
Andre_Gondimgodbyk, any news about ubuntu manual in pt-br? :P00:30
Andre_Gondimif there are errors?00:30
nisshhflan, ping07:05
Hanniegodbyk, ping22:06
dakerhi jenkins22:10
godbykHannie: pong.22:11
godbykHannie: How are you doing?22:11
HannieHey, Kevin, can I ask you something?22:11
dakerhace you seen my proposal countdown ?22:11
godbykHannie: Sure!22:11
HannieI managed to install lexlive properly, thanks to you22:11
HannieThe result is half English, half Dutch22:12
HannieWhat I want to know is this:22:12
jenkinswas that aimed at me daker?22:12
dakerjenkins, yep22:12
HannieWhere does tex find the source file?22:12
jenkinsdaker no i have not22:12
dakerjenkins, bzr branch lp:~adnane002/quickshot/countdown22:13
HannieYou mean online?22:14
godbykHannie: The .tex source file is created automatically when you run make.22:14
godbykHannie: It's generated from the po/nl.po file.22:14
dakerjenkins, then $ python countdown.py22:14
godbykHannie: If you want to create the .tex file so you can look at it, run 'make ubuntu-manual-nl.tex'22:14
HannieNo, I want to find out why the result is half English22:14
Hanniewhile the translation on LP is 100% Dutch22:15
jenkinsthats cool thanks daker22:15
dakergood :)22:15
jenkinsI really need to get some done for quickshot22:16
Hanniepo/nl.po is not the right file22:16
HannieI downloaded the right file from LP, but where should I place it?22:16
godbykHannie: if you can give me an example of a couple parts that are in English, I can take a look.22:17
godbykHannie: Put the nl.po file in the po/ subdirectory.22:17
Hannieok, just a minute22:17
HannieAutomatisch aanmelden22:18
HannieUbuntu will log in to your primary account automatically when you start up22:18
HannieThe title is Dutch, but the rest is English22:18
HannieI took this example from ubuntu-manual-nl.pdf22:19
godbykHannie: Okay. If you look in the nl.po file you downloaded, is the string translated there?22:20
godbyk(For each string, it will show the English version and the translated version. Make sure the translated string isn't in English.)22:20
HannieI had already put the file in /po and named it nl.po22:20
HannieYes, on LP it is translated22:21
Hannieo sorry, I will look ik nl.po22:21
Hanniemsgid ""22:22
Hannie"Ubuntu will log in to your primary account automatically when you start up "22:22
Hannie"the computer so you won't have to enter your username and password. This "22:22
Hannie"makes your login experience quicker and more convenient, however, if privacy "22:22
Hannie"or security are important to you, this option is not recommended. Anyone who "22:23
Hannie"can physically access your computer will be able to turn it on and also "22:23
Hannie"access your files."22:23
Hanniemsgstr ""22:23
Hannie"U wordt automatisch aangemeld met uw primaire account wanneer u de computer "22:23
Hannie"start; u hoeft dus geen gebruikersnaam en wachtwoord op te geven. Dit maakt "22:23
Hannie"het aanmelden sneller en gemakkelijker, maar als u privacy en veiligheid "22:23
Hannie"belangrijk vindt, wordt deze optie ontraden. Iedereen die fysiek toegang "22:23
Hannie"heeft tot uw computer kan deze aanzetten en ook bij al uw bestanden komen."22:23
HannieThis is the Automatisch aanmelden/Log in automatically example22:23
HannieIt has msgid (English) and msgstr (Dutch) in the nl.po file22:24
HannieThe file is located in Projects/ubuntu-manual/po22:24
Hannie/po/nl.po is 813,7 KB22:25
godbykHannie: Okay, that looks right.  I will download the latest translation a bit later tonight and try it out here.  I'll see if I can figure out where the problem is.22:26
Hannieok, I am already very happy with texlive running22:27
godbykDid you end up reinstalling it from scratch?22:27
HannieYes, that was the only solution22:27
HannieAnd it worked...22:27
godbykEveryone misses the note about creating the symlinks.  I should try to make it more prominent.22:28
