
=== prpplague^2 is now known as prpplague
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mouse-_hm- anyone get adobe flash to work on this yet, or is the work porting the flash from 0xdroid up for grabs03:59
rcn-eemouse-_, ti's adobe binary was no help?04:13
NekoI don't see what the point is, it's not really a product... see the little blurb under TI's flash page, if you wanna ship it anywhere, you have to be qualified by an Adobe partner04:16
Nekoit'll never ever go into a partner repo for example :(04:16
Nekoor restricted on armel04:16
Nekounless digikey sponsor it..04:17
Nekoand pay for the oem services at canonical L]04:17
rcn-eeme neither, it should be a straight download from adobe like x86.. but even their it's bloated, so it's a good thing it's that way.. ;)04:18
NekoAdobe just don't have the manpower to do it on every little arm board04:19
Nekoit's hard enough building every possible combination on the PC :)04:19
Nekodifferent radeon and nvidia drivers, intel, amd, windows xp upwards, service packs, browser versions..04:20
rcn-eetrue...  i'm just thinking a generic universal armv7 binary.. ;) but without dsp help it would be too slow..04:20
Nekomost of flash is software anyway04:20
Nekothey have some fancy neon code in there04:20
rcn-eeyeap, and ffmpeg plays flash videos fine..04:21
Nekothe amount of help you get for video codecs is minimal and on ARM they decided to use OpenMAX04:21
Nekowhat's left that OpenMAX doesn't do, it's all software.. not custom DSP code, just plain C and some assembler04:21
Nekoit links to OpenGLES2 on iMX515 too, but there is a little contention on whether it is even using it04:22
Nekosomeone said it may have been pushed to 10.204:22
bkeropersia: I recompiled the netwalker kernel in my lucid image, and nothing has crashed yet. :D04:33
bernard_mouse-_: i've gotten it running using binaries from maemo04:48
bernard_(it = flash)04:48
rcn-eebernard_, that was a nice catch, that config change had been in their for almost a year.. ;)04:50
bernard_rcn-ee: heh. i only found it because i'm compiling natively on my beagleboard, and the config change killed the dependency tracking.05:00
mouse-_rcn-ee: ti's adobe binary ?? it's inaccessible :P05:00
bernard_(now i can do minor changes, and rebuild my kernel on the beagle in 2 minutes)05:00
mouse-_btw, has anyone else gotten any errors like this - [  116.582672] asoc: interface omap-mcbsp-dai-0 hw params failed05:00
mouse-_bernard_: nice! thanks for the pointer05:01
bernard_mouse-_: ack. same happens to me on login, but never after that.05:01
mouse-_ahh, yeah05:01
mouse-_oo, does the maemo flash use the sgx libs05:02
bernard_mouse-_: doesn't look like it.05:04
bernard_mouse-_: http://pastebin.com/brdmvuTc05:05
bernard_mouse-_: all the libraries are in ubuntu except for 2.05:06
bernard_mouse-_: libplayback-1-0 i copied from maemo also. libhildonfm i just created a dummy library for (it doesn't seem to use it unless it needs a file open/save dialog)05:06
* mouse-_ nods05:11
Nekoanyone noticed console-setup not fixing up the font?05:13
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=== hrw|gone is now known as hrw
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bernard_rcn-ee: any chance you could pick up this patch in your 2.6-stable series? http://marc.info/?l=linux-omap&m=128744421925804&w=211:42
bernard_(davem's taken it for 2.6.37)11:45
Mike^ogra_ac: just curious, does 'ac' stand for  toshiba ac100?11:57
ogra_acMike^, yep11:57
Mike^ogra_ac, and how is it?11:57
ogra_acgreat if you can live without the proprietary bits11:57
ogra_ac(which do the power management, sound and stuff like that)11:58
Mike^you mean no 3d, no video, no PM :)11:58
ogra_acits awesome to have a device i can do arm development on though11:58
Mike^you mean native builds?11:59
ogra_acyes, thats what we do in ubuntu12:00
Mike^I'm trying to push Nvidia to at least make the proprietary bits independed of the kernel/X11 version, like they do in x8612:03
Mike^probably having ac100 users posting such requests on their forum will help...12:04
