
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (BANLIST FULL, REMOVE SOME BANS)00:43
elkyjust dropped a heap of more-than-weeks-old dynamic ones. there will be more, but I'm at work.00:49
IdleOneremoved some old bans also.00:57
elkyThere's lots from like May in there, and I don't know how long since the floodbot lists were scoured, but anything that doesn't have a stupid hostmask that the floodbots have booted before october can really go too01:18
ubottuThe operation succeeded.01:23
h00kPici: are you around?01:29
h00kI want to remove some bans, I want to make sure I run this unban.sh properly ;)01:29
h00kyeah, I didn't.01:31
h00kanyone else use unban.sh?01:32
h00kI did it once.01:32
IdleOnenever even heard of it01:34
h00kfor irssi, unbanning a list of people01:35
nhandlerh00k: Just do /bans to see a list of bans. Then '/unban 22 57 45' to remove bans 22, 57 and 4503:23
h00knhandler: Pici has a nice shell script that works really easily, I tracked down my bans on the backtracker, I have them separated by line in a file, and unban.sh does it's magics03:26
nhandlerh00k: So you have a list of the ban strings?03:27
h00knhandler: http://paste.ubuntu.com/517167/03:28
h00knhandler: yep03:28
nhandlerh00k: If you have the ban strings, you can pass them to unban '/unban foo!*@* bar!*@* test!*@* *!*@gate/web/*'03:28
h00kthat would work03:29
nhandlerAnd that script has a lot of extra unnecessary code. If you try and adjust too many modes in one command, irssi will take care of splitting it up properly03:31
h00kyeah, that works. One day I'd like to remember how to use the unban.sh, but it's taken care of.03:31
h00kThanks :)03:31
* nhandler is also wondering why the irssi script is in bash and not perl03:31
IdleOnethat same script could be used for xchat I assume?03:32
nhandlerIdleOne: Probably. It just looks like it echos the commands to run, it doesn't actually run it (although I'm sure there is a way to have the clients execute STDOUT)03:32
tonyyarussonhandler: Because some people like the non-melted parts of their brains03:33
* nhandler slaps tonyyarusso around a bit03:33
IdleOnenhandler: could you write something for xchat that does the same as /bans in irssi?03:33
* IdleOne hands nhandler a Narwhal to slap tonyyarusso with03:33
tonyyarussoTusk fight!03:34
nhandlerIdleOne: /bans doesn't do much, /unban is what you probably want03:34
nhandlerYou can get a list of bans fairly easily with /mode #channel +b03:34
IdleOneyeah I was hoping for something that can read the ban list, return only the bans set by me and then let me /unban #,#,#03:35
tonyyarussoIdleOne: That would be useless because Freenode splits so much, so everythings just set by some server.03:35
IdleOneor maybe a script that remembers locally the bans I set. I hate having to scroll the ban list lol03:37
* IdleOne is looking for the easiest/laziest way out as possible03:37
IdleOneI think I just need to learn me perl03:39
jribhave your script fetch your bans from the ban tracker03:41
IdleOnejrib: I know no perl :(03:41
* IdleOne needs to learn to script before scripting03:42
jribIdleOne: if you know some sort of scripting it shouldn't be hard to learn enough perl to do it03:42
IdleOneyou're gonna make me say it, aren't you?! OK I don't know any programming language03:43
elky♪♫...narwhals narwhals swimming in the ocean, causing a commotion, 'cuz they are so awesome...♫♪03:43
tonyyarussoJust write it in a sane language like python, take all of the keywords out and replace them with curly braces, and put "my" and the beginning of every other line.  Voila, perl!03:43
IdleOneyou made it so simple03:43
IdleOnethanks :)03:43
jribah well, a programming language is easy to learn if you have a project you are interested in imo.  Just start and don't be afraid of having ugly/bad code.  It's more important to just play and then improve it imo03:44
jribirssi-python probably still works03:45
jribor you could move on to weechat :)03:45
jribthen you could write it in C, perl, python, ruby, or tcl03:45
IdleOnexchat supports tcl also03:46
IdleOneI think03:46
jriboh I assumed you used irssi because you wanted to learn perl :P03:47
IdleOneok, what do you experts suggest for a first time language?03:47
nhandlerjrib: You are 100% that the best way to learn is to have a project. I learned Perl probably 7 years ago when I made a chat bot for AOL Instant Messenger03:47