HannieOh, another error came up in the pdf making:22:28
HannieI had to remove a section in the file credits22:28
HannieAbout symlinks: I did read the note, but I expected to be able to fill it in at the beginning of the installation, not in the options part22:29
godbykHannie: Is this in lucid-e1, lucid-e2, or maverick?22:31
godbykWhere did you find translatorcredits in lucid-e1?22:32
godbyk(I thought I added that in maverick.)22:32
HannieI got an error while making the pdf file22:32
HannieIt referred to translatorscredits22:33
HannieWait a minute:22:33
Hanniepo4a-translate --master-charset=utf8 -f latex -m main.tex -p po/nl.po -l ubuntu-manual-nl.tex -k 022:34
Hannie               :109: (po4a::tex)22:34
Hannie               unknown environment: 'translatorcredits'22:34
HannieI went to /credits/ and removed this section22:34
godbykAh, I see what the problem is then.22:36
godbykOkay, I can fix that.  Just a moment.22:36
godbykThough that translatorcredits environment only exists in the maverick edition.  In the lucid-e1 edition there is no translatorcredits environment.22:37
godbykHannie: can you run 'bzr info' and paste the results, please?22:37
Hanniebzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/hannie/"22:38
HannieThat is odd22:38
godbykHannie: Oh, run 'bzr info' from the ubuntu-manual directory (the one containing the ubuntu-manual.cls file).22:39
HannieStandalone tree (format: 2a)22:41
Hannie  branch root: .22:41
HannieRelated branches:22:41
Hannie  parent branch: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-manual/ubuntu-manual/maverick/22:41
HannieSo it seems my pdf was based on maverick22:42
godbykYeah. So that's the problem it's having.22:42
HannieThat explains the half English/half dutch22:42
HannieBut I copied the right file to /po and renamed it22:42
godbykSince some of the English text in maverick was changed, it no longer matches the text you translated.22:42
HannieIs that not the right way?22:43
godbykYou'll want to check out the lucid-e1 or lucid-e1 repository instead.22:43
godbykThat is the correct way, but you're using a lucid-e1 translation for the maverick edition.  That's where the problem is.22:43
HannieOk, so the source is my lucid-e1 translation22:44
Hanniebut texlive looks at the bzr maverick?22:44
godbykWhen you downloaded the manual code, you downloaded the maverick edition instead of the lucid-e1 edition.22:45
godbykIt's an easy fix, though.22:45
godbykYou can delete the ubuntu-manual stuff you have so far.  (The TeX Live stuff is okay -- don't delete it.)22:45
godbykThen to download the lucid-e1 edition, run 'bzr branch lp:ubuntu-manual/lucid-e1'22:46
Hanniehold on, I will write that down22:46
godbykOnce it's done downloading, you can copy your nl.po file over to the po/ directory again and run 'make ubuntu-manual-nl.pdf' to see the lucid-e1 PDF.22:46
godbykHopefully it'll all be translated as you expect.22:46
HannieThank you so much, I am sure it will work22:48
godbykHannie: You're welcome. If you have any further problems, please let me know.22:48
godbykHannie: Thanks for all your hard work on the Dutch translation!22:48
HannieCouldn't have done it without your help22:49
HannieOne last question:22:49
HannieWhen the screenshots are ready, can I copy them to the directory /screenshots or whatever?22:50
godbykHannie: When the screenshots are ready, I'll have flan or jenkins put them in the screenshots directory for you.  So you won't have to worry about that.22:50
godbykWhen they've put them in, I'll send you an email and have you run 'bzr pull' to download them automatically.22:50
Hannieok, I will  let you know when they are ready22:51
HannieSee you, I am going to work on lucid-e122:52
godbykOkay.  See you later, Hannie!22:52

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