ogra_acMike^, yeah, DKMS modules and a redistribution license for the daemon stuff would be cool12:08
ogra_acMike^, btw, there is an #ac100 channel12:09
Mike^ogra_ac: it's almost the same people :)12:10
suihkulokkiI'd say ac100 is good example why mainlining android is needed12:13
ogra_acsuihkulokki, why ?12:13
Mike^suihkulokki: mainlining android won't help with ac100 until nvidia do something with the drivers12:14
suihkulokkiogra_ac: less porting of the drivers?12:14
ogra_acsuihkulokki, i think ac100 is the *best* example why android is not for netbooks12:14
ogra_acno need to port any android drivers for ac100 on ubuntu12:14
suihkulokkiyou mean it works out of box with ubuntu kernel?12:15
ogra_acwe a) have the kernel source from toshiba and b) the community maintained ac100 ubuntu kernel doesnt have a single android module12:15
ogra_acsuihkulokki, http://ac100.gudinna.com/12:15
ogra_acsuihkulokki, the community upstream tree is on gitorious since weeks12:16
ogra_ac(for the kernel)12:16
suihkulokkiits still a fork12:16
suihkulokkiit is openwrt all over again12:16
hrwsuihkulokki: it is not openwrt12:16
Mike^suihkulokki: with current tegra support in kernel it'll remain a fork for a long time12:16
ogra_acits a tegra 2.6.29 kernel with toshiba sauce on top12:17
ogra_acindeed its not ideal12:17
ogra_ac(i dont claim that)12:17
ogra_acbut it surely doesnt need any android bits12:18
suihkulokkiI was under the impression the drivers have android pm hooks inside12:18
Mike^ogra_ac: I think you can run the tegra tree from the android repos, afaik they already have fbdev added12:18
ogra_acand https://launchpad.net/ac100 makes some slow progress already12:18
ogra_acMike^, no LCD support for the ac100 yet12:19
Mike^does it have external display connector?12:19
ogra_acyes, but that only works with the nvidia bits12:19
Nekoogra, wow, you left that bare :D12:20
ogra_acit has HDMI12:20
Mike^so, there's a chance :)12:20
=== zyga-lunch is now known as zyga
ogra_acbut needs some magically trigger from the nvrm_daemon to switch on12:20
ogra_acreverse engineering most of the daemon should be possible12:20
ogra_ac(since you have full acess to the kernel side)12:21
hrwogra_ac: so no display at all?12:21
ogra_acmost stuff is done by just sending ioctls12:21
ogra_achrw, not with the non toshiba source yet12:21
ogra_acsomeone needs to forward port the sauce12:21
saboteurtomato or bbq ?12:25
Mike^hdmi and lcd12:30
lagSounds awesome12:33
lagDoes the processor work?12:34
lagHow about RAM?12:34
ogra_aci'm typing on an ac100, so yes, ram and cpu work :P12:35
lagThe only things that do by the sounds of it ;)12:41
ogra_aci can show you mine at UDS :)12:41
* Mike^ looking at git://gitorious.org/ac100/kernel.git/drivers/paz00/lcdhdmi-disp.c12:41
ogra_aci use it as my main work machine since a few weeks12:42
ogra_aclag, there will be plenty ac100's at UDS btw, i know about at least 6 owners now that will bring theirs12:42
ogra_aclag, power management, 3D, HW buttons and local sound (usb works) dont work yet12:43
ogra_ac3D is unlikely to happen unless nvidia release the driver in a way we can use DKMS with it ... buttons are possible to get to work through a free daemon app that sends the right ioctls to the kernel12:45
ogra_acsound is tricky ... and power management too since thats all handled by a proprietary daemon in userspace12:45
ogra_acand in android the PM is mostly done through hotplugging one CPU12:46
ogra_acwhich is horribly laggish12:46
Mike^ogra_ac: seems that everything except 3D and video is possible even without the daemon12:48
ogra_acwell,i'm not sure about brightness control and cpufreq12:48
Mike^the PMIC bits are in the mainline and what's missing is the arch/arm/mach-tegra/board-ac100.c12:49
Mike^that will tie everithing together12:49
ogra_acwell, it surely needs somone to work on it ... and preferably someone with more kernel background than me ;)12:50
ogra_aci'm fine doing one ot the other ugly hack, but i'm not a kernel dev12:50
