
davidascherhi y'all.  anyone here been successful installing vmware tools on ubuntu 10.10?00:38
* micahg uses Virtualbox00:39
davidaschermicahg: will it let you access mac filesystems from the guest OS?00:43
micahgdavidascher: hmmm, idk00:43
=== debfx_ is now known as debfx
fishorhallo all, i have problem with current 4.0b8pre. Fi watch youtube video embeded to thirt party website, i'll get lot's of artifacts08:55
fishorhere is screencast http://videobin.org/+281/2il.html08:55
fishordo this some thing known?08:55
fta2jdstrand, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/7.0.517.41~r62167/  (bug 663523)   as usual, I can't test armel13:19
ubot2Launchpad bug 663523 in chromium-browser (Ubuntu Natty) (and 3 other projects) "6.0.472.63~r59945 -> 7.0.517.41~r62167 upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66352313:19
jdstrandfta2: thanks!13:19
fta2jdstrand, it's a major upgrade, so i took that opportunity to re-sync my branches (so lucid caught up and all l/m/n are at the same level packaging wise).. i think that was the idea, right?13:21
fta2there was not much difference anywhay. just apport and some translations13:22
jdstrandfta2: well, the idea was to keep the changes in debian/ minimal regardless of the upstream version. I'll review it. from what you said it sounds like it shouldn't be a problem13:25
fta2jdstrand, ok, thanks. let me know if you have any question regarding the changes13:30
flo1hello, how can I change the font for writing a new not-html message?13:48
chrisccoulson_asac - i've narrowed down our problem with gcc-4.5 quite a bit now15:53
chrisccoulson_does that mean i can blame jdstrand? ;)15:53
asacchrisccoulson_: yeah16:01
asacchrisccoulson_: actually kees16:01
chrisccoulson_asac - yeah, i just asked kees for help on #ubuntu-devel16:01
chrisccoulson_next step is to narrow it down to a specific build option16:01
chrisccoulson_i will try -fstack-protector first16:02
micahgchrisccoulson_: then there should be no issue with thunderbird builds since it's not used16:02
chrisccoulson_micahg - yeah, that's ok then16:02
chrisccoulson_although they should use it ;)16:02
asacchrisccoulson_: have you looked at ffox 4 + GL/GLES support for webgl?16:05
asacdo we need a session on that at UDS?16:05
asacwhat we really want is that you can easily swap out GL/GLES backend for that16:05
asacboth on armel and i386 ....16:05
chrisccoulson_asac - not yet, although I think there was an e-mail on one of the mozilla mailing lists a couple of weeks back detailing the current state of all of this16:06
chrisccoulson_let me check, just to make sure i didn't dream it ;)16:06
asaci think all this already landed16:07
asacin trunk for 4.0 ... that was my impression at moz summit a few month back at least16:07
ftaanyone running natty here?16:11
ftaneed chromium/natty testers, for the gcc 4.5 stuff16:11
ftaasac, http://people.ubuntu.com/~fta/chromium/chromium-translations.png16:14
asacfta: awesome. is that the future or already implemented?16:15
asaca full feedback loop is really good if you get this going16:15
ftaasac, it's 99% implemented16:16
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: fyi, if I take a thunderbird profile (, ~/.mozilla-thunderbird) created on hardy, then copy that to a maverick system and run thunderbird, I lose all my imap accounts. See lp:qa-regression-testing/notest_testing/thunderbird16:25
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: so it seems 2.0 to 3.1 are not quite seemless16:26
micahgjdstrand: I think someone reported that as well :(16:26
jdstrandchrisccoulson_: this won't affect the pending update, since the some problem is with maverick-release16:26
jdstrandmicahg: k. more of an fyi for the 3.1 transition16:26
micahgjdstrand: thanks, we'll need to address that in the next two months since Lucid will be moving to 3.116:27
jdstrandmicahg: well, lucid has 3.0, so it may be ok (haven't tested yet)16:27
micahgjdstrand: right, be we'll be supporting upgrades from Hardy and Karmic still16:28
jdstrandreight, yeah, I see what you mean now16:28
chrisccoulson_jdstrand, oh, thanks. i'll remember that ;)16:28
jdstrandso hardy (2.0) or karmic (2.0) -> lucid (3.1)16:29
micahgchrisccoulson_: I was wondering, since we have no "beta" builds in teh daily PPA ATM, can I strip that out for the LUcid 3.1 upgrade?16:54
chrisccoulson_micahg - yeah, that can be taken out of the 3.1 upgrade, if there aren't any beta builds already17:29
micahgchrisccoulson_: ok, I was going to try to push 3.1 to tb-stable, but in light of jdstrand's findings, I think I'll wait17:30
micahgchrisccoulson_: also, I think at this point, I"m going to remove the mv .thunderbird .thunderbird.UPSTREAM as well since our dailies use .thunderbird17:30
micahgchrisccoulson_: should I assign the gnome-web-photo glue issue to you?17:35
chrisccoulson_micahg - yeah, can do17:39
micahgchrisccoulson_: k, done, and milestoned for alpha 317:40
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