IdleOneI just shed a tear03:48
IdleOnenhandler: say it ain't so :(03:48
nhandlerSadly, it is. It was actually a very good learning project, as I got to learn about all the important features of Perl03:49
IdleOneWell I guess, my wanting/need of certain features is a good reason to learn03:50
IdleOneless features and more specific functionality catered to my want03:52
ikonialooks like spaceghost found #debian-offtopic as his new #ubuntu-offtopic07:56
Madpilotlucky them07:57
Madpilotspaceghost... hasn't he been a years-long troll? the name rings bells far back in my skull07:57
elkyikonia, they can keep him07:59
elkythey will, however, not give him the grace we did.07:59
ikoniathey have a lot loser set of guidelines so it may work out for him08:08
elkynot necessarily. "Being obnoxious" will fall foul really quickly.08:09
ikoniawe'll see08:24
rwwhola. see peyman in #ubuntu.09:08
rwwalrighty, I guess I'll ping you all instead.09:11
ubotturww called the ops in #ubuntu (peyman flooding)09:11
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from peyman)09:11
rwwjpds: thanks09:12
jpdsWell, if hell is true, so is heaven.09:12
elkyjpds, no, heaven is caek.11:25
ikoniaI could use cake right now11:35
jpdsikonia: Indeed.11:36
jribcake isn't all that great11:53
jribchocolate mousse is where it's at11:53
* popey might have to make some cake in a cup 11:54
jussiyeah, but the cake is a lie!12:07
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
ubottuFloodBot4 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (18))12:26
Piciikonia: puppet is lots to configure and landscape is commercial.12:46
Piciikonia: unless I'm less familiar with puppet than I thought.12:46
ikoniaPici: puppet does have setup work involved sure, but setup work against non-functionaing product, there must be a tradeoff12:47
ikoniaand I thought landscape had a free cut down version12:47
Picih00k: still need me?12:47
Picih00k: oh, read the sb.  Its ./unban.sh filethathasthehostmasks12:48
* nhandler still finds /unban easier12:56
PiciI was using this originally for mass un-exempting.  I'd pull the +e list down, play around with grep and cut, and then have a nice set of mode commands that I could just paste back in irssi.12:57
nhandlerPici: Ah. Normally, I just go through the list and as I see hosts that need to be -e'ed, I add them to my /modeset command12:58
gnomefreakwhy didnt the floodbat tell us about the flood of users /quiting13:34
gnomefreakwelcome bazhang :)13:34
bazhangubuntu_ (~ubuntu@  looks like idoru took someone out who was flooding but not spamming (just in Russian is all) in #ubuntu13:38
gnomefreakwhat happened to me13:44
jpdsgnomefreak: Very philosophical question.13:44
gnomefreakok that was very odd13:45
gnomefreaki didnt lose a connection13:45
jussi[15:43:17] <-- gnomefreak76 (~gnomefrea@ubuntu/member/gnomefreak) has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)13:45
gnomefreaktrust me apt would have hit me over the head if idid13:45
gnomefreakjussi: that would mean i changed my nick? since i only have been logged in under this name13:46
jussignomefreak: no idea, thats all I see here...13:46
gnomefreakcould it be someone tried using that name and it auto gave me it?13:47
gnomefreakthat was odd13:48
elkyI dunno, I've had apt hang on during connection burps before13:50
gnomefreak1 good think about natty is gcc4.5 is breaking xulrunner :)13:52
gnomefreaki think that was when i hit the wrong icon14:04
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (TheThing|4chan appears to be abusive - 4.5)15:56
Picimaco: We really shouldn't be encouraging conversations about spam in #ubuntu, Its usually best to tell them that its already been handled.15:58
macok taking it to pm15:59
PiciIdleOne: hi16:00
IdleOnehis client sucks at identifying and the channel is at fault16:09
PiciIs 'kubuntu plasma netbook system' in Software Center kubuntu-desktop?16:10
jussiI dont think so16:10
PiciSomeone else suggested that. :/16:11
IdleOnekubuntu-desktop is kubuntu-desktop16:11
PiciWhats this other thing then?16:12
IdleOneprobably a mish mash of package names and confusion16:12
IdleOnemaco: ^^16:12
macokde-plasma-netbook is the plasma netbook package16:13
PiciOh.  kubuntu-netbook - Kubuntu Plasma Netbook system16:13
macothough theres also kubuntu-netbook wihch should be transitional...16:13
macoand plasma-netbook16:13
* Pici shrugs16:13
PiciI don't remember typing that.16:15
