
=== ara_ is now known as ara
=== ara_ is now known as ara
=== ara_ is now known as ara
CIA-2base-installer: cjwatson * r407 ubuntu/ (57 files in 6 dirs): merge from Debian 1.11316:21
CIA-2base-installer: cjwatson * r408 ubuntu/ (6 files in 3 dirs): remove dmi-available-memory; using /sys/firmware/memmap is better16:31
CIA-2base-installer: cjwatson * r409 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.113ubuntu116:33
CIA-2partman-auto: cjwatson * r330 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog lib/recipes.sh):16:50
CIA-2partman-auto: Get memory size from /sys/firmware/memmap/* rather than using16:50
CIA-2partman-auto: dmi-available-memory, in line with current base-installer.16:50
CIA-2partman-auto: cjwatson * r331 ubuntu/ (23 files in 3 dirs): merge from Debian 9317:09
CIA-2partman-auto: cjwatson * r332 ubuntu/recipes-i386-efi/ (atomic home multi): sync up EFI recipes with changes from version 9317:13
CIA-2partman-auto: cjwatson * r333 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 93ubuntu117:17
CIA-2ubiquity: cjwatson * r4427 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs): Adjust for changes in base-installer 1.113ubuntu1.17:21
CIA-2cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r463 ubuntu/debian/ (72 files in 2 dirs): merge from Debian 1.3517:54
CIA-2rootskel: cjwatson * r355 ubuntu/ (2 files in 2 dirs): merge from Debian 1.9117:54
CIA-2cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r464 ubuntu/debian/ (cdrom-detect.templates changelog): Set cdrom/suite default to natty; drop jaunty.17:55
CIA-2rootskel: cjwatson * r356 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.91ubuntu117:58
shtylmancjwatson: will btrfs be bootable in natty?18:23
shtylmanas in using it for /boot18:23
cjwatsonshtylman: out of our control20:44
cjwatsonshtylman: it relies on legal signoff from other companies20:44
shtylmanis the code not in upstream?20:45
cjwatsonGRUB is GPLv3-or-later; the code needed to make this work involves things which are GPLv2-only, which isn't compatible.  We have asked for signoff to allow that code to be distributed under GPLv3-or-later as well; we are still waiting20:46
CIA-2cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r465 ubuntu/ (debian/cdrom-detect.postinst finish-install): harmonise whitespace21:54
CIA-2cdrom-detect: cjwatson * r466 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.35ubuntu121:58

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