ubugeekHi, how can I install firefox 3.6.11 on Lucid - packet manager still say - no updates19:21
ubugeekok, no answer - bye19:28
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: was the gcc bug fixed?21:18
chrisccoulsongnomefreak, not yet21:20
gnomefreakchrisccoulson: thanks21:20
gnomefreakfirefox wont open :(21:24
gnomefreakdoes crome use xul?21:25
micahggnomefreak: no, it's webkit based21:34
micahggnomefreak: the problem with Firefox/xulrunner in Natty is the hardening-wrapper21:34
gnomefreakmicahg: thanks21:34
gnomefreak>50 mailing lists post only 1 is not spam21:37
gnomefreaki cant belive most of the addons have not been updated passed 4.0b6 we are on ~b821:50
micahggnomefreak: b6 is the last release ATM21:50
gnomefreaknot for us21:51
micahgb7 is branched, but waiting for stuff to land/be fixed21:51
micahggnomefreak: no, I'm saying it's the last beta21:51
micahgI mean teh last one that has been officially released as a beta21:51
micahgbeta 7 is still pending21:51
gnomefreakfor some reason i have maverick build on natty PPA21:52
micahggnomefreak: are you sure the PPA source is set for Natty?21:52
gnomefreaklooking atm21:52
gnomefreakdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu natty main21:52
gnomefreakfirefox-4.0: Installed: 4.0~b8~hg20101018r55986+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~maverick Candidate: 4.0~b8~hg20101018r55986+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1~maverick21:53
micahgapt-cache policy | grep ubuntu-mozilla-daily21:54
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~$ apt-cache policy | grep ubuntu-mozilla-daily21:54
gnomefreak 500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/ natty/main i386 Packages21:54
gnomefreak     release v=11.04,o=LP-PPA-ubuntu-mozilla-daily,a=natty,n=natty,l=PPA for Ubuntu Mozilla Daily Build Team,c=main21:54
chrisccoulsonthere are no natty builds of firefox for x86 yet, they all fail because of the gcc issue21:55
micahgright, was just about to say that :)21:55
gnomefreaknot exactly21:55
micahgthe build is 2 days old21:55
gnomefreakVersion table:21:56
gnomefreak     3.6.12~hg20101019r34686+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 021:56
gnomefreak        500 http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-mozilla-daily/ppa/ubuntu/ natty/main21:56
micahgyep, weird21:56
gnomefreaki have a firefox update waiting for me to get to it21:56
micahgchrisccoulson: why does PIE work on 3.6 but not 4.0?21:56
gnomefreakim sure it will fail to configure21:56
chrisccoulsonmicahg - does it work on 3.6? remember that we don't run the test-suite there, so the builds all succeed21:57
chrisccoulsonbut i bet they don't run ;)21:57
micahgoh, right, heh21:57
gnomefreakbut what the hell ill let it update and have a smoke in the meantime21:57
gnomefreakhere 4.0 runs but 3.* doesnt again guessing due to gcc bug21:58
gnomefreakbe back in a few21:58
micahggnomefreak: right, but you have the maverick build for 4.021:58
gnomefreakwait dont we use a general GCC in /rules, i did for SM and dont recall if i did for sunbird but i think i did21:59
micahggnomefreak: we're using the gcc in the toolchain across teh board I think21:59
gnomefreakgerneal == without versions, or is that only for spac21:59
micahgsparc is gone :)21:59
chrisccoulsonsparc? nobody cares about that ;)21:59
gnomefreakit was a while ago :)22:00
chrisccoulsonyeah, the builds all use the default toolchain, although FF-4.0 has a hack to force gcc-4.5 if you turn on PGO22:00
chrisccoulsonso i can build it on maverick22:00
gnomefreakoh we are building with PGO now?22:00
chrisccoulsonbut we will hopefully be this cycle22:00
gnomefreakyeah lots of people want it but im not sure what it is but im betting end-user wont notice it22:01
micahggnomefreak: it improves start time22:01
gnomefreakoh hell yes :)22:01
chrisccoulsonhopefully. i will try and do some benchmarks after UDS and see what real win there is for us22:01
chrisccoulsoni haven't really seen any hard figures about how big a win it is22:02
gnomefreakok ill be back while update is going (only 30 packages or so22:02
gnomefreak28 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.22:03
gnomefreak4 not fully installed or removed.22:03
chrisccoulsonyou're using natty already?22:03
chrisccoulsoni think i'll wait until at least after UDS before upgrading ;)22:04
* micahg will wait until at least alpha 3, maybe beta if any major changes planned after alpha 322:06
BUGabundoguud evening22:08
* gnomefreak much rather have tb32 but it will be a while22:10
micahggnomefreak: after UDS, I hope to get 3.2 and 3.3 dailies going22:11
gnomefreakthere used to be a term that allowed me to fold it22:11
* gnomefreak looking for screenshot 22:18
BUGabundofta: LOL LP fail... it show indiviual mails22:32
ftaBUGabundo, ?23:04
BUGabundothe mail I sent to gwibber team23:05
ftaoh, i see.23:08

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