Mike^if I'll find a time to send you some patches, will you test them? knowing that it may brick your netbook? ;-)12:51
ogra_acbrick ?12:52
ogra_aci can always revert to another kernel ;)12:52
Mike^playing with PMIC may be dangerous :)12:53
hrwtried kexec?12:53
hrwops, wrong window12:53
ogra_aci tried kexec though ;)12:54
ogra_acdidnt work12:54
Mike^ogra_ac: anyway, I have too many stuff to finish before plumbers, so your ac100 is safe for now :)12:58
ogra_acMike^, i'll be at plumbers, lets play there ;)12:59
Mike^no problem :)12:59
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rcn-eesure, bernard_ i'll add that smsc patch, it'll make alot of xM users happy...13:03
bernard_rcn-ee: great. thank you!13:04
vstehleDear ogra (or ogra_ac), would you have some time to help me with our LP PPA, please? It seems some of the team PPA will not build for armel...14:03
ogra_acvstehle, whats the exact prob ?14:17
vstehleogra_ac, the PPA private-stable and stable won't build for armel. Also, the PPA 'private-stable' does not look very private :)14:19
vstehleogra_ac, for example  http://paste.ubuntu.com/517426/. This is on PPA private-stable14:20
vstehleogra_ac, for the "private/non-private" part of the issue; private-stable has the following URL: http://ppa.launchpad.net/tiomap-dev/private-stable/ubuntu. This is not a private PPA. It should read something more like https://private-ppa.launchpad.net/tiomap-dev/private-stable/ubuntu14:23
ogra_acvstehle, hmm, hard to check ... let me log out of LP14:24
vstehleogra_ac, good idea. I just did, and I can see private-stable14:25
ogra_acvstehle, yes, private-stable seems to have been set up wrongly14:25
ogra_achttps://edge.launchpad.net/~tiomap-dev only shows public ones beyond that14:26
vstehleogra_ac, would you please be able to fix it? This PPA can even be deleted and re-created if needed; there is nothing in it. But I think we would like to keep the name, so making the changes from the web interface would probably not work...14:27
ogra_acwell, trying to find out whats wrong atm14:28
vstehleOh you are "digging in the guts" of LP? Cool :)14:30
ogra_aci deleted it, but recreating a new one with that name doesnt offer me to make it private it seems14:32
ogra_aci'll ask in #launchpad i think14:32
ogra_acvstehle, wrt your rejected upload, line 8 in the paste is wrong ;)14:34
ogra_acvstehle, seems there is no LOSA available in #launchpad atm, i'm waiting for an answer there14:50
vstehleogra_ac, I think private-stable is now private. At least it disappeared from the webpage...14:53
ogra_acvstehle, (btw, you can contact them directly there too )14:53
ogra_acvstehle, no, i deleted it since there were already directories for the failed upload14:53
ogra_acwe need to get it completely wiped and then the help of a LOSA to make sure the newly created one is completely private14:54
ogra_aci couldnt make out the difference through the UI so there must be some admin love involved14:54
=== plars_ is now known as plars-actual
rsalvetiGrueMaster: hm, lots of people complaining about lack of sound in beagle xm with ubuntu15:16
rsalvetiGrueMaster: what is needed to make it work?15:16
rsalvetiasking you as I remember you tested that :-)15:17
GrueMasterI only got it to work in speaker-test.  I can't remember off hand what settings they were.  Will look to see if I still have the amixer diff.15:18
GrueMasterGive me a few minutes as I am just up and waiting for coffee.15:18
rsalvetinp, will also be out for lunch soon15:18
* ogra_ac knows a gross hack he wont chare here to make sound work on everything with maverick 15:19
GrueMasterI do know that it is a regression from Lucid.  Nothing in the driver changed from what I can tell, but audio worked fine in Lucid on Beagle, and it is the same audio hw.15:20
ogra_acGrueMaster, my gross hack doesnt touch alsa ...15:21
ogra_acit only touches udev15:21
ogra_acGrueMaster, ls /dev/snd to give one more hint15:21
GrueMasterI'm not set up yet.  Will take a little as I am still reorganizing my office.15:22
ogra_acGrueMaster, on any maverick system15:22