jacekowskii want to dispute recent actions of #ubuntu-uk op popey16:16
jacekowskihe banned me for saying that i don't like him16:16
IdleOnejacekowski: You will have to take that up in #ubuntu-irc16:17
jussiright. popey, care to comment?16:17
IdleOneor here16:17
jussiIdleOne: lets do it here for now16:17
popeyI have warned jacekowski on numerous occasions about his attitude to supporting people in -uk16:17
jussijacekowski: in future though, #ubuntu-irc is the places16:17
jacekowskijussi: ok16:17
jussican someone point me to logs?16:18
popeyhe's been removed from the channel before now after being inappropriate and being deliberately unhelpful16:18
jacekowskipopey: i copied and pasted ready answer16:18
popeyyou just told them to google16:18
jacekowskiwith ready search query16:19
popeyand gave a phrase which results (for me at least) in an answer only appropriate for a release of Ubuntu 5 years ago16:19
jacekowskiand later before you kicked me i copied and pasted ready answer16:19
jacekowski<jacekowski> ubuntu change splash -> google.com -> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=130745016:19
popeyAs I said, I've mentiond to you in the past that your attitude is often deliberately unhelpful16:20
popey16:11:37 < jacekowski> i refuse to give him ready answer16:20
popeythats not the way we like to help people who come in asking for help16:20
jacekowskibut i gave him search terms for google16:20
jacekowskilittle bit of initiative from his side should be expected16:21
popeywhich fail, as I pointed out, the search term you used resulted in a duff result.16:21
popeythis is not the first time I've spoken to you about this kind of support16:21
jacekowskihmm, i just tried google.co.uk and result i pasted is still at 1st page16:22
jussijacekowski: we have a guideline "when helping, be helpful". - have you read the guidelines yet?16:22
jacekowskijussi: yes16:22
jussijacekowski: part of that is when giving support, you need to know that the support you give is helpful, or give a caveat that you found it in $place, and it may be incorrect.16:23
jussijacekowski: it seems you have a history of not checking, which is a valid reason to ban.16:24
jacekowskijussi: i looked at it and it was correct on my google16:24
jussijacekowski: correct on google, != correct.16:24
jacekowskijussi: it's always popey that has a problem, and it happened very often that many hours later i got a warning from him on query16:24
jacekowskifor something i said hours before16:24
jacekowskilike he's just picking on me16:24
popeyI am not awake 24x716:25
popeycontrary to popular opinion16:25
jacekowskiand reading all i said in past 24h16:25
jussijacekowski: popeycannot be present every minute, and I applaud him for reading back and letting you know you were incorrect16:25
popeybrb bio break16:25
jacekowskiwell, i don't belive he's reading hours worth of backlog16:25
jussijacekowski: ops are taught to read back and check on how things are going16:25
jussiI do it, as do many others.16:25
IdleOneAlso there is no time limit on breaking channel policy, it does not expire.16:25
jacekowskithing is that he's only op that told me anything16:26
jacekowskieven that other ops were present at the time16:26
IdleOnewell, that is something that popey might chose to discuss with the other channel ops.16:26
* Daviey pipes in.... jacekowski, i have seen you be less than helpful in the past. I haven't read the logs for this occasion 16:26
jussijacekowski: perhaps he is the only op with the rquired knowledge. however, the point is moot, as if you are consistently giving out poor advice, that needs to be sorted16:27
Davieybut it's not the first time you have been banned for similar16:27
jacekowskiDaviey: only by popey16:27
Davieyjacekowski: popey often notices this before the rest of the ops, because he is the most active op in -uk.16:27
Davieyinfact, most active person i believe.16:27
jussijacekowski: the point remains, if you are giving out poor advice, this needs to be sorted.16:28
popey16:25:36 < jacekowski> well, i don't belive he's reading hours worth of backlog16:28
popeyfor the record, I do16:28
macoso do i16:28
jussiLets try keep this to the relevant people please.16:29
popeyon the recent occasion when I warned you some hours after the last incident, I got absolutely no response whatsoever.16:30
