
=== jibouman` is now known as jiboumans
=== jjohansen is now known as jj-afk
KombuchaKipIf someone can confirm, we're having a meeting tomorrow. Among the agenda, my application for membership. I am expected to be here when the meeting commences at 1700 PST (21 of Oct).03:09
=== ecanto is now known as ecanto_
=== ecanto_ is now known as ecanto
=== jarlen_ is now known as jarlen
godbykHey, thorwil. Do you know if we're meeting this week?13:00
thorwilgodbyk: theoretically it happens every week. practically i never know in advance ;)13:01
godbykthorwil: Yeah, that's how it goes here, too.13:01
thorwilgodbyk: since uds is at the door, i wonder if mpt said something ... he's not online13:02
godbykthorwil: I'm not sure. I was under the impression last week that we'd have a regular meeting today.13:02
thorwilhi JanC13:02
godbyk(Seeing as how I was assigned homework and all.)13:03
adayhi all...13:05
godbykHey, aday13:06
adayanything on the agenda?13:06
thorwilso iva-not-highlighting-vanka said:  "we are in Orlando. I think he thinks the meeting is at 9am our time which is in an hour", referring to mpt13:08
godbykaday: Good question. I just emailed the ayatana-ux list with the usability testing script introduction thing I was tasked with writing.13:08
godbykthorwil: aha. well, he's off by an hour. :-)13:08
thorwilhave you guys seen http://thorwil.wordpress.com/2010/10/18/design-center/ ?13:09
adaygodbyk: ah cool - i'll look at that. where is it going to live when it's done?13:09
thorwildoctormo took matters in his hands13:09
godbykaday: Good question.13:09
thorwilhi andreasn13:10
adaygodbyk: i'd like to be able to at least link to it from the gnome usability pages13:11
godbykthorwil: Do you distinguish between artwork and, say, UI mockups?13:11
thorwilandreasn: i'd prioritize eating, as mpt is not there (perhaps off by 1 hour in orlando)13:12
godbykaday: There's a copy in my public dropbox you can link to if you like: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5067756/usability-testing-script.pdf13:12
andreasnso meet back in one hour?13:12
thorwilgodbyk: yes and no. it's all design assets13:12
adayandreasn: can do13:13
godbykandreasn: see ya13:14
godbykthorwil: I see.13:14
adaythorwil: why not use/contribute to design hub? seems like they're trying to do the same thing, or am i missing something?13:14
thorwilgodbyk: everyone else in the team seems to see the needs of ubuntu-artwork first, but there have been no objections to my proposal to make it neutral13:15
adayyes, anyway, back in a bit13:17
thorwiladay: yes to some degree. but mairin's mockups already include details i don't agree on. aside of that, i can't steer the project on that level, now doctormo started development of a minimalistic first implementation and got others in13:17
godbykheh. don't ya hate that? :)13:20
godbykWhat aspects of Mairin's designs do you disagree with?13:21
thorwilgodbyk: mainly the simple up/down voting13:23
godbykHey, wers-android.13:23
godbykthorwil: Do you have another voting scheme in mind?  Would up/down voting that requires comments/constructive criticism/critiques be better?  Or do you not want voting at all?13:25
wersgodbyk, hello13:25
godbykhey, there you are. :)13:25
wersso has the meeting started?13:25
godbykwers: yes and no. we think mpt may arrive in half an hour or so, but it's unclear.13:26
wersooh ok13:26
godbyka couple others were hear, but they're eating now.13:26
thorwilgodbyk: i've been thinking about a "how well does this asset meet the briefing?"13:26
godbykso thorwil and I are just shooting the breeze.13:26
werslemme have quick dinner :D13:26
godbykwers: lol. no problem.13:26
wersI'm online on my mobile anyway :D13:26
godbykthorwil: I like that. Instead of a simple up/down vote, you could have a few parameters with Lickert scales or something.13:27
wersi'd like to discuss the UX survey we (GNOME.Asia) are going to conduct. we could do persona research there and some other stuff13:27
=== rrittenhouse is now known as rrittenhouse_
=== rrittenhouse_ is now known as rrittenhouse
adayhi all, anything happening?14:21
SergioMenesesaday, hi14:23
SergioMeneseswhat's up?14:23
godbykaday: No activity for quite a while.14:23
thorwiladay: refering to earlier: yes to some degree. but mairin's mockups already include details i don't agree on. aside of that, i can't steer the project on that level, now doctormo started development of a minimalistic first implementation and got others in14:27
thorwilthat was to: "why not use/contribute to design hub? seems like they're trying to do the same thing, or am i missing something?"14:27
adaythorwil: fair enough. seems like a shame (mainly cos i'd like to see design hub get moving again ;) )14:29
thorwiladay: it's also that we have 3 people all in favor of django, 2 of them not interested in any other option. designhub is ruby14:30
thorwilon rails, of course14:30
adayi figured it might be something like that *sigh*14:31
thorwiladay: mizmo told me designhub is blocked on design/mockup issues. so a designer could step in , perhaps14:31
adaythorwil: oh really? a designers tool blocked because of design issues... we're all doomed14:32
thorwiladay: nah, missing design because of mizmo's lack of time14:33
adaythorwil: sounds about right14:34
=== plars_ is now known as plars-actual
vishaday ¦ they did try to do it the designhub way.. :) , but django was the main factor and none were familiar with ruby …15:12
vishaday ¦ so its better to get it done so how right? ;)15:12
adayvish: sure! there were some pretty clear requirements behind design hub which might not tally with what's being aimed for with this new site15:16
adayi want my design site!15:16
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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