ogra_acthe background is that we dont create any devices under /dev/snd anymore, they go directly into /dev15:23
ogra_acthat way you cant fall back to alsa setup if you want to15:23
ogra_acGrueMaster, http://paste.ubuntu.com/517475/ even makes the soundblaster play work on the ac10015:25
ogra_acbut as i said, gross hack15:25
ogra_ac(likely breaks autodetection etc in pulse)15:26
GrueMasterso, someone modified udev to a new model without testing to see if it broke the old model ?15:26
ogra_acmight be15:26
ogra_aci'd rather think that someone considers the old model deprecated15:26
rsalvetihm, weird15:30
ogra_acvstehle, so i talked to LOSA in #launchpad ... we will need a new PPA (which means new name) that has to be made private manually by a LOSA before anyone uploads to it15:32
ogra_acvstehle, once uploaded to it it seems to not be possible to convert it15:33
ogra_acnor to completely delete it15:33
ogra_acvstehle, could you discuss a new name with ndec ?15:34
ogra_acand tell me the name15:34
vstehleOk ogra_ac. Having deleted PPA on LP myself, I was sure it would end this way :)15:36
* rsalveti lunch15:38
GrueMasterrsalveti: Do we know if the Beagle/XM supports S-Video out?  I have no way of testing this.  Currently reading an email sent to ubuntu-mobile mailing list.15:48
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bercolool: I had a chat with hrw on xdeb16:35
bercolool: trying to setup an environment16:35
hrwberco: better take it to #linaro ;)16:35
bercohrw: I couldn't find lool on #linaro :)16:36
hrwI see him there16:36
bercohrw: yeah, I see him now, don't if I opened my eyes :)16:37
ogra_achrw, juat because *you* see him there :P16:37
hrwogra_ac: I do not want to bother arm team with boring cross compilation issues ;D16:38
ogra_achrw, i meant your lool radar ;)16:39
ogra_ac(and we dont mind xdeb discussions here)16:40
ogra_acndec, there is a new alsa-utils in the queue with fixed postinst script that calls alsactl init16:50
=== hrw is now known as hrw|gone
rsalvetiGrueMaster: it should support, but I believe nobody tested it17:05
GrueMasterI have an old (near ancient) TurboTV PCI card that has coax, svideo, and rca jacks.  Not sure if the svideo & rca are input, but I think they are.  I guess I could turn my serial console monitor into an svideo capture display.17:11
rsalvetihehe, I believe this can work, if your card is still working :-)17:12
GrueMasterAs soon as it finishes upgrading to Mav, I'll give it a whirl.17:20
GrueMasterHeh.  So much for that idea.  Case is ITX.  Only takes half height PCI.17:38
Nekobah :(17:40
jcrigbyrsalveti, about bug #66364217:40
ubot2Launchpad bug 663642 in linux-linaro (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "DVI doesn't work at BeagleBoard xM rev A3 (affects: 1) (heat: 12)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66364217:40
rsalvetijcrigby: yup17:41
rsalvetijust sent the patch to the kernel team17:41
jcrigbywhat does this mean: This patch is not yet upstream because it depends on the xM check17:41
jcrigbypatches that are still not upstream.17:41
rsalvetijcrigby: upstream is lacking code that checks when it's running on xm and when it's not17:41
rsalvetiif you compare the beagleboard board file you will easily notice it17:41
jcrigbyI'm trying to get this into the linaro kernel today so we can get it through before uds17:42
rsalvetijcrigby: our kernel: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/git?p=ubuntu/ubuntu-maverick.git;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c;h=94cb19c07eede995039035a63e5ac53d96e64b7f;hb=HEAD#l28217:44
rsalvetil-o: http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/tmlind/linux-omap-2.6.git;a=blob;f=arch/arm/mach-omap2/board-omap3beagle.c;h=14f42240ae792bf01fcd289d60d441d9d55eb328;hb=HEAD#l27317:44
rsalvetijcrigby: it's basically the check when the kernel is running on cpu_is_omap36317:45
Nekohey arm guys :D17:45
rsalvetijcrigby: do you know if anyone from linaro has a xM rev A3?17:46
rsalvetiat least one guy from the beagle ml said it worked for him17:46