jussijacekowski: so in this case, the ban seems entirely correct. However, If you can show that you are willing to reconsider how you give advice, I am sure that popey and the other UK ops would reconsider your ban.16:30
popeyon the time before that I asked if you'd change your attitude, and you were pretty evasive about doing anything to change you behaviour16:30
jussijacekowski: So if you will, please take it up again with Daviey and popey and the other UK ops (in #ubuntu-irc) and if you still feel that the decision is wrong, take a look at !appeals16:34
jussijacekowski: is there anything else you need from us?16:35
jacekowskinot at the moment16:36
jacekowskithanks for a time16:37
jussiHopefully that came across as fair and considered.16:41
IdleOneI think he may have left feeling the decision is still wrong.16:42
IdleOnedoesn't mean it was16:42
popeything is he does help some people who as deep technical questions about subjects he's interested in16:43
popeybut in the next breath calls someone who replies to ubuntu bug reports with boilerplate text a "cunt"16:44
Picijpds: you around?16:44
jpdsPici: Hey.16:44
Picijpds: quidnunc in #ubuntu is asking about archive mirror rsync frequencies.  I suggested the +archivemirrors page, but hes looking for something more specific, is that information shared?16:45
jpdsPici: Completely depends on the mirror adm's decision.16:45
jpdsPici: Sorted.16:47
Picijpds: Thanks!16:47
IdleOneI wonder what bit perlsyntax16:57
PiciHe has a history of doing things like that.16:58
IdleOneoh I see16:58
IdleOnehe didn't like the answer/help being given16:58
jpdsIdleOne: Didn't we already ban that guy?17:00
IdleOneI +q earlier and talked a little with him17:01
IdleOneseems he forgot the message17:01
IdleOnenow he is banned17:01
IdleOneI told him that sort of talk was unacceptable and he said he understood.17:02
IdleOneguess he didn't17:02
jpdsSome people.17:02
* topyli rolls eyes17:03
IdleOne9.04 is EOL?17:06
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90417:06
IdleOneneed to update the factoid17:06
PiciOn the 23rd iirc.17:07
tsimpson_18 months is the non-LTS support period iirc17:07
jussiJaunty eol... lovely17:08
IdleOneubottu: 9.04 is Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:08
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, IdleOne said: ubottu: 9.04 is Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:08
IdleOnesee this is why I run +1 all the time. no worrying about eol17:09
Pici!no jaunty is <reply> Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:09
ubottuI'll remember that Pici17:09
Pici( https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2010-September/000137.html )17:10
popeyIdleOne: you on natty now!?17:10
IdleOnesince the 14th17:10
popeycrikey, I am never that brave/foolhardy17:10
IdleOnenight before the email went out :P17:10
IdleOnedid the same with maverick17:11
popeyOctohedra in #u ?17:13
IdleOne!guidelines > Octohedra17:21
Picigood catch17:21
IdleOnethank you. I noticed that keeping my eyes open is a lot more effective17:22
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (21))17:22
MichealHHi I have noticed that in #x the topic is: The topic for #xubuntu is: topic17:28
MichealHIs it intentional?17:28
ikoniait's not :topic17:29
charlie-tcasomething is wrong with your client, then. the topic is bigger than that17:29
ikoniaits was set on the 11th october and is a complete topic17:29
MichealHI know that was a example17:29
ikoniawhat was an example17:29
MichealHthe topic17:29
MichealHIt really shows up al17:30
ikoniaMichealH: what is the problem you are reporting ?17:30
MichealHOne sec17:30
charlie-tcaI show it to be 4 lines in Xchat17:30
ikonia#join #xubuntu17:30
MichealH16:30 -!- Topic for #xubuntu: Topic for #xubuntu is: Official Xubuntu Support Channel | Xubuntu 10.10 is out! http://xubuntu.org/news/10.10-release Download, Share it, Seed it!17:30
MichealH          Please read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/MaverickMeerkat/Final | Pastes to http://paste.ubuntu.com | Offtopic: #xubuntu-offtopic | Regular17:30
MichealH          helpers: #ubuntu-irc-helpers17:30
MichealHThat the issue17:30
ikoniaMichealH: then there is a problem with your client17:30
ikoniaMichealH: stretch the window17:30
MichealHI used /topic?17:31
MichealHIts irssi also.17:31
ikoniait's not17:31
ikoniaMichealH: what client are you using17:31
ikoniaI'm using irssi17:31
