
=== jussi01_ is now known as Guest48460
=== Guest48460 is now known as jussi
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=== gdub is now known as pionar
ochosicharlie-tca: what do you think of trying to adapt the Faenza icon-theme for natty?16:20
charlie-tcaI am not familiar with it16:21
ochosiit's not yet xfce-complete, but i could do that for natty16:22
ochosialso: the folder-color would be more xubuntu-ish blue16:22
charlie-tcaAre we going to keep them visible on light/dark panels?16:23
ochosim, what exactly do you mean?16:23
charlie-tcaOh, by the way, the artwork mailing list is getting things going again.16:24
ochosiaha, didn't know there was a xubuntu-artwork mailing list16:24
ochosiif you mean: bright icons on dark panels and vice versa then yes16:24
charlie-tcaWell, you know. the ones we have now kind of goes invisible on light panels now16:24
ochosinot entirely true, just select the normal elementary theme16:25
charlie-tcaThose monochrome icons are really hard to see16:25
charlie-tcaBut, we are early enough in the cycle to look at new ones and get things worked out, right?16:25
ochosiyou mean the ones in the Faenza preview?16:25
ochosiyes, that's why i'm mentioning it16:26
charlie-tcaNo, the elementary theme, I guess. Whatever we used in maverick16:26
ochosia-ha. well as long as you're ok with what you see in the link i sent you...16:26
ochosicause you can see the panel-icons in the preview as well16:26
ochosianyway, will be afk for a while (or maybe even the rest of today) now, ping me if you decide anything in this matter16:28
charlie-tcaThey show up nicely there. I am hoping for something that works for accessibility in Natty. They look like they will work. 16:29
ochosiwell, you will get exactly what you see in this preview16:29
charlie-tcaI will grab them and try it, too.16:29
ochosi(i'm not going to re-invent them)16:29
ochosisure, go ahead16:29
ochosii think the toolbar-icons also work out pretty nicely16:29
ochosivery good contrast on bright themes16:30
ochosi(and i think we should continue with a bright theme)16:30
charlie-tcaI would like to keep the bright theme.16:36
ochosiwell, i guess i would rework it a bit for natty16:36
ochosibut we can discuss that at some point16:36
ochosias i said, just ping me16:37
charlie-tcaOkay. thanks16:37

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