Nekoquestion: is there anything installed on the gnome desktop by default, besides the games and useless stuff like brasero, that you'd consider aren't particularly useful to 99% of users?17:46
Nekonot including language support stuff17:46
NekoI am just trying to cut about 100MB out of the filesystem if I can17:46
rsalvetiI only tested with my current rev A, and it worked as before17:46
jcrigbyrsalveti, I don't know17:48
rsalvetijcrigby: as most newer xMs are rev A3 now, this is kind of a high priority bug17:52
rsalvetiotherwise the user is unable to use the dvi output17:52
jcrigbyrsalveti, I understand, thats why we want to get it into the linaro kernel17:54
ogra_acplars-actual, so you are not the fake plars ?18:39
plars-actualogra: no, plars is clearly the fake!18:39
ogra_acnow, how can you prove that to us ?18:40
slangasekoh, does that not just mean he's the officer in charge?18:40
plars-actualogra: working from a different location today, my firewall is having fits and not keeping it's config lately, so I can't connect to my bip proxy :(18:40
ogra_acoh, thats bad :/18:40
ogra_acslangasek, hey, good that i see you ... does your team care about multivers breakage ?18:41
plars-actualcould be due to the weekly, sudden power outages I was having for about a month18:41
slangasekogra_ac: "breakage"? :)18:41
ogra_aci just ran into a bug trying to play an mp4 movie18:41
slangasekogra_ac: I don't believe we're touching anything near multiverse currently, so it's ok if you break it - or are you asking us to fix it? :)18:41
ogra_acwhich works fine until i install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:41
slangasekhmm, ok18:42
slangasekfile a bug, subscribe linaro-foundations please18:42
ogra_acseems there is a libavcodec52-extras package that replaces the installed one18:42
ogra_acwhich seems broken18:42
ogra_acok, will do18:42
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ogra_acapparently the gstreamer equivalent is broken too18:43
ogra_acmplayer plays the file, totem complains not having support for mp418:44
GrueMastermplayer uses different libraries than totem.18:47
ogra_acGrueMaster, right, but i see the same breakage in both18:47
* ogra_ac removes gst-plugins-bad-multivers18:48
ogra_aci wonder if there is an x86 binary somewhere in the multiverse codecs18:48
ogra_acplays fine with the defaults18:50
ogra_acbut stops playing in anything after ubuntu-restricted-extras was installed18:50
GrueMasterfile a bug.  Maybe we can get an armel developer to look at it.  :P18:54
ogra_acdo you know any ?18:54
GrueMasterGood ones?18:54
* ogra_ac cant get back into the state where totem played the file 18:55
ogra_acthere are good ones ?!?18:55
GrueMasterHeh.  On alsa-devel mailing list:  A new version of the funny game "Catch-the-slider" aka Alsamixer-Qt4 0.5.1 is now available...18:57
GrueMasterogra_ac: http://qt.gitorious.org/~dfaure/qt/dfaures-clone/commit/ebf9d5dd5174b7c82fec83b56d71a59d5277bd5119:23
GrueMasterIs this in our version?19:23
ogra_acno idea19:25
GrueMasterOk, no it isn't.  I'm looking at the source file and comparing with the patch above.19:31
GrueMasterbtw:  my dove crashed during the build.19:31
ogra_acnot enough swap ?19:32
ogra_acyou need a gig or more afaik19:32
GrueMasterI have 2.5G19:33
ogra_acthen it should have worked19:33
ogra_acbut well19:33
ogra_acits dove19:33
ogra_acuse the panda ;)19:33
GrueMasterThat will require a bit of extra work.  ENOHOOKEDUP19:34
ogra_aci uploaded the fix to proposed19:35
ogra_acjust let the buildds suffer ;)19:35
GrueMasterwhich fix?19:35
ogra_acif we are lucky its ready before UDS and i can test with mumble on the ac10019:35
GrueMasterAh.  I will try to explore this patch more.  Might be a better fix.19:35
ogra_aci just set the configure option, threw the package at the wall and wait ...19:36
GrueMasterIf it enables proper runtime detection.19:36
ogra_acit doesnt19:36
ogra_accheck if it opens /proc/self/auxv somewhere19:37
ogra_acthen it uses hwcaps19:37
ogra_acwhich is what is needed for doing runtime detection properly19:38