ikoniaand it formats fine17:31
popeylooks fine in irssi here17:31
ikoniaMichealH: try expanding the size of your windows17:31
ikoniaMichealH: make them a little bigger to allow you to display formatting better17:31
charlie-tcalooks right in xchat, too17:31
MichealHSee how it says "Topic for #xubuntu: Topic for #xubuntu is:"17:32
knometopic started with "Topic for #xubuntu is"17:32
MichealHThanks knome17:32
knomeno problem.17:32
MichealHAnyway... See you!17:32
ikoniawhat's wrong with the word The topic for xubuntu is?17:32
ikoniawhy is that a problem ?17:33
knomeikonia, that read in the topic17:33
* charlie-tca shrugs17:33
ikoniaknome: sorry, I'm not seeing it17:33
knomeikonia, i fixed it already17:33
ikoniaknome: no, I'm looking at charlie-tca topic and it reads finr17:33
ikonia"the topic for Xubuntu is blah blah blah"17:34
ikoniarather than just "blah blah blah"17:34
ikonianot a problem17:34
ikoniait's just words17:34
knomewell, imo it's better that there is no useless words in the beginning of the topic, just because eg. irssi windows are usually small17:35
ikoniadreamtraveler: hi there, how can we help17:36
dreamtraveleri am not in need of something17:36
IdleOnedreamtraveler: Can you please part the channel in that case. There is a no idleing rule here17:37
MichealHAlso What do does this topic mean by IRCC nominations?17:39
ikonianominations for the IRCC community council17:39
MichealHI will see the ML17:40
MichealHSee you!17:40
ikonia$1000000 says he nominate himself17:40
knomenominating himself is allowed.17:40
ikoniadidn't say it wasn't17:40
ikoniajust betting $1000000 he does17:41
ikoniaany takes ?17:41
IdleOneand he will get a nicely worded email explaining why he is not yet qualified.17:41
* charlie-tca thinks ikonia is correct17:41
IdleOnedo you have $1000000?17:42
ikoniait's a safe bet17:42
knomeis it really our business to think about if he does or not?17:42
IdleOneif you do, can I be your son :)17:42
ikoniaknome: I'm allowed to comment17:42
IdleOneknome: not really17:42
ikoniathe nominations are open, so yes, it is anyones business17:42
ikoniaif you want I'll move my comments on it to #ubuntu-offtopic17:43
knomeikonia, sorry to say, but i'm not sensing a very positive tone on the comments17:43
ikoniait's not positive17:43
knomeso it's okay to throw negative comments about people in the ops channel?17:43
ikoniano, it's ok to say I think he's going to nominate himself, and I don't think that is a good thing17:44
knomedoes that leave the ops neutral regarding future bans and issues?17:44
ikonianot being a good candidate for the council doesn't effect any judgment on bans17:44
ikoniaif you want I'll discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic17:44
knomethis is not really about the nominations stuff.17:45
ikoniaI felt it appropriate in here as the operators have an interest in who applies and suceeds on the application17:45
ikoniaknome: what is it about then ?17:45
IdleOneasked neurochrome in PM to keep the language family friendly. he agreed without issue.17:45
knomeikonia, about the negative tone of the comments ops throw about people who leave the channel17:46
ikoniaok, I'll make myself crystal clear17:46
ikoniaI think michaelh would be a poor nomination to the IRC community council, and I think it would be unwise for him to nominiate himself, but I believe he will anyway17:47
jussiwhat is this IRC community council you are all on about?17:47
jussiikonia: everybody is free to apply though ;)17:47
IdleOnejussi: nothing for you to worry your pretty little head about :P17:47
ikoniajussi: exactly, just as everyone is free to comment17:48
jussiIRC Council last time I checked ;)17:48
ikoniahowever, if the operators channel is not appropriate I will take it to #ubuntu-offtopic17:48
knomeikonia, nvm.17:48
jussiikonia: however it likely reflects badly on us if we have lots of negative comments in here17:49
ikoniaknome: not at all, heaven forbid I have an opinion on the subject based on my experiences with the user17:49
ikoniajussi: don't talk nosnese17:49
ikoniamy individual opinions do not reflect bad on the channel17:49
ikoniaif you feel it does I'll discuss this in #ubuntu-offtopic17:49
knomejussi, exactly what i was thinking.17:49
jussiikonia: that may be more appropriate.17:50
ikoniajussi: ok - then lets remove all negative views about any users situation from the channel17:51
