kornit happened after the very first boot of the system. I thought it was because of the missing nvidia drivers. but installing them did not make a difference17:24
c_kornchrisccoulson_: http://pastebin.com/ncH88NhT I am user "korn"17:25
and471chrisccoulson_, c_korn I can't see any other xsettings managers in that ps -A17:26
c_kornis ps aux more verbose? http://pastebin.com/cDuKrHw517:28
c_kornthis is dmesg if it is of any interest: http://pastebin.com/kJ3jYBHW17:29
c_kornshould I file a bug?17:32
and471I think so17:33
c_kornagainst what?17:33
and471gsd I think17:33
c_kornbug 66401017:45
ubot2Launchpad bug 664010 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Have to restart gnome several times until Ubuntu theme loads (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66401017:45
c_kornany more information required ?17:45
and471c_korn, I don't think so, if not the bug triagers will ask for it17:46
c_kornmay I add the information that this is a fresh installation of ubuntu 10.10, that the bug accured also after the very first run and that the bug does not exist on my notebook (which has 10.10 until beta installed I think and fully updated now) which (in contrast to my desktop pc) has no SSD?17:48
and471c_korn, yeah just put as much info as you can17:58
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
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=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
voelhow long does GEDecrypt take to make a 20 gig encrypted partition on ext3(obviously)19:38
Shred00didrocks: i think the evolution package is missing a Build-Depends20:50
Shred00didrocks: or it might just be a simple as not telling configure --enable-gtk-doc:20:54
Shred00checking whether to build gtk-doc documentation... no20:54
Shred00cp: cannot stat `./debian/tmp/usr/share/gtk-doc': No such file or directory20:54
didrocksShred00: hum? the last upload built well https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/2.30.3-1ubuntu720:54
didrocksShred00: you didn't answer me last time about if it worked btw20:54
Shred00didrocks: yeah.  i'd be surprised if it didn't.  just reporting what i got here.20:54
didrocksand didn't get the patch btw :)20:54
Shred00didrocks: yes.  i don't have time every day to work on this stuff.  i typically only get time a couple of times a week.20:55
didrocksShred00: right, but I think the issue is related to your patch. You should touch something which requires rebuilding the documentation, which we don't do generally20:56
Shred00didrocks: fwiw, i filed a bug in LP and pointed to a bz bug with the patch and it got assessed in LP as some sort of low importance iirc.20:56
didrocksShred00: can you point me to the bug report, please?20:56
didrocksShred00: pinging on IRC is easier, and as you ping me, you can just point me to integrate it :)20:57
Shred00didrocks: it's got nothing to do with touching the documentation.  configure clearly said it was not going to build the documentation:20:57
Shred00checking whether to build gtk-doc documentation... no20:57
didrocksShred00: well, it's again difficult without the branch, just point me to your branch… but gtk-doc is for building the documentation20:57
Shred00  --enable-gtk-doc        use gtk-doc to build documentation [[default=no]]20:58
Shred00you see, it defaults to not building unless you specify the flag20:58
didrocksI know20:58
didrocksbut it seems you are doing something which triggers that20:58
didrocksso, please point to the branch so that I can check20:58
Shred00triggers what?  not building the documentation?20:58
didrocksShred00: trying to build it20:59
Shred00what do you mean point you a branch?  fwiw, i don't know how to use bzr beyond what i learned to get a copy of your work.  tbh i really don't have the time to learn to use yet another SCM that i would use very rarely.  not sure what's wrong with git given that more people know how to use it as it has much wider use than bzr.21:00
didrocksShred00: please, try to be constructive. Just point me to the patch then, so that I can apply it21:01
didrocksand see why it triggers the doc build21:01
Shred00didrocks: my patch has nothing to do with the doc build.  the doc build is required because debian/evolution-dev.install has debian/tmp/usr/share/gtk-doc in it.21:02
Shred00my patch is for e-d-s, not evolution.21:03
didrocksShred00: well, I don't see why you are so resistant to show me your patch. If I can't test, I can't help you I'm afraid21:04
didrocksthe only thing I can say is that "it doesn't fail here"21:04
didrocksso if you don't give me something to test, I can't21:05
didrocksdebian/evolution-dev.install has debian/tmp/usr/share/gtk-doc to copy it, not building it21:05
Shred00didrocks: right.  and how is it going to get put into debian/tmp if the evolution build does not build it?21:05
didrocksShred00: it doesn't… I can't continue to loose my time speaking about something I can't test there if you don't show me what's wrong (ie the code)21:06
Shred00didrocks: my patch is from bz 63152621:06
seb128Shred00, because upstream ships html built in their tarball21:07
seb128Shred00, so usually we don't rebuild those but just use what upstream has21:07
Shred00seb128: ahhh.  ok.  so looking in the evolution_2.30.3.orig.tar.gz the only matches i see for "gtk-doc" are:21:09
seb128get the source from ubuntu and build it using dpkg-buildpackage21:09
seb128it builds fine on buildds so the build-depends are correct21:10
Shred00didrocks: in any case, regarding my e-d-s patch, it works and i've attatched it to LP 66062621:18
ubot2Launchpad bug 660626 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "X-Evolution-Source header missing (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66062621:18
=== al-maisan is now known as almaisan-away
didrocksShred00: great, thanks21:31
cyphermoxdidrocks, do you have spare time to look at my branches for evolution? :)21:40
didrockscyphermox: not really right now TBH :) did you update evo-exchange and evo-mapi? (I saw another merge request on evo-indicator)21:41
cyphermoxyeah, I added those21:41
didrockscyphermox: great!21:41
cyphermoxand found out today that gnome-panel and empathy will need a rebuild :)21:41
didrockscyphermox: I'll try this week-end I guess21:41
cyphermoxI'm sure there are others21:42
didrockswell, no hurry, I think we will update to dev version as well21:42
Shred00didrocks: LP bugs 664167 and 66417922:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 664167 in evolution-data-server (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "need upstream patch from bug 615274 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66416722:56
ubot2Launchpad bug 664179 in modemmanager (Ubuntu) "modemmanager (network-manager-applet) creates high cpu temperature while mobilephone (LG Arena) is used as modem. (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66417922:57
Shred00didrocks: oops.  LP bugs 664167 and 66416922:57
ubot2Launchpad bug 664169 in evolution (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "need upstream patch from bug 631526 (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66416922:57
Shred00neat feature that ubot2.  :-)22:58
* cyphermox -> eod23:08

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