ogra_achttp://www.llvm.org/bugs/attachment.cgi?id=4428 is a good example patch19:39
GrueMasterDid you break alsa-utils?  I'm seeing a lot of bug reports on it failing to install.19:57
ogra_acfrom maveirck-proposed ?20:04
* ogra_ac doesnt think his last change was even accepted20:07
* GrueMaster had 17 emails of new bug reports in the last 20 minutes related to this.20:10
GrueMasterHere come 14 more.20:11
ogra_accan you probably point me to one ?20:12
* ogra_ac didnt get any alsa mails20:12
GrueMasterThis is the original bug.  Bug 664645.20:12
ubot2Launchpad bug 664645 in alsa-utils (Ubuntu) "package alsa-utils 1.0.23-2ubuntu3.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 (affects: 14) (dups: 12) (heat: 106)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66464520:12
GrueMasterEvery new one is being auto-tagged as a duplicate.20:12
ogra_acyeah, i see the issue, damned20:15
ogra_accopying code from the initscript wasnt so clever20:17
GrueMasterbad ogra_ac.20:17
* ogra_ac curses20:18
ogra_aci was supposed to be afk 2h ago20:18
hrw|goneogra_ac: sit and fix instead :(20:21
rsalvetianother issue on the sound thing?20:29
rsalvetiogra_ac: you're just with a lot of bad luck20:29
ogra_acrsalveti, nah, to blind20:30
ogra_acslangasek, could i ask you a favor and let the alsa-utils package i just uploaded to maverick-proposed in so the alsa guys dont drown in bugs ?20:30
ogra_acslangasek, seeing you on the SRU team20:30
ogra_ac(seems pitti is gone for the day)20:31
GrueMasterInteresting.  Just added the omap ppa to kubuntu image and did apt-get install on ubuntu-omap4-extras-graphics.  It recommended linux-headers-2.6-amd64.21:01
GrueMasterSomethings not right here.21:02
rsalvetijust recommend21:03
rsalvetibecause of dkms, probably21:03
GrueMasterJust seems odd.21:05
rsalvetiyeah, as having a *lot* of video drivers installed by default21:06
rsalvetifor sure I'm not going to run s3virge, trident or voodoo at my panda21:07
ogra_acno, thats valid21:07
ogra_acfor x8621:07
ogra_acon arm we should fix that at some point21:07
rsalvetiit'd be good to clean that21:07
ogra_acprobably worth a lst minute spec21:07
ogra_acthough david isnt there to approve it in time21:08
GrueMasterI'll head it up.  Oh, wait...21:08
ogra_aclets talk about it in the call21:10
rsalvetioh, we have a call today, almost forgot about that21:11
ogra_acdavid asked me to run one21:11
ogra_acnot sure we have many topics21:12
ogra_acbut as long as NCommander shows up to entertain us with echos ...21:12
GrueMasterhe is on vacation too.  Not sure he'll make it.21:20
ogra_acoh, i didnt know21:21
GrueMasterI'll find out.21:24
GrueMasterNope, he has no network access.21:25
GrueMasterWell, this is certainly interesting.  After installing video drivers from ppa & rebooting, I am getting a good display, albeit at 640x480.  Probably due to my HDMI switch.21:27
ogra_acyou and your toys21:28
GrueMasterYea, it was the switch.  It automatically switches to the next device when signal is lost, and switches back when the signal returns.  Of course we have already pulled edid at that time.21:29
=== JaMa is now known as JaMa|Zzz
slangasekogra_ac: alsa-utils accepted23:13
* ogra hugs slangasek 23:13
slangasekogra_ac: which should correct the -proposed regression; but what's the reason for this being a panda-specific hack in the first place?23:13
ograi owe you a beer on sunday23:13
ograslangasek, the alsa driver for the SDP4430 and Panda doesnt init properly ... it needs a one shot initialization once23:14
ograthat needs to be fixed in ASoC at some point but we didnt get a better fix yet23:14
ogra(as many other bits need fixing in ASoC for omap4, teh driver really isnt 100% there yet)23:15
slangasekso this is a not-for-natty change?23:15
ograwell, it is for natty until we get a fixed driver23:16
ograi dont know how long that will take upstream23:16
ografor natty there is code that doesnt need the postinst23:16
ograthe postinst is only needed on systems that already have alsa.state in place23:16

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