ikoniajussi: and you can rest assured, I'll be watching17:51
ikoniaand the same goes for any positive comments, as that can be seen as favourtism17:53
knomeimo if the negative or positive comments is relevant to resolving an issue, that's fine, but if it's thrown after the user left the channel just out of pure annoyance or whatever, it's really unnecessary17:54
ikoniaknome: you can sleep easy - I'll make sure I say it to the users face next time17:55
ikoniabut I'll also not do it in this channel17:56
ikonialets keep it for official business only17:56
knomeoh well..17:57
ikoniaknome: I'm curious, would you have comaplined if I said I hope michael applies to the IRCC I think he'd be a good edition ?17:58
knomeno, because i don't think trying to create a positive athmosphere would be bad.17:59
ikoniawhy is ok to publicly support someone, but not publicly say not good17:59
ikoniathat is showing a bias for bans in the future as your initial comment claimed18:00
ikoniaeg: I favour him18:00
knomewell again, i am not talking about the IRCC nominations but negative comments/tone in the channel generally18:00
ikoniabut postive ones are gine ?#18:00
ikoniafine ?18:00
knomedo you think trying to keep the mood cheerful is bad?18:01
ikoniacheerful isn't what I you complained about18:01
ikoniayou said it showed a bias18:01
ikonia(bad typing there)18:02
ikoniaplease what18:02
knomeit's not about the nominations18:02
ikoniaerr it was18:02
ikoniathat's why I said $10000 he nominates himself18:02
knomei was, and am talking about the negative tones of the comments about users after they've left the channel18:02
knomenot about nominations18:03
ikoniayes, about his potential nomination18:03
ikoniaI believe it would be a negative thing if he nominated himself18:03
tsimpson_can we stop this now please?18:03
knomeas you don't seem to understand what i'm trying to say, please let's stop it18:03
ikoniatsimpson_: why ? it's discussion about how to use this channel18:04
IdleOneikonia: why do you think it would be a negative thing if he nominated himself?18:04
ikoniaIdleOne: because he has a poor understanding of irc and ubuntu in general, he's young and too eager to make decisions off the fly18:04
knometsimpson_, i suppose there isn't #ubuntu-ops-offtopic :)18:04
tsimpson_there is /msg ;)18:05
ikoniatsimpson_: publicly logged and transparant18:05
knometsimpson_, too bad irc does not support 2+ user /msg's18:05
IdleOneikonia: his lack of experience would be a major obstacle to getting voted in I agree but the feedback he gets from the CC would be positive I would hope.18:06
seekerAnd ops can't create a private channel to discuss stuff together in, otherwise it isn't transparent18:06
ikoniaIdleOne: I agree, but hopefully realistic rather than wrapped in sunshine18:06
tsimpson_then the mailing list would be a more appropriate medium18:06
seekerAnd who knows what sort of comments we might make in there about users!18:06
ikoniatsimpson_: why ?18:06
ikoniatsimpson_: (genuinly)18:07
IdleOneikonia: I would hope so also.18:07
IdleOneanyway I strayed from the subject18:07
ikoniaIdleOne: it's a valid question,18:07
tsimpson_ikonia: just because -ops is mostly for admining the channels, if we are discussing the purpose of -ops, it's probably better to not have it in -ops18:08
seekertsimpson_: There is Boone needing support right now, and it is a matter pertaining to -ops18:08
ikoniatsimpson_: it's discussing -ops behaviour18:08
tsimpson_ikonia: yeah, that would probably be better on the ML18:08
ikoniafair enough18:08
tsimpson_more people get to read/reply than right here18:09
tsimpson_and it feel more of an "offical" comment when sent to the ML18:09
seekerAll Ikonia said was " I bet $XXX that he nominates himself"18:09
seekerHe didn't make any comments about his thoughts on that until he was asked about it18:10
* tsimpson_ is not taking sides and doesn't have the full backlog18:10
ikoniano sides needed, it's just a difference of opinion18:10
tsimpson_give me an hour for irclogs.u.c to update and I'll comment ;)18:10
seekerAnd I agree in the assessment that he would be likely to nominate himself18:11
seekerIt was knome that stated that we shouldn't discuss who nonminates themselves (which I disagree with - it is important to the running of this channel)18:12
knomeseeker, incorrect.18:12
knomeseeker, once again, i was not talking about nominations.18:13
knomeas i seem to be misunderstood here tonight, i'll just shut my mouth.18:13
ikoniaknome: nope, you're bang on, I fully take the point your making, so it's not lost on my, I just disagree with it18:20
seekerSorry, my phone battery died18:21
knomeikonia, sorry if you feel like it was an attack towards you - definitely was not - but really, unnecessary negative comments about users, even if they were long-time banned are imo not really acceptable.18:22
ikonialost on "me"18:22
ikoniaknome: I take the point, but if you live by that, then you can't make positive comments about users either18:23
ikoniaI find it better to be personally honest, but that doesn't mean it effects judgment18:23
ikoniaI still hold the views I hold even if I say them outloud or not18:23
knomeikonia, i partly agree. this is about more than just what happened today - calling people names etc.18:24
seekerWhether or not we here in -ops like someone has little beating18:24
ikoniaI didn't call anyone a name18:24
knomeikonia, you didn't.18:24
seeker*bearing on whether they are banned/unbanned18:24
ikoniaknome: ooh, good, I thought you where suggesting I had then, if so I'd totally missed the part where I called someone a name18:24
knomeikonia, i didn't say you did, but calling people names is not nonexistent18:24
ikoniawhat is the name calling all abou t?18:24
ikoniaooh, I see what your saying18:25
ikonianever mind, re-read what you said18:25
knomei mean, calling people names happen18:25
ikoniadoes it ?18:25
ikoniaI've not seen that beyond things like " a known troll "18:25
seekerknome: Examples?18:25
ikoniaor that sort of thing18:25
knome10:17 +Flannel: freaking idiot.18:25
knome12:41 +ikonia: being an idiot in #freenode too18:25
knomefrom my lastlog18:25
knomejust the two last comments with "idiot"18:26
ikoniaok, so I'll make sure I'll say "idiotic behaviour in freenode also"18:26
seekerNot really insults18:26
ikoniathats fine, if saying someone is being an idiot is unacceptable, then that stops18:26
seekerYou generally find people behaving idiotically on irc,18:26
knomeseeker, would you feel neutral if someone said you're an idiot?18:27
seekerOr there wouldn't be a need for this channel18:27
seeker"feel natural"?18:27
ikoniaif you where behaving like one flooding the channel with spam/insults, then yes, I'd feel ok18:27
* maco tosses in http://disabledfeminists.com/2009/10/11/ableist-word-profile-idiot/18:27
knomeseeker, neutral i said18:27
seekerSorry, on a phone18:27
PiciWords change meaning.18:28
seekerThey are entitled to their opinion18:28
IdleOneseeker: neutral as in no feelings about being called an idiot18:28
PiciBut thats neither here nor there.18:28
seekerLike I said, they are18:28
knomeit's not really about the words, it's about the tone. i agree it's bad to just take some examples from lastlog, but the audience wanted examples18:29
seekerEntitled to their opinion. I may not go out of my way to help them18:29
seekerBut I won't ban for it on it's own18:29
ikoniaknome: so all you would like to see is "that user is also being a problem in #freenode too" rather than "they are being idiots in #freenode too"18:29
seekerSee paladine in -uk for an example18:29
knomeikonia, don't you think the former has a better/more neutral tone in it's comment?18:30
macoi agree with knome18:31
ikoniaknome: if I had said something like "they are being dick heads in #freenode too" I would totally agreee, however behaving like idiots, when they are I don't see a problem with18:31
ikoniaknome: but if thats something you feel passionatly about, I'm happy to make sure the word idiots is not used18:31
ikonia(and other similar examples)18:32
knomeikonia, sounds good :)18:32
knomeit's hard to catch exact tones in irc18:32
knomeso better to use neutral words if possible18:32
ikoniait's not, you caught both the inteded ones I used - yes, I think they are behaving like idiots (negative) and I bet $100000 he applies (negative) you saw them just fine, as they where intended18:33
knomeok, let's say that sometimes it's hard to catch them ;)18:33
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jussiikonia: you about?20:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (Dr_Wi11is appears to be abusive - 4.5)21:45
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ubottuActionParsnip called the ops in #ubuntu (adem spm)22:47

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